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My Curious Daughter Brenda

  • Posted on June 2, 2019 at 2:26 pm

by JetBoy

Author’s Note: This is an adaptation of a story that appears twice at the Nifty Archive under different titles, both versions posted by different people who claim not to have written it. (In my boundless travels through the online universe of lesbian erotica, I’ve never seen hide nor hair of the original.) I thought the plot was sizzling hot, but the prose was clunky in the extreme, filled with poorly deployed punctuation, and without an ending to speak of. So I rewrote it from top to bottom for my own personal pleasure, and now offer it up here for your potential enjoyment. Thanks to whoever wrote the story in the first place for the inspiration. (See comments below for a link to that version.) Yrs, JetBoy


The last time my daughter Brenda was on break from college, I was a bit taken aback at her new hairstyle. All her life she’d had long hair, but now it was cut short. Oh, I kept mine that way, too — but that was the fashion for older women in our community. It was a very unusual choice for a young girl like Brenda.

“I’m not sure how I feel about that style, Brenda,” I said, dicing up carrots for the beef stew I was making. “I mean — don’t you think it looks like a boy’s haircut?”

She shrugged. “That’s the way I wanted it, Mom.”

“So what do your friends think?”

“Oh, I don’t care too much what they think. I know my best friend likes it. She says it makes me look totally hot.”

It was true that Brenda had grown into an attractive young woman. She was a slight five foot four but had a beautiful, shapely figure that had filled out nicely.

Sweeping the carrots from the cutting board into the pot, I found myself wondering about her love life. Did she have a boyfriend? Was she sexually active? She didn’t talk about it, if she was.

I found myself unable to keep from asking, “Are you, um, dating anyone, Brenda?”

She smiled and murmured, “Maybe…”

“Maybe?” I asked wryly. “Are you going to make me pry?”

“Well, you’re aw-ful-ly good at it,” she giggled.

“I mean, I’ve been wondering. Are you, well, sexually involved with anybody?”

Brenda stood in thought. “Oh, I’ve had a couple of boyfriends, nothing serious. But…”


“Well, I am seeing someone,” she said mysteriously, “but not in the way you might think.” She made a face. “Hmmm… how can I explain it…”

“Oh, God. He’s not married, is he?”

She giggled. “Cold, mom… very cold.”

“Older? A teacher?” my eyes widened.   

“Colder,” she smiled.

“Is he black? I mean, there’s nothing wrong with that–“

Freezing, she murmured, leaning back against the counter. Her breasts jutted out nicely in the t-shirt she wore.

Frustrated by her amusement, I threw up my hands. “Fine! I give up already! Who is he?”

She looked at me thoughtfully. “Well, Mom, he… is a she.”

I thought I would faint. “A girl? Y-you’re gay?” I gasped, putting a hand to my mouth.

She shook her head. “No, no, I’m not exactly gay… calm down, Mom. Shit, I didn’t plan to — but you did ask about my sex life.”

I sat down at the table. “How can you not be gay… and be, um–“

“It’s not like that,” she assured me as she took a chair. “We’re not, like, in love or anything. I consider myself bisexual, I guess. I just, I don’t know… decided to experiment. I mean, it just happened. And I liked it. I still like it. Anyhow, she’s really pretty, and we’re good friends. We just, y’know, wanted to try stuff out.” She blushed. “Jeez Louise, this is way more embarrassing than I thought it would be!”

“So…” I stammered. “h-have you two… you know–” She just gazed at me evenly, her expression saying it all. “Oh, God!” I gasped, blushing. “You have!”

The idea unnerved me something fierce — yet, at the same time, I felt an unexpected prickle of arousal at the image that suddenly flashed to life in my mind: my daughter Brenda, making love with another girl.

“What does she look like?” I asked. My heart was pounding, and I wasn’t certain why.

Brenda pulled a small coin pouch from her jeans and carefully extracted a photo from it. “Her name is Kimmie. She’s a freshman. Mom, she’s a really sweet girl. I know you’d like her.”

The picture shook in my fingers and I was giggling nervously, staring at the image of a girl wearing a very tiny bikini. I had to admit that she was adorable. In fact, Kimmie looked a bit like she could be the sister Brenda never had.

“She’s very pretty.” I found myself studying this young girl’s breasts in spite of myself — then, her barely concealed vulva. Had Brenda touched her there?

“I’m glad you think so. I mean, it’s a real relief you’re taking this so well,” Brenda said.

“Well, I’m a little shocked, I admit… but as long as you’re happy, honey, then I’m glad for you,” I said quietly.

“Thanks, Mom,” Brenda said, all smiles. She opened her arms to hug me.

Our hug wasn’t the same now. Not with these images in my head. I hugged her and felt something sexual, deep in the core of my belly. Her breasts against mine… 

“Oops! I’ve got to get the rest of these veggies chopped,” I said, quickly moving away and back to the counter, reaching for an onion. And with that, the subject was closed, at least for the moment.


I spent the next few days trying desperately to purge the image of Brenda and Kimmie out of my mind, without much success. I kept picturing that beautiful girl in the bikini, in bed and making love with my daughter. Part of me was fascinated, another part disturbed and another part… aroused. 

It’s funny, but bisexuality was something I’d never given much thought to before. I don’t know why — I’d always assumed I was straight and left it at that. But something about Brenda’s revelation had aroused my curiosity about lesbian love. I wanted to ask her so many questions — intimate, sexual questions. Things I could hardly bring myself to discuss with anyone, let alone my daughter. And in spite of my best intentions, these confused feelings made me rather timid around her.

She seemed to sense this, somehow — and three days later, when her father Mark was away, gone with his buddies to a baseball game, she brought the subject up.

I’d just taken out a load of laundry and was folding the linens when she sat on the arm of the sofa, watching me work. I gave her a fleeting smile, but said nothing.

After a moment, she hesitantly spoke. “Mom? You seem more, I don’t know — distant, all of a sudden. Is it because of this thing with Kimmie and me?”

“Well, honey…” I started, then fell silent, deeply embarrassed.

“I’m not in love with her or anything, Mom. I mean, we’re really just good friends who get sexual sometimes. I mean, I could be going out with some boy in a couple of weeks, who knows?”

I was relieved to hear that, yet strangely… a bit disappointed.

“Honestly, Brenda, I didn’t have a real problem with it. Really, if anything, it was just my own imagination.” I gave a shaky laugh. “I guess I just couldn’t stop thinking about it — you having sex with another girl, I mean. I don’t know why, honey, but I — well, I keep wondering, you know…” I blushed hotly, my words stumbling to a full stop. 

“Really?” she replied, arching an eyebrow, then shrugged. “That’s okay. I mean, that’s how I started thinking about it myself. It was about two years ago, when I found out one of my high school friends was gay.”

“Which one?” I asked.

“Remember Helen, the one who played the lead when we did Barefoot in the Park? Turns out that not long after that, she started experimenting with other girls.”

“Oh, my… Valerie’s daughter! Do her parents know?”

Brenda shrugged. “No idea. I don’t really know her that well anymore. I haven’t talked to her since she told me about it — guess I was sorta spooked by the whole thing.”

“But then, afterwards…”

“Yeah, it got me thinking. Wondering, you know? So when Kimmie and I got to be good friends, we talked about it a couple of times. Well, one night we were both a little drunk, she and I got carried away — things just sort of happened. Turns out that we both enjoyed it. A lot.”

“Well, I’m sorry if I seemed distant to you, honey. I was a bit embarrassed, I guess. I mean, it felt pretty strange, getting all aroused thinking about a — a sexual situation that involves your own daughter! It just got me curious, you know, about what’s it like. I wanted to ask you, but…” 

Suddenly it struck me what I’d just admitted to Brenda: that I’d become excited while picturing her engaged in lesbian sex! How in God’s name had that slipped out?

Brenda nodded thoughtfully. “Well, if you want to know, Mom, it’s really great, making love to another girl… a very sensuous experience. I mean, girls are so warm and soft in bed. And they know more about how to take their time about, um, making you feel good, y’know?” Brenda ran a hand through her closely cropped hair. “Anyhow, I can see why you’d be curious about it, Mom, and as for thinking about me… well, it’s not like, you know, you want to go to bed with me or anything.”

“Honey!” I gasped. “That’s not what I meant! I only thought about — about what it would be like. I certainly don’t have any intention of… I don’t even know anyone — I mean, any lesbian women.” I laughed nervously. “Who knows? Maybe when I was younger, I would have… ” I fell silent and, not knowing what to say next, simply stood there, feeling like an awkward school kid.

Brenda grinned. “Yeah, I guess things just sort of clicked with me and Kimmie. I can see why you might be kinda curious, though.” She patted my arm. “Nothing wrong with that, Mom. It’s only natural.”

By then I was blushing hotly, unable to meet her gaze. Just then, the phone rang. I grabbed it almost gratefully — saved by the bell!

It was my husband Mark, calling to let me know that his team had won, and he and his friends were going to unwind with a few hands of poker at someone’s apartment, so I shouldn’t wait up for him. I was still a bit distracted, but managed to get through the conversation without giving away my case of nerves. 

By the time I hung up, Brenda had left the room. I went back to folding clothes, a little shaken and confused by what had just transpired between my daughter and me. Why was I so obsessed with her lesbian activities? Why was my mind filled with images of a naked Brenda, making love to her beautiful young friend? Good grief, what was happening to me?   

I was so lost in thought that I didn’t know Brenda had come back into the room, not until I heard her voice right behind me.  

“Mom…?” she said softly.

Startled, I spun around to face her, then gasped in disbelief. Brenda had stripped to her very skimpy bra and panties.

The shirt I was folding slipped to the floor as I gaped at her foolishly.

She gazed deep into my eyes. “About what you said, Mom… you know, that you were curious, thinking you didn’t know anyone — another woman to… “

I couldn’t think of a damned thing to say, so my expression asked the question for me.

“Well, I mean… not that we had to do like, you know, everything, but if you just wanted to, um, know what it feels like — feels like to fool around…” Her voice trailed off. 

My heart was pounding like a jackhammer. I tried not to stare at Brenda’s near-naked body, but the sight was so breathtaking…   

“Are you, uh…” I swallowed. “Brenda, are you inviting me to… have sex with you? I mean, I’m flattered… but it just sounds so–”   

“Kinky?” she smiled. “I know, Mom, but, well… it’s been so long since I’ve been with Kimmie, and I’m feeling all tingly. Besides, I can see that you want to know about what it’s like. Sex with a woman.”   

“M-maybe so, baby,” I stammered, but–”   

“And I love you so much, Mom,” she murmured, coming closer, stroking my face gently. “I love you and I — I kinda want to, to do things with you. I want to kiss you, really kiss you — and touch you, all over…”    

“You do?” I whispered, my mind spinning.   

“I’ve wanted to for a long time, Mom — ever since that first time with Kimmie. I guess that’s why I told you about me and her in the first place. I wanted to see how you felt about girls… loving each other.”   

I was trembling. Brenda’s eyes shone with passion.

“You’re turned on, Mom. I know you are. You want me to make love to you… don’t you?”   

Oh, God, I did want her, I did! Never before had I felt such naked desire. But this was wrong, so completely wrong! How could I do such a thing with my own daughter?

Brenda’s hand was warm and soft against my cheek, and I swear I could smell her arousal from where I stood. She was so lovely, but I couldn’t… “Brenda,” I gasped, “I don’t think we–”   

“I love you, Mom.” she said, drawing me into her arms. Her lustful gaze held me spellbound for a moment, then her lips brushed lightly against mine. Her mouth was soft and sweet.

We kissed gently at first… then more passionately. Her tongue slipped into my mouth. My arms wound their way around Brenda’s waist as she ground her crotch into me. I could feel the heat and wetness of her pussy through my jeans, and the scent of her skin was intoxicating beyond belief.    

Breaking our kiss, Brenda looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to make the next move. She began to stroke her breasts lightly.

 “Maybe…” I panted, knowing we were nearing the point of no return.

 “Maybe what, Mom?” she purred, pinching her nipples.   

“Maybe we can… start off slow?” I whispered.  

“Sure,” Brenda nodded “I’m fine with that.”

“I, uh… I’m not sure how to…”

She smiled. “I’ll teach you, Mom. I’ll teach you everything.”

“So…” I began, not sure what was supposed to happen next. How you begin a love affair with your own daughter?

“So,” Brenda echoed, “why don’t you sit here, on the back of the couch?” She patted the top of our sectional.

I drew a long, deep breath. Was I ready for this — ready to break at least two taboos?

My fear was flavored with the sexual tension and anticipation that had been simmering in me since Brenda had first confessed the secret of her sexuality. And somehow, the desire I felt was enough to make the fear less powerful.

I hesitantly rounded the couch, climbed onto it and perched on the back, suddenly feeling confined in the worn jeans and faded t-shirt I wore. 

Brenda stood before me, nipples erect behind the flimsy bra, a neatly trimmed pubic triangle clearly visible through her gauzy panties. She placed a hand on my shoulder. “Tell me if you get freaked out, okay?”

“Y-you too,” I nervously replied.

She extended a finger from her hand to graze my neck, then began to trace a line around my throat, making me shiver. Then I felt her lips brush my neck in the softest of kisses.

Unable to help myself, I gasped. Her finger continued on its gradual way, slowly gliding down to my chest, then over my right breast to graze the nipple through my clothes. Her tongue trailed a path up to my ear.   

Oh, I tried not to react, but couldn’t restrain myself. Instead I moaned, every atom of me seething with sexual heat.

This must have encouraged Brenda, because her palm suddenly opened like a spring flower over my right breast. My head spun at how lovely that felt, the warmth of her hand through my t-shirt. She cupped the soft globe, weighing it.

“God, Brenda… this is really turning me on,” I timidly confessed.

“Me too,” she murmured, leaning in close to nibble at my neck.

Her other hand was now fondling my left breast, and my breathing got deeper and faster. The experience of being touched by another woman — my own daughter — was overwhelming. This was without a doubt the hottest, sexiest act I’d ever engaged in!

Her hands left my breasts and slid down to tug at my shirt, pulling it from my jeans. “Am I moving too fast?” Brenda asked in a hoarse whisper, punctuated by a quick nip of my earlobe.

Of course she was going too fast, much too fast — but by then, I was so far gone that I didn’t even think of making her stop.

Her hands unhesitatingly pulled my shirt up and off, then reached around my back. I could feel her breasts against mine as her fingers deftly unfastened my bra clasp. The bra dropped to the floor, and Brenda knelt before me.

I whimpered like a child as her warm mouth covered my nipple. 

“Oooooh Brenda, I’m — oh! Oh, baby, that feels so nice.” I was trembling, throbbing from head to toe.   

She lifted her head from my chest and grinned. “Just wait, Mom — we’re only getting started.” Then she went right back to suckling my right breast, fondling the other with her hand.

Suddenly Brenda raised her face to mine and kissed me deeply, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. Her thigh moved between my legs. As she held me tightly, kissing me like a lover, I felt my baby gently moving her hips against mine, as if she were fucking me.   

Almost automatically, my hands moved to unfasten Brenda’s bra. She gave a happy sigh to let me know this was fine with her, so I stripped it from my daughter as she arched her back.

“God, I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I said, throwing the bra to the floor, “but I want you so much.”

“I wanna fuck you, Mom.” she cooed.

“Do you?” I asked breathlessly.

Her eyes were glazed over with desire… with sex. I leaned forward, gazing up at my beautiful half-naked child, and took the tip of her breast into my mouth. 

It was incredible. I was drunk on the sweet smell, the warmth and softness of her skin, her nipple swelling against my lips — and the forbidden pleasures of incest.

“Oh, Mom!” Brenda gasped. “Yeah… oooooooooooh yes, suck my nipples!”   

Her breasts were warm and soft and delicious… and she cradled my face to her chest as I slid my mouth over her left breast, gently biting the pink tip.

“Oh Jesus, Mom… harder. Oh, yeah, that’s it.” She was shivering now.   

Suddenly Brenda reached for my waist with frantic hands and began to undo my jeans. In seconds she had the zipper down, and I stood up so that she could tug them down to my ankles. I stood, yanked them off and sat back on the couch. Brenda slid out of her panties while I continued to suck on her nipples. She ran a hand up my thighs and into the plain cotton panties I was wearing, her fingers slipping between my legs.

I thrust my ass forward on the couch, legs spreading wide as her finger slid into me.

“Ooooooooh…” I moaned as I put both hands on the couch, bracing myself against Brenda’s loving intrusion.

Her free hand was tugging my panties down and off as her finger started rolling around inside me. Now we were both naked.

“Oh. Ohhhh!” I moaned. “Brenda, that feels so good. So good!   

“Do you like it?” she said playfully, out of breath herself.

“I love it,” I panted, looking down to see her finger pumping into me. “This is so fucking kinky,” I moaned, watching as Brenda played with my dripping cunt.    

“Yeah, that’s it. Watch me fuck you, Mom.” She slipped another finger inside.

“OOOhhhh!… oh, honey, I’m loving this…”

“Me too,” Brenda said. Her legs were wrapped around my thigh, and I could feel her wet pussy against my bare skin. She rubbed her face against my breasts, sucking and biting them as her fingers continued to explore every inch of my vagina.   

Without a thought, I reached for my daughter’s ass and began to caress her. She worked her pussy even harder against my leg as I stroked her beautiful bottom. Then, almost naturally, my hand moved forward between us to slip between her thighs.

“Ohhhh yeah! Oh God, Mom, do me!” she cried, as I slipped two fingers into the raw heat of her vagina.   

What was I doing!? I was having lesbian sex with my daughter. I was finger fucking her. But she felt so wet and warm and slippery, welcoming my steady thrusts. It was incredible, totally different from touching myself. She writhed on my busy fingers.    

We kissed deeply, our hands frantically working at each other’s dripping cunts. Then she took her fingers out of me, brought them to her mouth and licked them, tasting my juices, her face flushed with passion. She then reached down to fondle me again for a sweet instant, then offered her pussy-wet fingers to me.

“Go on, Mom,” she moaned, “taste yourself.”

 I sucked her fingers, savoring my essence, all the while working my own fingers in and out of her hot hole, making her squirm and buck with delight. She was about to come, I knew — then suddenly she grabbed my wrist, stopping me in mid-stroke.

“Mom, I wanna do it, go all the way with you. I want to lick your pussy!” she blurted as she pulled away from me.   

“I…” I tried to say something, anything.

But she was already pulling me towards the middle of the room. “Lie down!” she said excitedly.

The rug was cool and my mind was thinking straighter now. Okay, we’ve already gone too far, maybe we should stop. But even as the thought crossed my mind, I knew that there was no way I was going to back out now.

Brenda faced my feet and straddled my body, a hand at each knee and a knee at each ear. Her thighs moved apart as she lowered her crotch to my face and plunged her tongue deep into me.

I cried out loud. “God! Brenda! OOoohhhh, GOD, honey… oh… ohhhh!” I was nearly screaming. Gulping down a quick breath, I panted, “Is this what you d-did with Kimmie, baby? Did you eat her cunt like this?”

She raised her face, glistening with moisture, from my crotch. “Uh huh… this is what I did to her. Oh, Mom, I love your pussy so much!”

I could hear and feel her feasting on me, lips making wet sounds as her tongue delved into the folds of my vagina.

“OOOoohhhh baby… oh, God this is so GOOD!” My knees were raised, legs spread wide to allow her full access.

“Ooooh, Mom, your pussy is so beautiful! So warm — so wet…”

I looked up at Brenda’s cunt, hovering over my face, glistening with her honey. Oh, God, I was going to do this thing. I had to taste her.

I opened my mouth and covered her flower, slipping my tongue into her moist crevice with one thrust.

Everything about my baby girl’s pussy thrilled me. It was so wet and hot, the juices dripping from her, the taste exploding on my tongue like tart candy. My hands were on her thighs, and Brenda’s hips were rocking back towards me as she whimpered into my wet flesh, pausing from her feast to rub at my clit.

“Oh yeah… OOOohhhh! Suck my cunt, Mom! Deeper… Jesus, your t-tongue feels incredible… OH! Oh, God, I’ve been wanting this so bad!” Then her tongue plunged into me again. Brenda’s mouth seemed to be everywhere on my pussy, her finger rubbing steadily at my clitoris.

This was the most perverted thing I’d ever done — and I loved every minute of it!

Brenda’s hips started gyrating more quickly against my mouth, and I began to quiver like a plucked bowstring as she began to bring me to climax.

That was when she took my clit between her lips and sucked at it — and I exploded in an orgasm I thought would tear me apart.

“Oh God Brenda!” I screamed, “I’m c-c-coming! Oh! OH! OHHHHH!”   

I thrashed and jerked uncontrollably, white fire bursting through my core, leaving me panting for air. As soon as I could catch a decent breath, I responded by shoving my mouth into my daughter’s juicy pussy, eating her in an animal frenzy.

Brenda suddenly cried out loud, shaking like crazy as she straightened up, arched her back and cried out… “Mom! Oh God, MOM! OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhh, fuck! OHHH!” She gasped and howled, her body bucking crazily as she climaxed into my mouth, then collapsed onto me in a trembling heap of sweet, sticky flesh.

We lay holding each other for a long moment. Then she gazed deep into my eyes and murmured, “I love you, Mom. Oh God, how I love you.”   

My heart melted. I knew that there was no turning back — things had changed forever between us. We were still mother and daughter, but now there was a beautiful new aspect to our relationship.  

“I love you too, baby,” I moaned, nuzzling her face. We kissed, softly at first — then harder, passionately. Her hands slid to my ass and began rubbing it firmly as our tongues met and mingled.    

She broke the kiss. “Mom, I wanna do something really nasty now,” she purred with a mischievous grin.   

Jesus, hadn’t we already gone completely wild? How much further could we take this? I didn’t know, but was more than ready to find out. My pussy was dripping with arousal — I felt hornier than ever, I swear. 

“Yes, Brenda. Take me anyway you want to. I’m completely yours.”

My daughter stood up, padded over to her shoulder bag, reached inside and pulled something out. I couldn’t tell what it was for a second. Then I realized with a start that Brenda was holding a large latex cock with a waistband attached. I gaped at the thing as she stroked it.  

“I want to fuck you with this, Mom,” she smiled. “Wanna stick this deep into your cunt and fuck you like a man.”   

I could only nod, breathing hard. God, yes — at that moment, I needed her to be inside me more than anything.

She began to deftly strap the harness around her waist. “Get on all fours, Mom. And close your eyes.”    

I did as she said. And waited, trembling with anticipation and lust. I thought I would explode if she didn’t touch me soon.   

“Brenda…” I groaned.   

Suddenly I felt her hands on my butt, pulling my cheeks apart. Then she started to lick my cunt slowly, sensuously… it was divine. Then her tongue moved up to the crack of my ass. She lightly kissed my rosebud once or twice, then began licking deep between my buttocks, rimming me.

I gasped with delight as Brenda pleasured my ass with her mouth. Could this really be happening? I’d grown accustomed to thinking of my daughter as a sweet, modest creature who cared more about her teddy bears than boys. Now she had me down on my knees, bathing my anus with her tongue. It was so lewd, so sinful — and it satisfied me like nothing ever had. I could feel another climax deep inside, raging and snarling for release.   

But just before I could come, Brenda’s lips and tongue vanished from between my cheeks. I moaned in frustration — so close! — but before I could even catch my breath, she thrust that cock of hers all the way into my vagina in a single stroke.

The world broke into pieces as I exploded in a climax more intense than any I’d ever known. Brenda didn’t stop, either. She worked that enormous cock in and out of me like a woman possessed, fucking me harder… harder!

My fingernails gouged their way into the shag carpet as she leaned forward and bit my ear, her hands pawing at my breasts. Then she reared back and started groping my ass, her hips still thrusting wildly against me. She shoved a finger into my asshole, and I came again in a howling frenzy.

It took a minute or so to catch my breath — then I ripped that strap-on off Brenda, shoved my daughter onto her back and went down on her until she begged for mercy. 

We lay together on the floor for a long time after that, naked and entwined, sharing sweet kisses and whispered words of passion. 

I suppose that I should have felt guilt and shame at the very idea of being a mother who makes love to her child. Instead, I blessed the fates for bringing the two of us together in such a wondrous way.   

That was three years ago. Brenda and I have been lovers ever since.

The End


My Aunt’s Kinky Game

  • Posted on May 25, 2019 at 2:18 pm

by JetBoy


Note from JetBoy: This is a very old story of mine that I never quite finished. Having stumbled upon it recently in my Dead Dog files, I saw some slight worth there, and elected to polish it up for your discriminating eyes — adding an actual ending in the process. Hope you like it.


I’d always thought that my mother was so prim and proper, the kind of woman who was always poised and in control of herself… at least until my Aunt Linda showed me the deep hidden lusts that Mom had lurking within.

It happened one summer when I had plans to go to Aunt Linda’s for a visit, a few months after I turned eighteen. She drove up to our town to pick me up in her sports car. We both hugged Mom, then left.

I was more excited than you can imagine about being with Aunt Linda for the summer. That’s because she made love to me for the previous year, the last time I visited.

I’d never thought of myself as being into sex with other girls, but Linda convinced me that lesbian love was the greatest. We fucked each other over and over again while I was there, and she taught me everything imaginable about making love to a woman, from oral to anal. She’d even taken my virginity with her fingers.

I’d returned home eager to explore lesbian sex with other girls, but never got a chance to. We lived in a very conservative suburb where people were uptight about that kind of thing, and I was too afraid to be open about my newfound sexuality. I’m sure there were other gay girls at my school, but the risk of getting outed made me super cautious. As a result, my sex life after that time with Aunt Linda was, well, nonexistent.

It had been a long year, waiting for my next visit to Aunt Linda’s place — but boy, was I ever ready! In fact, as soon as we hit the road, I made it clear to my aunt that there was no way I could keep my hands off her for the three hours it would take to get to her home. She smiled at me and said “Oh, I’ve already made plans to do something about that, little girl…”

We drove to the next town and stopped at a hotel and checked in. In the room I tore off my clothes and all but attacked Aunt Linda. We made love like animals, and she fingered me in my cunt and ass at the same time. I’d stuffed the corner of a pillow in my mouth when I came, else I’d have screamed loudly enough to have the police breaking the door down. Finally we lay quietly, holding one another.

Then she got up. She showered and told me to do the same, then get dressed. I had no idea what was going on but did as she said.

“Are you ready for a special surprise, honey?” she said as she got ready to go.

“Sure, Aunt Linda, what is it?” I asked her.

“It’s something really incredible, if you’re up for it… but you must do exactly as I say, understand? I’m going to bring another person in here — and no matter what happens, you can’t let her recognize your voice.”

“So, this person… it’s someone I know?”

Linda nodded. “That’s right. She’ll be wearing a blindfold, so you don’t have to hide… just be quiet. This could be the wildest sexual experience you’ll ever have, if you want it. But if you don’t want to get involved — and you may not — then just leave the room quietly, and go down the street to the movie theater and watch something for a couple of hours. That’s all I can tell you right now. You’ll have to trust me. Okay?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Now, I will be out for a few minutes. Go get something to eat, then be back here in half an hour and wait for me.”

I went out and got a hamburger, then came back. When I got back, there was something new in the room — long silk scarves had been carefully tied to the bed posts. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but knew it was going to be pretty fucking wild.

Soon Aunt Linda’s car pulled up, and she got out and went to the other side of the car and opened the door. My jaw dropped as my mother stepped out, and a feeling of terror shot through me. What in God’s name was my aunt up to?

I started thinking about making a hasty escape, then froze in mid-motion as Aunt Linda took Mom in her arms and kissed her on the mouth. I gasped, then gasped again as Mom kissed her back. It was no sisterly kiss, either — I could see their tongues dancing together from fifty feet away.

I couldn’t believe it — my aunt and my mother were lovers? 

Mom is tall and lovely, with slight breasts, but a really nice ass. I’ve always thought she was a gorgeous woman, and was delighted that I seemed to be developing a body similar to hers.

Anyway, there I was, mouth hanging slack as I watched Aunt Linda kissing her sister — my mother, for fuck’s sake! — in the parking lot of the hotel. When they finally broke apart, I saw that Mom had no bra on, and her blouse was half open. They’d been playing with each other on the way there, I figured, and Mom was pretty worked up, ready for action.

I wasn’t sure whether I was supposed to hide or not — but then Linda put a blindfold on Mom, and led her toward our room. I was standing in a corner, my heart going like sixty as she opened the door.

“Step inside, Carol,” she said to Mom.

Mom gingerly stepped into the room. “You’re sure that Teresa won’t be coming back to this room tonight?”

“Don’t worry,” Linda murmured. “I got her a room on the other side of the hotel… and I gave her a sleeping pill so she’d get a good night’s rest. She’s out like a light.”

Mom shook her head. “God, this is so dangerous,” she whispered, “I can’t believe I’m doing such a crazy thing.”

“You used to be really wild, Carol — don’t you remember?” Aunt Linda said. “Now it’s time for you to let that part of yourself out again.”

Linda led Mom to the bed, then slowly undressed her, kissing and caressing her as she removed each article of clothing. Finally Mom was naked… and she looked beautiful. My heart throbbed as I realized that I might soon be in bed with my mother and Linda, having sex with them both.

I carefully took off all my clothes, every stitch. It was a major line that I was about to step over, and it didn’t faze me in the least — all I knew right then was that my mother was lovely and desirable, she was no stranger to lesbian sex, and that was enough. God, I almost had an orgasm right then at the thought of what I was about to do.

Linda lay my naked mother down on the bed and secured her wrists to the restraints, then she moved down and did the same to her ankles, which left her legs spread wide apart. My mouth watered at the sight of Mom’s juicy cunt.

Linda motioned to me to stand next to her. “Now, Carol, it’s time for the surprise I promised you. I have someone with me — a lover of mine, who is going to join us tonight.”

“Really?” Mom said, suddenly tense. “I thought it was just going to be the two of us.”

My aunt winked at me. “I don’t keep any secrets from her, Carol — and I asked her if she was into joining us in bed. She was really turned on by the idea of making love to a pair of real-life sisters, so she said yes. Trust me, you’ll like her.”

“Jesus, Linda,” Mom replied with a shaky laugh, “you’re as wild as ever, aren’t you?”

“How do you feel about being taken by both of us at once?” Linda murmured. “Would you like that, my sweet sister?”

“As long as you make love to me, Linda,” my mother sighed. “I’ve missed this so terribly — being with you, the way we used to do. It’s been so long. God, I was a fool to give up what we had.”

“I’ve missed you, too,” Linda cooed. “I know you didn’t want to cheat on George. But now he’s out of the picture, and you and I can be lovers again.”

“Oh, Linda, I’ve waited so long for this…”

She knelt next to my mother and began kissing her — and I could see Mom’s tongue in my aunt’s mouth as their kiss quickly grew passionate. Linda was fondling Mom’s breasts now, brushing her nipples with her fingertips. She leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “Get between her legs and kiss her thighs, then up to her pussy… do it slowly, tease her.”

I smiled and kissed Linda, then knelt before Mom, my heart throbbing… and began to nuzzle her thighs, slowly working my way up to her glistening vulva. I was nearly trembling with excitement as I moved in to take that first luscious lick.

“Oh my God,” Mom moaned, once my face was buried in her thick pubes, tongue probing her cunt. “She’s incredible, Linda.”

“Yes, she’s an animal in bed.”

“Mmmm… oh yes, lick me.” Mom moaned as I moved her towards her first orgasm. I ate her slowly until she was thrashing through her first climax. Linda was busy kissing and sucking Mom’s nipples as she came in my face.

