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Go Fish

  • Posted on May 8, 2015 at 10:13 am

By JetBoy


It was hot and humid, even for July. The air outdoors seemed thick as chicken soup, without so much as a wisp of breeze to be had. Leaving the house on a day like this was clearly out of the question, so Fay and her daughter Gina were seated at the kitchen table, idly playing cards.

Fay was dressed in her summer sleepwear — her ex-husband’s Mets T-shirt, skimpy panties underneath. Nevertheless, she was still just warm enough to be slightly uncomfortable.

“I think I need to have someone over to take a look at the air conditioner,” she muttered, peering at her cards. “Seems like it ought to be a lot cooler in here than it is.” She stretched and yawned, then glanced up at her daughter. “Got any fives, hon?”

Her daughter tapped her fingers on the tabletop, gazing into space.

“Gina? Fives?”

Gina looked up distractedly, her red hair slightly frizzy from the heat.

As always, the sight of her adorable daughter made Fay feel all warm inside. At fourteen, Gina could sometimes pass for twelve, even eleven. Hardly any breasts to speak of beneath that tank top, her hips slim as a boy’s. Fay’s gaze traveled down her daughter’s body, lingering on Gina’s coltish legs. So smooth, so elegant. Such a sexy sight in those lime-green tennis shorts…

All right — enough of that, Fay told herself, taking a deep breath to still her suddenly throbbing heart. “Gina?”

“Hmm?” Such lovely green eyes she had, too. Eyes to lose yourself in…

“Honey? Fives?”

Gina started, then stared blankly at her own cards. “Um… go fish.”

Fay drew from the deck… three of diamonds. She glanced up at Gina, then paused as she noticed her daughter gazing at her, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Suddenly, Gina spoke. “Mommy?”

“What, hon?”

Then Fay saw Gina’s cheeks redden, her daughter nibbling nervously at her lower lip. She seemed about to say something… then she shook her head, looking down at her cards. “Um, nothing.” She concentrated fiercely. “Is it my turn?”

Fay sat back. “Yes, it is.” She frowned. “What is the matter, honey? You seem a million miles away. What’s on your mind?”

“Ummm… well, uh, can I ask you something, Mommy — something kinda, um, personal?”

Fay smiled lovingly at her daughter. “You can ask me anything, honey. I might not want to answer, but you can always ask.”

“Well… I was thinking about Laura.”

“Hmmm, okay,” Fay murmured. “What about her?” Laura had been Fay’s lover for the past couple of years, until they had parted amicably three months ago.

“Well… I know you and Laura were, like, you know, friends before — um… you were together.”

“Uh-huh. Yes, we were.” Fay nodded.

“For how long?”

“Ohhh, maybe… a year. Or two? No, wait. About… a year and a half, I guess.”


“Before… we became lovers, yes.” It felt odd to say this to her daughter, even though they had discussed it in the past. Fay was acutely conscious of the girl’s questioning gaze.

“Hm.” Gina replied.

Fay’s brow arched. “Why?”

Her daughter shook her head slowly. “Um, I just…” She looked down at her cards. A pause. “Got any queens?”

Fay smiled. “Go fish.”

Gina took a card, then grinned. There’s my girl, thought Fay. “I got a queen, I got a queen…” the girl chanted, waving the card to and fro.

“Well, la-di-da, Miss Thing, you got a queen. Woo-hoo,” Fay gently mocked.

Suddenly Gina laid her cards face down on the table. “Mommy?” Her face was serious again.


“Can I ask you a really personal question?”

“Of course you can, sweetie.”

Gina flushed again, breathed deeply, and dove in. “What happened… that made you, well, more than friends?” The look on her face was priceless. She seemed partly nervous, partly curious, partly proud of herself for having the courage to ask.

Despite the sudden surge of excitement she felt at Gina’s question, Fay hesitated. “Ohhh, honey…” She put her own cards down. “That’s… that’s real grownup stuff.”

“I know, but… I really want to know. Really.”

Fay stared at her blossoming little girl, enthralled — but still unsure. She sighed. “The thing is, hon…” How to say it? “It’s just that… that kind of… hmmm.” She took another sip of soda, steeling herself. “Okay, here’s the thing. I get… really aroused when I talk about anything like that.”

“Aroused? You mean—”

Fay smiled, rolled her eyes. “Turned on. Sex-u-ally ex-ci-ted.”

Gina’s eyes widened.

“And I’m not sure if it’s a good idea for me to be… telling you things like that.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re my daughter, honey.”

“But you told me all about my period.”

“I know, but…” Fay was at a loss for words. And despite her best intentions, getting turned on already…

Bad enough she had caught herself having sexual fantasies about her own daughter lately — it wasn’t that hard for her to keep those to herself. But now Gina wanted her to talk about sex, and lesbian sex at that! Not to mention that her little girl looked absolutely luscious in those skimpy summer shorts and her tank top.

Fay took a deep, calming breath. It wouldn’t do for her fourteen-year-old to even suspect that her mother found her desirable. “Honey, I don’t think—”

“And this is really important to me!”


Gina blushed hugely this time. Her eyes seemed to glow. “It just is,” she murmured.

A pause. To tell or not…

“All right.”


“But wait, wait now. I don’t want you gabbing about this with anyone, okay? If I find out you’ve told this to any of your friends, you are in deep trouble, missy. Okay?” Gina nodded. “I mean it.”

“I won’t tell anyone, Mommy,” Gina solemnly intoned, drawing a large X across her chest with two fingers. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“All right, then.” Fay took a deep breath and shifted in her chair. “So. What happened that made Laura and me more than friends… ” She fumbled for the right words, then decided to simply be as straightforward with her daughter as she could. “You want to hear about the first time we… we made love, don’t you?”

Gina nodded, rapt.

“Right. Well, Laura and I met when she worked in my office building, you know… and she was a lot of fun. This was about half a year after your dad left, and I didn’t really feel like dating, so I spent time with her instead. We hung out, went to parties, and concerts and stuff. Well, this one night we went out driving, to celebrate Laura’s getting a new car. Just two hot chicks, jazzing down the strip, the CD player turned up loud…” She chuckled at the thought.

“We had some time to kill, and Laura asked if I wanted to go up the mountain and check out Lover’s Lane. Take in the view, share a couple of beers, and then go to this hot club where things wouldn’t get going until later. So we drove up and parked, and no one else was around. We ended up hanging out there for a long time. It was so nice and peaceful, and we enjoyed it so much, that we decided not to even bother with the club. We talked for awhile, looking out over the town. And then we were quiet. Just sitting there, really…”

A pause. Fay absently stroked her belly through the T-shirt. Gina watched her mother’s face, listening intently.

“I think I said, ‘This is really nice,’ or something, and then we just… looked at each other.” Fay murmured. “She was staring at me, and I was staring at her for the longest time. It felt like I was falling into her eyes… ” Fay shifted in her chair. “I saw her starting to kind of come back, or go away, or whatever. And she said, ‘No making out tonight, I guess.’ Still looking right at me. And then I said — and I don’t know where this came from, or how I had the nerve… I said, ‘Want to make out?’ No joke, girl. I was serious. And part of my brain was saying, Oh, great — you just lost your best friend. But then Laura looked at me, and nodded her head!”

Gina giggled, smiling… thrilled to be hearing this.

Fay laughed, shaking her head in wonder. “I could have died right then. I won! And I didn’t even know I was playing!” She took a sip of Coke, now aware that her nipples were visibly erect. Feeling a bit self-conscious, she put down the glass and folded her arms across her chest. Gina watched her mother, her eyes wide, eager to hear more.

Instead, Fay shrugged. “And there you have it.”

Gina’s fist hit the table, a big scowl on her face. “Mommy!”


“You know! What — what happened then?”

Fay sighed, sliding down in her chair. Her T-shirt rode to her upper thighs. “Ohhhh! I knew I shouldn’t have started this!” She crossed her arms over her head.

Gina pulled her chair closer. “Mommy, please. Finish.”

Fay brought her arms down. Looked at her flushed daughter. And caught a tantalizing hint of something, something sexual — Gina’s excitement.

What’s happening here? Fay thought as she stared into her beautiful daughter’s eyes, the bright red hair framing the soft, serious face. Am I really going to do this? Describe my first lesbian experience to my little girl? Well… all right. Go for it, whatever it is.

“Um, well, she slid across the seat to me, and we kinda sat there looking at each other for a minute or two, both of us feeling really shy… and then we kissed.” Fay sighed, her face alight as she remembered the moment. “And it was everything I’d ever dreamed of, but ten times better. I’d never known how wonderful it could be… just kissing. Oh my God, we made out for hours. And… I’m going to tell you everything, now, honey. I just loved to… touch her. And kiss her, all over — I could spend hours kissing every part of her. Her face, her hands, her… breasts, her, her vagina, yes. Her bottom. All over. Even…”


“Even her… secret place, we used to call it. Inside her bottom. Her… hole. Oh, she loved for me to lick her there.”

“Wow. You really touched her there? And, uh, licked her?”

“Yes, I did, honey. That… part of the body, the secret place, is a very, um, erotic place for Laura. And for me too, actually.”

“And… did she… do those things to you?”

“Oh, yes… she was a very good toucher, and… kisser, and — well, she was good at lots of things.” A pause. “It’s okay that we’re just friends now, me and Laura,” Fay said thoughtfully, “but I do miss, well, the times she and I spent together, making love…” She sat quietly for a moment, tracing a pattern on the table with her fingernail. Finally, she looked up at her daughter. “Is that enough, honey? Did I answer your question?”

Gina nodded shyly. “Thank you, Mommy.”

“Oh honey, you’re welcome. I’m sorry I was so… weird about it.” They smiled at each other lovingly. “So,” Fay said, “why did you want to hear that story, anyhow? Will you tell me now?”

“Well…” Gina said, suddenly looking down at her feet, “there’s this girl in my gym class, named Eve. She’s really cute. And I — I think she, um, likes me.” She paused. “I mean, likes me more than — than just friends.”

Fay felt her heartbeat accelerate as she digested this bit of information. “W-what do you mean, honey? Has she tried to—”

“No… nothing like that, Mommy. She, well, kinda flirts with me, sort of like she wants to go out on a date with me or something. And… it’s the way she looks at me, too. She’s always doing that. Especially when we’re, um, in the showers. And she doesn’t even try to hide it! And the other day, she…” Gina struggled for the words.

“What, baby? You can tell me.”

“I caught her looking at me again in math class the other day… and when I caught her doing it, she… she… she licked her lips really slow. Like this!” And Gina put on her sexiest look, parted her lips and slowly circled her mouth with her tongue.

Fay was nearly trembling with arousal, trying to keep Gina from seeing it. “So…” she said softly. “These things Eve does… do they bother you, honey?”

Gina slowly shook her head. “No,” she said quietly, “I think she’s sweet. Sometimes, I think about her k-kissing me. And… uh, other things.”

“Other things…?” Fay whispered. Her panties were quickly becoming damp.

“Hugging me. Being, um, together without our clothes on… and touching. Kissing each other… but, well, sexy kissing, like the way girls kiss boys. And some of the kind of… things you and L-Laura did, Mommy.” Gina raised a concerned face to look at her mother. “Is that… is that okay?”

Fay’s heart swelled with love for her daughter, even as her arousal surged to new heights. “Of course, honey,” she murmured, getting up and squatting before Gina, gazing lovingly into her eyes. “Sweetheart, you are old enough now to feel that way about other people. And it doesn’t matter one bit if that person is a boy or a girl. If you are… attracted to Eve, you should do something about it. Sounds to me like she wants you to.”

Gina’s eyes were shining. “Oh, Mommy, I knew I could tell you about how I felt… and, and you’d understand!” She threw her arms around Fay and held her tightly.

I understand a lot better than you know, little one, Fay thought. The realization that her daughter had been thinking about girl/girl lovemaking had her aching with arousal. And now holding Gina close, smelling her sweet skin — well, that wasn’t helping things.

“You’re welcome, baby.” Fay unsteadily rose to her feet. “Just remember that you can talk to me about anything, okay? I’m always here for you.” Taking her seat, she picked up her cards. “So… you want to finish this game, honey?” Gina nodded. “Hmm, whose turn is it? Oh yeah, you had woo-hoo queens. So… any sevens?”

“Go fish.”

“Oh, well.” Fay picked a card from the deck, then reached for her soda can — only to find it empty. “Hmm… I need something to drink. You want another Coke?”

“Nah.” Fay got up. Gina gazed longingly at her mother, then softly said, “Mommy?”

Fay turned. “Hmmm?”

“Can I have another hug instead?”

“Oh, baby… you don’t ever have to ask,” Fay laughed, reaching out to her daughter. “You can have a million hugs, if you want!”

Gina stood, sighing happily as she wrapped her arms around Fay’s waist. She murmured into her mother’s chest, “Thanks again for everything, Mommy. I really love you.”

“Oh, honey…” Fay was melting inside as she felt her daughter’s face graze her nipple. “I love you too.” She patted Gina’s back. “Did you say that you didn’t want a Coke?”

Gina shook her head as she sat. “I haven’t finished this one.” She held up the can, swishing its contents around.

“Okay.” Moving to the refrigerator, Fay opened it and peered in, murmured “Now where did I…?” She turned to open the pantry, then leaned in to search. The six-packs of Coke were stacked in the back of the lower shelf, so she hoisted up her shirt and knelt down to retrieve one. It took some moving and shifting to get to the back of the pantry. And she was only a few feet away from where Gina sat.

Cards in hand, the girl stared, enthralled by the unexpected sight of her mother’s very womanly bottom — the t-shirt hiked up to her waist, her behind clearly visible through the gauzy panties Fay was wearing. In fact, her breath was nearly stolen away by the teasing view she was given of the rosy pinkness of her mother’s sex, framed by a shadow of dark curls. Best of all, she could see the dark, secret cleft between the shapely cheeks of her bottom — and somehow that excited Gina most of all.

Her heart was beating fast, her entire body tingling. Gosh, Mommy is so sexy…

Suddenly Fay rose, and turned. Gina hurriedly looked down at her cards.

“Hey — were you cheating?” Fay mock-scowled, lifting an eyebrow.

Gina blushed furiously, stammering, “N-no!” She felt hot, knew her face was red, and looked down again.

Fay stared, curious. “Honey? What’s wrong?”

Gina continued to blush violently. She looked up, saw her mother’s concerned face. She squirmed in her chair, utterly embarrassed.

“Is it about what I said? Oh, Gina —”

“It’s kind of… no, not really, it’s just… oh, Mommy,” Gina sighed, suddenly feeling so young, so like a little girl. “You’re just so… so, pretty, so grown up! You should be spending time with real people, like, not like me, I’m just… you know, I’m just a stupid little kid.” She looked down at her cards, her lower lip trembling.

Fay stared at her, frowning in concern. “Hey.” Gina looked up. “I am with real people.” She sat down, scooting her chair closer to her daughter. Touching Gina’s hot cheek, she murmured, “I like you, honey. I’m not just being your mom, you know.” She took the girl’s hand, squeezing it tightly. “The time we spend together is precious to me, hon. I wouldn’t give it up for, for anything. Okay?”

Gina peered sideways at her mother. She attempted a smile, then giggled. “Okay.”

“Good,” said Fay. She was still holding Gina’s hand as she tilted her head, her eyes narrowing. “Hmmm… I was telling you about me and Laura, and you were telling me about your friend at school, then you were blushing and acting strange… and now you say that you’re too young for me to be hanging out with you. What’s that all about, honey? Are you trying to tell me something?”

“Oh, GOD!” Gina squeaked, mortified. She jumped up from her chair and raced over to the couch, burying her face in the cushions.

A laughing Fay followed, landing next to Gina with a bounce. She reached around to Gina’s bare underarms and began to tickle her daughter. The girl squealed, thrashing wildly, trying to escape.

“What? You have to tell me! I have ways of making you talk!” gasped Fay.

“No! NO! Stop, really! Oooohgh, stop, please!” Gina twisted away, laughing helplessly, and curled herself into a ball.

“Oh, no you don’t!” cried Fay, and flipped Gina onto her back, grinning as she straddled her daughter’s waist. She leaned over the girl, her long brown hair tickling Gina’s face. They breathed heavily, staring at each other.

“Now.” Fay’s face was wild in the shadow of her hair. “You have to tell me.” Gina squirmed, and her mother grabbed a wrist in each hand. “Nope, you’re not getting away from me, little girl.” Her voice was low, soothing. “Come on, honey. What were you thinking about…?”

“Your… bottom,” Gina whispered after a long pause.

Fay froze, her eyes widening. “My bottom?”

“Your bottom.” Gina felt her face redden. She shouted, “Your bottom, your bottom!”

Fay stared down at her little girl… at her elfin face; then at her nipples, clearly visible through her tank top; then further down, to the smooth white skin of her tummy.

She lightly flexed her ass into Gina’s lap. “You were thinking about… this?”

Gina nodded, her eyes wide.

Fay continued to look down at her daughter, her body throbbing from head to toe, forbidden thoughts now whirling crazily in her head.

Reaching a decision, she slowly, slowly began to gyrate against Gina.

“What about my bottom?” Fay said softly, gazing deep into her daughter’s eyes.

The little girl felt the soft pressure of her mother grinding against her lap, and she instinctively began to respond, her hips flexing and lifting to meet Mommy’s movements. She had been upset, just seconds ago… but now Gina felt strange, sort of lightheaded and very excited. Looking into Fay’s hazel eyes, feeling the warmth of her mommy’s beautiful body… well, Gina was starting to feel pretty warm down there herself.

Her mother leaned in closer, so that Gina was enveloped in a musky tent of her soft, fragrant hair, their faces now inches apart. She whispered again, “What about my bottom, little one?”

“Um…” Gina whispered, “I was uh, looking at your… bottom when you were, were getting a Coke, and… and…”

“What, baby…?” Fay murmured, her eyes never leaving Gina’s.

“And… you are so b-beautiful,” Gina stammered. “I don’t know — seeing your, your bottom, it made me feel good… all tingly. I — I liked it, Mommy… liked looking at you. Is… is that b-bad for me to feel?” Her face was filled with concern.

Fay gently shushed her daughter. “No, honey, it’s not bad at all. I love for you to look at me. It makes me feel good.” As she spoke, Fay slowly pulsed herself against Gina, working her pelvis, languidly pressing her moistening sex into the girl’s yielding lap, feeling Gina’s shorts inching downward, sensing her daughter’s heat through her panties.

She whispered, “When you looked at me that way, honey… what did you see?”

“Um… I saw… ooooh.” A little soft prickle of something wonderful pulsed through Gina’s tummy. It made her dizzy.

Fay studied her dear little girl’s glowing face as their bodies slowly churned together. “Does this feel good, honey?”

Gina nodded, her mouth falling open, “Uh-huh…”

“I’m glad…” Fay continued to undulate against her daughter, her lust now a living thing, coiling and uncoiling in her belly. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No, no, please. Don’t stop.” Oh, gosh, it did feel good. Gina looked deeply into her mother’s eyes as they slowly moved together. “Mommy?” in a small voice.

“What, little love?”

“I really like this.” Gina whispered.

Fay smiled. “Me too,” still pressing her buttocks against Gina’s lap. “Now tell me, honey. Tell me what you saw.” She stared into Gina’s glazed young eyes, inches from hers, and whispered, “Did you see my secret place?”

The young girl felt as if she was floating, the wonderful scary hot feelings between her legs becoming constant now, and building. She gazed into her mother’s loving eyes, felt the steady motion of Mommy’s body on top of hers, and slowly nodded her head.

“Oh, honey, I’m so glad,” breathed Fay. “I’m glad you saw my secret place. It’s my own, you know, a very wonderful part of me, and I want you to see it. Only you. You’re so special to me, my dear Gina.” She kissed the girl’s forehead. “Do you understand?”

Gina nodded. She raised herself up enough to place a clumsy kiss upon her mother’s chin, then lay back, blushing.

Fay smiled. “Thank you, my love.” She lightly touched Gina’s lips with her fingers. “That’s what you are, you know. You are my love.” She moved even closer to her wide-eyed daughter. “Do you know that? Do you know how much you mean to me?”

She breathed the last question into Gina’s open mouth, then softly kissed the little bee-stung lips one at a time, lingering at the lower lip, gently sucking. She then raised herself, just enough to peer into her little girl’s glassy, yearning eyes.

Gina pressed her hips upward as her mother kissed her again — this time, a long, deep and hungry kiss. The younger girl felt herself parting her lips, allowing Mommy’s tongue to glide into her mouth.

The fourteen-year-old had never experienced anything as lovely as this, not ever. Her mother’s mouth was soft and sweet, tasting of peppermint lip gloss with a lingering hint of Coke. Gina found herself wondering if this was the way her mother had kissed Linda, her heart racing with excitement at the very idea.

Should I kiss Mommy back? she asked herself… but before she could take such a daring step, her mother’s lips were gone.

Fay gently broke away, sitting up beside her daughter, breathless at the picture now before her: Gina, her soft red hair askew, mouth open and wet from kissing, those green shorts now halfway down her thighs. The girl’s panties had slipped down, too, revealing the beginning swell and cleft of her rosy pudendum.

A trembling Gina gaped at her mother. In a very little-girl voice, she asked, “Mommy? Why did you stop?”

Fay smiled. At this moment, Gina looked more like eight than fourteen. “You are so very beautiful, baby… mmmm, I have such a lovely daughter.” she breathed, gently placing her hand atop Gina’s panty-clad sex. The girl stared down at her mother’s hand, then gazed up at Fay, mouth slightly open, a dreamy look in her eyes.

Fay gently stroked the small rise of her daughter’s mound, and Gina shivered deliciously.

“Ginny? Can I ask you to do something for me?”

The young girl’s eyes shone with love. “Oh, Mommy, yes, anything. What?”

Fay continued to caress her daughter through her panties. “Can you… show me your secret place, too?”

It struck Gina as so adorable, the sight of her mother looking at her almost bashfully as she asked that. Her own shyness forgotten, Gina quickly sat up, throwing her arms around Fay. “Yes, yes, yes,” she whispered fiercely into her mother’s ear. “I want you to.” She looked up into Fay’s eyes. “I do. I want you — ” and she was suddenly feeling shy once more, “to… to see me.”

Fay sighed happily. “Oh, Gina. I have to kiss you again.”

And she leaned in to do just that, her tongue slipping into her daughter’s mouth once more. Gina surprised herself by matching her mother’s passion, wrapping her arms around the older woman’s neck as her own tongue flashed to life.

As they kissed, Fay’s hand caressed her child’s soft white tummy, then slipped beneath the waistband of Gina’s panties to touch her lightly downed vulva. A shudder of pleasure ran through Gina as their mouths slid wetly together.

Fay’s long fingers traced their way down the groove of Gina’s sex, caressing her daughter’s suddenly moist flesh, stroking the sticky petals before slowly sliding a fingertip inside.

Now Gina was writhing to Fay’s ministrations, mewling ecstatically into her mother’s mouth as they kissed. Fay then drew back, but continued to finger her daughter, desperately wanting to see her come. She watched as Gina’s lips parted in wonder. In a shaky whisper, the girl gasped, “Is this… touching?”

“Yes, my love,” whispered Fay.

And suddenly Gina began to cry out. “Oh, oh, oh, Mommy… wh-what’s happening to me? Ohh! Mommmm… OhhhhhHHH!” She threw her head back, shivering violently as Fay guided her through a powerful climax — her first? She bucked and rocked on her mother’s loving fingers as her pleasure mounted higher, higher — finally collapsing, exhausted, onto her side.

The girl panted for breath, then lifted her head to gasp, “Oh, Mommy… what was that?”

Fay placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Relax, honey. You’ve just had an orgasm. Did you enjoy it?”

“Mmm-hmm,” Gina replied emphatically, her face glowing with contentment as she closed her eyes, sinking into her mother’s lap. Fay cradled the girl, lightly stroking her.

Suddenly Gina sat up, wrapping her arms around her mother’s neck. “Mommy?” she cooed.

Fay buried her face in her little girl’s hair, hugging her close. “What is it, honey?”

Gina whispered, “I haven’t shown you my secret place yet… you still want to see it, don’t you?”

Instead of answering, Fay rocked her daughter to and fro for a few seconds, then quietly said, “Let’s go to my room.”

They stood up together, then Fay bent down to slip one arm under Gina’s neck, the other beneath her thighs. She lifted her daughter, then carried her down the hall to the master bedroom. She lovingly deposited the girl in the center of her queen-sized bed, then stood quietly, looking down at her child with adoring eyes.

“I love you, Mommy,” whispered Gina.

“I love you too, little one.” Fay sighed. “Would you like to see me now? All of me?”

All Gina could do was nod weakly, her heart suddenly racing with excitement.

Fay reached down and grasped the bottom of her long T-shirt, tugging it up and over her head in a single fluid motion. Her brown hair spilled onto her shoulders, over her bare breasts. Then she tugged her panties down her thighs to her feet, carelessly kicking them off. “Here, honey,” she turned around and smiled at the little girl over her shoulder, “now you can take a real look at my bottom.”

Though she was fourteen, Gina had never touched herself before with intent. She may have noticed that it felt good in the shower, or while riding her bike, but she’d never consciously done it to pleasure herself. Even now, it was a mere unconscious urge that caused her hand to slip between her thighs, down to the place that still tingled deliciously from her mother’s touches. She wasn’t aware of her fingers moving slowly over the front of her underpants. She was only conscious of the roller-coaster swoop of her tummy as her mother displayed her beautiful bottom, that same bottom that had made her blush so hotly when she’d glimpsed it earlier. Only now her mommy was letting her see it, wanted her to look.

And look she did. Gina just felt like she wanted to kiss that beautiful bottom, to lose herself in its curves and crevices. “Oh,” she whimpered.

Now naked, Fay sat at the foot of the bed. “Do you like to look at me, honey?” she murmured.

Gina could only nod and sigh, “Oh, yes.”

“Sit up for a second, little one.”

Gina sat up and looked quizzically at her mother, completely undressed and cross-legged on the bed before her. “What?”

“Here,” said Fay solemnly. “I want to show you everything.” And she leaned back, grasped the backs of both her ankles, and spread her legs wide open. “It’s all for you, little one. For you.”

The sight was breathtaking. Gina almost felt like she might cry, her mother was so lovely. There was Mommy’s full-lipped vagina, that she’d only peeked at before… now open and glistening like a dew-moistened flower. Even more thrilling, here was her mom’s secret place, her dark, pink bottom hole, nestled between her silken cheeks. Gina felt her face go hot with pleasure and awe.

“Do you want to touch me?”

Gina gasped. A sharp shock of longing filled her, and she looked deep into her mother’s warm brown eyes. “Oooohh… can I?”

