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Stranger in the Family, Chapter 3

  • Posted on May 7, 2024 at 3:13 pm

By Purple Les and  JetBoy

As Linda walked along holding her sister’s hand, she felt a warmth that was more than the pleasant summer day. Linda felt alive again with the late afternoon sun on her face. Her precious daughters were walking ahead. She could hear them chat and laugh as they held hands.

It’s so nice to spend time with family, Linda thought. Poor Walt, it’s awful that he can’t be here now. At least Kelly is still with us, even if she’s still not quite herself. She and Gabby seem closer than ever, though. That’s a good thing.

Soon they were approaching a door that read Luigi’s Italian Restaurant. Racing ahead, Gabby pushed the door open, and the others followed her inside. An elderly man in a black suit with thick white hair and a rugged yet gentle face looked up as they came in. His dark brown eyes lit up as he saw Linda.

He came over and took Linda’s hands in his, “Ah, Linda. We have missed you. Such a bad thing, what happened. Walt, he was a fine man. How are you doing, then?”

“Just… carrying on,” Linda said, giving the man a sad smile. “You know.”

Luigi nodded. “Sure, I know.” He smiled at the others, including Kelly, who showed no sign of recognition.

“Hiya, Mr Luigi!” Gabby exclaimed, giving the old Italian a wave.

He knelt before her. “Ah, Gabby, my bellissima… would you like a table or booth today?”

“Oh, please, can we have our booth?” Gabby asked.

Luigi quickly glanced at Linda, who went a bit pale but gave a slight nod.

Rising to his feet, he led the family through the restaurant. “Yes, yes, of course. I put you in your booth by the window. When people walk by, they see all the malto bella women sitting here and they will flock in.”

Pausing to pick up four menus, Luigi led the family to what had always been Linda and Walt’s booth.

Kelly peered around at the dark wood-paneled walls, which were bedecked with old photographs, then she smiled at the sight of the long red-and-white checkered tablecloths. A Chianti bottle with a candle rested in the center of the table, and Luigi lit the candle with a flourish.

Once everyone was seated, Luigi handed them each a menu. “Gina will be your waitress tonight,” he said. Reaching for a large pitcher, he carefully filled the four water glasses. Turning to a woman in her early twenties with short, dark hair and a pleasing figure, he said, “Gina, you take extra good care of my friends.” He turned to leave, then paused. “Oh, and bring an order of garlic bread for my bellissima Gabby. Yes?”

“Yes!” Gabby answered, gleefully clapping her hands.

Gina introduced herself, then listed the specials for the evening. “Can I get drinks for anyone?” she added.

“Do I know you?” Linda said. “I feel like we’ve met.”

Gina laughed. “I’m one of Luigi’s granddaughters, working off my college loan.”

“That’s it,” Linda smiled, “You’ve got your grandmother’s eyes. She was a remarkable woman.”

“She was,” Gina said. “I miss her. So, um, to drink…?”

“I’ll have a root beer, please,” Gabby said.

Kelly looked up from the menu. “Um, iced tea.”

“How’s your Merlot?” Jan asked.

“We have Stags’ Leap Merlot. It’s been getting rave reviews,” the waitress replied.

Jan turned to her sister. “Sound good to you?” Linda nodded. “We’ll have a carafe, then.”

Gina nodded. “I’ll be right back with the drinks,” then made her way toward the bar.

Kelly was looking around the room. “What’s that thing?” she asked, pointing.

Gabby chirped, “That’s a jukebox. It plays music and has sparkly lights. C’mon, I’ll show ya how it works! Mom, can I please have some quarters?”

Linda fished around in her purse until she found some quarters. She handed them to Gabby, who led Kelly over to the vintage machine.

“That’s been here forever,” Linda said as she and Jan watched Gabby and Kelly looking at the list of old 45’s that the jukebox contained.

Gina returned, a trayful of drinks in hand. “I’ll be right back with the garlic bread,” she said, setting the glasses down.

Linda and Jan clinked their glasses together. At that instant a record began to play, and they both paused, staring at each other as Frank Sinatra sang, “As Time Goes By.”

“Our song,” Linda said. “Did you tell them to play that?”

“No,” Jan said, “How could they have known?”

Linda held up her glass. “To old times, Jan.”

“To old times, sis.” Jan said, and they touched glasses again.

The girls came back to the table as the garlic bread arrived, Gina took their dinner orders, then left with a smile.

As they each helped themselves to the warm bread, Linda spoke up. “Who picked that song out?”

“I did.” Kelly answered. “I liked the name of it. Why?”

Jan said, “When we were much younger, I took your mom to see a very old movie at the local college. Casablanca. A very exciting, very romantic World War Two movie.”

“I’d never heard of it or the actors, even,” Linda said. “It was in black and white, so I didn’t want to go.”

“But by the time it ended,” Jan continued, “Your mom was crying her eyes out.”

“It was so sad and beautiful,” Linda sighed.

“Anyway, that song plays a very important part in the movie,” Jan explained to the girls.

“It’s just kind of special to us,” Linda said, quickly wiping away a tear. “Well, we’ll always have that movie. Right, Jan?”

Jan refilled the wine glasses. She picked hers up and said, “Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.”

Linda smiled. They clinked glasses and drank while the girls looked at them, utterly mystified.


When everyone was done eating, Gina returned to the table. “Good job, ladies. No boxes for leftovers, I see! So… anyone have room for dessert? Some coffee, perhaps?”

Gabby’s eyes lit up. “Dessert? Yeah!”

Jan groaned. “Kids,” Linda mumbled, rolling her eyes. “Where in God’s name do they put it?”

Clearing the dishes away, Gina laughed. “I’ll bring the menu.”

Soon, Gabby was studying the dessert menu while Linda and Jan nursed the last of their wine.

“Y’know,” Kelly said, “that woman over there looks very glamorous. Her makeup and hairdo are just right. Fancy clothes and all that. Still, she’s not nearly as pretty as Gina.” She smiled at her mother and aunt. “But Mother, Aunt Jan… you guys are truly beautiful. Your beauty shines from within.”

“Aw, Kelly,” Jan said. “That’s so sweet.”

Linda raised an eyebrow, gazing in wonder at the daughter she didn’t seem to know anymore. “Thanks, hon,” she murmured.

“Mom, I’d like the cannoli, please,” Gabby said, looking up from the list of treats.

“Ooooh… they do have a marvelous cannoli here,” Linda said. “Well, I thought I was full.”

When Gina came back, Linda ordered two cannolis to split between the four of them.

After Gina brought their desserts, Kelly was watching the cute waitress as she walked away. “She’s really cute, huh? It would sure be cool to see her naked.”

“Kelly Luna!” Linda gasped. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

“Why not?” Kelly asked, frowning. She turned to her little sister. “Gabby, don’t you think Gina is pretty?”

Gabby shrugged. “Um, yeah… sure she is.”

“Do you think she’d still be pretty with all her clothes off?” Linda and Jan exchanged concerned glances.

“Sure!” Gabby replied, giggling at her big sister’s naughtiness.

“Aunt Jan,” Kelly said, looking back and forth from her to Linda, “There’s nothing really bad about going naked, is there?”

Jan was getting flustered now, almost as much as her sister. “No, not really… but there’s a time and a place for everything. And, young lady, this is not the time or the place for that kind of talk,” she said in a firm tone.

“Um, Gabby, let’s play some more records. Okay?” Linda said.

By then, the restaurant had become loud and busy. “It’s getting a little late,” said Jan. “We really should go. Why don’t you two wait outside? Kelly can stay with me while I take care of the check.”

“Yes, good idea. I could use some air,” Linda said. “Come on, sweetheart.” She led a slightly confused Gabby toward the exit, pausing on the way to say goodbye to Luigi.

As they left, Gina dropped the check off while on her way to another table with a tray of drinks. As Jan looked it over, trying to decide what to say to Kelly about her behavior, she noticed the girl was squirming in her seat, slouching a bit. What’s she up to now? Jan wondered.

Glancing back at the check, Jan hastily took out her credit card and then placed it on the little tray. Returning her attention to Kelly, she was taken aback by the eleven-year-old’s knowing smile.

Kelly spoke before she could. “Y’know, thinking about seeing Gina naked sure made my panties wet.”

With that, Jan instantly realized what Kelly had been doing a moment ago when she was making those odd movements: slipping out of her panties. Oh, no. NO.

Sure enough, Kelly produced a pair of blue cotton panties from beneath the table, dangling them from her fingers. “See, Aunt Jan? Right in the front..”

Shocked, Jan snatched the panties from the girl’s hand, stuffing them in her purse. Gina approached a moment later, and Jan wondered if she – or anyone else, for that matter – had seen what Kelly did.

Gina didn’t seem to have seen anything unusual. She picked up the credit card and check and said, “Be right back.”

“Kelly, my God – I don’t know what to do with you,” a flustered Jan said.

Kelly just smiled. “What would you like to do to me, Aunt Jan?”

Jan gaped at her niece, trying to formulate some sort of reply and failing. Which, I’m sure, has nothing whatsoever to do with how fucking turned on I am right now. Jesus, she looks so much like Linda did at that age… I’ll bet she tastes every bit as sweet, too.

Just then, Gina returned with the receipt. “Thanks so much for coming,” she said. “You ladies have a lovely evening.” With a warm smile, she walked away.

Jan put down a generous tip and signed her name. As she slipped the credit card back in the wallet, then returned it to her purse, her attention was captured by the sight of those cute blue panties. I swear, I can actually smell them. 

While Jan wasn’t looking, Kelly wrote Call me, Gina! on the back of the slip, along with her phone number and name, accompanied by a little heart. She put the pen down just in time, an instant before Jan glanced up at her.

“Okay,” Jan said, “let’s go.”

She needed to have a serious chat with Kelly, that much was true… but right then, Jan was at a complete loss. In all her years studying and practicing psychiatry, she’d never encountered anything like this.

Once outside, the four of them set off for home. It felt good to be walking off the large meal. This time, Jan and Linda walked in front with Kelly and Gabby following.

Kelly whispered to Gabby, “Watch this.” She took a couple steps ahead of Gabby, looked over her shoulder, then tugged up the back of her dress to expose her bare bottom, which she shook at her sister..

Just ahead, the adults heard Gabby gasp, “Kelly!”

Jan and Linda quickly looked back – but there was nothing to see. Gabby was giggling and her cheeks were a bit flushed, but that was all.

Kelly flashed her sister a few more times on the way home. When she did, Gabby kept silent, unwilling to spoil this exciting new game. Once, Gabby even pulled up the back of Kelly’s dress herself, wanting another glimpse of her sister’s bare butt, and Kelly just smiled.

Gabby was having a wonderful time. She got to look at Kelly’s bottom over and over again, and the sight of it was giving her that weird thrill she liked so much. It was the same feeling Gabby got when she and Pam took off their clothes and touched between their legs while watching each other. It’s that new word I learned, Gabby thought. Masturbate. And Kelly touches herself down there too! SO cool.


Back home, Jan and Linda went indoors to unwind with another glass of wine. Kelly and Gabby wandered into the back yard to enjoy the twilight, serenaded by the music of chirping crickets.

“I liked that a lot, Kelly,” said Gabby.

“What?” Kelly asked. Then she grinned. “Oh… you mean seeing my bottom, huh?”

“Yeah.” Gabby said, looking around the yard. Certain that no one was watching, she said, “Do it again, okay?”

“Okay.” Kelly agreed. This time, instead of just flashing her ass, she pulled her dress up and over her head. Now she was nude except for her socks and sneakers, holding the dress in one hand and smiling at her little sister.

“Whoa!” Gabby exclaimed in a whisper as she walked around her sister, taking in every inch of her bare body. She could make everything out in the dimming light of the evening. Much as she liked looking at her big sister’s beautiful bottom, now she could see the front part too.

Gabby was having that hot crazy feeling again, stronger than ever before. Her sister was so pretty with no clothes on! Gabby liked everything she saw. Kelly’s titties were just beginning to show, and she had a girly shape around her hips and waist. Gabby was interested to see that Kelly’s kitty wasn’t very different from hers, a smooth, slightly pouting cleft. Guess she hasn’t started growing hair down there yet, she thought. Who cares, it’s nice like it is.

“This is so cool, Kelly,” Gabby gushed, “I can see your kitty!” She shook her head, awed. “I mean, wow, you’re bare naked outside and, and everything. This is so wicked!”

“You think it’s hot, huh? Me taking my clothes off outdoors?”

“Yeah.” Gabby said as she squatted down, wanting a closer look at Kelly’s private places. “But really, I’d like seeing you naked anywhere.” She felt strangely restless, unsure what to do with her hands. “Hope I get to be as beautiful as you when I get older.”

They heard Linda call out, “Girls! Come inside, now – it’s getting dark.”

Startled, Gabby jumped to her feet. Kelly pulled her dress over her head and wriggled back into it. “Don’t worry, sis.” she said. “Mom can’t see us back here.”

God, being naked is even more fun than I thought, Kelly told herself as they made their way indoors. And I love how Gabby is so much into looking at me. She liked it a lot when we kissed, too. But can I get her to do more than that?

Once inside, the girls played a board game with the adults. When the game was over Linda looked at the wall clock, then said, “Time for bed, girls.”

Saying their goodnights, Kelly and Gabby went upstairs. A few minutes later, Gabby padded down in her pajamas to give her mommy and aunt a hug and a kiss apiece before heading up to her room. Kelly didn’t come back.

“Think I’ll turn in, too,” Linda said, standing. “Let me get you some blankets.” She fetched bedding from the linen closet, then began to make up the couch.

Watching Linda, Jan felt old familiar desires stirring inside. It’s been so damned long, she thought. And I’m just tipsy enough to do something about it.

Rising to her feet, she moved over to where her sister was working and touched her shoulder. “I could just share your bed.”

Linda paused in mid-motion. She thought for a moment, then shook her head. “You put an end to that a long time ago.” Placing a pillow by the armrest, she turned to Jan, kissed her cheek and murmured, “Goodnight,” before making a quiet exit.

Jan watched her sister go. Yes, I did end it. But I had to.

Upstairs, Linda decided to check in on her daughters before turning in. After knocking on Kelly’s door, she heard her oldest daughter say, “Come in.”

As Linda turned the knob, she suddenly recalled how she’d walked in on Kelly when the girl was masturbating – but it was too late, the door was opening. A wash of relief passed through Linda to see that Kelly was only reading a book. She had the covers pulled up, but Linda noticed her daughter’s shoulders were bare. Is she wearing anything under those blankets? she wondered.

“Don’t stay up too late,” Linda said as she bent to kiss the top of Kelly’s head.

“Goodnight, Mother,” Kelly said, giving Linda a warm smile.

Smiling back, Linda closed the door gently as she stepped into the hall, making  her way to Gabby’s room.


Downstairs Jan turned out the lights, then undressed completely, spreading her top out on the sofa to sit on.  She reached for her purse, opening it to take out Kelly’s panties.

Clutching them to her face, Jan breathed in their scent as she began to masturbate. Soon she was very wet and used Kelly’s panties to keep her pussy honey from getting on the sheets.

That little vixen Kelly… she’s practically daring me to fuck her, Jan thought. And I want to, damn it. God, she turns me on. And Linda. I’d give anything for us to be lovers again. 

She fingered herself harder, deeper. What a situation. I’m hot for my niece and my sister at the same time! And Gabby is so fucking adorable – no, DON’T go there. Think about Linda. How it used to be. How it could be again.

What if Linda let me share her bed after all, then Kelly came into her mom’s room and caught us together? Would she run away… or would she get naked and climb into bed with us? Oh God, that’s so fucking wild…

Jan jerked violently as a frenzied climax washed over her.


Gabby was restless, unable to fall asleep. Too much for her to think about. It was so nice, seeing Kelly with no clothes on. She gently toyed with the special, secret place between her legs.

But it wasn’t enough. Gabby needed the harder touches, the kind she liked to do when her friend Pam was watching. Pushing the covers to one side, she pulled her pajama bottoms down and off, followed by her underpants. Gabby turned onto her tummy and began to grind against her hand.

I wanna kiss Kelly again, that was the greatest! Wonder if she really meant it when she talked about us kissing when we’re both naked? She must have, or she wouldn’t of got undressed for me tonight. Bet she’d do it for me again if I asked. 

Those good feelings were growing, getting stronger.


Gabby’s door was slightly ajar, as it always was. She didn’t like it to be closed all the way. Linda was just about to enter, but froze when she heard the bed creaking slightly.


Hesitantly drawing closer, Linda peeked through the gap, stunned by what she saw. The bluebird-shaped night light was enough to reveal Gabby’s bare bottom, slowly moving up and down. It took Linda a moment to grasp the significance of what she saw.

She’s masturbating, Linda realized. She was rooted to the spot, unable to turn away. I wonder when she started doing that? I shouldn’t watch. But it’s such a lovely sight, my baby girl learning about her body.

Gabby’s buttocks suddenly began to tighten and relax over and over. She’s coming, Linda told herself. The child’s movements grew slower until she lay motionless. After a moment, Gabby pulled the covers over her bare lower half, settling in with a contented sigh.

Her mind in a whirl, Linda crept to her own room and shut the door. Quickly stripping, she stretched out  on top of her bed, not bothering to get under the covers. She began to touch herself, letting her hands roam everywhere within reach. I can’t believe I’m going to do this. I haven’t masturbated since Walt died.

Linda slipped a hand between her legs, startled by the wetness she found. What’s wrong with me? I’ve seen both my daughters masturbate… and it turned me on! Then there’s Jan – did she really ask to have sex with me again, after all these years? I was tempted, too. If she’d kissed my neck or touched my ass, I might’ve let Jan have what she wanted.

This is crazy, Linda mused. Somehow, everything in my life is conspiring to make me think about sex!

As Linda masturbated, images of Kelly and Gabby touching themselves preyed on her, made her uneasy. But it wasn’t enough to make her stop. Unwanted thoughts elbowed their way into her consciousness, thoughts she couldn’t wish away.

From out of nowhere, a new vision emerged: she was still masturbating, but now Kelly and Gabby were watching, both of them nude. They were fascinated, eagerly watching, wanting to see Mommy make herself feel good.

Linda came hard, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. But each pulse of pleasure crashed against the icy, forbidding wall of her conscience.

She sobbed helplessly in the aftermath of her orgasm, feeling shame and disgust with herself. The sheets were now wet with her fluids, the pillow damp with tears.


In her room Kelly sat upright, eyes closed, hands resting on her thighs. The very air seemed to hum with sexuality. She drank it in, let it warm her. They’re all getting themselves off… and I’m making it happen. 

Those lovely sensations were building inside, taking Kelly where she wanted to go. She didn’t even have to touch herself. Closer… closer… there it is.

The girl’s mouth tightened as she came. She rode her orgasm to its peak, then slowly relaxed as ecstasy faded into a blissful glow.

Kelly’s eyes fluttered open, and she smiled. It won’t be long now. I can almost feel it. I’ll have Gabby first. Then Aunt Jan. And once the three of us are together, turning Mom should be easy. We’ll all be lovers. 

With a satisfied yawn, she slipped beneath the blanket and settled in, falling asleep almost immediately.

On to Chapter Four!


The Star Card

  • Posted on April 27, 2024 at 6:14 pm

Note from JetBoy: I’m up against a momentary shortage of material for the site, though several crucial works are close to completion. That means it’s time for a story from (drum roll, please…) JetBoy’s Dead Dog files!

Years ago, when Lesbian Lolita was still going great guns, a bunch of writers took on the task of writing a story exactly 525 words long. This was one of my contributions. For our wicked purpose, I have fleshed the story out to about twice its original length. Less terse, more perverse – that was the objective. Hope you like it.

By JetBoy

I’m seated at the kitchen table in my black pantsuit, sipping coffee before leaving for the office, when my sixteen-year-old daughter Kim traipses downstairs, looking absolutely luscious in a silk teddy.

“Morning, Mom,” she drawls, bending down to kiss me. Sighing as her tongue circles my mouth, I reach around to lovingly cup my daughter’s bottom. Mmmm, no panties. Her fingers slip inside my top as we continue to kiss, idly brushing a nipple.

On the verge of losing myself in Kim’s embrace, I manage to break away. “Honey, we don’t have time for this. I’ve got to leave for work. And why aren’t you dressed?”

Kim’s grin makes me quiver inside. “Oh, I’m not going to school, Mom… and you’re staying home with me.” She places a small piece of paper on the table. “I’m playing a Star Card.”

I stare at it — a square of white paper with a gold star pasted on.

When my daughter and I became lovers a year ago, we quickly discovered a mutual enjoyment of sex games, and the Star Card was one of our favorites. To play a card means that you are the absolute mistress of the other for the entire day. What you say goes, and every order you give must be obeyed, no matter how outrageous.

Kim and I each get four Star Cards at the beginning of the year, to use as we pleased. Now, she was hitting me with one.

Pulse racing beneath my calm exterior, I place both hands in my lap and gaze up at my daughter meekly, awaiting orders.

“Good girl, Mommy,” she says with a nod.

Kim never calls me “Mom,” when we fuck – just “Mommy.” It adds a note of kinkiness to the proceedings, as if what we were already doing wasn’t twisted enough. She often expresses regret that we weren’t having sex back when she was ten or eleven… the same age she was when I began to think the feelings I had for my daughter were something more than motherly.

That’s how we first became intimate, actually. Kim was perceptive enough to recognize my hidden desire, then decided the idea appealed to her. So I came home from work one day to find her in my bed, wearing nothing but a smile. She’d just turned fourteen.

Even if I didn’t get to couple with Kim when she was still a little girl, we make up for that missed opportunity in another of our games, where Kim pretends to be the third grader she once was. Sometimes I entice her into bed, sometimes she is the seducer. Do I seem even more perverse to you if I admit how incredibly hot that game makes me?

Now my daughter stands before me, arms folded. “Take your clothes off.”

I rise and slowly undress, one piece at a time, carelessly tossing aside each item until I’m standing naked before her.

“Now call the office and tell them you can’t come in today, ’cause your daughter’s sick.” Kim giggles. “You won’t even be lying,” she adds, gently taking the tip of my left breast between two fingers, “’cause you’ve got a sick, perverted little girl who needs Mommy’s special care.” Her fingers close like a steel trap to scissor my nipple. I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood, trying not to cry out loud.

When she releases me, I take up my phone and call Helen at the office, spinning some nonsense about needing to stay home and look after Kim. She’s got an upset tummy, I tell her.

I set the phone down, and my daughter tugs me to her, kissing me roughly — fucking my passive mouth with her tongue before dismissing me with a sharp smack on the butt. “Now go upstairs, get on your bed on all fours and wait for me. I’m gonna have my way with you.”

“What’ll you do?” I meekly ask. It’s all a performance, though. In truth, I’m feeling mischievous, in a mood to toy with one of our rules.

Her eyes widen in surprise, then narrow. When we play Star Card, the bottom isn’t ever supposed to question the top’s decisions. And Kim can be a very aggressive top.

So she slaps my ass hard, and I gasp in a mix of pain and pleasure.

“None of your business, bitch!” she snaps. “How about this: whatever I fucking want to.” She brutally plunges two fingers into my already wet vagina, and I see stars. “Maybe I’ll keep spanking you, turn your ass a nice shade of red. I could put on my strap-on and fuck that snug asshole of yours… or ride your face like a saddle.” She draws closer, her tongue emerging to tease my ear. “Maybe I’ll push my whole hand into your cunt again, Mommy. How’s that sound?”

It sounded incredible. I quiver at the thought of it. Last time she’d fisted me, I was sore for days… but I’d also come five times in as many minutes.

“Got a special surprise for you this time, Mommy dearest,” Kim coos, extracting her fingers from me, then twisting my face to hers. “You know Panorama Point, right?”

I nod. It was the local teen make-out spot. Seventeen years earlier I’d been impregnated there with Kim. Of course that was before I became a lesbian, one with a helpless crush on her preteen daughter.

“Well, I’m taking you there tonight. We’re gonna park the car, climb in the back, get naked and fuck.”

My head spins. Sex with Kim… in public? Sheer insanity — but the idea has my pussy dripping.

She strips off her teddy and casts it aside to bare her body completely, a smile on her lips that positively drips with lust. “Actually, you can forget about going upstairs for now. I think it’s time to remind you who’s calling the shots today, Mommy.” Placing both hands on her hips, her smile suddenly a scowl, she hisses, “Down on your knees!”

I hasten to obey.

She towers over me like a goddess. “Kiss my cunt.”

Head spinning, I am drawn to her, enticed by the thick aroma of my daughter’s arousal. Soft pubes tickle my nostrils as I bury my lips in the raw heat of a young woman. This is no punishment, though Kim treats it as such. I am passionately in love with my demanding child, and the warm nectar of her sex is nourishment to me. I love the taste, love to feel her honey coating my mouth and chin.

“Oh, yeah,” Kim purrs, “that’s it, Mommy. God, you’re such a tramp, aren’t you? Down on the floor like a fuckin’ dog, eating your daughter’s pussy. Mmmmm, yeah, keep sucking my clit. Ohhh, yeah, j-just like that… Ahhhhhhh!”

She comes in my face, and I gulp down every drop of her essence. My daughter’s grip tightens as I drink from her, the fingernails digging into my scalp. It hurts, but I calmly accept the pain, proof of the devotion I feel for my teenage mistress.

I’m not always inclined to be submissive, mind you. But when Kim takes charge, I find it incredibly easy to drift into the role of her fuck toy, ready and willing to take whatever punishment – and pleasure – my girl chooses to dish out.

Perhaps that’s because even when Kim rides roughshod over me, her love is a tangible, living presence I can practically reach out and touch.

I’m still on my knees waiting for Kim’s instructions. Instead she gets down next to me, grinding her bare body into mine. “Well done, Mommy,” she whispers, then licks my ear. “My hot, sexy mommy lover. You just earned yourself a treat.” She cups my ass, then her hand delves lower, seeking my womanly center.

A shivery sigh escapes me as Kim’s fingers muscle their way into my vagina. She begins to work them in and out, occasionally making a wriggling motion that takes my breath away.

“Touch your clit,” she growls. “I wanna see you come like a fucking wildcat.” Somehow she manages to force herself even deeper into me.

That’s one of many things I love about my daughter. No matter how rough or cruel she is when playing a Star Card, Kim always leaves me fulfilled. Sometimes she’ll stretch my release to the breaking point, teasing me until I’m ready to scream… but I always get satisfaction in the end.

With Kim fingering my cunt and me tweaking my clitoris, there’s no way I can restrain the rising storm for long. Soon enough, I’m whimpering through an orgasm that leaves me dazed, dizzy and very content.

I feel Kim nuzzling my neck. I turn to her, and we come together in a fierce but intensely loving kiss. Our tongues engage, sparring playfully. It revives me, rekindles my lust.

When we finally part, she gives me a sweet smile and caresses my cheek, then Kim steps back into her dominant role. She rises, moves to the sofa and sits.

Fixing me with a penetrating gaze, she says, “Now go upstairs and kneel on my bed, Mommy. Maybe I’ll be up soon, maybe not. But when I do, your ass had better be up and ready for me.”

I mount the stairs, anticipating hours of forbidden pleasure — but I’m also imagining what I’ll do to shake Kim up when it’s my turn to take charge of her. I’ve got three Star Cards of my own left, after all.

The End


Stranger in the Family, Chapter 2

  • Posted on April 21, 2024 at 1:41 pm

By Purple Les and  JetBoy

Linda did her best to make everything seem normal in her home after Kelly’s return from the hospital. But that was the very problem – nothing was normal, not anymore. Her oldest daughter had no real idea who she was. Kelly had no memories of her late father or the family dog, both killed in the same lightning storm that had stolen her past. She couldn’t remember her mother Linda or her little sister Gabby, even though she was home and living with them again. For the eleven-year-old, life had begun when she awakened in a hospital bed.

Kelly often found herself wondering about her previous life. What she felt like now seemed right to her somehow, though she sensed that her other self had been very different. The world was a mystery to the girl, one she hoped to solve, given time.

On Saturday after lunch, Linda had news to impart. “Aunt Jan is coming over today, girls,” she said with a smile for her daughters.

“Aw, cool!” Gabby exclaimed. Turning to Kelly, she said, “You’ll like Aunt Jan, Kelly… she’s the best!”

“I need some time to straighten up before Jan gets here,” said Linda. “Gabby, how about taking Kelly over to Cheryl’s to…” She paused, searching for the right word, then shrugged and said, “Well, to meet them, I guess. Kelly, I’m hoping that if you spend time with people you knew before, it just might help you to remember again. Okay, honey?”

Kelly said, “Yes, Mother, I understand.”

Jumping up, Gabby seized her big sister’s hand. “C’mon, Kelly! It’s nice out. We’ll walk over to Cheryl’s, and we can see if you know them or not.”

Kelly couldn’t resist the little girl’s enthusiasm. Off they went, little Gabby whistling a happy tune as she marched toward the front door. She was wearing faded denim shorts that fit well last summer, but were now a bit too snug. Kelly’s eyes were drawn to the nine-year-old’s cute butt as she followed.

Linda couldn’t help but notice that, once again, Kelly was checking out her younger sister. She sighed deeply, shaking her head when the door closed.

Gabby was chatting away about anything and everything as they made their way to Cheryl’s house. Kelly listened closely, studying the surroundings in this older but well-kept neighborhood.

When they arrived, Kelly realized that Cheryl’s home was directly behind theirs, though Gabby had insisted on going the long way around, reveling in her new role as tour guide. Backyard neighbors, Kelly told herself as they marched up the front steps.

Gabby knocked excitedly on the door, and an attractive red-headed woman opened the door, a big smile on her face. “Hi, Gabby!” she said, giving the child a quick hug, then turned to Kelly. “I’m Cheryl. I don’t suppose you’ll remember me, but that’s okay. You’re always welcome here.” She stepped to one side before Kelly could reply, beckoning them indoors. “Come in, come in!”

The girls entered. “Is Pam downstairs?” Gabby asked.

“She is… and waiting for you, I’m sure,” Cheryl replied, patting the girl’s shoulder. “Go right down. We’ll have cookies later.”

“Okay!” With that, Gabby whisked Kelly away, leading her down a flight of stairs to a basement playroom. There, they found nine-year-old Pam, Gabby’s best friend.

Introductions were made, then Pam said, “Wanna play Barbies?”

“Um…. maybe?” Gabby replied. She liked the idea, but didn’t know how her big sister felt about playing with dolls.

“You guys go ahead,” Kelly said. “I’d rather watch.”

Gabby seemed uncertain. “Are you sure?”

“Totally sure.” Kelly seated herself on a nearby sofa.

Soon the younger girls were engrossed in their game. Kelly watched with interest, occasionally joining in the conversation. She noticed that Pam and Gabby frequently changed the clothes on the Barbie dolls.

As they chatted, Kelly learned that Pam’s mother Cheryl was forty and had been divorced for nearly ten years. She also found out that Cheryl had a second daughter, sixteen-year-old Alicia. Just from listening, Kelly found out that Ali, as Alicia liked to be called, had her own room and bath.

Kelly paid close attention to Pam while the girls played, noting that she bore a distinct resemblance to Cheryl. Both were ginger and fair-skinned, with a smattering of freckles. They both have really nice asses, she thought. I’d love to see them naked.

She’d been having similar thoughts about Gabby. Her mother too, for that matter. There were lots of photos of women without clothes on the internet – even some of young girls – and Kelly enjoyed looking at them. But these seemed less and less satisfying of late. The women and girls in her everyday life, that was what Kelly really wanted to see – completely bare, letting her look at everything they had. She kept trying to picture Gabby and Pam in the nude.

After an hour or so, Gabby said, “Hey, I bet Aunt Jan’s here by now!” Getting up, she smiled at her friend. “Sorry, Pammy, but we gotta get back home.”

Kelly rose, too. “It was nice to meet you, Pam.” Taking the girl’s hand, she gave it a gentle squeeze. “I liked hanging out with you. Let’s do it again soon, okay?”

Something about the look Kelly gave Pam made the younger girl blush. “Um, sure!” she replied.

The sisters made their way back upstairs, With a brief goodbye and thanks to their hostess, Gabby her big sister out the back door, crossing through both yards to reach their home.

Bursting through the door, Gabby bounded into the kitchen, yelling “We’re hooooome!” then raced into Jan’s arms before her aunt could get to her feet. They shared a warm embrace, Jan enfolding the nine-year-old in her arms.

Yeah, I remember her from Mother’s photo album, Kelly told herself. What was it she told me about Aunt Jan? In her late thirties, a psychiatrist, never got married. Holy smokes, she’s even sexier than her picture.

While Jan spun a squealing Gabby around, still hugging her, Kelly compared the two sisters. Jan was nearly a head taller than Linda. Her body was tight and trim, as if she worked out regularly. Linda had a nice figure too, but softer, more delicate. Then there was little Gabby – so young and energetic. Kelly couldn’t decide which one turned her on more.

All three of them, Kelly decided.

These thoughts were interrupted by Jan carefully setting Gabby down. “Oh, my… you’re really growing up, Gabby. You’ll be spinning me around the room in a year or two!”

Then Jan turned to Kelly, their eyes meeting. “How about a hug for your aunt?” the woman murmured, extending her arms.

Linda gave her sister a surprised glance. She figured Jan would get a handshake at best. So she was flat-out astonished to see Kelly walk over and wrap both arms around Jan’s midsection, hugging her close.