As Mom lay there panting while recovering from her climax, Linda gestured for me to join her at the head of the bed. Then she positioned me so I was sitting on Mom’s lap, facing her with my breasts near her face.

“Here, Carol… lick your new lover’s nipples,” she purred, slowly drawing Mom’s face to my breasts.

Mom immediately began sucking my nipples, and I cradled her head to my chest. Linda was watching, fingering her own pussy as she lay next to us.

My cunt was rubbing against Mom’s tummy as she pleasured my breasts, and it felt so good that I suddenly came against her. She only sucked harder, biting my nipples as she came too.

I was so turned on that I slipped down and kissed her like a lover. My own mom! She was licking her own pussy juices from my lips and chin, and I let my tongue explore her mouth. She was an incredible kisser, and it got me instantly hot, even though I’d just climaxed.

Wanting more, I straddled her head and fed her my pussy — and she started licking me right away. She found my swollen clit and began to lightly nibble it, making me cry out loud. After a couple minutes of that, I sprayed her face with another orgasm. I kissed Mom once more, this time licking the taste of my cunt from her lips, then staggered over to a nearby chair and sat.

Linda reached for her strap-on and handed it to me. My heart raced in anticipation as I put it on. Was I really going to fuck Mom? I sure as hell wanted to!

“Now, Carol,” Linda softly said, “I’m going to untie you… but the blindfold stays on, understand?”

“Yes, Linda.”

“Good,” she said, removing the restraints. She bent down to kiss Mom’s breasts, in a way that had her own generous tits hanging in my mother’s face. Mom’s tongue emerged to lick at Linda’s swollen nipple… and then the two sisters were eagerly pleasuring each other’s breasts.

Linda began kissing her way down Mom’s body, straddling her as she went until they were in a 69 position, nuzzling each other’s cunts. Then Linda burrowed between my mother’s thighs to feast on her pussy, and Mom lifted her face to claim my aunt’s dripping slit with her mouth.

I watched wide-eyed as my mom and my aunt went down on one another, eating cunt with a passion that left me breathless. Wow, they really were in love.

Then Linda rolled herself and my mother over so that Mom was now on top. Her eyes met mine, and I knew exactly what she wanted me to do.

I knelt behind Mom, resting the tip of my latex cock at the entrance to her wet vagina. She moaned into Aunt Linda’s cunt, clearly knowing what she was in for. Well, who was I to let her down?

I pushed forward, slipping my cock into a furnace-hot, soaking-wet cunt — and began to fuck her slowly, gradually increasing my tempo with each stroke.

Suddenly Mom moaned, “Oh Jesus, fuck me hard, go deep… damn it, fuck me!”

My eyes widened. I’d never heard my mother swear before, at least nothing more than an occasional damn or hell, and now she was crying, “Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me, give me your cock. Oh yes, deeper, fuck my cunt…” She ranted on and on like that.

So I fucked Mom like a wild animal, just the way she wanted — and she came with a howl before going completely limp.

“Okay,” commanded Linda, “now, Carol, you put it on and fuck your new lover.” Mom did as she was told and I lay on the bed, spread out and waiting for her. Soon she was on top of me, her breasts brushing mine as she drove that dildo deep into my body. I had orgasm after orgasm while Mom rode me, kissing my mouth over and over again. During one orgasm I was moaning louder and louder and then cried out, unable to stifle my ecstasy.

With the dildo deep in me, Mom stopped and a look came over her face. “Linda, who is your friend? I want to know now.”

“Okay, very well, turn around on the bed and sit at the head again and I will show you.”

Mom did as she said — and Linda took off the dildo, then put her arms and legs back in the restraints, making sure they were tighter this time.

“Now dear, are you sure you want to know who we have been in bed with half the night, who you have eaten out and fucked? Are you sure?”

Mom asked, “Um… do I know her, then? Is that why you blindfolded me?”

“Yes, you do… and yes, it is.” Linda said.

“Do I know her well?”

“Yes, dear, you know her well. I have been teaching her all she knows about sex. She’s an incredible lover who really knows how to please a woman… and I wanted to share her with you.”

As she spoke, Aunt Linda guided me between Mom’s thighs once more, clearly indicating that I should begin to eat her pussy again. “Before I take off the blindfold… she wants to lick you again, Carol.”

“Okay,” Mom said with a nod. “She needs to be gentle, though. I’m tender down there.”

Soon I was going down on Mom, and she was squirming towards another climax. Linda bent down to me to whisper, “Keep eating her… soon as she begins to come, I’m taking the blindfold off.”

Mom’s orgasm was getting closer… now she was humping my face. Then she began to come and Linda untied the blindfold. It came off slowly and Mom froze, her face white with horror.

“Oh my God, oh no, not my own daughter, oh God… Untie me, Linda!” she sobbed, utterly stunned by the sight of me.

Linda came over to where I stood. “What do you think of your mother, Teresa… did you enjoy fucking her?”

“God, yes,” I purred. “Mom, you are so hot.”

Suddenly Linda kissed me and began sucking my tits and fingering me.

“Oh no, please no,” Mom said. “D-don’t do this.”

Linda turned to her. “Now, sis… now you are going to watch us make love.”

“Oh no, please.” Mom kept on saying.

For the next hour Linda and I made love every way imaginable, Mom watching all the while. After awhile, her hips were moving slowly… and I knew my mother was aroused.

“Oh, Linda,” she finally moaned after a long while.

“What is it, Carol?” she said.

“Untie me.”

Linda unfastened the restraints. Slowly Mom rose to her feet and padded across the room to where I stood… than all of a sudden, her naked body was pressing into mine.

She took my face in her hands and kissed me. I kissed her back — and we fell to the bed in each other’s arms. Slowly we worked around to a 69 and ate each other until we came together.

Linda was stretched out next to us as we recovered, and my mother and I suddenly attacked her.

For another hour, the three of us fucked like bitches in heat. My pussy was so sensitive by the time we passed out that the slightest touch made me shiver. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning we showered and dressed and ate breakfast. We all drove to Linda’s house in Biloxi. The weekend was spent for the most part naked and in bed, taking time to eat and refresh ourselves in the pool.

Since then, Mom and I have had a special relationship and slept in each other’s bed whenever we felt the desire to. She and I still fuck sometimes, even though I’m older now and have a lesbian lover of my own. We’ll always remember the first time we were together, and we’re both grateful to Aunt Linda for making it happen.

The End


Ripples, Chapter 14

  • Posted on May 21, 2019 at 2:14 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

After an uneventful morning, Jessica got the girls off to school and drove to the shop. Somehow, she put aside all thoughts of her personal life, knuckling down to making calls, checking stock, analysing sales and checking out new lines. She even managed to busy herself on the shop floor — manning the tills, tidying the shelves and greeting customers, but making an effort to avoid the changing rooms. Why be greedy? she thought. You’ve already got enough on your plate.

At the end of a productive day, Jess was preparing to go home, intending to have her little chat with Alice and Katie. Then she received a call from a member of the local commerce group, asking if she could attend a meeting that evening about business rates and rents. With the economy as it was, especially affecting the country’s town centres, she felt she had to say yes.

She picked up some groceries, then fetched the two younger girls from school. As soon as Alice got home she prepared dinner, and as she and her daughters sat at the table, she told them, “Listen, girls, I need to go to a meeting in town tonight… but instead of getting a sitter in, I’ve decided that Alice is old enough to be in charge while I’m gone. I’ll only be gone a couple of hours or so, but phone Rachel if anything happens and I can be home in ten minutes.” She turned to her eldest daughter. “How does that sound, sweetheart? Do you think you can look after your sisters for me?”

Alice nodded, clearly pleased. “Of course, Mum, thanks for trusting me. I promise, I’ll be careful.”

Jess smiled at her lovely teenage daughter. “I’m sure you will; you’re a very grown-up girl for your age.” They exchanged knowing looks, then carried on eating.

After dinner, Jess cleared up, with Alice helping dry the dishes, then she went upstairs to get ready — a quick shower, slipping into a casual pantsuit, retouching her makeup and a few swipes of the hairbrush. By six-thirty, she was ready to go.

Standing by the door, car keys in hand, she told Alice, “Okay, call me if there are any problems, but remember, Rachel is just across the road. I might be home by ten, but it could run later than that. Make sure your sisters wash up and clean their teeth, and that Poppy’s in bed by eight, Katie by nine. You can stay up and wait for me if you want, but make sure to do all your homework. I’ll let Rachel know you’re looking after the girls.”

“Okay, Mum, no problem.”

“Thanks, love.” Though feeling a wicked urge to give her daughter a passionate French kiss, Jess settled for placing a soft peck on Alice’s cheek before taking her leave.


As the door closed behind her mum, Alice was already beginning to think about having a little fun with her sisters. She called out, “Katie! Poppy!”

The younger girls appeared at the top of the stairs. “What’s up?” said Katie.

“Why don’t you guys bring your homework down here? We can work at the kitchen table and get it done fast… then we’ll have until bedtime to do something fun together!”

“Cool!” cried Poppy, disappearing in a flash.

“Something fun, huh? Sure, okay,” said Katie, giving her big sister a thoughtful smile before turning away. Alice felt a flash of excitement, suspecting that her younger sibling had something more interesting in mind than TV or kids’ games. Maybe Katie got over how nervous she was in the shower yesterday, Alice thought. Wow, I sure hope so!

Moments later, the three girls were seated at the kitchen table, plowing through their homework. Poppy had a few long division problems she was struggling with, but with Alice’s help she made short work of them, and within half an hour, they were finished.

“All right!” Alice said, slamming her biology textbook shut. “Let’s go get changed, then meet up by the sofa!”

Grinning with excitement, the three girls raced upstairs, each to their own room.

Her heart pounding, Alice quickly stripped off all her clothes, dropping them where she stood, and rushed into the landing stark naked. She went down the hallway to Poppy’s room and, without hesitation, entered. “Hey, Popstar!” she exclaimed, “don’t forget to clean your teeth.”

Alice’s sudden entrance made Poppy start. She turned, her eyes going wide at the sight of her big sister, bouncing into her room without a stitch on. “Ali, you’re not wearing anything. You’re always doing that.”

Alice grinned, “I know. I told you before, didn’t I? I like not wearing clothes. Why don’t you try it? We could all watch telly completely naked. It’ll be fun, like… like living in the jungle!”

“A naked party, huh? Yeah, let’s!” Without a second thought, Poppy shucked the nightshirt she wore, then slipped out of her knickers. “How’s this?”

“Perrrrrrrrfect,” Alice cooed, feasting her eyes on the nude seven-year-old. “I’ll go tell Katie.”


In her room, Katie had just put on fresh panties, and was wriggling into an old Abba t-shirt of Alice’s that she liked to sleep in. She appraised herself in the mirror, wondering if she really was as cute as her big sister said.

Katie found herself hoping that Poppy wouldn’t want to stay up past her bedtime, maybe even turn in a little early, so that she could be alone with Alice for awhile before their mum got home.

Ever since she and Alice had showered together the day before, Katie had been consumed by thoughts of her older sibling, of how they’d washed each other. It felt so lovely when she touched my bum, Katie mused, and when she got me to wash her titties… well, that was nice too.

But then Alice had tried to put Katie’s hand between her legs, the younger girl had panicked and fled. Katie’s face burned with embarrassment as she replayed the incident in her mind. She could still hear Alice’s voice, whispering, Wash me there… it feels so good.

Katie wasn’t sure if she was a lesbian like her big sister, and preferred girls to boys… but she knew one thing for certain: If she gives me another chance to touch her there, I won’t be running away.

She’d just begun to make her way to the door when Alice burst in. Katie opened her lips to speak — then froze as she realized that her older sibling was completely bare.

“Hey, Kitty Kat — me and Pops are going to watch TV with no clothes on.”

Katie was flabbergasted, unable to speak. Finally she managed to say, “Why?”

“Just for a laugh,” Alice giggled. “We’re pretending we’re in the jungle, and don’t have any clothes!”

Katie felt a touch of nervousness, but fought it off. Don’t you be a fraidy-cat — not this time!

In fact, when she thought about it, the idea of getting naked with Alice seemed, well, sort of interesting. With a devil-may-care shrug, she stripped completely before her big sister.

“Way to go, sis!” cheered Alice. “Let’s brush our teeth first, then we’ll head downstairs.” She went into their shared bathroom, another smile of victory forming. Well, that was easy, she told herself, reaching for the toothpaste. I think this is gonna be lots of fun.

Within minutes, the three sisters were gathered in the living room, each stealing occasional glances at the other two. Alice had suggested that they bring their dressing gowns along, just in case they needed to cover up quickly… but at the moment, they were all put to one side.

“What shall we watch?” asked Alice, considering for a moment whether to log on to one of her favourite naughty websites and pull up some sexy girl-girl footage. Then she decided it was a bit too soon to expose Poppy to that kind of fun without laying some groundwork first. Katie had already seen one of those videos on the night after their Wales trip and sleepover, and Alice had another hot lesbian clip waiting, one she intended to show Katie at some later time. Maybe tonight, she thought.

They settled on a DVD compilation of songs from cartoons and films and, once it was playing, danced around the floor singing along. Anyone peeping through the window could be forgiven for thinking they were watching some kind of bizarre tribal ritual, unless they could hear the music.

As they pranced around, each continued to check out the others. Alice took the opportunity to study her sisters’ yet-to-develop young bodies, growing more aroused by the minute. Katie paid special attention to Alice’s blossoming womanhood, unsettled by the realisation that she was feeling an attraction for her own sibling. As for Poppy, she savoured the pleasure of doing something naughty, but also gazed in awe at her sisters’ bodies, slightly jealous of their more developed figures.

As their energy waned, the jumping about subsided, and they finally settled down, electing to watch a documentary on penguins, spreading their dressing gowns out on the sofa, where Alice and Katie seated themselves. Poppy chose to lie on her tummy on the floor.

The girls sat quietly, watching the screen — two of them were, at any rate. As the younger ones became mesmerised by the animals, Alice seized the opportunity to study her sisters.

Katie’s body was beginning to ripen nicely, and the way she sat, facing Alice, exposed her open peach enough for the older girl to get a good look. She felt a sudden, urgent hunger to lick that pretty slit, causing her heart to beat a little faster.

Shifting her gaze to her baby sister, stretched out on the floor, head supported by her elbows and palms, Alice found the view to be just as tantalising — perhaps more so, given her sister’s age. She found herself mesmerised by Poppy’s pert, pale bum, the seven-year-old’s thighs parted just wide enough to give Alice an incredible view of the child’s puffy slit, as well as her cute little rosebud.

Alice felt warm all over, imagining the possibilities at hand. What would Poppy do, she wondered, if I were to crawl over to where she is, dip my face between her legs and lick those pretty little holes of hers? Bet she’d love it. She gave a tiny nod. Bet she would, yeah. I wonder… does Mum ever think of Katie and Poppy the way I do? Unsure how to process such an idea, she put it aside.

Eventually it neared 8 PM — so as she promised her mum, Alice informed Poppy that it was her bedtime. She’d expected an argument, but the little one was tuckered out from their earlier antics. “Will you tuck me in, please?” said a sleepy-eyed Poppy, rising to her feet.

“Sure, Popstar,” said Alice, reaching out to take the child’s hand.

Once Alice had Poppy safely nestled in bed, she leaned down and placed a light kiss on the little girl’s lips, allowing it to linger just a little. “Good night, sweetie,” she whispered.

Poppy raised her head slightly. “You never kissed me like that before… I like it.”

“Oh, well,” Alice said, “You’re growing up fast, kiddo — thought I’d give you an adult kiss for a change.”

“I liked it,” the child repeated. “Can I have another?”

“Sure,” Alice said, drawing the little girl into her arms. She pressed her lips to Poppy’s, a bit more firmly this time, drawing the kiss out for even longer. The urge was there to give in to desire and bring her tongue into play, kissing her seven-year-old sister like a lover. She barely managed to resist.

Alice gently broke away, giving the child a sweet smile. “G’night, Poppy… I love you.”

“Love you too,” the dazed girl replied.

Pausing to switch on the nightlight, Alice made her way to the door, turning back to look at her little sister before she left. The sight of Poppy gently touching her lips quickened Alice’s heartbeat.

“Alice?” Poppy called out, just before her sister closed the door. “That was fun, not wearing any clothes. Can we do it again?”

Alice had to smile at that. “Oh yes, Pops, we certainly will. We’re going to have lots of fun, now you’re getting to be a big girl — you’ll see. Now get to sleep. Pleasant dreams.” Pulling the door to, she leaned back against it, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

I don’t care if she’s only seven, she thought. I don’t care if it means I’m perverted. Sometime soon, I’m going to make love to her.

Alice went downstairs and back to the living room — pushing the door to, but not quite closed, remembering how she had peeped on her mum and Rachel on that amazing night, several weeks ago. Who knows? she told herself. Maybe Poppy will wake up and come down for a glass of milk or something. Wouldn’t it be cool to have her see me and Katie, doing sex stuff? She paused to look at her nude sister, still relaxing on the couch. Speaking of Katie…

She seated herself opposite Katie, this time dropping one leg to the floor and bending her other leg on the cushion so her dampening slit was fully exposed. She casually dropped a hand to her thigh, achingly close to the source of her heat.

They carried on watching TV for a few minutes, with Alice thinking of her next step all the while. Finally, she turned to her sister. “Wanna do something else now?” she asked, alternating her gaze between Katie’s eyes and the part of the younger girl’s body she was dying to get to. Let her see me look, she thought.

Katie pursed her lips, as though she was trying to recall the answer to a test question. “Um, I dunno. The other night, you said you’d teach me some cool stuff… y’know, that girls do.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that,” Alice replied, trying to seem nonchalant, but inside she was almost feverish with anticipation. She adjusted her position, fully putting her own sex on display to Katie, leaving one leg trailing on the floor, the other now bent completely with her foot flat on the cushion. Now her sister could see everything she was doing. “Shall I teach you how to masturbate properly?”

“Sure,” Katie said, her voice barely audible.

Alice gave the younger girl an encouraging smile. “Okay, then. First, you need to get yourself all wet; otherwise you can get a bit sore from rubbing. It’s best to do it this way.” With that, she put her index and middle fingers into her mouth, moving them slowly in and out to ensure they received a good coating of saliva.

Locking eyes with Katie, who was watching raptly, she removed her fingers and, moving slowly, dropped the hand to her groin. “You should touch your vagina slowly at first, to get yourself all wet and excited.”

“Vagina?” Katie repeated. “That’s your, um…”

Katie nodded. “Most girls call it their pussy, but there are lots of names for it. Just slide your fingers up and down to get started.” Alice demonstrated, holding back her excitement to build the tension. As her sex grew moist, she gradually eased her middle finger into the hot folds of her labia.

“As soon as you feel wet enough, you can start to put your finger inside like this — but be careful you don’t scratch yourself with your nails.” Alice began to dip her finger inside, alternating with circling the small but throbbing nub of flesh just above. “Once you get going, you can touch your clit, this little button at the top. That’s where you get the best feelings from.” She continued to tease her own engorged clitoris while watching Katie, who was too busy staring wide-eyed at her sister’s vulva to notice.

Katie’s mouth hung slack in awe at the incredible sight before her. Seeing a girl’s naughty bits on the video Alice had shown her a few days ago was one thing, but this was up close and for real. It was giving the nine-year-old all kinds of feelings that were new to her — some thrilling, some a little scary.

Without missing a stroke, Alice said, “Why don’t you have a go, so I can see how you do it?”

Too astonished to speak, but thinking, Yes, that’s what I want, Katie quickly nodded and got into the same position as her sister. Alice smiled and said, “That’s it — like we’re doing it in front of a mirror. Just copy what I do.”

Katie put her fingers in her mouth, just as Alice had done. Once they were wet enough, she did as Alice instructed, and slowly trailed them up and down the cleft of her smaller, smoother pussy. Where Alice had visible outer lips forming, Katie’s labia were not yet as developed. Alice thought her sister’s sex looked more like an apricot.

They continued to mirror each other for a few minutes, the younger girl copying every move her older sister made. As Alice pushed a finger inside, so did Katie; when Alice used her middle finger to rapidly circle her clit, she did the same, though Alice had to pause before she reached a climax. Then Katie watched as Alice fucked herself with the index finger of one hand, while using the other to stimulate her clitoris. Katie copied her but, not being used to having anything inside her vagina, went more slowly.

Although Alice had initiated both sexual encounters with her mother, she’d still been the student, despite Mum’s lack of experience in that area. Now for the first time, she was the teacher… and it felt good. She knew instinctively that she wanted to educate other girls — women, too! — in the delights of lesbian love.

Sensing once again that she was about to come, Alice eased off, not wanting to let it get in the way of her intentions. She continued to carefully watch Katie, whose eyes were still glued to her sister’s busy hands, and waited until the inevitable moment when the younger girl would succumb to these new pleasures.

When Alice finally saw Katie’s eyes close, the girl’s head lolling back to rest on the arm of the sofa, she ceased her own fingering and carefully stood, raising herself from the sofa so that her sister wouldn’t notice. By then, Katie was oblivious to all as she drifted toward her own orgasmic throes, made evident by her short, sharp breaths and little jerks her body made.

Alice moved slowly on her hands and knees along the carpet to Katie’s side, careful not to touch or interrupt her. She watched until she heard her sister’s breaths grow deeper, turning into low moans that built to a crescendo, rising in tone until it seemed as if she might scream. Choosing that instant to make her move, Alice bent forward to flick her tongue over Katie’s tiny nipple.

Katie’s eyes suddenly flew open at this unexpected touch, her hand freezing in mid-motion. “Alice!” she gasped, staring at her big sister in complete disbelief. “What are you–”

“Don’t stop!” Alice said, pausing her flickering tongue to look up at her little sister. “I’m just helping you feel good, Kitty-Kat. It’s okay, carry on. You’re so close!”

Too shocked to speak, Katie began to masturbate again. As it sank in, the import of what Alice was doing, the younger girl redoubled her efforts at manipulating her clit. Only this time, her eyes were wide open, taking in the view of her elder sibling as Alice lavished attention on her nipples.

Katie began to moan louder, her brow furrowed with sudden concern. “Ali, what’s happening? I feel funny all over… I think I’m g-going to wee myself!”

Shaking her head, Alice said, “You aren’t, trust me — it feels like that when you’re about to come really big. “Just let it happen, sis — I promise, you’ll love it.”

Katie still felt uncertain, but she did have faith in her big sister. Anyhow, it felt too good to stop. Her hand moved frantically, the pleasure mounting higher with each passing second.

Alice began to kiss her sister. She didn’t use her tongue, but they were hot open-mouthed kisses that siblings didn’t usually share. Katie didn’t really respond to them, though she seemed happy enough to let Alice do whatever she wanted. Then the panting nine-year-old was coming, and nothing mattered but the moment’s ecstasy.

Katie had brought herself off a few times by then, but lovely as that felt, it was nothing compared to this orgasm, now raging through her body like a thunderstorm. She moaned as this incredible sensation reached a peak, but the sound was muffled by her big sister’s mouth.

A few seconds later, her body convulsed, almost throwing Alice off. The older girl sat back, watching in awe as Katie quivered and shook, lost in purest bliss. I did that, she told herself. I taught my sister how.

Now aching with lust, Alice looked down at her little sister’s hands. Katie’s climax was beginning to ebb —  her finger still pumping in and out, only much more slowly than before. Feeling a wicked impulse, Alice joined her index finger to Katie’s before sliding them both into the girl’s gushing furnace. A jolt raced through Katie’s body, then Alice withdrew her finger, dizzy with excitement as she raised it to her lips for a first taste of the younger girl.

She sucked greedily to get all the juices she’d longed for, then inserted the digit back into Katie’s honeypot for more. It was not long before her second helping was gone, so she dipped in again — only this time, she raised the glistening finger to her sister’s lips. “Go on, sis… you’ve tasted mine, now taste yourself.”

Katie hesitated at first, then took the juice-covered finger into her mouth, sampling her flavour and deciding she liked it. Alice shivered at how nice it felt, having her finger suckled like a hungry baby with a milk bottle.

Taking her hand back, Alice drew close to Katie and kissed her gently, like a lover, but with more affection than lust. Neither girl spoke for a few seconds.

Alice looked round at the clock on the sideboard, then turned back to Katie, who had regained her breath and was practically glowing with contentment. “It’s nearly nine,” Alice said, rising to her feet. “Time for you to get to bed, Kat.” She extended a hand to help her sister up.

As Katie rose, she threw both arms around Alice, hugging her tightly. “Oh, thank you, Ali, thank you! That was… it was the best thing ever!” Pulling away, she gazed up at her sister. “Can we do that again? Lots of times?”

Alice enjoyed a smile of victory, tinged with an overwhelming love for her sibling. “We sure can, Katie. Now that you like girls too, we can do all sorts of things together. I can’t wait to teach you more.”

They gathered up their dressing gowns, then Alice led Katie up the stairs and to her bedroom. She tucked her sister up in bed and kissed her gently on the lips, just as she had with Poppy — only this time, she got to savour the taste of the young girl’s virgin cunt on her lips. “Night-night, Kitty-Kat. I love you.”

“I love you too,” whispered Katie.

Alice turned to go, but just as her hand touched the doorknob, Katie suddenly blurted out, “Ali, who taught you how to do that stuff? You said you’ve done it with other girls… now, will you tell me who they were?”

The question caught Alice by surprise. She hadn’t given any thought to telling Katie about the things she’d done with Mum — at least not yet. She studied her sister for a few seconds, wondering how best to answer, the beginnings of a plan starting to unfold in her head.

She took a breath. “Well… if I tell you, you can’t tell anyone else ever, okay? Whatever was the biggest secret I ever asked you to keep for me, this one is even bigger.”

Katie nodded. “I swear. Cross my heart and everything.”

Returning to the bed, Alice sat down beside her sister. “Okay then. Um, I started doing stuff with Bella after I found these stories and videos of lesbian stuff on the internet. But she was always too scared to let me do much. Mostly just kissing.”

“Uh-huh,” said Katie, her face getting a bit warm as she recalled her own fears. Now, they just seemed silly.

Alice continued. “Then one night, I was outside Mum’s room, and I saw her watching this DVD full of ladies having sex with each other–”

“Wait, wait!” Katie protested. “Hold on. Our mum was looking at a dirty movie? A lesbian movie? But she isn’t gay!” She paused. “Um, is she?”

“I didn’t think so before, but here’s the thing: Mum wasn’t just watching, she was touching her pussy!”

Katie’s eyes were huge. “No way!”

Yes way,” said Alice. “She didn’t know I was there, and I sneaked away quick when she turned the movie off. Anyhow, I’d been thinking a lot about, y’know, liking girls, and I figured maybe I could talk to Mum about it, ‘specially if she felt the same way. But then, before I got around to talking to her…” She paused, unsure of what to say.

“What? What happened?”

Alice felt herself blush. “Um… so like I said, I was having these thoughts about girls — wanting to kiss them and touch them, you know? Well, I, uh, kinda started feeling that way about Mum.”

Katie made a face. “You wanted to do sex stuff with Mum? Isn’t that, I dunno, sort of weird?”

“Maybe not that weird,” Alice replied. “Let’s face it, Mum’s a sexy woman.”

“I — I guess,” said Katie. “So… what did you do about it? Anything?”

Alice took a deep breath. Here goes, she thought. “A couple nights later, after you and Poppy had gone to bed, I went to Mum’s room and asked if we could talk. I told her that I think I’m a lesbian and I asked her to teach me how to kiss properly… and show me how to play with myself, like we just did.”

“You never!” Katie gasped, her eyes wide. “What did she say?”

“At first, she didn’t want to. Mums aren’t supposed to do things like that with their daughters, and she could get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out. But then, I sort of got her to kiss me anyhow.”

“Wow… so, what was it like?”

“Oh, Katie, it was wonderful. Better than I ever thought a kiss could be. She loved it too, I could tell! And I guess it got Mum all excited, ‘cos I started touching her titties, and she didn’t make me stop. Then… well, Mum undressed me, and played with my pussy till I came.”

“That’s… oh, I don’t know,” breathed Katie, in something of a daze. “It sounds so — so bad, so wicked, but at the same time, really, really hot!” She shook her head slowly, as if trying to clear it.

“You’re right,” Alice replied with a nod, “but it was totally sweet and gentle, too. It wasn’t just sex, Katie. Mum made love to me… and I could feel that love all over when she touched me down there.”

Katie longed to ask her big sister, Would Mum ever do that to me? But she couldn’t summon up the nerve, instead settling for, “Did you, um, d-do stuff to her?”

“I wanted to, but she said no. I suppose by then, she was feeling bad about what we did. But then I pushed her nightie open and sucked her nipples, then Mum let me do what I liked to her. Know what I did then? I kissed her pussy!”

Katie could only gape at her sister. The story was crazy, the kind of thing that she usually wouldn’t believe for an instant. But Alice never lied to her. Never.

Fighting to keep a grip on her emotions, Katie said, “What was that like?”

“I loved it,” said Alice. “It was amazing, she tasted really good. I made her come in my mouth!”

It was too much for Katie. Right or wrong, she yearned to be in on this. “Would you — um, could we maybe do that sometime…?” Please say yes, she silently entreated. Please.

Alice wanted to jump up and down and cheer, but merely smiled. “Sure, Kitty-Kat… but we’ll have to be careful.” Bending down, she gave her sister a gentle kiss. “You’d better get to sleep now, Mum will be home by ten. Remember now — this is our secret, and you promised never to tell.”

“I won’t, honest.”

“G’night, Kat.” Giving her sister a little wave, Alice exited through the bathroom. Before pulling the door shut, she noticed that Katie was staring into space, lost in thought. Good, Alice told herself. The more she thinks about it, the more interested she’ll be, more ready to let herself go.

Peering into the mirror on her wall, appraising her nakedness, the twelve-year-old pondered her next step, Should I wait for Mum downstairs, in my room, or slip into her bed? She had every intention of enjoying sex with her mother that night. If she feels like it, anyhow. But I bet I can make Mum want it, even if she thinks she doesn’t.

She went downstairs to clear up, get some water and make sure there were no telltale signs of what they’d been up to, then went back up to her room and laid on her bed with the bedside lamp on, contemplating the events of the evening.

Alice began to caress her breasts, slowly moving her hands over her body. Remembering how she’d put off her own climax, she knew that there was more than enough time to put that right. But it would be better if I saved it for Mum, she thought. Then again, it could be a couple hours before she’s ready to come to bed. I’ll make myself come, only not too big of one.

She considered logging on to one of her favourite naughty websites — but really, why bother? The vision of nine-year-old Katie finger-fucking herself mere minutes earlier was still etched into her memory. Then she recalled the sight of little Poppy lying prone on the floor, innocently revealing her girly bits, and that image began to fuel her desire in a big way.

Oh God, I want to fuck Poppy! She’d love it, I’m sure. But how do I make a move on a girl who’s only seven? Maybe if I got Katie on board to help me… though maybe I should wait until she and I have done more, like licking each other.

That got Alice’s mind moving in an interesting direction. If I’d tried to kiss her pussy just a minute ago, she would’ve let me — I’m sure of that. She glanced at the clock on her night table. Twenty after nine. Mum said she might be home by ten. That’s time enough for me and Katie to have some more fun.

