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Lucky in Love, Chapter 3

  • Posted on August 18, 2015 at 10:59 am

By JetBoy

My husband worked away on the oil rigs — one month on, one month off. When he was home, my girls knew that we needed to be a family and do what families do. I still nursed Beth and made love to Chelsea, but only when Dan wouldn’t catch us.

Chelsea loves her daddy, and cuddles up to him all the time when he is home. He had no idea about the kind of wicked things that she and I get up to while he is away, though. I do adore my husband, but this newfound passion I have for my girls is consuming me, making me want them constantly. I am a woman obsessed, a mother driven by lust.

Each time my husband goes back out to the rig, we are all a month older. My story picks up after six of those months had gone by.

A lot can happen in a young girl’s life in six months — and the difference between ten and ten and a half years old was remarkable, particularly in a child as sexually active as Chelsea. Her breasts had only just begun to bud. Her bottom showed a new shapeliness, and she had mastered the art of swinging her hips so that her mini dresses and skirts flicked up in a tantalizing way. There was also a hint of pubic hair, soft and very blond, with none of the coarseness that would come as she matured. In fact, I could only really see it in a certain light when I went down on her.

Beth, too, had changed. At four years old she was always running around and getting into everything. I needed to keep a constant eye on her. She still came to me to nurse, but less often now, more for comfort than anything else. On the other hand, she still loved to have me bathe her… and that very much included the affection I showed her with my mouth and fingers after drying her off.

Yes, I adored my girls… and I was soon to discover how much they loved each other.

It happened when my husband was at home. All he wants to do after a month on the rig is take me as often as possible. We share a good hard fuck, leaving him sleepy and contented. He is a marvelous lover, but my sexual appetite is so immense that I’m usually still somewhat aroused after our loving. So I usually slip into our bathroom after he is asleep and finger myself to one final climax.

On this night, I decided to pass by the room my daughters share, just to look in on them before my little bathroom visit. I cautiously eased the door open, only to be confronted by an amazing sight.

Beth was in Chelsea’s bed, and both of them were naked. The covers had been pushed to the floor. Chelsea hugged baby sister to her chest, Beth’s mouth fastened to her nipple. Chelsea had one hand tucked between Beth’s thighs and was lightly fingering her. I watched in awe as Beth lifted her face from her sister’s chest, then my daughters shared a kiss that quickly deepened, their tongues flickering into each other’s mouths.

I was stunned. I’d been progressing slowly with kissing Beth, not wanting to overwhelm her, but Chelsea had clearly taught her four-year-old sibling all there was to know about kissing a lover.

Leaning against the door frame, hidden in the shadows, I watched in awe as my daughters made out as if they were grown lesbians. They were both seething with sexual heat, yet tender and loving at the same time. The girls held each other urgently, their mutual adoration a beautiful thing to see.

Their kissing became more urgent. I watched as they caressed each other’s bodies, then they broke their kiss, giggling in complete delight with one another. Then Chelsea began to lick and tease her baby sister’s nipples. Beth was cooing happily, much like she did when I fondled her.

Then Chelsea swiveled around so she and Beth were lying side by side, top to tail. Beth was shorter, so her big sister had to arch her back to make contact, but they quickly arranged themselves into a sixty-nine position.

I couldn’t believe my eyes — but the more I thought about it while I stood in the shadows, secretly watching my underage daughters revel in sapphic loveplay, the more sense it made. When it came to sex, Chelsea had been a quick study; at ten years old, she knew more about how to pleasure a woman than most men would ever learn. Who better to teach her four-year-old sister how two girls make love?

I gazed in rapt approval as my girls explored each other’s pussies with eager mouths. This wasn’t just sex, this was love. I saw them moving together, sharing pleasure unselfishly. I watched as Chelsea came, Beth’s mouth glued to her big sister’s slit. Then Chelsea used her fingers and tongue to bring Beth off. I’d never seen my youngest daughter come before, and witnessing it made me feel warm inside, as if I’d just drunk a mug of cocoa.

It embarrasses me to admit this, but I also felt a twinge of envy as well. I wanted desperately to be there in bed with my little girls, joining in the lovemaking, the three of us sharing our bodies.

I couldn’t do that, of course — this really was their time, and it would be wrong to interrupt my daughters for my own selfish pleasure. Too, Dan was sleeping just down the hall, and I couldn’t run the risk of being caught coupling with the girls, no matter how unlikely it was that he’d rouse himself from bed until morning.

So I stood quietly, observing from the darkness of the hallway while a spent but very happy Beth and Chelsea hugged one another, then enjoyed one last tender kiss. I heard their whispered declarations of love. And then I saw them settle down for the night, their bare bodies sweetly entwined. It was a warm night, so my angels didn’t even bother to crawl beneath the sheets. Instead, they just lay naked on top of them.

I realized that I was pressing my hand between my thighs as I’d watched this scene of lesbian incest play out. I knew that Chelsea loved to lick pussy, but to see four-year-old Beth going down on her sister had me shivering with lust. I desperately needed to bring myself off, but didn’t dare do it where I was. Quietly as possible, I slipped down the hall to the spare room, where I fingered my cunt until I exploded, leaving a huge wet spot on the bedspread that I had to wash by hand the next day.

What excited me most was the revelation that Beth now knew, at the tender age of four, how to make love. And even after the huge climax I’d just enjoyed, I was nearly trembling in anticipation of the extra special bath that I’d be giving my baby girl very soon.


The following afternoon, I was standing in the living room and gazing down at Beth, who was sprawled on the carpet, busy with her crayons and coloring book. Chelsea was at school, of course, and I’d gotten Dan out of the house by suggesting that he spend the day at the racetrack with a couple of his friends. He was so pleased and grateful to me for coming up with the idea that I almost — almost! — felt guilty for deceiving him.

My heart thrummed excitedly as I studied my beautiful four-year-old. She wore little apple-red shorts with a yellow blouse, and white socks that were already dirty on the bottoms of her feet. Her legs scissored together as she colored in a drawing of a frog. For some reason, she had decided to make him blue.

I knelt beside Beth. “Honey,” I crooned, “how’d you like to have a nice bath right now?”

Her coloring book was instantly forgotten as she jumped to her feet. “Yes, Mama, yes!”

Reaching for her tiny hand, I smiled. “Come on, then.”

I led Beth upstairs and into the bathroom, turned on the spigot in the bathtub, added a shot of citrus bath oil, then knelt before my little angel to undress her. Up went her top, down went her shorts and cute pink panties, and she raised one tiny foot at a time so I could slip her socks off. Now naked, she stood with her hands clasped adorably before her, twisting her slight body from side to side as she watched me remove my own clothes, until I was as bare as my little girl. This was something new; though I was often naked when I nursed Beth, I always wore a t-shirt and panties while she had her bath.

She was about to get another surprise, too. After I picked up my daughter and placed her in the tub, I climbed in beside her.

“Mama!” she cried, delighted. “You take a bath with me?”

“That’s right, honeybunch,” I cooed, drawing her babyish body into my arms. “You can help get Mama clean tonight.”

“Whee!” she squealed, her slippery frame wriggling against mine.

I began to wash my child, my hands gliding over every inch of her. When I bathed Beth in the evening, I really did bathe her, saving our sensuous play time until afterward. Not on this night. Right then, I was a lover, fondling this luscious nymph in the sexiest way I could, my eyes gazing adoringly into hers.

And though my darling child was only four, she knew that something special was happening between us. Beth usually cavorted and splashed happily in the scented water, but now she was nestled quietly in my arms, making little contented sounds while I caressed her all over. My hands traveled over her thighs, her belly, her chest — pausing to brush her tiny nipples with my fingertips — her arms, her firm little bottom, the smooth, sweet cleft between her legs.

Bending down to nuzzle Beth’s face, I whispered, “I love you, sweetheart.”

“I love you, Mama,” she piped, in a voice soft as a prayer.

My lips sought out the delicate jewel of her mouth, touching it in the lightest of kisses… then again, allowing it to linger. Beth’s lips parted enticingly, inviting me to explore, so I allowed the tip of my tongue to say a brief hello to her, delicately tracing my daughter’s mouth like an artist’s brush.

When her tongue shyly emerged to meet mine, I engaged it, coaxed it forth until Beth was tentatively giving her Mama a real French kiss. I returned her hesitant passion — gently at first, so as not to frighten my precious pixie. The heat of our kissing quickly began to rise as Beth grew more and more excited. She reached up to wrap both her little arms around my neck, dangling from me as if she was the loveliest of necklaces.

When our mouths finally broke apart, I scooped my child up to deposit her in my lap. The water spilled over the side of the tub, and Beth shrieked with glee as I cradled her body to mine. She fell silent when our eyes met, taking in the look of desire that I gave her — so different from my sweet smiles of before. Now my expression was colored with the fiery hues of lust.

She cooed happily when I bent to kiss her neck, then trailed a tongue down to a tiny nipple, flicking it playfully. “Feels funny, Mama!” she squealed. I slipped a hand between Beth’s soap-slippery thighs to cup her mound, lightly stroking the slit with my middle finger. She loved all of it, wriggling ecstatically in my lap.

Finally I sat up, gazing down at my little girl. “Let’s go take a nap, honeybunch. We can play some nice games together, like you do with your sister.”

Beth seemed undisturbed that I knew about what she’d been up to with Chelsea. “Okay, Mama!” she chirped.

I rinsed us both, then we climbed from the tub and took turns drying one another. I could have done myself much more quickly than Beth did, but she took such pleasure in rubbing my bare body with the towel that I had to let her finish the job. Then I drew my naked little girl to me and kissed her ardently, exploring her tiny mouth with an eager tongue, growing increasingly excited as she returned my kiss with all the passion she had exhibited with Chelsea on the night before.

This was it — the moment of truth was here. I was going to make love to my youngest daughter, and I didn’t give a damn if that made me a pervert or not.

Continue on to Chapter 4


Lucky in Love, Chapter 2

  • Posted on August 18, 2015 at 10:36 am

By JetBoy

It was evening, and that meant it was bathtime for Beth. This took place in the en suite bath attached to my bedroom. My little girl loved her bath. She would happily play with the suds and splash about. This would go on for a long time with fits of delighted giggles echoing throughout the house. Eventually I would get down to the serious business of washing her.

She would stand in the water while I lathered her baby body all over, eyes closed as I massaged the soap into her soft skin. I would work shampoo into her hair, and Beth cooed happily, delighting in the gentle massage of her head and neck. She would then lie back in the warm water, where I would support her, and float while I rinsed her hair with the shower head. She would giggle as I playfully flicked the water at her.

She would lie relaxed, purring as I played the warm shower water up and down her shiny young body. She happily let her legs fall apart as I aimed the powerful stream of water up and down between her legs from her babyish sex to her anus and back again. Her body would be covered in goose bumps, her tiny little button nipples gone erect. Her expression was dreamy while I fondled her. Often, just doing this for my baby made me wet between the legs.

I then carried my sweet child into her room, where she would then stand still as I very gently dried her with a fluffy towel. Her mouth would be slightly open as the towel passed over her. Then once Beth was dry, I would lift my naked little girl up and place her on the bed, then lie beside her, spending a while making my daughter feel good.

First I would touch her body, all over. Her arms and legs, her angel-soft tummy, her sweet bottom… then I teased her little nipples with my fingers, which never failed to make Beth giggle.

Soon my hand would glide down my three-year-old’s body, past her belly to slip between her thighs. My heart throbbed as I tenderly explored the incredible softness of Beth’s slit, and she made the most adorable sounds of joy when I fingered her. She was still too young to climax, but loved to have her vaginal cleft stroked like a baby kitten.

While I pleasured my child, I’d kiss her tiny mouth, teasing her lips with my tongue. While we had not yet advanced to full French kissing, Beth did respond to me, her own tongue sometimes emerging to toy with mine. Within a year, I estimated, she would be kissing me as lovingly as her big sister did.

Finally I would nuzzle a path down my little girl’s body, leaving a trail of tiny kisses that made Beth wriggle and squeak delightedly, until at last I lay on my belly between her legs, gazing at the pink crease of her vagina with all the love in my heart.

I unashamedly pressed gentle kisses into Beth’s sex, even licked her a bit. She loved how it felt, and let me know it with her tiny whimpers and sighs, occasionally whispering, “I love you, Mama.” Her bunny, as she called it, would be puffy and moist where I had kissed her.

After awhile, I would gently dry Beth with a tissue and put her into her nightdress. She was usually quite sleepy by then, her little head nodding as I got her ready for bed. She would fall asleep, a look of innocent contentment on her face, almost as soon as I laid her down.

Three months ago, I would have then padded back to my own room, fallen into bed and brought myself to a shuddering climax, finally giving release to the passion Beth had ignited within me.

But now that my older daughter and I had become intimate, my evening routine was very different. Once Beth was asleep, it was time for Chelsea and I to play.

Even as I tucked Beth in I could hear the sound of water running, and it made me smile. Drawing the covers up to my baby’s chin, I waited until I heard one word, gently echoing from the bath, “Mama.” Then I knew that Chelsea was ready for me.

I went into the bathroom to find my ten-year-old naked in the bath, her body partly obscured by soap suds. She splashed about and called again, “Ma-ma…” and gave a little giggle.

Quickly stripping off my t-shirt and panties, I climbed into the bath, facing my lovely daughter. She grinned excitedly, then bent down to an ample breast and took the erect tip into her mouth. As she sucked my nipple, her hand pushed its way between my thighs, seeking and finding my pussy.

I was under her spell. All I could do was cradle her face to my breasts while she pleasured me. She stopped just short of making me come, though, and I was trembling with helpless desire as my little girl stood up in front of me, then turned slowly round, allowing me to soap her all over.

Once Chelsea was facing away from me she bent forward, resting her hands on her knees. I caressed every bit of her backside with soapy fingers.

“Mama,” she whispered, arching her bottom higher. I knew what she wanted.

Spreading her buttocks, I bent down and began to lick my little girl’s pink slit. Her gasps took on a new urgency, quickly becoming moans and cries of rapture. Unlike Beth, my oldest daughter was quite capable of reaching orgasm, and making her come thrilled me as much as any sex I’d ever had. I buried my tongue in Chelsea’s anal cleft, licking up and down the smooth crack as my fingers stole between her legs to touch her there. Soon she was shivering violently, head thrown back, mewling in ecstasy as I brought her off.

As soon as Chelsea caught her breath, she turned to me and smiled. “Now you,” she whispered.

Without a word I stood, leaned back against the wall and put a leg on the edge of the bath. My girl got onto her knees before me and buried her face in my minge. Her tongue emerged to lick, caressing the sticky pink flesh, loving me just as I had her. Chelsea feasted on my pussy, then turned me around and tongued my asshole, pressing her mouth between my buttocks. Finally she nuzzled a path back to my cunt, seeking out the erect clitoris and sucking it between her lips as two of her fingers found my vaginal opening and decided to pay a visit.

I had taught her well. My thighs were quivering uncontrollably as she pushed her fingers into me, right up to the third knuckle. I screamed into my hand, clamped tightly over my mouth throughout the sweet agony of orgasm so that I wouldn’t awaken Beth.

Even after her own climax, Chelsea was still very frisky. She began to masturbate herself as I sank into the water, panting for breath. After a moment I sat up, and before I knew it, my little girl threw one leg over me, offering up her bare slit to my hungry gaze. “Mama… oh, Mama,” she begged.

I gave my daughter what she craved. She sobbed with a child’s innocent joy as I kissed, then licked at her clit until she came again. Sinking back into the water with me, Chelsea and I shared a passionate kiss.

We made love in the water. We made love wrapped in towels. And we made love on my bed. When my daughter and I finally drifted into slumber, we slept with our bare bodies entwined. I hoped that she would never tire of this delicious intimacy we had discovered together.

Then there was baby Beth. So adorable and affectionate at three… would she want to be part of our incestuous loveplay when she grew older?

Continue on to Chapter 3


Lucky in Love, Chapter 1

  • Posted on August 18, 2015 at 10:28 am

By JetBoy

I gave birth to my second child, a beautiful little girl I named Beth, seven years after I had Chelsea, my firstborn. The advice I received back then was to feed Chelsea with formula milk — and I foolishly listened. Looking back, it was more to do with wanting to keep my youthful figure than anything else. I allowed myself to be selfish, at my daughter’s expense, and regretted it ever since. Now I know that for newborns, the breast is always best.

When I started nursing Beth, I’d had no idea how sexually stimulating it could be… but the first time she drank from my nipple, I was on fire! It was sensual and loving in a way that made coupling with my husband Dan seem coarse by comparison, much as I love him.

Beth positively adored being fed. In fact, even when she was three and I had no more milk to give, my baby girl still came to me to nurse… and I had decided that I would let her, for as long as she wanted. So nearly every night after her bath, I would remove all my clothes and take little naked Beth to my breast. My pussy would drip just from anticipating it.

I’d caress her bare body as she purred contently, that warm little mouth enveloping my nipple. She was totally relaxed and happily spread her legs, allowing me full access to every part of her. I would touch Beth all over as we lay naked together, even her tiny slit. It’s part of her body, after all… and, to my mind, no more wrong to fondle and caress than her toes. Besides, it made my daughter happy, and gave me pleasure, too! In fact, I often masturbated while nursing Beth, as long as no one else was around.

I think that Chelsea, who was ten at the time, was a bit jealous of the attention I gave her baby sister when she nursed from me, so I tried not to do it in her presence — especially those private times when Beth and I were nude together. I did feel regretful about having bottle fed Chelsea, but didn’t know how to make it up to her other than showing her as much affection as I could, always letting her know that she was loved. Still, I did get the feeling that, on some unconscious level, my ten-year-old sensed the special bond that Beth and I shared, and felt somewhat left out.

I began to seriously consider weaning Beth from my breast, much as the prospect saddened me. Luckily, things worked out in a much nicer way.

It happened one evening when Chelsea was at choir practice, and Beth was with me in the living room watching Blue’s Clues. My little girl was sitting on the floor at my feet, her back to the sofa. Then, during a commercial break, she turned, raised her arms to me and cooed “Mama?”

This was her signal — my child’s way of telling me that she wanted to nurse.

My heart seemed to swell in my chest as I lifted Beth into my lap, her tiny hands reaching for my breasts. Just seeing that had my pussy throbbing. Usually we waited until after her bath for our nursing session, and always did it in the upstairs bedroom, behind closed doors. But right then, she and I were the only ones home. Dan wouldn’t be home from his job at the oil rig for three more weeks, and Chelsea was good for at least another hour of choir practice. Why not? I thought.

I stripped off my t-shirt and bra, then slipped out of my panties. Now naked, I removed Beth’s frilly dress and her tiny underpants and sat back on the couch with her nestled in my lap. She fell to my left breast and its erect nipple and locked on, sucking happily.

I was already wet, so my fingers slipped into my cunt like a knife into warm butter. I began to masturbate with one hand, cradling baby Beth to my breast with the other. I don’t know why, but I was more aroused than usual — maybe it was because I was being so brazen, getting myself off near the living room window, where anyone could see me if they came near enough.

Wanting to share the pleasure I was feeling with my little girl, I began to caress her nipples, then trailed my fingers down her body until they were nestled between her thighs. I allowed a single fingertip to glide up and down Beth’s slit, touching her as I would a lover. Her eyes glazed over as we took pleasure from each other.

I was so incredibly hot by this time that I failed to see Chelsea arriving home early from choir until she entered the room, gasped in shock and fled. I was still fondling Beth’s vulva with one hand, fucking myself hard and fast with the other when the slam of the door jolted me from my sexual trance.

With a sinking heart, I knew that I’d have to have a talk with Chelsea and somehow explain what I was doing cuddling with her baby sister in such an intimate way. In the meantime, though, I couldn’t thrust Beth away while she suckled from me. So I continued to nurse her, wondering what I was going to say to Chelsea. Had she seen my hand between Beth’s legs? How was I going to make sense of something like that to a ten-year-old girl? Could I make her understand the reason for the pleasures I shared with her little sister, when I barely comprehended them myself?

Then the door opened once more, and I stared in disbelief as I saw Chelsea standing before me. She was naked.

She gazed deep into my astonished eyes, then said, “Mama?” exactly the way that Beth did when she wanted to nurse.

She never called me that anymore — for several years, I’d been “Mom” to her. My heart pounded as I realized what my little girl was asking me to do.

Even if I’d wanted to, I couldn’t have told her no. I extended a hand to my daughter, beckoning her to me. Chelsea knelt onto the sofa and slowly, slowly brought her mouth to my right breast. I whimpered as she lightly kissed my very erect nipple, then moaned when she sucked it into her mouth.

I stared in happy disbelief at the sight of Chelsea at my breast, a dreamy look in her eyes. Beth had nursed enough to satisfy her for now, so I laid her down by my side… where she watched her naked big sister, now experiencing the same pleasures she’d already enjoyed.

Chelsea lay sprawled on top of me, my nipple still in her warm mouth as I held her bare body to my own. A wicked impulse overtook me, and I allowed my hand to drift slowly down her back until I was caressing her pert little bottom. The purring sound she made let me know that she liked what I was doing, so I grew bolder still. My fingers delved into the crease between my little girl’s buttocks to stroke her rosebud, then journeyed down further, until I found her smooth, slippery vulva. Chelsea arched her bottom, encouraging me to touch her… and I happily obliged, stroking her slit until she was squirming atop me. She raised her face to mine, her eyes wide as new feelings surged through her boyish body. “Oh, Mom,” she whispered.

I found her clitoris and gently toyed with the tiny nubbin, quickly taking my daughter to a shuddering orgasm.

Spent, she lay in my arms, her breath warm against my tingling nipple. Meanwhile Beth was sitting up, clearly ready for more after watching her sister… and she held her hands out to me, cooing, “Mama?”

So I took baby Beth back to my breast, and she eagerly sucked my right nipple into her mouth. Chelsea turned onto her side and wrapped her arms around my neck, her sweet face now inches from mine. “I love you, Mom,” she murmured, eyes bright with joy.

“I love you too, honey,” I replied, bringing my lips to hers in a gentle, lingering kiss. When I drew away, she followed to kiss me again. This time, I traced Chelsea’s lower lip with my tongue… and my little girl simply melted into me, her mouth opening to welcome my loving intrusion.

Soon Chelsea and I were kissing passionately, our tongues engaging, mingling. Before long, she had taken my lead and slipped her hand between my legs, her fingers exploring the thick bush, seeking out and finding the moist flesh the dark curls concealed.

