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The Hooker, Part One

  • Posted on November 13, 2016 at 5:37 pm

By JetBoy

Joan paced nervously around the hotel room, bracing herself for a knock at the door every time she heard a sound outside.

“What was I thinking?” she asked herself out loud, staring around at the tacky striped wallpaper of the rented room. “A hooker, of all things.”

It had taken weeks for her to work up the nerve to finally go for what she wanted… and in the end, Joan’s long-hidden hunger had proven too powerful to refuse. But now that it was about to happen for real, she’d been hit by a bad case of jangled nerves. Somehow, she managed to calm herself.

It’s just one time, she thought. You’ve thought about it, dreamed of it for years. It’s time to make this thing happen.

It was Lao Tzu who famously said that a journey of a thousand miles began with a single step. The journey Joan had chosen commenced with a phone call to a certain escort agency she’d found online.

With shaky fingers she punched in the number, waited for an answer, then haltingly told the sleepy-voiced man at the other end what she wanted: a female prostitute who serviced women.

After twenty years and then some of marriage, Joan was bored to tears by life with her husband. Artie’s sales job had him on the road at least two-thirds of the year, and most of his time at home was spent sprawled in front of the TV watching sports while chugging down endless cans of beer, or out and about with his asshole friends. They hadn’t had sex in over four years, and Joan didn’t even feel upset about it anymore.

On the other hand, her unfulfilled hunger for sex with a woman had blossomed into a genuine obsession in the last few months. And living in a small, conservative suburb as she did, the risk involved in going to the only lesbian bar in the area was simply too great. Even bars in the city seemed too risky to chance. What if someone she knew saw her going in — or worse, saw her emerge with another woman?

Then Joan had the idea of hiring herself a partner for a one-night stand, someone young and beautiful to share her bed for a few hours.

Now there she was, in a hotel room, waiting for the chance to experience lesbian love for the first time. Her pulse was racing, her hands clammy.

Finally, unable to calm herself, she went to shower away some of her tension, first unlocking the door, then leaving a hastily scribbled note for the girl, asking her to wait.

As long as I’m going to do this, I might as well relax and enjoy it, Joan kept telling herself, appraising her body in the mirror as she undressed. She was forty-two with soft skin, dark red hair that fell just past the shoulders, gray-blue eyes and full, sensuous lips. Her curves were good, even if her figure wasn’t quite as tight and firm as it had been. She was still voluptuous, and had worked hard not to let that turn into excess weight as she aged.

Not that Artie gives a shit, she reminded herself, pursing her lips in disdain.

Turning on the water, waiting for it to warm up, she padded over to the light switch, turning the dimmer down to a low setting before stepping into the cubicle.

Joan let the streams of water massage her body, easing away a bit of the tightness that still lurked in the pit of her belly. She liked her showers to be especially hot, and the room quickly grew hazy with steam. She stood motionless for a good several minutes, eyes closed, breathing deeply.

It was just as she finally roused herself and reached out for the bottle of liquid soap that she heard a sound – and froze in mid-motion.

“Hello?” she called out. No response. Must have been from the room next door, she thought, picking up the soap.

Suddenly the curtain was pulled aside with a sharp hiss — and before Joan could draw in a breath to cry out in surprise, a nude woman was standing before her.

Even in the dimly lit cubicle, Joan could see that this girl was very much what she’d hoped for. Somewhere from eighteen to twenty-one years old, average height, lean but not thin, very light, almost white-blonde hair that fell straight to her shoulders. Soft, creamy skin. Full but very firm breasts, with a small heart tattooed above the left one. Round hips, a generous ass and luscious thighs, a neatly trimmed pubic triangle nestled between them.

Joan absently licked her lips as she looked her temporary lover up and down, liking what she saw. There was something about her, though…

Then she realized with a start what it was. Oh, my goodness!

There wasn’t a great deal of light to view by, and Joan had taken out her contact lenses, but she could see well enough to know that this girl bore a strong resemblance to Nina, her only child, who Joan hadn’t seen in three years, not since her daughter left home without leaving a forwarding address.

Since then, Nina’s only contact with her parents was an email to Joan every few months, just enough to let them know she was okay. She never really explained her departure, other than writing in her goodbye note, It’s not your fault, Mom, or Dad’s either. I just need to be on my own for awhile. Love you.

It had broken Joan’s heart, losing her child. Nina had always been a loving daughter, but there had been a certain sadness that lurked within the girl ever since she became a teenager – a sadness that Joan had never been able to get a handle on, no matter how she tried.

And now she was on the verge of going to bed with a prostitute who reminded her of Nina! Oh, sure, the woman’s hair was far lighter in hue than her daughter’s dark brown shade, and done in a very different style. Her breasts were bigger, too, the body more voluptuous — but the similarity was there, no doubt about it.

This is a little weird, she thought. Oh, shit – I’m staring at her like an idiot.

“Hi,” she finally stammered. “Uh… I’m Joan.”

The woman just stood there for a long moment, then spoke. “I’m Lisa,” she said in a soft, barely audible voice, stepping into the stall.

Joan was taken aback. She’d hoped to spend a few minutes with the girl before they went to bed, getting comfortable with her, with the enormity of what she was about to do.

Clearly, though, this Lisa had other ideas. She drew close, her nude body brushing against Joan’s. Joan gasped, finding the sensation of contact with the girl utterly thrilling, if also unnerving.

“Uh, couldn’t we–” she began, but Lisa silenced her, pressing two fingers to Joan’s lips. No words, her eyes seemed to say.

Reaching out, the blonde plucked the soap bottle from Joan’s trembling hand, then moved beneath the shower head, getting herself wet. That accomplished, the silent girl proceeded to carefully lather up her hands. Joan could only stand and observe, still a bit spooked by how much this girl reminded her of Nina.

Bending to place the bottle of soap on the tiled floor, Lisa then reached out and started to soap Joan’s arms and shoulders. Joan sighed, enjoying the way she seemed to massage, wash and caress her all at once. The girl’s hands felt delightful on her body, and she couldn’t deny her own physical response to it, though a hint of tension still remained.

Once Joan’s arms were coated with creamy lather, Lisa gently turned her around and began to do the same to her shoulders and back, firmly pressing her groin against Joan’s ass. A shiver ran through Joan when the young woman’s fingers slowly traced a path down her spine… then slipped into the cleft between Joan’s buttocks, lightly teasing her rosebud for an instant.

Joan closed her eyes to fight the excited dizziness she felt, swaying where she stood while Lisa soaped her hips, then reached around to coat her tummy. “Ooooohh,” she moaned, her head lolling to one side as those slippery hands glided down to cup her butttocks.

Suddenly nervous that she might fall — That’s just what I need, to come off like a complete fucking basket case, Joan thought — she reached out blindly, feeling for the tiled wall of the shower cubicle and placing her hand against it. By that time Lisa was kneeling behind her, working the soap into Joan’s thighs and calves, resting her cheek lovingly against the older woman’s ass while she worked.

It had been so long, so damned long since anyone, very much including Artie, had treated her with such care, such tenderness. Lisa wet, soapy hands firmly rubbed Joan’s calves and feet as the steamy water continued to pelt them both.

When she was through washing her legs, the Nina lookalike – God, why couldn’t she stop thinking about that? – slowly stood, then reached around Joan’s body to soap her breasts.

The young blonde worked more slowly and carefully there, fondling, caressing, tweaking. Joan opened her eyes, amazed by how it felt to have this beautiful woman touching her breasts, stroking her nipples. Even nicer than I expected, she told herself.

“That… that feels good,” she murmured, almost to herself.

Rather than reply, Lisa slowly turned Joan to face her, then leaned in to place a soft kiss upon her mouth… a kiss that quickly grew heated as Lisa’s tongue emerged to slip between the older woman’s slightly parted lips. Joan responded, kissing the girl with a passion she hadn’t felt for her husband in years.

As their mouths slid tantalizingly together, Lisa’s hand slid down the soft contours of Joan’s tummy, her fingers seeking the thick black bush that nestled between the older woman’s thighs.

The moment she made contact, Joan backed up with a gasp. It was too much, too fast.

“No,” she stammered. “N-not just yet.”

The girl just smiled easily. “Okay,” she whispered, then bent down to retrieve the bottle of soap, which she handed to Joan, then turned around, presenting her bare back.

Joan felt a rush of lust that dazed her. It was a feeling she relished, and wanted to hold on to, so she squirted a small pool of soap into the palm of her left hand, then carelessly dropped the bottle to the tiles, nudging it to one side with her foot.

Working the strawberry-scented liquid into a thick lather, she began to soap the girl’s front.

It was a genuine thrill, touching the breasts of another woman. The flesh was soft, yet well-defined, firm, yet giving — similar to yet strangely different from the feel of her own. A shiver rippled down her spine as the girl’s nipples grew and stiffened to her touch.

Feeling a growing confidence, Joan started to fondle her temporary lover’s breasts rather than merely wash them, her palms gliding over the soap-slicked globes in a circular motion.

Wanting nothing more than to make this beautiful young woman feel good, Joan gently turned Lisa around to face her, quickly moving her hands up to caress the girl’s elegant shoulders and slender arms, leaning forward to press their breasts together.

As her wet arms enfolded the young blonde, Lisa’s face was drawn closer, and she responded by dipping her head to place a hot, open-mouthed kiss between Joan’s breasts.

“Oh!” Joan gasped. She didn’t know whether to encourage the girl to do that again, but her soapy hands seemed to settle the question for her without being asked, sliding down to caress the girl’s sculpted ass. “My God,” she mumbled, awed by how lovely the girl’s slippery body felt against hers.

Lisa took a long, slow lick around the curve of Joan’s ear, then nipped playfully at the lobe. “Turn around for me,” the girl breathed.

“Yes,” Joan said, reversing herself without leaving the girl’s arms. Her bottom was pressed against Lisa’s pubic triangle, and the young blonde ground herself against the older woman for a moment before quickly kneeling. She placed her hands upon Joan’s shapely ass — then, with no warning, Joan suddenly felt the girl’s mouth anointing her buttocks with hot, wet kisses. “Oh,” she moaned. “Oh, my.”

Then Joan felt the girl’s tongue suddenly squirming its way into the crack of her ass.

She wanted to say no, wanted to move away, wanted to get herself under control. In the end, though, she did none of these things. Instead, Joan leaned forward again to balance herself against the steam-glazed wall of the cubicle, breath hissing through her parted lips.

That tongue was doing incredible things her her — probing inside her rectum, then working in and out of the anal cleft like a tiny cock.

Joan propped her hands against the wall of the shower as if she were being frisked, legs spread wide apart, offering herself up to this luscious young woman. No one had ever licked her this way before – certainly not Artie, whose idea of oral sex was to halfheartedly nuzzle her pussy for a minute or so before scooting up to jam his cock inside. This was a whole new kind of sex – and she loved it, loved it!

What made the whole situation incredibly weird — yet oddly exciting as well — was that Joan found herself thinking again about the girl’s resemblance to Nina. The idea of being a mother getting rimmed by her own daughter felt delightfully sinful, much wilder than anything Joan had ever indulged in before.

She winced. Don’t think that, it’s awful.

Banishing the perverse thought, Joan focused herself on the here and now of her body.

This time, when Lisa’s hand slid up the left thigh to make contact with her sex, Joan didn’t even think of stopping her. She would let this young woman take her — any way she wanted.

A wild cry broke from Joan’s lips as Lisa slid two fingers deep into her cunt with a single stroke. The girl’s touch was as lovely as her tongue, and the more intense the oral ass play got, the more aggressive Lisa’s fingers became as they drilled in and out of Joan’s vagina.

The forty-two year old redhead felt as if she were being stretched in all directions like warm taffy, then squashed into a solid ball of rubber, then stretched again.

Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, Joan found herself coming.

“Don’t stop, don’t you dare fucking stop,” she cried, the loudness of it surprising her, “I’m gonna come, oh shit, I’m gonna come…!”

Lisa didn’t stop. She plunged deep into Joan again and again with one hand, pressing her thumb firmly against the woman’s clitoris with the other.

Joan climaxed with a scream, smacking the cubicle wall with an open hand as a wave of purest pleasure crashed into her quaking body. She threw her head back, gasping for breath, every atom of her pulsing with a heat that burned a bright cherry red behind her eyelids. Her legs tottered and trembled, but somehow Joan was able to remain standing as Lisa took her through an orgasm that seemed like it might never end.

Then Joan felt herself slowly sliding to the floor of the shower cubicle and into soft, embracing arms.

The two women held one another tenderly, lingering for a moment in the running water of the shower. Joan sought out Lisa’s mouth with hers, and they shared a passionate tongue kiss.

Joan was out of breath but utterly exhilarated – and in love with lesbian sex. She’d never felt so fulfilled as a woman. All she wanted now was to share the pleasure, to make sweet love to this wonderful girl.

She slipped her hand between Lisa’s legs to draw a finger through the folds of her pussy, making the young woman inhale sharply, then moan.

Joan gazed shyly at Lisa, then said. “Um… can we go to bed now? I want to — to do those things to you.”

Disentangling themselves, the two women slowly rose to their feet. Feeling a bit shaky on her pins, Joan steadied herself, shaking her head slightly to clear it.

Without a word, Lisa turned off the shower, opened the cubicle door and climbed out onto the bath mat. As Joan followed, the young woman padded over to the light switch, paused, then switched the dimmer up to full.

She hesitantly turned around to gaze at Joan. “Um… hello, Mom.”

Joan gaped, slumping back against the towel rack in horror, nearly losing her balance. In the bright light that now filled the bathroom, she was confronted by an all too familiar face.

This girl didn’t just look like her daughter Nina… she was Nina! Her hair was a new, lighter color, much longer than before, and her body had become more voluptuous, but there was no doubt that Joan had just enjoyed sex with her own daughter.

“My God.” Joan gasped, her head spinning. “Nina?”

“That’s right, Mom,” her daughter murmured. “I can’t believe you didn’t recognize me right away… guess I do look a little different.”

“Honey,” Joan whispered, “w-what have we done? We – you – my God, Nina… we just had sex together!” And with that, she gaped at her daughter in disbelief. “Wait. Nina… you’re a, a prostitute?”

Nina shook her head. “Not like you think, Mom… mostly I give massages.” She shrugged. “But… when the agency needs a girl to, well, spend the night with another woman, they call me. I’m a lesbian, Mom… and from the way you turned on when we made love, I’d say that you’re one too.”

“B-but, Nina,” Joan moaned, “why did you m-make love to me? You knew who I was when you came into the shower!”

“I knew before that, Mom,” Nina said softly. “They gave me your name when I left to come here.”

“Then… why, for God’s sake?” cried Joan, on the verge of tears. “Why did you d-do this?”

Nina sighed. “Because I’m in love with you. I have been, for years… ever since I figured out I was gay.” She smiled sadly. “Oh, Mom. Why do you think I left home?”

Joan opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

“Four years, Mom! That’s how long I wanted you, before I couldn’t live with it any longer,” Nina continued. “Seeing you in your bikini… watching you walk around the house in those sexy nighties of yours…” She looked down at her hands. “It felt awful, Mom – wishing you could be my lover, knowing that I could never, ever have you.”

Joan shook her head. “Oh, baby. How could I have known?” She furrowed her brow. “So… tonight, when they gave you my name…”

Nina gazed sorrowfully at her mother. “I had to come… when I realized that you were into women, I wanted to t-tell you about me, about how I felt. But then I got here and you were taking a shower… well, I couldn’t help myself. So I – I took off my dress and got in.” Her mouth twisted. “Thing is, I didn’t figure on you, um, not recognizing me, Mom. You really can’t see much without your contacts, can you?”

“Even then, I should have known,” murmured Joan. “God, my own daughter…”

Nina shrugged again. “I do look pretty different these days, especially with my hair this way. Anyhow, when you, um, didn’t figure out who I was, I… something just came over me, Mom. I couldn’t resist, I wanted you so much…” Her eyes were filling with tears. “I guess it was pretty stupid of me – I shouldn’t have d-done what I did…”

“Oh, honey,” Joan said gently. How could she be genuinely angry at her daughter – for loving her? It was wrong, it was forbidden, but Nina hadn’t meant any harm, surely. Besides, it was so wonderful to have her little girl back, even if she wasn’t a girl anymore. Even as a sex worker.

“I’m s-sorry. Mom,” Nina whispered miserably. “I didn’t mean to upset you… please don’t hate me!”

Joan’s heart went out to her child. “Nina, no,” she murmured, drawing the young woman into her arms. “I could never, ever hate you.” She held her daughter close as the lovely girl sobbed on her shoulder. “Honey, please don’t cry… I can’t be angry with you for being in love with me, even if it is wrong.”

Nina hugged her mother tightly – and Joan suddenly realized that they were both still nude, and their bodies were touching. More than that, her daughter’s hands were beginning to explore her body, Nina’s lips lightly brushing her neck in a very sensuous way.

Suddenly Nina raised her face to gaze deep into her mother’s eyes. Her eyes were still moist, but now they began to fill with a renewed warmth. “Mom… I still want you. Nothing has changed about how I feel. I’m a woman in love – only I’m in love with my mother.”

Joan felt her body responding to her daughter’s touch — but she had to resist. “Honey, we shouldn’t. It’s not right.” And yet… she wasn’t pulling away!

Nina slowly shook her head. “Society says it’s wrong, Mom. But you can’t tell me that what we shared in the shower just now wasn’t a beautiful thing.” Her hands were resting lightly on Joan’s hips. “You want this, Mom, I know you do… and I need you more than I’ve ever needed anyone.”

She leaned in to nip at her mother’s neck, drawing a soft moan from the older woman’s trembling lips. “I love you, my sweet, strong, beautiful mommy,” Nina whispered. “Let’s fuck.”

Joan’s blood roared in her veins. Her nipples were throbbing, her cunt so wet it was oozing down the inside of her thighs. God, she did want her daughter… but could she really commit incest with her?

“Honey… I d-don’t know…”

“You do know, Mom,” Nina purred. You want me to make love to you. I can see it in your eyes.” Her arms entwined the older woman’s body, drawing her mother close.

Every atom of Joan’s body was alive with desire, a wild, heated lust such as she had never known. The notion of right and wrong seemed downright silly in the face of the passion she felt now for her own flesh and blood.

We want each other, she thought. That’s what really matters. Is there that much difference between loving a daughter and making love to her?

She didn’t think so – actually, she didn’t care. The time was right, the moment was now, and Nina was a willing partner in this crazy fantasy of lesbian pleasure. The extra ingredient of incest only made the treat that much tastier.

“Nina,” Joan whispered. “My sweet, sweet angel…”

“I love you, Mom,” Nina breathed – and suddenly the young woman’s mouth was upon hers.

Joan surprised herself by responding immediately, plunging her tongue between her daughter’s parted lips. Nina moaned with delight, returning her mother’s kiss with everything she had.

They bumped against the bathroom wall in the sudden heat of their embrace, making out like passionate teens. Joan groped Nina’s ass, marveling at how good its apple shape felt to her hands. Nina was touching her in a similar fashion… only her daughter took it even further, fingers delving between Joan’s cheeks to slide over the cleft of her anus.

Then a finger pressed against Joan’s rosebud, seeking entry – and the 42-year-old mother resisted for an instant, then surrendered, yielding her ass to Nina. She had never experienced anal penetration during sex, and the feelings that surged through her as that insistent finger probed her rectum were downright dizzying.

