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Wanting Amber

  • Posted on May 28, 2015 at 10:15 am

By JetBoy


Caroline gave her sister Amber a brief hug just before the girl hurried out of the car and into the stern gray building, off to her last day of school before summer vacation began.

This was a big day for them both. The night before, their mother had departed to the airport, on her way to France for a month-long vacation. Caroline was now sixteen, and she’d been left in charge of the house and her ten-year-old sister while Mom was away.

Caroline drove the short distance home to the three-story house where she had lived in for most of her life, eager to start enjoying the summer. Because her grades were so good, she and a few other students had been excused from school that day, so she had the house to herself.

Moments after arriving home, she sauntered into the back yard in shorts and a tank top, carrying a book, a bowlful of potato chips and a glass of lemonade.

Though Caroline could not exactly be called a beautiful girl, she was incredibly cute, with narrow hips and B-cup sized breasts. Her bright red hair flowed nearly down to her bottom, framing a fair-skinned face. She had a perky nose, a sprinkling of freckles and green eyes. It was her full, red lips that drew one’s attention first, however — her nicest feature.

She sighed contentedly as she relaxed in a deck chair next to the swimming pool. Placing her glass on a nearby table, she opened her book, one she’d been saving for this very day, and began to read.

The hours passed quickly, and Caroline soon found herself driving back to Rockridge Elementary to pick up her sister.

Amber smiled broadly when she saw Caroline pull up, almost skipping to the car in unrestrained glee. She hopped in and tossed her stuffed book bag into the back seat. “Whoo-hoo!” the girl cried. “No more school!”

Caroline grinned. “Look out, Phoenix — the Moore sisters on are the loose!” She slid the car into gear and pulled away from the curb as Amber reached for the volume of the CD player, turning it up even louder. The two girls bobbed their heads happily to Green Day the whole way home.

As soon as they entered the house, Amber dashed to her room, emerging a moment later in her swimsuit. Bounding joyously out to the patio, the gleeful ten-year-old leaped onto the diving board, bouncing a few times before hurling herself into the pool.

“Put on your suit!” the young girl cried as she came up, dripping wet and spluttering joyfully. “Come swim with me, Cari…”

Caroline rolled her eyes, but grinned. She never could say no to her little sister. “Okay… give me a minute.” She went into the house and to her room, where she put on her black bikini before hurrying back outside.

The girls played together in the pool for awhile before Caroline decided to get out. She dried herself, sat down on her deck chair and relaxed, watching her little sister swim and splash. Finally, Amber climbed out, vigorously rubbed at her shoulder-length blonde hair, then wrapped the towel around her shoulders and plunked herself in the chair next to where her sister sat.

Glancing over at Amber, Caroline allowed her gaze to linger, eyes following the line of the girl’s legs up to her narrow hips. She paused on the girl’s tummy for a moment before she found herself examining the bikini top that concealed her sister’s flat chest, her nipples clearly outlined through the material.

She suddenly sensed something odd as she studied her baby sister’s body. Her sex was becoming warm, and she felt curiously tingly. She shook her head impatiently, to clear it. Good grief, she thought, get a grip on yourself.

Caroline’s sexuality had been undecided for nearly three years now, ever since she’d lost her virginity at fourteen. Two experiences made up the whole of her heterosexual encounters, and neither one had been very special.

At fifteen, she began to wonder if she might be gay. She often found herself looking at other girls, especially in the locker room. The sight of their nude bodies definitely had an arousing effect on her, and one night she masturbated to orgasm while imagining herself kissing an especially cute cheerleader from gym class.

Even girls seemed to lack something, though. She’d had special feelings for one particular girl, but things didn’t work out in the end. They’d had sex once, and the experience had been pleasant, but not much more. It wasn’t the girl’s fault — she was kind and willing, but where was the heat, the passion that Caroline had longed for? In the end, she and the girl decided it best to be friends, and never spoke again of that night together.

Caroline often wondered just what it was she truly wanted in a lover — and if she would ever find it for herself.

“What are we having for dinner, Cari?” Amber asked, breaking into the teenager’s reverie.

“Oh, Mom left us fully stocked. The fridge, pantry… God, you’d think she planned to leave for a year. She also left us some money, so I thought that since school’s out, we could celebrate with…” she paused dramatically, “…pizza!”

“Pizza!” Amber squealed, clapping her hands in glee. “Yeah!”

Shortly after five Caroline called in the pizza order, and in thirty minutes they were happily eating hot slices.

“Hey, sis,” The older girl offered, “wanna split a beer?”

Amber’s eyes grew wide and she nodded enthusiastically. She didn’t really like the flavor of beer, but she wasn’t supposed to have any — and that made it worth the weird taste.

Caroline hopped up and hurried to the kitchen. A few seconds later she walked back into the living room and pulled the cap off of a bottle of honey beer. Amber only took a few sips, and left the rest for Caroline to finish.

She did, then decided to have another. Now slightly tipsy, Caroline sat on the couch and began flipping through channels on the television. Amber wandered off to her room. Checking the listings, Caroline found an old movie she had always wanted to see that was just about to begin, so she quickly ran to the kitchen for a soda and the bag of potato chips, then settled in on the sofa.

It wasn’t very late by the time the closing credits were rolling, but Caroline found herself feeling drowsy. It was past Amber’s bedtime, so she decided to get some sleep herself.

Luckily, her little sister was also yawning, so Caroline had no trouble persuading her to turn in for the night, promising to make French toast for breakfast as a special treat.

With Amber tucked in and kissed goodnight, she went to her room, quickly stripping down to t-shirt and panties. She slipped into bed and almost immediately dozed off.

It could have only been a few minutes or perhaps hours, Caroline didn’t know. She found herself awake and squinting at Amber’s face, her little sister shivering by the bedside.

“I’m… I’m a little scared without Mom here,” the girl said, embarrassed.

“What’s wrong, babe?”

“I had a bad dream. C-can I sleep with you?”

“Sure you can,” Caroline replied, lifting the blankets and letting her younger sister crawl into bed with her.

The little girl snuggled in with her back to her sister. Caroline held the child closely enough that she could smell the girl’s hair. They had slept together before, but tonight she was noticing, as if for the first time, how lovely it felt to hold Amber in her arms. She was soft and cuddly, and smelled so nice…

Spooning her sister, lying in the darkness with that warm little body against hers, Caroline became aware that she was again feeling stirrings of sexual excitement, just like she had earlier that afternoon by the pool. It was a gentle throb between her thighs, such as she usually felt before masturbating. And somehow, cuddling with Amber seemed to be part of it.

What’s wrong with you? she chastised herself. Jeez, someone here totally needs to get laid…

She closed her eyes and tried to purge these ridiculous thoughts from her mind, eventually drifting back to sleep.

By the next afternoon she had all but forgotten the strange desires that had surfaced in her mind the night before. Amber was at a friend’s house, and would be gone until Sunday night. This gave Caroline an opportunity to do something that she truly loved: read sexy stories and masturbate.

Stripping down to her panties, Caroline sat down before the family computer, went to her favorite erotic story site and clicked on the lesbian category. She always seemed to gravitate toward the girl/girl stories. Caroline told herself it was because they were more romantic, but she knew in her heart that the lesbian stuff got her far more excited than anything else.

Today, however, she paused on a category she had never looked into before.

Caroline held the mouse cursor over the section labeled “Adult/Child,” struggling with herself. She wanted to go inside, but was a bit disturbed at how perverted the idea made her feel. Finally she shrugged and clicked the link.

Most of the listed stories had names that seemed innocent, almost cute. She scanned down the list, finally settling on a title that interested her, “Gwyneth’s Naughty Angel.” She clicked the link and, after scrolling past the standard disclaimer, began to read.

It was a story about a young English nanny who seduced the girl in her care. The girl really was a child, too, about the same age as Amber. Caroline shifted in her seat, surprised by how excited she was. The story painted wonderful images of the woman pleasuring the little girl, kissing her, caressing her, finally going down on her. Their lovemaking was gentle, yet very passionate.

Soon, Caroline was touching herself. She began to shift about in the chair, circling the opening of her vagina with a fingertip. Clutching the arm of the chair with her free hand, she closed her eyes, a glowing heat building in her belly. Caroline bit her lip as these feelings quickly intensified, suddenly whimpering through clenched teeth as waves of pleasure began to surge through her shivering body. She worked her clit with her thumb while using two fingers to probe her cunt, trying to sustain her climax as long as she was able. Finally overcome, the flushed teen slumped back in the chair.

As her heartbeat returned to normal, Caroline brought her sticky fingers to her lips, licking the honey from them. It always excited her, doing that. Ever since discovering the delights of masturbation, she’d loved the taste of her pussy.

Rising to stretch, Caroline shut down the computer, went to wash her hands, then padded to her room to slip into her nightshirt and a fresh pair of panties. Descending the staircase to the living room, she sank into the sofa and turned on the television.

But suddenly, she couldn’t focus on the program she’d planned to watch. A feeling of deep guilt over what she had just done seemed to appear from nowhere, seeping into Caroline’s soul.

Troubled, perched on the edge of the couch, the teenage girl drummed on her knee with jittery fingers. Why had she been so excited by that story? She ought to have been offended — instead, she had reveled in its lewdness. Brought herself to orgasm while picturing it.

And now, she found herself unable to shake her thoughts of — of touching a little girl. Of kissing her childish mouth. Slowly undressing her. Revealing the girl’s thin body, one tantalizing part at a time.

Caroline’s nerves were jangling, her skin prickling with renewed excitement.

She took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. It’s just a fantasy, she insisted. I’m not really going to go to bed with a little girl. It’s only pretending, the same as when I used to play like I was a ballet dancer. Not such a big difference.

Deep down inside, though, Caroline suspected that there was a very big difference. It was one thing to engage in games of pirouettes and gazelle-like leaps across the living room floor — quite another to lose oneself in dreams of sex with a little girl. But her cunt pulsed with heat, her lust speedily reawakening.

“Just a fantasy,” she whispered, one hand slipping beneath the waistband of her panties.

It’s only make-believe, that’s all… I’m not hurting anybody.

A tiny whimper escaped Caroline’s lips as she pressed two fingers into the warm, moist flesh of her vagina. Her eyes slowly drifted shut, and she relaxed into the embrace of the couch, allowing her imagination to wander freely.

In her mind the teen pictured a blond nymph, no older than ten. She was dressed in a Smurfs t-shirt and shorts, sandals on her feet. No… she’s barefoot, Caroline decided.

She pictured the girl smiling, her eyes alight in anticipation of the new game they were about to play — first, shyly reaching down for the bottom of her t-shirt, then tugging it up and off, baring her flat chest. Caroline moaned softly at the image of the half-naked child, of the little girl’s pert nipples. She wondered how they would feel in her mouth.

The blond child continued to undress, slipping her shorts down to her ankles, then daintily stepping from them. She was now wearing only white cotton panties… and as an increasingly aroused Caroline squirmed upon the sofa, easing a finger into her cunt, she saw the little girl slip out of them, too.

Caroline’s breath deepened as she imagined it: the golden-haired nymph standing before her completely naked, arms slightly spread, as if she were presenting herself. Giving her body to me, Caroline thought. To touch. To kiss. Mmmm, yes… to love.

In the fantasy, Caroline was now nude herself — and she scooted to the edge of the sofa, reaching out for her childish lover. The girl, her face radiant with delight, moved into the trembling teen’s embrace.

Caroline allowed her hands to wander over the girl’s babyish body as they hugged, finally gliding down to cup the soft globes of her bottom. She gazed lovingly into the child’s eyes, then sought out her mouth in a gentle kiss.

Their lips pressed together, then lingered; Caroline’s tongue emerged to play, tracing her little lover’s mouth. The girl gave a small coo of pleasure, tilting her head slightly and moving deeper into the kiss.

Her heart stuttering frantically, Caroline penetrated the child’s parted lips with her tongue, kissing her with a passion she had never known in her sixteen years. And the girl loved it, happily allowing the teen to take her.

Lost in the crazy fantasy she had concocted for herself, Caroline masturbated hard and deep, two fingers plunging in and out of her dripping pussy. Her head was thrown back, mouth open.

She imagined herself gently breaking away from her new lover, drawing away to smile at the naked child, to whisper, “I love you.”

But the girl in her arms was no longer the little blonde whose existence she had conjured from thin air… now, nestled in Caroline’s embrace, was the petite body and smiling face of — the realization hitting the teenager like a bolt from the blue — her baby sister Amber.

It was as if a bucketful of ice water had been hurled in her face. Stunned, Caroline opened her eyes wide and sat up straight on the couch, aghast, all thoughts of masturbation vanished in an instant. “Oh, God,” she breathed. “Oh, shit.”

How could that have happened? Why had Amber popped into her sex fantasy? She adored her little sister — had been her companion and protector ever since Mom had brought the baby home from the hospital just after Caroline’s sixth birthday. She’d even planned to attend college at Arizona State, just so that she could be close to home, near Amber.

And she was only ten, for fuck’s sake! How was it possible to have lustful thoughts about her?

Because little girls get you hot, she countered, with a rising sense of disgust. Might as well be honest about it, especially after the way you just got off on that… that creepy fantasy of yours.

Numbly she rose, shambling into the kitchen to wash her hands again. But instead of returning to the living room and her TV show, Caroline sat at the dining room table, staring out the window into the approaching night.

Things only grew worse as the evening dragged on. Until now, Caroline had never experienced anything akin to sexual desire for her baby sister — but now the genie had been released from its bottle, the idea of Amber as an object of lust now made real and vivid.

Again and again, in spite of her struggle to think about something, anything else, impressions of making love to a naked Amber battered the teen’s mind without mercy. And having taken herself to the very brink of orgasm without finishing… well, that certainly didn’t help things. But Caroline was afraid to masturbate now. Afraid of her own thoughts.

I’m a bad person, she told herself. Normal girls don’t think about… about fucking their ten-year-old sisters!

She quietly sobbed, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek.

Finally, unable to sit still, Caroline spent a long, lonely while pacing through the darkened house, refusing to turn on the lights, not wanting to see. It was one o’clock when she finally crawled into bed, exhausted by worry and guilt. Thankfully, she fell asleep right away.

But sometime in the night, a dazed Caroline awoke to find herself writhing among the sheets, a hand buried in her panties, her mind reeling with visions of Amber as she masturbated. She and her little sister were kissing hungrily, their bare bodies entwined. And in that no man’s land between sleep and wakefulness, her incestuous cravings didn’t seem as wrong as they had before.

She fingered herself to a wrenching climax, then immediately plummeted into dreamless slumber.

Surprisingly, when she awakened on Sunday, Caroline felt a bit better. Those yearnings for Amber seemed somewhat distant now, less worrisome than they had been. Pushing the blanket to one side and getting to her feet, she sighed with relief. Of course, there were still those sexual thoughts about little girls for her to contend with — but those seemed trivial, compared to how frightened she’d been about lusting for her baby sister.

She is an incredibly beautiful girl, though… Caroline mused, a bit wistfully, as she slipped into a pair of sweatpants. Then she shook her head, banishing the thought. Enough!

Taking a deep breath, she bounded down the stairs and out the door for her morning jog around the lake.

Caroline managed to stay busy that day, trying to put as much distance as she could between herself and the forbidden fantasies of the previous night. She ran through a vigorous workout; wrote an email to her best friend, now summering with her parents in the Hamptons; and started a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle — sorting and putting together the edge pieces, then working on the upper left hand corner for a couple of hours.

Shortly after five that afternoon, Amber bounded up the porch steps and into the house. She walked over to Caroline, dropped her duffel bag on the floor and gave her sister a big hug, chirping “Hi, Cari!” before picking up the bag and racing upstairs.

The day’s activities had taken Caroline’s mind away from her forbidden feelings for her sister that she’d been fighting, but with just one look at Amber in her t-shirt and shorts, those same feelings came back with a vengeance. The teen’s heart sank, that black dread already accumulating in her belly. She stared down at the barely-begun puzzle, feeling a sudden impulse to sweep the whole thing from the living room table in a fit of rage. Instead, she flopped back onto the couch in despair.

Amber bounced down the stairs and into the living room, flinging herself on the couch next to her big sister, resting her head on Caroline’s shoulder. “Mmmm… it’s good to be back,” she sighed.

“Did you have fun at Danni’s?” Caroline asked, trying to think about anything but how great Amber smelled.

“Yeah… we played video games and stayed up all night talking. It was cool.”

“All night, huh? Guess I’ll have to put you to bed early, then.” Caroline teased.

“Nooooo!” Amber protested, slapping her older sister’s arm. “There’s no school… you can’t make me go to bed early!”

“Okay, goofball,” Caroline snickered. “Then let’s just… hang out together.”

“Yeah!” Amber cheered.

So Caroline and Amber each picked out a movie, then watched them both, sitting together on the couch. Caroline barely managed to get through them without her hunger for Amber driving her crazy. The feeling of her sister’s body nestling into hers was so incredibly sweet that it made her heart ache.

The second movie ended, and Caroline sent Amber upstairs to take her bath.

Alone in the darkness, the only light issuing from the television, Caroline began to cry. She buried her face in her hands, overwhelmed by guilt. Why’d it have to be little girls? she kept asking herself. And why Amber? Of all the girls in the world to want, why her?

If she’d only been gay, that would have been okay. Her mother would have understood. But this… this was something that she knew no one would accept. Ever.

And Amber. Lovely, innocent little Amber. God, how could she have such dirty ideas about her own sister? What would she think if she knew? Caroline pictured the child, a look of horror mingled with disgust on her face — and she sobbed again.

Finally she wiped her face, blew her nose and trudged upstairs to tuck Amber in for the night. Luckily her sister was already in bed, sparing Caroline the painfully tempting sight of seeing her in t-shirt and panties.

Lying in her bed, Caroline stared at the wall, waiting for sleep to come. Not wanting to lie awake for hours, she had taken one of her mother’s sleeping pills. Soon, mercifully, she drifted off.


Over the next few days, Caroline wrestled with her lesbian longings for her sister, doing everything she could to hide these feelings from Amber — her lust for the girl, her shame over it.

Her guilt was, however, gradually giving way to something new. She adored her little sister so much that the thought of touching Amber, of making love to her, began to feel almost… inviting. How can love be wrong? she pondered.

Because she’s just a child, Caroline told herself, and your own sister. For some reason, though, that fact didn’t seem quite as important as it had.


As the summer days flew by, Caroline slowly grew less appalled at her thoughts — and increasingly curious about her interest in little girls.

She began to spend a great deal of time on the internet after Amber went to bed — visiting erotic story sites, reading everything she could find about lesbian pedophilia, often fondling herself to orgasm as she read. Many of these tales, she quickly discovered, dealt with incest, often between sisters. A few of them bothered her, because they depicted abusive relationships. But the lion’s share of the stories she encountered were truly gentle and loving; these not only excited Caroline, they touched her as well.

She read about women who were obsessed with young girls — women who struggled with the same forbidden hungers, the same emotions and fears that she had. It helped, just knowing that there were others like her.


It had been a long Tuesday. Caroline had taken Amber to Peter Piper Pizza, and they’d had fun playing games and eating. It was well after ten o’clock when they got home, and they watched a few cartoons together before Caroline tucked her little sister in.

Later, she was in bed, shifting restlessly beneath the sheets, body and soul aching for her little sister. The moon shone brightly through the window, spilling onto the bed… a sight that usually lifted Caroline’s spirits, but not tonight. She considered raiding her mother’s medicine cabinet for another sleeping pill, then decided against it.

Somehow she did finally drift off, only to awaken with a start when Amber tiptoed into her room.

“What’s up, babe?” she mumbled.

“Can I sleep with you, Cari?” Amber asked softly.

With that, Caroline was suddenly very much awake. Not knowing what else to do, she lifted the blankets for her baby sister, and Amber slipped into bed next to her. Caroline covered them both, her pulse quickening as the little girl snuggled into her. She kissed her sister on the cheek, whispered “Good night,” and sank back into her pillow.

They lay together quietly for a moment. Then Amber rolled onto her back, resting her head against her sister. “Why do you read those stories?” she asked.

“What?” Caroline’s eyes flew open, her heart suddenly thumping.

“Those stories. The ones on the computer. Why do you read them?”

A chill shot through Caroline. She had always been careful to hide her online doings in the past. With her mother away, though, she had let down her guard. And now Amber knew her secret.

“I… I like them,” she hesitantly said, not knowing what else to say.

“They make me feel funny.” Amber whispered. “They make me all warm… in my pookie.” She sat up and looked at her sister. “Why are they all about little girls?”

Sighing deeply, Caroline sat up, moving back to lean against the wall. “I guess, um, it’s because… well, some grownups like little girls, babe.”

“But isn’t that supposed to be a bad thing?” Amber asked quietly.

“Sometimes it is, I guess.”

“The grownups in the stories were all nice, though,” Amber murmured. She lay back down, now facing her sister. “Do you like little girls?” she asked.

It was the most obvious question the child could have asked; yet the one that Caroline was least prepared for. She opened her mouth to speak, but could not find the words.

“I… think so,” she finally managed, trying desperately not to cry.

“I kissed Danni once.” Amber said. “She said that we should learn to kiss, so that when we got boyfriends we’d know how.”

Caroline forced herself to turn, to meet her sister’s calm gaze. “Did you like kissing her?”

“It made me feel funny. The way those stories did, but not as much. Yeah, I liked it.” Amber snuggled down into the bed. “Lie down,” she ordered, pulling at her big sister’s t-shirt. Caroline nervously complied, putting her arm around her sister and drawing her near.

She had barely closed her eyes when Amber spoke again. “Do you want to… to do that stuff to a little girl?”

“Amber!” Caroline gasped. She was shocked by the question, but not by the answer that immediately sprang to mind. Yes… yes, she wanted more than anything in the world to feel a little girl in her arms, to touch her, to make love to her. To Amber.

“It’s okay if you want to do those things to me,” Amber offered. She raised herself slightly, propping her head on one hand. “It’s not a bad thing if we love each other, is it?”

Caroline’s head spun, her heart thumped wildly. The mood was erotically charged, and Amber’s offer to share her body was too, too tempting. She had to change the subject — had to, before she completely lost control.