Then Linda’s surprise turned to concern when she noticed her daughter’s hands lingering at the top of Jan’s shapely ass. At the same time, Kelly was resting her cheek against Jan’s soft bosom.

The girl’s expression was one of perfect innocence. Too innocent, Linda told herself.

Kelly seemed to hold the hug just a moment too long. Her eyes met Jan’s as she finally backed away, and she gave her aunt a look that shook the woman to the core. It was a deep, hungry gaze, the kind Jan knew from the lesbian bars she frequented. It caught her completely off guard.

“It’s nice to meet you, Aunt Jan,” Kelly said warmly. “Sorry I can’t remember you from before, but I hope we can really get to know each other now.”

Trying to conceal the shock she felt, Linda spoke up. “Jan wants to take us out to dinner. So in about an hour or so, I’d like you girls to go get cleaned up… and put on something nice, please.”

“Come on, Gabby,” Kelly said, turning to her little sister. Placing both hands on the girl’s shoulders, she steered Gabby out of the room, heading for the stairs.

Jan and Linda could hear Kelly say, “We’ve got lots of time to find something to wear. Tell you what – you pick something out for me, Gabby, and you can watch me try it on.”

Linda’s eyes widened in alarm. “Gabby!” she called out.

The nine-year-old’s head appeared in the doorway. “What’s up, Mom?”

“I… I need you to see to the vegetable garden. It’s your turn this week.”

“Aw, Mom… can’t I do it later? Me and Kelly were gonna pick out clothes for tonight.” Gabby pouted. Now Kelly could be seen, standing close behind her.

Linda gave her youngest daughter a stern look, and a sulking Gabby trudged over to the back door and went outside.

“How about hanging out with us for a while, Kelly?” Jan asked.

“I need to go up to my room for a few minutes, Aunt Jan,” Kelly said, hooking a thumb into the waistband of her shorts. “I won’t be very long. Then we can have a nice chat.” With a wink, she disappeared. The sound of her feet could be heard as she climbed the stairs.

Turning to Jan, Linda said, “Okay, that’s what I was telling you about. So… is it me? Am I crazy? Or is Kelly behaving like… like a horny high schooler?”

“Has she shown any interest in boys since this began?”

Linda shook her head. “No. Just girls… and women… and her nine-year-old sister, for God’s sake! She’s even been flirting with me, I swear. And you – I saw the way she looked at you just a minute ago!” She gestured helplessly. “You’re a psychiatrist, Jan. Tell me, what’s your take on all this?”

“Well… first, I need to know what you think, Linda.”

“Damned if I know what to think! You haven’t even heard the worst of it. I knocked on Kelly’s door yesterday afternoon. She told me to come in. When I did, there she was on the bed, completely nude, knees pulled up to her chest and masturbating. I left right away, but that image was burned into my mind.”

Jan tried to take that in stride – though all the while she was thinking, I can’t think of anything I’d rather have burned into my mind.

Linda continued. “Later I asked Kelly, why on earth did you invite me into your room while you were doing that? She told me that she didn’t care if I watched her – that she liked being watched. Keep in mind, this is the same girl who got horribly embarrassed when her skirt blew up at the beach last summer and we saw her panties for a few seconds.” She sighed heavily. “I’m at my wit’s end, Jan.”

“Tell you what… let me have a little chat with her.” Jan said, rising to her feet.

“If you think it will help,” Linda replied. “Thanks, big sister.”

“Hey – that’s what family is all about.” Jan turned and headed up the stairs to her niece’s room, nearly trembling with excitement.

She’d been grappling with sexual fantasies of her nieces for several years now, ever since seeing the girls sprawled out in front of the TV in nothing but panties. Jan kept stealing glances at their bare chests, their pert little bottoms.

Later that evening she fingered herself to a massive orgasm, caught up in a vision of licking Gabby’s bare slit while Kelly went down on her. Ever since then, Linda’s daughters had starred in more than a few of Jan’s wildest fantasies.

And now she’s flirting with me, for fuck’s sake! It took a lot to unnerve Jan, but Kelly’s behavior had thrown her off in a major way. Linda’s right, she told herself, drawing closer to Kelly’s room. Something’s definitely wrong with the girl… but what? I’ve never seen a case like this.

Bracing herself with a deep, calming breath, Jan knocked on the door. She heard her niece say, “Come in.”

Jan opened the door and froze. Oh, my God. I don’t believe this.

Kelly knelt on the floor. She was completely nude, holding a hand mirror between her spread legs and studying her bare slit in the glass. Without looking up, she said, “I still have my hymen, Aunt Jan.”

Still frozen in the doorway, Jan could only stare as Kelly continued. “Would you break my hymen for me? I don’t mean right now, but someday.”

From the moment Kelly laid eyes on her aunt, she recognized her to be gay. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but there was no doubt in her mind that Jan liked women. Maybe girls, too? Kelly wondered.

Jan felt faint as she closed the door and slumped back against it. Staring at her naked niece, she tried to remain calm.

“Kelly… why on earth would you want me to take your virginity? Shouldn’t you ask someone you really like to do that for you…?” Her voice trailed off as she found herself ensnared by the girl’s hazel eyes.

Kelly was smiling. “I really like you, Aunt Jan. I’m sure I loved you, before I forgot everything. I trust you, too. And you’re beautiful.” Rising to her feet, she stood before the woman, her body on open display. “It would make me really happy if you’d be my first.”

Her head swimming, Jan struggled to keep some semblance of control. “That’s a… it’s a very big thing you’re asking me to do, sweetheart. I – I’ll have to think about it, okay?”

Why are you telling her that? she admonished herself. Say no, you can’t do this – then get the hell out!

Instead, Jan took a hesitant step into the room, drawing closer to her niece. God, she’s beautiful. Even more than I imagined. “Have you, um, put your finger inside yet?” she asked.

“Only a little bit. It kinda hurts if I do more than that,” Kelly answered, looking up at her aunt, still smiling. “That’s why I was hoping you would help me. You’d be gentle, I bet.”

“I…” Jan was at a complete loss.

Taking a step toward the older woman Kelly asked, “Do you like seeing me naked, Aunt Jan?”

Jan couldn’t help but look the child up and down, thrilled in spite of herself by Kelly’s bout of exhibitionism. Her heart was still pounding, though, and it took everything she had to maintain a calm demeanor. “I’m not shocked, or bothered,” Jan murmured. “You are lovely, I will say that. Do you like being nude in front of others?”

“Long as it isn’t boys looking at me… or men,” Kelly replied with a shrug. “I don’t want them seeing me with my clothes off. I’m a lesbian. Like you, Aunt Jan.”

Startled, Jan blurted “How did you know that?” She’d never hidden her sexuality, but never advertised it, either. “Did your mom tell you I was gay?”

Kelly shook her head, still wearing that mysterious smile. “I just knew.”

“What about you, then? Have you… done anything with anyone?”

“Not yet,” Kelly admitted. “I looked around the internet… y’know, checking out different kinds of porn. Most of it was pretty boring. I couldn’t find what I really wanted to see.” She seated herself on the edge of the bed, her legs carelessly spread apart.

“What was that?” Jan asked, trying not to stare at Kelly’s smooth slit.

Still holding her aunt with a steady gaze, Kelly said, “I wanted to see women having sex with girls who were around my age. Especially moms doing it with their daughters.” She shrugged. “Oh sure, I found stuff that pretended to be like that. But it was all grownups. I couldn’t find any lesbians who were young, like me.”

Good grief! Jan thought, suddenly feeling dizzy. How could her tastes be so similar to mine? All those bootlegged DVD’s of women fucking little girls, so carefully hidden in my basement… they could’ve been made especially for her!

“It’s just as well you didn’t find anything like that, sweetheart,” she said. “That sort of porn is illegal to make, watch, or own.”

“That’s okay, ‘cause I found something else I liked,” Kelly cooed as she lay back on the bed, her legs still wide apart. “It’s this website full of stories. Nice hot stories about girls and moms and sisters, doing sex stuff with each other.” She began to lightly run a finger up and down the rosy cleft of her cunt. “Aunt Jan? Does it look like I’m touching myself the right way? I’m still learning how.”

Jan watched her niece Kelly masturbate for a moment. “There’s no right or wrong way,” she finally said. “One thing: you should concentrate more on your clit. Do you know where that is?”

“Sure do.” Kelly replied with a giggle. “I found that on the internet, too!” Spreading her labia open, the nude eleven-year-old teased her tiny clitoris, sighing with pleasure.

Jan was teetering on the brink of giving in to her hidden desire – climbing on the bed, burying her face between Kelly’s thighs and drinking from that pretty pink slit. She imagined tasting it, the tangy flavor of a little girl strong and sharp on her tongue.

No, I can’t. I can’t do this! Jan thought, now desperate to escape.

“Um, well, I’ll g-give you some privacy,” she stammered, doing her best to make a dignified exit, closing the door behind her, feeling her face grow hot when she heard Kelly giggle on the other side. God, this girl has me tied in knots.

Detouring into Linda’s bathroom, Jan splashed cold water on her face until her heart had slowed to its normal rhythm. Once she’d calmed herself, Jan descended the stairs to rejoin Linda in the family room.

“You’re right, little sister,” she began, “Kelly is thinking quite a lot about sex. Oh, and by the way, don’t refer to yourself as ‘crazy’ again, okay? We don’t use that word anymore.”

“Sure, sure,” Linda replied. “So… what did you two talk about?”

Jan studied her sister’s reaction as she shared a carefully parsed version of what Kelly had said and done in her bedroom a few minutes earlier. She didn’t mention the girl’s obsession with incest, but told her sister that Kelly had admitted to being gay, and how she’d touched herself while Jan was watching.

She was reassured to see that Linda wasn’t extremely upset, just concerned. And there was something else in her response that Jan couldn’t quite put a finger on, something that had her thinking, Is it my imagination, or is my sister a little turned on?

As they conversed, Gabby came in from weeding and watering the small vegetable garden. She went into the kitchen and washed her hands in the sink. Linda and Jan continued their discussion in a lower tone of voice, assuming that Gabby couldn’t hear them.

They ended the conversation a moment later as Gabby emerged from the kitchen. “Can I please go pick out my clothes now?” she beseeched.

“Sure, hon. And thanks for taking good care of the garden.”

“No problem!” the cute nine-year-old chirped, her perky self once more. She raced up the stairs.

Jan turned to her sister. “Linda, could I use your computer?”

“If you like,” Linda said, “But why use my old relic instead of that snazzy tablet you’ve got?”

“Oh,” Jan improvised, “It keeps crashing on me. Don’t know why I even brought the damn thing with me. Force of habit, I guess.”

“Sure, go ahead.” Linda said.

Jan made her way to Linda’s study, where she booted up the old tower. She searched the browser history, fairly certain that her sister never bothered to clear it.

After a couple of minutes, Jan’s suspicions were confirmed. Starting a couple of weeks after Walt’s death, Linda had been visiting erotic websites on a fairly regular basis. And while some of the porn she’d been consuming was heterosexual in nature, the vast majority of photos and film clips featured women loving women.

“In-ter-es-ting,” Jan muttered as she negotiated her way through the sites Linda liked to visit, nodding approvingly at her sister’s taste in women.

Linda told me more than once that she couldn’t imagine loving any man but Walt. Who knows? Maybe she meant that literally. 

Jan idly drummed her fingers on the desk as she pondered her sister’s situation… and what it might mean for them both. Does Linda even think about me that way any more? Does she miss what we used to have? 

She felt a steady throb between her thighs at the very idea of becoming her sister’s lover again.


“Come in.” Kelly said in response to the knock at her door.

Gabby entered to find Kelly wearing a cornflower blue sundress that came down past her knees. She had no idea that all Kelly wore underneath were sky-blue cotton panties.

“Huh,” Gabby said. “That’s just what I was gonna pick out for you to wear.”

Sitting down at the end of her bed, Kelly patted the spot next to her. Gabby sat down next to her big sister, giving her a big smile. “What’s up, Kel?”

“There’s something I’ve been wondering about, Gab,” Kelly said, taking the younger girl’s hand. “Um… was I a good sister to you? Y’know, before I lost my memory. Hope I wasn’t ever mean or anything.”

“No, you weren’t much different than you are now,” Gabby said. “You’re not as bossy, I guess. I think you’re more fun now, too.” Gabby looked down at her sister’s hand, resting on hers. “And this is nice. You wouldn’t of held my hand and just, y’know, talked with me like this before.”

That made Kelly smile, and she gave Gabby a gentle kiss on the cheek.

“There’s something else I was wondering. Did we ever get naked together or anything like that?”

Gabby giggled, her cheeks flushing ever so slightly. “There was this one time when you’d just got out of the shower and only had on a towel. And when I yanked it off you, you had a fit. That’s all I can remember.” She concentrated for a moment, then shook her head. “I don’t think we’ve seen each other with no clothes on since we were real little, taking our baths together.”

“When would that have been?” Kelly wondered.

Gabby shrugged. “Don’t know. Maybe when I was four or five.” Looking down at her hands, she added, “I wouldn’t mind seeing you naked now. You’re really pretty!”

Kelly gave her sister’s hand a light squeeze. “Hey, when you were downstairs before, did you hear Mom and Aunt Jan talking about me?”

“Yeah,” Gabby answered. “They were being pretty quiet, too. Bet I wasn’t supposed to hear!”

“Hmm. What did they say?”

The nine-year-old scrunched up her face and thought for a moment. “They said you, um, master rate a lot? Something like that.”

“Master rate?” Kelly repeated with a grin. “I think they said masturbate, Gabby.”

“Yeah,” Gabby said brightly. “That’s the word. What’s it mean, Kelly?”

“You know,” Kelly said, “Playing with yourself.”

This time, Gabby’s face turned bright pink. Looking away again, she gave an embarrassed laugh. “Yeah, I know what that means.” She glanced up at her older sister. “Uh… do you do it a lot, Kel?”

“Yep,” Kelly said. “Do you? Are you sure you know what it means?”

“I do!” Gabby protested. “It means to touch between your legs. Um, right?”

“Right.” Kelly replied. “You ever try it?”

“Um, yeah… I just started a couple weeks ago.”

“Tell me more,” Kelly said.

“Well… my friend was talking about it, and she showed me how, and we do it together now,” Gabby said.

“Is that your friend Pam?” Kelly asked.

Looking a bit worried, Gabby was quiet for a moment before finally saying, “Yeah, but it’s a secret. You won’t tell on us, will you?”

“Of course I won’t,” said Kelly. “Sisters gotta look out for sisters. So, um… do you guys ever kiss?”

“Yuck! No way,” Gabby said, making a face. “We just watch each other.” With a nervous laugh, she leaned in and whispered, “Sometimes I touch her down there… and she touches me!”

“Well, that’s cool.” Kelly smiled. “But listen – kissing’s really nice too.”

“On the mouth? That’s gross,” the younger girl insisted, giving her head a defiant shake.

“How can you say that if you’ve never even done it?” Kelly asked. “You haven’t, huh?”

“Well, no.”

“How ‘bout this… let me kiss you. Just to show you what it’s like.”

“But – but you’re my sister! And a girl!”

Kelly rolled her eyes. “Girls can kiss other girls, doofus. And so what if I’m your sister? Aren’t I s’posed to teach you grownup stuff?”

Gabby thought for a moment before shrugging. “Okay, I guess. But you gotta stop if I say stop!”

“Bet you won’t say it,” Kelly murmured, already drawing closer. She gently pressed her mouth to Gabby’s lips, allowing it to linger, then gave her a few more kisses, letting the love she felt for the girl flow into each one.

Kelly began to wander, kissing the corner of Gabby’s mouth, the lower lip, the chin. She could actually feel her sister’s resistance melting away.

Finally breaking away, Kelly carefully studied the younger girl’s face, pleased and thrilled to note that Gabby’s cheeks were flushed, her breath shaky.

When she realized that no more kisses were forthcoming, Gabby opened her eyes. “Um… are we done,  then?”

“That depends. Did you like it?” Kelly asked.

“Yeah, I did! You’re right, it wasn’t gross at all.” Gabby hesitated, then, suddenly shy, asked, “Could I have one more? Please?”

“I’ll give you all the kisses you want, sis.” Scooting backwards, Kelly stretched out on the bed, then reached out to her sister with both arms. “Lie on top of me.”

“Er, okay.” Gabby looked somewhat confused, but did as she was told.

Resting a hand just above her sister’s bottom, Kelly cupped the back of Gabby’s head as she moved in for a kiss… then another. These were soft and tender like before, but Kelly was impatient to go further. Extending her tongue, she traced a line along the child’s lower lip.

Gabby gave a little astonished gasp – and that was when Kelly went for broke, her tongue darting into the nine-year-old’s mouth.

Startled, Gabby nearly jerked away – but Kelly held her tightly, long enough for the younger girl to adjust to this new kind of kissing. A moment later, Gabby relaxed in her big sister’s embrace, a blissful moan escaping her throat.

A raw, heated rush of excitement surged through Kelly when Gabby began to respond, her tongue shyly emerging to play. She was hesitant at first, but soon the two sisters were kissing like lovers.

Eager to take things even further, Kelly allowed her hand to slide down until she was fondling Gabby’s tight little ass – cupping the tender cheeks, playfully squeezing them, trailing her fingertips through the cleft of the child’s buttocks.

She ached to reach lower still and touch her baby sister’s pussy, feel the warmth of it through those tight shorts Gabby wore, but thought better of it. Shouldn’t go that far just yet, she decided.

The girls were so caught up in their kissing that it came as a shock when Linda called them from the foot of the stairs. “Kelly? Gabby? Hurry up, you two – it’s nearly time to go!”

Gabby scrambled to her feet in an instant, then paused, as if deciding what she was supposed to do next, then gave a shaky laugh. “That scared me,” she said, placing a hand on her chest.

“So, little sister…  do you like kissing?” Kelly asked.

“Can we do it again some time?” Gabby replied with a hopeful smile.

Kelly laughed. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Of course we can. Whenever you like.”

“Can we kiss like we did just now?” Gabby asked shyly, “With me laying on you, and using our tongues and stuff. And – and you touching my bottom?”

“I’d love to.”

The child gleefully clapped her hands. “Thanks, Kelly. Wow, that was the best!”

Gazing into her little sister’s eyes, Kelly said. “Imagine this, then. You and me kissing like that, only both of us are bare naked.”

Gabby’s mouth went slack, and she stared at Kelly. For a moment she seemed about to reply, then finally mumbled, “I better go get dressed,” and hastened off to her own room.

Kelly watched her sibling move down the hall, satisfied with her accomplishment. Good job, she told herself. She’ll be thinking about that for days. And then there’s Aunt Jan. Sure, she was trying to play it cool, but I know she liked what she saw when I was naked.

Pausing at the mirror to brush her hair, Kelly made her way downstairs and sat in the overstuffed armchair. Her mother and Aunt Jan were relaxing on the couch with cups of coffee.

Kelly felt certain that they’d been talking about her. I wonder how much Aunt Jan told Mom about our little chat. Picking up a magazine, she idly thumbed through it, occasionally glancing up at the two women, always smiling when one of them looked over at her. Jan seemed especially restless, unable to keep her legs still. Bet that’s ‘cause of me, Kelly thought.

The tension was broken by Gabby thundering down the stairs and shouting, “I’m rea-dy!” She had chosen a yellow sundress very similar to the one Kelly wore. “Come on, let’s go. I’m starving.”

Wow, she looks good in that, Kelly told herself as everyone got up to leave. And she isn’t even trying to be sexy, she just is.

The restaurant was fairly close by, so they didn’t bother taking the car. As they walked in that direction, Gabby began to run ahead of them. Kelly soon caught up to her, laughing, “Hey, slow down, Turbo Girl!” she said. “The grownups can’t keep up.”

Gabby was beaming, in a giddy mood. “Thanks for being so nice to me, Kel. You’re the best big sister in the whole world.”

Without a word, Kelly took Gabby’s hand, and they walked on together.

A few yards back, Linda and Jan looked at each other, exchanging smiles at the sight of the two girls. Somehow they found themselves holding hands, too.

On to Chapter Three!


Stranger in the Family, Chapter 1

  • Posted on April 9, 2024 at 2:05 pm

Introduction by JetBoy: This is the first installment of a short novel that’s been in the works for nearly two years, finally completed a few weeks ago. My long-distance friend Purple Les (who created the pair of Tequila Kid sagas that I had the great fortune to edit for this site) sent me the first few chapters, asking if I thought they were any good. (She’s a modest one, our Les.) I told her YES, it was excellent; please finish it. She did, and I got down to editing.

As sometimes happens, I had quite a few suggestions and ideas to contribute to the story… most of which Les was happy to accept. Eventually, Les generously offered to share the writing credit with me. That said, I insisted that she be the deciding vote if we disagreed on anything. Almost never happened, though. 

Editing “Stranger in the Family” was a delightful experience. Working on it became one of my favorite ways to unwind after a hard day on the sales floor. 

Rest assured, this story is CRAMMED with sex, but it takes a couple of chapters to get seriously hot. Your patience will be amply rewarded, I promise.

Les, as always, was an ideal partner, one I am VERY eager to work with again, anytime she likes. Thanks for everything, my friend. 

Okay, I’ll shut up and let you readers get to it. Please enjoy, and don’t forget to leave a comment! 



Dedicated with love to the memory of Cheryl Taggart


By Purple Les and  JetBoy

It was the worst moment of Linda’s life.

April Fourth. A warm day, more than usual for that time of year in New England. Eight in the morning, and already 29 degrees Celsius. It was obvious that a storm was brewing. The sky had darkened, enough so that Linda had switched on some of the lights in the house.

Linda’s nine-year-old daughter Gabby was up in her room. Linda’s husband Walt and their daughter Kelly, who had recently turned eleven, were off on a walk around the neighborhood with Toby, the family dog.

A crack of thunder boomed, then slowly unrolled through the sky. Linda glanced nervously through the living room window. What’s taking them so long? she wondered.

For the umpteenth time, Linda opened the front door, looking down the street for the rest of her family. To her relief, she spied Walt and Kelly coming down the sidewalk, Toby scooting merrily ahead on his leash. Thank goodness, Linda thought, and waved as they approached.

“Let’s hurry, Daddy!” Linda heard Kelly exclaim. “When thunder roars, head indoors.”

Linda couldn’t help but smile. Kelly was always the practical one, at times almost a second mommy to her younger sister.

Holding the front door wide open, Linda shouted, “Come on in, you two! It’s going to pour any second.” She watched them hurrying up the front walk, Toby leading the way.

A bolt of lightning ripped the sky apart, in a flash so bright that the world looked like a photo negative for a second. The windows of the house rattled, almost loudly enough to drown out Linda’s scream of horror.

The rest was a blur. Linda running down the walk, crying, “No, no, no, no, NO!” Little Toby’s fur, burnt and smoking. Walt’s body twisted into an impossible position on the sidewalk. Kelly stretched out on the lawn, her clothing in tatters. The neighbors rushing out to witness the horrific scene. The sirens. The ambulances, their red lights strobing. The paramedics, one of whom was a tall black man who Linda heard reporting, “The man’s dead. The little girl’s still breathing, though.”


Seated at the kitchen table two months later, Linda thought back on all that had happened since that grim day. Her oldest daughter Kelly hospitalized, still in a coma after all these weeks. Walt’s funeral. The endless grief – not just hers, but that of her youngest, nine-year-old Gabby, who still cried herself to sleep most nights, sometimes even wetting the bed.

Thankfully, Linda’s older sister Jan had insisted on coming to stay with them, doing whatever she could to ease her sibling’s burden, including seeing to the funeral arrangements. Many of the neighbors had lent a hand as well – especially Cheryl Benton, a good friend who lived next door. She’d brought over hot meals for the first week or so, and looked after Gabby when Linda was too overwhelmed by grief to cope.

Jan stayed as long as she could, but was obligated to return to her psychiatric practice after two weeks. It was a tearful parting, though she promised to return as often as possible.

Linda’s new routine was a difficult one. Up at five-thirty in the morning, unable to do much of anything until she had that first cup of coffee, then an hour or so on her own to think about the day ahead. Around seven, it was time to get Gabby up and ready for school. Linda didn’t bother making breakfast for herself, just finished up whatever her little girl hadn’t eaten. It wasn’t as if she had much of an appetite, anyhow. Linda made sure Gabby showered and brushed her teeth, then picked out clothes for her daughter to wear.

After gathering up the nine-year-old’s school books and supplies to stuff into her backpack, Linda walked Gabby over to Cheryl’s house. Since she also had two daughters, Cheryl and Linda would take the four girls to school on alternating days. But after Walt’s death, Cheryl insisted on doing the driving herself for a few weeks, at least. “Go spend some time with Kelly, hon,” she said.

Linda was immensely thankful to her friend. I couldn’t get through this without her, she often thought. The affection that Cheryl lavished on Gabby was especially helpful. Her daughter Pam was Gabby’s best friend, and if anything, they had become even closer of late. Cheryl’s older daughter Alicia made a point of showing kindness to Gabby too, often hanging out with the two younger girls.

Once Linda left Gabby with her neighbor, she got in the car and drove to the hospital to visit her comatose daughter Kelly. Linda would hold Kelly’s hand and talk to her. All the nurses knew Linda, and with all the time spent at her daughter’s side, she’d got to know them too.

The doctors had repeatedly assured Linda that Kelly was not brain dead. She was breathing on her own, there was no apparent head damage, and they felt certain she would emerge from the coma at some point. Linda couldn’t quite convince herself that was true.

From the hospital, she was off to work. The boss had offered to let her take a month off, but Linda refused, insisting that the job kept her from dwelling on problems. After work, she nearly always stopped by the hospital to see Kelly.

Arriving home, Linda dropped by Cheryl’s to fetch her daughter, and Cheryl would frequently invite her to stay for supper. Sometimes she did, but lately, she was more likely to politely refuse, taking Gabby home and fixing them both an evening meal. It was important, she knew for them to try their best to get back to some sort of family routine. Gabby seemed to understand, and never complained about having to say goodnight to Pam.

On weekends, Linda took Gabby with her to the hospital. Like her mother, Gabby would also talk to her big sister. She always spoke to Kelly as if the girl was just resting her eyes.

Linda sometimes had to choke back tears as she overheard Gabby saying things like, “I know you’ll wake up soon. You’ll see. I love you, Kelly.”

Linda studied her two girls, feeling overwhelmed by mixed love and sorrow. There she was, her little Gabrielle. They called her ‘Gabby’ because she’d always been a chatterbox. Gabby had her late father’s dark hair, his piercing blue eyes and Linda’s pert upturned nose. Gabby wore her hair short with bangs and over her ears, giving her face a rounded look. She had the slender limbs and tight body one expected to see in an active child of nine.

Then there’s Kelly. Linda thought. My wounded angel.

Kelly’s long hair was a sandy blonde like Linda’s. Her face was now pale instead of its usual light tan with apple cheeks. Her lips were still full, but had lost their redness. Kelly had Walt’s nose, straight with just a little bump near the top to give it character. If her eyes were to ever open again, one would see a beguiling hazel color just like that of her mother. But they remained closed, the long dark eyelashes motionless.

Kelly had been a very active, vivacious girl. Now she lay still and quiet, tubes going in and out of her body.

Linda looked from one daughter to the other. So similar yet so different, but it was easy enough to tell they were sisters.

The weekends were a little easier for Linda, if no less busy. Saturday was shopping and house cleaning, laundry, and paying bills. Sunday she would spend time with Gabby. But each and every day included a visit to Kelly. Linda forced herself to stay occupied, using whatever means available to avoid dwelling on what had happened. On what she’d lost.

There was one bright spot in the midst of it all. Walt’s life insurance had paid off handsomely. Though far from rich, Linda wouldn’t be living hand to mouth.


It was on a Friday near the end of May when it happened. Linda was dressed in jeans and a sweater for Casual Day at work. That’s when she noticed that her clothes seemed to fit rather loosely. Stepping onto the bathroom scale, Linda was startled to notice that she’d lost thirty pounds over the last two months. She gave a wistful smile at having achieved the weight she had before giving birth to two girls. Only now, I’ve got no one to look good for.

Linda’s reverie was cut short by the phone ringing. Gabby reached it first. A shiver went up Linda’s spine as Gabby shouted, “Mommy, it’s the hospital for you!”

“Yes, of course, I’ll be there right away.” Linda said to the nurse on the phone.

After hastily dropping Gabby off at Cheryl’s, Linda ran to the car and sped to the hospital. All the way there the words repeated in her head. “Hi, Mrs Luna. There’s been a change in Kelly’s condition. Can you please come by?”

Minutes later, a dazed, breathless Linda stood in the doorway to Kelly’s room, staring at her daughter in utter disbelief. Kelly was sitting up in bed. All the tubes had been removed.

Linda took a step closer, then hesitated.

A nurse was chatting with Kelly. The nurse was speaking Spanish. Kelly was also speaking Spanish. She briefly glanced at her mother, but didn’t react in any way.

Noticing Linda in the doorway, Nurse Cruz hastened over to her.

“I’m so happy for you, Linda.” Nurse Cruz said. “Kelly is doing so good. Alert and talking to me. I didn’t know she could speak Spanish. Do you speak it, too?”

Linda shook her head in bewilderment, saying, “No, I don’t. Kelly didn’t either…” She trailed off as the doctor approached.

“Good morning, Mrs Luna,” Doctor Phelps said. “Er, before you go in to see Kelly, we need to talk.” He led Linda a few steps down the hall. “As you see, your daughter has come out of the coma. She seems fine; healthy.”

“But?” Linda finally said. Something was wrong – she sensed that right away. What was it?

“But… she has no memory of who she is.”

Linda’s head swam. She’d finally got her little girl back… only to discover that Kelly, the real Kelly, was still missing. My poor child, she thought, overwhelmed by a surge of despair.

“This kind of thing can happen,” the doctor continued. “It isn’t usually a permanent condition, though. We think it may be best if we introduce you to her now. Then, if that doesn’t jog her memory we’d like you to return tomorrow. Bring her sister. Maybe bring a photo album, perhaps a favorite toy or book… or any object you can think of that has a special significance to her.”

“You – you said it might not be p-permanent,“ Linda stammered. “How long do you think…?”

Dr Phelps was already shaking his head. “There’s no way to know, Mrs Luna. Things may come to her all of a sudden when she sees you. Or she may recall little by little. There’s at least a chance that Kelly’s memory may not come back at all. Or take years. All we can do is wait and see.” He paused, studying the distraught mother. “Are you able to see her now?”

Taking a deep breath, Linda braced herself. “Yes… yes, I am.”

With a slight tilt of the head, Dr Phelps led the woman back to Kelly’s room.

Linda struggled to maintain a cheerful demeanor as she approached her daughter. Kelly studied her mother’s face. Linda recognized that expression. It was the look Kelly had whenever she was introduced to someone new, or encountered a stranger. A polite, friendly, yet impersonal look.

“Kelly… this is your mother,” Dr Phelps said.

Carefully seating herself on the edge of the bed, Linda reached for Kelly’s hand. But the girl drew back, a touch of uncertainty in her eyes.

“Kelly, honey,” Linda said. “It’s Mom. Don’t you remember me…?”

The bewildered look on Kelly’s face softened, but she slowly shook her head. “You seem like a nice lady, but I don’t know you.”


Linda decided to keep Kelly’s condition a secret, at least for the moment. She did tell her friend Cheryl, as well as her boss, who gave her flexible work hours for as long as she needed them. “Your daughter comes first,” he’d told her.

Linda also called her sister Jan. She’d managed to keep herself together in Kelly’s presence and for the rest of that day, but upon hearing Jan’s voice, Linda began to cry. She sobbed for nearly eight minutes, with Jan crooning, “It’s okay, sis… let it all out.”

Once she managed to calm herself, Linda blew her nose, then said, “Thanks, Jan. I… I just feel so damn helpless. My own daughter doesn’t know me, for Christ’s sake! She’s become a stranger.”

“I’ve seen all sorts of case histories concerning this sort of thing,” Jan said, trying to comfort her younger sister. “People speaking foreign languages they didn’t know before. Personality changes. Memories of events that never really happened. All sorts of things. Just be glad she’s out of the coma and alive and well. I know it hurts to have your daughter back, but not… all the way back. Give her time. I’ll come down for a visit as soon as I can.”

“That would be great. Okay, I’ve got to go tuck Gabby in. Goodnight, Jan.”

“Bye, Linda. Love you.”


The next morning, Linda took Gabby with her to the hospital. They brought along a family photo album and Kelly’s beloved teddy bear.

When they emerged from the elevator, Gabby raced into Kelly’s room and jumped on the bed. Hugging her big sister tightly, she exclaimed, “I’m sooooo glad you’re awake again, Kelly!”

Still feeling somewhat unsettled, Kelly patted the little girl’s back and said, “Uh, okay. Thanks.”

She listened as her supposed mother and sister made conversation. Nothing they said or anything about them seemed familiar to her. They seem nice enough people, she mused. Could they really be my family?

Kelly pointed to a girl in a photo with Gabby and Linda. “Who’s that?” she asked.

“That’s you, sweetheart.” Linda said gently.

Finding a hand mirror, Gabby handed it to her sister. “Here… see for yourself.”

Kelly looked in the mirror, then at the picture. “It does look like me.” she admitted. “But I don’t… I can’t remember you, or… or anything, really.”