Acting on this sudden impulse, Alice swung her legs off the bed and went to her bathroom door, opening it wide. She returned to her bed, lay back down and began to masturbate, using the images of her younger sisters to feed her lust. Her movements were gentle at first, lightly caressing her slit. With eyes closed, she filled her mind with the image of Katie touching herself, the girl’s thighs spread open, her fingers dripping with nectar.

Then Alice’s wicked imagination added their baby sister Poppy to her fantasy, the nude seven-year-old down on her knees, her eyes dancing with excitement as her face drew nearer to big sister’s pussy. Alice fingered herself more aggressively as she pictured little Poppy pressing an open-mouthed kiss into her cunt — a vision that had her longed-for orgasm fast approaching.

As the fire beneath her belly hissed and crackled, Alice called out, “Oh Katie, please lick me. Yes, oh fuck, yes. Lick your sister’s pussy!”

She was lost in the throes of ecstasy — making jerking movements, kicking her legs out and panting for breath, all the while keeping her eyes fastened to the door on the other side of the bathroom. And when she saw the door move just a little, Alice knew that her scheme had worked.

Now the objective was to stop herself from getting off. Alice eased up on her fingering, but continued to speak, hoping to entice her sister to move closer. “Oh Kat, I need you so much! Let me taste you. I want to fuck you, make you c-come in my mouth…”

Katie was there, standing in the fully open doorway to her room. She’d put a nightdress on, but had a hand between her legs, rubbing her vulva.

Alice slowly sat up, extending a hand to her younger sister. “Come on in, Katie, it’s okay.”

Her sister walked as if in a trance into Alice’s room. “I — I heard you calling me.“

Smiling at the girl, Alice beckoned her forward. “C’mere, little sister… we’ve still got time before Mum gets home. I’ll show you some more sexy stuff, if you like.”

With only a second’s hesitation, Katie did as her sister asked, crossing the room to stand beside Alice’s bed. Alice was about to tell her to take off her nightdress — instead, she chose to swing her legs off the bed so that she was perched on the edge before Katie, smiling up at the younger girl. Alice took hold of the hem of the faded cotton nightie and lifted it slowly, rising to her feet as she tugged it higher. Katie raised her arms to assist. Alice pulled the cotton garment over her head, threw the nightdress on the floor and, before Katie could react, placed a hand on each side of her face and kissed her on the mouth.

Her sister stood paralysed, not knowing what to do or how to respond. After a few moments, Alice pulled away a little and looked at Katie, their noses almost touching. “Are you sure you want to learn more?”

Katie could only nod at first — then the girl’s voice caught up with her thoughts, coming out in a gasp. “Yes, p-please!”

Alice was giddy with delight, feeling the need to shout out loud. Instead, she spoke, keeping her voice low and intimate. “Okay then. It’s time you knew how to kiss — really kiss, like lovers do. You’ve heard of French kissing, right?” Another nod from Katie. “Well, we’re going to do that now. Just relax and let me show you what it’s like… then you kiss me back the same way. It’s the best, you’ll see!”

Drawing close, Alice kissed Katie again, this time insinuating the tip of her tongue between her sister’s lips. Katie let it happen, a whimper escaping when the older girl’s tongue sought out hers, coaxing it to join in the dance. As the kiss deepened, she began to respond, mimicking her sister’s movements. Then Alice began to plant juicy kisses on and around her mouth, then wandered round to her ears and down the side of her neck.

Though dizzy with excitement, Katie found herself standing motionless, hands hanging limply by her side, the whole world reduced to the mouth and tongue of her sister. She felt Alice’s hand move from her face to her shoulder, then the other hand slipped around to the back of her head as the soft, luscious lips of the older girl found hers again, Alice’s tongue seeking and gaining entry.

Her big sister’s hand continued to wander, inching down Katie’s arm before shifting to her hip, then round the nine-year-old’s back to pull her in even closer. Now their bare bodies were touching, pressed skin to skin. Alice’s hand drifted down to cup and fondle her younger sibling’s bum, kneading the baby-smooth globes, her fingers dipping between them to tease Katie’s rosebud.

Again, those lovely warm kisses moved from Katie’s mouth to her neck, causing the child’s head to loll back, her eyes drifting shut as she lost herself in the moment. This time, however, Alice’s wandering lips and tongue did not return to her mouth, but carried on their journey downward, briefly lingering on her upper chest, then lower, down to Katie’s barely formed breasts.

As Alice’s tongue emerged to encircle a hard nipple, her hand was on the move, too — gliding slowly from Katie’s back to her front, nails lightly scratching a trail around her hip until the fingertip traced a line just above the young girl’s pubis.

Katie was quivering inside, half of her focused on Alice’s lips and tongue as they pleasured her nipple, the other half riveted to her big sister’s hand, thinking, Touch me there, please please please touch me there.

Alice began to slide her hand further downward, going slowly as she was able, determined to give her little sister the chance to break away if she wanted. But when her middle finger finally touched the tiny pearl of Katie’s clitoris, the smaller girl’s body jerked suddenly, accompanied by a sharp intake of breath.

“Yes, Ali — oh, yes!” Katie cried.

Raising her face from the girl’s chest, Alice stared at her, thrilled to bits by the raw, naked hunger written on Katie’s face. “You like this, then?”

“I love it, Ali… I — I love you. Please d-don’t stop, touch me some more…”

It’s happening, it’s totally happening, Alice exulted. I’m gonna fuck my little sister!

Her finger began to move, exploring the hot, moist flesh of Katie’s virgin cunt. The slickness of the child’s vagina made it easy for the digit to disappear into the hot orifice, then back out again, drawing forth warm, lubricating fluids so that the coated finger could easily pass back and forth — teasing the girl’s stiffening clitoris, then dipping back into the juicy vagina to keep it slick.

Katie was lost in sensations even more intense than she’d experienced downstairs. Alice’s hand seemed to know exactly where to go to make the good feelings happen… and oh, yes, now big sister was kissing her neck, ear, shoulder, then back to her lips, that sweet hot tongue darting into her mouth to flutter briefly before withdrawing; now Alice was nibbling at her chin, those lovely kisses descending into the hollow of her throat…

Realising with a start that she could be touching her big sister’s naked body instead of just standing there,  Katie reached out to explore the older girl. Her hands found Alice’s breasts, and she began to feel her up.

Suddenly Katie was touching only air as her big sister broke away, those lovely fingers no longer between her thighs. Katie’s eyes popped open, a dismayed pout on her lips. “What — what’s wrong?”

Seizing her younger sibling’s arm, Alice manoeuvred Katie around so that the backs of her legs were pressed against the bed. Nudging Katie’s chest, she said, “Lie down!” in a tone clearly meant to be obeyed.

Katie sat down on the bed’s lower edge, then lay back, encouraged by another light push from her big sister. Now Katie was sprawled out on Alice’s bed, both feet on the floor and her knees slightly parted. She stared at the older girl, wondering what would happen next.

She got her answer right away, when Alice knelt down before her, using both hands to push Katie’s legs apart. Leaning in until the child’s sex was inches from her face, she placed her thumbs on either side of the slit, prying the lips far enough apart to expose the treasure she sought before applying her mouth to the syrupy flesh.

Starting with a long swipe of the tongue, she lathered Katie’s pussy with her saliva — once, twice, three times. Hungry for her prize, eager to take her baby sister all the way, Alice dove in to suck greedily on the little pearl that was Katie’s clit, teasing it with rapid flicks of the tongue.

Katie was quickly snatched back to the state of near-euphoria she had basked in just moments before. She thrashed about on the bed, clutching at the quilt as if she was trying to keep her body from levitating. When a sudden jolt of pleasure hit her body, she went rigid — trembling from head to foot, legs stretched straight, toes pointing outward — then a violent shudder went through the nine-year-old before she went limp all at once, her breathing coming in deep intakes and outtakes, as though she’d just run for her life.

Alice sat back on her haunches, a fire burning in her eyes, smiling with deep satisfaction at the reaction she’d caused in her sister. Rising to her feet, she gazed down at Katie’s sweat-covered body, feeling a love that went deeper than ever before for the girl. She was still consumed by lust, though, and leaned over Katie; a hand on either side of her head, then bent down to kiss her mouth. The dazed girl barely responded, still recovering from her orgasm, while Alice’s body still longed for release.

“Are you okay, sis?” Alice asked.

Katie looked up at Alice, feeling the same deep love for her older sister. “Yeah, I’m… wonderful. That was… I dunno, I can’t even say. Is it always like that?”

“It sure was for me, but I’ve only done it a couple of times. I don’t know, really. S’pose it depends on who you do it with… and what you do.”

Taking a long, luxurious stretch, Katie gave a blissful sigh. “Well, I want to do it again sometime. Can we, Ali?”

Alice saw her opportunity. “Well, we haven’t quite finished yet. See, I’ve shown you what it’s like to be licked down there, but you haven’t had the chance to do it yourself.” Reaching down, she casually placed a hand on her vulva. “Wanna try it now?”

Katie’s eyes widened, as if she’d just received an unexpected gift. “Yeah,” she said, moistening her lips. “Yeah, I do.”

Alice grinned, delighted by her little sister’s eagerness. “Well, here’s your chance.” She stretched out next to Katie on the bed, adjusting her pillows so that she was propped up against the padded headboard. Opening her legs, wide she patted the covers between them.

Rolling over, Katie moved to lie between the spread thighs of her sister, giving Alice a view down the nine-year-old’s back, all the way to those lovely bum cheeks. Wow, little girls sure have pretty bottoms, Alice thought, recalling how enthralled she’d been by Poppy’s bare bum an hour earlier.

Katie was also fascinated as she studied her sister’s lightly-downed slit. “It’s so pretty,” she murmured. “I never really thought about what p-pussies look like.”

“Touch it,” Alice breathed, her body slightly tensed in anticipation and need.

Absently nibbling at her lower lip, Katie tentatively touched a fingertip to the glistening slit, then suddenly remembered to put two fingers in her mouth to moisten them — though Alice was already more than wet enough. That accomplished, she slowly insinuated first one, then both digits into her big sister’s pussy.

“Oh, my,” Katie said, glancing up into Alice’s eyes. “You’re so hot inside, Ali!”

“I’m hot for you, Kitty-Kat,” the twelve-year-old replied. “Now fuck me some. Start slow, then you can go faster.”

Katie began to move, flexing her wrist, pumping her fingers in and out, back and forth. With each stroke, she could feel Alice’s vagina open up to take her even deeper, the older girl’s juices flowing freely.

“Oh… oh, Katie,” Alice moaned, “that feels s-so good, but I want to, to feel your mouth on me. Lick me, Kat, lick me down there.”

Quickly withdrawing her fingers, Katie moved forward to lick at the fiery pink flesh of her sister’s cunt. As her tongue made the first stroke, Alice cried out as though she’d been touched by a hot iron. Startled, Katie paused in mid-lick, but Alice gasped, “Don’t stop, don’t!” placing her hands on either side of Katie’s head to keep her in place.

So Katie returned to the task, bathing her sister’s pussy with long, lingering swipes of the tongue. Soon her lips and chin were slick with the warm juices that issued from Alice’s cleft. She’d sampled the strange but interesting flavor before from her sister’s fingers, but getting it straight from the source was something else again. The nine-year-old had never tasted anything quite like it, and couldn’t put a finger on what it reminded her of.

Katie still wasn’t quite sure she knew what she was doing, but what she could clearly see was that Alice loved it — her moans growing louder, her body quivering more with every lick.

I love it too, Katie thought. Why was I scared of being gay, anyhow? It’s the best! She wanted to immerse herself completely in lesbian sex, to try everything imaginable with Alice. Does this mean that we’re girlfriends, then? That’s a weird idea… but kinda hot, too.

She was getting light-headed from the strong, heady scent of her sister’s cunt. Thirsting for more of Alice’s nectar, Katie covered the pretty pink hole with her mouth, sucking at the juicy folds.

I love this. I love her. I’m in love with my big sister.

Alice’s voice broke into Katie’s reverie. “Do me here, Kat,” the older girl pleaded, resting a finger on either side of her inflamed clit.

Keen to do what her older sibling wanted, Katie trailed her tongue up to the spot Alice indicated, then took the fleshy spear between her lips, nursing it like a tiny nipple.

Suddenly, Alice gave a loud moan, then began to pant frantically, as if she was running at full speed. Her body shuddered, the tremors growing more pronounced with each passing second.

Oh, my God, Katie realized, she’s coming! I’m making her come! She continued to suck Alice’s clit, determined to get her sister off in a big way.

Frantically snatching at a nearby pillow, Alice clamped it over her face to muffle her cries. She began to rock her hips — then stiffened, her frame held motionless for a small eternity before she went limp.

Katie raised her face from between Alice’s thighs, knowing somehow that her sister had had enough. She licked her lips, savouring the thick honey that coated them, her chest swelling with pride.

Letting the pillow fall from the bed, Alice took a deep, satisfying breath.

Sensing motion in the corner of her eye, Katie glanced toward the open door, stunned to see their mother standing in the darkened hallway, staring at her naked daughters.

“Mum!” cried Katie.

And we’re off, to Chapter Fifteen!


Ripples, Chapter 13

  • Posted on April 29, 2019 at 2:25 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Monday morning, back to work, back to school, everything back to the same old routine.

Only it wasn’t, not by a long shot.

When Jessica opened her eyes, memories of the previous night came flooding back to her. She turned to the side, expecting to see Alice there, but that side of the bed was vacant. She must have gone back to her room during the night, she thought.

Unlike the morning after the first time she’d made love to her twelve-year-old, there was no guilt or moralising — well, not very much — and no regret. Today, she mostly felt acceptance and fulfilment, perhaps a teensy weensy bit of disappointment that her beautiful, persuasive daughter wasn’t still lying beside her, warm, naked and waiting to be kissed.

Turning back to her bedside cabinet, Jess squinted at the glowing red numbers on the radio alarm clock. It was still early, so she decided to shower before making sure the girls were up. Pushing the blankets to one side, she swung her feet to the floor, then stretched languidly. Seize the day, kid, she told herself.

As Jess rinsed off in the hot shower, dismissing an urge to masturbate, she mused on how completely her life had changed in the last month. Turning off the water, she moved to the end of the double size cubicle, plucking the soft Turkish towel from its hook, then gently dried her body.

Jess studied her steam-obscured image in the mirror, recalling that first momentous morning where she had asked herself: Where is my life going? Now, at least, she had some answers, and for the first time in a long while, knew what she wanted, for herself and the girls.

She thought of the years she’d wasted: first, resenting Mark for leaving her, then wondering when and if she would ever find a replacement for her fickle ex. Longing for a man; not just someone to share her life and give her the security and love she needed — no, deserved — and on whom she could bestow her own love, but someone for the girls to look up to as a male role model. It had taken Jess until now to finally realise that she was chasing the wrong dream. Her daughters didn’t need a father figure to lead happy and successful lives, and I sure as hell don’t need a man to make me feel complete.

She wasn’t sure where her relationship with Rachel was headed, only that she wanted more than just friendship. Will she become my lover, partner… wife, even?

Then there was Alice. Whatever the future held, she knew this ‘special relationship’ she had with her eldest daughter would continue, at least until the girl found her own path. For Jessica, that path had been well and truly trodden, and she knew that she wanted to stay on it, at least for now.

But she wanted more than just sex. She craved a relationship, a grown-up relationship… with a woman. And if that woman also has a penchant for sex with young girls, especially her daughters, so much the better.

As for sweet distractions such as Sally — and perhaps others to come, Jess told herself — well, didn’t she deserve a little fun to make up for lost time? She was certain that Rachel felt the same way. Nevertheless, she resolved to get together with her friend as soon as possible to address that very subject: should they become real lovers, or keep things casual?

Jess wasn’t sure how her sexual relationship with her daughter Alice would affect what she had with Rachel, but couldn’t imagine it being a stumbling block. After all, Rachel herself had made it clear that she intended to entice her own daughter Bella into bed — and that she was willing to include her younger girl Cindy, who was only ten, in the fun and games.

She pondered the likelihood of her friend making such a daring move. Could she really have sex with her ten-year-old daughter, or was she just trying to shock me?

Given everything that had happened over the last few weeks, Jess was inclined to believe that Rachel did intend to seduce Cindy. Hell, who am I kidding? She’s the one who loaned me that lesbian DVD, the one that got me lusting after Alice in the first place. If I know her, she’s already made love to Bella, and she’ll probably have gone down on Cindy before the week is out.

That thought suddenly posed a question in her own mind, a question she’d never allowed herself to take seriously, but had been quietly nagging at her for at least a week: Is there a possibility that Katie might be open to exploring the same pleasures that Alice and I have? Even when Rachel had jokingly suggested they “educate” their daughters together, Jessica had only been thinking of Alice.

Only now that the idea had been planted, Jess found it had taken root.

What if Katie caught me and Alice naked and in bed again, only this time while we were making love? How would I explain that away… and would I even want to?

Jess remembered how brazen she had been when Katie walked in on her and Alice that first time. Recalling how she’d flaunted her nudity just to test Katie’s reaction, she realised how easy it would have been to take that next step, to persuade her nine-year-old to undress and join them beneath the sheets.

And what about Poppy? …Oh my God, I can’t be thinking about this!

Nonetheless, those thoughts persisted. Jess had been paying more attention than usual to her daughters’ beauty of late — partially because of the sex she and Alice had enjoyed, but also because the girls had become much more, well, casual about what they wore around the house.

Just last Saturday, Jess had noticed that Katie, who’d been ridiculously self-conscious about her body for at least a year — never allowing herself to be seen in anything more revealing than her bathrobe — was now lounging about in a t-shirt and knickers. Hopeful that the nine-year-old was getting over her bashfulness, Jess had decided not to comment on Katie’s attire and risk making the girl self-conscious all over again. She’s got no reason to be shy, not with a cute little body like that, Jess mused — but that thought made her uncomfortable, and she forced her mind elsewhere.

As for Alice, she’d definitely been dressing in a more provocative fashion since the first time she and her mum had made love, spending most of her time indoors in her underwear. She favored her tiniest panties and a thin, tummy-revealing top through which her nipples could easily be seen. Probably trying to get me all hot and bothered, Jess thought. Can’t say it didn’t work.

Then there was Poppy, whose nightwear had suddenly gone from pajamas to panties… which, of late, was usually all she wore to the breakfast table. At least I didn’t look at my half-naked seven-year-old and think of sex, Jess told herself, then sighed. But I probably will this morning.

Don’t go there! she admonished herself. Still naked, Jess seated herself on the bed, rubbing her closed eyes and struggling with these forbidden thoughts.

As on that first fateful morning, her reverie was interrupted by the sound of one of her girls calling out.

Slipping on a big fluffy robe, Jess went to see what the noise was about. The hallway was empty, but she followed the sound to Katie’s room, where she saw Poppy standing outside the door of the adjoining bathroom that Katie shared with Alice.

Sure enough, her youngest was only wearing knickers. Jess forced herself to focus on Poppy’s face, rather than her body. “Sweetie, what’s all the noise about?”

The seven-year-old frowned at her mother. “I can’t find my hairbrush, Mum. I wanted to see if Katie’s got it, but the door is locked.”

“Go and finish getting ready. I’ll find it for you,” Jess said. In spite of herself, she couldn’t suppress the impulse to steal a glance at her little girl’s bottom as she exited the room. A sudden desire to see it bare made her shiver, and she clenched her jaw. No, God damn it.

With a grimace, she tried the door. Sure enough, it was locked. She gave it a sharp rap. “Katie, what are you doing in there? Poppy was out here, calling for you.”

Katie’s voice issued from the other side. “Oh, sorry Mum. I was in the shower and didn’t hear. What’s up?”

“She wants to know if you have her hairbrush.”

Jess thought she heard giggling, but then Katie responded, “I’m not sure… maybe? Tell her I’ll look for it.”

Something seemed odd, but Jess wasn’t sure what. At a loss, she simply said, “Well, hurry up and finish.”

She left the room and, as she passed Alice’s closed door, knocked. Getting no response, she opened it slowly, wondering if Alice was still in bed. She peered into the room, but saw no sign of her eldest daughter. Figuring that Alice was already downstairs, Jessica turned to go — then paused when she heard whispered  voices coming from the bathroom. She tiptoed over to the door and tried the handle, but it, too, was locked.

What’s going on? Is Alice in there, too? Jess struggled with her curiosity, feeling a strong impulse to place an ear against the door and eavesdrop. Finally, though, she made herself turn away. I’ve never spied on the girls, and I won’t start now.

But… should I knock, at least? she wondered.


Minutes earlier, Alice had entered the bathroom when she heard Katie turn on the shower. Casting the extra-large t-shirt she was wearing aside, the nude preteen quietly approached the shower cubicle, opened the door and stepped inside. “Got room for one more?” she said with a grin.

“Omigod!” squealed a startled Katie, her eyes huge — then the younger girl’s expression shifted into a  scowl. “Dammit, Alice, you scared the stuffing out of me!”

“Sorry, sis,” the older girl replied with a giggle. “I just wanted to wash your back.”

Irritated though Katie was, the offer was an inviting one. For one thing, she liked the idea of hanging out with her big sister while they were both naked. She’d been thinking a lot about the stuff Alice had shown her the day before — that film clip of the two girls doing sex, then the lesson she got from her sister about touching between the legs to make yourself feel good.

Katie had made herself come three times since then, though she had to force herself to look at a photo of a boy band singer she liked while she did it, trying not to think about those lesbian girls in the film clip.

Now here was Alice, offering to help her get clean. It was weird, yeah, but too tempting to refuse.

“Okay, okay,” Katie sighed, as if getting her back washed was a tedious everyday experience. But her pulse was throbbing with excitement.

“I’ll take that,” said Alice, plucking the bath mitt from her sister’s right hand and slipping it over her own. It was already lathered up, but she added a dollop from the blue soap bottle anyhow. “Okay, turn around.”

Katie meekly obeyed, and Alice began to wash her younger sister. She started with long strokes up and down the girl’s back to soap her up, then worked on Katie’s upper half with the mitt. All the while, she drank in the view of her sibling’s bare body, especially that cute bottom of hers.

She wanted to use both hands — so after a moment’s hesitation, Alice brought her uncovered left into play, tenderly caressing the slippery softness of Katie’s skin.

“You’ve got a great body, sis,” Alice murmured, massaging the girl’s shoulders. “Mark my words, you’re gonna be a right stunner in a couple of years. But you look good now, too.”

Katie looked back, studying her big sister’s face. “Are you sure you’re not just saying that, y’know, just to — to be nice?”

“Just you wait,” Alice said, letting both hands glide down Katie’s sides to her hips. “The boys will be falling over themselves to ask you out.”

Katie didn’t reply right away, then she said, “Well, maybe I won’t want to be with a boy. Could be I’ll like girls, same as you.”

“Okay, then the girls will be doing the asking. Bet they won’t be able to keep their hands off you!”

“Well, you’ve got your hands on me now,” Katie giggled.

Alice was taken aback. Wait, wait — did little sister just flirt with me? The notion made her decide to be a bit bold. “Yeah… guess I do.” Soaping the small of Katie’s back, she allowed her hands to slip down further, cupping her sister’s bum.

Katie tensed slightly, but didn’t react otherwise. So Alice began to gently knead the taut globes, loving how perfectly they fit in her grasp.

The temptation was there to give into her craziest impulse, to let a couple of fingers wander between Katie’s thighs and stroke her smooth slit. Bet she’s wet down there, Alice told herself, and not just from the shower.

Alice knew this wasn’t the right time to make her big move, though. Katie was still grappling with shyness, and it wouldn’t do to come on too strong, not this early in the game.

Then she got a very exciting idea…

“Okay, your back looks pretty clean,” Alice said, then offered the bath mitt to Katie. “Wanna wash me?”

Hesitantly accepting the soapy glove, Katie stuck her hand into it, then looked at her big sister. “Well… turn around, then!” she said.

Alice just smiled. “Why don’t you do my front? I need to be clean there, too.”

Katie’s eyes widened. She parted her lips to speak, but nothing came out.

“It’s okay,” said Alice. Reaching out for her sister’s gloved hand, she pressed it to her right breast.

Swallowing hard, Katie slowly began to soap Alice’s chest, trying to seem relaxed and casual about it.

“Hey, this is just like that movie we saw!” Alice said. “You know, the one where Cleopatra gets bathed in milk by her slaves?” Assuming a regal air, she added, “Wash my tits, serving wench!” and laughed.

Katie giggled nervously, then fell silent as she continued with her task, fascinated in spite of herself by the nicely formed breasts of her big sister. They sure do feel nice, she thought.

Alice was thrilled by Katie’s touch. Her eyes drifted shut as she pretended that the nine-year-old was really making love to her. Then, as Katie’s soapy-gloved hand moved down to stroke her belly, Alice felt a reckless impulse that was too powerful to refuse. Grasping her sister’s wrist, she began to guide it between her legs.

Staring in disbelief at her big sister, Katie whispered, “What — what are you doing, Ali?”

“Wash me there,” Alice pleaded. “It feels so good…”

Instead, Katie snatched her hand back. “We better get out now. Mum might come in!” Turning away from her big sister, she ducked under the shower head to quickly rinse the soap from her body, then hastened out of the cubicle without a backward glance.

“Yeah, I guess,” Alice sighed, then stepped under the flowing water to rinse off. Idiot, she chided herself. You pushed her too far, too soon.

She’d no sooner finished and turned off the water when their mum called out. Alice tried to keep quiet, but failed to suppress a giggle when Katie answered. Stepping out of the shower, she grabbed a towel and hastily dried herself.

She was just about to escape into her room when Mum called again — this time, from her side. “Alice? Are you in there, too?”

After a brief moment, Alice answered, “Um, yeah, Mum. I couldn’t wait, so I asked Katie if I could come in to, er, use the toilet while she was in the shower.”

“Well, stop playing around and get ready, both of you.”

Alice waited a full sixty seconds before cautiously opening the door and peering into her room. Making sure that Mum had left, she turned back to Katie. “She’s gone — we better get dressed.” Touching her sister’s arm, she said, “Sorry about that, Kitty-Kat,” giving the girl a sheepish smile.

“Oh.. it’s okay,” Katie replied, her cheeks flushed. “Sorry that I — I got weird.” Opening the door to her room, the younger girl left without another word.

Entering her own room, Alice padded naked over to the dresser with a towel in hand, taking out clean underwear before she finished drying herself.

As she took her school uniform out of the wardrobe, Alice weighed the situation, finally deciding that her blunder hadn’t necessarily spoiled her scheme to get Katie into bed. She’s gotten a lot more comfortable about being naked around me… and she totally wanted to touch my pussy, even if she didn’t actually do it.

Alice resolved to stay the course and continue with her plan. I’ll just keep flirting with Katie, but give her time to think about what she wants. If I let her make the next move, she won’t be as likely to back out. Slipping into fresh knickers, she reached for her skirt. Maybe if I let Katie catch me playing with myself…?

Then an interesting thought occurred to her. What if it was Poppy who caught me touching my pussy? Bet I could get that little minx to strip off and join me, right then and there!

Alice could feel her knickers grow slightly damp at the idea of playing sexy games with both her younger sisters. At the same time, even! Then… what if I got all of us into bed with Mum?

Glancing at the clock while buttoning her blouse, Alice grimaced. She longed to masturbate, but there wasn’t anything close to enough time. Maybe I can rub out a quick one in the loo after gym. She stepped into her shoes, then snatched up a brush and began to work on her hair.


Over in her bedroom, Katie was glumly dressing for school, scolding herself all the while. Why didn’t you do what Alice wanted? Just the other day, you put your finger inside her! Now she thinks you’re a great big fraidy-cat!

She sighed, her shoulders slumped. Alice probably won’t wanna teach me anything else, not now…

At the same time, Katie was puzzled about feeling this way. Why did it matter so much, anyhow, getting sex lessons from her gay sister? Why had it felt so good when Alice soaped up her bum in the shower? Why did she keep thinking about that film clip Alice had shown her, the one with the two naked girls doing dirty things with each other? She’d managed to resist the temptation to look for more stuff like that on her own computer, but those girls seemed to elbow their way into Katie’s head whenever she touched herself.

And now she was noticing cute girls at school, too. Really noticing them.

It doesn’t mean I’m gay, she told herself. The notion didn’t scare her like before, but she still found it unsettling. She’d toyed with the idea of searching the internet for a porn clip, one featuring a girl having sex with a boy… but hadn’t worked up the nerve. What if it grosses me out?

She stared at her reflection in the mirror. I’m so mixed up! Maybe I should talk to Alice about this. But after how I just acted in the shower, what if she tells me she can’t help me, cause I’m just a kid?

Katie nibbled at her lower lip — wanting to cry, knowing there wasn’t time to.


Jessica was busy making breakfast when Alice danced down the stairs and entered the kitchen, dressed in her school uniform. Jess turned, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of her beautiful, sexy daughter. Alice’s crisp white blouse and lacy bra barely hid the outline of her ripening breasts, and her pleated skirt had been pulled up and turned over at the waist — shortening it to show off her legs, the way all the girls did.

Jess pictured herself kneeling before Alice and running her tongue up the girl’s soft, pale thigh, then shook her head to clear it. Not now, for fuck’s sake!

She gave her daughter a shy smile. “Hi, sweetheart. Didn’t hear you get up this morning.”

“Hi, Mum,” Alice said. “Well, I woke up early… then I figured I should go back to my room, just in case Katie came in and caught us again, y’know?”

“You were right, of course. I should’ve thought of that myself.” Jessica studied her child carefully. “So, Alice… are you still okay, with — with all of this? I mean, after last night?”

Moving closer, Alice reached out for her mother. “Oh, Mum, it was wonderful.”

Jess opened her arms, drawing her daughter into a loving embrace. She bent to plant a kiss on the girl’s forehead, but Alice lifted her head to catch the kiss on her mouth. Jessica gasped in surprise — and Alice quickly responded, her tongue darting between the older woman’s parted lips. Helpless to resist her daughter’s fierce ardor, Jess met and matched Alice’s passion, her own tongue joining in the lustful fray.

As they kissed, Jessica’s robe fell open to expose her nakedness. Alice slid both hands inside the robe to cup her mum’s breasts, then bent to plant a kiss on each nipple.

Jessica moaned, nearly swooning with mingled joy and pleasure. Hastily righting herself, she gave her daughter a reproachful look. “Alice! Be careful, for God’s sake! Your sisters might see.”

“Sorry, Mum, I forgot.” Alice responded with a shrug, actually wishing that Katie and Poppy could see her like this, making love to their mother.

They broke apart at the sound of Alice’s siblings, two sets of feet descending the stairs.

Jess hurriedly pulled her robe shut, greeting the younger girls before turning back to preparing breakfast. Her heart was racing, but she managed to appear calm and genial.


A little later, Jessica got dressed, ran a brush through her hair and drove the two younger girls to school, dropping Alice at the bus stop to her school along the way. Home again, she’d just closed the front door and tossed her keys on the kitchen counter when the phone rang.

It was Rachel. “Morning, Jess… are you off to work?”

“Hi, Rach, not yet. I’m going in a little later, why?”

“Can I pop over for a bit? I need to talk to you about something.”

Jess laughed. “That’s funny; I was going to ask you the same. Sure, come on by when you’re ready.”

“Okay, see you in a minute.”

As she replaced the receiver in its cradle, Jess wondered whether Rachel wanted to discuss the same thing she did… a possible future together as lovers.

Jess filled the silver espresso pot with strong Italian coffee and switched on the hob. After a couple of minutes, the pot hissed and dark brew bubbled from the stem, filling the kitchen with its heady aroma. As she took down two small cups and matching saucers, the doorbell rang.