Fay smiled. “Of course, little love. I want you to…”

Almost absently, Gina stood and tugged off her shorts, dropping them to the floor. Her panties, Fay noted with a tingle of excitement, had a streak of wetness on their front. The sight made her mouth water, and she parted her thighs even further, inviting her daughter to explore.

Gina slowly got on all fours to kneel before her mother’s outspread offering. “Wow,” she marveled.

“Go ahead, little one,” Fay breathed. “Touch me. Pet me, just like a little kitten.”

Gina giggled. “What a cute kitten.” She extended her hand and touched the tip of a finger to the rosy outer lip of Fay’s sex. Her eyes widened. “It’s so warm!”

“Mmm-hmm. Touch right there, honey… I need to feel your hands on me.”

Gina took a deep breath. “All right.” She placed the tip of her index finger at the moist crevice between her mother’s labia and pressed inward. Her finger slipped into Fay’s vagina, about an inch deep — and she stopped, suddenly unsure of herself.

“That’s it, love. Go ahead, push all the way in.”

Gina did so, and her exploring digit slipped in even deeper, right up to the third knuckle.

“I — I have my whole finger inside you!” the fourteen-year-old squeaked, her eyes wide.

“Mmmm… I know, my angel. Do you like doing this?”

Gina looked up adoringly at her beautiful mother’s face. “Oh, Mommy, yes… yes!”

“You make so happy, honey.” Fay wiggled her bottom slightly. “Know what you can do to make me even happier?”

“What? Tell me!”

“Put another finger in, and then move them both around together… sort of like you’re spreading butter all over my insides. Okay?”

Gina’s eyes were wide. “Okay.” She slowly slid her middle finger in to join its mate, then tentatively began to move them about.

“It’s all right, Gina honey… you’re not going to hurt me, I promise. The more you move your fingers around in me, the better it feels.”



So Gina concentrated on moving her fingers more forcefully, marveling at the warmth and wetness that dwelled inside her mother’s body.

Fay moaned softly. “Oh, honey, that feels lovely. You can move them in and out of my pussy, too. And it’s also nice if you touch me here—” and she brought one hand down to uncover the bright bud of her swollen clitoris, “—where it’s really sensitive.” Her hand shifted back to grasp her ankle once more.

Biting her lower lip in concentration, Gina began to pump her fingers in and out of her mother’s vagina. She glanced at Fay and shyly murmured, “I like that.”

Fay’s eyes fluttered. “What, honey?”

“You call it your… pussy.” And her cheeks reddened.

Fay smiled. “Oh, honey, you’re blushing again.” Gina grinned, and ran a finger over her mother’s tender bud. “Ooh. Oh, Ginny, that’s wonderful!” She let her head fall back. “Mmmm, yes.”

“Does it f-feel good?” Gina asked.

Smiling at her daughter, Fay shakily murmured, “Oh yes, little girl, it does.” She grinned. “I love what you’re doing to my pussy.” She said this slowly, in a whisper that made Gina’s insides turn to jelly. Then Fay brought her legs down, leaving her knees up and wide. She leaned into Gina, who glanced up, pausing in her work.

“Oh, don’t stop, little one,” breathed Fay. “I just had to kiss you.” And she gently brought her mouth to Gina’s, lightly flicking her tongue between her daughter’s lips as the young teen continued to probe her mom’s now very wet cunt.

Their lips gently parted, and Fay whispered, “I’m so happy that we’re making love, just the two of us. Are you happy to love me like this, honey?” She was trembling now.

“Ohh, Mommy… I am,” Gina cooed, just before Fay, a bit more roughly than before, mashed her lips to Gina’s and thrust her tongue inside her fourteen-year-old’s mouth, moaning deliriously.

“Ohhhhhh,” Fay moaned as she broke away from Gina. “Honey, baby, listen… ooh! Oh, my sweet little girl, t-take one of your wonderful fingers, ah, GOD… and put it,” she leaned back to spread her cheeks, “put it in my b-bottom, honey, right inside me!”

Gina, her eyes wide, touched the index finger of her free hand to Fay’s anal cleft.

“Yes, baby, right there, just work it in, just like you did with Mommy’s pussy.”

Her finger slick with Fay’s fragrant wetness, Gina pushed at her mother’s bottom hole. She gasped in awe as she felt it open, taking her finger inside.

“Yes, honey, push it in, oh my God, push all the way it in!”

An enthralled Gina eagerly obeyed, and watched in wonder as her finger slowly, fully penetrated her mother’s bottom.

“N-now move it in and out, honey, just like you are with my pussy. And you can go faster, too. And harder — hard as you can. I love that.”

Pursing her lips in concentration, the girl began to do as Fay wanted, pushing deep into her mommy’s body, then drawing back again. In and out, gradually picking up speed and force, shifting into a brisk tempo as her confidence grew, thrusting into and out of her mother’s slippery holes.

Fay threw her head back into the pillow, almost violently. “YES! Fuck me, Gina honey, oh GOD, ohhh, I love you so much! FUCK ME!”

Gina worked furiously, gliding and burrowing, pumping and probing. She was aware of an amazing musky scent, animal and overpowering. It was the smell of her mother’s heat, the aroma of sex. And she was making it happen!

“Oh my GOD, oh, Gina! OH!” Fay’s hips bucked as her hands flew to stroke, caress her darling child between fits of helpless pleasure.

“OH! OH! God! Oh, yes!” And as the young girl fucked her, Fay cried out loud, lost in an earthly Nirvana, enveloped in an orgasm that seemed as if it would never end. She rode the wave of pleasure up to the top of the sky, then beyond.

Once her climax had crested and waned, fading into a ember-like glow, Fay fell back, spent and panting. Her knees, still upright, fell apart as her body went slack. She smiled weakly up at her kneeling daughter.

“Oh my God, honey.”

Gina looked down at her, wide-eyed. “I… did I do okay?”

Fay looked at her little 14-year-old daughter, kneeling above, her red hair sticking out wildly. A surge of joy radiated through her soul, so intense that she found herself beginning to cry. Wiping the tears away, she managed to gasp, “You did way better than okay, little one. Come here.” And she held out her arms.

Gina eagerly crept into the warm, naked embrace of her mother, snuggling into her neck.

“Oh, honey, honey, honey…” And Fay fervently kissed the girl’s hair, forehead, her freckled nose. She pulled away to gaze into her daughter’s emerald eyes. “Thank you.” Then she kissed the young girl`s precious mouth, long and deep, finally breaking away to ask, “So… can I see you now, sweetheart?”

Tilting her head to look at her mother, Gina squeezed her tightly, planting kisses her all over her face. “Oh yes, yes, Mommy. I want you to. You can see my… pussy.” Still blushing. “And m-my bottom hole, too.”

“Well, aren’t I the lucky lady,” Fay sighed blissfully. “Now… why don’t you turn your adorable self over for me.”

Gina quickly rolled onto her tummy, delighted to be doing this special thing for her mother.

Fay slipped her hands beneath Gina’s T-shirt to stroke her bare back, gazing in awe at her daughter’s bottom, the way it jutted slightly as it curved its way down… the pale-skinned, gazelle-like legs, the cute dimples behind her knees. “Are these for me?” Fay cooed, teasingly caressing Gina’s underpants.

Gina giggled. “I guess they’re for you. You bought ’em!” She looked back over her shoulder, just in time to see her mother bend down to kiss her panty-clad bottom. She shivered at the sight of that. “Oh… wow.”

“Take off your top, hon,” Fay said, hands caressing her daughter’s smooth thighs.

Gina sat up, swiftly tugged off her T-shirt and threw it away. Fay drew her daughter close, kissing her neck as she reached around to cup the girl’s budding breasts. Gina gasped, “Oh, Mommy!”nearly overwhelmed by the exquisite sensation of Fay’s palms gliding over her nipples. She twisted her head around to kiss her mother, plunging her tongue as deep into Fay’s mouth as she was able. Fay nearly swooned at the intensity of her daughter’s passion.

Finally their lips parted… and Fay whispered, “Okay, honey. Get down on your hands and knees. Mommy wants to see your secret place now…”

Heart throbbing with anticipation, Gina positioned herself on all fours, thrusting her bottom toward her mother.

Fay ran her hand over her daughter’s smooth body, from her neck, over her bottom, down to her cute little pink socks. As her hand slid back again, she trailed her fingers up the little girl’s inner thigh to lightly graze the warm cleft of Gina’s still-concealed vulva. Gina murmured wordlessly and spread her legs wider, opening herself to her mother.

Fay leaned over Gina and began to kiss her neck and shoulders, while her right hand glided up her back, then down, slowing over her bottom, slipping between Gina’s cheeks until she was cupping the girl’s vagina through her damp panties. Her daughter’s hips rose to accommodate her… and Fay, now frantic with desire, whispered shakily into Gina’s ear, “Oh my God, my little girl, I’ve got to see you. I’ve got to taste you.”

She leaned back, roughly tugged Gina’s panties down, down her legs and off, her mouth open as she gazed hungrily at her daughter’s naked, barely-downed sex, glistening enticingly below the delightful pink-brown star of her asshole.

“Oh Gina, my love—” and she leaned in to kiss the offered bottom, to slide her tongue down the smooth path between her daughter’s buttocks. As the girl’s hips rose to meet her kisses, Fay’s nose bored into Gina’s quivering bottom hole as she thrust her swirling tongue into her daughter’s vagina.

Fay heard the girl whimper, felt her push her invaded bottom up and back into Mommy’s ravenous mouth, spreading herself open even further. Fay parted the smooth uplifted cheeks of Gina’s bottom with both hands and kissed the pink pucker of her anus, just as she had kissed Gina’s mouth before. Then her tongue emerged and she began to lick at her daughter’s crack.

As she rimmed the whimpering fourteen-year-old, her hand stole between Gina’s thighs to explore the moist flesh of her cunt, finally brushing the young girl’s clit with her fingertips. And Gina cried out loud.

What an amazing experience it was, feeling her daughter completely lose control from pure pleasure; moaning and weeping with joy and thrashing so hard that Fay had to hold Gina tightly, driving her to spasm after crying spasm of ecstasy with her hot, sucking mouth and busy fingers.

Gina seemed to come non-stop for several minutes, finally collapsing onto her side in exhaustion.

Fay lay down next to her naked daughter, drawing Gina into a loving embrace.

Gina’s eyes slowly fluttered open. “Oh, Mommy…” she whispered, “that was the most wonderful thing ever. I love you so much…”

“I love you too, honey… and I loved making you feel good.” She licked her lips. “Your pussy is delicious.” Fay touched her nose to Gina’s and whispered, “Want to taste for yourself…?”

The young girl, fascinated, slowly nodded her head.

“Then kiss me,” Fay breathed.

Gina closed her eyes and parted her lips. Their mouths met… and they kissed, gently at first. But their newfound passion was too strong to be sated just yet… and their kissing quickly grew hot and hungry. Gina purred with delight, savoring the flavor of her own sweetness on her mother’s lips and tongue.

Suddenly she broke away, her face flushed with desire. “Mommy…” she panted, “I want to k-kiss you there, too. I want to… lick your pussy.”

“Oh, my,” Fay crooned, thrilled beyond words. “Nothing would make me happier, angel.” She rolled onto her back, parting her legs for Gina.

Wide-eyed and grinning excitedly, Gina reached out to brush Fay’s cunt with her fingertips. “Mmm, Mommy…” she sighed, “your pussy is so pretty.” Leaning closer, she placed a soft kiss on her mother’s glistening labia, making Fay gasp. “I just hope I can make you feel as good as you made me  feel.”

“Oh, Gina… here, I’ll show you how,” Fay murmured, parting her pussy lips with her fingers. “I like long, slow licks, honey… start out gentle at first, then you can do it harder. You can slip your tongue inside me and wiggle it around, I like that too. And when I really, really start to get excited,” Fay said, sitting up a bit, “if you lick and suck me right here…” indicating her clit, “that sensitive place I had you touch earlier… oh my, I’ll just explode.”

Gina nodded. “Okay, Mommy,” she chirped, placing her warm hands on Fay’s thighs, “lie back. I want to do it to you right now.”

Fay sighed, “Oh, my sweet baby, yes… make love to me.”

Gina smiled, lowered her face. A moment’s silence, and Fay cried out loud at the unbelievable sensation of her daughter’s tongue licking slowly at her cunt. Her hands helplessly clutched at the bedsheets.

“Mmmm, yes, Gina, that feels wonderful…” Fay moaned. She threw her head back, her lips parted, panting for breath. Just knowing that her deepest, darkest, most forbidden fantasy of making love to her daughter had now come true sent tingly curlicues of purest ecstasy spiraling through her frame.

“You smell really good, Mommy,” purred Gina, her moving lips brushing Fay’s tingling labia, “and you taste great!” She trailed her tongue up and down, exploring the moist pink folds as her heart swelled with love. This was so… so incredible — that she, a fourteen-year-old girl, was getting to make love to the most wonderful woman in the world, the person she adored more than anyone… her own beautiful, sexy mother. She slid her tongue into Mommy’s vagina and rolled it around, and Fay moaned in disbelief.

“Oh, oh, mmmmmm, yes. Oh, honey!” Fay gasped, clutching her breasts. “Oh, my sweet angel, that f-feels so… OH!” Her body began to quiver helplessly.

Gina, sensing her mother’s rising excitement, trailed her mouth up to that sensitive spot that Fay had shown her earlier. She flicked the pink nubbin with the tip of her tongue.

Fay cried out. “Yes, baby. Mmmm, YES!”

Dizzy with excitement at the thought of making her mother go off as intensely as she herself had earlier, Gina took her mother’s clitoris between her lips and nibbled at it.

The result was electric. Fay thrashed wildly on the bed, her body seizing up again and again as she came. Her breath hissed through clenched teeth as her daughter took her through an orgasm that seemed to turn her very soul inside out.

Finally Fay lay dazed, her child’s face resting contentedly on her moist thigh. Gina licked her lips, still savoring the thick taste of her mother’s sex.

“Oh… oh, Gina,” Fay moaned, “c-come here, baby.” The girl crawled into her mother’s warm embrace.

Fay held her daughter for a long time, feeling her heart slowly fall back into its regular rhythm. Finally, she tilted the girl’s face up to hers, then kissed her gently. Brushing Gina’s hair from her forehead, she spoke. “Honey, what we’ve done just now… most people would say it was wrong. You know that, don’t you? Mommies and their daughters aren’t supposed to, to make love like we did.”

Gina opened her mouth to protest, but Fay quieted her with a finger to her lips. “But… it was the most wonderful experience of my life, honey. And I want you to know that — I’m glad it happened.”

Gina hugged her mother tightly, burrowing her face into Fay’s sweet-smelling hair. Suddenly she raised herself up to gaze into the older woman’s eyes. “Does that mean that — that I’m your girlfriend, now, Mommy? Like Laura was?”

Fay shook her head. “No, baby.” A flicker of hurt appeared in Gina’s eyes. “Now listen; let me explain something. If you and I were to become a couple, then I wouldn’t exactly be your mother anymore… and you wouldn’t quite be my little girl, either. Think about it, honey. Being in a relationship like that, a romantic one… things would change between us. You wouldn’t want that to happen — would you?”

Gina furrowed her brow, then smiled, shrugged. “I guess you’re right, Mommy. I like us the way we already are.”

“Good girl. We love each other… but we shouldn’t be in love. Besides,” she chuckled, squeezing her daughter about the waist, her hands moving up to playfully tickle the girl, “what about your little friend at school? The girl who stares at you in the showers?”

“Who, Eve?” Gina giggled, trying to brush her mother’s fingers away from her ribs. “Oh, yeah.” Her eyes lit up like tiny stars. “Yeah! If she wants to um, fool around with me, I know what to do now! You taught me so much cool stuff, Mommy.” She lay back, staring dreamily at the ceiling. “I could sneak into the girl’s bathroom with her during study hall, take off her underpants and lick her p-pussy. Wow, I bet she’d love that.”

“Sounds sexy… but you’d better not do that kind of thing at school, young lady,” Fay sternly replied as she cuddled her child. “Just invite her over, honey — have her spend the night.”

“Mommy,” Gina twisted around to face her mother, a fearful tone in her voice. “I see how we can’t be, you know, girlfriends… but does that mean we… we can’t do this ever again? Make love? We still can, can’t we?”

Fay caressed her daughter’s face. “Sweet Gina… being with you was such a, a perfect thing… and it made me so incredibly happy. How could I give this up?” She placed a feather-light kiss upon her daughter’s lips. “The answer is yes, sweetheart. We can still make love. Any time you want.”

Gina sighed, a mixture of happiness and relief. “That sounds great, Mommy.” She rested her face on her mother’s breast, pausing to give it a tiny kiss… then lifted her head again. “Can I, um, stay with you tonight?”

“Sure you can,” Fay murmured, stroking Gina’s bare back. “And maybe, just maybe, we’ll make love again, before we go to sleep.”

“Mmmmm, yes… I’d like that!”

“I love you, baby,” Fay whispered.

Gina’s lips brushed her mother’s ear. “I love you too.”

They lay together quietly, peacefully.

Then Gina spoke up again. “Mommy?”


“I’m kind of hungry.”

Fay opened an eye. “Me too, now I think of it.” Disentangling herself from Gina, she sat up and stretched luxuriously. “Mmmmmm… tell you what, hon — let’s go hop in the shower—”

“Together?” Gina asked hopefully.

“Oh, yeah,” cooed Fay, placing a warm hand on her daughter’s belly. “And we can get each other all clean. Then we’ll march into the kitchen and throw together a couple of sandwiches. Sound good?”

“Yum!” cheered Gina. “And then, we have to finish our card game. We never did, remember? I was winning, too!”

“Hmmph. We’ll see about that, little lady!” Fay rose from the bed, her nude body illuminated by the fading light of day. Gina sprang to her feet an instant later, proudly displaying her own nakedness to her mother.

“Oh, honey,” purred Fay, smitten anew by her child’s bare beauty. “C’mere. Mommy wants a kiss…”

Parent and child melted into a passionate embrace, their mouths crushed together, tongues mingling. Fay’s hands slipped down Gina’s back to cup her pert little bottom, and the girl moaned into their kiss, lewdly grinding her slender body against the womanly form of her mother.

Finally their lips gently parted. Fay rested her forehead against Gina’s, her heart racing. “Thanks, honey,” she murmured. Releasing her daughter, she swept her hair back. “Ready for that shower now?”

“Yeah!” grinned Gina, padding to the door. Suddenly she whirled around, her eyes flashing. “Last one to the bathroom is a dirty dog!” she cried, then she was dashing down the hallway.

“Why, you little—” growled Fay, and she was off, too, racing headlong after her daughter.

Shrieks of laughter rang through the house, accompanied by the jumbled rhythm of running feet.


This story was written for my own enjoyment, and was never intended to be made public. It is an adaptation/reworking of “Jill’s Heart,” a classic piece of erotica from Leslita author Louisa May. The original story is a lovely tale, but I’d always felt that it ended a bit abruptly, stopping when the sex was beginning to get really intense. (Of course, that’s a testament to the erotic heat of Louisa May’s craft… the way she leaves you craving more.) I fleshed out the last part of the story, then rewrote and expanded the rest; trying to keep the flavor of her original while telling it in my own style.

I never considered making it public, honestly. But I later sent a copy to fellow author Androgyne as a thank-you for her nice remarks about one of my stories, and she more or less demanded that I post it at Leslita. After I replied with my reservations about doing so, she graciously suggested that I present my version of “Jill’s Heart” as a loving tribute to Louisa May.

I ended up doing several more variations on her stories; thankfully, one day Louisa May appeared again at Leslita with a new offering, and gave me her blessing when I wrote to call her attention to my humble efforts.

So here it is, a heartfelt offering for a true queen of lesbian erotica. Thank you, Louisa May, for your beautiful stories as well as your kindness. Wherever you are, I wish you every happiness.


Bathing with Amy

  • Posted on May 7, 2015 at 8:48 am

By JetBoy

I was luxuriating in a steamy bath, my eyes half-closed as I savored that wonderful, sensuous feeling of complete relaxation. This was the very best time of the day, when I could shut the world away and let my thoughts drift while lightly caressing the curves of my body. After awhile I allowed a hand to casually slip between my thighs, seeking out the tingling center of my cunt.

The tub was carved from a large blue-white block of Carrera marble, shaped into a broad oval bowl that was now filled with hot water, made fragrant with peppermint bath oil. The water spigot is done in silver, carved in the shape of a ram’s head. The niche of the room in which the tub was set is studded with floor-to-ceiling mirrors, all of which reflected the image of my sixteen-year-old daughter Amy as she casually strolled into the room.

“Amy,” I chided her gently, taking my hand from between my legs. “I have told you time and again to please, please knock before you enter my bathroom.” She was wearing blue shorts and white t- shirt, and the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra was obvious from the way her nipples stood out against the thin fabric.

“Sorry Mom… guess I forgot again. You’re not fooling anyone, by the way,” she added, grinning broadly. “I saw what you were doing when I came in…” Her eyes danced with amusement.

“Oh? And just what do you think you saw?” I asked, feeling my face flush with embarrassment. “I’m simply taking a bath, as you can plainly tell.”

“Come on, Mom! You were playing with yourself.” Giggling now, she sat down on the edge of the tub beside me, openly gazing down at my naked body. “Geez… it’s no big deal, you know? I do it all the time.” She paused for a moment, then jumped to her feet. “Hey, I’ve got an idea… can I take a bath with you?”

“Wh-what?” As my mind raced to process my daughter’s request, Amy quickly took off her t-shirt, freeing her breasts. As she slid her jeans off and skimmed a pair of black panties down her shapely legs, my eyes were drawn to the dark tuft of her pubes. It struck me that I hadn’t seen my daughter nude in at least five years, back when she had been a gawky adolescent of twelve.

Those days are certainly over, I reflected, awed by the sight of the lovely creature she had matured into.

Amy nimbly lowered her naked body into the tub to sit facing me, then slowly leaned back, a blissful expression on her face. “Ummm… this feels nice,” she sighed.

The tub was so large that the two of us could sit quite comfortably, and even though I was still a bit astonished at my daughter’s boldness, I was finding it a bit titillating as well. I was puzzled at first by the slight arousal I felt, a ripple of heat that wasn’t from the bathwater flickering through my loins as Amy made herself comfortable, her legs sliding against mine.

Then I shrugged to myself, dismissing these bizarre thoughts. After all, she was my daughter, and what was so terribly wrong about the two of us taking a bath together? Think of it as a bonding experience, I told myself. Reassured, I lay my head back and closed my eyes.

“Mom…?” My eyes drifted open, and I gazed at Amy questioningly. She had raised herself up slightly, her rosy nipples barely above the water. “Do you think you could wash my back? I’d really like that.”

“Sure,” I smiled lazily. “Here, turn around and slide a little closer.”

Amy wriggled herself around and pushed herself back until she sat between my spread legs. I picked up the bar of citrus-scented soap, coated my hands with lather, and began to wash my daughter’s back. Shoulders and neck first, then my hands slid down her warm body. Amy’s skin was so soft and slippery that I started to feel a little aroused again, in spite of myself. As my hands moved down her sides she leaned back slightly, causing the tips of my fingers to brush the sides of her breasts. Was it my imagination, or did I feel her tremble slightly?

I scooped up water in my hands to pour down her back, rinsing the soap from her body. There was something so sweet, so sensual about what I was doing. Amy’s back and shoulders were truly lovely, and I could see enough of her underneath the warm water to appreciate what a sexy ass she had. I was feeling a little flushed, deciding then and there that I would have to finish masturbating in my bedroom later.

“All done,” I said, giving my daughter a small pat on the back.

“Thanks, Mom…” she sighed, “that was great.” Amy then surprised me once again – instead of turning around and moving back to the other end of the tub, she slid toward me, slipping in between my legs, allowing her body to rest against mine. She lay her head upon my shoulder, then sighed contentedly.

I was struck speechless — but the feel of my daughter’s soft, naked body was incredible. The mild arousal I had felt a moment ago was suddenly much stronger, and I prayed that she couldn’t detect my nipples growing taut against her skin. Her ass was pressing lightly against my pussy, and it couldn’t help but feel good.

I’d never actually had any kind of sexual involvement with a woman before, but sitting there naked with Amy was taking my mind to some very new and intriguing places. It was wrong, I knew, to experience these kind of feelings with your own daughter, and I knew that I should get out of the tub right then… but it just felt too nice to leave. Instead, I told myself that this was a totally innocent feeling, that I was just happy at the chance to be intimate with my baby girl in a nice, affectionate way.

My heart swelled with love for my daughter, and I wrapped my arms around her tummy. “I love you, sweetheart,” I whispered in her ear.

I felt her tremble slightly against me. “I love you too, Mom,” she sighed, turning her head to kiss my cheek. “You’re so sweet…” Her lips brushed the side of my face. “And so beautiful…” Twisting her body sideways, she placed another gentle kiss on my neck. “And so… so desirable.”

I was tingling all over from Amy’s attention, my heart throbbing wildly… and that was when I felt her hand touch my leg, just above the knee.

It was only a few seconds later that her fingertips began to dance lightly up the inner side of my thigh. Encountering a complete lack of resistance from me, she let her hand glide higher still, slowly sliding upward until her fingers were resting on my pussy. Her warm tongue emerged to lick around my ear.

It was only then that I summoned up the will to lift my head, my eyes fluttering open to stare at her.

“Amy…? W-what are you doing?”

“I’m showing you how much I really love you, Mom,” she whispered. Her hungry gaze held me in thrall as she began to lightly stroke my vulva with gentle fingertips – and I suddenly knew my daughter was no novice when it came to touching a woman.

I was frozen, torn between the wonderful feel of her caresses, the realization that we were committing a truly forbidden act, and this strange new desire that left me dizzy and frantic with need. I knew that I had to tell her to stop this insanity, to take her hand away from between my legs this very instant — but why wouldn’t the words come?

Amy then rose up enough to straddle my lap, her fingers now pressing firmly against my womanly center. I could clearly see the lust that smoldered in my daughter’s eyes as she leaned forward to kiss me.

Her lips softly slid against mine — and suddenly something broke within me, banishing my will to resist this insane thing.

I found myself returning my baby’s kiss, sucking her tongue into my mouth as she plunged a finger deep into my vagina. I gasped into our kiss, rocking my pelvis to the movement of her hand as she fucked me, my tongue flashing to life to mingle with hers.

Right and wrong had lost all meaning. I was riding a wave of pure, naked abandon where anything and everything was possible. My body was aflame with an unimaginable lust, so much so that I actually uttered a small mew of disappointment when Amy broke our kiss, removing her fingers from between my legs.