Gabby hugged Kelly again, “I’m your little sister.”

“I guess,” Kelly sighed. “Maybe it will come back to me.”

“I know you can’t remember me yet,” Gabby murmured, “but I still love you.” She planted a kiss on her big sister’s cheek.

“I guess that’s enough for one day. We’d better get going. You should rest,” Linda said.

As she picked up her purse, Linda stole a glance at Kelly, who was frowning as she thumbed through the rest of the photo album. It was clear to see that none of the pictures meant anything to her.

“Goodnight, sweetie,” Linda said.

“Bye, Kelly!” Gabby cheerfully exclaimed. “See you later.”

“Okay,” Kelly replied, watching the woman and girl as they exited her room.

I kind of like them, she thought. The little girl’s way cute. That Linda is sexy, but she wears boring clothes. I can tell that they love me, but I still don’t know who they are, really. ‘Kelly’ doesn’t even feel like my real name. Then again, what else does?

Kelly began to pore through the photos again, pausing when she came across a photo of Linda, Gabby, this Jan lady who was supposed to be an aunt, and herself, all in bathing suits. Hmm… too bad they don’t have any nude pics in here. Yeah, right – like there even would be anything like that in a family photo album. She traced Linda’s body with the tip of a finger. Nice… really nice. And this Aunt Jan looks a lot like her, only even more sexy. Hope I get to meet her really soon.


A few days later, Kelly was released from the hospital. Her memory was still gone, and a few bruises still lingered, but otherwise she was in perfect health.

When Linda pulled into the driveway of their home and parked, Kelly emerged from the car and made her way indoors, then wandered on her own about the house for a while. It seemed like a nice place to live, but remained unfamiliar.

Later, Linda and Gabby showed Kelly around. Took her to her bedroom, the basement, the backyard, the bathroom she shared with her sister. Nothing came back to her.


After a few days, Linda phoned Jan. She told her sister that, though Kelly’s memory had yet to return, she was holding up well and had adjusted nicely to what was for her, a new life. Nonetheless, Jan quickly detected a note of tension in her younger sibling’s voice. Finally, she asked what was wrong.

“Oh, it’s Kelly. She’s so… so different,” Linda began.

“Like how?” Jan asked.

“Well, she used to sleep late all the time. Now I’m not sure if she sleeps at all. She’s always up and dressed before I am. She won’t eat meat anymore. Kelly used to love bacon, and when I served it for breakfast she was disgusted. She started calling me ‘Linda.’ I asked her to please use ‘Mom’ instead, and now she addresses me as ‘Mother’. And my God, the whole thing with her speaking Spanish! Would you believe, her new favorite TV station is Telamundo?”

“It’s different, sure,” Jan replied, “But that’s not too bad. Is that all that’s bothering you?”

“No… no, it’s not. Maybe you can help me understand what’s happening with Kelly, because I sure don’t. So last night, the three of us were watching the Frozen DVD.”

“Oh, that’s awful, you poor thing.” Jan teased.

“Not helping, Jan,” Linda fired back, tightening her jaw.

“Sorry, sorry,” Jan quickly said. “Wow, this really is serious, huh? Go on, sis – tell me everything. No more jokes, I promise.”

Linda was silent for a moment, then continued. “Gabby was lying on the floor on her tummy watching the movie. Totally caught up in the story, even though she’s seen it at least a dozen times. I had a magazine, so I was mainly focused on that. At some point I looked up at Kelly, and she… she had a hand in her pants. It was pretty obvious what she was up to.”

“She was masturbating?” Jan gasped.

“And how. I mean, it was unmistakable. The hand movements, the look on her face…” Linda answered.

“So… did you say anything to her?”

“I took Kelly aside and told her it’s okay to do that, but only in private, in her room. Then… I don’t know why, but I asked if it was something about Frozen that, y’know, got her excited.”

“What did she say?” Jan inquired after a long pause from Linda.

“Kelly told me it wasn’t just the movie… though she did find herself wondering if the two sisters were really lovers.”

That doesn’t sound like Kelly,” Jan said.

“Oh, there’s more. She told me that what really got her worked up was looking at Gabby’s bottom.”

On the other end of the phone line, Linda heard Jan gasp in astonishment. “She didn’t.”

“She did. And when she saw the look on my face, Kelly said, ‘Don’t worry, Mother. I wouldn’t do anything with Gabby. She’s too young. Besides, I think women are way sexier.’ You should’ve seen the look she gave me right then… I felt as if I’d been stripped naked on the spot! Then she said, ‘I guess I’m gonna go up to my room for a little while.’ Jan, she winked at me when she said that.”

“Damn,” Jan muttered. “I see what you mean, sis. That’s odd behavior for an eleven-year-old… not to mention totally out of character for Kelly.”

“Right? I mean… am I crazy, or does that sound as if my own child is flirting with me?”

“Tell you what. Linda: I’ll come by this weekend. We’ll talk, and I’ll spend some time with Kelly. I’ll try to get some idea of where her head’s at.”

“Thanks, Jan. Seriously, I’m at my wits end. I mean she’s still a good girl, but this stuff she’s saying. I don’t know what to do. See you Saturday, then?”

“I’ll be there early in the afternoon. Okay?”

“Fine with me. Bye, Jan. Love you.”

“Bye, love you too.” Jan said, then laid her phone down. What the fuck? she thought, her heart throbbing. Damn, I need to take out the box. I’ve been a good girl; haven’t gone there in a while. But this news about Kelly… Jesus, it’s got me worked up.

Jan descended into the basement of her suburban home, picking her way through the clutter to a large box marked FOR SALVATION ARMY. Opening it up, she reached down into various discarded items and pulled out a shoe box. Jan flipped the lid open and withdrew a scuffed pair of pumps, then carefully removed the false bottom of the box.

Inside there was a sheaf of five homemade DVDs in white paper sleeves, held together with a rubber band. Next to these was a plastic baggie holding a dozen or so neatly-rolled marijuana cigarettes. Jan unzipped the baggie, took out a joint and placed it behind her ear.

Removing the rubber band, she spread the DVD’s out on a nearby table. Sometimes she would close her eyes and just pick one at random. Right then, though, Jan knew exactly which disc she wanted. Reaching for the one marked F f f, she hurried back upstairs.

In her bedroom, Jan grinned in anticipation as she loaded the DVD player, then turned on the large flat screen TV. She took a cheap plastic lighter from her nightstand, fired up the joint, took a deep pull and held it in for ten seconds before exhaling. Seating herself on the bed, she leaned back against the thickly upholstered headboard. She took a few more hits, then gently stubbed the half-smoked joint out in a nearby ashtray.

Now feeling a nice buzz, Jan glanced up at the disc menu on her TV screen. Show time. She used the remote to kick off the clip entitled, Two Moms, Four Kids, then hastily wriggled out of all her clothes.

The scene began with a large bed on which four young girls were gathered. All of them were completely naked and adorable, their ages ranging from somewhere around seven or eight to preteen. The older two were going down on the littler ones, who were sharing a very passionate kiss.

“Mmmm yes,” Jan said out loud. Slipping a hand between her thighs, she began to masturbate.

As the girls continued to make love, two clothed women entered the scene – a blonde and a redhead. “Girls! What on earth are you doing?” the blonde exclaimed.

“Mommy!” cried one of the youngest girls. Scrambling to her feet, she seized the blonde’s hand. “Come and play with us!”

Jan took a small vibrator out of the nightstand. Taking the tip into her mouth to moisten it, she brought the toy to her cunt and penetrated herself with a single stroke. On the screen she watched the redhead kissing one of the older girls, while the other three youngsters stripped the blonde woman bare.

Jan switched on the vibe and, as the scene built into a full-on sapphic orgy, worked it in and out of her vagina until she had a furious orgasm that left her wide-eyed and panting.

The next scene featured a short-haired teen making love with two twin girls who couldn’t have been a day over six. They were shy, but the older girl gently persuaded her little friends to undress, then join her in bed. Before very long, the children were eagerly immersing themselves in the delights of lesbian sex. One of them even licked the teen girl’s anus before they were done.

Bringing herself to a second climax just as the film clip was drawing to a close, Jan paused the DVD, taking a moment to rest and smoke the rest of her joint before watching another couple of scenes. Finally she rose, stretched, then padded back down the basement to return the DVD to its hiding place. After a detour through the kitchen for a bowlful of ice cream, Jan went back upstairs, brushed her teeth, then crawled into bed.

Just before she dozed off Jan thought, There, got that out of my system. Now I can focus on Linda and the girls and not obsess about sex… and I’ll be able to have a quiet chat with Kelly without thinking about how utterly desirable she is. 

I’ve got to give them the right kind of help. That means forgetting about my own sexual appetite, at least for the time being.

Moments later, she drifted into a peaceful slumber.

On to Chapter Two!


Ripples, Chapter 37

  • Posted on March 23, 2024 at 3:03 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society.

Stella lays her cards on the table: she suspects Jess and Rachel of having incestuous relations with one or more of their girls, and proposes bringing their combined families together for a sex party (though she has yet to tell Jess anything about the Society just yet). Jess is open to the idea, and tentative plans are made.

In the meantime, Jess and Laura’s mother Ann has just returned from a lengthy sea cruise. Laura informs her sister of a secret their mum told her: that she herself has recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. This gets Jess thinking about the possibility of getting Ann to join in their incestuous relationship. She, Laura and Rachel discuss the idea, where they are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy.

When Ann arrives, Jess informs her mother that she is in a committed relationship with Rachel, and now considers herself gay. Ann is delighted for her daughter, especially since she already knows and likes Rachel. Later that night, Ann tells Jess about her night of passion with Gina, a woman in her twenties who she met online by accidentally visiting the Woman Seeking Woman page at on online dating site.

After their conversation, Ann goes back to her place for the night, and Jess goes upstairs, in the mood for some special fun with her girls.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Now that Jessica’s mother Ann was back from her luxury sea cruise, the plan was for her to visit for a few days, so as to spend some time with her family. Before that could happen, though, Jess had a serious discussion with her daughters about being careful what they did and said in front of their grandmother.

“We can’t let her know the family secret,” Jess said, which is how they often referred to the incestuous lesbian antics they were currently engaged in with Rachel and her own girls.

“But Grandma is part of the family too,” Katie protested. “Why can’t we tell her? What if she wants to do sex stuff with us?”

“Yeah, what if she does, Mummy?” Poppy chimed in. “Now that Grandad is gone, she doesn’t have anybody.”

“We’ve discussed this, girls,” said Jess. “To most people, what we’re doing is very, very wrong… and if the wrong people find out, it would destroy our family. If Grandma found out, I don’t think she’d tell on us, but she might be upset. So much that she’d never speak to us again.”

“Never ever?” replied an astonished Katie.

Jess shook her head. “You have to understand, girls… we’re committing incest, and all three of you are underage. That would be enough to land us grownups in prison if we were found out. You would be taken away from me, and I’d never see you again. I don’t know if Grandma would agree with that, but she might. We can’t be sure how she’d feel about what we’re doing, so we can’t tell her about it. Any of it.”

“That’s not fair,” Poppy pouted.

Acting on impulse, Jess decided to be completely honest with her daughters. “Look… to tell the truth, I think it would be great if we could get Mum involved. So would Aunt Laura. We both want to make love to her, just like you do. How about this: Laura and I will sound her out; try to get an idea of how she’d feel about sex with one of us. Not you girls, though. That’s too big a step for her… at first, anyway. If we can somehow persuade her to join us in bed, we will. All I need from the three of you is to keep the family secret. Nothing more than that. Fair enough?”

Alice spoke up. “Do you think it could happen – that she’d want to make love to you? Or Aunt Laura?”

Jess shook her head. “Probably not. It’s worth looking into, though.” Rising to her feet, she added. “Oh, there’s one other thing. Alice, if you’re okay with it, I’d like to tell Grandma about you and Bella being girlfriends.”

““Um, yeah, sure,” Alice replied. “That’s a good idea… letting her know that I’m gay, too. Actually, why don’t you let me tell her?”

“Hmm. I don’t see why not.”

“Cool!” Katie exclaimed. “Can I do that too, Mum? Say that me an’ Cindy are lovers?”

“Better not,” said Jess. “But you and Poppy can tell Grandma how much you like the idea of your sister having a girlfriend.”

“We can do that,” Poppy solemnly announced.

“Wait, Mum,” Alice said. “If Grandma knows about me and Bel, it’s also okay for her to know we fool around with each other, right? I mean, we won’t talk about it, or, y’know, fuck in front of her… but I don’t want to pretend we’re just kids with a crush on each other, holding hands.”

Intrigued, Jess mulled that over. “I guess that’s okay… just don’t be too obvious about it. Best not to shock your grandmother too much. Be subtle.”

“Oh, I can do subtle…” said Alice, slowly hoisting her skirt up to reveal bright red knickers.

“Smartarse,” Jess fired back, trying and failing to restrain a grin. “Now scoot upstairs and get changed out of those school clothes!”


Ann arrived on Wednesday afternoon, just before the girls came home from the last day of term. Once everyone had gathered together in the family room, Alice linked Grandma’s phone to her laptop, then they went through many of the hundreds of photos she’d taken during her vacation. Jess had invited Laura, but she’d been obliged to attend some society function with her boss.

As for Rachel, Bella and Cindy, they arrived just after five-thirty. Ann greeted them warmly, then gave Rachel a big hug, expressing her joy that Jess had finally found a love partner who made her happy.

Before dinner was served, Alice took Bella to one side. “I want to tell Grandma about us being girlfriends, Bel,” she murmured. “Is that okay with you?”

“Sure,” Bella replied. “It’s not like we’re keeping it a secret.” By then, both girls had already come out to their friends at school.

“Good. I think she’ll like the idea. I hope so, anyway!” She gave Bella’s hand a squeeze, and they rejoined the others.

A few minutes later, they all sat down to a meal of courgette risotto, followed by Banoffee Roulade for dessert. Conversation was lively during the meal. Ann answered questions about some of the places she’d visited, and the girls told Ann how much they liked being one big family.

“It’s the best. Now I’ve got two extra sisters!” Katie exclaimed.

“Times certainly have changed… and for the better,” Ann said. “I knew a girl who was gay when I was at school, but she had to keep it a secret. The other girls would have made her life a misery if they’d known.”

“Good thing it’s not like that any more!” Alice exclaimed. “I wouldn’t ever want to have to hide how I feel about Bel.” She kissed Bella’s cheek, then turned to a very astonished Ann. “We’re girlfriends now, Grandma.”

“Oh… oh, my,” Ann said. She looked over at Jess.

“It’s true, Mum,” said Jess. “I thought it should be their decision as to whether to tell you or not.”

“Well… congratulations!” Ann finally replied, breaking into a big smile. “I’m sorry, girls. You just caught me by surprise. I’m very happy for you both.”

Katie spoke up. “Yeah, aren’t they cute?” After a moment’s pause, she added, “Maybe I’ll be a lesbian, too. I sure can’t imagine falling in love with some stupid boy.”

“Girls are way nicer,” Poppy declared, nodding her head.

Ann laughed, wrapping both arms around Poppy. “You might change your mind about that in a few years. Or maybe not. What’s important is to find someone you love, and who loves you. That’s where true happiness is found.” She rolled her eyes. “Listen to me… I sound like a greeting card!”

“Well, I love Bel,” Alice said, giving the girl’s hand a squeeze.

“And I love you, Alice,” Bella replied.

The girls drifted together in a kiss that didn’t quite become passionate, but it certainly lingered. Finally they parted, gazing into each other’s eyes.

Jess chose to break the silence. “All right, girls, it looks like everyone’s finished with dessert, so why don’t you go watch TV or something while the grownups wash up.”

That suited the youngsters, who migrated from the room… though it didn’t escape Jessica’s attention that a couple of them could be heard climbing the stairs. Guess Alice and Bella are in the mood for something a bit more stimulating than the telly, she told herself, gathering up the dessert plates.

Ann rose from her seat, but before joining the cleaning-up effort, she drew a surprised Rachel into a warm hug, murmuring, “Rachel, I’m so pleased that you and my daughter are an item. You seem perfect for each other.” Gently breaking away, she added, “Are you two going to tie the knot anytime soon? I need an excuse to buy myself a new hat.”

Feeling definite stirrings of desire for her lover’s mum, Rachel took Ann’s hand, giving it a squeeze. I see why Jess wants her so much.

“To be honest, Ann, we’ve not given it much thought. At the moment, Jessica and I are still getting settled into being lovers. That said, don’t be surprised if we do get married at some point.” Rachel looked over at Jess. “I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather share my life with.”

In response, Jess dropped the towel she was using and walked over to wrap both arms around her lover, drawing Rachel into a tender kiss. It quickly grew heated, then Jess abruptly broke away.

“Sorry, Mum,” she mumbled, looking somewhat abashed. “I got carried away.” In fact, she’d staged that kiss for Ann’s benefit, and was thrilled to see that her mother wasn’t at all offended.

“Don’t be silly, Jessica,” Ann replied. “I’m delighted to see you both so happy, and enjoying one another. It’s easy to see the two of you are in love.”

“And so we are,” Rachel said, her arm wrapped around Jessica’s waist.

“Now that you’re merging families, are you thinking of sharing a home at some point? It would be lovely to have the lot of you in one house.”

Jess shrugged. “We’d love that, but neither of ours are big enough… and finding a house in the right size won’t be easy.”

“That’s true, I suppose.” Ann said with a thoughtful nod, then added, “You know, I’d be happy to help you buy a new home. You and Laura will get everything eventually, so why shouldn’t I be there for you now?”

“Don’t talk like that, Mum! Unless there’s something you’re not telling us.”

Ann laughed. “Oh, there’s nothing wrong with me. In fact, I feel better than I have in years. Still, if you need a helping hand, I intend to provide it. But enough of this talk; let’s join the girls.”

As they made their way into the family room, Jess noticed that, sure enough, Alice and Bella had slipped away, no doubt for a quick romp in Alice’s bed. I hope they closed the door, at least.

Ann clearly noticed the girls’ absence, but said nothing. Instead, she gave her mobile phone to Katie, who hooked it up to the TV so Grandma could show the rest of her vacation photos.

About ten minutes later, Alice and Bella rejoined the gathering. It wasn’t immediately obvious what they’d been up to, but Bella’s hair was slightly mussed… and Jess was certain that she could catch the aroma of cunt coming from at least one of the girls.

Once again, there was no reaction from Ann, though Jess suspected her mum had sussed out what was going on. She’s got to assume they’re having sex, she thought. At least they weren’t too obvious about it. This was Alice’s idea, I’ll wager. 

Ann had an excellent eye for compelling sights, so viewing her pictures was an enjoyable way to pass the time. The girls were especially enchanted by dozens of photos of masked dancers Ann had captured at a Haitian street festival.

At one point, a photo appeared of an attractive middle-aged woman in a two piece bathing suit, both her arms wrapped around a cute preteen girl. They both wore big smiles.

Poppy spoke up right away. “Who’s that, Nonna?”

Ann seemed briefly distracted by the image. “Hmm? Oh, that’s Collette and her little girl Coralie. I made friends with them on the cruise. They’re French.”

With that, she advanced to the next picture, but Jess couldn’t help but notice that there were at least half a dozen more photos of Collette, some with her daughter, some without… and one especially cute shot of Coralie, posing on the edge of a diving board in a surprisingly skimpy bikini. Ann passed through these with little or no commentary.

Interesting, Jess mused. There had been very occasional photos of other passengers and crew members, but only Collette and her child appeared in more than one. Wonder if Mum was attracted to this woman?

When the last photo had been viewed, the adults and children drifted easily into casual conversation, with Ann regaling the others with stories of when Jessica and Laura were girls, while Jess shared a few choice anecdotes of her own.

It was nearing ten o’clock when Cindy gave a big yawn. “Oops, ‘scuse me,” she said.

Rachel laughed. “I know one little girl who’s up past her bedtime!” She got to her feet. “Jess, Ann, it’s been lovely, but I think we’ll have to call it a night.”

They gathered at the front door, both families exchanging hugs and occasional kisses. Cindy and Bella  surprised Ann, embracing her with just as much warmth as if she was their real grandmother.

Rachel hugged her next, and Ann wrapped both arms around her daughter’s lover, murmuring, “Rachel, you’re the best thing to happen to Jessica in a long while, and your girls are adorable.”

Backing away slightly, Rachel gazed at the older woman’s smiling face. “Thanks, Ann. You’re pretty amazing yourself… and I look forward to getting to know you better.” Seized by a crazy impulse, she leaned in to place a brief but warm kiss on Ann’s mouth before breaking their embrace.

Caught by surprise, Ann felt her cheeks grow warm. She fumbled with her purse, draping the strap over her shoulder – then noticed Alice and Bella off in the corner, caught up in a deep, passionate kiss of their own. The sight transfixed Ann, made her pulse throb.

Goodness, those two,” Jess murmured, resting a hand on her mother’s shoulder. “Like kids in a candy store, I swear. Sorry if they’re a bit much, Mum.”

“Don’t you dare apologize,” Ann quickly said. “They – they’re beautiful together.” She and Jess watched as Alice slid both hands Bella’s back down to fondle her arse.

“Um, girls…” Rachel called, now standing near the door with Cindy, “I hate to break this up, but it really is time to say goodbye.”

Breaking their kiss, the preteens shared a wistful look, then Bella said, “Hey, Mum? Can Alice and me have a sleepover tonight?”

“Oooh, yeah!” Alice squealed. “That’s right – no school tomorrow!” She looked from Rachel to Jessica. “Can we, can we? Please?”

Jess laughed. “I don’t see why not. What do you think, Rach?”

“I’m fine with it,” Rachel replied. “Need to fetch anything before we go, Alice?”

“Nope! I’ve already got extra clothes and a toothbrush at your place.” Taking Bella’s hand, she joined the others by the front entrance. “Goodnight, Mum. Love you,” Alice said, giving Jess a quick hug.

“Love you too. Listen, be sure to get home before breakfast… you and Kate have that appointment with the dentist tomorrow.”

Alice made a face. “Ugh, don’t remind me.” She reached out to her grandmother, and they embraced. “It’s so good to have you here, Gran. Hope you can stay for a long time.”

“Oh, I’ll do my best,” Ann said with a wink. “Goodnight… all of you.”

More hugs, more farewells, then Rachel and the girls were gone. Katie and Poppy went upstairs to prepare for bed. A few minutes later, Jess and Ann came upstairs to tuck them in, then returned to the kitchen, where Jess poured wine for them both.

“So, Mum… what do you think of Rachel?” Jess said, handing her mother a glass.

“She’s good for you,” Ann replied. “Exactly what you needed after that bastard Mark slung his hook. I’ve never seen you so… so satisfied.”

“Oh, Rachel definitely knows how to satisfy. What about you, Mum? Are you thinking of finding a steady girlfriend?”

Ann frowned slightly. “Jessica… I had sex with another woman. That doesn’t make me a lesbian, even if I did enjoy it. Right now, all I want is to spend time with my family. There’s no need to make any major decisions about my sexual preference.”

Jessica folded her arms. “You’re not seeing the big picture, Mum. What if Gina gets in touch with you? Would you go on another date with her? You’re still a beautiful woman, and it’s been five years since we lost Dad. You need to dip your toes in the water again!”

“With another woman, you mean.”

“Well, you did enjoy it the first time. It could be even better if you really got to know a woman before making love with her.”

“I got to know Gina perfectly well, thank you.”

“Then call her. Go out with her again.”

Ann sighed. “I… I’m not sure I’m ready.”

“Oh, Mum… What’s holding you back? Worried about what people might say?”

“Well, that is something that concerns me. I don’t want to be the subject of local gossip, with the locals  staring and muttering, ‘Here comes the old dyke’, when I pass them in the street. No offense.”

“None taken… but who even thinks like that any more? No one you’d want to be friends with, I’ll wager.”

Ann thought about that. “I suppose that’s true.”

“Mum, you should at least try it again. Once more. Otherwise, you could be missing out on something beautiful. Something lasting.”

“You may be right,” Ann said, nodding thoughtfully. “I don’t want to close myself off, that’s true.” Stifling a sudden yawn, she stood. “Oh, my. Time to turn in, I think.”

Jessica also got to her feet. “Fine… but this discussion isn’t over, Mum. I will talk you into having sex with a woman again, be it Gina, some hottie Laura knows from the gay bar circuit, or – who knows? – a friend of yours who wants to get her horizons expanded.” They made their way into the family room, headed for the stairs.

“I’ll expand your bloody horizons, young lady!” Ann fired back, then gave a snort of laughter. “At least let your poor old mum off the hook for tonight… I’m positively knackered. You can finish selling me on the lesbian life at breakfast.” Briefly hugging her daughter at the foot of the staircase, she said, “Thanks, dear, for caring so much.”

“You deserve it, Mum,” Jessica murmured, holding the woman close. “Now fuck off to bed.”

Ann laughed again, patting her daughter’s back. “You too, love… you too.”


A short while later, once Ann had unpacked her bag in the guest room, she seated herself at the dresser mirror, contemplating her daughter’s words as she brushed her lustrous red hair.

She paused in mid-brushstroke to study her reflection. Not bad for fifty-eight… but I think Jess is pushing it when she says I’m beautiful. Still, I suppose most daughters feel that way about their mums.

Unfastening the buttons of her blouse, Ann slipped it off, leaving her in a plain white bra that she reached behind to unclip, pleased to note that her breasts had fared well against the test of time. Cupping them, she tested their heft, then tweaked the plump nipples between her thumbs and index fingers, sighing at the prickle of arousal it gave her.

She stood to unzip her knee-length skirt, letting it drop to the floor before bending to pick it up to drape over the back of the vanity chair. Her practical and comfortable knickers only served to remind her that she was sorely in need of some provocative lingerie. If I’m putting myself out there, it’s time to get used to dressing for a lover again. I’ll drop by Jessica’s shop… she’ll help me pick out something especially sexy.

In her imagination, Ann stood before Gina, slowly undressing to reveal a saucy bra-and-knicker set. The look in her eyes as she drinks in the sight of her older lover dressed in skimpy black lace… oh, she likes what she sees.

Grasping the waistband of her panties, Ann shoved them to her ankles with a single swift motion, then cast them away with a contemptuous flick of the foot.

She studied her bare body, recalling the extra pounds she’d added on the first month of the cruise, what with the rich food and fine wines on offer. Thankfully, Ann soon decided to balance the constant pampering and luxury of life on an ocean liner with regular exercise.

Thinking again about that amazing evening with Gina, Ann reached down to cup her vulva, letting the neatly trimmed pubes tickle her palm. Jess is right – you really should ring her up.

When she’d gone back to the attractive young lesbian’s flat, Ann knew something was going to happen, but didn’t allow herself to think beyond that. It  was enough to know that she was attracted to Gina, distinctively aroused, and curious about sex with a woman.

Gina had shyly asked for permission to kiss Ann… an invitation the older woman found herself unable, even unwilling to refuse. She tensed briefly when their mouths met, then relaxed into the experience. And what a marvellous kiss it had been! – tender and sensuous, soft as a whisper, yet amazingly intense. Before she knew it, Ann was responding, her tongue joining in the dance.

Somehow, Gina had undone Ann’s top and was cupping her breasts, whispering, “You can touch me if you like.”

Hesitantly reaching out, Ann placed both hands on her new friend’s chest, gasping as she realised Gina wore nothing beneath her blouse. The young woman’s breasts were small, but felt very nice to the touch. Ann found herself wanting to see them. Reaching for a button, she whispered, “May I?”

“Please do,” Gina replied, her eyes shining with affection.

Ann’s fingers were clumsy, but she managed to get four buttons undone, enough to reveal Gina’s bare upper half. The creamy globes were flawless, capped with visibly erect nipples. She began to reach for one, then faltered, suddenly unsure of herself.

But Gina quickly seized Ann’s hand, pressing it to her breast. “It’s okay,” she said.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Ann explored the body of another woman for the first time. Gina’s skin was wondrously soft, like that of a child, and the thought of lying naked with her gave Ann a delicious shiver. Can I really do this? she wondered.

The next thing she knew, Ann was allowing herself to be led into an adjoining bedroom. Gina had kissed her once more, then gestured at the foot of the bed, whispering, “Take a seat.”

Ann meekly obeyed, then sat mesmerised as Gina slowly and seductively began to remove her clothes. She stepped out of her shoes, nudging them to one side, then stripped off and discarded her unbuttoned top. The skirt followed, falling down to puddle at Gina’s feet.

Ann could only stare, a storm of emotions raging inside at the sight of the now nude young woman. She’d gone without knickers, too! “Surprised?” Gina asked, wearing nothing but a mischievous grin.

Taking time for a really good look, Ann has to admit it – she liked what she saw. Gina’s pubes were thick and lush, but trimmed into a fairly neat triangle. Ann now saw that the young woman’s underarms were unshaven, and was surprised to find that attractive.

Moving close, Gina reached out to take Ann’s hands, which she placed on her luscious breasts. “Touch me,” she whispered.

As Ann obligingly began to fondle the small but flawless globes, she felt Gina undo the clasp of her skirt – and another surge of nervousness raced through her. What am I doing here? Am I really about to have sex with a woman who’s younger than my own daughter, for Christ’s sake? Yes, she was excited, but it didn’t feel right.

Backing away, she said, “Gina, you’re very sweet, but I… I’m not sure I’m ready to do this.”

“You are ready, Ann,” the young woman murmured, drawing close. “But you’re on the verge of something new, and it’s frightening.” Gina took both her hands. “Don’t be afraid. Let me show you how wonderful it is, being loved by a woman.” Pausing to give the older woman a tender kiss, Gina added. “I like you so much, Ann. Please… please give me this chance to make you happy.”

As Ann struggled for the words to express her uncertainty, she found herself distracted by the warmth of Gina’s hazel eyes. The longing she saw in them…

This is silly, she thought. When did I become so damned cautious?

Gina was deftly undoing the front catch of Ann’s bra, peeling it away to bare her breasts. Resisting an impulse to cover herself, Ann managed to remain still as the young woman began to tease her nipples, gently squeezing, then tugging them. She let her eyes drift shut, summoning up memories of how much she loved to be fondled this way.

It’s been too long, she told herself. I deserve this. And I don’t want to hurt Gina’s feelings.

Then and there, she made her decision. Looks as if I’ll be learning about sex with a woman tonight. She smiled, thinking of her gay daughter. Wonder what Laura will say?

As Ann opened her eyes, Gina was unfastening the remaining buttons on her blouse, then easing it over her shoulders. Ann shrugged the beige top away, letting it drop to the carpet.

“My God, you’re lovely,” Gina breathed, cupping the woman’s generous breasts, savouring their heft. Suddenly dipping down, she captured Ann’s right nipple between her lips.

“Oh,” Ann moaned, “oh.” Without a second thought, she cradled Gina’s face to her chest, thinking, Oh, my goodness… she’s really good at this. She shivered, then inhaled sharply when Gina licked the tip of her breast, then gave the engorged nipple a playful bite. Switching to the other breast, Gina took it between her lips to suck.

In the meantime, the young lesbian was also tugging at the zipper of Ann’s skirt. As the garment slid to the floor, Gina slipped a hand down the back of Ann’s cotton knickers to pull the woman in for another kiss. As they moulded together, the sensation of moving against the soft, supple body of another woman had Ann tingling deliciously.

The next few minutes became a jumble for Ann as she allowed Gina to remove every remaining stitch of her clothing, then lay her back on the bed. There she was, a woman of fifty-eight, a grandmother and a widow, stark naked and spread out for the sexual pleasure of a lesbian woman nearly half her age. Putting it in those terms made the whole situation seem ridiculous, perhaps, but that didn’t matter to Ann. Not any more. She ached to be taken by this strong, confident woman who loved women… and Gina knew it.

Now Gina was kneeling above her, a fire in her eyes that took Ann’s breath away. “I’m going to fuck you now,” she said.

“Yes,” Ann moaned. “Do it to me, please…”

Gina shook her head. “Say the words, Ann. Tell me what you want.”

“Fuck me. Fuck me, Gina!” She might have said more, but just then the young woman’s mouth covered hers. Ann gladly surrendered – accepting Gina’s tongue, responding with her own.

The lovemaking that followed was unlike any sexual experience she had ever known. After a few minutes of deep French kisses, Gina spent a long, lovely while pleasuring Ann’s breasts and belly before nuzzling a pathway way down to her vulva. Pressing her mouth into the juicy flesh, she began to lick.

When Ann was still having regular sex with her husband Richard, he’d obligingly attempted oral on his wife a few times, and it did feel nice. But now Gina was going down on her, and it was a revelation. She took Ann to the brink of orgasm again and again, but refused her that final release.

Finally, when Ann was on the verge of howling in frustration, the young lesbian centred her attention on her older lover’s clitoris, taking it between her lips and rapidly flicking the swollen nubbin with the tip of the tongue.

Ann exploded in a convulsive orgasm that had her clamping a hand to her mouth to muffle the screams. She  bucked and thrashed about as Gina’s hot, sucking mouth paid lustful tribute to her cunt. And those surges of ecstasy kept coming, more of them even when Ann was certain there could be no more.

After God only knew how many orgasms, Ann lay spent and dazed, gradually coming to her senses at the sound of her partner’s cries. Gina was lying alongside, frantically masturbating. She was frantically plunging two fingers into her vagina, liquid sounds echoing in the room with every thrust. A choked cry escaped her throat, a violent jerk shook her body, then she lay silent.