Jess opened the door to the ravishing brunette. “Perfect timing, I’ve just made us some coffee.”

“Smells lovely,” said Rachel, breezing in through the door to embrace her friend. They held each other for a moment, then slowly drifted apart, exchanging shy smiles. “I’ll pour,” Rachel murmured.

By the time Jess had closed the door and followed her neighbour into the large kitchen, Rachel had already filled their cups and was perched on a stool, sipping her coffee.

Jess got the feeling from Rachel’s unusually quiet demeanour that she had something momentous to say. She leaned back against the counter and picked up her own cup, raising it to her lips. “So, what is it that’s so important?” Jess was a little nervous, wondering if perhaps Rachel was going to say that their night of lovemaking had been a mistake.

Rachel didn’t answer straight away, just continued to drink her coffee, draining the cup down to the dregs before setting it on the saucer. Meeting her friend’s gaze, she said, “You know me, Jess. I’m not shy in the least, not when it comes to talking about sex.”

“Oh, really? Hmmm… can’t say I’ve ever noticed that about you.” Jess responded with a slight grin.

Ignoring the wry comment, Rachel took a deep breath, then suddenly blurted, “Jess, I made love with Bella last night!”

Nearly choking on a sip of coffee, Jess set her cup to one side. “Bloody hell — break it to me gently, why don’t you?”

Rachel was blushing. “Sorry, love. I’ve been thinking all morning about how I was going to tell you.”

“Consider me told,” Jessica said, wiping her lips with a napkin. “So… how did it happen?”

“Well, I did say that you and I should educate our daughters together… though honestly, I was being a little tongue-in-cheek when I said it. But last night, I got to thinking about you doing it with Alice, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. All the while, Bella’s sprawled out in front of the telly, wearing a sloppy old pajama top and these adorable little shorts… my God, I couldn’t take my eyes off her!”

Jessica’s heart throbbed as she drank in Rachel’s words, capturing feelings that were so very much like her own for Alice.

Rachel continued. “Any morally upstanding woman would’ve gone upstairs to her room, locked the door and wanked herself into a stupor. But that’s never me, Jess. So I invited Bella into my room and offered to teach her more about sex. She was nervous, yes… but she didn’t say no.”

Jess sat just looking at Rachel for a moment, raising her coffee to her lips to hide her face. She wasn’t sure how this news made her feel.

“How was it?” was all she could think to say.

“It was bloody amazing! I started off by asking about her and Alice… and it seems they haven’t really done that much together. Just kissing and some touching, because Bella was too scared to go any further. I asked her if there was anything about sex that she wanted to know, but she was really shy. It was really hard getting her to open up; when I asked her if she masturbated, she couldn’t even say the word.”

“So what changed?” Jess asked, even though she felt she knew what was coming next. Her excitement was steadily growing, as if she was listening in on a private sex chat. As Rachel went on, Jess began to stage the scene in her mind.

“I did manage to get Bella to admit she touches herself… but when I asked her to show me how she does it, she didn’t want to undress. I hope you don’t mind, but I told her you’d had a similar little chat with Alice — you know, about sex and masturbation, but I didn’t elaborate. In the end, I offered to undress myself, then I fingered my pussy and got her to copy me. One thing led to another and… well, you can imagine what followed. I couldn’t believe how excited I was to see Bella naked. It must’ve felt the same way for you, Jess, when you first got a glimpse of your Alice in the altogether.”

Jessica’s imagination was running wild. She was beginning to squirm where she stood, assailed by vivid scenes of Rachel and her adorable twelve-year-old. More than that, Jess also recalled the waking dream she’d had on the morning after that first incredible night with Alice.

“I was just… on fucking fire with lust for my own daughter, but also trying not to let it show in case she got scared. In the end we made love, Bella and me… it was beautiful, and I came like never before. When you and I did it, it was fantastic, really fucking fantastic, especially as I’d been hoping something would happen between us for ages… but there was something about the, the danger of sex with Bella, that takes it to a different level.” Rachel gave Jess an inquiring glance. “You understand what I mean, don’t you…?”

Jess was still processing the scene in her head, but she’d also picked up on her friend’s comment about hoping for something to happen between them. Maybe she feels like I do, and wants us to be a real couple. “Oh yes,” she replied, “I know perfectly well what you mean. I felt the same… especially last night. You see, Alice and I made love again.”

Rachel’s eyes widened. “What? My God, so you and Alice were going at it the same time as me and Bella? If I’d only known, I might’ve come even harder.”

It wasn’t even my doing, really,” said Jess. ”Alice is turning into a little minx; she asked if we could do it again and I didn’t have the strength to tell her no.” She sighed, made a helpless gesture. “Oh, who am I kidding? I swear, she only has to snap her fingers and I’ll be flat on my back, legs spread for her. I’m going to have to talk with Alice, tell her to be careful, else she’s likely to be seducing her classmates… probably even some teachers.”

And we already know a couple of our girls’ teachers who are that way inclined,” Rachel said. “Remember Beverley and Hannah, and what they were getting up to at the bar the other night?”

Taking a deep breath, Jess said, “Listen, since we’re in confession mode, I need to let you know something else. Last night I told Alice all about us, what you and I did. I even told her about having sex with Sally.”

“Wow, really? How did she react?”

“Oh, she was fine with it all — in fact, she was brilliant. She even asked if you were jealous about me and Sally.  And that leads me to why I wanted us to talk today.”

“What, you want to know if I am jealous, then? Of Sally?” Rachel queried with a look of puzzlement that softened into a grin. “Perhaps I am, just a little, but only because I wasn’t there to help you fuck her.”

“That’s not what I was getting at,” Jess replied, shaking her head. “What I wanted was to talk about… well, where things stand with you and me, Rach. I’m not sure what we have here, and I need to know if it’s just a casual sex thing or not. Are we in a real relationship? Do you… would you like to be?” She tried to seem calm and collected, but there was a definite tremor in her voice.

Their eyes met briefly before Rachel slid off her stool, then crossed the short distance to where Jess was leaning against the worktop. She took Jessica’s cup from her and placed it on the counter. Looking up at the taller woman, Rachel tilted her head to place a soft kiss on her friend’s mouth. Jess responded, cupping Rachel’s face in her hands. They kissed, gently but with enormous passion.

Finally, Rachel broke away to look at Jess. Were there tears in her eyes? She whispered, “Yes, yes… I’d love for us to be a couple… that is, if you want to? I — I’ve been avoiding the subject, in case I scared you off. I wasn’t sure whether you could fall in love with a woman, or if — well, if it was just a phase, something you just wanted to try because you weren’t, you know, getting any.” They laughed, then Rachel added, “I didn’t want to be pushy.”

Jess relaxed, relieved that she hadn’t misread the situation. “Before that first night, I’d barely even thought about sex with women, but you triggered something in me, and I began to get curious. It opened my eyes to what I’ve been missing… what I’ve needed to have in my life.

“That first night, when you and I made love for real… it felt like the beginning of something. At first I thought I was reading too much into it, that you just wanted a bit of fun… or maybe that you felt sorry for me. But deep down inside, I sensed that you wanted more than a romp in the sheets — and that’s when it struck me, that I felt the same way. After all that’s happened, with you and Sally and Alice, I knew that I wanted a real relationship with a woman. With you.”

Rachel gazed at Jess with adoring eyes. “You’re my best friend, but I’ve been in love with you for ages. I know I have a reputation for being bold as brass, but let me tell you, Jess — it took a long time for me to work up the nerve to make a move on you. I’m so, so happy that you want us to be lovers!” Overwhelmed, close to tears, Rachel reached out to her friend. “Take me in your arms and hold me, Jess, before I start blubbering like a baby.”

Jess leaned into Rachel and hugged her close, losing herself in the woman’s warm body, the sound of her contented sighs, the scent of her skin. She detected the merest hint of another aroma as well — that of her new lover’s arousal. God, I want to fuck her, she realized. But there isn’t time. Is there?

When they finally drew apart, Jess placed both hands on Rachel’s shoulders, looking down on the shorter woman as if she was having a serious talk with a child. “So what comes next? I’m not sure I’m ready to tell the world about us just yet. Christ, I’m only just getting used to the idea of being a lesbian!” She shook her head in wonder. “Wow, I never pictured myself saying those words. What will happen when everyone knows? We both have businesses, but what would this do to our reputations? We might lose some customers, and it wouldn’t be fair on the people we employ if that happened.”

Rachel stopped her friend. “Hey, it’s 2018; it’s hip now for strong women to switch sides. They’re all doing it in Hollywood, every other week some actress comes out as gay, or bi.”

“Maybe, but this is the Cotswolds, and some people still have old-fashioned views.”

“Well, I agree we should think about it before going public, but this town’s a lot less straight than you think. You saw what was going on at that club; how many ladies did you see getting it on? Remember Bev and Hannah, me and Heidi, and plenty more.”

“Well, I suppose you’re right. There were even some women having sex in the loos.”

Rachel looked surprised. “Oooh, I didn’t know that! Makes sense, though. You should have come and told me, girl! Did you actually stand on the seat, then, and peek at women shagging?”

“I was in a cubicle and heard some, but others were making out right out in the open. Did you know about Reiko and Nadya?”

“I’d guessed; I’ve seen them together and it was pretty obvious. I thought you already knew.”

“Alice told me. Apparently, Reiko’s daughter Azumi told her. Come to think of it, I wonder if that’s what made Alice curious? Anyway, I bet you’ll be shocked when I tell you who else was having it off.”

Rachel looked intrigued. “Spill the beans, you old dyke.”

Jess lightly punched Rachel in the shoulder with mock indignation. “Hey, you, not so much of the old. I overheard Abby and Mel getting very hot and heavy, and it definitely wasn’t their first time, either.”

Rachel’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

“Of course! They’ve been my friends since school, I’d recognise those voices anywhere. Plus, they used their names. Trust me, it was them.”

“Well, fuck my old boots! Mel and Abby lovers… I never clocked on. I wonder if their husbands know. They must be very sneaky about it. Did they see you?”

“No, I hid until I was sure they’d left, but I think they might have suspected it was me in the cubicle when I went missing. I was going to tell you that I saw them groping each other as they left your place, but you dragged me upstairs and ravished me before I could get the words out.”

“What can I say? I was aflame with passion.”

Jess grinned. “Still are, you silly cow. Anyhow, when I left yours in the morning, I saw Abby coming out of Mel’s house and they kissed on the doorstep. She must have stayed the night; I think their girls were at a sleepover, and their husbands off fishing or something.

“That’s not all, as we left the club, I saw some woman all over Serena; she was frozen on the spot while the woman practically assaulted her. Then later I remembered where I’d seen her before. It was Karen Gregson, y’know, from that hair salon down the end of the high street. That’s why Serena didn’t come home with us, she went with Karen. I think it might have been her first time, the way she acted.”

“Wow, who’d have thought the prim and proper Serena would get turned? That’s one piece of info I’m keeping for later.” Rachel gave a satisfied nod. “So, it seems everyone in the mother’s club has seen the light. Good job I rescued you from blokes and brought you into the fold, eh? We could have ourselves a regular little lezzie group thing going on.” Smiling wryly, she added, “And you’re worried about losing customers for being gay?” She noticed a thoughtful frown on Jessica’s  face. “What’s up, love — something wrong?”

“There are some serious details you and I need to discuss, Rach. There’s Sally for one, and what about Millie? I told Sally I that was open to having sex with her again, at least until she finds herself a girlfriend her own age.”

“I told Millie the same thing. You know, if you’re up for it, there’s no reason we can’t play around with others now and again — perhaps even together. It wouldn’t change how I feel about you, and I’d say we both need to make up for lost time, but only if you feel the same way.”

Jess felt a surge of warmth jolt through her body. The thought of having sex with Rachel and Sally at the same time appealed to her tremendously. “I think that would be… delicious.”

That’s my girl!” Rachel exclaimed. “Actually, I’d almost forgotten about Millie, but I’ve just had a thought. Why don’t I ask her to come round to mine sometime next week, then you tell Sally that you have a surprise and bring her over? We could do a little matchmaking. If Sally is looking for a girl her own age… well, after what Millie and did last week, she is definitely off boys. Plus, if they need a little guidance, we could always offer some hands-on tuition… I know where I’d like to lay my hands.”

Jess was already picturing that little scenario, but she forced it out of her mind, determined to stay focused. Rachel had a wicked smile on her face, until she noted her friend’s sober demeanor. “Okay, there’s that… what else is on your mind, Jess?”

“Well… what should we do about our daughters? If Alice comes on to me again, I don’t have the willpower to say no — to be honest, I don’t even want to say no. And I’m sure that you’ll want to keep making love to Bella, now you’ve got the taste. Can you and I be lovers and have sex with our kids? And then there are our younger girls. I’m still not sure what to do about Katie and Poppy. And what about you, are you still seriously thinking about taking Cindy to bed?”

“Ah, yes… that reminds me of something I need to tell you,” Rachel murmured, looking a bit embarrassed. “I think it might be a little late to keep my activities with Bella a secret from her little sister. Bella and I were having a little post-fuck cuddle, you see… and Cindy caught us, stark naked and in each other’s arms. it seems that I was, er, somewhat noisy when Bella went down on me.” She was blushing now. “For a novice, she’s got a very talented mouth.”

“Oh, my God, something like that happened to us! Katie caught Alice in my bed after our first time together, but I managed to cook up an excuse, at least. I told her that Alice came in to sleep with me because she’d had a bad dream… and we were both naked because my room was hot. So what happened, what did you tell Cindy?”

“Y’know, it was pretty obvious what Bella and I had been doing… so I told her the truth.”

Shocked, Jess covered her mouth. “You didn’t!”

“I did. You know how Cindy responded? She wanted to know when I was going to teach her how to make love. So… I promised her I would, this weekend.”

“You really are going to take her to bed, then. Doesn’t that feel like, well, going too far? I mean, she is only ten.” Like you haven’t been thinking the same way about Katie, she told herself.

“Nearly eleven, actually. Look, if Cindy is old enough to take an interest in sex, she’s old enough to learn. And who better than a loving mother to give her the guidance she needs? Besides, she was bound to catch me and Bella again at some point, so it seemed like the sensible thing to do. Think about it, keeping that kind of thing under wraps in your own home is going to be all but impossible. How long do you think you can hide what you’re doing with Alice from her sisters?”

Jessica’s mind was in chaos; she couldn’t think straight. “I don’t know, I hadn’t thought about it.” Liar, she accused herself. You did too, just this morning.

“You must have at least considered the possibility that you’d be caught again.”

Jess remembered the way Katie looked at her when she’d paraded nude in front of the nine-year-old, that morning after she’d first been intimate with Alice. “Well, okay, I have. Earlier on, I was wondering what might happen if Katie caught us again. See, I remembered what you said about Cindy, how you were thinking about… including her. At first, I told myself you were joking, but then I wasn’t sure. That was when I let myself, uh, imagine what it would be like with Katie. Then, I started thinking about Poppy and I… I had to make myself stop.” Her cheeks burned.

Reaching out, Rachel calmly took Jessica’s hands between hers. “Jess, darling… it will be okay, I promise. Our girls are pretty grown up; they’ve had to be. If you and I face this together, we can make it work… and with all of us participating.”

Jess stared at her friend. “All of us? How do you mean?”

“It’s what I sort of suggested the last time we spoke about this. It seems to me that we should sit down and talk it over — you, me, Alice and Bella at first. We could officially tell the girls about us being lovers, then we tell Alice about me and Bella, and Bella about you and Alice. That way, they’ll have each other to talk to, and who knows, they’ll probably take their relationship to the next level, now that Bella is over her shyness.”

“She is?” Jess said. “Well, after a romp in the sack with the likes of you, I’m hardly surprised.”

“Let me put it this way,” Rachel said, “Alice is going to be amazed, the next time she and Bella have a sleepover. My daughter is champing at the bit to get her hands on yours.” She paused for a moment to think. “Tell you what… why don’t you have Bella spend the night this Friday, and we’ll have that little chat with her and Alice. At the very least, they’ll spend a lovely evening together… and if we’re lucky, all four of us can have some fun.”

Jess considered Rachel’s proposal, already picturing that scene. “That does sound tempting, I must admit. But what about our youngsters? I’d be too nervous to try anything like that with Poppy or Katie around.”

“Hmmm, good point. Let’s see… what if we organized a sleepover at my place for them? That way, Katie and Poppy could come over and have the run of the house with Cindy. I’ll see if Millie can sit for them — which means that I’ll need to save some sex energy for her when I get back home, I suppose. That way, if we do end up joining Alice and Bella, we’ll be able to get as loud and wild as we want!”

“Jesus, that sounds so fucking kinky,” Jess murmured, absently touching between her legs.

Noting where Jessica’s hand was, Rachel couldn’t help but smile. “Then on Saturday, I’ll be teaching these things to Cindy.” She shivered with delight. “God, I can’t wait to get her naked. If all goes as it should, she’ll have another member of our little family society.”

Incest society, you mean,” Jess said. “I can’t believe we’re actually talking about doing this. The more I think about it, though, the more it makes sense. I fought myself about it at first, but you know what? I love what sex has done for the relationship I have with Alice. What would it be like to have that kind of closeness with Katie, too?”

“Well, since I hope to be making love to my youngest this Saturday, you should take the opportunity to come out to Katie… perhaps to Poppy as well.”

Jessica tried to picture that scenario. She’d always been open and honest with her daughters, speaking to them in a way that some would say was too grown up, but the girls had always responded in a way that sometimes made her forget their ages.

“I’m not sure about Poppy. I think she’s too young to be part of this.” Jess interjected.

“I think you’re underestimating her… but okay, let’s leave the little one out of it for now. Katie, though, is very grown up for her age. You should let her know what’s going on, at least, even if you aren’t quite ready to make love to her. Let’s speak about it later in the week.”

Jess knew Rachel was right, but she wasn’t sure how she would broach the subject. Taking a quick glance at the kitchen clock, she turned to her lover. “Much as I’d love to cement our relationship, I really do need to get to work.”

Rachel also checked the time. “Me too. Phone me up some time, if you’re having any further doubts.”

With that, they kissed, each resisting the urge to undress and ravish the other, then Rachel left before either one of them could change her mind.

Once at the store Jessica plunged herself into paperwork, but was too distracted to accomplish much. In the end she spent much of the day in her office trying to work what she would say to the girls, particularly Katie.

That night, she tried to put it all out of her mind, spending the evening helping her daughters with homework before they all settled down on the sofa to watch TV. Every so often, Jess stole a glance at each of her lovely girls, dressed in their nightwear, wondering what their reactions might be when she told them about her newly realized sexuality… and Rachel. Sometimes she peeked at the girls with no other reason than to appreciate the beauty of their youthful, scantily covered bodies.

Alice already knew about her mum’s lesbianism, of course, but making an official announcement out of it seemed different to Jess, more formal… and even though Alice had claimed to be fine with Mum and “Aunt Rachel,” becoming lovers, Jessica still wondered if her daughter mightn’t still feel a bit jealous.

The rest of the evening passed without incident — in fact, Alice didn’t come knocking on her door after hours. Despite a hint of disappointment, Jess was mostly glad that the girl had given her the time and space she needed to collect her thoughts.

So Jessica spent a good long while lost in concentration, staring up at the ceiling — but everything was too jumbled in her mind to organize, so she shut everything out and switched off the light, allowing herself to fall asleep.

As promised: Chapter Fourteen!


Expecting, Part Two

  • Posted on April 27, 2019 at 2:19 pm

by  JetBoy

Tammy and Mist followed me in their car as I negotiated the twisting roads that led to my home. Once arrived, I ushered them inside; and once the door had closed behind us we stood there for a moment, grinning foolishly at one another, ready for anything.

“How about dinner?” I finally said.

This met with enthusiastic approval, and I invited Mist and Tammy into the kitchen to join me while I threw something together. They wanted to help, so I dug into my larder, and the three of us pitched in to conjure up a lovely supper of pasta with marinara sauce, a salad and garlic bread. I opened a nice Cabernet, and we sat down to our humble feast and tucked in.

I was incredibly hungry, and my guests clearly were as well, so we made short work of the meal. The mood was one of exuberance. Fixing dinner with Tammy and Mist had been a lot of fun, and we couldn’t stop smiling and giggling as we ate.

The wine turned out to be excellent, and we called on Mist to make a toast. She stood, looked back and forth at her mother and I, then raised her glass and softly said, “To us.”

“To us,” Tammy and I echoed — and when I glanced into my friend’s eyes, I seemed to fall into them. We gazed at each other for an eternity that only lasted for a few seconds, and something passed between us, something warm and beautiful. I think that was when I first realized that this was more than one of my casual lesbian sex romps. Much more.

Then I turned to Mist, who gave me a smile as big and bright as the sun, and I felt a surge of adoration for her, too.

I wasn’t sure what was happening to me, but I liked it — and rising from my seat, I purred, “I think we’ll have dessert in the bedroom.” Taking the bottle of wine, I beckoned Tammy and Mist to follow, adding, “Leave the dishes,” with a wink.

We climbed the stairs, a tangible excitation in the air that seemed to positively crackle. The lovemaking we had enjoyed earlier now seemed like a mere appetizer, and we were already ravenous for more. I ached to sample every imaginable sexual delight with this pregnant goddess and her luscious nymph of a daughter. As for Tammy and Mist, they were clearly eager to explore their new relationship as lovers.

Entering my bedroom, I set down the wine bottle and turned to my guests, only to have both mother and daughter take me in their arms. I wrapped my arms around their bodies, and we simply held each other for a long, lovely while. Then I sought out Tammy’s mouth with my own, and we enjoyed a gentle French kiss. Then Tammy turned to her daughter, their mouths meeting, tongues dancing. When Mist kissed me I melted into her, licking at her lower lip, and she sucked playfully at my tongue.

Our kisses grew increasingly urgent, and our hands began to wander and explore the curves and planes of each other’s bodies. Mist’s fingers were toying with my right nipple as I slid a hand beneath her mother’s top to stroke her swollen belly, while Tammy’s tongue trailed its way around the edge of my ear. Our heartbeats seemed to accelerate in unison, the excitement level increasing dramatically by the second.

And then we were undressing each other — but slowly, teasingly, as if we had all the time in the world to make love. A button unfastened here, a portion of skin bared there, the sound of a zipper being tugged down… we were playing out a slow dance of seduction, making each moment count. I tugged Mist’s tank top up and off, bent to place a soft kiss upon her shoulder, then stepped out of my panties when Tammy slid them down to my ankles. No words were spoken — none were needed.

Soon we were all naked, and Mist squealed “Come on!” followed by a flying leap onto my bed, where she bounced excitedly, as if she were eight instead of fourteen.

I glanced over to Tammy, standing beside me. She smiled and took my hand, and we padded over to the bed, climbing aboard next to Mist, whose eyes were aglow with lust. “I wanna watch you guys fuck now,” she cooed.

To hear those wicked words from this sweet young girl… well, my libido was aflame in an instant. I turned to Tammy and seized her in my arms, claiming her luscious mouth with my own. She matched my passion and then some, her tongue darting between my parted lips.

We lay down together, still locked in a fierce embrace. Tammy was fucking my mouth with her tongue, grinding her pregnant body into mine. I dragged my nails down her back, and she broke away long enough to moan “Oh… I love that!”

Her ass demanded to be groped — and I obliged, kneading her generous buttocks with hands that hungered to touch, to fondle, know every inch of this magnificent woman.

My mouth, however, was watering for Tammy’s cunt, and it would not be denied.

Pulling away, I quickly positioned Tammy on her side, then twisted around to burrow my face between her thighs. No gentle nuzzlings were wanted now… I plunged into her sex, a greedy mouth drinking deep from a lover’s body.

A shiver flickered through me as I felt Tammy placing hot, open-mouthed kisses upon my own cunt — then I inhaled sharply as her tongue probed into the vaginal tunnel, wriggling about deliciously. Tammy’s chin was brushing my engorged clitoris, making my body jolt with her every movement.

The entire lower half of my face seemed to be coated with her essence, and I still craved more. Drinking deep from the chalice of my lover’s sex, I suddenly wondered if she tasted different because of her pregnancy. I imagined going down on her right after she gave birth, soothing her aching vagina even as I sampled and savored what new flavor her cunt might have.

Tammy and I lay curled on our sides, pleasuring one another with ardent mouths, our bodies forming a sweet circle of womanhood — a circle with an unborn child nestled in the center. Can the baby feel this, sense our loving from inside her mother’s womb? I wondered. As I ate Tammy’s juicy cunt, I slipped a hand between our bodies and placed it on her belly, wanting to convey all the warmth and joy I felt at that moment to the little one.

Then I felt a crazy surge of joy as Tammy placed her hand atop mine, squeezing it as if to say that she knew my wishes, and shared them. It was a beautiful moment that sent my arousal — and my love — soaring.

My response was to grind my face even deeper into Tammy’s wet flesh, going down on her with everything I had. No subtlety here — my objective now was to make her come and come hard. I rolled my tongue around the walls of her vagina, then withdrew to shift my attention to the hard nub of her clitoris, which I sucked between my lips.

Tammy took my cue, quickly moving to envelop my throbbing clit with the warmth of her mouth — and then we were off, both of us passengers on a mad roller coaster of sexual rapture that wrenched us this way and that, ever moving faster, faster; knotting into tangles of pure velocity that swiftly untied themselves, only to twist together all over again; whizzing past blurred flashes of ecstasy, barely glimpsed through speed-narrowed eyes.

Oh, my stars, what a wild ride it was. And it steadily grew ever more intense as Tammy and I each licked and sucked and nibbled at the other’s pleasure button. I was spinning, whirling helplessly as that damned roller coaster somehow trapped itself on a loop-the-loop, increasing its speed on each go-round — gravity tearing at me like an insane thing as the world raced by spinning, spinning, spinning —

And then I was coming, wrenched free from the weird whirligig and flying headlong through space, body strobing to the impossible poundpoundpound of my heart, each beat in perfect rhythm with the throbbing of my orgasm. I plummeted to earth, but somehow never felt myself land.

Finally, my eyes fluttered open.

I was greeted by the sight of Tammy’s beautiful cunt, the glistening pink flesh nearly hidden within a thick bush of auburn curls. I moved in to press an affectionate kiss inside the dewy flower, then rested my cheek upon my new lover’s inner thigh. A blissful, serene haze enveloped me, and I felt a sudden flush of warmth course through my limbs as Tammy lightly nuzzled my own still-tingling sex.

Then I felt soft hands caressing my body, and I rolled away from Tammy to peer up at the beaming face of Mist, who now knelt beside us. “Gosh,” she whispered, her eyes moist as she stroked her mother and me, “that was… that was awesome.”

I was out of breath and a bit dizzy, but the sight of this naked girl rejuvenated me, made me want her. Raising myself into a sitting position, I drew Mist into my arms, covering her mouth with my own. My lips were sticky with Tammy’s wetness, and the cute teen moaned happily as she tasted and delighted in the flavor of her mother.

Tammy was now hugging her daughter from behind, adorning Mist’s neck with heated, open-mouthed kisses. A prickle of excitement raced through me as Tammy trailed her tongue up to the girl’s ear, pausing to nip at the lobe in a playful fashion. Mist swiveled around to gaze at her, and a lust-filled glance passed between them that made my heart skip a beat. Then their mouths crushed together as they embraced, mother and daughter lost in the forbidden pleasures of incest.

Then Tammy gently broke their kiss, turned to me and with a wicked smile cooed, “C’mon, Carly… I think Mist needs both of us to get her off.”

Tammy and I lay the girl down between us and began to touch her, gossamer-light caresses that traveled the length and breadth of her body. She sighed contentedly, lulled into relaxation. But as our touches became less gentle, more intimate, Mist began to squirm in arousal.

Then we began to love her with our mouths as well as our fingers — barely-there kisses, light tongue flicks and teasing love bites intended to drive her frantic with lust. Soon she was moaning in our arms as we lavished affection on her bare body. We were careful, though, not to make Mist come, wanting to take her to the absolute limit of pleasure — and beyond! She would have to beg us for release.

By now I was sucking on Mist’s toes, sending delicious shivers through her slim frame while Tammy licked at her daughter’s nipples. I could see her hand tucked between Mist’s thighs, fingers lightly stroking at the girl’s slit.

Mist was writhing helplessly, eyes wild as she mewled in desperation. “Oh, Mommy,” she gasped, “Carly. P-please… let me — ohhhhh, I need to, to…”

In spite of her entreaties, we continued to tease her for just a bit longer. Then Tammy’s eyes met mine, and she gave me a nod.

I quickly crawled between the redheaded nymph’s slender thighs, opened her cunt with my fingers and kissed the sweet pinkness inside. Tammy was manipulating Mist’s clitoris with her fingers as I allowed my tongue to slide deep into the girl’s vagina. She tasted wonderful — tart and juicy as an exotic fruit.

I began to tongue-fuck my teenage lover, gazing up the length of her form to watch Tammy enjoy her daughter’s breasts — suckling them, then teasing the pert nipples with her teeth. Mist’s head was thrown back, mouth slack as she cradled her mother’s face to her chest. Her body was quivering from head to toe. She was going to come soon, and her climax promised to be one for the record books.

Eager to take this young lesbian even higher, I brought my hand into play as I continued to suck at Mist’s dripping cunt, placing the tip of a finger against the moist cleft between her buttocks. A shudder flickered through her body at that — and as she sucked in a lungful of air, I slid the finger all the way into her anus with a single steady stroke.

And then Mist exploded in a surge of pleasure that had the girl thrashing about like a wild mare, her heels drumming a tattoo on the mattress as she came. God, did she come. It was all I could do to hang on and not be thrown from the bed by the helpless thrusts of her hips. I held firm, though — my mouth glued to Mist’s sex, tongue probing her. I was rolling my finger around inside the teen’s anus, moving it in tight little circles… and that only made her buck all the harder.

Tammy and I carried Mist through the arc of her ecstasy, keeping it going until she had climaxed at least four times in succession. Finally she lay limp, her eyes glazed, panting as if she’d just completed a marathon.

I lifted my face from between Mist’s thighs as Tammy turned to me, the two of us coming together in a brief but passionate kiss of celebration. Finally we broke apart and lay down alongside Mist, cuddling her between us.

We three lay entwined for a long, wonderful while — serene and contented, occasionally exchanging soft kisses and taking warm swallows of wine from the bottle I’d brought upstairs.

I was amazed at how good it felt – just being with these beautiful women. When it came to relationships, I’d always kept things on a casual basis. I just liked playing the field too much, sharing my bed with a steady stream of willing and curious females. But the warmth and affection that I felt in the arms of Tammy and Mist was something else again. It was as if I’d been magically transformed into a teenager with an enormous crush — and I loved it!

The three of us didn’t leave the house or put on a stitch of clothing from that Friday night until early Sunday. Well, I threw on a dressing gown when we had Chinese take-out delivered on Saturday night, but otherwise it was all nude, all the time. Mist had made plans to meet with friends on Saturday, but she called them to beg off, claiming she had a headache. And for an amazing forty hours or so, Tammy, Mist and I indulged our every sense in a wild bacchanalia of pleasure that the gods on Olympus might have envied.

We made love again and again in every combination, three new lovers exploring every part, every inch of each other’s bodies. We fucked ourselves into exhaustion, dozed, then awakened to fuck once more. We’d unwind from our orgies in the hot tub, though even in there we’d make out — which sometimes got the love play going all over again.