Amy climbed out of the tub and stood there dripping, extending a hand towards me. Her voice was thick with lust. “Let’s go to my room, Mom. I want to make love to you.”

Hearing these words coming from my daughter’s mouth thrilled me to the core. I gazed dreamily into her eyes, my heart throbbing as I took her hand. I let her help me out of the tub, then followed her as she tugged me towards her room, bath water dripping from our bodies and onto the carpeted floor.

Pushing me back onto the bed, Amy lowered herself full length on top of me, and we melted into a passionate embrace, her tongue spearing into my mouth as she kissed me like a lover.

My hands began to eagerly explore Amy’s bare body, sliding down to cup her ass for a brief moment before she began squirming herself downward. She paused to kiss and suck at my nipples for a tantalizing moment, then trailed her tongue down to my belly and beyond until she lay between my thighs, her breath caressing the wet heat of me. I instinctively hooked my legs over my daughter’s shoulders as her tongue brushed the swollen lips of my vulva, and she began to lick me with a passion I had never experienced from any man, her mouth buried in my pubic triangle.

I gasped aloud as her lips captured my clitoris, sucking it for a brief but tantalizing instant before she licked her way back down to my vaginal opening. As Amy’s tongue twirled knowingly into the creamy tunnel, I ground myself against her face, high as a soaring kite on the pleasure she was giving me. It was a pleasure that I suddenly knew I wanted to return to her. Desperately.

“Amy… baby… I want – I want to…”

She knew what I craved. Her mouth never once losing contact with my sex, she reversed herself about so that we were head to toe, her legs framing my head. My nostrils flared with pleasure at the pungent, musky smell of her. Then, for the first time in my life, I was sampling the intoxicating flavor of another woman’s pussy. I placed my hands on her ass, fondling her buttocks as I drank of Amy’s essence, going down on my daughter and loving it.

My tongue instinctively found Amy’s clitoris, and our moans of pleasure combined to form a single chorus of passion as we made love, finally exploding together in a mutual orgasm that left us gasping for air. I lay in a daze as my daughter raised herself from me, twisting around to crawl into my arms.

The two of us lay side by side on the bed, my arm around Amy, her head nestled on my shoulder. I found it odd – and strangely unsettling – that I was feeling no remorse about what had just happened. Instead, all I knew was a warm, glowing sense of release. I had just experienced the most incredible sex of my entire life. And I knew, deep down inside, that I couldn’t give this up – that my daughter and I would share our bodies again… and again!

“God, Mom…” she whispered, “I’ve wanted that for so long. I love you.” Her lips brushed the hollow of my throat, sending shivers up my spine.

“Mmmmmm…” I sighed, “I love you too, baby. I can’t believe we just did this… but I’m glad it happened.” Then I turned to study her, suddenly curious. “So, honey… how long have you wanted to — to be with me this way?”

She placed a playful kiss on the tip of my nose. “The correct expression is ‘make love,’ Mom… and to answer your question, I’ve dreamed of making love to you for at least a year.” She caressed my face. “That’s when I figured out I was gay.”

Still puzzled, I pressed on. “But baby, why did you want me? Don’t get me wrong, I’m incredibly flattered… but there are so many lovely girls your own age…”

Amy shook her head, a wry smile on her lips. “I’m not so much into girls, Mom… oh, I’ve done the wild thing with a couple of cuties I know from school… but what I really wanted was a woman.” She snuggled into me, her warm lips brushing my skin. “And you, Mom, are the sexiest, most desirable woman I know.”

I felt like I held the warmth of the sun in my belly, my soul glowing with love for this sweet, incomparable creature I had brought into the world. I brought her hand to my lips, pressing a kiss into her palm. “My angel,” I whispered, “you — you’ve made me happier than I can say… God, I adore you.”

She drew me into her arms, hugging me tightly. I shivered as her tongue traced my ear… then she whispered, “Mom, I want you to fuck me. I’ve got a strap-on cock, and I’d love for you to do me with it. You will, won’t you?”

Without waiting for an answer, she rolled off the bed and padded over to her dresser. She opened the bottom drawer and rummaged around for a few seconds, then turned to me, a bad-girl smile on her lips. She held a jet-black dildo in her hand, attached to a leather harness.

With a lot of giggling and teasing between the two of us, we managed to fasten the eight-inch cock around my hips. Then Amy lay down on her back on the bed and spread her legs wide apart for me. She was so wet that I swore I could see her thick, warm juices oozing into the crack of her ass.

Her voice quivering in anticipation, she moaned, “Take me now, Mom… I want you inside me!”

My heart pounding, I climbed between my daughter’s legs. Carefully placing the head of the dildo at the opening of her pussy, I slowly pressed forward, and she moaned softly as the tip of it penetrated her body. I slowly lowered myself onto her, the latex cock sliding as deeply inside her as it could go. I kissed my daughter, dipping my tongue into her mouth as I began to fuck her.

I went slowly at first — but Amy urged me on, begging me to go faster, deeper. And as the tempo of my strokes increased, she began to thrust her hips against me until I was furiously pistoning in and out of my baby’s pussy, fucking her like an animal.

Ripping her mouth away from mine, Amy began to scream as she neared orgasm. “Oh, God… oh, Mom – Oh! OH! FUCK ME!” Her legs scissored around my ass as her body jerked hard against mine, spasming frantically as she came over and over.

Finally we lay entwined, the dildo still buried in her wet cunt. She lazily nuzzled a path up my neck and to my chin, then her mouth found mine and we kissed deeply, tongues dancing.

Amy gently broke away to give me a wicked grin. “So, Mom – do you want me to fuck you now?”

I knew right then that I wanted my sweet daughter to take me with that big cock, more than anything! “You bet,” I purred.

We changed places, Amy strapping the dildo around her waist as I sucked at her nipples. I got up on all fours, and she positioned herself behind me.

I turned to look at her. “One thing, honey – I love being fucked in the ass, and I haven’t had it that way in a long time. Would you like to…?”

Amy smiled. “Sure, Mom… hold on, though, let’s use some lube.” She jumped up to fish through her nightstand drawer, then came up with a blue plastic bottle. Squirting a dollop of gel on the dildo, she quickly coated its length with the slippery stuff, then crawled on the bed once more, where I awaited her on hands and knees.

Her fingers probed lightly at my butt crack. “Hmmm, why don’t I get you good and wet back there, too…” she chuckled, and I gasped as I felt her face pressing against my bottom. Then I gasped again with shocked pleasure as the length of her tongue slowly glided up the crack of my ass. God, my own daughter was rimming me!

Amy licked lustily at the dark cleft for a few strokes, then spread my cheeks apart, and I cried out as her hot, wet tongue squirmed its way into my anus. She probed at me until I thought I was about to come right then, but suddenly pulled away and placed the tip of the dildo against my asshole. I moaned as the first divine inch pushed into me.

Then my beautiful daughter wrapped her arms around me to cup my breasts as she slid the full length of that lovely prick into my body.

I inhaled sharply at the feel of it, filling me up so nicely – then Amy began to fuck my ass for real. Her fingers moved between my legs and began fiddling with my cunt as she plowed that slippery cock in and out of my clenching rectum. My body was trembling so hard that I couldn’t speak. Then she tweaked my throbbing clitoris between two fingers – and I exploded in orgasm.

It was utterly divine. I was rigid with ecstasy, my head thrown back as I gasped for air, hands clawing the sheets. Then, just as my pleasure began to ebb, my daughter’s fingers somehow drove me to climax once more, unbelievable sensations battering my helpless body until I slumped in exhaustion. Slowly, Amy carefully withdrew from me, and I collapsed onto my side.

I lay motionless, utterly relaxed, my hot, sweaty body still basking in the aftermath of our loving. I could hear Amy unstrap the dildo and drop it on the floor, then she snuggled close, drawing the sheet over us. I sighed happily as she wrapped her arms around me, cupping my breasts.

“I love you, Mom,” she breathed. “I mean, that was the best.”

“Oh, my darling child,” I sighed, “I love you too.”

The last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep was Amy kissing my cheek.

That was two years ago. Amy and I have been sexually intimate ever since. Don’t get me wrong, we haven’t exactly become lovers, not in a romantic way. I still date men, and Amy now has a steady girlfriend. Our relationship continues to be one of mother and daughter. I get on her case about her cell phone bills, her messy room, and her grades; she rolls her eyes in exasperation and sighs that I’m being such a mom.

But now and again, our eyes meet — and I see something in Amy’s gaze that brings a delicious, oh-so-familiar warmth to my tummy. And that’s when I put down my sewing, or the television remote, or my magazine, and go to her. My daughter takes my hand, and we silently drift down the hall to enter her bedroom.

We share a long, loving kiss, then slowly undress one another, a piece at a time. Or sometimes we go at it like bitches in heat, tearing clothes and sending buttons flying in a lust-fueled frenzy, desperate to bring our naked bodies together.

And she and I banish the world away, indulging ourselves in a crazy feast of passion and ecstasy, reveling in our mutual love and the forbidden delights of incest. Our bodies seem to fit together perfectly, and we are so finely tuned to each other’s desires that no words are needed when we are in bed — except, perhaps, for whispered words of lust that we exchange in the heat of our fucking.

I’ve had my share of pleasure in this lifetime, but nothing fulfills me as a woman like the sweet, private sex play that I enjoy with my Amy. Lovers come and go, but my daughter is always there for me.



  • Posted on May 5, 2015 at 2:24 pm

By JetBoy

My daughter Taffy is nine, soon to be ten, and I adore her more than words can say.

I’d planned to name her Susan, but when I first held her in my arms as a newborn infant, I changed my mind on a whim and picked the name Taffy, because to me she was the sweetest baby imaginable, my little candy girl. Silly? Some of my friends certainly thought so, but that was how I felt then about my darling child — and still do.

I’m gay, and from the first, I wanted my daughter to know everything about the wonders of lesbian love. I’ve always been attracted to young girls as much as women, and Taffy has always been a truly beautiful child. So I made the decision to explore sexual intimacy with my little girl when she first grew curious about such things.

From the time she was a toddler, Taffy and I loved to kiss one another. She never seemed to get enough; I can still remember how she would nestle in my lap and sweetly ask for one kiss after another. Needless to say, I had an endless supply of them to give her.

Around the time when she was seven, I taught her the art of French kissing, which she took to instantly. It was an amazing experience, observing my child’s delight in this exciting new game, her tongue exploring Mommy’s lips and mouth.

After that, Taffy and I often kissed passionately around my lesbian acquaintances. I’m actually very lucky to have truly understanding girlfriends who would never think to stop my daughter and I from loving each other as we do. To this day I don’t understand why so few gay mothers ever explore kissing games with their little girls.

When she turned eight, we took our relationship a step further. I invited her to share my bed on a regular basis, where we would cuddle together. We always slept naked. It wasn’t completely sexual, not quite yet, but it was very sweet and sensual and we enjoyed every moment of it. I think at that age she began to really understand what making love was about, and how magical it could be.

It’s funny, but there were nights when Taffy and I couldn’t wait to go to bed. It made me very aroused just to wait for that moment when I held her close to me while touching her babyish body all over and kissing her soft little mouth.

A few weeks later I began to touch my daughter in a more sensual way — stroking her tiny nipples, fondling her bottom, gently exploring her vulva with my fingertips. Taffy loved these new touching games, every bit as much as she loved kissing. Soon, I was encouraging her to touch me in the same way.

By then, she had seen me make love more than a few times. In fact, she sometimes came to my bedroom to watch me and my lovers as we pleasured one another, if my partner was willing. It always turned me on to know that Taffy was there, too. Not all, but some of the women I slept with were quite open-minded, and willing to let my little girl learn about lesbian sex by observing us.

One day I was ready to go beyond simply letting my daughter witness the act of love — I wanted Taffy to experience it for herself.

When we prepared for bed that evening, I undressed my little girl, then had her sit between my thighs, her naked body resting snugly against mine. I’d taken the wall mirror down and propped it against the dresser, so that my beautiful child and I could both watch as I made love to her.

Slipping a hand between Taffy’s legs, I touched her bare sex, as I so often did when we slept together — but this time, my touches were bolder, more intimate. Soon I was actually masturbating my little girl, and she was mewling with delight, tilting her face up to mine to share long, luscious kisses.

Before long my daughter’s cries of rapture echoed in the bedroom, her thin body squirming against mine as I brought her off. It was the first time I made her come, and she climaxed so sweetly that the sight had me shedding joyful tears. To this day, I can close my eyes and recall the wondrous vision of my Taffy reflected in the mirror — her face alight in joy as I caressed her vagina.

Once Taffy had recovered, she insisted that I let her touch me in the same way. So I lay down, offering myself to my little girl. She sprawled next to me, eyes wide and excited as she explored my sex with curious fingers. I showed her how and where to touch me — and soon she had two fingers of one hand buried deep in my cunt, the index finger of the other hand stimulating my clit.

She was a little awkward at first, but soon Taffy was pleasuring her mommy as if she’d been born to it, bringing me to two amazing orgasms.

That was the night that my daughter and I truly became lovers.

The next evening, Taffy and I had just put our dinner plates in the sink when my little girl turned to me, taking both my hands in hers. Without a word, she tilted her head back and went up on tiptoe, her eyes drifting shut.

I bent to kiss my child, her lips soft as down where my mouth brushed them. She returned my kiss with a passion that startled me, her tongue boldly meeting and engaging my own.

My heart raced. Taffy had always been a shy partner, content to let Mommy set the pace in our loving games. This was a newer, bolder side of my daughter that I’d not seen before — and it thrilled me!

She finally broke away, tugging at my hand with an expectant gleam in her eyes.

My little girl led me from the kitchen and down the hall toward her bedroom, glancing back at me every few seconds, grinning hugely.

Taffy’s room was dimly lit, the anglepoise lamp on her desk providing the only illumination. The atmosphere was warm, cozy… and very romantic.

She guided me over to her bed, indicating without words that I was to sit. Once I did, my darling child just stood there, gazing adoringly at me for a moment. Then she began to unbutton her top.

I stared, my heart thudding crazily as Taffy slowly undressed for me, her eyes never leaving mine. She slipped out of her shirt, baring her upper half, then let the garment carelessly drop to the floor. The sight of her nipples, now visibly erect, made my mouth water. I wanted to take those dark pink buds into my mouth, give them teasing little love bites.

With a flick of the fingers she undid the button on her plaid shorts, then slowly drew the zipper down, one tooth at a time. As the shorts came open, I glimpsed just enough bare flesh to realize that my baby girl had gone without panties.

Just as I expected to see the gentle curve of my daughter’s vulva, Taffy turned around. Hugging herself, she began to do a clumsy grind, moving her pelvis in a circular motion.

I was utterly floored… and aroused to the point of hysteria, my pussy a humid swamp. When had my innocent little girl learned to tease?

Taffy slipped her thumbs beneath the waistband of her shorts and began to wriggle them down her hips. I held my breath as that flawless bare bottom came into view, inch by glorious inch. When she bent to push those shorts to her ankles, I got a quick glimpse of the cleft of my daughter’s sex, and was overwhelmed with a dizzying rush of lust.

Now naked, my child turned to face me. Instead of a shy smile, there was an expression of innocent desire on Taffy’s face, a sight that made me lightheaded.

She padded over to where I sat and stood before me for a few heartbeats. I longed to reach for her, envelop my little lover in a hug, but something told me to let Taffy take charge for now.

Her little hands reached for the hem of the faded old t-shirt I wore, and I raised my arms, allowing Taffy to pull it up and over my head. Discarding that, she made short work of my bra, undoing the front clasp without too much difficulty. I shrugged it off, baring my breasts.

Taffy undid the button on my blue jeans, then drew down the zipper, exposing my black panties. I obediently lifted my ass enough for her to tug my jeans off, silently grateful that they weren’t very tight. My undies went with them, leaving me nude.

I lay back, my pulse beating out a relentless tattoo as I waited to see what my daughter would do.

She gazed lovingly at me, her eyes warm as a summer morning. Reaching out, she placed her little hand on my breast.

I took her hand, brought it to my lips and pressed a kiss into her palm, then beckoned her to join me with a tilt of the head and a smile.

Taffy eagerly clambered onto the bed and into my open arms, her mouth seeking mine. We kissed, tenderly at first — then her tongue slipped between my lips and, like an unexpected bolt from the blue, I came. It was a small but lovely orgasm; an appetizer for the pleasures to follow.

That night, all was possible between my daughter and I. We would sample the fruits of the goddess in each other’s naked bodies. Love was ours.

We lay together, kissing again and again, just as my little girl and I had done for years. But there was a new hunger to our kisses, a raw, knife-sharp heat that we’d not experienced before. The heat of lust. Taffy and I both felt it, glowing beneath our bellies.

I rolled my child onto her back, our mouths locked together in an uninterrupted kiss. She twined her arms around my back, clutching me tightly as I slipped a hand between our bodies, seeking the rise of her vulva. A tremor of excitement darted through me when I felt how wet Taffy was.

It was too much for me — I had to taste her.

My daughter trembled with anticipation as I slid down to lie between her thin thighs, lowering my face to kiss the smooth pinkness of her sex. When my tongue emerged to lick, she cried out, her little hands pawing the sheets. She was delicious, and I went down on my little girl with more passion than I’d ever shown a lover.

She came in my mouth, and I drank every drop my child had to give, savoring it like good wine.

Like before, she wanted to return the pleasure I had given her — and though I was a little apprehensive about going too far, too fast, the idea of being licked by my precious daughter was too tempting to resist.

Soon I was spread out on the bed, thighs drawn apart, watching Taffy nuzzle my shaved sex. She placed a single kiss on the slit — then another. Finally, she took a hesitant lick.

Taffy lifted her face from me, tasting her lips, then grinned. She burrowed between my legs for more, her warm tongue slipping inside my vagina.

When I came, it was a revelation. Like being thrust raw into a cleansing summer rain — gazing rapturously into the heavens, my body bathed from head to toe and washed clean. My baby’s love changed me, made me new again.

Afterwards, we cuddled for a long while, but holding my naked little girl soon had me burning inside with renewed desire, aching to have her once more.

I didn’t want to penetrate Taffy with my fingers yet, feeling that she was still too young. Instead I lay my little girl on her tummy, spread the globes of her bottom and licked her rosebud for a long while. Then I lubricated a finger and carefully entered her anus. It was such a marvel to watch her respond, cooing with delight as my probing gradually went deeper, right up to the knuckle. Her pleasure grew so intense that I was able to slip a hand between my baby’s legs and stroke her sex until she climaxed again.

By then, I figured that she’d had enough, but no — after Taffy caught her breath, she got me on all fours and lovingly rimmed my asshole. Then, as now, it struck me what a genuinely unselfish lover my daughter was; as much into giving pleasure as receiving it.

Finally we lay entwined, exchanging whispered words of love and gentle kisses until Taffy fell asleep in my arms. I lay awake for a long while, gazing in awe at this slumbering child — the child who had become my lover. It was the happiest moment of my life.

The next morning at the breakfast table, Taffy and I were dreamy-eyed children, dazzled by love as we fed one another bits of toast and cantaloupe. We couldn’t make eye contact without giggling foolishly, reaching out again and again to touch each other’s bodies. We both wore unfastened dressing gowns and nothing else, so there was plenty for us to fondle and caress.

At one point, when I was stacking the breakfast dishes in the sink, Taffy crept behind me and hoisted my gown — baring my ass, which she began to adorn with kisses. Parting both buttocks with her hands, she placed a slurping, open-mouthed kiss upon my anus.

Spinning around, I fell to my knees, taking the child in my arms. She embraced me, and we hugged for a long, lovely moment. When we drifted apart, I saw a need in her eyes that mirrored mine.

Without a word, I rose and offered Taffy my hand. She accepted it with a smile, and we made our way back to the bedroom.

My daughter and I shrugged our dressing gowns to the floor and climbed onto the bed, kneeling nude before one another, holding hands. Bending down, I kissed Taffy deeply, my tongue dancing with hers.

I offered to show her another way that lesbians could make love, and she couldn’t have been more eager to learn more about grownup sex. I asked my daughter if she knew what fucking was, then informed her that I was going to teach her how we could do that very thing, just the two of us.

She was puzzled at first, but I told her to do what I did, that she would understand right away.

Lying back and spreading my legs wide apart. I arranged Taffy’s body so that she mounted me, her warm sex touching mine, then showed her how to move in a way that had our vulvas sliding together.

My daughter quickly got the idea and, wrapping both arms around my thigh, began to thrust herself into me, biting her lower lip in concentration. I pressed back, working my pussy against hers.

It was a thrill unlike any I’d ever experienced, fucking my little girl. Taffy’s head was thrown back, mouth open in a silent cry as our cunts met and mingled in a wet, slippery kiss of flesh. Our bodies pumped in unison, a shiver of pleasure flashed through me whenever her sex brushed my clit — and I could feel my child’s body quivering in the same way.

Suddenly a squeal exploded from her lips, and then my daughter was coming, her astonished eyes staring into mine for an instant before a new surge of ecstasy squeezed them shut.

Her climax was enough to set me off — and we rocked tightly together, Taffy and I, a mother and daughter joined in mutual rapture, bonded in love. Everything rose to an unimaginable peak, then faded to black.

I found myself lying quietly, my legs still tangled with hers. Too dazed to move, I felt Taffy withdraw, then lie down next to me. I reached for her, enfolded her in my arms. Our mouths met in a gentle but passionate kiss, tongues meeting in a slow dance.

We shared whispered declarations of love, then lay for a long while in perfect contentment, her small body fitting perfectly into mine.

From that day forward, Taffy and I have enjoyed the loveliest relationship imaginable.

I later introduced Taffy to other kinds of intimacy, including light bondage, a threesome with a woman friend of mine who also loves little girls, and certain devices from my collection of toys, but her favorite is still oral sex. My daughter is very eager to be fully penetrated for the first time, and I’ve promised to take her virginity with my fingers when she turns twelve.

My baby and I are deliriously happy together, and I will be her lover for as long as she wants me.


Overcoming Mom’s Reluctance, Part Two

  • Posted on May 5, 2015 at 2:21 pm

By JetBoy


I could see the door from my bed as it slowly opened and Mom quietly came in, closed the door and came to my bedside. She just stood and looked down at me as I lay still, watching through nearly closed eyes. I was nude, the way I always slept, the sheet pulled up to my chin.

She took off her nightgown, which was all she had on, and dropped it to the floor. My heart was suddenly pounding! Then she slowly lifted the sheet and slipped naked into bed beside me, taking care not to shake the bed and wake me up.

She looked so beautiful and sexy in the dim light of the darkened room. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but this time I was determined to let Mom make the first move, if a move was to be made. So I lay quietly, trying to keep my breath as steady as it would be if I were actually asleep.

I felt her moving around and getting closer to me. Her leg grazed mine. Then she kissed my cheek very lightly and placed her hand on my arm. I heard her sigh, then we were both motionless for awhile.

She removed her hand from my arm and put it on my chest, just below my breasts. Mom’s touch felt warm, almost hot. With her fingers lightly playing against my skin, she kissed my cheek again. Her hand slid up to cup my breast, the palm brushing my stiffening nipple.

I knew that she could feel the hammering of my heart, so there was no point in my pretending to be asleep. Turning to her and gazing into her eyes, I whispered, “Mom…?”

She took her hand away. “I… I couldn’t sleep. I felt so bad for getting angry with you, and it was keeping me awake. I had to come and try to tell you that I’m sorry for losing my temper. I was just kind of stunned when you kissed me, rubbing your body against mine like that.” She sighed. “Maybe I was expecting something like that to happen, but when you held me, I felt so aroused that I was frightened.”

“Oh, Mom, I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said glumly. “I just love you so much, and I loved what we did that night. I c-can’t help myself.” I felt like sobbing. “I want to — to be with you that way again, Mom…”

Mom touched my hand. “I know, honey. That kiss, and the way you and I kissed the other day, and how we touched one another… the thought of it just keep slipping through my mind, like, I don’t know, a sweet song I can’t forget.”

I wouldn’t let myself cry, damn it. Even if she never let me make love to her again. “But… d-do you want to forget?”

“No, baby. No. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just the way that you make me feel, angel. It’s more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced with a lover.”

My heart skipped a beat. Lover. That word. That beautiful, wonderful word. Did she really think of me that way?

She continued, her eyes burning into mine. “I shouldn’t be here in bed with you, Marcie… but I had to come. I knew I’d never get to sleep if I didn’t.” A sob escaped her lips. “Oh, God, this is wrong, so wrong… but I want you so very much. My darling daughter…”

She reached for my shoulder and pulled me to her. Our faces were an inch or two apart, our bare breasts pressed together.

“Kiss me, Marcie. Kiss me again, like you did downstairs. I need you to love me.”

I placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled us together. Our mouths met for a few seconds in a soft kiss before I parted her lips with my tongue. Mom crushed her mouth to mine, her own tongue flashing to life, and once again my mother and I were kissing passionately.

We made out for a long while, then I pulled away. “God, I love kissing you, Mom. But are you sure you’re okay with this — with us?”

“Marcie, I think…” Then a look of determination flared in her eyes. “Yes. Yes, I am. I want to make love to you, angel.”

Our hungry mouths came together again as her hand slipped between us to find my breast. I allowed my hand to drift from her neck and slip down to the curve of her ass.

As we ground our bodies together, sharing juicy kisses, I felt positively euphoric. In my mind’s eye I pictured my mother and myself as we squirmed on the bed; legs twined, tongues and mouths playing sweet games. Her fingers were plucking at my nipples, tiny shocks of pleasure racing through me with each gentle pinch.

Mom’s hand slid from my breast and down over the belly to cup my sex. She ran a couple of fingers through my slippery labia, then eased one inside. I broke our kiss, a gasp exploding from my throat. She whispered, “Oh, Marcie, I adore you,” then plunged a second finger into me.

My legs parted further for her, hips thrusting against Mom as she went deeper, pressing into me until I could feel her knuckles against my labia. She fondled my breasts with her left hand and fucked me with the right.

I writhed and bucked on the bed, pumping my hips to the rhythm of mother’s wrist. In very short order I felt an orgasm rising beneath my belly, and that just got my pelvis churning faster. I longed, ached to come for Mom, and she knew it. Her thrusts quickened and her thumb rubbed against my clit, spiking my pleasure even higher.

I erupted with a loud guttural moan as my whole body stiffened and arched upward. Everything vanished in a surge of dark heat as I came long and hard.

Mom kept it going, kept working my pussy so that my ecstasy flared up again and again. It seemed as if I was screaming; somehow I couldn’t hear it.

Finally the sensations began to slowly ebb, and I felt myself shudder as a sweet aftershock flashed through me. Then I relaxed, sinking back into the sodden mattress, attempting to draw a full measure of air into my lungs. I was flushed, sweaty and tingling from head to toe.