Startled, yet stimulated by the young lesbian’s brazen display, Ann stared at Gina, resisting the growing heat she felt mounting inside. Christ, I already want more.

Once she’d regained her breath, Gina hoisted herself into a sitting position, stretched her incredible body, then bent to place a gentle kiss on Ann’s lips. “That was amazing,” she said. “Will you be staying the night? I’d love it if you did.”

“Um, well,” Ann mumbled, “I really ought to go. I’ve got to feed the cat.” A lie – she hadn’t owned a cat in years. But those uneasy feelings were making themselves known again, and she needed time to think.

Getting to her feet, Ann began to fumble about for her clothes. She was relieved that Gina didn’t protest, just sat back against the headboard and watched her dress. Once she’d done up the last button of her top, Gina rose from the bed, padding over to give her a hug.

“I had a wonderful time,” Ann said, already feeling guilty about her rudeness. “Thank you, Gina.”

“I’d love to see you again,” Gina murmured. “Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to go steady… but we could maybe get together some time…?”

“It can’t be anytime soon, I’m afraid.” Ann replied. “That ocean cruise I mentioned… Remember? My ship sails in a few days. But, um, I’ll ring you when I get back.”

Gina smiled – a bit wistfully, Ann thought. “I’ll hold you to that,” she said. “Have a wonderful time, Ann.”

The younger woman, still nude, escorted Ann to the front door, where they embraced once more. “Good night, dear,” Ann said.

“Good night,” said Gina.

As Ann left, walking along the hallway of the apartment block, she turned to see Gina in her doorway, waving. She waved back, then hurried outside to the street, fumbling in her purse for her phone to call a taxi.

You behaved abominably, she chided herself. After that, I can’t see why Gina would give you the time of day.

Later that night, Ann had masturbated properly for the first time in years. She was still troubled, still uneasy with the possibility she might be gay. It shouldn’t bother me – and yet, it does. But the memory of sex with Gina kept unscrolling inside her head like a dirty movie. Finally, she gave in.


Months later, studying at her reflection in the mirror, she shook her head. I really do need to phone Gina, she thought. Even if we never have sex again, it would be nice to have her as a friend.

She gave a brief laugh. Who am I trying to fool? Even if we just met for coffee, I’d end up at her place or mine, naked and flat on my back.

Still nude, Ann seated herself on the edge of the bed, wondering why she had yet to tell her daughters everything. Especially Laura, who would have understood without judgement. And now Jess is gay too… so what reason do I have for being so bloody secretive? At this point, it’s just silly.

Then and there, Ann decided to tell her daughters everything. The fantasies she’d indulged in, her occasional attraction to beautiful women she saw, the lesbian websites she’d just begun to investigate and enjoy – but most of all, she needed to tell Jessica and Laura about her second dalliance with another woman.

It had been an incredible experience, enough to convince Ann that, even if she still felt uncertain about being openly gay, her heart’s desire was for a female lover.

Getting to her feet, Ann padded around to the side of the bed and slid beneath the covers. She rarely slept naked, but that evening, it felt right. She took a sip of water before switching off the bedside lamp, then lay back, the blankets pulled up to just below her breasts.

She stared up at the moonlit ceiling. Placing a hand on her vulva, she let it rest there while she concentrated on one special moment of her holiday – the dinner at the Captain’s table when she first encountered Collette.

Ann felt a pleasant tingle make itself known beneath her belly as she pictured the lovely face and beautiful body of her French sex partner. I’ll have to relieve myself tonight, she decided. Otherwise, I won’t get to sleep anytime soon.

Gently moving her hand, Ann fed that warmth, allowing herself to drift into the memory of that incredible evening.

On to Chapter Thirty-Eight!


A Better Life

  • Posted on February 26, 2024 at 3:15 pm

By JetBoy

A story I’ve been nibbling away at for a few years, based on a fragment of erotic fiction I stumbled on somewhere. Do enjoy.

Brenda Simmons stumbled into her apartment, fumbling along the wall next to the door for the light switch. She was drunk and in a foul mood.

She flinched when the lights came on. Holding a shaky hand over her eyes, Brenda staggered to the kitchen and poured herself a drink from the fifth of cheap vodka sitting next to the refrigerator, then slumped against the counter with a sigh.

What a clusterfuck tonight had been. Her so-called “date” had abandoned her at the bar, running off with some teenage skank — leaving her with no one even remotely worth hooking up with. Oh, and no ride home.

She’d had to beg for a ride with an old fat guy, who would only do it if she filled his gas tank. Great, another thirty bucks on the credit card that she could ill afford. At least he didn’t make me blow him, she told herself, shuddering at the thought of it.

Glancing down, Brenda spied a Bloody Mary stain on her top. Her favorite one, too!

Fuck!” she hissed. Gritting her teeth, she tugged the tiny garment off over her head and stood swaying in the kitchen, wearing only a red mini skirt and five-inch heels. Brenda’s dyed blonde hair surrounded her face like an unruly curtain.

She blinked around the living room, then staggered toward the hallway, setting her empty glass on the counter. Time to check on her daughters. She was home early, but they ought to be asleep anyhow.

Approaching the girls’ bedroom, Brenda stopped in her tracks when she heard voices from behind the door. They’re still awake? Frowning, she took hold of the knob and carefully opened it, not wanting to startle her daughters. She peered inside and froze, utterly shocked.

Her nine-year-old daughter Jenny was stretched out naked on the bed, the girl’s thin legs spread wide open. Between them lay her twelve-year-old sister Karen, also nude. She lay on her tummy, nestled between her younger sibling’s thighs.

From the doorway, Brenda could see that Karen’s mouth was pressed against her little sister’s pussy. She began to lick, trailing her tongue through the tender pink cleft and up to Jenny’s clitoris while she pressed a finger into her own cunt.

Jenny cried out, arching up from the bed, pressing her vulva into Karen’s face as she clutched the sodden sheets in her little fists. Karen purred with pleasure as she went down on her baby sister. The thick aroma of sex filled the small room.

Suddenly cold sober, Brenda gaped at the sight, wondering what her next move should be. I have to make them stop this, she told herself, then hesitated.

Daughters or not, she had to admit that the sight of her girls making love was powerfully erotic. Jenny’s flat chest rose and fell as she panted and gasped. Her tiny pink nipples were visibly erect, and sweat glazed her pale skin. The child’s feet were tangled in the bedclothes.

Cautiously drawing closer to the bed, Brenda now had an excellent view of Karen’s bottom. It was the same creamy hue as Jenny’s thighs. When she moved, the twelve-year-old’s cheeks parted slightly to reveal her anal cleft, as well as the crease of her sex.

Brenda enjoyed sex with females too… more than with guys, actually. Much more. But as far as she knew, there were no gay or even bisexual women in her small town, and getting outed would be disastrous for her. For one thing, she’d be certain to lose her waitressing job, which barely covered the bills as it was.

The only way she could satisfy her hunger for lesbian sex was to drive seventy-five miles to the city, where Brenda could usually find a willing partner in one of several gay bars she favored. But money had been too tight of late to spare for such indulgences. She’d had to get the brake pads replaced on the Chevy, and the girls were overdue for a doctor’s visit.

It was a shitty situation, made worse by the realization that she was getting tired of involving herself with men, casually or otherwise. The few half-decent guys in her town was already married, and the rest weren’t worth kicking off the front porch. Which left her with truckers or businessmen, stopping for a drink on their way to the city.

Brenda knew she ought to stop hooking up with strangers. In fact, she regularly vowed to do just that after a particularly depressing night with some full-of-himself jerk, or one of those self-proclaimed studs who got off after five strokes and left her high and dry. But that deep, burning need for sexual release would come calling, and her good intentions went out the window.

If only I could find myself a girlfriend, she often thought. One who really values what I have to give her. But that was a fantasy, one she could never realize without pulling up stakes and leaving this hick town. And how could she ever scare up the means to do that?

But right then, Brenda was focused on her daughters and what they were up to. In fact, she was soaking the skimpy thong she wore, caught up in the sight of her little girls engaged in lesbian lovemaking. Her nipples were erect, and there was a steady throb pulsing beneath her belly. Almost without thinking, she slipped a hand under her short skirt. Her eyes slowly closed as she traced her pussy opening with the tip of a finger.

But as soon as she was no longer watching her naked daughters, the spell was broken. Opening her eyes again, Brenda was confronted by what she should have seen the first time — her underage children, engaging in forbidden sex games.

“Karen! Jenny!” Brenda cried.

Caught completely by surprise, Karen practically jumped away from her sister. Snatching up a pillow, she tried as best she could to conceal her nudity.

As for Jenny, she stared at her mother – then the pretty little nine-year-old broke into a delighted grin. “Hi, Mommy!” she cried.

“What on earth is going on here?” Brenda asked, folding her arms.

“We’re playing sexy games!” Jenny answered brightly. The girl was completely unabashed.

Karen, on the other hand, seemed to understand the gravity of their situation. She sat on the edge of the bed, hugging the pillow to her body.

“Where’s your shirt, Mommy?” Jenny asked.

Looking down at herself, Brenda realized she was still topless, and folded both arms over her breasts. “Never mind that,” she mumbled.

Moving closer to the girls, her head was swimming from more than just the alcohol she’d consumed. The atmosphere of the room was thick with the scent of pussy, and Brenda was alarmed to realize she was still aroused.

“How did this happen? Where did you girls learn to do this?” Brenda was beginning to panic. She brought strange men home with her on a regular basis, usually when they were both drunk, and late at night. Sometimes her partners were gone before she’d even awakened. Had one of these men talked her girls into putting on a sex show?

She’d never seen any evidence of abuse, and had watched for it, but she’d always felt uneasy about the situation. Just not enough to alter her lifestyle.

“Um, from the internet,” Karen mumbled, unable to meet her mother’s gaze. “I… I like girls, Mommy. Jenny does, too. And we really love each other. Please don’t be mad, okay?”

Brenda took a shaky breath, somewhat relieved. At least they didn’t get molested, she told herself. Not that I deserve any credit for that. Probably just pure luck that I never brought home some creep who likes to fiddle with children. 

This is all my fault, she thought. Too busy chasing men to do right by my kids. She knew her drinking was getting out of hand, but it hadn’t done any serious harm. Or so she’d thought.

Deep down inside, Brenda knew she wasn’t a good mother. She left the girls alone for long periods of time. She fed them as best she could on her salary from the cafe, but their clothes were nearly all second hand, and the apartment was a mess. She hadn’t even been home to tuck them in!

They’re such sweet, beautiful girls. But it’s in spite of me, not because of me. I don’t deserve them. I don’t deserve anything.

“What’s the matter, Mommy?” Jenny asked.

Brenda suddenly realized she was crying, standing in the middle of the girls’ cramped room and sobbing as if her heart would break. She moved to Jenny’s bed and sat on the edge, burying her face in both hands until she felt a warm, light touch on her bare shoulder.

“Mommy?” Jenny asked tentatively. Brenda felt the child’s hand on her knee.

“Oh, baby,” she said, putting an arm around her naked daughter, “I’m sorry. Mommy’s so sorry.” She put her cheek against the top of the nine-year-old’s head. Jenny’s hair felt soft and clean, and smelled like strawberries.

“What for, Mommy?” Karen asked. Brenda reached out blindly to touch her other daughter, letting her palm linger on the twelve-year-old’s thigh.

“Oh, just…” Brenda struggled to find the right words. This alcohol-fueled misery wasn’t making her any more eloquent than usual, but the guilt she felt at that moment cut like a broken razor.  “Just… everything. All this.” She waved her arm vaguely, gesturing around the cramped room in which the girls slept in a shared bed.

Karen and Jenny looked around, not understanding what their mother meant. It wasn’t a luxurious life, but they were content enough, as long as they had one another.

Determined to make her mother feel better, Jenny slid her hand up and down Brenda’s thigh. “Please don’t cry, Mommy,” she whispered. “We love you. We love you lots.”

Without giving it much thought, Brenda parted her legs. Taking that as an invitation, Jenny continued to move her hand, going higher with each stroke.

Karen climbed from the bed to stand in front of her mother. As she moved closer, Brenda opened herself completely, inviting the twelve-year-old to hug her.

Putting both hands on Brenda’s shoulders. Karen gave her mother an adoring smile. “Mommy,” she said, gazing into the woman’s bleary eyes, “It’s okay.”

Brenda stared at the beautiful, trusting face of her older daughter. Acting purely on instinct, she wrapped her arms around Karen’s waist, drawing the naked girl in until their bodies were touching.

Karen felt her mother’s bare breasts against her chest. They were warm and soft and firm. “We don’t want you to cry any more, Mommy. Let us make you feel good.”

Taken aback, Brenda looked into Karen’s eyes, the girl’s face only inches away, her lips parted. Brenda found herself moving forward until their lips met, lightly touching. The kiss lingered, soft and tentative, until Karen’s tongue emerged from her mouth to tease Brenda’s upper lip.

A surge of arousal broke over Brenda like an ocean wave, then she was suddenly returning Karen’s kiss, her tongue slipping into the twelve-year-old’s mouth. She grasped Karen’s waist, pulling her closer.

Meanwhile, little Jenny moved around to kneel on the bed behind her mother, leaning in to kiss Brenda’s neck, then lick a pathway up to Mommy’s ear, which she lightly nibbled.

Brenda moaned when she felt the caress of her nine-year-old daughter’s warm mouth. She could feel her nipples stiffen, and her thong was wet enough to wring out like a washcloth.

Reaching around her mother’s body, Jenny reached around her mother and cupped Brenda’s breasts in her tiny hands, measuring their size and heft.

Gently breaking their kiss, Karen trailed her mouth down her mother’s neck, purring with pleasure.

Brenda whimpered, helplessly caught up in the tender caresses and kisses of her little girls. My God, they’re making love to me. I’m being seduced by my own daughters, and it’s the best thing ever. She’d never felt so loved, so wanted.

As Jenny cradled her mother’s breasts, Karen continued her journey downward to Brenda’s chest, pausing to take a nipple between her soft lips.

The young mother, more drunk on passion than liquor, cooed with delight as her twelve-year-old nursed at one breast while her little girl of nine gently plucked and tweaked the nipple of the other.

Almost before she knew it, Brenda felt the girls gently lay her down, stretching her out on Jenny’s bed.  Her head swam, her heart galloped. How far are they going with this? Are my own kids really about to fuck me? Put that way, the idea seemed crazy, and Brenda couldn’t restrain a nervous giggle.

Her feet now rested on the floor, legs lewdly spread, Brenda stared at her children, wondering what they planned to do next.

She didn’t have to wait long. Karen leaned forward to shower affection on her breasts, while Jenny knelt next to her mother’s head and bent down to kiss her. Brenda’s tongue sparred lovingly with the nine-year-old’s as she eagerly met and matched Jenny’s affection. The little girl’s hand rested on her mother’s breast, lightly brushing the nipple. Karen was kissing her way down the softness of Brenda’s belly, soon reaching the top of her miniskirt.

A choked cry escaped the woman’s lips when she felt Karen lift the hem of the garment, exposing her soaked red thong. Christ, they’re really doing this.

The sight made the preteen’s mouth water. For one thing, these were the smallest panties Karen had ever seen, barely concealing Mommy’s pussy. And they were so wet! She got pretty juicy herself when Jenny and her were doing sexy stuff, but nothing like this!

Then there was the scent of her mommy, so thick and rich. Karen inhaled deeply, allowing the heady aroma to fill her nose. If it smells this good, I wonder how it tastes? She was determined to find out.

Taking hold of the thin waistband with both hands, Karen gave it a gentle tug. This was the moment of truth – would Mommy allow her panties to be taken off?

A wave of excitement coursed through the twelve-year-old when Brenda slowly raised her bottom. Karen quickly pulled the sodden thong down and off, tossing it aside, then stared in awe at her mother’s vulva. Her pubes were a lovely dark red, and the glistening flesh was bright pink. By then, she’d seen plenty of pussies on the internet, but Mommy’s was one of the prettiest. The smell was stronger now, and it seemed to beckon Karen closer. She burrowed between Brenda’s thighs, licking her lips in anticipation.

Brenda moaned into her nine-year-old’s mouth when Karen pressed a kiss into her cunt. Jenny broke away, glancing up to see her big sister licking Mommy.

“Cool!” she murmured. Giving her mother a quick peck on the nose, little Jenny scrambled onto her knees and carefully straddled Brenda’s head, lowering her smooth slit to Mommy’s mouth.

Brenda stared in awe at Jenny’s little girl cunt, now close enough for her to feel its warmth. She knew what they were doing was wrong, but this was far too tempting to refuse. Parting her lips, she took a lick, then extended her tongue to tease open the petals of her daughter’s sex, tasting a little girl for the first time. But it won’t be the last, she told herself.

Still sprawled between Brenda’s legs, Karen thrust her tongue deeper into Mommy’s vagina, moaning ecstatically as the sharp tang of a woman’s pussy filled her mouth. She loved to lick her baby sister, but her mother was even juicier and more flavorful. Karen sucked at the rosy cleft, wanting to get every drop.

Fully surrendering to desire, Brenda licked lustily at her youngest daughter’s slit. She clutched Jenny’s bare bottom with both hands, soon prying the tender globes apart to gently finger the child’s rosebud.

Jenny extended a hand to caress Brenda’s sex, the girl’s fingers nearly brushing her big sister’s mouth. She sought out, then lightly stroked her mother’s clit, the same way Karen had taught her. She must have been doing it right, too, because Mommy moaned into her pussy, which felt amazing.

Encouraged, the nine-year-old rubbed the little bump again, more firmly this time… and before she knew it, Mommy was coming.

Jenny had a hard time keeping her pussy in contact with her mother’s mouth as Brenda thrashed wildly on the bed, a happy prisoner of the fingers and tongues of her children.

Wanting her mother to come especially hard, Karen sank three fingers into Brenda’s juicy hole, rapidly thrusting them in and out. That was when her baby sister gave Mommy’s clit a little squeeze between two fingers.

“Oh, oh, oh my God!” Brenda cried. Her back arched, then she went iron-rigid, tiny tremors rippling through her frame. All the sexual tension she’d spent hours accumulating now seemed to flow out in a geyser of purest ecstasy. She panted and gasped, hugging Jenny’s waist as she continued to lick the child’s bare slit. By then, her finger was buried up to the second knuckle in her little girl’s rectum.

Jenny’s eyes met those of her older sister, whose mouth was still fastened to Mommy’s cunt. Karen raised her face to give Jenny a smile, and the sight of those pussy-coated lips was enough to make the younger girl come. She gasped, then shook all over, her eyes tightly closed. Finally, nearly spent, she dismounted Brenda’s face and lay down beside her mother, blissfully content.

Karen carefully withdrew her fingers from Brenda’s pussy. They were slick with her mother’s thick, fragrant juices. The twelve-year-old offered them to her little sister. “Hey, Jen… want a taste?”

“Yeah!” Jenny piped, and opened her mouth to accept the glistening fingers, sucking them clean. Karen went back for more, sliding them back into her mother’s cunt, working them in and out until Brenda placed a hand on the twelve-year-old’s wrist. “That’s enough, baby,” she mumbled. “I’m kind of tender down there.”

“Oops! Sorry, Mommy,” Karen said, taking her hand back.

“It’s all right, hon,” Brenda lazily replied, then her eyes drifted open. Studying her oldest daughter, she said. “Wait a minute… you haven’t come yet, huh?”

Yeah, she did,” said Jenny. “I licked her pussy about, um, an hour ago. She came pretty hard, too!” The child giggled, hugging herself.

“But you can make me come again, Mommy,” Karen insisted. “I’d like that. I’d like it a lot!”

Brenda sat up. “Then that’s what I’ll do.” She patted the bed. “Here, baby girl. Get on all fours for me.”

“Okay!” The twelve-year-old scooted into place on hands and knees, gazing expectantly at her mother.

Reaching out to caress her daughter’s pert bottom, Brenda said, “God, I have such lovely daughters. So sweet, so sexy… Just you wait, Karen. I’m gonna make you feel amazing.”

Jenny spoke up. “Can I help, Mommy?”

“Of course you can, angel.” Leaning in, she gave her youngest a brief but heated tongue kiss. “Hmmm, let’s see. I haven’t tasted you yet, Karen, so that’s what I want to do. Jenny, why don’t you let me lick your sister for a while, get her warmed up… then when I give you the signal, put your hand down there and rub her clit until she comes.”

“Yeah, I can do that!” Jenny enthused, her sweet brown eyes dancing with excitement.

“Good.” Kneeling behind her oldest, Brenda bent down to nuzzle the girl’s baby-soft buttocks, peppering each cheek with gentle kisses.

“Ooooohh, Mommy,” Karen moaned, a shiver racing through her boyish frame.

Brenda placed both hands on the tender globes, using her thumbs to spread them open. Her pulse raced at the sight of Karen’s pretty pink holes. It was a view to make her mouth water.

I’ve seen them naked so many times, she told herself. Yet I never noticed how sexy, how desirable my children are. All those nights I spent longing for a lesbian partner, not knowing I had two potential lovers under my own roof. 

Fuck society’s stupid rules about what a mother can or can’t do. I want my daughters, they want me, we love each other… and the sex is amazing. This is happening.

Slowly moving closer, Brenda buried her mouth in the sweet rosy flesh, trailing a warm, slippery tongue up the length of Karen’s slit.

“Oh! Oh yes, Mommy…”

The child tasted divine – similar to her little sister, yet intriguingly different.  Wanting more, Brenda drilled her tongue into the tight but welcoming vagina, seeking Karen’s essence.

“Mmmm, Mommy yes, lick my p-pussy, lick me…!”

Giving Jenny a quick sideways glance, Brenda gave the nine-year-old a nod.

The child all but sprang into motion, quickly kneeling by her sister’s side. “I love you, Karen,” she said, “an’ I’m gonna help Mommy make you feel good.”

“Love you t-too, Jenny,” Karen moaned. “And you, Mommy!”

Reaching between the older girl’s thighs, Jenny felt around for her clit – that special place Karen taught her about, where you could make the best feelings of all happen. Make yourself come. Make other girls come. Even her big sister. Even Mommy!

“Ohhhh!” Karen wailed as Jenny’s fingers found their target.

Feeling especially bold, Brenda had licked a path up to her oldest daughter’s anus, and was now gleefully rimming her. Wonder if the girls have tried this yet?

Apparently, they never had. “Ohhhhhh, Mommy,” Karen blurted, sounding almost alarmed. “You’re – you’re licking my butthole!”

“Whoa,” Jenny whispered. “We never did that before…” She gave her sister’s clit a tweak.

With that, Karen went off like a grenade, hit by an orgasm more powerful than any she’d ever known. She frantically bobbed her head, clutching handfuls of the sheets in white-knuckled fists, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. Jenny continued to stroke her sister’s clitoris, Brenda kept licking her daughter’s rosebud, and Karen shook like a leaf in a gale. Finally, she keeled over onto her side.

Brenda arranged Karen on the bed, laying the limp girl out with her head resting on a pillow, then stretched out by her side. Jenny took the spot to her mother’s right, and they relaxed together.

“We love you, Mommy,” Jenny whispered, nestling into Brenda’s side.

“We do,” Karen agreed, somewhat out of breath.

“Oh, my sweet children… I adore you both,” Brenda murmured, giving each one a kiss. Her head swam from weariness, alcohol, lust… but mostly love.

I found what I was looking for, she mused. Two beautiful lovers who understand me, who want what I want. And they were right under my nose all along. I’ve been a fool… but no longer.

She was already making plans for the future. When I get up tomorrow, those bottles of liquor are getting emptied down the drain. Then I’m selling those slutty dresses to the second-hand store. After that I’m cleaning up this pigsty of an apartment, top to bottom. 

And I think it’s time to start looking for a better job. It’s time to get my act together; give my girls the kind of home they deserve.

Filled with newfound determination, Brenda drifted into a cozy slumber, a little girl nestled against her on either side.

As she dozed, Jenny and Karen glanced across their mother’s bare body to share a smile, thrilled that their secret wish had finally come true.

The End


My Lesbian Family

  • Posted on February 11, 2024 at 3:22 pm

Intro from JetBoy: This isn’t actually a new piece, but one of the few old stories of mine from Lesbian Lolita that I never got around to posting here. It wasn’t at that site for its final years, so most of you have never read it. I came up short this week on something new to post, and this moldy oldie popped up to remind me of its existence. It’s from a younger, less polished me, but does possess a few humble virtues. Hope you like it.


by JetBoy

“I’ll never treat my kids the way my parents treated me.”

I hear gay friends and acquaintances say that sometimes, and I always laugh. “Don’t be so sure,” I reply.

When my parents found out that I was a lesbian just after I’d turned eighteen, they told me I was going to hell. I was left devastated, and moved out the next day. I’ve never spoken to them since. How, I wondered, could anyone say something so hurtful to their own child, just because of who they chose to love?

Once I’d become a mother myself, I was determined to be more understanding than my parents; to respect my daughter Sammy’s decisions about who she was when the time came, to never stand in judgment. Lesbian, straight, bisexual, transgendered — even asexual, if such a thing really exists — I’d love and cherish Sammy no matter what path she took. Her happiness was my greatest concern, and my wife Linda felt the same way.

But despite my best intentions, I slipped.

We began to teach Sammy about her body at an early age. We both felt that masturbation was a crucial skill for a young girl to learn, so when she was only six, Linda and I showed her where her clitoris was, and how to use it to please herself. We let her see our own pussies, pointing out all the different parts and what they were for. Then we masturbated in front of Sammy until we came, just to give her an idea of what the female orgasm is like.

When she attempted masturbation herself, Sammy clumsily rubbed between her legs, brow furrowed adorably as she tried to coax out the good feelings with her fingers. Though frustrated at first, she quickly got the hang of it — and Linda and I began to pleasure ourselves once more, wanting to join our little girl as she worked her way toward that first orgasm.

As the three of us fingered our cunts, I tried to capture the feelings in words for our daughter, describing it to her as a lovely warmth that built and built inside you; the resulting climax like a bursting dam that filled the body and spirit to overflowing.

First Linda and I came, and then we watched in awe as our daughter’s eyes closed, her thin frame shivering, breath coming in tiny gasps as she experienced her first adult rapture. Sammy went limp, took a few deep breaths — then her adorable face lit up with delight, and she thrust her fists skyward. “Yay! I did it!”

We were thrilled — our little girl was on her way to being a woman!

The three of us cuddled together afterward — and as Linda and I hugged Sammy between us we told her all about how, one day, she would have a girlfriend or boyfriend of her own. Until then, though, her sex was a private place, only to be shared with someone she really loved.

The next night, Linda and I undressed and pleasured one another while Sammy watched, showing our darling girl the wonders of lovemaking between women. It was amazing, easily one of the most thrilling sexual experiences I’d ever had. Afterward, as we lay together, breathing heavily and our bodies glistening, Sammy gave us each a hug and a kiss, whispering “Thank you, Mama,” before tiptoeing off to her own bed.

I sometimes tried to share our ideas about raising our child with other queer moms we knew, but we quickly found out that most of them weren’t open at all to what we were doing. Some of them called it strange, others found it upsetting that we exposed our little girl to sexuality at her age, insisting that Sammy was far too young for such things. But we did find one other lesbian couple that thought our ideas had merit, and they had a young daughter of their own.

Maria was a year younger than Sammy. We allowed their friendship to unfold naturally, letting our daughter know that her new playmate came from a family like ours, but otherwise opting not to interfere. They quickly grew close, spending every free moment together.

Then one day, Linda and I watched them both sitting on our daughter’s bed, their legs spread open as Sammy taught her new friend to masturbate. It was a beautiful sight — and we couldn’t tear our eyes away, watching from the hallway as the girls’ self-pleasure led to them kissing, then shyly touching one another. They both undressed, eyes wide with wonder as they began to explore each other’s bodies.

Deciding to let the girls have their privacy, we left them to their lover’s games, drifting upstairs to the bedroom to satisfy some newly aroused urges of our own.

As the years passed, our daughter had several girlfriends and played sexual games with many of them. She was about ten when we finally knew for certain that our Sammy was gay, just like her mothers. Linda and I were over the moon with pride.

Around that time, Sammy got a babysitting job for another lesbian couple we knew. Sammy was utterly enthralled with their little girl, a two-year-old named Georgia. We were more than happy to let her take on an adult responsibility, and she quickly developed a real knack for looking after the toddler.

“Oh, Mama… I wish I had a little sister,” Sammy wistfully said upon returning from their house one day.

That got me and Linda thinking: should we have another child? We’d only planned on one, having decided early on that a larger family simply wasn’t for us. But then we saw how badly Sammy wanted a sister (and how she would be willing to help us take care of her), and then took into consideration how perfectly our little girl had turned out. In the end, we decided to go for it.

Another reason we liked the idea is that it would give Linda something she’d longed for: to carry and nurse a baby. I’d been the birth mother of Sammy, and Linda wanted to experience pregnancy for herself. So this time she was to bear the child, created with the same sperm we had used to make Sammy.

Our little girl had turned out so perfectly, you see. Beautiful Sammy, a sight to behold. Her hair was long, golden blond, eyes sky blue. She had perfect features, and the softest, creamiest skin imaginable. When we planned for her, Linda and I had selected a sperm donor with a history of having lovely female children. He had a gay sister, too, which made him the perfect candidate for us. We joked a bit about him being a carrier of lesbian genes, but deep down inside, Linda and I figured it couldn’t hurt! So naturally, we went back to him for a second helping.

Linda and I went camping the next night, leaving Sammy with Maria and her mothers. That evening, we made love beneath the stars, and I used a turkey baster to impregnate my beautiful wife.

Nine months later, Sammy had her baby sister.

The child was flawless — the loveliest, most good-natured creature imaginable. Sammy wanted to name her Labia. We finally settled on Lana, but we continued to call her Labia and Laby the Baby at home. At the time, I remember wisecracking, This kid is gonna have such a complex — and of course, we all laughed. But we didn’t know the half of it. Maybe I should have seen Sammy’s choice of that particular name as a red flag.

As we’d hoped, Sammy was an enormous help with Laby. She carried her, changed her, played with her. One day, I even caught Sammy trying to breastfeed her baby sister, and told her to stop.

She pouted. “But Mommy Linda does it. Why can’t I?”

“Because you’re not her mother.”

“But I’m starting to get boobs! It’s not fair!”

“Life isn’t fair, kiddo. Just take my word for it, you aren’t supposed to breastfeed your own sister. Anyhow, you don’t have any milk to give Laby, so it’s probably frustrating for her.”

She grumbled a bit, but accepted my decision. Still, I should’ve seen that little episode as another warning sign.

In the meantime, Sammy was still babysitting for our friends and spending a great deal of time with Georgia. By this time, Georgia was four and our Sammy was twelve. Georgia was a smart little redhead, one of the cutest kids you ever saw. She loved Sammy so much that they were like sisters. They would play with Barbies together, and Sammy would read her stories.

Sammy’s friend Maria would also spend time with Georgia. She was a sexy Latina girl with curly black hair and breathtaking brown eyes. By this time, she and our daughter had been intimate for several years. Sammy had sex with other girls, but Maria was her favorite lover. So obviously, we did know that Samantha fooled around with girls her own age.

What came next, though, was a real shocker.

I was home from work early on a Monday afternoon. I knew Georgia would be there, since Sammy always watched her after school. Linda was usually home at this time, but on that day she was out somewhere with Laby. I figured that I’d find Georgia and Sammy at home playing with their Barbies or something.

When I entered through the front door and didn’t see anyone downstairs, I went to Sammy’s bedroom and carefully opened the door to peer inside, freezing in shock at what I saw.

Georgia and my daughter were both completely nude. Georgia was lying on her back with her legs wide open, Samantha’s face buried between the four-year-old’s thighs, eagerly sucking and licking at her glistening slit. Sammy was on her hands and knees before her little friend, bottom jutting out, her bare pussy clearly visible and wet as she fingered herself with one hand.

I stood rooted to the spot watching little Georgia come, her babyish body wriggling in an orgasm that reminded me of Samantha’s first climax, so many years ago. The ecstatic expression on her face made Georgia seem like a grown woman. Though only four, in a very real way she was no longer a child, but a full-fledged sexual creature.

I was too surprised to say anything, but then Georgia saw me, her eyes dancing with delight. As I stared in disbelief, she crawled to Samantha’s backside, then placed her tiny hands on my daughter’s bottom, spreading her cheeks open for what I suddenly realized was my benefit. My head swam as she smiled at me, all the while displaying Sammy’s anus and vulva as if she were inviting me to join her in their wonderful game.

At that moment Samantha turned her head and, seeing me standing there, she flinched, obviously startled.

“How… how long have you been standing there?” she whispered.

“Long enough,” I said. “Long enough to see my own daughter playing sex games with a four-year-old.”

Sammy went pale, her eyes suddenly fearful.

“Do Georgia’s mommies know that she’s doing these things with you?” I asked my daughter, fighting to calm my pounding heart.

“I don’t, I mean, I, I haven’t –” Sammy stammered, then fell silent. “I didn’t think they’d mind,” she finally said.

I was both furious and flabbergasted, my head spinning with the enormity of it all. I wanted to be angry, but somehow I couldn’t help but feel at least partly responsible for this, if only for letting Sam have sex with any girl she pleased. But until now, she’d only been with girls her own age! Or so I thought, I glumly told myself.