I guided her, silently showed her how to touch me the way I liked best. She quickly got the hang of it, and began to masturbate me while we continued to kiss. Within two minutes I was crying out loud as her little hand brought me to a blissful orgasm.

That was the end of Chelsea’s jealousy. Things were different between us, better. She now had a code word that meant I want you to make love to me. It was the word that she learned from her sister, “Mama.” When she called me that, my little girl and I would both undress and come together as lovers. And sometimes, Beth would be there too.

Continue on to Chapter 2


Susie’s Diary, Chapter 6

  • Posted on August 12, 2015 at 9:18 am

By JetBoy

Friday 4th February, 1966

Me and Claire snuck behind the bike shed again and kissed some. We couldnt for long cause there was boys playing not far away and we were afraid we might get caught. Jenny Sanders got seen kissing a boy behind the stairs outside the library and she got in BIG trouble. Bet it would be lots worse if it was two girls instead!

After we got back I asked Claire if she wanted to spend the night tomorrow. She told me she would have to ask her mom, but it would probally be OK. We kept smiling, cause we were both thinking about all the things we could do if she came over.

I keep thinking about doing sex stuff with Claire and Mommy together, and it gets me more excited all the time. I REALLY want it to happen but I am not sure how. I promised Mommy not to tell anyone about her and me, so that makes it hard to figure out.

I have to think about this some more.


It’s later now, and I just had a pretty good idea that might work.

I was talking to Mommy about Claire coming over and she said it was all right. I asked her if she thought Claire was pretty. She said yes. Then I gave her a big sexy kiss with my tongue. Daddy was down in the basement so we were safe.

Then I whispered another question. I asked her if I wasn’t her little girl and Claire was, would she want to make love to her?

Mommy was suprised. She thought about it and then nodded really quick. She was blushing just a little bit. I told her that I loved her, then ran off to wash my hands for supper before she could ask me why I asked her that.

So now I know she likes Claire that way. Next I need to find out how Claire feels about Mommy. But I have to be extra super careful about how I do it.


Saturday 5th February, 1966

Claire called while we were eating breakfast, and let me know her mother said she could spend the night. Mommy just smiled when I told her. I wonder if she was thinking about what I asked her yesterday, about her making love to Claire and if she might ever want to.

Then I got a idea! I told Mommy that I wanted to wear something really nice for Claire when she came over. Then I told her that SHE should do that too, wear a dress that she looked beautiful in.

I said to Mommy, I bet Claire would love to see you like that. She just smiled and didnt say anything, but I knew she liked the idea.

So I just picked out some clothes for tonight, my blue dress that we got for me to wear in our family portrait last year, and my pair of high heel shoes. I’m going to practice walking around in them so I don’t wobble. I still do that, sometimes!


I’m so excited! Claire will be over soon, and Mommy got all dressed up like I asked! She was wearing her shiny green dress, which goes down really low in the front and shows off her titties. If Daddy was home she probally would not have done it, but he is off working again.

When Mommy came out in the dress my heart was beating fast and I wanted to kiss her, but she had just put lipstick on. Pretty soon I’ll be kissing Claire anyhow.

I have to finish getting ready, so I probably wont write more until tomorow.


Sunday 6th February, 1966  

Last night was SO good! Claire and I made love for a long time, doing all the things we liked. I showed her about licking her bottom. She wasnt sure if she wanted to, but when I started licking she loved it!

Then I got a idea and reached round her tummy to touch her pussy while my tongue was moving in her bottom. A big lovely shiver went through her body and I knew she liked it. She started kind of rocking back and forth, begging me to not stop.

So I didnt, I kept going until she came. It was a big one too. Her biggest ever, she told me.

After she got back her breath, Claire said that she would lick my bottom too, since I did for her. I said she didnt have to, but she really wanted to try it.

So I got on my hands and knees, and Claire got behind and opened me with her fingers and touched my hole with her tongue. It was even better than I thought it would be, cause she got excited and did it really well, licking me up and down while I rubbed my clit.

When I came, it was so loud that Claire was kind of scared cause she thought Mommy might have heard us. I had to stop myself from smiling when she said that. If Mommy DID hear I bet she was masturbating, thinking about me and Claire making love.

(I finaly remembered to ask Mommy what that word was again, right after Claire left. Masturbate. It’s funny looking. I made myself learn it like I do sometimes with big words in school, so I can always spell it right.)

When Claire talked about Mommy hearing us, I thought it was a good time to ask her about some of the things I have been thinking about.

I waited a little bit so she wasnt afraid of us getting caught any more, then we kissed some and held each other close. When she was smiling and happy, I said how Mommy looked pretty in her green dress, didnt she think so?

She nodded and said that Mommy was VERY beautiful, and how she wished her mother looked as nice.

Then I gave Claire a warm kiss and asked her in a soft whisperey voice if she would like it if Mommy kissed her like that. Her face got kind of red, but she told me yes.

So I asked, what if Mommy wanted to take off her clothes and your clothes and get into bed and make love to you, the same way I do?

Claire gave me a really funny look and wanted to know why I was asking that.

I didnt know what to say, but then I thought of something. I told her that I had a dream last night that I was doing those kind of things to Mommy, and when I woke up it was so exciting that I touched my pussy till I came. I felt pretty smart for thinking of that cause I was talking about me and Mommy making love, but not breaking my promise to keep it a secret.

Claire’s eyes were huge! But shes your MOTHER, she said.

I said, But shes beautiful and sexy and I love her so much, so why couldnt I do that with her if she let me?

Claire was thinking about that, kind of biting on her lip in a pretty way that made me want to kiss her some more. Then she smiled and said she guessed I was right, cause no one ever told her before that it was bad for girls to make love with their mommies.

So I asked her again how SHE felt about Mommy, since I told her my feelings. She giggled and said she never noticed before, but seeing Mommy in that green dress made her think of how sexy she was. Claire told me she kept taking little looks at Mommy’s titties while we were eating supper, and thought about touching them!

We were both laughing hard like it was a funny thing. But also cause we were really really excited! Claire kissed me all of a sudden with her tongue going into my mouth, and then we were making love again. It was specially good. We licked each other together, her laying on top of me. And when we came, it was at the same time! I love when that happens.

Claire fell asleep pretty quick after that, but I stayed awake thinking for a little longer.

So now I know that Mommy and Claire both like each other and would make love if they could. All I have to do now is to help make it happen.

I didnt get to make love to Mommy this morning or even talk to her much, cause of Claire spending the night. And Daddy stayed at home tonight, so I couldnt talk to her then either. But when Claire and me were eating breakfast, Mommy gave me a look at the table that made me feel warm all over. After school I will tell her about all the fun me and Claire had!

Before I go to bed I need to read some stupid story about Benjamin Franklin for history class. So I have to stop for now.

Continue on to Chapter 7


Susie’s Diary, Chapter 5

  • Posted on August 6, 2015 at 12:02 pm

By JetBoy

Wednesday 2nd February, 1966

What a amazing day I had! And I thought at first it was going to be awful.

An old friend of Mommy’s broke her leg on Monday, so she had to go out of town to visit her. She had to leave early too, so we didnt have time to play this morning. And Claire had ballet lessons after school, so I couldnt spend time with her. I was feeling all buzzy inside, really wanting to do sex stuff.

Then I got a idea! I picked up the phone, called Aunt Evie and asked if I could come over to visit her so we could watch cartoons together.

Aunt Evie used to baby sit for me two days each week while Mommy was part of this ladies group, and we always watched cartoons when I got home from school. I told her I missed those times we were snuggled up on the couch and laughing at Woody Woodpecker and Bugs Bunny. I wanted to know if we could do it again.

She sounded really pleased and said it was OK. Then she told me what bus I had to take to get to her place, cause I never had been there before without Mommy taking me. Its too far for me to ride on my bike.

I left a note for Mommy to say I was at Aunt Evie’s, then off I went!

I was sort of nervous about going on the bus all by myself, but the driver was very nice. He got me to sit up front, then told me when the bus got to the stop I wanted. Aunt Evie’s apartment house was close by, it was real easy to find.

When Aunt Evie answered the door she smiled and kissed me on the cheek, like she always did. Then, she looked at me when she closed the door behind us. I saw something in her eyes that made me feel all shivery and nice.

She got on her knees and took my hand. Did you really want to watch cartoons? she asked.

I felt myself blush when I shook my head. I was a little bit embarased that Aunt Evie guessed the real reason why I came over, but I also was excited. She knew I wanted us to make love!

She smiled and put her hand on my cheek, and said very soft, Your so beautiful. Your a beautiful little girl.

Mostly I hate when grown ups call me little. But the way Aunt Evie said it, I liked that a LOT. Then she moved closer to me and we kissed.

I closed my eyes, my heart beating fast when I felt the touch of her mouth. It was a soft kiss, even more than when Claire does it. Then her tongue came between my lips and Aunt Evie was mashing her mouth to my mouth, kissing me in a hard pushing way. She was pressing me into the door with her body. I was so excited, I thought I might burst!

Then without another word she took my hand and led me up stairs. I remembered when I went up there with Mommy and her, and how Mommy took off all her clothes and lay down on Aunt Evie’s bed with her legs apart, showing me her pussy, and what happened after. That seems like SO long ago now, but really its only been two weeks.

Aunt Evie sat down on her bed and pulled me to her. Then she started to undress me. I let her take off all my things until I was bare naked, only my socks left on. Then she stood and slipped out of her dress. She only wore panties underneath.

Want to take them off? she said. Of course I said yes! I slid her panties right down her legs and she sat back on the bed so I could get them off.

I saw Aunt Evie with all her clothes off the last time Mommy and I was here, but I was too excited to take a good look. Now she sat there me and let me see every thing. Gosh, she is pretty. Mommy is soft and cuddly with nice big titties, while my aunt is slim and more like a girl.

She opened her arms to me and I went into them and hugged her close. I love you Susie, she whispered, her lips touching my ear.

I love you too Aunt Evie, I said, then I was giving her neck soft little kisses.

She pulled away and gave me a serious look. Now Susie, if we are going to be lovers, you cant call me Aunt Evie any more. Not when we are like this. Wont you call me Evie?

I was all trembly as I stared into her bright blue eyes. I love you, Evie, I said.

Then her mouth was on mine and we were kissing again, our tongues playing together. Her kisses were rougher than Mommy’s, but I loved them. She was really excited, and that made my heart beat like crazy. I let my hands go up Evie’s front to touch her titties, and she made happy sounds while we kissed more.

After a little while she pulled away and licked her lips. Then she scooted back on the bed and asked me if I wanted to be on top.

I said yes, and she lay down, waiting for me. I came to her and climbed on her body so I could kiss her again. She kissed me back, her tongue pushing into my mouth.

Evie smelled like vanilla. I could feel her heart beating hard as our bodies were pressed together, just like mine was! Her hands were running all over me, touching every where.

With Aunt Evie, making love was rough and hot, not sweet like when I’m with Mommy. But I liked it just as much. She was so wild that it made ME wild too. It felt kind of like the way I dance to rock and roll songs on the radio, when no ones at home, every part of me moving to the music till I can barely breathe.

We were rolling around rubbing our bodies together. It was almost like we were fighting, only we were really making love. I rubbed her titties, then pinched hard on her nipples. I dont know why I did that, only somehow I thought she would like it. And I was right! She cried out loud, then told me that I made her feel wonderful. Then she hugged me and we kissed again, sucking each others tongues.

Evie’s leg was pressing on my pussy and mine was on hers, and it felt really good. But, all I could think about was how much I wanted to lick her, so I pulled away and started kissing down her front. I didn’t even stop to play with her titties, just gave each nipple a little lick. Then I moved down more, rubbing my face over Evie’s tummy just before I was in between her legs.

So I was looking at my aunt’s pussy from up close. It’s very different from what Mommy has. Evie hasnt got a big bush, so you can see the vagina part of her lots better. Her clit is smaller too, I couldnt find it at first.

She was REALLY wet down there, I could see her juice dripping down into the crack of her bottom, and that made me feel really great, thinking how I made her like that. I loved the way she smelled too! It was sort of like fancy perfume. I breathed it in deep with my nose nearly touching her pussy. Then I went close between Evie’s legs to kiss and lick her.

Oh, my angel, I heard her say. Her bottom raised up from the bed when I tasted her. She was moaning loud, and her hands were pulling my face deeper between her legs.

I wanted to make her explode so I pushed a finger into her pussy while I licked up to her clit. Then I did what Mommy likes me to do, I took Aunt Evie’s clit into my mouth and sucked on it like a soda straw.

Gosh, she went nuts! Evie bounced all over, and her hand squeezed my shoulder so hard that I got a bruise. (I didnt know that until just a little bit ago, when I was getting into my pajamas) She was almost yelling, and her pussy was so wet that it got all over my face, more than when Mommy comes. But, I didnt mind getting messy cause she tasted so good. It was kind of a spicy flavor. I kept going, sliding my finger in and out of Evie and sucking on her clit. Finaly she pushed me away, she was begging me to stop.

I rested my face on her belly and listened to Aunt Evie breathing hard. I was licking my lips to taste her on them. I felt proud for making her come so good.

All of a sudden she sat up and grabbed me! I did a little scream and pretended like I was trying hard to get away. But, then she rolled me over on my back and was on top of me, looking down. Her eyes were all sparkly.

She said, I am going to make you feel so good that you will never want to make love to anyone else! Only me.

Then Evie’s mouth came down into mine and we were kissing again. We did that for a long time, then she whispered that she wanted to taste me.

She had such a naughty smile! All I could do was giggle and spread my legs apart for her. My aunt got on her knees, looked down at me and licked her lips.

Evie said, Hold your legs like this, so I can see every bit of you.

She got me to hang on to the backs of my knees and pull them up so they touched my titties. At first I didn’t get why she asked me to do that, but when I felt the cool air on my pussy, I could tell that I was WIDE open now. And Aunt Evie was laying there looking into me. She told me that I had the prettiest little pussy she ever saw.

Then her mouth was on me, and I lost all my thoughts. Evie was licking me hard and fast, and sticking her tongue inside my pussy and rolling it around. It was almost too much for me. The big feelings got so big so fast that I couldnt breathe!

I could hear her mouth make wet sounds while she sucked my pussy like she was trying to drink me up. That made me even more excited. I was shaking and wiggling and bouncing on the bed so much that I don’t know how Aunt Evie even held on to me, but she did. Her tongue went everywhere, even into my bottom hole.

Then she took my clit into her mouth like I did with hers, and my GOSH, it was like the sky falling down!

She had me coming again and again and again at the end, and I cant remember for how long I was under her holding my legs back. I know I was going crazy at the good feelings her hot mouth gave me.

I thought I was too tired for any more, but then I felt a finger go in my bottom, and Evie used her finger that was in my pussy to push against it on the other side. And while that was going on, her tongue was licking my clit, she made me come for one more time.

Then she held me for a while, and I snuggled all warm and happy in her arms. We gave one another soft little kisses sometimes, but we mostly rested.

I wanted to lay longer with Evie, but I couldnt cause she does not have a car. I had to take the bus again to get home. We got up and helped put our clothes back on.

Then me and her walked to the bus stop. We saw a lot of people while we went there, Aunt Evie said they were coming home from work. She had a sort of strange smile and I asked her why. She told me she was wondering what all these people would think if they knew the things we had been doing just a little while ago. Then we were giggling and we couldnt stop.

I wanted to kiss her SO bad when the bus came, but I didnt dare cause there were other people there. So I hugged her hard, then waved good bye as the bus drove me away.

I had a book I brought for the bus ride, but instead I thought about Mommy and Aunt Evie and Claire and how everything for me seems changed since I turned 13. It was a nice warm feeling to be curled up in my seat with the bus engine working under me. I was thinking all about love and how wonderful it is.

Daddy was home for supper, so I didnt get to tell Mommy about what happened with Aunt Evie. But, when I said at the dinner table that I had gone to see her after school, Mommy gave me a special look. Like she asked me what happened without saying the words.

I just smiled at her, and Mommy’s eyes got big and excited. But we kept on eating like things were the same as every day.

I cant wait till tomorrow morning so I can tell Mommy everything. I want to try being wild and hot with her, like the way Evie was with me.

I’m so excited that I don’t think I can sleep!


Thursday 3rd February, 1966

Mommy and Daddy let me stay up extra late tonight with them to watch the Bird Man of Alcatraz on TV. I really liked the movie, a lot. Bert Lancaster has such nice eyes. I don’t think I will EVER want to get married, but I maybe wouldnt mind so much if it was with a boy who was like him. Any way, because the movie was so long, I have got to make this short.

Soon as I woke up this morning I jumped up and ran to Mommy’s room. Naked, like I did the last time. She grinned as she saw me at the door and laughed as I ran to her and got into bed. She was naked too. We kissed, and then I was rubbing myself against her, hungry to make love.

Mommy said, Not so fast, darling. She wanted to know all about what Aunt Evie and I did yesterday, and that I couldnt be touching her right then or she wouldnt be able to listen.

I asked her if it was OK, me doing sex with Evie. Yesterday I was in such a hurry to go there and see her that I kind of didnt think about what Mommy would say. She hugged me and said it was fine, and that she had been meaning to take me back to Aunt Evie’s anyhow, so we could all have fun together. Wow, I was excited to hear that!!

Then Mommy told me some thing even MORE incredibel! She said that Aunt Evie and her had been thinking for years about making love to me, how much they wanted to do it. She told me they started talking about it when I was 8, just a little kid! I don’t know why, but that made me feel really warm all over, and SO ready to play with Mommy.

I started to touch her titties, but she stopped me and said, No sweetheart, I want to hear all about you and Evie first.

So I sat at the foot of her bed and told her everything, and she played with her pussy some. She got really excited, and told me I was a bad little girl. But she smiled when she said it. I guess there are some ways that Mommy likes for me to be bad. I never thought about it that way before.

So I told her that I couldnt help myself, and I wanted to show her what making love with Aunt Evie was like.

She grinned and layed back, opening her legs. I licked my lips and looked at her pussy, how juicy it was.

I crawled between her legs, the smell of her was making me warm inside. I put my hands on Mommy’s knees and pushed my mouth into her pussy.

I loved kissing and licking Mommy all wild and crazy, the way Aunt Evie had showed me to do. And Mommy seemed to like it too. Her breath was coming loud and fast and her bottom moved around like she was having a hard time staying still. It was messy licking her, and she was so wet her juice was dripping off my chin. But, that just made it more fun!

I was thinking about what Aunt Evie did to me and I brought my hand up to where I was licking and put a finger on Mommy’s bottom hole. Then I pushed it into her. Gosh, her whole body did this huge JERK when I did that, and she started moaning real loud.

I wanted to move my finger in and out of Mommy’s bottom while I licked her, but there wasn’t room for my hand to move enough. So instead I wiggled it around and around inside her, doing it in circles like I was stirring something. Then I saw my thumb was close to Mommy’s pussy hole, so I let it go inside there!

So I was doing all these things to her at once, my fingers in her and licking her clitty.

That was when Mommy started to come and it was big, the biggest I saw her do! She was rocking around, and screaming my name. I bet I would have been scared to see her that way, before we started doing sex together. But right then it made me feel so happy, to know I was making Mommy feel super good inside! I kept going, licking her and moving my fingers round in her till she begged me to stop. She couldnt take any more.

My mouth and my chin were all sticky with the juice from Mommy when I sat up to smile at her. She gave me such a sweet look, then reached out for me. I lay down on top of her, letting her kiss me and taste her pussy on my face.

Then we lay together for a long time, all quiet and happy. Mommy said I was getting to be a better lover all the time, and that made me so proud. I told her that I couldnt wait to show Claire the new stuff that she and Aunt Evie had taught me to do.

Golly, it’s late! I have to stop here. Wow, I’m gonna be yawning all day at school tomorrow.

Continue on to Chapter 6


The Latch Key Girl, Part Two

  • Posted on July 29, 2015 at 12:37 pm

By JetBoy

I stood stock still, feet rooted to the green carpet. Heart in my mouth, legs trembling, I had to force the words to come.

“Wh-what are you doing, Veronica?” I asked again.

Previously radiant, her smile faltered. “I thought… I thought you wanted…”

I didn’t know what to say — all I could do was stare at her. Out of nowhere, a line from Oscar Wilde popped into my head. When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

While I gaped foolishly at Veronica, her expression was changing from wistful hope to horrified realization. If I didn’t say something this instant, I’d lose her!

“Wait!” I cried as she reached down to snatched up her discarded dress, eyes already brimming with tears. “Veronica! Wait!”

Breathing heavily, as if I’d suddenly remembered how to consume oxygen, I backed up three steps and sat down heavily on the bed. My brain was still flailing about in panic mode, shrieking Damage Control! Damage Control!

Very clearly and slowly, though trembling inside, I spoke: “I… I’ve been wanting you for a long time, Veronica. I just never expected you to want me back.”

“But I do, I do!” she cried, flinging her arms apart. “I made it obvious enough!”

Confused, I shook my head. “You did?”

“The way I walked to school in the morning? Moving my bottom so you’d notice? I knew you were watching me.” She tilted her head, giving me a quizzical look. “Don’t you ever look at my bedroom window?”

“Well, yes,” I admitted, uncertainly. “But I never saw anything, really.”

Veronica smiled sadly. “That’s because you didn’t look hard enough.” Shaking her head, she murmured, “Golly, I walk around the room all the time with no clothes on. I figured sure you’d notice.”

I shook my head, still conscious of my pounding heart. “You c-can’t see anything during the daytime, sweetheart… your window faces the wrong way.”

She moved over to the window, peered out, then pouted. “Oh, crap. You’re right.”

“The only time I could have seen you was after dark. And you certainly weren’t walking around naked then.”

“No,” she admitted. “Not at night. I didn’t want just anyone to see me.” Then she gave me the sweetest smile. “But I wanted you to…”

Now assured that her assumptions about my sexuality weren’t wisps of silvery smoke, Veronica lowered the blouse from her chest and let it drop once again to the floor. She reached for the waistband of her panties — then paused.

“Would you like to take my underpants off?” she asked, presenting herself to me.

Grinning foolishly, I nodded, and my twelve-year-old enchantress drew nearer. The sight of her budding breasts, small though they were, was a thrilling reminder that my sweet poppet was not so very far from leaving her childhood behind.

“When did you get these, sweetheart?” I asked, lightly tracing the soft mounds.

She blushed madly. “A c-couple of months ago,” she stammered.

“Do you like them?” I asked.

She slowly nodded, then added. “I kinda wish they were bigger, though.” Her cheeks were crimson.