“I’m fucking your ass, Mom,” hissed Nina, her moist lips barely touching Joan’s ear. “God, the times I used to watch you, walking around in that blue bikini you had… I couldn’t stop staring at that sexy butt of yours. Do you remember how I used to hang around while you were dressing… or taking a shower?”

“Yes, baby,” Joan moaned. She remembered — at the time, she’d decided that her daughter was simply curious about women’s bodies. Now she understood that Nina had wanted her, even then.

“I used to dream about coming up behind you while you were putting on your makeup… sliding your panties down and burying my face between your cheeks, kissing your butthole.” Nina’s finger was circling slowly in her anus, sending sparks cascading behind Joan’s closed eyes. “Then I’d turn you around and open your cunt with my fingers, and lick you until you begged me to stop.” Joan whimpered as her daughter’s tongue licked its way around the curve of her ear.

Suddenly Nina pulled away, abruptly withdrawing her finger from her mother’s ass. “C’mon, Mom… let’s go to bed.” She reached for Joan’s hand, and they exited the bathroom.

Continue on to Part Two


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  • Posted on October 14, 2016 at 2:30 pm

By JetBoy

I’d like to bring up a subject that is very near and dear to my partners and me: your comments and feedback, and how crucially important it is to us — and this site.

We three have addressed this topic many times over in our various blog entries, comments, statements of purpose and story introductions — but always as an aside. Now, the time feels right to explain why the gift of your words and thoughts means so very much to us.

First, a few words about what goes into making Juicy Secrets what it is.

Without even asking, I can speak for Naughty Mommy, Cheryl and myself in saying that the running of this site is a genuine labor of love. Read our first-year anniversary blog post to get an inkling of the satisfaction and outright joy we’ve derived from planning Juicy Secrets, bringing it to life and watching it grow.

But when you click onto our link and navigate around the site, exploring its nooks and crannies, what you’re seeing is the result of work. A lot of work. Adding new posts and stories (which often includes considerable reformatting from the original source), hunting for thrilling images to accompany them, making necessary changes to the site pages to present and catalogue these posts, penning notes and comments for each other’s writing, doing the back-and-forth with our guest authors (even the ones that don’t make the cut), trawling through Leslita’s vast repository of lesbian fiction for stories to add to our archive, etc.

Not to mention writing our own stories, which requires a heaping helping of time in itself.

Finally, there’s the hours my partners and I spend hashing ideas, problems, planning and logistics between us. You might find this difficult to believe, but we exchange emails about what’s happening with the site almost every single day, holidays included.

Needless to say, we don’t make a cent doing this. Actually, it’s not even possible to make a living writing the kind of fiction that we do. I’d estimate that ninety-eight percent of our content consists of stories that no publisher (actual or virtual) would touch with a ten-foot pole — and the lion’s share of them wouldn’t be accepted by any of the big erotica sites, either.

Which brings us to the million-dollar question: why do we do this? Well, there’s the pride my cohorts and I feel at having created Juicy Secrets, and the security of having a safe space for our work. But there’s also the enormous pleasure of having that work noticed and acknowledged, particularly in the words of praise and the thoughtful comments that some of you are kind enough to leave after you read.

It’s hard to describe just how good it feels, that giddy surge of delight that we experience when a reader compliments our writing. It’s a friendly pat on the back, an assuring smile, a hug of encouragement that tells us our work has value — and all the time, effort and occasional frustration that went into it was worthwhile. The warm regard of an audience is a better high than any drug, no question.

On the other hand, it’s a major downer to pay a visit to a recently posted story, one that you put your heart and soul into, and find no more than a single comment, or nothing at all. I’ve known authors of erotic stories — good stories — who’ve simply abandoned their craft in defeat, convinced that barely anyone gives a damn about their work.

Don’t misunderstand, dear readers — your Boy Author is not throwing a woe-unto-us pity party here. Cheryl, Naughty Mommy and I derive a great deal of satisfaction from doing what we do. But your comments add so much to that satisfaction that I’m willing to put aside my pride — indeed, even my dignity! — to plead with you good people: spare a thought for us when you especially enjoy reading a Juicy Secrets story, and leave a comment.

It should be added here that, much as we crave your praise, it’s even more important that you leave comments for our guest authors. Doing so will increase the likelihood that they’ll continue to write — a winning situation for both Juicy Secrets and its readers!

One final point: we are not — emphatically not — asking anyone to offer praise for our work if we haven’t earned it. As the great comedian Flip Wilson once said, “If you didn’t intend to applaud, don’t applaud. Keep your damn hands to yourself!” On the other hand, if the story moved your soul, got you feeling warm and tingly all over, or spurred you into a “happy ending” of your own… why not take sixty seconds out of your life to tell us so? Thirty seconds, even. Hell, you can type “Great story!” in less than ten. And it honestly does mean the world to us.

Thanks for indulging my shameless pandering, and for being a part of this site’s extended family. (You must be, if you’ve read this far.) May the road always rise with you.

Love, JetBoy


Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 6

  • Posted on September 29, 2016 at 4:38 pm

By JetBoy (with babykeiko)

Previously in “Close-Ups”: Having overcome her reservations about committing incest with her eight-year-old child Linnie, lesbian mother Yukio finally goes down on her daughter, licking Linnie to her very first orgasm.


Yukio placed soothing, feather-light kisses upon her daughter’s vulva, bringing the child down gently from pleasure’s heights. Alex caressed Linnie’s upper half, occasionally brushing the girl’s sweat-moistened skin with her lips.

Linnie rested, basking in the contented glow of her very first orgasm, savoring the lovely touches and kisses from her two lovers — and a small happy shiver rippled through the girl at the very thought of the word “lover.” That’s who Mummy is now, she told herself. Miss Alex, too.

Then Mummy was kneeling next to her, a sweet, bashful smile on her lips. “Did you like that, sweetheart…?”

At that, Linnie felt so overwhelmed with adoration for her mother that it brought tears to her eyes. “Oh, yes… I, I loved it! I never felt anything so g-good before!” She extended her arms to Yukio. “Can I please have a hug, Mummy?”

Her own eyes growing misty, Yukio lay down beside her daughter, drawing the naked girl into a warm embrace. Their faces nearly touching, the eight-year-old claimed her mother’s mouth in a passionate kiss, her little tongue darting between Yukio’s lips. The young mother gasped in delight, then responded, bringing her own tongue into play.

The child licked at her parent’s mouth and chin, heart soaring as she sampled the wetness that coated the lower half of Mummy’s face, telling herself, That’s what my kitty tastes like. The tart flavor was very different from what she’d tasted on Alex’s fingers, she decided. Not as strong… kind of sweeter. But the best part is getting it from Mummy’s lips.

The two of them finally, slowly parted. Linnie smiled at her mother, shifted her adoring gaze to Alex, then back to Yukio. “Why don’t you give Miss Alex a kiss like that, Mummy?” she shyly suggested.

Yukio raised herself to her knees, and the two women studied each other for a moment before the photographer moved in to claim the young mother’s willing mouth with hers. Linnie grinned delightedly as she watched Alex’s tongue flash to life, plunging between Mummy’s lips, then giggled when her mother eagerly sucked at it.

Slowly, slowly the grownups drew apart… then it was Yukio’s turn to smile. “I’ll bet Linnie would love for you to kiss her now, Alex.”

“Yeah!” squealed the eight-year old, vigorously nodding her head.

Alex moved closer to the girl, bending down to place her hands at either side of Linnie’s face. “I love you, little one,” she whispered, peering deep into the child’s warm brown eyes.

“I — I love you, Miss Alex!” a dazed Linnie replied. and their mouths came together, softly at first. Alex allowed her young lover to put her tongue into play before introducing her own to the sweet dialogue. Their kiss blossomed like an opening flower, slowly growing in ardor. Linnie’s heart raced like a mad thing at the fierceness of Alex’s passion — and hers.

Yukio placed both hands upon the photographer’s back, stroking the pale skin, growing bolder as she heard Alex and Linnie moan into their kiss. Biting her lower lip, she eagerly explored the body of this magnificent woman; stroking the strong shoulders, tracing the ridges of the spine, fondling the ample buttocks. Unable to resist, she slipped a hand between Alex’s thighs to cup her vulva, still wonderfully wet — and the older woman arched her back in response.

After a long, joyous while, Alex broke away, smiling at the child. “Sweetheart,” she murmured, “you don’t have to call me ‘Miss Alex’ any more… not after kissing me like that!” She brushed Linnie’s cheek with the backs of her fingers. “We’re lovers now, so just plain ‘Alex’ will do, okay?”

“‘Kay,” nodded Linnie. “Um… Alex?” Her eyes danced with barely restrained excitement.

“Yes, angel?”

“I think we should both make love to Mummy now. She’s hasn’t had any good feelings yet…”

“Oh, honey,” Yukio protested, “you really don’t have to, to do anything for me–“

“But I want to!” Linnie blurted, seizing her mother’s hand and clutching it tightly. “Please, Mummy…” She pressed her lips to Yukio’s fingers. “I want to.” She paused to sniff at the hand, then giggled. “Mmmm… you smell like Alex’s kitty!” She extended her tongue to lick playfully at her mother’s fingertips.

Now sitting upright, Alex placed a hand on Yukio’s shoulder. “Don’t refuse her, babe… she needs this.” She grinned, reaching to trace her new lover’s parted lips, and the young mother swayed slightly, head spinning with sexual hunger. “Let’s face it, Yukio — you’ve raised a beautiful little lesbian in Linnie.”

“That’s right, Mummy,” the girl cooed. “I knew I was a lesbian, soon as you told me what one was.” She placed her mother’s hand upon her flat chest, the palm covering a taut nipple. “I wanted to be just like you… and now I really am!”

The two adults laughed at Linnie’s eagerness, then Alex turned to Yukio with a predatory smile. “You might as well relax and enjoy yourself,” she crooned, leaning in close to lick around Yukio’s ear, “because you’re not leaving this bed, babycakes — not until your daughter and I have had our wicked way with you.”

Yukio sighed, her face shining with happiness. “Oh, my… I know this is supposed to be wrong, but it feels so right… so incredibly right.” Taking a deep breath, she glanced shyly at Alex, then her daughter. “Okay — I’m all yours.”

“Yay!” Linnie squealed, then pursed her lips, shooting Alex an uncertain look. “Um… what do we do first?”

The photographer thought for a moment. “Let’s do this.” Grasping Yukio’s arm, she guided the young mother onto her daughter, arranging her until she was lying on top of the girl, their noses nearly touching. “Okay, Linnie… kiss your mommy, touch her.”

The eight-year-old happily sought out Yukio’s mouth, and within seconds mother and daughter were kissing passionately.

Rising, Alex padded to the foot of the bed. Linnie’s legs were pressed together, her mother straddling them. Taking hold of Yukio’s ankles, Alex slowly spread her further apart, licking her lips as more of the woman’s cunt was revealed to her hungry gaze: the rosy vaginal flesh, framed by a dark pubic triangle, the slit slightly open and glistening with moisture. Running her hands up the backs of Yukio’s legs, Alex climbed onto the bed, carefully kneeling between the thighs of the incestuous lovers.

Yukio was giddy with love, intoxicated by the nearness of her child. Linnie’s tongue was a sweet pink ribbon in her mouth, and the girl’s hands were fondling her breasts as they continued to kiss. She marveled at the odd yet utterly wonderful turn her life had taken in the last hour. I never expected this, never wished for it… but now I’m in a threesome with my little girl and Alex, and it’s better than anything I’ve ever known.

Suddenly she felt strong hands grasping her hips, and Yukio couldn’t help but press back toward the older lesbian. “That’s it,” Alex purred. “Let’s get that yummy ass up in the air.”

Propping herself on both elbows, Yukio raised her hips with Alex’s assistance, drawing in one leg at a time until she was in a kneeling position, though still on top of Linnie. She could feel how open and exposed her sex was — and Yukio responded by arching her back, thrusting out her buttocks, eager to be taken.

Linnie was kissing her neck, and Yukio sighed at how lovely that felt. Then, when her daughter squirmed her way further downward and began to nuzzle her breasts, the beautiful Asian mother moaned, long and low. She tensed slightly as Alex’s hands spread her buttocks apart, the warm breath of the photographer caressing the insides of her thighs.

Suddenly a hot, sucking mouth covered Yukio’s slit, a tongue plunging into the creamy tunnel of her vagina.

She cried out, a violent shudder convulsing her body. She had expected Alex to tease her first before getting down to the business of cunnilingus, but the aggression of her new lover’s assault stole Yukio’s breath away. No subtlety or restraint here — Alex’s tongue was a mad thing; thrusting in and out of her cunt, circling the entrance, withdrawing momentarily to bathe her vulva, flicking tantalizingly at the clitoris.

Linnie’s mouth was fastened to her left nipple, the child’s little hand lovingly fondling the other breast. Yukio buried her face in the spun onyx curls of Linnie’s hair, feeling a dizzying surge of affection for her daughter. “My p-precious baby, my good angel,” she panted. “Mummy loves you so, oh God Mummy loves you…”

Alex was licking her again, long strokes that seemed to touch every part of Yukio’s sex. Then on one upward pass, that warm tongue simply kept going, trailing deep into the crack of her ass.

“Oh, my g-g-goodness — that’s so… so…” Yukio loved being rimmed, and it had been a long while since she’d had a partner willing to taste her anus. And Alex was so into it, too; bathing the dark cleft with long slow licks, then firmly pressing the tip of her tongue against the rosebud, as if she meant to penetrate Yukio’s rectum.

She seized the image, held it close; imagining herself being sodomized — no, assfucked — by the tongue of this beautiful, sexy Amazon. The young mother felt a hand cover her mound; fingers stroking the labia, then seeking out the hard nub of her clit. Alex’s mouth was now buried between Yukio’s cheeks, passionately French kissing her crack.

Propped up on her elbows, Yukio gazed down at the wondrous sight of her daughter, kissing and licking at her breasts. Linnie’s eyes flickered open, the child smiling as she glimpsed her mother’s adoring face.

Tilting her head back, Linnie whispered, “I love you, Mummy,” then, still gazing deep into Yukio’s eyes, extended her tongue to take a swipe at a swollen nipple.

Alex, still voraciously rimming Yukio, took her new lover’s clitoris between two slippery fingers, giving it a gentle pinch.

“M-my, my beautiful little girl — ohhhhhhhh yes, yes, YES–“

It began as a tiny point of raw heat in the core of Yukio’s vagina, swiftly expanding into a fiery ball that seemed to fill every atom of her being with light and energy. She was glowing, incandescent. Her body shook helplessly with tiny tremors as a hoarse, sustained cry spilled from her, echoing through the cavernous studio.

“Ooooohhhggh… omigod… OHHH!”

She was incapable of thought, of action. She could only receive, her body and soul a vessel to be filled with smell, sound, touch — especially touch. Her form was immersed in heat; licked by tongues of sweet fire. It was an ecstasy beyond ecstasy.

Beneath Yukio’s quivering body, an astonished Linnie watched her mother come. Mummy’s eyes were squeezed tightly shut, her brow furrowed, mouth open; a strangled wail squeezed from her throat. It was a sight that might have terrified the child a day earlier… even now, Linnie felt a tiny bit afraid. But now she knew that Mummy wasn’t in pain; that she was having those amazing, wonderful feelings that women got when they made love.

Suddenly wanting to make her feel even better, Linnie brought Mummy’s breast to her mouth, taking the swollen nipple between her lips to suckle, only harder this time. Yukio’s cry rose sharply, and Linnie’s eyes widened in surprise. Thrilled, curious to see what would happen, the child did the same thing again, only more intently, her small teeth rasping at the base of Mummy’s nipple.

With that, Yukio felt a second orgasm thundering through her delicate form.

It lifted the young mother up to unimaginable heights; then sent her plummeting down, only to be cast upwards again. Her pussy spasmed violently, clamping down on Alex’s wriggling fingers. There were warm, syrupy fluids flowing from her body, and Yukio knew that she was wetting herself in purest bliss.

Then just as that climax began to recede, a third, larger wave of pleasure came smashing down. A scream broke from the young mother, and her slender frame began to buck wildly, rocking to and fro in convulsions of ecstasy that quickly rose to an impossible peak.

She was frozen, rigid as an iron bar — yet somehow so fragile that it seemed as if she might shatter into pieces from a well-placed tap. Then the instant passed, and with it every iota of strength the young mother possessed.

Oblivious, spent, Yukio slumped forward — her limp, sweat-shiny body now resting atop the slighter frame of her daughter. Everything was spinning, as if she was drunk on some exotic, unfamiliar liquor.

Alex raised her face from the crack of Yukio’s ass, licking her lips.

Linnie squirmed beneath her mother’s inert frame. “Mummy,” she complained, “you’re squishing me!”

Rousing herself, Yukio managed to conjure up just enough strength to roll away from her child and onto her back. “Sorry, angel,” she mumbled.

“It’s okay,” Linnie said cheerfully, reaching over to place a hand on her mother’s belly. “That was so cool… I loved watching you come!” She grinned up at Alex. “What did you do to Mummy? Did you lick her kitty?”

“Yeah, I did… and other places, too,” the full-figured photographer replied, lying down next to the gleeful child. “C’mere and kiss me, and you’ll find out what she tastes like.”

With a delighted coo, Linnie turned to Alex, and their mouths came together. Yukio, still breathing heavily, watched in awe as her little girl licked at the older woman’s lips, happily savoring the sweetness of her mother’s cunt.

Then Linnie broke away, turning to smile at Yukio. “I like how you taste, Mummy… can I lick you now?”

Exhausted as she was, Yukio couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, baby… I love you to pieces, but you’ll have to wait a little while, at least until Mummy gets her strength back.” Detecting a slight pout on the child’s face, Yukio patted her knee. “Soon, Linnie, honestly. I can’t wait to feel your mouth on my pussy.”

Linnie giggled. “I guess… long as I can do it pretty soon.” She lay back down, nestling contentedly between the two women.

Alex placed a hand upon Yukio’s shoulder, gazing deep into her new lover’s eyes. “No regrets, Yukio. Promise me that, okay? No regrets.”

Still dazed, the beautiful Asian woman slowly shook her head. “No regrets,” she said softly. “I know nearly everyone would say what I did with Linnie was… terrible, and wrong.” She felt for and found her daughter’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “But I’ve never felt so close to my little girl. Somehow, I — I love her even more than ever!”

“It wasn’t wrong, Mummy,” the child stated, her lower lip thrust out defiantly. “Or terrible. It was the nicest, bestest thing in the whole world!”

Yukio reached out to touch Linnie’s face gazing adoringly at her daughter. “You’re right, baby. It was wonderful, and I’m very, very happy that we made love.” She bent to place a soft kiss on the girl’s mouth, then turned to Alex. “You were amazing, too,” Yukio whispered shyly, then paused. “So… what happens now?”

Alex smiled. “We move in together.”

Yukio’s mouth fell open. Struggling to speak, she finally stammered, “You really m-mean that?”

“Oh, not right away… we ought to get to know each other a bit better, I guess,” the photographer laughed. “But I want you to be part of my life, Yukio — you and Linnie.” She glanced from mother to child. “This thing between the three of us — it isn’t going to be a one-time romp in the sheets. You felt it just as strongly as I did, didn’t you? Admit it.”