“You mean that they don’t know about this,” I said, frowning.

“No,” she confessed.

Still numb with shock, I sat on the bed next to Georgia to look at her more closely. She smiled innocently when I gently touched her face. I ran my fingers through her hair and saw, as if for the first time, what a ravishing little beauty she was. I’d always known that she was a cute child, but at that moment, I saw much more. Her green eyes enchanted me, as if I could fall into them…

And then she kissed me. That adorable four-year-old child tilted her face up to mine, and our lips met. She had the softest, sweetest little mouth. Her tongue emerged, and I was unable to stop myself from sucking it for the merest instant.

I quickly withdrew in horror, unable to believe what had just happened. The girl in front of me wasn’t just a child, she was practically a toddler — and yet, for that moment, I had found her sexually desirable! My mind lingered on how such a young girl knew how to kiss the way she did. Clearly, Sam had taught her quite a lot.

Georgia moved over to Samantha and crawled into her waiting arms, the two naked girls cuddling. It seemed so natural, they looked like they belonged together. But Sammy’s practically a woman, I told myself, and Georgia’s only four. This has to stop.

I took a moment to process all of this as I continued to watch them hug. They were kissing and giggling now, their eyes were locked together, and they were touching each other gently, like the most devoted of lovers. Half of me was enthralled by how beautiful they looked together, the other half repeating over and over to myself, This isn’t right. It’s not right.

Then a cold knot of fear began to form in my belly as I thought about the legal implications of what was happening. Sammy was still a minor, but I was pretty sure it was illegal for an older girl to have sex with one as young as Georgia.

But what about the things Linda and I had taught Sammy about sex? Masturbating with her, allowing her to watch us fuck — could we have been breaking the law? I simply hadn’t thought about it at the time… and now I was horribly confused, struggling with notions of right and wrong.

I noticed with a start that Sammy and Georgia’s kisses were growing increasingly passionate as they became lost in renewed lust, their hands moving freely over each other’s bodies. Good grief — were they going to make love right in front of me?

“No!” I exclaimed, reaching in to tug them apart.

Stricken, the girls gaped at me. “Mommmm…” Sammy groaned in frustration.

“You — you can’t be doing this,” I stammered, my heart throbbing again. “Get dressed, both of you. We’ll go downstairs and I’ll fix you a snack.”

The girls dressed in silence, then we descended the stairs together, Sammy holding Georgia’s hand as she guided the child safely to the bottom.

We entered the kitchen, and I took some apple slices from the fridge and put them on the table. The girls sat down to eat.

I sat next to Sammy and began speaking quietly. “Honey… it’s not right for you two to be doing these things.”

“But Mom, we’re in love!” Samantha blurted.

“How can you say that? You’re doing algebra — and she can’t even read yet.”

“You don’t need to read to make love,” she said, her jaw in that determined set I knew all too well.

I shook my head. “Samantha… this is very serious. You can go to jail for making love with a child that young. Don’t you know that?”

Georgia sat meekly, eating her apple slices. Samantha just gazed at me blankly.

I was on uncertain ground here, trying to blindly feel my way. How do you explain to a young girl who’s grown up in an environment like ours that two girls of ten becoming lovers is one thing — and a twelve-year-old seducing a child of four is another?

“Don’t you like girls your own age? What about Maria?” I asked.

“Maria knows.”

“She knows what?” Then it dawned on me. “You mean that… Maria knows about you and Georgia?”

Sam nervously nodded. “Uh-huh.”

I fixed her with a stern look. “Has she — done anything with Georgia? The kind of things you were doing just now?”

She shook her head. “Not yet, but she wants to.”

I sighed, somewhat relieved. “Does anyone else know about this?”


“Good. Keep it that way. Do not breathe a word about what you were doing to anyone — either of you.” Pushing my chair back, I rose from the table. “Okay, Georgia, I think it’s time for me to take you home.” Then I gazed evenly at Sammy. “As for you… well, your babysitting days are over, missy.”

When I brought Georgia home, I let her mommies Jill and Sophia know that Samantha would not be taking care of their little girl for a while, because she was being punished. But I didn’t tell them any more than that.

Later that day when Linda came home, I pulled her aside and told her about family drama she’d missed when she and the baby were out. I was anxious to hear her reaction to the news about our daughter.

Initially there was a look of serious concern on Linda’s face as I told her everything, but at last she gave me a soothing hug and said, “Well, honey, this is how we raised her, isn’t it? I mean, we’ve always encouraged her to be sexual, since she was three. We taught her that it is okay to share her body with other girls for pleasure… and for love.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “But we never thought to tell her about something like this — that some girls are too young for her to play those kind of games with. I mean, what if Georgia was only two? Sammy may only be twelve, but people would still call her a child molester.”

Linda pursed her lips, lost in thought. “From what you told me, Georgia seemed to be happy about being intimate with Sammy. And we both know that little girls are sexual creatures, after all. I just don’t think we ought to treat Sammy as some kind of predator, hon. She wouldn’t ever abuse Georgia, you know that.”

“That’s as may be,” I said. “But Georgia is still too young to be having sex with Sammy. We can’t let them be together anymore.”

So we decided not to punish Samantha, but I made it clear to her there was no way she was going to be allowed to spend time with Georgia or babysit her again for a long, long while. She was extremely upset, but I’d made up my mind. Sammy tried to get Linda to take her side, but Linda told her that she was going to stand by my decision.

As the weeks passed, Samantha would occasionally plead to see Georgia, but we wouldn’t allow it. She gave me attitude, but I expected that and held my ground. Maria was there to comfort her, she still had her baby sister, plus her other girlfriends — but she still missed Georgia terribly, and it took a serious toll on her happiness.

Finally, one day I found her sobbing quietly on the sofa.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” I asked, touching her shoulder.

“Fuck you!” she cried, then fled to her room.

You might think that it’s totally normal for a preteen girl to talk back to her mother that way. But this was new for Samantha — she had never before raised her voice to me in anger, and it really stung. I was hurt and sorely tempted to punish her, but something told me I had to do better than that. Deep down inside, I knew Sammy didn’t really hate me — she was just lashing out because of the hurt she felt.

And that was when it hit me how wrong I’d been. Sure, my daughter had engaged in sexual activity with a four year old girl, and that could have landed our family in a world of trouble. But she hadn’t sought out Georgia because of her age. Sammy genuinely adored her little friend, and had always been fiercely protective toward her. They’d played together, napped together, broken bread together, grown together. Then they became lovers… and I had torn them apart.

After all the weeks of anger and worry, I now felt as if I’d done my little girl a terrible injustice.

Then the phone rang — and it was as if my prayers had been heard and answered when I picked up the receiver to find Georgia’s mom Sophia on the other end, calling to see if Sammy was still being punished.

“Georgia misses her terribly, you know. She adores your daughter, and Jill and I miss her too. We would love to have Sammy babysit for us again, if you didn’t mind…?”

Before I replied, I thought about my daughter and how unhappy she had been without Georgia. And despite the discomfort I’d felt at the sexual aspect of their relationship, I couldn’t help but think about how overjoyed Sammy would be to be allowed to see her little lover once more.

And then I felt the burden of inhibition and fear lifted from my heart. I knew that I had to let Sammy be true to herself, and if that meant letting her continue her relationship, however taboo, with Georgia or any other partner she chose — well, so be it.

I took a deep breath. “Thanks so much for thinking of us, Sophia. No, she isn’t being punished anymore.”

Sophia sighed happily. “I’m so glad to hear that. Georgia will be overjoyed.” Her voice dropped to an amused whisper. “You know, I think she and Samantha might be in love.”

Her words floored me. All I could do was stammer, “Y-you think so?”

“Oh, yes. I’m fairly certain that they’ve been fooling around a bit with each other — experimenting, you know.” She laughed. “Isn’t that adorable? So… if she isn’t grounded any longer, could Samantha come over tonight? I don’t think Georgia can wait until tomorrow.”

I stood there clutching the receiver, shaking my head in awe at what a scared little fool I had been. “That sounds like a lovely idea. Why don’t I go get Sammy now, and let her talk to you herself?”

Marching up the stairs, I tapped on Sammy’s door. “Honey?” No response. “Samantha, answer me, please.”

Her voice was sullen. “What?”

“I just wanted you to know that your punishment is over and done with — and there’s someone on the phone who would very much like to speak to you.”

Sammy’s door flew open, and my daughter stood before me, her face radiant with joy. “Thank you, Mommy… oh thank you, thank you!” she cried, hugging me tightly, her face pressed to my breasts. Then she was racing down the step two at a time to get to the phone… and I slid down the wall to sit on the floor, overcome with sheer emotional overload. I heard Sammy’s happy voice, filling the air like music as she chatted with Sophia, then Georgia.

In the days that followed, I came to understand that, in a way, I had been just as cruel to Samantha as my parents had been to me. Okay, that’s a huge overstatement, but I’d still misjudged my daughter in a big way. We often tend to judge people not by our own perceptions, but by how we think others perceive them. I knew now that Samantha was not and had never been a predator — just a very loving and sexual girl who loved other girls, including a four-year-old named Georgia.

Sammy and Georgia resumed their relationship after that, both as friends and lovers, and they were inseparable as always. We made sure that both of them — plus Maria, who was soon playing with little Georgia herself — understood how important it was to keep their sex games secret. They were allowed to make love as often as they liked, but only in our home.

Funny thing, though… nearly anyone who saw Sammy and Georgia together could detect the powerful bond that linked them, one so intense that many people mistook them for sisters. No one outside our family knew how deep that bond ran, though — at least not for another twelve years, until Georgia reached the age of legal consent. To this day, I still marvel at the foolishness of society and its smothering, stifling laws.

Our house turned into a lesbian love nest after Sammy and Georgia reunited. Linda and I began to openly indulge in sex play in front of the girls, even while breastfeeding Laby. The girls grew equally casual about their lovemaking, occasionally even getting naked and intimate in the living room. We’d be watching a movie, Sammy cradling Georgia in her lap… then I’d glance over from my recliner to see Georgia spread out on the couch, my daughter licking at the child’s smooth slit. Sometimes Linda or I would masturbate as we watched them couple, or even strip down and fuck right there and then.

Not long after that came a day when Samantha shyly expressed an interest in nursing from me once again, “just to remember what it was like.” My wife and I discussed our daughter’s request and, in the end, decided to let her have what she wanted.

Sammy and I met in the living room the very next day. We undressed completely, then my daughter curled up on the couch with me, her head in my lap, and I offered her my breast. Oh, it felt lovely, the warmth of my beautiful child’s mouth as it enveloped my nipple.

Almost without thinking, I slipped a hand between my thighs and began to gently fondle my cunt, the other arm cradling Sammy to me as she nursed. It brought back sweet memories of pleasuring myself the very same way when I’d suckled her as an infant.

Suddenly Sammy shifted herself to straddle my lap. Before I could even register surprise my daughter was kissing me, probing my mouth so sweetly with her tongue. I went tense for a few seconds before giving in to her with a whimper, letting my girl take me. I’d had no idea that she wanted this — and her passion simply overwhelmed my sense of right and wrong.

Soon I was sprawled back, thighs spread wide as she knelt before me, eagerly licking my pussy. I stared in disbelief while Sammy ate me, a hand busy between her own legs. The forbidden nature of what my daughter was doing excited me so intensely that I was coming before I knew it, the couch squeaking frantically beneath me as I rocked to and fro.

I lay spent, my hand on Sammy’s shoulder. She was climaxing herself, moaning in ecstasy, her face pressing into my thigh as she fingered her pussy. She hugged my leg for a moment while catching her breath, then crawled into my arms, where we shared a few lazy kisses.

Drawing back, she gazed adoringly into my eyes. “I love you, Mom,” was all she said, then she rose, picked up her clothes and padded from the room, still naked.

I suppose that I should have felt guilty about allowing my daughter to make love to me — yet I didn’t, not at all. And later that night, when the kids were asleep, I told Linda what had happened between Sammy and I. She shed a few happy tears, telling me how beautiful she found the whole idea. “I only wish I could have watched,” she whispered.

She took my hand and led my upstairs to the bedroom, where we undressed, coming together in some especially heated fucking.

Two days later, while I was out shopping, Sammy came to Linda and asked if she could nurse from her now. My wife eagerly agreed, and they climbed the stairs to our bedroom.

Linda was positively glowing that evening when she told me about her afternoon of passion with Sammy — the loving caresses, the heated kisses they’d shared, and the way our daughter had gone down on her until she came. Unlike me, Linda had returned the favor, crawling between Samantha’s legs to kiss and lick at her lightly-downed slit.

Things got even wilder in our household after that day. I still recall how sweetly Samantha blushed when she asked Linda and I if we would allow Maria to nurse from us, just as she had. We agreed, and that led to an incredible evening where all four of us got together for a long, lovely session of exploration, all of us nude.

I never actually had sex with any of the young girls in our house, not technically. I let them suck my tits and pussy and finger me to orgasm a few times, but couldn’t quite bring myself to do more than just French kiss them in return. Luckily, Maria and Samantha understood and respected my limitations. Linda was willing to make love to the girls — but only once in a while, like a special treat.

Both Sammy and Maria had insatiable appetites for sex and girls, always pulling young friends into their circle — constantly recruiting girls to the ways of Sappho, forever altering their futures to accommodate the divine pleasures of lesbianism. It was exciting to see, and we were fortunate that as time passed no girl ever complained, not once. A few weren’t interested in what Maria and my daughter had to offer, but they were all understanding about the importance of keeping our secrets.

Eventually Georgia reached womanhood, and at the age of sixteen she moved in with Samantha in a house just one mile away from here, the two of them living openly as lovers. Maria also lives with them, and the three of them now have two lovely adopted daughters that they are raising. Linda and I visit them often. Samantha wants my wife and I to become involved in the sex lives of their little girls, and I think that one day, we will.

Sammy even sent me a single red rose, accompanied by a note asking me very sweetly if I would spend a night with her; an evening where she and I would make love for real. I’ve always wanted to, she wrote.

I thought long and hard about her request, finally deciding to say yes. I prefer to keep the details of that night to myself for now, but rest assured that we had a marvelous time, and it brought us even closer as parent and child. We’ve only had the one experience together, but I suspect it will happen again some day.

Laby is growing up nicely. She is twelve now, and drop-dead gorgeous. Like her big sister, she is gay, and already has a girlfriend her own age. She spends a lot of time with her sisters and nieces, and is an eager participant in their sex games. Sammy has made love with her baby sister many times, and keeps dropping hints that Linda and I should invite Laby into our bed for a night. “She’d love it!” she insists, with a smile. We’re still mulling that one over.

My wife and I, with help from the girls, are crafting a picture book about a lesbian family. Surely there are others out there living as we do, and we know how important it is for children to see examples of their own families represented and validated. In the months since Linda and I began this project, our book has grown into a thing of genuine beauty — and it will open with the story you are reading right now.

We are witness to a new wondrous generation of girls who don’t view lesbian sex as something taboo or dirty, but as healthy and normal. They are a generation of confident, happy, successful, strong gay women.

The End


Ripples, Chapter 36

  • Posted on January 13, 2024 at 3:25 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the first 34 chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society. She has taken a careful first step by inviting Alice to a sleepover with her own daughters, which resulted in — surprise, surprise — a four-way orgy.

As another test to determine whether Jess and her families are truly suitable candidates for the Society, Sienna and Lacey drop by Jessica’s clothing store at closing time. She lets them in to shop anyhow, the twins seduce her, and their mother Stella conveniently “catches” the three of them at it. Jess is hardly surprised, as she had already figured out Stella’s little scheme.

In the subsequent confrontation, Stella lays her cards on the table: she suspects Jess and Rachel of having incestuous relations with one or more of their girls, and proposes bringing their combined families together for a sex party. Jess admits that Stella’s suspicions are true, and she is open to the idea of the family get-together. Tentative plans are made.

A side note: Jess, her sister Laura and her lover Rachel have been toying with the idea of inviting another family member to join in their incestuous relationship: Jessica’s and Laura’s mother Ann, who has herself recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. The three women discuss the idea, and are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

The next day passed with no new revelations, at least until that night. As Jess assembled the ingredients for that evening’s meal, the doorbell rang. Assuming Rachel had forgotten her key, Jess left the kitchen, making her way to the foyer.

Opening the door, her mouth dropped, and she struggled to speak for an instant, finally gasping, “Mum?”

“In person!” Ann Clark announced, spreading her arms as if putting herself on display.

Ann Clark was unmistakably an older version of Jess, but few would have believed her to be only fifty-seven. She married at nineteen and gave birth to Jessica later that same year, with Laura following three years later. In her youth, she’d been blessed with the looks of a Hollywood starlet and the temperament and feisty nature so common in redheads, with a keen intellect to match. Despite having achieved a promising internship with a London brokerage – the very first woman to do so at this particular firm – she put aside her potential career to raise Jess and Laura.

Once the girls were mature enough to require less hands-on attention, Ann took a position as counsellor to her husband Richard, providing a sounding board and guiding hand as he parlayed his engineering company into the big leagues. By the time her daughters had matured into their teens, she’d become the company trouble-shooter. Richard trusted Ann’s judgement above all others, and the eventual high value of the firm was testament to her financial acumen.

When Richard died, control passed over to Ann. For the next five years she built on his legacy, finally appointing a successor to take over the day-to-day running of the business. Ann still involved herself with securing big contracts and such, but mostly devoted herself to enjoying life and family.

Over the last few months, she’d given serious thought to retiring completely. Her social life had recently taken an unexpected turn, and her thoughts were increasingly centred around what else she was missing out on.

Now she was on her daughter’s doorstep, wondering why Jess seemed to be more startled than delighted to see her.

Quickly recovering, Jess exclaimed, “Mum, why didn’t you tell me you’d arrived? I’d have picked you up. Come in, come in!”

“Oh, I wanted it to be a surprise,” Ann said as she entered.

Jessica’s first thought was of the disastrous confrontation that might have occurred if Ann had arrived two nights earlier – or for that matter, during the weekend sex party they’d planned with Stella and the twins. Shit – I’ve got to give Stella a quick jingle, let her know we’ll have to postpone.

Fully recovered from her shock, Jess embraced Ann, hugging her tightly. “It’s so wonderful to have you here, Mum.” Needless to say, after the lustful thoughts she’d been having about her mother, the woman’s shapely body felt especially good against hers, and that familiar scent she remembered from childhood was affecting Jess in a whole new way.

Releasing her mother, Jess stood back to take in the full view, very much liking what she saw. “You look incredible, Mum! At least five years younger, I swear.”

It was true. Ann had clearly shed a few pounds, and there was a liveliness to her that Jess hadn’t seen for a while. Of course, her mother had always been beautiful, but now she seemed downright vivacious.

Stepping away from the company has done wonders for Mum, she told herself. Not to mention getting regular sex. She knew her mother hadn’t dated for years after Richard’s death… and that her most recent sexual experience had been with a woman, according to Laura.

So now Mum’s playing for our team, Jess thought, already imagining how Ann looked naked.

“Thanks, sweetie. With all that rich food on the ship and the amazing restaurants I visited, I got in the habit of visiting the gym almost every day. And I took long walks whenever I could.”

Jess looked her mother up and down, already feeling a prickle of desire. “Well, it paid off and then some, I’d say. You’ve got to get back on the dating circuit again, Mum – show that body off!”

With a mysterious smile, Ann replied, “Actually, I’ve got some news on that front… but that’ll keep until later.” Taking her daughter’s hand, she gave it a squeeze. “Oh, my, it’s wonderful to be home. I did have a lovely time, but four months away from my family is more than enough. I think I’ve seen enough of the world to keep me for a few years.”

“Have you been home yet?”

“Oh, long enough to drop my luggage off, then I came straight here. I called Laura from the port to let her know I’d arrived. She promised to come by the house later.”

“Why don’t you stay here tonight, Mum? We’ll have Laura drop by and make it a family get-together.”

Ann shook her head. “It sounds tempting, but I really need to unpack and get the house back in order. Tell you what – I’ll come back here tomorrow afternoon and stay for a few days, if that’s all right with you.”

“You’re always welcome here, Mum,” said Jess. “The girls will be thrilled to bits.”

“Speaking of the girls…  where are they? I was hoping for the full welcome committee!”

“Um, they’re hanging out upstairs,” Jess replied, suddenly wondering what her daughters were up to at that moment. Could they be having sex? Do they even have their clothes on? “Wait a tick, I’ll fetch them.”

Hastening to the foot of the stairs, she called out, “Girls?”

A moment later, she saw Katie, peering over the railing. Sure enough, her nine-year-old was stark naked. “What’s up, Mum?” The girl’s tone suddenly turned coquettish. “Wanna come up and play with us?”

Fucking hell, Jess thought, tightening her jaw. Before Katie could say anything incriminating, she quickly said, “Go get your sisters and come downstairs – your gran is here!”

Kate froze for an instant, then loudly replied, “Coming, Mum!” before darting back into one of the bedrooms, her bare feet thumping on the floor.

Listening closely, Jess could hear the muted buzzing of the girls’ excited voices, then the sounds of hasty movement. Sure enough, they’re getting dressed. She imagined it, the entire scenario.

Alice up on all fours, Poppy licking her from behind the way she likes to do it, both of them naked. Suddenly Katie hastens into the room, also nude. “Quick, put some clothes on!” she blurts. “Gran’s here!” Poppy and Alice leap to their feet, then the three girls are scrambling into whatever they can snatch up from the floor.

It was an enticing vision, probably not the best thing to be thinking about at that particular moment. At this rate, I’ll need to change my knickers, Jess told herself. They’re already damp.

Then Poppy was racing down the stairs, shrieking “Nonna!” with Alice and Katie hot at her heels, each spinning round the bannister in turn as they raced to hug their grandmother, almost bowling her over in the process.

Drawing the eager trio into her arms, Ann gave a blissful sigh. “Hello, my darlings. Oh my, how I’ve missed this. Here, let me have a proper look at you.”

Once the girls stepped back, Ann took Alice by the shoulders and looked her up and down, nodding her approval. “Alice, I swear you’ve grown six inches since I left… why, you’re nearly as tall as me!  And look at you two,” she continued, turning to Katie and Poppy. “Goodness me, I feel like I’ve been away a year.”

Then she frowned slightly. “Poppy, you’ve got your top on the wrong way round.”

Sure enough, the child’s Totoro t-shirt was inside out. Jess also suspected that her seven-year-old was completely bare beneath the bright pink shorts she wore.

Glancing down, Poppy exclaimed, “Oops! I did, huh?” And just like that, she tugged the shirt up and off, revealing her flat chest. She quickly reversed it, then wriggled back inside, moving her hips from side to side in a cute dance. When her head popped through, she wrapped both arms around Ann’s waist. “Thanks, Nomma!”

Ann buried her lips in Poppy’s hair, murmuring “Precious child.”

“We want to hear all about the places you’ve been, Gran!” Katie declared, tugging at Ann’s hand. “Come sit with us.”

“Now, Gran can’t stay for very long,” Jess cautioned. “She has to get home and unpack. But she’ll be coming back tomorrow to stay with us through the weekend! What d’you think of that?”

The girls all cheered, Katie eagerly clapping her hands.

“Hurray!” Poppy exclaimed, hugging Ann’s waist, resting her cheek against the woman’s tummy. “Oh, Nomma, we’ll have loads of fun.”

Something in Poppy’s tone caught Jessica’s attention. She studied her youngest, slightly alarmed. Is she flirting with her grandmother? That business with the t-shirt… And sure, Poppy loves to give hugs, but she’s barely let go of Mum since coming down the stairs. Hmm, maybe I should have a little chat with her later.

Beaming at her granddaughters, Ann said, “Who wants to see what I brought back with me? I’ve got gifts for everyone.” She bent to pick up her bag as the girls whooped with delight.

“Let’s get comfortable first,” Jess said, wandering into the living room, Ann and the girls close behind. Everyone piled onto the large sofa – Ann, Alice and Poppy took the three seats, while Jess perched on the left arm and Katie draped herself over the right. It didn’t escape Jessica’s notice that Poppy was snuggling very closely with her gran.

Ann unfastened the silver clasps that held her bag closed. “I wanted to get each of you something special, not just pick up something at the airport. I had a marvellous time shopping for the right gifts, by the way.” Reaching into the bag, she took out several beautiful wrapped packages. “Each one is from a different country.” She passed a package the size of a small book to Poppy.

“Ooohh, this paper is so nice!” Poppy squealed, examining the parcel from all angles. “I’m gonna save it.” She carefully peeled the wrapping away, which left her holding a green velvet box. This she opened to find a beautiful gold necklace with a pearl drop emerald. “Wow…” she breathed, completely awed.

“That’s from Italy,” said Ann. “Emeralds always do look lovely on redheads, and when I saw this one it made me think of you, Poppy. I found it on a visit to Lake Como, in this little town called Bellagio with the most wonderful little shops. Your grandfather and I went there several times.”

Next was Katie’s gift, a gold filigree ball pendant with a ruby inside. “Now that’s from Croatia, a truly beautiful country with lovely people, just like Italy.”

Alice’s gift was a Spanish gold heart pendant that opened so a picture or lock of hair could be kept inside.

Needless to say, the girls were all beside themselves with delight, and swarmed Ann with hugs and kisses.

Lastly, Ann had two gifts for Jess, handing her the larger of the two first. “We had a tour of Parfumerie Fragonard in Eze in the south of France to see how they create perfumes. I had this fragrance made especially for you; there’s a little note in the box with the list of ingredients.”

Jess sprayed a little on her wrist and brought it to her nose. “This smells lovely, Mum. Here, girls, what do you think?”

Alice, Katie and Poppy took turns sniffing at her wrist, and each announced their approval. Ann continued. “They had thousands of little bottles on shelves in this huge laboratory with just about every scent you could think of. The people who work there can tell you everything that’s in a perfume just by smelling it.”

She handed her daughter a smaller box. “Now, open this one.” Inside, Jess found an ornate gold ring. Rather than a solid band, it was a delicate filigree pattern interspersed with tiny embedded gems.

“Mum, it’s gorgeous. Are these diamonds?”

“Yes. It’s handmade from Montenegro. I got matching rings for you and Laura.”

“My God, Mum, this… all these gifts – they must have cost you a fortune.”

“Jess, Jess… what better way is there to spend my money than on my family? I like beautiful things, I like to spoil my granddaughters… and my daughters, of course. I’ve more money than I know what to do with, and if I… Well, never mind, we’ll talk about this later.” Noticing Jessica’s curious look, Ann added, “Oh, don’t worry, darling, it’s just an idea I had.”

“Colour me intrigued, Mum.” She turned to the girls. “All right, young ladies… take your gifts upstairs and put them away somewhere safe, then get on with your homework. I’ll call you when dinner’s ready.”

With one last flurry of thanks, hugs and kisses for their gran, Alice, Katie and Poppy raced up the staircase. Ann watched them disappear with a happy sigh. “Goodness, I’ve missed them.” Kissing Jessica’s cheek, she added, “You too, my dear.”

“Are you staying for dinner, Mum?”

“It’s a tempting offer… but no, I’d best be off soon. They had a laundry on the ship, but I still need to do a couple of loads. Oh, and open up the house to get some air in… it was dreadfully stuffy when I dropped my bags off. Then there’s Mr. Routledge next door – he’s been taking in my mail, and I need to pick it up. There might be something important that can’t wait.”

“Sometimes it amazes me that we ever managed to get you to retire, Mum. “Well, at least come and have a cuppa before I start dinner. We can get caught up.”

They adjourned to the kitchen, where Jess made a pot of tea.

Ann settled into a chair. “So, I’ll tell you all about the places I visited tomorrow, but first I want to know all the news from the home front. How’s your business doing?”

“Very well, actually. I’ve been thinking of expanding, even opening another shop. You know Blanche Turner, don’t you?”

“Somewhat; enough to say hello to. We’ve spoken at business gatherings, and a couple of those social and charity events she organises. What about her?”

“She and I had a chat about my business. Nothing detailed, but she was interested in lending a hand if I was looking to expand, especially into the high-end market. I think she might have some premises available.”

“Well, that sounds promising.”

“Maybe. We’ll see,” Jess said. “The girls are all doing really well at school. Tomorrow, they’re let out for the summer.” She seated herself across from Ann. “But I do have some big news for you. I’m seeing someone.”

“Well, it’s about time,” said Ann, breaking into a huge smile. “That is big news. I was worried you’d never find someone after that rotter Mark made himself scarce. How long have you been dating?”

“Since just after you left on your cruise.”

“And is it serious?”

“Very. Actually, it’s more than serious. We want to spend the rest of our lives together.”

“And all this has happened in the four months I’ve been away? Goodness me! Do I know him?”

Taking a deep breath, Jess took the plunge. “You do… but it’s not a ‘he’, Mum, It’s Rachel.”

Ann’s eyes widened “Rachel?”

“Rachel Thomas, from across the road; my best friend. Well, now we’re a couple.”

“You mean…”

“That’s right, Mum, I’m gay. Took me years to figure it out, but now I know who I really am. What do you think?”

Gazing into Jessica’s eyes, Ann said, “Just one question. Does she make you happy?”

“More than I’ve been since the girls were born.”

“How do they feel about it?”

“They love having two mums, actually. Not to mention an extra pair of sisters!”

Ann took Jessica’s hand between hers, “If that’s how you feel, then I’m delighted for you both.”

Jess leaned over and hugged her mother. “So… you’re okay with both your daughters being lesbians?”

“Well, I might feel differently if you hadn’t already given me three lovely granddaughters. Seriously, though, I think it’s wonderful. I just wish your sister would find someone special and settle down. She’s been playing the field for much too long, wandering the globe like the Flying Dutchman.”

“I spoke to Laura about how best to come out to you. She was very sure you’d be okay with it.” For a moment, Jess toyed with the notion of telling Mum about Alice and Bella being girlfriends, but decided to keep that new under wraps for the moment. On the other hand… “She also mentioned something else.”

“Oh, what was that, love?”

“I think you have something to tell me, Mother,” Jess said, giving her mother a questioning look.

Slowly nodding, Ann said, “Laura must have told you about my, umm, date. With a woman.”

“Yes, she did.”

“How much did she tell you?”

“Just that you visited a dating site and ended up going out with a woman; and things went considerably farther than a simple good night kiss.”

“Oh, it’s true,” Ann said, looking a little sheepish. “Since your father died, I haven’t looked for anyone else. I mean, I didn’t want a long term relationship, but I have a couple of male friends I can always call on when I need a plus-one, no sex involved.

“What happened was… I just started to think about life after your father and the business, and realised I wanted something more. The plan was to spend as much time as I could with you, Laura and the girls, but I also found myself thinking about… well, exploring a physical relationship again. Having sex.

“Anyway, I was curious about online dating, so I thought I’d just take a look; see what type of people used it. I was looking at men, of course, but I must’ve clicked on the wrong link… and suddenly all these profiles of women were on my screen. I was curious, and read a few of them. Before I knew it, I was messaging someone named Gina who was looking to connect with an older woman – just to chat at first, then, perhaps, to meet.

“It wasn’t my intention to actually date a woman, but… well, honestly, I liked her. So I accepted Gina’s offer to meet for a coffee and a chat. Oh, I knew she was probably looking for sex, but thought perhaps we could just be friends and leave it at that.”

“Mum… you do know those websites are all about hooking up, right? Did you actually tell this woman about just wanting to be friends with her? You couldn’t have done!”

Now Ann was blushing. “Well, no. You have to understand, Jess – I was acting completely on impulse. To be honest, I didn’t let myself think too much about getting together with Gina. Maybe in the back of my mind, I was interested in trying it out with a woman… or open to the possibility, at least.” She paused, took a sip of tea. “What it boils down to is that I wanted to meet this woman, so I did. Simple as that.”

“Fair enough. So – how did the meeting go?”

“Soon as I entered the cafe, I got a surprise. Maybe I didn’t check Gina’s details properly, but it turned out she was quite a bit younger.”

“Hmmm. Yeah, Laura told me she was in her mid-thirties or thereabouts.”

Jess caught the expression on her mother’s face as Ann quickly focused on her tea cup. “Mum? I saw that look. You’re holding something back.”

Briefly closing her eyes, Ann murmured, “Look, Jess, I didn’t want to tell Laura the truth because of her… well, I know she often gets involved with older women, and I was a bit embarrassed for her to find out that I was exploring sex with someone so young, especially a woman.”

Jess repressed a smile. If only you knew what Laura’s into now, mother dear... “She told me you were a bit cagey when she started asking about Gina’s age. What is it, exactly?”

“I – I hope you won’t think badly of me.”

“Oh, Mum, of course not. I wouldn’t begrudge you seeing someone; no matter who. Laura would feel the same. You deserve to be happy.” She gave her mother a wry smile. “This Gina… she’s not a teenager, is she?”

Jess!” Ann gasped, a flush of pink appearing in her cheeks. “Where on earth do you get these ideas? No, that’s not it. Here’s what happened. When I saw Gina on the computer screen she looked older, but when I met her in the cafe, she admitted to being only twenty-five.

“I’m embarrassed to admit that I panicked a bit. I told her perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to meet, and maybe I should go… but she pleaded with me to stay and talk. I couldn’t bring myself to say no.

