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In Pursuit of My Daughter, Part Three

  • Posted on May 29, 2016 at 1:44 pm

By JetBoy

In the midst of my dazed, hazy state of mind, my daughter somehow got me out of the hot tub and into our bed. When I fully returned to myself, Judy was kissing me passionately and our bodies were twined, cunts pressed firmly against each other’s thighs. I could taste my pussy on Judy’s lips, intermingled with her own juices as she licked my mouth and chin.

I loved the urgency of my daughter’s passion, her need for more and greater pleasures — but I also wanted to pause, to savor the moment, to marvel at this unlikely miracle. After years of frustrated desire, my fantasy of sexual intimacy with Judy had come true.

Gently breaking our kiss, I touched her cheek. “Relax, honey,” I murmured, “we’ve got all night and all day tomorrow to make love, if we want to. For now, can you just hold me for awhile?”

Judy had been rubbing her sex against my leg, and now paused in mid-grind. “Oh! Uh, yeah, sure. Sorry, Mom. You kinda made me all crazy hot!” Withdrawing from our embrace, she rolled onto her back, lying beside me. My hand found hers, and our fingers twined together. “I love you, Mom.”

“Love you too, hon.”

“Um, so, Mom… when did you first start feeling this way about me?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, I always thought you were just about the loveliest creature I’d ever seen,” I began, giving her hand a squeeze. “Even when you were a little girl, I’d watch you playing, or, I don’t know, just lying on the floor watching TV in your underpants, and it would make me all… light-headed, you might say.”

“Wow… Judy said, clearly awed. “So you think that — maybe, even then…”

I shook my head. “It wasn’t a sexual feeling, honey. Well, no, that’s not right — actually, I’m sure now that it was sexual, only I had no idea at the time. To me it was just part of the love I felt for my baby girl. It wasn’t until you were twelve that I started to… to see that love in a different way.”

“Holy shit — twelve? Okay, now tell me how that happened,” my daughter said, all ears.

Placing a hand on Judy’s tummy, I began to stroke her unimaginably soft skin as my mind drifted back to that particular day. “I’d done a big load of laundry, and was on my way to put the clean towels in the linen closet. Well, the door of your room was open just a bit when I passed by, and I saw you with headphones on, wearing nothing but these cute orange panties, dancing to the music.” Pausing, I closed my eyes, the remembered image of my daughter’s partial nudity still vivid all these years later.

“And that… turned you on?” prompted Judy, eager for more.

“Like you can’t imagine,” I replied. My hand inched downward, a fingertip gently teasing my daughter’s navel. “I’d always thought of you as beautiful, but that was the first time I’d ever seen you as sexy.”

“Hmmmf. I don’t know, Mom. The way I remember it, I was this scrawny stick of a girl — no butt, barely any tits to speak of…”

“Oh, no, honey… believe me, you were exquisite. I thought I might faint, the sight of you made me so hot. Seeing you moving to the beat, those luscious little breasts jiggling, watching that cute butt of yours flex — all I could think of was what it would be like to take you in my arms and kiss you.”

“Kiss me, huh?” Judy cooed. “Sure that’s all you were thinking about?”

“Well, no. There was more. Wanna know what I did then?”

“Sure. Damn, this is some hardcore kink, Mom.”

My fingers were lightly grazing the rise of Judy’s vulva. “I crept back to my room, locked the door behind me. Then I tore off my jeans and panties, fell back on the bed and started mauling my cunt. All the while I was having crazy thoughts about you. Dirty thoughts.”

Firmly grasping my wrist, Judy guided my hand between her thighs, pressing it into the blossoming heat of her sex. “Tell me, Mom,” she panted, “What you were thinking. What you wanted to do to me.”

I eased a finger into my daughter’s vagina, amazed at how hot she was inside. “I’m standing there by the door to your room, seeing you nearly naked, watching you dance — pumping that sexy little ass to music that I can just barely hear through your headphones. My heart is beating like crazy.”

“Mmmmmmyeah,” moaned Judy, her hand resting on mine as I worked that finger in and out of her cunt, then carefully added another.

“So as I’m watching you, this… wild fantasy starts running through my head. I saw myself gently pushing the door open, then coming into your room.”

“What do I do, Mom? Am I all, um, freaked out when I see you?”

“A little startled, at first,” I said. “But when you see me smiling — well, you can’t help but smile back, honey. Then you raise both hands and wiggle your fingers, like you always do when you want a hug.”

“Oh, yeah,” Judy gasped. “God, just — just thinking about you hugging me when I’m p-practically naked…”

“So I take you into my arms,” I continued, “While I hold you, my hands are moving up and down your back, which you really seem to like. My fingers are brushing the top of your panties with each stroke. Then all of a sudden, you tilt your face up to look at mine, and you whisper, ‘I love you, Mommy.’”

Judy’s breathing was growing increasingly ragged. “Ooooohhh, I do love you, Mommy — love you so much, so fucking much!”

In truth, the fantasy of Judy that I masturbated to that day, back when she was only twelve, was a lot less detailed, much more direct. But I embellished the story, spun it out in my imagination, wanting to make my daughter hot as I fingered her. It seemed to be working, too.

“We gaze into each other’s eyes for the longest time. You seem to see something in my expression that surprises you… what can it be, hmmm? Can my little girl see how I feel… can she tell how very much I want her?”

“Oh, Mom… oh, shit, Mom!”

“Slowly, slowly I bring my mouth close to yours… and then we’re kissing. You’re surprised, I can tell that, but you relax into my arms, letting me kiss you.”

“Mmmmyeah, kiss me, Mommy…”

“Then I put my hand on your breast. Oh, my — I can feel your heart beating like crazy, baby girl.” I hadn’t called Judy “baby girl,” in a long, long time, but at that moment, it just seemed right. My fingers continued to move, wiggling around in her vagina.

“Oooooh… oh yes, ohhh…” Judy moaned.

“I catch your nipple between my fingers and give it a little pinch. I guess that feels good, ‘cause you make a little happy sound… and when your lips part, that’s when I slip my tongue into your mouth.”

“Oh, Mommy!” my daughter cried, getting even deeper into my perverted scenario. “Love me, love your little girl — d-do everything to me!”

“You nearly pull away from that first French kiss — but then you just melt into my arms. Pretty soon, you’re kissing me back, letting Mommy suck on that sweet little tongue of yours.”

“Fuck!” Judy hissed, a deep shudder of pleasure shaking her frame.

Gently, carefully, I began to graze my daughter’s clit with the index finger of my free hand. “I could kiss you all day long, honey… but Mommy needs more, a lot more. You give me a pouty look when I pull away, but then I get down on my knees, smiling up at my beautiful little girl. Now you seem a little confused. What’s Mommy gonna do now, huh?”

“Oh, yeah — yeah.” Grown-up Judy wasn’t confused, that was for sure. She knew where this little one-act play was going.

“I reach up and grasp the waistband of your panties, those pretty pumpkin-colored panties, and slowly pull them down. I think that’s when you understand what’s happening — your eyes get really big, and there’s a lovely touch of pink on your cheeks. Yeah, you know what Mommy’s doing. She’s making love to you.”

I was twirling two fingers of my right hand around inside my daughter’s cunt, lightly toying with her clitoris with the index finger of my left. She needed to come, ached to come — but I withheld that longed-for release, determined to make this orgasm one she’d always remember.

“Oooooh… oh, Mommy…”

“Now I’m looking at your pussy, baby girl — oh my goodness, it’s like I’ve never really seen it before. Not like I’m seeing it now.”

“Tell me!” Judy gasped, “tell me, pretty please…”

“You’ve got such a pretty vagina. It’s not exactly a little girl’s slit, not any more… but you’re not quite a woman yet, are you? It’s so rosy and pink, with just a hint of down. I want to touch it, honey, feel how soft your pubes are. Oh, my, look at this — you’re all juicy down there! It’s exciting, isn’t it, Mommy looking at you like this?”

“Yes!” she cried.

“It’s so, so beautiful, and it smells so good… oh, angel, Mommy just has to taste you.”

“Oh, God… oh m-my fucking God…”

“I wrap my arms around you, cupping your precious bottom, and give your pussy a long, slow lick from the bottom to the top — oh, baby girl, you taste incredible…”

Judy threw her head back, her back bowed, a howl of wild abandon wrenching itself from her throat as she came hard. Convulsive jolts of pleasure surged through her body in rapid succession, and she clawed and snatched at the blankets in an animal frenzy.

I continued to work my daughter’s cunt until her choked cry rose to a shriek — then I eased off, bending to give her mound soothing kisses, tenderly caressing it with my mouth as she recovered.

Finally I sat up and looked at her — basking in the moment, feeling completely at peace. I’d satisfied the dark, forbidden hunger that had been lurking inside me for years, and without traumatizing my child in the process. In fact, I’d brought us closer together than ever.

After a moment, Judy’s eyes fluttered open. They met mine, and my baby girl gave me a shy smile. “Hi, Mom.”

I placed my hand on her warm thigh. “Hey, hon.”

“That,” she declared, lost in wonderment, “was the best.” She brushed a few sweaty strands of hair from her forehead, then fixed me with a questioning gaze. “So, Mom…. did you really want to fuck me when I was that young?”

Well, there was no use in lying. Guess I’m outing myself all the way, I thought.

“Yes, I did,” I said, “and ever since, for that matter. You have to understand — I didn’t ask to have those kinds of feelings, Judy. But they were there, and I’ve lived with them for a long time.”

“Wow,” she said. “That’s so, so totally perverted… but I gotta say, it gets me hot!” She extended her hand to me. “C’mere, Mommy… come make out with your little girl.”

With a tiny moan, I slipped into my daughter’s welcoming arms, and we came together in a lover’s kiss.  Judy’s tongue flashed into action first, and I met her passion with my own.

Deep into the night, we made love again and again. My appetite for her seemed boundless. Every lick I took of her pussy was ambrosia, each moan and cry I urged from her a love song.

An eager pupil, Judy quickly became adept in sapphic love, keeping an ear tuned for my own sounds of pleasure as she explored the many ways to satisfy a woman. Her tongue seemed to be made for tasting me, finding the secret spots that made my head spin, my heart race.

I unleashed a voracious young lesbian that night. Judy told me that herself, after I went down on her for the fifth or sixth time. “I’m done with guys, Mom. Not one ever made me feel even close to this good!”

We finally fell asleep in the middle of a slow, contented kiss, savoring the flavor of our cunts on each other’s lips and tongues.


We woke Sunday morning in a tangle of arms and legs, Judy’s lips grazing one of my slightly sore nipples. I stroked her hair and urged her upwards so that she came out of her sleep kissing me.

My hand wandered idly down between her thighs, where I was pleased to find a very wet pussy. “Morning, lover!” I murmured, kissing her gently.

Judy’s eyes widened at the reality of what I said, then she sprouted a big, goofy grin. “Omigod… we are lovers, aren’t we?” she whispered, kissing me back.

“One small but very happy lesbian family!” I replied.

Judy’s face was resting on my breasts, the warmth of her breath stirring a nipple to life. “So, um… this wasn’t just a one night fling, was it, Mom? We can do this again, can’t we?”

I kissed the top of Judy’s head, placing a hand on the rise of her vulva. “Oh yes, sweetheart. Now that I’ve had you, I can’t ever give you up. I’m already hooked on this luscious pussy!”

As if to punctuate my remark, I began to stroke my daughter’s labia with a fingertip, making her whimper ever so slightly. Inspired, I nuzzled her throat, then began to shower her body with kisses, traveling down her lovely form, pausing to bite at her nipples, making Judy cry out in mixed pain and delight.

“Mmmmmyeah,” she purred as I licked a path down her belly, following the fresh scent of new arousal to her shaved pussy. Her hands tangled in my hair, guiding me to her. She shivered as I entered her with my tongue. “Oh my God, I can’t believe my own mother is eating me… that I’m your lover. Oh, Mom… I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.”

Seeking out the nubbin of Judy’s clitoris, I gave it a tiny nibble. It set her off like a firework. Her fingers clenched in my hair as she thrust her pelvis upwards, grinding my face hard into her bare pussy, flooding my mouth with her cream as she howled, “YES! Oh, God, s-so fucking good, Mom! Oh! OH! I love you!”

Judy was dazed and breathless from her orgasm, but as soon as I raised my face from between her legs, she twisted herself around, shoving me onto my back almost violently in her need to get at my cunt. Her hands firmly gripped my ass as she plunged her face into my wetness.

I was already on the edge, and when Judy’s silken tongue trailed over my clitoris, I simply let everything go in a fevered rush, sobbing with joy as my sweet daughter took me to the peak of ecstasy — and beyond.

We spent awhile just being lazy after that, basking in the warm, blissful aftermath of a good fuck. You’ve heard the joke about the Buddhist who walked up to a hot dog vendor and said, “Make me one with everything,” right? That’s how I felt as my daughter and I lay together — at one with everything.

Finally we rose, shambled into the bathroom and took a rejuvenating shower together, rekindling our arousal by washing the evening’s residue from our bodies, pausing often to share heated kisses.

Once we’d toweled one another dry, it occurred to us both that we were ravenously hungry, so Judy and I made our way to the kitchen, ready to eat something besides pussy.

We whipped up a delicious breakfast, then bolted it down like nobody’s business. Contented and full, we took ourselves back to bed to rest and cuddle — and to talk about our new relationship as lovers.

For my part, even though I’d planned to seduce Judy, I wasn’t prepared for the romantic feelings I now had for my daughter. Honestly, in my helpless lust, I’d not thought beyond this weekend… but now I knew that I wanted us to be a real couple. I’d fallen in love with her — my own child.

Thankfully, Judy felt the very same way. “I guess it’s kinda freaky, having my own mom for a girlfriend, but so what?” she declared. “I love you more than anyone in the world, you’re a beautiful person inside and out, and you’re an incredible fuck. How much more perfect can a lover be?” Then she mockingly furrowed her brow at me. “Wait, though — you won’t ever dump me for some thirteen-year-old girl, will you?”

I felt my cheeks get hot, even though I knew she was joking. “Of course not, hon,” I mumbled, then tried to make a joke of my own. “You won’t get mad at me if I just look at girls, though… right?”

“Huh. You wanna keep checking out those cute underage hotties? Hey, no harm in looking.” Judy fell silent, then suddenly added, “Actually, who knows… I might be checking them out, too.”

That threw me for a loop. “What?”

She noticed my astonishment, then blushed herself. “Well, Mom… the thing is, that little fantasy game we played last night? It really got me excited. I couldn’t stop thinking about me being twelve, and you licking my pussy.” She gave a nervous laugh. “Then I started thinking about what it would be like to fool around with a girl that young myself — and God, I don’t know, Mom, it got me totally worked up! I guess… I, um, might be kinkier than I ever knew.”

I really wanted to pursue this topic, but sensed that my daughter had said as much as she wanted to, at least for the moment.

We nestled together quietly for a few minutes, then Judy spoke. “Mom? Can you tell me about the stuff you did with other women? When was the first time? Was it really good?”

I shared my lesbian history with Judy — that first encounter with Cindy, my cautious immersion into the gay scene, a few of my more memorable sexual experiences. Along the way, I confessed my preference for younger women, and that I occasionally masturbated to fantasies of underage girls.

Even though Judy had just admitted to very similar feelings of her own, I was a little nervous that she might react badly to my secret desires. I needn’t have worried — that lustful fire never left her eyes as she drank in my words. “So hot!” she exclaimed, at least three times.

Once I’d finished, Judy began to speak about her own feelings for women. “I’ve always been kinda attracted to girls, I think,” she told me. “I had a crush on one of my best friends in high school — Monica Green, remember her? Then there was my twelfth grade English teacher, Ms. Cracknell. I used to imagine making out with her after class sometimes. Then there’s Theresa… she’s the one who I’ve thought the most about having sex with. I can’t tell you how many times I fingered myself after seeing her running around our dorm room naked.”

“So, you didn’t ever do anything about these kinds of… attractions?”

She shrugged. “I never had the nerve to make the first move. You know how bashful I can be. Besides, I liked boys more. At least, I thought I did.” Judy went quiet for a few seconds, then spoke. “Say, Mom… do you own any sex toys?”

A small shiver of anticipation spiraled through me. “Yes, I do… why do you ask?” I gave her a wry smile. “As if I didn’t already know, you little minx…”

“Do you have one of those — those penises that you wear around your waist?”

“A strap-on? I do, actually… back at home, anyhow. Hmmm, maybe I should have packed it.”

Judy seized my hand, her eyes aglow. “When we get home, I want you to fuck me, Mom. I want you to put on your cock, lay me down, climb on top of me and fuck me until I scream.” She slipped closer and kissed me hungrily. “God, just the thought of you riding me, taking me… it’s driving me nuts!”

I kissed her back. “Mmmmm, tell me more, sweetheart,” I urged her. “Tell me how it feels.”

She giggled. “Oh, it’s my turn to make up a fantasy, huh?”

“Well, you’re the English lit major, daughter dearest… let’s hear you get creative!”

“Oh, Mom… it’s so big,” whispered Judy, her hand now running along my thigh, pausing to briefly touch my slit. “I can feel it, kinda rubbing against me while we kiss. God, I could just kiss you all night, Mom… but there’s something else I want.”

I moaned in delight as she teased my clit with a finger.

“I don’t even have to ask, Mom — you know I’m ready. You roll me onto my back, then push my legs apart and get between them. I’m pretty wet already, so when you line the tip of it up with my pussy, it just slips right in.”

She punctuated those last words by plunging two fingers into me — for just one brief, tantalizing stroke, then she withdrew. I whimpered.

Her lips brushed my ear. “When you’re all the way inside, your belly pressed to mine… mmm, it feels so incredible, like a piece of star broke off and fell into my body.”

Judy’s palm was pressed against my cunt, stroking it. She kissed me again, her tongue flickering in my mouth.

Taking her hand by the wrist, I pressed two of her fingers back into my dripping hole. “Don’t just tell me, hon,” I panted. “Show me what it feels like to be fucked by your own mother. Think of how amazing it’ll be when you get fucked that way!”

Judy shivered as she kissed me forcefully, three of her fingers slipping roughly into my cunt, making me gasp against her lips. She continued excitedly. “You got me so full inside… so filled up that I’m shivering all over. I feel like if you move even an inch, I’ll explode into tiny little pieces! Then you start to draw back out of me, and it makes my head spin.”

I placed my hand on her pumping wrist. “More, baby… fill me up, too,” I moan.

“Naughty Mommy,” she whispered as she added a fourth finger, working her hand in even deeper. “Then, just as you’re about to pull out completely… you slide your cock all the way back inside me, maybe even deeper than you were before, Mom.” She strokes my face with her free hand. “Then you start pumping me, in and out, in and out, in and out… fucking me, just like I want you to fuck me…”

Judy is working those four fingers in time with her words — in and out, in and out. Suddenly she pauses in mid-stroke, gazing at me expectantly. “More, Mom?” she whispers, eyes wide.

My lips form the word “yes,” but no sound comes out.

She smiles, then continues. “It’s the most wonderful, beautiful thing I can imagine, lying on my bed with my own beautiful mother on top of me, my special, secret lover… and she’s fucking me. Fucking her own daughter.”

And as she spoke these last words, she tucked her thumb into her palm and pushed her entire hand inside me. I screamed as her fist penetrated my cunt.

“You’re riding me hard, Mom, and I love it. My hands are on your ass, and I’m helping you pump  back and forth in me. Then I reach up and pull your face down to mine, so I can kiss you. Mmm, my so sexy Mommy-lover.”

My whole body spasmed as Judy began to fist me for real, ramming her hand inside my vagina up to the wrist. She panted, “Do you like this, Mom… do you like it when I put my hand inside you? Is it getting you off? Are you coming right now? Come for me, Mom… come for me!”

I did, too. I came like a crazed thing, the pleasure raging on and on as Judy’s fist moved in me, pounding my cunt in a frenzy. Through blurred eyes, I could see my daughter’s face radiating excitement, thrilled by this taboo, incestuous passion she’d discovered with me. Her timidity, her inhibitions had burned away in the heat of our lovemaking. This was a new, more confident, lustful Judy… and I loved her. Oh, God, how I loved her.

As my ecstasy peaked, and my consciousness faded to black, I knew that I had found a soulmate — that Judy was equal to the passion and desire that I needed in my life.


Our ride home Monday morning was a happy one, both of us giddy with goofy, lovestruck smiles plastered on our faces.

Suddenly Judy said, “Mom? How do you feel about, um, getting another girl in bed with us?”

Even from my newly sexualized daughter, that surprised me. “A threesome? Interesting, but before we get involved with a third party, I think you and I should explore our relationship for a little longer — say, until this Friday?”

She gave a snort of laughter. “Verrry funny, Mater. I’m serious, though, c’mon… what do you think?”

I turned the idea this way and that in my mind, and decided I liked it. “Sounds good to me, honey. Who were you considering for the job? Your roommate, what’s her name — Teresa?”

“Nope, not her,” Judy frowned, shaking her head. “She’s as straight as it gets. No, I’m talking about a girl who’s, erm, more in line with your tastes. The dangerous kind.”

That had my attention riveted. “Okay… so, who are we talking about here?”

“Sophie Calder,” she murmured.

It took me a moment to place her. “Wait, wait — Sophie, the girl you used to babysit for? Oh, my God — Karen’s daughter!”

“The one and only,” Judy grinned. “She should be about fifteen now. Maybe still fourteen.”

The temptation was there to pull over to the shoulder, park the car and thoroughly interrogate my daughter, but we had many miles to go. “Details, please.”

“She likes girls. Told me so, last time I sat for her.”

“Huh. Just like that, she admitted to being gay?”

Judy nodded. “Yup. Sophie said that she had a big secret to tell me, and that was it. Thing is, she told me that she was especially attracted to older girls. See where I’m going with this…?”

I was amazed. “So was she… flirting with you?”

“Not exactly. More like dropping hints that she’d totally love to find someone to teach her about sex. She didn’t actually ask me if I wanted to go to bed with her, but it was pretty obvious that if I could’ve made a move on her if I’d wanted.”

“But you didn’t.”

“Hey, she was just a kid to me! I wanted to fool around with a girl, yeah, but… I don’t know, the whole idea of sex with a twelve-year-old just seemed weird. Anyhow, I told her I hoped she’d find someone nice to be with, and that was pretty much it.” She sighed, gazing thoughtfully at the landscape, winding slowly past as we sped along the road. “I’ve thought a few times about what would have happened if I’d given her what she wanted. Once or twice I even masturbated, picturing it.”

“And now… you’re seeing her a little differently.”

“Yeah,” Judy replied. “Now, I’m kinda interested.” She paused, pondered. “Summer vacation starts in a few weeks. I just need the chance to hang out with her some, let her know that I’m into girls now.”

“Sounds like a plan — or at least the start of one,” I said approvingly. “How do I fit into this little scheme of yours?”

“Guess I’ll have to scope her out first. If I can get Sophie into the sack, though, I’m sure she’ll be into you joining in. How could she not think you were a total babe?”

I laughed, blushing a bit. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, hon.”

“Meant every word,” she cooed, then huffed impatiently. “Damn, how long till we get home, Mom? I already want to fuck you again.”

“I’m feeling the same way. Unfortunately, it’s another two hours, at least.”

“Crud,” Judy muttered. Suddenly, her face lit up. “I got an idea. Why don’t we pull off on one of these side roads, find a quiet place, and get down and dirty in the car?”

“Oooooh, that’s a bad idea,” I exclaimed, my heartbeat kicking up a notch. “But I must admit, it does sound like a lot of fun.”

“Let’s do it!” my daughter said. “God, Mom, you make my pussy fuckin’ drip.”

We made our way down the road — no longer admiring the view, but seeking a temporary refuge, a place for my daughter and I to indulge in hot, sweaty, juicy incest. The perfect capper to our little getaway.

Best weekend ever, I told myself.

The End… ?


In Pursuit of My Daughter, Part Two

  • Posted on May 18, 2016 at 1:32 pm

By JetBoy

When morning came, I was delighted to wake up spooning with my daughter, snuggled up tightly against her, both arms twined around her body. One hand was cupping a firm breast, the other rested on her belly. Judy’s top had inched up just enough to leave her tummy bare, and the tips of my fingers were grazing the waistband of her pajama bottoms. I was more than content to lie there, embracing my child as she slept, so I remained motionless for a long, lovely while with our bodies nestled together.

Finally, Judy began to awaken, making little contented noises. Her bottom wriggled back, pushing into my mound, then one hand covered mine upon her breast. She sighed happily into the pillow.

Then, I think, Judy abruptly realized where she was and who was sharing her bed. “Oh!” she gasped, then began to cautiously wriggle her way out of our embrace.

I let her go, not without a pang of regret, then pretended to gradually awaken, slowly rising into a sitting position and yawning. I stretched myself like a cat, the motion pulling the T-shirt up just enough to reveal my shaved slit. Judy was now up and on her feet, stealing the occasional glance at my partially bare body as I flashed her a sleepy grin. “Good morning, honey!”

“Um… good morning, Mom. Wow, I guess we were, uh… snuggling each other in our sleep.”