“What if I… tickle you instead?” She dug her finger into Amber’s side, and the child squealed and tried to roll out of her sister’s grasp. “Or… gobble you up!” she said as she pretended to bite at the girl’s neck and shoulder, making growly monster noises.

Amber was thrashing and giggling wildly. She rolled from side to side, trying to escape her sister’s tickling fingers.

How exactly it happened, Caroline wasn’t sure. It was so fluid, so natural. Suddenly her lips were pressed against Amber’s. She parted them with her tongue, slipping it into the little girl’s mouth.

Amber made no effort to resist. Instead, she touched Caroline’s tongue with her own before the teen hastily broke away.

“Oh God, oh Amber, I’m sorry,” Caroline gasped, appalled at her lapse.

“It’s okay,” Amber said quietly, shyly smiling up at her big sister. “I liked it.”

“But I’m not supposed to…” and she trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

“You kiss better than Danni does,” Amber said with a giggle. The child was toying with her sister’s t-shirt, tugging at it, twisting it in her fingers. Tentatively, she reached up to touch one of Caroline’s breasts.

“It’s so soft,” the awed girl whispered, her fingers spreading to cup the tender globe.

Caroline could only nod foolishly. The child’s touch was… intoxicating.

Helpless now to resist her desire, she leaned in again and kissed the little girl’s mouth, gently at first. Then her tongue emerged to circle Amber’s parted lips. Her baby sister whimpered, welcoming the teen’s loving attentions.

Their mouths gently broke apart, and Caroline began to explore, slowly trailing feather-light kisses over Amber’s chin, then down to her throat. She stroked the girl’s back through her t-shirt, then allowed both hands to slip down further, cradling Amber’s bottom.

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” Caroline whispered silently as she nuzzled Amber’s soft skin. She wanted to do the right thing, to take her little sister back to her bed, tuck her in and leave her there — but she couldn’t. She didn’t have the strength to push the little girl away, not now. It was the curiosity, the need to see, to know where this would all lead that kept Caroline’s arms twined around the half-undressed body of her ten-year-old sister.

“You can touch my pookie,” Amber whispered, her lips brushing Caroline’s ear.

The older girl began kissing Amber’s neck and shoulders, hands roaming over her little sister’s bare legs. “I love you, babe,” she breathed.

“Ohhh… I love you too, Cari!” she heard the girl moan.

Caroline timidly placed her hand on the child’s belly, then slipped it underneath the thin t-shirt, sliding it upward until she was touching her sister’s babyish breasts. Amber’s green eyes grew wide, then drifted shut as Caroline brushed her nipples with gentle fingertips, feeling them stiffen.

Hoisting up the faded Backstreet Boys t-shirt that had once been hers, a trembling Caroline leaned down and kissed a pert nipple. She teased it with the tip of her tongue, then did the same to the other. She nuzzled Amber’s breasts, licked them, caressed them, then sat up to peer into her sister’s eyes. “C-can I take your top off?” Caroline asked hesitantly.

Blushing slightly, the girl nodded, raising herself up a bit and lifting her arms… and, heart pounding, Caroline slipped the t-shirt up and off. Amber sat draped in the golden moonlight, now nude but for a pair of blue panties and her white socks. She lay back once more, watching her big sister expectantly.

Caroline knelt on the bed, looking down in awe at Amber’s lovely body. Slowly she traced her finger from the girl’s belly button, then up to her boyish chest and back down again. She hesitated though, afraid to move her finger beyond the border of Amber’s panties.

“Cari… can I see your boobs now?” Amber asked shyly.

Without a word, the older girl pulled her shirt off, tossing it aside. Amber sat up slowly, staring wide-eyed at her sister’s breasts.

“They’re pretty,” the child whispered. Remembering what her sister had just done to her and how wonderful it had felt, Amber leaned closer to take one of Caroline’s nipples between her lips, sucking gently, then brushing her tongue across the pink tip.

“Oooooh,” the older girl moaned softly, nearly swooning with delight. “That feels so nice, babe…”

Amber lay back, grinning proudly. “I could feel it all the way down to my pookie when you did that to me.”

“Mmmmm, yeah… I felt that, too,” Caroline sighed, leaning down to kiss her sister’s mouth. She suckled briefly on the child’s bottom lip before sitting back. “Could I, um, take off your panties?” she asked, a slight quaver in her voice.

Silently Amber rose up on her knees and let her big sister slide her underpants down her legs, then sat back down and pushed her legs out in front so that Caroline could pull them the rest of the way off.

“Would you like to help take mine off?” Caroline asked softly.

Amber nodded happily, reaching out to assist in removing the only piece of clothing that separated them, sliding the skimpy blue panties down Caroline’s thighs as her big sister knelt before her.

With her underwear on the floor, the reality of the situation hit Caroline like a ton of bricks. This was really happening — she was going to make love to her own little sister! Wrong or right, it didn’t matter anymore. She and Amber both wanted this, and for now, that was enough.

Caroline eased her sister down onto her back and enveloped the child in her arms, kissing her sweetly. Amber responded, her lips parting to receive Caroline’s tongue, then meeting it with hers. The older girl’s heart surged joyfully as she delighted in the taste of Amber’s mouth, thrilling to the realization that her sister was kissing her like a lover.

Caroline broke from Amber’s lips, her mouth and tongue traveling down to her chin, along her soft throat, between the girl’s childish breasts. She paused to lightly suck at her sister’s nipples again, loving how each one grew hard in her mouth as she teased it with her tongue. The girl whimpered, cradling her big sister’s head to her chest.

As Caroline tasted Amber’s flawless skin, she stroked the child’s body — caressing her legs, her hips, her arms, her chest, sides, tummy, bottom. Finally her fingers stole between her sister’s thighs to touch her bare slit, now slightly moist.

“Oh, Cari,” Amber breathed, “oh. That feels so nice…”

Caroline couldn’t wait one moment longer. She had to taste the wet, secret place that her fingers were exploring. She trailed her tongue downward, pausing to plant tender kisses on Amber’s tummy. She teased the child’s belly button with her tongue, smiling when a ticklish Amber giggled with delight. She continued on her way, a special destination in mind.

Then she was there, lying between Amber’s thin legs and tingling from head to toe at the sight of her baby sister’s vagina, so pale and lovely in the moonlight. Caroline inhaled deeply, savoring the delicate yet intoxicating scent of a little girl’s sex.

She raised her eyes from the wondrous sight before her to meet the dreamy gaze of her sister. “I want to do something very special to you, Amber,” she said softly. “Do you know what that is?”

“Yes,” her sister whispered. “You want to… to kiss my pookie.”

“That’s right, baby. I’m going to kiss you, and lick you down there,” the older girl breathed. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise. It’s, like, the nicest feeling you can imagine. Don’t be afraid, okay?”

“I’m not afraid.” Amber said confidently.

“I love you, Amber.”

“I… I love you too, Cari,” the little girl replied. “Lots and lots.”

With a deep breath, Caroline slid between her sister’s legs. She felt the velvet soft skin of Amber’s bare slit against her lips. It was as if waves of electricity were pulsing through her body as she placed a soft, loving kiss on the little girl’s sex. Her tongue emerged to lick at the moist opening, then press inside.

Amber gasped and squirmed on the bed as her big sister’s tongue entered her.

Caroline shivered ecstatically as she sampled the taste of a little girl for the first time, happily giving pleasure to the sister she adored more than anyone in the world. The sex she’d had with that other girl a few months ago was nothing like this. That had been an experience that felt casual and detached, but now she felt joyful, drunk with desire and very much in love with Amber.

Caroline drew her tongue from the girl’s opening and began to lick lustily at her sister’s pussy. Tracing along the line of Amber’s slit, she teased the tiny clitoris with gentle flicks.

“Oh, Cari…” the little girl whimpered, “I… I like that!”

Caroline sucked Amber’s clit into her mouth and adjusted herself on the bed, placing the tip of her index finger against her sister’s vagina — and Amber inhaled sharply as Caroline gently slid the digit into the moist opening. The child cried out in response, parting her thighs even further, reaching down to curl her fingers into her big sister’s hair.

“That… feels… so… yummy,” Amber moaned.

Caroline continued to tease the girl’s clit, sliding her finger in and out of Amber as deeply as she dared without damaging her sister’s hymen, her strokes growing faster as the girl’s moans and whimpers increased.

Amber was rocking to and fro now, panting furiously. “Cari! Oh. Oh! Oh! OHHHH!” The young girl’s nails dug into her sister’s scalp as she arched her back, her slight body taken by a violent trembling as she began to come for the first time in her life.

Caroline kept pleasuring her sister, taking her to the orgasmic peak  — then, as the sensations slowly waned, anointed her sex with the softest of kisses, making Amber feel good without overtaxing her.

When Amber finally relaxed, her head sinking back into the pillow, she was almost sobbing.

“Did you like that, babe?” Caroline said with a smile. She licked her lips, shivering deliciously at the taste of her little sister.

“I… I wanna do that forever.” Amber gasped, then extended her arms to Caroline. “Hold me?”

Caroline took the girl in her arms and kissed her, letting Amber taste the tart juices that coated her big sister’s mouth and chin.

Breaking away, Amber licked her lips thoughtfully, then grinned. “Is that… what my pookie tastes like?”

“Mmm-hmm… do you like it?”

“It tastes funny — but nice,” Amber breathed. She wrapped her arms around her big sister, a dreamy look in her eyes. “Thank you, Cari.” She hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Um… can I make you feel good now?”

Caroline sighed happily. “Yes, Amber… yes, you can.” She took her sister’s hand in her own and kissed it, then gently placed it on her pubic mound.

“You’re all warm. And juicy!” Amber said, her eyes wide in wonder. She rolled on her side to peer down at Caroline’s pubic triangle. “What do I do? I’ve… I’ve never…” The girl gestured helplessly.

Caroline smiled and caressed her sister’s cheek. “I’ll show you how, babe.” Placing her hand on Amber’s, she guided the child’s fingers. “Just slide your fingertips up and down and around the opening of my pussy, like this.” She demonstrated. “Then you can put a couple of fingers inside me, like this… oh, Amber, that feels good –and just slide them in and out.” She grinned at her sister. “Then you’ll be fucking me.”

“Ooooh!” squealed Amber.

“And then,” continued Caroline,” when I start to get really excited, just touch me right here,” and she guided Amber to the stiff nubbin of her clitoris. “Feel that?” The little girl nodded. “It’s called my clit, babe. You’ve got one, too — that’s what I licked to get you off. If you put your finger here and rub it, not too hard…” she purred, “well, I’ll just explode.” Taking her hand away, she stroked Amber’s cheek. “Okay?”

The little girl nodded, her fingers already busy between Caroline’s thighs as she crawled into the older girl’s waiting embrace.

It was clumsy at first, but somehow her little sister found a rhythm. Caroline’s pleasure swiftly began to grow.

Then Amber’s lips met hers in a soft kiss that quickly became much more. Caroline felt her heart soar as the girl’s tongue flashed to life in her mouth, and her ten-year-old sister kissed her with a surprising fervor.

It was all too much for the teenage girl. Amber’s fingers exploring her cunt, the taste of her little sister still lingering on her lips, the memory of touching the child’s velvet-soft vagina, this heated kiss. All these things drove Caroline over the precipice, and she moaned into her sister’s mouth, clutching Amber tightly as she began to come.

Then she felt her sister’s fingers brush her clitoris — and everything went white, as if a million flash cameras had gone off in her head at once.

Caroline thrashed and bucked and shuddered her way through a wrenching climax, a white-knuckled hand gripping a fistful of the sheets. Amber’s fingers continued to stroke her clitoris, sending sparks flying behind Caroline’s eyelids with each tiny caress until she managed to place a hand on her sister’s wrist and gasp, “Okay, okay — I’m good, babe.”

Exhausted, Caroline lay limply on the bed, a few tears of helpless joy rolling down her flushed cheeks. She smiled at how lovely it felt to have Amber’s naked body nestled into hers.

“Can we do that again sometime, Cari?” Amber asked. “It was wonderful.”

Gently sobbing, Caroline kissed the girl and nodded… trying to say yes, but unable to speak.

“Cari? Why are you crying?” Amber shifted around in her sister’s arms, her voice radiating concern.

Caroline sniffled and wiped her eyes, struggling to gain control of her emotions. “I’m just very, very happy,” she finally managed to reply. “I love you a lot, Amber… and I’m glad we got to share this with each other.”

Amber seemed satisfied with that, whispering, “I’m glad, too,” as she snuggled close to her older sister.

“Love you, babe,” the teen replied, patting her sister’s bare back.

“Love you, Cari,” Amber mumbled, already drifting into slumber.

Then Caroline lay still, holding a peaceful Amber in her arms. She lightly kissed the little girl’s cheek, than offered the universe a silent prayer of gratitude before she, too, fell asleep.


Caroline awakened to find herself alone in bed. A bit disoriented, she glanced around the room for a second — then the memory of what had happened last night came rushing in like a flash flood.

Her head spun and a warm, liquid feeling coursed through her body. It was too incredible to believe. Her wildest, most forbidden fantasy had come true. She had made love to her little sister Amber. They had lain together naked, and kissed, and touched, and… she had tasted the child’s pussy, had made her come.

And Amber had loved it! Caroline’s heart raced at the memory of the luscious kisses they had shared, of how her ten-year-old sister had licked her nipples, of how good Amber’s fingers had felt between her thighs.

The thought of it all had Caroline tingling from head to toe. She wanted to take her sister into her arms, cover her in kisses, let her know how special she was. And how much I love her, the teen told herself.

But first, a shower. Caroline slipped from the warmth of her bed and padded naked into her bathroom. Turning on the shower, she waited for the water to heat up, then climbed into the stall.

She had just begun to soap her body when an equally nude Amber stepped in to join her, an saucy grin on her lips. “Got room for me?” she giggled.

Caroline’s heart swelled with love for her little sister, and she felt a flash of lust that left her dizzy. “Sure,” she sighed happily, drawing the naked child into her arms.

Amber grinned up at her big sister. “I love you, Cari.” Then she stood on tiptoe and kissed Caroline firmly on the lips.

The teenager moaned into Amber’s mouth as her baby sister made the kiss a hot and hungry one, quickly bringing her tongue into play. Caroline responded eagerly, her hands sliding down Amber’s back to cup that adorable little ass. The young girl purred with pleasure, wriggling her bottom enticingly in Caroline’s grasp before their lips parted.

“Yum,” Amber enthused, “I love kissing you… your mouth is so soft, Cari.”

“Oh, baby,” Caroline whispered, her body tingling deliciously, “I’d rather kiss you than any boy.” And she eagerly sought out Amber’s mouth with hers once more.

They kissed passionately for a long while under the cascading water, until Amber pulled away long enough to pant, “C’mon, let’s get each other all clean… and then we can go back to bed! I wanna play around with you some more.”

Of course, this sounded like a great idea to Caroline — and she nodded happily, reaching for the bar of jasmine soap. Soon the two girls were lathering each other up, taking every opportunity to let their slippery bodies slide together. Their soapy fingers crept into intimate areas as the loving sisters kissed again and again.

It was delightful, but they were both eager to take their love play back to Caroline’s bed. So they rinsed the last of the suds away, then stepped out onto the bath mat, drying each other with thick towels. Finally, Amber took her big sister’s hand with a meaningful smile, and both girls, still nude, padded back to Caroline’s room.

Amber lay back on the bed, tugging at Caroline’s arm. “C’mon, Cari… kiss me.”

“Wait, Amber,” the older girl said softly, “we need to talk first.”

The ten-year-old sat upright, her brow slightly furrowed. “What about?”

“Well,” Caroline began, “I know how much you liked the things we did. I liked them, too.” She reached for her sister’s hand. “Amber, making love to you was… it was like a dream come true.” She paused. “I… well, I never thought that it could ever happen, you and me, together — and then, it did.” She brought the girl’s hand to her lips, kissing it. “Oh, Amber, no one’s ever made me feel as happy as you did last night.”

Amber’s eyes were shining. “I liked it, Cari. I liked it a lot.”

Caroline smiled, brushing her sister’s cheek with a fingertip. “The thing is, what you and I did together meant more to me than — than just enjoying ourselves.” She took a deep breath. “What I’m trying to say is… I think I’m in love with you, Amber.”

“You… you mean –”

“I’m… I don’t want to be just your sister anymore, babe. I mean, I want… I want to be your girlfriend, too,” Caroline said shyly. “I’m not interested in boys — or other girls, even.” She pressed her sister’s hand to her breasts. “I only want you.”

Amber gaped at her sister in awe. She began to speak, then fell silent.

Drawing the girl’s naked body into hers, Caroline looked deep into Amber’s eyes. “How do you feel about it, babe?” she said in a small voice, “could you… love me like that?”

Amber sat silently for a moment, looking down at her knees. Then she raised her face to meet Caroline’s hopeful gaze. “So — we’d be, um, real girlfriends? Like, buying each other flowers and… giving valentines and stuff?”

Caroline blushed. “I guess… yeah, like that,” she murmured. “I care for you more than, well, anything, Amber… and I very much want to — to be your lover.”

“Wow,” breathed the dazed little girl. Then a joyous smile slowly lit up her face. “Oh, Cari,” she whispered, “that — that sounds wonderful.” Amber buried her face in her big sister’s neck, holding her close. “Yes… yes, I want to!” Breaking their embrace, Amber rocked on the bed in excited glee.

“Oh, you,” Caroline cooed. She leaned in to kiss her baby sister — who quickly responded, her tongue a soft red ribbon in the teenager’s mouth. Caroline matched the child’s fervor, pausing to lick her way around Amber’s lips, then pulling back with a giggle.

They grinned joyously at one another… then Caroline gently laid her sister down on the bed. She got on hands and knees to straddle Amber, their faces nearly touching. “Now, my sweet, sexy sister,” she purred, “let’s make love.” And their mouths met in the most affectionate of kisses.

The rest of the day passed as if in a dream. Teenager and little girl shared their love, their sex, their souls; bodies entwined in a sensuous feast of desire and fulfillment.

Caroline brought Amber off with her mouth, kissing and licking her little sister’s dewy flower until the young girl thought her body might break from the intensity of her climax. Amber was left trembling from head to toe; sweaty, flushed, and beautiful.

Hungry for more, Caroline got her sister up on all fours, her adorable little ass on display. Without a word she knelt behind the child, gently parted Amber’s buttocks and introduced the girl to a new pleasure. Her tongue burrowed into the cleft of her sister’s asshole, licking a path between the soft cheeks. As Amber whimpered in shock, then growing delight, the teenager’s fingers stole between the child’s legs to touch her slit. Soon, Amber was panting furiously as she came again.

Finally, the exhausted girl slumped onto her side, and Caroline held her close; hands gliding around her sister’s form to tease her nipples, making them stiffen with feather-light strokes.

As soon as she had regained her breath, Amber wriggled around to face her older sister. “No fair!” she declared petulantly, but with laughing eyes. “You get to have all the fun!” She sat up, pushing Caroline onto her back, then straddled her tummy. “I’m gonna make you feel good now,” she cooed, her lips barely touching those of her sister.

Caroline nearly swooned at how it felt to have Amber licking around her mouth, humming happily as she tasted her own pussy. The ten-year-old paused to whisper, “I love you, Cari!” then crushed her lips to her big sister’s in a searing kiss, boldly exploring the teen’s mouth with her tongue. Caroline could feel the raw heat of Amber’s sex against her belly, and it drove her wild with lust. Unlike her baby sister, she had yet to reach climax that morning, and her body was taut as an archer’s bow.

Amber began to kiss her way down Caroline’s body, her mouth brushing her older sister’s neck, then onward. A soft cry escaped from Caroline’s lips as Amber nuzzled between her breasts, then took a nipple into her mouth.

“Oh, babe,” Caroline sighed, “that feels great…”

Amber’s tongue flicked at her nipple… then she began to lick and suck at Caroline’s other breast. “Mmmmm,” the older girl purred, “so nice… so nice.”

The little girl began trailing kisses down her sister’s body. The softness of her tummy delighted Amber, and she buried her face in it, savoring the scent of her big sister’s skin. She could have rested there all day. But she was eager to explore that secret, special place between Caroline’s thighs, so she continued her journey.

Then Amber was exactly where she wanted to be, nestled cozily with her big sister’s legs on either side, gazing excitedly at the dewy pink flower of Caroline’s vulva. It was exquisitely framed by soft reddish pubes, glistening with wetness. Amber inhaled deeply, breathing in the aroma of her sister.

Caroline was trembling now, every fiber of her being screaming for release. The vision of Amber, her sister and new lover, lying between her thighs and gazing blissfully at her cunt only made her need all the more acute. She moaned, “Amber… oh, please, baby…”

And she threw her head back with a sharp cry as the ten-year-old girl claimed her pussy, pressing her mouth between Caroline’s legs to kiss the juicy flesh. Then Amber extended her tongue to take the first lick, and Caroline was lost.

She whimpered, “Oh,” a small tear slowly rolling down her cheek as Amber began to go down on her in earnest, the child’s warm mouth and tongue exploring her juicy sex. “Oh, Amber, yes. Oh.”

The little girl raised her wet face from between her big sister’s thighs long enough to gasp, “You taste so good, Cari!” then planted her mouth on Caroline’s pussy, thrusting her tongue as deep in her sister as she was able.

Caroline palmed her breasts, moving her hands back and forth over her throbbing nipples, head rolling from side to side on her pillow as her baby sister made love to her with her mouth. “God, Amber… I adore you,” she panted.

Then she gasped, and a whining sound began to issue from her clenched throat as Amber’s tongue trailed up her labia to find the teenage girl’s clitoris. That sound became a wild cry — quickly growing wilder — when the child took Caroline’s clit between her lips and sucked at the inflamed button.

Caroline screamed, her body seizing up again and again as she came like never before. Even the orgasm her sister had given her just a few short hours ago seemed tame by comparison.

Amber continued to eat Caroline’s pussy until the girl could take no more, and begged her to stop.

The young girl sat upright, shaking her blonde mane as she raised her head from the divine juncture of her sister’s thighs. Licking her lips, she savored the taste of sex as she crawled into Caroline’s embrace and pressed herself against the older girl’s damp body, contentedly kissing her neck, feeling her big sister’s beating heart.

Caroline cradled her baby sister’s face, holding her close. “Oh, Amber,” she sighed happily, “that was the best. I love you, babe. More than anything.”