Mom stretched out alongside me, her hand lightly caressing my breasts before sliding down to rest on my tummy.

I sighed, blissfully content. “That was fantastic, Mom. I’ve never come so hard in my life!”

She giggled. “Oh, I loved doing it, honey. I almost had my own orgasm, just from touching you.”

We kissed. I tasted my cunt on her lips and tongue as our mouths slid together. We nuzzled each other’s faces; took turns nibbling at each other’s necks. I bit her earlobe, and she squealed with delight.

My lips grazed Mom’s ear as I whispered, “I want to make you come.”

She shook her head. “No, Marcie, you don’t have to do that. This night is for you, honey.”

I climbed on top of her. “Well, Mom, if this night is really for me, then there’s only one thing I want — to fuck you.” I gave her a brief but steamy kiss, my tongue darting into her mouth. “Right here, right now.”

I was pulsing inside with near-unbearable excitement — tonight, I would truly make Mom my lover.

Gazing deep into the languid pools of green that were her eyes, I cooed, “You’re the best mom in the world. You’ve taken care of me, worked to raise me, made me happy… and now I’m going to make love to you.”

I began to kiss her face, brushing my lips against her eyes, cheeks, nose, and chin; then the soft skin of her neck, the hollow of her throat. I made my way down to her breasts, adorning them with kisses. Mom’s nipples were taut with excitement, and I teased the nearest with the tip of the tongue, then took it into my mouth to suckle.

My mother’s moan was sweet music to my ears. She cradled my head to her as I placed a hand on her other breast, my palm gliding over the nipple, feeling it stiffen to the touch.

I spent the next few minutes or so just making love to Mom’s beautiful breasts. But I soon grew eager for more.

Down her body I went, my tongue tracing a path between her breasts to her tummy. I pressed my face into the softness, breathing in the familiar, comforting scent of my mother’s skin. I licked teasingly at her belly button, making her laugh.

Mom’s breathing had grown shaky, and I could feel a restlessness in her body. Her hands, tangled in my hair, were trembling, and I knew that she was waiting for me to lick her.

I wriggled further down, between her squirming legs. Mom raised her knees and spread her thighs to make room for me. I paused to admire the beautiful cunt, now shining with moisture, from which I had been born. The aroma of her sex enchanted me, led me into her like a beckoning finger. My face drew closer and closer until my lips parted to touch her wet center with a kiss.

I heard her moan, “OHHHhhhhhh.” God, she was so wet… the taste of her was sharp and strong on the tip of my tongue as I ran it through her slit from top to bottom and back again. I began to lick her aggressively; up and down, from anus to clitoris, feeling her body beginning to move in time with mine.

Thirsting for more of her sweet essence, I raised Mom’s legs, bringing both knees to her chest, This opened her cunt even wider to me. Her buttocks were parted, too, and the sight of the dark cleft nestling between them sent a quiver of excitement spiraling through my belly. I knew right then that I had to pleasure Mom there, too.

I trailed my tongue down to her rosebud once again… only this time, I allowed myself to linger, tentatively exploring the delights of my mother’s asshole. I draped both her legs over my shoulders, my hands on her bottom, tongue probing between her cheeks.

“Oh, baby,” Mom gasped, “lick my ass… yes…”

I did just that for awhile, turned on beyond belief by the sheer lewdness of what I was doing. I still hungered for her pussy, though, so I eventually trailed my tongue up through her slit again. She moaned happily, and I went to work — parting her labia with my thumbs to expose the pink flesh inside, then bending down to taste it.

I began gently, then began to lick harder, deeper. My tongue was everywhere as I feasted upon Mom’s cunt, the object of my forbidden desire. I pressed kisses into her wet heat, and Mom writhed and thrust against me in a mad, passionate frenzy, a rising moan of ecstasy issuing from her throat.

My fingers found her clitoris and teased it, making her cry out in surprise and delight. I allowed two fingers to replace my tongue in Mom’s pussy, my lips enveloping her slightly protruding clit to suck it gently, flicking the pink nubbin with the tip of the tongue.

My mother’s gyrations gave way to uncontrollable shudders and jerking hip movements as her orgasm erupted, engulfing her whole body in heated shockwaves. I could hear her gasp for breath and sob as she thrust her pelvis against my face and my fingers, which were busily plunging into and out of her dripping pussy.

Suddenly she froze, trembling from head to toe as the biggest wave of all came slamming down. Her legs straightened as her back arched upward, a handful of bedsheet clutched in each fist. A hoarse, strangled cry burst from her, and then she slowly relaxed, exhaling as her body sank back onto the bed.

I withdrew my wet fingers from inside Mom’s vagina, said goodbye to her clit with a kiss, then untangled myself from her legs and moved up to lie beside her. Mom’s breathing was ragged and shallow, her face flushed, eyes closed. I wondered if she had passed out.

I nudged her shoulder. “Mom… Mom, are you okay? Are you awake?”

Her eyes fluttered open and she gave me a sleepy smile. “Yes, Marcie, I’m fine… think I am, anyhow.” She laughed. “I don’t know, though. You nearly fucked me unconscious!”

She reached for me, and I happily crawled into her arms. We hugged tightly, our hearts still racing. As her breathing slowed and she regained some composure, Mom took my face in her hands, giving me a loving kiss.

“I couldn’t help myself, Marcie,” she whispered, “I — I didn’t intend for that to happen when I came in here. I only wanted to apologize to you for–”

I shushed her, with a finger to her lips. “It’s okay, Mom. You wanted this, and I wanted it too. If it didn’t happen tonight, it would have been tomorrow, or next week, even next month. You needed to be loved, and I needed to love you.”

“Oh, honey… we are so much alike, you and I. It’s almost scary to me sometimes. We started something that shouldn’t have happened, but I suppose you’re right — sooner or later, you and I were going to take this all the way.”

“That’s what I hoped for, Mom. I think I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since that first real kiss you gave me.” I placed a hand on her damp belly.

“Mmmm, and so you have, my sweet, darling daughter,” Mom cooed. “You know what? I don’t care if what we did is wrong, not anymore.” She kissed me tenderly. “Oh, Marcie, Marcie… I love you so much.”

I returned her affection, my tongue darting in her mouth for the length of a heartbeat. “I love you too, Mom, more than anything.” We cuddled together. “Stay with me tonight, okay? I want to fall asleep holding you.”

She kissed me once more, then turned her back to me as I put my arm over her body and pulled the sheet up to cover us both. In a couple of minutes I heard her breathing become steady, so I knew she was asleep. I drifted off soon after.


I woke up with a hand on my thigh, lightly touching my pussy. I lifted my head to see Mom smiling at me, then I drifted into her arms for a good morning kiss. As our lips met, Mom eased a finger into my cunt. I gasped, my head suddenly spinning, falling back onto the pillow.

Mom reached for another pillow and slid it under my butt. She slipped her fingers from me and brought them to her lips to suck. “Mmmm…” she purred, “breakfast in bed — I like it.”

And before I knew it she was between my legs, fondling my wet pussy and kissing my inner thighs. Then she licked her way to my cunt, where her tongue toyed with me, the tip of it sliding up and down through my opening. I was thrusting against my mother, trying to get myself off on her face.

I felt her fingers gently opening me to find the clitoris, which she took between her lips to suck. I gasped as a tendril of pleasure spiraled through me.

Mom raised her head and I heard her say, “Have you ever explored your G-spot, Marcie?”

“I’m n-not sure.” I gasped between breaths.

“Hmmm, let’s see.” I felt her shift slightly, and as her mouth pressed back onto my clit, I felt fingers slip inside me and move around a bit.

All of a sudden, something like a bolt of lightning ripped through me. I jerked convulsively, nearly screaming from the intensity of it as I came. She kept it up, working her fingers around inside me, nursing at my clitoris, my pleasure- battered body responding with tremor after tremor of orgasmic bliss.

Finally she decided that I’d had enough, I guess. She drew her fingers from inside me, then nuzzled her way up my body, and we kissed. I licked all around Mom’s mouth, loving the flavor of my cunt on her lips.

She raised her head and gazed at me, her face glowing with love. I managed a sleepy grin.

“Want to go back to sleep for a while?” she murmured.

I nodded. She scooted up to me, took me in her arms and pulled the covers over us. I must have dozed off in seconds, because I don’t remember anything else until I woke up a couple of hours later.

When my eyes slowly opened, Mom was gone. But she’d gone out to her garden and cut a single pink rose, which lay on the pillow next to my head.


It was one week later. Mom was off on a first date with a woman she had met through a friend. She’d been pretty excited, and spent a lot of time getting ready.

I was happy for her, and hoped she had a great evening… but I was kind of jealous, too. I did my best not to let it show, but I think she might have sensed it a little. Mom had already explained to me that what she and I had shared had been a beautiful experience, and she promised me that we would make love again, but she felt that we both needed to involve ourselves with others as well.

Problem was, all I could think of was her. What we had together had been so perfect, so beautiful, that I craved her like a drug. I had fallen in love with my own mother. The sight of her sweet face, the sound of her voice, the scent of her skin… the memories of sharing my bed with her, the kisses, the taste of her sex…

“I love you, Mom,” I whispered to my ceiling. “God, how I love you.”

I had three fingers in my pussy and was on the verge of coming while I pictured Mom naked, kneeling above my face, calling my name as I licked her slit. Then I moaned as a convulsive orgasm swamped me; slowly at first, then faster, until it hit full force and I cried out loud.

Finally I lay panting, trembling deliciously from head to toe. I rested until my breath returned, then heaved myself out of bed and ambled into the bathroom for a quick shower.

As I headed back to my room, I thought I heard the front door open. Hmmm… that was strange. What was Mom doing home so soon?

Still nude, I padded to the stairway, peered down into the dimly lit living room and said, “Mom? Is that you?”

Sure enough, Mom appeared at the foot of the stairs. She glumly replied, “Yeah, honey, it’s me. Your sad sack of a mother.”

“What do you mean? What happened?”

Dropping her purse on a side table, she shrugged, “Oh, I pretty much got dumped. We went to dinner and all that, but she wasn’t into me, it was obvious. I suppose she wanted someone younger… prettier.”

I was down the stairs in a flash, running into my mother’s arms. I hugged her tightly, trying my best to console her. She was still wearing her coat, and I was completely naked.

She sighed, then continued. “I wasn’t sure about her myself, but at least I wanted to get to know her better. She just said that this wasn’t right for her, that I shouldn’t take it personally, then took off before we got the check.” She laughed wearily. “She left enough money to cover the meal, at least. Anyway, here I am.” Her voice broke at the end, and she began to cry.

I was livid with anger at that horrible woman — that cunt. How dare she make my beautiful mother feel small and unloved?

Nuzzling her face, I kissed the tears away, then gazed deep into her sorrow-filled eyes. “She’s not worth it, Mom. Anyone who’s that mean, you don’t need her for a girlfriend.”

“I — I know that, honey,” she sniffled. “It just hurts to be rejected — no matter who does it. I need to… to feel wanted, that’s all.”

“Listen to me, Mom,” I whispered. “I need you, I want you, and I’d never, ever reject you.”

She was in heels, so I had to stand on tiptoe when I kissed her.

Mom resisted me at first, a little, but then she began to respond, accepting my tongue. Pushing the coat she wore from her shoulders, I unzipped the back of her dress and shipped my hands inside to caress her bare skin. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

Suddenly she pulled back from me, shaking her head. “God, this is crazy. I get ditched by another woman, and now I’m making out with my own daughter.”

Undeterred, I reached for her again. “Mom, I’ve been up there in bed fingering my pussy, wishing you were there with me.” I placed a hand on my mother’s breast, smiling as I felt the nipple harden through the front of her dress. “Now you’re home, and we’re together — let’s enjoy it.”

This time, Mom offered no resistance at all. We kissed hotly, clutching one another as her hands wandered over my nude body. She touched my wet pussy, then sucked at her fingers.

I turned Mom around and nudged her toward the stairs. As we climbed them, she pulled the top of her dress down to her hips, then kicked her shoes aside when we reached the top. She slithered out of the dress just outside her bedroom door, letting it drop to the floor.

Her room was dark, but the light from outside was enough that I could see the contours of her beautiful body as she raised each leg in turn to slip out of the thong panties she was wearing.

Reaching for my hand, Mom drew me to her, those soft arms engulfing me as we kissed, our bare bodies pressed tightly together. Turning away, she led me around the bed and gently laid me down with my legs dangling over the side. She knelt before me, parting my thighs. I trembled with anticipation as my pussy was revealed to her gaze, a thick stripe of yellow light from the hallway spilling across me to illuminate the scene.

When her tongue began to tease my cunt, flicking playfully around the opening — well, I felt myself tremble all over. It had been two days since she and I had last made love, and the intensity of our passion had only grown in strength since then. The tip of her tongue sought entrance to my body; I welcomed it.

My mother’s hands slipped beneath my bottom to cradle them as she fucked me with her mouth — there was no other way to describe what she was doing. She was a woman gone wild, drunk on the sweet incest we shared. I adored her.

Panting for breath, I tangled my fingers in Mom’s hair as her tongue delved deeper inside me, far as it could go. As I raised my hips to meet her face, I felt her fingers slide between my buttocks, seeking the puckered opening of my anus. She began to move her fingertip around in a little circle, pressing in — and before I knew it she had it all the way in my rectum, right up to the third knuckle. It was at that instant that Mom wrapped her lips around my clit and sucked it.

I wanted to scream, but my wide-open mouth couldn’t produce a sound as the queen of all orgasms crashed down on me. My legs shook helplessly as she lashed my clitoris with her tongue, that busy finger sawing in and out of my asshole. Without meaning to, I squeezed her head with my thighs until I heard her make a muffled sound of protest.

Somehow in the throes of concentrated ecstasy, I loosened my grip on Mom. She raised her face from my cunt, but kept fucking my anus with her finger for a few more strokes before she gently extracted her finger, then sat back on her heels.

I was floating, enveloped in a warm luscious glow that felt like I’d swallowed a chunk of the sun. The look on Mom’s face as she gazed down at me was one of complete satisfaction. She was really happy at having brought me off like that, I could tell. Truth be told, I was in a pretty good mood myself.

As soon as I could draw a decent breath I pushed myself back onto the bed, then and tugged at Mom’s arm, gathering her to me. We were on our sides facing each other and I kissed her, tasting the sharp tang of my cunt on Mom’s lips and chin.

The lust for my mother churned fiercely inside me as I bent to her breasts and sucked her nipples, each in turn, then continued downward, exploring the landscape of her naked body. I licked a path down to Mom’s belly button, which I probed with the tip of my tongue, making her gasp.

I could smell her heat. My fingers found wetness. She was soaked, her cunt flowing like a river. I pushed two fingers into the slippery channel and her legs parted wide for me. I slid down to lick at Mom’s clitoris as I began to fuck her, pausing after the first few thrusts to add a third finger to the action.

“Hold on, baby,” Mom panted. Raising her upper half, she scooted back toward the headboard of the bed, propping herself against it. She took hold of my wrist and began to guide me even deeper into her vagina. I added a fourth finger, forming my hand into a sort of spearhead, ready to penetrate my mother once more.

Now trembling with excitement, Mom turned my hand face up, then tucked my thumb into my palm. “Just like that,” she whispered as she carefully placed my clenched hand at the opening of her cunt. “Put your whole hand inside me, honey… please.”

My head spun as I realized that she wanted me to fist her. Of course, I had never done such a thing before, but I knew what it was from watching lesbian porno clips on the internet. Honestly, the idea of putting my hand in Mom’s cunt was kind of scary, but she needed to be fucked that way, and that was enough for me.

I began to push and rotate my hand, and Mom pushed toward me. I felt it going into her, little by little, so I kept up a steady pressure while I continued to lick her clit. Soon I had penetrated Mom right up to the wide part of my hand at the knuckles, and I knew that would be the hardest part to get inside.

She squirmed, but made no protest of pain or discomfort as I continued pressing into her. Then she gave a quick thrust toward me just as I twisted my hand, and I felt it slip in. A jolt raced through Mom’s body and she groaned loudly as it entered, her vagina contracting to clutch my wrist.

Mom froze in place for a long, blissful moment when my hand made it all the way in — eyes glazed, mouth open, head thrown back. Then she began to pump her hips against my fist, fucking back against it. I quickly picked up Mom’s rhythm, and soon I was plunging in and out, in and out, in and out.

Her head rocked wildly back and forth as I used my hand like a big dildo in the torrid heat of her vagina. The whole world seemed to be reduced to the bare essentials of fist and cunt. Mom moaned and panted, her breath frantic as she worked her pelvis back and forth against my intruding hand.

“Yes, yes, Marcie. Oh, yes. Oh, baby. Fuck me, honey. Fuck your mommy. Mmmm, yes. So good. Oh GOD, so  good.” she gasped out in short exhalations of speech in time with my slippery thrusts, her voice rising in volume as her pleasure mounted.

Suddenly she erupted in a violent orgasm that sent her body into such helpless, frantic contortions that I was afraid she would hurt herself on my hand. I started to pull it out, but Mom only seized my wrist, holding me inside her body as she churned her hips crazily, working herself through at least one more climax.

Finally her convulsive actions subsided and she went limp, sinking back into the embrace of my bed. Even in the dimly lit room, I could see that her body was glazed with sweat. With a wet squishing sound, I pulled my hand from Mom’s vagina. I was stunned, shivering deliciously at the thought of what we had just done. I’d never imagined myself fisting a woman before — certainly not my own mother.

She slowly rolled onto her side, facing away from me. My gaze shifted to the gorgeous pink peach of Mom’s ass, and a new impulse seized me. I’d really enjoyed licking her nether hole the last time we had made love, and wanted to pleasure her that way again.

Placing my hands on her warm buttocks, I spread her cheeks apart, then leaned in to run my tongue up her crack.

Turning onto her belly, spreading her thighs to give me full access, Mom moaned. “Oh, my sweet angel, that feels so nice.”

She didn’t have to encourage me. I pressed my tongue into her anus, licking her lustily. Her ass tasted of sweat mixed with the wetness from her cunt. I loved the complete lewdness of it, imagining what my friends would think if they saw me rimming my own mother’s asshole. My fingers stole between her thighs, seeking the pearl of her clitoris.

Mom surprised me by coming once more the moment I touched her clit — not as intense as the orgasm I’d given her with my fist, but a sweet postscript to the forbidden pleasures we had just shared.

She finally stopped me with a hand on mine. “No more, baby,” she exhaled. I raised my face from her ass, then Mom slowly rolled onto her back and gazed up at me, a look of perfect contentment in her eyes. “My little lover,” she said softly. “My own little lover.”

I licked my fingers, still wet from Mom’s cunt, then offered my hand to her. She tasted herself, then pulled me on top of her to kiss my mouth with a passion that left me dazed.

Then we lay side by side, snuggling close, not saying a word. None were necessary. I was listening to her breathing as it slowed, my heart aglow with happiness. That night, I had truly made Mom mine. She would never have to worry about dating ever again, not if I had anything to say about it.

As for Jenny — well, I loved her as one of my best friends, and the sex we had shared had been wonderful. But I belonged to my mother now, and intended to be true to her. She had brought me into the world, raised me into adulthood, made love to me. I was intoxicated by the adoration I felt for her.

I sought out my mother’s mouth to kiss her once more. Then I relaxed by her side, and we both fell into a blissful slumber.

The End


Overcoming Mom’s Reluctance, Part One

  • Posted on May 5, 2015 at 2:19 pm

By JetBoy

My name is Marcie Kendall, and this a story about… well, I don’t want to give away too much too soon. Let’s just say that it’s about how everything changed for me.

To the outside world, I was the same fifteen-year-old schoolgirl I had been a week earlier, but behind the doors of my home, I was living a whole new life. Here’s how it happened.

I was relaxing naked on my bed when my mother Sally knocked at the door, stuck her head in and asked if I would come downstairs to her room. “I need to talk to you about something,” she said. “It’s important.”

I paused to digest that. “Um, sure. I’ll be right down. Let me throw something on first.”

“Up to you, honey.” She turned to leave and paused, arching an eyebrow as she took in my nudity. “I see you’ve mastered the art of shaving your bikini line.” With a knowing wink, she left.

I pulled on thong panties and a cut off t-shirt before I went down to Mom’s room. When I entered, she was sitting upright in bed reading a magazine, wearing a short nightie closed with a thin tie.

I sat on the side of the bed next to her, and she laid her magazine to one side. “What’s up, Mom?”

She studied me for a few seconds, then softly said, “Honey, I think there is something you need to tell me… and I’m hoping that you’ll be honest with me without my having to ask you about it.”

The floor seemed to drop from beneath my feet. I didn’t drink to excess or do drugs, didn’t shoplift or cheat on my schoolwork… no, there was only one personal secret of mine that my mother didn’t know about. Or so I’d thought.

I swallowed hard, forcing myself to meet Mom’s steady gaze. “Um… this is about Jenny, isn’t it?” My voice sounded tiny, as if I were a kid of eight instead of a high school student.

She nodded. “Yes, Marcie… it is.”

My head swam. “H-how did you find out?”

Smiling sadly, she replied, “I’m a mother, honey. Mothers know these things.”

I grimaced. “Mom…”

She sighed. “Okay, fine. This last Saturday I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom… and something, I don’t know what, told me to go check on you. When I got to your room through the bath, I saw the two of you in your bed, naked, with the covers pushed to one side. You were snuggled against Jenny’s back, and your hand was resting between her legs. I knew from the smell in the air that you two had been having sex. I left as quietly as I could.”

I was so busted. I sat there in silence, staring down at my hands and waiting for Mom to say something, anything. She seemed strangely calm, under the circumstances.

Finally she spoke. “How long has this thing been going on?”

“About six months, I guess. We fool around whenever she spends the night, and I’ve sneaked her into the house, um… three other times, I think.”

“I see. And who’s responsible for initiating this? Did Jenny seduce you first… or was it you?”

“I was the one who started things between us… I’d had a crush on her for a long time.” I paused, then risked a nervous laugh. “My sex drive is, um, pretty intense, I guess.”

“I guess so,” she murmured, nodding her head.

I stared at her, suddenly curious. “So, Mom… how come you don’t seem, well, more pissed off about all this?”

Instead of a reply, my mother reached out, drew me into her arms and hugged me for a long while before she finally said, “Baby, I know about strong sex drives. Much more than you might think.”

I was confused, but at the same time enormously relieved that I wasn’t about to be grounded for life. I pulled away. “Okay, Mom… you’ve got to explain what you meant by that, or I won’t get a wink of sleep tonight!”

She took a deep breath. “Marcie, I can’t get over how much you are like me. I guess I need to tell you a few things about my past, so you’ll understand my feelings.” She gazed at me sternly. “This is just between us, by the way… and if I ever hear mention of what I’m about to tell you, I will know who it came from.”

Wow… this was going to be something big. “I promise, Mom. Anything you tell me stays in this room.”

“Do you remember when you were ten, and you and I went out of town to your grandmother’s funeral?”

“Yes, but not much about it… except it was a long car ride.”

“When we were there, you met your Aunt Peggy for the first time.”

“Oh, yeah. I didn’t see much of her, though.” I recalled a well-dressed, attractive but very distant woman who greeted me with a brief hug and some extremely small talk before moving on to someone else. “I guess you and her don’t get along so well, huh?”

“There’s a reason for that,” Mom said in a quiet but mournful tone. “Peggy was three years older than me, and we slept in the same bedroom until she moved away to start college. The thing is, she and I started… experimenting when I was thirteen and she was sixteen. Before long, we were having sex. Peggy and I had many opportunities to make love, living in the same room.”

I was stunned. Mom… fooling around with her sister? I’d never even suspected that she was into women!

“Your father and I met when I was sixteen, just after Peggy had moved out. We dated for a couple of months before we started having sex. Then one night when I was seventeen, we were together in his car at our local make-out spot, and he forgot to bring a condom. He wanted to go into town and get some, but I wouldn’t let him.” Mom shook her head. “I was sure it would be okay. Well, that time got me pregnant with you… and we married right away when I found out. I had my tubes tied not long after that.

“Then after your father died, back when you were two, I was left on my own. While I was going to school for my business degree, I became close with a younger woman named Samantha who was in my class.” She paused, nibbling at her lower lip, “We were lovers for a year.”

“Wow,” I breathed.

She continued. “Since then, I’ve only been with women. I’ve had a few lesbian threesomes, and one orgy. I’ve had sex in movie theaters, down at the lake, in the bathrooms of bars… I even fucked a woman in a phone booth once.” She paused. “Er… any questions?”

“Whatever happened with Aunt Peggy?”

Mom grimaced. “She found Jesus during her freshman year and became a hardcore Christian. So you can imagine how guilty she felt about the things we’d done together. And after I admitted to her that I was having sex with women again…” She shrugged. “Let’s just say that we don’t communicate very much anymore.”

“Okay, Mom. There’s one more thing I want to know.” I couldn’t believe I was even thinking of asking her this, but her frankness had me feeling pretty bold. “When you went back to bed after seeing me and Jenny together, did you masturbate?”

“Marcie!” she gasped.

I held my ground. “Well, did you?”

She nodded once and, almost whispering, said, “Yes, I did. I was confused, angry and aroused, all at the same time, and it just… boiled over in me, I guess.” She laughed shakily. “Besides, you both looked hot together.” She sat staring down at her hands for a moment, then raised her face to look at me. “So, what do you think of your mother now? Do I seem like… well, like some kind of a slut?”

“You’re no slut, Mom. Well, if you are, then so am I.” Suddenly I was giggling. “Wow… we really are alike, aren’t we? Listen, I think of you as a beautiful woman with strong sexual desires — and I’m just a younger version of you. No, Mom… you are definitely not a slut.”

“Thank you, baby,” she said, blinking away tears. “I — I’d be heartbroken if you thought badly of me.”

I got up and climbed into my mother’s lap for the first time in ages. Twining my hands around her neck, I looked deep in Mom’s eyes and said, “If having lots of lovers makes you happy, I think it’s wonderful. You deserve to be loved, Mom.”

She gazed at me, her eyes warm with adoration. Unexpectedly, she cupped my face in both hands and kissed me.

Without a thought I parted my lips for her, my tongue sliding into her mouth. She hesitated for a heartbeat, then responded, and our kiss became warm and sensual. It wasn’t a sex thing, not exactly, but there was genuine passion in the moment.

We kissed for a long while before we broke apart, staring at each other in disbelief.

“Oh, God,” Mom gasped. “I’m sorry, Marcie. I was just so overwhelmed by what you said… I wanted to give you a kiss, but didn’t mean for it to be like that!” She made a face. “I haven’t been with another woman in a while, actually… guess I got carried away. Sorry, hon.”