If her breasts were appearing, I wondered how she had developed in other respects. If she had sprouted her first pubes, would they be the same golden hue as her hair? The thought of burying my face in her vulva and rubbing my nose through the silken down gave me a sweet, furtive twinge of pleasure.

“It’s a little embarrassing at first, isn’t it?” I said, wanting to ease her discomfort. “When I was your age, I just hated the way my body was changing. I thought every boy in school was staring, and every girl was making fun of me. Then my titties really began to come in…” I took her delicate hand and placed it inside my jacket, on my left breast. “…and you wouldn’t believe how fast my opinion of growing up changed.”

Her face still slightly flushed, Veronica gave me a shaky smile.

“Sweetheart,” I said, standing up. “Can you unzip my skirt?”

With clumsy hands, she did as instructed; I let the garment billow to the floor as she undid the catch. Stepping free of the skirt, I bent to pluck it from the carpet and draped it over the edge of my mattress, where it lay, black on white. It would have to be moved soon, as things grew even more heated between Veronica and me, but that could wait.

“Now my jacket,” I said, turning my back to her and extending my arms behind me. Haltingly, she reached up to take the garment by its collar, pulling it over my shoulders and down my arms, then stood holding it in both hands, unsure of what to do next. I silently indicated that it should go with my skirt — and with a nod, she laid it out neatly.

“Why don’t you unbutton my blouse now?” I murmured, seating myself before her on the bed.

Moving closer, Veronica reached for my top button. The girl’s excitement made her clumsy, and she struggled with it for a few seconds until it was unfastened.

“Relax, love,” I told her. “We have time… there’s no need to hurry things.”

“B-but I can’t wait!” she blurted, “I wanna see you with all your clothes off!”

“All right, all right,” I laughed. “Here, let me help.” Between the two of us, we made short work of those pesky buttons.

As she lifted my blouse over my shoulders, I found myself wondering if Veronica was more sexually experienced than I’d thought. I asked, “Have you ever done this before, sweetheart?”

“Not really,” she replied, tugging my top all the way off. “Um, I helped Mommy get dressed once after she got sunburned.”

She’d misunderstood the question, but I let it go. She was distracted anyhow, transfixed by the sight of my brassiere-clad breasts. I had selected a daring red lace bra earlier that day, dreaming of giving my Veronica a little glimpse of it if she came to visit. Her gasp of delight was exactly the response I’d hoped for.

“Wow,” she breathed, “that’s so, so sexy!”

“It is,” I agreed. “But you know what’s even sexier?”

She shook her head, staring at me with the hugest blue eyes.

“Taking it off.” I turned, offering my back to her.

I let her release the back catch, then remove the bra, baring my breasts. Her eyes widened even further, if that was possible, and her nostrils flared slightly. The very air seemed to crackle with excitement.

“They’re sort of small,” I said, cupping one of my breasts from beneath. “Hopefully, yours will be bigger.”

Her surprised look said that she considered my breasts anything but small, though they were. I liked them well enough, and so did the women or the occasional man I took to bed.

“Would you like to touch them?” I asked.

She turned an alarming shade of red. “I… I don’t know,” she said, suddenly uncertain of herself.

“They won’t bite you,” I said, with a smile and a wink. In the Jessica Hightower books, many things did bite unexpectedly.

Nibbling her lower lip, Veronica extended a trembling hand and brushed my left nipple with the tip of her index finger. I quivered at that and, startled, she snatched her hand away.

“It’s okay,” I said soothingly. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m aroused, you see, and being touched made me shiver because it felt so good. You can touch it again, if you like.”

Somewhat reassured, but still visibly nervous, Veronica once again extended her hand and touched my nipple. This time, my little quiver of pleasure seemed to embolden her; and she allowed her hand to slowly open like a flower, her fingers spreading to cup my breast.

She seemed less than certain of where to go from there, and stood rooted to the spot, unmoving.

Placing my hand over hers, I squeezed it, then drew her close to me. Her face was perfectly on level with my breast, so I gently directed her to my left nipple, moaning as her warm, wet mouth enveloped it and began to suck. I shuddered again, even more powerfully this time, and cradled her head to me, as I would that of a nursing child. Veronica wrapped her arms around my waist, clutching me tightly.

I had never known such an arousing, yet so maternal a feeling in my breast. Never having had a child, I’d been deprived of the sweet sensation of a baby’s mouth taking milk from me. Experiencing this now with Veronica, I immediately felt a crazy longing to become pregnant and give birth.

I guided her mouth to my right nipple.

“You have such soft skin,” I breathed, running my hands across the tops of her shoulders and down her biceps. Her mouth left my right breast and returned to my left, leaving me to shiver ecstatically as the cool air of the room kissed my wet, extremely hard nipple. Did breast-feeding always feel as wonderful as this? Why, then, didn’t more women do it? I certainly would have, given the chance.

I let her suckle me for a few minutes, then drew away to let Veronica remove my half slip, then roll my pantyhose down and off. She did this awkwardly, dropping to a knee to allow me to step out of them, one foot at a time, giving her an indulgent smile when she left a small but fatal run in the left leg with a fingernail.

“Sorry, Miss Parsons,” Veronica mumbled shamefacedly as she rose.

“It’s okay, honey,” I laughed. How many pairs of pantyhose had I ruined in my lifetime? One hundred? A thousand? I could afford a million pairs of them — but the love of this young girl was beyond any price.

“Look! We both have on white panties!” Veronica cried, grinning delightedly as she pointed this out with one hand, the other modestly covering her chest.

“Yes,” I acknowledged. “You get to take mine off, and I get to remove yours. Which of us should go first, do you think?”

Smiling bashfully, she asked, “C-can I? I’m the — the kid here, so I ought to go first.”

“Go ahead,” I said, indicating my panties with a smile.

Returning to one knee, she grasped the waistband at either hip and slid my knickers effortlessly down to the carpet, allowing me to step out of them. For the first time ever, I stood naked before my prepubescent lover.

Gaping in wonder, Veronica moistened her lips as she stared quizzically at the juncture between my thighs. It seemed to confuse her that my vulva was not only completely hairless, but baby smooth. She looked up at me, the question forming on her lips.

“I had it removed,” I said. “By laser.”

Her blue eyes widened in astonishment. “Didn’t that hurt?” she gasped.

“A little bit,” I admitted. “But never having to shave again is worth it.”

The truth — a frightening truth I would never divulge to an twelve year old — was how truly horrendous that experience had been. Given a choice to repeat it, I’d gladly take every nick and cut inflicted upon me by a razor for the rest of my life.

“May I take yours off now?” I asked, gesturing at her underpants.

Nodding, Veronica stepped back and half-raised her arms at her sides. Why she did that I don’t know, but it was much too adorable a pose to discourage. Grinning, I dropped to my right knee, grasped the waistband of her snowy white panties, took a deep breath, and drew them down Veronica’s legs. My heart was beating like a bird’s wings as the cleft of her vagina was revealed to me, so close to my face that I detected the faint scent of girlish musk.

I pushed Veronica’s panties down to her feet, she daintily stepped from them, and I paused, taking the first good look at the sex of a little girl I’d had since… oh, since I was her age, studying myself in a hand mirror.

Her slit was still that of a child, bereft of hair — but the hint of wetness that lingered so enticingly on her pudenda made it clear that this particular child possessed a woman’s desires.

I longed to taste her, to lean across the centimeters that separated us and run the tip of my tongue over Veronica’s slit — but I knew that our first time was not to be rushed. I meant to savor every inch of her; play her body like a musical instrument.

Rising to my feet, I stood before Veronica. We gazed blankly at one another, a woman and a little girl, both completely naked but for the tiny pink socks she wore. The prelude to the dance was over, the moment of truth upon us.

At that moment, the realization hit home in a big way: this beautiful child and I were going to have sex. All I could think of was How to begin?

I let my heart decide. Extending a hand to take hers, I softly said, “I love you, Veronica.”

Her face seemed to glow with happiness. “I… I love you too, Miss Parsons!”

Laughing gently, I gave her hand a little squeeze. “You don’t have to call me ‘Miss Parsons’ anymore, Veronica. My name is Chloe.”

She weighed the name, savored it. “Chloe…”

“Come on, sweetheart,” I moved toward the bed, drawing Veronica along. “Let’s get comfortable.”

I climbed onto the bed, my little lover in tow. We found ourselves kneeling face to face, hands clasped together.

“You know what we’re going to do now, don’t you?” I asked, gazing down at Veronica.

She gave a single nod, her body trembling almost imperceptibly. “We’re gonna… d-do stuff. Sexy stuff.”

So precious. “That’s one way of putting it, sweetheart… but how about this instead: you and I are going to make love.”

Veronica nodded, more vigorously this time. “Yeah. That’s way better! Make love…” She gave me a bashful smile.

Slowly twining both arms around my naked angel, I bent down to claim her mouth in a kiss.

The child was still slightly tense in my embrace — a fawn in an unfamiliar forest — so I began gently, not wanting to frighten her. All was softness. My lips pressed lightly to hers for a heartbeat or two, then I drew back, pausing to place a delicate peck on the tip of her nose.

“Did you like that?” I murmured.

“Yeah…” she sighed, giving me a big dreamy smile.

So I kissed her again, this time letting it linger. Our mouths lightly brushed together for one wondrous moment. I could feel the tension slowly ebb from Veronica as I held her.

We slowly parted, and this time I let my eyes speak for me, giving her the sexiest, most desire-filled look I could summon up. I moistened my lips with the tip of the tongue, just like an old lover of mine used to when she wanted to tease.

My sweet Veronica was flushed, breathing heavily. “Wow,” was all she could say.

I moved in to kiss her once again, and this time she was ready for more, tilting her head slightly as her eyes drifted shut.

When we came together, I brought my tongue into play, tracing a path along Veronica’s lower lip. She moaned into our kiss. I pressed my advantage, licking my way around her open mouth.

The child tensed for a surprised instant, then she seemed to melt into my arms as her own tongue began to timidly engage with mine. I encouraged her, coaxing it forth.

The slow unfolding of this young girl’s passion dazzled me, stole the breath from my body. Her tongue blossomed in my mouth, and I answered her with a rising heat of my own, crushing my lips to hers.

Veronica loved it, wrapping her arms around my neck as she kissed me with greater intensity, the edge of her childish lust growing keener by the second. She was pressing herself against me in a very tantalizing way, the softness of her belly occasionally grazing my smooth sex.

She made a tiny mew of disappointment when I suddenly withdrew my lips from hers, then whimpered with renewed delight as I began to nuzzle her neck, trailing moist open-mouthed kisses along her jawline, behind her ear, pausing to nip playfully at the lobe before moving down to the hollow of her throat.

“Oh,” Veronica moaned, all but delirious from these wonderful new sensations. “Oh.”

Tenderly cradling her in my arms, I laid Veronica down upon the bed, then stretched out alongside her.

Our mouths came together again, tongues mingling sweetly as my hand carefully ventured onto the plain of Veronica’s chest, seeking out a nipple. She sighed happily while I stroked the pink bud with a fingertip, making it stiffen.

Throwing caution to the winds, I slid down the bed, bending to take the child’s nipple between my lips. Her breasts were too slight to suckle easily, but I made up for that by pleasuring them with my tongue, making a show of licking at each nipple in turn. I placed my right leg over hers, allowing my thigh to rest lightly against the warmth of Veronica’s bare slit.

My child lover was squirming helplessly beneath me, overwhelmed by these strange new feelings. Her fear had magically evaporated; now, Veronica knew only joy. “Chloe… oh, Chloe, that feels so, so — ooooh, I don’t know!”

I’d planned to take my seduction of this enchanting twelve-year-old slowly, giving her time to adjust to and learn the ways of lesbian love. But it was clear that Veronica was eager to experience it all, more than ready for whatever I had to give. The little minx was rubbing her vulva into my leg, her head thrown back, mouth open.

I rolled onto my back, pulling Veronica on top of me. I sought out her lips with mine, and she kissed me eagerly, her little hands holding my face as she fucked my mouth with her tongue — there really was no other word for it. I nearly swooned, overwhelmed by the intensity of this child’s lust.

My hands traced a path down her back, lightly stroking the soft skin with the tips of my fingers, making her shiver deliciously as I made my way to her bottom. I cupped and fondled the angel-soft globes, picturing how they jiggled as she walked and liking the thought. I made a mental note to ask Veronica to strut around the room for me before she put her clothes back on.

Growing bolder, I allowed my fingers to delve between her buttocks, stroking the pucker of Veronica’s anus.

“Mmmmm… I like that,” she sighed happily, arching her hips.

I traced the tiny rosebud, pressing harder, very much wanting to slide a fingertip into her rectum. I recalled how, as an adventurous girl of fourteen, I had loved to penetrate my nether orifice with the handle of an old toothbrush, leaving it there while masturbating.

Deciding against going for further anal play so soon, though filing my desire away for the near future, I pursued a different goal: my little lover’s vulva. Down between her thighs my hand crept, seeking the honeyed core of Veronica’s sexuality.

Her slit was sticky and moist, and I traced the opening before easing the tip of my finger inside. A startled expression flashed upon her face, quickly fading to wide-eyed wonder. “Golly,” she whimpered, almost inaudibly. Encouraged, I began to press forward as gently as I was able, allowing the digit to penetrate Veronica even further. Her head lolled upon my shoulder, eyes drifting shut as her body relaxed, accepting my gentle invasion.

I probed deeper, slipping my index finger a millimeter at a time into the child’s tight vagina, Veronica’s breath coming in tiny gasps against my skin. Once I’d entered her up to the second knuckle, I withdrew a bit, then pushed back in again. I began to move in and out, feeling her open to me, growing increasingly hot and wet with each stroke. I’m fucking her, I told myself, I’m fucking my twelve-year-old lover.

I was careful not to rupture Veronica’s hymen, though I admit to imagining how it would be to have her give up her virginity to me, ask me to be the first to possess her completely. The thought made me shiver with lust. What might it be like to claim such a prize?

But that was for another time, if ever. For now, my objective was to give Veronica pleasure such as she had never known. I had no idea whether she had experienced orgasm before; but right then, I wanted more than anything to make her come.

Saying goodbye to my little girl’s nipples with a gentle kiss for each, I began to work my way downward, trailing my lips over her soft, soft skin. There was a tiny birthmark, about the size of a pencil eraser, along the stairway of Veronica’s ribcage; and I paused to pay loving homage to it before moving on.

Half of my finger was now inside the warm, moist sheath of the child’s vagina, moving in tight little circles. Far from feeling pain from my lewd intrusion, Veronica was enraptured, her hips shifting ever so slightly to that rolling finger as my lips ventured onto the frontier of her tummy.

I caressed the tender flesh with my face, breathing deeply, relishing the scent of her. Only now the familiar fragrance of Veronica was enhanced by a new, earthier aroma — and I felt a deep pulse in my womanly core at the realization that I was smelling her moist sex. My mouth watered, and I found myself even more desperate to taste her.

With that goal in mind, I continued down my little lover’s body, pausing to slide the tip of the tongue into Veronica’s navel. I expected her to be ticklish; instead, she moaned, then whispered, “That feels… so, s-so dreamy.”

Bidding the child’s belly adieu with another kiss, I nuzzled a pathway down to the gentle rise of her vulva, barely grazing the tender pink flesh with my lips. A tiny squeak escaped Veronica’s throat.

Then I laid between the sweet pillars of this little girl’s thighs, again taking in the view of her bare slit. This time, however, I would do much more than look.

You’re really going to do this, I told myself. You’re about to lick this child’s pussy. Give oral to a twelve-year-old girl.

At that moment, I was at peace. Any reservations I might have had before about making love to Veronica had vanished, as if conjured away by a magician’s deft hands.

Moistening my lips, I drifted closer; adorning that flawless sex with the gentlest of kisses.

“Oh, my g-gosh,” Veronica breathed, touching my head, her fingers twining into my thick auburn curls.

I paused, just long enough to sample her nectar from my lips. The thought made me smile. She was the flower, only just beginning to bloom… and I the bee, burrowing into her petals to gather the sweetness that flowed there.

Pretty corny, I told myself with an amused grimace as I placed my hands on Veronica’s slender hips, tongue emerging to take that first intoxicating lick.

“Ohhhhhhh…” she whimpered, her body arching in response. “Oooh, Chloe, that f-feels wonderful!”

I replied by licking her again, bathing the entirety of Veronica’s sex with a long, slow swipe of the tongue. She shivered deliciously, and I settled in to work, pleasuring my young lover with everything I had.

Thick, tart juices oozed from her vagina, painting my lips as I coaxed them forth. Mmmmm, delicious. Thirsting for more, I covered the smooth slit with my mouth and simply drank from my little Veronica — her essence flowing like warm honey over my tongue. With my thumb and index finger, I sought out her clitoris, gently manipulating the tiny pearl, nudging her ever closer to the oblivion of orgasm.

I could feel her hands tighten, clutching my head between her legs. Her rapid breathing evolved into a mewling cry that grew steadily in volume as I lavished affection on this baby-smooth slit, lying before this nude girl as if worshiping a goddess.

Then she was coming, tiny tremors racing through her legs that quickly swelled into shudders. I felt her fingernails bite into my scalp, heard hoarse, wordless moans escape her throat. Undaunted, I continued to pleasure Veronica with mouth and fingers until she cried, “No, no, n-no more!” clumsily shoving my face away.

As she recovered, gulping for breath, I left tender kisses on my little lover’s inner thighs, then began to work my way up her trembling body, reversing the path I’d taken earlier. Over the slight rise of her vulva — making Veronica inhale sharply when I adorned the flushed sex with a quick kiss — then onto the soft plain of her tummy.

With lips and tongue I traced a path between the twinned mounds of her barely-there breasts, pausing to briefly suckle each nipple in turn. Veronica sighed pleasurably, wrapping her arms around my back.

Up her chest to the regal pillar of the neck, over her chin, and then my mouth was upon hers. I was uncertain if Veronica would want to kiss me after I’d gone down on her, but her response stole my breath away — she crushed her lips to mine, her tongue darting into my mouth. I matched her ardor, kissing this exquisite child with every ounce of passion in me.

Finally we broke apart, Veronica gazing at me with astonished eyes. “I love you, Chloe!” she gasped. “Oh, gosh, Chloe, I love you so m-much!”

My heart was so full at that instant that I was dangerously close to crying. Instead I took a deep, calming breath, then gave my new lover an adoring smile. “I love you too, sweetheart. It’s… I’m not sure it’s ever been like this for me, the way I feel about you.”

A dazzled Veronica parted her lips to speak — then, with an almost imperceptible shake of the head, she kissed me, conveying her feelings without words. I responded, exploring this precious child’s succulent mouth.

A while later, she was curled up like a kitten in my arms, resting her head on my shoulder.

“Chloe?” she whispered, raising herself to look at me.

“Yes, angel.”

“I want to… to do sex stuff to you now. Just like you did to me. Can I, please?”

It was so touching, my beloved Veronica meekly asking for permission to pleasure me. I cupped her face in both hands, noting how warm her flushed cheeks were. “You don’t have to ask, Veronica. We’re lovers now, you and I — and you can do whatever you like to me. My body is yours.”

Her expression was dreamy. “Neat…”

Placing a soft kiss upon that delicate mouth for encouragement, I lay back, my head sinking into the pillow’s embrace. Both arms at my side, legs casually spread, I was completely open for Veronica. Rising to kneel beside me, she took in the entirety of my naked body, her gaze lingering for a heartbeat upon the smooth crease of my vulva, now visibly moist.

Her eyes, suddenly bashful, met mine. “Um… I’m not sure what t-to do,” she mumbled, cheeks pinked with embarrassment.

I felt for Veronica’s hand, took it in mine. “It’s not a test, sweetheart,” I replied soothingly. “This is a time for you to explore… to learn about a woman’s body.” I paused to lightly kiss the tips of her fingers. “You love me, don’t you?”

She nodded vigorously. “I do love you, Chloe. So much I feel like — like I could explode!

I smiled. “Then you don’t have to worry about what to do, honey.” With that, I relaxed, my eyes drifting shut, ready to be pleasured by this child of twelve.

The first thing I felt was her mouth, whisper-soft against mine. I parted my lips, a warm glow enveloping me as I received Veronica’s kiss, her tongue emerging to play. The impulse was there to kiss her back, to match her passion. Instead, I only responded with a gentle moan, encouraging Veronica to take the initiative in our lovemaking.

Fingers lightly brushed my breast, then her hand opened like a flower to cup the tender globe. I felt Veronica’s body stretch alongside mine, her vulva warm and moist against my side. She fondled one breast, then the other, now circling my lips with her tongue.

My cunt was a roaring furnace, and I ached with the need for orgasmic release. But I wanted my young lover to move at her own pace, to discover the delights of sex for herself.

Her mouth left mine with a flick of the tongue, and I opened my eyes to see Veronica’s face beaming down at me. “I like kissing you,” she sighed. “Your lips taste good.”

I reached up to stroke her cheek. “Have you ever kissed anyone this way before, sweetheart? You’re very good at it.”

“Me?” she squeaked in surprise and delight. “No, never… I wouldn’t kiss a smelly boy for anything. Yuck! And I don’t know any girls who’d let me kiss ’em. I’d be scared to even try.”

I gazed deep into her eyes. “Well, you have me now, don’t you?”

Oh God, the dreamy expression on her sweet face at that instant… it made me melt inside. “Yeah,” she whispered, and her mouth descended to cover mine once more.

We kissed lovingly for a while longer, then Veronica drew away again. “I… I want to kiss the rest of you now,” she said.

“You may,” I replied with a smile, then closed my eyes.

I felt the light touch of Veronica’s lips as they grazed my neck. She was a little hesitant at first, but I only relaxed, counting on my little lover to gain confidence as she went.

She journeyed down to the hollow of my throat and further, kissing a moist path between my breasts. She raised her face from me, and I felt the warmth of her breath caressing a nipple. Then the wet heat of her mouth enveloped the stiffening bud.

It was lovely, lovely. My fingers tangled in Veronica’s blonde hair as she suckled me, and I allowed my free hand to glide down the smooth plain of her back until it was cupping the pert globes of my little lover’s bottom.

She pleasured my breasts for a long, wonderful while — switching from one nipple to the other; biting them gently, then harder, when I encouraged her to; fondling the unoccupied breast while she nursed. Young as Veronica was, she seemed to possess a real instinct for lesbian lovemaking.