The little girl raised her face to Caroline’s. “So, you and I, we’re… we’re really lovers now, like you said?”

Glowing with adoration, the older girl gazed at the younger. “Yes, Amber,” she whispered, “we are. I don’t want to be like this with anyone but you.”

Amber’s eyes flashed with renewed excitement. “Kiss me, Cari,” she breathed.

Lips parting in anticipation, Caroline did just that.


This is adapted from a superb story by Leslita author Amanda, who graciously granted permission for my own version to be made public.

When I first read Amanda’s “A Sister’s Love,” I was instantly smitten… so much that I found myself wanting a second chapter, and ended up writing one. Then I reworked the rest, adding considerably to the story – trying to make the new version my own without losing what made Amanda’s original so good.

Here’s the final result. If “A Sister’s Love” is like a brilliant pop song, then this could be thought of as an extended remix. I thank Amanda for kindly allowing me to play with her words, and am flattered that she found enough of value in this variation to allow it to be read by others. Any faults you find in the finished product are mine, not hers.


Fireflies, Part Three

  • Posted on May 23, 2015 at 11:42 am

By JetBoy

When I awakened, the sunlight that filled the room puzzled me for a few seconds — I normally slept on the other side of the house, where the sun only put in an appearance in the afternoon.

Then it all came back to me in a dizzying rush. My mother and I had made love yesterday; had shared our bodies, our souls. More than that, we’d fucked.

I was alone in bed, but Mom had left a fresh-cut pink camellia on the pillow for me. Sitting up, I breathed deeply of its fragrance, then caressed my breasts with the soft petals.

Rising, I stretched luxuriously, then padded into the bathroom to shower.

Minutes later, I descended the stairs, letting the wonderful aroma of breakfast lure me to Mom. I’d been tempted to surprise her by coming down completely naked, but settled on my sexiest dressing gown, the one that barely concealed my panties — at least it would have, if I’d been wearing any.

Mom was standing over the stove, as I made my entrance, turning pieces of bacon in a sizzling iron skillet. She wore her ivory-hued kimono — a gift from a Japanese student — that showed off her womanly figure to stunning effect.

Glancing over her shoulder, she paused to look me up and down appreciatively. “Hey, hon,” she said, the warmth of her voice stirring some very un-daughterly feelings of mine. “How many eggs do you want?”

Moving close, I embraced Mom from behind, grinding my mound into her generous ass. “Hmmm,” I mused, my hands opening the kimono, then slipping inside to cup her bare breasts. “Think I’d rather have these, actually.” I teased Mom’s nipples, feeling them stiffen to my touch.

Shaking her head, she moved away. “Really, Marcie,” she chided, opening the oven door to check on a pan of biscuits, which were just beginning to turn a golden brown. “You’ve got a one-track mind.” There was an amused light in her eyes when she said it, though. “Now you cut out this foolishness and sit down. Breakfast is almost ready.” Taking up a pair of tongs, she deftly plucked bacon strips from the skillet, laying each one out on a folded paper towel.

“Okay, okay,” I laughed, raising my hands in a gesture of surrender. Taking my seat at the kitchen table, I arranged myself in a very provocative pose, legs parted just enough to expose my pussy. “Oh, Mom-ma…” I sang.

“What, honey?” she replied, looking over her shoulder — then her eyes widened as she drank in the sight of me. “Oh, my.”

“Two eggs. Scrambled,” I purred, letting both hands trail slowly down my thighs.

Mom licked her lips as she stared at my cunt, which I was certain had to be glistening with wetness. Her gaze shifted up to my face, eyes narrowing into a mock-glare. “It pains me to say this, honestly it does… but my daughter has become a tease. And something of a slut, I suspect.”

I purred, “Oh, I’m your slut, Mom,” hugging myself. It was weird but exhilarating, playing the Bad Girl for my mother.

She folded her arms, giving me that are-we-finished? look that I suspected a few of her students knew all too well. “Honey. Behave.”

“Sorry, Mom,” I grinned sheepishly, straightening in my chair.

Satisfied, she turned back to the stove, taking two eggs and cracking them in a glass bowl.

Moments later, we were eating breakfast and deep in a discussion of W.S. Merwin’s poetry. I’d buried myself in his work for weeks while composing my final paper for American Lit class. Just another meal in our happy home, filled with Mom’s great cooking and good conversation.

Only as we ate, I couldn’t stop thinking of Mom’s nearly naked body beneath that silken gown. The front was open enough to give me tantalizing glimpses of her breasts, and I longed to bury my face in them, breathing deeply of her skin. As for Mom, she did her share of looking, too, glancing again and again at the outline of my nipples, which were all too apparent through the skimpy nightie I wore.

Finally we yielded up our knives and forks, took that last sip of coffee, wiped our mouths with the linen napkins that Mom had always used instead of paper ones. Without a word, we rose to tidy up, clearing away the remains of our breakfast.

Mom gently placed the last plate in the sink, then turned to me. I could read the desire she felt, written in her warm brown eyes.

Without breaking her gaze, I reached out to grasp the tasseled cord that wound about my mother’s kimono, tugging it gently to undo the careless knot that held the gown shut. It slowly parted, revealing Mom’s body. Underneath, she wore sexy red panties — nothing else.

“Oh, Marcie,” she breathed, her cheeks flushed with an excitement that mirrored my own.

Moving closer, I slid both hands beneath the silken material and around Mom’s bare waist, crushing my body against hers. She had just enough time to gasp before I kissed her.

My head swam with lust as I felt her open to me, replying to my hunger with her probing tongue. We kissed for a long while, reluctant to part even for the length of time it would take to climb the stairs to my bedroom — the closest one.

No matter — I had other, more daring plans for my mother. We had shared sweet lovemaking; now I was in the mood to be downright lewd. Let’s see just how wild we can get, Momma…

Abruptly breaking away, I hooked my thumbs beneath her kimono and pushed it from her shoulders. The smooth silk cascaded to the floor, and my nearly nude mother gasped again, making a half-movement to cover her breasts.

“Honey!” she exclaimed. “What — what if someone d-drops by?” She glanced nervously at the large kitchen window, which looked out onto our back yard.

“We won’t answer,” I replied, reaching for the hem of my nightie and yanking it up and off with a single gesture, leaving me completely naked.

I reached out to seize Mom’s hand and led her over to the kitchen table, now emptied. Firmly placing her hand upon its gleaming surface, my lips graze her ear as I whisper, “Bend over, Mom.”

She was trembling — partly from arousal, partly from nerves — but she meekly obeyed, lowering her upper half until her breasts were touching the table top.

I moved back, studying my mother’s backside with a fierce hunger that simmered beneath my belly. She was magnificent; soft and shapely, built for a lover’s comfort. Licking my lips, I gazed at the pouting cleft of Mom’s cunt, outlined beneath gauzy panties, remembering the adoration I’d showered last night on that wonderful part of her body.

Yeah, I’d had her pussy — now, I wanted her ass.

Drawing closer, I grabbed a chair with one hand, slid it beneath me and sat; my face mere inches from Mom’s buttocks. I grasped the waistband of her panties and drew them down slowly enough to make a show of it, licking my lips as her nudity was revealed to me one luscious inch at a time. Finally, my mother’s knickers ringed her ankles, and she stepped from them without a murmur.

I took a long, deep breath, then rested my hands on the soft globes, cupping them for a moment before I spread them apart, exposing the cleft of my mother’s anus. It was lovely — a sweet pink pucker that cried out to be kissed, like a little mouth. So that’s just what I did, burrowing between those soft cheeks to place an open-mouthed kiss upon Mom’s rosebud.

She gasped, a thrilled shudder rippling through her frame. “Oh, baby — oh God!”

I was licking my mother’s asshole, bathing her crack with long, luscious strokes. She was writhing atop the table, panting, “Marcie, th-that feels so — oh so good! I’ve n-never… never… ohhhhhh!”

It felt more wonderful than I can say, making love to Mom like this. To me, analingus is the most intimate of sexual acts — and it was a pleasure I only shared with special lovers. Who better to receive this precious gift than the woman who had given birth to me, fed me from her breasts, soothed my tears, taught me to read, raised me to adulthood?

As I rimmed her, my right hand slid up the inside of Mom’s legs and between them, cupping her warm, wet vulva for a few heartbeats before I brought my fingers into play. There was rich nectar dripping from her flower, and I felt it slowly coating my digits while I deftly masturbated her. My lips were wedged deeply into the crease of Mom’s buttocks, the tip of the tongue pressing insistently at the anal pucker.

“Marcie,” she moaned, quivering to my touch. “Marcie, I love you…”

Sensing my mother’s need for release, I allowed my fingers to seek out the fleshy button of her clit. She inhaled sharply as I lightly brushed her there one, two, three times; then took the inflamed nubbin between my thumb and index finger, gently pinching it.

A strangled cry exploded from Mom’s throat as a climax kicked in hard and fast, near-violent jolts of ecstasy coursing through her frame.

“Mmmmmohhhnnyeah… oh — oh JESUS!” she screamed, raising herself from the table with both hands, head thrown back.

Unwilling to stop, I continued to masturbate my mother while French kissing her asshole, carrying her through at least two more orgasms. Finally she blurted “Marcie, oh God — n-n-no more, please!”

I withdrew my fingers, now bathed in Mom’s essence, saying goodbye to her anus with a flick of the tongue before rising to my feet. My mother lay on the table, knees bent, her toes resting on the floor. Her elegant back heaved with each deep breath.

Helping a dazed Mom to her feet, I led her over to the couch, where she collapsed into its welcoming embrace. Her hair was awry, face flushed, body glistening with sweat — yet her well-fucked appearance made me want my mother all the more, as if the tongue action I’d just given her had been no more than an appetizer.

Pausing to lick at my sticky fingertips, I studied the thick bush between Mom’s legs, now somewhat matted from her vaginal fluids. All my other female lovers kept their pubes shaved or trimmed, but there was something beautiful about my mother’s auburn thatch that made me wonder if I’d been missing out. Maybe I’ll let mine grow in, I mused, casually teasing my slit with a fingertip.

My eyes shifted to Mom’s face, and a surge of raw lust raced through me when I saw the animal hunger in her eyes. I’d yet to come that morning, and there was a fire deep in my womanly center that needed to be quenched.

She sat up straight, reaching out to grasp my hand. “Now it’s your turn, baby,” she announced, a rough edge to her voice, “and I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never had it before.”

I was speechless with excitement. I’d never heard Mom swear, not even when she lost her temper, and her deliberate use of the word fuck only tossed fuel on the inferno inside me. My shy, gentle, sonnet-quoting mother had been displaced for the moment, overtaken by this sexy, confident lesbian who meant to have her way with me — and I planned to let her.

So once again my mother and I mounted the stairs, hand in hand, hungry to experience more incestuous delights.

Leading me into her bedroom, Mom enveloped me in her soft arms, claiming my mouth in a soul kiss, humming with pleasure as she tasted her own cunt and asshole on my lips. Then, drawing away, she placed the flat of her hand upon my chest, giving me a shove. Startled, I lost my balance, falling back onto the bed. Propping myself up on both elbows, I gaped at her.

“Stay right there, girl,” Mom purred, her eyes burning into mine like lasers. “Mommy’s got a little surprise for you.”

Turning away, she opened the twinned doors of her handmade armoire, rummaged around inside, only to emerge with —

Oh. My. God.

My mother was holding this big, beautiful latex cock with a leather harness attached, a feral smile adorning her lips as she caressed its length — eight inches, at least. All I could do was stare, my body pulsing with excitement.

“Now, sweetheart,” Mom murmured, “it’s my turn to play.” She proffered the rubbery dick, which wobbled gently in her grasp. “Ever use one of these on a girl — or had one used on you?”

I slowly shook my head. “No, never — and that’s bigger than any real cock I’ve ever had.”

A flicker of concern appeared in her eyes — but before she could have any second thoughts, I beckoned her to me with a finger as I lay back, spreading my legs. “Let’s do this, Mom. C’mon — fuck me, right now!”

I was quaking inside with feverish desire, watching impatiently and fighting off an urge to caress my vulva as Mom carefully fastened the device about her hips, then anointed it with lubricant squeezed from a crumpled tube she took from the drawer of her nightstand. Then her eyes met mine, and my mother gave me a lustful look that had me feeling hot and cold all at once.

Her gaze remained unbroken as she knelt on the bed and crawled toward me — a wild beast, stalking game. I could only part my thighs further, offering myself to her. Soon, she towered over where I lay. Reaching down, Mom placed the tips of her fingers between my breasts, her smile deepening when she sensed the frantic poundpoundpound of my heart. She drew those fingers down my body in a slow, unbroken line; one that ended between my legs. A whimper escaped my lips as she fondled my cunt in the gentlest of caresses.

It was lovely, no denying that — but I was desperate to be taken by Mom, eager to get acquainted with the glistening prick that jutted arrogantly from her pelvis; to feel it slide deep inside me. I closed my eyes, willing it to happen.

Then her soft, yearning mouth covered mine, and somehow that eased my tension as I parted my lips, inviting her tongue to play. It was a relaxed but ardent kiss, Mom’s way of telling me Take it easy, honey — we’ve got all day to make love.

As I sucked on my mother’s tongue, she slowly lowered herself onto me… and that was when I felt the tip of her sex toy pressing against the entrance to my cunt. Opening my legs even further, I stared at my mother, aching with adoration for her. “Do it, Mom… oh, God, I n-need you inside me…”

I gasped in delight as the bulbous head slipped through the vaginal ring — then it felt as if the very breath was driven from my chest as Mom pushed the length of her cock into me, inch by incredible inch, until I could feel her pubes grazing my trimmed mound.

Pinned beneath the magnificent weight of my mother’s body, I clutched her to me, trembling. I’d never been filled so completely. That beautiful cock was touching places inside that no lover had ever reached. Every movement she or I made, however tiny, reverberated through me as if the earth’s crust was buckling beneath the bed.

“Ready?” Mom breathed, her nose millimeters from mine.

Words were beyond me at that instant, so I simply nodded, as emphatically as I could. She tensed slightly, then a choked cry broke from my lips when Mom drew back, and her slippery prick began its reverse journey from my cunt.

Mom withdrew until only the tip remained inside, then reversed herself, slowly entering me once more. This time, she somehow managed to penetrate even deeper.

“Yesssss, Mommy,” I whimpered, clutching at her ass with both hands. “F-fuck me…!”

I’ve noticed that whenever two women enjoy strap-on sex in an erotic story, they always seem to go at it fast and furiously; one lover taking the other in a crazed frenzy, bellies slapping together with every brutal thrust.

My first time was different. Mom’s fucking was smooth and steady, even affectionate. She kissed me again and again, sometimes working her tongue in and out of my mouth in time with her slowly churning hips. I pictured myself as a flattened beach ball, being filled by my loving mother — only she was pumping me full of pleasure, not air. The image was so ridiculous that I couldn’t help but giggle.

Mom gazed warmly into my eyes and whispered, “Silly girl.” Then her soft mouth claimed mine again, and I sighed, surrendering myself to her as I never had with a lover.

Each sweet stroke from my mother’s cock seemed to lift me ever higher, until I was panting furiously, dizzy with sexual rapture. I felt the approach of orgasm, welcomed it, aching for release.

Then her hand slipped between our moving bodies, snaking between my legs. Startled, I gaped up at my mother as her fingers found and lightly tweaked my throbbing clit.

“Ohhh! OHHH!” I wailed as a thunderclap smashed heedlessly through me, roaring and sizzling in my ears. Through it all, Mom continued to plow me, each new thrust a shower of bright orange sparks that seemed to cascade over our pumping bodies.

I was panting for breath, utterly spent. Mom continued to masturbate me, though, and before my heart could lapse into a steady beat I was coming again, my hands balled into white-knuckled fists, screaming hoarsely to the ceiling.

Finally I felt her fingers withdraw, the cock slipping from my vagina with a slurping sound. I emitted a gasp of relief before sinking into the sodden sheets.

Half conscious, head spinning crazily, I drank in huge gulps of air, my heartbeat gradually slackening into a steady rhythm. I heard Mom’s strap-on hit the floor with a light thud, then felt her body press into mine from behind. Warm, soft lips brushed my neck.

Spent as I was, I still managed to twist myself around to face my mother, giving her a sleepy smile. “That was awesome… love you, Mom.”

She drew me into her comforting arms, where I nestled contentedly; a little girl once more, calmed by Mommy’s nearness. “I love you too, sweetheart,” I heard her murmur as I drifted into slumber.


Nearly two years have passed since that incredible weekend when Mom and I became sexually intimate.

Tennessee Williams once said — or had one of his characters say, anyhow — that time was the longest distance between two places. The last couple of years have proven the simple truth of Mr. Williams’ words, for me at least.

I’m currently working on a Masters degree, and plan to go into teaching. In my teen years, I resisted any idea of following in my mother’s footsteps; now here I am, doing exactly that. Go figure.

Mom is now openly gay, and blissfully happy with her life. Last year she took up with a woman who does house repair and carpentry for a living. Amy is in her mid-thirties, butch but beautiful, and almost never cracks a book. I like to tease Mom by calling her and Amy “The Odd Couple,” but they really do have something special.

As for me, I surprised myself by getting seriously involved with a man — something I never anticipated doing again. But Nicky is a truly special guy; smart, charming and incredibly sweet. Mom thinks the world of him, and so do I.

Nicky and I spend just about every spare minute of our time together… but he knows that Thursday night, with very few exceptions, is for me and my mother. He refers to those nights as “hen parties,” with that little smile of his that leaves me tingling all over. If only he knew!

When I arrive at the homestead, Mom is waiting for me with a smile and a warm hug. She mixes a couple of drinks, and if the weather permits, we sit together on the back porch, taking in the beauty of an Alabama night. Early summer evenings are the best — the air is cool and refreshing after the day’s heat and fragrant with honeysuckle, our yard alive with tiny glowing fireflies, flickering on and off, on and off — a sight I’ll always cherish.

My mother and I sit side by side on the darkened veranda, a citronella candle nearby to ward off mosquitoes. We talk of this and that, share the million and one details of our lives. After awhile, we fall silent, content to relax in each other’s presence.

Then I reach over to place a hand on Mom’s bare leg, stroking the warm skin, gliding beneath the hem of her dress. I don’t know why, but it always falls to me to make the first move. My hand slips between those soft thighs, finally cupping my mother’s mound through her panties.

Mom turns to me, her face radiant with desire –and our mouths meet in a kiss that quickly grows passionate.

Somehow, we find our way upstairs to her room. We undress one another, slip naked beneath the silken sheets. And then Mom and I make love, joining our bodies and souls in the warmth of her bed as we have so many times before… as we always will.

No one else knows of the forbidden pleasures we enjoy, not even our lovers. Yet this sweet secret that we nurture between us burns with a heat intense enough to occasionally make me ache to declare our love to one and all, to defiantly say that Yes, I fuck my own mother.

Obviously, I can’t do any such thing. The world isn’t ready to understand a relationship like ours, and probably never will be.

So instead, I’m setting our story down in print, sharing it with everyone who wants to know. I like to think that other women will be inspired by our love, that these humble words might give some longing teenager the courage to do something about the desire she feels for her mom, or convince a lonely housewife that lusting after her daughter isn’t wrong just because society says so.

For Mom and I, incest has only made our bond stronger — and the lovemaking we enjoy is as natural as breathing.


Fireflies, Part Two

  • Posted on May 23, 2015 at 11:32 am

By JetBoy

Mom led me into her bedroom, switching on a small lamp on the nightstand.

Her soft arms twined round my waist, mine round hers. We gazed at one another for a long moment, both of us suddenly shy, unsure of what to do next.

“I love you, Mom,” I whispered.

“Oh… I adore you, my sweet, sweet child,” she replied, her eyes misty. Then, just like that, our mouths met in an angel-soft kiss. I felt the tip of her tongue graze my lover lip, fanning my lust into a roaring flame. My own tongue came to life, seeking hers as our kiss grew increasingly hungry.

I slid my hands down Mom’s back to cradle her ass through her skirt. She moaned into my mouth, then suddenly pulled away. “Let me,” she gasped, fumbling at the buttons on her blouse. “I… oh, God, I need to be naked for you.”

I stopped her. “No, Mom. You’re a gift, the nicest I’ve ever had… and I want to unwrap you myself.”

Calming herself, Mom gazed at me dreamily. “Such lovely things you say to me, baby.” She placed a soft kiss upon my mouth, then stood silently before me, waiting to be undressed.

I took up where my mother had left off, unfastening her top one button at a time. Sliding the blouse from her ivory shoulders, I reached around her back to undo the catch of her bra. She shrugged it off, baring her breasts for me. I dipped my head to lick at a nipple — she shivered with delight — then resumed my work.

Flicking open the clasp of her skirt, I let the navy blue garment fall carelessly to the floor, leaving my mother in French cut panties. My eyes widened in surprise; I’d not known Mom’s taste ran to such sexy underthings.

Kneeling at her feet, I pressed my face into Mom’s belly, breathing in the sweet scent of her skin, deliciously tinged with a hint of wet pussy. Seeking its source, I nuzzled my way down to the dampened front of her panties, kissing her vaginal cleft through the gauzy material.

“My God,” she moaned, “I can’t b-believe this is really happening. I — I’ve wanted you, dreamed of being with you f-for so long…!”

Grasping the waistband of my mother’s panties, I tugged them down to her ankles with a single fluid motion, baring the curly triangle of her pubes. She stepped from the filmy knickers, then stood before me, posing for a moment. Then she laid down on her bed, naked and open, one hand tucked beneath her head.

“Well, honey?” she murmured, shyly enough to send my lust soaring even higher. “Do you like what you see?”

“I do, Mom,” I crooned. “You are a beautiful blossom, and I’m going to love you like you’ve never been loved before.”

I quickly undid my dress, letting it fall to the floor, then pulled my panties down and off. Now nude, I crawled onto the bed with her, straddling my mother on all fours, then bent to touch her left nipple with my lips before taking it into my mouth. She moaned as my tongue flicked at the stiffening tip. Her hand brushed my hair from my forehead. “I adore you,” she whispered.