My heart was galloping, but I tried not to let it show. “It’s okay, Mom. I’m guilty as you are. Anyhow, you’re one great kisser. I loved it!”

“Well, you’ve got quite the talented mouth yourself, kiddo,” she replied with a shy smile. “We shouldn’t have done it, but I have to admit that I like kissing you.”

I slowly rose to leave, patting her shoulder. “G’night, Mom.”

“Sweet dreams, Marcie.”

I padded back upstairs to bed, my mind whirling with unanswered questions.


Later that night, I was awakened by someone touching my shoulder. When my eyes drifted open and I could focus, I could see it was Mom. She was naked.

“Can I snuggle with you, honey?” she whispered to me.

I nodded… and she slipped into bed beside me, then pulled the sheet back up and over us. I turned to her and we hugged tightly.

“I’m sorry, Marcie. I just needed to be with someone tonight. I’m feeling lonely.” she whispered.

I stretched, yawned. “S’all right, Mom. I’m here for you. Let’s just cuddle for awhile.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.”

She hugged me tightly, and we lay together in contented silence. I soon became aware of our nude bodies pressing together, but that seemed strangely right somehow.

All of a sudden, I felt Mom’s lips on mine.

She was kissing me, her mouth lightly brushing my lips, her body soft and warm against mine. I could feel her heart racing.

Pulling away, I whispered, “Mom… what are you doing?”

“I just wanted to kiss you, honey. Can’t a mother kiss her daughter?”

“It’s just that, um, it feels kinda like… well, the way we kissed this afternoon.”

“Hmmm… does it? Let me try again.”

She lowered her face to mine as her eyes closed. Our mouths met, and I felt a twinge of sexual heat race through me as the tip of her tongue brushed against my closed lips, a sweet visitor come to call.

My mouth opened ever so slightly, and her tongue slipped inside. Oh, God… my mother was kissing me. Really kissing me.

I’d never been so sexually excited in my life.

I pulled away for a brief moment. “Mom… I love you….”

Her mouth covered mine again, and this time, my own tongue emerged to play. Our kisses grew ever more passionate as my hand sought out her supple breast. I fondled the soft orb, feeling her nipple stiffen against my palm.

She moaned into my mouth, urging me onward. I needed no encouragement, though. I was a girl on fire — a girl making love to her mother.

My fingers rolled her hard nipple between them, and Mom’s breath hissed as she inhaled sharply, a shiver of what had to be ecstasy coursing through her frame. While I felt her up with one hand, the other crept down her belly to find a warm, wet pussy waiting for me.

I cupped my mother’s mound, feeling liquid heat beneath her pubic curls as I pressed into the moist flesh. She raised her hips to meet my fingers as they found and explored the entrance to her cunt.

Two digits slid inside with ease, and she thrust at me hard, forcing them even deeper. I began to work my fingers in and out of her, quickly falling into a steady rhythm with each stroke.

“Oh, yes,” she gasped. “Put… put another finger in me, baby girl!”

I drew my hand back to put all four fingers together, then worked them into Mom’s cunt. She moaned, her legs spreading even further apart. She was quivering, her breath coming in rapid, shallow gasps. She pushed hard against me — and if my thumb hadn’t been busy teasing her clitoris, my whole hand would have slipped inside her.

Suddenly she came, an orgasm shaking her body. She squirmed and twisted wildly as I wiggled my fingers around inside her, then gave a strangled cry before she went limp.

I carefully withdrew from my mother’s vagina, then lay down beside her. She took my wet hand in hers and kissed it, then cradled it to her breasts.

I waited for Mom to speak first. I’m not sure what I would have said anyway. We lay there for several minutes in silence as she regained her composure.

Finally she turned her head to face me. She smiled weakly and said “Thank you, Marcie.”

I managed a little smile of my own, but didn’t say a word.

Then I felt Mom’s hand on my thigh. Her lips brushed my ear. “What about you, baby?” Her hand slowly slid higher, finally nestling between my legs. I gasped as her fingers lightly caressed my pussy. “Mmm… you’re all wet.”

I swallowed nervously. “Mom… you don’t have to…”

She shushed me with a finger to my lips. “Let me do this,” she whispered.

Then her mouth was on mine again. My response was immediate; my tongue flashed to life, and I returned my mother’s kiss as passionately as I was able, moaning into her mouth as she slid a finger into my pussy. Once inside, she began to roll that finger around inside me, making my head swim.

Our tongues danced together as we continued to kiss. Then her thumb started working my clitoris, and I tore my mouth from hers to cry, “Ahhh! Oh, Mom… oh, God.”

She trailed kisses down my chin, her warm lips exploring my throat, my neck. Her manipulation of my clit grew more insistent, and I felt the tide of pleasure swiftly rising inside me. I bit my lower lip.

Then Mom’s hot mouth enveloped my left nipple, and I exploded in an orgasm that had me panting helplessly, my fist clutching a handful of the sheets.

Mom continued to finger me, taking me through at least one more climax before slowing her pace as my ecstasy waned. Finally I lay quietly, flushed and glistening with sweat from head to toe.

Mom took me in her arms, nuzzling my face. “I love you, angel,” she whispered.

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close… feeling such a confused rush of emotion that I was on the verge of tears. “That was… wonderful, Mom. I love you, too.”

“I suppose we shouldn’t have done that,” she murmured. “I hadn’t planned it… but maybe it’s what I hoped would happen. I don’t know. What I do know is that you made your mother very happy.”

I reached for her hand, and squeezed it. “Mom… you know I’d do anything for you. I don’t think what we did was wrong. You needed comfort, and I gave it to you, that’s all. And you made me feel really nice.” I rested my head against her breast.

“Hmm… I’ll have to think about that,” she said. “Anyhow, I should get back to my room, honey.”

“Don’t leave, Mom. Stay with me tonight. You might need a hug later.”

“Marcie… I don’t…”

This time it was my turn to shush her, putting my finger to her lips. “Let’s get some sleep, Mom.” I leaned into her, and we shared one last lover’s kiss, our tongues meeting once more in a gentle goodnight.

She snuggled to me as I rolled onto my side… and in a very short time I could tell she was asleep. I soon followed.

I awoke the next morning to find Mom gone. After what had happened between us, I wondered how she felt about our lovemaking in the cold light of day.

I quickly showered and brushed my teeth… then I put on skimpy panties and a t-shirt and went downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen.

I said, “Morning, Mom.”

“Good morning, Marcie.” She turned to me, clearly uneasy. “Honey… I’m so sorry about last night. I had a few drinks too many, and got, well, a little carried away.”

I cut her off. “Don’t you dare apologize, Mom. We just made each other feel good. That’s all.”

“But… you’re my daughter. I shouldn’t have touched you that way. It’s not right.”

“Why not? I was willing and able, and I loved every minute of what we did. Better me than some stranger you met in a bar, ’cause I really love you.”

“Well, maybe you have a point, maybe not. Anyway, I won’t bring it up again.”

“We should talk about it, Mom. Sometime. If not now, then later.”

“Yes… maybe. I don’t know.”

I placed my hand on her arm. “Mom… anything you need, I’m here for you.” I gazed into her eyes, my heart warm with adoration. “What we did last night… I would do it again in a second. More, even, if that’s what you want. I won’t say this again, but you can count on me for anything.” I stood on tiptoe, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, then softly repeated, “Anything, Mom.”

Then I turned and padded from the room, leaving my mother alone to think.


Three days passed without incident.

One day after school, Jenny approached me with a plan. A couple of weeks earlier, she and I had come up with the idea of going to a motel for one night so we could have sex without having to tiptoe or sneak around, where we’d be able to get loud and crazy when we fucked.

“Let’s do it this Saturday,” Jenny said. “My mom is hosting her church group that night, and it’s ‘no heathens allowed’, I guess, ‘cos she needs me and Dad to be out of the house. How about it, girlfriend? Ready for an all-night crazy-ass lesbo fuckfest?”

“Sounds awesome,” I told her. “Count me in!”

I hadn’t told Jenny yet that Mom had found out about us being lovers, so she figured that I’d have to pull something sneaky to get away for the night. But I intended to tell Mom the truth, and hoped that she’d understand.

Wearing what seemed to have become my usual clothing around the house, panties and a t-shirt, I went to Mom and told her what I wanted to do and asked her if she would allow me to stay at the Roebuck Inn that Saturday night.

She said, “Well, I already see one problem you’re going to have… since you and Jenny are both minors, you won’t be able to rent a room.”

“Oh,” I replied, feeling deflated. “We hadn’t thought of that.”

Mom patted my hand. “It’s okay, hon. Tell you what: I’ll go to a motel for the night, and you guys can have the whole house to yourselves. How ’bout that?”

I was floored. “Holy shit, Mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wow, I must have the coolest mother in the whole world!”

“Oh, now… it’s not that big a deal,” she laughed. “I’m just happy that you’re with someone who’s sweet and smart like Jenny is. When I think of some of the jerks and losers I messed around with at your age…” She reached out to take my hand. “Y’know, I wasn’t sure about it at first, but now I feel glad that you seem to prefer girls. It’s so much easier to be gay now than when I was young.”

“I’m not calling myself a lesbian yet!” I protested. “I’ll probably try sex with a guy someday, only not right now. Most high school boys are pretty immature.”

“Well, at least with Jenny, I know you’ll be safe… and happy. I’ll bet she’s amazing in bed.” She gave my hand a squeeze. “Okay, the house is yours on Saturday. Have fun, kiddo.”

Feeling a warm surge of love for my mother, I climbed into her lap and hugged her. “Thanks, Mom. You’re the best.” I tilted my head up and kissed her playfully, then made to get up and to my feet.

But before I could, Mom put her arms around me. I saw the hunger in her eyes as she whispered, “Oh, Marcie…”

She leaned forward and kissed me.

I couldn’t help myself — I grasped her shoulders and drew us tightly together. Our lips parted, our tongues met and mingled.

Mom and I kissed for a long, delicious while. When she finally broke away, we were both breathless and flushed, clutching one another tightly. Our embrace slackened, and I slowly climbed from her lap and to my feet.

Mom stared at me, stricken. “Oh, Marcie, I let myself get carried away again. We shouldn’t have done that.”

I reached out for her hand, gave it a squeeze. “Don’t be sorry, Mom. We both wanted to. We wanted it the first time we kissed like that… and when we spent the night together in my bed. You and I love each other, and we’re just, y’know, expressing that love.”

“But, honey… mothers and daughters aren’t supposed to be intimate, not like this.”

I put a finger to her lips. “And fifteen-year-old girls aren’t supposed to do what I do with Jenny, and you aren’t supposed to be having sex with women in phone booths, Mom… but we do, and it doesn’t cause any harm. And I don’t think that fooling around with you is wrong, anyhow. We both want it, and it brings you and me even closer together. So why can’t we kiss like that?”

“I like it as much as you do, sweetheart, maybe more, but…”

“But what? We’re doing something wrong by making out… even if it’s just kissing? So what if we are? I love kissing you, Mom. The sexier the kiss, the better. Does that make me bad?”

“No… I guess not. But maybe I shouldn’t have got it started again. We went much too far the other night, honey.”

“We made one another happy, Mom… and don’t even think of telling me you didn’t like it, ’cause I know you did.”

She just sat there, lost for words. Seizing the moment, I leaned in close to whisper in her ear, “We will kiss like that again, Mom. You know that as well as I do.”

I pecked her on the cheek, then climbed from her lap and headed for the door, swaying my ass from side to side to tease her a bit. I turned to look at her and saw she was smiling at me. Good.


Saturday night with Jenny was fantastic. Mom loaned me some of her naughtiest lingerie for the occasion — a see-through nightie and scandalously skimpy crimson panties. I was wearing them when Jenny arrived. You should have seen her eyes light up when I met her at the front door!

I figured that she’d strip me naked right away, but no — Jenny wanted to take me in those sexy underthings. She got down to her panties and we fucked right there on the living room floor, grinding our bodies together in the thick carpet until we came.

Then I led her up to Mom’s bedroom, where we quickly undressed, then jumped into bed.

What followed was hours and hours of steamy, unrestrained girl/girl sex. Jenny and I had never before been able to make as much noise as we wanted in bed; well, we made up for that and then some. After awhile, it became a game: how loudly could we scream when we got off?

We tried all kinds of new things, with the help of Mom’s collection of sex toys… and our dirty imaginations, of course. Finally we fell asleep, exhausted, only to awaken just after dawn and fuck once more.

There was only one thing that kept the evening from being perfect: thoughts of Mom kept elbowing their way into my head while Jenny and I made love. I couldn’t help but recall the comforting softness of my mother’s naked body, the joy I took in her caresses, the warmth of her kiss.

It made me feel a little guilty, my mind drifting to memories of Mom while I took pleasure from the girl who was supposed to be my girlfriend. I kept those feelings to myself, though.

Jenny had to leave for work at 9 AM — her parents had insisted that she get a summer job, so she was scooping ice cream at a local Baskin-Robbins. “I’ll be dragging ass all day today,” she cooed as she got into her uniform, “but it was so totally worth it!”

We shared a hot French kiss, then Jenny set off on her bike, waving as she rolled out of the driveway.

Me, I went upstairs to tidy up Mom’s room, stripping the sex-soiled linen from her bed and putting on clean sheets, then washing her toys. By then, I was yawning something fierce, so I toddled off to my bedroom and crawled into bed. When Mom got home, a couple of hours later, I was dead to the world.


During the next week it seemed as though my mother was avoiding me, which was upsetting, though I tried not to let my feelings show. Finally, on Saturday, I asked Mom about it during breakfast. Of course, she denied it, saying she just had some things on her mind.

That afternoon, I was in my room when I heard a tap at the door. Before I could reply, it opened and Mom peered inside. “Marcie, what would you like for dinner? Maybe we should go out somewhere. Hmmm, let’s see… how about deep dish pizza?”

I was so happy that Mom was acting like her old self that I wanted to jump up and dance out of sheer joy… instead, I gave her a big grin. “Yeah… that sounds great, Mom. Can we maybe go to the Green Glen Mall first, and get me some things for school?”

“Well… sure!” she replied, genuinely surprised. “You usually buy your own stuff without me.”

“We haven’t shopped together in ages, Mom. C’mon, it’ll be fun. You can tell me what looks good and what doesn’t.”

She rolled her eyes. “Sure… like I’m an authority on youth culture.”

“I trust your opinion, Mom. Really, I do.”

She was wearing a navy blue skirt that fell to just above her knees and a light blue pullover blouse with three buttons in front, only two of which were fastened. Black wedges adorned her feet and her legs were bare.

I felt a sudden, crazy urge to slip a hand beneath Mom’s skirt and touch her between the legs. It made my heart race. Instead, I said, “You look lovely, Mom. I’m going to put on something nice too. I’ll be ready in a jiffy, okay?”

I expected her to leave; instead, she came in and sat on my bed while I put on a hint of makeup and gave my hair a few strokes with the brush. Mom was watching my every move as I stripped completely naked, put on a thong and matching bra and opened the closet to choose what to wear.

The whole scene felt just a little strange, but I was glad that Mom was there, watching me get dressed. It made me think that she was a bit more comfortable about the intimacy she and I had shared.

The memory of that night with Mom made me feel a bit lightheaded, like I’d just tossed back a glass or two of wine. How nice it would be, I mused, to kiss her like that some more… to touch her body again.

I picked a black mini and a short sleeved pale blue top with a deep neckline, then added a brooch my aunt had given me of a hummingbird. I found my black wedges and held them up for her to see.

“We are going to almost look like twins,” she snickered.

“You look so young, someone may think we are sisters anyway. We do look a lot alike.” I offered.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re so pretty, Marcie, no one will notice me.”

“Hah… don’t kid yourself, lady, you’re beautiful and don’t look a day over twenty-five.”

“Let’s go. The bullshit is getting pret-ty deep in here,” she laughed, as she took my hand and led me to the door. Away we went.

Mom and I had a great dinner at Rook’s Pizza, where we spent nearly two hours chatting about anything and everything. Luckily, the mall was only a few minutes away. We went to nearly every clothing store in the place, from the chains to the mom-and-pop shops.

A few times, as I held items of clothing up to my body for her to see, I then held them against her and said something like, “This would look great on you, Mom.” My fingers occasionally brushed her breasts as I did that. She didn’t say anything but gave me a couple of questioning looks, which I pretended not to notice.

God, I love touching her, I thought, hoping I’d get to explore even more of Mom when we got home. By then I was tingling all over with anticipation, half-expecting something to happen between us that night.

Both of us were quiet in the car, at first. Then I slid a Pink CD into the player and we just kinda bounced our way home, laughing all the while.

I was first in the door and after turning on the hall light I turned to look at Mom, watching her come in from the garage, smitten by her mature beauty. As soon as she got in and put down the bags, I went to hug her, then gazed up into her eyes, both arms still wrapped around her waist.

“Thanks Mom. Thanks for dinner, thanks for the new clothes, and most of all… thanks for being my mother.”

“You are welcome, sweetie. I enjoyed it too. It’s been quite a while since we did anything like that…”

Acting on a sudden impulse, I kissed Mom right on the mouth, pressing her against the wall, grinding my body into hers. Mom’s lips parted as our tongues met and began to dance together.

She pulled back quickly and looked at me, kind of shaking slightly. “Marcie, I…. ” she whispered, and then her face distorted in anger. “Stop doing this to me, damn it!”

“D-doing what, Mom?”

She stabbed a finger at me. “Don’t play Little Miss Innocent with me, young lady! That flag won’t fly. You know what I mean. Those things we did last week were a mistake. They aren’t to happen again, ever. Do you understand me!?”

I was dying inside. She couldn’t end it like this! “But… but Mom–”

“No! I won’t listen. It’s wrong. It’s wrong!” She stared at me, frantic-eyed, breathing hard. “Now take those bags and go to your room.”

She turned away and marched down the hall, then I heard her bedroom door slam. I could only stare at the empty space she had just occupied.

Mom was upset with me, obviously, but I wondered if she was even more unhappy with herself. One thing for certain: our evening was ruined.

Fucking idiot! I cursed myself. You couldn’t wait for her to make the first move. You had to speed things along. Nicely played, dipshit.

Miserable, I trudged up the steps to my room, where I stuffed my bags in the closet, not even in the mood to open them. I didn’t want to go downstairs and risk facing Mom’s wrath, so I just opened a book and read for awhile, though I found myself losing the thread over and over again.

It was nearly midnight when finally I turned off the lights and went to bed. I didn’t go to sleep right away, as there was simply too much on my mind.

Then, after maybe half an hour, I heard the knob turn on my bedroom door.

Continue on to Part Two


In the Changing Room

  • Posted on May 5, 2015 at 2:25 am

By JetBoy

My name is Tess, and I run a women’s clothing store with my twin sister Angie. We’re a pair of cute, perky redheads in our mid-twenties with a knack for finding fun and trouble — often at the same time.

At our boutique, we are often given the opportunity to see beautiful women in their underthings, sometimes completely naked — and since Angie and I are both lesbians, we seize any opportunity to do just that. Now and then, though, my sister and I score something much hotter than a quick peek.

It was around seven-fifteen on a Tuesday evening, and the store was almost empty. There were only two customers — a mother and daughter who were indulging in some casual shopping. The two ladies really stood out to me because they looked a great deal alike and were both very attractive. The mother could not have been much older than thirty-five, and the daughter seemed to be about fifteen.

Something about the mom and the way she looked at me as she passed by made me think that she might be into women. I couldn’t explain it; you just develop a sixth sense for that kind of thing if you play the field as much as Angie and I do. Anyhow, I found myself watching for a chance to get her alone.

The daughter was looking around while the mother headed for the changing rooms to try on some things she had picked out. Seeing my opening, I gave the high sign to Angie, letting her know I was about to make a play for one of our customers. She nodded slightly, flashing me a quick thumbs-up, and I was off.

Pulse racing, I walked to the room occupied by the mother and tapped on the door. No doubt thinking it was her daughter, she immediately replied, “Come in.”

When I opened the door she was down to bra and panties and was surprised, at first, to see it was me. Slipping inside and closing the door, I told her that I simply wanted to know if she needed assistance. My eyes slowly took in every inch of her as I spoke.

She was taken aback for a few seconds, then relaxed, a knowing smile forming on her lips as she realized why I was there. I smiled back, thrilled that my instincts about her sexual tastes had been correct. I was tingling with excitement — the huntress, out for wild game.

In her hands she had a see-through nightgown that she’d picked out. In my most sultry voice I said, “Put it on. I’ll bet you look stunning in it.”

Her eyes never leaving mine, she unhooked and removed her bra, dropping it carelessly to the floor. Then she slipped the nightgown over her head and posed for me, a saucy grin on her lips.

Continuing my game of seduction, I murmured, “It’s perfect, very sexy… but that gown isn’t meant to be worn with panties.” I moved closer, slowly licking my lips. “Let me help you.”

“I’d like that,” she said, her face alight with anticipation.

Kneeling before her, I reached for the hem of the nightgown, hoisting it up before I slid the lace panties she wore down to her ankles, revealing a gorgeous pussy. I gazed in awe, licking my lips at the mouthwatering sight. She had a neatly trimmed pubic triangle, and her sex was glistening. Obviously, she was ready for me.

Without a word, I buried my face between her thighs and began to lick lustily at the pink flesh. Her cunt was juicy and delicious, and my lips were soon dripping with her honey.

She was still on her feet, leaning back against the changing room wall. I could feel her legs tremble as her pleasure mounted. I fumbled a hand beneath the skirt I wore and slipped it into my panties, craving a little self-stimulation while I went down on this beautiful stranger.

Suddenly a voice just outside the door said, “Momma? Are you in there?”

We both froze. The woman fought to regain her voice, then gasped, “I’ll b-be right out in a minute, honey.”

“Oh, take your time. I just wanted to tell you that they’ve got some really nice Capri pants here, that’s all. I’m gonna go look at the shoes.”

We could hear the girl moving away, so I went back to eating her mother’s pussy — fucking her with my tongue, then moving up to nibble at her clitoris.

She was shaking violently by then, and I knew she was about to come. So I placed two fingers at the entrance to her cunt and, with a single stroke, drove them deep inside her.

“Oh, God…” the mother whimpered, then quickly covered her mouth to stifle the moans as her climax hit. It was an intense one, too, lasting nearly a minute or so. She had a hard time keeping still, but I somehow managed to stay with her, my mouth glued to the woman’s cunt as her pleasure crested and waned.

I brought myself to a quick climax with busy fingers while my lips were still buried in the sticky pubes, licking the woman until she finally slumped against the wall, sighing blissfully as I gently nuzzled her mons. My orgasm wasn’t as intense as hers, but it was enough to calm my raging lust — for the moment, at least.

I raised my face from her bush, and she staggered over to the bench and clumsily sat with a thud, dazed and flushed, gasping for breath. Crawling between the woman’s spread thighs, I knelt to give her a hot, pussy-wet kiss, which she eagerly returned.

I rose to my feet, smiled down at her and whispered, “Rest for a little while, honey. I have to step out for a bit.” I gave her one more quick kiss on the cheek. “Wait here.”

I cautiously peered out of the dressing room, relieved to see that the daughter had moved to another part of the shop.

As I moved away from the changing room, I caught Angie’s eye, wordlessly signaling to her that she should pay a little visit to the room I’d just vacated. My sister and I loved to share women between us, and I figured that this particular lady would totally be up for taking on Angie, too. Of course, since my sister and I look and dress alike, the mother might not even figure out our little game…

Angie eagerly nodded, moving to put up the CLOSED sign and lock the front door. Taking a moment to compose myself, wiping my mouth and taking a quick hit of breath spray, I approached the girl, who was carrying a few items she’d selected from the racks.

“Hi,” I said, drawing near. “Welcome to our shop. I’m Tess.”

The girl gave me a lovely, slightly bashful smile. “I’m Mandy.”

She really was an exquisite creature — a blonde teen ripening into a gorgeous woman. And a wild impulse suddenly hit me: how amazing would it be to fuck a mother and her daughter on the same day?

In my warmest, most sensual voice, I said, “I’ve been in the stockroom, helping your mom find a few things… but now you have my undivided attention.” Then I hit her with a playful wink.

Mandy grinned. “Um, okay.” She showed me the hangers she was carrying. “I’ve found some really cool stuff already.”

“Good!” I laughed. “Let’s have you take some of these for a test drive.”

Even after my hot romp with this cutie’s mother, I was craving more — and Little Miss Mandy was turning me on something fierce. This was absolutely crazy, but I felt a powerful urge to make a move on her. What can I say? I’ve always been up for a kinky dare.

No one was in the store but Angie, myself, and our two hot customers. It was time to play. I just hoped that this perky teen would prove to be as easily persuaded as her mom.

“Let’s go in here,” I told Mandy, steering her to the changing room at the far left corner of our store. Now, I have to tell you about this particular room, because it’s important to the story.

Angie and I had it designed to exact specifications when we had the space remodeled. We call it the Fuck Me Room. It’s mainly used by customers to try on clothes, like any other changing room, but it’s also our own personal space for when we want to spend some quality time with a girl or woman who’s up for sexy fun.

For starters, it’s twice as large as the other changing rooms, with a floor spacious enough to stretch out on. We had extra-soft shag carpet put in, the light switch has a dimmer when you want things softly lit and romantic, and we got the walls soundproofed. There’s even a little closet nearby where we store pillows and blankets, for when we want to get especially cozy.

So if one of our girlfriends drops by, and things aren’t too hectic customer-wise, Angie or I just might take a little break and join her in the Fuck Me Room for anything from casual making out to a hot, wet sixty-nine. Sometimes, after work, Angie and I hole up in there with the pillows and blankets and enjoy a long, leisurely fuck of our own.

That’s right — my sister and I are lovers. She’s been my life partner, ever since we first became sexually intimate as teenagers. And even though Angie and I share an apartment, sometimes we simply can’t wait until we get home to get each other off. That’s where our special room comes in.

Anyhow, I guided Mandy inside, pausing to glance back at my sister. Our eyes met, and she shook her head incredulously, but with a wicked grin. She knew exactly what I was up to. Then she quickly turned away, moving toward the room where I’d left the mother.

Entering after the girl, I quietly closed the door behind us. She was clearly surprised that I had followed her into the changing room, but said nothing.

With a smile, I asked her to get undressed so she could try on some of the items she had brought along. Mandy hesitated for a moment, then quickly stripped down to her underwear. Her breasts were small but lovely, her nipples clearly visible through the bra. She wore plain white cotton panties, and looked delicious in them.

I casually studied her. “Hmmm… have you ever thought of wearing a thong instead?”