A dazzled Yukio slowly nodded. “I think… no, I know that I fell in love with you the first time we met. Ever since, I’ve thought about you c-constantly.” She blushed, staring down at her knees. “I’ve even… touched myself, imagining the two of us together.”

“That’s so cool,” Linnie whispered, her head resting in her mother’s lap; the soft curls between Mummy’s legs lightly tickling her ear.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you, either,” Alex said. “I wanted to take you… to make you mine. And as for this little imp…” She traced a finger down Linnie’s bare thigh, making the child shiver with delight. “I’ve had so many fantasies of undressing you, little one… of teaching you about love.” She sighed. “My oh my, that’s one dream I never expected to come true.”

“And it did!” Linnie squealed, bouncing into a sitting position. “But there’s still… tons of stuff I don’t know ’bout making love. An’ you can show me, you an’ Mummy. All of it!” She swiveled her head, looking up at her mother. “Are we really gonna live with Miss Alex, Mummy? Are we, are we?”

A beaming Yukio enfolded little Linnie in her arms, all the while gazing at Alex in perfect adoration. “Oh… it’s still too early to say, baby… but I think that maybe — maybe we will.”

“Just wait until we’ve spent a few days together,” purred Alex. “And a few nights.” She laughed. “God, I have so much to say… and I want to know everything there is to know about both of you. Who you are. Who we are!” She stretched herself in a long, contented yawn, briefly exposing the dark blonde hair beneath her arms. “But first… I think we need to wash up, get dressed and go out for something to eat. Don’t you?”

Linnie furrowed her brow. “Yeah,” she murmured, realization dawning in her eyes. “I’m starving!”

“Mind you, this is coming from the young lady who ate six pancakes for breakfast, and I don’t know how many strips of bacon,” Yukio snorted, rolling her eyes heavenward.

“Only four pieces, Mummy,” the child protested. “That’s not so many!”

“Well, I know a place that’s perfect for hungry little girls,” Alex declared. “Have either of you ever eaten at Gianinni’s? About four blocks from here?” Linnie and Yukio shook their heads. “They’ve got the best deep-dish pizza in town.”

Linnie’s eyes were dancing from the instant she heard the word pizza. “Yeah!” she cried.

“And that’s not all,” Alex continued. “They also have homemade ice cream.”

“Ooooh, yummy! Can we go, Mummy, please?”

“Easy there — you’re shaking the bed, sweetheart,” Yukio replied. “And yes, we can go.” She gave Alex a bashful smile. “Will this be this our first date, then?”

“Yeah, I guess it is,” Alex laughed. “And after that, you’re both invited to spend the night here with me. And I promise, it’ll be in a cozier room and on a comfier bed than this.” She grinned wolfishly. “I’m counting on getting lucky again tonight, just so you know.”

Linnie tilted her head, peering quizzically at the photographer. “Huh? Lucky?”

Yukio patted her daughter’s shoulder. “She means that she wants to make love again after we come back here, baby.”

“Oh.” Linnie broke into a foolish grin. “Oh, yeah… me too!” Tilting her head, she gave Alex a coquettish smile. “We haven’t got to do sex stuff to you yet, not really.”

“That’s right,” Yukio murmured shyly, slipping a hand between Alex’s legs to stroke her soft inner thighs. “I’ve been dreaming of… of licking your pussy for weeks now.”

“Ooooh, I wanna do that, too!” Linnie squealed, grinning excitedly. “Can we take turns, Mummy?”

“Sure we can, honey,” Yukio laughed, twining an arm around her daughter’s shoulders. “In fact, what if we licked her together? We can taste Alex and kiss each other at the same time!”

“Gosh,” the child whispered, cuddling into her mother. “That sounds so — so beautiful!”

“Don’t get me all excited, you two!” Alex cautioned, cupping her big breasts. “There’s plenty of time for licking — after we get back from Giannini’s.”

At that reminder, Linnie’s eyes popped open, and the nude eight-year-old leapt from the edge of the bed and onto her feet, spinning around to give the grownups an impatient look, arms folded. “C’mon then, let’s go! Pizza pizza pizza pizza!”

Shaking her head, Yukio swung her legs to the floor, rising a bit unsteadily. “I don’t know, Alex… you might want to think about it for awhile before you offer to take this child into your home.” She playfully tousled her daughter’s hair. “She’s a bit of a wild beast.”

“Am not,” Linnie scowled, then broke into giggles. “Well, maybe I am!” She growled in imitation of a tiger, making enormous clawing gestures with her hands.

Alex folded her arms, gazing evenly at the girl. “Well, Little Miss Wild Beast, it’s time for your shower!” She padded toward a door at the far end of the studio, gesturing for the others to follow. “The bathroom’s this way. You might as well just leave your clothes — we’ll come back in here to get dressed.”

“Is it a big shower?” quizzed Linnie, a couple of steps behind.

“Oh, it’s not exactly huge… but it’ll hold all three of us.”

“Ooooh, that sounds like fun.” Linnie clapped her hands. “We can wash each other!”

“Now, honey,” chided Yukio, “if we start fooling around in the shower, we’ll end up making love all over again… and we won’t make it to the pizza place.”

“Oh… yeah, I guess not.” Linnie stepped through the door, followed by her mother.

“It’s okay, little one,” reassured Alex, pausing to pat Yukio’s bottom as she passed by. “Don’t forget, we’ll be fooling around some more after we get back, getting damp and sticky all over… and then we can take another shower!”

From somewhere beyond the door, the girl’s excited giggle could be heard, then she called, “Um, Alex… where’s the bathroom?”

“Second door on the left,” Alex replied. She flicked off all the light switches but one, turning to gaze back into the darkened room for a heartbeat before exiting, her footsteps growing fainter as she followed Yukio down the hallway.

A single spotlight was left to illuminate the studio, casting its beam onto the still-warm bed.

The End


Afterword from JetBoy

Six years ago, fellow erotic author and valuable friend babykeiko gave me a lovely gift on the occasion of my birthday: a short story entitled “The Photo Shoot,” in which a lesbian photographer encourages her model, an eight-year-old girl, to masturbate for her camera. I loved it, and encouraged her to make it public.

A week later, she gave me a second and even finer gift: a challenge. Would I, she asked, re-write and expand her story, adding the girl’s mother as a third character? I immediately accepted, and set to work. We shared ideas back and forth for the next nine months, slowly carving out the story you have just read.

Dear babykeiko… thank you for the gift of this project, for your help in realizing the final result, and most of all, for your friendship. You are a truly beautiful person, and I love you very much.


Afterword from babykeiko

This is a special story for me… I never had a story of mine re-written… but if there was one person that I would gift a story to for re-writing purposes it would have to be JetBoy… his stories are easily among my favorites here… and when we started corresponding about how this could go from a short “vignette” to a long “beginning – middle – end” story we quickly found we shared very similar ideas…

JetBoy has created a masterpiece, and has written 95% of it… I feel it is more his than mine… he will disagree, and that is because he is kind and humble… a true gentleman… he is a writing genius and I would trust him with any of my stories…

thanks JetBoy… with all my love


Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 5

  • Posted on September 23, 2016 at 5:32 pm
By JetBoy (with babykeiko)

Previously in “Close-Ups”: Yukio has been carefully encouraged to touch, then kiss, then begin making love to her eight-year-old daughter Linnie by lesbian photographer Alexandra. Now Yukio is on the verge of going down on the child for the first time.


Moistening her lips, Yukio resumed her kissing, this time traveling between the child’s legs. She moved from the right to the left, then back again, each kiss drawing the young mother nearer to Linnie’s sex.

And then she was there, her face framed by the soft, golden flesh of Linnie’s inner thighs, no more than an inch or two from her baby’s vulva. Yukio took a moment to marvel at its beauty. It was practically a cliche to compare women’s sexes to flowers, she knew, but the delicate folds of Linnie’s pronounced labia hinted at nothing so much as an exotic orchid. Only this blossom smells even lovelier, Yukio decided, breathing deeply of the rich aroma.

Linnie trembled, feeling the warm zephyr of Yukio’s breath as it caressed her pudenda. Somehow, she knew instinctively what was about to happen — her mother was going to kiss her there. It seemed too wonderful, too dreamy to believe.

Placing a finger and thumb on either edge of the slit, Yukio tenderly opened her little girl, gazing in wonder at the breathtaking sight of the fiery red flesh hidden within. A shudder of rapture coursed through her — and she responded, pressing an open-mouthed kiss into Linnie’s vagina.

A ragged gasp broke from the child’s throat, her back arching slightly upward from the bed. And before she could recover from her astonished delight, Yukio’s tongue had emerged to take the first lick, gliding up the length of the pink crease. She paused to mull over the special flavor of her daughter’s sex, finding it delicious — then licked again. And again.

Linnie stared sightlessly at the studio ceiling, mouth hanging open as Mummy’s tongue bathed her kitty, spreading liquid fire between her quivering legs. Nothing’s ever, ever, EVER been like this! she told herself. She hugged her upper half fiercely, so awash in good feelings that she wanted to shout out loud.

A choked cry broke into Linnie’s rapture — and the girl turned to gape at Alex, watching her Rubenesque form jerk helplessly as she fucked herself, fingers plunging in and out of her hairy triangle. Her face was contorted, as if she were in pain, but Linnie understood that, right then, the older woman felt only ecstasy.

Oh my gosh, she realized with a start, she’s coming. Miss Alex is coming!

She had never witnessed or experienced an orgasm herself, only heard about them from her mother when she learned how sex worked. At the time, the whole idea had seemed so mysterious to the inquisitive eight-year-old. But now she had a close-up view of her beloved Miss Alex, moaning and rocking against the headboard, gasping for breath, large breasts bobbing up and down as she rode her hand — and suddenly, Linnie saw the act of coming as much more of a miracle than a mystery.

Finally, the photographer’s body stilled. Alex sat quietly for a moment before slowly settling back, a hand firmly cupped over her vagina, the headboard giving a slight creak as it took her weight.

Sighing happily, thrilled by the beautiful thing she’d just witnessed, Linnie allowed her eyes to drift shut, surrendering herself once more to Mummy’s skilled mouth and fingers.

Yukio continued to feast upon her daughter’s vulva, exploring every inch of the sweet, smooth flesh with her lips and tongue, drinking down the child’s flowing honey. She took her time, wanting to take Linnie as high and far as possible before bringing her off.

Regaining her breath, Alex wiped her damp brow with the back of the hand before pushing herself away from the headboard, then lying down next to Linnie. Turning onto her side, she placed a hand upon the child’s flat chest. Linnie’s eyes fluttered open.

“Hey, cutie,” crooned Alex in a husky whisper, brushing the girl’s tiny nipples with the tips of her fingers, grinning to see them respond visibly to her touch. “How does it feel to have Mommy licking your pussy?”

“Mmmmnnohhh it’s s-so wonderful!” the girl blurted. “Mummy’s m-mouth feels all warm an’ nice…”

Alex laughed, pausing to nip playfully at Linnie’s ear. “She’s a lucky woman, your mother… I’ve wanted to lick you since the day we met.” She grazed the child’s neck with her lips, and Linnie responded with a tiny whimper. “I’ll bet you taste delicious, too.”

“R-really?” Linnie squeaked, eyes widening for an instant as Yukio probed her slit with a rapidly flickering tongue.

“Oh, sure,” cooed the photographer. “I love the flavor of pussy… and so will you, little one, when you get to lick your mommy, just like she’s doing to you.”

At that, Linnie felt an excited shiver. She’d been so thrilled by the special feelings that Mummy was giving her that she’d not given a thought to what it would be like to make love to her mother in the very same way. She imagined it — sprawling on her belly between those long, lovely legs, pressing kisses into the neatly trimmed triangle of curly hair that grew there.

Then she saw herself burying her face in Alex’s thick bush, licking at the glistening pink flesh she’d seen there mere moments ago… and the image only made her heart beat faster.

Nuzzling the girl’s ear, Alex whispered, “Would you like to know what I taste like, angel…?”

Scarcely able to speak, Linnie simply nodded.

Smiling hugely, Alex brought her right hand to within inches of the child’s face to show Linnie her fingers, still moist and sticky from masturbating. “O-pen wi-ide…” she sang, and the eight-year-old’s lips obligingly parted to accept what her new lover had to give.

Alex fed her wet fingers to Linnie, staring in awe as she sucked at them without a trace of hesitation; a little girl eager to sample the essence of a woman. “Well done, little one,” purred Alex. “Do you like it?”

Linnie quickly decided that she did like how Alex’s kitty tasted, very much. It reminded her of the time that Mummy had allowed her to take a tiny sip of red wine. The flavor had been strong but sweet, and left her mouth tingling. Yeah, she decided, sort of like that.

“It — it’s yummy!” Linnie panted when Alex withdrew her fingers, the child squirming slightly as Yukio sucked at her labia, then bathed the vaginal opening with long, slow licks.

Yukio loved to go down on women, and her oral skills had always been prized by lovers. In particular, the shy Asian beauty had a skill for taking her sex partners to the edge of release gradually, stoking their ecstasy to the boiling point before she would allow them to come. By now, Linnie’s legs were trembling as the child’s sexual heat approached a near-unbearable intensity.

Deciding that it was time to unleash the orgasm that smoldered and bubbled within her daughter, Yukio parted the vaginal folds to expose the tiny pearl of Linnie’s baby clitoris.

Alex caressed Linnie’s flushed cheek. “You are utterly exquisite,” she murmured, “the prettiest little girl I’ve ever seen. God, I adore you.” With that, she dipped down to lick at the girl’s right nipple, circling the delicate bud.

Linnie moaned softly as she wrapped both arms around Alex’s neck, clutching the woman’s face to her flat chest.

Yukio blew lightly on the child’s clitoral nubbin, then grazed it with the tip of her tongue.

Linnie’s body shuddered as a dazzling flash of pleasure grazed her, those good feelings suddenly expanding into something beyond good. And when Mummy licked her again in that special place, she inhaled sharply. Something’s about to happen, she realized. Something big. And it’s almost here…

Tense with anticipation, Yukio pressed in further to kiss Linnie’s clit. Enclosing it between her lips, she sucked gently at the inflamed tip.

And with a choked gasp that quickly mounted into a scream, Linnie came.

It was like nothing she’d ever experienced. The rising warmth between her legs had overflowed and was spilling forth, rushing through to fill every part of her what felt like pure, radiant light — a light that crackled and roared, the sound filling her ears, accompanying her mewling cries of rapture.

And Mummy kept licking, kept kissing, her mouth doing wonderful things to Linnie’s kitty. Miss Alex was still there, too, nuzzling her nipples. Liquid sunfire continued to flow through her in warm torrents, rivulets of heat throbbing in the tips of her fingers as they snatched at the sheets. It seemed to keep growing, too, and the girl trembled all over from the mounting intensity of it.

Fragments of thought spun in her mind like thrown coins. So good this feeling, I could swim in it. Loving me, touching there, always and always. Humming all over, all inside. Getting bigger… bigger!

And for an instant it was too much, too big — as if it would break her apart, tear her to pieces. Linnie’s eyes flew open, and she cried out in fear, trying to warn her mother. “Oh Mummy… it’s — it’s — it’s –”

Suddenly it was like she’d pushed through something, somehow, and been cut loose to float in space, though she could still feel the bed beneath her. The light was still there, but less dazzling than before. Friendly and orange, now — like the flame of a candle.

She could feel her heart now, going thudthudthud inside, the way it did when she’d run a long way. Her body was no longer trembling. In fact, all Linnie wanted to do now was catch her breath and relax, sink deep into the sheets. To let everything go.

Despite her exhaustion, she was triumphant inside. I came! she silently rejoiced. I really came!

Continue on to Chapter 6


Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 4

  • Posted on September 17, 2016 at 2:53 pm

By JetBoy (with babykeiko)

Previously in “Close-Ups”: Having been persuaded by photographer Alexandra to join in a nude session with her own eight-year-old daughter Linnie, Yukio is discovering a sexual attraction for her child that she never suspected was there. Hesitantly, then with a mounting excitement, Yukio begins to explore this new intimacy with little Linnie.


Yukio seethed with desire. This was love as she never imagined it could be, sex and magic bound together in the small, bare body of her little girl. She stroked and squeezed Linnie’s pert little behind, on the verge of allowing her fingers to steal between the child’s thighs to explore her bare slit.

Suddenly an icy finger of dread touched Yukio’s soul, and she broke their kiss to stare up at her daughter. Her hands froze in mid-caress, rested inertly on Linnie’s buttocks.

What am I doing? the young mother asked herself, struck by a mounting sense of shame. What, in the name of everything holy, am I doing to my little girl?

Linnie saw the fear in her mother’s eyes. She sensed what Mummy was thinking: these things they were doing — the cuddling without clothes, the touching, the nursing, the kisses — Mummy thinks it’s wrong, all of it.

Somehow, the child’s heart told her what to do.

Linnie placed her little hands on either side of her mother’s face, then gave her a sweet smile, recalling all the times she’d dreamed of her first girlfriend. How could she have known it then — the wonderful surprise of who that lover would turn out to be?

“Mummy,” she whispered, “please, please don’t stop… I love this, it makes me happy…”

Yukio gaped in disbelief at the adoring, trusting face of her daughter for a mere instant before Linnie dipped down, the girl’s mouth firmly covering her own in an ardent kiss. She gasped in astonishment, an instant before Linnie’s tongue darted between her parted lips to play.

At that, the young mother’s fear, her guilt, her hesitation — it simply fell away.

Yukio’s arms twined silkily around Linnie’s thin back as she responded to the little girl’s fervor. She feasted on the delicate mouth of her daughter, hungry for more kisses, more!

Their tongues engaged and mingled until, needing to catch her breath, Yukio broke away, her lips trailing over to brush Linnie’s ear.

The bed shifted slightly as Alex sat down beside the embracing couple. “That’s it, Yukio,” the photographer murmured, absently cupping her left breast. “Make love to your little girl, yes… Linnie, isn’t it nice to share your beautiful body with Mommy?”

The little girl turned her head to gaze dreamily at the naked woman sitting next to her. “Yes… ooooh, it is nice, Miss Alex…” She gasped in delighted surprise as her mother nibbled at her earlobe, then her eyes drifted shut.

Alex pressed a hand between her generous thighs, cupping the warm, wet flesh. “It’s a precious gift, a mother and daughter finding love together…” A moist sound could be heard as Alex curled two fingers deep into her vagina, staring hungrily at the incestuous pair. “I always — ohhhhhh, God — always wanted m-my mother to love me like that…”

Yukio was on fire, every nerve ending in her body alive like never before as, for the first time, she explored the wonders of her child from the perspective of a lover. Linnie’s form was elegant, sylphlike; her skin soft as a rose petal. And the warm, comforting smell of her!

There was the strawberry body wash her daughter liked, a hint of some fruit-flavored candy and a tart tinge of sweat, all blended with the delicate scent of Linnie’s skin. But there was something new that Yukio had never sampled before, yet recognized instinctively: a rich, earthy aroma that she knew had to come from her child’s sex.