I let my hand wander over her body until it rested between Mom’s thighs, my finger tracing the opening to her cunt. She welcomed my intrusion, parting her legs even wider for me. She smiled dreamily. “Oh, my… you’re good at this, honey.”

I pressed a fingertip inside her. “Oooohhh,” she mewed as I went deeper, then began to slide in and out — and just like that, I was fucking my mother!

My thumb began to press against her clit, and Mom’s eyes widened in awe. “Oh Christ, Marcie–”

“Shhh,” I pressed my fingers to her lips. “Don’t say anything. Just let me please you.” I manipulated her clitoris for a bit longer, then leaned down and took it between my lips, flicking the inflamed nubbin with the tip of my tongue.

Surprised, she thrust her hips against my face, the bed shifting beneath us. I buried my face in my mother’s soft chestnut curls, lips pressing into the moist, tangy flesh of her cunt in a lover’s kiss. The taste was intoxicating. Her thighs framed my face as I penetrated my mother with an exploring tongue.

My head spun at the enormity of what we were doing. An hour ago, Mom and I were innocently passing the time of day, chatting and fixing dinner. Now, I was naked and so was she, and I was fucking her with my mouth, her essence coating my lips and chin. It was forbidden, it was crossing a dangerous line, it was probably even illegal — and at that moment, it felt like destiny. Believe it or not, what surprised me most of all was that we’d never made love before.

I wanted all of her, hungered and thirsted for this incomparable woman who had given me life. She had always been there for me — now it was my turn to bestow a precious gift upon her. The gift of sexual ecstasy, freely given out of love.

My hand covered a breast, the other fondled her opening, my lips nursed her clit, and they all made love to my mother; loved her body and soul until she cried out; bucking wildly in the throes of orgasm.

Even after Mom’s climax had peaked and waned, I continued to lightly kiss her vulva, keeping her pleasure simmering while she recovered. She enjoyed it, too, crooning contentedly as I nuzzled her now matted pubes, savoring the thick, luscious taste and aroma of cunt.

Finally she touched my shoulder. “Come here, sweetheart,” she gasped. “I… I need a kiss.”

Lifting my head from between her thighs, I rose to my knees, gazing down in awe at my nude mother. Her hair was delightfully askew, her face flushed, body glistening with a fine sheen of perspiration — yet, somehow, she was even more lovely than ever. Grasping her extended hand, I allowed Mom to draw me down into her arms.

I lay atop my mother’s luscious body, between her thighs, loving the warmth and softness of this woman from whose vagina I had emerged so very long ago. Our mouths met, and I moaned out loud when Mom’s tongue emerged to trace a circle around my sticky lips, sampling her own sex.

We kissed for a long, lovely while, then Mom gently broke away. “I want to taste you now, baby,” she whispered. “Let me lick your pussy.”

Giving her a smile and a light kiss on the tip of her nose, I extricated myself from my mother’s embrace and rose to my knees, then moved to straddle her face. Her expression was one of wonder as she studied my cunt up close for the first time since my infancy. “So beautiful,” she sighed, brushing my sex with her fingertips. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep, luxurious breath, placing her hands on my hips. “Mmmm… you smell divine, darling — a libation to the gods.”

I was practically shivering with desire and my need for release… but the college student in me had to ask. “Um… isn’t a libation a drink, Mom?”

My mother looked at me with twinkling eyes. “Yes,” she murmured. “Yes, it is.” And she drew my cunt down to her waiting mouth, penetrating me with a sharp thrust of the tongue.

A strangled cry broke from my throat as my mother feasted on me, her mouth making wet sounds as she greedily drank deep of my womanly essence. I swayed back and forth atop Mom’s face, hugging myself, my body throbbing with the pleasure that only lesbian sweethearts can know.

I basked in the moment, nearly sobbing in joy as my mother’s tongue circled the opening of my cunt, her lips buried in the moist, warm flesh. Oh, she had a wicked, wicked mouth, and knew how to use it to drive me wild. But as I lurched headlong toward the blessed oblivion of orgasm, she suddenly drew away to nuzzle my inner thighs.

I moaned, cheated of the release I craved. Damn... Mom was teasing me! I felt the warmth of her breath caress my pubis as she slowly licked her way back to my sexual center; then once again, the rollercoaster began its slow ascent.

Mom pleasured me every which way for the longest while — taking me to within a millimeter of release, then shifting her attention just enough to deny the climax I craved. There are many ways to love a woman’s sex with your mouth, and my mother had clearly learned more than a few of these from her previous bedmates.

She pressed open-mouthed kisses into my cunt, occasionally punctuated by quick darting flashes of tongue… bathed the surface of my vulva with long, slow licks that always ended with a brief flick at the clitoris… nibbled playfully at my labia, tugging at the sensitive flesh.

Then, just when I was on the verge of frustrated tears, Mom’s lips enveloped my clit, sucking delicately at the inflamed tip. My entire body arched up from the bed as an enormous orgasm hit me like a fist, cartoon stars cascading behind my eyes.

I’d never come so explosively. Rivulets of fire seemed to course through every inch of me as I bucked and rocked in a mad frenzy, tightly clutching my breasts. I wanted to scream, but was incapable of sound.

To this day, I wonder: was my pleasure so intense because of Mom’s skill as a lover? Or was it because the forbidden aspect of our fucking added to my excitement? Actually, I like to think of a third possibility — that the blood bond between my mother and I meant that she knew my body as well as her own, sensing instinctively what her baby girl needed.

I found myself curled upon my side, not quite knowing how I’d gotten there. Dazed, utterly spent, I felt the heat of Mom’s body against mine. My eyes slowly opened, then focused on her smiling face.

“Oh, Marcie,” she sighed, “that was — incredible. I’ve imagined b-being with you for a long time, you know… but my fantasies didn’t come close to the real thing.” She brushed my damp forehead with her lips. “That wasn’t sex, honey — it was poetry.”

I rolled my eyes. “Mom, please… shut up and kiss me.”

With a giggle, she closed the gap between us to do just that.

We lay together in blissful silence for a long while, our mouths playing sweet, childish games together. The lustful urgency that had claimed us earlier had waned, replaced by a warm, contented glow. Our tongues entwined languidly as Mom and I explored just about every possible way that two women could kiss.

It was so good, so perfect. Right then, I loved Mom more than anyone or anything. She was my parent, my friend, my teacher, my rock of stability in an uncertain world — and now, a sexual partner.

After awhile our loins began to throb with renewed desire, and Mom and I came together to make love once more. This time, I slid between her legs, positioning our bodies so that my wet cunt was resting against hers. Gripping my mother’s soft, creamy thigh, I began to move my hips, slowly grinding our sexes together. With a coo of delight, Mom responded in kind, pushing back into me.

Every other time I’d fucked a woman this way, it was fast and furious; an intense workout. But as for my mother and I, we took our sweet time at first, allowing the pleasure to build gradually. We couldn’t kiss, but I reached out to fondle her breasts, then caressed her flushed face. She took my fingers between her lips, sucking them.

The feeling of her hot, wet flesh sliding against mine was exquisite, the rich wine of our lust flowing in unison. I was brought up in a Christian household and have always been a believer… and though it might sound like blasphemy to some, making love to Mom in this wondrous way seemed like the nearest I’d ever come to being touched by the hand of God.

When we came, it was simultaneously — her ecstasy feeding my own, mine amplifying hers. The gentleness of our coupling quickly became frenzied, bodies rocking together in an increasingly crazed rhythm. We drove one another harder, faster; like wild beasts in heat. Finally, our mutual joy reached its unimaginable peak, and I simply let go, falling back into the damp sheets.

Somehow Mom and I moved into each other’s arms, and we lay entwined for a long while, our sweat-glazed bodies gradually cooling with the approach of night. The sounds of the neighborhood serenaded us through the open window as we rested, letting the world return in its own good time.

Finally, my mother’s body shifted against mine, and I opened my eyes to find her smiling at me.

“Love you, sweetheart,” she murmured, just the same as she always had.

“Love you too, Mom,” I replied.

Disentangling herself from me, she slowly rose, stretched herself with a contented yawn, then bent to pick up her dress. Draping it over her arm, she turned to me, that gentle smile still on her lips. “I’m going to take a quick shower, honey… then finish getting our supper ready. I suppose we’ll be dining later than usual tonight.” She paused. “You should wash up, too. I’ve put fresh towels in your bathroom.” And with that, she exited, still naked. I stared at Mom’s generous ass as she moved through the door, then disappeared down the hallway. Just like that.

Dazed, I shook my head to clear it, wondering what the hell just happened? My mother and I had come to bed, undressed and made passionate love — and suddenly she was Mom again, making small talk as if we’d only sorted the laundry together!

It confused me, but I decided to follow her lead for now. So off to the shower I scooted, to wash away the evidence of our loving.

As I scrubbed myself beneath the flowing water, I wondered if this would be a one-time thing; if Mom would ever want to be intimate again. A tendril of sadness touched me at the thought of never getting another chance to kiss my mother that way — to undress her, to touch her beautiful body, to taste her pussy. I licked at my lips, hoping that a trace of her still lingered there.

Jesus, this was crazy. Mom and I had made love mere minutes ago — and I was already hungering for more!

I felt an impulse to press a hand between my legs and masturbate, right there and then. Instead, I somehow managed to curb my lust long enough to finish washing myself, then climbed out and toweled my body dry.

Back in my bedroom, I selected some fresh clothes to wear. Wanting to look my sexiest, I chose a short blue dress that showed my figure off quite nicely, deciding to go nude underneath. A hint of lipstick, a touch of scent, some deft work with the hairbrush and I stood before the mirror, liking what I saw and hoping that Mom would too.

Just then I heart her voice, wafting up the stairs. “Honey… supper’s ready.”

Taking a deep breath, my heart fluttering, I made my way downstairs.

I had no idea what to expect, so it was something of a surprise to enter the dining room and find my mother standing beside her chair like she usually was before we sat down to dine, waiting for me. Like always, we joined hands and Mom said a brief blessing, then with our whispered, “Amen,” we took our seats and began to fill our plates.

As we ate, we innocently chatted about Mom’s work and my classes. She filled me in on the latest doings in our neighborhood, and I talked about the books I’d read lately.

It was such a normal, pleasant evening that the hot sex my mother and I had shared earlier began to seem like a weird dream; the kind of thing my perverted mind might have conjured up after eating pepperoni pizza at three in the morning.

After a dessert of homemade peach cobbler, we cleared the table and washed up together like we always did — Mom washing, me drying. Despite the undercurrent of erotic tension I felt coursing through my belly, the mood was relaxed and mellow.

I placed the last clean dish in the cupboard, then turned to Mom, ready for anything. She gave me the sweetest smile. “Want to watch a movie? I rented one for us. It’s just a silly little romantic comedy, but…” She was blushing.

“Sure, Mom… I’d love to.”

We moved to the living room, where Mom put the DVD in the player and I switched off the lamp on the end table, leaving the room illuminated by the glow of the television screen. Side by side Mom and I sat on the couch, watching the opening credits as they scrolled past.

I tried to lose myself in the film, but was conscious of little else but my mother’s nearness; the warmth of her body next to mine. Mom had applied a fresh hint of the gardenia scent I’d always loved, and it had never seemed so enticing.

There was a nearly irresistible urge that burned inside me; telling me to slip a hand under Mom’s skirt, gliding between those soft thighs until I was touching the warm, womanly center of her.

Instead, I kept my hands to myself, like a frightened adolescent boy on his first date. What if I came on to Mom right then? What would she say? This was utterly absurd. We’d had our faces buried in each other’s cunts just a couple of hours ago, and now I was too nervous to put a hand on her leg!

Needless to say, I retained almost nothing of the movie. My mind was lost in a mad whirl of love, lust, sex and incest.

It seemed a small eternity before the swelling strings signaled the film’s end. Mom switched on the lamp, and once more I waited for something, anything to happen.

She stood, stretched, then murmured, “Oh, my, it’s been quite a day… time for bed, I think.”

A note of helpless melancholy sounded inside me at the thought of Mom departing for the night, leaving me alone — and that was when she reached out to take my hand.

“Marcie, honey,” she whispered, giving me a look I could have basked in forever, “will you sleep with me tonight?”

I brought her hand to my face, pressing a kiss into her palm. “Yes, Mom,” I replied, my voice quivering with emotion. “I… I’d love to.”

Once again we mounted the stairs together, our hands still lovingly entwined. Only this time, the fevered anticipation of that first climb to Mom’s bed had been replaced by a feeling of warmth and well-being.

Somehow at that moment my thoughts returned to the fireflies that illuminated our back yard on warm evenings like this; tiny, ever-moving smears of green and yellow. As a little girl who loved to capture those wondrous insects, then release them back into the Alabama evening, I’d imagined that the soft light they emitted was a sign of their happiness. Suddenly, I found myself wanting to believe that again; because I seemed to be filled with that same light, shining in me like God’s love.

We entered my mother’s bedroom together, quickly moving into a lover’s embrace. My mouth sought out hers, and we kissed. Her soft lips brushed enticingly against mine; then our tongues engaged, almost bashfully at first. Soon, though, our kissing was ardent and oh, so sensual.

Grasping the lower half of Mom’s dress, I hoisted it up, baring her legs. She lifted her arms, allowing me to undress her. Mom was nude underneath but for pink panties, and I knelt to tug them down to her feet. My heart leapt as I uncovered the thick furze of her bush, yearning to feel those dark red curls ticking my nose.

I moved closer, intending to bury my face between my mother’s thighs and drink from the fleshy chalice… but I was halted by her hand on my shoulder. “No need to rush, honeybunch,” Mom laughed. “It’s a long time until morning. Why don’t you let me undress you now?”

I sheepishly rise, and with a coo of delight, she tugs my dress up and off. Being Mom, she has to neatly fold my dress and place it on a nearby chair, her eyes drinking in my nudity. Somehow, that simple gesture makes me smile.

Mom reaches out to touch me, trailing the tips of her fingers between my breasts, over the belly and down to tangle in my neatly trimmed pubic strip. “You are a vision of loveliness, my child,” she whispers. “My precious, precious flower.”

“You’re the beautiful one, Mom,” I reply, allowing a hand to glide down her side until it rests on the curve of her hip. “I see girls at school who think they’re so sexy and desirable… but there’s nothing real about them.” My hand travels around her body as I move closer, caressing her ripe, round ass. “All they want is to be perfect little Barbie dolls.” I traced the cleft of my mother’s anus with a gently probing finger, and she whimpered. “What I want is a woman, Mom. That’s you. A real, imperfect, magnificent woman who I’m aching to fuck.”

Mom’s eyes twinkled as her arms entwine me. “Go right ahead, baby,” she breathed, her mouth covering mine, parting my lips with an inquisitive tongue.

As if dancing, we made our way to Mom’s bed with a few graceful steps — still in each other’s arms, unwilling to break our passionate kiss for even a second. We relaxed into the sheets, two nude bodies sliding silkily together.

There we were, my mother and I — naked, in bed and ready to experience lesbian incest once again — but we were too caught up in kissing to take things any further. We fed like hungry babies on one another’s mouths, our tongues darting, retreating, tangling as we kissed over and over again. Or was it a single kiss that lasted for a small, sweet eternity?

Of course, the sexual heat between Mom and I had to finally spill over, igniting the sheets with renewed passion. Our hands began to boldly wander, fingers creeping into intimate places.

Finally I broke away from my mother with a quick peck on her nose, raising up just far enough to twist around 180 degrees, reversing myself atop her body. A blissful sigh flowed from me as I came face to face — so to speak — with Mom’s pussy.

And what a glorious sight that was, dear readers… framed by soft auburn pubes, her labia were swollen with arousal and parted to reveal glistening pink flesh, crowned by the inflamed tip of Mom’s clitoris. I inhaled deeply, drinking in the rich, musky aroma of her cunt, letting the scent transport me. This was a moment in time that I wanted to keep and savor for always.

And that was when I felt Mom’s hands on my hips as she drew me down to delve between my thighs, covering my throbbing sex with her mouth — that long, lovely tongue penetrating me in a lewd variation on the French kiss.

I pressed my face deep into the musky swamp that was Mom’s cunt, wanting to baptize myself in her honey. And even though I’d only gone down on her once before, her pussy already seemed as familiar to me as my beloved teddy bear. But after all, I remind myself with a sticky smile, this was my home before I came into the world, wasn’t it?

Then my mother and I settled in to pleasure one another in earnest, and I more or less stopped thinking about anything for the next few minutes.

There’s a strange, beautiful energy in the sixty-nine position. It’s a closed circuit of sexual ecstasy; a circle where rapture feeds upon itself. And that energy was even stronger, I’d long believed, when it was shared by lovers of the same gender. And when those same lovers are linked by the blood knot of kinship that joined my mother and I, one created from the womb of the other? It’s like no sexual experience you can imagine.

Oh my stars, what an incredible coming together it was for us both. Our bodies fitted together flawlessly, her heart and mine beat in perfect unison and when we came, I was so caught up in this melding of souls that for a crazy instant, it seemed as if I actually was my mother!

Afterward, we lay side by side, her fingers entwined with mine, moonlight spilling through the blinds to paint milky stripes on the wall and ceiling.

“I adore you, baby,” my mother whispered, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “If I could write the beauty of your eyes, and in fresh numbers number all your graces, the age to come would say ‘This poet lies, such heavenly touches ne’er touched earthy faces.”

I resisted the urge to giggle — God, Mom really was an English Lit professor to the core. Still, there is something thrilling about a lover paying tribute to you with words from Shakespeare, so I crawled on top of my mother and rewarded her with a kiss.

After a long, lovely while we allowed our mouths to part, exchanging whispered good-nights before settling down to a deep, dreamless slumber.

Continue on to Part Three


Fireflies, Part One

  • Posted on May 23, 2015 at 11:20 am

By JetBoy

I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I’d just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom.

You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can’t tell you her name. She’s a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the way. She’s still beautiful, and could easily have found another husband, but chose not to. I thought she simply wasn’t interested in finding a new love — but as you will soon see, there were a few things I didn’t know about my mother.

Anyhow, I’d just finished my tea and put the glass in the sink when she said, “Would you get my glasses, honey? They’re on top of the short bookshelf in the study.”

I walked along the wide hallway over the deep pile carpet that we’d had since before I was born, absently looking for shapes and faces in the curlicues that adorned the wallpaper — something I’d enjoyed doing as a little girl. It always made me feel at home.

Mom’s study was also the house’s library, a room crammed to the ceiling with books filled with wondrous things. I’d read many of them growing up, and those thousands of pages I’d thumbed through had left me with a real thirst for the written word. I was very much my mother’s daughter in that respect.

Picking up her glasses, I wandered happily through the room, breathing deeply of that scent I loved so well — of paper, bound up in volumes of many hues and shades. Each one waited patiently, eager to be picked from its shelf and browsed; pages turned, ideas absorbed.

I seated myself behind Mom’s desk, allowing myself a leisurely carousel spin in her chair. As my last turn came to a slow stop, I spied a thin manuscript lying upside down on the desk with a bookmark I’d given my mother on my last visit — a laminated strip of Belgian postage stamps — inserted about halfway into it. Curious, I turned it over.

The title showing through the clear plastic cover startled me — My Daughter, My Lover, my mother’s name typed neatly underneath. I stared at the words, puzzled.

I began to flip though the pages, reading occasional passages, my eyes widening as I took in the story. My God, Mom had written a story about incest — lesbian incest, no less!

My body began to throb as I found myself quickly engrossed in this tale of a mother who takes her own daughter to bed and makes passionate love to her. My arousal only grew stronger as I pored through the part where the daughter returns the favor, licking her way down her mother’s body and eating her wet pussy.

Since the beginning of my freshman year of college I’d experienced lesbian sex many times and loved it, so to discover that Mom was writing stories like this was equally as exciting as it was shocking. And I could have been mistaken, I suppose, but… the character of the daughter seemed a lot like me.

I quickly turned back to the story’s beginning, skimming through the first few pages until I found a description of the girl. My heart thumped so loudly that it echoed in my ears as I took in my mother’s words.

Finally, I closed the thin binder and leaned back in the chair, staring at the story’s title. Could it be…? I wondered, head reeling in a mixture of excitement, confusion and fear. Does Mom want to make love to me?

“Marcie?” My mother’s voice called from the kitchen. I quickly dropped the manuscript onto the desk as if it were on fire, and hurried toward the hallway — remembering at the last second that I’d forgotten Mom’s glasses, dashing back to snatch them up before racing from the room.

“Here.” I handed the glasses to her, trying not to betray the storm of emotions that raged through me right then. “I’m going to sit on the back porch for a bit… looks like there’s a nice breeze.” I placed a gentle kiss on my mother’s cheek before leaving the room.

I stared out into the June evening, hands resting on the oaken rail that enclosed the porch. The soft glimmering of fireflies could now be seen, and the buzzing of crickets filled the air as I stood there quietly, scuffing the floor with the toe of my sandal. All my thoughts were of that strange manuscript, done up on my mother’s manual typewriter and annotated here and there in red ink, her scrawly handwriting as familiar to me as my own.

Julie, the young woman in the story, was my age, with short coppery hair like mine, a college student who was visiting home. Too close for coincidence. The longer I thought about it, the more convinced I was that the character had to be a barely disguised version of me. The page Mom had bookmarked was especially exciting — that first scene of intimacy between mother and daughter.

“Glorious weather,” she said softly, suddenly standing next to me.

“Mmmm, yes… it is,” I replied inanely, my mind filled with images of sapphic love, brought to life by my mother’s words.

Mom gave me a sweet smile that had my knees trembling. I could see the shape of her body through the summery dress she wore. She still looked luscious at thirty-eight, I had to admit. It occurred to me then there were no lines visible through her clothes — was she naked underneath?

The thought made me quiver inside… and it was at that very moment that I knew I wanted her. My own mother.

“Beautiful,” she smiled, gazing at me; then gesturing toward the garden, still visible in the fading light. “The flowers.”

I knew what she really meant — and it wasn’t the flowers. God, she was flirting with me!

I leaned forward slightly, my upper arms squeezing my chest, leaving the cleavage more pronounced. “Am I one of your flowers, Mom?”

Her eyes dipped for a moment to take in my partially revealed breasts. “You are, angel… a lovely flower, ready to be plucked by an adoring hand.” She blew me a small kiss and returned indoors, giving me one last sidelong glance before vanishing.