And when we weren’t engaged in carnal delights, there were many other ways to pass the time. We watched a Bollywood film from my DVD collection, danced naked to Sixties soul records, fed each other chocolate cake with our fingers, even had an impromptu yoga session. I read to Tammy and Mist from the love poems of John Donne, and Tammy told our fortunes with a Tarot deck I had lying around. As for Mist, she fell in love with my tabby cat Percival, and played with him every chance she got.

But that wasn’t all — we also shared our souls. I found myself opening up to Mist and Tammy in a way I seldom did with my lovers, giving them the chance to see me as I honestly was… all the while getting to know them better, too.

And Tammy and Mist were discovering one another in a different way — mother and daughter adding a sexual dimension to their relationship, joyfully exploring a new life together as women in love.

There was one more particularly special moment that I want to tell you about. We were curled together on the bed, all flushed and glowing from our lovemaking. We’d just engaged in an oral daisy chain; the three of us licking each other’s cunts at the same time.

Anyhow, Mist twisted around to smile at her mother and murmured, “Say, Mom… do you have one of those strap-on cock thingies?”

Tammy arched an eyebrow at her daughter. “Well… yes, I do. Why do you ask?”

Blushing sweetly, Mist replied. “Um, I’m — well, the thing is, I’m still a virgin, Mom… and I’d kinda like for you to be my first fuck.”

Tammy’s eyes widened. “Mist!” she gasped, “Is that… are you sure that’s what you want? You shouldn’t rush into–”

Mist placed a finger against her mother’s lips to shush her. “It’s been a fantasy of mine, Mom,” she whispered. “Ever since I knew that I wanted you. God, I’ve made myself come so many times, just imagining you on top of me, taking me with your cock… totally making me yours.” She cupped Tammy’s cheek, her eyes shining with love.

Tammy was overcome with emotion. “Oh… oh, my God, Mist,” she breathed, her eyes suddenly moist. “I don’t know what to say…”

Mist sighed happily. “I… I never believed it could actually happen, Mom. It was just a, a crazy dream I used to get myself off. But now that we’ve made love…” She touched her mother’s swollen belly. “I know you can’t fuck me just yet… but — after the baby is born, I hope you will, Mom. You’ll b-be making my dream come true.” She took her mother’s hand, pressing it to her lips. “Oh, Mom — please say yes! I don’t want anyone but you to do it…”

Tammy stared at the ceiling. “How can I say no?” she whispered, her face alight with wonder. She turned to Mist. “Sweet baby,” she cooed, “If you want me to be your first, nothing would make me happier.” She drew Mist close, cradling the teen’s face to her breasts. Then she glanced at me, her eyes brimming with happy tears. “I’ve got a date with my little girl, Carly,” she whispered. “She wants me to fuck her.”

I was on the verge of tears myself, overwhelmed by this incredible love between mother and daughter. “I think it’s a beautiful thing, Tammy… and you are a very lucky woman.”

Then we were all hugging… and it was only moments before the three of us were making love again, our lust rekindled.

Our weekend was a wonderful vacation from the cares of the world, and I was sorry to see it end. Tammy had to work on Sunday, though, and I’d committed myself to a staff meeting at the clinic that same afternoon. So mother and daughter bid me a fond goodbye, we kissed passionately, and I waved as they slowly drove away.

Ah, but before they left, Tammy and Mist made plans with me to get together for dinner on Monday night at a local French restaurant. It was a marvelous evening, too. We enjoyed a fine meal, then nipped back to their place for fun and games. All of which, needless to say, we played naked.

Over the next few weeks the three of us spent every spare moment in each other’s company, and that included more than a few overnight sleepovers. I even drove Mist to school one morning and, wicked woman that I am, fingered her to a lovely orgasm before I dropped her off.

The sex continued to be nothing short of incredible, and the time I spent with Tammy and Mist with our clothes on was a joy, too. Getting to know them both, as friends and lovers, moved me to reevaluate a few things I’d always taken for granted about myself. As I mentioned earlier, I’d always been one for casual, commitment-free relationships. Oh, there had been roommates, in my less affluent days, but I had never shared my personal space with a lover, and shunned serious romance as if it carried the plague. I’d been a player, jumping into bed with any available female that took my fancy.

But the hours, the days, the nights spent with Mist and Tammy had me wanting something different.

Suddenly I wasn’t seen at the Hot Spur on Fridays, trolling for young cuties. I abandoned the lesbian chat room. I bought a very expensive new outfit — complete with sexy underwear — just to dazzle Tammy and Mist for a night out on the town. I sent them flowers and spent hours making each of them a personalized mix CD. They had an ice cream cake delivered to my door, festooned with pink frosting hearts. Then there was the night that they tied me to a chair in my living room and performed for me, doing a nicely choreographed song-and-dance rendition of “I Only Have Eyes for You,” while stripping naked, one item of clothing at a time… then they got into a mother-daughter sex show on the floor at my bound feet that nearly gave yours truly a heart attack — not to mention got me so fucking wet that I had to have the chair professionally cleaned. I wouldn’t let Tammy pay for it, either.

After three weeks of this craziness, I knew I was in love.

It shook me up, I’ll tell you… but I was determined not to let this chance for happiness slip through my fingers. I invited Tammy and Mist over for dinner on Friday, then spent a couple of days making preparations.

By the time the doorbell rang on Friday, I was a bundle of nerves… but as I opened the door to let them in, all the tension that was churning through my tummy simply melted away at the sight of their smiling faces. I was a woman in love, and everything was perfect.

We dined on a sumptuous feast of chicken in a orange glaze, a wild rice casserole and steamed vegetables, with black bottom pie for dessert. Then I brought out a bottle of vintage Reisling, and we toasted one another. Then, my heart racing with excitement, I took out three tiny black velvet boxes and gave one apiece to Tammy and Mist.

I watched as mother and daughter opened the boxes, then flipped the top of my own. Their eyes widened in unison at the sight of the trio of matching rings I had purchased.

And I simply said, “I love you both, and I want to be a part of your lives. Tammy, Mist… will you marry me?”

The next thing I knew, we three were hugging tightly, all of us sobbing as we tearfully exchanged vows of devotion. I was deliriously happy and, truth be told, a little wistful that I’d spent so many years running away from this kind of love.

Before long our hugs and kisses began to grow increasingly heated, so we tiptoed up the stairs to the bedroom, shedding our clothes as we went. By the time we reached my bed – our bed — we were all naked and ready to play. And play we did, losing ourselves in an evening of wild sex that I still remember vividly. All the heat and passion we had already explored together was there, now flavored with the spice of romance.

A few weeks later, we had a small ceremony in which Tammy and I were joined together, as lovers and life partners. Mist slipped the rings on our fingers, which all our friends thought was adorable — but nobody noticed that she wore a ring of her own, one exactly like ours.

So Tammy and I were united as a couple. Everyone cheered, we had a great party afterward, toasts were made, confetti was thrown. Then my lovers and I waved goodbye to the guests, jumped in the car and squealed away in a crunch of gravel for our honeymoon. I’d borrowed a vacation house in Costa Rica from a friend of mine, and we spent two weeks there, celebrating our new life together.


That was five years ago. The three of us are still together, still blissfully content.

Mist attends a local college, and occasionally enjoys herself with other girls, some of whom she brings home to romp with in her room. But she always returns to the big bed that her mother and I share, where we three renew our secret bond, this wondrous triangle of love and lust that unites us.

Oh, and then there’s the fourth member of our happy household — the one who brought us together in the first place, when you think about it.

Pony Myrtle Parker was born nearly a month after our ceremony. The birth was performed by a midwife I know, so it took place in our home. After the midwife had shared a congratulatory glass of wine with us and departed, Mist and I undressed and climbed into bed with the new mother to make gentle love to her. And yes, we both took turns going down on Tammy, soothing her vagina with our mouths as she nursed our daughter.

That was such an amazing experience that we made it part of our sex lives for awhile — Tammy, Mist and I sharing our bodies as lovers while Pony fed at her mother’s breast, all four of us gloriously nude.

I still carry a picture in my mind — an image viewed while lying between Tammy’s thighs, mouth buried in her red pubes as I drink of her thick, sweet nectar. I’m gazing at Mist’s flawless bottom as she perches upon her mother’s face; then at Tammy, happily licking at the juicy cunt of her daughter. And all the while, little Pony is nestled in Tammy’s arm, taking milk from her mommy’s nipple. I’m not sure I’ll ever have a lovelier erotic memory.

Unless it happens to be the night, two weeks after Pony’s birth, when Tammy kept her promise to Mist and took her daughter’s virginity. I prepared Mist for her mother, licking her slit while she sucked at the seven-inch latex cock that jutted proudly from her mother’s waist.

It was a breathtaking sight, watching Tammy lower her naked body onto that of her daughter, slowly entering Mist until the tip of her cock rested against the girl’s hymen. Tammy and I each took one of Mist’s hands… fingers entwining as our virgin lover inhaled deeply, bracing herself for her mom’s penetration.

Mist cried out loud when Tammy’s cock broke through the thin membrane, her face contorting with pain. She wouldn’t allow her mother to pull out, though, wrapping her legs around Tammy’s ass to hold her in place while she waited for the hurt to lessen… trying her best to accommodate the seven inches of latex that filled her. Finally she whispered, “Okay, Mom, I’m ready… just go slow.”

God, it was beautiful. The tears were still drying on her cheeks, but Mist’s face gradually grew radiant with joy as Tammy began to move her hips — only an inch or two at a time, at first.

And soon mother and daughter were really fucking, their bodies grinding lewdly, mouths pressed together in the most torrid of French kisses. I frantically masturbated while I watched my lovers from a ringside seat, right next to them on our bed.

It was a hell of a night, one that left Mist with an abiding passion for strap-on sex. And the little minx loved to fuck — every bit as much as she loved to be fucked. Tammy’s cock, along with a few other bad-girl toys that we owned, became a crucial part of our collective sex life after that night.

Pony is four now and about to begin nursery school, the most charming, delightful child imaginable. I certainly never saw myself as the maternal type, back in those younger, wilder days, but raising Pony together with my lovers has brought me a profound sense of fulfillment. Corny as it sounds, I consider myself blessed.

Our little girl understands that Tammy and I are a couple, and has even seen us make love a few times… but we are keeping big sister Mist’s role in our sex lives a secret from Pony until she is old enough to understand.

It was Mist who was the first to bring up the subject of bringing Pony into our incestuous relationship, broaching the idea soon after the child had turned three. Mist adores her baby sister, and wants her to be a part of the passion and pleasure that she, her mother and I have shared for five years.

We spent hours discussing the pros and cons of making love to our little girl. In the end, Mist’s heartfelt arguments won the day.

Here’s what we finally decided. Pony is already comfortable in a lesbian household where open nudity and sex are part of our everyday life, and we have always been very physically affectionate with her. When she turns seven, Tammy, Mist and I will sit our child down and tell her about our secret love life, then offer Pony the chance to join the three of us in bed. Mist has already staked her claim on making love to her little sister first, but Tammy and I are also ready and willing to teach our daughter all about the joys of the lesbian life. And knowing Pony as we do, we are all confident that she will say yes.

It’s a wonderful feeling, imagining that day, less than three years from now, when we hope to make Pony our new lover. And this anticipation we feel only seems to grow in intensity with the passage of time. Our little girl might make some adorable remark, or skip happily through the living room, or sprawl naked before the television, giggling at a Bugs Bunny cartoon — and Tammy and I will share a secret smile, or Mist will give us both a saucy wink as we dream of the magical night when our sweet trio will become a quartet.

The End


Expecting, Part One

  • Posted on April 13, 2019 at 1:58 pm

By JetBoy


My name is Carly Benetton. I am a woman’s therapist employed by the Pembroke Center, which functions both as a gynecology clinic and a health center for expectant mothers. It’s a job I love, especially since I get to meet some incredibly sexy girls and women in the course of my working day.

Yes, I am a lesbian, and I’ve made some very hot sexual connections with females that I met through my job. This story is about how one of those special encounters, and how it changed my life.

Tammy Parker was a single mother of thirty-five with a fourteen-year-old daughter named Mist. She’d been trying for the last few years to conceive again, which is why she became one of my patients — first, to get herself artificially inseminated; then, to receive therapy that would help prepare her to deliver the baby girl she was now happily expecting.

At that time, I’d known Tammy for about five years. She was a free spirit, a wild and warm woman with bright red hair and a zest for life that was utterly contagious.

Mist had been a rough delivery for Tammy. She’d insisted on a vaginal birth, even after a long, painful labor, with her doctor all but insisting that she opt for a C-section. She held firm, though, and later told me that, painful as it had been, Mist’s birth had been the most joyous experience of her life.

She was determined to give birth to her new baby vaginally as well, only this time she came to our clinic to help her prepare for the delivery. And her daughter Mist would be an enthusiastic participant in the process.

Tammy was overjoyed and very proud to have Mist helping her through the pregnancy, especially since she was unattached at the time, with no lover to be there when she gave birth.

I’d had both of them in for sessions before, mostly limited to discussion. On this day, though, I would be teaching Mist how to give her mom vaginal massages, which would ultimately make Tammy’s delivery a much more comfortable one.

Most women would have felt a little strange about allowing their own daughters to touch them in such an intimate way, but Tammy was an ardent feminist who thought it would be a positive bonding experience for them both — not to mention a useful lesson for when Mist had children, if she chose to.

Tammy knew about my own preference for women, being a lesbian herself — though she and I had never been lovers. What she didn’t know was that I’d enjoyed sexual relations several times before with girls who were about the same age as her daughter.

I had a real knack for putting teenage girls at ease during their first gynecology exam, so most of that work at the Pembroke Center fell to me. I’d ended up teaching some of them much more about their bodies than they had expected, bringing them to orgasm during my examination. I’d even had brief sexual relationships with a few of these sweet nymphs, taking them into my bed for some very loving fun and games.

Anyhow, the thought of teaching the utterly adorable Mist how to massage her mother’s vagina had me tingling with anticipation — and I had a feeling that Tammy would enjoy it more than she expected. In fact, I was hoping for that.

Taking a moment to center my energy, I paged the reception desk and asked that my next patients be sent in.

Tammy, full-bellied and absolutely glowing, entered the room and hugged me affectionately as I rose to meet her. Mist followed close behind — a freckled redhead like her mother, all bare-legged and coltish in her cut-off denim shorts. God, they were beautiful together, radiating a warmth that left me lightheaded.

Mist hugged me too, smelling of jasmine. “Mom says you’re gonna teach me how to help her with the actual birth part today, Carly!” she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“That’s right, Mist. I’m going to teach you how to help your mother work the muscles of her birth canal, so the baby can come out easier when she delivers.”

“Cool!” she squealed. “I’m so thrilled about having a new sister!” She tilted her head in Tammy’s direction. “I’ve been buggin’ Mom about it for years.”

“She did, too,” Tammy replied with a smile, “I used to find little notes hidden around the house. ‘WHERE’S MY BABY SISTER?’ they’d read.” She laughed joyfully. “I saved every one, too.”

Mist grinned. “And one day, when she’s old enough, I’ll take out the scrapbook and let her see ’em, so she’ll know just how much I wanted her.”

“She’ll be one lucky girl, to have a big sister like you,” I said. “So… are you both ready to start?” They nodded.

I’m a New Age oriented therapist, so my next instruction wasn’t as odd as it might seem to most. “Okay then, let’s get undressed,” I murmured as I dimmed the lights, then pushed the button on my CD player. The soft, contemplative sound of meditational Sufi music could be heard.

We helped each other out of our clothes. I’d seen Tammy naked in the course of our previous sessions, and she was utterly beautiful in her sixth month of pregnancy. As for Mist, she looked so bewitching in the nude that I just wanted to gobble her up.

Tammy lay down on her side atop the padded surface of the massage table as I eased a pillow beneath her tummy, then I turned to Mist. “I’m going to give your mom a body rub, before we start the birth canal massage.”

“Can I maybe help with that, Carly?” Mist asked shyly.

“Sure, if your mom doesn’t mind.”

“Oh, Mom doesn’t mind…” Tammy said, already relaxing on the table.

Standing beside me, a naked fourteen-year-old Mist eagerly watched as I poured scented oil into my hands, then began to rub it into her mother’s back. As I worked my way down the curve of Tammy’s spine, Mist moved up to knead her mom’s shoulders.

I rubbed Tammy’s shapely ass for a while, then began to massage her anus — pressing a finger between her cheeks, then slipping it deep into her rectum. Mist was fascinated by what I was doing, staring wide-eyed as I probed her mother’s bottom. Needless to say, Tammy was purring with pleasure all the while.

Feeling a bit daring, I turned to Mist. “Would you like to do this, honey?”

Her face lit up. “Sure… can I, Mom?”

Tammy paused, pondered, then said, “Okay, baby.”

I stepped back, and Mist placed the tip of her finger against the whorl of Tammy’s anus. Her eyes widened in wonder as she pushed it deep into her mother’s bottom. “Wow,” she whispered, “it’s so warm inside!”

“Oooohhhhhh, that’s nice…” Tammy moaned contentedly, responding to the combined touches of her daughter and me.

As Mist probed her mother’s rectum, I began a preliminary pudendal massage on Tammy — opening her cunt up to my touch, then gently working two fingers inside. Mist gasped in surprise, then giggled when she felt my fingers through her mother’s vaginal wall.

Tammy was really getting into our mutual exploration of her body — and before too long she was panting furiously in orgasm. I’d warned her that she would probably become sexually stimulated when I massaged her vagina, but the intensity of her climax both surprised and thrilled me. Mist was delighted, having helped to make her mother feel good. This was perfect — the mood in the room was exactly as I wanted it.

Once Tammy had recovered, I helped her to sit up on the table for the next stage of her therapy. With Mist to my left, I showed her how to rub and massage her mother’s nipples.

As Mist fondled her mother’s breasts, her eyes dancing excitedly, I leaned into Tammy and kissed her, sliding a hand between her thighs. As my fingers brushed her vulva, I slipped my tongue between Tammy’s parted lips. I figured that she was so turned on at that point that she would let me kiss her like a lover in front of her daughter — and when she began kissing me back after only a moment’s hesitation, I knew I was right. Soon she was cupping my breasts as our mouths played sweet games together.

I was ecstatic. Now it was time to get Mist more intimately involved.

Breaking our kiss, I turned to Mist and asked, as innocently as I was able, “Would you like to suck on your mother’s nipples now?”

Her mouth fell open, and Tammy shot me a puzzled glance, but as I explained to them both, “The baby’s going to be constantly nursing, and she won’t necessarily be gentle. Your nipples need to be toughened up before she arrives, Tammy.” I turned to Mist. “So… if your mom doesn’t mind, you can take turns sucking and lightly, lightly biting on each nipple to make them less sensitive. Is that okay?” I finished, gazing inquisitively at Tammy.

“Well… okay. I guess so,” Tammy said quietly. Mist slowly nodded.

Spreading a sheet over the couch to keep the massage oil from staining it, we three sat down together — Mist on one side of her mom, me on the other.

I smiled reassuringly at the slightly nervous girl. “Okay, Mist… watch me, and do what I do.”

I cupped Tammy’s left breast in hand and indicated to Mist that she follow my lead. I parted my lips, took Tammy’s nipple into my mouth and lightly suckled it. Mist mimicked me. Pulling back slightly and turning so Mist could see, I took the pink tip of Tammy’s breast between my teeth and lightly nibbled it. Mist did the same.

“Oh… ohhhhhh! Oh, Carly, oh my darling Mist. That feels so… so heavenly!” Tammy gasped.

Mist and I continued to suckle Tammy as my hand slid down to her pussy which, by this time, was incredibly hot and juicy. If you haven’t guessed it by now, sexual therapy is part and parcel of what we do at the Pembroke clinic, and right then, this lovely mother-to-be was very much in need of release, even after the orgasm she’d already had.

I lifted my face from Tammy’s chest. “Time to learn how to do the vaginal massage for your mom, Mist.” I whispered to the fourteen-year-old, who seemed utterly intoxicated by the pleasure of sucking and fondling her mother’s breast.

Then she raised her head to grin at me. “Don’t you mean ‘pussy massage,’ Carly?” Mist asked with a giggle. “That’s what I heard Mom call it yesterday.”

“We can call it that if you like, honey,” I laughed.

Tammy scooted to the edge of the couch, perching on the edge as Mist and I met between her legs. Mist smiled at me. God, she was the loveliest girl…

I couldn’t help what I did next — kissed her full on the lips. I had no idea how she would respond, much less her mother… but then she kissed me back. Tammy watched what we were doing, her eyes widened in surprise. For a brief moment, I thought she might stop us, but then she simply smiled and relaxed, watching us with interest.

Mist and I continued to kiss, our tongues gradually coming into play as things grew increasingly passionate between us. She began to fondle my breasts and nipples as we kissed. Needless to say, I didn’t mind that at all.

My hand slowly rose to touch her own slight breasts, marveling at their softness. We broke our kiss, and Mist reached down to gently graze my pussy with her fingertips. I touched hers in happy reply, finding her moist.

She closed her eyes and moaned softly, “Oh.” Then she smiled bashfully at me. “After you show me how to massage Mom, will you–” She bit her lip, suddenly blushing, but soldiered on. “Would you touch me d-down there, Carly?”

My heart throbbed with excitement, but I tried to maintain a calm exterior. “That’s up to your mother, honey,” I said gently.

Mist turned to Tammy. “Mom? Mom, please, can she?”

There was a thoughtful silence for a moment, then Tammy said, “We’ll see, baby.”

Mist and I knelt before her mother. Tammy’s cunt smelled incredible, her own musky aroma combined with the strawberry-scented massage oil I’d anointed her with earlier. I placed my hand at the fleshy juncture between her thighs and went to work.

One, two, four fingers, then my entire hand easily slipped inside her body. Mist just stared, enthralled by the sight of her mother’s pussy accepting my hand, Tammy mewling with pleasure as I fucked her.

Finally I turned to Mist and murmured, “Now you try it.”

The girl quickly positioned herself between her mother’s legs, and my heart raced as I watched Mist ease her fingers into Tammy’s warm, wet vagina. It wasn’t sixty seconds later that her hand was buried to the wrist inside her mom, the girl’s face alight with joy as she worked it in and out, in and out.

I watched Mist, offering a few tips as I sucked Tammy’s juices from my sticky fingers, loving the thick, earthy taste of her. “Twist it a little, move it around… that’s it. This helps to open her up for the baby.” Then I smiled meaningfully at Mist. “And it feels good for your mom, too, especially when you do this…” and I showed Mist how to touch her mother’s clitoris while giving her the vaginal massage.

By this time, Tammy had closed her eyes and was miles away, drifting on a sea of sexual ecstasy. I began to fondle her breasts, while Mist worked on her pussy and clit — and within the next couple of minutes, she was once again writhing in orgasm, panting furiously.

As Tammy, now slumping against the back of the couch, recovered from her climax, I leaned over to kiss Mist again. She responded quickly, her tongue darting into my mouth. We kissed like lovers for a long, delightful moment… then she drew back, her face flushed with excitement.

“So, Carly… you said th-that you’d touch my pussy too, right?”

“Only if your mother says ‘yes’, that’s what I said.” I replied with a loving smile, stroking her face, glancing over to Tammy for approval.

“Yes,” Tammy sighed happily, giddy in the aftermath of her pleasure. “Touch my baby girl, Carly. Make her feel good.”

Mist sat next to her mother on the couch, spreading both legs wide for me. Pretty much all pretense of therapy was gone at that point. I knelt before the girl, admiring her beautiful, lightly-downed vulva, savoring the tantalizing scent of female arousal.

I glanced up into Mist’s face. Her lips were parted, and she was palming her budding breasts as she stared at me, awaiting my touch. I allowed the tip of a finger to tease the girl’s rosy slit, and Mist whimpered softly.

“Do you like how that feels, honey?” I whispered. She nodded, too thrilled to speak. “Well,” I continued, “I want to do something even nicer to you.” And I slowly licked my lips, my eyes burning into hers.

Lowering my face between her thighs, my mouth went right to Mist’s vagina, placing a soft kiss upon the sweet pink flesh.

“Ooooohhhh, Carly,” she moaned, a ripple of pleasure coursing through her slender frame.

Extending my tongue, I took a long slow lick that trailed upward from her vaginal opening through the labia, ending with a flick to her tiny clitoris.

A cry burst from Mist’s throat. Seizing my head, she drew my face even deeper between her thighs with shaking hands. I pressed my mouth into her sex and licked again, hungering for more — more! — of this exquisite young girl. Her cunt was delicious — ambrosial, even.

“Mmmm, Carly,” Mist moaned, “lick my pussy, oh yeah, you do it so good…!”

I went down on her eagerly; then, as Tammy knelt on the carpet beside me, drew back to give my friend a good view of her daughter’s glistening slit, now inches away from her wide-eyed face. I began to gently finger Mist as I leaned closer to her mother.

“Want to taste her…?” I whispered, then lightly bit Tammy’s earlobe.

She trembled, but didn’t move; just sat there in a daze, clearly torn between her fear of breaking the taboo of incest and a newfound, unexpected desire that shone in her eyes as she stared at Mist’s vulva.

Wanting to nudge Tammy into letting go of her inhibitions, I grasped her chin, turned her face to mine and kissed her, lips sticky with Mist’s essence. She gasped as, a split-second later, she realized what I was doing… and I let my tongue slip into her mouth, giving Tammy a real taste of her daughter.

She froze for a second or two… then with a little sigh, her own tongue came to life. She licked her way around my mouth, moaning with delight as she sampled the tart flavor of her child’s sex.

Finally I pulled away and gestured toward Mist, who was breathing heavily as I continued to lightly stroke her wet pussy. “Go on,” I whispered to Tammy, “lick her. She wants you to…”

Lips parted, Mist stared hopefully at her mother. “Please, Mom,” she breathed. “Please.”

Moving as if in a dream, Tammy placed both hands on her daughter’s thighs, shivering with excitement as she slowly lowered her face to Mist’s cunt and began to lick.

Mist’s response was instantaneous. “Oh, MOM!” she cried. “Ohhhhh… yeah, that feels — f-fantastic!”

Tammy murmured ecstatically into Mist’s pussy in response, the liquid sounds of mouth, tongue and cunt making sweet music. The rich scent of womanhood was sharp in the air as mother pleasured daughter.

“Oh,” Mist moaned. “Mmmm, oh yeah — love me, Mom.”

Wanting to join in the fun, I positioned myself behind Tammy’s upraised ass — dipping my head to press a kiss into her slit, then licking the length of her cunt with the flat of my tongue. She gasped, but kept her own mouth fastened to Mist’s pussy. The girl was quivering like a plucked bass string, hands clutching at her mother’s head. “Oh, yeah,” she raved, “oooooohhh, so nice…”

Feeling deliciously lewd, I parted Tammy’s buttocks with my hands and began to lick at her asshole. I circled the rim of her anus with my tongue while slipping a hand between my friend’s legs to explore her sex. The ass is, I think, my favorite part of a woman’s body — and the apple-round shapeliness of Tammy’s bottom had my lust soaring. I pressed further between her cheeks, kissing her anus as if it were a lover’s mouth.

My eyes shifted to glance at Mist when a loud cry exploded from her, the girl’s body seizing up in climax. “Ohhhh… oh GOD!” she cried, shaking violently from head to toe as she came.

Her mother kept right on pleasuring her daughter, though. And while I continued to lick Tammy’s ass, I watched the teen’s body buck and rock on the couch as waves of pleasure surged through her slender form. Finally she panted, “N-no more, Mom…”

Tammy raised herself to draw her dazed daughter into her arms. I shivered with delight as their mouths met in a hungry kiss, Mist’s tongue emerging to sample her essence from her mom’s lips. Tammy was palming her daughter’s breasts, hands moving in circles to tease the young girl’s nipples erect.

Finally, they gently parted, mother and daughter gazing at one another in perfect adoration. “I love you, Mom,” Mist whispered, “that was… oh, gosh, it was perfect.”

Tammy brushed her girl’s lips with trembling fingers. “Oh, baby, I can’t believe we’re doing this… but I’m so glad it happened.”

Then she raised her head to look at me — and smiled.

“Honey,” she said, turning back to Mist, “I’m afraid that we’ve been very neglectful. We need to make Carly feel good now.” She patted the space on the couch next to Mist, her blue eyes burning into mine. “C’mere, beautiful…” she said, beckoning me to her with a curled finger.

I slowly rose onto shaking legs. Joining Mist and her mother on the couch, I parted my thighs, offering myself to these two beautiful women. Tammy knelt before me, then I felt her hands slide up my legs as she leaned closer, her nostrils flaring as she savored the scent of me. “Smells heavenly,” she happily sighed. And with that, she lowered her face to my cunt and began kissing me there.

At first her oral attentions were gentle, almost soothing — then she grew aggressive, plunging her face between my thighs to lick me with a probing tongue, then taking my flower into her mouth, her lips adorning my cunt with the sexiest of French kisses.

As she ate me, pausing now and then to tease my clitoris with tiny flicks of her tongue, Mist and I kissed hungrily, my hands stroking as much of her slender body as I could reach, brushing her soft, pert breasts as she cupped mine. I cried out as she bent down to take my nipple into her warm mouth.

Then, as if responding to some silent cue, Tammy and Mist switched places, the adorable teen now on her knees before me. Tammy whispered, “Thank you, Carly… thank you,” as her lips sought mine.

I closed my eyes and savored her hot, luscious mouth, now tantalizingly flavored with the tartness of my sex. Why had we never made love before?

Tammy’s tongue wrestled with mine as Mist burrowed her face between my legs, opening me with her fingers to kiss the wet flesh inside. Then I inhaled sharply as she slid two fingers inside me… then a third… then a fourth. Oh, my — was she going to…

She was. I cried out as Mist’s hand slipped inside me completely, right up to her wrist. I felt my vagina open to accept her. Tammy was licking and biting my nipples.

“Oh, that feels SO good,” I whispered. “Fuck me. God, fuck me.”

Tammy raised her face to mine to thrust her tongue into my mouth for a luscious instant, then slid down to join her daughter between my legs. Her fist soon took the place of Mist’s smaller hand inside my body.

God. Pure heaven. Mist hovered above my lap, suckling my clit as Tammy began to give me a full-bore fistfuck, her hand churning almost violently in me. Legs shaking like I’d been hit by a 7.9 earthquake, I came so hard I screamed. I’d never climaxed like that. Never, never.

Mother and daughter smiled at me from their kneeling positions between my legs. I grinned back like an fool, then slid down to the floor to wrap my arms around them both. Tammy placed a hand at the back of my head and drew my face to hers, claiming my lips in a luscious kiss that had my head spinning.

I turned to Mist, seeking out her sweet, girlish mouth. She purred with delight as our lips slid together, tongues engaging playfully.

Then Mist broke away from me, turning to her smiling mother. Tammy closed her eyes, and I gazed in awe while she and her child shared a lover’s kiss, the two of them clearly thrilled by this new incestuous bond they had discovered.

Truth be told, I was thrilled too. As they slowly parted, I told Tammy and Mist, “I want to watch you two make love.”

Mist rose to her knees, gazing lustfully at her mother. “It’s your turn, Mom,” she said. “I get to taste you now.”

Tammy reached out for her daughter’s hand, then pressed the girl’s palm to her mouth. “My angel… I love you so much!”

With that, they leaned into each other, their mouths coming together once again. My body throbbed with excitement as I watched Mist and Tammy swap tongues. Such a beautiful sight.