“Were we? Oh, I suppose we got a little cold in the night… must’ve been cuddling for warmth,” I laughed, trying to put her at ease. “Then again, maybe we both miss sleeping next to someone. There’s nothing like cuddling with a lover in the morning, is there?” I stretched myself again, giving her another peek at my pussy.

Judy laughed nervously, then made her way to the bathroom without a word. Soon, I heard the shower running. After a few minutes she emerged in her bathrobe, quietly accepting a cup of coffee I’d just made. She took it outside onto the front steps, and I fixed a light breakfast of toast and fruit, calling Judy when it was ready.

Once we’d sat down together and began to eat, Judy finally began to talk. “I’m sorry if I got all… weird this morning, Mom. I guess I just woke up with you up against me and… I was a little startled.”

“I understand, honey. I have to confess that it did feel good to wake up spooning with someone… all safe and warm and loving.”

Judy nodded in agreement, but I could tell that she had more to say. Finally, she gave me a shy smile and murmured, “Can I tell you a secret, Mom?”

I leaned forward. “You can tell me anything, dear.”

She giggled and said, “You might think this is odd, but you spoon me exactly the same way that my last boyfriend did!”

“Really?” I replied.

Judy nodded. “Yeah! John almost always woke me up with one hand cupping me here,” she indicated her breast, “and the other one almost in my panties.” She blushed when she said that, but grinned as I laughed. “Usually I woke up just as he was slipping his fingers under the, the waistband,” she continued, giving me a bashful smile.

I winked at her. “Well, I guess you woke up a little too early this morning… I hadn’t gotten that far, not yet!”

We both laughed at that, even as she gave me another quick look of surprise. We continued to chatter like two schoolgirls and, although our talk shifted to other topics, I was pleased to see her giving me thoughtful looks now and again. That seed I had planted appeared to be ripening…

With breakfast over, I took my own shower and we quickly got dressed — though Judy left the bedroom just before I could drop my towel in front of her the way I’d planned to, damn it.

Soon we were out and about, in full shopping mode. We began to work our way through the many stores in the downtown area, our focus mainly on clothes. Before very long, we came upon a lingerie store, one that specialized in the more daring stuff.

“Come on, honey!” I said. “I want to buy you some hot nightwear.”

Her cheeks flushed a lovely pink, Judy hesitated as I made for the door. “Aw, I don’t know, Mom,” she protested. “I like my pajamas. They’re comfy!”

I quickly took her by the elbow. “Nonsense! A lovely girl like you ought to be either naked or dressed in something sexy when you’re in bed — especially with a lover. You’re a grown woman, Judy Atkins, and much too mature to be wearing those ridiculous cotton jammies!”

With that, Judy meekly submitted and let me lead her inside. At first she wandered about uncertainly, but soon began to look through the risque underthings with growing interest.

“I don’t know, maybe you’re right, Mom. I guess I do kinda dress like a kid when I sleep. I ought to try something on, at least. Any suggestions?”

Encouraging her to choose from the more revealing items, I helped Judy pick out a few things, then made several very bold selections of my own. Laden with skimpy underthings, we made our way to the changing rooms.

Judy disappeared inside a stall while I waited outside. After awhile, I called out, “How’s it look, honey?”

“Um, well… I guess I look okay, Mom.”

I tapped on the door. “Let me in, hon. Sounds like you need a second opinion.”

There was silence from the other side for several seconds, then I heard the lock click and the door swung open. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me, then stopped in my tracks in awe.

“Well, Mom…what do you think?” Judy shifted nervously, standing before me in a white, halter-strapped babydoll negligee.

“Oh, Judy, it’s incredible,” I gasped. Her breasts were clearly visible through the gauzy material, and the short length of the nightie showed off her legs quite nicely. I moistened my lips, feeling a storm rising inside. “You can’t tell me you don’t feel sexy in that!”

Judy looked down at herself, blushing a bit at the realization of how scantily clad she was. ”Yeah, I really do.” She giggled. “Wow — it’s a new me!”

“No, it’s still the same beautiful you, honey… just in a nicer package.” I held up a negligee, one I’d picked out for myself. “I thought I might try on something, too. Mind if I share this room with you?” I asked as I stepped out of my shoes.

Judy hesitated, then murmured, “Um, no, Mom… go ahead.”

I shrugged out of my summer dress, letting it pool at my feet, leaving me in a bra and sheer white panties. I wondered if my daughter could tell that my panties were damp — and why. As I slipped them off I said, in a voice that sounded much calmer than I felt, “Don’t let me stop you, Judy. Go ahead, try on something else! We can model for each other.”

Then I unfastened and removed my bra, baring my generous breasts. I glanced at Judy, admiring her perky tits, then arched an eyebrow at the sight of her shaved pussy. I was pleased to see my daughter stealing sidelong glances at me, too. I noticed that her eyes kept flicking down to my own smooth sex. I wondered if she liked what she saw.

We both turned and displayed our outfits for one another. “Oh, Mom… that’s perfect for you!” Judy sighed as she gazed up and down my body. I was wearing a red flyaway babydoll with a plunging neckline that was a little small for me, making my breasts look even bigger.

As for Judy, she wore a white camisole and panties that really showed off her lovely, flat belly, with a low-cut top that allowed her firm, round breasts to appear as if they were about to burst free.

I gave a long, low whistle of appreciation. “Nice, Judy. Really nice. You look totally fuckable in that.”

Judy squealed in mixed shock and delight, a hand flying to cover her mouth. “Oh my God, Mom! I can’t believe you said that!”

I pirouetted for her. “So… what do you think. Sexy?”

Judy giggled. “Yeah… oh yeah, Mom! I know a few guys who would jump you on the spot if they saw you now.”

We continued to try on outfits, Judy growing more and more at ease with being naked around me. She tried on a black string bikini that she looked drop-dead gorgeous in, the black contrasting incredibly with her pale skin. I tried on a similar one that, I had to admit, really showed my body off to maximum effect.

I kept sneaking peeks at my daughter’s bikini clad mound, the line of her slit practically visible through the jet-black material. Looking down at myself, I trailed a finger over my barely covered crotch. “How about this one, Judy?” I said. “Am I too long in the tooth to pull this off?”

Judy’s gaze was following my naughty hand… and I was pleased to see her absently lick her lips. “Oh… I don’t think so, Mom. To me, you look like a million bucks,” Judy replied. She raised her gaze to meet mine. “Wear that to a beach, and you’ll have to fight the guys off with a baseball bat!”

I felt my nipples swell against the skimpy bikini halter. Moving close to my daughter, I gave her a big hug, sighing, “Thank you, honeybunch. I love you…” I savored the feel of her nearly naked body against my own mostly bare skin.

“I l-love you too, Mom…” Judy whispered shakily, returning my hug. I could feel her heart beat madly, felt her shiver against me.

We drew apart, then stared into each other’s eyes for a brief moment that seemed endless. Something told me that I could have kissed my daughter like a lover then and there, if I wanted to. But no, not just yet. I didn’t intend to make a move on Judy until I could take her all the way.

Our shopping done, we went to a nearby steakhouse and had ourselves an excellent dinner, complete with a superlative Cabernet, then took a leisurely stroll back to the car. The drive to our cabin was lovely, with Judy taking my arm and resting her head on my shoulder — almost as if we were on a real date.

Soon as we entered the living room, I dropped my bags on the couch and stretched luxuriously. “Mmmm… so, Judy — after a successful day maxing out Mommy’s credit card, I think we deserve to relax in style. Let’s fire up that hot tub and have ourselves a soak!”

Judy’s eyes lit up. “Sounds great, Mom! I’ll go change into my swimsuit.”

I laughed, then marched towards the patio, shedding my clothes along the way. “Honey, it’s just us here. You don’t need a bathing suit! Don’t be shy, we don’t have anything to hide from each other.” I casually let my bra drop to the floor, then stepped out of my panties. “C’mon, you. Take off those clothes and get that sexy butt of yours in the tub with me.”

Judy just gaped at me… and as I opened the door that led to the patio, I turned to wink at her and playfully cooed, “I’ll be wait-ing…”

Before we’d left the cabin that day, I’d turned on the hot tub and set it to simmer, just so it would be nice and warm by the time we returned. I turned the heat up a couple of notches, switched on the bubbles and stood there, eagerly waiting for Judy to join me. The water quickly grew steamy and I climbed in, settling back with a sigh.

The door slowly eased open and Judy peered around it, as if to make sure no one was there but me. Then she stepped out, fully naked, and slowly padded to the tub. Once more, I marveled at my daughter’s bare beauty. As she dipped a foot into the bubbling water , I got a good look at Judy’s shaved pussy, her labia slightly parted and glistening — with arousal? I certainly hoped so.

Extending a hand, I helped her into the tub with me… and she purred with pleasure as she settled into the steaming water. Judy’s hand still in mine, I moved to face her, our bodies only inches apart.

“I had a wonderful day, honey,” I said. “It’s been so good spending time with you… I’m only sorry we don’t get together like this more often. That’s going to change, though. I want us to be even closer than we are now, because I love you so very much. You’re the best daughter a mother ever had.”

Judy squeezed my hand. “Oh, Mom, I love you too… and I’ve adored every minute we’ve spent together this weekend. You’re the absolute greatest!” She surprised me then by leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. As she did, our breasts touched for an instant, her nipples lightly brushing mine. Judy shivered.

“Are you okay, honey?” I asked. I rested a hand on her shoulder, then made a surprised face. “Goodness, Judy… you are sooo tense! C’mere, girl. Let Momma rub your shoulders.”

I shifted the two of us around, scooting behind Judy and drawing her to me, seating her between my thighs, her firm, lovely ass resting against my vulva. Taking a steadying breath, I began to massage her.

“Ohhh, Mom… that feels wonderful,” Judy moaned, leaning back into me, pressing against my breasts. We sat in contented silence for awhile, as I kneaded her neck and upper back.

After a while, she said, “This day really has been… special, Mom. I love seeing this side of you.”

“What side is that, honey?” I asked innocently as I worked the muscles in her neck.

“Oh, I don’t know what to call it… your, um, wild side, I guess. I’m jealous of how relaxed you are, Mom. How comfortable you are about being naked… and, um, talking about sex. I’ve always been so shy about things like that.” She sighed. “It’s hard for me to even let a boy see me with my clothes off. I always turn out the lights before we, we make love…”

I stroked her arms up and down as I replied, “I don’t know why you’d ever feel bashful, Judy. You have an absolutely gorgeous body… exquisite! You shouldn’t be embarrassed to let it show, especially when you’re about to fuck.”

“See, that’s what I mean… the way you can just say something like that. I just wish I could be as, as bold as you are, Mom.” She giggled. “It’s like I’m the uptight mother, and you’re the cool daughter!”

My hands continued to work on my daughter’s back, moving up and down the curve of her spine, at times getting tantalizingly close to her ass. “Well, hon… I don’t think I’m as outspoken as all that. I’m just trying to be frank and honest with you, because I’m your mom.” I allowed my fingers to stray even lower, barely grazing the top of Judy’s anal cleft. “I will admit that I’ve had a very interesting sex life…”

Judy was silent for a few heartbeats, then said, “Mom… can I ask you a personal question?”

“Of course, hon,” I replied, my heart beginning to throb with anticipation. Had she taken the bait…?

“Last night you said it had been a long time since you’d slept with a woman. I was, well, kind of wondering how you meant that. Have you ever, y’know, had sex with another woman?”

Pay dirt! I continued to rub her arms and shoulders as I replied, fighting to keep my voice steady. “Yes, honey… I’ve had quite a few female lovers.” I paused. “Your father is the only man I’ve ever been with more than a time or two.”

Really?” Judy gasped. “Wow… so, does that mean that you’re a, um, lesbian?”

“Oh, I suppose that in the literal sense, I’m bisexual,” I murmured, “but I think of myself as gay. Making love with a beautiful woman… mmmm, there’s nothing better.”

Judy sighed again. “I have to admit that I’ve been tempted by the idea, but the timing was never right. I’ve always wondered what it would be like.”

“Really?” I whispered, my hands moving over Judy’s body — now caressing more than massaging. “Who have you been tempted by, honey?”

My daughter was silent for a few seconds, then she replied in a soft voice, “Well… my roomie, Teresa. I sort of have a crush on her. Sometimes, I…” She paused, then charged ahead. “I, uh, m-masturbate, thinking of us in bed together.”

“Mmmmm, sounds sexy.” I purred. “Anyone else?”

Long, silent seconds passed by, the only sound that of the bubbling water. Finally Judy spoke. “I need to ask you a question first, Mom… and, uh, will you promise that you won’t get mad at me — or laugh?”

Wrapping both arms around my daughter’s upper chest, I rested my chin on her shoulder. “Fair enough, hon — I promise.”

Drawing in a deep breath, Judy gathered her courage and plunged on. “Mom, you… you’ve been flirting with me, all day long — haven’t you?”

Going for broke, I ran the tip of my tongue around Judy’s ear, making her moan. “Yes, baby,” I murmured, “I was flirting with you… and I am now. What do you think about that?”

“I… oh, Mom… I’m — I’m excited.”

I slowly slid both hands down the front of my daughter’s body, my lips touching her ear as I cupped her suddenly heaving breasts. “Tell me more,” I breathed, pausing to nip gently at Judy’s earlobe. “How did it make you feel, what your mommy was doing?”

“It — it made me hot,” she said in a shaking voice, “like I’ve never been before. I c-can’t stop having these crazy thoughts about how beautiful your body is, ever since I saw you wearing nothing but that t-shirt last night… Then today, when we were in the changing room together, half naked in that tight space–” A shiver raced through her frame. “When you hugged me, Mom… my God, I wanted to kiss you, really kiss you!”

“Sweet Judy,” I whispered, “would you like to make love with me?” My palms slid against her thick nipples. I could feel her heart throbbing in tandem with mine. Bending down, I kissed her neck wetly, allowing my lips to linger.

“Yes,” she moaned, “oh God, Mom, yes.”

I turned my daughter around to face me, kissing her parted lips. Judy whimpered as my tongue slipped into her waiting mouth, then she shyly began to respond — her tongue flirting, then eagerly mingling with mine. We shifted about where I sat, our bodies seeking the ideal position for making love. Soon Judy was straddling me, her legs drawn up so they pressed against my sides.

My hands fondling her firm breasts, we continued to kiss — long, deep, smoldering with passion. Even beneath the steaming waters of the tub, I could sense the warmth pulsing between my daughter’s thighs. Judy’s hands slipped down to clutch my ass, pulling me closer while her tongue hungrily dueled and danced with mine. Our cunts were practically touching, the heat we shared threatening to ignite into an inferno of lesbian lust.

My hand found its way down between our bodies, and I worked a finger between the folds of Judy’s labia, urging it deep into the simmering wetness. “Oooh, Mom!” Judy cried, breaking our kiss. “Omigod, it’s… it’s never b-been like this!”

Hungry for more, I lifted Judy up, out of the water, and seated her on the edge of the hot tub, spreading her legs wide to expose that luscious shaved sex. It was slightly open, revealing tender pink flesh that shone with her arousal.

“So beautiful, Judy,” I gasped. “Such a lovely pussy…”

Unable to restrain myself for another second, I pressed my face between Judy’s thighs, crushing my lips into her hole, my tongue darting inside, kissing it like a lover’s mouth. Then I began to lick her.

She was delicious, and I savored every sweet drop of my daughter’s thick, warm nectar. I ran my tongue up the length of Judy’s slit over and over again, then teased her clitoris with lightning-fast licks, each one sending a shiver through her frame. Using two fingers to spread her labia, I kissed inside the moist flower..

Judy’s thighs gripped my head, unwilling to see me withdraw… as if I would! I went down on my daughter like a creature possessed, using everything I knew about pleasuring a woman with my mouth.

“Oh, yes. Yes!” sobbed Judy as her trembling fingers twined in my hair.

Eager to take my daughter to pleasure’s summit and beyond, I rolled my tongue over her clitoris, caressing the tip, then gently taking it between my lips and sucking until Judy’s breath was coming in ragged gasps, her cries growing increasingly shrill and unrestrained until she burst into orgasm, shuddering from head to toe, screaming, “Oh, MOM! I’m ooohhh c-coming oh GOD! Yeah, Mom! FUCK ME!”

Soon she was begging me to stop, so I nuzzled her sex a bit before she slipped back into the water, crying and laughing as she embraced me, whispering words of love as she trembled in my arms. Judy shed a few joyous tears, and I cradled her to me until they passed.

Finally she stopped sniffling, kissed my pussy-wet lips and whispered, “I… I always hoped my first time with a woman would be wonderful… b-but it was even better than that, ‘cos I got to be with the most special person in the world to me.” She nuzzled my neck. “Thank you, Mom. Thank you for making me so happy.”

“You’re welcome, honey,” I whispered in return, aware that her hands were now roaming over my body, stroking my breasts, teasing the nipples to unimaginable stiffness, fondling my ass — adorning me with kisses all the while.

Judy raised her face to mine, eyes shining with devotion as she touched me. “Momma, I want to… to love you now.”

“Oh, honey…” I breathed, “are you sure?”

My daughter nodded, a determined set to her jaw that I knew all too well. “I’m sure.”

I kissed her once more, then I lifted myself out of the water to perch on the side of the tub, spreading wide for her. Judy gasped in astonishment as she opened me with her fingers, revealing the moist, rosy flesh of my cunt. “God, Mom, you look so… so scrumptious.”

I sighed as she leaned in and began to gently kiss my pussy, her tongue hesitantly emerging to explore the juicy folds. I thought her timidity was adorable… but she got over that right away, pressing hot, wet kisses into my cunt, then plunging her face between my thighs to feast.

I quickly felt my own pleasure mount. What my daughter lacked in technique, she made up for and then some in the intensity of her passion. Judy’s tongue darted in and out of my vagina, then her lips covered the opening and began to suck, drinking down my womanly essence. She did that for awhile, then began to bathe my vulva with long, lovely swipes of the tongue.

“Ohhh, baby… oh, yes, lick my pussy!” I moaned as my Judy urged me towards release.

With a muffled coo of delight she discovered my clitoris, teasing it with her tongue, then trapped the pink nubbin between her lips and suckled the tip, instantly sending me into spasms so intense, they straddled the divide between ecstasy and pain. I was coming like a house on fire!

I cried, “Oh, I love you, Judy… Oh, yes, b-baby OH! Momma loves you!”

The raw white heat of climax raged through my body like a brush fire — leaving nothing standing, especially not me.

Continue on to Part Three


In Pursuit of My Daughter, Part One

  • Posted on May 11, 2016 at 2:04 pm

By JetBoy

My name is Gina. I’m thirty-nine years old, and a single mother. When I was twenty I got knocked up on a first date, then ended up marrying the father a year after that. I was unsure about becoming a mother at such a tender age, but fell in love with the idea when I first held my newborn daughter Judy.

I tried to make a go of it as a wife, but it soon felt like going through the motions with a man I didn’t love, especially one who was such an indifferent father, barely present in little Judy’s life. It was almost a relief when he ran off with a Dairy Queen cashier, just a few days before our fifth anniversary. I filed for divorce, and that was that. I’ve never laid eyes on him since.

Once he was out of the picture, my mom helped to support me while I went back to school and earned a business degree. Now I make a comfortable living as a realtor, working with the kind of California suburban homes that everyone in the world seems to be clamoring for. Most of my customers are from Asia, Russia or the Middle East.

After the end of my marriage, I spent years dating different men, never staying with one for very long. I wasn’t looking for love, just someone to make the bed shake when the mood hit me. I’ve always taken great care of my body, so attracting guys was never a problem.

That changed for me six years ago, when I had sex with a woman for the first time.

Here’s how it went down. I was sharing a celebratory drink with a co-worker at the bar near our office, and when he had to run, I struck up a conversation with a young woman named Cindy seated two stools over.

She seemed kind of young to be in a bar, and I suspected that her ID was a fake. Still, she was charming and intelligent, and we hit it off right away. Soon Cindy and I were enjoying an animated chat, along with a few more drinks.

When a group of obnoxious fraternity guys bulldozed their way up to the bar and Cindy suggested that we step outside to get some fresh air, I couldn’t have agreed more.

Once we were out in the coolness of the evening, Cindy produced a joint from her purse and asked if I’d care to indulge. It had been years since I’d been stoned, but I was willing. She led me to the dark side of the bar, sparked up the joint with her lighter, took a big pull and handed it to me.

Two minutes later, we were giddy as pixies, laughing at everything. Then somehow, I ended up in Cindy’s arms, and she was kissing me.

I’d never before experienced a genuine kiss with a female, even as a curious teenager. At that instant, with Cindy’s tongue tenderly exploring my mouth, I felt a deep hunger inside, one that had never been satisfied, leaving me ravenous for more after the first taste.

I found myself returning Cindy’s kisses, my tongue meeting and engaging hers. That warm embrace quickly became a passionate clutch, and my hands began to explore her body. Soon I was cupping the girl’s braless breasts, feeling her nipples stiffen through the purple blouse she wore.

Her lips nuzzled a path to my ear, which she nipped playfully before whispering, “Gina, take me home.”

Moments later, we were in my sedan and on the road. Cindy was stroking my thigh, her fingers straying dangerously close to the front of my wet panties as I phoned home, letting my daughter, who was eleven at the time, know that I’d be running late that night. Thankfully, Judy didn’t ask me why.

I was expecting Cindy to live in some poky flat, but her place turned out to be a luxurious apartment. Not that I was thinking all that much about her living space — what with, you know, anticipating my first lesbian fuck.

She had my back against the door the instant it snicked shut, her body grinding into mine and her tongue in my mouth. I opened for her like a book, surrendering myself to a lover like never before.

Then she was leading me to the bedroom, undressing as she went. I followed, leaving a trail of my clothes lying alongside hers.

The silken sheets of Cindy’s bed were delightfully cool, but we heated them up soon enough. She was a generous lover who knew how to savor pleasure and loved to tease, kissing and touching me until I was absolutely panting for it, my cunt flowing like a faucet.

Just when I was about to scream with the need for release, Cindy rolled me onto my back, roughly shoved my thighs apart and claimed my sex with her mouth. I came within seconds.

That was only the beginning of the most amazing sex I’d ever had. We fucked for hours, exploring every inch of each other. I ate pussy for the first time and loved it — then after Cindy licked my asshole, I rimmed her and loved that too.

Her body enthralled me — I couldn’t get enough of touching and tasting it. How had I never noticed, never realized what a work of art a young woman could be? I was smitten, enraptured, intoxicated, done in by Cindy’s youth, her freshness. God, just the smell of her drove me wild.

Finally we lay side by side, silent and contented, our bodies damp with sweat. She produced a bottle of Grey Goose from a nearby refrigerator, and we silently toasted one another with slugs of the fiery vodka.

Feeling around on the side table for where I’d dropped my watch, I checked the time: just after 11 PM.

“Uh, Cindy? I hate to, y’know, fuck and run… but I’ve really got to get home before my daughter starts worrying about me.”

She raised herself onto an elbow and gave me a sleepy smile, her body beautifully lit by the reading lamp on her desk. Despite the late hour, I felt the urge to have her again.

“That’s cool,” Cindy murmured. “It’s kinda late for me too. I’ve got school in the morning.”

“What class is it?” I asked, innocently.

Cindy gave me a funny look. “What class...?” Suddenly understanding the question, she laughed. “No, no, I gotta be there for homeroom. I go to Albany High, Gina.”

That knocked the stuffing out of me. I sat up, stared at her. “You’re — wait — my God, how old are you!?”

She had the good grace to look sheepish, at least. “Err… I’m seventeen. I look kinda mature for my age, huh? Also, I have a really good fake I.D.”

My head was swimming. Jesus effin’ Christ — did I really just have sex with a high school girl? I didn’t know whether to be impressed or appalled with myself.

Not knowing what to say, I simply got to my feet. Cindy followed suit, and we retraced my steps, gathering up the bits and pieces of my workplace self that littered the floor. Reaching the front door of the apartment, where I’d left my high heels, I began to get dressed.

“You were great,” Cindy said, lazily stroking her belly. “Hard to believe you’ve never done this before.”

“Thanks,” I said, embarrassed but pleased by the compliment. “So, um… can I see you again sometime?”

She made a face. “That wouldn’t be such a great idea. I’m, um, sort of with someone right now. This is her place, actually.”

“Oh,” was all I could say.

“I’m sorry, Gina,” she mumbled, unable to meet my gaze. “I should’ve said something earlier. It’s just that — I really liked you a lot, and I kinda couldn’t help myself. Don’t hate me, okay?”

I toyed with being angry, decided against it. We’d both been consumed by temptation, carried away in the heat of the moment. Besides, Cindy got me hot, but it wasn’t like I was in love with her.

“No hard feelings,” I replied with a smile, reaching for her hand. “You did me a real favor… showed me a new side of myself. This might have been my first time with a woman, but it damn sure won’t be the last.” I glanced around the apartment, taking in just how ritzy the place was. “So — who’s your girlfriend? She’s got some impressive digs.”