I stared after her, my mind already wandering into some very forbidden places. “Damn,” I whispered.

I was tempted to slip a hand into my panties and touch myself — right there, right then. I struggled. I resisted. Finally, I went back inside, looking for her. She was in the kitchen.

“Need any help?” I asked, then leaned against the back of a chair by the kitchen table. I watched Mom’s bare legs extending from beneath her skirt, a flowery number that ended a few inches above the knees. My eyes roamed upwards, taking in her shapely hips. I realized for the first time that the women I most desired as lovers had bodies very much like that of my mother, full and curvy. How could I not have seen that before? I wondered.

I imagined the soft, warm delights hidden under Mom’s skirt, and knew that I craved them. Desperately.


I glanced up, startled from my reverie. “Y-yes?” I asked.

“I said yes, I would like some help, thanks very much. You can set the table.”

“Ah. Okay.” I shook my head, in a futile attempt to clear it.

I pulled the silverware drawer open. She was standing nearby, close enough to touch. Instead, I inhaled deeply, registering the scent she wore. She glanced at me. “Mmm, you smell so nice,” I cooed. “I’d even go so far as to say… intoxicating.”

She looked at me again and smiled. “That’s very sweet.” Her eyes held mine for a moment longer, then she turned back to the sink.

I picked out knives and forks. “Spoons?” She nodded and I took out two, closed the drawer and leaned in to gently kiss her neck, every atom of me alive with excitement.

“I was just thinking about how good it is to have you home,” she said softly.

She turned and faced me, a hand resting casually on her hip. Her eyes were inviting, her lipsticked mouth even more so. I’d stood in the same place thousands of times growing up, and never had I felt the way I did right then. Mom’s fresh breath caressed my cheek. Her lips were inches from mine and ripe for tasting. I closed the distance and let mine brush hers, taking her in my arms. Jesus, she felt good.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing, Mom. It’s always nice to be home with you, but this time there’s something extra special.” I knew what it was, too, but I wasn’t telling. I felt warmed from her, tingling from head to toe with desire. I kissed her again, this time letting it linger.

“That was nice,” she cooed as I gently broke away. “You’re a very good kisser, honey.” She reached out to touch my cheek. “Your lips are so warm… and sensual. But then, I think that women’s mouths are far sexier than men’s could ever be.”

I was surprised at my mother’s candor, even as and a rush of naked lust flowed though me. She’d given me an opening big enough to drive a truck through, and there was no way I’d pass it up.

I took a deep breath, released it. Steady, girl. “Mom… have you ever made love to a woman?”

She nodded slightly. “Yes… yes, I have,” she murmured, then gazed thoughtfully at me. “What about you, honey? Have you ever…?”

I reached for her hand. “Yes. Many times.”

She smiled. “What was your first time like?”

“It was wonderful. I was a little drunk, but that wasn’t why it happened.” I stopped and watched her eyes brighten slightly. “Anyhow, I loved the experience. Her kisses were different, better, and the way she went down on me was… well, you know, right?”

She slowly nodded. “I do.”

“Tell me about when you first did it,” I purred.

She ran her fingers through her dark auburn hair. “There was an older student in my Advanced Writing class named Sophie. She stopped by my office one day after my last class and handed me a binder. ‘My stories,’ she said. I promised to read them. Then she said, ‘Don’t show these to anyone else… I wrote them for you.’ She walked away without saying anything else. So I read one. It was about a girl in love with an older woman.” She shook her head. “Strange. I’d never given that kind of thing much thought, really, but as the story progressed, I found myself so — soincredibly turned on. I… I fingered myself right there at my desk, until I came. I’d never done anything like that before.”

“What about the other stories?”

“I hurried home and read them all… every one had a lesbian theme.” She shook her head, an awed light in her eyes. “I couldn’t stop touching myself while I was reading. It shocked me. I’d never known that I… could be that way.” She laughed, blushing slightly. “I lost track of how many times I came that night — five, maybe more. It was so satisfying that I began to wonder if I should, well, try it for myself.”

“Being with a woman?” I asked. Mom shyly nodded.

Watching my mother reveal this new side of her sexuality excited me as much as the story she was telling. My legs parted slightly, my skirt riding up far enough to reveal bare thighs.

Mom moved closer, casually placing a warm hand on my hip. It felt wonderful.

“So what happened next? With your student?” I reminded her, eager to hear the rest of the story.

“A few days later, Sophie returned to my office. ‘Did you like the stories?’ she asked. I told her that I did, very much… and she closed the door behind her.” She paused. “I was afraid, but curious to know more. Sophie sat on the corner of my desk with her skirt hiked far too high. She wore nothing underneath… things were exposed. ‘You’re a beautiful woman,’ she said to me, ‘and I want to go to bed with you.'”

“God!” I exclaimed. “That’s — that’s like something out of a porno flick!”

“I’ll take your word for that,” she replied dryly, then resumed. “I knew I could lose my job, but I couldn’t resist… I had to give her what she wanted. We went to Sophie’s place and made love — for hours, actually.” She sighed happily, lost for a moment in the memory, then blushed. “I… I’ve only been with women since then. I suppose that, well, I’m a lesbian now.”

I gazed deep into her eyes. “Those stories of hers. All women with other women, you said. Were any of them about… incest?”

Mom was quiet for a moment, her fingers brushing my side. “Yes,” she hesitantly said, “one of them was.” She was trembling, ever so slightly.

“Did that story turn you on, too?”

Her eyes were dark pools as she stared at me, finally nodding almost imperceptibly. “Yes, it did… very much,” she whispered. “Why d-do you ask?”

I said nothing in reply, only leaned in to kiss her again. Her lips were soft and sweet… and I teased them with the tip of my tongue. She jerked back, gaping at me. “Oh, God.” Her voice quivered with uncertainty, but she was excited, I knew that much. I closed the distance she’d created and kissed her again, this time with more passion. Her hand curled around my neck as if to hold us together. Her mouth accepted my tongue. I kissed my mother like a lover, feeling more alive than I could ever remember.

She again withdrew, staring at me. “H-honey,” she breathed.

“I want to tell you something now,” I murmured, stroking her face. “Linda, this one girlfriend of mine… she told me about the times she shared with her mother — intimate times. They’ve been lovers for years.”

Mom’s eyes burned with immediate curiosity. “Tell me about them,” she pleaded.

I allowed my hand to drift slowly down my mother’s back, finally resting on her ass. She said nothing, but a tiny smile told me that she enjoyed my touch. “Linda told me that she was only fourteen when she and her mom first made love.” I began to gently fondle her bottom, pausing to squeeze a firm cheek.

She gasped in response, as much to the lewd story I was telling as my roaming hand. “Only f-fourteen… oh, my.”

I continued. “They were cuddled up on the sofa one night, watching a movie. They started sort of play kissing… you know, teasing each other. Linda said that it was totally innocent, mother and daughter getting giggly and having a good time together.” My fingers pressed into the cleft between Mom’s buttocks, and a tiny whimper escaped her throat. “Only suddenly, and Linda says shestill doesn’t know how it happened… she and her mother were kissing for real. Tongues and everything.” I leaned in to lick a path up the soft pillar of her neck.

“Oh, God,” she whispered. “Oh, baby…”

“She said that they kissed for a long time… half an hour, maybe more. Then I guess her mom worked up the nerve to touch her — and it excited Linda so much that she started touching her mother back.” I reached for Mom’s hand, placing it upon my breast. Her eyes widened with wonder as she began to explore its heft, its softness. “Then Linda’s mother asked her if she wanted to know about how two women can love one another… and Linda said yes.” Mom teased my nipple with a fingertip, and I moaned as it stiffened to her touch. “Then they got up from the sofa and climbed the stairs, hand in hand.”

Mom dipped her head to nuzzle my throat, whispering, “Go on… tell me the rest.”

My head spun. “Well… there’s not much more to tell. They went into the bedroom, I can’t remember whose… they undressed each other, then slipped into bed naked — and then they made love.”

“Did they do — everything?” gasped Mom as I slipped a hand between our bodies, cupping her vulva through that thin skirt.

“Everything,” I breathed, my finger trailing up and down the crease of Mom’s cunt. “Her mother knew all about lesbian sex, and she taught Linda very well.” I smiled. “I can vouch for that… she’s a real tigress in bed.” My mother was fondling both my breasts now, and my cunt was so wet I could feel it drip. “They went down on each other — her mom showed her what to do — and then she got Linda up on all fours and licked her asshole.”

“Oh,” Mom moaned. “Oh, yes.”

“After that night,” I continued, “they were regular lovers. Linda practically moved into her mother’s bedroom, and they fucked almost every night.” I paused to kiss Mom’s mouth, and her tongue darted between my lips for a lovely instant. “In fact,” I purred, “Linda’s mom took her virginity not long after that, with a strap-on cock. Her seventeenth birthday present.”

“Oh, Marcie… how did that story make you feel, when Linda told it? Did it — did it make you hot?”

I wrapped my arms around my mother, crushing our bodies together. “It did, Mom. I couldn’t get Linda naked fast enough.” My pelvis pressed into hers, grinding our mounds together. “Later, she showed me stories she’d collected from the internet… all about mothers and daughters being sexual together. It turned me on, Mom. All of it.”

“It… it turns me on, too.”

I ceased the motion of my hips, gazing deep into my mother’s eyes. “Mom…” I whispered, “I love you.”

“Oh, my sweet angel…”

I cut her off by placing a finger over her lips. “I saw the story on your desk… and I read it. Enough of it, anyhow.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh my God… I can’t believe I left that out.” It was so sweet — she was actually blushing.

“I’m glad you did, Mom,” was my reply.

Biting her lower lip, she gave me a shy glance. “So… what did you think?”

I allowed my fingers to caress her face, and she turned her head to kiss them. “I won’t tell you how excited it made me… but I’ll bet you can guess.” I trailed my hand down my mother’s body until it covered her breast. Her heart was racing like sixty, and I could feel a nipple stiffening beneath my palm.

I nuzzled Mom’s ear, then trailed my tongue around its edge. “I want to ask you something, Mom… am I in your story?” I bit lightly at her earlobe. “Hmmmm? Is Julie meant to be me?”

“Oh, oh-h… oh b-baby, yes,” she stammered. “You inspired me… I — I’ve wanted you…”

“Mom… would you come to bed with me?” I fondled her breasts, scissoring the erect nipples.

Suddenly my mother turned to me and pressed her mouth to mine, kissing me hungrily. I moaned into the kiss, my tongue engaging hers. Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over… and Mom was staring at me with beseeching eyes.

“Yes, honey,” she gasped. “Yes, my precious daughter… make love to me, please. Take me, have me — make me yours.”

Closing my eyes, I moved in to claim Mom’s mouth, Frenching her as ardently as I’ve ever kissed a woman. She instantly matched my ardor, her lips sliding moistly against mine. I felt her hand move beneath my skirt, finding the front of my panties before slipping inside them. I tore my mouth from Mom’s, crying out as her fingers found my wetness.

“Mmmm… you’re dripping, little lady,” she cooed. “I can’t wait to taste you.”

My own hand darted beneath Mom’s skirt, covering her panty-clad cunt. I could feel her own wet heat through the filmy material. Clearly, she was ready for more.

“Come on, honey,” she murmured, placing a hand atop mine. “Let’s go upstairs.”

Hand in hand, we climbed the stairs, grinning like giddy children.

Continue on to Part Two


What We Like and Why We Like It

  • Posted on May 19, 2015 at 11:14 am

By JetBoy

My partners and I have established Juicy Secrets as a source of… oh, let’s just call it “quality lesbian stories that we enjoy,” so perhaps it’s a worthwhile idea to discuss what makes for a good piece of erotic fiction in the first place.

We are all unique creatures when it comes to matters of arousal; what floats my boat might leave yours stuck on a reef. Luckily, it turned out that Cheryl, Naughty Mommy, and I have very similar tastes in erotica which is what made it possible for us to join hands ‘neath the banner of this site. We share a serious appreciation of lesbian sex tales that involve underage girls, particularly those where the plot is further complicated by incest.

Of course, you surely know that much already if you’ve read more than half a dozen of our stories. But we share another affinity, and that’s for genuine warmth and affection along with the steamy sex. The word ‘love’ will rear its head quite often in what we write, and for good reason: it’s the spice that adds true savor to the erotic feast. Once in a while we may set romance aside for a bout of frenzied, sweaty woman/girl fucking, but in the end we always return to love. It’s the essence of why we write; why we feel the need to paint with words.

Another very different theme that turns up regularly in our stories is that of emotional struggle, of grappling with urges and desires that society deems to be immoral, even monstrous. Given our chosen subject matter, this should come as no surprise. When a mother feels a strong sexual pull toward her daughter, a young girl suddenly longs to kiss an older sister, or a grown woman dreams of undressing the little girl next door… these feelings can produce the kind of internal conflict that makes a sex story genuinely thrilling.

It should go without saying that in order to qualify as a great piece of erotica, a story must be readable. It matters not how intensely your plot sizzles with sex and sin — if the prose itself is chock-full of spelling blunders, clunkily formatted, or with its punctuation chaotic, the reader will be distracted again and again, if not struggling through the text like a dog eating taffy. And let’s be honest: the very last thing a masturbating reader needs is distraction.

One could expand on this topic at far greater length, the subject in question being a fertile one, but I’ll spare your eyes and my battered keyboard for the moment. Instead, I’ll pass the talking stick to you good people out there. What, in your mind, makes great erotic fiction great?


Welcome Home, Sweetheart

  • Posted on May 18, 2015 at 9:33 am

By JetBoy

Susie, is that you? Put your book bag down and come upstairs to my room. I want to talk to you.

Well, don’t just stand there and stare, Susie. You’ve seen me naked before. Don’t be shy, come in! Here, sit down next to me. There we are.

So — how was school, baby girl? Didn’t you have that social studies test today?

Oh, sweetheart… it’s just that, well, your mom likes to go without clothes sometimes.

Well, yes, it is kind of naughty. But some naughty things aren’t that bad, you know. Remember when your brother blew up the McKenzies’ mailbox with an M-80? Okay, that was seriously wrong — and that’s why I grounded him for a month. But being naked isn’t like that. There’s something really fun about it… plus, it’s important not to be ashamed of your body!

So tell me, Susie… do you think your mom looks pretty without clothes? Don’t be embarrassed, hon — take a good long look. I like having you see me naked.

Oh, baby girl, that’s such a sweet thing for you to say. C’mere and give me a big hug. Mmmmmm…

That’s a pretty short dress you’ve got on — but I guess all you girls like short skirts these days, don’t you? The boys certainly do… and so do I, actually. Okay, now turn around and bend down a bit — yes, like that. Oooh, I can see your panties, you little show off! Now face me and lift your skirt a bit. Oh, honey, you look so cute in your pretty pink undies. I could just eat you up!

Take your dress off, Susie — I want to get a good look at you. It’ll be fun, won’t it, undressing with me? Oh, my… you are growing up, aren’t you? Twelve years old, and ripening into a beautiful young woman.

I think it’s just about time for you to start wearing a bigger bra, sweetheart. Goodness, I didn’t realize your breasts were coming in so nicely! Would you mind if I touched them? I just want to know what they feel like.

Here, let me unfasten your bra first. There we go.

Mmmm, they’re so soft. Does that feel nice? It does, I can tell. Oh, my, your nipple is getting hard when I touch it. See? No, that’s a good thing, Susie. It means you’re a very sensuous person. Hmmm? Well, it’s like being sexy, but even better.

Yes, you can touch mine. I’d like that very much. Mmmm, your hands are nice and cool. No, that’s fine, you can squeeze them — it doesn’t hurt. Oh, Susie, that feels so good. Pinch my nipples —yes, like that. Oh, my, that’s lovely.

You’re still my little baby girl, aren’t you? This is a very special thing, you know, a mother and daughter getting close.

Would you like me to kiss your nipples? You’ll like how it feels, I promise. Here, let me…

Mmmmm. What do you think? I know — it tickles a bit, doesn’t it? God, sweetie — your breasts are perfect. Yes, they’ll be lovely when you fill out, but they’re beautiful now, too. Mmm, I just want to kiss them all over. Now see how your nipples feel when I lick them. There — isn’t that nice?

Would you like do that to me, sweetheart? Oh, yes, I love having my nipples licked. Go ahead, Susie, don’t be afraid… I want you to.

Ohhhhh, yes… oh, baby girl, you make me feel warm all over when you do that. Touch the other breast while you kiss this one — ooh, that’s marvelous.

You look so sexy in your pretty pink panties. Yes, I said you were sexy, Susie. It’s true. You’re already driving the boys wild, I bet… and probably a few of the girls, too.

Can I take your panties off? I want to see if you’ve grown hair down there yet. Here, let me slide them down… Oh, you do have hair! It’s so wispy and soft.

You know, I love to touch pretty girls there, between their legs — and for them to touch me that way, too. No, sweetie, I still like men. It’s just that I also like women… and girls. Really, I like women and girls a lot more, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It just means that I’m bisexual. You’ve heard that word before, right? Mmm-hmm, I thought so.

It feels good to be naked, doesn’t it? See why I like to go without clothes? It’s such a free feeling. I’ll tell you something that feels even nicer, though — hugging someone when you’re naked. Come and lie down with me, baby girl, and let’s hold each other close.

Mmmmmmm… your body fits into mine so well, Susie. I love cuddling you like this.

Give Mommy a kiss… Oh, sweetheart, you can do better than that! Haven’t you ever kissed a boy before? That’s the kind I mean.

Honestly? You’ve never kissed a boy. How about a girl, then — ever kiss one of your little friends? No? Tell you what, I’ll show you what it’s like. Lie back, and I’ll give you a real grownup kiss.

No, don’t hold your mouth like that. Relax, Susie.

Did I startle you? That’s how adults do it — kiss with their tongues. You know, like they do in the movies. Let’s try again. Give it a chance, sweetie. You’ll love it, I promise you will.

Mmmmm… now, how was that? See, I told you. Oh, honey, you look so incredibly pretty when you blush like that. Makes me feel all warm inside.

I’m going to kiss you again. Only this time, you kiss me back, okay? With your tongue, that’s right. Nice and gentle…

My goodness, Susie — for someone who’s never done it before, you’re pretty good at kissing! Let’s do it some more.

Oh, baby, your mouth is so soft and sweet. I could do this all day with you.

Well, no… mommies and daughters don’t usually kiss this way. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t, does it? It just makes our love extra special. You and I are sharing something most parents don’t get to experience with their kids.

No, I wouldn’t do this with your brother. Umm… well, it’s different, honey. I love him, but not quite the same way I do you. Can I tell you a secret? There’s a kind of feeling that you give me, deep down inside, and I’ve wanted to explore that feeling with you for awhile.

Oh… since you were about eleven. One day I saw you in your bathing suit — that cute little blue bikini we got at the Crestwood mall, remember? You were lying out on the patio on the deck chair, I could see from the kitchen window, and well, I guess you might say that Mommy fell in love with you.

No, I already loved you because you were my sweet baby girl. This was more like grownup love, honey. I wanted to take you in my arms and touch you all over — everywhere!

Listen, Susie… would you like to be my secret girlfriend? It means that we can spend more time together like this. Taking our clothes off and lying together, touching each other and kissing.

Yes, baby — having sex. That’s what I really mean. Honestly, though, I’d rather call it making love. That’s what I want to do with you, Susie… so much it makes me ache inside, sometimes. I’ve felt like that ever since that time I noticed you in the blue bikini.

Oh, no, no. You were too young then, sweetie. I made myself wait until you were grown up enough to do things like making love. That’s why I was waiting to talk to you today… and to tell you the truth, it’s why I took all my clothes off before you got home. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time.

You don’t think that makes your mother a bad person, do you?

Awwww… that’s so sweet, Susie. You know that I’d never do anything that would hurt you — not ever. All I want is to make you feel wonderful. Teach my baby girl all about love.

Let’s kiss some more, okay? Only this time, I’m going to touch that beautiful body of yours while we kiss. You can touch me too, if you want. That’s right, sweetie — we’ll be making out, won’t we? Is that okay?

Tell you what — if you feel weird or uncomfortable, let me know, and we’ll stop. Fair enough…?

Good. Now, come lie down with me, let me hold my precious little girl.

Mmmmmmmm… oh, sweetie, I love how you kiss. And when you touch me like that, I feel warm all over. How about you, do you like it when I touch your bottom this way?

Oh, Susie, you have a perfect little butt. See how nicely it fits in my hands? It makes me want to caress it all over. Hm, let’s see…

Did that tickle? No, I like touching you there, sweetie. Your bottom hole is a very nice place to touch, if you keep it clean. You can experience some wonderful feelings there. Maybe I’ll show you what some of those feelings are like, a little later. But, right now, I’d like another kiss. How about you? Mmmmmm…

Now, just lie back, Susie. I want to take a good long look at my little girl. You’ve got a lovely pussy, sweetie… one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen.

Of course you can look at mine! Let me lie back and give you a good look. I’ll hold my legs wide apart so you can get in close. There. What do you think — do I have a pretty pussy, too?

It looks like that because it’s wet, sweetie. See, when a woman gets all warm and feeling sexy, she gets excited… and that makes her pussy moist. You make me feel that way, Susie. Being here naked with you, looking at your beautiful little body, touching you… oh yes, it gets me very excited.

Here, come sit between my legs. Just relax, lie back against me. If you’re really going to be my girlfriend, then you should know how women love each other. After all, you’re practically a woman yourself…

Remember a few months ago when we talked about masturbation, and how great it feels? Oh, c’mon, now — don’t you get embarrassed, Susie! I know you do it… and so do I. It’s a perfectly normal thing.

But that’s not why I brought the subject up. Here, let me show you what I’m trying to say…

Heh heh… now, doesn’t that feel amazing? It’s lovely when you touch your pussy, but it’s way better when someone else does it for you.

Open your legs wider, sweetheart. I’m going to make you come.

That’s it, Susie. God, you’re so wet!

Yes, sweetheart. Mommy’s touching you, making you feel good. That’s it. That’s it. Oh, yes, baby. Let it happen. Come for me!

Yesssss, my precious little girl. Yes. Yes.