She trailed kisses along Linnie’s jawline, then traced around the ear with the tip of her tongue. Her daughter shivered, moaning, “Oh, Mummy… oh…”

A last stray remnant of concern flickered through Yukio’s mind, like a scrap of paper twirling down a windy street. She lay back into the pillow, studying her dreamy-eyed child’s face. “Baby,” she murmured, “are you sure that you want this? Really and truly?”

The blissful smile on Linnie’s face gave Yukio her little girl’s answer before she whispered, “Yes, Mummy, yes!”

“Oh, Lynn… my precious, precious child,” whispered the young mother. Cradling her daughter’s body, she gently rolled the girl onto her back. “I’ll love you, sweetheart. I’ll make you feel wonderful.” She lifted her head to gaze at Alex, giving the photographer a shy smile. “Thank you for… for bringing us together, Alex.” She was blushing. “I — I never knew that I felt this way… about my daughter. Not until now.”

Alex reached out to cover Yukio’s hand with hers. “I was watching you, how you looked at her… especially when she was naked. And I understood, you know, because it’s the same way that I feel for Linnie.”

“Oh, Alex,” sighed Yukio, sliding closer to the older woman.

“C’mere, beautiful,” purred Alex, grinning as she tugged the young mother to her; the two women meeting in a kiss that quickly grew heated. Yukio whimpered as Alex’s tongue plunged between her lips, as if it was fucking her mouth. Without another thought, she melted into the photographer’s ample body, letting herself be taken by a forceful lover.

When Alex finally broke away, Yukio stared at her with yearning eyes. “I love you,” she said, fumbling for the woman’s hand and bringing it to her lips — fervently kissing the palm, then licking at her fingertips. This was the same hand Alex had used to touch herself just moments ago, and it smelled and tasted of her sex.

“I love you too, Yukio,” Alex gently replied. “And I will love you, later, here in this bed. But right now, your little girl needs you more.”

Yukio gazed warmly at her child, still stretched out on the king-sized bed next to the two grownups.

“Teach her everything.” Alex squeezed Yukio’s hand. “She’s ready. And she wants this…”

“I do, Mummy, I do!” piped Linnie, touching her mother’s thigh. Then she frowned. “But how come you get to kiss Miss Alex, and not me?”

Yukio smiled. “Oh, I’m sure she’ll kiss you too, baby… but you’ll have to ask her for that yourself.”

Linnie turned to the photographer, an expectant gleam in her eyes. “Soooo, Miss Alex… would you kiss me? The same way you did to Mummy?”

“Of course I will,” Alex replied, patting the bed next to where she sat. “Come.”

The child dutifully crawled over to Alex, then squealed in surprise when the older woman seized her, bending down to claim her open mouth in a greedy kiss, one that had soon had them both moaning with pleasure. Linnie responded eagerly, meeting Alex’s aggressive tongue with hers.

As they kissed, the little girl groped blindly for the older woman’s slightly drooping breasts, cupping them with hands that, while fondling Alex’s generous chest, seemed even smaller than they were.

Alex gently drew away, placing a playful peck on Linnie’s nose. “My goodness,” she sighed. “I don’t know which of you I want more…”

“Really?” the child squeaked, grinning hugely.

“Really,” answered Alex, placing her hands atop Linnie’s, firmly pressing them against her breasts. “I’m in love with you, little one… I have been, for a long time.”

“Wow,” whispered Linnie. “So… will you d-do stuff with me, too?”

“Yes, sweetheart. Like I said, I want you both.”

Linnie glanced at Yukio, then swiveled back to Alex. “Well… let’s all of us make love, then — right now!” she blurted.

Alex shook her head. “Not yet. You should be with your mommy first. Besides,” she added, flashing a wicked grin, “I want to watch you two together. Maybe I’ll join in later.” She patted the child’s bottom. “Go on, baby girl — she’s waiting. Give me a good show.”

Linnie lay down next to her kneeling mother, gazing up at Yukio in perfect adoration. “I’m ready, Mummy,” she whispered. “I love you so much…”

Now on the verge of tears, Yukio stared in happy disbelief at her naked little girl. “Oh, Linnie… Linnie, my angel.”

She stretched out alongside her daughter, slowly drawing the dreamy-eyed eight-year-old into her arms as their mouths met. Suddenly parent and child were kissing in a lustful frenzy, as if each meant to devour the other.

Alex breathed shakily, teasing her clit between two fingers as she watched the new lovers embrace, their tongues mating in a ballet of forbidden desire. Yukio was now on top of Linnie, straddling her; knees resting on either side of the girl’s chest. In this position, the young mother’s legs were splayed widely apart, lewdly revealing her cunt and anus.

Yukio was drunk, intoxicated by a libation more wondrous than wine: the mad, helpless lust she felt for her own child… a lust stoked even higher by the simple knowledge that Linnie wanted her, too!

As Yukio’s hands traveled over the lines and contours of her daughter’s nude frame, she imagined a life with this exquisite little girl as her lover. She thought of the closeness of their newfound relationship, the delicious pleasures they would share.

But those were dreams for another, later time. For now, Linnie was in her arms, eager to know the wonders of lesbian love.

Dizzy with desire, Yukio finally broke away from her daughter; their lips parting with a moist sound.

Linnie pursed her lips in a tiny pout. “Don’t stop, Mummy,” she pleaded. “Kiss me more…”

Yukio gently laughed. “Oh, sweetheart… there are lots of ways to kiss someone when you make love to them. Here, I’ll show you another.” Gazing deep into her daughter’s eyes, she parted her lips to give Linnie a warm, open-mouthed kiss on the chin, teasing the child with a tiny swipe of her tongue. She continued downward, nuzzling the baby-softness of Linnie’s neck.

The girl’s eyes widened in surprise, then drifted shut. “Mmmm… oh, Mummy,” she whimpered, “that’s nice.”

Yukio’s soul glowed with happiness as she loved her little angel, pressing her lips into the hollow of Linnie’s throat, then licking a moist path down to her flat chest. She wanted to explore every inch of her daughter’s body with mouth and fingers, to show the girl how incredible sex with a woman could be.

Seeking out a taut nipple, Yukio brushed it with the tip of the tongue, pleased to feel the eight-year-old shiver in response.

“I love you, Mummy,” Linnie whispered, then said it again. “I love you, Mummy. I… I love you. Oh, I love you…” Over and over she breathed the words, as if she were chanting in prayer. “I love you, Mummy… love you…”

Yukio lavished attention on her child’s nipples; kissing the tiny buds, sucking them, circling them with her tongue. Linnie’s thin form quivered beneath hers as the girl continued to gasp declarations of love.

The feeling of her mother’s warm mouth as it touched her chest was so… so perfect that it made Linnie want to cry. But the eight-year-old choked it back, not wanting to behave like a baby in front of Mummy or Miss Alex. Instead, she enfolded Yukio’s head in her arms, cradling her close.

Suddenly Linnie had a funny thought. It’s like I’m the mommy now. And Mummy is my little girl, taking milk from me! The idea made her laugh — then she gasped as Mummy gently bit at her nipple.

Eager to teach her daughter even more, Yukio resumed her journey down Linnie’s body. The child’s hold loosened, allowing the young mother to press her face into the girl’s indescribably soft tummy.

As she kissed Linnie there, Yukio slid a hand between the eight-year-old’s thighs to gently cup her smooth mound, thrilled to discover that the child’s slit was moist. She carefully traced the thickly lipped opening with a finger, marveling at how Linnie’s slender frame quivered in response.

Linnie wondered if it were possible to die from happiness. Having her mother’s soft lips caressing her belly was wonderful enough, but to have Mummy touching down there, exploring her most secret place… well, what could be better?

Mummy’s making love to me! she told herself again and again — yelling the words inside, imagining them echoing the way her voice had when she’d been on the school field trip to the Howe Caverns last summer. Linnie whimpered as the tip of Yukio’s finger slid into her kitty, and once again silently, ecstatically cried: I’m Mummy’s lover… me!

Yukio breathed deeply of Linnie’s body as she left warm, wet kisses just below the girl’s belly button. The scent of her daughter’s sex tickled her nose, made her mouth water. It had been months since she’d gone down on a woman, leaving the Japanese lesbian with a yearning for the taste of pussy that sometimes had her aching inside.

Now she would satisfy her craving by performing cunnilingus on her eight-year-old child — and rather than feel guilt for the incest she was about to commit, Yukio was positively euphoric.This is good, she told herself. This is right.

But she wanted to take her time, to enjoy Linnie’s beautiful body before bringing the girl off. So rather than trail kisses directly to her daughter’s bare slit, Yukio chose to bypass it; journeying instead to the girl’s upper thigh.

Down she went, stroking and nuzzling Linnie’s legs with her mouth and fingers, nimbly moving from one to the other. The child was sighing ecstatically, her face alight with an expression of pure bliss.

Alex was sitting against the bed’s ornately carved oaken headboard, her generous thighs splayed apart, three fingers buried in her hairy cunt, fucking herself hard and deep while watching the pretty young mother pleasure her child.

Thighs, knees, shins, calves, ankles… Yukio worshiped Linnie’s slender limbs, bathed her in a mother’s adoration as if she were a cat, lovingly washing her baby kitten. Finally, she reached the girl’s feet.

Lifting the right foot, Yukio caressed her face with it, covered the delicate appendage with kisses. Her eyes closed, gently swaying, Yukio parted her lips, taking the child’s toes into her mouth.

“Oh… oh, gosh!” Linnie exclaimed. This was something new and surprising to the innocent child. It felt incredible, too, the way Mummy’s warm, wet tongue slipped over and between her toes.

Yukio remembered how she used to playfully take Linnie’s foot into her mouth when her daughter was an infant; how little Lynn would burble with delight. And look at me now, she marveled. I’m no longer teasing my baby… I’m making love to her. With that thought, she allowed her left hand to steal between the child’s legs, languidly stroking the vaginal cleft.

A happy sigh flowed like water from Linnie’s throat as Mummy touched her kitty again. Those down-there good feelings seemed to be pooling inside her tummy, like she was being filled with warmed syrup.

Being a lesbian is the best, she decided. Better than I ever even thought it could be! And what made it extra, extra special was that her own beautiful mother was showing her how, teaching her all about doing sex. She gasped as Mummy’s fingers slid up and down, gliding over her slit.

Yukio withdrew Linnie’s big toe from her mouth, saying “bye-bye” to her child’s foot with a tender kiss before gently lowering it to the bed. She smiled shyly at her little girl before reaching for the left one, cradling it in both hands before lifting it to her parted lips. Once more she lavished affection on her daughter’s foot, once more she slipped a hand between Linnie’s thighs to masturbate her.

Alex groped at her large breasts, scissoring each nipple in turn while she continued to fuck herself, utterly transfixed by the sight of mother and child bonding in such an intimate way.

This time, when Yukio gave Linnie’s left foot a goodbye peck, she pressed the underside of it to her breasts, breathing deeply as her nipples stiffened when the tender arch brushed them, then the coarser heel.

Linnie quivered, thrilled and surprised at how nice Mummy’s titties felt against the bottoms of her feet. Wow, she realized, there’s way more to making love than I thought!

Cupping her daughter’s ankle in her left hand, Yukio stroked her belly with Linnie’s foot, letting it slip between her legs, pressing the heel into the wet heat of her cunt. “Oh,” she moaned, her head falling back. “Oh, my.”

Her entire body, every damned inch of it was buzzing with need, and the temptation was there for Yukio to get herself off right then, to fuck her little girl’s foot until she came. But somehow she summoned up the strength to resist. No, not yet. Linnie first.

Taking a calming breath, she reversed her earlier path, kissing her way back up Linnie’s leg. Reaching the knee, Yukio switched to the other, touching it with her lips. She paused for a deep breath, eyes drawn to her ultimate goal — the child’s baby-smooth slit.

Continue on to Chapter 5


Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 3

  • Posted on September 11, 2016 at 12:30 pm

By JetBoy (with babykeiko)

In the previous chapter: Nine-year-old Linnie is modeling naked for the first time for professional photographer Alexandra. Linnie’s lesbian mother Yukio, who secretly lusts after Alex, is watching the session and, in spite of herself, is persuaded by Alex to undress and join her little girl on the set. Yukio is growing increasingly turned on by Alex, but is unnerved to find herself equally aroused by her daughter.


Yukio remained where she was, cuddling her nude little girl, resisting a sudden, crazy desire to slide her hands down Linnie’s body and caress that flawless bottom.

“That’s nice,” said Alex, breaking into Yukio’s desperate reverie. “That’s very good. Stay in that position — only turn your faces just a little bit toward me…”

Mother and daughter meekly obeyed — Yukio half-wanting to bring the photo session to a halt right then. It was dangerous, holding her child this way, both of them naked and these twisted, incestuous thoughts popping into her head. And now, in addition to Linnie’s moist sex touching her leg, the girl’s upper half was pressed into hers in a way that aroused Yukio’s very sensitive nipples.

As for Linnie, she was radiant with joy, her tummy all hot inside like she’d just drunk a big mug of cocoa. Only it was her gorgeous mummy who was giving her that good feeling! She didn’t even have to think about smiling for Alex’s rapidly clicking camera, because she felt so happy.

Awesome as it had been to see Mummy with all her clothes off, and getting a good look at every bit of her sexy body… Linnie now knew that hugging Mummy when she was naked — when we’re BOTH naked, she corrected herself — well, that was way, way, way better!

She loved the way Mummy was holding her, with both boobies touching her own flat chest, like nice, soft little pillows. And the way that she was sitting, with Mummy’s leg pushing against her kitty, made her feel nervous and jumpy inside, like something big was about to happen.

Stepping back from her camera, Alex nodded approvingly. “Well done, both of you.” She absently stroked her breasts. “Now… I’d like to get a little more daring.”

That sensation of panic began to flutter anew in Yukio’s belly, but Alex’s eyes rooted her to the spot, demanding perfect obedience. Yukio barely managed to restrain a shiver. Somehow, Alex had seen and noted her submissive tendencies — and the confident half-smile on the photographer’s face made it clear that she meant to take full advantage of what she knew.

“For this next batch of shots,” Alex continued, “I want to explore a more… personal side of a mother and daughter.” She gazed at Linnie, giving the girl a warm smile. “Linnie, do you remember what it was like to nurse from your mommy?”

Amused, the child slowly shook her head. “No, Miss Alex… I try to ‘member sometimes, but I was just a baby,” she replied, as if she thought the question to be a silly one.

The photographer laughed gently. “Well, sweetheart, perhaps we’ll give you a chance to experience it all over again.” She turned to Yukio, transfixing the woman with a penetrating look, all the while smiling. “Miss Shimizu, I’d like for you to cradle Linnie in your arms… hold her so that she can suckle at your breasts, just like when she was a baby.” She glanced at the girl. “Can you do that, Linnie?”

“I… I’d like to,” Linnie shyly replied.

Alex smiled at the girl. “Very well.” Her eyes flickered back to Yukio, the will in them penetrating into the young mother’s soul. “What about you, Miss Shimizu? Will you nurse Linnie for me, while I take pictures?”

Yukio stared at the older woman in muted anguish, silently pleading, Don’t make me do this. But Alex’s gaze was unwavering and certain.

It was up to Yukio to summon the will to walk away, if she could… if she had the resolve to end this, here and now. But did she really want to?

Wrong as the young mother knew it would be to let little Linnie suckle from her, the thought of feeling the child’s soft, warm mouth on her nipples had them tingling deliciously.

And honestly, she wondered, would it be such a bad thing? It’s not like I haven’t nursed her before… and Linnie loves the idea. I might even hurt her feelings if I said no.

Besides, what she saw in Alex’s bold stare made her hesitant to refuse the photographer’s wishes. She’s stronger than me, Yukio reminded herself, slowly yielding what little self-control she still possessed. I really should do what she says.

Somewhere in the far recesses of Yukio’s mind, a small voice protested. What will she ask you to do with Linnie next, you foolish woman? How far can she push you?

But Yukio thrust the thought away, abandoned herself to the now.

“Yes,” she said, her voice barely audible. “All right.”

Alex smiled, her eyes alight with victory. “Good. Now, let’s see…” She studied the cuddling mother and child. “Miss Shimizu, turn your upper half just a bit toward me. Now, Linnie, sit sideways in your mother’s lap, facing this way.”

They adjusted themselves accordingly, Yukio puzzled by the mixture of relief and regret she felt when her child’s warm sex was no longer pressing into her thigh. I don’t understand, she numbly told herself. Why is this happening to me? The very air seemed alive, charged with raw sexuality. And she was succumbing to it, falling under some wicked enchantment cast by Alex. That’s it, she’s a witch, Yukio thought, feeling a crazy, spontaneous urge to laugh out loud that she thankfully managed to stifle.

“That’s it — hold that pose,” Alex declared, framing an imaginary shot with her hands. “Now, Linnie… take Mommy’s nipple into your mouth.”

Linnie was thrilled, absolutely thrilled to be given the chance to nurse from Mummy, even if they were only pretending. Her lips parted, then closed over the pink tip of her mother’s breast.

Prepared as she was, Yukio was still stunned by how lovely it was to feel her daughter’s soft, warm mouth enveloping her sensitive nipple. It took an enormous effort not to move, to remain silent, to maintain a calm exterior. Her body was motionless; inside, a storm raged.

“Perfect… hold that,” muttered Alex, the camera’s insistent clicking immediately filling the small studio. She was using a handheld camera now — moving back and forth, taking in the scene from multiple angles. After about thirty shots, she paused. “All right, now you both can move a bit — just carry on like this is for real.”

Yukio’s lips parted, a tiny whimper escaping her throat. She felt unable to contain her growing excitement. Linnie, at first, had merely held the throbbing nipple between her lips… but now, now her child was really nursing, suckling eagerly from her as if she were truly feeding at Mummy’s breast.

Almost without meaning to, Yukio began to caress her little girl’s bare body.

Linnie was rapturous, ecstatic to be where she was. Mummy’s titty was so soft and lovely… and she could sense the pounding of her mother’s heart, feel the more mature body tremble against hers. Warm hands were stroking Linnie; gliding up and down her back, over her arms, shoulders, neck, sides. Mummy likes this, she told herself. That revelation only seemed to heighten her delight. I’m making her feel good!

“That’s just right, Linnie,” murmured Alex. “Don’t forget your mommy’s other nipple, though.”

The child dutifully shifted to the left breast, taking the tip into her mouth. An unbidden surge of sexual heat raced through Yukio’s slender frame when little Linnie began, once again, to suckle.

As a little girl, Linnie’s knowledge of sexuality was limited, but a lovely warmth in her belly was responding — and building — as she sensed that there was something very special about these good feelings she was giving her mummy. She knew that caressing her own tiny nipples produced a lovely tickly sensation deep inside, and decided that having them sucked must feel even nicer than that. Wish I could do this to both of Mummy’s titties at the same time, she mused.

And that gave her a most interesting idea…

Carefully, uncertain of what Alex might think, but longing to make Mummy as happy as she could, Linnie allowed her right hand, now resting on Yukio’s side, to slowly steal its way up her mother’s body. The child’s pulse raced with excitement as her hand moved to gently cover the exposed breast that she’d been nursing from just moments earlier.

A strangled gasp broke from Yukio as Linnie touched her right breast, the girl’s tiny mouth still enveloping the tip of the left. The little hand weighed the soft globe, cupped it, then began to fondle it. Oh, God, Yukio realized, mouth gaping in astonishment. My daughter is feeling me up!