Cindy giggled, back to her buoyant self. “She’s a copyright attorney. Old enough to be my mom, but I really do love her.” I’d just finished buttoning up my blouse, and she extended her arms to me. “Thanks for being a good sport about everything, Gina. I had an awesome time!”

I drifted into her arms, we shared one last kiss, then exchanged whispered good-nights before I turned the doorknob and stepped into the night. Cindy gave me a little wave, then quietly closed the door.

I was lost in a haze of sexual heat during the drive home, a state of mind that lingered with me for the rest of the evening. Thank goodness my daughter had already gone to bed; I’m sure that a single glance would have told Judy that something big had happened to me — something I couldn’t even begin to explain. Also, I positively reeked of sweat, pussy and liquor.

Next time, take a shower before you come home, I chided myself.

And there would most definitely be a next time, yes indeed. Whether I’d been converted into a full-fledged lesbian or not, I couldn’t say at the moment… but I was already thinking about how to meet — maybe even pick up! I excitedly told myself — another female bed mate. Right then, the idea of sex with a man seemed about as thrilling as a cold fish stick.

Upon arriving home I checked on Judy, who was quietly snoozing in her bed. Satisfied, I tiptoed down the hall to my bedroom, stripped down and showered off, then crawled naked between the sheets — where, to my surprise, I fell asleep almost immediately.


Ever since that night with Cindy, I have only been intimate with other women.

Young women, as it happens. I quickly discovered that my appetite was much stronger for teen and college girls than ladies my own age.

At first, I was cautious about being open with my newly discovered sexuality, going miles out of my way to check out bars where the odds of running into anyone I knew were slim. Then, as I came to understand the nature of my lust, my craving for the young stuff — well, I grew even more secretive.

Once I dipped a toe into the lesbian scene, I discovered that it wasn’t hard to find girls who liked the idea of sex with an older woman. Actually, I was only thirty-two, but that could seem like a generation apart to a bi-curious teen. I still had what it took to turn heads… it’s just that the heads I wanted to turn the furthest were at least fifteen years younger than mine.

Despite living in Northern California, I kept my sexuality a secret, confining my game to bars that were a good distance away from home and workplace. I knew that my friends and family could handle me being gay, but they’d be a lot less understanding about my dalliances with girls who were barely drinking age — and some who weren’t even that old.

It got worse. I began to find myself lusting after even younger girls — fifteen, fourteen, thirteen. I sought out daring photos of underage cuties in skimpy underthings and barely-there bathing suits, searched for stories about lesbian Lolitas and their mature lovers, even caught myself checking out Judy’s preteen friends when they came by.

I should have anticipated what happened next, but I was so overwhelmed and distracted by this secret life as the female equivalent of a dirty old man that my next moment of self-discovery was a complete shocker — and it damn near flatlined me.

It happened one Saturday afternoon, when I was doing mundane housework, thinking about the night to come. Judy and I usually made Sunday our big mother-daughter bonding time, where she got to decide what we did for the day — so Saturday evening was my time, when Mom got to do grownup stuff with her friends. Mostly go to the movies to see chick flicks, which Judy detested.

She, on the other hand, got to hang out with her beloved babysitter Lucy, a sixteen-year-old neighborhood girl who was cute as a button, but far too innocent for the likes of me.

Of course, I didn’t go anywhere near a movie theater. I’d leave the house in jeans and a t-shirt, drive to the rear of a local warehouse and quickly change into something sleek and sexy I’d stashed earlier in the back seat, then hit the road — bound for one of my favored pickup bars, ready for a night of action.

Right then, though, it was Saturday afternoon, and I was still doing chores. I was on my way to the linen closet, carrying a stack of towels, when I glanced into Judy’s room in passing.

What I saw then would ultimately change my life — our lives, really — forever.

My daughter, a lively twelve at the time, was listening to some song on her Ipod, her eyes closed, moving in time to the music. All she had on was a pair of panties.

The first thought that leapt to my mind was, God, she’s hot. I’d never seen Judy as an object of desire, and that revelation shook me to the core.

Judy was on the cusp of womanhood, beginning to blossom. She’d just started her period a few months earlier, and her breasts had budded into slight but lovely handfuls. Her nipples seemed slightly larger than I recalled — was she aroused?

The panties she wore fit snugly, and I could swear that the cleft of her slit was clearly outlined in them as she moved to a rhythm I couldn’t hear.

In itself, I suppose it wouldn’t be such a staggering sight for the average mom, her preteen girl dancing in her underwear. But I’d just been indulging in one of my dirty fantasies about sex with an underage cutie, and seeing Judy half naked and working that luscious bottom of hers — that’s precisely when I realized that it was luscious, by the way — fed right into my dirty imagination. The view had me quivering inside, as if some giant spoon was stirring my soul about.

I hastened to my room, pausing just long enough to toss my armful of towels into the nearest chair before unfastening my jeans and tugging them down to my knees, much too impatient to take them off completely.

Falling back onto the bed, I thrust a hand into my sodden panties and began to masturbate.

I fingered my cunt hard and fast, all the while allowing my mind to travel to some pretty fucked-up places. I saw myself undressing Judy, kissing her body as I bared it. Then I was making love to her, a girl of twelve. My own daughter!

When I came, it was explosive, and left me glowing like an ember. I touched something huge and profound — spiritual, even. As if I’d been blessed, somehow. All while frigging my pussy to a fantasy I’d never have dared to share with anyone.

Don’t think for an instant that I felt guilty afterward, either. I’ve never lost a moment’s sleep over what I dream about when getting myself off, then or now. That’s what fantasizing is for, after all — wallowing in the wicked ideas that fill our minds, enjoying them without giving into that dangerous impulse.

Obviously, I wasn’t going to make love to my little girl. But something told me that I’d be enjoying her in every way imaginable in the boudoir of my imagination. And that’s what I did, often. For six years.


At eighteen, a college freshman, my daughter has ripened into a gorgeous girl. Her breasts are perfect for her build, and she has a trim stomach and a flawless heart-shaped ass. When you factor in her green eyes, lightly freckled button nose and her hair — dyed jet black with a cranberry-hued shock in the front — she is breathtaking. Even her pierced lip makes me hot.

I’d negotiated those six years quite nicely, successfully hiding my sexual preferences from Judy — both my hunger for younger women, and the lust I felt for her. Then my carefully maintained resolve crumbled like a stale cracker, and all because of a handful of vacation photos she emailed to me.

You see, not long before she started college, I let Judy go on a weekend trip with some of her friends to a nearby lake. One of them had been given the use of her parents’ motorboat, and she invited Judy and a few other girls to get in some waterskiing with her. I suspected that there would be some partying going on as well, but I knew that my daughter was level-headed enough to exercise good judgment.

When she returned, showing a bit of suntan for the first time in her life, Judy raved about what a great time they’d had, then immersed herself in endless preparation for her first term at the university.

I more or less forgot about my daughter’s time at the lake — that is, until months later, when one of her friends sent her a set of photos she’d taken, and Judy forwarded them to me.

Before this weekend getaway, Judy had always favored swimwear that was on the more modest side. Her most-used bathing suit was a bottle-green one piece that matched her eyes. I’d mentioned to her that she might want to think about getting herself something new to wear on the lake. She’d just shrugged. “Oh, I’ll just get Kendra to loan me something of hers — we’re about the same size.”

Months later I sat wide-eyed in front of the computer, staring at images of my daughter in the barely-there bikini that Kendra had provided — not much more than three triangles, just enough to conceal her nipples and sex. My cunt was throbbing.

I clicked through the snapshots, looking for one that showed Judy from behind, hungering for a glimpse of that gorgeous ass of hers. That skimpy bathing suit had to leave her bottom practically bare!

Then there it was — a picture of Judy’s friend Monica on waterskis, being pulled along by the motorboat, shot from behind several of the girls who were watching and cheering her on, one of them my daughter.

It was even lovelier than I’d imagined. I drank in the sight of Judy’s ass, picturing her standing before me right then. I saw myself kneeling behind her, undoing that bikini bottom with a tug of string, letting it flutter to the floor, then burying my face in those angel-soft buttocks.

I practically ripped my pants open, eyes glued to the screen as I began to maul my pussy, shivering with lust, lost in crazy fantasies of incest with my daughter. I fingered myself to orgasm twice on the spot.

Later that night I called up the photos and did the same thing again… then an hour after going to bed, I got up, planted myself in front of the computer and conjured up one more orgasm, then collapsed, exhausted.

It didn’t end there, though — not even close. I spent the following day in a haze of desire so all-enveloping that I ran a red light on the way home from work and nearly got clocked by a taxi.

That, as they say, was the last straw. I knew then that something had to be done about these longings for my daughter, or they would drive me around the twist. I’d behaved myself around her for six fucking years, and how well had that worked out? I wanted Judy more than ever! Something had to give, damn it.

That night, I began to make plans.

A few days later, I invited Judy to spend a weekend with me at Tahoe. She’d just been through a round of grueling exams, and jumped at the chance to get away with me for a few days. I’d rented a luxury cabin, complete with full kitchen and a hot tub.

On Friday afternoon, I made the long drive to pick up Judy. I was feeling increasingly uneasy as my car negotiated the twisting road to her dormitory, wondering if I should drop this crazy scheme to seduce my own child.

Common sense nagged at me. You’re playing with dynamite, Gina. What makes you think that she’s even open to exploring sex with a woman, much less her own mom? Don’t take a chance on screwing up your relationship with Judy. Forget the plan — just settle for a nice weekend of mother/daughter bonding.

I pulled up to the side entrance where Judy was waiting for me, legs crossed, perched on the top of her suitcase. She saw me, then leaped to her feet — and all my good intentions seemed to evaporate.

Our ride to Tahoe would be a long one, so she’d dressed casually. Very casually. She wore a white tank top with a black bra underneath, denim cut-offs that revealed what seemed like miles of bare leg, and cute pink sneakers without socks. Her lipstick was a luscious shade of red, and a pair of sunglasses rested on her nose, Judy’s dancing eyes peering at me over them.

My daughter was a walking wet dream. At that instant, the craving I felt for her was more acute than ever. Then and there, I vowed to myself that if Judy and I didn’t fuck that weekend, it sure as hell wouldn’t be because I’d chickened out.

“Hey, honey!” I called through my open window as I parked.

Judy didn’t say a word, just bounded over to my door, clumsily wrenched it open, bent down and seized me in a tight embrace.

“Mmmmm… it’s so good to see you, Mom,” she murmured. “Oh, wow, are we gonna have fun!”

I returned her hug, doing my best to keep calm. It wasn’t easy — Judy’s body felt wonderful against mine, and the delicate scent of her skin made me light-headed. God, I wanted to take her right then and there.

Instead, I reluctantly broke our embrace, giving her a pat on the back as we parted. “Come on then, girl — let’s get this act on the road!”

With a giggle, Judy danced back to get her things. She’d left her purse on the ground next to the suitcase, and when she bent to pick it up, I got a glimpse of my daughter’s ass that hit me like a wave of summer heat. Those cut-offs were short enough to reveal the bottoms of her panties — a sexy sight, though I found myself thinking that Judy ought to be wearing a thong.

At any rate, her things were soon in the trunk, Judy was seated next to me and our weekend vacation was underway.

My daughter and I chatted animatedly for the first hour or so, getting caught up. I pried into her personal life just enough to keep from rousing her suspicion, learning in the process that she’d recently broken up with her latest boyfriend, weary of his endless obsession with video games.

We eventually fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the mix CDs that Judy had burned for the trip — first a collection of Brazilian samba and bossa nova, then a selection of vintage reggae. Not for the first time, I thanked Providence that my daughter had such good taste in music.

By the time we reached Tahoe, it was about nine o’clock. After grabbing a quick bite to eat in a charming little downtown cafe, we drove to the lodge manager’s office and picked up the key to our cabin. About a mile or so of winding road, and we’d finally arrived at our home for the weekend. I parked, and we carried our bags inside.

Judy’s face lit up with delight as we entered. “Oh my God, Mom… it’s incredible!”

I laughed. “A lot better than that cramped dorm room, huh?”

She shook her head, still overwhelmed. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Setting her bags down, she began to explore the cabin. A moment later, I heard her call out, “Hey, Mom? There’s only one bed in here!”

I made my way into the bedroom, which sported a sumptuous king-sized bed — but only the one.

I frowned, doing my best to seem peeved. “Oh, hell’s bells. I told them we needed two bedrooms — or at least double beds.”

Of course, I was lying through my teeth — it was all part of the plan.

“Oh, Mom, don’t worry about it. It’s a big bed… we can share.” Judy giggled. “I’ll poke you if you snore, though!”

“Me, I’m more of a blanket stealer,” I replied, then pretended to ponder Judy’s suggestion, finally nodding. “I guess we can bunk together, sure.” With a thoughtful smile, I added, “It’s been a long time since I’ve slept with another woman…”

Judy looked startled for a moment — then laughed along with me, perhaps a bit nervously. She did seem to be intrigued by my remark, though, which had been my intention.

The long ride and dinner had tired us both out, so we decided to forego lounging in front of the enormous flat-screen television and get ourselves ready for bed. I changed in the bedroom, while Judy changed in the bathroom.

When she came out, my daughter’s eyes went wide at the sight of me. I wore an extra-large Oakland Raiders t-shirt, not quite long enough to conceal my bare bottom. That’s right — feeling especially bold, I’d chosen to go without panties.

Judy had on blue cotton pajamas that primly covered up every contour of her luscious body. I wasn’t disappointed, though — her lack of sexy underthings gave me a very interesting idea that I planned to pursue the next day.

As Judy took in the spectacle of me in my skimpy sleepwear, I shrugged and said, “I usually sleep in the nude, but I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, hon.”

She was blushing, but managed to keep her cool. “Oh… um… you don’t need to worry about that, Mom. Hell, my roommate walks around stark naked half the time.”

As we climbed into bed, I let my t-shirt hike up just enough to give Judy a good look at my pussy. I wasn’t sure if the sight excited her or not, but she certainly seemed interested.

Once we’d drawn the covers over ourselves, Judy switched off the lamp at her side. The room flooded with darkness, I raised myself onto an elbow and, leaning over my daughter, bent down to kiss the corner of her mouth. I could feel her start slightly as I did that. What I really longed to do was take that lip ring of hers between my teeth and gently pull at it. Soon, I promised myself.

“Good night,” I murmured. “I love you, honey.”

“I — I love you too, Mom,” Judy whispered. “G’night.”

As we lay together in the dark, I could sense my daughter was lost in thought — wondering, I hoped, about her mother’s unusual behavior, and perhaps even feeling the stirrings of arousal. I’d planted a seed, one I wanted to take root and flourish.

I finally heard Judy breathing regularly, and closed my eyes to join her in slumber.

Continue on to Part Two


Happy First Birthday, Juicy Secrets!

  • Posted on May 4, 2016 at 1:52 pm

Yes, dear readers, May 4 is the day Juicy Secrets went “LIVE” for the first time! That was one year ago today, and the owners of this site — Naughty Mommy, JetBoy, and Cheryl Taggert — have decided to post our thoughts about the past year and this wonderful website!

Cheryl’s message:

A bit over a year ago, I received an email asking if I might be interested in starting a joint-venture website for publishing online erotica, specifically stories written by the website owners, as well as the best stories by other authors. To say I was flattered would be a gargantuan understatement. I was beside myself. Lisa even commented a few weeks into the project how happy I seemed to be when working on things for Juicy Secrets.

We hashed out what we wanted the site to be, and what we did not want it to be. We didn’t decide who would do what, exactly, but jobs just naturally fell to each of us. I set up the email account, terms of use, and the original submission guidelines — in other words, the things that needed to be written before we opened our little free shop of erotica. Naughty Mommy set up the website, and Danny/JetBoy became our archivist and chief editor. Yes, you can see that most of the actual “work” was done chiefly by my partners, but being fairly computer illiterate, I was a poor choice to do any of the website set-up work. You wouldn’t believe the meltdown I had one night when I thought I had completely lost a chapter I’d written. Thanks to Naughty Mommy, it was retrieved easily. I’ll never forget Lisa standing in our bedroom door and shouting over my sobs, “Relax! I’m sure she (Naughty Mommy) can get it back!”

To prepare my end of things, I began to copy my stories over from LL, having a wonderful time finding errors and problems to fix in them, since being able to edit a story was mostly impossible at LL since of course I never had admin rights there.

This new sense of having something wonderful and fulfilling to do was and is in direct contrast to the months I was getting chemo for stage zero (thank goodness!) cervical cancer at the end of 2014. I am basically cancer-free now. Life is good.

The time since we started this website has turned out to be the best year of my life on both a professional and personal level. After the U.S. Supreme Court allowed people of the same sex to marry, Lisa and I made quick plans to “tie the knot” before anyone could change their minds. We enjoyed a long honeymoon in New Orleans, still one of my favorite places in the world to visit, and I was totally and completely happy for the first time in my life. Not to mention I am so completely in love I sometimes cry from contemplating the beauty of it. (Lisa does too, and the fact that she does honors me.)

This was and still is in stark contrast to my life growing up. While I did have a lot of success in the sex department as a young girl and teenager, my personal life was one of unhappiness and unrealized connections with my parents, especially my mother, who never accepted my sexuality, something she always thought was a choice I made, mostly to upset her. The first “new” writing I posted on the website did a little to chronicle this problem to you, our readers, so you would understand some things about me.

Life now is just…different in so many ways. During the past year I have completed numerous writing projects — series begun during this year of J.S., as well as stories begun many years ago. I never thought I would gain the discipline as a writer to complete a project. Then, I began and finished Nanny for a Night, with chapter one posting May 9 of last year, and the final chapter posting on August 3. In less than three months, I had actually completed what was, essentially, an erotic novella of about 40,000 words. I won’t go into the celebration I had with Lisa upon completing a book for the first time, but suffice it to say, it was great! Then I finished my first full-length erotic novel, The Secret Society of the Pussycats Club, which was the first series I ever attempted to write, well over a decade ago at Nifty. It is now over 100,000 words, and the celebration of that completed work made the last celebration pale in comparison.

This success led to completing other stories I had begun long ago. Some went for a only a few chapters more, but they were finished. I would no longer receive an email asking me when I was planning to finish this or that story.

Now, I have only one former project to finish, I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, which already has a few new chapters added since I put it away for a time several years ago.

I finally feel like a writer. This makes me very happy.

Then, my father and I reconciled after many years of not speaking.

Then, Lisa and I bought a house and got a dog.

What’s next? I have no clue. The one thing I do know is that my life is what I always wanted it to be.

The future finally holds…promise.

JetBoy’s message:

When that fateful email from Naughty Mommy turned up in the JetBoy inbox, I’d already been thinking long and hard about how great it would be to have my very own website, a home for all the stories I’d cobbled together over a decade of writing lesbian incest and Lolita fiction. Only one problem: your Boy Author lacked the time, computer savvy and patience needed to do the grunt work involved in setting up a gen-you-wine story site, especially one that required such niceties as (shudder) formatting. Memories of attempting to set up a stylish page for my eBay store and getting reduced to a blithering wreck in the process still stung.

So when Naughty Mommy contacted Cheryl and me, asking if we thought she ought to set up her own erotic author site, my response was immediate: Yes, that’s a marvelous idea… and by the way, are you interested in taking on a partner, namely me? She replied with a thumbs-up, and another letter was swiftly dispatched to Cheryl, this time inviting her to make it a threesome. When her delighted acceptance followed the next day I knew, before a single brick had been laid, that we were on the verge of something truly special.

The next few weeks were a monkey-barrel of activity, what with getting the site up in the first place (all Naughty Mommy’s doing) and front-loading it with our stories. Meanwhile, we three embarked on lengthy email discussions about Juicy Secrets, quickly working out a shared vision of where we wanted our fledgling site to go. It’s almost scary how similar in alignment our minds were (and remain) when it comes to Things Erotic. In fact, Cheryl, Naughty Mommy and I often refer to each other in our hundreds of back-and-forth messages as siblings — two sisters and a big brother, all of whom enjoy lesbian stories with an edge.

We were lucky enough to have the much-missed Story Friends Forum around just long enough for us to plug the hell out of Juicy Secrets before their plug got pulled, so we had something of an audience at the very start. (Many of you are still dropping by to visit, bless your hearts.)

My partners and I agreed at the start that we wanted to feature other writing besides ours, and encouraged submissions from the public, along with seeking out authors we respected and asking them nicely for material. Some of those stories can be found here; others didn’t make the cut. The three of us make no secret about setting our standards high — and that goes for each other’s work, by the way! (This seems like a good place to offer our sincere and hearty thanks to anyone who cared enough to contribute to our beloved site, whether your stories got chosen or not — and to those of you who offer us stories in the future.)

When the Leslita site seemed about to close for good, my partners and I decided that there was far too much of genuine value to let sink into the tar pit of oblivion. Thus, the Leslita Archive was born, home to some of our favorite stories from their massive collection. This project was put on hiatus when Leslita temporarily came to back to life, then revived when the site fell silent again. Expect to see more gems from Leslita’s glory days in the months ahead, many of them suggested by you loyal readers.

Twelve months on, I’m positively dazzled by the thing of beauty Juicy Secrets has become, and eager to make it shine even brighter during its second year of life. Contributing to this site has been a joy, a fascinating pastime and an honor. More thanks than I can cram into one blog post is extended like a bouquet of flowers to my Juicy Secrets cohorts, friends and virtual sisters, Naughty Mommy and Cheryl. Love you guys.

Finally, a heartfelt helping of gratitude to you, our public. We don’t draw any kind of wage for doing Juicy Secrets, but the site has enriched us nonetheless — because, you see, we have taken our payment in friends. You are our reward.

Naughty Mommy’s message:

Hmm, let’s see, stories about little girls getting curious about their bodies, playing naughty games with each other… fictional accounts of women having sex with underage girls… erotica about sisters, or mothers and daughters, becoming sexual with one another… who would ever want to read something like that?

I began composing stories like those for my own enjoyment around fifteen years ago, when I was in my mid-20s (you can read more about that here). But honestly, I never imagined that someday I would actually make my work public. And I certainly never thought I would become a partner in a website devoted specifically to the kind of fiction I love to write. It’s just amazing!

What a wonderful journey of discovery this has been: exploring my own deepest, darkest fantasies, letting them out into the open just for myself in my dirty stories … then finding similar erotica online at and later at Lesbian Lolita, loving the things I read there, masturbating again and again as I read them … becoming a big fan of two authors in particular, Cheryl Taggert and JetBoy, craving and savoring their stories, but once again never dreaming I would be associated with them someday the way I am now … gradually building up my courage until finally I took the big leap of posting a story at Leslita, and then getting so many supportive and encouraging comments … which motivated me to pick up another little piece I’d started writing a few years earlier, then called Underage Voyeurs, adding on to the first few chapters, watching the tale grow and evolve, changing the title to The Joy of Looking, and then … well, the rest, as the saying goes, is history.

But back to the question I began with — who would ever want to read fiction about the kind of topics I enjoy writing about? Evidently a lot of people would! My partners and I have been so pleased to find that there really is a substantial audience interested in our specific erotic niche. It’s been gratifying to look at the numbers, to know that every month tens of thousands of different people are visiting Juicy Secrets and reading the stories we post. It’s incredible!

The other thing that’s been fantastically rewarding is all the comments we’ve received. As of this writing, we have approved almost 4,000 comments from site visitors. Can you believe that? The steady interaction with our readers, the many conversations taking place at the Juicy Readers Forum, the stimulating back and forth between creators and consumers — that’s what our site is really all about.

So please keep it up. Let’s make the second year even better than the first, okay? You know what we like to say: keep coming back, and keep coming. We love you!



Love in the Sauna

  • Posted on April 15, 2016 at 1:41 pm

By JetBoy

The afternoon was balmy and delightful as thirteen-year-old Jenna strolled home from the bus stop. School was out for the summer, and all was perfect with the world. The flowery dress she wore fluttered in the light breeze as she hopped up the steps.

She unlocked the door and entered. “Mom?”

“In here, honey,” came her mother’s voice.

Jenna wandered through the house toward the kitchen, where her mother was at the stove cooking.

Angelique glanced up at her daughter. “Set the table, will you? Dinner’s almost done.”

Jenna grabbed a couple of plates and some utensils, quickly arranging them on the table top. Her mother had made grilled chicken with a rice pilaf and roasted asparagus — all Jenna’s favorites. The two sat down and tucked in, piling their plates with food.

“How was school?” Angelique inquired, breaking off a piece of brown bread from a large round loaf.

Jenna shrugged. “Mostly good. Seems like I spent the whole day signing yearbooks.” Then she scowled. “Gym class really sucked, though… old Pork Chop Hartley made us run laps. A ‘going away gift’, she called it. I’m still all achy. God, what a bitch.”

Angelique tried to give her daughter a stern look, but they both began to giggle. She shook her head. “You are incorrigible, young lady.” Placing her napkin on the table, the thirtyish blonde settled back in her chair with a contented sigh. “So… why do you call her ‘Pork Chop’, anyhow?”

Jenna grinned. “One day, Becky Ratledge said that Miss Hartley was so ugly that, that when she was a baby, her parents had to tie pork chops around her neck to get the d-dog to play with her!” She gave a snort of laughter.