Suddenly she was on the move once more — nuzzling her way further downward, pressing deep kisses into the softness of my belly. I couldn’t help but giggle when she probed my belly button, just as I had hers; then laughed out loud when she buried her face in my tummy and blew hard, making a loud farting sound. Pleased with herself, Veronica raised her face to flash me a grin.

“Silly girl,” I murmured fondly, tousling her hair.

With that, my little nymph bent to her work once more, her lips moving lower, still lower; down to the rise of my mons. I could feel my heart thudding wildly as she lightly kissed the smooth cleft, then took a fleeting lick.

She paused to sample the flavor before humming approvingly, burrowing deeper between my thighs for more.

It was glorious. My twelve-year-old lover was feasting on my cunt as if it were a long-awaited treat, licking and slurping with eager abandon. I could feel Veronica’s excitement, how thrilled she was to be loving me with her mouth. I was a goddess, the mother of universes. I contained multitudes.

Oh my love,” I gasped, raising myself up onto both elbows, suddenly wanting to see everything, to watch Veronica as she went down on me.

It was quite a sight, too. The child’s hands rested on either side of my vulva, framing her face. Her expression was so dreamy, as if she was eating the most scrumptious ice cream cone imaginable. Veronica licked my pussy, then kissed it, licked it several more times, then slurped wetly at my labia before pressing in to kiss me again.

She saw me looking, and lifted her head from the juncture of my thighs to gasp, “Your p-pussy is so pretty!” Taking another long lick, her eyes met mine again and she added, “It’s totally yummy, too…”

Veronica was paying the most attention to my vaginal opening, which felt incredible — but when her tongue grazed my pulsing clitoris, I cried out loud. “Oh. Oh yes! Right there, angel –oohhh, that’s s-so good!”

She gave me what I wanted, licking the tender nubbin again and again. Then I felt her warm lips envelop my clit, sucking at the tip as if it were a soda straw — and that was when the roof fell in, or at least it seemed to.

It began as a node of warmth in my belly and grew so swiftly I couldn’t even scream. A molten core of lava had broken open, its white-hot mass spilling forth, rushing in torrents through every inch of me. I rocked from side to side, fingernails clawing into the sheets.

The pleasure was quickly becoming too much to bear, but Veronica kept nursing from my cunt like a greedy infant. Another orgasm seized my poor battered body before I could summon up the breath to beg my young lover to stop. Instead, I had to push her away, hoping she wouldn’t misunderstand.

Luckily, she didn’t. I felt her place a tender kiss just above my mound, then another on my tummy. Two more for my breasts — one on each nipple — and a parting kiss to my chin before my precious Veronica nestled herself into me. My body was bathed from head to toe in sweat, but bless her, she didn’t seem to mind. Her little hand slipped into mine, and I gave it a soft squeeze.

We lay side by side, silent, at peace.


It was an hour later. Veronica and I were still in bed… only now we were beneath the sheets.

I rested, hands behind my head, gazing into Veronica’s china-blue eyes, her warm cheek touching my breast. She smiled at me shyly and I smiled back. Had I ever felt so good before? Would I ever again?

“So. How long have you been planning this, you little minx?” I asked.

Grinning, she said: “Oh… only forever!”

“Forever isn’t a long time for a twelve-year-old,” I reminded her.

“Okay, for the last coupla months,” she yawned, snuggling into me. “I thought about you that way for lots longer, though — since I was about nine. That’s when I knew you liked me.”

“How did you know?” I asked in wonderment. “I mean, the way I felt about you?”

“How could I not know?” she replied, rolling her eyes.

“It was that obvious?”

She grinned. “It was to me.”

I leaned forward and kissed her forehead, and then the tip of her nose. The beige silk sheet covered our nude bodies up to the waist. Smiling, Veronica tugged it up to her shoulders and, raising her head, touched her lips to my left nipple, then the right. God, I adored this child.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you earlier, sweetheart,” I murmured, stroking her smooth back.

“You didn’t hurt me,” she replied. Then, “Well… maybe just a little.”

Achieving a 69 position with a 4’6″ tall sixth-grader had been something of a challenge. I’d first made the mistake of placing Veronica on the bottom, and had come close to simultaneously smothering her and dislocating her hips. Things had gone much more smoothly when I’d let the child range freely atop me, lowering her sex to my waiting mouth before burrowing between my thighs. I’d had to prop my head up with all the pillows on the bed, and the next day my neck would probably be stiff as a pine plank — but I had been able to lick her while she licked me.

I could still feel the caress of her lips against my vulva, and the insistent probing of her tongue inside me. My clitoris still tingled. The sweet, tangy flavor of her still lingered on my lips.

“You’ll have to brush your teeth before you go home,” I murmured. “I’ve got a new toothbrush you can use.”

She made a face. “I guess, yeah. Wish I didn’t have to, though. I like that I can still, y’know, taste your pussy.” She licked at her lips, then giggled. “Mmmm… better than candy!”

I had to laugh. “Well, thanks for the compliment.” Idly, I touched the largest and darkest of her infrequent freckles. Veronica’s nose had sunburned recently, as had her shoulders, and I carefully detached a tiny piece of loose skin. “You’re too fair for your own good, sweetheart,” I told her. “You’ll burn, even with sunblock.”

“I know,” she shrugged. “I always do.”

I craned up again and nuzzled her beautiful face, then drew my little lover into a proper kissing position. My arms curled around her back, and hers twined about my neck. I could feel the warmth and the slight wetness of her labia against my lower belly. We kissed, and I suddenly recalled the sensation of her delicate, inquisitive tongue inside my vagina, a thought that made me shiver.

Veronica broke away to peer at me, her eyes dancing in amusement. “I know what you’re think-ing a-bout…” she sang.

“I’m sure you don’t,” I teased back, then I drew her to me and let my tongue engage and entwine with hers. It was wonderful beyond words, kissing Veronica. Her mouth was sweet as a ripened peach, flavored with a hint of my womanly nectar.

After a long, lovely while our lips slowly drifted apart, and my little lover peered at the antique French clock on my bedtable, a glum expression appearing on her face as she noted the time. “Mom’s gonna be home before too long,” she pouted. “S’pose we oughta get all cleaned up now, huh?” She gave a sigh heavy enough to sink a rowboat.

At first I tried not to let my amusement show. My, how dramatic young girls can be…

Then the significance of her words sank in. My friend Ellen would be steering her Lexus into the driveway next door in about half an hour or less, and I had her twelve-year-old daughter in my bed, both of us naked and bathed in the thick musk of lesbian sex.

No need to panic just yet — but Veronica and I couldn’t afford to dawdle, either.

“You’re right, sweetheart,” I replied, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “C’mon, you — let’s take a shower.”

“Both of us? At the same time? Cool!” she squealed, her gloom magically wiped away. Casting the sheets aside with a sweep of her arm, she jumped to her feet.

I paused in mid-stretch to gape at her, a jolt of new desire coursing through me at the sight of Veronica’s supple body, still gloriously bare. She seemed almost like a magical creature at that instant, a pixie sent to enchant me.

Sternly squelching my reawakened lust, I beckoned her to follow, leading my little lover into the adjoining bathroom.

Once in the shower, we took turns getting wet, then I took a bottle of liquid soap and squirted a generous dollop of the pink stuff into Veronica’s palm, then mine. “Let’s wash each other,” I told her. We had time for that much fun, at least.

It was truly lovely, soaping up this exquisite girl while she did the same for me. Then we kissed hungrily, our bodies pressed together in a slippery embrace.

I already wanted Veronica again, ached to possess my wicked angel just once more beneath the flowing water — and the longing look I saw on her face told me that she was of the same mind.

“We’d better not, sweetheart,” I murmured, gazing into those china-blue eyes. “No time.”

“I know,” she sighed.

We took turns rinsing off, then I shut off the water and we emerged dripping from the shower. Reaching for a thick towel, I briskly dried Veronica, then let her return the favor. Then I sat her down on the toilet and went to work with my hair dryer and a brush. It wouldn’t do for Ellen to see her daughter with wet hair, not on such a sunny day!

That accomplished, Veronica and I came together in one last hug while we were still nude. She tilted her head up to mine and we kissed, our tongues gently engaging. My hands slipped down Veronica’s body to cradle her pert little bottom, and I felt her hands cupping my breasts, brushing my nipples erect with her fingers.

Finally we broke apart, exchanging resigned smiles, padded back into the bedroom and began to dress, not without an occasional wistful glance at one another as we concealed our nakedness. Veronica put her school clothes back on while I changed into comfy slacks and a flannel shirt — my usual attire when at home and writing.

Minutes later, we two were downstairs in the living room, innocently going through a portfolio of artwork I’d accumulated through the past few years for the Jessica Hightower books, including a few rejected pieces. My new lover was a wide-eyed girl again, eagerly discussing the pros and cons of each drawing with me.

When we saw Ellen steer her Lexus into the next-door driveway, I fumbled for Veronica’s hand, giving it a brief squeeze before we rose to make our way to the front door.

As her mother emerged from the car, trim and elegant in her pants suit, Veronica skipped down my stairs to meet her. “Hey, Mom!” she chirped. “I forgot where Daddy put the key, so Miss Parsons let me stay with her till you got home.”

Ellen rolled her eyes. “Veronica, I swear…” she sighed, then gave me a sheepish smile. “Hi, Chloe. Thanks for looking after our little space cadet.” She tousled her daughter’s hair.

“Oh, it was my pleasure,” I laughed. “She’s good company –especially after spending all day in front of the word processor.”

That was when a truly divine stroke of inspiration hit me.

“You know, El,” I said, “if it’s okay with you, I don’t see why Veronica can’t drop by every day after school. I’m almost always here in the afternoon, and I’d be happy to look after her until you get home.”

Veronica clapped her hands in glee, suddenly bouncing up and down where she stood. “Yeah!” she cried. “Oh, Mom — can I, can I?”

Ellen frowned. “But, Chloe — haven’t you got work to do? I can’t let Veronica take you away from that…”

I shook my head. “No, no, it’s fine. It’ll do me a world of good to take a break around then, anyhow… and like I said, she’s perfect company. Honestly, I’d love to have her.” In more ways than one, my wicked libido added, but I quickly pushed the thought away.

“Please, Mom, please?” begged Veronica, clasping both hands together before her in a prayerful pose. “I’ll be good, and do everything she tells me to — honest I will!”

Ellen furrowed her brow. “Well… we’ll have to discuss this with your father first, honey,” she replied. “Now go inside and change out of your school clothes. I need to talk to Chloe for a minute.”

“Okay, Mom,” she shrugged, then bounced up the stairs. I had to resist a powerful urge to stare at her legs. When she reached the door, Veronica turned to wave at me. “Bye, Miss Parsons. Thanks for letting me stay over. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow, huh?”

“Bye, Veronica,” I murmured, not knowing what else to say.

She gave me the hugest smile before going inside, leaving me lightheaded with renewed desire.

Turning back to Ellen, I was startled to see a stern look on her face. “Chloe Parsons,” she said in a low, even voice, “I’ve got a bone to pick with you — and it’s about Veronica.”

Suddenly it felt as though the temperature had jumped twenty degrees in an instant. Oh God oh God oh God… does she know? How on earth could she possibly know?

My head swam, and I struggled desperately to remain calm while seeming surprised. “Why, Ellen? What’s the m-matter?”

She folded her arms, one eyebrow arched. “Did you really give my daughter four cookies the other day?”

Now, I had to conceal the intense relief I felt. “Oh, my… should I not have done that?”

“Well, no,” Ellen replied. “For one thing, she barely touched her dinner that night. But even for dessert, I never let her eat more than two cookies. We’re trying to keep her from having too much refined sugar, you know.”

I spread my arms in a gesture of supplication. “God, I’m sorry, Ellen. I wasn’t even thinking. Well, don’t worry — I didn’t offer her any sweets today!” I hastened to add.

Her smile had returned. “Good. If she’s in the mood for a snack, give her an orange or a banana.” She touched my arm. “Sorry if I sound like one of those neurotic moms you see on talk shows. And if you really don’t mind having Veronica hang out with you after school, that’s fine by me. Lord knows it’s better than having her pottering about at home by herself!”

I envisioned a string of afternoons with my twelve-year-old lover, the two of us naked and stretched out on my bed, sharing kisses.

“I want you to promise me, though,” Ellen continued, a hint of sternness returning to her face, “that if you have something important to take care of, some work to do — or if you just need some time to yourself — you’ll send Veronica straight home. Promise?”

“Okay, okay,” I chuckled. “You have my word, El. If anything at all comes up, I’ll give her a rain check.”

“Perfect. And now –” she gave an exasperated sigh — “I’m gonna get out of these damn heels and have myself a stiff drink before I get started on dinner. Work was an absolute bear today.” She mounted the stairs, then paused, turning back. “Hey, by the way, you and I need to get out sometime… let our shopping demons run amuck!”

“Sounds like an idea,” I nodded. “I need a jacket to match that skirt from Janaway’s — you remember, the oatmeal tweed? How about Saturday?”

“Works for me. We can do lunch at Chez Phillippe.” She gave a brief wave. “See you, Chloe.”

“Night, Ellen,” I replied to my neighbor’s retreating figure.

When her door closed, I wandered back into my own house in a joyful daze. Drifting upstairs, I entered the bedroom where the smell of our lovemaking still lingered. I’m not embarrassed to admit that I lay down on my bed, burying my face in the place where Veronica had been when I went down on her that first time, breathing deeply of the sex-scented sheets.

Finally I rose, took a bottle of wine and a glass from the cabinet next to my desk, then sat down before the computer, where I logged on and entered the word processor. My mind was crackling with creative energy, eager to compose.

Six hours later, I’m still here, putting the final touches on this amazing story. I began it by describing my helpless passion for the twelve-year-old girl next door, then set down an account of how she and I first made love. Unlike so many other creations from my pen, this tale will never be shared with anyone — well, perhaps Veronica, one day.

I admit to feeling rather dazed at the thought of the danger involved in my venture into lesbian love with a girl so young. It’s madness, honestly — carrying on an passionate love affair with the barely pubescent daughter of my next door neighbors. A chill races along my spine at the thought of being caught at my perverted doings by Ellen and Paul, of losing my career as an author of children’s books, even my freedom.

There are many possibilities — some glorious, some tragic, and I have no certain idea of where things will lead from here. For the moment, at least, Veronica and I are lovers. But I’m not so dazzled by sunshine and rainbows that I expect what we have to last forever. My sweetheart will be a teenager soon, and eager to stretch her wings. Her eye will quite naturally stray to other girls, and some of them will return her interest. She’ll seek out new experiences, new partners as she explores her sexuality to the full.

I certainly won’t begrudge her that, and hope I’ll be strong enough to let things end with a smile when the day comes to set my little sweetheart free. It’s enough that Veronica has made me feel more alive — and more loved — than I have in years. I’ll content myself with being hers for now — and for as long as she’ll have me.

Author’s Note:

This story began its life as a back-and-forth collaboration between myself and a dear friend I’ll simply call L, who had three exquisite stories posted at Leslita under the name Rebecka. We wrote about three parts each (about a quarter of the completed work) before L asked me to finish the rest myself, because we were spending so much time on it that she was unable to work on her own project. That turned out to be her wonderful novelette “Snow Angels,” which you can find here.

I spent the next eighteen months or so filling this story out, always in the midst of writing other things for Leslita. In the process, I ended up adding to and reworking the parts we’d already done as the tale grew and grew.

L and I fell out of touch with the passing of time, but she lives on for me in this story. Wherever she may be, I’ll always think fondly of her… and will not be surprised at all if she turns up again one happy day.


The Latch Key Girl, Part One

  • Posted on July 29, 2015 at 12:36 pm

By JetBoy

To begin at the beginning: I was a woman in love. That was my problem. What made it a problem was the object of my romantic obsession: Veronica, my neighbors’ daughter, a child of twelve.

She was exquisite, a willowy girl with long blonde hair and china-blue eyes. Since her mother was one of my closest friends, I was able to see her now and again when I dropped by to visit; but I also spent more time than I’m willing to admit simply observing her. Catching a glimpse of Veronica was always a highlight of my day. Oh, I had it bad, without a doubt.

Veronica was a vision of loveliness in pleated gray and red skirts and matching blazers, white knee-highs and plain cotton blouses. Some mornings I used to find myself getting up early, stationing myself by the upstairs window to watch as she made her way to the street corner, where she waited for the school bus with a few other neighborhood kids. She would strut defiantly down the sidewalk; hair bouncing, arms swinging at her sides, backpack dangling adventurously from one shoulder.

The way she moved at those times seemed so knowing — like the young girl she was, yet somehow strangely sexual. The hunger I felt at those moments was all but unbearable, and I often succumbed to the urge to masturbate as I spied on her from my bedroom.

I was especially mesmerized by the sight of those slender legs of hers, the soft, pale flesh visible between her stockings and the hem of the skirt. How many times had I longed for the wind to whip up around her, lifting that skirt to reveal those bare thighs all the way up to her white panties? I imagined they were white, anyway — the only proper color for a twelve-year-old’s underthings.

Until I fell in love with Veronica, I’d never even entertained the idea of sexual intimacy with a little girl. Women, yes — I’d certainly had my share of female bed partners, and an occasional man for those times when I craved a cock not made of latex. So when I first laid eyes upon this elegant child, back when she was a mere sapling of eight, the sudden unexpected warmth I felt inside only confused me. It took several more encounters with Veronica before I divined my true feelings for her, a realization that left me completely unnerved.

Veronica always seemed to be present when I was spending time with her mother Ellen. We’d be seated in the living room sipping coffee, and she’d be sprawled carelessly on the floor in shorts, nose buried in a book. It was all I could do to hold up my end of the conversation, what with those beautiful bare legs stretched out before me. I’d steal quick glances here and there, a deep-banked heat pulsing between my thighs all the while. Inevitably, soon as I strolled back across the street and through my front door, I’d climb the stairs to my bedroom, strip down and finger myself to climax, taunted by images of that flawless child and the memory of Ellen’s amused voice that time she said, when her daughter left the room for a moment, “I swear, that girl’s got some kind of crush on you. She only ever hangs around like that when you’re here.”

I knew it was wrong for a grown woman to feel this way, but little Veronica had ensnared me, body and soul. I’d lie awake at night, fantasies of cradling her in my arms and kissing her soft, sweet mouth flickering through my head like an endlessly repeating film loop. This forbidden desire seemed to consume me, like no passion I’d known since I was a confused girl of fourteen, hopelessly in love with my math teacher Mrs. Sloan.

I hungered for Veronica, longed to make her mine. Today, right out of the blue, my wish came true.

This story really began a few days earlier, though. It was 3:45 last Wednesday afternoon when the doorbell rang. I was engaged in a phone conversation and, pausing with a hand covering the receiver, called out: “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Miss Parsons!” Veronica’s sweetly childish voice rang out.

Startled, I lost my grip on the cell phone, and barely managed to snatch it from the air before it clattered to the parquet floor.

“I’ll call you back,” I said hurriedly to my publisher and started for the foyer. Reaching the door, pausing to hold my breath and then letting it out slowly, telling my heartbeat to behave itself, I opened the door and faced my youthful enchantress.

“Hello, Veronica,” I said, “is something the matter?”

She stood with her hands clasped behind her back, toes together, looking somewhat shamefaced.

“What is it, dear?” I asked her gently.

“I… I’m locked out,” she said simply.

“Locked out?” Peering across the court to her house, I saw no one –because, of course, no one was home. Veronica was a latch key child.

I knew what I wanted to do — invite her inside, tell her to relax, to make herself at home. But confronted with the object of my illicit desire, I was suddenly terrified. Of her. Of myself. Of the lust that crackled and hissed inside me. Of what I might do to this innocent little girl, given the chance. So I panicked.

Pointedly glancing at my watch, I told her, “I’m sorry, Veronica, but I’m just on my way to a meeting with my publisher about the new book. Can I, um, drop you somewhere?”

At the mention of my book, her eyes brightened. Veronica, through her mother, was one of the few souls who knew that yours truly, Chloe Parsons, was also Daniela White, author of the Jessica Hightower adolescent mysteries. I’d just completed book number six in what was to be an eight volume series, and my publishing house was scheduled to print the first run in less than a week.

“New book? You mean The Sleepover Puzzle?” she said excitedly.

I had to laugh at her youthful exuberance, knowing that in a few short years she’d probably regard the books as did most of the world: juvenile garbage.

“Yes, dear, The Sleepover Puzzle. And I didn’t forget –the first autographed copy goes to you.”

I expected her to jump up and down, clapping excitedly, and was not disappointed. Veronica’s skirt moved along with her bounces, and the quick peek I got of her pale thighs had me lightheaded with lust. Still, I really did have that meeting, though I actually didn’t need to leave for another half hour.

Then I had a thought. “I don’t mind if you wait here while I’m gone, you know. Would you like to hang around until your parents get home?”

She pondered, then shook her head. “No, thanks, Miss Parsons. All I need is to use your telephone.”

“The telephone?” I echoed inanely. Honestly, Chloe, I chided myself. Repeating after a twelve-year-old? Are you that addled?

“Who do you want to call, sweetheart?” I asked.

“My dad has a key hidden somewhere. He told me if I ever needed it, I should just call him — and he’d tell me where to look.”

I suppose that made some kind of sense, though not to me, really. Making a locked-out girl of twelve call to find out the whereabouts of a spare key to her own home?

Reading my expression, she shrugged. “Dad thinks I’d just blab where it was to all my friends… and then he might as well just leave the house unlocked.”

I nodded. Her dad, bless him, had a point. But then, he was a parent.

“Well, come in,” I said. “You can’t phone him from the doorstep.”

Although, of course, she could. After all, the cell phone I’d been using moments ago was in the pocket of the jacket I wore. Letting Veronica pass, then closing the door behind her, I forced myself to refrain from even touching that pocket. My heart was hammering again. All I could think about was the downstairs extension and how it had conked out on me yesterday. The only other phone in the house was upstairs on the second floor in my bedroom.

In my bedroom, on the table next to my bed.

Heart racing, I led Veronica into the living room and lifted the dead extension, pretending to be taken aback when it didn’t work. “Oh, dear… we’ll have to go upstairs,” I explained.

With perfect innocence, she asked, “Don’t you have a cell phone?”

With perfect subterfuge, I replied, “Oh, I do — but it’s in the car. My bedroom is much closer.” Smiling, I bid the way up the stairs with a sweeping gesture.