“Gina told me she’d always been attracted to older women, but was too timid to approach anyone. It took her weeks just to work up the courage to post an ad on the dating site! Anyway, we began to chat, then ended up talking for two hours. Once Gina got past her shyness, she was sweet and charming, and we had a perfectly lovely time.

“After a while, the cafe was growing crowded and they needed the table, so I was about to tell Gina goodbye and head for home, But she lived nearby, and asked if I’d like to come back to her flat for a slice of apple crumble – she’d just made it the night before. And so… I did.”

“But, Mum… didn’t you assume that she was going to make a move on you?”

“I wasn’t sure,” Ann replied, gesturing helplessly. “It seemed so… so bloody odd that a young woman as lovely as Gina would be attracted to me in the first place. I think half the reason I accepted her invitation was to – to find out if she really did want me that way.”

“What was the other half?” asked Jess, touching Ann’s hand.

Suddenly unable to meet her daughter’s probing gaze, Ann looked away, her cheeks now flushed a bright pink. “I… I didn’t even tell your sister this,” she mumbled, “I’m not sure why not. Still struggling with these feelings about, well, what I really want, I suppose.” She turned back to Jess. “I was interested in – in taking things further with Gina.”

“I understand, Mum. That’s how I felt about Rachel.” And my girls, she thought.

“It surprised me. Oh, I’d felt curiosity about that sort of thing when Laura came out, but never entertained the notion of trying it for myself. Even after meeting Gina at the dating site, I didn’t take the idea seriously. But after spending time with this charming, lovely young woman… I found myself imagining what it would be like. With her. And I wanted to find out.”

Jess sat quietly, her hand still resting on Ann’s. Nonetheless, she was smouldering inside, her arousal at fever pitch as she took in the story of her mum’s lesbian experience.

Ann continued. “Gina was showing me round her flat, taking her time with it while we talked. We were looking at this amazing collection of glass figurines she has, then she asked if she could kiss me, right out of the blue. I was caught off guard and didn’t answer… but if I had, my answer would have been yes. Then, before I knew it, her mouth was on mine.

“I tensed up, but not for long… then I was kissing her back. It was lovely; truly lovely. Next thing I knew we were getting a bit intimate, and Gina had undone my top.”

“Were you excited?” asked Jess, her own excitement still steadily mounting. She ached to touch her cunt, but had to settle for pressing her thighs together.

“SO excited, darling. I hadn’t had those feelings since… well, you know, and now I was having them with a young woman! She encouraged me to touch her… and it took a moment to get my courage up, but then I found myself fondling Gina’s breasts through her top. She’d gone without a bra, by the way.

“When she offered to make love to me, I found myself at a loss for words yet again… but I didn’t need to say a thing – instead, I just looked into Gina’s eyes and nodded. Then she was leading me to the bedroom.”

“So… how was it?”

“Good. Very good, in fact. I actually cried after she made me… finish.” Ann rolled her eyes. “I was embarrassed beyond belief, but she seemed to understand, thank Christ.”

Jess nodded. “I did that once with Rachel. Um… so what did you two get up to in bed? Are you comfortable sharing that kind of information?”

“Not exactly,” Ann replied, frowning slightly.

“Oh, Mum… I’m not going to judge you, or treat you like a fallen woman.” Pausing, she broke into a wicked grin. “Tell you what – you can ask me anything about what Rachel and I do when we fuck. To my beloved bi-curious mum, my sex life is now an open book!”

“You’re trying to shock me, daughter dearest, and it won’t work.” Ann replied, then laughed. “She went down on me, I’ll tell you that much. And it was bloody spectacular.”

By then, Jess had soaked through her knickers. “Did you return the favour?”

“I’m not sure if I was ready to do that anyway, but Gina didn’t give me the chance. She kept saying that this time was all about me… but she promised that if I went on a real date with her, she’d let me do anything I wanted. That was only two days before my cruise. I promised to – to give her a call when I got back.”

Jess waited for more… and when none came, asked, “Um… have you phoned her, then?”

“Oh… I’m not sure what to do, Jessica. I had a lovely time with Gina, but what kind of relationship can I have with a woman thirty years younger? The whole situation makes me feel awkward.”

“Mum! You can’t give her the brush-off like that! Look, Gina really liked you, and she deserves a phone call, at least – especially since you promised you’d get in touch.”

“You’re right, you’re right,” Ann mumbled. “I’ll ring her up. But she’ll try to persuade me to see her again.”

Listen to me, Mother. There’s nothing wrong with seeing her, for God’s sake. There’s nothing wrong with making love to her! Stop worrying about what society thinks, and do what you want!”

“I don’t know, Jessica…”

Leaning back in her chair, Jess thought for a moment, then said, “Mum, it’s perfectly okay for you to take a younger female lover, as long as the woman in question is willing – and your friend Gina clearly is.” She paused once more, then came out with it. “You know, I’ve been with a younger woman myself. A teenager, actually.”

Ann sat up straight, her eyes wide. “Y-you have? How old was she?”

“Sixteen. Sally’s her name; she works in my shop.” Ann gasped, so Jess hastened to add, “And before you get your dander up, I didn’t seduce her – she made the first move. Oh, and Rachel knows about her. It happened before she and I became lovers.”

“How on earth did you end up in a situation like that?”

“Sally came by one day to borrow some of my fashion-oriented literature. We had a little chat, and out of the blue, she kissed me. I’m afraid that I did respond, though that’s as far as things went. Then she paid me another visit… and that time, I gave in. By then, I was definitely interested, so she didn’t have to work very hard to persuade me. It was the first lesbian experience for us both, and we had a marvellous time. Sally’s a lovely girl.”

Ann nodded thoughtfully. “I see. Did you ever, um, make love to her again?”

“Oh, Sally now has a girlfriend of her own.” Jess didn’t mention that she and Rachel had not only hooked Sally up with her new partner, but engaged in a torrid foursome with both girls. “Anyway, my point is that you shouldn’t dismiss the idea of being with Gina again. If anyone’s earned the right to an evening or two of casual sex, it’s you.”

“My goodness… that’s quite a lot for me to digest,” Ann murmured, then broke into a shaky laugh. “And I was thinking you’d be the one who was shocked.” She rose from her seat. “Anyway, you and I have more catching up to do, and I want to spend more time with the girls, of course. For now, I need to get home and get the house in some kind of order. I’ve got a meeting tomorrow at lunchtime, then I’ll be back in the late afternoon like I promised.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll invite Rachel and her girls to join us for dinner.”

“A capital idea! I want to get to know the woman who stole my little girl’s heart… and meet my two new granddaughters.”

“They’ll adore you, I promise. Oh, and Mum? I need to take Alice and Katie to the dentist this Thursday… while I’m doing that, could you look after Poppy? Also, Rachel wants to spend a day in London where we do a bit of shopping, take in a show and make a ladies’ night of it, so you can have the girls all to yourself for the evening.”

“I’d love that. See me out?”

“Oh, of course.” Jess stood, then accompanied Ann to the front door. “I’ll call Rachel later, let her know.” She drew the older woman into a cosy embrace. “Love you, Mum.”

“Love you too, dearest. See you tomorrow.” Mother and daughter exchanged a brief kiss, then Ann made her exit.

Moving to the window, Jess watched her mum climb into her car and drive away. A good start, she told herself. Even if I can’t get her in bed with Rachel and me, I can talk her into giving Gina another go. If the sex is really as good as Mum says, that should be enough to convert her to our side.

She glanced at the clock. Hmmm… wonder what the girls are up to? Behaving themselves, I suppose. Did they hear Mum leaving? If not, I ought to let them know the coast is clear. Better yet, let’s give them a lovely surprise… 

Jessica mounted the stairs. She undressed as she went, carelessly discarding her clothes along the way.

On to Chapter Thirty-Seven!


Ripples, Chapter 35

  • Posted on December 7, 2023 at 3:54 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed breakdown of the first 34 chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and eventually ends up joining in the family festivities.

Jess has an openly gay friend named Stella. She has twin daughters named Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) who have flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her oldest daughter Alice. Alice suspects that the twins are sexually involved with their mother Stella, who she is very much attracted to herself.

As it transpires, Stella and her daughters are members of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out in her relationship with Rachel, Stella is looking to bring her, Rachel and both their families into the Society. She has taken a careful first step by inviting Alice to a sleepover with her own daughters, which resulted in — surprise, surprise — a four-way orgy.

As another test to determine whether Jess and her families are truly suitable candidates for the Society, Sienna and Lacey drop by Jessica’s clothing store at closing time. She lets them in to shop anyhow, the twins seduce her, and their mother Stella conveniently “catches” the three of them at it.

A side note: Jess, her sister Laura and her lover Rachel have been toying with the idea of inviting another family member to join in their incestuous relationship: Jessica’s and Laura’s mother Ann, who has herself recently explored lesbian sex with a much younger woman. They discuss the idea, and are overheard by Jessica’s seven-year-old daughter Poppy.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…


by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Jessica was in the back of her shop, just outside the changing rooms, completely nude and sandwiched on the thick shag carpet between two equally bare teenage girls – Lacey and Sienna, the twin daughters of her friend Stella. Lacey’s fingers were buried in her cunt; hers were still deep inside Sienna.

And there was Stella, leaning against the doorway, after she’d crept into the shop to catch Jess and the twins in the aftermath of a frenzied fuck. Not that she was upset or angry. In fact, she had a hand buried in her knickers, and was openly masturbating to the lewd scene.

Disentangling herself from the girls, Jessica slowly sat up, a wry half-smile on her lips at the sight. “Hello, Stella. I suppose there’s no point in saying, ‘This isn’t what it looks like’ – but then, it’s not as if this wasn’t your plan all along, am I right?”

Stella said nothing, just released a choked cry as she spurred herself to orgasm. Once her ecstasy had crested and waned, she withdrew her hand from the dark blue panties, letting her dress fall back into place. “Actually, what you’re doing is exactly what it looks like, Jess,” she said, still a bit out of breath. “And it’s very much what I was hoping to see.”

Exchanging cheeky grins, the twins got to their feet and advanced towards Stella. “Let me taste, Mummy,” Lacey said. She seized her mother’s hand, bringing it to her mouth to suck greedily on the woman’s sticky fingers. Meanwhile, Sienna captured her mum’s mouth in a lingering tongue kiss. When the teen broke away, Stella licked her lips to savour the unfamiliar essence of her friend’s cunt.

If we are still friends, Jess told herself. The jury just might be out on that.

When the three blondes looked back, expecting Jess to be gathering up her clothes and getting dressed, they were surprised instead to see her lounging back on the leather sofa, legs apart, feet on the floor and one hand resting on her belly, the fingers barely grazing the glistening labia.

Jess fixed her gaze on Stella, pleased to note that the woman was distracted by the sight of her lewdly displayed cunt. That’s right, sweetie – it’s my turn to play.

“I guessed that you’d try something like this, Stel,” she began, “but I never thought you’d make it so bloody obvious. I mean, sending these two in dressed like they’re auditioning for an X-rated Britney Spears video?” Not exactly subtle. Then, you oh-so-conveniently catch us in the act?” She shook her head. “Oh, Stella. Why do you think I left the door unlocked for you?”

Stella spread her arms in a gesture of helplessness. “I’m sorry if you feel I’ve been deceptive, Jess, but this seemed to be the right move for me to make after…”

“…After you fucked my daughter?”

“Well, I suppose that’s the simplest way to put it.”

Jess slowly nodded. “Sienna and Lacey were very forthcoming about this little escapade, and what they were here to do. You might say I got the better deal. After all, I had it off with both your daughters.”

With a sigh, Stella soldiered on. “There are things you don’t know, Jess, but if you let me, I’ll explain it all. First, you have to believe that I’d never do anything to hurt Alice… and I’m not trying to come between you and Rachel.”

“It’s true, Jessica,” Lacey said. “Mum wants you, yeah… but she’s way into Rachel, too. In fact, she wants to fuck all your–”

Stella abruptly cut her daughter off. “Let me handle this, Lace.” She turned back to Jess. “Here’s the thing: I wouldn’t have let my girls pay you this little visit if I didn’t know you were already having sex with Alice.”

Fuck! Jessica struggled to hide her dismay, hoping against hope that she wasn’t blushing.

“Mind you, Alice didn’t tell us anything,” Stella continued, seating herself in a nearby chair, “and we tried very hard to get her to. I began to suspect you two were closer than most mums and daughters when you brought your girls to my place that afternoon. There was something about the way Alice looked at me; I see the same thing in my girls’ eyes when they’re in the mood to fuck. Sienna and Lacey figured out right away that Alice was gay… probably Katie and Poppy as well. That’s why we invited her to spend the night.”

Glancing at Stella’s daughters, Jessica saw faint smiles of satisfaction on their faces.

“Alice told the twins that Rachel’s oldest girl Bella Thomas was her girlfriend, and they learned about sex from each other.” Stella shook her head. “Honestly, Jess – you may think that’s a useful cover story, but there’s no bloody way Alice learned how to fuck like that from another twelve-year-old. I’ve been with seasoned dykes who couldn’t eat pussy or rim like she can. Oh, and when she got hold of my strap-on, Alice had it fastened and around her waist in under thirty seconds.” She paused, studying her friend. “As I said, she didn’t give you away, Jess, or your family… but she did admit to having a secret, one she needed permission to share. That’s when I knew for sure you and Alice were lovers. It’s the only answer that made sense.”

Stella paused again, trying to gauge Jessica’s response, and decided to chance a direct approach. “Now it’s your turn, Jess. When did you realise I was fucking my girls?”

By then, Jess knew there was no point in denying anything. “Remember the last time you and your girls were here, a couple of months ago?” Jess began. Stella hesitantly nodded. “You two,” she continued, pointing at the twins, “were getting pret-ty flirty with me, yes?”

“Guilty as charged,” Sienna cooed. “We always thought you were hot, Jessica. Right, Lace?”

“Oh, sizzling hot,” said Lacey. “When Mum licked me that night, I pretended it was you doing it to me in the changing room, Jessica.”

Jess had to laugh. “Seems as if we finally made up for lost time, ladies. Anyhow, the three of you were having a quiet chat about me a moment later… and I just happened to hear some of it. Stel, you told Lacey and Sienna how much you loved seeing them in sexy lingerie. Let’s just say it didn’t sound at all like a mother complimenting her daughters’ taste in knickers, but someone looking forward to taking them off.”

“Mm. We should have saved that little chat for the car,” Stella said, shaking her head. “Any other clues?”

“Well, Alice noticed a few interesting things when we came to your barbecue,” Jess replied. “Specifically, when your daughters showed my girls around the house – especially the bedrooms. For one thing, there were two strap-on cocks lying on the floor by your bed, and they’d both been used.”

“Ah, yes, I was wondering if she’d seen those,” Stella sighed, turning a stern gaze to her grinning daughters. “I’m afraid my children never really learned how to put their toys away when they’re done playing.”

“Sorry, Mum,” said Lacey, wearing a mock pout, and Sienna giggled.

“There was something else Alice noticed,” Jess continued. “When she saw Lacey’s bed, it appeared as if no one had used it in days. She found herself wondering if Sienna’s looked the same.”

“Not quite,” Sienna said. “When me and Lacey spend the night together, we always do it in my bed, ‘cos it’s got a bouncier mattress. Most nights, though, we both sleep with Mom.”

“It’s not all sleeping, though!” Lacey exclaimed, her eyes dancing with amusement.

“That’s how Alice saw it,” Jessica said. “Mostly guesswork, I suppose… but by then, she felt certain that the three of you were lovers.”

“And you let her spend the night with us anyway,” said Stella. “So you trust me that much, at least. I do appreciate that.” She paused. “Alice must have you to thank for her lovemaking skills, then. Well done, Jess. She’s incredible.”

“How did it start with you and her?” asked Lacey.

“Oh… Alice saw me kissing Rachel,” Jessica began, “then she came to my bedroom one night to tell me she liked girls. One thing led to another, and – and somehow, we ended up making love.”

“Simple as that,” Stella sighed. “I’m sure it was a beautiful experience. Our story isn’t so different, really. My two thought I was lonely when I hadn’t had a girlfriend for a while, so they decided to do something about it. Make their mum happy, you know. So are you and Alice still having sex?”

Jess hesitated, then looked away. “Yes, we are.”

“Look, Jess,” Stella began, trying her best to reassure her friend. “There’s no reason for you to be nervous. I’m clearly not going to run down the street calling for the police. I knew Alice would tell you everything about what we did with her that night… and about my sexual relationship with the twins.”

“Oh, I know,” Jess replied, staring at her clasped hands. “It’s still not an easy thing to confess to.”

Choosing to grasp the nettle, Stella continued. “And then there’s Katie and Poppy. Have you been intimate with them, too?”

The look in her friend’s eyes told Stella all she needed to know, but Jessica still felt the need to explain. “I guess there’s no point denying it. I’m intimate with all my daughters. I came home after a council meeting and found Alice having sex with them. I’m not blaming her, I could have stopped it right then, but…” She gestured helplessly. “I didn’t want to make them stop, damn it. And I was… drawn in.”

“I understand completely. It must have been quite a shock, but I’m sure it was a beautiful sight, too. Wasn’t it?”

So beautiful,” Jessica replied with a slow nod, staring into space. “The, the love they were showing one another… how often do sisters even find that kind of closeness? It just – it seemed so right to me, what they were doing.”

“And you wanted to be part of that. The closeness.”

“I did.”

“Oh, Jess,” Stella murmured, “I know those feelings. My girls and I have explored them in every imaginable way.” She paused, then asked. “So what about Rachel?”

Surprised, Jess glanced up. “Wh-what do you mean?”

Stella smiled. “Come, now, Jess… there’s no bloody way you could keep a secret as big as that from her; no one could. You’re having sex with your daughters and with Rachel; Alice and Bella are girlfriends… it stands to reason that you’re all involved.” She gave the thought time to sink in, then added, “No more secrets, Jessica. Let’s put all our cards on the table. I promise you, it will be to your benefit.”

Frowning, Jess said, “What is this all about, Stella?”

“I just want you and the girls to know that you’re not alone,” Stella replied. “We’re kindred spirits, you and I. Perhaps we could bring our families together for a bit of fun now and again. It’s all I could do to stop the twins from seducing you at the barbecue, you know.”

“That’s true,” Sienna declared. “Mum threatened to ground us for a week if we tried!”

Lacey gave her sister a wry look. “Yeah, but that didn’t stop you from flashing your cunt at Jessica while she was eating.”

Shut it, you cow!” Sienna snapped, giving her sister a hard nudge.

Girls,” Stella said, silencing her daughters with an icy look. “Jess and I are trying to have a serious discussion here. A little less levity, if you please.” The twins meekly nodded, but not before Lacey stuck her tongue out at Sienna.

“As I was saying…” Stella returned her attention to Jess. “I’d like to invite your family over for a few days, and that invitation very much includes Rachel. So now, I’m just going to come out with it and ask: has she made love to your daughters?”

“She has,” Jess replied. The hell with it; she’s right. No point in being dishonest now.

Likewise, I suspect you and your girls have enjoyed lesbian sex with Rachel’s daughters. Perhaps even an all-family orgy or two. Am I wrong?”

Jessica’s gaze was rock-steady. “No, Stella… you’re not wrong.”

“And what about your sister?”

Jessica stared at Stella. Go ahead. Tell her. 

“Laura? She wasn’t part of it at first, but she came home from an assignment without phoning first, and caught us in that orgy you just mentioned… our first, actually.” She had to laugh. “You should have seen it. Alice was rogering me with a strap-on, and Poppy was riding Rachel’s face.”

Fuck, that’s so hot,” Sienna whispered. By then, she and her equally naked sibling were idly fondling each other’s slits. Stella’s mouth tightened a bit at the interruption, but she kept her peace.

My sister’s a lesbian, you know that… but let’s face it, coming home to catch your sister and underage  nieces in an orgy was bound to be a bit of a shock. We tried to explain how it happened, and did manage to calm her a bit, though she was still very uncomfortable with the whole thing. So Laura finally settled down in our guest room… and before the sun came up, Poppy, Katie and Cindy managed to seduce her.”

Jess saw three pairs of eyes widen. Lacey also moaned, perhaps because Sienna had just slipped two fingers into her cunt.

“My goodness,” Stella marvelled. “So your sister got coaxed into bed by three little girls? And she fucked them all?”

“I believe it was more a case of ‘they fucked her’, Jess said, half smiling. “My daughters can be very persuasive.” She studied her friend for a moment. “So, now that you know the truth about me; about my family… where do we go from here? You realise I have to tell the others what happened here tonight, yes? They already know about you and your daughters, and what the three of you did with Alice. She described it all  in graphic detail.”

“There was quite a bit to describe,” said Stella.

“Poppy even asked me if you’ll be joining our family club.”

“Family club…? Mmm, I like that. And what did you say?”

“I told them I needed to speak to you first… and that we might invite you to have fun with us sometime.” With that, Allowing a hand to casually drop between her legs, Jess eased her middle finger between the still-moist folds of her labia, watching as the others followed her movements.

“Oh… oh, fuck…” Lacey whimpered as Sienna’s fingers flashed in and out of her vagina.

All but mesmerised by the view of Jessica’s lewd display, Stella managed to respond, her tone somewhat less confident than before. “Well, Jess… we’d be very interested.”

“Oooooh!” Lacey cried, exploding in a rapturous orgasm. She mewled and shook for a few seconds, then collapsed, resting her head on the arm of the sofa.

Immediately turning to Jess, Sienna cooed, “Oh, yes, we’d love that. Your girls are super cute, ‘specially Poppy. I just want to lick her all over. Ms. Thomas and her daughters would be there too, right? Omigod, I feel like fucking every one of them!”

Jess felt a delicious shiver at the thought of the twins making love to her daughters. Deciding to play one last hand, she pushed her finger deep into her cunt, then withdrew and examined it for a moment before casually licking away the evidence of her arousal. She saw Stella slowly push herself up from the chair and to her feet, but before the woman could approach, Jess glanced at her watch.

“Oh, dear… I’d better be going. The girls are probably thinking I’ve fallen asleep at my desk.” Jess didn’t fail to note a hint of frustrated arousal in Stella’s eyes. Rising, she began to gather her scattered clothes. “Stel, I’ll call you later in the week after I’ve discussed this with my family. Rachel and I ought to meet with you to agree on some ground rules, assuming everyone’s okay with… whatever this is we’re proposing.”

“A group fuck, Jess. Let’s call it what it is. Mind you, there’s no pressure. If your bunch is up for a family sex party, fabulous. If not, I hope we’re still friends.”

“Oh, of course.” Jessica was stepping into her panties, trying to make it look sexy, then shrugged into her bra. “To be honest with you, Stel, I very much doubt that any of us – Rachel, her daughters, my daughters, and definitely not me – will pass up the chance to fuck you and the twins. So start thinking about what day you’d like to have all of us over, all right?”

Yes!” Sienna cheered, while Lacey clapped her hands. “Thank you, Jessica. Me and Lace… we can’t wait!”

Turning to her daughters, Stella said, “Well, for right now, girls, perhaps you should get dressed. Oh, and did you actually find something you liked here? Besides Jessica, I mean?”

Both girls giggled. “There, Mum,” Lacey said, pointing to their items, laid out on a nearby table.

“You found all that?” Stella exclaimed, then sighed. “I’m going to have to add a new wing to the house one day, just for extra closet space. Jess, can you hold these things for me? I’ll pick them up tomorrow.”

“That’s fine, Stella,” Jess replied, smoothing out her dress. “But I really do need to lock up and get home.”

“Very well, but before you do…” Taking a couple of steps forward, Stella cupped Jessica’s face, drawing her into a kiss that was gentle at first, then insistent. Jess began to respond before her friend abruptly broke away.

“There. A little show of faith,” Stella murmured. “You bloody tease.” Patting Jessica’s bum, she said, “Come girls. Off we go.”

Exchanging goodbyes, the four women made their way to the door, where Jess let Stella and the twins out, then locked it behind them.


On arriving home, Jessica quickly detected a savoury aroma in the air. Glancing into the kitchen, she was pleased to see Laura at the stove.

“Greetings, sister mine,” said Laura, brushing her hair aside with the back of her hand. “The girls are fed and happy. They wanted fish fingers for supper, but I thought I’d whip up a pepper steak stir-fry for us.”

“God, I love you,” Jess sighed, giving her sibling a lingering kiss, “and that sounds wonderful. Just let me get out of these clothes, then I’m all yours.”

“What, right now?” Laura said with a wink. “Save it for after we eat.”

“Smartarse,” a smirking Jess replied just before exiting.

Upstairs, she took a quick shower to wash away the scent of Lacey and Sienna, changed into a light blue teddy with nothing underneath, then checked on the girls, who were doing their homework.

When Katie got a glimpse of her mum in that cute teddy, she offered to take a break from maths and ‘make you come with my fingers, maybe?’ Jess gently refused, but paused to give the nine-year-old a kiss and a naughty cuddle.

From there, Jess returned to the kitchen, where she opened a bottle of wine, poured two glasses and handed one to Laura, then drained hers in a single gulp.

Laura arched an eyebrow. “Wow, sis. Rough day?”

Turning to check the door, Jess murmured, “It depends on your definition of ‘rough’… Stella’s girls paid me a visit at the shop, right around closing time.”

“Oh, right,” Laura nodded, carefully adding a measure of soy sauce to her stir-fry. “I remember you mentioning they might drop by…” Suddenly getting her sister’s meaning, she glanced up, wide-eyed. “Wait, wait. Are you telling me…?”

“Yes, I am. The three of us fucked right outside the fitting rooms… and while we were hard at it, Stella crept in and spied on us.”

Laura stared at her, still clutching the measuring spoon. “What? How the hell did she get inside? Didn’t you close the store and lock up? So… what did she do when she saw you with her daughters?”

“She fingered her cunt, actually,” Jess said. “And I left the door unlocked for her. Christ, I knew what Stella was up to when she phoned to tell me she’d be bringing Lacey and Sienna by. She meant to catch us in the act.” Grinning, she added, “We gave her one bloody amazing show, too.”

Carefully placing the spoon on the counter, Laura seized a chair, planted it in front of her sister, then sat. “Tell me,” she said. “All of it.”

So Jess relayed everything that happened, ending by telling Laura, “Don’t say anything about this to the girls just yet. We’ll have a family meeting later.” She took out her phone. “I need to give Rachel a call; let her know the news.”

“Sod that,” Laura declared, plucking the phone from her sister’s hand and stuffing it in the back pocket of her jeans. “Supper’s ready, and you’re calling nobody until you sit down and eat.”

“I am awfully hungry,” Jess admitted, taking a place at the table. Laura filled a plate and set it down before her sister, then dished herself up a serving.

The pepper steak was delicious, as was the wine, and it was a satisfied Jessica who phoned Rachel after the washing up.

“Come by soon as you can,” Jess told her lover, “and bring the girls along. I’ve got news.”

“Can I at least get a hint of what this is about?” Rachel protested.

“Stella knows about us. And we officially know about them.”

“I see. So you spoke to her?”

“And the twins.”

“Hmmm,” Rachel mused. “I suspect there’s a good story behind this.”

Jess chuckled, “To say the least, yes. Stella brought Lacey and Sienna right at closing time, left them with me and asked if I could help them find a dress, as she had ‘an important call’. It was obvious what she really wanted to happen.”

“And did it?”

“In a very big way. “I’ll give you the graphic details later, but the bottom line is that I fucked them both.” She paused. “I hope you’re not angry… or jealous.”

“Of course I’m not angry, love,” Rachel said, “but you can’t blame me for being a little jealous. No matter – if everything goes the way we want, I’ll be burning up the sheets with Stella and the twins soon enough. Oh, and what about Stella? Did she join the fun?”

“No, she just watched us. All right, that’s all you need to know for now. Get yourself and your daughters dressed, and hurry over.”

“What makes you think we aren’t already dressed?” Rachel replied, affecting an offended tone.

“Well… are you?” Jess demanded.

“Christ, no. I’m lounging about in my knickers. Bella and Cindy are up to some sort of wickedness in the bathtub. Truth be told, I was thinking of joining them… from what I can hear, it sounds like they’re having a lovely time.”

“Never mind that! Put your damned pants on and get over here!”

“You’re no fun at all, woman. Fine, fine. See you soon.”


Half an hour later, the extended family was gathered together in the Matthews’ living room. To the rapt attention of everyone present, Jess described what happened between her and Stella’s daughters, and the conversation afterward. Needless to say, the girls were all delighted, quickly entering into a discussion about how soon Stella’s family could join theirs for an enormous sex party, and who wanted to play with who.

Asking their daughters to stay in the living room, Rachel and Jess made their way to the kitchen, Laura close behind.

Rachel spoke first. “So, Jess… d’you think Stella is on the level here? She’s just interested in getting our families together for sexy fun, no ulterior motives?”

“I can’t even imagine what those ulterior motives would be,” Jessica replied. “Alice is an eyewitness to Stella fucking her daughters, so when it comes to breaking the law, she’s in the same boat we are. She can’t turn us in, she can’t blackmail us… besides, I don’t see her doing any of those things. Stella’s our friend, for God’s sake.” She glanced from her lover to her sister, then back again. “I think she’s sincere… and we should take advantage of what she’s offering us.”

Frowning thoughtfully, Rachel said, “I recall you mentioning that Lacey and Sienna were going off to university soon, yes?” Jess nodded. “Now I’m wondering if this is at least partially about Stella seeking out someone to take the twins’ place in her bed.”

Jess shrugged. “Could be. With the sexual appetite those girls have, their leaving home has got to be a hell of a wrench for their mum. Hence, her interest in our family.” She broke into a laugh. “Oh, God… it’s like we’re some kind of sex charity. From Oxfam to Oxfuck!”

“It’s a cause I’d support, that’s for sure,” said Laura. “Getting the chance to do a good deed and burn the bedsheets up with Stella? I’m in, I’m in!” Noticing her sister’s raised eyebrows, she added, “I can’t help it, I’m a bloody fool for elegant women, especially if they’re queer. Stella’s all that and a bag of crisps!”

“You agree with Jess, then,” Rachel said. “We throw in with Stel and bring our families together.”


“Then I make it unanimous. Let’s get this orgy started!” Rachel turned to Jess. “What’s our next move, lover?”

“I told Stella we’d meet her in a couple of days, let her know what we’ve decided.”

Rachel gleefully clapped her hands. “Yes indeed! Then we’ll show those girls of hers a few new tricks.”

Jess smiled, amused by her lover’s insatiable hunger. “There’s something else we need to discuss, Rach. Our mum is due back soon, and I plan to tell her about us right away… but if you don’t mind, I’d like to break the news myself, then have you over for supper the next evening. I just want her to feel free to ask me anything.”

“Of course, Jess.” Rachel gave her lover’s hand a brief squeeze.

“Thanks, sweetheart.”

Laura spoke up. “Well, I have to put some time in at the office to dot the I’s and cross the T’s for my latest article, then find out what the editor has lined up for me next. Hopefully it’s not an exposé of lesbian incest rings. I’ll be back the day before Mum’s ship docks. We’ll need to be a bit more careful once she’s back, of course. We don’t want her turning up unexpectedly like I did!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be having a little chat with the girls about that. Oh, and Rach, that brings me to something else we need to discuss. I’ve already spoken to Laura about this, and she’s of the same mind as me.”

“Mmm, sounds very mysterious.”

“More than you think, believe me… I feel sure you’ll be up for it, though. When the three of us were upstairs fucking yesterday, a very wicked idea popped into my head, and I’ve been obsessing on it ever since. You know how tricky it’s going to be, keeping what we’re doing with the girls from Mum, but I have a possible solution.” She paused, then came out with it. “We get her to join us.”

Rachel’s eyes widened. “You’re serious.”

“Very. Remember when you were riding Laura’s face, and I was holding your body to mine while I fingered your arse? I was pretending you were my mother.”

“Fantasising about another woman while we fuck? For shame, Jess.”

You know what I mean. Mum just popped into my head, and I suddenly wondered what it would be like to have sex with her. After you went home, I told Laura about it, and she admitted she’d had the same thoughts – not surprising, seeing as she’s been with a few older women. Why get stressed trying to hide our secrets when we can just bring her into the fold?”

Jess could tell Rachel found the idea intriguing, but less than likely to come off. “And how exactly do you intend to make that happen?”

“Well, that’s the big question. I can’t exactly say, ‘Hey Mum, I’m a lesbian just like Laura, isn’t that great? Oh, and by the way… do you fancy having sex with us – and your granddaughters’? Christ, she’d keel over on the spot.”

“You could get the little ones to seduce her, like they did with Laura.”

“I’ll assume you’re joking,” Jessica retorted. “First, she needs to get used to me and you being together, then maybe Laura and I can sound her out about her sex life. If Mum’s decided she prefers to be with women, we can try to figure out how wild she’s willing to get.”

“Maybe wilder than you think, sis,” Laura said. “Mum tried to play it down, but I suspect she’s much more excited about this new lifestyle than she lets on.”

Jess stood, stretched. “Let’s leave it there for tonight.” Glancing toward the door leading to the living room, she murmured. “Wonder what the girls are doing out there.”

“Mmm.” Rachel stroked her chin. “We didn’t actually tell them to stay dressed, did we?”

“It’s a school night, so there won’t be any sex parties tonight,” Jess said. “But just in case we have to break one up anyway, let’s just… Well, are you ladies in the mood for a full family get-together this Friday? We can fuck ourselves into a stupor the day before Mum gets here.”