“God, that’s awful…” smiled Angelique, “…but pretty funny, I have to admit.” She stood, and began to clear the table.

“Wanna watch a movie, Mom?” Jenna asked as she rose to put her plate in the sink.

“Sounds good,” Angelique agreed, “but first, I thought we might do something we haven’t done for awhile — relax in the sauna. I even warmed it up for us. And since you’re all achy anyhow…”

“Mmmm, that’s an awesome idea,” Jenna replied, grinning eagerly. “Whoo-hoo! What a great way to start summer vacation!”

“Fine. Let’s leave the dishes to soak and go change into our suits. Meet you out back.” Jenna’s mother said.

“Okay, Mom!” Jenna sang as she raced upstairs.

In her bedroom she rummaged through the closet until she found her bathing suit, a bottle-green one-piece. She stripped out of the clothes she was wearing and shimmied into the suit — then grimaced.

“Hell’s bells… I’ve really grown out of this,” she muttered, frowning as she studied herself in the mirror. While not quite too tight to wear, the top part was like a taut band across her budding breasts, and the crotch pressed snugly between her thighs.

Oh, well, it’s the best I’ve got, Jenna shrugged as she grabbed a towel. Maybe we could go shopping for a new one tomorrow, she thought excitedly on her way downstairs. There had been some really sexy bikinis at the mall the last time she’d been there. Perhaps she could talk her mother into letting her get one!

Arriving at the sauna door, Jenna stepped inside, taking a moment to adjust to the temperature before she sat down on the bench nearest the door. She lay back against the wall, closed her eyes, and sighed, allowing the heat to soothe her tired muscles.

She’d been there for about five minutes when she heard the door open. She opened her eyes to see her mother enter, wearing a two piece string bikini and holding a towel. Jenna marveled at how good her Mom looked in the skimpy suit. I hope I’m as hot as she is when I’m all grown, she thought.

“C’mon in, Mom. It feels great,” sighed Jenna, her eyes drifting shut again. “Jeez, I’d forgotten how nice this is. We ought to come down here more often.”

Angelique sat down next to her daughter, lay down down her towel and leaned back in the corner. “Mmmmm… yes,” she sighed.

They sat there in silence for a few moments, enjoying the heat… occasionally throwing water on the rocks to build up the steam.

Angelique glanced at her daughter. It was then that she noticed Jenna’s swimsuit and frowned slightly. “Isn’t that suit getting a little small for you?” she asked.

“It’s all I’ve got,” Jenna said with a shrug, wondering if the time was right to ask about that cute bikini.

“Well, then… why not just take it off?” Angelique said with a wry smile.

Jenna’s eyes widened in surprise. She sat up and looked at her mother. “You mean… go naked?” she asked.

“Oh, sure,” Angelique sighed, “I love doing that. The way the heat kisses every part of your body… it feels luscious.”

“Being naked in front of you seems… I dunno, kinda weird, Mom,” Jenna muttered.

Angelique clucked her tongue. “So modest. Tell you what — I’ll lose my swimsuit too, so we’re both naked. How’s that?”

Jenna blushed, considered, then nodded. “Sure.”

Nervously chewing on her lower lip, Jenna carefully peeled off her green swimsuit, stepping out of it as Angelique untied her bikini.

Now nude, Jenna took her seat on the bench and leaned back. She parted her legs slightly to let the heat caress her all over. Her mother was right — it did feel luscious. “Mmmmm,” she purred.

Angelique smiled at her daughter, “See, I told you. Nice, isn’t it?”

“Mmmm, it is. Wow, I can’t believe I never thought of trying it before,” Jenna replied, letting the heat soak into her bare body. “Let’s always sauna like this from now on, Mom.”

“Okay,” laughed Angelique. “I think I can live with that.”

Mother and daughter sat quietly for a while, enjoying the heat.

Jenna glanced over at her mother, studying her nude body. Before her eyes closed again, she noticed something that surprised her.

“Mom… do you shave yourself, um, down there?” Jenna asked.

“Yes, I do, honey. I love having a bare pussy,” Angelique murmured.

Jenna blushed. “That’s kinda weird. I thought having hair down there was a sign of growing up. I remember how proud when I finally got some.” She glanced at the light patch of down that adorned her vulva.

Angelique smiled at her daughter. “Well, you’ll probably start shaving in a few years.”

“Maybe I will… but for now, I’m quite happy with my, um, peach fuzz!” Jenna replied with a giggle.

“Peach fuzz, hmm?” Angelique cooed.

“That’s all I’ve got, really — see?” said Jenna, daringly parting her legs to give her mother a good look.

“Mmm, I see… does that mean that underneath you have a ripe, juicy peach?” Angelique asked playfully.

“Mom, you’re so dirty!” gasped Jenna, as her hand dropped to cup her mound.

“You don’t have to cover yourself, honey,” Angelique murmured. “I think you have a beautiful pussy.”

“You don’t think I have too much hair for boys to like, Mom?” Jenna asked, moving her hand away to reveal her sparsely covered slit.

“Not at all, dear. If you keep it neat and trimmed, boys will fall over themselves to lick you there,” Angelique said.

Jenna sat there, blissfully content… enjoying the heat, the conversation, and especially the feelings that were coursing through her body. Then a question occurred to her, she looked over at her mother again. “Uh, Mom… what’s that like?” she hesitantly asked. “Having a guy, you know, lick you?”

“Mmmmm…” Angelique cooed, “it’s one of the nicest feelings in the world. Imagine it, honey… a wet, hot tongue touching you down there. Caressing the outer lips of your pussy, or sliding deep inside. It’s the best part of sex for me.” She absently allowed a hand to drift between her thighs and began to masturbate, gently exploring the folds of her cunt with two fingers.

Seeing her mother pleasure herself so openly, Jenna stared in disbelief at first. Then she closed her eyes and leaned back, thinking if Mom can do it… well, so can I. She let her hand wander back to her pussy. Mmmmm, yes. Pussy. Just thinking the word feels good, Jenna mused, cupping her moist vulva. “Have you… had it done to you very many times, Mom?” she asked.

“Yes, love,” her mother replied, teasing herself with a fingertip. “Tell you a little secret. I’ve had men who knew how to eat my pussy pretty well… but no one, I mean no one, knows how to use their mouth on you like another woman.”

Mom!” Jenna gasped in shock. “Y-you’ve had your, um, pussy licked by a woman?”

“Oh, yes, sweetheart. More than once,” Angelique replied with a mysterious smile. “That’s not all… I’ve done it to them, too.”

“Wow,” the young girl mumbled in a daze. She looked up again at her mother. “Does that mean that you’re…”

“No, no, Jenna,” Angelique said softly. “I’m not gay… I do prefer to make love to women, though, since me and your dad split.” She cupped a breast with her free hand. “Men are fun and all, but the female body is so soft — so sweet. And women are far more skilled at pleasing one another.” She sighed. “I haven’t been with another woman in awhile. Have to admit, I’ve missed it.”

“Mmm. You make it sound so good,” Jenna said, as her fingers continued to dance between her legs.

“Oh, it is,” her mother replied, letting her thumb massage her clit as one of her fingers probed deep inside the vagina. “You’ll have to try it with a girl sometime, honey. I’m sure you’ll love it. Ooooooh…”

“Oh, Mom. I’m getting hot just thinking about it. Ohhh…” Jenna’s breathing was becoming more erratic as her fingers moved faster, the other hand providing needed support as she started to lose herself in the moment.

“Yes, dear. Mmmm, yes!” Angelique slipped another finger into her dripping pussy, pumping herself harder, strangely aroused by the idea of masturbating with her beautiful thirteen-year-old daughter while talking of lesbian sex. “Oh, fuck, honey. I’m c-coming. Oh yes. Uhhhh…!” Angelique gasped as a lovely orgasm rippled through her body.

Jenna, upon hearing her mother’s climax, quickly found herself coming as well.

“Yes, Mom. Oh yes. Ohhhhhh!” Jenna cried, pressing two fingers against her clit, surges of pleasure rippling outward from her pussy to every part of her body. Almost too soon, her rapture peaked and waned. Spent, she gasped for air, quivering with sweet aftershocks as her climax slowly ebbed away.

“Oh, gosh. That was… the best,” Jenna finally said, her face now resting on her mother’s thigh.

“Thanks for joining me, honey,” her mother whispered as she stroked her daughter’s hair. “It was kind of sweet… touching ourselves together that way.”

Opening her eyes, Jenna realized that she was lying with her face inches from Angelique’s pussy. She could see her mother’s shaved mound, up close and personal. She smiled, enthralled.

“So, this is where I came from, huh?” Jenna asked as she instinctively reached up to lightly touch Angelique’s vulva.

“Yes, baby,” Angelique said. “Mmmm, that feels good.”

“It’s hard to imagine something like a person coming out of such a small place,” Jenna said as she slowly caressed her mother’s moist labia, strange feelings she didn’t understand rising inside her.

“It was rough, my precious… but you were worth it,” replied her mother.

“Thank you for giving birth to me. I can’t imagine having a more perfect mother than you.” Feeling mischievous, she moved closer to place a tender kiss on Angelique’s pussy. Mmm… it smelled wonderful.

“Ohhhh… that felt lovely, Jenna,” whispered Angelique. “You can thank me anytime if you do it like that, dear…”

Jenna said softly, “Okay.”

Her heart throbbing with excitement, she leaned over and kissed her mother’s sex again. She licked her lips, tingling pleasurably as she savored the thick, tangy flavor of a woman. Angelique, her fingers running through her daughter’s hair, put a very slight pressure on the back of her daughter’s head, clearly letting Jenna know that she wanted more. And right then, Jenna was very willing.

The young girl inched closer to her mother’s pussy, placing a kiss directly on the juicy slit. Angelique arched her back, moaning softly. Jenna smiled, thrilled at the reaction she had caused in her mother. She kissed her there once more, noting that the sweet pink flesh was becoming increasingly wetter. She tentatively extended her tongue to lick the wetness away. Mmmm, delicious...

“Ooohhh…” Angelique moaned.

The flavor of Angelique’s pussy lingered on Jenna’s tongue. It tasted warm, inviting, and strangely familiar. Jenna couldn’t believe that she was kissing and licking the pussy that gave birth to her, but somehow it seemed completely natural. She licked again.

“Oh God, baby. That feels amazing,” Angelique gasped. “Please, Jenna… d-don’t stop…”

Now beside herself with excitement, Jenna moved down to the wooden floor to kneel between Angelique’s thighs, leaning in close to take the moist pink flower into her mouth, probing the soft folds with her tongue.

Angelique’s hands clutched the back of Jenna’s head to urge her daughter on. “Yesssss…” she hissed.

The thirteen-year-old wrapped her arms around her mother’s waist, eager for more of the luscious nectar that flowed from Angelique’s vagina. Her tongue darted and probed, learning the places that elicited the strongest responses from her mother.

“Oh, baby. You’re so wonderful… ooohhh…” Angelique moaned, her hips staring to gyrate against Jenna’s face.

The young girl continued her tender assault, intent on thanking her mother for giving her life, showing her how much she was adored, giving her the pleasure she’d been too long without. It all seemed too perfect to Jenna. Her soft lips against her mother’s soft pussy. The girl that had come from this juicy vagina, now exploring it once again.

The sweet essence of cunt coated Jenna’s lips and chin, and she feasted on it, loving the flavor, stroking Angelique’s thighs as she ate the woman’s beautiful pussy.

That’s when it hit Jenna — she was making love to her mother! At first her kisses had been a playful, affectionate thing, just a way of making Mom feel nice. But it had quickly become more, so much more. She had only ever kissed a boy before — and now she was performing oral sex!

Wow, she thought, her tongue gliding up and down the glistening crevice, it’s like Mom and I are girlfriends now. The thought thrilled Jenna to her very soul, and she burrowed her face even deeper between Angelique’s thighs.

Her tongue plunged deep into her mother’s creamy canal, then trailed upward to circle around her clitoris. Angelique cried out loud as Jenna licked at the inflamed button. The thirteen-year-old got the hint, taking the pink nubbin between her lips and gently sucking.

Angelique exploded in a frenzied orgasm, her body shuddering with helpless pleasure. “Oh, fuck yes, baby!” she cried, thrashing about on the bench. “Eat my pussy, Jenna! Oh, yes. Oh. OH! OHHH!”

Warm, thick juices flowed into Jenna’s eager mouth, filling the young girl with an incredible glow that seemed to illuminate her from within. It was the most wonderful feeling imaginable, pleasing her mother in such a loving, intimate way.

Jenna finally lifted her face from Angelique’s glistening slit and sat up, blushing with pride as she smiled at her mother.

Angelique lay there panting, occasionally trembling with tiny aftershocks. As her breathing calmed and her body stilled, she opened her eyes and stared in wonder at her thirteen-year-old daughter. She giggled, feeling like a giddy schoolgirl, barely able to believe that she had just let Jenna go down on her. What a beautiful experience it had been, though!

She sat up, took the girl’s face in her hands and placed a loving kiss on her mouth.

Jenna closed her eyes, savoring the softness of her mother’s lips.

Angelique could taste herself on her daughter’s face, and was thrilled by the notion. She licked her way around Jenna’s mouth. Head spinning, the young girl parted her lips — and suddenly, mother and daughter were kissing passionately. Jenna’s heart was pounding hard and fast as their tongues met and mingled in a very sensual way.

Finally, her mother pulled away, her eyes shining in adoration. “Thank you, Jenna, for giving that to me,” Angelique whispered.

“Thank you, Mom, for letting me do it. I never knew it would feel so wonderful to — to share something like that,” Jenna murmured shyly.

“I’d like to make you feel good now, angel,” Angelique crooned, her hands gliding over her daughter’s naked body.

Jenna blushed, and Angelique could see the hesitation in her daughter’s eyes. She rose, padded nude across the room to the long padded bench, lay down and smiled at the suddenly timid teen. “Come here, honey,” she breathed, “Mommy wants to make love to you.”

Jenna looked over at Angelique’s long, lean body. She thought about all the possibilities and implications of becoming Mom’s lover. As she did, she felt herself getting hot, tingly and very excited. She slowly stood on trembling legs and walked slowly towards her mother.

Angelique parted her lips and licked them, fondling her breasts, her eyes burning into her daughter’s. Jenna shivered in anticipation as she climbed into Angelique’s arms and gave her mother a torrid French kiss.

Jenna moaned into the older woman’s mouth as she felt soft hands sliding down her back to cup her bare bottom, her mother’s fingers slipping between her cheeks to caress the cleft of her anus.

Breaking their kiss, Angelique rolled her daughter onto her side, dipping her head to take Jenna’s right nipple between her lips. The child’s breasts were only now beginning to show, but the pert, pink buds that adorned them were lovely. Angelique flicked the tip of Jenna’s breast with her tongue, marveling at how it stiffened to her touch.

The young girl cradled her mother’s head to her chest, moaning softly… then gasped as the warm lips trailed over to claim the other nipple. “Oh, Mom, that f-feels amazing,” Jenna whispered.

Angelique pleasured her daughter’s breasts for a long while, then slid up to share another hot, hungry kiss with the girl before smiling down at her. “Jenna,” she breathed, “I’m going to lick your pussy now. Climb onto my face, honey.”

Jenna’s body burned for release as she stood and carefully straddled Angelique’s face. She leaned on the wall of the sauna, lowering her dripping pussy to her mother’s mouth.

Angelique felt Jenna’s downy pubes brushing her lips as she gently kissed the moist labia. Her tongue snaked out to taste her daughter for the first time.

To the virginal thirteen-year-old, the touch of her mother’s mouth and tongue were… electric. “Oh, Mom — I love you!” gasped the girl.

Angelique’s hands fondled Jenna’s ass as her mouth began to kiss and lick at the ripe, dewy fruit of her daughter’s pussy. It was tart and delicious, and she drank deep from the girl, savoring every drop of her nectar.

Jenna ground slowly against her mother’s mouth, lost in a sea of sensation and emotion. Her own mom was giving her this incredible pleasure… the same sweet pleasure Jenna had given her just minutes ago. She couldn’t believe how good it felt, how deeply she loved this wonderful woman who had raised her from infancy to womanhood.

“Oh, God, Mom. I feel like I’m going t-to explode,” Jenna sobbed. Her mother’s mouth was taking her body to places she could never have imagined, even in her wildest fantasies.

Angelique reached up to fondle her daughter’s budding breasts, her tongue bathing the young girl’s vagina. Jenna sat upright, riding her mother’s mouth, placing both hands over Angelique’s as the older woman’s palms brushed her nipples.

“Mommy…” Jenna gasped. It was as though she was slowly losing consciousness, letting her body and mind drift into a world of purest rapture. Every touch of her mother’s lips and tongue pushed the girl closer and closer to the edge, until she fell off with a choked cry.

“Ohhhh, GOD!” Jenna gasped as her body lurched forward, the second orgasm of the night ripping through her like a heat bomb. Her pussy spasmed in her mother’s face, her young breasts heaved, and the very breath was wrenched from her lungs as she came.

Angelique clutched her convulsing daughter and lowered her to the sauna bench, still licking at the girlish slit before her as Jenna’s body twisted and contorted, waves of ecstasy still surging through her childish body. Finally Angelique raised her face from between her daughter’s thighs, placing a gentle kiss on Jenna’s pussy before sitting upright.

Jenna lay trembling, nearly crying from the joy she felt. Angelique looked down at her and smiled, her heart glowing with adoration for her child, so very glad that she had introduced her daughter to the wonderful world of lesbian love.

The young girl looked up at her mother’s face, her lips and chin wet with her girlish essence. With a sudden flash of urgency, Jenna sat up to kiss and lick at her mother’s sticky mouth.

“Oh, Mom,” Jenna gasped between passionate kisses, “I — I love you so much!”

“I love you too, sweetheart,” Angelique sighed happily.

Remembering a thought she had had earlier, Jenna raised her face to meet Angelique’s contented gaze. “Does… does this mean that we’re, um, girlfriends now, Mom?” Jenna asked hesitantly, holding her mother close.

“Oh, baby,” Angelique breathed, “that’s a big step for us to take. Let’s just be mother and daughter for the moment.” She brought the girl’s hand to her lips, kissing Jenna’s palm. “But we’ll have this — this sweet secret, you and I, and whenever we want we can share pleasure, just like this.” She placed the girl’s hand upon her breast. “In time, though… who knows? Maybe one day, we will want to live as lovers.”

“Oh… Mommy,” Jenna whispered, her eyes glowing as she teased Angelique’s nipple with her fingers.

Angelique’s lips curled into a wicked smile. “Now come on, girl… let’s get out of here and up to my bedroom before we melt,” she laughed, lightly smacking her child on her bare bottom. “I’m not done playing with you.”

Jenna giggled, leaning close to give her mother a tender kiss. They both rose from the bench and grabbed their towels, Angelique shutting off the heat. They quickly dried themselves before they headed upstairs, hand in hand and still nude.

Racing into her mother’s bedroom, Jenna somersaulted onto the bed, grinning excitedly at Angelique as she entered close behind. “Hurry up, Mom!” she cried, bouncing impatiently.

Angelique climbed on the bed, stretching out beside her daughter. “No need to rush, sweetheart… we’ve got all night to make love. No school tomorrow, remember?”

“Cool!” Jenna squealed. “We can stay in bed and fool around all day, too!”

“Ooougghh… I’ve created a monster,” Angelique mock-groaned. “Old ladies like your mother need to rest once in awhile, you know.”

Now lying on her side, Jenna propped herself up on an elbow. “Okay, old lady… since you’re so worn out, why don’t we just kiss?”

Happy to accept Jenna’s invitation, Angelique moved in to claim the teen’s soft mouth, her tongue emerging to play.

For a long, wondrous while, mother and daughter shared kisses that grew increasingly lustful. Their hands wandered freely, exploring each other’s bodies.

Breaking away, Angelique grinned down at Jenna, who was joyfully pinned beneath her mother’s bare body. “Say, baby girl… want to learn something really hot?”

“Yessss!” squealed Jenna, busily groping Angelique’s generous ass. “I — I’ll do anything with you, Mom.”

“You’ll like this,” promised Angelique. “I’m going to show you how two women fuck.”

The teen furrowed her brow. “You mean like… you’ve got one of those fake dicks that you, um, put on yourself?” Angelique stared at her daughter in astonishment. “Um… I saw them on the internet,” Jenna added, embarrassed.

After an awkward pause, Angelique finally laughed. “Guess I can’t scold you for visiting smutty websites, can I? Not after eating your pussy, anyhow.” She smiled wryly. “Oh, and I do have one of those ‘fake dicks’, by the way, and the correct name for it is a ‘strap-on’. But we’ll play with that another time. What I want to teach you is different.” She drew closer. “Lie down on your back, honey.” Jenna quickly complied. “Now… I want you to point one leg straight up.”

Jenna raised her left leg, and Angelique grasped her daughter’s trim ankle, holding it in place as she straddled the girl. “Now, then,” she whispered, her gazed never leaving Jenna’s, “here’s how it works…”

Forking both legs wide apart, Angelique moved between the wide-eyed teen’s thighs, pressing her wet, warm cunt against that of her daughter until their sexes were firmly plastered together.

Jenna’s eyes widened in astonishment. “Oh, wow…!”

“Doesn’t it feel lovely? Almost like our pussies are kissing. Then I move against you like this…” Angelique began to work her hips, gently grinding her mound against Jenna’s. “Oh, this is absolutely divine… don’t you think so?”

The enraptured girl spread her legs wide apart, opening up to her mother’s movements. “Oooooooh yeah, Mom, it’s awesome! Can you c-come from doing this?”

Angelique paused in mid-motion, gazing hungrily at her daughter. “Fuck me back, baby, and you’ll see.”

Jenna needed no further encouragement. She grasped Angelique’s leg for leverage and began to thrust against her mother, carefully at first — but soon enough the woman and the girl fell into a churning rhythm, their tangled bodies rocking in a lustful frenzy.

“God, Mom, th-this is incredible!” panted Jenna. “I — I love fucking you…” Thick, warm fluids were oozing down into the crack of her ass, their cunts making squishing sounds as she and her mother forced them together.

Angelique came first, emitting a strangled cry as she threw her head back. “Oh YES! God, baby… f-fuck me… keep fucking Mommy s-so — so good… OH!”

Jenna stared at her quivering mother, the woman’s breasts jiggling enticingly. Reaching up with a shaking hand, the girl cupped one of the bouncing globes, fondled it. Then her own orgasm came swooping down and she fell back, lost in the moment. Sharp shocks of ecstasy seized the young teen, shook her slender frame.

Mother and daughter sobbed and panted in a duet of pure pleasure, their sweating bodies pressed tightly together as their shared climax crested and ebbed. Finally, the two lovers lay at rest, quiet but for their heavy breathing, still lovingly entwined.

Untangling herself from Jenna, Angelique lay down next to her. “Oh, honey,” she gasped, “that was marvelous.” She brushed the girl’s bangs from her damp forehead, then lightly kissed her mouth.

“It sure was!” replied Jenna. “So… we can do that anytime we want? And — and other stuff, too?” She nibbled at her lower lip, then added, “I want to try out your, um, strap-on, Mom. Would you use it on me?”

Frowning, Angelique studied her daughter. “But you… you’ve never had sex with a boy — have you, honey?”

Blushing slightly, Jenna shook her head. “N-no, Mom. I’m still a virgin. But I’d like for you to — to be my first.”

“Jenna,” protested Angelique. “You shouldn’t rush into something like that, baby. Your first time is supposed to be… it’s a very special thing. Don’t you want to wait until you have a — a real lover of your own?”

The teen soberly shook her head. “There’s no one who’ll ever mean more to me than you, Mom,” she murmured, cuddling into her mother’s bare body. “And I totally love the idea of you being the one to, to fuck me for real. Pretty please…?”

Dazed, on the verge of tears, Angelique whispered, “Oh, my sweet, sweet little girl… how could I say no to you?” She took a long, deep breath. “Honey, if that’s what you really, truly want… then yes.”

Smiling hugely, Jenna embraced her mother. “Thanks, Mom!” She drew back, a hopeful light in her eyes. “Could we maybe do it… tomorrow night? That’s okay, huh?”

Angelique shook her head. “I swear, you kids… so damn impatient.” Jenna pouted. “Okay, honey — tomorrow, I promise. I’ve got to do a little shopping first, though.”

“What for?” the girl inquired, curious.

“For a smaller strap-on. Mine’s at least eight inches long… much too big for your first time.”

“I guess,” Jenna shrugged, then grinned excitedly. “Can I help you pick one out, Mom?”

“No, hon. You have to be old enough to go into that kind of store. Besides,” Angelique continued, “Do you really think that we ought to go shopping for sex toys together? If we’re going to be… making love, you and I, it’s got to be a secret. You can’t tell anyone. Not even your best friends. Understand?”

“O-okay,” Jenna murmured.