Girlishly skipping up the narrow flight, Veronica leaped ahead of me by five or six steps, enough that I could glance up her skirt to see yellow cotton panties covering her delectable rear end. Though foolishly disappointed they weren’t white, my regret was dwarfed by the warmth that now blossomed between my legs. An image of lifting her skirt and pressing my face into that delectable little bottom had me so wet, it seemed as if I could smell myself. I guiltily wondered if Veronica could detect the scent of a woman in heat.

At the bedroom door, I ushered Veronica in and watched her cross the floor to the bedside table. Here then, was the best chance I’d ever have of kissing this exquisite girl’s soft shoulders, caressing her smooth, boyish chest, brushing her delicate vulva with my lips and tongue. I wanted to moan, and almost did.

Receiver in hand, forefinger poised over the number pad, Veronica gave me a look of concern. “Miss Parsons? Are you all right?”

Damn. I swallowed, composed myself. “Oh, I’m fine,” I murmured. “A b-bit out of breath, that’s all.”

“Oh. Okay.” Veronica turned back to the phone, punching in the number as she’d surely done hundreds of times before. She held the receiver to her ear, her head tilted adorably to one side, and waited.

“May I please speak to Mr. Moyer in Accounting?” she asked in a perfect, Father’s Little Girl voice… but as her eyes met mine, she shook her head, a tiny smirk attached. “Daddy insists on good phone manners,” she whispered.

She suddenly turned toward the window, peering across at her house. “Daddy? It’s me.” A pause as she listened to the voice on the other end.

“Um, I forgot my key, so I’m locked out.” She turned to smile at me, rather sheepishly. “I’m at Miss Parsons’ house. She’s letting me use her phone.”

Veronica’s father spoke again, and the child sighed. “I know, Daddy. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to forget… Can you tell me where the key is? Pleeease…?”

There was a pause, and Veronica pursed her lips in concentration as she listened to her father’s instructions, finally breaking into a smile. “Thanks, Daddy! I love you… okay, I will. Bye!” She made several kissing sounds, and then jammed the receiver back into its cradle. “Daddy told me to say ‘thank you’, Miss Parsons.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “Tell him he’s very welcome.”

She sighed. “He gets so grumpy when I forget things.” Shifting from one foot to the other, she mumbled, “Um, okay. You still have to leave, don’t you? Well, I guess I ought to…” She gestured toward the door.

Now, I knew very well what I should do at that moment: take Veronica downstairs, give her a goodbye and a pat on the shoulder; then send this lovely child on her way.

Of course, I did no such thing.

Instead I replied, as casually as I was able, “Oh, I’m not in that big a hurry, sweetheart. You don’t have to leave right away, if you don’t want.” I gestured at the Picasso print I’d had mounted and framed a few weeks ago. “What do you think of this? I just picked it up.”

Pursing her lips, Veronica studied the colorful print, and then giggled in delight. “I love it,” she chirped. “It’s sort of like… a cartoon!” Then she gazed around the room for the first time, eyes widening at what she saw.

I love to collect beautiful things, and had placed some of my favorites in the bedroom. I watched as Veronica studied the Japanese Noh masks that adorned the wall, the Streamline Moderne lamp I got for five dollars from a junk shop, the cat-shaped salt and pepper shakers that rested on each end of my writing desk, the walnut bookcase filled with dozens of snow globes I’d accumulated through the years. These treasures and more had transformed what had been an ordinary room into my own little corner of paradise.

Now I had a new treasure, her face alight with awe as she slowly turned where she stood, taking it all in. “Wow, Miss Parsons!” she gushed. “I like everything in here. What a cool place.”

She sat down on the edge of my bed. “And this feels soooo soft!” she cooed, giving it a tentative bounce. Bashfully, she asked: “Can I lie down and see how it feels? I’ll take my shoes off first, promise.”

My throat felt as if I’d taken a gulp of baking powder, but somehow I managed to say, “Sure you can, sweetheart.”

Grinning widely, Veronica bent down to slip off her Mary Janes, then swung her stocking-clad legs onto the bed. She laid back, the gold of her hair shining all the more brightly when spread out against my white pillow.

“Mmmm… This is really comfy, Miss Parsons — way nicer than my bed!” She sighed, wiggling her toes.

“I’ve always slept very well on it,” was my reply, as if I were in a mattress commercial. Gracious, I must have sounded like a perfect fool.

Resting her clasped hands on her tummy, Veronica asked: “Miss Parsons…?”

“Yes, dear?” Keep calm. Relax, damn it.

“Ummm… do you think I’m pretty?”

Well. So much for being calm. Yet the words came far more easily than I would have suspected.

“Yes, I do, Veronica, dear. I think you’re one of the prettiest, most adorable little girls I’ve ever seen.” I was shy, feeling my face go hot as I spoke.

Veronica blushed too, her cheeks pinking with pleasure. “Thank you, Miss Parsons. And I think you’re the… the loveliest lady I know!”

I was genuinely dazzled. My, she does know how to turn a woman’s head, I thought. “That’s very sweet of you, Veronica. Thanks.”

She was grinning, more confident now. “I mean it… you’re so pretty — sexy, even!”

I was on fire, aching to climb onto the bed with this flawless little nymph, draw her into my arms and kiss that sweet, smooth mouth. Would it taste like lip gloss, Life Savers, bubble gum? I wondered.

There was something in Veronica’s eyes, her smile, her body language — something I saw told me that if I did kiss her, she wouldn’t mind it at all.

But then that old demon Fear began to whisper in my ear once again.

What in the name of everything holy was I thinking of? Making a play for my next-door neighbors’ twelve-year-old daughter? What if she freaked out, or began to cry? Was I prepared to face the consequences if Veronica told her parents that I’d attempted to make love to her?

I swallowed with difficulty, and then spoke. “Goodness, Veronica… if you keep showering me with such lovely compliments, I might get a swelled head.” Then I pretended to get an idea. “Why don’t we go down to the kitchen, sweetheart? We can have cookies and a glass of milk before I leave.”

For an instant I thought I caught a flash of regret in Veronica’s eyes; then it was gone. Was she actually disappointed at having to leave my bed?

“Okay,” she agreed, and sat up, pausing to slip into her shoes before rising to her feet.

“Shall we?” I offered, extending a hand to her. Veronica accepted it, and we left the bedroom, heading downstairs to the kitchen… and for me, safety.

Veronica seated herself at the table while I opened a box of chocolate chip cookies and arranged them on a plate, then poured two glasses of milk. I felt a mad impulse to sneak a splash of scotch into my glass, enough to loosen the knot of tension in my belly.

Reluctantly tearing my eyes away from the bottle of Glenlivet, I handed Veronica her glass, seating myself in the chair opposite hers. “Help yourself,” I told her, then we tucked into our little snack.

Three cookies and an empty glass later, my adorable little neighbor sat back in her chair, patting her tummy. “You have such an awesome place, Miss Parsons,” she sighed dreamily, glancing around my kitchen.

“Why, thank you, Veronica,” I replied. “I grew up in this house, you know. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else… it would be like losing a piece of myself.”

The youngster was staring down at the table top, poking at a stray cookie crumb. “May I – do you think I could maybe, um, come by again someday, and you could show me around some more?” She was blushing very prettily.

Trying to make it seem perfectly innocent, I placed a hand upon hers. “Of course you can, sweetheart. I’d love to give you the grand tour –don’t know why I’ve never offered to do it before, actually. You can drop by anytime.”

“Cool!” she squealed, breaking into a huge grin. “I c-can’t wait!”

Neither can I, little one, I thought, enthralled by the elegant line of her neck. I ached to kiss her there, to breathe in the faint perfume of her skin.

“I really like all those glass ball thingies,” she said, “the ones that snow inside. How’d you get so many?”

“That’s an interesting question… and they’re called snow globes, by the way.” She nodded, listening raptly, and I plowed on. “Five years ago I had a profile in the New York Times, and I don’t know how the subject came up – but I happened to mention that I liked snow globes. I only had about twenty at the time, but after that, folks started sending them to me — well, to my agent, really, since they don’t know my real name. There were dozens, from all over the world. I’ve got over three hundred by now. Most of them are in the library, but I keep my favorites up in the bedroom.”

Veronica’s eyes were huge. “Three hundred? Wow!”

That’s when I had a flash of inspiration. Rising from my seat, I said, “Wait here, sweetheart. I’ve got something you might like.”

I hastened down the hallway to this huge storage closet of mine. Opening the heavy oaken door, I searched through the crammed shelves until I found what I wanted: a duplicate of one of my nicest snow globes, at least four decades old: a little Dutch girl on ice skates.

Emerging with my prize, giddy with excitement, I positively raced back to the kitchen and Veronica, who was nibbling at a fourth cookie.

“Here.” I pressed the glass treasure into her small hands. “For you, my dear.”

Veronica stared at the globe in utter astonishment, then up at me. “You can’t!” she gasped. “I… I couldn’t!”

I laughed joyously. “Yes, I can… and yes, you could.” Taking the child’s hands in mine, I closed her fingers around the globe. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ve got another one just the same. Now, every time I look at mine, I’ll think of you.”

Blinking, her eyes suddenly moist, Veronica carefully placed her gift upon the table, and then slowly stood. She made as if to speak, then suddenly flung herself around my waist, pressing her face against my breasts. My heart stuttered wildly as she swayed against me, and I twined both arms around the child’s back, gently hugging her.

“Oh, thank you, Miss Parsons, thank you!” Veronica sobbed, trembling as I held her. She tilted her face up to mine. “You’re so nice to me,” she whispered. “I… I really like you!”

“I like you too, Veronica,” I breathed, nearly overcome by an urge to let my hands drift down her back, inching lower and lower until I was cradling that exquisite little bottom. Or kiss her, I could do that much, couldn’t I? Just one tiny kiss on that flawless mouth.

My lustful reverie was shattered when I caught a glimpse of the kitchen clock, realizing with a start how much time had flown by. Shit.

As gently as I could, I extricated myself from Veronica’s arms. “Sweetheart… I hate to say this, but I really do have to leave for my meeting.”

“It’s okay,” she replied, giving me a brave little smile as she turned to retrieve the globe, clutching her prize with both hands. “I understand.”

“But it was a real treat, having you visit… and you know that you’re welcome to drop by at any time, don’t you?”

She gave me the most charmingly wry smile. “Any time…?”

I laughed as we made our way to the foyer, my hand resting on her shoulder. “Well, best not pop in between midnight and seven. I’m quite the she-bear when roused from my slumbers!” We both laughed.

She turned to me as we reached the door, and I reached out for her hand. “Goodbye, Veronica. I hope to see you again, very soon.”

Shifting the snow globe to the crook of her arm, she took my hand in both of hers, gazing warmly up at me. I could feel myself falling into the blue pools of her irises. “Thank you, Miss Parsons. I had a wonderful time.”

I opened the door for her. She gave me one last smile, then turned to go. I watched as she skipped her way down the sidewalk, my eyes drawn, as they so often were, to her flawless little bottom. I pictured it jiggling delightfully beneath that pleated skirt.

Shutting the door, I shrugged into a jacket and picked up my handbag and key ring. The good news was that, barring an accident on the freeway, I would make the meeting on time. The bad news? I didn’t have time to masturbate before I left. But I’ll damn well make up for it when I get back, I thought, absently jingling my keys as I made for the garage.


Two days later, Veronica appeared again on my porch. I’d only been home for a few minutes from a long lunch with my editor, and gave a silent thank-you to Providence that I hadn’t stayed for dessert.

Assuming Veronica had come by for the house tour I’d promised, I was all smiles when opening the door to her — only to falter when I spied the glum expression on her face.

“I forgot my key again,” she mumbled, “and Daddy changed his hiding place.”

I hastened to reassure her that she was more than welcome to call her dad again as I drew her inside. Of course, there had been no opportunity to repair the downstairs phone and, a bit embarrassed, I indicated that, once again, Veronica should precede me up the stairs to the bedroom. She did so, though anything but gaily this time, leaving me no opportunity for a peek at her underwear.

“Daddy’s going to kill me,” she said, her voice sullen.

“Of course he’s not, Veronica,” I told her soothingly; hoping Paul had no intention of spanking that precious little behind.

I happened to know that spankings had been a part of Veronica’s disciplinary life until the previous year, when her mother had put a stop to it. “Can’t have a developing young lady going without underpants across her daddy’s knee,” Ellen confided in me one day over tea. Upon hearing that, I’d imagined Veronica stretched across my own lap instead of her father’s, that pale bottom bare beneath my hand –and shivered at the thought.

Reluctantly, nibbling her lower lip, Veronica picked up the handset and punched in the number. From where I stood I could hear the faint double ringing, then a tiny click as the line was picked up.

“May I speak to Mr. Moyer in Accounting?” Shoulders hunched, Veronica went to stand before the window facing her house. “Daddy? It’s Veronica. Um… I lost my key again.” I saw her wince at the sound of her father’s voice, and felt bad for the child.

Holding out the phone, she indicated that her dad wanted to speak to me.

“Hello, Paul,” I said, taking the handset.

“Chloe? Thank you so much, and I’m sorry for bothering you. I knew Veronica would forget that damn key again. I apologize for not letting you know beforehand where it was. I swear, I don’t know what’s come over that child lately…” His voice trailed off into an exasperated sigh. “Well, whatever. Tell her the key is in a plastic baggie under the runoff tray just beneath the downspout on the front of the garage. She’ll know exactly where that is. Thanks again, Chloe. I’ll be having a little discussion with Veronica tonight concerning all this inconvenience.”

“I’ll let her know. And really, Paul, this has been no inconvenience at all. Believe me; if I had a daughter, I’d want her to be just like Veronica.”

He chuckled. “Well, thanks for that. Take care, Chloe.”

“Bye, Paul.”

Replacing the handset on the cradle, I turned to accompany Veronica back downstairs — then froze in mid-motion, my heart thumping wildly.

“Veronica!” I gasped. “What are you doing?”

Her hand on the knob, clad in only her white panties and cute little socks, Veronica smiled at me timidly as she closed the bedroom door behind her.

Continue on to Part Two


Susie’s Diary, Chapter 4

  • Posted on July 28, 2015 at 10:20 am

By JetBoy

Monday 31st January, 1966

I was awake early so I laid in bed waiting for Mommy to come. Then after I heard Daddy drive off I got a idea. Why dont I suprise her and go to her room instead?

So I jumped from my bed and ran naked into Mommy’s room. She was happy to see me and smiling, her eyes all sparkly. She turned the covers down on one side and invited me in with her. My heart was beating hard when I saw she was naked, too.

I ran over and jumped on the bed, and I was in Mommy’s arms. It was so nice to feel her kissing me. Her tongue in my mouth while she cuddled me close. Her body is so warm and soft. My hands went to her breasts, and when our kiss was done my mouth was on her nipples, sucking and licking them.

While I did that, Mommy was touching me all over. I felt her hands go down my back to touch my behind, then her fingers went in between and played with my bottom hole. That felt so good that I thought I maybe could come from it.

But Mommy had another idea. She pulled away, then rolled me on my back. Then she said she wanted to show me something new. She had a funny smile that made me think it was going to be really special.

Was it ever! She got up on her knees and moved my legs apart until I was wide open to her. Then she reached down and touched me, a soft touch that almost tickled. I wanted so bad to feel her finger in me. But then she lay down between my legs and started to kiss my pussy!

I was so shocked I didnt know what to do. Then she started licking me, and it was the BEST. I was opening myself even wider, far as I could, pushing at her face just so I could feel more of her mouth. It was amazing! Her hot tongue sliding into me and going up and down then licking my clit, that place near the top of my pussy that feels so good when you touch it.

When I came I was shaking so hard that I could hear the bed, squeaking like crazy. It was like a big ball of hot fire that started in my tummy, then spread out through all my body. I had to scream it felt so huge in me. Mommy didnt stop, she kept licking, going on and on until I begged her to quit.

She came up to rest beside me and we kissed, while I lay there breathing hard and shivering. I got real excited too, when I figured out I was tasting my pussy on Mommy’s lips.

Then she rolled over on her back, her legs apart, giving me a good look at all of her.

My heart was beating fast, cause then I knew what Mommy wanted me to do.

She said, Dont be frightened, Susie, when I crawled between her legs and got down on my tummy. Her pussy was close to my face. But I wasnt even close to being scared. I wanted to lick Mommy more than anything!

It was so pretty, her pussy. She had a patch of soft dark hair with the opening in the middle all pink and juicy inside.

I touched her down there to feel how warm and wet she was. Then I licked my fingers.

Before I knew I was doing it, I was licking Mommy and she was calling my name and it was amazing!! I was loving licking her, filling my mouth with her taste while she cried out and shook all over.

I was so happy when she came, so excited to do that to her! I used my tongue to give her a orgasm. And my lips and chin were all sticky from Mommy’s pussy, but it tasted yummy! She must of thought so too, cause she kissed me and licked all round my mouth to get the flavor of it.

Then we held each other and I rested my face against her soft titties. While we hugged she asked me about what Claire and I did in my room last night before supper.

I told her all of it. How we kissed, then we took our tops and bras off and sucked each others nipples, and then how we took off everything else and rubbed our pussies the way Mommy did with Aunt Evie until both of us came.

That was when I thought about something that I wanted to ask Mommy, so I did.

I said, if Claire is my girlfriend cause we made love, does it mean you and me are girlfriends too?

Mommy gave me a quick kiss on the nose, then shook her head and said. No, angel. I’m still your mother and you are still my little girl. We do these things together cause they feel good and make us happy. If we were girlfriends, then I might be jealuos about you and Claire. But since I’m your mother I can be glad that you have such a pretty little friend to love. Thats not exactly what she said, but its close.

I had to give Mommy a big hug when she said that. She is the smartest lady in the world. And I am so lucky to have her for a mother!

We spent a long time in bed together. After we rested some, Mommy showed me how we could lay on our sides and lick each other at the same time. I liked doing that, a lot.

Then she got me to lay down on my belly, and she did something really wild! First she touched my bottom, rubbing soft and gentle like she was petting a cat. Then she sort of opened me up with her hands, and I felt her tongue licking my bottom hole!

I was so suprised that I couldnt even talk. I never knew that people did things like that to each other, but it felt so nice that I understood pretty soon why they did. She licked me that way for a long time. I didnt come again, but I already did it twice so that was OK. I just lay there, feeling like I was floating in the sky while Mommy’s tongue went up and down inside my bottom.

After awhile she started to kiss me in a line all up my back, and when she got to my neck I rolled over and kissed her mouth. I wanted to know if my bottom hole is as yummy as my pussy is, but it didnt really have any taste.

Mommy and I held each other for a long time, kissing some. I wanted to lick her bottom like she did mine, but she just hugged me and said, Next time, sweetheart. Lets take a nap instead.

I didn’t feel like it, I was sure. But then I fell asleep right away in Mommy’s arms.


Tuesday 1st February, 1966

I asked Claire if we could go to her house after school. I told her I wanted to show her something special and secret that was just for us two to know. She told me sure, and we met by the front door after our last class.

We ran all the way back to her house and flew up the stairs to her room. There wasnt a whole lot of time for me to show her my secret, and I was so excited I wanted to yell!

Soon as she closed the door Claire took me in her arms and kissed me, pushing her tongue in my mouth. We kissed for a long time till she pulled away and told me she had been thinking about doing that all day long. Then she started unbuttoning her top.

You cant ever tell anyone what I am gonna show you, I said as we stood close beside her bed and took off our skirts and panties.

She promised me she wouldnt tell. Her eyes all bright and happy.

I got her to sit on the edge of her bed and moved her legs wide apart so I could get down on my knees in between. I told her to lay back, then I took a good look at her pussy. It was so pretty that I felt all excited and dizzy, like I had been running to get something I wanted real bad.

I whispered, Close your eyes. I could already smell her pussy, and my mouth was watering just cause of me thinking about tasting her there.

I licked my lips and took a deep breath. Then I went between Claire’s legs and put my mouth to her, my tongue going into the pussy opening. Her vagina, thats a word for it that Mommy told me.

Claire cried out and her body jerked real hard, but I held on. I was licking her, loving her taste. My tongue moved as deep into her pussy as I could make it go, then I began to push it in and out. She was really wet, and pretty soon her juice was dripping from my chin, like when I eat a peach.

She began to shiver like she was freezing cold but I held on tight to her. I wanted to make her come really big!

Her hands were in my hair, and she was rubbing her pussy into my face while she made loud sounds. Her head turned from side to side really fast like she was trying to say, NO, NO, NO, NO, but I bet that wasnt what she was thinking!

Mommy had told me how to find the clit, and I started to suck on it like a little nipple. That was when she went totally crazy, more than ever before.

I was so happy that I felt like laughing as I made Claire come. She was crying out from how good it felt. Her fingers got all tangled up in my hair.

When she got her breath back I got up, lay down next to Claire and kissed her. She made a little suprised noise when she tasted her pussy on my mouth.

I gave her a big smile and asked if she liked that.

She said yes. There was a pretty blush on her face when she asked if I wanted her to do it to me.

Quick as a bunny I was on the bed and my legs wide apart, showing Claire every bit of my pussy. Then there was the lovely feeling of her warm, wet tongue licking me!

She was shy about it to start. But I showed her where to go, and to kiss and lick. Claire got it quick, and pretty soon she had me almost screaming as I came in her mouth. I sort of bit my hand trying to be quiet! It only left a little mark, but just in case I put a band aid on it after I brushed my teeth.

So after I came, she slipped in my arms and we snuggled. Her naked body was so soft and nice when it was touching mine. We kissed again and again and held each other till we heard her mom come home. We got up and grabbed our clothes then, getting dressed fast as we could.

Just before we went downstairs Claire hugged me and whispered, I love you, Susie. Something in her eyes and the way she said it made me want to cry. It was so sweet. I kissed her and said, I love you too. And I knew deep down inside that I DID love her. My beautiful Claire.

Continue on to Chapter 5


Wanting a Girl, Part Two

  • Posted on July 25, 2015 at 12:21 pm

By JetBoy (with Androgyne)

I lie placidly, allowing the gentle tide to carry me along the shore. My body is warmed from head to toe, as if I’m stretched beneath some unseen sun. Then suddenly the ebb and flow of the ocean solidifies into a bed — the bed, actually.

The sound of Josie’s voice summons me back to the here and now. But wait, who is she talking to…?

I raise my still-spinning head, suddenly struck stone cold sober by the sight of a woman standing in the bedroom doorway.

Oh, good Christ in heaven, I’m done for. Josie’s mum is home and has caught me in bed with her twelve year old child, both of us naked and the room reeking of rough sex.