Then the fourteen-year-old nymph gently guided her mother onto her back. “Oh, Mom,” Mist breathed, “I’ve thought about this so many times… I can’t believe I’m finally getting to love you like this.”

“Y-you’ve wanted this to — to happen?” Tammy gasped. “For how long?”

Mist smiled. “Nearly a year, Mom — ever since I knew I was gay, like you.” She bent to kiss her mother’s nipple, pausing to flick it with her tongue… and Tammy arched her back, a whimper escaping her lips. “That’s when Paula Thornbeck and I first went to bed together.” She glanced over at me, flashing a grin as she saw me fingering myself.

Tammy moaned. “You and Paula… oh, my.”

“I love her lots, Mom,” she cooed, cupping her mother’s full breasts, “but then I saw you in the bathroom a couple of days after me and Paula did it that first time. You were getting out of the shower, naked and wet all over.” Mist paused to lick Tammy’s left nipple, circling the tip of her mother’s breast with a playful tongue. “You were so beautiful, Mom, so sexy.” She sighed dreamily. “I think, maybe… that I fell in love with you right then.” She nuzzled the tuft of soft red hair that nestled in her mother’s unshaven armpit, then kissed her there. “Mmmm, Mommy,” she murmured, “just the… smell of you gets me hot.”

“Baby,” Tammy whispered, “I… I never knew. How could I not have known?” She lifted a hand to touch her daughter’s cheek.

I moaned, now curling two fingers inside my vagina to massage the G-spot. My body was on fire, set ablaze by the sight of mother and child exploring love in a whole new way.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that, Mom,” Mist spoke, her hand slipping between Tammy’s thighs to fondle her vulva. “I needed to love you so bad. So many nights I made myself come, just… dreaming of you in bed with me.”

A sob issued from Tammy’s throat. “Oh, angel,” she moaned, “my sweet, sweet little girl…”

“But this… this is even better, Mommy,” said Mist, rubbing her face against her mother’s swollen belly. “Now I get to make love to you while you’re carrying my baby sister.” The teen was shivering with excitement as she placed hot, open-mouthed kisses all over Tammy’s stomach, slowly moving down between the pregnant woman’s thighs. “I hope she can feel it inside… how I feel about you.”

“Mist,” gasped Tammy, her face radiant. “Oh, my precious…!”

Mist’s kissing mouth traveled down below her mother’s navel and into the lush thatch of fiery red hair that adorned Tammy’s cunt. Pulling back slightly, the fourteen-year-old licked her lips as she studied her mother’s sex up close. “I love you, Mom,” she whispered, “and I love your baby.” She smiled. “Our baby.”

And with that, Mist burrowed her face into Tammy’s thick pubes, lips parting to claim her mother’s sex. Tammy gave a hoarse cry as her daughter began to feast upon her pussy.

That was it for me — I came, seizing up as a second climax smashed through my body. I was whimpering through clenched teeth, fingers twisting in my vagina. The pleasure swiftly rose to a screaming peak, then slowly, slowly faded to a toast-warm glow.

Panting for breath, I shakily raised myself onto an elbow, not wanting to miss any more of the mother/daughter lovemaking than I already had.

Mist was still going down on Tammy, her mouth making wet slurping noises as she eagerly ate pussy. Tammy was caressing her pregnant belly, eyes closed, whispering, “My sweet child… I love you. Oh, I love you.” I wondered which of her children she was speaking to. Both, probably.

I moved in closer to take in the awe-inspiring sight — a daughter loving her mother as a woman for the first time. I remembered how desperately I had wanted it to be like that between me and my own mom, who I’d desired in a sexual way ever since discovering my love for other girls as a teen. I’d never had the opportunity or courage to tell her how I felt before she died in a car crash at 42, and the sight of Mist and Tammy sharing their bodies in this loving way made my unfulfilled fantasy all the more poignant.

Mist’s mouth was glued to Tammy’s cunt, sucking her, drinking down the thick sweetness of her mother’s nectar. I licked my lips in anticipation of when I, too, would get to taste my friend’s juices right from the source.

Then Mist was licking her, and I watched in awe as this fourteen-year-old girl lovingly circled the opening of her mother’s pussy with her tongue, the whole lower half of her face shiny with Tammy’s essence.

I was hesitant to involve myself in this intimate moment between mother and daughter, but it was impossible to simply sit back and watch. I’d only gotten to lick Mist’s pussy for a moment before letting Tammy take over, and my mouth was watering for more of her. Also, the sight of her upraised bottom reminded me that I hadn’t sampled the delights of that cute little ass yet.

I crawled over to kneel behind the slim teenage girl, then began lavishing her cheeks with wet, open-mouthed kisses. Mist twisted her head to stare at me. “Oh, yeah, Carly,” she panted, licking her pussy-wet lips. “Kiss my butt. Mmm, yeah, I love that.” Then she spun around to plunge her face back between Tammy’s thighs.

With trembling hands, I gently parted Mist’s cheeks to reveal the dark pink rosebud. The sight was breathtaking. I lowered my face to the girl’s bottom, then trailed my tongue up through the crack of her ass. The sound of the fourteen-year-old’s moan, muffled by her own mother’s cunt, only spurred me on — and with that, I pressed my tongue even deeper into Mist’s anal cleft.

Tammy’s cries were growing louder, her body quaking helplessly as Mist brought her ever nearer to climax, keeping the pleasure simmering without letting her boil over. In the meantime, I licked at Mist’s pink star, then burrowed between the girl’s buttocks to kiss her there.

Just then a strangled cry broke from Tammy, her body bucking upon the padded floor as she approached orgasm. Her breasts were bouncing wildly, her big belly quivering. Mist was hanging on, gripping her mother’s thighs, her mouth still covering Tammy’s cunt — at least, that’s how it looked from over the gentle slope of the teen girl’s back as I continued to rim her asshole as best I could.

Tammy’s clutched frantically at Mist’s shoulder, her eyes huge, hands shaking. “Oh, b-baby… Oh my GOD…” And she began to scream as her ecstasy redoubled, driven to a frenzied orgasm by her daughter’s hot, sucking mouth.

Her cry grew louder, wilder, finally reaching a passionate crescendo as Mist took her even higher… then Tammy froze, her body rigid for a long, silent moment before the breath seemed to rush from her lungs, and she went limp.

Mist lifted her face from her mother’s vulva, licking her lips, then rested her head upon Tammy’s thigh. Reaching up to touch the bulging belly of her panting mother, the teen girl smiled blissfully. “Love you, Mom,” she sighed.

“Love you, baby…” Tammy managed, still breathing heavily.

I’d stopped tonguing Mist’s anus while she was taking Tammy through her orgasm, but now that Mom had been sated, I began to rim Mist again, pleasuring this luscious young girl with everything I had. My hand slipped between her thighs to toy with her downy slit while my tongue probed wetly between her buttocks. She whimpered, squirming her ass back against me when I allowed my thumb to enter her — just the tip at first, then I pressed deeper, penetrating the girl far enough to touch her hymen. Hmmm, interesting… she was still a virgin.

I could hear the sounds of kissing, and raised my eyes to see Tammy, kneeling before her daughter, their mouths playing a sweet duet of love. My friend’s tongue fluttered like a ribbon between Mist’s parted lips.

Then Tammy lay down on her back and slid underneath her lovely teenager, who was still on all fours. I couldn’t exactly see what she was doing to Mist while my lips were fastened to the girl’s butt crack, but from the position of Tammy’s body, it looked as if she was sucking her daughter’s breasts.

Sure enough, I soon heard Mist coo, “Ooooh, yeah, Mommy — bite my nipples.” Then she squealed with delight. “Oh! Uh-huh, just like that…”

I began to roll my thumb around inside Mist’s vagina, pressing against the wall of her tight pussy to pleasure my young lover without breaking her hymen… then allowing my index finger to brush the nub of her clitoris.

“Oh!” she cried out, throwing her head back. “C-Carly, oh God that feels so, s-so good! Oh, yeah, do m-my pussy… mmmm, yes! YES!” Mist’s body jolted helplessly, a hoarse scream tearing loose from her throat as she suddenly came.

Her mother and I kept pleasuring her, taking her through the wild, wonderful ride of her climax. I used my fingers and mouth to keep Mist’s orgasm going, pushing the girl to the absolute limit of ecstasy. Finally, it was clear that she could take no more, so I stopped stroking her clit… and Mist slowly slumped onto her side, gasping for breath.

My heart swelled as I took in the lovely sight of Mist, her hair tousled, body glistening and flushed from head to toe, cradling her mother’s face to her breasts. Tammy was licking languidly at her daughter’s nipples. I joined them on the floor, and they welcomed me into their arms.

Then we three climbed onto the couch to cuddle, sharing kisses back and forth, caressing each other’s naked bodies in a deliciously sensual way.

I’d purposely made Tammy and Mist my last appointment of the day. There was nowhere else I had to be, and the entire evening was free to spend with my new lovers. And that, I realized, was exactly what I wanted. Tammy and her daughter seemed to feel the same way — they made no move to depart, or even get dressed. It was as if the three of us were under a magic spell that no one wanted to break.

Finally, I made a suggestion, suddenly feeling shy as a schoolgirl. “Would you both like to stay at my place tonight? I have plenty of food — and I’ve got a bed that’s big enough for all of us…”

Mother and daughter exchanged a look, then they both smiled. “Sure,” Tammy murmured, her fingers lightly teasing my cunt. “That sounds lovely.”

I have a shower in the private bathroom adjoining my office, so I suggested that we wash up before leaving. Tammy and Mist happily agreed, so after rising from the couch to stretch our limbs, we were soon washing one another’s sticky, sweaty bodies beneath a torrent of hot water. The stall is only big enough for two, so we simply left the shower door open and took turns getting clean, kissing and making out like kids on a first date. We got water all over the bathroom floor, but had a marvelous time.

Once we had emerged from the steamy cubicle, our bodies now a lovely shade of pink, I laid all the extra towels out on the bathroom floor to soak up the puddles we were leaving behind. Then we all helped to dry one another which, as you can imagine, was oodles of fun… but took much longer than it had to. We were like children with wondrous new toys, reluctant to stop playing. As we toweled each other, pausing often for luscious kisses and fondlings, there was a very real temptation for us to make love again, right then and there. Somehow, though, we managed to resist. Instead, we gathered up our scattered clothes and quickly dressed, filled with anticipation of what the night would bring us.

On to Part Two!


Ripples, Chapter 12

  • Posted on April 5, 2019 at 2:59 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy


This is one of the happiest, most perfect moments of my life, Rachel decided. She had her twelve-year-old daughter Bella in her arms, both of them naked, the girl ready and waiting to be taught the ways of lesbian love.

Does she still think that I’m only practising with her? Or has Bella sussed out the truth, that I really want us to be lovers? If she doesn’t yet know my intentions, she’ll figure them out soon enough.

Oh, my precious child… maybe I’m doing this for selfish reasons, but that’s not all there is to it. I want your first sexual experience to be with a woman, for you to know how beautiful it can be. Before the boys get their grubby paws on that sweet body of yours, you need to be shown that there’s a different, better way. It’s a precious gift I’m giving you, from Mummy to her little girl.

“I’m going to kiss you again, love,” Rachel said. “Now, this time, I want you to kiss me back. Okay?”

“Okay, Mum,” Bella replied in a small voice. She was nervous, but it was clear that she wanted to keep going.

Rachel leaned in, lightly brushing the girl’s mouth with her parted lips, then bringing her tongue into play. Bella hesitated for a moment, then began to timidly return her mother’s kiss. Rachel encouraged her, coaxing the preteen’s tongue to join in the fun and games — and Bella responded, gaining courage as the kiss deepened. Soon she was passionately Frenching her mother, prompting Rachel to suspect that her daughter might have gotten more practice with Alice than she’d let on.

Wanting to take things up a notch, Rachel placed a hand on Bella’s shoulder, then allowed it to glide down until it was cupping the globe of the girl’s breast. She moved her hand around in a circle, feeling the nipple stiffen against her palm. Bella’s breasts were coming along nicely. As Rachel stroked them, each in turn, she felt her daughter tremble, whimpering into their lover’s kiss.

Carefully breaking away, Rachel sat back a little. “How do you like that, darling?”

Bella struggled to get the words out, but eventually said, “It’s… really nice, Mum. I’m all tingly!”

“That’s good. Now, it’s important to remember that making love is about sharing those good feelings… which means learning how to give pleasure to your partner. Would you like to touch my breasts, like I did yours?”

“Um, sure!” said Bella, nodding eagerly. Slowly extending a hand, she placed it on her mother’s body, touching the breast of an adult woman for the first time. “Oooohhh, it’s so soft.” She let it bounce in her hand once or twice, testing its heft.

“You can use both hands,” said Rachel. Bella reached out to cup the other breast. “Mmmm, that feels lovely. Now keep in mind that there are a lot of ways to touch a woman. Just about anything you do will feel good — though it’s always a good idea to be gentle at first, unless you know that your lover likes it rough.” She paused, allowing her daughter to experiment with different ways of feeling her up. What a bloody amazing sight, watching my own child play with my tits.

“How’s this, Mum?” Bella asked. She was focused on the task, her brow furrowed in concentration.

“It’s exquisite, darling. Make sure you give the nipples some attention, too. Try rolling them between your finger and thumb, or brushing them with your fingertips. You can even pinch them — not too hard at first, mind you. Good, that’s… very good, Bella.”

She kissed her daughter again — and this time the girl responded immediately, thrusting her tongue into her mum’s mouth.

This kiss lingered for a long while, then Bella pulled away, her eyes flashing excitedly. “This is — it’s really nice, Mum! Um, c-can we maybe do more…?”

“Yes we can, my love,” cooed Rachel, thrilled to bits by how perfectly her seduction was going. She leaned forward again but, instead of kissing her daughter, she bent down to take the girl’s left nipple between her lips.

“Oh,” gasped Bella. “Oh!” With shaking hands, she clutched Mum’s face to her chest.

Rachel sucked gently at the swelling bud, then circled it a few times with her tongue before switching to the other breast, her hand moving to caress the free one. She could feel the pounding of the girl’s heart through her fingertips as she stroked her.

After a couple of minutes she sat up straight, gazing lovingly at her pink-cheeked daughter. “How does that feel, darling? Did you like it?”

Bella rolled her eyes in disbelief. “Oh, my God! It was… I don’t know, so nice. Me and Alice, we’ve just touched each other’s titties some, never this far.”

Rachel smiled warmly. “Now it’s your turn.” Cupping one of her generous breasts, she offered it to the twelve-year-old.

This time, Bella responded right away — bending down, she flicked her tongue at the large nipple, then kissed it. Rachel caught her breath at the first touch of the girl’s warm, wet tongue, then placed a gentle hand on the back of Bella’s head, cradling her as though she was nursing an infant.

As her daughter did as she’d been taught — lavishing affection on each nipple in turn, switching her attention from one breast to the other — Rachel absentmindedly let her free hand drop to her lap, pressing her vulva. Catching herself, she withdrew that hand, determined to prolong the pleasure. It’s a special occasion — my first time making love with Bella. I’m going to make this last.

After a few minutes of Bella savouring her breasts, Rachel gently grasped her daughter’s chin, coaxing the girl’s head up to face her. “You’re learning fast, kiddo. That felt amazing.” Bella beamed with pride. “Now, are you ready to take this to the next step?”

The attentive pupil paused for an instant, then nodded.

“Are you sure, dearest? I’d love for us to do more… but this is about what you want. Don’t feel that you have to go along with this to make me happy.” Rachel ached to share her body, her sex, her love with Bella… but she was determined to give her daughter the chance to say no.

Bella was already nodding again. “I am sure. I know I was scared when Alice and me were doing stuff… but I’m not scared anymore, I promise! I want to learn all of it — everything that girls can do with girls. And I love having you be the one to teach me, Mum.”

Rachel stared at her daughter, awed and touched by the trust she saw in Bella’s eyes. “Fair enough,” she said. “So, to start off your next lesson, then… I’d like to see you masturbate.”

The teen hesitated, but only for a second. Propping herself against the headboard, Bella parted her thighs, then began to rub at her already lubricated cunt. She started slowly, but quickly increased her speed until she was rapidly working a finger up and down the slit.

“Whoa,” Rachel protested, “slow down, girl!”

Bella froze in mid-stroke, startled by the tone in her mum’s voice.

Rachel reached out to touch her daughter’s shoulder. “Darling, relax. You’re not sanding a block of wood.”

Bella began to pout, so Rachel hastened to calm the girl. “Now, don’t you fret, love. You’re still learning, remember?” She gave her daughter’s arm a squeeze.

“I know, Mum,” a blushing Bella replied. “It’s just that… I really want to be good at this!”

Rachel laughed. “Don’t you worry about that, my girl. By the time I’m done showing you what’s what, you’ll be going off like a bloody firework display!” Bella had to grin at that. “I think, darling, that what you need is a little hands-on demonstration.” She patted the bed in front of her. “Why don’t you sit here and watch what I do… and when it feels right, you can copy me.”

Her mood of excited anticipation returned, Bella moved to sit before Rachel, who spread her legs to give the girl a full-on view of her naughty bits. “The important thing is to start off gently. You can get really wild and crazy as you go, but it’s best to build up to it… and it’s even better if you warm yourself up some, before you even lay a finger on your pussy. Okay, now watch.”

Leaning back against the headboard, Rachel repeated her earlier acts of self-stimulation. She caressed her nude body all over, then concentrated on her breasts — fondling them, pinching and rolling the nipples. Then she slipped a middle finger into her open mouth, closing her lips around it before slowly drawing the moistened digit out.

Moving slowly and deliberately, giving her daughter the chance to see everything, Rachel lowered her hand to the top of her vulva, slowly tracing the slit with that glistening fingertip, moving it up and down a few times, then gently easing it into her vagina.

She was beginning to breathe deeply, the excitement she felt mounting far more rapidly than at her normal wanking sessions. Then again, why the hell shouldn’t I be excited? I’m giving my twelve-year-old daughter a live sex show, how fucking kinky is that?

As Rachel steadily worked her fingers in and out of her cunt, deliberately avoiding her clitoris, she only had eyes for Bella — carefully watching her daughter’s face, observing how the girl responded to what she saw.

Bella didn’t notice. Her mind was a crazy whirl of impressions, each one more thrilling than the next. Mostly,  she was studying her mum’s fingering technique, determined to make it hers. Then there were thoughts about what a crazy thing Mum was doing — giving her lessons in how to have sex with another girl!

Okay, she’s teaching me stuff… but is she maybe also doing this because she wants to? With me?

It was a big thing for Bella to wrap her head around — too big, actually — the possibility that she might be the object of her own mother’s desire.

And then there was the incredible sight of her mum’s vagina. The girl marvelled at it. So pretty. Like a pink flower covered with dew. Or maybe a juicy piece of fruit.

Bella found herself wondering about Alice, if her pussy was beautiful like Mum’s. Of course, she’d been naked with her best friend before, but had always been too timid to do more than steal the occasional fleeting glance at her secret place. Now she wanted to see what Alice had, get up close and take a good long look.

Right then, though, Mum’s gorgeous pussy was on full display. Bella lost herself once more in the sexy sight, watching the older woman masturbate.

After fucking herself for awhile, Rachel withdrew her fingers and slowly raised them to her face. She inhaled deeply, breathing in the thick, heady scent of pussy before slipping those fingers into her mouth and sucking her juices from them. Bella could only stare, enthralled by the lewd sight.

When Rachel began to jill herself again, she smiled at her daughter and said, “Now, darling, you try it. Just do what I’m doing.”

The young girl watched for a moment as Mum repeated what she’d done before. Then Bella spread her own legs, reached down to cup the rise of her mound and began to copy Rachel’s movements. The first touch was like a static charge and made her jump, but she soldiered on, following her mum’s example.

“That’s it baby, nice and slow. Try to avoid your clitoris for right now — this bit here, see? We don’t want to make you come too soon.”

She watched, continuing to encourage Bella in a low, gentle tone. After a couple of minutes, she brought her hand to her face again, waiting for Bella to do the same. When she did, Rachel repeated what she’d done before — smell her glistening fingers, then take them into her mouth to suck.

Bella raised her hand to her nose and sniffed tentatively, sampling the strong aroma, quickly deciding that she liked it. She was reminded of the scent that Alice gave off when they fooled around. I bet that’s how Mum knew what me and Alice were up to… she must have smelled it in my room!

Glancing at her mother, Bella hesitated, then slowly inserted a wet finger into her mouth, closing her lips around it. She let the sharp, tangy flavour explode on her tongue, then began to suck, like she’d been given a lollipop. Wow, it’s really nice! She wondered what it would be like to taste Alice that way.

Now it was Rachel who was staring. Even considering all the hot lesbian experiences she’d had over the last couple of weeks, she couldn’t remember being more turned on. She was about to thrust her hand back between her thighs and take herself all the way, then paused. I don’t want to make myself come — not now, damn it. I’ve got to have my daughter. I’ve got to!

She let out a strangled gasp, breaking the spell Bella was under. The girl’s eyes flew open, and she hastily withdrew her finger from her mouth, shocked at what she’d just done.

Rachel gazed deep into her daughter’s eyes. “Let me taste you,” she said, her voice trembling with the need she felt.

Unsure what that meant, Bella gave her mum a puzzled look.

“Your finger,” Rachel said. “Put it into your pussy again. Make it nice and juicy for me.”

As if in a trance, Bella did as her mother asked. After a moment, she pulled it out, nervously proffering her wet digit to Rachel. “L-like this?” she asked.

Reaching out to grasp the girl’s wrist, Rachel guided that finger to her own waiting mouth. She inhaled, filling her nose with the scent of her daughter, then extended her tongue to take a lick. The first taste of her twelve-year-old was positively ambrosial, and she greedily sucked at Bella’s finger.

Bella gasped, her heart racing as she struggled with some very thrilling, very confusing, very scary feelings. Mum’s tasting my pussy, she told herself — and even while watching it happen, the moment seemed like a dream.

Releasing her daughter’s hand, Rachel smiled lovingly at the dazed girl. “You taste heavenly, darling,” she said, licking her lips.

She reached down to her own pussy, easing a finger back into the dripping hole and probing around inside like she was trying to reach for something, then pulling it out and extending her hand, offering the finger to Bella.

The twelve-year-old stared at it, then her mother, her mouth going slack as she realised what her mum wanted.

Somehow, Rachel managed to keep her voice steady and even when she said, “Now taste me.”

Bella scooted forward on the bed — glancing at her mum, then the hand held up in front of her. Reaching out to grasp Rachel’s wrist, she drew it closer, nostrils flaring slightly as she sampled the aroma. Her mother smiled encouragingly, so Bella took the juicy finger into her mouth. The taste was different from her own nectar, stronger and sweeter.

Quickly deciding that she liked it, Bella sucked at the finger like a hungry baby from a bottle, humming with pleasure.

By then Rachel’s lust could barely be contained, but she didn’t intend to take things too fast and possibly unnerve her daughter. Instead, she carefully withdrew her finger from Bella’s mouth and replaced it with a kiss. The girl immediately responded, her tongue darting between Mum’s lips, clumsily fondling the older woman’s breasts.

My God, Rachel marvelled, head swimming. Her timid, nervous girl of twelve was now an eager participant in the lesbian lovemaking. I think she’s figured it out, what’s happening between us. And not two minutes ago, my biggest concern was that I might frighten her!

Still joined in an ardent kiss, Rachel gently guided the girl onto her back, then lay down beside her. She stroked Bella’s budding breasts, playfully nuzzled them, then kissed a path up to her daughter’s neck. Bella was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling.

After a few more minutes of kissing her child, wandering about the girl’s upper half with her lips and tongue, Rachel smiled at Bella and said, “Now it’s your turn, love. You do that to me.” She lay back, nestling into the warm sheets.

Raising herself into a sitting position, Bella bent to exchange a tender kiss with her mother, then began to explore the body of a grown woman — first cupping, weighing and stroking Rachel’s breasts, licking and sucking the fat nipples, even biting them when Mum asked. Returning for a few more kisses, Bella resumed her journey, caressing and kissing her mother’s neck, shoulders, ears and upper chest.

Rachel was in ecstasy. Though inexperienced, Bella was doing her best to please her grownup lover. The girl’s affection could be felt in every touch of her fingers, of her lips. She loves this, Rachel realised. Sex with women, it seems to come naturally to her. And me, her own mother — I’m the one who brought it out!

Suddenly aching to feel the young girl’s mouth on hers, Rachel grasped her arm with trembling hands, guiding her daughter up and into Mum’s loving embrace. They immediately came together in a heated French kiss, their tongues engaged in a lustful dance.

Breaking away, Bella stared at her mother. “Did I… am I doing it right?”

“Oh yes, darling, you’re a marvellous pupil,” Rachel sighed. “Just you wait, though — now I’m going to teach you about the real pleasure of making love. It’s more intense than what we’ve done so far, and I don’t want you to get scared by the feelings you’ll have. Just let it happen… I promise, you’ll enjoy every second.”

“Okay, Mum,” the girl replied, surprised by the raw desire she saw in the woman’s eyes. “I — I’m ready.”

“Lie down, then.”

Bella complied, and Rachel got on all fours above her daughter, bending to kiss her again. After a minute or so, she started to gradually work her way downwards, kissing and licking Bella’s chin, her neck, her shoulders, then down to the girl’s heaving chest. Rachel paused to anoint each nipple with her tongue, then descended the terrace of Bella’s rib cage until her face was buried in the wondrous softness of the child’s belly.

Rachel reached up to toy with her daughter’s stiffened nipples as she moved even further down, licking a path below Bella’s navel that led straight to the girl’s pubic bone. Bringing her hands down, Rachel placed a thumb on each side of the smooth vulva, slowly prying the outer lips open to reveal the tiny nub of her twelve-year-old’s clitoris.

By then, Bella was gripping handfuls of the sheets, a shudder running through the girl’s slight frame as Rachel’s warm breath caressed her clit. Oh my God, Bella thought, could she be, is she really going to…?

Hesitating just long enough to take a deep breath, Rachel ran her tongue from the bottom of her daughter’s slit to the tip of the clitoris. A sharp cry broke from Bella’s lips, followed by a long, low moan.

Rachel bathed the girl’s cunt again and again with lengthy swipes of the tongue, then took Bella’s clit between her lips to suck, like a tiny nipple.

Mum!” Bella gasped.

Her little girl’s cunt was hot, juicy and even more delicious than she’d hoped. Rachel pleasured the inflamed clitoris for awhile, then stiffened her tongue, thrusting it into Bella’s vagina. She tongue-fucked the shivering child for a few strokes, then replaced it with a finger, once more centering her oral attention on her daughter’s clit.

Rachel worked her finger in and out of Bella’s opening a half dozen times or so, then added another. Falling into a steady rhythm, she timed each stroke to match the quick flicks of her tongue, licking Bella’s clitoris as she suckled it. The rising tension she felt in the girl’s thighs made it clear that her daughter was about to come — and Rachel was determined to make the experience an unforgettable one.

Sure enough, within seconds Bella bucked violently, crying out loud. Suddenly concerned that Cindy might be awakened by the noise, Rachel quickly moved back up Bella’s sweat-soaked body and covered the twelve-year-old’s mouth with hers, keeping the girl’s pleasure going with her fingers all the while.

Bella continued to quiver and shake until she eventually lay still, her chest heaving, eyes glazed. Rachel let her daughter rest for a moment, then kissed her ear, whispering, “How was that, sweetheart? Are you okay?”

Shaking her head as if to clear cobwebs away, Bella murmured, “Oh my God, I thought my chest was going to explode. Is it — does it always feel like that?”

Rachel had to smile. “Well, every woman is different. To get a real idea of how sex usually feels, you need to get a lot of practice at it.”

“You do?” Bella’s cheeks were already flushed, but they turned a little pinker. “Well, um… can you help me get more practice, Mum? I mean — is it okay if we do this again sometime?”

Taking the young girl in her arms, Rachel gazed deep into Bella’s eyes, their noses touching. “I’d love to, darling. Just ask.” Tilting her head, she drew in and kissed her daughter, their tongues briefly engaging. Gently breaking away, she added, “Speaking of practice… what we just did is called oral sex. Now, it’s time for you to show me what you’ve learned about it. Are you ready?”

Bella sat up, clumsily embracing her mother. “I think so. Um… I bet I won’t be as good as you, though. Is that okay?”

Rachel laughed. “The thing to remember about getting your pussy licked is that it always feels good.” She lay back, letting her thighs drift apart. “So… you remember what I did to you, then?”

Bella gave a blissful smile, hugging herself. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget.”

Crawling between Rachel’s parted legs, the young girl nuzzled her mother’s belly, breathing in the scent of the woman’s skin. Bella lovingly kissed the tender flesh, then teased the cleft of Mum’s navel with a quick flick of the tongue.

“Darling,” Rachel gasped, her body throbbing like an idling motor. It was hard for her to lie still — she longed to take her daughter again, to ravish every sweet inch of her twelve-year-old’s bare body. But this was Bella’s moment, the girl’s first genuine attempt at being a lover.

She’s certainly taking her time about it, though, Rachel thought. Bella seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace, leaving a trail of kisses, nibbles and occasional licks over, below and around her belly — even travelling to the outland of her mother’s hips.

Rachel’s need for release was making her dizzy — and, truth be told, a little frustrated. She thought of simply grabbing Bella’s head and pressing the child’s face where she ached for it to be, fucking her daughter’s virgin mouth. Of course, she wouldn’t, but the impulse was there.

Instead, when Bella’s lips finally grazed the rise of her smooth-shaven vulva, Rachel allowed her fingers to gently twine into her daughter’s blonde hair as she murmured. “Darling, use your thumbs to open my pussy. Take a good look at the inside of a woman.”

Doing as her mother wanted, Bella stared in awe. She’d never seen a vagina this close before, and certainly not an adult one — only hers, using a mirror whilst seated on the edge of the bath. Although she and Alice had dabbled a bit with one another, they’d gone no further than kissing, the occasional touch of a breast and just once, briefly touching each other’s slits through their knickers.

The flesh inside Mum’s opening was warm, bright pink and very juicy. The aroma enticed the girl, tickled her nose in a pleasing way. This was an amazing new experience, surely the most thrilling thing Bella had ever done.

She wanted more, but suddenly felt uncertain how to proceed. Should I just kiss her there? Feeling foolish, Bella looked up at her mum for guidance.

If Rachel saw her daughter’s fear, she didn’t let it show, just resumed her lesson. “See that tiny little knob at the top? That’s my clitoris, and touching it will give you those especially good feelings. Now, take a look at my pussy. See how wet it is?”

Bella nodded, wondering if Mum might have peed herself a little.

“That’s the fluid that a woman’s vagina produces when she’s aroused… like how you’re making me feel, love.” She smiled at her daughter. “It lubricates the pussy, makes it easier to have sex. Go ahead and touch me down there, then you can put a finger inside.”

Bella’s gaze shifted to her finger, slowly drawing nearer to Mum’s sex — lightly brushing, then stroking the moist flesh.

“Mmmm, that’s lovely, darling. Go into me now.”

Placing the tip of a finger at the vaginal opening, Bella pressed inward, her eyes widening as Mum’s cunt seemed to almost suck the digit inside. “Wow,” she whispered. She started moving the finger in and out, slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed.