She shrugged. “I’ve always wanted to try one, but I don’t think my mom would go for it.”

“Well, they are incredibly comfortable.” I murmured, sidling close to the girl. “Would you like to see the one I’m wearing…?”

She slowly nodded. I could tell that the idea interested her.

Her eyes were locked on my lower half, clearly waiting for me to raise my skirt. Instead, I surprised her by unfastening the catch and dropping it to the floor, exposing my jet-black thong to her wide-eyed stare.

“Wow,” Mandy whispered, “that looks so hot!”

I could tell that she was aroused, and my heart throbbed at the possibility that this lovely creature just might be up for a little girl/girl fun. Like mother, like daughter?

I decided to go for broke, and with a smile, said, “Would you like to try my thong on for yourself? You can if you want.” I licked my lips, then added, “If you look good in it, maybe I’ll give it to you.”

Mandy’s eyes danced with nervous excitement. She stood there for a long moment, probably trying to decide if I was playing some kind of twisted joke. Finally, she slowly parted her lips to whisper, “All right.”

My gaze never left her as I slowly slipped the thong off… and I grinned as the girl stared at my bare vulva.

“Haven’t you ever seen a shaved pussy before?” I cooed.

Mandy blushed, embarrassed that I’d caught her staring. “O-only in pictures. It’s, um, really sexy.”

Moving closer to the girl, I softly said, “You can try on my thong — but you have to lose the panties.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. But then, with a shy smile, she pulled her panties down and off. I still wasn’t quite sure if she would let me fuck her or not, but seeing this sexy teen’s partial nudity was reward enough.

I gazed down at her pussy — a beautiful pink slit, framed by a sprinkling of blonde down. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting her.

Without a word, I handed Mandy the thong. She stepped into it, tugging the skimpy garment up and over her hips. I took her arm and turned her toward the mirror. We were both studying her sexy body in the mirror, though I noticed that she was also stealing little glances at me, especially my naked lower half.

That’s when I knew for certain that I could have this teen cutie, just as easily as I’d taken her mother.

I moved in for the kill. Placing my hands on the Mandy’s shoulders, I leaned in to whisper, “Oh, you are a lovely young woman. Sexy enough to be a model, I think.”

She blushed and said, “Aw, no way…”

“It’s true,” I breathed as I undid her bra from behind, dropped it to the floor, then wrapped my arms around her waist. I brought my lips close to her ear to whisper, “Girl, you’re irresistible.”

As my lips brushed her ear, she closed her eyes and leaned back into me. I began to kiss her neck, then trailed kisses down the soft skin of her back, along her spine. She moaned softly as my mouth inched lower and lower.

That was when I glanced in one of the large mirrors and saw that the door of the changing room was now slightly ajar. I froze at the sight of Mandy’s mother peeping through, still wearing the see-through nightie I’d left her in, with Angie close behind her. Very close.

A surge of panic raced through me as I braced myself for the inevitable explosion of motherly rage. Then I realized that the woman wasn’t making a move to stop me from having her daughter.

Whoa… what’s happening here? I thought. Is she getting off on this?

My nerves were still jangling, but my sexual hunger was growing more intense by the second. Knowing that this lovely teen’s mom was spying on us, but not interfering in my seduction of her girl — well, as you can imagine, it had me hotter than a pistol. Damned if I knew what was going on in this woman’s mind, but there was no way in hell I was stopping now. With a secret smile, I resumed my lovemaking.

As I nuzzled my wicked way down Mandy’s back, she bent over, placing both hands on the bench in front of her. I knelt behind and slowly tugged the thong down with my teeth. She stepped out of them, revealing a flawless ass. I spread her buttocks apart with my hands, stealing another quick glance at the reflection of the slightly open door — only to see Angie and the girl’s mother embracing. My sister had her back to the door, and she was kissing the mother, who was watching me and her daughter over Angie’s shoulder.

Wanting to give our audience a good show, I licked my lips, then lowered my face to Mandy’s ass and slowly, slowly trailed my tongue up her butt crack. The teen shivered, whimpering softly. Pressing my mouth between her cheeks, I gave her anus a open-mouthed kiss, then circled the rosebud with the tip of my tongue. Finally, I risked another peek into the mirror.

Mandy’s mother had opened the door completely and was standing just outside the entrance with Angie, both of them fondling one another as they watched me rim this succulent teenager, who had not yet realized that we were being observed.

Careful not to let Mandy see her mother, I stood her up, back to the door, then took her into my arms and kissed her, parting the girl’s lips with my tongue. She responded right away, and our kiss grew hot and hungry. Her hands slid down my back to cup my bare ass.

Gently breaking away, I shrugged off my blouse, leaving me as naked as she was. Guiding her to the padded bench, I positioned the girl on her back. then slowly straddled her face, my sex inches from her lips. Lowering my body onto hers, I dipped my head between her legs to lick at her cunt, hoping Mandy would return the favor.

Sure enough, I felt her hot, wet tongue slide over my throbbing pussy. We quickly found a mutual rhythm, and soon she and I were both eating each other’s cunts like we had been lovers for years. Clearly, this was not her first lesbian experience.

At that point, Angie drew the girl’s mother into the room and shut the door, both of them now completely nude. I felt Mandy jerk in surprise at the sound. She tried to pull away, but I wouldn’t release her from between my legs to see who had come in. I began to finger the girl’s cunt, raising my head to gaze at the mother as she knelt before us, her eyes glazed with lust.

My sister began to caress Mandy and me, trailing her long, elegant fingers over our bare bodies. The mother simply knelt on the floor before us, unable to tear her eyes from our lesbian mini-orgy. Mandy, reassured that the unknown person in the room was joining in our loveplay, was eagerly eating my pussy again.

The mother was staring at me, her lips slightly parted and trembling with excitement at the sight of me and her daughter making love. Then I noticed that she was openly fondling her cunt. I winked at her, then once more lowered my face back between the girl’s thighs.

Mandy and I licked frantically at one another as our pleasure ascended steadily higher. I was drunk on this moment — the scent of her, the wetness, the liquid sounds of mouths, tongues and cunts, the touch of my sister’s hands; all accompanied by our muffled moans and gasps as we both edged closer, steadily closer to climax.

Then Mandy was coming, her thighs squeezing my head as she bucked and rocked beneath me. The girl’s ecstasy immediately claimed me as well, and I gasped into her dripping pussy as white-hot flashes of pure delight went off like firecrackers inside me, one after the next.

We both shivered deliciously as our mutual orgasm peaked, then waned. I continued to lightly nuzzle Mandy’s sex as we drifted back down to earth; she copied my actions, her lips gently brushing my slit. Finally we both relaxed, my body now still atop hers, the two of us moist with sweat.

I gingerly climbed off the girl, exhaling noisily as I sat down on the floor next to the bench. The mother was kneeling next to me, and she bent down to plant a open-mouthed kiss on my neck. I sighed happily, my hands moving to fondle her breasts as she began to explore mine.

I turned to glance up at Mandy, who was now sitting upright, a look of utter shock on her face at the sight of her naked mother touching me. “Momma…?” she gasped, her voice the merest whisper.

“Hush, Mandy,” the mother said. “Don’t… go to pieces or anything. I’m just having fun, like you are.” She lowered her face to my breasts, her tongue emerging to lick at a nipple. I sighed contentedly, hugging the woman’s face to my chest.

“Hey, girlie,” said Angie, now sitting next to Mandy on the bench. The girl twisted her head around to look — her eyes going even wider, if that was possible, at the sight of my equally nude mirror image beside her. “Wanna kiss me?”

Mandy was, to put it mildly, thoroughly confused by now. “I… uh, I…”

My sister laid a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “You sure are cute… and I bet your lips taste really good right now.” She leaned in closer, her mouth lightly touching Mandy’s, barely brushing the girl’s lip with her tongue… then she drew back a bit. “Mmmm, yum…” she cooed, “I just love my sister’s pussy.” And her mouth covered Mandy’s again.

For a second I thought the baffled teenager was going to jump up and flee the room. Instead, she simply closed her eyes and relaxed against the wall as Angie’s kissing grew hungry, urgent. Then Mandy slowly wrapped her arms around her new mystery lover and began to return my sister’s increasingly heated tongue action.

The girl’s mother had raised her face from my breasts and was gazing, enthralled, at my sister and her daughter, now engaged in some pretty passionate loveplay. My arousal began to simmer anew as I saw how intensely the woman stared at her naked child.

“Hey,” I asked her, “what’s your name, lover?”

“Cherie,” she replied, giving me the merest glance before shifting her gaze back to the lesbian lovemaking.

“Mine’s Tess, and that’s my sister Angie. So… your little girl’s a real hottie, isn’t she?”

“Yes,” Cherie said, so quietly I could barely hear her, “God, she is perfect…”

My lips were brushing her ear. “Go on and touch her… kiss her. You want to, I can tell — bet she’d love it.”

Cherie gasped, the naked desire in her eyes unmistakable — but she was clearly afraid to make such a daring move.

I touched her arm, and she turned to gaze helplessly at me. “It’s all right,” I said. “Watch this.”

Tingling from head to toe in delicious anticipation, I crawled up to Mandy, who was still kissing my sister, and gently parted the girl’s thighs. She broke away from Angie, turning to stare at me. Her face was flushed, her mouth wet from kissing, her hair disheveled. Yet somehow, she was more beautiful than ever. I could see why Mandy’s mother wanted her.

My eyes never leaving hers, I lowered my mouth to Mandy’s mound and placed a lover’s kiss upon her slit, deliberately coating my lips and chin with her essence. A soft mewling sound escaped from the girl’s throat as I frenched her pussy, probing her with my tongue.

Finally I raised my face from Mandy’s cunt, then turned to her mother. I seized Cherie’s arm, forcefully drawing her to me.

Making sure her daughter could see, I claimed Cherie’s mouth in a heated kiss. She was startled at first, but quickly recovered to return my kiss measure for measure. She moaned, savoring the taste of her daughter’s cunt as she licked the wetness from around my mouth.

When we finally broke apart, Mandy was leaning forward, staring at us. “God, Momma, that’s so…” she breathed, her eyes bright with excitement.

Cherie slowly rose to her feet, her eyes fastened to her daughter. “Oh, honey,” she shyly said, “you taste wonderful.” She sat down next to Mandy, reaching out to stroke the girl’s cheek with her fingertips. “You are so beautiful, my sweet child… you’ve grown into a lovely woman.”

Mandy reached for her mother’s hand, bringing it to her lips. “I — I love you, Momma,” she sighed.

“And I adore you, sweetheart,” Cherie said, gently placing a hand on her daughter’s breast, caressing the taut nipple. “Does this feel nice?”

“Oh, Momma,” gasped the wide-eyed teen, “oh, yes.” The girl was visibly trembling.

“Mandy,” the girl’s mother began, suddenly shy, “may I… may I kiss you?”

“Yes,” Mandy answered, closing her eyes, lips already parting.

Cherie leaned forward and their mouths met, brushing lightly. Then Mandy suddenly pushed her mother against the wall, her tongue plunging between Cherie’s lips, making their kiss hot and passionate.

Cherie moaned in surprise, but she got over that soon enough, eagerly returning her girl’s embrace. Angie and I glanced at one another, grinning excitedly. Clearly, Mom’s incestuous desire for her daughter was a two-way street.

Mandy and Cherie slowly slipped to the carpet, their mouths still locked together, tongues engaged in a dance of pure lust.

Angie drew me close and we enjoyed a brief, yet torrid kiss of our own, then turned to watch, eager to witness the incredible sight of mother and daughter sharing their bodies as lovers for the first time.

I seated Angie between my thighs, my breasts pressed against her back, then reached around to cup her sticky pussy. I’d already come twice, but it was clear that my sister was in serious need of release.

Cherie and Mandy were frantically making out, pressing their bodies together, kissing hungrily, groping one another. Finally, Mandy tore her mouth from her mother’s to moan, “Oh, Momma — I w-want to lick you.”

Cherie gave her daughter a look hot enough to melt iron ore. “I want to taste you too, baby. Let’s sixty-nine.”

“Mmmm, yeah,” said Mandy, and she rose up to swivel her body around, positioning herself atop her mother.

“Ooohh, Mandy,” Cherie breathed, reaching up to lightly touch her daughter’s sex with her fingers, “you have such a beautiful pussy.”

“So is yours, Momma…” Mandy paused to inhale deeply, “…and you smell so good!” Licking her lips, the sexy teenager burrowed between Cherie’s thighs, covering the woman’s sex with her mouth.

I fingered my sister with an increasing fervor as we watched Cherie moan from the touch of her girl’s lips, her eyes still fastened to Mandy’s juicy cunt. She raised her head from the carpet, her tongue sliding through her daughter’s folds to take that first loving lick.

Mother and child were locked together in a glorious duet of oral love, filling the room with muffled moans and moist sounds as they feasted upon one another. Angie and I watched them fuck, the two of us occasionally sharing hot, passionate kisses while we indulged in forbidden delights of our own.

Angie gasped as my fingers brushed her erect clit — and suddenly she was crying out, her body seizing up again and again as waves of pleasure surged through every inch of her slender frame. I kept toying with her pussy, wanting to keep her orgasm going as long as possible.

Finally she relaxed, leaning back onto my shoulder, placing gentle pecks along my jawline. I drew her up to me and claimed her mouth in a fiery soul kiss. Then we sat back together, savoring the lovely sight of Cherie and Mandy, still eagerly pleasuring one another with their mouths and tongues.

Then mother and daughter were coming, gasping into one another’s cunts as their bodies rocked together in mutual pleasure. The air was thick with the scent of pussy.

Breathing hard, Mandy rolled off her mother’s body to slump onto the floor next to her, wincing as her hand struck the wall. Their bodies glistened moistly, and I felt a sudden craving to taste the salty wetness of their skin. For the moment, though, I just hugged my sister close, letting Cherie and Mandy have their moment together as new lovers.

Mandy stretched, cat-like, then crawled into her mother’s waiting arms. Cherie cuddled her daughter to her heaving breasts. “Baby,” she whispered, “that was… beyond words.”

Mandy sighed happily. “I’ve… I’ve wanted that to happen, Momma. And it was even better than I’d dreamed it would be.” She raised herself, gazing at her mother with adoring eyes. “God, I love you,” she breathed. Their mouths briefly met in a gentle kiss.

“I love you too, angel,” Cherie gently replied, reaching up to caress her daughter’s face. She turned to look, misty-eyed, at me and Angie. “I want to thank both of you — for bringing Mandy and me together.”

“Oh, the pleasure was ours,” Angie giggled. “So… how do you guys feel about taking this party somewhere a little more spacious than a changing room?”

We all laughed at that, then Mandy whispered something to her mother.

Cherie nodded, then turned to us again with a smile. “Why don’t you both come back to our house? We’ve got a pool, a hot tub, a nice wine cellar, plenty of food… and there’ll be no one there but the four of us.”

“And Mom has a huge bed!” Mandy chirped. “All of us can sleep on it.”

“You could stay the night, if you wanted to,” Cherie added.

Angie and I glanced at each other with excited eyes, then back at our new friends. “Sure, why not?” I grinned. “Just let us get the register closed out, and we’ll be ready.”

With much amusement, we gathered up our wildly scattered clothes, and Angie dashed back to the other changing room to get Cherie’s things. It took us at least fifteen minutes, what with pausing to fondle one another and share kisses, but we finally got ourselves dressed.

As Angie fastened her dress, she said, “Maybe we should make a quick pit stop at our place on the way.”

“Need to pick up some things?” Cherie asked.

“Well…” Angie replied, a bad-girl smile I knew all too well on her lips, “Tess and I have quite the collection of sex toys.” Her eyes danced as she looked from mother to daughter. “How wild do you two feel like getting tonight?”

Cherie glanced at her daughter, then back at Angie. “Try us.”

“Mandy,” my sister turned to the cute teen, “how would you like to strap on a nice latex cock and fuck your mother with it?”

Mandy’s eyes were instantly alight. “Wow,” she gasped, “that sounds awesome!” She turned to her mother. “Would you let me do that, Momma? Can I… fuck you?”

Cherie laughed, drawing her daughter into her arms. “Oh, honey, I’d love you to.” She lowered her voice to a sexy purr. “In fact, I especially love taking it in the ass… bet you’d love to do that to me, wouldn’t you?”

Mandy grinned delightedly, then grabbed her shoes. “C’mon, guys — let’s go!”

The four of us took turns freshening up in the office bathroom while I put the receipts and cash in the safe. Angie set the alarm, and I locked the store behind us. Our working day now over, my sister and I climbed into our compact and set off for our place, Cherie and Mandy close behind in their Lexus.

And the whole way there Angie and I were giggling foolishly, the two of us wired with anticipation for the night to come.


Coming Home to Mom

  • Posted on May 5, 2015 at 2:19 am

By JetBoy

I’d just been dropped off by Mitch at the end of our first date. I was fourteen at the time. He kissed me once more, then drove off slowly, waving as he went. I felt happy and deliciously tingly, watching him go.

We’d had a wonderful night. Mitch had kissed me dozens of times, and I had let him fondle my breasts through my top. I would have been willing to go further with him, but he didn’t push things. I liked that he didn’t pressure me, but I was feeling really aroused. I knew that I’d be fingering myself that night for sure, as soon as I slipped into bed.

I never did get the chance, though… not that night.

The living room light was on, so I knew that Mom was still up and waiting for me. She had been an absolute wonder… buying me some cute new clothes, getting my hair done by her stylist and doing everything she could to help me get ready for my first real date. As I climbed the steps to our front door, I reflected on how great it was to have a mother as cool as mine, who I adored more than anything. Ever since my dad had walked out on us, Mom and I had been incredibly close; a lot more like best friends, really. I knew that there was nothing I couldn’t talk to her about.

I unlocked the front door and opened it to see Mom, seated on the couch, still wearing the short dress she’d had on earlier. “Hi, Mom,” I cooed, and crawled into her lap for a big hug. She wrapped both arms around me, holding me close. After my date, the feeling of her soft body against mine was warm and sensual.

“Hey, babe,” she murmured. “How’d it go?”

“Mmmm, wonderful,” I sighed happily.

“So…” she said softly, but with a smile, “did you two… go very far?”

Like I said, Mom and I could talk about anything. She wasn’t hung up about me staying a virgin; in fact, she had given me a packet of condoms before Mitch got there, just in case we went all the way that night. I hadn’t expected her to ask for details, but didn’t mind giving them to her.

“No,” I replied, plunking myself down beside her on the couch. “We kissed a lot… and he kinda felt me up some.”

“Sounds fun, but maybe a bit frustrating,” she chuckled. “I bet I know what you’ve got planned for later!”

I giggled. Mom had taught me how to masturbate when I was twelve, so that was another topic we had no difficulty discussing.

That had been a real bonding experience for the two of us. We’d both taken all our clothes off, and Mom had let me watch her finger her pussy until she came. Then she watched me as I touched my bare slit, giving me encouragement while I made myself come for the first time. It had been a wonderful experience… so much so that I often wished that we could masturbate together again someday. She never made the offer, though, and I was kind of embarrassed to ask.

Mom sat back, giving me a loving smile. “Actually, Wendy…” she purred, “how would you like to try something different tonight, instead of masturbating?” She smiled. “I think you’re old enough for something new… something very exciting.”

I was intrigued, to say the least. “Well… sure. What is it?” I asked, genuinely curious.

Still wearing her mysterious smile, she stood, reaching out for my hand. “Let’s go upstairs, honey.”

I followed Mom up the stairs, watching as the movement of her body pulled the thin cotton of the sundress she wore this way and that. She had always been, to me, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Mom had really nice legs, and her butt wasn’t too big, or too small, just perfect. As she climbed the stairs, her bottom seemed to move almost hypnotically before my face. Then I noticed that it didn’t look like she was wearing any panties. For some reason, the idea of Mom being naked under her dress made me feel all tingly.

“Let’s get you into bed now.” Mom was saying, pulling me into… her bedroom?

I’m sure I looked surprised, so she added, “You’re sleeping with me tonight, sweetheart.” Her hands rested gently on my shoulders as she guided me towards her bed. “You’ve had a very important night in a girl’s life.” She took both my hands in hers and gazed lovingly at me, a light in her eyes that made my tummy suddenly feel all warm, like I’d just had a cup of hot chocolate. “You are so… perfect. So pretty, Wendy.”

She sat on the bed while I blushed at her words, nibbling my lower lip slightly as I stood there just in front of her, unsure of what to say or do.

“Was Mitch nice to you?” she was asking me, her hands sliding down my sides, finding the bare skin of my waist and hips, just below my halter and above my skirt.

I nodded. “Yeah. He’s really nice.” I closed my eyes, thinking of how great he was. He was my boyfriend now, and everything. Mom moved her hands back and forth along my sides, caressing me softly. I wondered if we were going to masturbate together, like she and I did that one time. Then I remembered that she had promised me something new.

“Let’s take this off, okay?” Mom whispered, and I felt her undoing the little catch in the back of my skirt and drawing the zipper down slowly.

I was a little embarrassed, suddenly realizing that my panties were damp, and I blushed a bit.

Mom knew, though, and she banished my awkward feelings with a smile. “Shhh… I know, honey… you’re still excited.” Her voice was soft and husky and her fingers pushed down my skirt, sliding it down my thighs to expose my panties. “Oh, goodness… I guess you really are all hot and bothered, aren’t you?” She tilted her head, staring at my barely concealed sex.

“M-mom?” My voice was barely a whisper and I trembled with a sudden excitement I didn’t understand. Maybe that had something to do with that look in my mother’s eyes. My whole body was like a glowing ember in the heat of Mom’s gaze.

“It’s okay, Wendy… Mommy is going to take care of you now.” She was moving her hands up along the back of my thighs, stroking me gently. I felt lightheaded, as if I might fall down any second. I put my hands on Mom’s shoulders, more from reflex than anything else.

Mom found my bottom with her hands, cupping my cheeks through the thin cotton of my panties and fondling them — gosh, it felt good. Really good.

“Ohhhh… Mom,” I moaned, swaying slightly, nearly overcome by her touch.

“You’re so hot, Wendy… so hot all over.” Mom was saying, rubbing me, touching me. “And inside too, aren’t you? Are you all hot inside, baby? In here?” She leaned forward, her hands still on my ass, pressing her lips to my bare tummy, kissing me there.

“Y-yessssss,” I gasped, digging my nails into her shoulders, staring blankly into space, concentrating on the good feelings filling my belly. My body and soul were immersed in some sweet warmth that seemed to lift me, make me seem almost weightless.

Mom’s tongue emerged to tease the skin of my tummy, then she pushed her tongue into my belly button, swirling it around lazily, licking me there until all I could do was tremble in her embrace. What was happening? Was Mom actually… making out with me? Whatever it was, I had never felt so wonderful in my entire life.

“Let’s take these off,” she breathed, sliding her hands up to the small of my back and then down again, slipping into my panties this time. My heart was racing.

She pulled them down slowly, baring my adolescent sex to her eager gaze. My mind was a kaleidoscope of sensations, emotions. We shouldn’t be doing this, I thought, she’s my mother. But somehow that didn’t matter so much right then.

“Oh, Mom,” I whispered as she gently parted my thighs, revealing my fourteen-year-old virgin sex. I could feel Mom leaning closer once more, her breath on me, her hands returning to my now bare bottom to caress the baby-soft skin there, pulling me closer so I had to thrust out toward her with my hips.

“Such a pretty pussy, Wendy,” she murmured. “Would you like me to kiss it for you?”

I could barely believe what she was saying. My body was on fire. I stared down at myself, seeing what my mother was seeing right then. The swell of my sex, puffy and glistening. I was unbelievably wet and my barely downed slit was flushed and pink, inviting my mother’s kiss. And up above, just at the top of my slit was the nubbin of my clitoris, a tiny pearl of pink that seemed the center of my universe at that moment. It was hot and throbbing and aching, and I only knew I needed someone to love me, or I was going to go crazy!

Why shouldn’t that someone be my mother? Right then, I couldn’t think of a single reason why not…

And then Mom put her mouth on my pussy, turning her head slightly so she was kissing my slit like it was a mouth. I felt the soft warmth of her lips, then the incredible sensation of her tongue teasing across my folds. I whimpered, gripping her tightly as she caressed my ass, burrowing her face between my thighs. She sucked and licked and kissed at my throbbing sex, making sweet liquid sounds that only intensified my pleasure.

When her mouth finally found the button, the tiny knot of fire at the top of my cunt, I jerked so violently that my mother could barely hold me to her. I couldn’t help myself — the hours of desire and pent-up need I’d built up that night surfaced with an explosion of ecstasy I’d never known… never imagined possible!

My body was truly awakened for the first time in my young life, demanding that every part of me surrender completely to my mother’s love. I was helpless against it.

I don’t know exactly what happened for several minutes. Everything just became intensely bright, and it felt as if my body was being turned inside out. There were worlds exploding in my head and I thought this must have been what heaven was like. It was glorious, better than any feeling I’d ever known. So intense it was almost painful, and just on the verge of terrifying. I never wanted it to stop.

But when it did, I found myself lying back on the bed, now completely naked, Mom having removed the rest of my clothes. She was next to me, caressing my face. I was tingling all over… still floating, it seemed, on the wondrous tendrils of warmth that still radiated through my body.

And then my mother was kissing me, the way Mitch had, except… better somehow, different. Her mouth was soft and sweet, with a slight tangy flavor that seemed somehow familiar and alien at the same time. I nearly swooned at the sudden realization that I was tasting my own pussy on my mother’s lips.

Mom held me close to her, exploring my mouth with her tongue, and I could do nothing but respond, my own tongue emerging to join in the sweet games. This couldn’t be happening, my own mother kissing me like a lover, me kissing her back just as passionately… but she was, and I was — and I loved it.

I felt her fingers toying with my sex which, amazingly, still ached, hungered for more. She rubbed my clitoris in little circles, up and down, and my body moved to the rhythm of her fingers. She slid her index finger inside me, right up to the barrier of the hymen… and I moaned in disbelief. All the while we kissed over and over again, as if we’d never get enough.

“Let me take this off,” she told me finally, breaking our kiss and standing to pull her dress over her head, shaking her long blonde hair loose. She was naked underneath it, completely… and I gaped at her nudity, feeling my whole body tremble with nervous excitement. God, Mom was as beautiful as a May morning… and I was suddenly burning with a wild desire to touch and love her bare body, just as she had mine.

She knelt next to me. “I love you, Wendy… my angel.”

Her eyes, shining with adoration, transfixed me. “I… I love you too, Mom,” I whispered. “That was so beautiful, what you made me feel.” I wrapped both arms around her, burying my face in her soft tummy.

“My sweet baby,” she breathed, “please, kiss Mommy’s nipples… do that for me, honey.”