She doesn’t look like Josie, though; this woman is darker and heavy set, with shapely hips and a generous set of breasts — and she’s grinning at us both.

Grinning? I steal a quick look at my young lover, and she looks… pleased. What the fuck is going on here?

My head swivels back to the strange woman, who is fondling her left breast. “My, my. Looks like you two been enjoyin’ yourselves…” she murmurs.

Josie tugs at my arm. “Lesley, this is Gillian. She’s Tommy’s mum.” She flashes me a bad-girl smile. “Oh… an’ she was my first lover, the one I told you about. I asked her to come by later when I took Tommy home. Mum gave her a spare key ages ago, so she can drop in to check on me and make sure I’m all right.”

Gillian slowly enters the room, moving cat-like toward the bed. “Well, Jo… are you all right, then?”

Josie purses her face in mock-concentration, touching a finger to her chin, suddenly speaking in the lilting voice of a child half her age. “Oh, Miss Gillian… I met this nice lady at the park, an’ we’ve been playing ever such lovely games together… but we could have even more fun if you joined us!” Her eyes are filled with innocent longing, as if she’d just spied a toy she wants in a window display. “Won’t you come an’ play… please?”

Fuck, she’s behaving like a little girl, hands clasped before her and an angelic expression on her face — certainly a far cry from the adolescent slut who just had her arm buried wrist-deep in my hole.

As for Gillian, she seems more amused than anything by Josie’s sweetness-and-light act. Soon as she gets within reaching distance, her arm snakes out to roughly grasp the girl’s shoulder, drawing her close. Taking a handful of Josie’s unruly blonde tresses, she tugs at it until my young lover’s head is tilted back. Gillian’s eyes meet mine; and I watch, heart thumping as she claims Josie’s mouth in a punishing kiss. Their tongues tangle lewdly, and I can see Josie’s hands groping at her neighbour’s heavy breasts through her flannel shirt.

You might think that I’d be consumed with jealousy at the sight of this strange woman, having her way with my Josie. Instead, I am on fire inside, the animal within me awakened and hungry once more. After all, I’ve never been one to behave possessively toward my lovers, and am very much into the idea of sharing my new bedmate with this dead sexy older woman.

Mere moments ago I was desperately in need of a breather from the brutal fucking I’d just taken; now I’m ready to run wild again.

Pushing myself up from the bed and onto my knees, I move to join the others. Gillian breaks away from Josie, raising her face to mine. “Well, Lesley,” she purrs, “I see you like the young stuff… Now, d’ya feel like havin’ it off with a woman?” Her gaze is cool, defiant.

By way of an answer, I take hold of her collar and yank it downward, tearing her shirt, buttons flying. Somehow I’m not surprised to see that she has gone without a bra, her heavy breasts spilling forth.

Not only is Gillian not upset by my aggression, she’s positively elated. “Randy bitch,” she hisses; then her mouth covers mine, and we kiss.

My head is reeling with excitement, and the next couple of minutes are something of a blur; but somehow Josie and I manage to strip Gillian bare, scattering her clothes about the room in the process. Naked, she’s a formidable woman; with generous breasts, a soft, full belly, and deliciously rounded buttocks.

We get Gillian spread out on the bed, then I’m on my belly and going down on her, nose buried deep in a thatch of dark pubic curls as I feast on the juicy flesh of her pussy.

Josie is bent over Gillian’s breasts, licking avidly at her nipples; raising her head when her older lover demands, “Enough of that, girl… you know what I need! I’ve been wantin’ to taste you all fuckin’ day.” Gillian licks her lips in a very lewd fashion, staring hungrily at the naked child.

With a wicked grin, Josie moves to straddle Gillian’s face. “Here y’go,” she sighs, lowering her dewy slit to the neighbour’s parted lips.

My mouth is fastened to this woman’s vagina, drinking down the thick, syrupy fluids that flow freely from her; staring at Josie’s pert little backside as Gillian’s tongue flickers, flame-like, between her boyish thighs. “Mmmmyeah,” Josie pants, rocking atop her older lover’s face, “lick me, Gilly… get me off!”

I’m going down on Gillian with everything I have, licking and sucking at her cunt like the same ravenous she-beast I’d already been with Josie. No restraint is wanted now — my intention is to make this woman come and come hard. I fuck her with my tongue, then press deep open-mouthed kisses into the rosy flesh.

Her clitoris protrudes like a tiny pink spear, practically begging to be sucked. I heed its call, taking the inflamed nubbin between my lips, teasing its tip with a fluttering tongue.

Gillian’s frame seizes up as she gets slammed by the first orgasm. A choked cry is torn from her throat, muffled by Josie’s vulva. As for my adolescent lover, she moans in delight, swaying atop the licking mouth of “Gilly,” and groping at her flat chest. Josie’s eyes are closed, head tilted to one side and a dreamy smile on her lips.

Gillian’s legs begin to tremble as soon as she starts to come, almost imperceptibly at first. But soon enough she is bucking violently as her pleasure continues to climb. Josie is watching me as I work on her lover’s clit.

I want to take this incredible woman through at least one more climax, to reduce her to babbling lunacy, but she suddenly reaches down to push my face away from her glistening sex. Not in a hostile way, mind you — she’s simply overcome, at least for now.

Josie slowly raises herself from Gillian’s flushed, moist face to kneel next to her, then bends to kiss the panting woman, her tongue circling Gillian’s mouth. “Mmmmyummy-yum…” the child purrs, tasting her own cunt and loving it. Finally she flops onto her back, still savouring the rich essence on her lips.

“Bloody hell,” croaks Gillian, still straining for breath, turning to gape at me, “that’s a wild mouth you got, er — what was your name, love?”

“Her name’s Lesley,” chirps Josie before I can answer, rolling her eyes. “Wow, she made you come so hard that you can’t ‘member stuff anymore, huh?” She’s grinning.

“Quiet, child,” Gillian scowls at Josie, then breaks into a smile as she glances back at me. “Pleased to meet you an’ all, Les… now, how about letting me watch you an’ Jo goin’ at it, hmmm?”

Yes, that’s what I want. By rights I should be utterly drained, left exhausted and limp after this crazed bout of sapphic sex. It’s not enough, though — not nearly enough. Not for Josie, not for me either. We need more, and the harder and faster the better.

I see my lewd appetite reflected in young Josie’s eyes as she crawls over to me and into my arms. We kiss hotly, facing one another on our knees.

From there it’s easy enough to get my little-girl lover onto her back, raising one of her thin legs to prepare Josie for what I want to do next. My eyes never leaving hers, I fork my own legs wide apart and move into the child until my cunt, hot and dripping with juice, is plastered against her smooth vulva.

Josie looks confused for a moment but gets the idea immediately, grinding against me even before I start to work my sex into hers.

It takes us a moment for me to adjust to her movements, and then we are coupling like animals, hips churning wildly as our pussies slide and press together in a hot, slippery lesbian fuck.

Young Josie seems almost possessed by lust, her body arching and flexing, teeth bared and her breath hissing with each thrust of her slim hips. She clutches my bent leg, crushing it to her chest, then gasps, digging into the soft flesh of my thigh with gnawed fingernails as she reacts to an instant of heavenly contact between her sex and mine. I know what she feels, experiencing a similar jolt of pleasure every time her cunt brushes my throbbing clitoris.

I steal a glance at Gillian, who is watching us intently, breathing hard as she rubs wantonly at her minge; then I crush my mound into Josie’s with a renewed energy, the two of us pumping in our crazed mutual rhythm like a machine gone mad.

Suddenly a howl explodes from Josie as her climax kicks in, the girl’s supple body bowed backwards in helpless pleasure. I keep grinding against her, fucking the living hell out of this preteen minx — and then I’m coming too, sucked into my own maelstrom of rapture.

It’s the beginning and the end at once; a death that feels like being born — my soul an infant expelled bawling from the slippery cunt of the goddess.

When the whirling in my head — wheels within wheels within wheels — slows down to a manageable speed, I allow my eyes to flutter open — only to see Gillian’s grinning face inches from mine.

“Fuckin’ hell, that was a lovely sight!” she exclaims, bending down to kiss me roughly, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. My tongue emerges to spar playfully with hers, then I give her lower lip a sharp little bite.

Gillian gasps, then draws back to study me. “Quite the firework you are, ain’tcha?” She moves in again, this time nibbling at my ear for a few seconds, then she whispers, “Jo told me you was a real find… she weren’t far wrong, I’d say!”

I blink, and her face vanishes from my view. So I raise myself up onto unsteady elbows, just in time to see her climb on top of Josie, their mouths coming together. Josie mewls into their kiss, tilting her pelvis to wrap both legs around Gillian.

My eyes widen as I see Josie’s hips move. Fuck me, that little tart is grinding her slit against Gillian’s belly! In my life, I’ve hooked up with some sexually driven women, but never one as insatiable as this twelve-year-old baby dyke.

Winded as I am, the sight of my hungry little lover somehow renews me, rouses the beast to life once more. I roll onto all fours, then begin a slow, catlike crawl toward the woman and her little-girl partner, feeling the heat rising inside as I draw closer.

Now I’m kneeling behind Gillian, staring appreciatively at her generous buttocks. Though nothing can fire my lust like the pert bottom of a young girl, I must admit that the full, apple-shaped arse of a woman — a real woman, not some scrawny, weight-obsessed twat — gets my juices flowing as well. And Gillian’s is a beauty; built for comfort, made to be groped by a lesbian slut like me.

So I do exactly that, my hands exploring the contours of her bum. I can hear Gillian humming appreciatively into Josie’s mouth when I seek out the opening between her legs, easing two fingers inside the slippery canal. That leaves my thumb perfectly positioned to enter her anal pucker. So, with a quick swipe of the tongue between the buttocks to get her moist there, I probe my way into Gillian’s arse.

Now buried deep in both holes, I start in on fucking her, working my fingers about inside that juicy cunt. Gillian’s honey flows freely, soon coating most of my hand… and she relaxes her arsehole enough for me to move my thumb around in circles, massaging the walls of her rectum. She and Josie are still kissing, interrupted by the occasional moan.

Then Gillian twists about to stare appreciatively at me over her shoulder. “Oi, Lesley… you’re not one of them dykes that has an objection to wearin’ a cock, are ya?”

Puzzled, I pause in my lewd fingering to shake my head.

“Good,” she sighs. “I had a lover once who… well, she an’ her mates din’t approve of women who liked to get rogered with a rubber prick. Women like me.” She rolls her eyes heavenward. “Too much like sex with a man, they says. Well, now… see that bag by the door?” She gestures in that direction with her head, and I peer across the room to see a black leather satchel on the floor that hadn’t been there earlier. She grins wickedly. “Not that your fingers don’t feel damn good in there… but if you want somethin’ that’ll really fill me up, have a look inside the bag.”

“Oooh! You gonna get her to fuck you with the Black Beast, Gilly?” squeals Josie, peeping at me from beneath Gillian’s womanly form, her cheek touching a pendulous breast.

“That’s the idea, love,” replies Gillian, also watching me.

Extracting my slippery fingers from her cunt and arse, I climb from the bed and pad over to where the satchel rests. Picking it up and placing it in a nearby chair, I unbuckle the clasp that holds it shut.

My eyes widen as I take in the generous collection of sex toys that fill Gillian’s bag. And right on top of the lot is an enormous latex cock with a harness attached, dark as ebony and at least ten inches long — obviously, the Black Beast.

I gingerly extract the massive prick from the satchel as if it might explode; then cradle it in my hands, feeling its weight.

“That’s the one,” Gillian purrs, now seated on the bed’s edge. Josie lies on her belly, chin resting on crossed arms. “Wanna do me with it?”

I stare at her incredulously. “You can… take this? The whole thing?”

“Every bit,” she grins. “Put it on, Les, an’ see just how deep you can get inside me.”

“Yeah!” Josie chimes in. “I tried to fuck Gilly with it, but it didn’t work.” She sighs resignedly. “I’m still too little.”

Gillian got up on all fours, presenting her buttocks to me, peering expectantly over her shoulder. “C’mon, love — put it to me! I’ve been all hot an’ bothered for a good poundin’.”

Well, that was an invitation I wasn’t about to refuse. Stepping into, then adjusting the harness, I reach behind my back to fasten it, while Josie rises from the bed, luxuriously stretches herself, then wanders over to Gillian’s bag and begins to root around inside.

“Look, Lesley!” she says, pulling another strap-on from the satchel, this one a bright pink four-inch model. “This is Pink Boy. Gilly uses it on me sometimes.”

I pause in the middle of tightening my harness, dazed by an image of twelve-year-old Josie, on her back with thighs spread wide as she gets fucked by the mother next door.

“And this,” my little lover continues, hauling out a long double-headed latex dildo, “is Elastic Man. We call him that ‘cos he’s all bendy!” She demonstrates, flexing the toy into different positions; then placing it to one side before plunging into the bag again, emerging with a string of anal beads. “Now, these–”

“Jo,” interrupts Gillian, arching an eyebrow, “you can show Lesley the toys later, right? For now, why don’tcha ferret out the lube an’ get the Beast all nice and slippery for me.”

“Righto!” an unfazed Josie chirps, reaching into the satchel to poke and paw about. Finding what she wants, her hand emerges with a slightly crumpled white tube. Flipping the top open, she squirts a dollop of transparent gel into her hand, then turns to me and begins to lovingly anoint the jet-black cock that jutted, almost defiantly, from my pelvis.

“Nice an’ slip-per-y,” she chants, her little hands gliding up and down its impressive length. Finally, the grinning nymphet draws away, wiping both hands on her thighs as she cheerfully announces, “All done!”

“Good,” nods Gillian, then wiggles her bottom enticingly. “Get behind me, Les — we’ll let Jo do the honours.” I get into position, the Black Beast bobbing up and down beneath my belly as Gillian leers at the eager child. “C’mon, love,” she demands, “put your new friend’s cock in me.”

Josie is on the bed in a flash, grasping the thick phallus, carefully lining its head up with the portal to Gilly’s cunt. I press forward, and the fat head slips through the vaginal opening with a slurping sound.

She’s so wet and ready to be penetrated that all ten inches of the Beast slide into her body with a single smooth stroke — like a fork into pudding.

“Ohhhhhh…” Gillian moans, shivers of rapture rippling through her womanly form. She breathes heavily for a few seconds, unable to speak, but finally manages to pant, “Oh, yeah… that f-feels good, Lesley.”

Ready and eager to take this to the next level, I start to withdraw, but Gillian stops me with a shake of her head. “Ooooh, no, don’t move just yet — stay inside me.” She shifts her gaze to the girl. “Now, Josie-pie… I want you to t-take Elastic Man an’ get one end lubed up. You get to f-fuck my arse while Lesley does my cunt.” She is quivering slightly, sensitive to the tiniest movements of the monstrous prick buried inside her.

Josie picks up the flesh-toned two-headed cock and the white tube. Nibbling her lower lip, she drizzles some of the slick stuff on the bulbous tip of the dildo, then smears it all around with her free hand, thoroughly coating one half of the toy.

“Good… now push that end into my bumhole,” pants Gillian. “You’ll have to bend it, love, so you don’t get in Lesley’s way while she’s fuckin’ me.”

“Mmmkay,” Josie replies, furrowing her brow as she deftly positions the cock at a forty-five-degree angle, leaving about four lubricated inches for Gillian’s rectum. Then with a saucy grin, she dips down to place a messy tongue kiss between her grownup lover’s spread buttocks.

Jesus, what an erotic sight that is — this girl of twelve, mouthing the anus of a woman old enough to be her mother. And so willingly, as if there was nothing in the whole world she’d rather be doing.

After a moment or two she pops up with a giggle, then carefully places the blunt nose of the dildo against Gillian’s rosebud… letting it rest there for a couple of heartbeats before pressing inward.

Gillian throws her head back, emitting an impassioned cry that fills the bedroom as the cock head slips past the tight anal ring. She pants like a rutting dog for a few heartbeats, then gasps, “All right, Les… let me have it. Fuck me. You too, Jo.”

With that, I begin to slowly pump my hips, working the Black Beast around inside her. Just a little motion to start with; letting those ten inches do the job for me. Josie is pumping her arm steadily, brow knitted in concentration as the slippery sex toy glides in and out of her Gilly’s rectum.

As my strokes slowly become larger, more of the ebony shaft appearing with each one, Josie and I fall into a shared rhythm where we take turns penetrating Gillian — my cock plunging into her just as Josie’s withdraws. I’m clutching Gilly’s hips, leaning back slightly so as to give my little-girl lover room to work. And work she does, driving into her lover’s rectum with short, staccato thrusts.

Harder, faster — I’m fucking Gillian with everything I have now, pelvis churning frantically and my body gleaming with sweat. Her cunt squishes with each stroke, like boots trudging through heavy mud. I steal a quick glance at Josie, thrilling at the excitement I see in the little girl’s dancing eyes. Then I look at Gillian, her head now pressed into the pillow, face distorted in what might be agony — but I know that agony is only a small part of what she is feeling at this instant.

On impulse, I pause in my effort for a half-second, waiting for Josie to penetrate Gilly’s arsehole… then quickly drive my cock into her at the same time. This slight shift in tempo now has us entering her simultaneously with every thrust. I hear Josie giggle with delight. Gillian gasps in disbelief, her eyes wide open for a heartbeat before squeezing shut once more.

It takes only five strokes before Gillian’s body stiffens, a hoarse scream wrenched from her throat as she seizes up in a wall-shaker of an orgasm. Deep shudders convulse her womanly frame; so intense that it’s all I can do to hang on. She is pressing back into us, trying to drive our cocks even deeper into her ravaged holes.

“Ohhhhh!” she howls, her body bowed backwards and gone steel-rigid for the space of a heartbeat, “oh God, oh God, oh God, oh, oh GOD — FUCK ME!”

That’s when another climax smashes into her, and Gillian begins to shake so convulsively that I’m not certain that she isn’t having some kind of seizure. She is moving around too much for me to keep fucking her, but that hardly matters while she’s impaled to the hilt on ten inches of the Black Beast. As for Josie, she’s doing the best she can to keep her toy buried in Gilly’s bum.

By this point, I have no earthly idea how many times Gillian has come, only that she seems to be battered by one orgasm after the next; so overwhelmed by pleasure that she can barely groan. Finally, she freezes in mid-shudder, a strangled cry escapes her lips, and she pauses for a small eternity before her upper half relaxes, sinking into the sheets. Absurdly, she seems to be deflating, like a punctured beach ball, a few inches of the jet-black prick emerging from her minge.

Still cradling Gillian’s hips, I carefully withdraw the remaining length of the Beast from her body, while Josie relaxes her grip on Elastic Man, allowing Gilly’s anus to do the work of pushing the greasy dildo out.

Fairly spent, I collapse next to Gillian, breathing heavily and every inch of my frame bathed in sweat. Slowly rolling onto my side, I fumble for the harness buckle, somehow managing to unfasten the pitch-black cock from my waist. That done, I bring the toy to my mouth, contentedly tasting what is now a cunt-flavoured lolly.

I feel Josie nestling into me. “Can I have some?”

So I hold the glistening strap-on between us while my twelve-year-old lover joins me in licking it clean. Naturally, our lips graze now and again… and I finally let the Black Beast drop to the bed, wrapping my arms around the child as we engage in a passionate kiss.

As our tongues lustfully engage, I sense Josie’s body falling into a gentle, steady motion. Pausing to glance down, I see that she is masturbating, two fingers pressed into her vulva.

Gazing deep into her lust-glazed face, I murmur, “Such a greedy little baby you are.” My hand slips between her quivering thighs. “Is baby’s pussy all hot and wet?” It is, needless to say. “Does she need Mummy to make that wicked heat go away?”

Josie’s head lolls back, an thrilled gasp escaping her parted lips. “Yes, Mummy!” she demands. “Baby wants her pussy licked… do it now, do it now!”

I smile to myself. Even while playing the toddler, Josie wouldn’t say “please,” to get what she wanted. Well, I wouldn’t make her beg — not this time, anyhow.

Rolling my insistent nymph onto her back, I give Josie one last flickering tongue kiss before nuzzling a moist path down her body, pausing to lick each nipple in turn. I trail my lips along the terrace of the ribcage and onto the baby-soft belly, savouring the sweet scent of her skin. My God — how could I have resisted this hunger for little girls, even for a few months?

The adorable dimple of her belly button seems to wink invitingly at me. I respond, moving to penetrate the tiny opening with the tip of my tongue. Josie squeals in mixed surprise and delight, a shiver coursing through her slender form as she moves beneath me.

Flawless as it is, though, Josie’s navel is only a detour from my ultimate goal; so downward I proceed, lips straying over the slight rise of her mound.

Now I lie between the spread legs of my preteen enchantress, gazing at her rosy slit — ripe and syrupy as a fresh mango. Moistening my lips, I breathe deeply of the heady aroma, already as familiar to me as if I’d known it in a previous life.

Josie is practically squirming, desperate for release. “My pussy, Mummy,” she pants, a hint of desperation colouring her voice. “M-my pussy!”

Taking pity on the trembling child, I place a tiny kiss upon the dewy cleft — then press in deeper to lick, bathing Josie’s sex with the flat of my tongue.

“Oh,” she whimpers, the child’s twitching fingers tangling in my hair as she clutches me to her. “Oh, oh, oh!”

I feast greedily on her honeyed opening, realizing that, for all the sexual games we’ve indulged in this afternoon, I’ve yet to really go down on her, the way I’ve dreamed of doing to a young girl ever since this mad craving first consumed me. So now I’m making up for it with a vengeance, exploring every inch of her vulva with my mouth.

Then I feel strong hands cupping my arse, spreading both buttocks apart.

Fuck me, I marvel. I thought Gillian was down for the count after the shagging we gave her…

But now I can feel her breath caress my bum as she draws closer, sniffing at the crack like a dog.

I’ve got my head tilted to one side as I French kiss Josie’s slit as if it were a tiny mouth, pushing my tongue as far inside her vagina as it can go. That’s when I feel Gillian burrow between my cheeks, giving me one long, slow lick that seems to begin at the tip of the clitoris and glide slowly over my vulva, finally slipping through the crease of my anus.

There’s no way she’ll make me come again, not after the trio of orgasms I’ve already been gobsmacked by… but Gillian’s tongue does feel exquisite as it soothes my vagina, which still throbs dully from the fisting I received earlier.