“I’m in,” Rachel said.

“Me, too,” Laura echoed. “It’ll be an extra road trip for me, but very worth it!”

“Okay, then.” The women exchanged hugs and kisses, then made their way into the living room to check on the youngsters.

The meeting in the kitchen had only taken a few minutes, so the girls hadn’t taken off all their clothes, but each of them had removed at least a couple of items. Cindy was closest to being naked, up on all fours with Poppy licking her from behind. Alice was seated on the sofa with Bella and Katie on either side, all three of them partially undressed, occasionally swapping deep kisses as they watched their sisters perform.

Since Cindy was so close to coming, the grownups chose to wait for it. But once she’d squealed through her climax, Jess clapped hands and announced, “Okay, ladies. It’s a school night; time to end the party.”

Thankfully, the girls weren’t too disappointed. Of course, the promise of a Friday night orgy had quite a lot to do with that. Rachel’s daughters got dressed, while Jessica’s trio took their things upstairs to leave in the clothes hamper before getting into whatever they intended to sleep in. These days, they usually went to bed naked.

Once Rachel, Bella and Cindy had left for home, Jess instructed her three to turn in for the evening. “No sharing beds tonight, okay?” she said. “Save it for Friday.”

Kissing each of her girls, she went to her room, where she was soon joined by Laura. After a brief talk about the possibilities of their mother joining them in bed – and what they’d most like to do to her there – the sisters came together for a hard, fast fuck, then nestled together before falling asleep.


Meanwhile, Stella was on the phone with Blanche Turner, regaling her friend and fellow Society member with a detailed account of the twins’ seducing Jessica, which had gone off without a hitch. Well, it was true that Jess figured out Stella’s game before it had really begun – but instead of ruining the scheme, Jess had eagerly played along, stripping off with Lacey and Sienna for a wild threesome on the carpeted floor of her fashion shop. Blanche listened raptly as Stella described the lewd spectacle that greeted her when she’d crept into the changing room area to “catch” Jess and the twins in the act.

“Blanche, I know it’s Society policy to have a second member investigate potential new candidates, but this time I can say, hand on heart, that it won’t be at all necessary. When I walked in on Jess and the twins, she wasn’t one bit surprised. Seemed she’d sussed out my plan and was expecting me to show up. Alice told her mum everything about what happened at the sleepover; in fact, that clever girl already suspected I was having it off with my daughters.”

“Oh? How on earth did she work that out?”

Stella sighed. “My daughters, I’m afraid. When I had Jess and her girls over a few weeks ago, Sienna and Lacy left a few clues… and Alice was quick to pick up on them. But here’s the thing: she’d never have known how to read those clues unless she was having lesbian sex herself. Sex with adults.”

Blanche shook her head. “That’s as may be, but you do need to have a serious talk with the twins, Stella. That kind of carelessness could destroy everything we’ve worked for.”

“I lectured them on the way home from Jessica’s shop.”

“Good. So how did Jess respond when you showed your face?”

“Cool as a cucumber,” Stella replied. “At first, anyhow. But she became a bit unnerved when I began asking about her daughters…”

“Wait – did you say, ‘daughters’, as in plural?” Blanche cut in.

“Spot on!” Stella gleefully exclaimed. “It took some doing, but I got Jess to admit she’s sexually involved with Alice – and her two youngest girls as well. Katie and Poppy, remember them?”

“Indeed I do,” Blanche sighed. “Oh, my, that Katie. She and her little sister were both here for Savannah’s birthday party. It’s funny – Katie was the most modestly dressed child there, but I couldn’t stop looking at her, wondering what she looked like naked.”

“The thrill of the unknown, I suspect. Well, if things proceed according to plan, you may get the chance to find out. Oh, and I haven’t told you everything yet. Jessica isn’t just intimate with her own daughters… Rachel Thomas and her daughters are also part of the big happy family.”

“They’re all involved? Oh, my, this is wonderful news. Stella… honestly, what can I say? You’ve outdone yourself. When will you speak with Jess next?”

“She’ll be calling me soon. Jess wants a meeting where we discuss both our families getting together. If she has any terms or conditions, I’ll find out then.”

“Good. Keep me up to date.”

“I haven’t finished yet, Blanche. You know the saying ‘Good things come in threes?’ When I dropped Alice off, Jessica’s sister Laura was visiting. I already knew she was gay, so on a hunch I asked Jess if Laura was part of this, too… and as it turns out, she very much is.

“It seems Laura caught the whole bloody family in a sort of getting-to-know-you orgy. That ended up quite the awkward scene… but then, later that night, the three littlest girls persuaded her to join them in bed.”

“My goodness. Jess and Rachel have trained their daughters well, it seems. So Laura is now part of the festivities, eh?”

Yes, and I wanted to ask you about her. Laura doesn’t have daughters of her own, I’m afraid… but under the circumstances, don’t you think we should make an exception and offer her a membership?”

“I agree completely, Stella. This is a golden opportunity for the Society, and we daren’t let it slip through our fingers. Something very special is called for, and Grace and I have been busy planning an offer Jess will find hard to refuse.”

“I doubt she will. Jess may be new to lesbian sex, but her appetite seems boundless… and Rachel is far too adventurous to pass up something this exciting.”

“Music to my ears, love. We’ll start making tentative plans for the reveal party; get the invites ready to send. There’s always a good turnout to meet new members, but we’ll stress this one is extra special.”

After a brief discussion of other Society business, the two women exchanged goodbyes. Stella switched off her cell phone, set it on the night table, then called for her daughters.

In a flash, Sienna and Lacey hastened into their mum’s bedroom. Both were completely naked, but for bright pink strap-on cocks jutting from their pelvises.

“Time to get fucked, Mum!” Sienna announced, bouncing on tiptoe to make her dildo wobble up and down.

“Good – I’m positively gasping for it,” said Stella, sweeping the covers aside to reveal her own nude body.

“We could’ve done it right away, y’know,” Sienna pointed out, rolling her eyes. “You’re the one who simply had to call Blanche first.”

Stella knelt before her daughters, putting herself on display for them. “I couldn’t keep news like that to myself, sweetheart. This is the biggest thing to hit the Society since we founded it. Besides, we get to have fun now!” She coyly placed a hand over her vulva. “So… what are you waiting for?”

Lacey was stroking her latex prick in an extremely lewd fashion. “Up on all fours, Mum-my…” she sang.

As Stella obligingly got into position, offering her cunt and anus to the twins, Sienna glanced at her sister. “Who gets which hole, Lace?”

“You take her bum,” Lacey replied. “I want to feel Mum on top of me.” She slid beneath her mother, holding the strap-on cock upright. “Okay…I’m ready.”

Carefully placing the tip at the entrance to her vagina, Stella lowered herself, shivering as all nine inches of Lacey’s toy filled her. “Mmmmm, yessss… oh my stars, that feels lovely.” She slowly leaned forward until her breasts were touching Lacey’s, then glanced back over her shoulder at Sienna. “Come on, girl. Put it in.”

The grinning teen drew close. “First, let me do this…” Dipping down, she bathed Stella’s rosebud with several long swipes of the tongue, then corkscrewed a finger inside. Satisfied, she knelt closely behind her mother, placing the cock head against the anal pucker, then slowly, carefully eased it into Stella’s rectum.

“Oh, my God,” Stella moaned. “So good…” Taking a deep breath, she murmured, “All right, girls. Let’s fuck.”

And as the twins began to move, she welcomed that deep, intoxicating internal storm that raged and roared inside whenever Lacey and Stella double-teamed her like this. With a blissful sigh, she gave herself over to ecstasy.


Jessica, Rachel and Laura had decided there was no point in waiting, so Jess phoned Stella right away upon arriving at work, intent on arranging a meeting. Rather than in one of their workplaces, where they could be overheard, it was decided that they would meet on the church green.

Selecting a bench located well away from paths and dog walkers, Jess and Rachel waited for Stella’s arrival, waving when she came into view. Once they were all seated, and after brief greetings, Jessica initiated their discussion.

“Laura had to go to work, Stella… so she couldn’t be here. But the three of us talked it over last night with our family, and everyone agreed that we were interested in our families getting together. We’ll need to lay down some guidelines, of course.”

Stella nodded. “Just so. First, let me make it clear that to us, consent is everything. You’ll never have to worry about your little ones being pressured to do anything they don’t want.” She paused, then added, “I’ll expect you to treat Sienna and Lacey the same way… though there’s precious little those two won’t try!”

Jess nodded. “Good. We’re on the same page. There’s one more important detail: we don’t want anything interfering with our daughters’ schoolwork. These family gatherings can’t take place on school nights.”

Stella nodded. “I agree completely. My twins love to enjoy themselves, but they understand – school comes first. They’re both honour students, you know. And before you two get any ideas, I can assure you they didn’t fuck any of their teachers for it!” She tried to maintain a serious expression, but finally broke into laughter, along with her friends.

Rachel said, “I won’t lie, Stel – it’s wonderful to know there’s another family like ours… and we’re very much looking forward to getting together with you and your girls. Once we’ve got used to each other, there are other options for us to explore, like sleepovers, or perhaps swapping daughters for the night.”

Beaming, Stella said, “Ladies, you don’t know how happy that makes me. I guarantee you won’t regret this. We’re going to have so much fun! I’ve not yet told the twins about this, but they’ll be over the moon when I do!”

“Oh, there’s one small complication,” said Jess. “We can’t get together right away. You see, my mother Ann is back from her cruise this week… and she doesn’t even know about Rachel and me yet. She’ll want to spend some time with the girls, because she hasn’t seen them for months. As you can imagine, we’re going to have to be extra careful.”

“I understand,” Stella replied, “and it’s not a problem. Your mother comes first. Call me when you’re ready to have the sex party of a lifetime. Two lifetimes!”

Nodding, Jess said, “Fair enough, then. I’ll give you a call next week to arrange something.”

Glancing at her watch. Rachel stood. “I’d better get back to work. Stel, I’m very much looking forward to our get-together… especially after what Jess told me about the twins.”

“I understand, believe me,” said Stella, grinning hugely. “I’m already trying to decide which of your girls I want to taste first.”

“Oh, they’re all delicious,” Jess murmured. “Of course, so are yours.”

Stella rose from the bench. “I’d better be on my way, too. More of this talk, and I’ll soak right through my panties.”

The three women hugged with more warmth than upon their first greeting, then strolled back to the high street, enroute to their respective businesses.

As Jess and Rachel parted, they exchanged a tender kiss. It had felt awkward at first, but Jess was feeling more comfortable all the time about showing her lover affection in public.

“I’ll be shagging the arse off you tonight, you sexy bitch,” Rachel told Jess.

“I can’t wait,” Jessica replied. “And look – I know it’s a school night, but why don’t we break the rule for once and let the girls play, too? Once we pass this news along, they’ll be climbing the bloody walls.”

“Make a party of it, then? I’m willing. Besides, it would be nice to get in a serious family fuck session before your mum arrives. She’s here the day after tomorrow, right?”

“That’s what she told me. All right, then – let’s do our best to get home from work as soon as possible. If we start on foreplay after dinner, the girls can go to bed at a reasonable hour.”

“Sleepy but satisfied,” Rachel added with a saucy grin. “Sounds wonderful. See you in a few, lover.”

With a parting kiss, the two women set off for their respective jobs.


That evening at the dinner table, Jess and Rachel relayed the news about Rachel and the twins to their daughters, who were positively ecstatic.

“We’re going to have an amazing time!” Alice told the other girls. “Lacey and Sienna… they’re soooo good in bed.”

“I want to fuck Sienna,” little Cindy sighed. “She’s dreamy.”

“Why ‘specially her?” Bella protested. “Aren’t she and her sister totally alike?”

Cindy shook her head. “Not to me,” was all she said, wearing a mysterious smile.

Clearing her throat to get everyone’s attention, Rachel said, “We’ve got another surprise for you. Since we knew you’d be all stirred up by the news, Jess and I decided we could have a family sex party tonight.”

The girls, already excited, perked up even more. Katie was first to ask, “Even though we have school tomorrow…?”

“That’s right,” Jess said. “Don’t count on this becoming a regular thing, though. Rachel and I just want to give you a special treat for being the best daughters in the world… and the nicest lovers.”

“Yes!” Poppy cried, jumping to her feet, and the room rang with cheers and whoops of glee.

Glancing at the clock, Jess said, “We can’t stay up all night, now. You’re still getting up early for school, like it or not. So let’s clear the table, then I want you girls to run upstairs and take all your clothes off. Don’t just throw them on the floor, all right? We’ll meet in the family room.”

Before sixty seconds had passed, all the dishes and cutlery had been deposited in the sink, and the girls were racing upstairs to undress. Jessica turned to Rachel, and the two women came together in a heated French kiss.

“Ready to play?” Jess murmured when they finally drew apart.

“Fucking hell, yes,” Rachel growled. “I’m gasping for it.” She patted her lover’s arse. “Well, come on… we’re overdressed for this family gathering.”

Hand in hand, they left the kitchen and mounted the stairs, listening to the chatter and exclamations of their daughters as they stripped off in preparation for the festivities to come.

“Isn’t this incredible?” Rachel said as they reached the top, then made their way down the hallway to Jessica’s room. “We’re living a dream, Jess. I’ve never been so happy.” Entering the room, they began to undress. “And now we’ve found another family, one that knows the same pleasures we know…”

“Cause for celebration, that’s true,” said Jess, unhooking her bra.

Rachel slipped out of her black lace panties, placing them atop the rest of her clothes. “A pity your sister’s not here… to make the gathering complete, you know?”

“Oh, she’ll be back as soon as she can. Laura does want to see Mum, after all.” Now nude, she admired her partner’s shapely form.

“I’ve been thinking about your mum,” Rachel said. “Ann is a lovely woman, no matter her age.” She paused. “You know… I masturbated last night, fantasising about her joining us.”

Jess slowly nodded. “So did I.”

Idly cupping a bare breast, Rachel sighed. “I don’t know what it would take to get Ann into bed with us, but I really, really want it to happen.” She shook her head. “This family sex thing – it’s addictive, don’t you think? I was wondering… if my mum was still alive, would I want to fuck her? Probably.”

“Laura said something like that to me the other night… about how she’s grown obsessed with incest,” Jess replied. “Speaking of which… we’ve got a bunch of underage daughters waiting for us downstairs. Let’s join them, else they’ll get started without us.”

“Heaven forbid!” Rachel exclaimed, making a horrified face.

Laughing, the two naked women descended toward the family room, their anticipation growing with each step.

On to Chapter Thirty-Six!


Ripples, Chapter 34

  • Posted on July 18, 2023 at 1:47 pm

A brief summary of what has transpired thus far. (To get a more detailed summary of the first 33 chapters, please see the Ripples Chapter Links… and for a list of the many characters who populate this story, check out The Women and Girls of Ripples.)

Deep breath. Here goes…

Divorced mother Jessica has found a new identity as a lesbian, becoming the lover of her friend Rachel, as well as her three daughters Alice (12), Katie (9), and Poppy (7). At the same time, Rachel has found sexual intimacy with her own girls Bella (12) and Cindy (10), and they have all elected to come together as one big incestuous family.

Not long after that, Jessica’s younger sister Laura pays an unexpected visit and catches them all in the midst of their first family orgy. Despite her shock at what she saw, Laura was seduced later that night by the three youngest daughters, and is struggling with her feelings about the whole affair.

Recently, Jess took her daughters to visit an acquaintance, Stella, for an afternoon barbecue. Stella’s twin daughters Sienna and Lacey (both fourteen) flirted shamelessly with Jessica and her girls, while Stella and Jessica’s daughter Alice immediately sensed a powerful attraction to one another.

As it transpires, Stella is a member of a secret society of local women who enjoy lesbian sex — especially with younger girls, including their daughters. Now that Jess has officially come out, Stella is looking to make her a member. She has taken a careful first step by inviting Jessica’s oldest girl Alice to a sleepover with her own daughters, which resulted in — surprise, surprise — a four-way orgy.

While this takes place, Jessica’s sister Laura drops by for a long-awaited visit, where she admits to having a crush on Jess since they were teenagers. That evening, they finally come together as lovers.

The next morning, all the girls except for Alice come home from a sleepover at Rachel’s place, where they’d gone to give Jess and Laura some privacy for their first time. Now everyone’s ready to get down and dirty, resulting in nearly two days of sexual abandon. Eventually, everyone needs to take a break and catch their collective breath.

And that, dear readers, is where this installment kicks off. Read on…

by Sapphmore and  JetBoy

Tucking into a slice of cake, Rachel listened as Jess relayed Alice’s account of the night she’d spent with Stella and her daughters. Jessica’s sister Laura was also at the table, nursing a cup of tea.

Finally, Rachel responded. “I knew Stella was into women back when I was still married… we’ve shared a few tales about our sex lives over the odd bottle of Pinot. I was always half-expecting her to come on to me; now I know why she never did.” Rachel shook her head. “Christ almighty, I can’t believe she’s been fucking her daughters for four bloody years without letting something slip. I mean, we’re doing the same exact thing with our girls. Maybe if she and I had spent much one-on-one time together in the last few months, I’d have sussed out what she was up to with the twins.” She paused. “I know she offered to step into the breach if you and I ever split up–”

“No fear of that!” said Jess, giving her lover a wink.

“Ta very much,” Rachel replied. “Still… are you certain she’s angling for sex with you and the girls?”

“I’d wager damn near anything on it. For one thing, Stella gave Alice an invitation for the whole family to pay her another afternoon visit – only this time, we’d stay the night. I’m guessing a Frozen sing-along and popcorn isn’t what she’s got in mind. Oh, and Stella’s daughters want a second sleepover with Alice, and insist she brings Bella along. They also just stopped short of asking Alice if she’d ever done the deed with her sisters.”

“You should’ve seen the way Stella’s girls were looking at us when they brought Alice home!” Laura jumped in. “They – what are their names, Jess? I’ve forgotten.”

“They’re a very distracting pair, so I can’t say I’m surprised. Lacey and Sienna.”

That’s it. Fuck me, they seemed ready to stick Jessica between two crackers and eat her in one bite! I was getting my share of attention from them, too. Jess, if you take them up on that afternoon get-together, you’d best bring me along for the ride. Wife-swapping is all the rage nowadays, but daughter-swapping? Count me in… even if I don’t have a daughter to trade!”

“Hold on, you two,” Rachel interjected. “It sounds like you’re both totally up for this… this lesbian incest convention. Are you really thinking the situation through? Taking a moment to consider the risk?”

Jess gazed at her lover, frankly astonished. “This isn’t like you at all, Rach. Between the two of us, you’ve always been the adventurous one. I figured you’d be champing at the bit to get into the twins’ knickers.”

“Jess has a point, Rachel,” Laura chimed in. “Think about it. We know Stella’s having it off with, um, Lacey and Sienna. It’s not as if she could turn us in, y’know? I bet she just wants to expand her pool of lovers. And c’mon now… you can’t tell me the thought of getting it on with Stella and those two hotties of hers doesn’t get your motor running.”

“I know, I know,” Rachel protested. “It’s just that getting someone outside the family involved is something we were bloody well determined not to do.” She paused, studying Jessica’s sister. “I’m surprised at you, Laura, I mean, it wasn’t long ago you were freaking the fuck out over what we were doing with the girls.”

Laura was already nodding. “That’s true, and I’m even more surprised than you are about that… but since I got drawn into sex with all of you, I can’t ever go back to my old life. I’ve become obsessed with young girls, to the point of undressing them in my mind when I’m walking down the street – and oh my stars, how I love incest.” She smiled at Rachel. “I don’t have to tell you this, Rach… do I? You’ve lived it. You know.”

Rachel considered how to respond, but couldn’t summon up an answer. Now that Laura had put the image in her head, she pictured the twins locked in a carnal embrace with their mum, all three of them naked. Then she imagined Stella turning to her, murmuring, Hello, Rachel… why don’t you come play with us?

Slumping in her chair, she gave a heavy sigh. “I suppose you’re right, Jess. It’s just… this is all happening so damned fast. I’m worried that if we get greedy, it could destroy what we’ve got now. Maybe even drive us apart.”

Rising to her feet, Jessica moved to kneel before her lover. She cupped Rachel’s face in her hands, placing a tender kiss on the woman’s lips before she spoke. “Darling, nothing will get in the way of what we have. I won’t let it happen.”

“These last couple of months – they’ve been the happiest of my life,” Rachel said, taking Jess into her arms. “I don’t want to do anything to put this family at risk.”

“I feel the same way,” Jessica replied. “And so do the girls. Your daughters and mine – they’re like sisters now. Sisters and lovers, how incredible is that?” Gazing over at her own sibling, she added, “And Laura and I are closer than we’ve ever been.”

“It’s true,” Laura agreed. “I love you, big sister.”

“I love you too,” Jess agreed, then turned back to Rachel. “We’ve all accepted our new life… and you know we wouldn’t take a chance on bringing outsiders into our circle who didn’t understand. But Stella and the twins do understand – they’re just like us.” She paused. “Look, you have a say in this, Rach. If you don’t want to explore the… the possibility of getting involved with them, then we won’t.”

Rachel sat up straight. “Fuck me, Jess… who the hell said I didn’t want to? I just need to make sure we’ve thought it out first. If it means the chance to get those dead sexy twins of Stella’s into bed, sign me up!”

Breaking into a grin, Jess got to her feet. “Now there’s the Rachel I know and adore!”

“Now we’ve got that out of the way,” Rachel said, “I’ve been slaving away all morning at the tea room; now I’m expecting a lovely reward for lending you my daughters.” She casually placed a hand on the front of the black dress she wore, palming her vulva. “First, though… I want to know more about what you’ve been up to with my Bella. The part I already heard was especially intriguing.” She looked at Laura, arching an eyebrow.

“Um… it’s a pretty wild story,” Laura murmured.

Rachel rose from her chair and stepped over to her lover’s sister. “You can tell me upstairs.” Nudging her way between Laura’s knees, she slipped a hand behind the younger woman’s head, then abruptly pulled her into a ferocious kiss. Laura moaned as Rachel’s tongue probed her mouth.

When she finally broke away, Rachel glanced up at Jess. “If you were expecting to get fucked, you’ll have to wait your turn, sweetie; I’ve been beaten to your little sister’s cunt by my girls, and I intend to do something about that right away.” Seizing Laura’s hand, Rachel nearly dragged her out of the kitchen.

Jess followed close behind, taking a quick peek through the lounge patio doors to make sure the girls were still playing in the garden. They look so innocent, she thought, watching Poppy and Cindy, naked but for panties in the concealed safety of the yard, taking turns doing cartwheels.

Just before mounting the stairs, Rachel stooped to pick up her bag from the hallway floor.

“What’s in the bag, Rach?” asked Jess.

“Patience, lover mine – all good things come to those who wait.” With that, Rachel marched upstairs to the bedrooms, a dazed Laura in tow.

As the women entered Jessica’s room, Rachel dropped the bag. Swiftly loosening a sash round her waist, she undid a couple of buttons, then shrugged the dress off. It slipped to the floor, revealing that she’d gone completely naked underneath. Before the others could react, she stepped forward to take Laura’s face in her hands, picking up their hungry kiss where they’d left off.

This time Laura was quick to respond. Her tongue darted into Rachel’s mouth as she reached down to fondle the woman’s shapely arse, her fingers straying into the cleft between.

Deciding to simply watch for the moment, Jess undressed yet again – for the third time today, she told herself, chuckling at the thought – then she sat back against the headboard, languidly stroking her cunt.

Rachel somehow managed to undress Laura without breaking their kiss, until she too was nude. Placing a hand on the younger woman’s chest, Rachel gave Laura a firm nudge, causing her to fall backwards onto the bed.

As Laura stared up at her newest lover, Rachel stepped back to pick up her bag, then upended it onto the bed to spill out its contents. Spread across the quilt lay an impressive array of sex toys in various designs, colours and sizes.

Spying a few devices she’d used before, Laura couldn’t help but recall some memorable experiences with various partners. That blue strap-on… I remember how Sabrina Hollis fucked me with one of those, the first time we did anal. Christ, was I really only eighteen then?

As for Jess, she recognised several items from the toy chest in Rachel’s bedroom, including a couple of her favourites. And to think that three months ago, all I had was a cheap plastic vibrator.

Both women looked up at Rachel, who stood with arms folded, wearing nothing but a bad-girl grin. “I like to come prepared,” she murmured, gesturing toward the pile. “Choose your weapon, Laura.”

Jessica’s sister perused the assortment before selecting a glass dildo with a raised ridge that encircled it like a coiled snake. She traced the toy’s length with a finger, then handed it to Rachel.

“Good choice – we’ll get to that soon, but first… I have to taste you.” Dropping to her knees, Rachel spread Laura’s knees apart and dove in, bathing the juicy flesh with long swipes of her tongue.

As she watched her sister writhing in response to Rachel’s oral assault, Jess decided her fingers simply weren’t cutting it. Sitting up straight, she bent over the scattered toys, in search of something better. She selected a silicone penis vibrator, then sat back and rubbed the tip up and down her cunt to lubricate it before slowly working it inside. Switching the device on at a low setting, she sat back to watch the show.

Rachel feasted on her lover’s sister like she hadn’t eaten for days, using every trick she had to drive Laura into a wild frenzy. Her eyes scanned the bed for the dildo Laura had chosen and reached out to grab it. She ran the smooth glass knob up and down through Laura’s labia before twisting it into her cunt. The younger woman gasped as those glass ridges passed the vaginal opening.

Truth be told, Laura was fairly exhausted by that point. It was late afternoon, and she’d been fucked by her sister and five young girls to the tune of at least six orgasms, maybe more. But Rachel’s lovemaking skills were considerable, and soon that familiar warmth was slowly growing beneath Laura’s belly. I probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow, she thought, but fuck, it’s worth it. I’ve never been satisfied like this.

As Laura gave herself over to pleasure’s embrace, Rachel withdrew the slick glass dildo, turning it round as her tongue sought out the sweet cunt juice that lingered in the crevices of the toy. Then she quickly moved in to crush her mouth to Laura’s in a bruising kiss.

They were swapping the tart flavour of cunt between them when Rachel and Laura heard a strangled cry. Turning to look, they saw Jess pumping the flesh-coloured toy in and out of her vagina, the woman’s legs twitching with each stroke.

While Laura was still on her back, Rachel crawled onto the bed and up to the headboard, where she carefully straddled Laura’s face, lowering her cunt to the younger woman’s parted lips.

Once Jess recovered from her climax, she joined the others on the bed. She knelt next to Rachel, fondling her lover’s breasts as they shared a kiss. This is heaven, she told herself. So much love in this house… it’s a wonder we can contain it all. Has there ever been a family as happy, as devoted as ours?

Out of the blue, Jessica thought of her mother Ann. She’s into women now, Laura says. Wonder what the girls would say if they knew that. Might they want Mum to join us?

Caressing Rachel’s bum, then easing a finger into her anus, Jess tried to imagine what it might be like to make love to her own mother. She felt uneasy at first, but forced herself to explore the notion. It helped that, like her mother, Rachel was a curvy, well-built woman.

Embracing her lover, Jess pretended it was Ann. Me and Mum, naked and holding one another… my finger buried in her arse. Weird, but… kind of hot, actually. How would she react if I kissed her? 

The further she immersed herself in the fantasy, the more compelling it was. In Jessica’s mind, she was holding her naked mother close, sucking on her tongue, probing the slippery heat of Ann’s rectum and wondering how her cunt would taste.

I’ve made love to my daughters, my sister… shouldn’t Mum be a part of this, too?

Jess answered her own question immediately. Of course she should. It’s the closing of a circle, a coming together, two families joined as lovers. Makes perfect sense.

Putting aside the question as to whether Ann would have anything to do with such a crazy idea, Jessica threw herself back into the present, into the arms of her beloved Rachel. I need to discuss this with Laura, she told herself. And Rachel. Not the girls, though. Not just yet.

Trailing her tongue down Rachel’s neck, Jess paused to give her lover’s earlobe a playful nip.

With a choked cry, Rachel rolled her hips as she climaxed, her honey flowing into Laura’s mouth.

Laura eagerly gulped down the thick, warm nectar, amazed by how much there was. Fuck me, she’s got the juiciest cunt I ever ate!

Once Rachel was spent, the trio of lovers lay back on the bed side by side, relishing the peace and quiet. Soon enough, the calm was shattered by a rumble up the stairs, followed by five girls bursting into the room.

Rachel raised herself on an elbow. “Hello, girls… come to join the fun?”

The younger ones were already tripping over themselves as they disrobed, the two older girls close behind.

Getting to her feet, Rachel stretched herself, then said, “I think it’s time we introduced something new to the proceedings… starting with me getting double-tagged by Alice and Bella. Saddle up, you two; I want some of what Stella got last night.”

Rachel pointed to the pile on the bed and Alice picked up a nine-inch strap-on cock, confidently buckling it around her waist before helping Bella do the same.

Jess and Laura sat up to see a pair of twelve-year-olds sporting appendages dangling disproportionately to their size. Rachel was helping her daughter lie on her back, the veined black prick jutting up obscenely. She moved to sit astride the toy, lowering herself to take its length into her cunt with a squish. She glanced over her shoulder at Alice, who didn’t need to be told what her job was to be.

“Use some lube, love,” said Rachel. “My bum hasn’t taken anything that big in a while.”

Pausing to squirt a dollop of K-Y onto her fingers, Alice carefully anointed the crack of Rachel’s arse, then smeared the rest on the tip of her cock. “I’ve never fucked anyone this way before, Auntie Rachel,” she said.

“You’ll do fine, Alice. Just don’t do it too hard – unless I tell you to, that is!” She looked over at the three younger girls. “Why don’t you young ladies pick out a few of those toys, then ask Laura and Jess to show you how they work.”

The youngsters scampered over to the small heap, where they pawed through the various toys on display. Quickly making their choices, they approached the two women, ready to play.


Around tea time they all sat in the lounge, where Alice told the three younger girls about her adventures from the previous night with Stella and the twins. While the three women relaxed, Kate, Poppy and Cindy listened, their faces radiating amazement and awe. As an amused Rachel said later, “I swear, the girls looked like they were hearing about Disneyland for the first time.”

It was Poppy who was the first to ask. “Mummy? Will Ms Stella and Lacey and Sienna get to be in our family club now?”

Jess smiled. “No, sweetheart… not just yet, anyhow. I need to speak to Stella. But if things work out like I hope… then yes, we might have fun with them one dayI.”

“Cool! I like Ms Stella. She’s dead sexy.”

Jess gazed at her youngest in astonishment, wondering what she’d unleashed on the world.


Earlier that day, Stella and the twins had arrived at the Turner estate, the gates opening for her car as she turned into the drive under the watchful eye of the CCTV camera. Stella drove up to the large Elizabethan manor house, rounding the fountain and stopping at the huge oak double doors, which slowly opened as she parked and switched off the ignition. Emerging from the car along with the girls, Stella opened the boot and took out the box containing Blanche’s latest acquisition from the gallery.

As they made their way toward the entrance, Blanche’s assistant Grace appeared. The twins raced up the steps to greet her, each planting a brief, warm kiss on her lips.

“Do you need help with that, Stella?” Grace asked as they shared a kiss, one that lingered a bit longer.

“No thanks, Grace. It’s not heavy.”

The elegant brunette escorted the guests indoors. “Blanche is waiting for you in the library,” she said.

Stella followed Grace down a long corridor to a room on the left, the twins close behind. As promised, Blanche was there, seated in a large high-backed leather chair, a coffee cup in one hand.

“Afternoon, Blanche,” Stella murmured, with a wink for her friend and occasional lover.

“Stella… wonderful to see you, as always. And bearing fine art!” she added, noticing the box. Blanche set her cup down, then cleared an area on the coffee table where the box could be placed. Noticing the twins, she gave them a delighted smile as they approached, greeting their mum’s friend with a polite, “Good morning, Mrs Turner.”

Blanche gave each girl a chaste kiss on the cheek. “My, my, girls… don’t you look all sweet and innocent in your Sunday best.”

The girls beamed, unusually demure and quiet. It never failed to surprise their mother how differently her girls acted when around Blanche… well, when they’ve got their clothes on, at least. They seemed to recognise her status, in both the society and the community, and were always well-behaved, except when it was time not to be.

Still addressing the twins, Blanche said, “All the girls are here; they’ve been looking forward to seeing you. Why don’t you pay them a little visit? We’ll join you in a little while.”

Grace spoke up. “When I last saw them, they were down by the lake.”

“Thank you, Mrs Turner,” Sienna and Lacey said, practically in unison. The three women watched as Sienna and Lacey quietly left the room, then laughed to hear them run away giggling once as they were out of sight.

Blanche gazed after them wistfully. “You know Stella, your daughters get lovelier every time I see them. They’re fast becoming beautiful, elegant young ladies.”

“They don’t always act like ladies… especially last night. I’ve got quite a bit to tell you on that subject.”

Blanche raised an eyebrow. “First, let’s have a peek at what you’ve brought – then we’ll get down to brass tacks.”

The new piece was unboxed and admired. Grace poured glasses of wine for the three of them, then she and Blanche settled in to hear Stella’s news.

First she told Blanche and Grace about Alice’s day at the gallery, then related the events of the previous night in detail – when her daughters had coaxed Jessica’s twelve-year-old into bed, then she’d joined the three younger girls for a orgy hot enough to burn the sheets. And after Stella described the discussion she’d had with Alice the next morning, Blanche was extremely pleased.