“Oh, yes, Bella, yes,” Rachel moaned. “You’re fucking me now, fucking your mummy… p-put another finger in, my beautiful child…”

Heart frantically racing, Bella followed her mum’s instructions, bringing a second finger into play. That task accomplished, the young girl began to plunge them in and out, in and out. Rachel’s words rang in her ears. You’re fucking your mummy.

That’s it, b-baby girl. Oh. Oh! Now, now see if you can g-get in the other two in. You won’t hurt me, darling, I promise!”

Bella added a third finger, then the fourth. Within moments, most of her hand was sliding in and out easily.

Rachel was quivering from head to toe, gasping with each thrust. Struggling to speak, she finally managed, “Oh, darling, that — oooohh! — it feels d-divine, but now, I need you to, to use your mouth on me… Lick Mummy’s pussy, oh, please…”

Even in the midst of the most acute excitement, Bella felt a twinge of nervousness about tasting her mother down there. But she also longed to make Mum feel good, wanted it more than anything — and that easily outweighed her fear.

Abruptly removing all four fingers from the juicy hole, then placing that sticky hand on the bed to steady herself, Bella lunged forward, burying her parted lips in the dripping heat of her mum’s cunt. Bringing her tongue into play, the twelve-year-old gave it the same kind of messy French kiss that she’d been exchanging with her mother mere moments ago.

Rachel clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from crying out loud. Oh God, oh fucking hell this feels so bloody amazing. Perhaps her daughter was a complete novice at going down on a woman, but Bella made up for it and then some with her willingness to please — licking and sucking her mother’s pussy with everything she had.

“Yes, m-my angel — now lick my clit. Oh! Oh, yes, just like that, tease it with your… with your tongue. You c-can even suck it, that’ll, oooohh, get me off for sure… Oh, Jesus Christ, yes. Fuck!”

Bella was eagerly following Rachel’s instructions, focusing her attention on the fleshy spear of Mum’s clit. The hint of pussy she’d sampled from her mother’s finger had tasted nice, but getting it from between her legs was even better, lots better!

Wow, I love doing this, Bella decided. Wonder if Alice tastes as yummy as Mum does? She nursed at the inflamed clitoris as if it was a nipple, her tongue occasionally darting down for more that delicious honey that flowed freely from her mother’s vagina.

By then, Rachel had all but lost the power of speech. She could only groan and whimper, gulping for breath all the while. Bella began to get a little scared, wondering if she was hurting Mum — but she remembered how it had felt when her pussy was licked like that. Then the girl’s concern evaporated into mist when she felt Mum’s hands on her head, clutching it as though afraid that she might stop. No fear of that, Bella told herself, sucking her mother’s clit even harder, strumming it with the tip of the tongue.

Suddenly a violent jerk shook Rachel’s body, and she was babbling, “Oh fuckfuckfuck, yes, yes, k-keep going!” Then she gave one last loud cry, her legs gone rigid, teeth clenched, breath hissing from her throat.

Bella felt a jet of warm liquid squirt into her mouth — for an instant, she thought Mum had peed herself, but it tasted sweet. Then Mum’s hands were pushing her head away, her voice gasping, “Stop, d-darling, I can’t take anymore, it’s too — too much!”

When Bella broke away, Rachel went completely limp, sinking into the sweat-soaked bedding, panting for breath. Blindly seeking her daughter with shaking hands, she coaxed the girl into her arms.

I’m so happy, Rachel told herself as she embraced Bella, her eyes misting over with joyous tears. It’s come true, the fantasy I’ve held inside for so long. My darling child is now Mummy’s beautiful little lover. She kissed the top of Bella’s head, then her face, finally her mouth.

Bella hummed blissfully as she let herself be enfolded by Mum’s love — returning her kisses, knowing that Mum was tasting herself in every one. She felt warm, gentle hands cupping her bare bottom.

Then a sound interrupted their reverie.

Rachel and Bella both looked up to see ten-year-old Cindy, standing in the open doorway, rubbing her eyes. “Mummy,” she said, something loud woke me up.”

As the little girl’s eyes became accustomed to the light, she saw something strange: her big sister was there, lying on top of Mummy, and they didn’t have their nightdresses on — or anything else! Not only that, Mummy had both her hands on Bella’s bottom…

Knitting her brow, Cindy frowned. “Mummy, what are you and Bella doing?”

Mother and daughter gaped at the younger girl, who stood before them in a cute blue nightshirt, barefoot, her hair mussed. It was Bella who finally made the first move, dismounting Rachel and scrambling to her feet, snatching her plaid pajama top from the floor and holding it to her chest to conceal her nakedness. All she could say was, “Cindy…”

Shifting onto her side, Rachel raised herself onto an elbow, facing her youngest daughter. In what felt like an eternity, but was actually just a couple of seconds, the cogs in her brain whirled and spun like a mechanical clock about to strike the hour.

In that frozen moment, still high from the most explosive orgasm she’d ever had, Rachel decided to be honest with her little girl. After all, I want her to be a part of this, too.

“Hello, darling. Sorry for waking you up. We should have been quieter.”

She casually sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, swinging her legs down, making no attempt to cover herself. Behind her, Bella was trying to wriggle into her shorts without being noticed.

Rachel smiled at Cindy, beckoning her closer. “Come here, baby girl… I want to talk to you.”

Without a word, the child shuffled over to the bed and stood before her mother, who then patted her thigh invitingly. Cindy climbed up into her mum’s lap, and Rachel wrapped an arm around the girl, holding her close.

Cindy sneaked a quick peek at Rachel’s breasts, then peered up at her mum, still puzzled by what she’d just seen.

“I’ll tell you what we were doing, darling,” the older woman began. “I was teaching your sister about some special things, things that people do when they love each other.”

Cindy glanced over Rachel’s shoulder at her sister, then back at her mum. “You mean sex?”

In for a penny, in for a pound, Rachel thought. “Yes, darling, that’s right. When young girls get to a certain age, they need to learn about their bodies… and about sex. Pretty soon your sister will start going out with boys — or even girls,” she added as an afterthought. “So now, I’m showing Bella how to make love.”

Cindy giggled. “Girls? How can Bella go out with another girl? That’s silly!”

“It isn’t, though,” Rachel replied with a smile. You know what a lesbian is, don’t you?”

Cindy mulled that over for a moment, then said, “I think so.”

“Well, there are a lot of girls — and grown-up women, too — who prefer to go out with other girls. A big part of going out with someone is kissing, and making love. Bella is growing up, almost a woman, so she needs to know about those things. That’s why I was teaching her about love between girls. We’d just finished our first lesson when you came in.”

“Okay, I get it,” Cindy said, nodding eagerly. “Can you teach me now?”

Oh, my… this is working out even better than I’d hoped! “Do you like girls, then?” asked Rachel.

“Hmmm, I might…” Cindy replied, after a moment’s thought. “I sure don’t like boys much. Hey, maybe I am a les-bian! If I am, then I gotta know those things, too, right?”

“Well… I wasn’t planning to do that with you until you’re a bit older,” Rachel said, feigning reluctance.

“But you love me the same as Bella, don’t you?” the child pouted.

“Of course I do, darling. It’s just that some people wouldn’t understand about the two of us making love, not when you’re so young. I could be in a world of trouble if anyone found out. If we were to do these things, you’d have to promise not to tell anyone.”

“I do promise not to tell, Mummy, really I do. Cross my heart!”

Much as she longed to share pleasure with her youngest, Rachel took a moment to balance the pros and cons of taking Cindy as a lover. Young girls have a habit of telling their friends their secrets, without much thought as to the consequences. Then again, she’s a sensible child for her age. And damn it all, I want her so desperately.

You’d think that just having fucked Bella would have slaked my appetite, for the moment at least… but no, it just makes me crave Cindy even more. Then there’s the possibility of getting both my daughters in bed at the same time, of them making love with each other. Fuck me, wouldn’t that be a treat!

It was too tempting a prize to refuse. “Listen, darling, you’re old enough to understand how important it is that you keep what we do secret. Can you promise me that you won’t tell anyone, not ever?”

“Not ever, Mummy. I promise.”

“Okay, then, I’ll teach you.”

The child went from serious to animated in a heartbeat. “When, Mummy? Now?”

“No, no. It’s late now, and you’ve got school tomorrow, so I think it best that we wait until the weekend.”

“Okay,” said Cindy, a touch of disappointment in her voice.

“Now, I think it’s time you got to bed, both of you!” She stood up, setting Cindy down on her feet, then took the child’s hand and led her towards the door. She glanced back toward her bed, where Bella was standing — back in her nightwear again, while Rachel was still nude. “Come on, darling — you, too.” She extended her hand to the older girl.

Bella came over and meekly took her mum’s hand, still dazed at having been caught.

Entering the hallway, Rachel ushered Bella to her room, then took the younger sibling to hers. With a yawn, Cindy climbed back into bed, and Rachel tenderly covered her. “Sleep well, lollipop,” she whispered, leaning  down to kiss her little girl.

Acting on a sudden impulse, she kissed Cindy on the mouth, rather than the soft peck she always gave her youngest on the cheek. She allowed the kiss to linger, savouring the taste of the ten-year-old’s lips.

Rachel’s body tingled as she studied her little girl, tucked up so snugly in bed. This is one lollipop I’m going to enjoy very much… very much indeed.

“Goodnight, darling. I love you.”

“Night, Mummy. Love you too.”

As she crossed the room’s threshold, Rachel turned to take one last look at the thin form under the bedclothes before pulling the door closed. Her next destination was Bella’s room, where she tapped gently on the door, waiting for her daughter’s soft, “Come in.”

Rachel entered, seating herself on the edge of the bed. “How are you, love?”

Bella shrugged. “It scared me when Cindy came in, but I’m okay now.”

“Good. So… how do you feel about what we did?”

“I loved it, Mum. I didn’t know it would be anything like that! When me and Alice kissed, it was nice, but what you showed me was miles better. I can’t wait to see her, to try out these new things I learned.”

“That sounds lovely, darling. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to bits.”

“What about you and me, Mum? Can we really do it again, like you said?”

Rachel smiled contentedly, “Oh, yes, we will indeed, I have so much more to teach you… and your sister.” With that, she bent to kiss her oldest daughter. It was gentle, but their tongues met briefly.

Rising to her feet, Rachel said, “Goodnight, my sweet little lover. I adore you.”

“I love you too, Mum,” Bella said, her eyes shining. “More than ever.”

With a pat for her eldest daughter’s shoulder, Rachel returned to her room, where she slipped into bed and quickly drifted into sleep, already imagining the wondrous possibilities that lay ahead for her and the girls.

Here we go. To Chapter 13!


Ripples, Chapter 11

  • Posted on March 22, 2019 at 2:20 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Rachel was seated on her bed, legs crossed at the ankles, leaning back against the soft padded headboard, while her twelve-year-old daughter Bella stood before her, nervously fidgeting with the hem of the old pajama top she wore.

Even since that night a couple of months ago, when she’d discussed masturbation with her timid child, Rachel had yearned for the chance to teach Bella even more about the wonders of her body… and share them with her.

At first, she’d tried her best to ignore the feelings of sexual desire that her daughter had awakened, telling herself, It’s just part of these lesbian cravings I’ve been experiencing. Obviously, I don’t want to go to bed with my little girl. I don’t, damn it!

But try as she might, those forbidden longings continued to prey on Rachel’s mind.

She found herself trying to catch glimpses of Bella when she was in her underwear — or even nude, if she got the chance. The sight of the girl’s legs when in shorts, her bare tummy when she reached up for something on a high shelf, her bottom when she bent over to retrieve a dropped pencil; these glimpses of her child’s loveliness made Rachel tingle all over. She craved physical contact with her daughter, regularly giving Bella hugs and caresses, even inviting the girl to cuddle with her when they watched TV.

Then there was the sweet scent of the child — it bewitched her, made her light-headed, made her want things she shouldn’t. Rachel sometimes found herself at Bella’s door, drinking in the enticing aroma of her little girl for minutes at a time.

Still, she mostly managed to keep her mind away from genuinely sexual thoughts of Bella — at least she did until one night, after drinking two glasses of wine too many, when she turned in for the evening and had an unexpected dream of her daughter.

Rachel was walking barefoot down a hallway, dressed only in a filmy nightgown. Pausing at the doorway to her bedroom, she entered, only to be confronted by the sight of Bella — on her bed, curled up on the top blanket, completely naked.

Had she gasped? Rachel couldn’t recall that much of the dream. But the next moment etched itself deep into her consciousness: the girl raised herself up on one elbow, smiling sweetly at her dazed mother. “I love you, Mummy,” Bella said, her voice gentle and sweet. “Come be with me.” The meaning in the child’s words was unmistakable.

Now nude herself, Rachel slowly advanced, climbing onto the bed, drifting into her little girl’s outstretched arms. Bella’s head was tilted back, her eyes warm with adoration as their mouths came together in a kiss, the kind shared by lovers.

She remembered sucking on her daughter’s tongue, the softness of Bella’s bottom in her hands as she cradled the naked child.

And that was when Rachel jerked awake — panting for breath, her body damp with sweat, heart beating out a frantic tattoo. Her cunt was hot and juicy, and she quickly responded, sinking two fingers into the dripping hole.

Rachel fucked herself like a woman possessed, mauling her sex with both hands as she took that perverted fantasy from her dream and ran wild with it. Bella’s on her back, legs spread wide apart, waiting for the touch of Mummy’s mouth. I’m lying before her, so close to that pretty cunt that I can feel the heat of it on my face.

I can’t wait… and neither can Bella. Her eyes are bright and wide open; they tell me what she wants. As if still dreaming, I draw nearer and part my lips, taking a long, luscious lick. She moans, and the taste of her fills my mouth.

Then Rachel was coming hard, her jaw clenched hard enough to crack teeth as a colossal orgasm raged through her trembling frame, leaving her a spent, sodden mess.

She lay awake a long while after that, turning the dream and her fantasy over and over, examining it from every angle. In the end, it left her with one unavoidable conclusion: I want to make love to my daughter.

Rachel had known for awhile that she was sexually aroused by her twelve-year-old. She was able to live with that, even if it made her feel slightly uncomfortable. But these newer, more explicit wanderings of her mind were something else again.

Oddly enough, those vague feelings of guilt she’d had before were now completely gone. Instead of filling her with shame or embarrassment, Rachel’s fantasy of sex with her twelve-year-old daughter had put things into a sharper focus… and not only because those feelings of lust for Bella were now stronger than ever. Suddenly, the idea of a deeper intimacy with her child made perfect sense.

It would make her happy, she told herself. It would give Bella pleasure, teach her about the delights of her body — a woman’s body. Perhaps it would even help the girl overcome her shyness. Best of all, it would bring us closer together, make our love stronger.

That said, there was a formidable gulf between wanting to explore sex with your daughter… and actually making it happen. Rachel continued to fantasise about her child, masturbating again and again to images of touching Bella, kissing her, going down on her.

Getting into a lesbian relationship with her friend Jessica had shifted Rachel’s thoughts of Bella to the back burner, but hadn’t purged them. She still craved her daughter, much as ever.

Then, on the previous night, Jess had made a startling confession as they lay together in the afterglow of lesbian sex: she’d actually made love with her own daughter Alice, a blonde cutie about the same age as Bella.

Jess was hesitant to confess this, fearing her friend would be horrified; instead, Rachel was so turned on that she masturbated herself to a quick orgasm, all the while thinking, I’ve got to do this. I have to make this happen with my Bella.

In fact, Jessica’s story had so affected her that, for the first time, Rachel toyed with the notion of going even further, exploring these forbidden pleasures with her youngest child — Bella’s little sister, ten-year-old Cindy.

Why should I leave her out? Rachel reasoned. I want to make Bella feel more loved than ever, loved in a wonderful new way. Surely it would be wrong to cheat Cindy of that same closeness.

Rachel was strongly convinced of the rightness of her intentions toward the girls — so much so that she shared her plans with Jess, who was already thinking about being with her own daughter again.

Now Rachel sat on her bed, smiling at a timid Bella. Moments ago, she had approached her oldest child, asking if she wanted to learn more about sex. The girl had eagerly agreed… but now, in Mum’s bedroom, Bella’s shyness was beginning to manifest itself again.

Rachel studied her daughter’s pretty face. Despite her self-assured public persona and personal confidence, buoyed by the success she’d had in converting her best friend to the joys of lesbian love, a small voice in her head began to question her motives. Is this really the right thing to do? What if she gets scared? Most important of all, am I doing this for Bella or myself?

Contrasting the earlier conversation downstairs with Bella with her demeanour now, it was obvious that her daughter was uncomfortable with the idea of sex… and if she couldn’t talk about these fears with her own mother, how could Bella fully mature? Would she be able to make her own choices without being hobbled by guilt, shame or fear?

Rachel made her decision. If I’m the one who gives Bella nurturing, protection, schooling and a mother’s love, then surely it’s also on me to help my daughter learn how to have a happy, fulfilled sex life.

And if I happen to share in that enjoyment… well, so much the better.

“It’s okay, honey. Come sit with me,” said Rachel, patting the spot beside her on the bed.

Dressed in her usual summer nightwear — an old plaid pajama top, loose-fitting shorts and with bare feet — Bella sat halfway down the bed on her haunches. The girl’s hands were restless, moving up and down her thighs as though she was trying to rub away goosebumps.

Rachel gave her daughter a warm smile. “Do you remember a few months ago, when I showed you how to touch yourself?”

Bella nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“Have you tried doing it? Been practising at all?”

Bella looked down in embarrassment.

“Sweetheart, it’s okay,” Rachel said, using her most soothing tone of voice. “You’re growing up into a woman and I want to help you with that. I promise, you can be totally honest and tell or ask me anything.”

Looking up, Bella gazed into her mother’s eyes. She was reassured by what she saw in them, but still felt uncertain about where this was leading. The idea of learning more about sex stuff appealed to her… was Mum the one she wanted to learn from? The whole situation seemed awkward.

When Bella fooled around with Alice, she always got scared of the feelings that bubbled up inside her. Lately, her best friend had been kissing her more often, and kept wanting to see and touch her developing breasts — something Bella had inherited from her voluptuous mother.

The girls usually laid down side by side, facing each other. Their lips gently touched at first, then gradually increased in pressure with the occasional touching of tongues. At some point, Alice’s hands would wander to her breasts… and after a minute or two, Bella was relaxed enough to return the favour.

More recently, Alice had initiated her into French kissing, which she claimed to have seen in a film. She’d also begun to casually drop her hand between Bella’s legs, almost as if by accident. When that happened, Bella felt a jolt of pleasure mixed with fear; both made her heart race.

At that point Bella would stop her friend, mumbling about how worried she was that Mum might come in — once, even pretending she heard her mother coming up the stairs. It embarrassed her horribly, behaving like a great big scaredy-cat in front of her best friend.

In truth, she wanted to do these things with Alice — go further, even! — but she was afraid of what that said about her. Did she really want to be one of those girls who liked other girls?

Bella shivered as she recalled what happened that day when Chloe Winshaw and Siobhan Riley had innocently wandered around the school grounds, holding hands. That spotty oik Nigel Greaves began to hurl quiet abuse at the girls, hissing, “Bloody dykes… Jesus hates you, you sodding bitches… piss off and go throw yourselves in the river, you dirty cunts.” He knew how to time his insults so the adults wouldn’t hear, and in moments had reduced the two girls to weeping, protesting wrecks.

Someone grassed on Nigel, but his only punishment had been getting sent home for the rest of the day. Worse, some of the other girls pointedly avoided Siobhan and Chloe after that. Siobhan, in particular, had become far more quiet and withdrawn after the incident. The very idea of something like that happening to her filled Bella with helpless horror.

Her mind was in turmoil and, even though Mum seemed to be okay about the things she’d done with Alice, fear of the unknown still held her back, made her afraid.

“You can tell me anything, angel,” Mum said. “Anything at all. On my word, I’d never think less of you.”

Bella closed her eyes. I can’t go on like this. I need a helping hand, and Mum’s offering one. Best to take it. Pausing for a deep breath, she spoke.

“Sometimes I… d-do stuff, but I get scared, in case I make a noise and you come in and see.”

“What do you do?”

Go on, say it. “You know, like touch myself… um, down there.”

“You masturbate?” Rachel questioned.

Bella immediately reddened and averted her eyes. “Uh-huh,” was all she could get out.

Rachel realised that she had some work to do. “Sweetheart, if you can’t even say the word, you’ll always think of it as something wrong or bad. I promise you, it’s not.”

Bella looked up, something akin to fear in her eyes.

Reaching out to place a hand on her daughter’s, Rachel said, “Bel, I really want to help you, and I think the first thing is to help you understand that sex is not dirty or wrong. In fact, provided you’re sensible and careful, it’s a wonderful, beautiful thing. So I need you to forget about getting caught, stop being afraid and just… just trust me. Okay?”

Her daughter nodded. “Okay,” she whispered.

“Good girl. Now let’s start slow; I want you to tell me what it is that you do.”

Peering deep into her mum’s eyes, Bella saw only love. She took a deep breath, braced herself, then blurted out in a breathy voice, “I masturbate.”

“Good; that’s very good. How often?”

“Well, um, maybe a couple of times a week.” She paused, then added, “I’m not really sure, but… I don’t think I’m doing it right.”

Sensing she was making progress, Rachel gently asked, “Why do you think that, sweetheart?”

Bella hesitated. “Well, sometimes it feels good, and other times it’s…” She shrugged.

“There’s a lot of truth in the saying practice makes perfect. You have to experiment, learn what makes you feel good. Remember, not everyone masturbates the same way.” She hesitated, then said, “Does it feel good when Alice touches you?”

Bella flinched at the mention of her friend. So I was right, Rachel thought. They have been fooling around.

Reaching out, she patted her daughter’s arm. “Don’t worry, no-one told me, I haven’t been spying on you, and you’re not in trouble, far from it. I’m your mother, I know about the two of you practising stuff together and it’s absolutely okay. See, it’s normal for girls your age to experiment with other girls. I did, when I was even younger than you are.”

Bella was surprised at this news, but it seemed to relax her a little. “We haven’t done much!” she hastened to say. “But when she touches me d-down there… it feels really nice. Alice wants to do more, but I always get scared and, and make her stop. I like it, but then I freeze up. Oh, Mum — I don’t know what to do!” The girl’s lower lip was trembling.

“That’s because you’re still learning, sweetie. It’s like anything else in life. I remember when you took your first steps — you fell down quite a few times before you were up and walking.”

Bella gave a shaky laugh. “Did I? I don’t remember that!”

Oh, trust me, you were a clumsy baby at first. So… what’s it like when you touch yourself? Compared to when Alice does it to you.”

“It doesn’t feel the same. I touch myself like she did, but… well, not much happens.”

“Hmm.” Rachel stroked her chin, thinking. “I think you ought to show me how you do it.”

Suddenly nervous again, Bella looked at her mum, nibbling her bottom lip, certain that this wasn’t in the parenting manual.

“Tell you what,” Rachel added. “Would it help you to feel more comfortable if I undressed first?”

Bella felt her heart pump even faster. “I dunno, I guess… um, yeah.”

Without a word, Rachel swung her legs sideways and slid off the bed, rising to her feet. She looked briefly at the young girl, a wave of desire suddenly washing over her. Electing to prolong the moment, she slowly pushed the thin straps of her diaphanous midnight blue nightdress off her shoulders, one at a time, holding the front against her breasts to keep it from sliding off completely. Make it sexy, she told herself. Make her want you.

She waited until Bella’s eyes met hers again, smiled adoringly at the girl, then peeled the thin nightie away and let it fall to the floor.

Bella stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed at Rachel’s body, now bare but for tiny lace panties, little more than a postage stamp held up by string. She all but forgot to breathe, awed by the sight of her mum’s generous titties. Will mine ever be that nice? she wondered.

Rachel slowly brought both hands up to fondle her breasts, briefly rolling the nipples between thumbs and fingers. Her daughter’s face was a portrait of wonder. I wonder how long it’s been since she’s seen me nude, she wondered. Probably not since she was three or four, and we were taking a bath together.

Her anticipation mounting, Rachel slid her hands back down her sides, sliding both index fingers under the thin waistband of her matching g-string. Bending at the waist so her still firm breasts hung down in a most enticing way, Rachel pushed the barely-there knickers to her ankles and stepped out of them.

She moved casually towards Bella, slowly enough for her daughter to take in the view. Then, climbing on the bed, she crawled back to the headboard, offering the dumbstruck girl a very good look at her from behind, her puckered anus and shaved cunt on full display.

Her brazen display seemed to be working, too — Bella was mesmerised, not just by her mother’s beautiful, curvaceous body, but by the sheer eroticism of the moment. Rachel wasn’t just undressing… she was undressing for her daughter. A small, but crucial distinction.

Bella was clearly unsure how to respond, though. She simply sat there, hands knotted in her lap.

“Your turn, darling. Don’t be shy,” Rachel murmured.

After a few heartbeats, the young girl pushed herself up from the bed and got to her feet, then hesitated again, looking to Rachel for reassurance. “Are you sure this is okay, Mum? Um… what if Cindy wakes up?” She glanced nervously at the bedroom door.

“Don’t worry, darling,” said Rachel. “She’s fast asleep… and you don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Relax, this can be a lovely experience for us both if you’ll let it. We’ll take it nice and slow.” She smiled. “Go ahead. I want to see what a stunner my little girl has become.”

With clumsy fingers, Bella started to unbutton her pajama top.

“Wait. Come round to the side of the bed so I can see you properly. That’s better. Now, undress slowly. You should always take your time when you do that, to tease your lover. It makes it so much more exciting, builds the anticipation.” She laughed. “Believe me, there’s a little hint of sex kitten in every woman. Let’s see yours.”

With a shaky smile, Bella did as her mum asked. Standing a couple of feet away from her, she slowly undid each button, then for a moment, let her top swing open to provide a glimpse of the breasts concealed by the worn flannel. She hesitated for an instant, took a quick breath, then pushed the top off her shoulders, letting it fall behind.

Rachel hadn’t seen her daughter topless for a long while. She studied the girl’s breasts, impressed by the sight. My God… they’re absolutely perfect. She longed to take a nipple between her lips, to feel it stiffen as she teased it with a swipe of the tongue.

“Darling,” Rachel breathed, “you’re growing up beautifully. You should never be shy about showing your body off… to the right person, anyhow.”

Bella’s face seemed to light up at her mother’s compliment, but she did blush slightly, too. “I’m… I’m not that pretty,” she mumbled.

“Oh, you are, believe me. Now let’s see the rest of you.”

Her confidence increasing, Bella hooked her thumbs in the waistband of the shorts and pushed them down until they dropped loosely to the floor. She carefully lifted each foot out — then, as if acting quickly before she lost her courage, Bella grasped the elastic of her cotton knickers and tugged them down and off.

Now completely nude, the twelve-year-old slowly straightened herself, then stood before her equally naked mum, both hands clasped in front of her genitals.

Rachel drew closer. “There’s no need for modesty, baby girl… this is the start of the new you. Let me see.”

Unclasping her hands, Bella allowed them to drop by her side.

Rachel gazed lovingly at her daughter’s bare body — still that of a child, but with obvious hints of the woman she was becoming. Her breasts, while still budding, were already generous enough to play with. Rachel unconsciously licked her lips in anticipation, already picturing herself doing exactly that. Her eyes dropped lower to see a darkening growth of pubic down that was still sparse enough to show the line of Bella’s slit, which already glistened with a slight trace of moisture.

The shy tween studied her mum’s body, then looked down at her own.

Sensing her daughter’s thoughts, Rachel assured Bella, “Don’t worry, darling. Your breasts will grow bigger soon enough. In fact, it looks like they’re well on the way. Come back and sit down, where you were before.”

Bella got back on the bed in her previous position; only now her knees were slightly parted, giving her mum a good view of her pussy.

As Rachel seated herself on the side of the bed, facing her daughter, Bella gazed thoughtfully at her mum’s vulva. “Do you, uh, shave your thingy?”

“Bella! It’s called a vagina.”

The girl’s cheeks flushed. “I know; we learned it at school.”

“Well, you’re becoming a woman now, so you oughtn’t to use words like ‘thingy’. There are lots of names for it; in the old days, some used to call it a minge or a fanny, but I suppose the most common name nowadays is pussy. If you want to be really naughty, you can call it your cunt.”

Bella started, surprised by her mum’s language, but Rachel just smiled. “Why don’t you try saying those words, darling? It’s exciting to use them when you have sex.”

Suddenly feeling like a wicked child, Bella blurted, “Pussy. Cunt!” then burst into giggles.

Rachel couldn’t suppress a small laugh of her own. “There, now you’re getting relaxed. To answer your question, I sometimes shave my pussy, but that can cause a rash or leave it a bit sore, so I mostly use a cream or wax.”

My pussy doesn’t have much hair,” Bella said, looking down, idly touching the fine pubic down. “It’s really soft.”

Rachel felt her skin prickle with a growing sense of arousal. “Okay, let’s get started. We’ll begin with the basics.” She was keen to begin her daughter’s education, feeling hungrier by the second for the potential delights that lay ahead.

“Last time I just showed you where to touch yourself. Really, though, we should’ve started with something more basic, like kissing. After all, when you like a girl — or a boy, whichever you happen to prefer — it’s usually the first thing you do. The other fun stuff comes later, if you decide you like the person enough to do more.”

Bella’s eyes lit up at the mention of kissing girls, and now she was paying especially close attention to her mum.

Rachel opened her legs slightly. “Come a bit closer, darling… sit right in front of me.”

Bella scooted across the bed to face Rachel, unable to keep herself from glancing repeatedly between her mother’s thighs.

Reaching out, Rachel gently took Bella’s chin between her index finger and thumb, then leaned in to kiss her daughter on the mouth.

Before she could, Bella drew back sharply. “Wh-what are you doing, Mum?”

Rachel looked curiously at her naked girl, aware that this was not going to be easy as she’d hoped. Got my work cut out, she thought. “I’m kissing you.”

“But… you’re my mum. Mums and daughters aren’t supposed to kiss like that.”

“I’m just trying to show you how it’s done, love. Watching people kiss on TV, or looking at pictures in a book won’t help you know how it feels.”

“I guess,” Bella nodded, but she still seemed hesitant.

Reaching out for her daughter’s hand, Rachel gave it a squeeze. “It’s okay, darling. We can take it slowly, and we can stop any time you like, but I really want to help you through this, so you can enjoy what you do with Alice without being scared about it. In fact, her mum is probably talking with her right now, just like we are.”

“Is she?” A sudden thought popped into Bella’s head. Did Alice learn how to do French kissing from her mum, then? It was an intriguing notion, one that made her feel all warm and tingly inside.

“Oh I’m pretty sure she is, or has already. In fact, while we’re on the subject, there’s something I should tell you. I want to be honest, and prove to you that it’s okay to like girls.”

Bella gave her mum a quizzical look.

“I had sex with Jessica. We’re lovers, in fact.”

Bella looked stunned at this news. “But you were married… to Dad.”

“Yes, I was. But now he’s gone, and I don’t want to bring another man into our lives. The thing is, I still have needs, sexual needs… and I’ve discovered that I want to satisfy those needs with a woman.”

“So I guess that means you’re a, a lesbian, huh? Is Alice’s mum one too?”

“Well, I’ve been interested in women for a long time, even when your father and I were still together, but now I identify as gay. And yes, I think Jessica feels the same. We’ve only made love once, mind you — last night, while you and your sister were out. Jess and I both needed someone and we’ve been best friends, like you and Alice, for a long time. It just happened, and we haven’t really talked about the future.” She paused, studying her daughter. “Are you okay with that?”