Feels so nice. Feels wonderful. That’s what making love is, sweetie. Good girl. Good girl. Just relax, now…

Well, how about that, Susie — wasn’t it lovely? Remember how I said it was better than touching yourself?

Thank you, baby girl. Believe me, there was nothing in this whole world I wanted more than to make love to you. And we’re just getting started. Want to give your mother a kiss?

Not like that — a real kiss, sweetie, like I showed you. Mmmmmm… Oh, that’s lovely.

See how wet my fingers are? That came from your pussy, you know! Mmmm, it’s yummy.

Want a taste? No, no, it isn’t like pee at all. C’mon, just a little taste… there, see what I mean? You like it, don’t you? I thought you would. Know what that is, baby girl? That’s the flavor of sex.

Sweetie… do you think that you could touch my pussy, like I did yours? I really need to come, and I could do it myself, but it would mean a lot to me if you’d help your mommy out.

How about it, baby girl? Will you make love to me?

Thank you, Susie. That means more to me than you can imagine. I love you so much!

Here. Just kneel between my legs. I’ll open myself up for you, nice and wide. There. Now you can touch me.

Don’t be shy. Here, give me your hand. There… It feels warm and wet, doesn’t it? That’s because I want you so much, Susie. It’s what I dream of — the two of us being lovers.

Oooooooh, yes. That’s it, baby girl. Stroke my pussy up and down.

You can put your fingers inside me, Susie. Here, like this. Ohhhhh, yeah. It’s nice and hot in there, isn’t it? Now move them in and out.

You don’t have to be that gentle, hon. Well, you do need to be gentle at first if you’re making love to another young girl, say someone around your age. See, I’ve had a penis in me, so I’m not quite as delicate down there as you are… or your little friends.

Oh, yes, Susie… that feels marvelous. Move your fingers around inside me.

Ooooh… Do you know what you’re d-doing to me, baby girl? You’re fucking me. That’s right, oh GOD that’s it, you’re fucking your mother.

It’s a bad word, yeah… but, but when you m-make love, that’s when those kinds of words are — can be really exciting! Say it for me, Susie. Say, “I’m fucking you, Mommy.”

God, that makes me so — so hot, hearing you talk like that.

I’m so happy that we’re d-doing this, baby girl, making love, just you and me. It’s a special kind of sharing, don’t you think? Oh. Oh, yes, Susie… I love you too!

So good. Mmmmmm…

Hold on for just a moment, hon. No, don’t take your fingers out, not yet. Gracious, my head is spinning. No, you’re doing a great job, yes, you are… I just want to teach you one more thing about how to give pleasure to a woman. Okay?

It’s something you already know, Susie. Remember when I taught you all about the clitoris? Uh-huh, you know what I mean. Well, now I need you to touch me there. Right here, baby. You’ll make me come that way.

Here. Use your fingers on my clit like this. Gentle, now, because it’s so sensitive. Then you fuck me with the other hand, see?

All right, baby girl. I’m ready. Make Mommy feel good.

Oooooh, yes. Oh, my, that’s it — just like that. Oh Susie, that’s so, so…

Oh, my God. Don’t stop, Susie — d-don’t stop, do not stop! Ohhhhhh! Yes, yes, fuck Mommy! OH!

Oh. Th-that’s enough, baby girl. Oh my… oh my. You just made me come. Thank you so very much for giving me that. You’re a wonderful lover, sweetheart.

Here, lie back down with me. Let’s snuggle. Can I get a kiss? Mmmmmm…

I love holding you, Susie… just holding you like this. When you’re in my arms, I can touch your beautiful body all over. Everywhere my hands can reach.

You’re getting excited again — aren’t you, baby girl? Oh, I can tell! Your heart is beating fast, and… here, let me… Oh, yes. Your pussy is all hot and slippery.

Would you like for me to make love to you some more, Susie?

No, no, I want to. I need to explore every sweet inch of my little girl. It’s like you’re a tasty treat that I’ve been watching and wanting for a long, long time, like a yummy chocolate cake… and now that I have you, I can’t be satisfied with just a few bites.

Let me show you another way to make love, sweetie. This is what I like best of all when I go to bed with a woman.

First, roll over on your back… like that, yes. Now, let’s move your legs apart. My, that is a wonderful sight — my baby girl’s pussy. It’s like a lovely flower. Mmmm, and it smells wonderful, too!

Here, let me open you up with my fingers. I want to take a peek inside your vagina. God, Susie, you’re so beautiful in there, all pink and juicy…

Oh, baby girl, I’ve got to lick you now. Mommy needs to taste you.

Mmmmm… You like that, don’t you, sweetheart? Mmmmm, yes…

I can’t believe this is happening! I’ve wanted my little girl for so long, dreamed of making her my lover. Now I’m lying between Susie’s legs, licking her beautiful pussy, and it’s even better than I imagined. My tongue tracing the gentle curve of my daughter’s slit, her honey flowing forth to quench this thirst I’ve carried inside for all these years, ever since she was a child…

I can’t tell you the truth, baby girl, not just yet. It didn’t really happen the way I said, me falling in love with you when you were eleven, seeing you on the patio in the blue bikini. No, that was just the first time I made myself come while watching you.

The real story is this, Susie: I felt sexual desire for you when you were younger. Much younger.

Even when you were a baby, I’d get aroused whenever you nursed from me. At first it unsettled me, but before long I was masturbating while I held you to my breast. At the time, I wondered why touching myself while I fed you excited me so much more than sex with your father.

When you were still a little girl, it gave me a warm, good feeling just to watch you — playing, watching TV, thumbing through your picture books, sleeping. At first, I told myself that most mommies responded to their children that way… but as much as I love your big brother, I never got those kinds of special, deep-down feelings for him.

It wasn’t until you were six that I finally understood the true nature of my desire.

You were naked, fresh and gleaming as you emerged from your bath. I’d just finished masturbating to images of beautiful young girls on the internet, and had come in to wash my hands. One glimpse of your sweet bare body, and a connection was made that I’d failed to see for years.

That’s when I knew that I was in love with you, my darling daughter. I always had been.

From that moment I was beset by fantasies of touching you, kissing you. Exploring you all over with my mouth and tongue, from those enchanting brown eyes to the tips of your little toes to the crack of your bottom. I burned for you, ached to possess you as a lover.

But you were still a child, much too young to experience sex with a grownup. If I tried to lick you between the legs or suckle your tiny nipples, you surely would have been confused — maybe even frightened. No matter how strong my lust, I didn’t dare take the risk of leaving you emotionally scarred.

So I made a bargain with myself. I would keep my hunger for you locked away — at least until you turned twelve, on the threshold of womanhood. Then and only then could I attempt to share the wonder of lesbian love with you, if and when the time seemed ripe.

Those six years of waiting seemed like an eternity, Susie. Watching you blossom, growing more lovely with each passing day… How many times did I finger myself to orgasm, dazzled by visions of your nakedness? How often, while being pleasured by other women, did I wish it was your pretty mouth kissing between my legs?

Now we are naked together, my beautiful little girl, sharing our bodies for the first time… and you love it! I’m watching you while I trace your slit with the tip of my tongue — dreamy-eyed, your cheeks flushed a rosy pink, mouth slack with pleasure.

Oh, my… your body is beginning to tremble. I can feel your thighs quiver as I lick you.

You need to come, Susie. I can see the mounting tension as the craving for release builds and builds. I could tease you, if I liked — take you to the brink of ecstasy and no further, then start all over again. But this is our first time making love, and all I want is to make you happy.

With one last lingering lick, my mouth travels north, seeking out the tiny button of your clitoris. I find it, circle it with the tip of my tongue, then take it between my lips to suckle.

The breath catches in your throat; a long mewling cry escapes as you are snatched up in the heat of orgasm. Yes, my precious child; you are coming, and it is incredible.

I continue to nurse your clit, strumming the tip with lightning-swift flicks of the tongue. You are thrashing beneath me now, fists clenched tightly as the storm rages and shifts inside.

Finally I sense that you can stand no more. Gently withdrawing, I place one, two, three tender kisses on your vulva, then rest my sticky face on your thigh, giving you a moment to catch your breath…

Whew! So… how was it, sweetheart? Did you enjoy that?

I know, Susie. It’s my favorite way to make love. There are lots of names for it — oral sex, cunnilingus, eating pussy. The one I like best is “going down.” I just went down on you, Susie… and I’ve wanted to love you that way for a long time.

You know, your pussy is delicious. You liked it when you licked my fingers, remember? Here, let me give you a kiss, so you can get a real taste. Mmmmm…

I knew you’d enjoy that! We’re a lot alike, you and I. More so than ever, now.

So… how do you feel about us being lovers, Susie? We’ll have to keep it a secret from everyone, but it will still be — well, a very real thing between the two of us. We can make love like this, again and again.

Oh, Susie… thank you. Thank you. That means so much to me. I promise that I’ll be a good girlfriend to you — the best in the world! There are so many things I want to do with you, so many ways for us to love one another. We’ll try them all.

Aw, that’s sweet of you, honey. I’d love for you to lick my pussy… but we can’t, not just now. Your father will be getting home before long, and we shouldn’t let him find us like this. He wouldn’t understand this at all. Besides, you and I need to get ourselves cleaned up.

Tell you what — tonight, after everyone’s gone to bed, I’ll come to your room, and we’ll make love again. You can lick me then, if you still want to.

Let’s go take a shower, sweetie. We could soap each other up with my peach body wash, get all slippery and wet together — wouldn’t that be fun?

Good, good. First, though, let’s cuddle just a little while longer. I just want to hold you, and think about how special you are to me. Mmmm, my precious child, my beautiful daughter.

I love you too, baby girl. I love you too.


Keri, My Love, Part Two

  • Posted on May 13, 2015 at 12:02 pm

By JetBoy

I touched Keri’s cheek. “Do you want to stand up, sit, or lie down?”

“Um, sit.” Then, “Wait!” as I began to turn. “What do you mean, ‘lie down,’ Mommy?”

“Well… I’d lie down, and you’d lie on top of me.”

She looked at the bed, then up at me again. “And you’d… touch my bottom?”

I smiled, and nodded. “I surely would.”

She grinned. “Then lying down.”

I reached for her hand, squeezing it, then lay back where I sat and scooted back until my head was resting on the pillow. Now I was face up on the bed, waiting for my little girl.

She stared for a moment, then scrambled over to lie on top of me, buoyant with glee. “This is so so so so neat!” She hugged me tightly. I felt her thighs straddle my waist.

“My little angel,” I cooed, my hands stroking her back.

“Touch my bot-tom, touch my bot-tom…” she sang, her tummy wriggling against mine.

I reached down to fondle my daughter’s adorable little rump.

“Mmmmmm…” She snuggled into me, and I savored the feeling of her panty-clad bottom in my hands. A perfect fit.

Suddenly her head lifted again, and Keri was looking down at me. “Mommy?”

“What, honey?”

“Um…” Now she was a little embarrassed. “Nothing.” Suddenly blushing, she quickly lay back down.

“Keri?” I whispered, still lightly stroking that soft little bottom. “What is it, sweetheart? You can tell me…”

Again she popped up, concentrated, decided. “Can I… take my panties off first?” She grimaced and buried her face back into my chest.

“Silly girl, of course you can. That’s a very good idea.” I pretended to think for a bit. “In fact, honey… why don’t you take everything off? You’d be more comfortable, I bet.”

Her head popped up. “Cool!” She grinned, then jumped up to stand above me. Off with the t-shirt, down with the panties, and then… she dived back down. Mmmmmmmm, naked little Keri against me.

“Hmm,” I mused aloud. “Should I take off my clothes? I don’t know…”

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

“Think so?” She nodded vigorously. “Well then, I guess I will.” I sat up, unbuttoning my shirt, then slipped it off, casting it to the floor. “Want to take my panties off, honey?”

Big surprised grin. “Sure!” She knelt between my legs, her lips pursed in concentration, grasping the waistband with both hands. And she slowly tugged my panties down as I lifted my hips.

She stopped midway as my thick black bush was revealed. “Cool,” she breathed. She extended a hand, then halted, looking up at me.

I nodded my approval, and she lightly touched my lush pubes, her mouth a perfect O. Then she grinned. “It’s… it’s like a sweater!”

I laughed. “A nice sweater, too. It keeps my pussy warm.”

At that, she mock-pouted, staring down at her own hairless slit. “Ooooooh… no fair!”

“Oh, now… I think your pussy is beautiful, Keri.” She bashfully ducked her head, and I added, “I like to be able to see all of you.”

Flopping back, she spread her legs wide for me, singing “Ta-DAA!”

“Yaaaay!” I cheered. I meant it, too. “Come on, now — finish taking my panties off, honey.” She scrambled to whisk them down and off, carelessly throwing them aside.

Now we were both naked. In that instant, the realization of what I was about to do to my ten-year-old daughter hit me like a hard slap.

Incest. That was the word for it. And pedophilia.

But those were only words, and I refused to be afraid of them. I wanted Keri, I loved her more than my own life, and I was going to make her feel wonderful.

“Now,” I purred, opening my arms, “come here, angel.”

And she did, oh she did, my little naked Keri, sliding her warm, bare body against mine, grinding her baby-smooth vulva into my belly as she settled onto me, burying her face in my breasts.

“Mmmm, this is great!” she murmured.

“Uh-huh.” My hand slid right down to cup her bare bottom.

I began to caress and fondle that adorable little ass of hers, gradually allowing my fingers to glide through her butt crack, teasing the rosebud. She’d respond by squeezing me with her cheeks, mewling with delight.

Then my fingers separated. One down, down to brush her soft pussy, to touch the warmth of her moist slit. My thumb now circled her tiny anus, pressing in gently. And Keri trembled in my arms as the sweet sensations that pulsed through her body grew more and more intense.

Then she gasped as I eased the tip of my finger into her vagina. “Mommy,” she whimpered.

With my free hand I lifted my daughter’s face to mine. Her eyes were wide, her mouth open.

“I love you, baby,” I breathed, transfixing Keri with a desire-filled gaze, wanting to convey to my child the need, the hunger I felt for her right then. I placed a soft kiss on her mouth, my tongue emerging to lick at her lower lip as I continued to fuck her with probing fingers.

Her brow furrowed as her pleasure grew and grew, my little girl hurtling towards meltdown. She stared at me helplessly as ecstasy neared, her entire body beginning to shudder and shake.

Then, it was upon her. “Ohh, Mommy… I’m… mmmMMMMmmm… oooh… I’m, I’m, I’m gonna, I think… mmmm, Mommy! OHHHHHH!” And she cried out wordlessly as her body was racked by jolts of purest rapture. I’d never seen such a beautiful sight as that of my baby, coming for the first time. And I was making it happen.

I took Keri through her climax, continuing to pleasure my baby until she could take no more. Then I removed my fingers from her, feeling my daughter sigh blissfully as she relaxed on top of me. I cuddled Keri close, bringing my fingers, moist from her, up to my lips to taste. Yum, ambrosia.

Keri quickly fell asleep in my arms, so I tucked her spent body beneath the sheet and just looked at her. So fragile, so trusting. So adorable. And so, so, luscious. Oh, my, yes.

I didn’t want to spend that night alone in my bed, so I tiptoed down to fetch Pamela, still snoozing peacefully in her crib, and gently carried her upstairs to the nursery. I put her to bed, placed the lightest of kisses on her brow, then went back to Keri’s room and slipped into bed with my daughter. It was a tight fit, her bed being much narrower than mine. Still, having her bare little body curled against me was worth a little discomfort.

I had to get up once to soothe Pam when she began to cry, rocking her in my arms until she dozed off again. Then it was back to Keri’s bed, where I slumbered peacefully by her side until dawn.

Waking up to find my naked little girl next to me was a strange experience, at first. I wasn’t sure how to feel about what I had done to Keri, and wondered why I wasn’t overcome with guilt. But soon I was taking little peeks under the sheet, just to glimpse my daughter’s bare body. My God, I already wanted to touch her again.

Instead, I shoved myself out of bed and tiptoed out of Keri’s room, letting her snooze in peace. I fed and changed Pammie, quickly showered and dressed, then went down to the kitchen, where I whipped up a big bowl of waffle batter, whistling joyfully the whole while. I was on top of the world that morning, bluebirds on my shoulder and all that. All because of my precious daughter, tucked into her bed upstairs.

When Keri padded into the kitchen, wearing one of my old t-shirts she had converted into a nightie, she gave me a shy smile and tiptoed into my arms. I hugged my darling girl to me, resisting a crazy impulse to kiss her. Really kiss her. My head swam as Keri buried her face in my breasts, making little contented-girl sounds. I felt my desire growing, telling me to reach down and pull that t-shirt up and over her head. Undress her. Pick her up. Set her on the kitchen counter. Bury your face between her legs…

Instead, I patted her bottom and pointed to her chair at the dining room table. “Breakfast is nearly ready, honey… I made us waffles.”

Keri squealed with delight, clapping her hands as she danced over to her seat. Suddenly the erotic spell I’d woven in my mind vanished, leaving us a mother and child preparing for breakfast. Nothing to see here, folks, let’s move along.

That day, we didn’t speak of what we had done. But there was a special warmth between my little girl and me that had us both glowing like little stars. We caught each other’s eyes sometimes, exchanging knowing smiles. Her hand would slip, unannounced, into mine; or I would touch her back with long, lingering strokes.

Even that night’s dinner was special. Keri insisted on eating by candlelight, even putting on soft music. Pam was sleeping peacefully in the nursery, and the evening was young.

But as I was loading the dishes into the sink, I noticed that Keri had vanished. I figured that she’d grown sleepy and slipped away for a nap. I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed, but with a shrug, I decided to lie down and read for a while.

So I turned off the downstairs lights and went upstairs to my room. There I discovered, to my delight, a certain special someone in my bed!

Keri had changed into her favorite outfit, one that she usually saved for parties: a short emerald-green skirt and a bare midriff top. Her legs were parted, revealing her new panties — pink, with a pattern of tiny fishes.

And then there was her expression. Ohhh, priceless. Boldness, glee, nervousness… desire? Her lower lip was tucked between her teeth, and her impish grin quavered. Her eyes were large and sparkling.

I really, really didn’t know what to think. “Keri…”

“Hmmm…?” Her fingers twisted the pillow. I stood at the foot of the bed, looking down at this enchanting sight.

She transfixed me with a look, and purred, “I want to play, Mommy.” Little imp.

I stared at her. She licked her lips, parting both legs even further to display herself to me.

“Keri, baby,” I whispered, barely able to breathe.


“What, honey?”

Her legs did a little luxurious scissoring on the bed. “I love you…”

How could I refuse this? “I love you too, baby,” I murmured, unbuttoning my shirt with trembling fingers. It fell to the floor, and my bra soon followed. Keri gazed eagerly as I undid and removed my skirt, then slipped out of my panties. I sat down next to her on the bed, completely naked, my sex aching with this helpless need I felt for my little one.

Keri was transfixed. She looked up at me, a question in her eyes. I nodded, and she leaned in to take my hard, sticky nipple between her cherry-pink lips. And she began to suckle. And God, it felt so fucking good. I just slowly lay back and melted into the bed along with my child, her hot mouth fastened to my breast.

She had one hand on my upper thigh as she leaned into me, and her warm, pantied crotch was touching my bare skin. I moaned, pressing my thigh into the heat of her. She uttered a little sigh, then I felt her start to move against me, gradually picking up a slow rhythm.

I could barely believe my own senses, but there was no doubt about it — my sweet baby was riding my leg!

I was thrilled at the very idea of my Keri rubbing herself off against me, but that excitement spilled over into white-hot lust when my daughter’s hand realized, somehow, where it was — and began to slip between my thighs.

As she sucked at my nipple it felt heavenly, just heavenly. A fire hissed and roared inside me, a passion that built endlessly upon itself. And as Keri’s tiny hand touched my pussy, all those feelings coalesced into a single brilliant point of blinding intensity. My sweet child was touching me sexually, pleasuring me just as I had her. I felt myself moving my hips against Keri, meeting her curious hand. And I felt her respond to my movement; feeling my wet cunt, exploring the sticky flesh.

I reached down to help Keri find the opening to my vagina, then enter me with her fingers. All the while she licked and sucked my swollen nipple, then switched to the other, making little humming sounds of satisfaction all the while.

I felt and saw Keri reach down with her free hand to tug frantically at the crotch of her new panties. Suddenly they ripped, and she’d opened up her slit to me. I whimpered as I felt her bare, slick pussy touch my thigh.

My daughter was all but fucking me now, grinding furiously against my leg. She sighed and moaned and trembled with purest bliss, her face positively angelic. I gasped as Keri’s fingers found a sure, steady rhythm in my cunt, sawing in and out, in and out.

And I just… lost it. Completely.

I reached down to her chin, tilted her face up to meet mine, and my mouth claimed hers in a lover’s kiss. My tongue slipped between Keri’s pretty lips as I held her tightly in my arms. Her fingers, still buried in my vagina, were momentarily stilled as she savored this new kind of kissing between mother and daughter.

She got over her surprise quickly enough. Soon her lips were shyly responding to my passion, her tongue slowly joining the loveplay. I nearly swooned when she became more aggressive, returning my heated kiss measure for measure, and her fingers resumed their movement between my legs.

Then I broke away, licking my lips, reached down and gently removed Keri’s hand from my cunt. She was startled for a moment, but her eyes widened in awe as I took her fingers into my mouth and sucked the wetness from them, fixing my baby with a sexy Marlene Dietrich gaze. “Oh, Mommy,” she whispered, her face positively glowing with adoration.

I grasped the bottom of her top and tugged it up and off, Keri raising her arms to assist me. Then she reached down to unfasten her skirt and toss it to one side.

Heart throbbing with anticipation, I slipped from Keri’s embrace and gently lay her back on the bed. I knelt between her outstretched legs to reach for the waistband of her ruined panties — now the last item of clothing between the two of us — and slowly tugged them down to her feet, giving my child every chance to stop me. But Keri was thrilled by the loving games we were playing, and raised her legs to help me finish stripping her.

Both of us now naked, I gently lowered my body onto hers. God, she felt so soft and sweet in my arms.

“I love you, angel,” I cooed, our noses barely touching.

“I… I love you, Mommy,” Keri whispered, her eyes wide as she gazed at me in wonder, still a little unsure of what was happening between us, but clearly enjoying every moment.