“Tell you what,” Angelique said, after a moment’s reflection, “Let’s go a date tomorrow, a real date. We’ll get dressed up and I’ll take you to dinner. After that, a nice, romantic walk down by the lake. Then we’ll come home and…”

“Make love,” sighed Jenna. Almost without thinking, she caressed Angelique’s breast, thrilled to feel her mother’s nipple stiffen to the touch.

“And then you’ll be a real woman. Ooohh, that feels so nice…”

“Can we kiss some more, Mom? I really like kissing you.”

Angelique laughed. “You don’t have to ask, Jenna… not when we’re in bed, anyhow. If you want to kiss me, then do it!”

Jenna raised herself up, gazed deep into her mother’s sparkling eyes. “I love you, Mom,” she breathed, just before their lips met.

They kissed tenderly, lovingly… then with a hint of renewed passion. Unable to resist, Angelique brought her tongue into play, letting it circle Jenna’s sweet mouth.

“Mmmmmm,” the girl purred, crawling on top of her naked mother, pressing a thigh into Angelique’s hot, juicy vulva.

Angelique moaned, the smoldering embers of her desire for Jenna igniting into pure, hard flame. Her hands slid down to cup the nubile teen’s buttocks, fondling the smooth globes, her fingers slipping between them to tease the girl’s anus.

Mother and daughter ground their sweat-glazed bodies together as they drifted easily into the forbidden, now familiar thrill of incest, kissing again and again…

The End


An Immodest Proposal

  • Posted on April 7, 2016 at 2:16 pm

(With apologies to Jonathan Swift)

By JetBoy

When Naughty Mommy set up the Best of Leslita page at Juicy Secrets (and I assumed the unofficial mantle of Site Archivist), our goal was to gather up all the best stories from Lesbian Lolita and preserve them here before its founder ‘C’ closed the site down for reasons of health after an incredible ten-year run. (Our best wishes go out to you, dear lady, wherever you are.)

Day after day, I’d select choice items from the many stories to be found there and post them here, with my lovely site cohort Cheryl often proofreading and cleaning up the text.

Then an unexpected windfall took place, or at least we thought it was: Leslita was taken over by a volunteer from our little erotic scene named Jenny, who vowed to keep it going. Needless to say, my partners and I were delighted to see our big sister site saved from the scrap heap. Furthermore, the fact that Leslita would stay put meant that we no longer had to wig out about salvaging its stories, so my urgent archiving activities came to a halt.

That was then, this is now. As I type these words, it has been four months since a new story has appeared at Leslita. We’re not exactly sure what has happened, only that it has.

Even if the site resumes, it will be a pale shadow of its former glory. Allow me to quote this addition to the submissions page, added I know not when:

While in the past stories were included, that focused on the sexual attraction of adult women toward young girls. From now on, stories submitted must have focus on the sexual feelings the underage characters. Any story with an adult main character (first person voiced) will not be allowed. Also stories containing sexual activity between an adult and a child under the age of 13 will not be allowed. 

With these new rules, Leslita has surrendered the edge that made it unique among erotic websites. This is a unhappy development, as there are no sites of any real size (and precious few small ones) that accept sex stories featuring young girls.

Anyhow, the lack of any new posts for such a long while has reawakened our fears about the eventual disappearance of Leslita — and its enormous library of lesbian fiction.

Naughty Mommy, Cheryl, and I want to expand our Best of Leslita archive, to save what’s worth saving from the site while we’re still able. But we can’t do it alone. Running this site, earning our daily bread, spending time with our loved ones, then trying to get writing done in our spare hours… in the end, the three of us simply don’t have the ability to dig through thousands of stories as thoroughly as we’d like.

To that end we challenge you, our loyal readers, to let us know about your special Leslita favorites… or journey through the delights and dregs of the site, thinking about the tales you’d most like to see at Juicy Secrets, then let us know about them. You’ll be making a genuine contribution to making our humble home a better, sexier place.

If you wish to participate, this link will take you to the Leslita page for Stories By Title. This link will take you to the page for Stories By Author. Trawl through them at your leisure (not at work, I beseech you), then then email your nominees to yours truly, JetBoy the Archivist, at [email protected].

Thing is, my partners and I are pretty picky when it comes to dirty stories. We aren’t afraid to criticize each other’s writing — that applies and then some to everyone else. We have strong ideas about what works for us and what doesn’t. Check out my blog post What We Like and Why We Like It to get a good idea of the caliber of erotica we seek. Just remember that no matter how hot the sex is, we’re likely to pass if the story is weakly plotted or clumsily written.

We prefer completed stories, but are willing to use unfinished tales of sufficient quality and hotness. Also, this is a lesbian fiction site, so any story that features heterosexual action to any major degree (and there are a few of these at Leslita) will not be considered for inclusion. No spurting cocks, thanks very much!

One cautionary note: we’d like to keep the whole nomination process a discreet one, so please don’t leave your story suggestions as comments on this page. Send them to the appropriate receptacle, namely me.

Finally, fervent thanks and lots of love to any of you who heeds our plea. Lesbian Lolita was an incredibly valuable resource back in the day… let’s pitch in and do what we can to preserve its wicked legacy!

Fondly yours, JetBoy


Mom Goes Wild, Part Three

  • Posted on February 22, 2016 at 11:12 am

By JetBoy

Belinda’s face rested on Janet’s thigh as she gazed at me, mouth and chin glistening with the essence of wet pussy, licking her lips as she waited for my response.

I wasn’t just looking at my daughter anymore. I was seeing a desirable young girl, one that I very much wanted to take as a lover.

I glanced up at Janet. She studied my expression, then smiled knowingly as she saw the yes in my eyes. Shifting her attention over to her daughter who, at that moment, was lightly kissing my vulva, Janet told her, “Mary… come over here with me, baby, and let’s you and I play for a while. It’s time Belinda learned how to love her mommy.”

I watched, my pulse racing as Mary left one last kiss on my cunt, then rose from between my legs and moved, cat-like, over to her mother. My daughter, her eyes glued to mine, took Mary’s place; kneeling before me, placing her little hands on my thighs. Belinda paused, staring as if hypnotized at my pubic tuft — the dark, thick curls that didn’t quite conceal the pink flesh of Mommy’s vagina.

You can still stop this, some small vestige of my conscience pleaded. Don’t have sex with your little girl. It’s wrong.

But I banished those final stirrings of shame, scattering them like dust motes. I’d had a bellyful of these idiotic rules, imposed upon us by a feeble-minded society. Who were they — who was anyone to tell me that the love Belinda and I yearned for was wrong?

Nothing mattered but this moment in time, with my sweet child and I naked together, her face inches from my sex, mouth watering to taste me. This was good. This was right. My daughter and I were meant to make love.

Looking down at her, I no longer saw the innocent face of my twelve-year-old. Instead I saw an adolescent lesbian, hungry for the nectar of her mother’s pussy.

I felt her lightly touching the moist flesh of my vulva, then she slid two fingers into me. I gasped, loving this bold intrusion.

She began, slowly at first, to work her fingers in and out — and it wasn’t long before she had three, then four fingers pumping away, fucking me with everything she had. I just sat there, thighs spread as wide as they could go, staring enthralled at the face of the sexy child kneeling between my legs, a face filled with pure lust and passion. She was biting her lip, eyes gleaming with excitement as she plunged her fingers in and out of my dripping hole. Then she glanced up at me for an instant, then — oh, God

I cried out as I felt her entire hand push its way into my body. I could not believe this — my own little girl was fisting me! A helpless moan was wrenched from my throat, then another as Belinda impaled me again and again on her pumping arm. I sobbed in ecstasy as Belinda bent down to suck my clitoris between her lips.

It felt so fucking decadent, being pleasured this way by my own daughter. God, what a pervert I am, I thought to myself. But right then, it didn’t matter, nothing did — nothing but sex.

Janet and Mary were down on the carpet, entangled in a squirming sixty-nine. Janet’s mouth was glued to her daughter’s opening, her fingers probing the crack of Mary’s ass.

I knew I was about to climax. I was about to come all over my young child’s pretty face. My lips were moving silently — I’m going to, I’m going to, I’m g-going to…

And then I was coming, in what felt like an explosion of heat and light that began in my belly, radiating outward to fill me completely. As it swept through me I heard myself babbling like I was possessed. “Oh yes, Belinda! OH! Yes, m-my little angel… eat Mommy’s pussy! Oh God, YES! FUCK ME! Mmmmmm, I love you, baby…”

As this incredible wave of orgasmic pleasure slowly began to recede, Belinda’s churning arm came to a slow halt. I kept rolling my hips, though, working my cunt on my baby’s hand. She just smiled, holding herself steady for me as I thrust back hard against her fist, each thrust a hard surge of pleasure.

Finally I came to rest. Belinda carefully removed her hand from my cunt with a slurping sound, then crawled into my arms. Her body was glazed with sweat, and she was breathing heavily from her exertions. I was proud of her, working so hard to make her mommy come.

Like my daughter I was dazed, dizzy — but all I could think about at that moment was how badly I hungered to go down on her, to taste my precious little girl.

Opening my eyes, I smiled lovingly at Belinda, then gently kissed her. She responded with an eagerness that stole my breath away, crushing her mouth to mine, her tongue plunging between my parted lips.

I moaned happily, allowing my daughter to tongue-fuck me, sharing the flavor of my pussy. It was a lovely moment between mother and child — but now, there was something else that Mommy very much wanted to kiss.

We broke apart, gasping for breath as we gazed into each other’s souls. I whispered, “I want to lick you now, sweetheart.”

Belinda cooed with joy, her face lighting up as if she were six instead of twelve — a child who’d just been offered a special treat. “Yes, Mommy, yes!” she exclaimed.

Something about her air of innocence — even as she lay naked in my arms, her lips moist from my vagina — turned me on so much that I had to kiss her again. This time I was the aggressor, probing my child’s mouth with an eager tongue. She sighed and relaxed in my arms, letting me take her.

Finally our mouths parted, and I gently drew Belinda down to the thick carpet and rolled her onto her back, then began to nuzzle my way down her slender body. I left a trail of kisses along her elegant neck, then ventured onto the plain of her chest. She had hardly any breasts to speak of, but her nipples begged for the touch of my lips.

I obliged, sucking each in turn, staring into my baby’s awed eyes as I traced a circle around one with the tip of my tongue. “Mmm, that feels good, Mommy,” she whispered. “I’ve wanted you to do this to me for a long time.”

I answered her with a smile, then continued to explore the universe that was Belinda. Down I proceeded, rubbing my face against the softness of my daughter’s tummy. Even her belly button was adorable, and I paused to pay tribute — placing my lips onto the tiny hollow and slipping my tongue inside to give Belinda’s tum-tum a playful French kiss. She squirmed lusciously beneath me, moaning, “Oh… oh, wow.”

But I had somewhere else I ached to be, so on I went, grazing Belinda’s skin with my lips.

Then I was lying between my little girl’s legs, marveling at the beauty of her vulva. I reached out to brush the pink crease with trembling fingers, sending a sweet shiver through her. Tracing the line of the bare slit, I found wetness.

Placing both hands on Belinda’s inner thighs, I gently opened her sex with my thumbs, the very breath quivering in my chest at the sight of the moist, rosy flesh hidden inside my baby’s flower. Leaning in closer, I inhaled deeply, breathing in the intoxicating aroma of a little girl for the first time. There was sweet honey there for me to taste, and a moan escaped my lips as a glistening droplet trickled down into the cleft of my daughter’s anus.

I raised myself slightly, meeting my child’s dreamy gaze. “Honey,” I murmured, “raise your legs up for me, and hold them to your chest. I want to see every bit of you.”

She happily complied. I glanced over at Janet and Mary, now sitting up and resting against the love seat. They were both watching, eager for the show to begin. Mary’s head rested on her mother’s breast, and her hand was moving between Janet’s legs.

I turned back to my daughter. She lay before me with flushed cheeks, clutching both knees against her breasts, waiting.

Drawing close, I extended my tongue, bathing Belinda’s slit with one long, slow lick. My daughter’s body tensed with a sharp jolt of pleasure, a choked cry bursting from her throat that trailed off into a whimper.

Sampling her flavor, I decided that my baby girl was delicious, then licked her again, teasing the puffy slit with the tip of my tongue. Belinda’s breath came in sobs, her frame shivering with tiny tremors as if she held an earthquake in her belly — one that might shake this house to its very foundation when unleashed.

I pictured my daughter literally bringing the walls crashing down with her orgasm, and stifled a giggle before licking her again, this time barely penetrating Belinda’s opening before I withdrew once more.

I continued to tease my child’s pussy with tiny flicks of the tongue and light kisses, driving her frantic with the need for release. Her body was shivering as if she were feverish, both hands still clenching the backs of her knees. “Mommy…” she pleaded.

Finally, when it seemed as if Belinda was on the verge of bursting into frustrated tears, I burrowed between her thighs, fastening my mouth to that flawless cunt. Twelve years old — still a child, really — and I was going down on her, making lesbian love to my own little girl, thrilling to the music of her ecstatic cries. I’d never been so turned on in my life.

Why had I never done this with Belinda before? In fact, why had I pushed my darling Melody away from me, back when she longed to be loved by her mother in this very same way? As I lay before my youngest daughter, avidly tongue-fucking her juicy slit, it dawned on me what a fool I’d been.

Then I was licking Belinda up and down, bathing the baby-smooth vulva with long, luxurious strokes. The sweet, sharp taste of a little girl was coating my tongue.

The rosebud of her anus was open to me, and I sought entrance, probing between Belinda’s soft cheeks to tickle the dark cleft. The act of rimming my little girl was delightful, and I could have licked her asshole for hours. But her pussy demanded my attention right then, so I regretfully abandoned Belinda’s bottom for the time being, once more pressing my mouth to her sex.

“Oh, Mommy,” she whispered, staring blissfully at me. “This is… s-so nice…”

I renewed my ardent licking, pleasuring Belinda, her ecstasy slowly rising until my daughter was at the very brink of release. Then I sought out the tiny nubbin of her clitoris, taking it between my lips to suckle.

Her soft whimpers quickly mounted into a wild cry as a long-awaited orgasm came crashing down. Belinda was shaking violently, her head turning from side to side while I held on, firmly clutching my little girl’s hips. She came hard for about half a minute, then relaxed as the intensity of her climax began to wane. Her legs straightened, and she sank back into the thick carpet with a long, contented sigh.

With one last gentle kiss on her vulva, I raised myself to my knees, then shifted into a sitting position next to Belinda. Tired as she was, my baby sat up, reaching out for me, and I took her damp body into my arms.

“I love you, Mommy,” she breathed, her lips lightly caressing my ear. Then she sat back, gazing at me with adoring eyes. “That was my dream — doing that with you. You made my dream come true.”

Belinda’s hair was stuck to her moist forehead, and I lovingly brushed it to one side. “Precious child.” As if I was held by a magic spell, my face was slowly drawn to hers, and we kissed.

Goodness, what a kiss that was. My baby’s tongue shyly grazed my lips, and they parted to allow her entrance, my tongue greeting hers, engaging, mingling as our passion grew. I was smitten, a woman in love.

A sound suddenly broke the silence. I lifted my head, staring toward the sliding glass door, the one that led to the back yard — and saw, standing there in the entrance, my daughter Melody, her eyes dancing with excitement. Believe it or not, I was surprised.

My heart raced as she stepped in and stood before us. As usual, Melody was wearing an incredibly short skirt, looking every inch the teenage tramp.

She grinned knowingly at the sight of her baby sister, naked and in my arms, then kicked off her sandals and began to unbutton her top, tugging it off and tossing it aside. As I expected, there was no bra covering her perky breasts. She quickly unhooked her skirt, then let it slide to the floor, revealing her beautiful naked body. Hmmm… no panties, either.

Her eyes met mine as she reached down to lightly manipulate her clit with expert fingers. “Well, Mom, I guess you just can’t resist the lure of young flesh, can you?”

I laughed at that — in fact, we all did — then I licked my lips as sensuously as possible while leering at my sexy daughter, the desire I felt mirrored in her eyes.

Melody strutted forward and stood beside me, then raised a leg to place her foot on the arm of the couch, showing me everything she had. Tilting my face up to hers, she bent down to kiss me hotly, her tongue flickering in my mouth like a flame for a delicious instant before she abruptly broke away. Belinda, still nestled in my arms, gasped in awe.

Seizing my wrist, Melody placed my hand on her pubic mound. “Touch me, Mom,” she hissed. “Feel how wet I am for you.”

Placing a finger at the entrance of her cunt, I pushed it deep into my daughter with a single smooth motion. Melody inhaled sharply and threw her head back as I began to fuck her, adding a second finger after a few strokes.

Belinda nibbled her lower lip while she watched me fuck her big sister — then she got down on her tummy before me, burying her face between my legs. I parted them, giving my little girl full access, moaning when her lips pressed into my throbbing sex.

Melody rode my hand for a while, then straightened, my finger leaving her vagina with a wet sound. “What a good mommy you are,” she cooed, briefly touching my cheek. Then she moved to kneel behind Belinda. Transfixed by her baby sister’s upturned ass, Melody placed a hand on that tight little bottom and began to caress it. I could see Belinda’s eyes glaze over with pleasure at big sister’s touch.

Melody’s naughty hand soon slipped between Belinda’s legs to play with her cunt. My youngest daughter moaned soft and low into my pubic curls, still licking me as best she could.

Suddenly, Melody grabbed Belinda by the arm — roughly pulling her away from me — and tugged her out into the center of the room. Melody positioned her little sister with the side of her face resting flat on the carpet, her girlish bottom jutting lewdly up into the air. I felt behind me for the front of Janet’s couch, leaning back against the plush cushions.

Melody knelt behind her baby sister and took a long, loving lick, trailing her tongue from her bare slit up through the crack of her ass. Belinda shivered ecstatically, her face the very image of sexual rapture. Remembering how skilled Melody had been at oral when we’d done each other mere hours ago, I smiled to myself, knowing how wonderful Belinda must have felt right then.

Spreading Belinda’s buttocks with both hands, Melody began to rim her younger sibling. My twelve-year-old was positively ecstatic, nearly sobbing for joy as her big sister’s hot, sucking mouth pressed deep between her cheeks. Clearly, a love of anal stimulation ran in our family.

Suddenly Janet plunked herself on the carpet next to me. Cupping my face in two warm hands, she crushed her mouth to mine in a torrid kiss, probing me with her tongue. Then, without a word, we sat back against the couch to watch my oldest daughter make love to my youngest. Janet’s hand casually drifted between my legs, and mine between hers, and we fingered each other’s clits as we took in the sight and sounds of my daughters committing incest. Belinda’s body seemed to move in time with Melody’s licking, and I could hear her whimper with delight at every flick of big sister’s tongue in her ass crack.

Once more Janet and I turned to each other and kissed. My eyes drifted shut as I savored the warmth and softness of my neighbor’s luscious mouth. She and I slid to the floor in a tight clinch, and I climbed on top of her, pressing a thigh against Janet’s heated sex — the two of us making out like lust-crazed teenagers.

Then I heard Melody’s demanding voice ring out. “Okay, Mom… get on your hands and knees!”

I raised my face to see Melody standing defiantly before me, naked but for the huge strap-on dildo she was fastening around her waist. Securing it, her hand slid up and down the length of the latex cock, a wicked gleam in her eyes. A shiver of excitement ran through me at the sight of such a large cock strapped to my daughter. It was long and thick and I wanted it inside me more than anything.

I quickly positioned myself on all fours, sticking my ass in the air with my knees parted wide. It had been ages since I’d had a lover indulge my submissive side, taking me like a wild animal — but Melody’s grin said more clearly than any words that she was in the mood for some very rough fun and games.

I sensed my daughter moving behind me, then felt the sting of her hand, crashing down on my right buttock. I cried out loud — partly in pain and surprise, mostly in pleasure.

“Ready to get fucked, Mom? Huh? Ready to take my big, hard cock in your ass?” Then WHAP! Melody’s other hand came down like the wrath of God on my other cheek, and I cried out again.

Her hand spread some kind of lubricant all the way up the crack of my ass, then across my tight hole. I shivered with anticipation at the thought of being buttfucked by my Melody. She plunged two fingers into my anus, wriggling them around to loosen me up back there. She was far from gentle with me, but I didn’t mind.

A few seconds later Melody removed her fingers and began sliding the tip of her cock between my cheeks. I wasn’t absolutely certain that I could take a dick that big in my back door — but I planned to find out, one way or the other.

I whimpered in joy as my asshole slowly opened up to my daughter, a choked cry escaping my lips as the bulbous head suddenly penetrated the anal ring.

“That’s it, Mom! Open up for me. I’m gonna fuck you till you scream,” she growled as she slapped my butt again, harder this time.

The burning of my bottom only added fuel to the fire that raged between my legs. Shit — the more Melody treated me like a whore, the more it turned me on! She knows me so well, I mused.

I took a deep breath and felt the huge shaft begin to muscle its way into my anal passage. It’s so big! was all I could think. But it felt wonderful as it slowly, slowly filled me.

Janet and Mary were entangled on the carpet a few feet away in a lover’s embrace, kissing passionately. Mary’s legs were wrapped around her mother, and she was rubbing her cunt against Janet’s belly. The intensity of their feelings for one another was a beautiful thing to see. I felt a surge of indescribable joy that nearly brought me to tears, knowing that my girls and I were now loving each other in the same way.

Once Melody had completely penetrated my rectum, she began to withdraw her cock, only to slide the full length of it back inside. I grunted with pleasure as it filled me. Again, Melody slapped my ass firmly as she began to work the length of it in and out.

As she plowed me, Melody moaned, “Oh, Mom, this is so fuckin’ kinky.” She was pumping my ass with long steady strokes, and I could feel my cunt leaking down the insides of my thighs. I was my daughter’s slut, her back door bitch — I loved it!

Then Belinda was kneeling before me, her face about an inch from mine. She nibbled gently at my lower lip, and I closed my eyes, kissing her like a lover. I could feel the child humming with pleasure as my tongue licked its way around her mouth. This was miles away from a normal mother-daughter kiss, but then nothing I’d been doing today could be considered normal.

“Oooh, yeah, that’s so hot, Mom,” Melody sighed, her hips moving against my ass. “Can you taste your pussy on her lips?”

I did, and it was delicious. Belinda and I continued to kiss, her little hands fondling my breasts as Melody kept pumping in and out of my rectum, keeping my senses heightened by slapping my ass every so often. As for me, I was thrusting my hips back against that slippery prick, trying to take it even deeper.

When I came, it was like being turned inside out. I was screaming and thrashing wildly as my daughters pleasured me, taking their own mother through the most amazing orgasm.

I actually passed out for a minute or so, coming to in Melody’s arms. She cradled my head in her lap while Belinda lay curled against me, her lips touching my breast.

Gazing down, Melody gave me a look of adoration, the likes of which I’d not had from her in ages, and whispered, “Love ya, Mom,” bending to place a feather-light kiss on my nose. It was such a perfect moment that I actually shed a few tears. After all those years of anger and defiance, I had my daughter back.

Then she kissed my mouth, her soft lips brushing mine. I responded, my desire magically renewing itself as our tongues met and entwined.

The five of us shared a long afternoon of lovemaking before my daughters and I cleaned up and went home, where we crammed ourselves in the shower stall to wash each other clean before emerging to pass out in a tangle of bare limbs on my bed.


From that day on, this relationship with my daughters has been the joy of my existence. I no longer have to pretend that I’m some kind of prim and proper mother around the girls. Melody came back home to stay, and our family was complete.

Belinda moved into my bedroom with me, where two years later, we still fuck nearly every night. Melody has her own room, where she often entertains other girls and women — but then there are nights when she joins me and Belinda in a family orgy steamy enough to take off the wallpaper. Of course, we also enjoy a lovely rapport with Janet and Mary. I can drop by their house just about any time to borrow something a hell of a lot sweeter than a cup of sugar.

It’s so strange: I spent years denying my true nature in an effort to keep my daughters from being like me. Then in the end, it was my precious girls who showed me the light, helped me to once again become the wanton woman I was always meant to be. And now that I’ve overcome those silly fears, sharing this beautiful, perverse lifestyle with Melody and Belinda is the best part of it all.

So that’s my life these days. I’m a freaky, incestuous lesbian mother — and I couldn’t be happier if I tried!



Mom Goes Wild, Part Two

  • Posted on February 18, 2016 at 11:26 am

By JetBoy

It was morning when I awakened, still naked, stretched out on the sofa. Melody was gone, but I still had the sticky essence of her on my face. There was a numb ache between my legs, and I was stiff all over.

Before I could pull myself to my feet, I heard the front door slam — and Belinda came prancing in. Oh, hell. She saw me and skipped over to where I sat, bending to give me a warm kiss on the mouth.

It was bad enough having my daughter see me like this, naked and sprawled on the couch looking like — well, like I’d been in an all-night orgy. But when she pulled back after kissing me and her face lit up with a delighted smile, I wanted to crawl under the sofa and hide.

“Hi, Mommy! Looks like you had a fun time last night,” she said as she gazed at me knowingly. “Where did your, um, girlfriend go?”

I had no idea how to answer. I was deeply embarrassed, made worse by the fact that she seemed to know exactly what I’d been up to. Before I could reply, or even question her about her own evening, she ran into her room giggling and shut the door with a bang.