“Very good, Linnie!” Alex exclaimed, her camera clicking frantically. “Keep doing that.”

But Linnie needed no further encouragement. This new no-clothes game she and Mummy were playing was the best thing ever! She adored the warmth and softness of her mother’s titties, loved touching them. And Mummy’s hands were still gliding over her body in a delightful way.

Parting her lips, Linnie released her mother’s nipple, burrowing between those lovely soft breasts to kiss Mummy there, now, and her hand moved to cover the now freed breast, the tip still moist from her mouth. Now she was touching both of them at once!

An unbidden cry spilled from Yukio’s lips — and she clutched her child with shaking hands. Linnie’s mouth seemed to be everywhere on her chest, kissing around and between her fingers, pleasuring Yukio as if it was the most natural game in the world for a little girl to play.

The camera clicked and whirred as Alex paced around the bed, but Yukio barely registered it in her rapture. Her body throbbed and pulsed like an idling engine, and she could feel a drop of warm vaginal fluid rolling down her inner thigh. The heady scent of pussy was increasingly thick in the room, and she wasn’t at all certain that it was only her sex that she smelled right then…

Suddenly realizing that the sounds of the camera had ceased, Yukio opened her eyes just in time to see Alex slip her red panties down to her right ankle with one hand, then carelessly cast them aside with an impatient flick of the foot.

Even as she reveled in the attention Linnie was lavishing on her breasts, Yukio couldn’t help but stare at the now nude photographer, standing with her legs slightly spread as if putting her sex on display. Alex had a lush triangle of auburn pubes, a hint of pink flesh lurking within the dark curls.

Meeting Yukio’s gaze, Alex paused, standing with her legs parted to give the meek Japanese beauty a good, long look at her cunt. Then she moved closer, taking in this intimate moment between mother and daughter.

Finally, noticing that no pictures were being taken, Linnie raised her head from her mother’s breasts and turned to Alex, her eyes widening at the realization that her photographer was now completely naked. She nibbled her lower lip, staring in fascination at the older woman’s bush.

Alex nodded approvingly. “That was just right… exactly what I wanted,” she murmured. “Let’s try this, now. Yukio, lie down on your back. Linnie, get on top of your mommy and do like you were just now… show her how much you love her. Now, Yukio, while she does that, I want you to caress Linnie all over. Don’t be shy about it — let me see how much your little girl means to you.” She fell silent, waiting expectantly, her calm eyes locked with those of the young mother.

Yukio stared in disbelief at Alex. She’s not even asking me to do these things now… just giving orders! And she’s never called me by my first name before, not ever…

This was unquestionably going too far, much too far.

So why was she meekly obeying, gently shifting Linnie from her lap so that she could lie back on the bed? Why were her thighs parting to reveal her glistening sex?

Now in the pose Alex wanted, Yukio attempted to ease the tension she felt with a deep, slow breath — and that was when her naked little girl, giving Mummy a bashful smile, crawled into her arms.

The weight and remarkable softness of Linnie’s bare body felt exquisite against Yukio’s, but to the tortured mother, the contact was a wondrous agony, making the gnawing sexual hunger she felt all the more acute.

Alex is taking control of me, she told herself, pushing me into loving Linnie, the way no mother ought to… and I can’t stop it from happening! Her arms slipped around the nude little girl, both hands already exploring Linnie’s boyish frame. But after all, I don’t really want to stop, now do I…?

Yukio gasped when, once again, the child’s mouth took in the tip of her breast. Without another thought, she allowed one hand to drift further down Linnie’s smooth, supple back until she was cupping her little girl’s bottom.

Linnie responded eagerly to her mother’s touch, moaning around Yukio’s nipple, arching her rump to press back against the stroking hand. As she continued to nurse, Linnie’s hand hesitantly sought out her mother’s free breast, to fondle it like she had before.

Panting ecstatically, Yukio caressed Linnie’s backside with both hands, stroking the smooth, soft globes. She knew how wrong it was to fondle her eight-year-old daughter this way, knew she would torment herself with guilt afterward. But the hunger Yukio felt for her exquisite child could no longer be pushed aside and ignored. She loved Linnie, loved her more than her own life — and now that love was flavored with the spice of desire.

Besides, she wants thisMy baby wants this, too.

“That’s so lovely, Yukio,” whispered Alex, her lips nearly touching the trembling mother’s ear. “You and your little girl are beautiful together.”

“I love her s-so much,” Yukio moaned. “Oh, Linnie, sweetheart, I adore you.”

Linnie raised her face from her mother’s breasts, gazing dreamily at Yukio. “And I love you, Mummy. More than — than anything!”

Staring into her daughter’s warm brown eyes, Yukio melted inside at the adoration she saw there, the innocent beauty of Linnie’s soul reflected in that flawless face. Suddenly, she gasped as an unexpected orgasm seized her.

It was a small climax, only a hint of the massive detonation that still lurked inside the shivering mother. A quick glance at Alex, who smiled knowingly at Yukio, made it obvious that she knew and approved of what had just happened.

“Wh-what’s wrong, Mummy?” Linnie stammered, her eyes wide with alarm. “Are you okay?”

“She’s fine, little one,” Alex murmured, gently patting Linnie’s shoulder. “Too many good feelings, that’s all. It’s because you make her so happy.” She bent down, smiling fondly at the little girl. “Why don’t you give your mommy a nice kiss? Bet she’d love it.”

Yukio somehow felt hot and cold at the same time as she and her daughter stared at one another. Suddenly timid, Linnie licked her lips before she moved in to place a soft peck on her mother’s mouth. Then she drew away, blushing but clearly pleased.

“Oh, now, Linnie,” Alex cooed, “you can do better than that!” Yukio’s heart hammered frantically as the photographer’s calm, confident gaze shifted to meet hers. “Now you try it, Yukio. Show Linnie how to kiss when you’re in love.”

Somewhere in the back of her mind, that tiny voice was at it again, begging Yukio to stop this madness, to take her child and run far, far away from this woman and her dangerous scheme — but the nearly delirious mother had passed the point of no return. She stifled this voice of repression, wished it away. Linnie was naked and lying in her arms, ready to receive a lesson in love. How could she say no to her daughter?

“My angel,” she whispered, losing herself once more in the girl’s eyes as she drew closer, kissing Linnie’s soft, sweet mouth, letting it linger. She pulled back just long enough to give her enthralled daughter an adoring smile, then closed her eyes, bending to kiss her again. This time, Yukio allowed her tongue to graze Linnie’s lower lip.

Her daughter responded with a squeak of surprise, her lips parting slightly — and Yukio was helpless to resist an overwhelming impulse to deepen the kiss. She pressed her mouth to Linnie’s, her tongue seeking entrance.

The young mother’s body hummed like a struck tuning fork, a single note of shimmering perfection flowing through her as, for the first time, Yukio kissed her eight-year-old child like a lover. Linnie seemed to melt in her embrace, willingly accepting what her mother had to give.

Linnie’s heart throbbed almost violently as Yukio’s tongue penetrated her mouth. Mummy’s really kissing me, the astonished child told herself, just like with her girlfriend!

Yukio had always been shy about open displays of affection with her lovers, but Linnie had once watched as Mummy and another woman made out on the living room couch. She was supposed to be asleep, but had tiptoed into the kitchen for a glass of water, and found herself immediately enthralled by the sight of Mummy and her nice new friend Julia doing girlfriend stuff together.

Linnie had never seen anyone kiss that way before — tongues darting back and forth, meeting and mingling, almost as if their mouths were talking to one another, only without words.

She had wanted so badly to see more, but knew that Mummy would be very unhappy if she caught her little girl spying. So Linnie reluctantly crept back to bed, where she lay awake for a long while.

Ever since that night, the eight-year-old had dreamed of being kissed like that, and now she was — only it was Mummy whose tongue was flickering into her mouth, Mummy’s lips that moved in such a lovely way against hers. For that matter, it was Mummy’s hands that were exploring her body, touching her in places where no one else had ever touched before.

Linnie understood that yes, her mother was doing these things, but she still didn’t comprehend why.

Suddenly, with a blinding flash of realization, she knew what was happening, as if a veil had been ripped away with a single sharp tug. Oh my gosh… it’s, it’s me — I’m Mummy’s girlfriend now!

It was an idea so big that she could barely grasp it — only lie dazed on top of her naked mother, feeling a soft tongue circling her lips. But — but why would she want to be girlfriends with me? I’m just a kid! I don’t have boobs, or a sexy big butt, or anything!

Yet Mummy was kissing her mouth, just like real lovers did… and she sure seemed excited about doing it! They were such warm, delicious, yummy yummy yum kisses, too.

She ought to have been scared — well, she was, just a little. Mostly, though, Linnie was ecstatic. She’d dreamed of being loved like this by another girl someday, when she was a few years older — but to have her mother, the most beautiful woman in the whole world, who the eight-year-old child adored more than anyone, giving her this… it was enough to make Linnie’s heart swell with joy.

Suddenly the girl felt Alex’s soft lips graze her ear, whispering, “Kiss your mommy back, Linnie… that’s what she wants.”

Thrilled as she already was, Linnie felt a fresh surge of excitement at Alex’s suggestion.

Hesitantly at first, she allowed her tongue to touch Mummy’s, as if introducing herself. Then she began to share in the kissing, no longer letting her mother do all the work.

Linnie’s excitement soared when Yukio moaned into her mouth, then returned her kiss with a passion that stole the child’s breath away. Now their tongues were mingling freely, and Mummy was even touching her bottom with both hands!

Yukio seethed with desire. This was love as she never imagined it could be, sex and magic bound together in the small, bare body of her little girl. She stroked and squeezed Linnie’s pert little behind, on the verge of allowing her fingers to steal between the child’s thighs to explore her bare slit.

Continue on to Chapter 4


Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 2

  • Posted on September 5, 2016 at 11:55 am

By JetBoy (with babykeiko)

The story thus far: Nine-year-old model Linnie is doing an intimate, after-hours session in the studio of professional photographer Alexandra, known to all as Alex. For the first time, their shoot is also attended by Linnie’s lesbian mother Yukio, who has a serious but unspoken crush on Alex. Yukio gets increasingly turned on by Alex as the session proceeds… but is also surprised (and dismayed) to find herself feeling aroused by the sight of her scantily-clad daughter. She does her best to fight these feelings, trying to center her attention on Alex.


Taking a deep breath, Yukio directed her attention to the full, braless breasts of the photographer, imagining those huge nipples stiffening as she licked them.

Beneath the bright lights, Linnie was enjoying those lovely, dreamy feelings again, that growing feeling of ticklish warmth in the core of her tummy. And somehow, the presence of her mother made those feelings seem even nicer. The beautiful eight-year-old had never heard the word “exhibitionist” before; indeed, didn’t even know there was such a word — but Linnie knew how much she liked having Alex look at her when she was nearly naked. Now the child realized that being on display for Mummy was every bit as exciting.

Alex moved to reposition Linnie, this time laying the little girl on her tummy. Then she lightly tugged at the ties to the spaghetti straps on Linnie’s shoulders, undoing them both. Stepping back to her camera, Alex squeezed off a dozen shots before returning to the prone girl. She guided Linnie up into a sitting position, and the gauzy top fell off.

Though she had seen her daughter nude many times before, this time Yukio was left breathless at the sight of Linnie’s boyish upper half, how utterly flawless it was — the dancer-like elegance of the child’s body, the warm golden hue of her skin, the tiny but visibly erect nipples, a promising signpost of the day when Linnie would ripen into puberty.

More photos were taken. Suddenly Alex paused in her work, reaching down to grasp the bottom of the t-shirt she wore before tugging the thin garment over her head in a single motion, revealing tufts of soft blonde hair under her arms for a brief instant before carelessly casting the shirt aside. “Just so you’re not the only one without a top,” Alex murmured as she smiled at the half-naked little girl, a slight huskiness to her voice.

Yukio’s heart smashed against her ribcage as the now topless photographer approached Linnie again, her slightly drooping breasts jiggling with every step she took, each movement she made. She glanced at her daughter — then froze, nearly gasping out loud at the expression on the child’s face. Linnie was staring openly at Alex’s naked upper half, lips slightly parted, utterly mesmerized, a soft red coloring the golden tone of her cheeks.

Yukio’s head swam as she saw her own desires clearly mirrored in the face of her underage daughter. She’d never given much thought to Linnie’s sexuality before, but now she wondered: Could my little girl have a crush on Alex…?

Amazingly enough, the idea of her child feeling a sexual attraction for a woman only intensified her own arousal. Her panties were becoming wet, and the core of Yukio’s sex throbbed and burned like a roaring furnace. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, telling herself: Stop thinking about her like this! She’s your daughter, she’s only eight, it’s wrong.

Alex carefully paced in a circle around Linnie, studying the child as if deciding how to pose her next, all the while giving Yukio a good look at her breasts, which bobbed enticingly with each step she took. A quick glance at her daughter made it clear that Linnie was watching them, too.

Suddenly kneeling before the child, Alex reached out to pull on the bow string of Linnie’s bikini underpants. It came undone, and the woman slowly, slowly pulled them away, fully revealing the bare beauty of the little girl’s vulva.

Linnie felt as if she were floating. It felt so good, so wonderful to be undressed… completely naked, every bit of her body revealed the way she’d wanted it to be, letting Miss Alex see everything she had.

And there was her mommy, just a few feet away, gazing at her in a way that made Linnie shiver. Miss Alex thinks I’m pretty with my clothes off, she happily told herself. And so does Mommy.

Alex reached out to touch Linnie’s cheek. “You are the loveliest creature, little one… absolutely perfect.”

Linnie blushed, gazing up at her bare-breasted friend with adoring eyes. Alex smiled back, then became the seasoned professional again, carefully positioning the body of her young model. She straightened one leg until it extended out before the sitting child, leaving the other bent at the knee, Linnie’s right buttock barely touching her heel. Lifting the girl’s right arm, Alex placed Linnie’s hand upon the back of her neck, leaving her elbow raised at a sharp angle.

Stepping away, she studied her work — then nodding in approval, moved to her camera.

Yukio’s heart continued to thrum rapidly, both hands tangled tightly in her lap. She hardly knew where to look. On one hand, Alex’s womanly body made her ache inside, especially those large, slightly drooping breasts, capped by huge, downward-pointing nipples that cried out to be sucked. But then there was her nude daughter, transformed by some strange magic into a sexy nymphet — her legs wide apart, the view of Linnie’s sex affecting Yukio as it never had before.

And Linnie saw her looking, yet not only was the little girl unfazed by her mother’s attention, she seemed to welcome it; posing proudly, completely unashamed of her own nakedness.

She wants me to see her, Yukio realized with a start.

She stared intently at the hairless, thickly lipped slit. Was it her imagination, or was her daughter’s vagina glistening slightly? Was Linnie sexually aroused? Was Alex?

Her eyes shifted from the woman to the child, the child to the woman… and Yukio found herself unable to say which of the two excited her most. She was certain, though, of which of them should not be making her feel this way, should not be stirring these lovely warm feelings below her belly…

At the camera, Alex ran through more than twenty shots, then straightened herself to gaze thoughtfully at Linnie, absently stroking her chin. Suddenly turning to the girl’s mother, she said, “Miss Shimizu…”

Startled and crashing out of her reverie, Yukio gaped at Alex. “Y-yes?” Unable to help herself, she stole yet another quick glance at Alex’s bare breasts, then blushed hotly at the amused glint she saw in the older woman’s eyes, embarrassed to have been caught looking.

Alex smiled gently. “I, um, wanted to take some shots of a mother with her daughter…and it would be very helpful to me if you posed for a little while with Linnie.”

Yukio gaped at the half-naked woman. “I d-don’t know…” she stammered.

“You can do it,” soothed Alex. “Don’t be shy. You have a lovely body… and I know that you and Linnie will be beautiful together.” She tapped her camera. “No one will ever see these photos, you have my word on that. They’re for my private files — and for you, of course.”

The blood roared in Yukio’s veins as the true meaning of Alex’s words hit home, and she realized what the photographer was asking her to do. You have a lovely body. As casually as that!

She glanced at her daughter, a shiver racing through her body when she saw Linnie nod eagerly, her eyes dancing with excitement. “Yes, Mummy!” the child cried. “Come and pose with me!”

Yukio stared up at Alex again. Every atom of common sense she possessed told her to refuse. And yet… she was in love with this woman. How many times since meeting Alex had she masturbated, imagining herself in bed with her, buried beneath the weight of this luscious Amazon, being kissed by her until she could scarcely breathe?

You have a lovely body. Could she really say no, deny Alex what she wanted? And isn’t this what I want, too? Yukio asked herself.

“It would mean a lot if you could do this,” Alex softly said, her gaze calm and even. “I’d be… very grateful.” Her hand rested for a heartbeat on Yukio’s upper arm. So warm…

It was all too much to consider. Best to simply give in, to do as she had as a timid girl of twelve when Sophie first kissed her, and joyfully submit to the will of the stronger woman. After all, Alex’s strength was one of the qualities she loved most.

Legs trembling, Yukio removed her shoes, then slowly stood, taking a deep, calming breath. Then she reached for the top button of her blouse.

Slowly, methodically, she unfastened each one, finally opening the garment and shrugging it from her shoulders to reveal a small black bra. Too nervous to meet Alex’s gaze, Yukio carefully folded her blouse, then placed it on the sofa she’d just vacated. Undoing the hook of her skirt, she slid the dark material down the length of her legs to her ankles, carefully stepping from it.

Now dressed only in her bra, matching panties and knee-high stockings, Yukio paused to steady her nerves, then reached behind, biting her lower lip as she unfastened the bra. Her hands were clumsy, and it took a couple of tries to get the small clasp undone, but after a few seconds she allowed the lace cups to fall away, revealing her breasts. They were very small, but exquisite. She had been nearly flat-chested for most of her life, but pregnancy had bestowed her with A-cups. A gift from my daughter, she called them.

Struggling with her instinctive shyness, Yukio forced herself to lower both arms rather than fold them over her chest. It was nearly as difficult for her to raise her eyes to meet those of the half-nude Alex, but she somehow managed the task, a new surge of desire coursing through her belly as she read the hunger and lust that was written on the photographer’s face. Now Yukio knew for certain that Alex wanted her.

Turning slightly to look at her daughter, Yukio’s arousal redoubled itself when she spied the awe in Linnie’s wide-open eyes. The girl was hugging herself tightly, seeming for all the world as if she were living out her most wondrous dream.

And at that moment, despite her reservations about these strange feelings she was having for her little girl, Yukio saw no good reason why Linnie shouldn’t see everything.

Moving back to the couch, she propped one foot on the seat’s edge, rolling the stocking down and off, then repeating the process with her other leg. She moved slowly, steeling herself for what she would be taking off next. Dropping both stockings beside her shoes, she took a deep breath before turning back to her audience.

Gripping the waistband of her jet-black panties, the petite woman closed her eyes for an instant before sliding them down her hips, over her legs and to the floor in one swift motion, fearful that she might not follow through on her intention to undress completely if she were to hesitate, even for a second.

Straightening herself, Yukio carefully stepped from the discarded underthings and stood utterly still, displaying herself to Linnie and Alex.