I responded with a tender kiss, allowing my mouth to brush softly against hers, then nibbled at her lower lip. Keri quickly brought her tongue into play, and our kiss grew hotter, more passionate. Her arms circled my bare back, clutching me tightly.

Gently breaking our kiss, I trailed my lips down to nuzzle at my baby’s soft neck. She was purring like a contented kitten as I pressed a kiss into the hollow of her throat, then moved down further still.

Her taut, childish nipples delighted me. Keri inhaled sharply as I took one in my mouth, flicking at the pink tip with a playful tongue. My daughter gently rocked from side to side, cradling my head to her chest, her heart going like sixty. I shifted to lavish attention on her other nipple, and she shuddered with delight. “Oh,” I heard my little girl sigh.

Wanting more, I squirmed my way down Keri’s body, licking a path to her belly button. I teased it with a probe of the tongue, and my little girl squealed with delight, another jolt of pleasure coursing through her limbs.

I was a woman on fire, my cunt a river as I slipped down yet further, reaching my ultimate destination. I lay between Keri’s thin legs, staring enthralled at the pink treasure of my baby’s bare slit. I had enjoyed my fair share of lovers by age 32, but the sight of my daughter’s childish vagina aroused me more than anything I had ever known. My hands rested on her thighs as I inhaled deeply, savoring the little-girl scent of Keri’s sex. Intoxicating.

My mouth watered to taste her. I closed my eyes, lowered my face to the glistening crack.

My daughter whimpered as my tongue emerged to take that first luxurious lick. She tasted wonderful, just like a little girl ought to. All things nice, I thought, closing my eyes as I licked her again. Keri moaned, her trembling hands now cradling my head, then breathed, “Mommy…”

I burrowed my face between her thin thighs, cupped her bottom in my squeezing hands and took her cunt into my mouth, licking and sucking at her bare slit like a woman possessed. I couldn’t believe that I was doing such a thing — going down on my own ten-year-old daughter! I made love to Keri in a sweet frenzy, pleasuring her, showing her just how wonderful she was. Making her feel like the most special creature in the world.

Soon Keri shook and screamed, her little voice filled with the sweet, sweet pain of climax. The sound of her ecstasy drove me wild, and I kissed and tongued my daughter’s pussy until she could stand no more, finally pushing my face away with clumsy hands, the breath frozen in her lungs. Then she exhaled noisily and relaxed into the warm sheets.

I continued to lightly kiss, kiss, kiss her thighs and her soft tummy, finally crawling up to take this naked angel into my arms. I could feel Keri’s heart throbbing as I held her, placing gentle kisses on her flushed face.

Her arms reached around me, and she burrowed her face into my breasts. “Oh… Mommy,” she whispered, “that was so… so good!”

I gently tilted her face up to mine. “I love you, honey,” I murmured, “more than anyone or anything. You are the world to me.”

I kissed her mouth tenderly, my lips still moist from her pussy. Keri shyly returned my kiss — but when my tongue emerged to tease at her lower lip, she got over her shyness right away, matching my passion with a fervor that left me breathless.

When we broke apart, her eyes were filled with wonder. “What did you do to me, Mommy? Were you licking me… down there?”

“Yes, honey,” I murmured, cuddling Keri close. “I kissed your pussy… and licked it. That’s how grownups make love, you know.” I hesitated, then decided to be honest with her. “And I… I wanted to make love to you, sweetheart.”

“Oh, wow,” she purred, her eyes glowing with happiness. “that’s what I wanted to do to you, too.” We shared a tender kiss, then Keri gazed at me shyly, biting her lower lip. “Mommy…?”

God, my head was swimming. “Yes, honey?”

“Can I — could I kiss you… down there, too? I want to make you feel good.”

Wasn’t that sweet? My adorable daughter, bashfully asking for permission to go down on me. I was so touched that I felt like shedding tears of joy. Instead, I pulled Keri close to me and rubbed noses with her. “Of course you can, angel. I’d love that.”

Her face lit up. “Yay!” she squeaked. Then, without any further ado, my child squirmed her way down between my thighs.

I lay there, trembling in anticipation, feeling the warmth of Keri’s breath against my skin. A moan burst from my lips as she touched my cunt with curious fingers. “You’re so wet, Mommy…” she cooed, “and you smell really good!”

I clawed the sheets, my body taut as piano wire. I needed my little girl’s mouth on me so desperately right then. “Please,” I breathed… “oh, honey, please…”

And I cried out as Keri pressed a warm kiss into my cunt. “Mmmm…” she purred, and then my baby began to lick me.

Keri was tentative at first, exploring me with her mouth, savoring the scent and taste of a woman for the first time. But she quickly grew bolder, and pressed her face deeper into my thick pubes, her mouth exploring every inch of my cunt as if she’d been born for this.

I palmed my breasts, panting for breath as my ten-year-old child pleasured me. Her tongue was warm and wet, her mouth drinking from my cunt as if it was my nipple. The joy I felt as I gazed down to see my adorable child’s contented face buried in my pubes, happily eating my pussy… well, it was a thrill beyond anything I could put into words.

Then suddenly I was coming, the sensations pounding through my body before I knew it. My head was jerking as if it were on a string, legs trembling so hard they hurt. Keri continued to lick and suck at my pulsing cunt, oblivious to everything but bringing joy to her mother.

Finally I moaned, “No more, honey,” and lay there gasping for breath as a little angel crawled into my arms.

Her face was flushed and radiant, eyes shining with love. “Was… was that good, Mommy?” she whispered.

I answered my daughter by taking her face in my hands and planting my mouth on hers, kissing my child with every bit of the love and happiness I felt in my heart at that moment. Her eyes closed and her tongue joined mine in a lusty ballet, her little arms wrapping themselves around me. I nuzzled my baby’s sticky lips and chin, savoring the taste of my sex on her face.

Finally my lips parted from hers, and I caressed Keri’s cheek. “Oh, honey,” I said, “I adore you. Being with you like this… well, it means more than I can say.”

Keri rested her face on my breast, first kissing it softly. “I love this, Mommy.” She raised her face to mine. “And I love you!”

I cuddled my daughter close, and we lay together contentedly, finally drifting to sleep.

After that wonderful, magical night, we just couldn’t keep our hands off each other. I did feel weird about things at first. It felt just, so, I don’t know… so much like bad behavior on my part. As the mother of an infant and a ten-year-old girl, I knew that this wasn’t the kind of parenting that the PTA would endorse.

But in a strange and marvelous way, the love I had shared with my sweet daughter felt so powerfully right, so good. I was smitten by her!

Keri quickly developed a powerful appetite for lesbian lovemaking. In fact, she nearly wore me out, but I wasn’t complaining. She’d do things like wander into the living room while I was reading and casually lie across my lap, allowing her t-shirt to slide up far enough to reveal her delightfully bare bottom. Seldom was I able to resist that little trick. I’d usually bend down, part her cheeks and explore the crack of her ass with my tongue.

Or I’d be standing in the kitchen, washing dishes, and Keri would sneak up behind me and slip her little hand beneath my skirt to fondle my cunt. More often than not, she would soon have me leaning back against the sink as she ate me out.

We seldom wore anything but long t-shirts around the house, wanting to have full access to each other’s bodies whenever the mood took us. And it did take us, often.

Our life as lovers has been pure bliss. I don’t know how much longer this will last, but I’m grateful for every moment.


This story is the second of my adaptations from the work of Louisa May, one of Leslita’s most beloved writers. (Her writing can also be found at the Nifty Archive, and is well worth your time.) It is an expansion and reworking of “Spilt Milk,” an exquisite tale told in three parts. I craved a fourth chapter so badly that I finally wrote one myself, then reworked the earlier parts extensively, attempting to tell the story in my own way without losing the charm and heat of the original.

This is the final result, offered in loving tribute to Louisa May. Thank you, dear lady, for the inspiration; and for allowing me to share my version with the world.


Keri, My Love, Part One

  • Posted on May 13, 2015 at 11:13 am

By JetBoy

I’m going to write this down, then hide it away. Better yet, burn it. But I need to see the whole story in print first, if only to prove that this is actually happening to me, that I’m not living out some crazy, delirious dream.

The reason why this story seethes inside me, demanding to be told, is — well, let me lay it on the table for you. I have a lover.

Ah, you think, so that’s what all this is all about. Well, yes and no. What’s so unnerving, yet astonishing, is that this lover I’m speaking of is… my daughter Keri. My beautiful, adorable little ten-year-old.

I can only imagine the expression on your face as you digest that tidbit of information. Disgust, outrage, righteous anger. What kind of mother would have sex with her own little girl? you ask yourself. A monster, that’s who.

So some might think, anyhow, and I can’t say I blame them. I’m sure I would have felt the same way, before… all this. Before I found such passion, such love, such raw, naked desire, all in the arms of my enchanting little third grader.

Whatever. Before I get bogged down in questions of wrong and right, I have to set down how it all came to pass. To recall, but also to relive every delicious moment.

It’s been almost six months now since little Pamela was born. My second daughter. That’s really how this whole thing got started. I wanted another child, but this time I did it without the assistance of a man. After my divorce five years earlier, I had been single and happy, choosing the lovers I wanted — some male, mostly female — but this baby was to be mine and mine only.

So I had myself artificially inseminated at the Pembroke Center, a local feminist clinic. Nine months later, my beautiful Pamela was born.

That’s the prologue. Now comes the story itself. How, with a bit of help from baby Pam, I found the love of my life — and in the last place I’d have expected it to be.

First, let me set the scene. I was in my big comfy chair in the living room corner, by the crib, nursing Pamela. It was a warm evening in June, and Keri was sprawled out on the floor in front of me, reading Harry Potter.

Nursing was wonderful. Feeding Pam was almost sexual, that’s how hungry I was for it. I’d idly tease my swollen nipples, loving the sweet surge I’d feel through my core, traveling from womb to heart and back again. I loved it all: Pammie’s tiny sucking mouth, her little hands groping for my breasts, the tiny wet sounds she made as she sated her appetite. Just thinking about feeding her would send a sweet fluttery feeling through my belly, as if I was really going to be making love instead. Once, while Keri had been at school, I actually masturbated to a lovely orgasm while my infant girl fed from me.

Everything seemed to affect me in such a sensual way, whether it was the summer breeze, or the low throb of a motorcycle passing by, or a moment like the one on this particular day when, while nursing the baby, I glanced over at Keri.

She was dressed as she always was on a summer morning: skimpy t-shirt and panties. But as she lay there on her stomach before me, her little ten-year-old fidgety girl bottom suddenly seemed mysteriously enticing to me. It had been months since I’d made love to a woman, and more years than I’d care to admit since I had explored childish sex games with my best friend Kimmy at the age of twelve.

Which meant that this heightened sensuality I was experiencing seemed to make my daughter’s half-dressed body seem, well, desirable.

I chuckled inwardly at my outlandish arousal, and looked back down at baby Pam, cuddled in my arms. I watched her nurse for awhile, then I happened to look up again. There was Keri, leaning against the doorway, watching me. I winked at her, and she sent a small, fleeting grin back.

Now I must say that Keri had been quite wonderful since her new sister’s birth, what with the huge change in our household, and having to make do with less attention than she was used to. Thankfully, she seemed to understand that my life had to center around Pam for the time being, and displayed an admirable amount of patience with me.

Pam had fallen asleep. I carefully rose, my breasts still bare, and tucked her into the crib. Then I reached for my shirt and began to put it on.

“You’re… leaking.” Keri softly said, her face expressionless.

I looked down, and indeed, milk still oozed from my just-sucked nipple. “It does that, honey.” I touched the fluid with a fingertip, making my breast tingle deliciously. I’d usually get a little giddy from nursing; those days, it seemed like I was always aroused. “Mmmmm… it’s nice and warm, too.” I cooed, smiling up at Keri.

She giggled nervously, took a small step forward, then froze. It seemed as if she had something she wanted to say.

“What, honey? Did you want to ask me something?”

She actually blushed. Then she crossed her legs together and twisted her upper half from side to side, rolling her eyes. “It’s sooo silly!”

“Sweetheart, I’m sure it’s not that silly… now what?”

“No. You’d think I was weird.” She looked down at her feet, still crossed.

I said nothing, just waited.

She peered up at me from beneath her dark brows. I saw her glance at my still bared breasts.

I looked down again, then up. “Keri?”

“Hmm?” Her skinny arms were now folded behind her back.

“Is it about my breasts?”

Keri blushed, hugely this time, then nodded quickly. “Honey, come here.” She pigeon-toed over, arms still held behind her. She stood about neck-high to my breasts, resolutely looking me in the eye. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I felt my breast brush her shoulder, and another rush of pleasure surged through my nipple.

“Keri, you can ask me anythingyou know that. Anything at all.” She was staring at my breasts now, her mouth slightly open. “What it it, honey? Hmm?” I touched my nipple again. Mmm, that felt good. “Tell me.”

She opened her mouth, closed it, then shyly spoke. “Why doesn’t it, um… stop leaking when Pam is, is finished?”

I smiled, loving how it felt when I ran my thumb over the slick nipple, also loving the slightly illicit feel of fondling myself in front of my daughter. Ooh, wicked, I thought. “Well, they don’t know she’s finished, you see. My breasts still have more if she wants it.”

Keri looked at my breast, at my fingers brushing my nipples. She looked up at me again, and I could see, yes, she looked… hungry.

At that moment I realized something I hadn’t before: how often Keri seemed to be nearby when I was feeding her sister, as if she were fascinated by the sight: me, half-naked and cradling the baby to my breast, Pammie’s sucking mouth fastened to an engorged nipple, drinking her fill of my sweet milk.

A tendril of excitement spun through me — and a wild idea popped into my head. Really wild.

“Keri?” I looked sideways at her, barely able to believe I was going to do this. “Do you want a taste?”

Oh, what a precious reaction. I watched her eyes open, dilate, flutter; her mouth opened, she took a deep breath as if elated, but not wanting to let it show. She smiled slightly, started to nod, then nodded faster, grinning excitedly.

“Come, honey.” I sat down on the couch, put my arms around Keri and drew her in to me, placing her between my legs.

I lifted my round, ripe breast to her mouth. “Here,” I murmured, “Go ahead…”

Keri leaned in slightly and touched her lips to my nipple. She looked up at me, then took the tip of my breast into her warm mouth.

And she began to suckle. Oh, my, she did. And the difference between being nursed by Keri and Pam was so urgently sexual. Keri’s mouth sucked hard. Tenderly, but hard. And I felt my milk flow so deliciously into my little girl’s mouth.

Ohhhhh God yes, it was so good… like being made love to.

I watched Keri’s eyes close contentedly as she drank, purring with pleasure. And as she did, her hips shifted and wriggled, her body tightly pressed against my barely clad pussy.

Mmmmmm, yes. I was already incredibly aroused, and I realized, with a mixture of concern and joyous abandon, that my little girl was going to make me come.

I tried not to let it show, but did, perhaps unconsciously, trail my hand down to her bottom to pull her hips and body more firmly against mine.

And I think Keri was feeling something more herself, because her suckling became a bit fiercer, and she seemed to be grinding herself into my throbbing sex.

I did rave a bit, let’s call it that. Just as one might to a lover in the midst of ecstasy. Little endearments, loving words. “Mmm, yes, that’s a good girl, that’s right, mmm… ohhh, I’m so glad I can do this for you, honey. Oh, honey… that’s lovely, Keri… oh. Oh!”

Her bottom felt so good in my hand. It seemed to contract and pulse every time she swallowed.

I did come. And I think that Keri knew, somehow. When I did, she just hugged me tightly, then her lips broke away from my nipple with a wet sound. I nearly moaned when she placed several tender kisses on my breasts, then we snuggled together for a long time.

I must have been in a sort of stupor, or perhaps a daydream. Because when I came back to the real world, I found I was slumped back on the couch, languidly stroking and fondling Keri’s little bottom while we hugged. It was like stepping from a dream to reality in a cold flash — and I immediately slid my hands up to her back, amazed that I’d been touching my daughter in that way.

A small mew of discontent came from between my breasts. I watched Keri’s little panty-clad butt squirm a bit. Her big brown eyes looked up at me, her mouth still wet with my milk. “Why’d you stop?”

I couldn’t believe what I heard. “Stop… what, honey?”

She wiggled her butt again. “Rubbing my bottom.” Her cheeks squeezed together. “I like you rubbing my bottom.”

Now, this was too weird. She’s your daughter. Who you’ve fought with, and spoonfed, and spoiled, and punished…

And, God help me, I looked at her pert little butt and felt lust. What was happening to me? Stall for time.

“You… you liked that?”

“Mmm-hmm,” she murmured emphatically.

My hand wavered, brushing her back. I watched wide-eyed as she reached up, grasped my hand and, very pointedly, placed it on her pert little rump. Again, she hit me with those big eyes. “Mommy… rub my bottom.”

All right, then. My hand moved, tentatively at first, lightly circling her cheeks.

“Do it harder, Mommy.”

Like a backrub, right? But… lower. I tentatively allowed the other hand to join in this new game, then I was knowingly doing what I’d been unconscious of before: touching my little girl’s ass as if she were a lover. Only now, I was using both hands.

Soft, deep circles and squeezes, easing into a steady rhythm. I noticed that, whenever my hands would meet to spread her little cheeks, Keri would sigh and arch her back.

Her small voice again, from against my breasts: “Mmmm… that feels nice.”

“Good, honey. I’m glad.” My breathing was getting a bit heavier as my hands warmed to their task. Stroke, circle, stroke, squeeze, spread, circle…

I smelled myself; smelled us. My heat, her breath, and… her sex. I could, I swear I could detect a new scent in the room — the spicy musk of Keri’s pussy. And her bottom seemed so much softer now, and more open to me, somehow. I could feel a growing wet spot in my panties. Okay, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this…

“Mommy?” This was almost a whisper, and so urgent-sounding that I stopped in mid-stroke. I looked down at those brown eyes, so soft and dreamy, her cheeks pinked with pleasure. “Please, could you touch… inside my bottom? In the middle?”

My heart nearly stopped. “In the… middle?”

Her little hand reached around again, this time to put my open hand directly on the crack of her ass. “Right there.” My stars…

I began to slowly stroke up and down, fingers pressing slightly into Keri’s panty-covered cleft. I watched her eyes close.

“Like this?” I breathed.

She nodded, snuggling her face into my breasts. “Just… mmmmm, oh yes…” she murmured.

I caressed my daughter’s crack more firmly now, my heart pounding. Oh my God. This child, my own little girl, had been transformed into a sexual creature in my hungry hands. My fingers brushed the rosebud of her anus, traced the tiny cleft between her cheeks. She was so warm there, the material of her cotton panties growing damp.

Keri made tiny noises at my chest, little coos and mewings, as my eager fingers stroked and smoothed a path down, down into the hidden crevice of her babyish slit. As soon as I touched her there, her little butt arched into my hand and her legs slid out, stockinged feet gliding along the hardwood floor.

Oh, my beautiful little girl, my darling Keri, I’m going to make you come. Mommy’s going to make you feel like you’ve never felt before. And I felt her open to me, my fingers twisting along her smooth vulva, thumb pressed firmly against her rosebud. Her mouth was open, breath hot against my skin as Keri blindly nuzzled my breasts.

And she raised her head, her eyes wide as she called out to me, panting, “Mmmommy, oh Mommy, oh it feels so, so good, I’m… mmmMMMMmmm, ohhhh, Mommeeeeee…”

All of a sudden, Keri thrust herself away from me and leapt to her feet. Her lower lip trembled, and she put a hand down between her legs, covering her mound as her eyes filled with tears.

“Keri? What is it, honey?” I reached for her.

She sobbed once, then turned and stumbled up the stairs.

Oh God oh God oh God. What had I done to my little girl? Stricken to the heart, I numbly stood, pausing to check on the baby, then hastened upstairs after my baby girl, clumsily buttoning my shirt as I went.

At the door I could see Keri face down on her bed, sobbing loudly. I was devastated.

I sat on the bed by my daughter, lightly touching her hair. “Honey,” I began, “I am so sorry –”

Immediately she flung herself at me to burrow into my arms, her tears falling on my bare breasts. “No, no, no, no,” she cried.

I held her to me. “Shhh, shhh, angel, hush.”

Her sobbing abated somewhat, and she whimpered, “I’m just… I’m so stupid, I’m so…” and she began to cry again.

“Keri, honey, shhhhh. It’s all right, baby. Shhhh.” I stroked her hair as I held her to me, comforting my unhappy child as best I could.

When she’d quieted somewhat I cupped her face in my hands, peering into those moist brown eyes. “Honey, you are not at all stupid. Why’d you say that?”

Her lip trembled, but held. “‘Cause… cause I got so scared…”

“What, honey? What scared you? The way that… how you were starting to feel when I touched you?”

My little girl nodded. “It got so, so big that I just… I thought I was gonna explode… and it m-made me afraid.” Tears welled once more, threatening to spill over.

I kissed her sweaty temple, then looked into her eyes. “Keri, love… you are such a sweet, wonderful girl.” I stroked her cheek. “And you know that I would never, ever do anything to hurt you.” I brushed a loose strand of hair from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear. “That feeling, honey… well, it just gets better, and better, until it feels better than anything you’ve ever felt before,” I crooned as I rocked her in my arms. “But it just seems like an explosion, sweetheart, it’s not real. I just wanted you to feel it for yourself. But it’s all right if you aren’t ready for that, honey. You don’t –”

“But I want to!” Sitting upright in my lap, she grabbed my hand with both of hers and held it to her chest. “I do, Mommy, I really, really want to!” And she gave me a brave little smile!

Oh, my. I opened my arms to her and hugged her tightly, tightly. We rocked together.

“Ohhh, Keri, Keri. I love you, sweetheart, so much.”

She murmured into my chest. “Love you, too.” Her mood already seemed better, and I breathed a soft sigh of relief.

“Mommy,” said Keri as she unfurled from me, “can you, um, touch me like that some more? I want to feel it all this time.” My eyebrows must have risen at that, because she giggled. “I do, I do!”

I looked around the room casually, trying to conceal the sudden pounding of my heart. Finally, I spoke. “How do you want me to… touch you, honey?”