Dazed, I wandered into my bedroom and slipped into the shower. As I stood in the hot, comforting spray, thinking back on my night, I found myself quickly becoming aroused, remembering what I had done — and who I’d done it to.

Tingling with excitement at the memory of fucking my oldest daughter, I reached down and began to stroke my slit as I replayed the entire lewd episode in my head. I fingered myself hard, feeling the heat build as I remembered all the things I had done with Melody. Soon I brought myself off again.

After my orgasm, I was able to think rationally. As reality slowly reared its troublesome head, I emerged from the shower and dried myself, once again wondering what Belinda had been doing next door last night — and, for that matter, on all the other times she had spent with her friend Mary.

I absently nibbled at a fingernail. How should I deal with this?

Now that my mind wasn’t fogged up with twisted sex thoughts, I reminded myself yet again that I didn’t want my youngest daughter following in the footsteps of her mother or big sister. I didn’t really know for sure whether Belinda had been involved in what I’d seen the night before. But even if she hadn’t, Janet’s daughter Mary was definitely there in the X-rated Polaroids I found, which meant that she couldn’t be a very good influence. Then there was Janet herself, cavorting naked in the living room while Belinda was there.

I wrestled for several hours over the best way to handle this situation. In the end, it boiled down to two choices: I could confront Belinda with the evidence I’d found in her room… or I could go next door and discuss what I’d seen in those photographs with Janet.

Later that afternoon I decided on the second option. Belinda was sprawled on the floor watching cartoons, so I put on a blouse and skirt, told her I’d be back soon and walked the few yards it took to get me over to Janet’s house. My nerves were jangling, but I simply put one foot in front of the other until I was standing at the front door.

When I knocked, Mary answered. She opened the door and stood silently before me, wearing a tiny T-shirt that ended just below her breasts and a pair of sheer white panties. Nothing else. My eyes instinctively flickered up and down her taut little body, pausing at the pubic thatch that was clearly visible between her legs.

I was speechless, so she smiled and broke the silence, saying, “Hello, Ms. Gable. How are you?”

As she waited for my response, her hand drifted across her flat belly and down to the waistband of her panties, where she slipped her thumb inside, giving them a slight downward tug as if they were jeans.

“Ahhh… is your m-mother home, Mary?” I asked, trying to regain my composure.

“Yes, ma’am, she is… come in,” she said, stepping back to invite me inside. I dazedly followed, my eyes locked on her cute girlish ass, swaying seductively as she led me through the house.

“Mom? Ms. Gable’s here to see you,” she called out.

I followed her into the den, and she sat down in an easy chair. I perched nervously on the sofa, seated right across from her.

Mary smiled at me again. “She’ll be right here,” she cooed. I had to hand it to the girl — despite her slutty attire, she was as polite as ever.

“Thank you,” I replied, trying to sound casual. “Um… don’t mind me. You just, uh, go back to whatever you were d-doing.”

“Okay,” she replied, still giving me that sweet smile. She reached over to an end table for a magazine and began to thumb through it.

Now that Mary’s attention was elsewhere, I looked around the room, quickly realizing that I was seated on the sofa where Janet was masturbating last night. I peered out the large glass door in front of me and into the back yard, a shiver passing through my frame as I recognized the fence that I’d peeped over just a few hours ago, spying on Janet.

And on the other side of that fence rested a lawn chair, on which I had made love to my sexy Melody…

I gritted my teeth. Don’t think about that now, for fuck’s sake. Stay focused.

As I sat there, quietly waiting for Janet, I stole a glance at Mary, absorbed in her magazine. Her legs had fallen apart, and she was giving me a clear, open view of her panty-covered pussy. I tried not to stare, forcibly shifting my gaze elsewhere, but my eyes kept shifting back to between her legs. The remembered image from the Polaroid of her naked with another girl licking her cunt — had it been Belinda? — kept burning in my head.

Again, I fought to clear my mind. God damn it, this was no time to be getting aroused!

It was then that I noticed Mary was reading a porno magazine. There on the cover was a photograph of two teenage girls, fingering each other and kissing. This was not your standard run-of-the-mill girlie mag, it was hardcore lesbian smut — the kind I had plenty of in my own collection. I found myself growing increasingly jittery at the sight of this half-naked young nymphet seated across from me, legs spread, casually leafing through the sort of magazine one found in sex shops.

Then Janet sauntered out of the bedroom and into the den, smiling hugely. I stood, trying to compose myself.

“Hi, Lucy, how are you doing?” she said, giving me a friendly hug. “Please, sit down… let me fix you a drink.” Before I had a chance to consider her offer, she was placing a glass of amber fluid in my hand.

Janet was wearing a casual dress. It was short and summery, and her large breasts jiggled underneath as she moved about the room, making it clear that she was braless.

She stopped between the glass door and me. “So… what brings you over today?” she asked.

With the light shining from behind her, I could see her tall voluptuous figure as if she was totally nude.

It took me a second or two to realize I had been asked a question, and another to realize that I had absolutely no idea what I was going to say to Janet. My mind had gone blank, and I felt myself on the verge of utter panic. Somehow, though, I got a grip.

“Ah, well, Janet…” I stammered. “Um, I just haven’t had a chance to, to visit with you much since you moved in, and, well, I thought I’d just wander over and say hello…” I knew perfectly well that I had other, far more serious reasons for being there. But I thought to myself that I really ought to chat with Janet first — feel her out a bit before getting confrontational.

Still smiling, Janet strode over to sit down beside me. “I’m so glad you did,” she said softly, her blue eyes burning into mine. “We’re neighbors, after all, and our daughters are such good friends. I’ve thought for a long time that you and I should get to know each other better.” With that, she casually placed her hand on my knee — and I barely kept myself from gasping.

Janet turned to Mary and sweetly said, “Honey, can you go to the kitchen and bring us a little something to nibble on?”

Mary nodded and, without a word, padded out of the room. A flash of sexual heat shot through me at the sight of the girl’s ass, jiggling through her all but see-through panties. Then I quickly turned back to Janet, hoping she hadn’t noticed me looking. A knowing smile was on her lips.

“Your Belinda is an adorable little girl,” she purred, “I just love having her around. I like for Mary to invite her friends over as often as possible, you know.” Her index finger began to brush against my thigh. “It’s always a pleasure, being in the presence of pretty young girls. They make the world a far nicer place. Know what I mean, Lucy?”

“Oh yes. I, uh, I always enjoy c-company,” I blurted, my heart throbbing. Jesus, what an idiotic thing to say.

Then I felt her hand sliding a little further up my thigh. I glanced down, then back up at her calm face. She gazed seductively at me, eyes radiating sex. Oh, my God…

“Of course, I don’t just love being with young girls. I also enjoy sexy women like you. Don’t you feel the same way?” she murmured, fanning her fingers out on my thigh.

“Well, yes — s-sometimes,” I murmured, fumbling for words. No mistaking the signals Janet was sending out — by now, it was pretty damned obvious what she was after.

She leaned closer, her warm lips nearly brushing my ear. “Have you ever made love to another woman, Lucy?” she whispered, her fingers creeping just under the hem of my dress.

Boy, was she moving fast. “Yes,” I timidly replied. I could feel my cheeks burning as the word left my lips.

“Mmmm, good… very good,” she said, transfixing me with her heated gaze. Her hand advanced, deftly slipping between my thighs until her finger was brushing the front of my black silk panties. I was so wet that I was sure Janet could smell it. Suddenly her hand moved beneath the skirt to cup my vulva, and I couldn’t help but sigh with pleasure.

I sensed movement to my left, and turned my head to see Janet’s daughter standing a few feet away, watching us intently. This time, I did gasp out loud. It was obvious that Mary was turned on by the sight of her mom touching me between the legs. The teen’s nipples could be clearly seen through her t-shirt, and — oh, my God — the front of her skimpy panties was visibly damp. I was trembling with excitement.

The remembered image of this beautiful young girl’s naked body from Belinda’s photos flashed through my mind. I couldn’t take my eyes off the moist streak on her panties, tracing the line of her slit. I knew she saw me staring, but couldn’t help myself.

Janet whispered into my ear, “I just love the taste of pussy. Don’t you? Especially when it’s the smooth, juicy pussy of a young girl.”

I nodded my head slowly in confirmation.

“And there’s nothing as lovely as the look on a girl’s face while you’re licking her slit, giving her that first orgasm. So beautiful,” she breathed, her hand deftly slipping into my panties to caress my dripping sex. I was unable to move, glued to the spot. A thousand lustful thoughts were racing through my mind as I melted into her hand.

“Your pussy is very wet, Lucy,” Janet teased, her tongue flicking at my ear. “You’re easily aroused. I like that.”

My legs fell open as her fingers wormed their way into the heat of my vagina. Mary stood there watching, transfixed by the sight of her mother’s hand in my panties.

All I could do was slump back in the love seat and allow my neighbor to take me. Once again, logic and reasoning had given way to raw lust, and I was quickly losing any sense of right and wrong. Not that I’d had a hell of a lot of that to lose…

“Look at my daughter, Lucy,” Janet cooed. “Isn’t she sexy?” Unable to speak, I quickly nodded. “Well, then, would you like to see her naked? Would you enjoy that?” She bit my earlobe, and a sharp buzz of pleasure flickered through my belly.

“Yes!” I gasped deliriously.

“Good. Mary, sweetheart — stand up and take your clothes off for Ms. Gable.”

Mary looked down at me with a shy but lustful stare and began to sway from side to side. Her hand crept up under her t-shirt to fondle herself for a brief moment, then lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it to one side, exposing a lovely pair of breasts, succulent as new fruit.

“Doesn’t she have the loveliest titties you ever saw? She loves to have her nipples licked. You’d like to do that to her, Lucy — wouldn’t you?”

Mary was slowly turning around and around where she stood, easing down the waistband of her panties here and there, just enough to reveal quick glimpses of her nakedness — teasing her mother, teasing me. She was flashing bits of her downy pubes, the cleft of her buttocks and the glistening wetness of her rosy pudendum. Then she halted just a couple of feet away from me and, with one hand, began to stroke her slit through the gauzy material of her underpants. Her eyes caught mine, and she licked her lips so sensuously that I moaned out loud.

“Don’t play with us, honeybunch… take your panties off!” her mother said. “We want to see all of you.”

With that Mary tugged her knickers down to her feet, then stepped from them. Straightening, she posed proudly before us, exposing her beautiful cunt — a juicy pink slit, adorned with a soft triangle of golden pubes.

Janet turned to me, drew my face to hers and kissed me roughly. I couldn’t resist — my lips parted, and our tongues met in a hot, sexy tangle. Then she pulled back, flushed with excitement.

“Lucy, would you like my daughter to eat your pussy?” she whispered. “Right here, right now. She’s only fourteen, but she goes down like a porno star. Would you like that?”

There was no thought of my refusing my neighbor’s offer, not for an instant. I had to have this luscious nymph. I kissed Janet hungrily, letting my tongue dart in and out of her mouth, then drew back to whisper, “Yes.”

She looked up at her daughter and smiled. Mary giggled, then knelt between my legs. She rested her hands on my knees, slowly trailing the tips of her fingers up my thighs until they rested upon the waistband of my panties. Leaning forward, Mary closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply, savoring the thick aroma — a sight that made me dizzy with lust.

I raised my ass slightly, and she slid my underwear down and off. Mary then gently spread my legs apart, opening me up to her avid gaze.

“Go ahead, sweetheart. Show Ms. Gable all the things I taught you,” Janet cooed as she unbuttoned my blouse and threw it open, then made quick work of the bra, undoing the front clasp with a flick.

The beautiful young girl eagerly parted her lips as she burrowed between my thighs. I leaned back and watched in happy disbelief as she took her first taste of me, her tongue sliding into my pussy for a dizzying instant. Then she trailed her lips upward to place a light kiss upon my throbbing clit. It felt wonderful, and I placed my hands on her head, stroking her soft blond hair as she began to eat my pussy like a lover.

Janet’s lips sought mine, exploring my mouth in a sweet soul kiss. Our tongues mingled and danced, then she broke away to nuzzle a path down my neck and to my breasts. My breath hissed as she sucked my left nipple into her warm mouth. It was heaven, being pleasured by this mother/daughter couple… or at least a very enticing version of hell.

I was my old perverted self again, getting off to a fourteen-year-old girl licking my pussy. And the fact that her mother not only approved, but was joining in the fun and games — well, that made it even more exciting. Mary was eating me as voraciously she possibly could, licking and sucking my cunt like it was her first meal in days.

All of a sudden Janet gave me a quick kiss on the tip of my nose, whispered “I’ll be right back,” then left the room.

I don’t know for certain how long she was gone. Time meant nothing to me at that particular juncture. Mary kept taking me right up to the brink of orgasm without sending me over the edge, and it was getting me pretty crazy.

I heard Janet enter the room. A few seconds later, she spoke. “So, Lucy… is my daughter everything I said she’d be?”

I answered her with a moan, “Ohhhh… oh God, yes…”

“Hmmm. I guess, then, that you’d agree that it’s a good idea to train young girls in the art of pleasuring a woman,” she murmured. “Wouldn’t you?”

There was an odd note in Janet’s voice when she said that. Puzzled, I opened my eyes. My heart nearly stopped at what I saw.

There, sitting on Janet’s lap, leaning back against her breasts, was my daughter Belinda, in a tank top and panties! She was enfolded in Janet’s arms, staring intently at Mary as the voracious teen continued to eat me. Janet wore a devilish smile as she caressed my child, running her hands up and down Belinda’s bare legs.

I tried to stand up, but Mary held me in place, her mouth still working on my cunt, licking me harder. I sank back into the sofa, her wonderful tongue melting me back into my original position. I moaned in disbelief. Just like in my younger days, sex was standing squarely between me and morality.

Janet was kissing up and down Belinda’s neck, pausing once to slip her tongue into my baby girl’s ear. I watched as her hand wandered between my daughter’s open legs, fondling her pussy through the pink cotton underpants she wore.

“I hope that you don’t mind me taking your little girl under my wing,” she said, casually slipping a hand into Belinda’s panties.

I gaped in disbelief at my child, watching her sigh happily as Janet’s fingers found her slit. Her face was positively blissful as she squirmed in her older lover’s lap, letting Janet have her as she liked.

My horror diminished somewhat as I saw how happy Belinda was. At least she wasn’t being forced to do these things…

Forced? Yeah, right. In fact, my twelve-year-old was in ecstasy, nuzzling Janet’s neck as the woman’s hand moved about inside those plain cotton panties, expertly masturbating her.

“Your little girl loves to be touched, Lucy,” Janet happily sighed. “She even likes it when I put a finger into her cute little bottom. Don’t you, sweetheart?” she murmured into Belinda’s ear.

Belinda’s eyes met mine — and she nodded in agreement, sighing, “I do, Mommy. I love it when Aunt Janet touches me.”

“I’ve been teaching her everything about how to please a woman, you know… and she’s a perfect little student. Last night she went down on me and Mary both. Mmmm… what a hot little lover she’s become.” With that, Janet tilted Belinda’s face up to hers and gave my daughter a ravenous kiss. This was such a shock to see — this voluptuous, full breasted woman Frenching my twelve-year-old child, all the while rhythmically fingering Belinda’s slit.

As my little girl and her grownup lover made out in front of me, Mary’s hot mouth continued to do wondrous things to my pussy. And all I could do was lie back and take in the show.

I felt lightheaded, incredulous, musing on all these years that I’d restrained my slutty nature, striving to set a good example for my youngest daughter. Now I’d discovered that Belinda was deep into lesbian sex action that would have had me fleeing in terror when I was her age. Perverse as it seems, I actually felt a tiny surge of pride.

Janet began to roll Belinda’s panties down her thighs, while my little girl began to clumsily unbutton Janet’s top. They tenderly undressed one another, slipping out of their clothes until both were naked. Then Belinda was straddling the older woman’s leg, fondling her breasts. I watched my child grind herself against Janet’s thigh — head thrown back, mouth open.

Eyes glazed with pleasure, Janet reached around my daughter to cup her childlike buttocks, spreading her cheeks apart. Her eyes met mine as she took a finger, wet from Belinda’s pussy, and slid it deep into her asshole. Belinda moaned into Janet’s mouth — not a moan of discomfort, either, but of purest rapture.

Janet broke from their kiss, and with Belinda’s gasping lips only an inch from her own, she whispered, “Oh, Belinda… you’re my sweet little lover. Aren’t you?”

Belinda shivered with excitement as she answered, “Yes, Aunt Janet… yes, I am.”

“Tell your mommy what you did last night with Mary and me, what you did to us. Tell her!”

Belinda looked over at me, blushing prettily. “I… I did all kinds of stuff, Mommy. I licked their pussies, both of them. And Mary’s bottom hole, too. Then Aunt Janet, she had me put my whole hand inside her. It was so much fun!”

Hearing those lewd words from a twelve-year-old nymphet would be enough to get me hot. But when they came from a girl of twelve who also happened to be my daughter — well, it transformed my pussy into a roaring furnace.

Belinda turned back to Janet, and the two lovers exchanged a brief but torrid kiss, tongues mingling for a few seconds. Janet drew away, caressing my daughter’s cheek. “Now, little one… show your mommy how much you love to lick me.”

Belinda grinned with delight as she slid down from Janet’s thigh and turned to kneel between her legs. Janet scooted her ass up to the edge of the couch, then spread her legs as wide apart as she could. Staring down at my daughter, she slowly trailed a finger through her sticky folds. “Eat my pussy, baby… it’s waiting for you,” she growled, bringing that wet finger to her lips to taste.

My little girl was fixated on Janet’s vulva, so lewdly displayed before her. It was completely shaved, and made me think of a juicy pink mouth.

Drawn like a bee to clover, Belinda leaned in and began to delicately lick at her older lover’s bare slit. Then she fastened her mouth to the opening, kissing and sucking at the same time.

I couldn’t believe how aroused I became as I watched my youngest daughter pleasuring this beautiful woman — so wicked, yet so incredibly erotic! I could see Belinda’s lips grow wet and sticky as she went down on her friend’s mother, dutifully gazing up at Janet all the while.

My twelve-year-old daughter had become an adult woman’s sex toy, and was demonstrating her talents right before my eyes. It was also clear to me, when I saw her eyes dart over in my direction, just how much of Belinda’s excitement came from knowing I was watching her.

Taking note of how intently I observed their love play, Janet bent to whisper something to my daughter. Then, she and Belinda rose to their feet.

Padding over to the couch where I sat, Janet stood before me, arms folded over her breasts. “So, Lucy… do you like watching your little girl make love to me?”

“Ohhhh, yes,” was all I could managed to get out. Mary was still nuzzling my vulva, teasing the sensitive pink flesh with little flicks of her tongue.

Janet continued, a wicked gleam in her eye. “How about her and Mary trading places? Then you can find out for yourself what a hot little mouth Belinda has.” She glanced down at her daughter. “What do you think, hon? Shall we give Belinda a chance to pleasure her mother?”

I’m sure I had an apprehensive look on my face at that little suggestion, but Janet laughed. “Don’t worry, she wants to. We’ve already talked about it. After Melody came by and told us about what you two did together last night, Belinda hasn’t stopped talking about how much she wants to be with you that way.” She shook her head admiringly. “You are one lucky woman, Lucy.”

Of course. I should have known. Melody and I hadn’t done much talking last night after she seduced me in the back yard, so I’d never gotten around to asking her what she’d been doing there in the first place — but now, everything made sense. She was a part of this, too. And now I was about to be brought into the fold.

I stared into my little girl’s smiling face, stunned by the adoration I saw there. I’d always known that Belinda loved me — and now I realized that she desired me sexually as well.

Could I actually do this — allow my twelve-year-old daughter to fuck me? I’d already committed incest with Melody, but at least she was of age. Sex with Belinda would add pedophilia to my lengthy list of broken taboos. I wasn’t sure that I was ready to descend this far into the abyss of perversion.

On the other hand, who was I trying to fool? If I’d really wanted to save Belinda from this twisted mother/daughter duo, I’d have phoned Janet and told her to stay the hell away from my little girl. Instead, I’d put on a sexy skirt and walked right into the lion’s den. Why? Because I wanted in on this hot lesbian action.

I’d been good for much too long — and sex with Melody last night had been like coming home after years in the wilderness. Now, it was time for Mommy to go completely fucking wild.

Continue on to Part Three



Mom Goes Wild, Part One

  • Posted on February 15, 2016 at 1:30 pm

By JetBoy

I downed a warm slug of my Bloody Mary, wandered over to the stereo and turned up the music. The sweet soul groove of Al Green filled the room, and I just stared into space, sighing heavily. There I was: a sexy single woman, alone on Saturday night with nothing to do.

I’m Lucy Gable, a 39-year-old mother of two, and my entire life was about to be turned upside down.

And yeah, this is how it all began — me pottering around the living room in sexy panties and a camisole, sipping a drink, hungry for something more. Something like a few good rounds of wild-ass fucking with some willing partner, hard and intense enough to break the bed frame.

So why, you ask, wasn’t I out on the town, trolling for action? Well, it’s not as if I couldn’t have scored a bedmate, believe you me. I was still a very desirable woman — blessed with a great body that I have diligently cared for through the years, and a real talent for giving pleasure. I’ve always loved sex, ever since losing my virginity at fifteen, and have seldom had a problem finding a willing guy or gal to fulfill my needs. I was bisexual, with a strong preference for women, and there was a time when I had a steady stream of lovers to keep me warm.

But for the last few years, I managed to clean up my act and be a respectable mother to my youngest daughter Belinda. On most weekend nights I just watched television, then ended up going to bed and masturbating myself to sleep.

The main reason I worked so hard to create a wholesome atmosphere for Belinda, who had just turned twelve at the time my story begins, is because I’d screwed up so badly with my older daughter Melody — who, by the way, had moved out by that time. She left two weeks after her seventeenth birthday, taking her things across town to shack up with a lesbian girlfriend.

It was inevitable that she was going to flee the nest, I suppose. Melody saw me as nothing more than an enormous hypocrite — always getting after her for the way she dressed and behaved. See, she remembered how I was in those days when Belinda was just a baby. Back then, it wasn’t unusual for her to peek into the living room late at night and find me on the floor with my dress hiked up around my waist, riding the cock of some guy she’d never seen before — or naked and entangled in a juicy sixty-nine on the sofa with another woman.

My husband Ed had walked out on me when I was pregnant with Belinda, though I guess I couldn’t blame him for that. He’d already caught me cheating on him three times, twice with women, once with a man — and when he came home early one afternoon from the used car lot where he worked to find me in bed with my gal pal Cheryl, her face buried between my thighs while she fondled my hugely swollen belly… well that, as they say, was the last straw. Only I didn’t know it just then.

Two weeks later, when I got home from the hospital with my newborn girl, mad as a hornet and wanting to know where my goddamn husband had sneaked away to after dropping me off at the maternity ward, I got a big surprise: turns out that while I was giving birth to Belinda, he’d raced right back to the house, packed all his things and fucked off to parts unknown. Didn’t even leave a note.

I’ve never seen him since — and frankly, could care less. Really, Ed’s departure was the best stroke of luck I’d had in ages. At that point in our marriage, he’d become a complete waste of space, in bed or out.

For years after that, I was a woman on a sexual rampage, going to bed with whoever I wanted. Mostly women, but there were a few guys now and again. Problem was, I was setting a lousy example for Melody, who was getting pretty wild herself before she hit twelve. Eventually I realized that I needed to straighten up and fly right before Belinda began to follow her big sister’s example. Oh, I still dated now and then, but for the most part I forced myself into the role of a respectable suburban mother. I was the square peg, crammed into a round hole.

It was never an easy thing, of course. I longed for the crazy hedonistic times when I was a sex freak and proud of it. Like that night at the bar when, in the mood for a kinky dare, I slipped under our table and went down on all three of the ladies who were with me, then tongue-kissed a fourth girlfriend when she arrived a couple of minutes later to give her a taste of what she’d missed. Or that time when these two bisexual cops I used to hang out with fucked me at the same time — one in front, one from behind — then sixty-nined each other while I watched, their cocks still moist from my cunt and asshole.

Those were the kind of shenanigans I’d forced myself to leave behind, and it had been one hell of a struggle. You see, perverted sex wasn’t something I could simply dip into now and again, like making a box of candy last for an entire month. No, when it came to the kinky shit, I was more like the glutton you’d find sprawled on the floor an hour after opening the box, surrounded by wrappers, face smeared with chocolate. I couldn’t be my old, wanton self in half measures — so I had to give it up completely, settling for a taste of vanilla sex every now and then to keep me from going completely nuts.

Trouble was, Melody clearly recognized the slut that still lurked inside me, and she never believed my change in lifestyle, not for a minute. Oh, she knew I wasn’t indulging in the same crazed sex play as before — but she knew how badly I hungered for it, and that only made me seem ridiculous in her eyes. Hell, she knew all the twisted things that got me hot just from snooping through my porno collection, which I could never safely hide from her, no matter how I tried.