I tilted my head up, gazing at Mom’s beautiful breasts, then extended my tongue to lick at a pert nipple.

“Oh, Wendy,” she whimpered. “Oh.”

Wanting more, I took the tip of Mom’s breast into my mouth, feeling like a little girl again, gently sucking the pink tip. She cradled my head in her arms, holding me to her. “Ohhhh, baby, that’s it, yes… oh, my…” She was purring with pleasure as she gazed down at me, an expression of perfect bliss on her face.

Mom’s breasts thrilled me. I could feel her nipples stiffen in my mouth as I sucked them eagerly, letting her guide me from one to the other and back as she wished. Her free hand was in my hair, my head resting in the crook of her arm. With her other hand Mom continued to fondle my pussy, fingering me gently, always so careful not to push inside too far.

“Here, sweetheart, taste yourself,” Mom breathed as she drew her finger from my pussy, then rubbed it around her left nipple, coating the tip of her breast with my juices. “Sugar and spice… mmmm…” She brought my mouth to it, then her fingers returned to my clit, giving me feather-light strokes that made my hips arch in response. I licked her breast clean, the fires of passion reawakening and raging anew as my mother touched me.

She took my chin in her hand and tilted my face upward, then ran her finger, moist with my juices, across my lips. I parted them naturally, letting her slide her finger into my mouth. Then she leaned in to kiss me again, her tongue circling my mouth to taste the wetness she had left there.

Her eyes ensnared mine again. “Do you think I’m pretty, Wendy?” she asked me.

“Yes, Mom.” I breathed. I felt nothing but love for my mother… and now lust, strange as that seemed. This was a side of her I’d never known. It was wild and exciting, and awakened new and very different feelings inside me. I wanted all of her, wanted her as my lover.

“Oh, baby,” she whispered, her eyes glistening, “I’m the luckiest mother in the world, to have a child like you.”

“Mom?” I asked her shyly, “can I… can make you feel good now? ”

“Oh yes, angel,” Mom cooed, lying back and parting her thighs for me, “I’d love that.”

My heart throbbed frantically. This would be the wildest, craziest thing I’d ever done in my life, licking my own mother’s pussy… and I wanted it more than I could remember wanting anything. My mouth watered for her.

Kneeling beside her, I bent down to share a steamy kiss with Mom, then began to lick my way down her body, pausing to flick at each nipple with a playful tongue. I continued on, trailing kisses across her tummy. I nibbled at her belly button, nuzzled her hips, lightly kissed the swell just above her sex. She had a generous thatch of wheat-hued pubic hair that didn’t quite conceal the glistening pinkness of her cunt.

“Oh, Wendy, I love you so much.” She was trembling, I noticed for the first time… every bit as excited as I had been.

I studied her vulva, marveling at its beauty. Nearly concealed in her soft pubes I could see her clitoris, so much more prominent than mine. I gently touched it, eliciting a passionate moan from my mother.

She let me explore her like that for several minutes, getting my first good look at a woman’s pussy, seeing what mine might become over the next few years. Her labia were moist and swollen, darker than the soft pink interior of her cunt. I caressed her with curious fingertips and savored the thick, rich scent, breathing deeply of her arousal.

Mom’s hunger finally became too intense, though, and she tugged desperately at me with a shaking hand. “Oh, baby… Wendy, please…”

I lowered my face between her thighs, first placing a shy kiss on her slit. Then I licked her, softly at first, then harder as she urged me on with her hands and breathless moans. She tasted incredible… and I was soon eating my mother’s cunt with a fervor that surprised me, lips and tongue exploring every inch of her sex.

I took Mom’s clit between my lips, lightly sucking it like she had mine a few minutes earlier. I flicked my tongue across it, and seconds later Mom was arching her ass up from the bed, breath hissing through clenched teeth.

As I continued to pleasure her clitoris, I slid two fingers into her cunt, pushing them in deep the way I’d never dared to do to myself. She was wet and hot inside. I could feel the soft walls of her pussy squeezing around my fingers as I pumped them in and out, and there was so much wetness coming out of her that it was oozing down the crack of her ass.

“Oh… ohhhh, Christ, Wendy… oh, honey! Yes… ohhhh!” She was bucking and rocking wildly on the bed, and it was all I could do to keep licking her. My mouth and chin were dripping with her fluids. It felt like she was going to come at any second… but then she stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

“Turn around… t-turn around, Wendy… like this,” she was panting, almost lifting me up and turning me around, then drawing my hips down to her so that I straddled her face. “I want to eat you too, baby… I want to lick my little girl’s pussy while she does me.”

I was on top of her, my budding breasts pressed against Mom’s tummy. I felt her mouth on my pussy again and I gasped out loud, feeling her hands on my waist, clutching me tightly. For a few heartbeats all I could do was lie there, feeling the woman, my mother, beneath me.

Then I buried my face between Mom’s thighs and eagerly claimed her cunt with my mouth, pressing my tongue inside her like it was a little cock and thrusting it in and out. Then I shifted my attention to her clit, kissing and licking at the inflamed nubbin of flesh where my mother’s pleasure lurked.

Mom was tonguing my virgin slit like a woman possessed, licking and stabbing inside me, worming into the tight wet confines of my vagina. I thought she was going to turn me inside out! My heart was pounding, my legs were trembling — I knew I was coming again, and this time it was better. I was almost expecting my climax when it hit, so at least I managed to keep from passing out this time.

Mom made me come at least six times, I think. Sometimes they were huge, like tidal waves that buried me completely; other times they were smaller, almost gentle, like a caress that touched every inch of my body at once.

Finally she let me catch my breath, then I simply lay back as Mom straddled my face, lowering her cunt to my open mouth. I licked and kissed her pussy the way she had mine, using my fingers on her too. When she came, she shook so hard I thought she might fall off the bed!

Mom and I made love several times that night. At one point, she got me on all fours, then she began eating my pussy from behind, then trailed her way up to my butthole! When she pressed her tongue between my cheeks and started licking my crack, I nearly screamed, it felt so good. I’d never even heard of lovers doing such things, but it got me so hot that I had to pleasure her the same way. Years later, I still love anal play.

The whole time we were having sex that night she would call me her little girl, her sweet little girl. She wanted me to call her Mommy, especially when she was right on the edge of coming. That always seemed to really make it good for her, and I didn’t mind. She was my mommy, I thought… and I was her lover.

Finally we lay together, snuggling affectionately. I was tired, but didn’t feel sleepy. Instead I was hot and sticky and glowing with love for Mom. She wasn’t sleepy either, so we just lay there entwined, with my face pressed against her big, beautiful breasts.

“You’re so adorable, Wendy,” Mom told me. “You’ll have a lot of boyfriends, you know… dozens, maybe hundreds!” We both giggled. “But I hope you know now just how sweet making love with another woman can be.”

She bent over me to gently lick my right nipple, making it stiffen. “And when that woman truly adores you, it’s even better,” she said softly. “Like the way I do, angel…”

And Mom loved me all over again until all I could do was cry tears of joy, like the little girl that I still was.


Mother’s Hidden Desire

  • Posted on May 4, 2015 at 11:49 am

By JetBoy

My mother Amy is the sweetest person I know — shy and soft-spoken, a lovely woman with a good heart who I adore more than I can put into words. Our relationship is very different from most mothers and daughters, though, and this is about how that came to be.

Mother got pregnant when she was in high school, and the jerk who was responsible took off for parts unknown as soon as he got the news, so I never had a father to speak of. She did a wonderful job of raising me on her own, though, with lots and lots of help from my grandparents. They put her through college, looking after me during her classes. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business, and was quickly hired by a local accounting firm. Within six years, she’d worked her way up to a partnership, then bought us a home of our own.

My mother showered me with affection; she always made time for me when I needed it, always gave freely of herself. As a little girl, she would hold me in her arms for hours when I was sad or frightened. I was her baby doll, her Julia.

We lived a fairly typical life as mother and daughter, until one day I discovered the deep feelings that dwelled beneath Mother’s quiet exterior — feelings that would lead us both to a beautiful new intimacy as lovers.

And though our life together has been flavored with the spice of romance, somehow our relationship as parent and child has remained intact. She remains my mother, and I her daughter, even when we make love.

The handful of people in whom I’ve confided about Mother and I always ask me how it happened. Here’s the story.

One summer morning, while she was at the office, I was about to take a walk in a nearby park, and wanted to borrow this nice peach-colored blouse she had. My mother and I fit into the same sized clothes, and even though our styles were very different, sometimes we like to wear each other’s things. Anyhow, I was rummaging through her top dresser drawer, looking for the blouse, when my hand closed on something flat at the bottom. I withdrew the object and examined it closely. It was a paperback book with a plain blue cover that read Lesbian Incest.

Intrigued, the blouse forgotten, I took this book to my room. I spent several hours caught in its spell, reading the stories of women and girls who found love with their mothers, their sisters, their aunts, their daughters.

The interviews got to me in a big way. This wasn’t fiction, but the stories of real people who loved and wanted and acted, often risking everything they had in the pursuit of passion. At the time, I had been questioning my own sexuality, and many of these women were dealing about thoughts and feelings that I was trying to come to terms with myself.

As I read, I began to wonder why my mother owned this book. Then, as I made my way through its pages, another, more unsettling question reared its head: does Mother feel this way about me? Does she fantasize about being my lover?

I was stunned that the thought had even occurred to me — and once there, found it impossible to shake. I was no stranger to lesbian love play, having experimented with other girls at my high school. I’d loved it, and was now wondering if I might be gay… but in my wildest imaginings, I’d never considered the possibility of sex with my own mother!

Once the idea had entered my mind, though, it took root. After that, I couldn’t stop thinking about it… about her. I imagined Mother naked and in my arms, her hands caressing my body, kissing my mouth over and over, touching me in intimate places – and then I began to fantasize about loving her in the very same way. It was pretty unsettling, to say the least; especially when I found myself getting extremely turned on.

The more I pictured it, the more inviting the idea seemed. Our relationship was so close and loving as it was, so somehow the notion of taking what we had between us to a new level really made sense.

Somehow I ended up spread out on my bed, masturbating furiously while imagining Mother and I making passionate love. When I came, it was so intense that the very universe seemed to shift on its axis. I’d never had an orgasm like that before.

I lay motionless for a long time after that, feeling my heartbeat slow to its measured rhythm, pondering this newfound desire for my mother. Oh, I knew that such cravings were supposed to be immoral, forbidden… but I didn’t care. The idea of us being lovers just felt right, somehow. All I knew was that I wanted to make my fantasy happen.

How to go about such a thing, though, was a puzzler. What easy way is there to let your own mother know that you want to go to bed with her? I didn’t think I could just take her in my arms and kiss her — but, strangely enough, it almost happened that way.

It was a Friday night, about a week after I discovered my true feelings for Mother. We were spending a typical evening together, and she had cooked a wonderful meal for us both. After dinner we were relaxing on the couch, listening to chamber music. I was feeling so in love with her right then that I had to say something. So I just let my heart take over.

I turned to her and said, “Mother… I love you. You take such good care of me.” Gazing deep into her shining eyes I kissed her gently and whispered, “I want to take care of you, now.” Then I drew her into my arms.

As I held her, she rested her face against my shoulder and sighed, “Sweet Julia.” I felt a few warm tears against my skin.

I raised her face to mine and kissed her again, my lips lingering against hers a little longer this time.

I could feel Mother’s heart pound with excitement as her body nestled into mine. That was when I was certain she did want me, every bit as much as I hungered for her.

I bent to briefly nuzzle my mother’s soft neck, then raised my face to hers, our noses almost touching. Her eyes were shining with love, but I saw desire there as well — a fierce need for the love between us to become something more.

Unable and unwilling to restrain myself for another second, I closed the brief gap between us and our mouths met again. This time, her lips hesitantly parted, and so did mine. I slipped my tongue into my mother’s mouth, and she shivered in my arms.

Soon we were kissing passionately, her tongue joining mine in a sweet, hot duet. My hands found their way beneath her sweater to cup her breasts. Mother moaned into my mouth, her own hands slipping down to fondle my ass. I teased her nipples with my fingers.

My mother’s touch was gossamer and her hands warmed my skin. We fondled and caressed one another, kissing again and again, speaking not a word. None were needed.

Finally I stood and took her hand, leading Mother to my bedroom. But first we kissed some more, leaning against my door and making out like shy but excited schoolgirls.

I undressed her slowly, one article of clothing at a time, unveiling her body. My mother carried a few extra pounds, and there was a slight sag to her breasts, but these imperfections only made her seem lovelier to me. She was a real woman, a vision of fully ripened beauty — and now she was mine.

When she was naked I laid her down, kissing her mouth first, then trailing my way down her body with my lips and tongue. Her neck… her shoulders… her full, creamy breasts, capped by pert pink nipples that I licked lovingly… her tummy, then lower.

I searched out her wet center and found sweet honey dripping there. Gently parting her thighs, I kissed inside the opening flower. She cried out wordlessly, her fingers tangling in my blonde curls. I took my mother in my mouth, exploring her with a probing tongue. She came for me, and it was beautiful.

As Mother caught her breath I rested my cheek on her thigh, gazing in wonder at her glistening sex… the door from which I’d come into the world sixteen years ago. She had a neatly trimmed pubic triangle, hued a golden brown; the flesh of her vulva as elegant as an exotic orchid. I breathed deeply of my mother’s thick scent, still savoring her flavor on my lips.

Then her eyes fluttered open, and she anxiously drew me to her, whispering “Oh, baby… my precious…” her mouth claiming mine in a fevered kiss.

Breaking away, Mother rolled me onto my back, a fire in her eyes that I’d never seen before. I sank into the pillow, offering myself up to this wonderful woman who had given me life.

My mother worshiped my breasts with her caresses. My nipples tingled to her touch. When she loved me with her fingers my clit throbbed for her. My first orgasm astonished me when I came in her mouth. I didn’t expect it so quickly and it hit me hard, like a bolt of electricity. She soothed me then, her lips grazing my vulva in the gentlest of kisses until I found myself once more.

We lay together a long time after that in each other’s arms, gazing into one another’s eyes, sharing soft kisses. Mother smiled at me, resting her hand on my cheek… and I twisted to nuzzle her palm. “Oh Julia, my angel,” she whispered, “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.” Her eyes were growing moist with joyous tears. “I’ve wanted this — you and me, together — for a long time.”

I nibbled at her ear and murmured “I love you too, Mother… you mean everything to me.”

I made her wet and she made me drip. Her naked body was like warm velvet against mine. She ran her hands down my back as we kissed hungrily, already wanting more. She caressed my ass, putting a finger to my most intimate opening, and I gasped with delight when she penetrated my rectum, right up to the third knuckle. I panted, “That feels so good, Mother… I like having you inside me…”

“I love you, sweetness, and I love being inside you… touching your beautiful, beautiful body…”

As she gently fingered me, I found myself transported to a place of love, of magic. Our mutual arousal quickly rose to fever pitch, and Mother and I shifted positions on the bed so we could be in each other’s mouths.

I licked her thighs, drunk on the perfumed heat of her body, then buried my nose in her bush to taste the wetness that was so sweet on my tongue, the thick, warm wine that flowed between her thighs. She kissed and licked at my shaved pussy, her every touch a poem of love for me. As she drank from my body I heard myself gasping over the ecstatic rush in my head. “Mother… oh, Mother…”

I was lost to time. All I could do was feel — her hands fondling my bottom, her lips brushing my clit, her flower in my mouth, mine in hers. Then she licked her way to my anus, her tongue sliding wetly through the crack of my ass, and I felt such a consuming joy that I thought I might cry. No lover had ever done such a thing for me. The knowledge that she was willing to pleasure me there only made fed the adoration I felt for my wonderful mother.

Wanting to do the same for her, I buried my face between her cheeks and kissed her asshole like it was my mother’s luscious mouth. I cupped her pussy, stroking her clitoris with my thumb — and she responded with a choked cry, plunging two fingers into my cunt.

I don’t know who came first, but I heard us both moaning as ecstasy poured down upon us like torrents of summer rain. We rode our climaxes together, continuing to pleasure each other for as long as our bodies could take it. Finally we cried out in unison as this pure delight rose to one last, impossible peak, then slowly dimmed to a comforting glow.

Mother and I lay entwined, exchanging vows of love, swearing mutual devotion. You see, we both knew that this was the real thing; that we were meant to be lovers for the rest of our lives. We held one another close crying tears of joy, our only regret having taken so long to find this perfect thing that we now shared.

We two have been a couple for three years, and that time has been pure bliss for us both. We are mother and daughter, best friends, roommates and lovers. She is still sweet, shy and soft-spoken, still the parent who helps to make everything right when the cares of the world are too much to take; our nude bodies tangled together in the warmth of the bed we share.

Mother and I love to fantasize about her teaching me the pleasures of incest as a little girl. In fact, we often play sweet pretending games where I am a child of anywhere from six to ten, Mommy taking me to bed to show me a new way of loving.

Those are wonderful times, as is every moment of sexual intimacy she and I enjoy… but the memory of us coming together on that first night is the one I cherish above all.


Her Little Sister Hannah, Part Two

  • Posted on May 4, 2015 at 11:37 am

At eleven-thirty that evening, Hannah slipped out of her bed, wearing just a battered old Little Mermaid nightdress that she’d had for years. It was too small for her, and the hem only reached a few inches down her pale thighs.

She emerged into the darkened hallway and gingerly tiptoed down to Alice’s room, quietly opened the door and stepped in.

“Hiya,” whispered Alice, sitting up in the center of the bed. She was on top of the duvet, her naked body on display. The room was lit by the bedside lamp, which cast a warm, friendly glow over the scene.

“Hi, big sister,” Hannah whispered back, carefully shutting the door. She pulled off her gown and flung it aside, then scampered over to leap onto the bed. She knelt in front of Alice, and both sisters leaned in to meet in a passionate kiss, as if they’d been lovers for years. Hannah’s hands found their way to her sister’s breasts, teasing Alice’s nipples to aching stiffness.

“Mmmm, we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight, baby sister,” Alice murmured.

“We sure are!” agreed Hannah.

“Just remember to keep the noise down, ‘kay?”

“Sure. Um, so… what do we do first?”

“Well, I’ve done this before, so why don’t I give you a little demonstration of how girls make love? Lie down” — she patted the bed — “and I’ll get you off. Believe me, it’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before!”

A shiver of excitement darting down her spine, Hannah eagerly lay back and spread her legs, watching eagerly as Alice knelt between them. The older girl’s eyes grew wide as she studied the barely downed pink slit before her.

“Damn, sis,” she breathed. “Your pussy is… it’s one of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen.” Reaching out, Alice began to lightly stroke her sister’s mons, drawing a sigh of approval from the girl. Growing bolder, she carefully inched the tip of a finger into Hannah’s vagina, then began gently working it in and out, penetrating a little deeper with each stroke.

Hannah closed her eyes, breathing raggedly as her excitement grew. She’d been masturbating since the age of ten — but this was, of course, the first time anyone else had touched her there. It felt fantastic.

The nineteen year old brunette gently fondled Hannah, watching as the girl tossed her head from side to side on the pillow, mewling with delight. Alice’s finger had reached the limit of her little sister’s hymen and, not wanting to taking Hannah’s virginity right then, she began to roll the probing digit in a circular motion, stimulating the vaginal wall — a trick she’d learned from her first female lover.

Gnawing at her knuckle, Hannah stifled a sob of pleasure. What could be better than this? She had her beautiful big sister back home again — and now Alice was making love to her, like they were girlfriends!

Alice marveled at how slippery her finger became as she eased it in and out — God, her sister’s cunt was so hot and wet! She took her hand from between Hannah’s legs and licked at her fingers, humming contentedly as she tasted her little sister.

“Mmmm, what a yummy pussy,” Alice murmured, leaning down to lick her sister’s slit. She ran her tongue up and down the glistening cleft before her, then pressed her mouth against Hannah’s vulva and kissed her hotly — an open-mouthed kiss, her tongue emerging to penetrate the preteen girl.

Hannah was overwhelmed by how lovely it was, the feeling of a warm, wet tongue exploring her inside. Her nipples were stiff; throbbing to the touch, ripples of pleasure flowed like ocean waves through her body. “Oh Alice, that f-feels wonderful,” she panted. “Ooohhhh!” Her trembling hands clutched at Alice’s head, fingers twining into her big sister’s hair.

Soon, Hannah began to come — a white-hot spark coming to life deep inside her, rapidly mounting into an inferno that seemed to consume her whole. She had to clamp a hand over her mouth to muffle the moans she made as her body shook and shuddered helplessly.

Alice drank thirstily at her sister’s cunt as Hannah came nonstop for a good thirty seconds, her elfin face contorted in ecstasy. When it was over, the older girl lifted her head, lips and chin glistening with her baby sister’s essence.

Hannah lay exhausted, breathing hard as her big sister crawled up to sprawl beside her. Nuzzling the girl’s face, Alice murmured, “Your pussy tastes great, sis.”

“Oh, Alice,” Hannah moaned, turning to her sister and kissing her passionately, humming with delight as she sampled the flavor of her own cunt from Alice’s mouth.

They kissed for a long, sweet while, then Hannah pulled away and exclaimed, “Let me lick you now! I want to taste your pussy.”

“Sure, sis. Remember, though, be quiet — we don’t want Dad catching us!”

The girls swapped positions, Alice lying on her back, legs spread wide.

Nestled between her big sister’s thighs, Hannah spent a moment admiring Alice’s cunt, the way her glistening pink lips were framed with neatly trimmed auburn pubes. She gently explored her sister with her fingers, getting to know her intimate parts. Hannah’s eyes widened in awe as she slid a finger into the moistened slit, stroking her sister’s soft triangle with her other hand. “Wow, Alice… you’re all hot inside!”

“Eat me, sis,” urged Alice, her body tingling with excitement, “Lick my pussy, please.”

Flashing her big sister a grin, Hannah moved closer to lick at Alice’s slit. Pausing to mull over the taste, she licked again, her tongue slipping between her sister’s labia to sample the fiery flesh of her vagina. “Mmmm,” purred the preteen girl.

“D-does it taste good?” Alice stammered, her nails digging into the navy blue sheets.

“Yeah!” exclaimed Hannah. “It’s kinda… I dunno, but I like it!” She dove back in eagerly, pressing wet open-mouthed kisses into the pink flesh. Wanting more, she thrust her tongue deep into Alice’s opening, making her big sister moan with pleasure.

God, Alice thought, she’s a natural at this! The twelve year old’s instincts were undeniable, her hot little tongue probing and exploring Alice’s vagina with relish. Then Alice gasped in disbelief as Hannah began to tease her clit with a fingertip while still licking her pussy. With that kind of loving attention, it didn’t take long at all for Alice to come in her sister’s face, clasping a hand tightly over her mouth to dampen her cries of passion.

Hannah took the older girl through two explosive orgasms, clumsily tweaking Alice’s clit with two fingers while her tongue eagerly probed into the moaning teen’s womb.

“Oh God, oh fuck, oh fuck… OH!” moaned Alice, trying desperately to keep her voice down in the height of passion. The walls at the apartment she’d shared with Tanya were thick, and there certainly weren’t any fathers around to avoid rousing. Alice and her lover would cry out loud and blurt wild obscenities during their rampant fucking. They’d suck, lick, and finger each other to exhaustion practically every night — often in the mornings and afternoons, too.

Alice still missed those times, but not nearly as much as she had just a few hours ago — this opportunity to have sex with her preteen sister was hotter and wilder than anything she’d ever done before.

Finally overcome, she gasped, “S-stop, stop — I can’t t-take any more!”

Hannah raised her head, licking her lips and smiling sweetly. “Did I do a good job?” she asked, tilting her head adorably.

“You did great!” insisted Alice, still breathing heavily. “You made me go off like a fuckin’ rocket. C’mere and gimme a kiss, you little minx!”

Hannah crawled into her big sister’s open arms and they kissed tenderly, their hands languidly exploring one another’s bare bodies.

This soon had Alice hungering for more of her baby sister, so she rolled the girl onto her back and got on top of her, kissing Hannah with a renewed passion. She licked and nuzzled the young girl’s throat, making the twelve-year-old shiver. Alice moved down further, kissing her way to her sister’s budding breasts. She sucked on each nipple in turn, spending a long while pleasuring them with her mouth. Then she resumed her southward travels — squirming down the bed to kiss and nibble at the soft skin of Hannah’s flat belly, darting her tongue into the girl’s navel to make her giggle.

Soon, Alice confronted her sister’s pussy, a lustful gleam in her eye. Without a word Hannah spread her legs, sighing happily as her big sister began to pleasure her again.

After a further hour of lovemaking Hannah, hair disheveled, legs shaky and her heart radiant with joy, bid Alice goodnight with a kiss, then tiptoed back to her own room and crawled into bed, where she immediately fell asleep.

The next day, Hannah raced back to her big sister’s room and jumped into bed with Alice as soon as their father left for work. The two girls spent all morning naked, happily exploring one another.

First, Hannah gladly allowed herself to be manipulated like a doll, placed into various positions by her big sister — on her back, on her belly, on all fours, standing up, on her knees — with Alice touching and tasting every inch of the young girl’s body.

Then they swapped roles. Hannah had the time of her life as she pleasured her big sister with fingers and tongue — paying particular attention to Alice’s cunt, which she licked and fingered lovingly.

After almost ninety minutes, though, Alice was ready to take things to the next level.

“Wait until you see this! It’s so cool,” she exclaimed, hopping off the bed.

“What’s so cool?” giggled Hannah, laying back on the bed… flushed, slick with sweat and grinning happily.

“You’ll see!” Alice declared, walking over to her chest of drawers. She bent down, thrusting her pert ass out as she opened the bottom drawer and looked within. Rummaging around, Alice fished something out from underneath the panties in the drawer. She stood up and turned around, holding aloft her prize; a slender dildo, eight-inches in length and bright florescent pink. “Ta-daaa!” she sang.

“Whoa, awesome!” gasped Hannah, thrilled by the sight of the toy her sister would soon be introducing into their lovemaking. “That’s like a fake dick, isn’t it? Where’d you get that?”

“Oh, I bought it ages ago,” Alice replied, “I have others, but I left them with Tanya. I thought it would be too risky, ’cause Dad might find them. I couldn’t resist bringing this one, though, it’s my favorite. Not too big, not too small.”

“Cool color too,” giggled Hannah, “Nice and pink!” Her eyes were wide with excitement at the prospect of what they could get up to with Alice’s sex toy. She loved her big sister so much right then — Alice was not only beautiful but caring and wise, and making love with her made Hannah feel very grown up.