“Oh!” She stared at me. “Ummm… well, I like when you touched my bottom… and, um, my missy,” she said with a little blush.

“Okay.” I couldn’t believe this day, this moment, or what I wanted to do with my child. What I would do with her. I sat there, panties damp, watching my daughter thinking, deciding how she wanted me to make her come.

A dream? Possibly. But I’m not waking up, if I can help it.

Continue on to Part Two


Mommy’s New Girlfriend

  • Posted on May 12, 2015 at 12:50 pm

By JetBoy

Clara Sheppard was a happily married woman of thirty-two with a daughter who had just turned eight. Her husband Mitch was a structural engineer whose work sometimes took him away from home for extended periods. This week was one such time.

Clara was bisexual, and had an understanding with her husband that she could enjoy intimate pleasures with her girlfriend Linda when he was away from home. This week, however, Linda was out of town visiting relatives, so Clara would be spending the week alone with her daughter Sarah.

She and her husband had always taken a very enlightened approach when it came to raising their child. Sarah was taught the facts of life earlier than most kids, and the subject of sex and sexuality was always open for discussion. Sarah knew all about her mom’s relationship with Linda, and that sometimes, as Clara told her, “girls love girls and boys love boys.” Young as she was, the child understood that such feelings were perfectly natural.

That evening, while Sarah and her mother were watching a movie on TV, Linda called to chat with Clara.

As Clara shared a warm conversation with her girlfriend, exchanging affectionate words and, at one point, wistfully telling Linda how much she missed her, Sarah was staring at the television screen without even registering the movie’s plot, every bit of the little girl’s attention centered on what Mommy was saying. The young girl had just begun having sexual thoughts of her own, and her curiosity was piqued by the the relationship between her mother and Linda.

“I love you too… bye-bye,” Clara murmured to Linda, then gently returned the receiver to its cradle.

Sarah gazed up at her mother, giving her a smile of sympathy and understanding.

“You miss Linda, don’t you, Mommy?” she asked.

“Yes, sweetie, I do,” Clara sighed, “very much.” She gave her daughter a resigned smile. “It’s okay, honey. I’ll get to see her some other time.”

Sarah pondered the situation for a moment. Then she slowly stretched out on the couch, flashed her mother an impish smile, and uttered six words that shook Clara to her very core.

“Can I be your girlfriend, Mommy?”

A surge of astonishment coursed through Clara’s body as her daughter lay on the couch, coquettishly peering up at her. That warm tingly sensation she knew so well flared between her legs as she beheld her little Sarah in an altogether different light.

Having been attracted to women ever since reaching puberty, in addition to recently discovering a certain unexpected attraction to pretty young girls, the idea that she might become aroused by her own daughter one day had sometimes lingered in Clara’s mind. But she hadn’t expected that day to arrive so soon! After all, Sarah was only eight.

Gathering her thoughts, Clara took a long, deep breath in a vain attempt to calm her racing heart, then carefully sat on the floor before her little girl, pausing to admire her beauty. Sarah was a slender nymph with warm brown eyes, a pretty mouth and hair the color of raw honey. She had on a long white cotton nightie, and Clara knew that the child wore nothing underneath but panties.

Her eyes dancing with excitement, Sarah kicked off her fuzzy red slippers as she eagerly awaited her mommy’s reply.

“Sweetie… you know I love you, m-more than anything in the world,” Clara stammered, reaching out to take Sarah’s hand.

“I love you too, Mommy!” Sarah chimed in before her mother had a chance to continue. “And I really wanna be your girlfriend… just like Linda!” Grasping Clara’s hand in her two smaller ones, the child brought it to her lips to kiss, than pressed it to her chest.

Clara seemed to melt under the seductive gaze and smile of her darling little angel, growing more aroused than ever at the thought of the two of them becoming lovers. Of course, she couldn’t permit such a thing to actually happen…

Taking another deep breath, Clara shifted closer to her daughter, stroking her hair with trembling fingers. She moved to give the girl a peck on the cheek, then her eyes widened in surprise as Sarah turned her head, placed both hands on her mommy’s cheeks and kissed her firmly on the mouth.

When Sarah drew away, flashing that endearing, impish little smile of hers, Clara could only gape at her child. “Baby,” she gasped as she ran a hand down her daughter’s back, completely unnerved yet aroused beyond belief by Sarah’s kiss. She quivered inside as her fingers drifted dangerously close to the child’s soft bottom.

The temptation was there to give into madness, to take Sarah in her arms and give the little girl the forbidden love she seemed to want. Somehow, though, Clara managed to restrain herself.

“The thing is, honey,” she began, “there’s different kinds of love… and the love that mommies and their daughters share is very, very different from the love between girlfriends,” Clara explained, as her hands explored the softness of Sarah’s legs and her ticklish little feet. But as she breathed in the scent of her child’s baby-soft hair, Clara realized that this sudden unexpected attraction she felt for her Sarah was precisely because she was a little girl.

Thrusting that thought away, she managed to add, “I mean, baby… the things I do with Linda aren’t the kind of things mothers do with their children. They’re more for — for big girls.”

What things, Mommy?” Sarah asked curiously, then, before Clara could reply, “You mean like hugging and kissing and stuff?”

“Y-yes, sweetie,” Clara replied, her heart throbbing so hard that it echoed in her ears, “and — and stuff.”

“Oh, Mommy, I wanna be a big girl too!” Sarah pleaded. “Can we just be pretend girlfriends then? Oh please, please, pretty please with sugar on it an’ a cherry on top?”

Clara’s mind raced frantically. She wanted so badly to make her little girl happy. How to do that without going too far? she asked herself. Think. Think.

Silently, the thirty-two-year-old mother made her decision — all the while wondering, deep down inside, if “going too far,” wasn’t exactly what she wanted to do with Sarah.

“Okay, you little imp, we can pretend!” Clara sighed in mock exasperation, acting a hell of a lot more confident than she felt. “I’ll give you a nice ‘big girl’ back rub, just like I give Linda. How’s that, honey?”

“Yay!” Sarah excitedly squealed, and before Clara could say a word the child got onto her knees, reached down to grasp the hem of her nightie and tugged it up and off in a single fluid motion, leaving the adorable eight-year-old wearing nothing but panties.

Clara’s head swam as she drank in the sight of her daughter’s near nakedness. The girl was flawless; absolutely flawless. Honey-brown hair spilled over shoulders that were now bare, a few strands curling down to her boyish chest. Clara couldn’t keep her eyes from being drawn to Sarah’s nipples, the pink buds all but begging for the touch of a loving mouth. Her gaze journeyed further down the girl’s body — she’s letting me look, Clara realized with a start — finally resting on the slight rise of her daughter’s mound, only concealed by those snowy white panties.

Sarah knelt before her mother, giving her the chance to see almost everything before she lay down on her tummy, settling onto the couch with a blissful sigh. “Okay, Mommy, I’m ready for my back rub now,” she cooed, giving her bottom a playful wiggle.

Clara drew closer to Sarah, her hands trembling ever so slightly as she carefully placed them on the child’s smooth skin. Steadying herself as best she could, she began to stroke and gently knead her daughter’s bare body.

The young girl let out a feline-like “mmmmm,” all but melting from her mother’s touch as Clara’s hands moved freely about. They vigorously massaged Sarah’s shoulders, then worked their way down her back.

As for Clara, she was melting even more at the tactile loveliness of Sarah’s smooth, baby-soft skin. Then there was the sight of her little girl’s bottom, the pale cheeks peeking out from the bottom of her panties.

“Mmmmm…that feels so good, Mommy,” Sarah moaned as Clara’s hands rubbed her lower back. “Are you gonna do my legs, too? And my bottom?”

Taking a long, shaky breath, Clara complied with her daughter’s request — the first part, anyhow. I can’t let myself rub her bottom, she told herself. I can’t. If I touch her there, how will I be able to stop?

Instead, she began to rub the backs of Sarah’s thighs, working down her daughter’s legs until she reached the girl’s pretty little feet. Taking the left one in her hands, she began to fondle it.

“Oooh… that feels funny, Mommy!” Sarah gasped, wriggling happily as her mother’s fingers stroked the sole of her foot, then slipped between her toes.

Jittery as she was, Clara couldn’t help but feel amusement at her baby’s ticklishness. “It does, does it?” she laughed. Feeling a sudden crazy impulse, Clara brought Sarah’s foot to her mouth, nibbling lightly at the child’s toes.

Sarah squealed with delight at this, but that soon gave way to a pleasurable moan as Mommy kissed her delicately arched instep.

“Oh baby, I love you so much,” Clara breathed as she pressed her lips to the bottom of her daughter’s foot, carried away in the midst of her playful behavior. God, she marveled, even this turns me on, makes me want her even more!

“I love you too, Mommy,” Sarah whispered back.

Helpless to stop what she had so hesitantly begun, Clara started working her way back up Sarah’s thin legs, every atom of her being alive with erotic hunger. Ankles, shins, calves, knees — all the way up to the little girl’s thighs.

She trembled, barely holding back an impassioned moan as her daughter parted both legs slightly, as if encouraging Clara to touch in between them.

No! the lightheaded mother quickly admonished herself. Don’t even think that. You mustn’t!

But as she kneaded Sarah’s soft, supple thighs, the beautiful mother felt the reservations she had about indulging in lesbian love with an eight-year-old girl — and her own daughter at that! — begin to slowly evaporate, like morning fog at sunrise.

Then Clara felt her arousal soar to even greater heights when she spied the merest hint of dampness between her daughter’s legs, a small, slightly darker patch on Sarah’s panties.

Sarah looked up at her mom, flashed an impish smile, and seductively wiggled her bottom. “Rub me there, Mommy… pleeease?”

Clara swallowed hard, braced herself, then began a slow, sensuous massage of her daughter’s pert little rump. Sarah’s girlish giggles quickly turned to ‘big girl’ sighs and moans. Clara was beside herself with a heady mixture of motherly love and incestuous lust.

As her fingers pressed into the soft yet firm flesh of her daughter’s supple bottom, they inched ever closer to her moistening flower. The urge to give way to temptation and touch that divine juncture between her child’s thighs raged in Clara’s soul.

Suddenly it was all too much. She had to make love to Sarah right this minute — or flee the room!

In the face of such desperate desire, Clara somehow decided on restraint; realizing that there was a way out, a means by which she could purge this overwhelming lust — and safely out of her daughter’s view.

“Sweetie… Mommy has to — to go to the bathroom,” she told Sarah, and hastily rose onto tottering legs. “I’ll be right back!” she added, exiting the room as quickly as she could without running.

The bathroom door closed and locked, Clara seated herself on the floor with her nightgown open, staring sightlessly at the ceiling. She leaned against the bathtub with a hand inside her panties, feverishly working herself toward climax as visions of Sarah flashed in her mind’s eye.

She pictured the little girl completely naked, seated between her parted legs and whimpering in ecstasy as Clara stroked the moist petals of the eight-year-old’s smooth sex.

“Oh my baby, my d-dear sweet baby girl, oh! I — I adore you, p-precious…” Clara gasped and panted, gulping for breath as her body rocked forward and back in a frenzied orgasm.

Little did she know, however, that Sarah was listening in at that very moment, her ear pressed carefully to the door’s other side. Mommy was trying very hard to be quiet, but her whispered words were easy to make out.

After reaching a momentary plateau of satisfaction — enough to take the edge off, at least! — Clara rose, wiped herself, washed her hands, then returned to join Sarah in the living room.

And there her daughter sat, in front of the couch. Only now she was clutching Clara’s pink scarf to her chin with both hands, the silken material draping down to spill on the floor between her spread legs.

Before she could ask Sarah what on earth she was up to, her daughter smiled… then let the scarf fall away.

Clara gaped in a confused mixture of desire, awe, and fear at what she saw. Her little girl was now completely naked, panties lying nearby on the floor, the child’s legs open to reveal the rosy cleft of her virgin sex.

And as Clara stood, riveted to the spot, Sarah slowly trailed a hand down the front of her body, finally tucking it between her thighs. “Look, Mommy… I can be a big girl too!” the girl proudly proclaimed with a seductive smile, brushing her bare slit with the tips of all four fingers. “See, I like touching my kitty, just like you..”

Clara began to shiver as Sarah gazed up at her with an expression that seemed positively angelic, all the while lightly touching the smooth, glistening pink flower. “Mmmmm, this feels nice…” the eight-year-old child sighed as she masturbated for Mommy.

Helpless to turn away, as she knew she ought to, Clara instead moved closer; thighs trembling as she knelt before her daughter, needing to see everything. I shouldn’t, it’s wrong, she thought, but to no avail — the sight of Sarah pleasuring herself was absolutely mesmerizing, its erotic pull too compelling to resist.

“Do you like watching me?” whispered Sarah, that busy hand pressing between her legs, more firmly now. “Ohhhh… d-do you think I look sexy, Mommy?”

As Sarah spoke those words, Clara’s reservations about lesbian incest were swiftly falling by the wayside. “Oh God yes, baby,” she gasped. “Don’t stop — show me what a sexy big girl you are.” We both want this so much, she told herself. It’s meant to be.

Clara’s fingers were unusually clumsy as she undid her nightgown, letting it slip over her shoulders and down to the floor. Sarah’s eyes widened as her mother’s ample breasts were exposed.

“Wow… you’re so bee-you-ti-ful!” Sarah exclaimed, the color rising in her cheeks as she used two fingers to stroke the petals of her glistening sex. “Um… wanna play sex stuff with me, Mommy? Like you do with Linda — pretty please?”

It was an open invitation to indulge in her most forbidden craving; to commit a sin that could tear her life and the lives of her loved ones apart if she and Sarah were found out. Nevertheless, Clara found herself unable to refuse.

“Yes, sweetie — I’ll play with you.” Clara slipped out of her panties, then stood completely nude before her little girl. Soon to be my lover, she marveled.

Smiling hugely, Sarah got up on all fours and turned away from her mother. “Catch me if you can, Mommy!” she squealed joyously, wiggling her cute little bottom as she crawled away, peering over a bare shoulder at her mother.

The thirty-two-year old mother stared at her child, feeling a wave of heat rise beneath her belly as Sarah played the coy young tease, the eight-year-old’s jiggling buttocks beckoning, taunting her. Catch me if you can…

Three steps brought the nude mother to her giggling daughter, and she bent down to encircle the girl’s waist with both arms. “Ha! Got you now, you sexy little girl!” she exclaimed as she lifted a squirming, laughing Sarah to her feet.

Kneeling before her, Clara drew the child into a lover’s embrace, nuzzling the sweet-smelling hair, her hands exploring as much of the baby-soft body as she could reach. Sarah cooed with delight, nestling into her mother’s arms.

Reaching under the girl’s chin, Clara gently tilted Sarah’s face up to hers, momentarily losing herself in those dark brown eyes.

“Sweet baby,” she whispered, “I love you more than — than anything.” She kissed the tender rosebud of her daughter’s mouth, lightly at first.

Clara’s rising lust could no longer be denied, no, not for another second — she deepened the kiss, her heart skipping a beat as she sensed the parting of the little girl’s lips, felt them open like a morning flower. Clara, now all but delirious with desire, reached down to cup her daughter’s small, soft bottom as she allowed her tongue to penetrate Sarah’s waiting mouth.

Sarah hesitantly began to join in the lovemaking, her tiny hands seeking out Clara’s breasts even as the child’s tongue emerged to play. Clara moaned when she felt curious fingers pluck at her nipples, making them throb almost painfully.

Now mother and daughter were embracing like lovers, tongues dancing in a true lover’s kiss.

Eager to take things further, Clara gently broke away, then guided Sarah’s face her down to her breasts. The little girl responded instinctively, taking an erect nipple between her lips to suckle.

“Oh yes, darling… yes,” Clara moaned, “that feels heavenly…”

Her hands were still cradling Sarah’s bottom — and as the girl continued to nurse, Clara began to fondle those delicate globes. She allowed her fingers to slip between the tender cheeks, teasing the cleft of her daughter’s anus.

A soft whimper escaped the child’s lips as she continued to shower affection on Mommy’s big, beautiful breasts, cupping one with her two small hands while she lovingly suckled the other.

“Mmm, I’m your little baby now… right, Mommy?” Sarah cooed as she let go of her mom’s breast, gazing adoringly into Carol’s lust-glazed eyes.

“Oh yes, Sarah,” Clara sighed, tears of joy welling in her eyes. “You’ll always be my sweet angel baby,” she continued, slipping her hand between the girl’s soft, supple thighs, fingers seeking and finding the warmth of her smooth slit. A new surge of arousal surged through Clara’s belly when she discovered that her daughter’s honey was flowing freely.

Bringing those wet fingers to her lips to taste the sweetness that coated them, a moaning Clara lay back on the thick shag carpet. Little Sarah happily crawled on top of her, squirming against Mommy’s naked body.

“Oooh… are we making love?” Sarah cooed, as she felt her mom’s hand delve once more between her quivering legs. “Mmmmm, I like that, Mommy…”

“Yes, my baby, we’re making love,” a dazed Clara replied as she trailed her middle finger between the moist petals of her little girl’s flower, then let the tip glide along the vaginal cleft until she was touching the tiny nubbin of Sarah’s love button. The child’s eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting to let out a choked whimper as Mommy lightly brushed the throbbing clit.

Sarah’s head rested on her mother’s breast, the girl’s tongue emerging to lick at a stiffened nipple as Clara masturbated her to the very edge of climax. “F-feels good, Mommy,” she stammered, “so good!”

Her own sex aching for release, Clara reached down to slide a hand between her thighs, plunging two fingers into the slippery canal. She probed herself hard and deep, waves of pleasure mounting steadily until she was panting and heaving in raw animal lust.

Sarah was mewling helplessly, lost in warm, wonderful new feelings as she rode her Mommy’s hand, both arms twined around Clara’s neck, face buried between her breasts.

“Oh, oh baby… I love you s-so much!” Clara cried as she sensed her little girl edging tantalizingly close to orgasm, desperately wanting to join Sarah in ecstasy. “Oh yes, baby, come for Mommy… that’s it… oh yes, yes, my s-sweet little lover girl… you make Mommy feel b-better than, than anything…” She was babbling now, on the verge of meltdown. “I adore you, sweetheart…”

“I love you too, Mommy,” Sarah gasped as those big good feelings got bigger and bigger inside… “I wanna be your lover girl forever an’ ever… I love you, I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!” The child was almost shrieking, every part of her shaking as she came.

Clara exploded in her own earth-shattering orgasm, teeth clenched tightly as she forced four fingers into her vagina, deep as they could go. With the other hand she continued to stimulate her daughter’s clitoris, taking Sarah and herself to the peak of rapture and beyond.

The next thing that Clara remembered was finding herself sprawled on the floor, spent and gasping for breath. Little Sarah was on top of her, showering her naked body with kisses. The child paused to briefly suckle each of her mother’s nipples, then eagerly nuzzled her way down Clara’s belly and to her moist, neatly trimmed bush.

As Clara stared at her daughter with awestruck eyes, Sarah lovingly caressed her mommy’s glistening vulva, then brought that hand to her lips to imbibe of the sticky love nectar.

“Mmmm… yummy good!” Sarah cooed as she tasted the sweet honey dripping from the vessel that had given her life. Licking her lips, she lowered her face between Clara’s legs; kissing, then licking at the tart flesh for a few divine seconds before popping up again, her eyes dancing excitedly, lips and chin glistening. “Mommy? Are we real girlfriends now?”

Gazing in wonder at her little girl, Clara found herself beginning to cry. Only somehow, it was mixed with joyous laughter. “Oh, yes, baby,” she replied, quickly brushing the tears away. “We are absolutely lovers, you and I.”

“Yayyyy!” Sarah cheered, thrusting her fists into the air. “I’m Mommy’s lo-ver, I’m Mommy’s lo-ver…” She suddenly paused, pursing her lips in thought. “Um… you won’t stop being girlfriends with Linda, will you? I really like her!”

“No, hon,” Clara replied. “I like her too.” She struggled into a sitting position. “Come on — let’s go up to my room now and get all cozy. We can rest for a little bit… then Mommy’s got lots more wonderful things to teach you about making love.”

Sarah quickly sprang to her feet, grinning hugely. “Ohboyohboyohboy! Let’s go!”

Clara slowly stood, then scooped a giddy little girl up and into her arms.

Padding through the house with this precious cargo, Clara kissed Sarah’s mouth again and again as she carried her to bed.

They spent the night in each other’s arms… a mother and daughter exploring the possibilities of their new love.


This originated as a brief, very arousing vignette by Leslita author and friend Rboy. Upon reading it, I asked him if he’d permit me to spin his idea into a longer story. Not only did he generously allow me to play with his words, Rboy became a partner in the creative process, adding ideas and input to the finished product. Much gratitude to him for making the creation of this story a joyful experience for me. I can only hope that the rest of you experience some of that joy for yourselves in the reading.



Our Newest Contributor

  • Posted on May 11, 2015 at 10:45 pm

By JetBoy

A happy task has fallen to me: introducing a writer with whom you already should be familiar, if you have a serious thing for the kind of erotic fiction that my partners and I enjoy. His online handle is eloquent delinquent, and we have humbly requested that he allow us to make his story “Bad Like Me” part of the Juicy Secrets library. He said yes, so everybody wins — especially our readers!

The first chapter of “Bad Like Me” made it clear that a major new talent was in the house, with its depiction of helpless, obsessive desire for an underage girl. Naughty Mommy and Cheryl will surely agree with me that the struggle with one’s forbidden sexual cravings is what adds true drama and excitement to an erotic story… and the tormented uncertainty of inexperienced teenager Charlotte, torn between religious convictions and her frightening urges, will have you riveted. This reader was drawn in from the first, and subsequent chapters have only increased the tension — and the heat — in a very satisfying way.

It’s been a while since a new chapter of “Bad Like Me” has been posted. When we exchanged emails a few months ago, eloquent delinquent mentioned several other projects that he’d been working on. To be honest, a big part of our motive for inviting him to contribute was to nudge him into turning out a few new installments to this fine story. I only hope that he will forgive us for our manipulative ways.

As ever, my partners and I ask that you share your thoughts and impressions in our Comments section after enjoying this story, for which you are thanked in advance.

And now, please step over to our Guest Authors department and get cozy with the first eight chapters of “Bad Like Me“.