As Melody came into her mid-teen years, she became more and more defiant. She made it a point to dress and carry herself in as wanton a manner as possible. Her skirts got briefer, her shorts grew shorter and she picked up a habit of going without underwear as often as not.

Then there was the increasingly lewd behavior Melody was engaging in around the house, seldom wearing more than skimpy panties and a t-shirt, often less. She seemed to get a kick out of practically putting her pussy on display, even with Belinda in the room.

Her actions disturbed me. Not so much because she was being so lewd, or that she was doing it in front of her little sister, but because I found myself so damn excited by her behavior. She reminded me of myself at her age, only she was even sexier than I’d been. I could hardly tear my eyes away from the sight of her cunt when she exposed it. Melody’s slutty attitude had my nerves jangling like a drag queen’s wrists, and she played that for everything she was worth. Sometimes, she’d even go as far as to casually stroke her clit in front of me.

The girls she’d begun to hang out with all seemed to dressed and behave just like she did. Some of her girlfriends were her age, others were older. Whether they were young teens or in their mid-twenties, they all had that certain something that drove straight males of all ages crazy with lust, not to mention lust-besotted bisexual women like me. I was already struggling to be good, and the sight of Melody’s cohorts didn’t help matters.

It was on the first night of summer vacation that I hesitantly let Melody go out with a couple of her older girlfriends, thinking that they seemed more responsible than most of the girls she hung with. I managed to steal a moment with one of them, a cocktail waitress named Karlie, and asked her to keep an eye on my daughter. She just smiled and murmured. “No problem, Ms. G. I’ll take good care of her.”

As I heard the car pulling out of the driveway, I released a deep, shaky breath. Relax, Lucy. She’ll be okay.

Christ almighty, was I wrong. When my daughter finally came stumbling in at four-thirty in the morning, I’d been dozing fitfully on the couch in my bathrobe, waiting for her. When I heard the key scrape against the hole, then turn clumsily in the door, I stood and waited, arms folded and jaw on edge as she shambled inside.

Melody looked as if she’d been through a monsoon. Her hair was awry, lipstick smeared and her fishnet stockings were a ruin. My heart sank at the sight of her. Then as she drew closer, I realized to my horror that her dress was on inside out.

When her eyes lit upon me, Melody seemed not to know who I was — or was she messing with me? I couldn’t tell.

“Hey, babe… y’wanna fuck?” she slurred as she drew closer.

I stared in disbelief, rooted to the spot as she placed a hand behind my head and brought my face to hers, kissing me hard on the mouth. Her tongue forced its way between my lips.

I was too stunned to respond at first — and that gave Melody the opportunity to tug my robe open with her free hand, which quickly found its way into my panties. She wriggled a finger into me, and I gasped as I recognized the familiar smell and taste of pussy on her lips.

It was as if my daughter knew exactly which buttons to push to get me hot. Her skillful fingers, her slutty demeanor, the sticky essence of cunt that coated her mouth — in seconds I was so wet that I could hear Melody’s fingers squishing as she masturbated me.

Somehow, though, I found the inner strength to shove her away.

Melody lost her balance, falling backwards and landing with a dull thud on the carpet. She lay there, her dress up, legs spread wide. No panties… golly gee, what a surprise. Even in the dim light, I could see that her shaved pussy was wet.

She blinked, collecting herself, then leered at me. “Oh, so you like to play rough, do you?” she purred. “Well, it’s your lucky night, Mom, cause I want it rough.”

An icy tendril of fear touched my heart. No, God damn it… she can’t be doing this to me. Anything but this!

Melody struggled up on all fours, thrusting her ass toward me, pausing to flip up her skirt. “Go ahead! Spank me! Do it hard, too… cause I’ve been a baaad girl, Mommy.” She reached back, grasped her left buttock and twisted it to one side, revealing the rosebud of her anus.

Staring down at her gorgeous, upturned bottom, I stood motionless, a storm rising beneath my belly.

“Actually, y’know what I’d really like, Mommy? If you played with my butthole,” she cooed, easing a fingertip into her rectum. “You’re waaay into that, right?”

My God, I could smell how aroused she was — and I could also feel my own cunt, pulsating like a heart between my legs.

Fucking tease, I thought. If she weren’t my daughter, I’d… I’d… 

I wanted to slap the shit out of that ass of hers. My body seethed with anger and frustrated lust as I stood behind Melody, drinking in every second of her lewd display, hating and adoring her in equal measure.

Suddenly I realized that, without intending to, I’d allowed my fingers to drift between my thighs, tracing my clit through the front of the gauzy panties I wore.

When Melody saw me masturbating, she laughed gleefully. “Mmmm, yes, sexy Mommy,” she whispered in a little girl’s voice. “Touch yourself… touch me.” Her voice grew shaky as she probed her rectum even deeper. “B-baby needs Mommy to, ooooh, to t-tickle her pussy…”

How did she know me so well, know the things that drove my desire, made my pussy drip? No doubt about it, Melody was every inch her mother’s daughter — and right then, my wicked little girl was playing me like a cheap fiddle.

I was struck then by the realization that, from the moment Melody had entered the house, I’d not said a single word. Like she’d stolen my power of speech, left me unable to do anything more than dance to her tune.

It’s too much, damn it. She’s practically an adult, she knows what she wants — and what she wants is her mother. Have I got to say no? 

Every atom of me was on fire, nothing made sense. I was on the verge of giving into complete madness and reaching out for my daughter when I heard a second voice behind me say, “Mommy?”

It was Belinda! My throbbing heart skipped in mid-beat, and I was savagely yanked back into the real world.

I quickly jerked my hand away from my crotch as if it was red hot, then slowly turned to face my little girl, trying to conceal the emotions that were thundering through me. There Belinda stood in her Smurfs nightie, head tilted to one side as she gazed up at us, a puzzled look on her face.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

Backing away from Melody, I managed to stammer out some kind of a response, “Oh, uh, it’s n-nothing, sweetheart. Your sister’s not feeling well, that’s all. You — you need to go to bed, it’s late.”

Knowing I wasn’t going to be able to get Melody decent right then, I swiftly shooed Belinda back into her room. Of course, she began hitting me with a barrage of questions — and I didn’t have a single answer for her. I simply told her to get in bed and stay in there until morning, or else.

When I crept back into the living room, Melody was lying dazed in the middle of the floor, fondling her breasts. Taking a deep breath, I moved to where she lay.

“Come on, honey,” I murmured, trying to sound much calmer than I actually was. “Let’s get you to bed.”

Somehow, I managed to help Melody up and guide her down the hall to her room on shaky legs.

When I sat her on the bed she grabbed the sides of her dress, yanked it off and tossed it to the floor, then lay down completely naked.

Melody stared up at me lustfully, her thighs parted. She winked, slipping a hand between her legs. I gaped as she began to stroke her vulva, her eyes burning into mine.

“Mommyyyyy… I’m all hot an’ bo-thered,” she purred as she touched herself, gazing up at me suggestively. “Come play with me.”

I was captivated by my 16-year-old daughter’s raw sexuality. She was one delicious looking girl, lying there in front of me and fondling her cunt. I couldn’t fault anyone for wanting her right then, even myself — but I had to resist, damn it!

I closed my eyes, shook my head in an attempt to stabilize myself, mumbled, “Go to sleep, it’s late,” then practically ran from her room.

Once safely behind my locked door, I masturbated myself into three soul-wrenching orgasms within five minutes, finally passing out in the sweat-dampened bedsheets.


After that night, things were very different between me and Melody. Before, when she flashed her cunt at me or touched herself while I was in the room, it was to get me flustered; to mock what she saw as my hypocrisy. Now my daughter knew that I lusted after her — and she took full advantage of that knowledge, using every slutty trick at her disposal to make me hot.

She kept flirting with me, trying to get me into bed with her. I barely managed to keep it from happening, even though we both knew that, deep down inside, I wanted it. She might have worn down my resistance, too, in the end. Instead, she moved out to shack up with one of the older girls in her clique.

I was relieved — but also, in spite of myself, a bit disappointed. Even though I’d never let Melody have her way with me, I still longed for my oldest girl, to the point of giving her a central role in my masturbation fantasies.

In the following months I grew obsessed with certain kinds of kinky porn. First it was stories and film clips of lesbian incest, then any erotica I could lay my hands on that dealt with sex between grown women and young girls. It was a revelation. Never before had I fingered my cunt harder or more frequently, just to keep myself halfway sane — but it was never quite enough to slake my perverted hunger.

Somehow, though, I still managed to stick to the straight and narrow despite the growling of the she-beast inside me, doing my best to ensure that Belinda wouldn’t turn out as unrestrained as her big sister.

Which brings me back to where I was at the beginning of this story, six months after Melody left — slightly tipsy, horny as a she-goat and traipsing around the house in panties and silk camisole.

Belinda was spending the night with her best friend Mary, who lived next door. She and her mother Janet had moved here the previous summer from Topeka. Mary is a sweet kid, always respectful and polite — the kind of girl I’d always wished Melody would choose for a friend. She and Belinda were practically joined at the hip, even though at fourteen, Mary was nearly three years older.

I wandered around the house, idly wondering if I should put on a porno DVD and get myself off. Or should I save it for later, some kind of reward for making it through the day?

That decision was interrupted by a sudden dose of motherly reality when I glanced into Belinda’s room and caught a glimpse of how messy it was. With an exasperated sigh, I began to pick up the clothes that were scattered carelessly about on the floor, draped over the back of her desk chair, hanging from the knob of her closet door, peeping from under the bed.

When I opened a dresser drawer to put away a couple of t-shirts I’d washed for her the day before, I caught a glimpse of something tucked beneath her folded clothes. Reaching in, I pulled out a thin stack of Polaroid pictures.

I glanced at the first photo, then gasped in complete shock.

The picture was a close-up of a naked young girl, face down on a bed with her ass up. The girl’s hair was bright green, obviously a wig. The next two snaps were close-ups of the girl’s bottom, but in these another female hand was touching her baby-smooth slit. I noticed the wetness that glistened on the lips of her pussy — she was obviously very excited.

When I saw the fourth picture, I nearly screamed.

Sitting on the bed, legs spread wide, with the green-haired girl’s face buried in her crotch… was Mary, the girl next door!

Her eyes were glazed with pleasure as she held the other girl’s face between her slender legs. She was totally naked except for a black leather collar. The other girl’s ass was high in the air, the photo clearly revealing her hairless cunt and anus.

In the last picture, another woman was partially in the frame. Her leg was propped up on the bed beside Mary’s head, and Mary was running her hand up the leg and staring hungrily at the woman’s lush pubic triangle. This third person looked to be an older female — definitely not a teenager.

I stared at those last two pictures and began to feel myself getting wet. Almost without thinking, I slipped a hand into my panties to explore the heat building in my throbbing vulva. I stared in amazement at the lustful expression on Mary’s face as she gazed up at the woman’s cunt. I saw myself standing over her like that, this cute teen ogling my pussy with a ‘let me taste you’ look in her eyes. I began to lightly brush my clitoris as I became engrossed in this fantasy.

But then nagging curiosity reared its head, interrupting my fingers in mid-stroke. Where had these photos been taken — and what on earth was Belinda doing with them?

I’d never been in the bedrooms of Mary’s house before, but I wondered if these were taken there. Surely not, I thought. They had only lived next door for a few months, and I was still getting to know them, but Janet seemed like such a nice, normal mother — certainly nowhere near as unruly as I’d been.

She wouldn’t allow something like this to go on inside her own home. After all, Belinda has spent the night with Mary before…

Then it hit me.

My god, NO! I thought as I pored through the photos again, examining the back and bottom of the girl who was eating Mary’s pussy. Could it… could that be Belinda between her legs? 

I stared carefully at the image, unable to tell for sure. It had been a couple of years since I’d glimpsed my daughter naked, and I’d certainly never seen her ass displayed in such a lewd fashion. But the girl’s body was exactly her size.

Head spinning, I stuffed the pictures back into Belinda’s drawer, then numbly headed down the hall and out the back door of the house. I stood in the yard, breathing deeply of the evening air, trying to still my racing heart.

It was a warm summer night, and the only sounds to be heard were crickets and a faint sound of cars in the distance. I stood there in panties and camisole, staring over at the lights of my neighbor’s house. What should I do? I asked myself. I drifted over to the fence that separated our two backyards, lost in thought.

I grabbed the arm of one of our lawn chairs and dragged it to the fence, then climbed up to stand on it and peer over. I had a direct view into Janet’s living room through a set of large glass patio doors. All I could see was a long brown couch with a potted ficus plant at one end. No one seemed to be around.

Suddenly I saw Janet as she sauntered into the living room. I was stunned to see her dressed in nothing but a bra and high heels, completely nude from the waist down.

She paused in front of the glass, unaware of being observed, looking back at an area of the room that was obscured from my view. She stood in a rather seductive pose, smiling, clearly enjoying what she saw.

Janet had a lovely body — and despite my concerns, I couldn’t help but be aroused by the sight of her. Especially when she began to dance in a very sexy way, moving to some music I could sense more than hear. Her lewdness made my pussy throb. Unable to help myself, I slid a hand into my panties and began to stroke my clitoris again.

Janet unfastened and removed her bra, tossing it carelessly to one side, then brought a hand up to her beautiful breasts, caressing them, gliding a palm over her nipples. Then she snaked that hand down to plunge between her thighs, fingers curving into her dark blonde pubes. As she stroked her pussy she moved backwards a few steps, then flopped down on the couch, spreading her legs wide apart as she continued to masturbate. Jesus, she was sexy. But where the fuck was Belinda?

As she fondled her cunt, Janet’s gaze held fast to the side of the room I couldn’t see. She was obviously getting off on whatever she was watching — a porno film, perhaps?

The buzzing of crickets was now accompanied by the sound of my fingers, squishing wetly between my thighs.

Suddenly I froze, a chill racing down my spine as I sensed the presence of another person behind me.

I was rooted to the spot, belly clenched in terror. My mind sized up the situation in a split second: there I was, perched on a lawn chair in skimpy underwear, a hand stuffed in my panties, masturbating as I spied on my next door neighbor. Oh God oh God oh God…

I had no idea what to expect at that moment — even then, what happened next caught me completely by surprise.

A pair of hands reached for and grasped the waistband of my panties, then slowly drew them down until they ringed my ankles. I bit my lip, choking down an insane impulse to scream — then I gasped aloud when I felt those hands, clearly those of another woman, fondling my ass.

I slowly began to turn my head, desperate to take a quick look behind me. As if reading my mind, the feminine intruder hissed, “Be still.” Heart smashing against my ribcage, I meekly obeyed.

Well, at least it’s not the cops, I told myself as those soft hands caressed my bottom. I was still staring over the fence as Janet rose from the couch, padded over to the patio doors and drew the blinds shut. The show was over, but not on my side of the fence. There was a woman behind me, and now I felt her hands spreading my buttocks open.

My fear was quickly melting away, overtaken by the thrill of being seduced by a stranger. I waited, body taut as a bass string in anticipation of what this unexpected visitor had planned for me.

Then, this wonderfully warm, wet tongue slowly licked up through my wet cunt and between my cheeks. As I trembled with a mixture of pleasure and disbelief, her tongue began to concentrate on my asshole, trailing down from time to time to tease my pulsing slit. It was clear that this woman was highly skilled in the art of oral play.

I moaned as the woman’s tongue forced its way into my rectum, her fingers seeking and finding my clitoris. My body shuddered in ecstasy as I came on her first entry. I eagerly pushed my ass back into her face for more, tightly gripping the top of the fence.

She continued to lick my ass as I rode out my orgasm, those lovely fingers keeping it going, drawing out the pleasure until I saw stars. I found myself resting my forehead against the fence, breathing heavily.

The woman drew away, then took my hand. Without a word she guided me down from my perch atop the deck chair. The porch light was switched off, and I could only detect our outlined shapes in the sparse moonlight, but that was enough for me to see my mystery partner as she lay down on the chair, tugging her skirt up to her waist, the triangle of her pubes barely visible. She spread her legs wide, waiting for me.

I looked down on her, licking my lips. There’s nothing on God’s green earth that’s better than the taste of a juicy cunt — and it had been a long while since I’d savored that thick, earthy nectar that got me higher than any wine.

Carefully straddling her face, I lowered my mouth to her pussy, pausing first to inhale deeply, savoring the musky aroma. She was dripping wet and highly aroused. Wasting no more time, I planted my mouth on her heat-swollen sex for a deep, probing kiss. The woman immediately responded, burrowing her face between my thighs.

Oh, she was a firecracker. Her fingers found my anus and entered, working their way in and out, my new lover going backdoor style on my ass while she ate me. I happily returned the favor, crooking a finger into my mystery lover’s rectum as I went down on her.

She moaned into my cunt, then began nibbling at my inflamed clit. I exploded in a blinding orgasm within seconds. And from the way my new friend squirmed and bucked beneath me, her breath hot and fierce against my inner thighs, I could tell that she was climaxing quite nicely herself.

I gently kissed her clit, then twisted myself around on top of the woman and kissed her belly, making my way up to her succulent breasts. I nuzzled them, licking each nipple in turn. As my mouth wandered up her neck, she grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth to her own, kissing me hungrily. My tongue tangled crazily with hers. Finally, our lips gently parted.

My mysterious lover spoke. “Hi, Mom.”

I almost died. It was Melody! My own seventeen-year-old daughter!

I tried to pull away, but she clutched me tightly, drawing my face to hers once more. As her mouth met mine, she forced her tongue between my lips, feeding me the taste of my cunt.

I fought the kiss for a few seconds, but that old familiar desire for Melody was too much to resist. Too much…

I began to respond, my tongue flashing to life in her eager mouth. We made out for a long time, her body grinding exquisitely against mine, our mouths crushed together.

Finally we lay hugging, out of breath, our partially clothed bodies lovingly entwined. As I nuzzled Melody’s neck, I wondered how I had resisted her for so long. Her hands slid down my back to caress my ass, and I realized that, even after enjoying two orgasms in the last ten minutes, this perverse desire for my daughter was swiftly renewing itself. Jesus, I already wanted to fuck her again.

I extracted myself from Melody’s arms and shakily stood, pulling her up with me. “Come on,” I whispered, and we quickly crossed the backyard and entered the house.

As the back door closed, Melody pushed me against the wall, claiming my mouth with hers. I whimpered as her hungry lips moved against mine, her tongue fucking in and out of my eager mouth. My daughter’s crotch ground against me, making my head spin.

I escaped from her arms just long enough to frantically tear off my camisole. Kicking her sandals to one side, Melody smiled wickedly and dropped her skirt, stepping out of it as she stripped off her open blouse, tossing it away. Now both naked, we stared at one another for a long moment. Her eyes smoldered with raw, animal desire, her cheeks flushed, hair mussed. God, she’d never seemed so beautiful.

Our bodies came together in a frenzied embrace. Even after what we’d already done, I was seething with lust!

We kissed passionately, then Melody stepped back and lay down on the carpet, thighs spread wide. She looked at me, licking her lips lustfully, then flicked her tongue. “C’mere,” she breathed.

It felt so depraved, but I couldn’t resist what she was offering me. Once again I raised my leg over her head and squatted down above her face, lowering my vulva to Melody’s waiting mouth.

“God, Mom,” she whispered, “I love you, love your pussy so much. I’ve wanted this for ages…” Her tongue slowly licked my slit from the bottom to the top.

I began grinding my wet cunt into Melody’s face, gasping, “Oh, honey — I love you too!” I smeared my juices from her nose to her chin, then back up again. Her tongue flicked at my clit in passing. My hand blindly found its way between Melody’s thighs, and I shoved two fingers into her.

I was rocking atop her face, my breath hissing through clenched teeth while I fucked Melody hard and fast. I still couldn’t believe I was finally realizing my most forbidden fantasy — incest with my oldest daughter!

The very thought of it was enough to set me off all over again. I exploded, clenching and unclenching like some enormous hand as jolts of pleasure ripped through my body.

I don’t know how long it lasted. All I can say is that when I came back down to earth, Melody and I kissed and snuggled for a few minutes, our heated, sweat-glazed bodies nestled tightly together. Then we began making love all over again.

We were insatiable. The hunger and desire I felt for my sexy daughter seemed to consume me whole. We never even took the time to move to a bed, or even the couch — we just fucked right there on the carpet. Finally I dozed off, utterly spent.

Continue on to Part Two


Nothin’ goin’ on but the rent

  • Posted on November 26, 2015 at 6:48 pm

By JetBoy

Ain’t nothing going on now
But the rent
A whole lotta bills and my money’s spent…
— James Brown

My name is Sue Bedford. I’m 35 years old and live in Little Rock, Arkansas, where I own several houses that I rent out. They were built fast and on the cheap in the eighties, during a real estate boom that was practically over before it began. The property got tied up in litigation for several years, and got put on the market when no one was buying.

I secured a loan from the bank, my parents fronted me the rest — and just like that, I was the owner of five homes in a newly-developed neighborhood that never quite got finished, part of what used to be the industrial side of town before all the factory work got shipped to Asia. I quit my paper-shuffling job, which I’d always hated, and advertised for tenants.

Within a few weeks, all of my houses were occupied. Pleasure palaces they’re not — none of them are air-conditioned, for one thing, and the wiring was done in a fairly slipshod way — but I set the rent fairly low to compensate. I’d spent a big part of my younger days in Daddy’s workshop where he’d taught me how to use all his tools, so I was able to do most of the repairs myself.

It’s a good living, but every now and then I’ve had to deal with deadbeats who use all kinds of angles to scam me on the rent. I’m a pleasant enough gal and understand that sometimes, folks will have trouble making ends meet, but I won’t hesitate to kick out anyone who tries to take advantage of my good nature.

On this one particular day, a hot, humid July afternoon, I was on the way to one of my houses to collect back rent from one of my problem tenants. Jill was a twentyish single mom of a ten-year-old girl named Tammy. She worked two jobs to make ends meet, but couldn’t manage her money worth a damn. This was the fourth time in a year that she’d been over a week late with the rent — and it was only August!

I felt sorry for Jill, but she always had some excuse as to why she couldn’t come up with the rent right then. My car’s in the shop, I had to get Tammy new shoes for school, I got a dentist bill, missed a couple days at work, come back in a week and I’ll have it, I swear.

I was tired of her nonsense, and armed with an eviction notice. It was pay-up-or-get-out time for Jill, and I wasn’t about to accept any more empty promises.

Normally I would have called first — but sometimes when I did that with Jill, she had a way of making herself scarce before I got there. This time I’d chosen to drop in without a heads-up, determined that she wouldn’t be pulling her little evasive maneuver that day.

As I approached the house, I was satisfied to see her car out front. So far, so good. Parking my truck, I pushed past the gate of the white picket fence, strolled up to the open front door and knocked on the screen. That time of year, folks who relied on electric fans to cool their homes would leave the doors and windows open during the day, using screened doors and windows to keep bugs out.

No one answered. The TV was on — some afternoon talk show turned up loud. I rapped again, harder this time. Still no response.

“Hello… anybody here?” I called through the screen door while knocking once more. Was Jill ignoring me, or simply hiding? Whichever it was, she wouldn’t wriggle off the hook so easily.

I tried the handle on the screen door and it opened. “Hello?” I called out again as I entered the house. Still no answer. “Jill?”

I began to feel a bit apprehensive. This wasn’t the worst neighborhood in town, but it wasn’t the best, either. Some of the meth users from around these parts are crazier than a bag of snakes, capable of doing anything to get their dope money.

Craning my head around the entryway to the kitchen, I looked in — no one there. I went over to the back door, which was also open, and glanced through the screen, thinking that Jill might be in the yard. She wasn’t. I went back into the living room.

On the television, the talk-show host was saying, “You claim to be ab-so-lute-ly certain that this baby is yours, Mitch, and that Crystal was faithful while you were in Afghanistan. Well, I have the paternity test results right here.” He brandished an envelope.

“Shut the fuck up,” I muttered, moving toward the stairs that led to the second floor. For no reason I could have put into words, my nerves were jangling. Something wasn’t right.

Cautiously reaching the top of the steps, I crept to the first doorway and took a quick peek inside. It was a mess — clothes and toys strewn carelessly about, bed unmade, a young girl’s things covering every flat surface in sight. The room obviously belonged to Jill’s daughter Tammy. No sign of the girl, though — or her mother.

I checked the bathroom across the way… empty. Retracing my steps, I went past the stairs toward the other bedroom. The door was almost closed, but not quite. Drawing near, I listened without looking inside. There was the whir of a fan running and strangely muffled human sounds.

Not knowing what to think, I nudged the door open — and that’s when I got the shock of my life.

There lying completely naked on the bed, legs spread wide, was ten-year-old Tammy, her wrists bound to the headboard with pantyhose. Sprawled between the child’s thighs, mouth covering her daughter’s bare slit, was Tammy’s mother Jill.

I could only stand, frozen to the spot, staring in complete disbelief. Jill was eagerly going down on her little girl while Tammy writhed and moaned on the bed, eyes closed, tugging at the nylon ties that bound her.

At first, I thought that Tammy was an unwilling prisoner, tied to the bed and forced to suffer Jill’s oral molestation. Thankfully, I paused long enough to realize that this child was anything but reluctant.