Josie shifts about restlessly, unable to remain still while I ravish her with my mouth. Her sticky essence is positively ambrosial, and my lips are dripping with the thick fluids. I’m amazed, frankly, that a girl of twelve can possess a cunt so fucking juicy.

I could lie here forever, drinking from her fleshy chalice. But Josie’s need to come has grown acute, even painful. She’s panting like a marathon runner, her taloned fingers clawing at the bedsheets. So I withdraw my probing tongue from her vagina, trailing the tip along the line of the girl’s barely-there labia until I reach the button of her clitoris.

Taking the tiny nub into my mouth, I apply the cunnilingus technique that I’ve always called the Triple Threat: sucking at the clit while gently squeezing it with my lips, then teasing it with quick little flicks of the tongue. It’s a move that can drive a woman to the verge of insanity, so how will this nymphomaniac of twelve respond?

Just as I’d hoped, it turns out. Josie inhales sharply, then an involuntary jolt races through her boyish form, giving her a hard shake as if she were a rag doll in the grasp of a furious toddler. A soft gurgling sound issues from her mouth, then quickly builds into a rising moan. The child begins to tremble — almost imperceptibly at first, just enough to be felt in her legs. But as Josie’s orgasm kicks in, that trembling mounts higher with her ecstasy until she is bucking wildly, squeezing my head between clutching thighs. Somehow, I manage to hang on to her lower half, my mouth still fastened to the girl’s sex.

She is wailing now, lost in boundless pleasure. “MmmmmMMMMnnngoooOHHH Mummy, God yes, ooohhhhhh lick me, LICK ME!”

My tongue toys with Josie’s clit in every way imaginable; circling it, lashing it, pressing it against my teeth. I want this climax to be one she’ll remember for the rest of her days.

Gillian is clutching my hips, her nose buried between both cheeks while she eats me. I can feel her warm, wet tongue swirling around and round the opening to my vagina, and it feels divine. Still, my attention is centered on Josie, carrying her through the peaks and troughs of her climax.

All at once her voice rises to a strangled scream — and the girl wrenches away, twisting her body to one side to escape my mouth. She rolls over to lie on her belly, motionless but for the rise and fall of her back as she gulps lungfuls of air.

I stare, enthralled, at the twinned moons of her buttocks, a hint of rosy slit still visible just below. And even now, in the aftermath of pleasure, I find myself dreaming of future bouts of sexual abandon with Josie; hungering for more of her, much more.

The lid of Pandora’s box has been wrenched off, the perverse demon inside freed to make its dwelling place in my soul. Are you a pedophile, then? a stray fragment of conscience inquires. Well, yes, I calmly reply. So it would seem. Then again, it’s really just a word. Means fuck all in the scheme of things, doesn’t it?

Of course, I still love grown women as well — and there’s one servicing me from behind right now, her tongue gliding moistly through my arsehole. Gillian is rimming me with such tenderness that I’m suddenly overwhelmed with a surge of affection for her.

Raising myself, I turn around and draw Gillian up to her knees, embracing her warmly as our mouths meet. The urgency of before is now gone, our kissing soft and sensual. We gently break apart, and I smile, then whisper, “Thank you… that was lovely.”

Without a word, we lie down on either side of Josie, cuddling the flushed, damp girl between us. She wriggles onto her back, flashing us a toothy grin apiece before settling in, turning her head to gaze warmly at me. “That was so wild, Lesley,” she chirps, “how you was pretendin’ to be my mum…”

“Really?” I reply, instantly curious. “So, thinking about your mother gets you… excited?”

She actually blushes. “Yeah, sort of. Mum’s still totally sexy, an’ I know it’s pervy an’ all, but I love to think about fuckin’ her.” She gives a wistful sigh. “I’d never try to, though — she’d freak out!”

“Hells bells, Jo,” Gilly exclaims, astonished. “I never knew you wanted your mum that way!” She nibbles thoughtfully at a fingernail. “Mind you, I’d like to give her a tumble, too. That arse of hers…” Her voice trails off.

I lightly brush Josie’s cheek with my fingertips. “Never mind, love… you’ve already got two grown women to romp with. Not many girls of twelve can say the same.”

“Guess so,” giggles Josie, relaxing against me. Then she sits up again. “Um… does that mean you wanna fuck me again sometime? An’ Gilly too?”

I roll my eyes. “Try to keep me away, girl… just try!” My hand strays onto the child’s flat chest, and she hums with satisfaction as I tease her nipples. “You’re an incredible lover, Josie.” I pause to wink affectionately at Gillian. “Actually, you both are.”

“Thanks, Lesley,” the girl coos, covering my hand with hers.

“Yeah,” Gillian adds with a nod. “You were fuckin’ incredible yourself, Les.”

That resolved, we lie quietly for awhile, basking in the afterglow of good sex. Our mouths occasionally drift together to share soft kisses; hands lazily explore the curves and planes of each other’s bodies. The mood is easy, mellow.

Eventually Josie sits up and stretches with a yawn, then casually announces, “We better get up now.”

Gillian opens one eye. “In’t your mum on the closin’ shift tonight?”

“Well, yeah,” the girl replies, “but I have to wash these sheets before she gets home.” She glances at me, sees puzzlement in my eyes, then grins sheepishly. “Er… this is Mum’s bed,” she confesses.

I peer about, noticing for the first time that this looks nothing like a young girl’s room. Mind you, I was so dazzled by Josie when she led me in here that we could have been entering a bloody bear cage and I’d have been none the wiser.

Meanwhile, Josie rises to her feet, sweeping her hair back with a toss of the head. “I’ll go get our clothes out the dryer,” she tells me, pausing to yawn again. “Be right back!” And she pads through the doorway, still gloriously bare.

Gillian props herself up on one elbow, studying me. “So, Les — I’m glad you’re not cheesed off ’bout me joinin’ your little party…”

I laugh. “Oh, no, not at all… I think it took both of us to satisfy Josie. Quite the appetite that girl’s got!”

“She’s a right animal, ain’t she?” grins the brunette, then transfixes me with a smouldering look. “Tell me — what’re you up to this Thursday night, Les?”

Something in Gilly’s eyes sets my pulse to racing, and it’s all I can do to seem casual as I reply, “Oh… nothing in particular.”

Her smile deepens. “Well, I was thinkin’ that we three might hook up at my place for a repeat session.” She arches a questioning eyebrow. “Sound like a plan?”

I slowly nod, transfixed by Gillian’s hungry gaze. “Yes,” I whisper, “I’d love to.”

“Good,” she purrs. Reaching down for the Black Beast, still lying where I dropped it on the bed, she displays the ten-inch toy to me. “I’m dyin’ to do you with this… an’ I’d love to watch you fuck Jo with the smaller one.”

As you might imagine, both scenarios sound wonderful. I’m just about to tell her as much when Josie marches back into the room; laden with dry clothes, hers and mine.

“Oi, Jo,” Gillian announces. “I need you to babysit for me on Thursday night… ’bout seven o’clock, I’d say.”

Josie ponders this as she dumps our jumbled clothing on the bed, frowning slightly. “D’ya really want me to watch Tommy, or–”

“Don’t be daft, girl,” retorts Gillian, smirking wryly. “I mean you, me an’ Lesley here, havin’ ourselves a lesbo orgy. You game?”

“Yes!” Josie squeals, bouncing up and down where she stands. “That’s… that’s great! Oh, Lesley, we’ll have so much fun, we will…”

She seems so adorable to me at this moment that I can’t help but enfold Josie’s slender frame in my arms, hugging her close. Then, extending a hand to Gillian, I invite her into our naked embrace.

We three hold one another for a long while, breathing in the mingled fragrance of sweat and sex.

Eventually, Josie breaks away. “I guess we ought to… get dressed.” She sorts through the clothes, taking out my blouse, skirt and underthings; handing them to me with a sweet smile. “There y’go.”

I’m not exactly fresh at the moment, but my clothes are clean enough to get me home without too much embarrassment. I’d definitely need a wash later, though!

The mood is contented but subdued as we slip into our clothes. I pause for one last tantalizing glimpse of Josie’s nakedness before she steps into her knickers, tugging them up and over her flawless bottom. All too soon, the three of us are dressed.

There isn’t much to tell after that. Josie strips the sodden bed linen, then we follow her out into the hallway. I retrieve my shoes and handbag from where I’d abandoned them, and Josie throws the sheets into the washer, followed by a dash of soap.

Gillian and I say our goodbyes to Josie by the front door, each of us sharing a passionate tongue kiss and a hug with her before we exit into the street. She holds onto the door, a half-smile on her lips as we descend the short flight of stairs; then with one final wave, vanishes inside.

I walk Gillian over to her doorstep. We don’t kiss, but a warm gaze and a quick squeeze of the hand between us says all that is necessary. She opens the door, turns to me to whisper, “See ya Thursday, love,” then is gone.

I scarcely remember the journey home — too busy reliving the experience I’d just had, overwhelmed by the realization that my taboo fantasy had been made real. I’d engaged in lewd, slutty, unimaginable sex with a girl of twelve. Furthermore, I’d shared that girl with a grown woman who was every bit as twisted as me. And a few days from now we three would meet, shed our clothes and do it all over again.

Later, I’m sprawled luxuriously across my bed, naked and pink from a much-needed shower. A glass of fine Cabernet — one I’d been saving for some undetermined special occasion — rests on the bedside table. My laptop is open before me, and I’m busily typing out the intimate details of today’s adventure, shaping them into a story.

This story.


Afterword from JetBoy

When I stumbled upon Androgyne’s treasure trove of lesbian fiction at the Stories Online site (where she goes by the name Paladin), there was a story I very much wanted to redo in my own version, entitled “Paedophile.” She generously gave permission to do so, with only one demand on her part: the final result had to be nasty, not romantic; lewd rather than loving. I wholeheartedly agreed and got to work. A few weeks later, this story emerged, fleshed out to three times its original length. (This second half, including the character of Gillian, is my own creation.) After seeing my completed draft, Androgyne offered suggestions that made the final result stronger. Years later, this remains one of the stories I take special pride in.

Thanks, Les, for letting me have my wicked way with your writing, for being an eager partner throughout the process, and a true friend; both of me and our new site. I wish you every joy imaginable.

Afterword from Androgyne

My original story, which Danny has enlarged and enhanced, was one of my early attempts at writing erotic tales. I may not have been as experienced as an author back then, but my story got massive feedback from guys and gals along the lines of “Sheer raw sex… got me wet/hard [depending on the writer’s gender] and I came like a wildcat!”

Having read the re-written version, I’d say Danny’s captured the fevered lust and added to it — so I hope you all enjoy the wild ride!


Wanting a Girl, Part One

  • Posted on July 25, 2015 at 12:21 pm

By JetBoy (with Androgyne)

Adjusting my skirt, I settle myself on the wooden park bench, the early July sun a gentle glow on my back — and a matching glow of excitement quickly building in my tummy. She’s here again…

Casually as I can manage, I allow my eyes to drift over to where she now stands, this slim, boyish young brunette of around twelve or thirteen who idly watches a small boy as he mounts the stairs to the top of the slide. Her arms and legs are delightfully bare, and she wears open-toed sandals. No breasts to speak of. Her hair is a thick, somewhat unruly mane of dark tresses. And then there are her eyes — bright blue and piercing. Hungry, somehow.

The sunlight that frames the girl makes the thin fabric of her short skirt almost transparent, revealing the outline of slender thighs. The steady throb inside me continues to make itself felt, and I savour the oddity of my situation.

A man of any age, seated here often as I am, would surely arouse the occasional look of suspicion from the she-wolf pack of passing mothers, taught to be always on guard against sexual predators. But I, a woman in my late thirties, attract no doubtful glances as I perch on the edge of the bench, my eyes lingering on this flawless nymph. As far as the distracted mommies know — and that’s if they even bothered to give the matter a moment’s thought — she could be my own little girl.

I feel warmth and dampness slowly gather between my thighs as I shift slightly, increasingly aroused by my little Lolita. She suddenly bends down to pick up a discarded flower, lying on the pavement near her left sandal, and a jolt of lust surges through me as I catch a quick glimpse of white panties. Studying the somewhat wilted yellow flower for a few heartbeats, she tucks it behind one ear, grinning hugely, then executes a few improvised dance steps. I quiver inside at the sight of her pale, elegant limbs as she moves to an unheard rhythm.

What brought me to this? Months after I first experienced this strange hunger for young girls, it’s still a mystery. At my age I’ve had my share of men and more than my share of women, but this new, frightening temptation seemed to spring from nowhere.

I still recall that day when this slumbering obsession first awakened inside me. There I was, seated on the bus, thumbing through a paperback novel, when a schoolgirl of about eleven or twelve sat down in the opposite seat. I glanced up at her; and in that first look, felt as if I were falling down a long, narrow elevator shaft.

The girl was incredibly beautiful, projecting a certain delicate innocence that I found enchanting. Her short skirt rode up her pale thighs, revealing a taut triangle of blue knickers. My heart began to thump violently, and I felt a warmth that couldn’t be explained by the weather.

I couldn’t take my eyes from the girl. Yet somehow she failed to notice me, so I continued to study her. I found myself wondering what she looked liked under her dress — especially beneath those tight panties. Was her mound bare and smooth, or did she already have a sprinkling of baby-soft down? Would her pubes be the same bright red as the thick, unruly curls that tumbled to her shoulders, or were they of a more neutral hue? Had her breasts begun to bud beneath that white school blouse, or did she have the chest of a young boy? Were her nipples especially pronounced? Would they stiffen if I touched them?

Then my gaze shifted to the girl’s mouth, lipsticked pink. It was a lovely, slightly pouting mouth; made for kisses. I imagined myself doing exactly that — my lips covering hers, penetrating them with an eager tongue, kissing this pubescent child like a lover. I pictured my hand, slipping between those angel-soft thighs to touch the cleft of her sex through those pretty blue knickers, the girl moaning with delight at my touch, parting her legs further to let me have my way…

I came back to myself with a start, shocked to see that I’d passed my stop several blocks earlier. Frantically gathering my bags, I scrambled from the bus at it came to the next stop, not looking back, suddenly afraid that she might be watching.

Dazed, I covered the half dozen blocks that led back to my flat. Fumbling for my keys, I barely made it through the front door before dropping my bags and casting my coat to the floor. I quickly sat myself down on the sofa, reached beneath the sensible skirt I wore and tugged my knickers down and off.

Settling back into the plush upholstery, I begin to masturbate; first teasing my slit until it throbbed, then plunging two fingers deep inside. I was already so wet that thick, warm fluids were trickling down into the crack of my arse. There would definitely be a stain on the back of my skirt before I was finished — but I needed to come so desperately that I didn’t give a toss.

I fucked myself violently, wrist pumping like a piston as that familiar sensation spread through me like oozing syrup, gradually building in intensity. All the while, I pictured that exquisite girl from the bus — imagined her undressing for me, eagerly revealing her naked body. I saw myself in bed with her, equally nude, the two of us making passionate love. I fantasized of licking her, exploring that baby-smooth cunt with my tongue. Finally, when the ache grew almost painful, I allowed the other hand to steal between my thighs, lightly pinching my throbbing clitoris. My scream echoed from the paneled walls as the mother of all orgasms crashed down upon me.

Afterwards, I sat dazed for a long while, sticky hands resting on my thighs. What in God’s name had I just done? I’d brought myself to a convulsive climax, all the while fantasizing about an adolescent girl — that’s what I’d done.

Oh, I tried to explain it away — told myself that, after all, it had been a couple of months since I’d gone to bed with a woman; that this child’s beauty just happened to strike a certain chord inside me at that particular moment; that perhaps she simply reminded me of some other, older woman who tickled my fancy.

Deep down inside, though, I knew that I’d opened some locked chamber hidden in a dark corner of my soul, and a monster had emerged, one who would not easily be coaxed back into its cell.

Pedophile. The word burned in my mind, filled me with unease.

Rousing myself from this troubling reverie, I shambled into the bathroom, stripped off what clothes I was still wearing and climbed into the shower.

I only intended to wash myself; but as I slathered my body with scented soap, lewd images of that cute little redhead began to scroll though my head all over again. I pictured her naked and on all fours, smiling at me over a bare shoulder, daring me to take her.

Soon I was slumped against the side of the shower cubicle, fingering my pussy in a renewed frenzy beneath the streaming water until I came again, nearly fainting from the intensity of it.

From that day forward, I was a changed person. Oh, I still hooked up with the occasional adult sex partner — casual girlfriends, or women I met at a local lesbian bar — but my new obsession was young girls. I’d quickly discovered that the little redhead from the bus was only my entry point into this realm of forbidden lust, and that the world was filled with nymphets aplenty to arouse the beast in me.

So that is why, several days a week, you can find me at this neighbourhood park three blocks from my place of employment, taking lunch in the early afternoon. And as often as not, I’m there after work as well, with a magazine in my lap that I only pretend to read. There, I watch for young girls at every opportunity — and since the park is next to a school, there are usually plenty of them to see.

They have to be the right age to satisfy my craving, though — say, somewhere from ten to thirteen. Old enough to have an awakening sense of their sexuality, but not mature enough to be called a young woman. Once their breasts have grown in, my interest begins to wane.

Nibbling at a sandwich, or turning the page of my magazine, I study these preteen lovelies as they play, chat amongst themselves, argue with parents and lick ice cream cones. I take in the shapes of their bodies, the fresh youthful faces, their boundless energy. Warm weather is best, when limbs are delightfully bare in summer dresses and cute shorts. I gorge myself on the sight of beautiful girls until my body throbs with lust, then hurry home to indulge myself with a hour or two of frenzied masturbation.

Then, about a month ago, while seated on my favourite bench, I spied her — the rough-and-tumble princess who stole my heart at first glance.

I still recall that first sight of her; barefoot, in yellow shorts and a purple t-shirt adorned with the faded face of some pop star I didn’t recognize. She was bounding through the grass with other children, engaged in some war game in which she was clearly a squadron leader, ordering her underlings about.

I was instantly smitten. Her brashness, her energy, her youth; those flying tresses of dark brown hair, the flashing of her bare limbs as she strutted and pranced from one end of the park to the other. I longed for this wild angel, ached to kneel before her and tug those lemon-hued shorts down to her feet, then press my mouth against the front of her knickers to nuzzle the crease of her slit.

Since that afternoon, I still watch the young girls play, my head filled with lustful thoughts. But she is the one who brings me to this park nearly every day, where I pretend to read while seeking her out in the shrieking gaggle of kids. And when I spy her — sometimes with the little boy in tow, most often on her own — it feels like a benediction.

I come back to reality with a jerk. The boy is now scooting about in the sand pit, and my nameless little doll is approaching this very bench.

The girl flings herself onto the seat beside me, her firm thigh briefly touching mine. She turns to flash me a smile, and I catch a glimpse of white teeth just before she speaks.

“Hi, lady! You’re here every day, aren’t you? I see you a lot. Who are you with?”

I’m temporarily taken aback — who’d have thought she’d have noticed me? I tremble at the warmth of her bare leg as it brushes against my thigh again. Keep cool, Lesley, I tell myself. Keep cool.

Taking a calming breath, I reply. “I’m not with anyone, love. I just enjoy watching children play… like your little brother over there!” I gesture toward the boy, now gleefully pouring sand into one of his shoes.

The girl wrinkles her nose, then gives a derisive snort of laughter. “He’s not my brother… he’s our next-door neighbour’s kid. I’m kinda s’posed to take care of him sometimes.” She frowns, firmly crossing both arms before her. “I hate boys. I never want to have anything to do with them unless I abs’lutely have to.”

I chuckle at that. “I’ll bet you won’t think that way in a few years, honey… anyone as pretty as you will have boys hanging all around, dying to ask you out.”

My words make her turn and stare at me, her lower lip thrust out defiantly.

“My name’s Josie, not Honey… an’ I won’t ever want a boyfriend!”

Not wanting to upset this enchanting child, I give her a great big smile, as if she’d simply introduced herself. Touching her shoulder, I softly say, “My name’s Lesley… it’s nice to meet you, Josie.”

Mollified, she nods at me, then shifts her gaze to study the boy. Her charge is now burrowing into the sand and looks a mess. Josie places her small, soft left hand on my leg, then points at him with the right. “Why would any girl want to be with… with someone like that?”

I shrug, trying not to let Josie see how strongly her touch affects me. “Well, even little boys do grow up, eventually.”

“Not enough!” she retorts.

The warmth of her hand upon my thigh has raised the heat between my legs considerably. I’m ready to find any excuse to keep Josie company for awhile.

Then she gives me the opportunity to do just that. Stretching herself, giving me an enchanting glimpse of her soft underarm, Josie grimaces. “I have to take Tommy home now,” she mutters, nodding toward the sand-covered kid. Then she quickly turns to me, her face alight. “Hey, wanna come with us? We can hang out some more. I like talking to you!” She bobs her head eagerly, that short skirt inching up a little further to reveal more of her snowy white thigh.

As you have no doubt guessed, I happily agree to accompany Josie and her young charge, feeling a surge of excitement when it strikes me that I might just get to find out where my brash little nymph lives.

We leave the small park and set off along the bustling street. On the way, I learn a few things about my new friend. She is twelve — “nearly thirteen!” — has two cats, named Spartacus and Gopher, loves curry and lemon tarts.

“Not together, I hope!” I reply, and she giggles.

Then, tilting her head in a most fetching way, Josie asks “So, Lesley… tell me ’bout you!” Her cheerful smile makes me lightheaded, stokes the building warmth in my knickers.

Rather than go into detail about my tedious office job, I tell her about the things in my life that truly mean something to me — my love for old black and white films, my collection of blue glass figurines; and most important of all, my poetry. When she learns that I’ve had two volumes of verse published, Josie’s awe is a wondrous thing to see.

“I never knew anyone who wrote a book before,” she marvels… and I’m surprised to find myself blushing.

“Actually, they only printed a few hundred copies,” I confess. “I’ve still got some left — you can have one of each if you like.”

“Cool!” she squeals, her eyes dancing. As for me, I was thrilled, having invented a plausible excuse to meet up with Josie again.

We stop at a run-down but nicely maintained house, where Josie rings the doorbell and waits, impatiently tapping her foot all the while. Nobody comes.

“Crap,” she sighs, clenching her jaw. “His mum must be out. Now I have to take him home and wash him myself.” Seizing Tommy’s hand, she leads him down the short flight of stairs to the sidewalk, then up to the house next door. Taking out a key, she unlocks the door and pushes it open.

Realizing that our time together is over, I’m trying to work out how to ask her when she’ll be at the park next when she turns to me hesitantly.