Likewise, Alice was overcome with love for Hannah, amazed that it had taken her so long to realize just how pretty and desirable she was. More than that, it was incredibly thrilling to be indulging in these forbidden games — lesbian sex with her own underage sister! Bet Tanya wishes she could get in on something this kinky, Alice thought with a smirk.

“Lay back Hannah… I’m going to fuck you with this,” Alice purred, leaning close and kissing her sister lovingly, her eyes glowing with anticipation.

“Oooh, yeah,” Hannah smiled. “Let’s do it. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have my first time with than you!” She lay back, parting her legs, her bare pussy glistening wetly.

Alice knelt between her little sister’s thighs, seductively sucking at the tip of the dildo, then held it up for Hannah to see, now wet and ready.

“Put it in me,” urged Hannah.

Alice placed the tip of the pink dildo at the entrance to Hannah’s cunt. She ran it up and down the lips, teasing her sister before she began to ease it into her. Hannah arched her back, her eyes shut, breath hissing through her teeth as Alice pushed the plastic cock into her body. Deeper and deeper it went, Alice gripping the base of it, watching it disappear in her sister’s vagina until the tip rested against Hannah’s hymen.

“Okay,” Alice murmured, “I’m going to go all the way in now… are you ready?”

“Yes!” Hannah said hoarsely. “Fuck me, sis!”

With one firm stroke, Alice pushed the pink dildo into her sister up to the hilt, breaking through the fleshy membrane.

The young girl winced sharply, her body rigid. “Ohhh! Ow, that hurt!”

“Hold tight, babe,” Alice quickly said. “Stay still for a minute. Just try to relax while it’s inside you.”

Hannah slowly exhaled, her hands clenching and unclenching as she tried to ease the tension that gripped her body. Gradually her breathing became normal again. “Okay,” she said softly, “I… I think you can try m-moving it a little bit.”

Alice began to withdraw the dildo as slowly as she could, pulling it out about two inches before carefully pushing it back in again. Hannah’s mouth opened, her body trembling. A delighted expression lit up her face as the pain she had expected failed to appear, sensations of pleasure already rippling through her body.

“Oh yeah, oh Alice,” she panted, “My God, it’s in me, oh yeah!”

“You’ve lost your cherry, lover… and we didn’t even need a boy to do it!” laughed Alice with delight.

“It feels so good, Alice,” she sighed, “Mmmmm, wow! Push it in and out of me, sis, but slow… that’ll feel nice, I think.”

“Oh it will, honey… it will!”

Alice began sliding her toy out of Hannah’s cunt, falling into a steady rhythm, transfixed by the look of intense joy on the girl’s pretty face. Back and forth, in and out she worked the pink cock, moistening her fingers in her own cunt as she fucked her little sister. Then Alice began to rub Hannah’s clit with those fingers, slick from her own pussy.

“Mmmm, yeah!” Hannah gasped, her words coming in bursts. “I think… you c-can… maybe go — ooohhh — a little… f-faster now.”

Alice gradually increased the pace of the fucking, watching her sister panting for breath, slowly rising to an apogee of purest ecstasy. Suddenly Hannah’s breath hissed through clenched teeth, her body seizing up. A keening sound began to issue from the twelve-year-old’s throat.

“Yeah, come for me, Hannah!” Alice panted, “Are you coming? Are you coming for me?”

“I… I am,” urged Hannah, frantically working her pelvis in time with Alice’s steady thrusts, “Oh yes, oh yes… I’m gonna come… oh GOD!”

Hannah couldn’t speak after that, just moan and splutter barely coherent cries as she bucked and writhed in a ferocious orgasm. It took a full two minutes to build to a peak, then slowly die away — finally, she relaxed with a deep sigh. “Oh. Oh my.”

“Damn, you look so beautiful when you come,” Alice purred, slowly withdrawing the dildo from Hannah. It made a wet sound as it eased out of the girl’s tight young vagina.

“Let me do you now!” Hannah squealed, still catching her breath. She sat up, watching Alice take her place on the bed.

Lying on her back, Alice parted her legs. “You don’t have to be gentle, Hannah,” she told her sister. “Push it deep inside and fuck me hard.”

Hannah got into position, tongue protruding slightly as she concentrated on doing the job right. She placed the dildo at the opening of Alice’s cunt and teased her sister a bit, sliding just the tip of the toy into Alice’s wet pussy. Then she began to push it into her sister, finding to her delight that it slid in easily. She began working it in and out, slowly at first, watching as Alice began tossing her head from side to side, her eyes closed, cheeks flushed.

“Oh, oh, oh,” Alice was panting, “Oh my God I’m so hot… oh that’s so good. Oh, Hannah, my sweet sister, fuck me! Fuck me harder! Harder… nnnnnnnnnngggg!”

Hannah’s slender arm was pumping wildly now as she worked the dildo in and out of Alice’s cunt, eyes wide as she watched her big sister’s thick, warm fluids coating the bright pink toy with each stroke. Copying Alice’s tactics, Hannah began to brush Alice’s clitoris with her fingers — which pushed the older girl over the edge, leaving her wailing like a bitch in heat.

“Oh fuck yes, I’m coming so hard Hannah, oh fucking Christ, fuck…OOOH! Oh, oh, oh! OH GOD!” Alice’s body thrashed violently as she rode the crazy carousel of her orgasm.

Hannah gradually slowed down her thrusts as Alice’s climax ebbed away, finally sliding the dildo out of her sister’s cunt. Studying the glistening toy, she brought it to her mouth to lick. “Mmmmm, tastes good.” Then she giggled. “It’s like… a pussy lollipop!”

“Oh, yeah? Wanna share some with your big sister?” Alice purred.

“Sure,” Hannah proffered the wet toy. Alice took the tip in her mouth and sucked at it, then took a long, slow lick along its length. Hannah bent down to join her sister, and the two girls bathed the dildo with their tongues, finally coming together in a heated kiss.

“Mmmm, that was fun,” Alice giggled when they finally drifted apart. “Did you like getting fucked?”

“I sure did,” Hannah exclaimed, her eyes dancing with delight. “I loved it! A real cock would be nice to try sometime, though. Bet I could handle it!”

“Maybe so, sis,” Alice said, sitting up and reaching out to fondle Hannah’s barely formed breasts, “But you shouldn’t rush into sex with a boy so soon. Let’s just me and you have some fun together for a while. Now that you and I are lovers, we can do this all the time.”

“Wow, lovers,” Hannah breathed, “I guess we really are, aren’t we?”

“We are, babe,” Alice murmured, cuddling her baby sister close, “and I think it’s pretty cool.”

“Me too,” the young girl sighed dreamily. Then she placed a hand on her big sister’s belly. “You and Tanya had lots of fun, huh? Must’ve been great, being able to have sex with her all the time.”

“Yeah, it was nice. We’re still friends, too. I’ll give it few weeks, then I’ll call her… maybe go visit her one day.”

“So you guys can still fuck, then?” teased Hannah. “Even though you broke up?”

“Sure — why not? Just for old times sake.” She grinned at her baby sister. “Y’know, if I go visit her, maybe you should come along.”

Hannah’s eyes widened. “Um, you mean… I can have sex with both of you, like what you did with Tanya and h-her friend?”

“A threesome,” Alice nodded. “Oh, yeah, she’d be way into you.”

“Wow,” Hannah whispered. “You’re the best big sister in the world.” She kissed Alice lovingly, running both hands through her older sibling’s hair. Meanwhile, Alice allowed a hand to find its way between Hannah’s legs, her fingers stroking the youngster’s moist slit.

“I want to play with your ass now,” Alice breathed, her lips brushing her sister’s ear. “Get up on your hands and knees. You’ll really like this.”

Hannah quickly got on all fours, ready and eager for another new experience.

Alice got behind Hannah, licking her lips as she fondled her twelve year old sister’s adorable bottom, squeezing her cheeks gently. Then she ran a fingertip up and down the cleft between Hannah’s slightly parted cheeks, running her nail lightly over her asshole, which twitched instinctively.

“Oooh, that’s nice,” Hannah gasped. “Mmmm… yeah, play with my butt, Alice. Put a finger in, like you did with my pussy!”

“God, you have a beautiful ass,” murmured Alice, leaning down to bestow a few soft kisses on Hannah’s buttocks. Then she kissed the pre-teen blond’s anus before running her tongue over it, teasing the tight virgin orifice. Hannah cried out in surprise and delight at her sister’s loving invasion.

Soon Alice was licking lustily at her sister’s luscious asshole. Hannah’s head was swimming, and she began breathing deeply as her big sister ate her ass. Burying her face in the pillow, she reached back to spread her buttocks further apart, giving Alice complete access to her most private place.

Alice pulled her head back a moment to catch her breath, then began pushing her tongue into her sister’s anus, easing it past Hannah’s sphincter and into her hot buttery rectum.

“Uh, uh, uhhhhh, that’s so gooood!” wailed Hannah, arching her back and pushing her bottom into her older sister’s face. “Lick it, lick it, Alice. Lick my butt!” The naked pre-teen moaned in near-unbearable delight as the older girl pleasured her from behind.

As Alice pushed her tongue in and out of Hannah’s slippery back door, she bought a hand into play, trailing up her sister’s thigh to her vagina. As Hannah sobbed with passion, Alice gently worked a finger into the youngster from behind, easing it inside until she was buried to the knuckle in the girl’s fiery cunt.

“Ohhhh, Alice, I’m coming,” Hannah began to cry out shortly, “Oh my… oh Alice… lick me, finger me YES! OHHHH!” Her climax was powerful and prolonged, and the girl nearly swooned from the intensity of it. She managed to rally herself enough to gasp, “Oh, oh God… no more, please!” before slumping to one side.

Alice sat up, easing her slippery fingers out of the young girl’s cunt. Hannah lay motionless for a short time, catching her breath, then wrapped both trembling arms around her big sister.

“Oh, Alice,” Hannah cooed, “I think… that I’m in love with you.”

“I feel the same way, sis,” Alice whispered, clutching her sister closely. “No matter what, let’s always love one another like this, you and me. Even if we have other girlfriends — or boyfriends. Even if we get married!”

“Yes,” sighed Hannah contentedly. “Let’s.”

The two girls lay in each other’s arms, whispering words of adoration and exchanging lazy kisses until they fell asleep.


Her Little Sister Hannah, Part One

  • Posted on May 4, 2015 at 11:35 am

By JetBoy

As she gazed out through the window of her father’s car, Alice gave a wistful sigh. She was moving back home after a year of life on her own, having just recently broken up with her girlfriend Tanya. Once Tanya had moved out, Alice couldn’t afford the rent on the apartment they’d shared, and in the end, she had no choice but to call home and ask Dad if she could have her old room back. He wired her the money for a flight home the next morning.

She knew how difficult it had been at first for Dad to adjust to the idea of his oldest daughter entering into a romantic relationship with another girl, but he’d been supportive in the end… and he was being supportive now, trying his best to lighten Alice’s mood with jokes and tidbits of neighborhood gossip as he drove. Still, Alice suspected that he wasn’t exactly unhappy to have her back home and single again. Oh, well, she was glad to see him, too — and it would be great to spend time with her baby sister Hannah, who had just turned twelve. Much as she’d enjoyed life in the big city with her lover, Alice had missed Hannah terribly.

Soon they arrived home, and sure enough, Hannah was delighted to have her older sibling back again. Alice was already feeling better about things, the very sight of Hannah lifting her spirits. Her kid sister was always smiling and giggling, full of gleeful energy, taking nothing too seriously — just what Alice needed right then.

“Was it fun living away from home?” Hannah asked her big sister, later in the day. They were in Alice’s bedroom, which had been left more or less untouched while she was living with Tanya. It was a bright, cheerful room with two large windows set into the wall.

“It was fun, yeah,” Alice smiled. She was standing by her wardrobe, open suitcases at her feet, putting her clothes away. She had to admit that it did feel nice, being back in the room she’d slept in since she was a kid.

“Are you glad to be back?”

The young woman shrugged. “Oh, sure…. I’ll miss Tanya, but it’s good to see you and Dad again.” She put the last of her things into the wardrobe and shifted the suitcases to the corner of the room. She’d been home for a couple of hours, and their father had gone to pick up dinner at her favorite Chinese restaurant.

Hannah paced the room with a spring in her step, excitement in her big blue eyes at the prospect of having her beloved older sister home once more. Twelve years old, Hannah was barely five feet tall, and while her sister and father had dark hair, Hannah’s hair was like her long-deceased mother’s — a lustrous coppery red, reaching down almost to her waist. Her face was elfin and pretty, with a smile that seemed to illuminate her face with childish joy. She was slim, and her breasts were only recently beginning to bud. She wore an old cast-off Sonic Youth t-shirt of Alice’s that was at least two sizes too big for her and a pair of bright yellow gym shorts that showed off her bare legs to nice effect.

“What should we do?” asked Hannah, “Dad’s out, and I’ve got my big sis back home! Whoo-hoo!” She was incredibly animated, all but bouncing around the room. Suddenly she jumped onto Alice’s bed, next to her big sister. “I know what — let’s share secrets! We haven’t done that for ages.”

“Okay,” Alice agreed, amused by Hannah’s enthusiasm. “What d’you wanna know?”

“Tell me what it was like, living with Tanya,” Hannah suggested.

“You mean, what was it like being away from home?”

“Well, I was thinking more about… what it was like living with a girlfriend. Y’know — spending all that time with someone you’re in love with, going to bed with her…”

“Hannah!” giggled Alice, “That’s private!”

“C’mon,” pleaded Hannah. “We’re sisters, we’re s’posed to share everything!”

“But you’re only twelve, kiddo… I think you’re kinda young to hear details about my love life.”

“Am not!” retorted Hannah. “And your face is red! Jeez, you’re just like Dad — he always gets all embarrassed when he even mentions sex.”

“Welllll… what do you want to know about Tanya and me, anyhow?”

“Why’d you split up?”

“Because Tanya wanted to see other women.”

“When you say, ‘see’, you’re talking about having sex, right?” asked Hannah.

“Yeah. She wanted me to join in, too.”

“Wow. So, did you ever…?” asked Hannah, her big eyes wide with excitement.

“Yeah… last week,” admitted Alice, “It was a friend of Tanya’s. We all went to bed together.”

“An orgy?!”

“Yeah. A threesome, really. It was fun but… well, I wanted Tanya all to myself, I guess. But she couldn’t give up other girls, so we agreed to split up. We’ll still be friends, though — maybe even fool around every once in awhile.”

“Do you, um, just not like doing it with guys, then?”

“Well, no, not quite… men are okay, sure. But when it comes to sex, I just think girls are better.”

“Like what? What things do they do better?”

“Hmmm, let’s see now,” Alice pondered. “Well, there’s kissing. Girls have such soft mouths… and when it comes to touching and oral sex, girls are absolutely better than guys.”

“Why’s that?” asked Hannah, enthralled.

“Think about it,” Alice explained, “A girl has the same body parts you do, so they have a better idea of how to make you feel good, right?”

“I understand that, yeah. What do you like doing with girls the most?”

“Mainly fingering and eating pussy, I’d say. The best thing, I think, is a sixty-nine.”

“I know what that is! Someone at school told me. It’s when a guy and girl — or two girls, I guess — lick each other’s, um, pussies. Have you done that with Tanya?”

“Lots of times,” Alice boasted, suddenly noticing that she was getting aroused, her nipples erect beneath the thin cotton blouse she wore. It was oddly arousing, in a perverse kind of way, to be admitting such lewd antics to her kid sister.

“Was it fun?” asked Hannah.

“It was. There was this one time the other week, when I had the threesome with Tanya and Gina. Gina was this hot chick she was seeing on the side. Tanya and me were in a sixty-nine with me on top, both of us licking each other’s pussies. And…” Alice hesitated, her voice trailing off.

“And what?” demanded Hannah.

Alice pursed her lips. “Um, I shouldn’t really tell you any more. You’re too young.”

“Aw, come on, sis,” urged Hannah, “Come on! You’ve gone too far to back out. I wanna know everything!”

“Well, okay then. Tanya and me were in a sixty-nine, me on top…”

“Yeah yeah… you on top, I’ve got the picture… go on, sis.”

“…and Gina was, um, fucking me in the ass with this latex strap-on cock.”

“No WAY! Holy shit, that’s cool!” giggled Hannah, bouncing on the bed excitedly, the nipples on her budding breasts clearly erect through her t-shirt, which Alice couldn’t help but notice. “Did it hurt?”

“Not really. Tanya had done it to me that way before. I like anal sex, actually.”

“That sounds wild. I bet sex is a lot more fun if you can do it with both guys and girls.” She paused. “I think I might be bisexual.”

“Really…?” breathed a surprised Alice.

“Well, I’m pretty sure I am. I mean… there’s a couple of boys in my class who I think are cute, but there’s a girl I like too. She’s older than me, she’s fourteen, but I’ve seen her in the showers once or twice and I sort of… look at her, y’know — at her body. And I’ve kinda got a crush on one of my teachers. She’s really sexy! She has short dark brown hair, like yours.”

“Well, don’t go making a move on her!” Alice cautioned. “You’ll cause big problems for yourself, trying to get sexually involved with a teacher.”

“Yeah,” smiled Hannah, “She’s married anyway. She is very pretty, though. Like you. I think you’re really beautiful, y’know.”

“Thanks, honey,” Alice said, smiling warmly. She reached out and stroked Hannah’s cheek with her fingers. “You’re really pretty too, Hannah. Whether you go after a boy or a girl, I don’t think you’ll have any problems getting a lover when you’re older.”

“Aw, I want a lover now!” pouted Hannah.

“Don’t be so impatient,” laughed Alice. “Some things you just have to wait for, kiddo.”

Hannah gazed thoughtfully at her big sister. “Alice… can I ask you to — to do something for me?”

“What, sis?”

“Could I… would you let me kiss you?” Hannah asked.

Alice was naturally taken aback. “How do you mean?” she asked.

“Well,” shrugged Hannah, “I’ve never kissed a girl before. I’ve only kissed a couple of boys, and they weren’t so hot. I’d like a real kiss. I mean… I need some practice for when I’m older. Come on Alice, we’re sisters and best friends too. Just one kiss. Pleeease?”

“Okay,” shrugged Alice. It sounded a bit weird, but she was feeling all tingly from talking about sex — and her comment about how pretty Hannah was had been genuine. Her little sister was maturing deliciously. In fact, Alice couldn’t keep herself from stealing furtive glances at the outline of Hannah’s hard little nipples, clearly visible through her t-shirt. “Sure… you can kiss me.”

Hannah hesitated a moment, then knelt opposite the older girl. She placed both hands on her big sister’s shoulders as she leaned in close, bringing her lips to Alice’s.

They began to kiss, hesitantly at first.

At twelve, Hannah was a sexual novice, but the young girl made up for her inexperience in pure enthusiasm, sliding her tongue into her sister’s mouth. Almost instinctively, Alice began to respond.

Soon they were kissing hotly, their hearts throbbing with excitement. Without a thought, Alice reached up to fondle her sister’s small, barely formed breasts.

Suddenly catching herself, she pulled back, breaking their kiss.

“What’s up?” Hannah asked. “Why’d you stop?”

“Omigod, I’m sorry, Hannah. I shouldn’t have t-touched you there!” Alice stammered. “Wow, I kinda forgot you were my sister for a second!”

“Oh, don’t be sorry,” Hannah giggled, “I liked it! Do it again. Touch my boobs while we kiss some more, and I’ll play with yours, too.”

Before Alice could reply, her frisky little sister was kissing her again, her hot tongue plunging into Alice’s mouth. Hannah began to touch her older sibling’s breasts, stroking them through her blouse. Alice, her desire growing increasingly sharp, returned the favor — this time caressing Hannah’s chest with both hands.

The two sisters kissed for a while, tongues meeting and mingling as they fondled each other. A few minutes passed before they drew apart, faces flushed.

“God, that was cool,” Hannah breathed, wide-eyed, “Am I a good kisser, you think?”

“You sure are,” Alice smiled, “Your breasts are really coming along, too!”

“Yeah, I’ll need a bigger bra soon,” Hannah said, “Here, take a look!” reaching for the hem of her t-shirt.

Before Alice could say a word, Hannah had removed her top and flung it aside, standing there in shorts and white socks, bare from the waist up.

“Nice, huh?” enquired Hannah, cupping her small titties in her hands, “My nipples are all pointy. They do that all the time now. Especially when I play with myself in bed at night.”

“Mmmmm,” nodded Alice, totally enraptured by the sight of her pretty sibling.

“Let me see yours,” Hannah said softly.

Alice didn’t hesitate. She quickly undid her blouse and removed it, then her bra. Her breasts were small, but round and firm, capped with bright pink nipples that were as stiff as her sister’s.

“Wow, nice,” Hannah sighed, reaching out to fondle Alice’s breasts. Her fluttering fingers caused a gentle sigh of pleasure to escape from her big sister’s lips.

“Oh, Hannah, that feels so good,” Alice whimpered.

“Can I — can I kiss them? Would you like that?”

“Er… okay.”

Hannah leaned close and took Alice’s right nipple into her warm mouth, flicking the tip with her tongue.

“Oh, sweetie,” breathed Alice, running her hand through Hannah’s hair. She was more turned on than she had ever been in her life. There was something so kinky and wild about having her twelve-year-old sister pleasuring her breasts.

Hannah sucked and licked at her sister’s nipples for a long while before she stood up and gave Alice a loving, lingering kiss on the mouth.

“Let’s take all our clothes off,” Hannah suggested. “Okay?”

Alice was about to suggest that perhaps this was taking things too far — but then she stopped herself, the words dying on her lips as she watched Hannah slip out of her yellow shorts. Fuck it, I don’t care how wrong this is — I’m not going to pass up the chance to be my baby sister’s first lover.

She slowly rose from the bed and undid her jeans, sliding them down with a pair of sodden panties. In moments, the two sisters were nude.

“Wow, you look so beautiful,” Alice said, admiring Hannah’s body.

“So do you, kiddo,” Hannah smiled.

At nineteen, Alice stood five inches taller than her twelve-year-old sister. Their bodies were both slim and youthful, but quite different in other respects. Alice had a neatly trimmed triangle of chestnut-brown pubes framing her slit, while Hannah’s vulva was covered by a light dusting of auburn down.

“What do you want to do now?” asked Alice, moving close, stroking her sister’s hair.

“C-can we, um, make love?” Hannah stammered nervously.

“Okay,” Alice whispered, leaning in closer, her lips just an inch away from Hannah’s. The tips of her fingers were mere inches away from Hannah’s slit as Alice gently kissed her sister, lightly nibbling on the little girl’s lips…

Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening could be heard.

“Shit, it’s Dad!” gasped Alice, leaping back. Lost in their mutual exploration, both girls had completely forgotten about their father and his imminent return.

“Get dressed, get dressed, get dressed!” hissed Hannah frantically, turning and grabbing her clothes.

“Are you girls up there?” came their father’s voice as he began to mount the stairs. Hannah was hurriedly scrambling into her shorts.

Snatching her own clothes from the floor, Alice hurled them into the wardrobe, then grabbed a blue terrycloth dressing gown that hung from a hook on the bedroom door. She barely managed to wrap the tie around her waist, concealing her nakedness just as her father reached the top of the stairs.

He tapped gently on the door and peeked in. “Hello, ladies.”

“Oh, hey, Dad,” Alice smiled, heart pounding like a kettledrum.

“Hi, Daddy,” Hannah said, raising her eyes from a book she had grabbed and opened.

Dad grinned. “A savory feast from Chef Lu’s awaits. Wash your hands and get downstairs before I eat it all myself!” He winked and turned to leave, shutting the door behind him.

Hannah breathed a sigh of relief. “Holy smokes… that was close.”

“Good thing he came back when he did,” Alice said quietly. “He could have caught us — really doing stuff with each other.”

They were both silent for a moment, neither of them quite able to believe how close they’d been to plunging into lesbian incest.

This is absolutely nuts, Alice thought. Was I really about to have sex with my little sister?

We lost control of ourselves, she told herself. I ought to tell Hannah that we got carried away, that this was a bad idea…

She felt a soft hand touch hers. Turning to her sister, Alice opened her mouth to speak, but forgot what she was about to say at the sight of Hannah’s face… and the look of mixed adoration and desire in her eyes.

“Wanna try again later?” Hannah whispered.

Alice was rooted to the spot, overwhelmed by a surge of helpless lust that made her head reel. I’m going straight to hell for this, she thought.

“Um, yeah,” she slowly replied. “Long as you really want to…”

Hannah grinned ferociously. “You bet I do!” she exclaimed, reaching up to wrap both arms around her big sister’s neck. “I want to do everything with you! God, I can’t wait.” She gazed, dreamy-eyed, at Alice. “You look way sexy with your clothes off.”

“So do you,” Alice replied, every inch of her body throbbing with renewed sexual heat. Unable to restrain herself, she bent down to give Hannah a loving kiss. The younger girl immediately responded, and the kiss quickly grew hot and eager, their tongues intertwining.

Alice’s hands trailed down her sister’s back, moving to fondle the younger girl’s bottom while they kissed. Finally they parted, dazed.

“Let’s get together later tonight — after Dad goes to bed,” Hannah breathed.

Alice nodded. “Okay. Come in about half an hour after he turns out his light… and, for God’s sake, be as quiet as you can.”

“Sure. Hey, Alice… I’m really looking forward to this.”

They kissed again, briefly, and Hannah turned to leave. “See ya downstairs!” the younger girl chirped, arching an eyebrow, then she was gone.

Alice sat down heavily on the bed, her mind a jumble. What on earth had she roped herself into?

She had to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all. While preparing for her trip home, during the lengthy flight, and on the road with her father, Alice had wondered how long she would have to go without a lover. Tanya had been her first girlfriend after years of dating boys, and she would be hard to replace — especially in the sleepy Iowa suburb where Alice had been raised, where there was no gay scene to speak of.

Alice had all but resigned herself to a long dry spell, settling for lesbian internet erotica and her fingers. Or even making do with guys, though that prospect only depressed her after the sexual delights she’d shared with Tanya.

Now, on her first day back home, she was on the verge of sparking off a wild, passionate fling with a cute girl — her own twelve-year-old sister!

Definitely not a good idea, Alice told herself again. Fuck it, though — I don’t care if it’s wrong. Hannah wants this, I want this… if there are complications, we’ll just have to deal with them when they come up.

“Honey?” her father’s voice called up the stairs. “Didn’t you tell me that you were, and I quote, ‘starving to death,’ about an hour ago?”

Startled, Alice shook her head to clear it. “Coming, Dad!” Casting the dressing gown aside, she quickly donned a t-shirt and panties, then stepped into her favorite pair of sweatpants. Pausing to glance at herself in the mirror, she nodded once before exiting the room.

Continue on to Part Two