“Stella, you’ve excelled yourself. I’m amazed that you managed to approach Jessica’s family through her daughter – and one so young, too! We’ve never recruited new Society members that way.”

“I’ll tell you this much,” Stella said, unable to keep herself from grinning. “I’m almost certain Jess and Alice are fucking… and I’d lay odds Alice is having it off with her younger sisters, too.” She sat forward in her chair, eyes dancing with excitement. “Wait until you hear what I’ve got planned for Jess tomorrow. I’m going to leave the twins at her shop, just before it closes, and ask her to look after them as a favour while I’m on a business call.

“Lacey and Sienna will work their magic – and with a bit of luck, I’ll literally catch Jessica with her knickers down. At that point, it’ll be safe for me to lay our cards on the table. I’ll tell her the twins and I are sexually involved… hell, I’ll probably just strip off and join in! Anyhow, at some point I’ll ask Jess if she’s doing the same with Alice and her other girls… then, I’ll sound her out about Rachel’s daughters.”

Blanche’s eyes widened. “Wait, wait, Stella – is there something you haven’t yet told us? That Rachel and her girls are – are part of this?”

“It makes sense,” Stella replied with a shrug. “You already know Jess and Rachel are lovers… but last night, Alice told us she and Rachel’s oldest daughter Bella are ‘girlfriends’. Alice also claimed that’s how she got so good at lesbian sex – which I don’t believe for a second, by the way. She uses a strap-on like a bloody porn star, and that tongue of hers…” Stella shook her head. “There’s no way she learned that from another twelve-year-old.”

“Jessica’s youngest, that’s the one I want,” Grace said. “My God, so adorable…” She slumped back in her chair, dreamy-eyed.

“Poppy?” said Stella. “Oh, absolutely. But they’re all lovely.”

“You know our Grace, though,” Blanche chuckled, gazing fondly at her secretary. “It’s always the little ones she likes best.”

“Guilty as charged,” Grace confessed, not without a hint of colour in her cheeks. “I think it’s because of my younger sister Gemma. I fell in love with her when she was six.” She made a face. “Gem’s never been into girls, sad to say. Thank goodness my Willow turned out to be so much more open-minded!”

“Speaking of sisters,” Stella said. “I’ve another bit of news that might be of interest. When I dropped Alice off earlier, Rachel’s daughters were hanging out there – she was at work, I think – but Jessica’s sister Laura was also there, and she’s been gay since she was a teen. Now I can’t help but think that if Jess really does have this hot little incest fuckfest going, Laura could be in on it.”

“Interesting,” murmured Blanche, slowly nodding. “Very interesting. Stella, you’ve come through with flying colours. If things work out as we hope, the Society will have our first double family induction. When the other members find out, they’ll be positively thrilled… especially when they see who we managed to rope in.”

Stella responded. “Well, let’s not count our chickens just yet. By tomorrow night, we’ll have a better idea of how this situation will play out. I won’t mention the Society, of course.”

Blanche sat thoughtfully for a moment as the other two women waited. “If we get to the point of offering a membership to Jess and her family, I have an idea of how she can prove her… dedication to our cause. We’ll deal with that later, though. For now, this discussion has my knickers positively sodden.” She glanced over at her secretary. “Grace, would you please invite the girls to join us in the lodge?”

Grace gave her employer and frequent bedmate a dazzling smile. “Of course!”

With that, the women rose and exited the room. Grace headed towards the rear of the house as Stella followed Blanche into a corridor that led outdoors, then on the path to a nearby building. As they entered, Stella glanced around the artwork and pictures, much of which she had acquired for Blanche, nearly all of them depicting love between women. Soon, they reached a large room with an immense custom-made bed.

Blanche turned to her friend, placing both hands on the blonde’s shoulders. “Stella, if this works out and we recruit Jess and her family, the ladies and girls of the Society will owe you a great debt. You deserve a reward for your efforts.”

Stella reached out to gently circle Blanche’s left nipple with a fingertip. “Success will be reward enough, but a little down payment now would be lovely.” They drifted together in a kiss, one that quickly grew heated.

As Stella began to undress the elegantly-styled woman, footsteps could be heard pounding down the hallway. They turned to face the door, now filled with beaming young girls.

Besides Stella’s twins, there were Blanche’s three daughters – ten-year-old Savannah, eight-year-old Annabelle – whose joint birthday party Jessica’s two youngest had attended just a few months earlier – and thirteen-year-old Lola, her oldest. Grace was bringing up the rear hand in hand with her own little girl, eight-year-old Willow.

Her dress opened enough to display her bra-clad breasts, Blanche studied the new arrivals, very much liking what she saw. “Hello, girls… we have some good news to celebrate. Why don’t you take off those clothes before they get dirty?”

The girls rushed into the room, where they quickly stripped off, then deposited their apparel on a conveniently placed sofa before joining Blanche and Stella at the huge bed. Clucking her tongue, Grace paused to fold and neatly arrange the girl’s discarded clothes before stripping off her own. She unfastened the clasp that held up her hair to let it spill over her shoulders, then climbed onto the bed to join the orgy, already in progress.

“Hi, Mummy,” her daughter Willow cooed.

“Hello, my sweet,” Grace replied, then claimed the child’s pretty mouth in a lover’s kiss.


It was mid-afternoon, and Jess was at the oven, checking the temperature of the beef tenderloin with her meat thermometer. Hmm… another fifteen minutes should do it. Closing the oven door, she returned to the mashed potatoes. Rachel and the girls were all in the family room, watching TV, recovering from what had been a very active day in the various bedrooms of the house..

Laura padded into the kitchen, stretching her limbs. After spending the previous evening and almost the entire day naked, she’d finally managed to get dressed, looking positively luscious in a thin t-shirt sans bra, and a pair of emerald-green athletic shorts.

She’s still got an amazing body, Jess thought, looking her sister up and down. Especially those legs. I simply have to fuck her at least once more before she goes home. First, though, we need to talk. 

“Smells great in here,” Laura said, breathing in the savoury fragrance. Wrapping both arms round her older sibling, she kissed Jessica’s neck. “Mmmm… you smell even better, though!”

Down, girl,” Jess chuckled. “I hate to say this, baby sister… but you seem to have turned into some kind of sex fiend.”

“Oh, it’s true,” Laura agreed. “God, I can’t believe it took me this long to discover how much I love young girls, incest, incest with young girls… oh, and fucking my beautiful big sister, can’t forget that!” Gently turning Jess around to face her, she murmured, “Kiss me.”

Their mouths met, and the two sisters shared an ardent kiss of lovers. Jess slipped both hands into Laura’s shorts, pleased to find that her sibling had also gone without knickers. “You’re terrible,” she said. “I suppose you’d love it if I bent you over the counter right now and fucked your arse off, eh?”

“Actually, I’m still tender down there – my cunt and my arse!” Laura replied. “But I’ve also got this insatiable need to kiss and touch and hug all of you. I want to snuggle naked with all the girls at once.” She shrugged. “At this point, I think it’s more about closeness than sex.” She placed a tiny peck on Jessica’s nose. “Thank you so much, big sister, for making me part of this. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.”

Jess seated herself at the dining table. “Speaking of our expanded family, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Laura straddled a chair. “Okay. What’s up?”

“It’s about Mum. She’ll be back soon from her cruise… and her new girlfriend.”

“Yeah, you’ll need to have a major discussion with the girls. About… all this. Keeping it under wraps while she’s here.”

Jess brushed her sister’s hand with the tip of a finger as she spoke. “Here’s the thing: how do you feel about Mum, well, joining us?”

Laura arched an eyebrow. “You mean… take our own mother to bed? Make love to her? All of us?”

“Well… yes, actually.” Jess paused. “I don’t know, does that seem completely mental?”

Leaning back in her chair, Laura said, “I’ve been thinking the very same thing. Jess, I really want to!” She placed both hands behind her head, revealing a tuft of light hair under each arm. “When did you first get the idea?”

“It sort of popped into my head a couple of hours ago, while you and I were having it off with Rachel. It seemed weird at first, then not so weird – then I started getting excited. I ended up pretending Rachel was Mum while I fingered her arse. What about you?”

“It started after Mum told me she’d been having sex with women. I was getting more into the idea of what I’d done with your girls, that night they tricked me into bed with them…”

“Admit it, though – they didn’t have to try very hard,” Jess teased.

“Fine, they didn’t. And at the same time, it was pretty clear you wanted me, too. Anyhow, by the time Mum let me know she’d found herself a girlfriend, I was coming round to the conclusion that yeah, I wanted in on your family sex games.” Laura hesitated, then continued. “So one night around then, I was tucked up in bed and having myself a wank, picturing Mum making love to a teenage hottie… and all of a sudden, I saw myself going down on her. Licking my mother’s cunt.” She shook her head. “I came so hard, I cried.”

“Sounds intense,” Jess muttered.

“Oh, it was. And though it sort of freaked me out, I ended up getting myself off a few more times that way. Thinking of Mum. Then you and I finally fucked, then I went through all the girls… well, after that, I was more than ready to embrace my, er, newfound love of family sex. So yeah, big sister – I’m totally into getting Mum involved in, well, whatever the hell it is we’ve got going here.”

Jess slowly nodded. “How to make it happen, though – there’s the million-quid question.”


Unbeknownst to Jessica and Laura, their conversation was being overheard. Seven-year-old Poppy had been watching Kiki’s Delivery Service in the living room with Auntie Rachel and the girls, and decided she wanted an apple juice.

Padding barefoot through the dining room and toward the kitchen, Poppy paused in mid-step when she heard Auntie Laura say “cunt.” Her curiosity instantly piqued, she drew closer to the door, which was slightly ajar.

As she listened to the conversation, the child’s eyes widened, and she clapped a hand to her mouth in utter astonishment. Omigosh – Nonna likes girls!? The thought excited her, quickening her heartbeat.

Once Poppy had been enticed into bed by her mummy and older sisters, she’d eagerly thrown herself into the lesbian life. She always enjoyed getting naked and having naughty fun with her siblings, and Auntie Rachel’s girls. But most of all, she loved sex with grownups.

Poppy never missed an opportunity to get naked and play with her mother, who she loved so much it made her feel all shivery inside. Then there was Mummy’s girlfriend Rachel, with her lovely big titties… and now she had her mum’s sister Auntie Laura to play with, too! And maybe someday, she’d get to fuck Mummy’s friend Stella Morrison, just like her big sister had done the night before.

Now Mum and Laura were discussing getting her grandmother into their family sex game, and that thrilled the seven-year-old to bits. Just thinking about it made Poppy want to jump up and down – only she didn’t, not wanting Mummy to catch her being a Nosey Parker.

“Well, we certainly can’t tell her everything just yet,” Jess was saying, “only that Rachel and I are lovers.”

“That’s enough to start with,” Laura agreed. “Remember – since you switched teams, everyone you’ve fucked besides Rachel is either a member of your family, underage or both.”

“Never thought about it that way, but yeah, I suppose you’re right. So, about this scheme of getting Mum involved… we’d best keep it a secret from the girls. For now, at least.”

Laura giggled. “Can you imagine how they’d behave around Mum if they thought she was gay? She’d know something was up!”

“She’d never guess what that something was, though. Not in a million years.” A pause. “Hmmm.. this tenderloin is almost done. Can you go tell the youngsters to wash their hands?”

Startled, Poppy readied herself to flee.

“And have them scrub that delightful aroma of pussy from their fingers?” Laura replied. “Sister dear, have you taken leave of your senses?”

“Smartarse. Go on, you – fetch the kids, make sure they get cleaned up. Supper’s on in five minutes.”

With that, Poppy raced up the stairs, hastening into her room. Quietly closing the door, she sat down at her desk, lost in thought. Wow… our Nonna is a lesbian? And Mummy wants her to have sex with us, all of us! 

Needless to say, Poppy loved the idea. She adored her grandmother; always looked forward to Nonna’s visits.

For one thing, she had this wonderful scent… a smell that made Poppy feel cosy and warm inside. And Nonna gave the nicest hugs! Now Poppy was imagining what it would be like to get a hug from her when they were both naked. And she’s got a big, beautiful bottom, too, the girl reminded herself. Maybe she’d let me kiss it! 

Effortlessly drifting into the fantasy, Poppy slipped a hand between her legs, picturing her grandmother nude and on all fours, glancing over her shoulder, smiling as she whispered, Would you like to lick my bum, Pretty Poppy?

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Poppy snatched her hand away. “Popstar? You in there?” It was Auntie Laura.

“Um, yeah!” Poppy blurted, getting to her feet. She opened the door to reveal her aunt.

“Hey, cutie – your mum sent me to round you girls up. Supper’s ready,” said Laura. Detecting an extra hint of pink in the girl’s cheeks, she smiled. “And what are you up to behind this closed door, my sweet? Having a fiddle?”

“No!” Poppy protested, then burst into giggles. “Well, maybe.”

“Naughty, naughty,” Laura said, wagging a finger, “Eat first, fiddle later. C’mon, let’s go join the others. Don’t know about you, but I’m famished.” She began to drift toward the stairs, expecting Poppy to follow, but the girl’s voice stopped her.

“Auntie Laura? Could I, um, have a kiss first?”

Turning back to face her niece, Laura was immediately enthralled by the longing she saw in Poppy’s eyes. Yet again, she marvelled at her newfound attraction to little girls, wondering why it had taken her so long to understand how beautiful, how desirable they were. This red-headed moppet of seven was one of the sexiest of them all, and she wasn’t even trying.

Despite the numerous orgasms she’d had over the last twenty-four hours, Laura felt that familiar hunger rising beneath her belly. “Of course you can,” she said. “I bet it’s a sexy kiss you want – isn’t it, you little temptress?”

Nibbling at her lower lip, the child gave a quick but emphatic nod as she came closer.

“Then come here, my love… it’s waiting for you,” Laura whispered, opening her arms.

Poppy tilted her head back as she drifted into Laura’s embrace, and their mouths met in a gentle kiss that didn’t stay gentle for long.

Laura moaned as the girl’s tongue darted between her lips. Poppy was kissing her with a lustful fervour that would put many a grown woman to shame. It comes naturally to her, Laura thought, as a pair of little hands crept down to cup her arse.

But when Poppy slipped a hand down the back of Laura’s shorts, the child’s fingers probing into the cleft of her anus, she had to break away. “No, no, baby girl… they’re waiting for us downstairs.”

“I guess,” Poppy sighed. “Can we fuck later, then?”

God, those words are so much hotter when they’re coming from a little girl. “We absolutely can,” Laura replied, taking her niece’s hand. “Come on, now… let’s go eat.”

“I love you, Auntie Laura,” Poppy murmured.

”I love you too, Popstar.”

Hand in hand, the woman and the child descended the stairs.


Rachel and her daughters left Jessica’s house after supper, intending to turn in early that night – the next day would start off the girls’ last week of school before the summer holidays. After the numerous sexual combinations both families had enjoyed during the day, Jessica, her girls and Laura were a bit shagged out themselves, and also opted to make a short night of it… though Laura did pay a visit to Poppy’s room, where they took turns licking one another to orgasm before turning in.


After getting the girls off to school, Jess went to work. As she drove, she marvelled at how her life had changed in the last three months. I never gave much thought to the idea of sex with a woman, let alone a full-time romantic relationship… look at me now! From swapping kisses with Rachel to incest with my girls, sex with Rachel’s daughters, fucking my sister… Now I’m wondering how to get my mum involved, for God’s sake! She shook her head, awed by the immensity of it all.

Once she arrived at the shop and opened it for the day, Jess busied herself with matters at hand, such as going through potential new summer stock with Caterina. After a quick lunch across the road at Rachel’s tea room, she settled back into the books, remembering what Blanche had said when she picked up the girls from the birthday party.

I wonder if Blanche was serious about helping me open another store? It wouldn’t hurt to call Serena to see if have the assets to afford it… especially if Blanche can swing a good deal on a shop space. She owns half the bloody area, after all. She resolved to speak to her accountant on the matter.

The day passed without any incidents of note, then fifteen minutes before closing, Stella rang.

“Sorry I’m running so sodding late, Jess,” she began. “I’ve been dealing with shipping issues, all to do with a set of canvases I’m supposed to be getting from Luxembourg. I’ll spare you the gory details. Would it be a dreadful bother if I dropped the girls off at your shop… and could you possibly stay a bit after closing hours to help them? There’s some formal event they’ve been invited to, and they daren’t show their faces without, and I quote Sienna, ‘something new and fabulous’. Were we that obsessed with fashion at their age?”

“Worse, as I recall,” Jessica replied. “Don’t worry, Stel, I’ll look after the girls.”

“You’re an absolute treasure, Jess. I’ll be there in ten minutes or so. Ta-ta!” With that, she rang off.

Catarina had to sign out early, so Jess closed the second till. Just as the register printed out the day’s numbers, she heard the door open and looked up to see Stella, closely followed by the twins, who were still in their school uniforms.

Wait a minute – are those really school outfits? She paused to take in the view. No bloody way. The girls’ skirts were considerably higher than regulation length, the blouses short enough to reveal their bare midriffs. The buttons were undone in front, exposing lacy bras.

Her eyes flickered down for a glimpse of those long, lovely legs. She’d admired them before, and right then, there was quite a lot on display to admire. Christ almighty, did these two go home after school and change into something straight out of a porn film before coming here? They’ve got brass, I’ll say that much.

Jess came from behind the counter to greet her guests. “Hello, Stella. Lacey, Sienna – nice to see you girls again.”

“Hi, Jessica!” the twins replied in near-unison.

“Thanks again, Jess,” said Stella, already drifting toward the door. “Sorry to dash, but I’m expecting a crucial call from Brussels in the next half hour. Once that’s dispensed with, I’ll come right back.”

“That’s no problem, Stel. Girls, I’ll give you a chance to look around for a bit. Then when I’m done, I’ll show you a few things I think you’ll like.”

“Oh, I’m sure we’ll love anything you want to show us,” Lacey cooed.

“I’ll be back in an hour or so,” said Stella. “Oh, and Jess – let’s lunch at the Trout sometime soon. My treat.”

“Sounds lovely. Now hurry back to the gallery, for God’s sake, before you miss that call! I’ll leave the door unlocked; just let yourself in.”

Stella turned to Lacey and Sienna. “See you both soon. Don’t dawdle, all right? Let Jess know what you want, so you’ll have what you need when I come back. I’m sure she’s longing to get home to her girls.” Pausing to touch Jessica’s arm, she made a brisk exit.

Jessica turned the CLOSED sign round, then switched off the front shop lights, her mind racing furiously. Okay, I’m clearly being set up here. The twins seduce me, we end up fucking on the sales floor, then Stella comes back early to ‘catch’ us. It’s obvious as a punch in the tit. So… how  should I play this?   

She turned to the twins. “So… your mum told me you two were going to a party.”

“That’s right,” Lacey answered. “It’s a very special event. We want to look our best for the guest of honour.”

Sienna added, “But we also want to be, y’know, totally hot.”

“I see. And the ‘hot’ part, that’s okay with your mother, yes?”

Both girls nodded. “Oh, of course,” Lacey added. “Mum always wants us to look our best.”

With a gesture, Jess led them into the heart of the shop. “Well, these are usually for older girls, but you’re both tall for your age and a bit more developed. Let’s have a look.”

“Thanks, Jessica… but can you give us a few minutes to look around? We’ve got a good idea of what we want.” Lacey murmured, openly appraising Jess from head to toe, then licking her lips.

Taken aback, Jess said, “Well, fair enough. I’ll do some tidying up, then check back in a few minutes.”

Jess made her way back to the tills, where she leaned against the counter, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She began to straighten the racks, making sure the clothes were hung correctly as she pondered her next move.

Should I fuck them? Can’t say I see a downside to it, not after their little sex party with Alice. Besides, it’s time to put my cards on the table with Stella, once and for all. She adjusted a blouse on its hanger. If she’s honest with me about having sex with her daughters, I’ll be honest with her. Okay, then… let’s do this. 

With a purposeful stride, Jess returned to where she’d left the twins, but they weren’t there. She paused to listen, the hint of a smirk appearing as she heard their voices in the back of the store – the changing area. She advanced forward, resisting an impulse to rub her hands together.

Sienna had stripped off to her flimsy bra and matching panties. Lacey wore a tight, stretch Lycra mini dress done in hot pink with diamond shaped cut-out sides, and was twisting and turning before the large mirror wall, studying her image.

The twins turned to Jess as she approached. Giving them a smile, she said, “Found what you’re looking for, girls?”

Lacey spoke up, once more frowning at her reflection. “Well, we both like this one, but… I dunno, it doesn’t seem to fit right. What do you think?”

Resisting an urge to stare at Sienna’s near-nakedness, Jess moved in for a closer look. “Are you sure that’s the right size? It seems a little tight; your bra strap is showing.”

And I can see your knickers through those cut-outs,” Sienna pointed out. “Only one thing for it, Lace – you have to take off your underwear.”

Aha, Jess thought. So that’s their plan. Very smooth.

“Give me a hand, sis?” Lacey said, turning to allow Sienna to unzip the dress, which she stepped out of to reveal skimpy underthings – identical to what her twin was wearing, naturally. Laying the dress on a nearby sofa, Lacey reached behind to unclasp her bra. Jess was surprised to see Sienna go to her knees and pull her sister’s panties down.

As Sienna stood up, Lacey said, “You should take yours off as well, sis, You’re going to try it on too, right?”

“Hmm. Good point.” Sienna took off her own bra as Lacey knelt to help with the knickers, sliding them down to her sister’s ankles. Sienna stepped out, then the twins turned to Jess, neither of them reaching for the dress.

They were even lovelier than Jess had expected. She feasted her eyes on the girls’ nubile bodies, admiring their well-formed breasts, capped by perky nipples. Bet they’re extra perky right now, she told herself. Their vulvas were shaved smooth but for a tiny sculpted triangle of pubic curls.

The woman’s interest was duly noted by the twins. “Do you think we have nice bodies, Jess?” said Lacey.

Very nice,” Jess replied.

“Aw, thanks. Y’know, Alice is going to be a real stunner in a few years. But she’s beautiful now, really. I noticed that the other night, when we undressed before getting in the hot tub.”

“I bet you’ve got a lovely body, too,” Sienna said. “I mean, we haven’t seen you naked… but I can tell, even with your clothes on.”

Lacey giggled. “We think girls have much nicer bodies than boys. Don’t you think so?”

“Of course she does, Lace!” Sienna declared, nudging her sister with an elbow. “Jess and Rachel Thomas are lovers now, remember? So she already likes women better.”

“Oh, yeah… can’t believe I forgot that.” Lacey gave a wistful sigh. “Now, Rachel… there’s a woman with a great figure. Those tits of hers! Soooo big and round… I wish mine were as nice.”

“Let’s face it – you just like tits,” Sienna said with a snicker. Glancing at Jess, she continued. “It’s true, Jessica. That’s Lacey’s favourite part of a girl… or a woman.”

“Well, I like yours,” Lacey murmured. As she spoke, the girl wrapped an arm around Sienna to draw her nearer, then reached up with the free hand to touch her sibling’s bare chest. First she cupped a small but flawlessly proportioned breast, then circled the light pink nipple with a fingertip.

Jessica’s heart throbbed as the twins turned into each other for a sensuous kiss, their tongues immediately engaging. They began to share caresses, touching each other’s bodies. Sienna slipped a hand between her sister’s thighs to cup the girl’s pubis, while Lacey chose to fondle her twin’s bottom.

Jessica was enthralled by the sight, but thought it best to pretend otherwise. Putting on an expression of shock, she gasped, “Girls! What on earth are you doing?”

Breaking their kiss, they turned towards Jessica, arms still wrapped around one another.

“We’re having a little fun, Jess,” Lacey cooed. “Like we did with Alice at our sleepover. Didn’t she tell you? We found out she’s into girls, the same as me and Sienna. Then she told us how you helped her figure out she was gay.”

“That’s really cool,” Sienna continued. “Mums should teach their daughters things, like ours did. You must be a really good teacher, too. When Alice showed us what she’d learned… oh, it was fucking incredible.”

Okay, they admit it; time to press them for more. “As a matter of fact, Alice did tell me what happened at your sleepover. No one got very much actual sleep, from the sound of it. So, what’s this little scene about? Why are you touching each other that way?”

The twins didn’t even blink. “Did Alice tell you that our mum joined in?” asked Lacey. “She helped us fuck your little girl.”

Hesitating briefly before she spoke, Jess replied, “Yes, she did. My daughter tells me everything.”

“That’s good. So you’re not upset that she had sex with us and Mum?”

Jess shook her head. “No. Alice is a sensible girl. I trust her to make the right decision.”

“Mmm, I see. Does that mean you thought something might happen with us tonight?”

“Oh, I’ve been expecting something like this from you girls. In fact, I seem to recall a certain backyard soiree at your mum’s place, where one of you gave me a very explicit look up your skirt.”

Sienna laughed. “That was me! What can I say? I felt like letting you know I wasn’t wearing knickers.” She turned to her sister. “Hey, Lace… since our mum had sex with Alice, don’t you think it’s only fair that we should get to fuck Jessica?”

Lacey pondered the idea for a few heartbeats. “I suppose that does make sense, yeah.”

“Look, girls, I don’t think we should…” Jess began, affecting an air of reluctance. Of course, she didn’t mean a word of it.

Breaking away from her sister, Sienna slowly advanced toward Jess, with Lacy close behind. “We always thought you were hot, you know.”

“Yeah, you’re sexy as fuck!” Lacey chimed in. “And don’t think we haven’t noticed how you look at us.”

The girls took positions on either side of Jessica, each resting a hand on her shoulder, their bare bodies tantalisingly close. “We were sooo excited about coming here tonight,” Lacey said. “This afternoon, we fingered each other until we came, thinking about you.”

“See, we were talking about what your pussy looks like, and, well, we got kind of excited,” Sienna purred. “By the way, me and Lace have a little bet going about whether you shave or not.”

“Don’t tell us!” Lacey was quick to exclaim. “We want to find out for ourselves.” She began to toy with the buttons at the front of Jessica’s dress, casually unfastening one.

By then Jess was dripping wet, but she continued to put up a front of resistance. Grasping Lacey’s wrist, she spoke in a stern tone. “Girls, fun is fun, but we shouldn’t be doing this. I’m already in a relationship, and you’re underage.”

“So is Alice,” said Lacey, “and we know you’re doing sex with her.”

That caught Jess off guard. She fumbled for a quick comeback, but came up empty.

“Don’t worry, she didn’t tell us anything… we just figured it out,” Sienna said, her hand straying onto Jessica’s breast.  “For one thing, Alice knows much too much about how to fuck.”

“When I saw how fast she got into that strap-on harness, that’s when I knew – she’d been taught by a grownup,” Lacey declared, now stroking Jessica’s bottom. “And who better to learn from than her lesbian mummy?”

“That’s – that doesn’t prove a thing!” Jess blurted, then felt her face grow hot. Shit – these schoolgirls just outsmarted me.

“Hmmm… that’s a strange thing to say,” Lacey murmured. “Don’t you think so, Sienna? Not, ‘How dare you accuse me of having sex with my daughter’… but, ‘You can’t prove I did it’.” She drew closer, her lips grazing Jessica’s ear. “Y’know, Alice has one of the sweetest pussies I’ve ever tasted. Don’t you think so, too?”

“Oh… oh, God.” Lacey had thrust a hand between Jessica’s legs and was firmly massaging her vulva, while Sienna deftly unfastened two more buttons on the woman’s dress, exposing the top of a blue silk bra. “I d-don’t know about this… girls, we shouldn’t…”

“You know you want us,” Sienna whispered. “It’s there in your eyes, every time we meet. Let it happen, Jessica. Let us fuck you. We can give you so much pleasure, just like we did for Alice.” A pause. “Just like we do for our mother.”

Lacey abruptly withdrew her hand, and Sienna began to gather up the bottom of Jessica’s dress to expose matching blue panties. Lacey spoke. “Say you want us, Jess. Say it.”

What the hell just happened? Jess was asking herself. How did I let these two get the upper hand? The twins were now nuzzling their way down her neck, laying a trail of feather-light kisses until their mouths came together, tongues flickering back and forth.

With that, the last fragment of Jessica’s resolve gave way. “Yes, I want you!” she cried. “Fuck me, damn it!”

Sharing a smile of victory, the twins joined in to undo the last remaining buttons on the dress, working with such urgency that Jessica’s back was soon pressed against the wall mirror. Lacey tugged both bra cups down, then fastened her mouth to a nipple, taking the other one between her fingertips. Meanwhile, Sienna caressed the front of Jessica’s panties, then slipped her hand inside, curving her index finger into the woman’s juicy cunt.

Jessica whimpered, tingling from head to toe with rampant lust. Somehow, engaging in sexual activity with Stella’s twins seemed even wilder than what she’d already done with her own daughters. Then again, my girls weren’t so insistent at first, so determined to take what they wanted.

Giving herself over to the moment, Jess placed one hand on the back of Lacey’s head, cradling the teen to her breast. Then she turned to Sienna and seized a handful of hair; pulling her into a sloppy kiss.

When Lacey saw Jess and her sibling swapping tongues up above, she released the woman’s nipple, straightening to engage the others in a three-way kiss that went on for a long while.

Jess finally broke away, heart racing and eager to fuck. Placing a hand on Sienna’s shoulder, she gently guided the girl to her knees.

Without hesitation, Sienna yanked Jessica’s panties down to her ankles with a single sharp tug, baring her dark red pubes. “So pretty,” she sighed, teasing the auburn curls with the tips of her fingers. “Looks like you won the bet, Lace.” She carefully prised the woman’s cunt open before burying her mouth in the juicy flesh.

Watching her sister go down, Lacey showered affection on Jessica’s upper half, using all the tricks in her repertoire. She nibbled Jessica’s ear, gently bit her neck, pinched and tugged at her nipples, stroked her tummy, even reached down to tweak her new lover’s clit.

All Jessica’s sense of self-control and restraint had evaporated like morning mist. She pushed herself away from the wall, causing both girls to break away from her. They stared at the half-naked older woman, ready for anything.

Kicking off her shoes and the sodden knickers that ringed her ankles, Jess moved to the centre of the changing area, shrugging out of her dress in mid-step, then reached behind to unclip and peel away her bra, letting it drop where she stood. Padding over to an open space, she stretched out on the carpeted floor.

Jess looked up at Sienna, pointing at her vulva. “Get back to work, girl.” As one sister eagerly knelt between her thighs, Jess turned to the other. “And you – come feed me that pretty pussy of yours.”

Lacey quickly straddled Jessica’s head, facing her sister. Grasping the teen’s hips, Jess ran her stiffened tongue along the length of Lacey’s slit, dipping into the tart vagina along the way.

As Sienna mouth-fucked her pussy, Jess toyed with Lacey’s sex first – pulling at the labia, teasing the clit with tiny, playful licks, tracing the opening with the tip of her tongue and more. Once the girl was panting hard, desperate to come, Jess suddenly drove her tongue as far as it would go into Lacey’s cunt for a few sharp thrusts, then licked the crack of the teen’s arse, bathing the puckered rosebud. This caused Lacey to moan loudly. Sienna glanced up from Jessica’s pussy to see the look of ecstasy on her sister’s face.

The trio were so engrossed in their lewd games that they didn’t see a figure standing in the shadowed recesses of the shop.

Jess continued her assault on Lacey, now working a finger in and out of the fourteen-year-old’s rectum while licking her cunt. The teen was moaning, tiny quivers rippling through her slender frame that soon became violent jerks. Finally, with a rapturous cry, Lacey went slack, slumping forward until her cheek was resting on Jessica’s belly.

But Jess wasn’t done yet, Centering her attention on the clitoris, she soon spurred the young blonde on to a second orgasm, after which a gasping Lacey rolled away and onto her back, breathing heavily.

Seeing her sister reach climax caused Sienna to redouble her own efforts. She pleasured Jess until the woman was writhing, moaning in ecstasy, finally going limp and lying motionless. Sitting up, her mouth coated with pussy nectar, Sienna crawled over to Lacey and bent down to kiss her sister, sharing Jessica’s flavour.

When Jess opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was the twins’ messy kiss. She sat up and moved behind the kneeling Sienna and, after a quick pass of her tongue over the glistening slit, pushed two fingers into the teen’s cunt. Jess moved slowly at first, then sped up, finally pistoning in and out until Sienna was bucking against her, losing contact with her sister.

When their kiss was broken, Lacey rolled over to see a dishevelled Jess fucking Sienna, their bodies moving together like a well-oiled machine. Thinking quickly, she scrambled to position herself behind Jess. She placed her own fingers at the threshold of the woman’s vagina, then plunged them deep inside with one sharp thrust – making a liquid sound that Jessica’s moan very nearly drowned out.

Lacey took a moment to savour how hot Jess was inside – like a furnace! Then she began to fuck her, hard and fast, the same way Jess was giving it to Sienna.

A couple of minutes later, the woman and both girls were all lying exhausted on the carpet, but they all looked up at the sound of a strangled cry.

There was a woman leaning against the wall, watching them. She was holding up her dress with one hand,  mauling her bare cunt with the other.

Lacey was first to speak. “Hello, Mum. Glad you could join us.”

On to Chapter Thirty-Five!