“Um, Lesley? Could I ask you a big favour? Mum’s not home to give me a hand, so… could you maybe, uh… help me wash Tommy?”

Though I’ve never had kids of my own, I did grow up with younger brothers and sisters, so I do know how to bathe a little boy — and Tommy is certainly is in need of a major washing! But I’d have said yes even if I didn’t have a clue what to do, just for the chance to be with my beautiful Josie for a little longer.

“Of course,” I assured her with a big smile. “I’ll be happy to help you.” So into her home we went, then upstairs to the bathroom with Tommy.

The dirt-covered little imp is a rambunctious four, and like most kids his age, a shower can quickly become a game. That’s how Josie and I get completely soaked when he grabs the detachable shower head while we’re washing him and sprays us. Josie catches the brunt of it, and I get the pleasure of seeing her wet clothes plastered to her body, the girl’s small, hard nipples clearly outlined under the thin cotton of her t-shirt.

Once clean and dry, Tommy is dressed, and Josie marches him next door once again while I wait in the front room. One of her cats is sprawled lazily on the couch, and I bend to stroke his back. Pleased, he purrs audibly, rubbing his face against my hand.

This time, Tommy’s mum must be home to take charge of him, because Josie returns alone. She shuts the door behind her and leans against it, a mysterious grin on her face. “So, Lesley… what do we do now?”

Suddenly, I’m acutely aware of the fact that a luscious little girl and I are alone in her house. My body is throbbing with desire for this childish enchantress, standing before me in wet clothing. But my mind is apprehensive, imagining what could happen if I put a foot wrong. Lust or fear, stay or leave — what to do?

Then the decision is made for me when Josie wanders a few feet over to the entryway to a tiny room, one with a washing machine and tumble dryer inside. Reaching down to grasp the bottom of her t-shirt, she casually peels the damp garment off, dropping it where she stands, then unzips the brief skirt, letting it fall to the floor before stepping free. I gape in disbelief as Josie strips before me without a hint of modesty.

Now wearing nothing but a small pair of white knickers, she cheerfully says, “You should get out of those wet clothes, Lesley, an’ I’ll put them in the dryer with my stuff.” Before I can respond, she adds, “I’ll get you Mum’s bathrobe to wear while we wait. She’ll never know, won’t be home for hours yet.”

I find myself unable to speak, much less move. I’m hypnotized by Josie’s flat chest and her startlingly large pink nipples that stand firmly erect. Then — oh, God — she grasps the elastic of her damp panties and slowly slides them down her pale legs. My eyes drop to the neat, pink crease of her slit, bereft of the slightest hint of hair.

Josie makes no effort to cover herself. In fact, she stands before me for a few heartbeats, giving me every opportunity to look before turning away, declaring “I’ll be back!” She pads down the hallway, turns right and vanishes into a room.

I stand rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do now. Should I really undress, or was that far too dangerous an option to consider? The sight of naked little Josie had left me trembling inside, as if from a raging fever. How much worse would these mingled feelings of lust and terror be if I was nude, too?

At any rate, Josie leaves me no time to think about the matter. Instead, she merrily struts back down the corridor to me, the promised bathrobe draped over her arm. She stops, then frowns. “Well, go on, Lesley. Take your clothes off!”

My heart stutters frantically as I step out of my shoes, then begin to undress with clumsy fingers. She openly watches as I remove my dress, making no effort to conceal her interest. In fact, her eyes widen in what appears to be excitement as I unhook and slip off my bra. Taking a deep breath, I tug my knickers down and off, removing the very last stitch between us. That task accomplished, I straighten and stand awkwardly, stark naked and clutching a bundle of my soggy clothing.

Drawing near, Josie offers me the plush robe with one hand, taking my wet clothes with the other. She turns, bending down to scoop her wet things from the floor, then strides into the closet-like room where the dryer waits. Opening the metal lid, she packs our mixed clothes inside, reaches to twist a knob, then presses a button that sets the machine to rumbling.

With a glance and a “C’mon!” she pads naked down the hallway. The sight of her flawless little bottom, jiggling slightly as she walks away, leaves me lightheaded.

Somehow I manage to break from my temporary paralysis and slip into the bathrobe before following my nude little nymph into the master bedroom. Still somewhat dazed, I watch as Josie hops onto the bed and reclines among the pillows, her legs lewdly parted.

Josie is studying me, the strangest expression on her face — almost predatory, if a word could be applied to it. I shiver, still caught up in this dizzying mixture of terror and excitement.

Is the wolf going to devour the lamb? I wonder, not knowing what is supposed to happen next.

Then Josie speaks. Her voice has the same childish lilt as before, but these are not the words of a little girl.

“Do you want me, Lesley? I’ve watched you at the park, y’know… I see the way you look at me, an’ I think you want us to do stuff together.” She places both hands over her nonexistent breasts, covering those dark red nipples. “Sexy stuff.”

Smoothly as an uncoiling snake, Josie rises from the bed and up on all fours. We stare at one another as she crawls closer, inch by inch until she is kneeling before me, gazing up with those bright blue eyes — the eyes of a girl who knows exactly what she wants, and means to have it.

Through dry lips I stammer, “How d-did you know?”

Again the predator’s smile as she sits on the edge of the bed, unfastening the belt of the robe I’m wearing, spreading it wide open to reveal my bare body. “Oh, it’s the way you look at me, just like this other lady I know — she likes girls, too.” Her face is nearly touching my belly. “We became lovers last year… an’ that’s when she showed me how to do this…”

Suddenly her little hands are cupping my bottom while the tip of her wet tongue flirts with the dripping folds of my labia, sending these exquisite darts of fire coursing through me. I shrug the robe to the floor, then tangle my fingers in Josie’s damp tresses as she licks a long, slow path through my vaginal cleft.

I have imagined this before with dozens of young girls, never believing I’d ever have the courage to realize my tawdry fantasy. But now a child of twelve is going down on me, and at that moment, it feels like destiny. Yes, I tell myself, this… this is who I am.

One, two, and then three slim fingers slide inside me, stealing the breath from my lungs for a dizzying instant. Then Josie is fucking me, thrusting hard and deep while her tongue licks circles around my inflamed clitoris. I spread my thighs to allow her full access to my vagina, whispering “Harder… oh, Josie, d-do it harder…”

And she happily obliges, suckling my clit like a tiny nipple as her arm churns to and fro, fingers spearing into me with a relentless rhythm. I sway, but somehow manage to remain on my feet.

My orgasm astonishes me when it comes crashing down like a collapsing roof, the room ringing with the sound of my choked cries. My juices flow freely, coating Josie’s face as my little lover continues to service me with her mouth. Her thin arms are wrapped tightly around my waist to hold me steady — no easy task, as I’m barely able to keep my legs from buckling.

She finally pulls away, and I collapse onto the bed in a sodden heap, head whirling like a top. Somehow I manage to crawl up to where a very inviting pillow waits and bury my head in its cool embrace.

Without a word, Josie nestles into me, her arms twining around my back. I can feel her warm breath caressing my left nipple. I’m out of breath, heart still thumping in the aftermath of climax; but when Josie’s naked body presses against mine I am instantly renewed, every inch of me pulsing with animal lust.

Sitting up, I shove Josie onto her back, crawling on top of her. Now I am the predator.

Her eyes are alive with excitement, lips parted in startled surprise. I press my advantage, dipping down to cover this naked nymph’s mouth with mine in a French kiss; penetrating those soft lips — still moist from my pussy — with a thrusting tongue. She responds immediately, kissing me back with an ardour one wouldn’t expect to encounter in a girl of twelve. It’s as if she was born to make love.

Were I my normal, everyday self, I would certainly take things slowly with Josie, mindful of her youth. But the heat rages within me, and I am ravenous for this girl, needing to have her, all of her. As I fuck her mouth, using my tongue like a tiny cock, my hand glides down her body, slipping between thin thighs to cup Josie’s sex. I don’t know what I was expecting to find, but the warmth and wetness of her bare slit surprises me.

She wrenches her mouth from mine, panting, “Oooohhhhyeah… fuck me, Lesley!”

I hesitate, my crazed lust forgotten for the moment. Surely this — this child couldn’t mean… “F-fuck you?” I stammer.

Grinning, she covers my hand with hers, pressing it into the moist flesh. “Put a finger inside me. It’s okay, I’m not a virgin anymore… it won’t hurt.” She is pinching her swollen nipples, twisting them. “Don’t b-be too gentle, either,” she demands, “do it to me hard an’ fast — that’s what I want!”

The beast in me is rearing its head again, fed by this luscious adolescent and her craving to be taken like a slut. So little Josie-pie wants to get wild, does she? I’d show her what a woman on fire was capable of — but first, I’d make her beg me for it.

Without a word I stretch out between my nymphet’s spread legs, gazing hungrily at her childish sex. Homing in, my nostrils flare at the thick, earthy scent of her. The labia are seashell-pink, slightly puffy, and glistening with moisture; the vulva silky smooth and innocent of the slightest trace of pubic down, inviting my touch.

Extending a finger, I trace along the sticky cleft with the lightest of caresses. A tiny whimper escapes Josie’s lips, her hands now balled into white-knuckled fists.

My mouth waters at the sight of my new lover’s cunt; the warm, fleshy banquet that awaits the caress of my mouth. But not yet… no, not yet. Pursing my lips, I lightly blow between her thighs, bathing Josie’s sex with my cool spearmint breath.

“Ohhhhh…” she moans, impatient for pleasure. “What’re you doing, Lesley? Lick me, touch me… something, damn it!”

“Hmmm… I don’t think so,” I purr, in control and liking it. “You’re a demanding little girl, aren’t you? And quite lacking in manners.” I pause to blow once more, and she shivers. “If you really want to be fucked, child… ask me nicely.”

Josie is quivering with excitement, but clearly unwilling to plead for what she craves. Her right hand begins to slowly glide over the tummy and down, straying onto the rise of her mound. I give it a sharp smack, and she snatches it away with a startled cry.

“No,” I calmly say. Well, I sound calm, but deep inside, the beast writhes, straining at the leash, desperate to be free. “You’re not going to come until I allow you to, missy… and that’s not going to happen. Not until you prove to me that you can behave like a good little girl.” I punctuate that by trailing a fingertip through her slit.

Josie’s hips buck as if she is trying to impale herself upon my finger. But I have already withdrawn from her. She cries out in a mixture of anger, frustration and sexual heat, pounding the bed with her fist. “What? What?”

“Beg me,” I tell her, my heart pounding so stridently that it seems to echo in my ears.

She stubbornly clenches her jaw, giving her head a tiny shake. Her defiance only excites me, makes me all the more determined to win this battle of wills. I begin to delicately stroke the insides of Josie’s thighs, barely touching the pale skin. The effect is like fanning a flame, a violent shudder running through her thin form. A droplet of fluid oozes from her glistening crack, trickling down to pause just an inch or so above her anus. I lick my lips, poised to capture that droplet with my tongue.

Josie takes a long, shaky breath. “Please,” she says, almost inaudibly.

“Please what?” I fire back. “Say the words…”

Her eyes are frantic, flickering wildly about the room. “P-please fuck me, Lesley. I — I’m goin’ crazy, I need it so bad!”

Satisfied, I move in for the kill. At the first brush of my lips on her slick flesh, she shudders and squirms on the counterpane. I press an open-mouthed kiss into her, seeking out the vaginal entrance with my index finger, easing the tip inside.

Slipping into her warmth, I’m able to smoothly penetrate Josie right up to the third knuckle. Sure enough, there is no hymen to bar my way. I move in and out of the lust-slicked canal, eyes widening in amazement as I feel her internal muscles grip at my probing finger.

Raising her upper half onto her elbows, Josie stares at me, eagerness and excitement written on her face. I’m expecting her to tell me how good this feels, and then she shocks me for the second time in minutes.

“Please, Lesley… p-put another finger in me. I can take it, honest I can! Please…”

Licking my lips as I break away from kissing the sweet, sticky flesh, I withdraw almost completely from Josie’s vagina, then carefully placing a second fingertip alongside the first against the moist opening. Taking a deep breath, I press forward. My twinned digits enter her, filling her, stretching her just enough to make me wonder if she really can take it.

In reply, she thrusts her hips against me, impatient with my cautious penetration. “Don’t do it so slow, Lesley… you w-won’t hurt me,” she blurts. “Please, oh please — fuck me hard!” She lies back, bracing herself.

The madness is on me now, so I thrust my fingers deep into her and begin to piston them in and out, giving this luscious slut-child the crazed fucking she wants. She is soon shaking like a sapling in a gale, her hands seizing bunches of the bedding, face contorted in a mixture of unimaginable pleasure and joyous pain. Her cunt seems to gush thick, warm fluids, and my hand is soon dripping with them. Unwilling to allow such sweet nectar to be wasted, I fasten my mouth to Josie’s vulva, drinking deep of her essence.

My little lover is panting furiously, occasional words emerging in her ecstasy: “Oh, G-god… yes… just — just… like that… L-Lesley… d-don’ stop… so g-good… keep… keep… fuckin’ me… yeah… oooh yeah… fuck me… fuck me… FUCK me!” She trembles from head to toe, the storm massing inside her, mounting rapidly.

I hammer her harder, plunging into her body again and again; carrying her right up to the point of insanity and a few yards beyond. Then I freeze my pumping arm in mid-thrust, fingers buried to the hilt inside Josie as I suck the tiny nubbin of her clitoris between my lips.

Josie goes rigid and utterly silent for a split second. Then a strangled scream is torn from her throat when a mighty orgasm kicks in, snatching at her slight frame like the paw of some clumsy giant. I watch in astonishment from my place between her thighs as she roils and thrashes wildly, climaxing like a grown woman — not the prepubescent girl that she is.

I’m doing my best to prolong and intensify her pleasure — moving my fingers around inside her in a circular motion to massage the vaginal walls, still suckling at the inflamed clit. She is beyond words now, only giving low, hoarse moans. Finally one final surge of rapture tears through the shaking girl, her body arching like a bow and a last gush of her creamy fluids coating my lips and chin. Then she is pushing at me, shoving my face away with frantic hands.

I sit back, stunned and, truth be told, a little uneasy over what I’ve just witnessed. It had been easy to get caught up in the moment, to do whatever it took to bring my little lover off. But seeing a young girl of twelve take such a hard fucking and climax as convulsively as Josie had… Christ almighty, it just seems crazy.

And things are clearly about to get even crazier because Josie is once again flashing me that wicked smile, already eager for more. I’m gaping in disbelief, unable to accept that her pussy isn’t too tender after the pounding she just took — but when she turns away to face the wall and gets down on hands and knees, presenting her bare bottom to me, I immediately know what she wants. Lowering her head and shoulders to a pillow but leaving her bum up, Josie reaches back to spread her cheeks apart, revealing the puckered jewel of her anus.

Oh, my. Nothing turns me on more than the soft, supple bottom of a young girl — and Josie’s is exquisite. Heart throbbing with renewed lust, I kneel behind her, lower my face to the split of my little lover’s buttocks and burrow in between them. First I let my lips roam around that tight little rosebud, then bring my tongue into play, licking up and down Josie’s crack. Soon she’s writhing beneath me, moaning helplessly. I allow my right hand to steal between my wicked nymph’s legs, fondling her slit. I know she has to be a bit sore down there, so my touch is gossamer-light; barely grazing the soft petals with my fingertips.

It seems to be achieving the desired result, too. A shiver surges through my naked angel, and a choked cry breaks from her lips. I continue to bathe her anal cleft with long, slow swipes of the tongue, tracing a path between Josie’s cheeks while my hand presses against the wet, warm flesh of this panting twelve-year-old, gently masturbating her.

When my fingers find Josie’s clitoris, she stiffens for a couple of heartbeats, then gasps as she seizes up in orgasm. Its intensity is less violent this time, her mews of pleasure quickly mounting into a tiny squeal. When her boyish frame goes limp, I withdraw; placing a light kiss upon each buttock before guiding my spent angel onto her back.

That accomplished, I sit back to contemplate my handiwork. My young lover is dazed, bleary-eyed, breathing hard, her cheeks and much of her body flushed a lovely pink. She lies with her thighs wide apart, revealing everything she has. I study her with folded arms, smug with satisfaction.

It had taken everything I’d had to subdue this sexy little wildcat — but here she is, well and truly fucked. My own desire is hot and restless again, but I can wait while Josie regains her strength. She is only twelve, after all.

Moving to kneel beside her, I brush her damp bangs to one side, then bend to place a few soft kisses on Josie’s face — and that, dear friends, is when she lunges for me like a striking cobra.

Caught completely off guard, I’m no match for her speed and agility. I cry out in shock as Josie wrestles me onto my back, her teeth bared, eyes flashing. She quickly straddles me, her warm, wet sex brushing my belly and a feral grin of triumph on her lips.

“I don’t like being told what to do,” she declares in a low, even voice that seethes with menace. “An’ I specially don’t like being made to beg for stuff I want.” She reaches down to pinch my left nipple, and I whimper as a mixture of pain and pleasure surges through my quivering frame. “You’ve been bad, Lesley, so you have’ta get punished,” she hisses. “Get up on your hands and knees… I’m gonna spank you!”

Climbing from atop me, she sits, folds her arms and waits for me to comply, a stern look on her face.

Now, I’ve never been any kind of a submissive. In fact, I tend to take the upper hand with my lovers, if the issue ever arises. No one has ever dominated me in bed, or even tried to. But now this — this child is determined to have her way with me, to paddle my arse like I was a disobedient brat who’d just had a temper tantrum.

The very idea is absurd, nonsensical — but right here, right now, it gets me hot!

I had to experience this. I’d just engaged in wild sex with a young girl for the first time, now I was going to yield control to her, find out just what this freaky little bitch was capable of.

Without a word I rise, meekly getting up on all fours. Her hand lovingly caresses my bottom, and I somehow manage not to moan. “I’m gonna give you ten spanks,” Josie declares, her lips nearly touching my face. “That’s what really naughty girls get.” Her tongue flicks teasingly at my earlobe — and then she moves away, positioning herself behind me.

I find myself wondering what Josie will do while she doles out my punishment. Will she be fingering her slit, or tugging at her nipples?

Will her mouth be drawn back in a sadistic smile, or gone slack with arousal? I want to see, to watch my young lover as she spanks me… but something tells me that I’d best not risk it.

I hear her take a deep breath, feel her draw back — and a burst of heat sears my right buttock as a hand comes crashing down, the harsh crack ringing like a gunshot in the cozy bedroom.

It stings, but not more than I can stand, so I brace myself for the next. It arrives right on cue, this time connecting with the left cheek. “Bad girl,” she growls.

The blows continue to land, one after the next. Josie’s definitely not spanking me as hard as she might have done; still, my buttocks are soon burning from her assault. Funny, though; there’s a matching fire in the vault of my cunt, a fire that seems to grow in intensity with each smack of my ferocious little lover’s hand. I’m leaking warm, thick juices down the insides of my thighs, and it takes every bit of inner strength I can summon up to refrain from plunging a hand between my legs, to grapple with the inferno that rages there.

The pain is quickly overtaking the pleasure, though; and I’m on the verge of crying when Josie’s hand connects for the tenth and last time, and she cries “There! All done.” I manage to choke my brimming tears back, determined not to let this child catch me in such a vulnerable state.

“Good job, Lesley,” Josie breathes, stroking what I’m certain is a very red bottom. “Now, I got a surprise for you.” Her voice has gone from soothing to dripping with lust in the space of five seconds. I feel her fingers, fiddling around between my legs. “I spanked your bum… now, I’m gonna fuck your pussy.”

Suddenly something very thick is pushing its way into me, and I gasp in shock. Oh my God oh my God oh my GOD. I know what that is, it’s Josie’s four fingers and thumb, all bunched together. The blood roars in my ears as she presses deeper, stretching the vaginal ring, and I shove my legs further apart to accommodate her.

Yeah, that’s right — this little hellion is going to fist me, and I’m going to let it happen.

It’s an exquisite agony, feeling Josie’s fingers inching into my cunt. No lover has ever put a whole hand in me before. I’ve taken some pretty large cocks in my time, both real and artificial, but none as thick as this.

She penetrates me right up to her knuckles, then slowly twists her hand from side to side, trying to work the rest inside. I try my best to relax, to allow her complete access to me.

And with a sudden lurch she pushes through, her hand plunging deep into my vagina. I throw my head back, a choked scream ripped from my guts at how utterly lovely it feels — pain and pleasure mingled together in a dizzying combination.

Josie gives me no time to catch my breath, her fingers quickly melding into a fist before that little hand begins to churn about inside me; short strokes that soon become longer ones as she falls into a steady rhythm.

I’m totally into this, pushing back into every thrust. It’s what being ridden by a stallion must feel like, I imagine — this fleshy shaft driving in and out of me, accompanied by Josie’s harsh breathing as her arm pumps back, forth, back, forth.

“Take it, bitch,” my young lover snaps. “Take it all!”

Christ almighty, how deep is she fucking me? Up to her elbow, I’d swear — then suddenly, her motion ceases, Josie’s arm buried in my body, the subterranean rumblings of my orgasm mounting into a roar.

My fingers dig into the blankets as I brace myself for the imminent explosion — and that’s when I feel a warm, wet tongue licking at my anus.

The effect is like a ball of flame, detonating in my belly and radiating outward until I can feel myself glowing with the heat of it; a star gone nova. I want to cry out, to howl, but no sound emerges — in fact, I can barely breathe. Instead, I pound the bed with my fist once, twice, three times; but my violent motion only makes Josie’s hand shift around inside, spiking my pleasure even higher.

My little girl lover is shoving her face into the cleft of my buttocks, bathing my rosebud with her lips and tongue. It feels divine, all the more so when coupled with Josie’s arm, filling my cunt like nothing ever has. I’m coming so hard that my entire body is shaking, the same way that the crap car I drive does when the speedometer inches past sixty.

Finally I’m past the peak of ecstasy, and I simply slump forward, burying my face in the mussed bedsheets. Josie still has me impaled on her fist, so I remain on my knees.

Suddenly air rushes into my lungs in a rattling gasp as that lovely hand begins to withdraw from my slippery channel, the scraping of Josie’s knuckles against the vaginal walls a sustained note of pleasure that, after my frenzied climax, is almost too much to bear.

“N-not too fast!” I manage to pant, the last word rising to a cry as her hand exits my ravaged cunt with a slurping sound. I tip over on my side, the world vanishing down a long, dark tunnel as I slip into unconsciousness.

Continue on to Part Two