“Oh, Mama,” she whimpered. “Feels so good, so good… lick me more!”

Don’t get me wrong, I have no objection to lesbian sex. In fact, I’m gay myself. Actually, I knew that Jill was at least bisexual, because I’d seen her a time or two in the local dyke bar. But watching her eat her underage daughter’s pussy — well, that was a whole new kind of wild.

Tammy was a gorgeous little girl who looked amazing naked. She was tall for her age, more willowy than thin, with long blonde hair that spilled like sunlight onto the pillow — though a few strands were glued to her damp face and shoulders. Her chest was perfectly flat, adorned with raspberry nipples.

Jill’s head mostly obscured her daughter’s sex, though I caught the occasional glimpse of Tammy’s rosy slit as Jill pleasured the child with steady swipes of the tongue. I found myself longing for the woman to raise her head, to move just long enough to give me a real look at what her little girl had.

It was then that Tammy’s eyes fluttered open. Seeing me standing there, she gasped in horror.

Jill immediately sat up and spun around to gape at me, her mouth and chin wet from her daughter’s sex. Time seemed to go motionless for an endless instant, then she exploded.

“You fuckin’ bitch!” Jill cried, covering herself with a sheet and rushing toward me. Startled, I backed away. “Get the hell outta here, you, you cunt!” she shrieked, slamming the door shut. “What the fuck do you want?” Her voice rang out from the other side.

“I — I’ve just…” I stammered, head spinning like merry-go-round at what I’d seen. “I’m…”

“Hold on a minute,” Jill fired back.

I heard some rustling around inside the bedroom and in a minute Jill emerged from the bedroom in a floral bathrobe.

“You’ve got some explainin’ to do, lady. What in hell are you doing, roamin’ around in our house? You think ‘cause you own this place, we don’t get any fuckin’ privacy? I got half a mind to kick the shit outta you,” Jill said, glaring at me with fire in her eyes.

Somehow, I found the words to speak. “I only came to — to collect the rent,” I replied, trying to still my galloping pulse. “No one answered the door, and it looked like someone was home, so I came in looking for you.”

She said nothing… but her expression softened just a bit.

“Listen, it’s none of my business what you two are doing,” I added. “As far as I’m concerned, I didn’t see a thing.”

Jill took a deep breath, nodded. “Okay, I’m sorry I flew off the handle… but I need you to go,” she said.

“I will, Jill — just as soon as you pay your rent. It’s overdue again. Way overdue.”

“I… I don’t have it. Some other bills came up that I had to take care of. I’ll have it next week for sure,” she said, going slightly pale. “I just need a little more time.”

I shook my head. “You’ve had time, Jill. I’m sorry, but you give me no choice. Here,” I said as I took a folded piece of paper from the pocket of my flannel shirt.

“Wh-what is this?” she asked, her face white with fear. Jill made no move to take the paper from my hand. She knew.

“It’s an eviction notice. You’ve got three days to either pay the rent or move out. I don’t like to do this, but I can’t let you stay for free,” I said, staring at her. Shit, I hated this part of my job.

“Oh, my God, no. This can’t be happening,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I got no money and no place to go. Look, I know I’ll have the money next week. I get my paycheck and m-my sister is s’posed to pay me back a loan I gave her…” She was sobbing in earnest now.

“Jill… we’ve been through this before,” I sighed. “Every time I come here for what you owe me, you’ve got some damn excuse.”

Jill took a deep breath, fought to calm herself. “Look — hold on. I got an idea that might be kind of a… a good faith offerin’ for you to let us stay here, least ‘til I get the money next week,” she said.

Now what? “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

“Wait here a minute.” She ducked into her bedroom.

I could hear Jill and Tammy talking, their voices low. After a couple of minutes, the door opened and Jill returned, still wrapped in her robe.

“Okay, here’s the deal. Tammy and I talked it over and we’ll let you come in my bedroom and watch us fuck, just like we were when you busted in on us. No touching, ‘less we say so. For that, you wait until next week for the rent. Deal?” Jill asked, looking up at me with anxious eyes.

“What makes you think I’d be interested in watching you and your daughter?” I asked, trying to keep my voice even. Inside, my heart was pounding.

She made a face. “Cut the crap, lady. You’re into chicks, just like me… and I saw the way you were lookin’ at Tammy, not three minutes ago. Hell, I had you pegged as queer the day we moved in, but I sure didn’t know you was into the young stuff.”

I felt my face grow hot, a tightness forming in my belly at the realization that the secret I’d kept locked inside for so long, so damn long, had finally revealed itself.

When I realized at the tender age of twelve that I was a lesbian, the girls I most longed to kiss and touch were all younger than me — especially Kitty, the freckly, pigtailed eight-year-old who lived two doors down. So many nights I spent with the sheets drawn up to my chin, biting my lip to keep from moaning as I masturbated to visions of undressing Kitty, exploring her bare body.

As I ripened into womanhood I’d assumed my fantasies would mature along with me, that I’d come to crave sex with older girls and women instead of kids. Somehow, though, it didn’t quite work out that way. Oh, I had an active enough sex life, picking up curious college girls, closeted housewives and the occasional out lesbian… but I couldn’t bring myself to settle down with one lover. That hunger for forbidden candy was too strong.

Now I’d been outed, and by my own traitorous eyes. With a single glance, Jill had seen the helpless desire on my face as I’d stared at her naked little girl. She knew me for what I was. No point in arguing.

I stood there like a poleaxed idiot, pondering this crazy offer. God knows it was tempting, but something didn’t feel right. “Wait, wait. You and your daughter are going to perform for me? How does she feel about that? If she isn’t — I mean, I don’t want to…” I was picturing the frightened expression I’d seen on Tammy’s face when she first spotted me in the doorway, and it was anything but an arousing image.

“Don’t you worry none about that,” Jill replied. “She loves gettin’ grown women all hot and bothered. Why, just last month I got called in to her school to meet with the principal, ’cause Tammy kept flashin’ her panties at the teacher.” She shook her head — either in awe or exasperation, I couldn’t tell. “My baby girl has a good eye for the ladies, but her, um, her gay-dar ain’t quite there yet. I mean, I met her teacher last fall. I coulda told Tammy — that woman was straight as a yardstick.” Jill paused, looking me up and down, clearly liking what she saw. “She’ll like you, that’s for damn sure.”

Be still, my beating heart. “So, then… Tammy, she’s okay with me watching you two, er, make love?”

Jill gave a snort of laughter. “Hon, you’ll make her year.”

“And then I… I give you until next week to pay the rent.”

She nodded slowly, deliberately. “The way I see it, we’re givin’ you a pretty goddamn good deal here. You get to see some hot mother-daughter sex, and you’ll get your money next week. That’s the deal, take it or leave it,” she finished, then gave a helpless shrug. “I don’t have nothin’ else to offer.”

It was a dangerous, perverted proposition, but that only made it more exciting. Besides, I wanted a better look at Tammy.

“It’s a deal,” I said.

Jill gave me a brusque nod. “You wait here, now. Come in when I call.”

She disappeared into the bedroom and left the door open about a foot. I stood outside, heart pounding at the thought of what I was getting myself involved in. Had I lost my mind? Probably.

Accessory to child molestation, I told myself, Oh, yeah, and incest. That’ll look great on a rap sheet.

“Okay, c’mon in,” I heard Jill call from the bedroom.

Slowly, I pushed open the door and was greeted by the sight of mother and daughter, both nude and sprawled on the bed. Tammy had been released from her bonds and was lying flat on her back, while Jill faced me sideways, propped up by an elbow.

I paused to admire them both. Jill was medium height and had brown hair highlighted with blonde streaks, hazel eyes, pale complexion, and a body that was full-figured without being fat. She had medium sized breasts with large erect nipples, and her bush was thick and untrimmed, just the way I like it.

Tammy was a smaller, slimmer image of her mother, actually looking more like a sister than daughter. I remembered Jill telling me once about how young she’d been when she got knocked up — still a high school junior, she said. Tammy’s legs were parted, giving me an excellent view of her bare slit, glistening with wetness.

I glanced up, letting myself into the child’s eyes. What I saw in them sent a ripple of anticipation through me. Tammy’s sex wasn’t exposed by accident — she was deliberately letting me see everything. As my gaze journeyed back down, she spread her thighs even wider.

Holy fucking shit.

All in all, they were a very appealing pair. Okay, that was the understatement of the year. Truth was, my cunt was dripping at the sight of these two beauties.

“Hi, Miz Bedford,” Tammy said, the youthful lilt in her voice a stark reminder that this nude goddess was still a child.

“Hi, Tammy,” I said, struggling to sound cool and collected.

“You gonna watch Mama and me do sex stuff?” she asked.

I swallowed. “Well… yeah, I am. If that’s, um, okay with you.” Jill was lying back, relaxing, amused by my obvious case of nerves.

“Sure,” Tammy replied with a nod, studying me thoughtfully. A brief pause, then, “Are you gay?”

Hey!” Frowning, Jill gave her daughter a light smack on the thigh. “Mind your manners, girl. You don’t just ask someone that!”

“Oh, it’s okay,” I said. “Yes, Tammy. I’m a lesbian.”

“I’m gay, too!” Tammy enthused, hugging herself. “I love girls… but I ‘specially love pretty ladies. Mama say I can’t tell anyone ’bout me being gay, though — not till I’m more grown up.”

“Yeah, well, that’s cause you live in Arkansas,” muttered Jill.

“Do you think I’m pretty, Miz Bedford?” the girl said, relaxing back into the mussed sheets.

“I think you’re beautiful, honey. Oh, and please — call me Sue.”

“Sue…” murmured Tammy, speaking the name dreamily, then suddenly turned to face her mother. “Can we play now, Mama? I want Sue to see us do sex!”

Jill enfolded the nude child in her arms. “Course we can, baby girl.” She gently kissed Tammy’s mouth, then looked up at me. “Have a seat,” she said, gesturing toward a chair by the side of the bed. “Get naked if you want. No joinin’ in, though… least not ‘til I say so.”

Without a word, I walked over to the chair and sat, trying to look calmer than I was.

“Comfy? Mind if we get started?” Jill asked with a wry grin. My pulse racing, I nodded.

Jill gave Tammy a kiss. It was soft and shy at first, then they eased into deeper, longer kisses. Their bodies were crushed together, Jill’s large breasts squashed into her little girl’s boyish chest.

As her tongue slipped into the child’s willing mouth, Jill began to tease Tammy’s left nipple, tracing circles around the taut bud with her fingertip.

The room was silent but for the soft thwock thwock thwock of the old electric fan, perched on a table next to an open window, lazily twisting from side to side like some kind of curious witness to these perverse proceedings. The feeble stirrings of air it kicked up were just about the only relief available from the afternoon heat. Both Tammy and Jill were glazed from head to toe with perspiration, and I was getting damp under the arms myself. Inside my panties, of course, it was a fucking swamp.

When their lips drifted gently apart, Tammy and her mother exchanged a loving look that thrilled me to my soul.

“Sweet baby girl,” Jill cooed, staring into the child’s eyes. “My little lover. You like bein’ your mama’s lover, don’tcha?”

“Yeah,” Tammy whispered, ducking her head, a lovely hint of color flushing her cheeks.

Jill smiled. “Don’t be bashful, now. We want Miz Bedford to see how much in love we are. I told you, hon — she likes pretty little girls, just like your mama does.”

Hearing my secret obsession named by another person couldn’t help but unnerve me, even if I knew that they weren’t about to go blabbing it to the world. Of course, those jitters I felt only made me more excited.

Jill caressed her daughter’s flat chest, then lightly pinched her nipple — which drew a whimper from Tammy.

As if suddenly overcome by desire, Tammy reached up to cup and squeeze her mother’s breasts, leaning in to place soft kisses on Jill’s neck.

Without a thought, I popped the button at the top of my jeans, then unzipped them, drinking in the heated action on the bed. Jill was now slowly kissing a path down to her daughter’s tummy. She trailed her lips to the smooth cleft of Tammy’s sex and lightly nuzzled her there.

Tammy arched her back upward in response, a soft cry escaping her throat.

Jill responded with a long slow lick along the length of her child’s slit. The second pass of her tongue began at Tammy’s anus and trailed up through her crack, then she pushed her tongue into the little girl’s hole. I actually saw it enter her cunt.

“Oh, Mama, that feels so good,” Tammy moaned.

As I watched Jill go down on her daughter, I kicked off my boots, then struggled out of my jeans and panties. Now naked from the waist down, I began to masturbate, my legs splayed far apart.

Jill licked her way up to the top of Tammy’s pussy and began to tease her daughter’s clit with little flicks of her tongue. A shudder ran the length of the child’s body — then she seized her mother’s head, holding it in place between her thighs while she gasped in ecstasy, trembling from head to toe. The girl’s eyes were wide, staring sightlessly at the ceiling.

Her sucking mouth still fastened to her daughter’s clit, Jill placed a finger at the entrance of Tammy’s hole and slowly eased it inside, right up to the third knuckle. Clearly, the girl was no virgin.

“Yes, Mama… oh! Oh yeah, that’s s-so good. Oh yeah, right there. Lick me, Mama,” Tammy panted. “Ooohh, I… I’m almost there…!”

The little girl’s breathing was now coming in gulps, her head rolling back and forth on the pillow. She was completely covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

“That’s it. Ohhhhh, don’t stop!” Tammy screamed, thrusting her vulva into Jill’s face. “Oh M-mama, l love you! OHHHHH!”

Tammy was thrashing about wildly on the bed as Jill held onto her daughter for dear life, still nursing at the child’s clitoris while fingering her hole. Her mouth was coated with Tammy’s juices, some of it dripping onto the rumpled sheets below.

Aching for release, I plunged two fingers into my cunt, mashing down on my clit with the ball of the thumb. Just like that, I was buffeted by a violent orgasm, one that shook me from top to bottom.

I felt ecstasy gradually ebb, breath hissing through my clenched teeth as I watched Tammy come down from her own rapture.

Jill raised her face from between Tammy’s quivering thighs, pausing to lick her lips. “How was that, baby doll?” she cooed.

“That was nice. You always make me feel real good,” Tammy said. She glanced my way; the sight of me half-naked and cupping my vulva seemed to please her. “I wanna do it to you now, Mama. Can I lick you?”

“Course you can, hon,” Jill drawled, rolling onto her back. She parted her thighs, exposing a juicy cunt that made my mouth water. I wondered if I’d get the chance to taste it.

With a delighted squeal, Tammy crawled on top of her mother. They began to kiss, Tammy licking her own wetness from her mother’s lips and chin, then the child started nuzzling Jill’s neck.

“Oh, hon,” the older woman said, “Momma loves you so much, so damn much…”

Tammy left a trail of tender licks and kisses down to Jill’s shoulder, then to her left tit. She gave her mama’s nipple a playful lick, then enveloped it with her mouth and began to suckle. Meanwhile, her hand found its way to Jill’s other breast, cupping the soft globe, giving it a squeeze.

This drew an audible moan from Jill. “Ohhh, baby girl… you know what Mama likes. Mmm, that feels simply dee-vine.”

As Tammy continued to pleasure her mother’s nipple, the little girl’s left hand began a slow trek down Jill’s body, making its way between her legs. Jill spread herself even wider, welcoming that straying hand. From where I sat, I could actually see the thick fluids flowing from her cunt, oozing into the cleft of her anus.

Tammy ran her finger up the length of Jill’s slit, pausing to toy with her mother’s clitoris for a moment.

“Yes, that’s it, baby. Touch my clit. Love your mama,” Jill said.

I stared in awe as this naked child began to kiss and lick her way down her mother’s belly. She paused at her navel and briefly stuck her tongue into it with a giggle. God, it was so fucking erotic, seeing such a young girl — the kind you could easily visualize playing at hopscotch or skipping rope — eagerly making love to a grown woman.

Tammy continued her journey downward until she had her mouth just above Jill’s crack. She was turned sideways and her ass was sticking up in the air pointing directly at me. I got a great view of her rosebud and her still-moist pussy.

Even though I’d just had an orgasm, I was starting to get wet again. The sight of these incestuous lovers was too much for me.

Tammy took a long lick along the length of her mother’s slit, and Jill moaned her approval. “Oh baby, you make your mama so hot. Do my pussy, eat me,” she moaned.

With that encouragement, Tammy took another slow long lick of her mother’s pussy. She paused to savor the taste, then pressed her mouth into the juicy flesh.

“Yeah… that’s it, baby. Make me come,” Jill pleaded.

I was teasing my cunt lightly, wanting to stretch out the pleasure this time. I could feel the warmth build in the core of my belly, and knew I was well on my way to another orgasm.

Jill was frantically groping her tits, tugging fiercely at the crimson nipples. From where I sat, I had an excellent view of Tammy’s lovemaking, and watched her licking a path up to the inflamed pink spear of her mama’s clit. She took it into her mouth and started sucking it like a nipple. I noticed that she had two fingers working her mother’s hole, the child’s little hand already dripping with nectar.

Suddenly, a violent jerk surged through Jill’s body. She cried, “Oh God. Ohhhhhh! My baby girl, m-my precious little girl yes! FUCK! Oh, baby, fuck your mama so g-good, don’t ever, ever stop…” babbling crazily as Tammy thrust her fingers in and yanked them out again, arm pumping like a piston.

Jill’s voice rose to a choked howl as her head lifted from the pillow, then she went completely limp.

Tammy slowly raised her face from Mama’s cunt, licking her lips. As if remembering I was there, she glanced around, bashfully looking away when she saw me slumped back in the chair, masturbating in a frenzy.

I felt a wave of heat that had nothing to do with the hot afternoon rush through my body, and I grinned back at Tammy. If there’s a sexier sight than a sweet smile from a gorgeous little girl, her mouth wet from eating pussy, I’ve never witnessed it — although the view I had of that cute bottom of hers was a very close runner-up…

While I was losing myself in the beauty of Tammy’s nakedness, Jill was rousing herself, reaching out for her daughter as she sat up. “C’mere, sweetheart,” she said, enfolding the child in her arms. Their mouths came together in a tender but passionate kiss.

They lay down, their bodies spooned lovingly together, then Jill turned to stare at me. “Hey, Sue… why don’tcha come over here, have some fun with us.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. Rising from the chair — which now showed a plate-sized wet spot where I’d been sitting — I tore off my top and bra, then knelt on the bed behind Jill, grasping her hips to guide the woman into the position I wanted, up on all fours.

Holy shit, did she have a sexy ass. Parting her cheeks, I dipped my head to trail a long, slow lick up through the dark cleft of her anus.

Jill moaned. “Oh, yeah, Sue… hell yeah. Lick my butthole!” I was burrowing between her cheeks, loving the essence of pussy that had oozed down into her crack.

As I rimmed Jill, Tammy scooted underneath her, the girl’s little hands curving around the backs of her mama’s thighs. Jill gasped, then stammered, “Okay, b-baby girl, go easy on my pussy. I’m still kinda tender down there, ‘kay?”

“Okay, Mama,” the child said. Jill moaned again, then I heard the moist sounds of Tammy’s mouth, just inches from mine as she ate her mother’s cunt.

Soon Tammy was making her own purring sounds of pleasure. I couldn’t see exactly what Jill was doing to her little girl, but by the way the child’s body was shifting around beneath ours, it was clear that she was getting loved too.

The haze of afternoon heat was thick as tar in the bedroom while we fucked, the three of us a tangle of slippery, sweating bodies. I slipped an arm beneath Jill as I ate her asshole, my hand groping for Tammy’s flat chest, which I lovingly stroked. Finding a tiny nipple, I gave it a tweak between finger and thumb.

Then Tammy cried, “Oh God, oh, yes. OOOOOOHHH!” She bucked violently, back arching as a second orgasm enveloped her thin frame. Even as she came, the child did her best not to neglect her mama, mauling Jill’s cunt with her hand. I was pressed against mother and daughter tightly enough to feel Tammy’s fingers moving between Jill’s thighs.

Then Jill’s legs were quivering as her own climax kicked in. “FUCK! Oh. Oh. OHH! God, that feels soooo fuckin’ good. YES!” Her daughter and I kept working her holes, probing and licking until she finally howled for us to stop, God damn it, before we gave her a heart attack.

Raising my face from Jill’s ass, I couldn’t help but grin with satisfaction as she crumpled onto her side, lying motionless on the sodden sheets, looking about as well-fucked as can be.

Before I knew what was what, little Tammy was pushing me onto the bed, rolling me onto my back. That cute little girl was now a ten-year-old tigress. Her hands pawed my breasts as she kissed me hotly, her tongue plunging into my mouth. The taste of pussy coated Tammy’s lips and chin, and I eagerly sampled the flavor of her mother in the kiss.

I felt Jill’s hands grasp my thighs, parting them, her face pressing into my matted pubes. She nuzzled me there, inhaling deeply, drinking in the aroma of cunt. I was shaking inside, dying for her to eat me.

I moaned into her little girl’s mouth when Jill gave my pussy a sloppy French kiss, her tongue darting deep into me. Lord, did she ever know how to go down on a woman — wild, messy and aggressive as hell, just the way I like it. If it hadn’t been for the orgasm I’d had just moments earlier, Jill would have brought me off in seconds. As it was, I could feel the pressure begin and rise inside me, building into something big. Really big.

Breaking our kiss with a wet smack, Tammy flashed me a quick smile before scooting down to join her mom between my outstretched legs. “Let me lick Sue some, Mama,” she pleaded. “I never tasted anyone’s pussy, ‘cept for yours.”

Jill raised her head, gave her daughter a loving smile. “Tell you what, honey,” she said. “Let’s you and me lick her together, okay?”

“Yeah!” the child squealed. “That sounds fun.”

“Go ahead, then.” Jill opened me up with her fingers, giving Tammy a good look inside my vagina. “Get you a taste.”

“Mmmmmm,” the girl purred, moistening her lips, every ounce of attention focused on the juicy sex before her. Drawing nearer, she took a long, slow lick, then paused to sample my flavor. I let out a trembling breath, my heart pounding like a jackhammer.

Turning to her mother, Tammy giggled with delight. “It’s kinda like yours, Mama… but different, too!”

“Do you like it? Then be a good girl and tell Miz Bedford so, honey,” murmured Jill, giving her child a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Tammy’s eyes met mine, and she gave me a bashful smile, back to her sweet ten-year-old self. “I… I like the way you taste, ma’am.”

I just melted inside, overcome by an unexpected surge of love that made my head swim. “Thank you, angel,” I whispered, reaching out to caress Tammy’s cheek. God… was I falling in love with this little girl?

“Now you lie back and relax, babe,” Jill said, bringing me back to the here and now. “Me and Tammy are gonna make you feel all kinds of good.”

I drifted back into the pillow’s soft embrace, joyfully offering myself up to mother and daughter. A blissful sigh escaped my lips as I felt Jill’s warm tongue trace my slit.

As they took turns licking me, Jill and Tammy sometimes paused to exchange heated kisses. The sight of them sharing my honey from tongue to tongue was one of the hottest sights imaginable.

Soon my lovers were both going down on me — Jill licking at my opening, occasionally slipping down to tease my anus, Tammy paying tribute to my clit with tiny flicks of the tongue that had me seeing stars.

Finally the child sucked my clit into her mouth, and I went off like a Roman candle, clutching the bed for dear life as tornadoes, typhoons and tsunamis roiled and raged inside me, battering my body until my moan rose to a shriek.

When I came back to myself, the three of us were snuggled together, Tammy and Jill adorning my damp face with gentle kisses.

“Wow!” Tammy exclaimed. “That was — it was awesome… we gotta do that again sometime!”

“Yeah, I’ll say,” said Jill, her fingers brushing my nipples. “Got room in your life for a coupla new fuck-buddies, Sue?”

“Jesus effin’ Christ,” I gasped, briefly pausing to suck on Tammy’s tongue, “you two are incredible!”

Jill propped herself on one elbow. “So, um, about the rent… our deal’s still on, right? I get the cash to you next week?”

“Fuck it,” I gasped. “As long as I’m part of this, your rent’s on me.”

Jill’s smile was something to see. “Bless your heart,” she said, placing a tender kiss on my cheek. “Why don’t you stick around and spend the night with us, Sue? We can send out for a pizza, get us a bottle of wine… then come back up here for some more fun when it cools down.”

“Yeah!” Tammy squealed. “Can you stay over, Sue? Oh, please please please pretty please?”

“How can I say no?” I laughed.

There are all kinds of games we can play,” Jill added. “You’ve not properly tasted Tammy yet… and she’s got the sweetest little pussy you’ll ever lick.”

“Oh, my…” I sighed, nestling close to my two new lovers. “I think I must have died and gone to heaven.”

Jill laughed warmly. “You’re in heaven, all right, but you ain’t dead…” she whispered, pausing to nip at my ear, “not yet.”

I snorted in laughter, then moaned as her hot, moist mouth covered mine in a passionate kiss. As we embraced, I felt Tammy’s tongue trace along my inner thigh, and reached down to pat her shoulder encouragingly as she licked a path to my womanly center.

Guess this room’s not gonna get the chance to cool down, I told myself, not anytime soon.