Linnie’s heart pounded so hard that it echoed in her ears, the eight-year-old quivering inside at the sight of her beautiful mother without any clothes on. It was something she’d never, ever imagined getting to see for herself. Mummy had always been very private about her own body, wearing nothing more revealing than a knee-length bathrobe around the apartment. And ever since Linnie had begun to notice how nice the sight of pretty women made her feel deep inside, she’d ached to see more of Mummy, much more.

And now Mummy was naked, standing just a few feet away, letting her and Alex look at… at everything!

The child’s eyes drank in every part of her mother’s body, wanting to remember it all in case this magical moment never happened again.

She’s so beautiful, an enchanted Linnie mused. Hope I’m pretty as she is when I grow up.

She studied Mummy’s boobies. They were much, much smaller than Alex’s, but somehow just right for her size; capped with deep brown nipples that made the little girl think of chocolate.

That’s how I got milk from Mummy, Linnie told herself, trying to remember what it was like to be nestled in those gentle arms, her mouth fastened to a warm breast.

Her mother’s arms and legs were slender and elegant, shoulders delicately sculpted, the tummy soft and welcoming. She was lovely all over, but Linnie found her gaze especially drawn to Mummy’s kitty — that special, secret place that every girl and woman had between their legs.

She knew that women had hair down there, at least most of them did — but she’d never seen such a thing  for real, not until now. Mummy’s dark triangle seemed incredibly soft, and Linnie found herself longing to touch it, to know what it felt like. Wonder if she’d let me? the child asked herself. The very thought made her shiver.

Yukio’s eyes widened slightly as Alex took a step toward her. Is she going to seduce me in front of my daughter? she wondered. And… and how would I react if she did? She hadn’t thought things out as far as this — the possibility of her eight-year-old watching as she had sex with a woman. Oddly enough, the idea seemed mysteriously alluring.

But the photographer only walked around Yukio in a circle, studying her naked body, appraising it. Yukio forced herself to remain motionless — letting Alex take a good look, quivering inside as she waited for something, anything to happen, half-eager, half-terrified. Alex kept both hands to herself, though.

Little Linnie gazed eagerly at her mummy and Alex, both undressed and so close together — a sight that put some very interesting ideas into her head.

She knew that Mummy liked women instead of men. Nearly a year ago, Yukio had sat down with her child to explain that she was a lesbian, and what that word meant. She told Linnie that she would like to bring girlfriends home once in awhile, and asked if that was all right.

Rather than become upset, as Yukio had feared, Linnie had been elated. At her age she didn’t care at all for boys, generally finding them a childish nuisance. The knowledge that women could be with each other was a wondrous revelation to her.

Then and there, Linnie decided that she too would be a lesbian when she grew up, but she’d been too bashful to tell Mummy that.

When Yukio had explained her sexual preference to Linnie, she’d told her daughter all about how women who were attracted to one another would “make love.” Linnie had heard that expression before, but the way Mummy said it made those words come alive in the child’s imagination.

That night, Linnie lay in bed hugging a pillow, picturing her mother with her clothes off, in bed and cuddling with another pretty lady. Then she began to think about her own future, dreaming of the day when she’d be old enough to have a girlfriend.

In her mind’s eye Linnie saw an older, shapelier version of herself, hugging a teenage girl with long blonde hair. Their eyes would meet for a moment before they kissed, pressing their mouths together the way men and women did it on television.

It was a vision that left Linnie warm all over, one that she would find herself returning to again and again in the nights to come.

Since then, the eight-year-old often felt a secret, delicious thrill at the sight of beautiful women, in photos and in real life. Now, Linnie experienced a heated rush of excitement as she watched Alex, wearing only panties, closely observing her naked mother.

What if Miss Alex and Mummy became lovers? she pondered. That thought was so wonderful that she wanted to hold it, hug it close.

Yukio stood stock-still, quaking inside and not wanting it to show as she felt the eyes of Alex upon her. She ached for the touch of the photographer, now standing close enough for Yukio to sense her body heat, to breathe in the perfume of her skin. Oh, Alex, she silently pleaded, do something… don’t just make me stand here like this.

Lost in her thoughts, Yukio started when Alex finally spoke. “You’re very beautiful, Miss Shimizu,” the older woman murmured, still feasting her eyes on Yukio’s nudity. “Even more so than I imagined.” Alex’s voice was low and sensual, the purr of a contented cat. “Like a teenage beauty, so elegant and petite… utterly flawless.”

“Th-thank you,” stammered Yukio, her heart racing as, once again, she waited for Alex to make a move — a kiss on the cheek, a hand on her shoulder, anything.

Instead, the photographer said, now sounding completely matter-of-fact, “Well, then… why don’t you go sit on the bed with Linnie?”

Yukio’s gaze shifted from Alex to her daughter, somehow knowing what she would see. Sure enough, little Linnie was practically bouncing in anticipation, the bed jiggling along with her nodding head.

Yukio felt her heart swell with a surge of adoration for her beautiful child. Then she was moving, placing one foot in front of another, padding over where a very naked Linnie waited. With each step, Yukio was conscious of the growing warmth and wetness between her thighs.

She carefully climbed onto the bed, seating herself in a lotus position beside her daughter, who immediately threw both arms around her, hugging Yukio tightly as she squirmed into her mother’s lap. “Mummy… oh, Mummy,” whispered Linnie, “I like you posing with me.”

The lighting suddenly dimmed, and a startled Yukio glanced up to see Alex moving away from one of the large lamps. Noting Yukio’s stare, the photographer grinned. “I thought we’d go with more intimate lighting for these shots.”

Yukio turned back to her daughter. God, I’m on fire, she thought, knowing that her passion was made even stronger by the softness and warmth of the little girl’s body, now pressed enticingly against hers. I really shouldn’t feel this way, the young mother told herself, even as her arms encircled Linnie’s bare body. It’s wrong to be so, so stimulated by my own child… by this whole situation. Isn’t it?

She knew that her hunger for Alex was what had her so keyed-up and confused. But in some weird way, Linnie was also awakening a longing that lurked deep within Yukio’s soul. Only occasionally had she found herself attracted to very young girls, and she’d never felt that way about her daughter. But now she was seeing something in Linnie that she never had before. The way she looked at me when I was standing there naked… Once again, she wondered if her eight-year-old could be a budding lesbian.

Now Linnie was straddling her thigh, and Yukio shivered as the child’s warm, dewy slit pressed against her skin. She felt a panicky impulse to pull away from her daughter, seize her clothes and bolt from the room. I can’t think these things about Linnie, she told herself. I can’t, I can’t!

Still, Yukio remained where she was, cuddling her nude little girl, resisting a sudden, crazy desire to slide her hands down Linnie’s body and caress that flawless bottom.

Continue on to Chapter 3


Close-Ups: Images of Desire, Chapter 1

  • Posted on August 29, 2016 at 11:17 am

By JetBoy (with babykeiko)

It was warm in the photography studio beneath the dazzling intensity of the lights, but eight-year-old Lynn, Linnie to her mother and nearly everyone who knew her, was used to it.

She’d been an experienced model for years, posing since she was a toddler in ads for children’s clothes, toy catalogs, family restaurants and the like. Linnie was popular with advertising agencies for her cherubic face, long, full-bodied hair, golden-hued skin, and a certain adorable aspect that just couldn’t be faked. The camera loved her, and that love translated into steady work for the little girl.

But this session was special. In the last few months Linnie had become the preferred child model of one of her regular photographers, a woman named Alex. They worked together frequently for commercial shoots. Recently, though, Linnie’s time with Alex had drifted more and more into the realm of private photography, posing for snapshots not meant to be seen by the public. There was a smaller, private corner of Alex’s loft that she and the child would move to after the work was done. There several cameras waited, loaded and ready.

A pattern quickly developed between photographer and model — first, the regular commercial assignments, then their special session, consisting of whatever Alex wanted.

Initially, they began with little Linnie in things like cute tops and shorts, pajamas and bathing suits — but as the child grew increasingly comfortable, the outfits became skimpier, even sexier. The photographs were dreamy and sensuous, never lewd or distasteful.

Though Linnie had been a little uneasy at first with the intimacy of these private sessions, she quickly came to enjoy them much more than her regular modeling jobs. First of all, she loved the attention from Alex — whose full name was Alexandra, though Linnie always addressed her as “Miss Alex.” She was a large but attractive woman, her body soft and full, even Rubenesque. Yet she possessed a strength and assurance that gave her a truer beauty than many of the models Linnie encountered in her day-to-day work.

Linnie loved the way that Alex took charge during a shoot, never treating her like a silly little girl or calling her babyish names, the way so many of the other photographers did. Instead, the woman was very direct with her instructions, just as she would be with a grownup model. Linnie wanted to be as professional as she could, not needing to think about the job, just to be herself in the presence of someone who loved her. Linnie knew, deep down inside, that Alex did love her, too.

Truth be told, she also enjoyed the naughty outfits Alex gave her to wear — but most of all, she loved how it felt to reveal her body to the older woman. Being a child, Linnie’s understanding of sexuality was still dimly defined, but for her there was a very real thrill in modeling without wearing much in the way of clothes, and in being photographed in strange poses unlike any she’d ever attempted for toy advertisements. This work was a little bit scary but incredibly exciting, and somehow it made her feel more like a grownup than ever before. Posing for Alex in skimpy underthings gave her all sorts of luscious sensations down in her tummy. Even her kitty, that mysterious place between her legs, would become all warm and tingly. To Linnie, it was like kisses and a hot bath and chocolate — all at once!

After the first few of these special, more intimate sessions, the directions from Alex started to become physical, rather than verbal. Instead of giving Linnie instructions, the woman would often simply move the child into the poses she wanted: a leg bent this way, her arm elegantly arched over her head, her bottom teasingly presented to the camera. The girl’s heart would skip a beat as Alex silently turned her onto one side, then touched a thigh with warm, soft hands as she positioned it, her body molded and arranged to fit the photographer’s imagination.

Alex always dressed in a very casual way around Linnie. Then gradually, over the course of the shoot, the woman would somehow end up wearing less and less, though Linnie seldom saw her remove a piece of clothing. It was as if Alex magically became exposed, a little at a time — just as Linnie herself was inching ever nearer to nudity without quite getting there.

The child was fascinated with the older woman’s body, and never missed an opportunity to steal a furtive glance at the scantily-clad photographer as she snapped off one shot after another. Alex was every inch a woman, and Linnie loved to peek at her pendulous breasts, nipples clearly visible beneath the thin t-shirts she wore. Then there was her cute belly button, easily seen if the top Alex wore was short enough, nestled in her soft, slightly rounded tummy.

But best of all, Linnie decided, was Alex’s round, inviting bottom, especially when covered only by plain cotton panties. The child’s heart seemed to beat faster when she saw the shadowy line between Alex’s buttocks, occasionally detectable when she moved or stood in a certain way.

Alex kept her studio very warm — “to keep you comfy, sweetheart,” she always said. So for her to shed items of clothing while she worked made perfect sense, yet it only added to the strange, wonderful feelings that the awed eight-year-old experienced while she posed.

Once a few of these private shoots had taken place, Linnie found herself longing for Alex to take things even further than before; to tell her to take off everything, to completely expose her body. Then perhaps Alex would undress as well, giving the child a good look at what she wanted to see so very much.

To Linnie, the prospect of a glimpse at the older woman’s nudity was like a long denied, eagerly awaited treat. The child loved to look at pictures of naked women, including the ones Alex had taken that adorned this part of the studio, and it always made her light-headed to imagine what it would be like, seeing her beloved Miss Alex without any clothes on at all.

For this shoot, Linnie was on a lovely faux-antique bed with a carved oaken frame, the large mattress covered with a buttery yellow spread. The girl wore the tiniest of bikini undies, with little bow ties on the sides and two pretty butterflies on the front of the panties to conceal the outline of her babyish pudenda. Her ensemble was topped by a filmy, see-through top with spaghetti straps over her slim shoulders.

Usually, Alex’s special sessions with Linnie were conducted in complete privacy. Once the commercial work was done, the studio was cleared of onlookers, and the photographer’s assistant, who handled the lighting and makeup, was sent home for the day. So there was no one to see the titillating outfits the little girl wore, or the provocative positions Alex had her assume.

This day, though… this day was different. There was a silent witness to the sensual display.

Linnie’s mother Yukio watched from a nearby couch placed against the wall, taking in the view while Alex and her daughter worked together. And though the sofa was plush and deep, Yukio was perched on the edge of her seat, eyes wide as she drank in the lovely sight of the woman and the child, both scantily clad.

Linnie was in her barely-there bikini underthings, while Alex was barefoot, wearing only red panties and a white “wife beater” top that poorly concealed her generous breasts. Her discarded bra dangled from an unused tripod, and her nipples were so prominent beneath the flimsy top that their pinkness could be seen.

Yukio found herself enthralled by the beauty of her little girl, how the sensual nature of Linnie’s poses made the nearly nude eight-year-old seem, for the first time, like a sexual creature. But her attention, for the most part, was centered on Alex. Her heart throbbed as she gazed longingly at the full-figured photographer, who was busily snapping one shot after another.

The 35-year-old Japanese woman was smitten by Alex, and had been from the moment she introduced herself to her daughter’s new employer. As they first shook hands, Yukio was trembling inside, her body seething with desire.

Alex reminded Yukio of her very first lover, a babysitter named Sophie who had taken her to bed when Yukio had been an awkward girl of twelve.

Sophie was a gym teacher from a nearby high school, and she had been amazingly warm and friendly with little Yukio from the start. The shy Japanese preteen was a lonely child, too often ignored by her career- driven parents, while Sophie was a lesbian in her late twenties with an unsatisfied appetite for young girls.

Perhaps it was inevitable that they would become intimate. In fact, they first made love when Sophie was staying overnight with Yukio, looking after the young girl while her parents were out of town for a corporate conference.

She’d been nervous and a bit frightened at first, but when she finally understood what Sophie wanted, Yukio eagerly gave herself over to her babysitter — first, nestling in the woman’s arms, sharing soft kisses that gradually grew increasingly passionate, then climbing the stairs hand in hand with Sophie to her bedroom, where she meekly allowed herself to be undressed.

Then Yukio lay naked upon the bed, watching with huge eyes as Sophie removed every bit of her own clothing, then posed proudly for the little girl, hands resting on her shapely hips.

Yukio still recalled how her heart throbbed as she drank in the sight of Sophie’s magnificent body, so unlike the boyish frame she herself had possessed in those days. She had large and slightly drooping breasts like soft, pink pears, made for nuzzling, while her nipples were absolutely huge and pointed downward from her generous chest. She had a lovely, somewhat bulging tummy and a body with enough bulk to make her full-figured rather than fat.

Sophie had stood at the foot of the bed long enough to let her new lover have a good look, then climbed on to lie beside Yukio, taking the slender twelve-year-old into her arms and claiming her mouth in a sweet French kiss.

Their first time together was intense, driven, the lust of the woman harmonizing perfectly with the girl’s excitement. When Sophie lay between Yukio’s quivering thighs and licked wildly at the virginal slit, the dazzled child could only whimper, certain that nothing else in the whole world could feel as good as this…

The second time Sophie made love to her was all gentleness, tender caresses coupled with the feather-light touch of lips on skin, their bare bodies moving languidly together amidst the tangled sheets until Yukio came again. And once she’d regained her breath, the timid young girl became bold, eager to return the pleasures she’d been given.

More than two decades later, watching Alex and her daughter at work, Yukio shivered as she remembered the thick, dark curls adorning Sophie’s pubis, the glistening pink flesh that lurked beneath them, the warm wetness that she found waiting within the juicy slit when she fingered her new lover — and, nicest of all, the tart, rich taste when she licked it for the first time.

Still recalling the loveliness of Sophie’s sex, Yukio found herself staring at the front of Alex’s panties while the woman reloaded her camera, wondering if she shaved or not.

Yukio was only able to repeat her intimacy with Sophie on three other occasions, but these were more than enough to convince her that she was meant to love women — and sure enough, with a single exception, all her lovers and sexual partners had been female.

Her daughter Linnie had been the result of Yukio’s only sexual experience with a man; a Nigerian doctor named Okwe, who she’d met while on vacation in London not long after completing her Master’s degree. She had found him immensely charming, and was surprised to find herself allowing him to take her to bed. In fact, she slept with him several more times during her week in England. They’d always used protection, but it had clearly failed at least once.

Yukio was stunned to learn of her pregnancy a few weeks after returning to the States. For days she agonized over what to do, then finally resolved to keep and raise the child herself. Seven months later, Lynn was born.

Linnie’s remarkable beauty was a mixture of the best features of both her parents. The elegant lines of her face and the gently curved mouth came from Yukio, while the laughing brown eyes had been one of Okwe’s nicest attributes. The thick, curly hair seemed to owe more to Africa, while the golden tone to her skin was a blend of both races. Whatever her heritage, though, there was no doubt that Linnie was an enchanting creature.

Back in the here and now, a surge of renewed desire flowed through Yukio’s slight form as Alex bent forward for a couple of shots, the material of her panties stretching enough to reveal the crease between her buttocks. Yukio squirmed in her seat as she imagined herself kneeling behind Alex and kissing her bare bottom, then licking a moist path through the woman’s anal cleft.

Setting her camera aside, Alex padded over to Linnie and, without a word, positioned the child so that she was kneeling, both hands resting on her head. Once she had the pose she wanted, Alex began to rapidly snap off shot after shot, getting views of Linnie’s front and profile.

Noticing that her little girl’s nipples were quite visible through the filmy top she wore, Yukio was surprised to find that the sight of her child’s partial nudity only added to her own arousal.

It’s all erotic, she decided, all of it. The whole scene playing out before me. Alex, my daughter, the sexy underthings… it’s all part of the same living dream. She would have given anything to be Linnie at that moment: a pliable doll, there for the sexy photographer to use as she wished.

As if she intended to tease the enthralled mother even more, Alex chose that moment to arrange Linnie again, this time positioning the child on her back with knees folded sideways, fully exposing the crotch of her panties.

Although Yukio knew she oughtn’t to look, her eyes were drawn between the child’s thighs, and a shiver fluttered up and down her spine as she perceived the contours of her daughter’s sex through the skimpy underpants. Linnie had prominent labia for her age, and Yukio could detect the very slight rise of her little girl’s mound. Once again she recalled the lovely flower of Sophie’s vagina, the first she had ever seen up close, and how enchanted she had been by her first lover’s rose-hued lips…

Suddenly angry with herself, Yukio pressed the nails of her right hand into the soft skin of her thigh, willing the sharp pain to sweep away the fevered thoughts that whirled madly inside her head. Alex was the one she wanted, the object of her lust. Why, then, was the sight of her barely-clad daughter feeding that hunger?

Then an image entered, unbidden, into the shocked woman’s mind. She saw herself and Linnie in bed together, the two of them naked, their bodies gently entwined as if they had just made love. Linnie was nuzzling her mummy’s breasts, while Yukio was cupping her child’s firm little bottom with both hands.

No, Yukio admonished herself, clenching her jaw. I won’t allow these thoughts. I won’t!

Once more she gazed at Alex, forcibly banishing these fantasies of incest and pedophilia to the darkest recesses of her mind.

Continue on to Chapter 2


Tucked In

  • Posted on July 21, 2016 at 1:25 pm

By JetBoy

Image result for mother and daughter in bed

Wearing a long, gossamer-thin nightdress, Helen entered her niece Julia’s bedroom, turning to close the door behind her. She gazed at the young girl, seated in her bed, reading a Harry Potter book, Helen had forgotten which one. Her pulse throbbed at the sight of Julia’s innocent beauty.

Gently closing the door behind, Helen paused to moisten her lips, fighting to steady her voice before she spoke to the girl. Julia was enthralled by her book, all but unaware of her aunt’s presence. “Hello, precious.”

Julia slowly raised her head, giving her aunt a sweet smile.

The twelve-year-old girl was staying at Helen’s house while her mother, Helen’s older sister Susan, attended a sales convention. Helen was always glad to look after Julia any time she could — especially now that the cute moppet she used to babysit had blossomed into such a luscious preteen.

Julia closed her book, marking the place with her thumb. “Hi, Aunt Helen. Bedtime already?”

Helen nodded and said, “Yes, dear. Time to go to sleep.”

Glancing wistfully down at the thick volume, Julia sighed. “It’s sooooo hard to stop reading. You really wanna know what happens next.” She giggled. “But the whole book’s like that!”

“It’ll still be there for you tomorrow,” Helen said. “Come on now. Let’s get you settled in.”

“Kiss me goodnight first?” Julia asked shyly, and Helen felt her heart flip.

“Of course I will, sweetheart,” she replied. Gently taking the book from Julia and setting it to one side, Helen turned down the covers as Julia drew both knees up to her chin. That accomplished, Helen patted the bed. “Come on, honey, get underneath and I’ll tuck you in.”

Julia stretched out, wriggling her bottom down until her shoulders and head were resting on the pillow. As she moved, Helen caught what might have been a fleeting glimpse of the girl’s vulva through the gauzy pajama bottoms she wore — pink shorts that also left most of Julia’s bare legs on display. This provocative sleepwear had been Helen’s present to Julia, though she got even more pleasure from them than her niece did.

The sight, imagined or not, hit Helen like a blast of raw heat. Could Julia be wearing those without panties? she wondered.

Heart racing, she lifted the sheet and draped it over Julia’s legs, about halfway up her thighs, then sat on the edge of the bed.

“Do you like your new pajamas?” Helen asked.

“I do, lots! They’re very nice. Thank you again for getting them for me,” Julia replied. Peering down at the skimpy bottoms, she added, “I don’t think Mommy would like them, though.”  She pouted briefly, then visibly brightened. “Could I maybe leave my jammies here, Aunt Helen? I could wear them just for you.”

It took everything Helen had to keep from wrapping both arms around the young girl and kissing her full on the mouth. But she managed somehow to restrain herself, murmuring as she brushed a loose lock of hair from Julia’s face, “Why don’t you think your mommy would like your pajamas, sweetheart?”

Julia looked embarrassed, and her long eyelashes batted demurely as she said, “Because they are — well, the bottoms are so short, they’re sort of… sexy.”

“And she doesn’t want you to look sexy?” Helen asked, carefully placing her hand on the bed next to Julia’s thigh.

“No,” Julia said, a sulky tone to her voice. “Mommy always wants me to dress like I’m still a little kid!” She huffed in exasperation. “She says that girls that let their legs show are bad… the sort of girls, she says, who — who touch themselves.” Julia’s hand flew to her mouth, the girl’s eyes going wide as it struck her — what she’d just said.

“Touch themselves?” Helen queried with a raised brow.

Julia couldn’t look Helen in the eye, her cheeks burning as she whispered, “You know, touch themselves… down there.”

“Oh,” said Helen. “Don’t you ever touch yourself that way, sweetheart?”

“No!” blurted the young girl, biting her bottom lip before continuing. “Well… I did once, when I was in the shower.” She looked up at Helen through her long lashes, the perfect picture of innocence as she continued. “I didn’t mean to, Aunt Helen! I was just washing myself and it felt really good there, and, um…”

“And what, sweetheart?” Helen encouraged the young girl, her hand lightly resting on Julia’s silk-covered hip.

“It felt funny and… kinda nice, really. I wanted to keep doing it, but I thought about what Mommy said and I stopped,” Julia mumbled. Suddenly a look of fear stole across her sweet features. “You — you won’t tell her, will you, Aunt Helen?” she pleaded. “I didn’t mean to, but Mommy would be mad anyhow.”

God, Susan has turned into such a moralistic tight-ass, Helen thought. She smiled reassuringly, her hand gliding gently up Julia’s hip as she said, “No, honey, I won’t tell your mother. It’ll be our special secret.”

Once more the lashes batted as Julia said. “I do love you, Aunt Helen. Thank you for being so sweet to me.”

“And I love you, precious,” Helen replied gently. “That’s why I bought you the pajamas, you know. You’re such a pretty little girl… but you’re also growing up, so you ought to know what it’s like to feel sexy, to feel loved.” She leaned closer. “And it’s not wrong to touch yourself, sweetheart, no matter what my sister tells you. I do it all the time.”

Julia looked shocked and stammered. “You… you do?”

“Whenever I can,” Helen said with a conspiratorial wink. “I love making myself feel good — and so should you.”

Julia giggled, a sound like water flowing over stones in a brook. But the laughter stopped, her eyes growing wide as the tips of Helen’s fingers lightly traced a path up her bare thigh and onto the front of her pajama bottoms, brushing along the top of her mound. “Aunt Helen…?” she breathed.

“What, precious?” Helen asked as her hand slipped beneath the waistband of the young girl’s pajamas. To her delight, Julia had chosen to wear them without panties. Her fingers traced small circles in the soft down that adorned her niece’s vulva, drawing a gasp from Julia. “Does this feel good, honey?”

Julia said nothing, just nibbled her lower lip as she gazed wide-eyed at her aunt.

“It’s all right,” Helen assured her. “I won’t tell your mother. Doesn’t it feel nice… being touched like this?”

Barely above a whisper, Julia replied, “Yes…”

Helen smiled, “Is it making you feel funny? Kind of like when you get butterflies in your tummy — only lower down?”

A small, almost imperceptible nod of Julia’s head confirmed this. Helen couldn’t help but notice Julia’s nipples, now clearly outlined through the thin fabric of her top. Her lips barely touching the girl’s ear, she whispered. “Do you feel funny anywhere else, precious?”

With a look of embarrassment Julia confessed, “My… my b-boobies.” She gave her aunt a nervous glance, uncertain about using such a grownup word.

But Aunt Helen only smiled warmly. “How do they feel?”

Julia swallowed and bit her bottom lip before mumbling, “They feel all warm… and tingly.”

“Let me take a look,” Helen purred, slowly pulling on the bow that held the silken top closed with her free hand, watching with rising excitement as the loop shrank and vanished. Without the restraining knot the top slipped open, revealing the supple treasures within.

Helen spread her niece’s top the rest of the way open, exposing a budding breast. “You are so beautiful, child,” she breathed as her hand slid further down inside Julia’s pajamas to caress her sex, her exploring fingers drawing a tiny gasp from the young girl.

Helen watched the rise and fall of the girl’s bare breast, eyes alight in awe as Julia’s nipple began to stiffen, crying out to be touched, kissed, suckled. But the lust-drunk woman knew she had all the time in the world — and as her fingertips gently teased her niece’s now moist labia, she unveiled Julia’s other breast.

“May I show you how to kiss?” Helen asked — and without waiting for an answer she bent forward, lips brushing against Julia’s softly, the tip of her tongue detecting a hint of cherry lip balm.

Julia was frozen in shock. She didn’t try to stop her aunt, but neither did she respond as Helen slipped her tongue between the young girl’s parted lips, penetrating the warmth of her mouth.

At that moment, she wriggled the tip of her index finger into her niece’s vagina.

A moan sounded deep in Julia’s throat, and she began to tentatively respond to Helen’s searching tongue, shyly allowing hers to drift into her aunt’s welcoming mouth.

Surprising herself, the young teen hesitantly returned Helen’s kiss, then gasped in astonished wonder as that probing finger began to work its way in and out of her virginal slit, drawing forth more of the girl’s honey with each stroke.

Helen felt Julia quiver as the first tiny shocks of pleasure rippled through her, and she broke the kiss to look at her niece’s face, the girl’s eyes still wide with surprise.

“You like?” Helen asked with a smile.

Julia closed her eyes, hesitantly nodded.

Emboldened, Helen lightly touched the side of the girl’s breast, the backs of her long crimson nails sliding along the silky smooth skin, circling round and up towards the puckered tip. As she teased a taut nipple with her thumb, Helen allowed her finger to slip even deeper into Julia’s opening.

The young girl’s vagina clenched around the invading digit, Julia’s eyes widening further than ever as a pleasurable shudder overcame her nubile body.

“Do you want me to stop, precious?” Helen asked, a knowing smile on her lips.

Through shallow gasps Julia moaned, “Please don’t, please… Oh, this feels so nice, Aunt Helen.”

Helen licked her lips and, with deliberate slowness, dipped her head to envelop the young girl’s nipple as her finger slipped in and out of Julia’s slit. Teasing the pink bud with her tongue, she rolled the other between thumb and index finger, switching from one breast to the other then back again, leaving hints of red lipstick on her niece’s nipples.

By now Julia was moaning out loud, clutching her aunt’s head to her chest, rocking from side to side as strange new sensations flooded her body, threatening to overpower her with their intensity. Helen felt the soft body of her niece stiffen, the girl’s vagina gripping her finger as her orgasm found its release.

Julia let out a shriek as her whole world changed, made thrilling and new in one explosive moment.

Helen continued to kiss and suckle at her niece’s breasts until she felt the girl’s spasms fade to mere tremors.

Lifting her head, she studied Julia’s perfect face, flushed now and damp with sweat. The young girl’s smile said everything.

“Was that nice, then?” Helen asked gently as she let her finger slip out of Julia’s quivering pussy.

“Oh, Aunt Helen!” Julia all but sobbed with happiness. “That was wonderful. You’re so sweet, so good to me. W-why would Mommy not want me to feel like that?”

“I don’t know, but I think it would be better if we didn’t tell her… don’t you?” Helen said as she idly traced circles on the young girl’s stomach.

“I won’t tell,” Julia said solemnly. “Cross my heart.”

Helen smiled. “How does it feel down there now?”

“Warm… maybe a little sore,” Julia said, blushing a bit.

Untying the belt of her dressing gown as she stood, then letting her robe fall to the floor, Helen revealed her naked body. With a smile she said. “I can make it feel all better, precious.”

Turning back the sheet, Helen took hold of the waistband of Julia’s pajamas, then slowly pulled them down, giving the girl the opportunity to say no if she wanted. Instead, Julia helped by lifting her bottom clear of the bed, meekly allowing herself to be undressed. She wasn’t exactly sure what was happening, but the very idea of Aunt Helen wanting to see her with no clothes on sent a twinge of warmth through her still tingling sex.

Placing both hands on Julia’s knees, Helen gently parted her niece’s legs, exposing the source of the intoxicating scent that was now making itself felt. Drawn to it like a bee to a flower, Helen knelt before Julia and began to nuzzle the insides of the girl’s soft thighs.

Her kisses were delicate, like the touch of butterfly wings — moving gradually, steadily towards the sweet pink prize that awaited her between Julia’s legs. With the tip of her tongue Helen sampled her honey, savoring the heady aroma of arousal and drawing a soft whimper from her niece.

Helen licked at Julia’s slit, seeking out more of the young girl’s essence. She reached up, took hold of Julia’s right hand and guided it to the young girl’s breast, showing her how to fondle herself while Helen concentrated on her pussy.

Moaning with pleasure and bucking her hips, forcing her pussy against her aunt’s face, Julia thought she was in heaven… only to find she hadn’t quite reached the ultimate heights when Helen finally allowed her tongue to brush the young girl’s clitoris.

The shock of pleasure almost made Julia scream — but having felt it once, the young girl knew she wanted to experience it again and again, and Helen was only too happy to oblige as her niece began to grope her own breasts, pausing to pluck at the swollen nipples with fingers made clumsy in her innocent excitement..

Faster and faster, Helen’s tongue flicked her niece’s engorged pleasure button until the preteen girl did scream, shuddering helplessly as a climax tore through her like lightning.

Once Helen had brought Julia down from her orgasm, she lay down beside the panting little girl. Wrapping an arm around her now flushed niece, she drew Julia in until her head rested on Helen’s breast.

“Mmmmm… thank you, Aunt Helen,” Julia breathed, unaware of the happy tear forming in her aunt’s eye.

For a while they lay quietly in each other’s arms, Julia still drifting in a post-orgasmic haze. Suddenly Helen felt a finger stroking the top of her thigh and heard Julia shyly ask, “Uh… would you like for me to make you feel good, Aunt Helen?”

“You don’t have to,” Helen said, not wanting to take advantage of her sweet niece.

But Julia planted a soft kiss on the outside of Helen’s breast, then whispered, “But I’d like to…”

Without further words, the nude preteen began kissing her way down Helen’s body, her lips whisper-soft against her aunt’s tummy.

When Julia lay between Helen’s thighs, she gazed, utterly enthralled, at the first pussy she had ever seen up close. Slowly she reached out to brush the sticky labia with curious fingers, then cooed excitedly when her beautiful aunt moaned in response, parting her legs even further.

Julia dipped her head to press a loving kiss into the wet folds of Aunt Helen’s vagina, pausing to lick her lips — savoring the taste, finding it delicious. Eagerly the young girl burrowed her face between her aunt’s thighs, her tongue emerging to explore.

Helen fondled her breast with one hand while the other rested on Julia’s head, her fingers entwining in the young girl’s golden tresses. “Oh yes. Oh,” she whimpered. “Oh, my sweet child… that feels so — OH! — so good.”

As Julia pleasured her aunt she looked up over Helen’s mound, transfixing the older woman with her loving gaze, shaded by long, dark lashes. She was the very picture of the innocent slut — and a whimpering Helen couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sexy sight.

Julia licked and sucked at her aunt’s juicy cunt with abandon, happily making love to another female for the first time. It felt so good, so right — better than any of the awkward fumblings she’d experienced with boys.

Hands shaking, Helen indicated the throbbing nubbin of her clitoris. “Julia, my love… oh God, p-please lick me here. Oh. Oh yes.”

The young girl obliged, raising her face slightly to tease her aunt’s clit with the tip of her tongue — and the response was volcanic.

A shudder rocked Helen’s body, then she cried out as a shock of pure pleasure smashed through her, then another, then another. Her niece held on tightly, clutching Helen’s thighs, still pleasuring her aunt as best she could.

Finally the older woman stopped Julia with a hand on the girl’s head. “Oh, precious,” Helen gasped, “No — no more.”

Julia placed one last kiss upon her aunt’s vulva before crawling up the bed, flopping next to Helen in the place she had occupied earlier. Both women were flushed and breathing heavily.

“You look very sleepy, my angel,” Helen said at last, and immediately Julia stifled a yawn.

“I do feel tired, Aunt Helen,” Julia said dreamily. “Will you kiss me again before I fall asleep?” She tilted her head to peer up at her aunt, her hair in disarray, the pretty blue ribbon long since dislodged. The girl wore an expression of adoration on her face.

Helen smiled lovingly at her niece, then she let her lips find those of the sleepy girl in her arms. The kiss was warm and passionate.

“I love you, Aunt Helen,” Julia sighed happily as their lips parted. “Can we do this again? It was nice…” She yawned once more.

Helen sprinkled a few soft kisses on her niece’s face and neck. “Oh, precious,” she whispered, “I’ll make love to you whenever you like.” She sat up in the bed, swinging her legs to the floor. “Goodnight, Julia.”

Suddenly Julia’s eyes were open, and she seized her aunt’s hand. “No, Aunt Helen,” she pleaded, “don’t go. Please… stay with me.”

Helen’s heart fluttered as her adorable niece brought her hand to her lips, kissing the palm. “Okay, then,” she smiled, again hugging the young girl to her. They settled down together, snuggling close.

Soon Julia was fast asleep, her breathing regular and deep. Helen lay quietly, radiant with happiness, the object of her deepest desires naked and in her arms at long last.

The End


A Journey to My Sister

  • Posted on June 24, 2016 at 10:51 am

By JetBoy

I can still remember when I saw her, really saw her for the first time — because that was the moment that would ultimately change everything between me and my sister.

Carly was the younger sibling who I’d never paid much attention to, at least, no more than big sisters usually do. Oh, I tolerated her, but being five years younger, she might as well have come from a different generation. To me she was just an awkward kid who always had her nose buried in a book, while I was a typically self-obsessed teen, immersed in dating, fashion and high school society. We got along decently, but Carly wasn’t a huge part of my life until I came home from abroad at the age of nineteen, after studying literature in France for a year.

This story I’m going to tell you took place on my first return to the States, a few weeks after Carly’s fourteenth birthday. My parents had rented a huge vacation home at the beach, and invited my aunts, uncles and cousins to join us for a big family get-together. My plane had just made it in the night before the festivities got underway, and I was so wiped out by the time Dad got me there from the airport that I only had the strength to mumble a perfunctory greeting to my relations, then stumble upstairs to an unfamiliar bed.

I was the last to awaken the next morning, and by then nearly everyone had already eaten breakfast, changed into their swimsuits and were headed down to the beach. Carly, however, was still getting ready.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and there was my baby sister, fresh from the shower and toweling her bare body. The gawky adolescent that I remembered had been magically transformed into a golden nymph of breathtaking beauty.

She looked better than any girl I’d ever seen naked… and by then, I’d seen a few.

After several years of wondering, I’d finally admitted to myself not long after beginning my studies in Paris that I was a lesbian. During my stay, I enjoyed a couple of very hot flings with cute French girls, one of them not much older than Carly.

I stood there, rooted to the spot, taking in the sight of her. My heart throbbed as I studied her perky breasts and the sparse triangle of down between her legs. She had an incredible little ass, too. Then with a glance in the mirror, Carly noticed me staring.

Panicking, I blurted, “Oh, sorry!” before beating a hasty retreat.

The next thing I knew, I was sprawled out on the bed in my locked room, pajama bottoms bunched around one foot as I masturbated. When I exploded in a frenzied climax after about sixty seconds of finger play, I was actually whispering her name, which only inflamed me all the more. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d come so hard, even with a lover.

Afterward I felt guilty, getting aroused like that by my little sister — a girl who wasn’t even old enough to drive, for God’s sake. How fucked up was that?

Then I found myself wondering if thinking that way about Carly was really such a bad thing. I knew that incest was supposed to be wrong, but couldn’t figure out why — other than because everyone says it is. Still, that luscious glimpse I’d gotten of her continued to prey on my mind, and I couldn’t stop thinking about my sister in a way I knew I shouldn’t.

Somehow, I managed to convince myself that fooling around with Carly wouldn’t be so terrible. After all, I did love her, and she’d be a lot better off learning about sex from me than with some dorky boy. Most of all, I was eager to experience girl/girl sex again. Getting intimate with Carly just seemed like an amazingly hot idea, forbidden or not. The more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became.

Of course, I knew it was just a fantasy — and a stupid fantasy at that. How in hell does a girl make a move on her own sister?

Finally telling my dirty mind to shut the hell up, I took a quick shower, got into my bathing suit and went down to join the others at the beach.

I never actually made it into the ocean, mind you — instead, I spent most of the day on a deck chair, sunglasses on so I could watch Carly without being noticed. She wore a tiny two-piece swimsuit that showed off her body to amazing effect, and the sight of her proved so enticing that I couldn’t maintain a coherent conversation with anyone. Luckily, I was able to blame my spaced-out demeanor on jet lag from the transatlantic flight.

As the sun slowly drifted from east to west, my desire for Carly only grew more acute. I longed to go back inside and masturbate again, but couldn’t tear myself away.

Not good, kiddo, I told myself. Not good at all. How the hell could I get the hots for my own sister at a family reunion? The whole situation was absurd, like some badly-written porno movie that nobody would believe for an instant.

After a full day of sun and surf, we began to gather up our stuff and trudge back up to the house. The parents had made a reservation for the whole family at some Chinese restaurant that was supposed to be incredible, so everyone had to get cleaned up and dressed. I was one of the last to leave the beach, lost in my thoughts about Carly, and when I finally made it indoors Mom informed me that the hot water was running out, and I’d best get a move on and take a shower unless I wanted to freeze my buns off.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to claim my place, but was too late — someone had beaten me there. Rapping sharply on the door, I called out, “Hey, don’t use up all the hot water, okay?”

When Carly opened the door and peeped out, giving me a glimpse of her bare shoulder, my heart started beating like a jackhammer.

“Hey, Allie — c’mon in!” she grinned. “We can share what’s left.”

I couldn’t believe my luck — I was going to get to see my sister naked again, only this time, I’d get a really good look. Even better, I’d get a chance to let her see all of me. Trying not to seem too eager, I slipped into the steamy bathroom.

Carly had already taken her suit off and was wrapped in a towel. I started to take off my top when she dropped that towel maybe three inches from my face, leaving her completely bare. “Hurry up!” she giggled. “You can wash my back.”

Digesting that lovely thought, I watched Carly’s pert ass jiggle as she entered the large shower stall, then quickly shucked my swimsuit and joined her.

As she lathered her hair, I took the opportunity to feast my eyes on that flawless body, gleaming beneath the flowing water. Unable to resist, I began to discreetly caress my pussy. It was a risky move, but hours of growing desire had made me positively desperate for release. In fact, I was wondering if there was some way I could linger behind afterward, so I could get myself off in private before we left for dinner.

Suddenly realizing that Carly was nearly done rinsing out the shampoo, I quickly assumed a nonchalant air. Nope — nobody perving on her underage sister here, no way…

“Okay,” she said, turning to face me. “It’s all yours.”

We switched places, and I lathered and rinsed my own hair. As I was doing so, I sneaked a quick peek at Carly, thrilled beyond words to see her staring at my own nakedness. I finished washing, and as I stepped from under the water she quickly looked away, just as I’d done earlier. My head was spinning!

Suspecting that Carly was at least a little turned on, I summoned up my courage. Looking her up and down, I said, “Wow, you sure have grown up, sis. I can’t believe you got so sexy in one year!”

“Not really,” she giggled, blushing and averting her eyes.

“Yes, really,” I shot back. “Girl, you’re gonna have the boys stepping all over each other to get close to you.”

“Like I care!” she snorted, rolling her eyes derisively. “Jeez, the guys at school… nothing but jocks, stoners and nimrods.” Then she shrugged. “I’m not that special, anyhow.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “You’re nuts, Carly — I mean, if you could see what I see…” Gesturing at her breasts, I continue. “Look at those tits, they’re perfect!”

She lifted a single eyebrow, “You think so?”

I know so,” I replied, then decided to go for broke. Steeling myself, I made the bravest play of my life.

“Um, Carly?” I asked her, the words suddenly awkward in my mouth. “Can — can I maybe see what they feel like?” I tried my best to make it seem like idle curiosity, but something told me that she wasn’t fooled.

I braced myself for rejection — but instead, her eyes wide, my baby sister slowly nodded.

I could feel my legs tremble as I reached out with both hands to caress Carly’s breasts. Her lips parted slightly when I cupped them, feeling her nipples stiffen to the touch.

“Mmmmm… that feels really nice, Allie,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.”

Every inch of me was throbbing with excitement, my heart going a mile a minute. Then I felt Carly’s hand lightly touch my belly, stroking it. When I made no move to stop her, she grew bolder, her questing fingers slowly gliding downward.

I gazed into Carly’s eyes, saw the need in them as her hand slipped between my thighs. I couldn’t believe it — my sister wanted this!

Her fingers gently grazed my moist labia. I drew nearer, my hands sliding around her waist, moving to cup her bottom.

Slowly, timidly, we drew together in an embrace, and I pressed my naked body into hers. She moaned softly, her warm lips touching my neck in the gentlest of kisses.

By then, my hand had found its way to Carly’s lightly-downed vulva — and just as I was about to take the final leap into madness and slide a finger into her pussy — someone pounded loudly on the door.

“Don’t get all shriveled up in there!” a male voice bellowed on the other side, and we quickly broke apart.

I gritted my teeth, furious. It was our cousin Glen, a totally immature dipshit who lived to be annoying.

“Piss off, Glen!” I snarled. I swear I could hear him snicker as he walked away.

The interruption had brought us back to reality and then some. Without a word I turned off the shower and we silently dried ourselves, got presentable and hurried out of the bathroom. I was too embarrassed to say anything, but Carly stopped me before we parted to go our separate ways.

“Come to my room later tonight,” she murmured, eyes dancing with excitement.

Oh, God, I thought I might have an orgasm, right there and then! She turned toward her door with a knowing smile, and I nearly bashed my head on the frame as I stumbled into my own room.

I’ll spare you the details about how excited I was. Suffice to say that the next eight or so hours were the longest and slowest of my life. At dinner Carly’s eyes and mine met often, and the anticipation written on her face clearly mirrored what I was feeling. It seemed too crazy to be real, but soon I would be making love to my fourteen-year-old sister!


Midnight. The coast was clear. My only concern had been that little creep Glen, and the possibility that he might ruin everything with one of his practical jokes. So after we got back from the restaurant, I cornered Glen and let him know that if he did anything else to aggravate me or Carly, I’d tell everyone about the time I caught him filching a pair of my used panties from the clothes hamper. His dad — my Uncle Ray — is an ex-Marine, and has one hell of a temper when riled. Glen was scared shitless of him. Needless to say, my cousin swore up and down that he’d behave himself.

I crept silently into the hallway, naked beneath a thin bathrobe, heart throbbing wildly at the thought of the pleasures awaiting me. Finding Carly’s door, I eased it open and slipped inside without knocking.

The room was in partial darkness, just light enough for me to see Carly in bed, her body concealed by a white sheet. Awed, I looked down at her beautiful face, then sat beside my sister, biting my lip as a fresh swell of desire washed over me.

“Hey, sis,” she grinned, blushing a bit.

“Hey,” I replied, flashing a shaky smile. “Got room in that bed for two?”

“Absolutely,” she said, pulling the sheet to one side, exposing her naked body.

My heart skipped in mid-beat as I studied her. I gazed adoringly at the swell of her breasts, the nipples so dark and enticing. Then I took in her lower half, admiring the sparse thatch of golden pubes that framed her sex.

“You’re beautiful, Carly.” I managed to whisper while untying the belt of my robe.

“Do you really think so?” she asked, bashfully glancing down at her nakedness.

“Oh yeah,” I nodded as I cast my bathrobe to one side and stood nude before my sister, skin tingling as I felt her adoring gaze.

“Jeez, Allie… I’m just a kid compared to you,” she whispered, taking in all of me. “But you, you’re perfect.”

“Do you really think so?” I teased, blushing as I found myself arching my back to push my firm, round breasts higher, my nipples aching to be touched.

“Just hope I’m sexy as you are when I get older,” she told me, eyes on my now moist vulva.

I placed one foot on the bed, opening my thighs, trembling as I displayed my womanhood to her, letting her see my sex bloom before the caress of her hungry eyes. I moved onto the bed and Carly’s gaze rose to my breasts, her lips parted slightly.

“We don’t need this, babe,” I told her, pushing the sheet onto the floor. “Let’s keep each other warm.”

My fingers brushed their way up her leg, marveling at its smoothness. Does she shave yet? I wondered. My hand moved even higher and still she stared at me, at my breasts and stiffened nipples, my flushed chest, neck and face.

“Have you done this before?” I asked, my fingers gliding up her slender thigh.

“Yeah,” she replied. “I… I think I’ve always liked girls. You ‘member my friend Suzy?”

I searched for her face, located a memory. “Wasn’t she the science nerd with the braids?” Carly nodded. “Oh, wow. You guys are girlfriends?”

“We were,” said Carly. “She’s a lot cuter with her glasses off, by the way.”

I was stroking her tummy, the tips of my fingers tantalizingly close to her sex. “Did you guys do everything?”

“Almost. She chickened out when I wanted to lick her. After that, Suzy wouldn’t do stuff with me. She was all scared of being a lesbo.” Carly made a face. “That’s just what she said, too. ‘I don’t wanna be a lesbo’. God, what a drip.” She grinned. “Good kisser. though.”

“Well, little sister,” I purred, trailing a finger between her titties and up to her lips, “you just forget all about that silly Suzie. I’ll make you feel better than she ever did.”

She smiled, pausing to moisten her lips. I imagined that tongue sampling my nectar and trembled with the mounting of arousal deep in the core of me. I was a flower, ready to pollinate.

Heart racing, I lowered my mouth to hers. Carly’s warm breath flowed across my face, then our lips were together, hers soft and trembling beneath my own. I held her close so my tongue could circle her mouth, then enter.

Our tongues met and sent ripples of pleasure wafting through our entwined bodies. I knew mine by the heat blossoming beneath my belly. I knew hers from her long moan that she gave, from the squirming of her slender hips.

My hand slid across my sister’s hip, then along the slight rise of her belly. I let it glide upward as our tongues played tag, then gently traced the swell of her breasts with my fingertips.

She moaned into our kiss, her back arching as I moved the palm of my hand in a circular motion over a nipple, teasing it to stiffness. I listened to my sister whimper as my finger and thumb squeezed a nipple, then its twin.

Perhaps it was the eternal bond between sisters, but somehow I knew her well as I knew myself — watching her face glow as mine would, seeing her hips move in a familiar way. She licked her lips again, this time gazing longingly at my breasts.

“Go ahead,” I breathed, anticipating her need.

Carly’s trembling hands extended toward me, and I purred as her warm fingers explored the curve of my breasts, then gasped with delight when she pinched a nipple.

The orgasm caught me completely by surprise. Pleasure flooded me and I quivered in amazed ecstasy, her slave for the moment it took to make me climax.

“Are you okay?” I heard my sister ask me through a warm, gauzy haze — her voice so like mine, yet with an innocent quality that seemed so wonderfully childlike.

I blinked my eyes open and smiled up at her, reaching up to run my fingers through her hair. “God, Carly,” I murmured, “you made me come!”

Wanting to return the favor, I moved to cup her budding breasts, exploring their softness with both hands. I watched her mouth fall open, heard her sigh happily.

I rolled Carly onto her back, lowering my mouth to a pert nipple. The catch of her breath thrilled me as I teased the tip of my sister’s breast with an eager tongue, briefly drawing it between my lips to suckle.

Too inflamed with lust to linger there for long, I kissed and nuzzled a path down Carly’s body, moving between her breasts and over the belly to the cute indentation of her navel. She gasped in surprise as I probed it with my tongue.

“Do you know what I’m going to do now?” I asked, lifting my mouth from her soft tummy. She nodded, propping herself up on both elbows, eyes huge as she watched me.

I spread her legs to lie between them, licking my lips as I studied her moist slit, framed by a triangle of soft down. I inhaled deeply, breathing in the intoxicating scent of a young girl’s longing.

My mouth pressed to her sex, opening her, letting my tongue enter. She shivered almost violently, a soft cry escaping. My hands slid down to cup Carly’s ass, lifting her into my mouth. I explored inside for a moment, probing deep as I was able, then began to bathe her sex with long, lustful licks. I flicked her clit with the tip of the tongue, then sucked it between my lips.

Carly cried out and stiffened, and I opened my mouth to receive her sweet essence, drinking from my sister’s flower as she came for me. I felt her honey, warm and thick, coating my lips and chin. I sucked frantically, in love with the taste of her. Musky, sharp, exactly what I thirsted for. Her fingernails bit into my shoulder, but I continued to lick at the hot, rosy flesh until Carly came once more.

We lay side by side, no sound heard but for our breathing, Carly’s body so slight and delicate next to mine. And as the glow of her climax ebbed, my hand began to roam again, moving to trace her elegant arms, then gliding between those delicately chiseled little breasts.

She moved slightly and licked her lips, her thighs scissoring together. I could gauge her growing arousal by the measure of my own, somehow mirrored in Carly’s eyes — knowing that she already craved more.

I kissed my sister gently, letting her tongue slide timidly into my mouth to taste herself. My hand slid down to cup her pubis, stroking the moist opening with a lazy finger.

“I wanna do that to you,” she breathed, nuzzling my lips, my cheek, the tip of my nose.

Giving her permission with a brief kiss, I lay back and parted my legs. Stroking her face with one hand, I used two fingers of the other to open my cunt, thrilled by Carly’s rapt expression as I lewdly exposed myself to her.

I could read the excitement in my sister’s eyes — and it only drove my lust higher, seeing how much she wanted me. I offered Carly a finger, glistening with my essence. Her gaze never left mine as she took it into her warm mouth, and I sobbed as she slowly circled the tip with her tongue. God, I was dripping for her!

Releasing my hand, baby sister glanced down at my sex, a pleased smile on her pretty face as she studied me. Then Carly’s eyes met mine once more, and she slowly lowered herself between my parted thighs, lips parting to taste…

“Oh,” I moaned, a sharp escape of breath as her tongue barely grazed the opening to my cunt, teasing me. I could barely resist an sudden impulse to grasp my sister’s head with both hands and grind her face into my inflamed pussy. My last lover in Paris, a hair stylist named Simone, loved that sort of rough sexual play.

Somehow, though, I managed to hold myself still while Carly kissed there, lingeringly. Then I felt her tongue delve inside me and I jerked violently, mewling like a helpless kitten as I felt myself skirting the edge of another orgasm.

Carly’s tongue dipped in and out of my slit in an almost playful way, taking me higher but denying me release. Panting, I cradled her head in my hands, silently willing her to lick harder, damn it — to devour me completely. I was panting, desperate for the touch that would take me where I ached to go.

Every nerve was howling and my chest ached with the very effort of drawing breath when, suddenly, she kissed my slit once more, then took a long, slow lick that began at the cleft of my anus and moved upward. Eyes wide, mouth crying soundlessly, I felt Carly’s tongue glide over my pouting labia, then rasp divinely over my clit.

I clapped a hand over my mouth to muffle a helpless scream as my body became liquid. Thrashing and bucking, clutching her face to me in an iron grip, I could feel Carly drink from me as I came, my own sister slaking a deep, primal thirst just like mine. I was emptied, then refilled, then everything vanished.

I woke from a dream where I bobbed and floated in vacant space to feel Carly’s resting head on my belly, an arm draped across my legs. My eyes still closed, I felt down for her head and stroked my sister’s cheek. I smiled in the darkness as I felt her lips graze my palm.

“I love you,” I murmured, those simple words holding more meaning for me than ever before.

“I love you too,” she replied, taking my index finger into the wet warmth of her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip.

The effect was akin to throwing pine chips onto a smoldering fire. My lust was renewed and intensified; once more, I yearned for my little sister.

“Again,” I told her softly, ignoring how sensitive my pussy felt after that last orgasm. “I’ve got to have you again, Carly.”

I pulled her to me, our mouths met and we kissed, breasts pressed together, my thigh resting against her pubis, hers against mine, creating a gentle friction that sent tiny aftershocks of pleasure surging through my still-tender sex.

I tasted myself on her mouth, sucking playfully at Carly’s tongue and nibbling her lips, my sister and I exploring the many ways two lovers can kiss.

My nipples awakened, tingling deliciously as they brushed against hers. With curious hands, Carly and I explored the curves and contours of each other’s bare bodies, feeding this mutual hunger until our breaths quickened in anticipation.

“I want to watch you come,” I breathed. My hands slid down her slender back, fingers tracing the ridge of the spine until I reached her waist. She arched her body elegantly to my touch, like a stretching cat.

Her face glowing with desire, Carly rose on her arms and shifted herself further up my body, her legs brushing against my sides until she was straddling my belly. I smiled up at my sister as I cupped the tight curve of her bottom with both hands, fingers gently delving between her cheeks to explore.

I moaned, excitement flaring when she reached back to spread her tight buttocks further apart. I remembered the first time my own fingers had discovered the pleasures of ass play, knowing I was younger than Carly was now. My lightly circling finger slid down to dip into her wet cunt, then up again to anoint her anal rosette. I heard her inhale sharply, watched her mouth go slack as the tip of my finger slid inside, just an inch or so for starters.

“You like that?” I asked softly, and she gave me a shaky nod, already giving herself up to these wonderful new feelings. I pushed deeper, listening to her heavy breath as I probed her most intimate opening.

“I’ll go slowly,” I breathed. “Just relax.”

I watched her face work, feeling her tense and slacken, jerk and gasp as my finger eased past the tender ring and into the hot, slippery rectum, right up to the third knuckle. A violent shudder tore through Carly when I began to withdraw, my finger emerging from her ass until only the tip remained — then I slid it into her again with a single fluid stroke, and she cried out loud. Her quivering hands clutched my shoulders.

“Nice,” I breathed, euphoria surging through me as I sodomized my baby sister.

She keened, quivering above me as I felt her gradually open to my moving finger. Her eyes were wide, staring blankly ahead while short gasps issued from her mouth.

“Good?” I asked, knowing it was.

“Y-yeah!” she panted, her face glistening with perspiration.

“I wish I’d packed my strap-on,” I whispered, watching Carly’s startled, then ecstatic expression as I began to wriggle my probing digit about inside her nether hole. “I would love to fuck you.”

Her tongue emerged to moisten her lips. “I… want you to f-fuck me too,” she whispered. “I’ve never, b-but I would for you, Allie…”

Sweat dripped from her face onto my breasts as she thrust her bottom against me. Somehow my finger penetrated her deeper still, and she shuddered, moaning low. I worked my finger in and out, slow and steady, the tightness of her rectum yielding to me with each stroke.

Carly began to mew and push back onto my delving finger. Her face was rapturous, her skin glowing as if she were lit from within. She was panting loudly, getting louder still as those little mews became hoarse cries of delight.

My sister’s hand fumbled its way between my thighs, and she began to finger me hard and fast as I probed her ass.

“Yes… yes!” I moaned in delight as Carly came, her cry drowning out mine. Her hand worked frantically at my cunt while she rode out her climax, shaking on my embedded finger, the hot wetness of her flowing onto my belly.

Then I was coming too, her rough fingering sending explosive shockwaves hammering through my frame. My breath hissed through clenched teeth.

We bucked and rocked together as mutual ecstasy fused us into one white-hot sphere of pleasure, clutching one another closely as if we meant to be one forever, come what may.

Our shared climax crested, then slowly faded into a comforting warmth.

We lay together peacefully, my sister and I, the sea air from the open window cooling our glazed bodies.