Bella parted her lips, on the verge of speaking — then fell silent, not knowing what to say.

Seeing her daughter’s quiet struggle, Rachel decided to let her own actions speak instead. She reached out once again to touch the girl’s cheek, then drew close, guiding Bella’s face to hers.

This time their mouths met… and lingered.

Sensing that her child was balanced on the cusp of excitement and fear, Rachel made the kiss as warm and tender as she could, her lips brushing, caressing the soft jewel of Bella’s mouth.

After a few moments she pulled away, pleased to see that her daughter’s eyes had drifted shut. Using both hands to cup the sides of Bella’s face, she moved in to kiss her again — only this time, she flicked across the girl’s lower lip with her tongue.

Bella gasped in surprise, and Rachel seized her opportunity, sliding her tongue between the twelve-year-old’s parted lips. This time, her daughter didn’t pull away, so Rachel deepened the kiss ever so slightly, circling the girl’s mouth once, twice, three times.

Bella finally broke away, though gently, and gave her mum a smile. “It’s okay, Mum. If you want to be gay and it makes you happy, then I’m happy too.” She giggled. “And all this time, I was scared of what you’d say if you found out what I was doing with Alice. Silly me, huh?”

Grinning foolishly, the love she felt for this wonderful girl glowing through every inch of her, Rachel wrapped both arms around her daughter. “Thank you, sweetheart.” Their noses almost touched as she added, “Now… let’s carry on with your lesson, shall we?”

Bella slowly nodded, a new, thrilling warmth in her eyes. “Okay, Mum… I’m ready.”

Trek on to Chapter Twelve!


Ripples, Chapter 10

  • Posted on March 4, 2019 at 3:15 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

After dinner and the washing up, Jess made hot chocolate for everyone, then she and her daughters moved into the living room to watch TV. Katie and Poppy quickly became sleepy, though, and toddled off to bed at least an hour earlier than usual. Jessica gave the girls a few minutes to clean their teeth and get into their nightwear, then went upstairs to tuck them in for the night.

Electing to turn off the TV, Jess and Alice spent a while seated on the sofa together and chatting. Alice shared more details about the scout trip and what they had learned, while Jess told Alice about her night out with the girls and staying over at Rachel’s house, leaving out the salacious details.

It looked and sounded just like a typical mother-daughter conversation — but in reality, it was anything but. The very air seemed to hum with an undercurrent of eroticism and desire.

Jess ached to kiss her daughter, but couldn’t bring herself to take that step, even though she knew that the girl wanted it. As for Alice, she was biding her time, waiting for the right moment to make her wishes known.

Eventually, Jess glanced at the clock. “Getting late,” she said with a sigh. “Guess we should turn in. Can you lock up, sweetheart?” She gave Alice a peck on the cheek. “Good night. Love you.”

“Love you too, Mum,” Alice replied, then wandered over to the front door to bolt it.

Soon Jess was at the sink, washing the mugs they’d used to drink the hot chocolate, a frown on her lips. She throbbed with sexual hunger, her fierce need for Alice — but found herself paralyzed, unable to act on that desire.

I can’t do it, she realized. Even if I’m certain that she wants me, I can’t come on to my own daughter. And Alice seems to feel the same way. We’re at a standstill. Placing the last mug in the dish rack, she dried her hands, then went back out to the living room to switch off the lights.

Alice was still in the room, waiting for her.

“Mum,” she said quietly, “can I sleep with you tonight?”

Jess looked at her daughter, feeling her heart rate rise. “Um, certainly, if you want to, darling. Any particular reason?” Her arousal still burned brightly, but now Jessica felt an unexpected touch of fear. She felt an impulse to flee to the safety of her bedroom and lock the door.

Alice gave her mother a bashful smile. “I just missed you.”

Those sweet, simple words made Jessica feel warm all over. “I missed you too, love,” she said, reaching out for the girl, drawing her close for a hug.

They held one another for a long time. Alice’s face was buried in her mother’s breasts, and Jess felt her nipples getting stiff. Finally, she gently broke their embrace, gazing in wonder at this lovely creature that she’d brought into the world more than twelve years ago.

“Okay, sweetheart,” she said. “Let’s go to bed.”

Mounting the stairs with her daughter, Jess turned to the girl. “Go get into whatever you want to sleep in, brush your teeth and meet me in my room in five minutes.”

“Make it three,” said Alice with a wink.

While her daughter was preparing for bed, Jessica did the same — cleaned her teeth, brushed her hair and slipped into a sexy negligee. After a moment’s deliberation, she chose to go without panties. Padding over to the bed, she seated herself, waiting.

Alice entered the room seconds later. “Okay, Mum.” She was wearing that old dress shirt that had belonged to her father. Is she naked underneath? Jess wondered, unsure if that was what she wanted.

Exchanging shy smiles, they slipped into bed. Jess had a feeling that Alice wanted to talk, so she left the bedside lamp on. Sure enough, the girl gave her mother a sidelong glance, as if she had something on her mind.

Jessica turned to her daughter. “Is there something you want to ask me about, darling?”

Alice gazed pensively at her mother — then after a moment, looked at her hands. “Umm… I’ve been thinking about girls again.”

Her heart was beating fast, but Jess did her best to keep a calm demeanor. “I see. Anyone in particular?”

Katie, for one, Alice thought, but knew far better than to mention her little sister. “Well, the other girls I shared my room with at camp. They were all really cute. One of the scoutmasters. Oh, and a couple of the girls’ mums. This one mum was wearing these tight white shorts with dark knickers underneath… wow! All I could think of was how much I wanted to kiss her.”

“My goodness, that’s a crowded list! Well, that’s okay. It’s only natural, in fact — you’re just beginning to explore your sexuality, so you’ll be imagining yourself with different, er, partners.”

“Do you think it’s weird that I get so — so turned on by older women, Mum? I mean, I kinda like girls, too, but…”

Jessica’s head was spinning. “There’s nothing wrong with that, Alice. I’m sure there are lots of girls who are attracted to the thought of, er, more mature partners.” Is she talking about me? Is she?

“Hmmm.” Alice stared into space. Jess remained quiet, sure that Alice wanted to say something else. Eventually, she did.

“Mum… you know the other night? When I spent the night with you?”

“Yes, love,” Jess whispered. “How could I forget?”

Alice looked at her mother, wondering if she actually did want to forget. “Well, I was wondering if… if we could do it again.”

Jessica’s mind was ticking furiously, wondering how and what to answer… but she got lost in her daughter’s eyes, an overwhelming sense of love washing over her. She knew then that they had strayed onto a path she could not, would not abandon.

Taking a deep breath, Jess said, “Alice, you’re growing up and becoming a beautiful, intelligent young woman. I’ve always tried to be honest with you and your sisters, so before I answer, I have something to ask you — and something to tell you.”


At the house on the other side of the road, Rachel was seated on the sofa next to Bella. Ten-year-old Cindy had gone to bed an hour earlier, exhausted from the sleepover. Rachel had let her older daughter stay up to tell her about the fun she’d had at Girl Scout camp.

When Bella had finished describing her weekend, Rachel sat up facing the girl, a serious look on her face.

“Sweetheart, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

A worried look crossed Bella’s face — had she done something wrong? Was something really awful going to happen?

Sensing her daughter’s anxiety, Rachel quickly reassured her. “It’s all right, honey bun… nothing bad, just some grown-up things I want to discuss.”

“Okay, sure.”

“Do you remember a few months ago when you asked me about masturbation… touching yourself?”

Bella studied her mother, trying to work out what was behind this question. “Um… yes,” she hesitantly said.

“Well, I was wondering why you haven’t come to me to ask about anything else. Aren’t there any other things you want to know about sex? I’m your mother, after all — it’s my job to teach you.”

With a small shrug, Bella said, “I guess I’m not really sure, um… what other stuff there is to know.”

“Let me ask you this, then. Sometimes when Alice comes over, I hear certain sounds coming from your room.”

Bella began to redden and squirm uncomfortably.

“Have you been doing things together, grown-up things like, maybe, practicing kissing? Don’t worry; you’re not in trouble, I promise. I just want to make sure you’ll ask me if there’s anything you don’t understand.”

Bella relaxed just a little. “Sometimes me and Alice practice kissing… and one time we touched each other a little bit.”

“I thought so. You know, it’s perfectly normal for young girls to explore sex with their friends. I did when I was your age.” Bella smiled shyly at her mum, now feeling relieved — also, a little intrigued.

Rachel continued. “I was talking to Jessica about you and Alice, and I thought it would be a good idea to teach you something more. Would you like that?”

Bella wondered, not without a hint of worry, what her mum had said to Alice’s mum. Would Ms. Matthews be upset that she’d fooled around with Alice? She would have to ask her best friend about that, the next time they met. On the other hand, now that her mum had brought the subject up, Bella realised that yes, she wanted to know more about sex, and since Mum had made the offer…

“Sure, that sounds good, Mum. Guess I really ought to learn about this stuff, huh?”

Rachel just had to smile. “Yes, sweetheart. Tell you what, let’s go upstairs to my bedroom — it’s more comfy.”

Extending a hand, she helped Bella up from the sofa, led the girl upstairs and into her room, closing the door behind them.


Back across the road, Jessica sat opposite her daughter on the bed, holding Alice’s hands in hers.

“When I stayed at Rachel’s last night, she told me something. It was about you and Bella.” Alice started to nervously shift about a bit, guessing what was coming. “She thinks that the two of you might be doing things together. Like kissing each other, perhaps touching, maybe more. Is that true?”

Alice studied her mother for signs of anger, but saw none — just the same kind, loving face that she knew so well. She took a small breath. “Er, well. We do sometimes practice kissing, yeah, but not the same way you showed me.”

“Anything else?”

After a moment’s hesitation, Alice added, “Well, we’ve touched each other’s titties… and once, um, down below.” She made a face. “But Bella always gets scared and says we gotta stop, just when it starts getting good.” A pause. “That’s one of the reasons why I came to you, Mum.”

Tilting her head, Jess peered inquisitively at her daughter. “One of the reasons? What were the others?”

Alice’s cheeks had gone a bright pink. The girl was clearly nervous, but she soldiered on. “Well, uh, the big reason was… cause I just wanted to do those things with you. Kissing and stuff. I mean, I like Bella, but… I kinda decided that I like you even more.”

Jess gazed lovingly at her beautiful daughter. Reaching out to cup Alice’s face in her hands, she leaned over to place a gentle kiss on the girl’s forehead. Sitting up, she returned both hands to her lap. “Thank you for being honest with me, love. Now I’m going to do the same.”

Alice seemed puzzled. “Um, okay.”

“You remember how I said that I had something to tell you?”

Alice nodded, wondering what it could be.

“I never thought I’d ever say this, but… you know when you saw me and Aunt Rachel kiss, then me and Sally, how you asked me if I was a lesbian?”

“Yes, Mum. Don’t forget, I also said it was okay if you are one.”

“Well, now I think that I am gay — or at least, I want to be.” Jess hesitated a moment, still unsure whether she should continue, then decided she had to. “Last night, Rachel and I had sex. And the other day I saw Sally again, and we got naked together and made love.”

As she spoke, Jessica looked intently at Alice, trying to work out what her daughter was thinking. Then she fell silent, and they sat quietly for a moment.

Finally, Jess said, “Are you upset with me, sweetheart? I’ll understand if you think was wrong of me to have sex with your best friend’s mum — and then, with a girl not much older than you are. To be honest, I never saw it coming, and don’t really know where to go from here.”

Alice said, “It’s okay, Mum. Auntie Rachel is like a second mother to me, and I think it’s cool that you’re a lesbian… like I am.”

“Oh, my darling girl, you’re the best daughter a mother could have. Thank you for being so understanding,” Jess said. She took Alice’s hand in hers, caressing it.

“But Mum, won’t Auntie Rachel get jealous?”

Jess gave her a puzzled look. “Jealous?”

“About Sally. Does she know?”

“She does. And no, sweetheart, Rachel won’t get jealous. We aren’t in a serious relationship… Sure, she and I had sex, but that happened because it was something we both really, really needed.”

“Okay,” Alice replied with a nod. “Does that mean you and Sally are girlfriends?”

“What? No, no — I was just helping Sally with her first time. She wants to be with girls, too. Oh, Sally and I might go to bed together again someday, but that certainly doesn’t mean we’re in love.”

“Think you’ll have sex with Auntie Rachel again, Mum?”

Jessica’s eyes were locked with those of her daughter. Should I tell her everything? After a moment’s deliberation, she elected to do just that.

“Oh, I’m sure that she and I will fuck again, sweetheart… but right now, there’s someone else who Rachel wants.”

“Who’s that?” asked Alice.

“Bella,” Jess replied. “In fact, I suspect that right now, Rachel is having a very interesting conversation with her daughter.”

Alice gaped at her mother. “Auntie Rachel… she wants to m-make love with Bella?

“She does.” Jessica felt her heart throb, knowing she was treading dangerous ground. “You see, I — I told her about what you and I did the other night, sweetie. Perhaps I shouldn’t have, but I needed to share it with someone I trusted, who I knew would keep it secret.”

“Um, okay.” Alice seemed dazed — but thankfully, not angry. “So… what did she think?”

Jessica smiled. “She made herself come, actually. I told Rachel everything, and she fingered her cunt right in front of me. You should’ve seen it!”

“Oh, my God.”

“Then she told me that she’d been having thoughts like that about Bella… in fact, Rachel taught her how to masturbate, a couple of months ago. So after I told her about you and me, she was already making plans to go further with Bella, much further.” She paused. Go ahead, say it. “Rachel wants you, too.”

“Oh, my GOD!” the teen squealed, then just as suddenly fell quiet. “Mum,” she whispered, drawing close, resting a hand on Jessica’s upper thigh. “Can we do it again? Like last time?”

Jess covered the girl’s hand with hers, feeling it quiver to the touch. “Are you certain about this, Alice? Wouldn’t you like to have a girlfriend your own age?”

The pretty twelve-year-old shook her head. “Mum, y’know how I said I’ve been thinking about girls? Really, I was thinking about you more than anything. I’ve been wanting to tell you for days, but… I thought maybe you felt bad about what we already did.”

Jess plucked up her child’s hand and brought it to her lips. “Oh, sweetheart… how could I regret giving love to my beautiful daughter? I just want to make sure that you really, really want this.”

Her daughter stared at her with something approaching desperation in her eyes. “Please, Mum, I do. More than I ever wanted anything.”

Jess made her decision.

Gently tugging Alice’s hand, she drew her daughter close, tilting her head to place a gentle kiss on the girl’s mouth. Alice responded, parting her lips for Mum’s tongue to enter. The kiss quickly deepened, their tongues darting and dancing.

Jess pulled away after a moment, giving Alice a shy, adoring smile. She reached out to unfasten the top three buttons of that well-worn shirt, then slowly slid it off one shoulder to bare the girl’s left breast. Rising to her feet, Jessica began to undo the ties that held her black satin negligee shut. Pulling the last one open, a single shrug had the filmy garment falling down to ring her ankles. Stepping from it, Jess stood naked before her daughter.

Moving as if she was sleepwalking, a dazed Alice stood, brushing the cotton nightie from her right shoulder, eyes locked with Jessica’s as it, too, slipped off and fell to the floor — leaving the twelve-year-old girl as bare as her mother.

Reaching out to gently clasp her daughter’s arm, Jessica whispered, “Let’s lie down, sweetheart.”

As Alice turned to move over to the bed, Jess got a good look at the girl’s bottom — two flawless pale globes that jiggled ever so slightly with each step. The sight thrilled her. I’ll have to show that pretty bum some extra special love, she thought, as her daughter stretched out on top of the sheets, looking up at Jess with lust-filled eyes.

Moving to lie alongside the girl, Jess leaned over to gently kiss her as she’d done before, using her tongue to part Alice’s lips. She trailed a hand over her daughter’s upper half, stroking her shoulders and budding breasts, gradually working her way down to Alice’s belly and grazing the soft skin with her nails. Hungry to touch more of her beautiful child, Jessica went lower still, her fingers inching closer to the girl’s vulva. As for Alice, she was focused on her mother’s breasts — fondling them, testing their heft, teasing the nipples to watch them stiffen to the touch.

After several minutes of teasing, Jess finally slid her hand down between Alice’s thighs to find her dewy slit, pressing a finger against the warm, wet opening. “Oh. Oh, my God, Mum!” the girl gasped, a violent shiver coursing through her slender frame.

Jess slid a finger into her daughter’s cunt to lubricate it, then circled the tip of that finger around the tiny nubbin of her clitoris. She didn’t want to bring the girl off too quickly, though, so Jessica hooked her finger inside Alice’s vagina, then dipped her head to take a nipple into her mouth.

After a couple of minutes of attention to her daughter’s breasts, Jess began to move downward, eager to taste her little girl and use the new set of skills she’d acquired in her other lesbian encounters.

“Oh, Mum,” Alice moaned, “I feel so — I d-don’t know, it’s something — something really big…”

Jessica’s mouth was tantalisingly close to the treasure she sought, but she lifted her head slightly to reassure the trembling teen. “It’s okay, sweetie… trust me, you’re going to absolutely love this.”

She returned her attention to the goal — moving ever lower, kissing and licking until she was nestled between Alice’s parted legs, her face inches from the girl’s sex. Jess paused for a moment to admire its beauty. The slit was pink and juicy, like some rare exotic fruit, and the smell of it… She inhaled deeply, letting the rich scent tickle her nose.

Jess reached out to touch her daughter’s sparse pubes, surprised by how soft they were, then used her finger and thumb to ease Alice’s labia apart, opening her cunt before moving in for that first taste.

She began with one long, slow lick, bathing the entirety of the girl’s vulva. Alice inhaled sharply, another quick shiver surging through her. Jess licked again, then again, taking a moment to enjoy the sharp tang of her daughter. She’d acquired a genuine appreciation for the taste of pussy over the last week, and Alice’s was positively delicious.

Getting down to business, Jessica applied small flicks of her tongue to the smooth outer lips, insinuating the tip into the moist opening. Stiffening her tongue, she pushed it inside for a few darting strokes before shifting her attention to the small but erect clitoris — first teasing it with quick, playful licks, then clamping the swollen nub between her lips and sucking, all the while stimulating Alice’s vagina with a probing finger.

Alice was now bucking her hips and shaking, her head rolling from side to side as she panted for breath and groped her own breasts with both hands, a sight that only added to Jessica’s lust.

Recalling how good it felt when Rachel had done the same thing to her, Jessica withdrew her finger from Alice’s pussy, then placed the tip against her rosebud. She was already nicely lubricated, so it was easy for Jess to work that finger up to the third knuckle in her daughter’s anus. That goal accomplished, she glued her mouth to Alice’s clitoris, frequently dropping her tongue to lick up the sweet nectar that flowed freely from the young girl.

Throwing her head back, Alice cried, “Mummy — oh, Mummy, what’s h-happening to m-me?”

Jess raised her head to say, “It’s okay, sweetheart, let it go,” then quickly returned to her work.

Seconds later, Alice arched her body up from the bed, shaking almost violently as she came. A hoarse moan exploded from her lips — but somehow, the teen had the presence of mind to snatch up a pillow, pressing it to her face to muffle the sound. Alice’s trembling suddenly ceased, the girl’s body steel-rigid for a brief eternity… then she went limp, collapsing into the sodden sheets.

Jessica sat back on her haunches, suddenly feeling a momentary bout of dizziness. She stared down at her daughter, watching the girl’s chest rise and fall. God, I am so in love with her.

After a moment or two, she quickly moved to take the girl in her arms, nuzzling her face. Alice’s lips found hers, and they shared a gentle, very romantic kiss.

When they drifted apart, Alice whispered, “Wow, Mum. That was… oh, it was so good. Even better than last time.”

Jess giggled. “Well, after all, I’ve had a couple of goes at it in the last few days. Perhaps I’ve learned something.”

Slowly sitting up, Alice turned to face her mother. “Can I try now? I’m supposed to be learning too, right?”

In silent assent, Jessica laid back and opened her legs, smiling sweetly as she waited to be loved.

Alice needed no further prompting. Leaning over her beautiful, naked mother, she began to adorn her with kisses, starting with Jessica’s lips and working her way down. After a few passion-laden kisses, she trailed her tongue down Mum’s neck, making her way toward those lovely breasts. Alice suckled each nipple in turn, fondling one creamy globe while nursing from the other.

She was eager to reach the ultimate prize, though — the warm, luscious pot of honey between her mum’s thighs — so Alice continued her southward journey, pausing to bury her face in the softness of Jessica’s tummy. I could spend hours resting here, just resting my head, she told herself, placing a tiny kiss on her mother’s belly button. Her final goal beckoned, though, so Alice kept going, kissing a path that led her into the garden of Mum’s pubes.

A moment later, the teen was poised and ready, her lips inches from the glistening slit, her entryway into life. She breathed in the scent, now quite familiar to her, then pried the fleshy lips open, exposing the part of Mum’s cunt that Alice knew would give her the most pleasure.

At first she used her fingers — one, then two — to pump in and out of the juicy orifice, but Alice was thirsting for the nectar she’d tasted once before, now dripping from her hand, more of it with each thrust. Withdrawing those probing fingers with a liquid sound, the teen lunged forward and fastened her mouth to Mum’s pussy, desperate to drink as much as she could.

She feasted on the warm, wet flesh as though sucking the juice from an ice lolly on a scorching day. Her mum’s body was quivering from head to toe, and Alice knew it wouldn’t be long before she went off.

Recalling what Mum had done to her mere moments ago, Alice slipped a finger into the dark pink cleft between her mother’s buttocks, seeking out her anus. The angle of her penetration was off at first, making Jessica wince, but the second try succeeded, getting her finger all the way into Mum’s rectum.

This was enough to send Jess over the edge — and she covered her mouth with the palm of her hand as she let go, barely managing to stifle her cries as the pleasure grew steadily stronger, rising to an unimaginable peak.

Then she seemed to be floating in space, slowly drifting until she somehow found her way back into her body, wide open and sprawled out in a very lewd manner on the bed. Alice was kneeling between her legs, smiling blissfully at a breathless, very dazed Jessica.

Reaching out, Jess pulled her wonderful, clever girl to her, kissing the girl deeply, their sweat-glazed bodies sliding easily together. Eager for more, she urged Alice to move further up her body. At first, the teen didn’t understand what Mum wanted, but when Jess took hold of her firm buttocks and whispered, “Give me your pussy, sweetheart… Mummy wants to lick you again,” Alice moved into position, kneeling above her mother’s face and taking hold of the bed frame.

Guiding the twelve-year-old down to her waiting mouth, Jessica buried her tongue in the syrupy flesh, eagerly lapping at the juices that flowed freely down her chin.

Within moments, Alice had her second climax — shuddering, then briefly going stiff before slumping down over her mother’s face. Jessica’s tongue was still moving about in her daughter’s hole as she allowed the sweet, sticky cunt honey to ooze into her mouth and down her throat.

Finally, Alice dismounted her mum and lay down beside her. They drifted together in a languid embrace, exchanging a brief but tender kiss. Their eyes met.

“I love you, Mum.”

“I love you too, my precious child.”

A moment’s silence, then Alice spoke up. “Mum?”


“We won’t… act like last time, will we? Y’know, how you and I kinda, um, pretended we never made love, and didn’t talk about it… maybe cause we were scared to?”

“No, sweetheart,” Jess replied, caressing her daughter’s face. “That time, I was feeling guilty, thinking what we’d done was wrong. Now, though…” She shook her head. “I don’t feel that way anymore. Society says that a mother and daughter shouldn’t be lovers, but I ask you — how can something this joyous, this perfect, possibly be wrong?”

“It can’t, huh?” Alice said, breaking into a smile.

“No, it can’t,” said Jessica, smiling back. “I don’t want to give this up, and neither do you. So we can keep, um… sharing pleasures together.”

“Sharing pleasures,” sighed the girl. “I like that.”

“We can’t let your sisters find out about this, though. They’re too young to understand.”

Alice had her own thoughts on that subject, but obligingly said, “Okay, Mum.”

“One more thing,” Jess continued. “If we’re going to be lovers, you and I both have to remember that I’m still your mum, and you’re still my daughter. When I ask you to set the table, I’m asking as your parent, not the woman who licked you the night before. And when you, oh, ask me for four quid to buy lipgloss, you’re talking to Mum, not your girlfriend. Understand?”

“Uh-huh,” Alice grinned. “And then you say, ‘Don’t you have enough shades of lipgloss already’?” They laughed, and the teen quickly added, “I do get it, though… and I think you’re right, Mum. I promise not to ever forget who you are, or who I am.” Then she grinned, blushing slightly. “Y’know, I don’t even want you to be my girlfriend. A mum who gives me special love… that’s miles better.”

“My sweet little girl,” Jess whispered, her eyes growing misty. “God, I adore you.” She pulled her daughter close, and they hugged again. “Okay, now give me one more kiss, and then let’s get ourselves some sleep.”

Alice tilted her face upwards, and their lips brushed together. It began as a gentle peck, but somehow they got carried away, and soon enough, their tongues were sparring in a very lustful fashion.

Finally, Jess forced herself to break away. “Oh, my… I already want you again, love.”

“Me too, but — but maybe we should, um, hold off, huh?”

“I think so,” Jess nodded. “Let’s dream about each other instead.”

“Yeah, let’s.” The girl’s expression became thoughtful. “Mum? Does Aunt Rachel really want to — to have sex with me?”

“Yes, she does,” Jess said.

“Well, would it be all right with you if… if I did do stuff with her…?”

“It would, sweetie. Rachel had an idea about something like that… but we didn’t get into much detail about it. Let’s discuss this later, okay? It’s a complicated subject, and we really need to get some sleep. It’s late.” She paused, then added, “I’ll tell you this, though — if you really want to go to bed with her, you’ll get your chance.”

“Cool,” Alice settled down, closing her eyes.

“Ready for lights out?”

“Uh-huh,” said Alice. “G’night, Mum.”

“Goodnight, sweetie.” Jessica reached over to switch off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness.

A moment’s silence, then Alice lifted her head. “Mum?”


“What about you? Do you want to make love to Bella?”

Jess chuckled. “Of course I do — but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, okay? If we start talking about this now, we’ll be up for hours… and we’ll probably end up having sex again.”

“Yeah, I guess so. I kinda already feel like doing it some more.”

“No, no — let’s hold off, like you said. You can spend the night with me tomorrow — we’ll fuck each other silly.”

“Yeah,” Alice sighed. “I love fucking you, Mum. It’s the best thing ever.”

“Hmmm. I suppose you’re allowed to use that word when we’re in bed together… but don’t you let me hear you saying it anywhere else, of there’ll be the devil to pay. Now come on, love. Time to sleep.”

“Sure, Mum. Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Her hand found Alice’s.

The room settled into a cozy silence as mother and daughter eased their way into slumber.

Over to: Chapter Eleven!


Ripples, Chapter 9

  • Posted on February 14, 2019 at 4:42 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Jessica felt a pleasurable sensation coursing through her body as she slowly drifted into consciousness. She was in the midst of a waking dream, caught up in an endless Moebius strip of steamy lesbian fantasies, each one featuring women and girls she knew. Once upon a time, such a thing would have shocked her; now it seemed perfectly natural. And in the lion’s share of these imagined scenarios, her sex partner was a young girl — or girls.

Picturing herself with Sally was easy, seeing as she had her memories to rely on — only in this imagined version of their encounter, she enticed the comely teen up to her office, stripped the girl naked and took her on top of the desk, not even bothering to brush the paperwork aside.

Then it got even wilder: when she and Sally came, Jess glanced toward the unexpectedly open office door and saw several of the women and girls who worked for her, eagerly watching and touching themselves, all of them at least partially nude.

The vision changed. Now Sally was stretched out on the sofa, and Jessica was eagerly going down on her. She recalled the rich scent of the girl, the warm nectar of Sally’s pussy and how it coated her lips and chin.

Suddenly Jess felt another tongue burrow into her cunt. Startled, she glanced over her shoulder, only to see Alice there, the girl’s face buried in her arse, a wild look in her daughter’s eyes that made Jessica’s heart race — but once again, the image disappeared.

In the next scenario, Jess was in bed with her children, all of them stark naked. Alice was nuzzling her breasts, Katie was kissing her belly — and most unsettling of all, seven-year-old Poppy was blissfully licking her pussy. Even in the safety of slumber, the image frightened Jessica — so her mind quickly swiped it, and the girls vanished.

Now she was a witness, not a participant. She was watching Rachel and her daughter Bella, seeing them make love. Jess pictured herself in a plush accent chair, one leg thrown over the arm and a hand cupped under her breast, the thumb and forefinger rolling a swollen nipple. She was idly stroking her thigh with the other hand, occasionally using a finger to flick at her clitoris as the sight of Rachel and Bella, blissfully committing lesbian incest.

The scene shifted, only slightly this time. Now Rachel was lying on a bed with Bella kneeling on the floor trying to push her hand into her mother’s vagina, words of encouragement mixed with moans of ecstasy flowing from Rachel’s mouth.

The fantasy loop began to speed up, images of women she knew flashing past in a blur. As they rushed by, Jessica’s feelings of pleasure increased; she was amazed how real they felt.

A sudden jolt shook Jess into the land of the living, reminding her of where she was. She looked sideways, expecting to find Rachel sleeping beside her, but saw an empty pillow instead. Jess realised she was now awake, but somehow still felt the physical effects of her dream.

Glancing down at the bottom of the bed, she saw the source of her pleasure, lit by a stripe of light coming through a narrow gap in the curtains. The sheets were thrown back and a face was buried between her legs — a face that peered up to reveal a smiling Rachel, her lips glistening with Jessica’s nectar. “Morning, lover,” she said.

Raising herself from between Jessica’s thighs, Rachel crawled up to lie on top of her partner, planting kisses along the way, pausing to nuzzle her breasts. In response, Jess raked her fingernails down Rachel’s back, causing her friend to twitch.

Jess drew Rachel into her arms and kissed her. Then she felt something firm against her thigh.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Ah, well, you looked so good, just lying there asleep. Got me all hot and bothered, so I had a little poke through my toy box for something to continue your education.” She flashed Jess a bad-girl grin. “Ready to go back to school, lover?”

Seeing the puzzled look on Jessica’s face, Rachel slid back down to the foot of the bed and stood up. She was wearing a belt or harness of some kind around her waist and between her legs, with a flesh-coloured and very lifelike cock attached, complete with veins scrolling round the length of it.

Jess could only stare, her jaw gone slack. She’d seen a couple of strap-ons featured on Rachel’s lesbian DVD, but had never encountered one in person.

Rachel stood, hands resting on her curvaceous hips. “Mind you, this is just the training model; wait till we get to the big ones!”

“My God, I thought Mark was big! Then again, I didn’t have many to compare him with,” Jessica said, unable to tear her gaze from the appendage dangling before her.

Rachel laughed. “Don’t worry, baby, we’ve got lots of toys to try out and plenty of time. Someday, we’ll have to go on a little fun shopping trip to get you sorted. I’m guessing you don’t own a dildo or vibrator yourself?”

“Well, that’s where you’re wrong,” Jess retorted indignantly. “As a matter of fact, I do own a vibrator.”

“Let me guess — you bought it at a party twenty years ago and it’s one of those hideous plain plastic affairs that sound like a dentist’s drill.“

“No doubt you have an extensive collection, then?” Jess retorted defensively, glancing around.

Rachel pointed to a large decorated box on the floor near the open wardrobe that appeared to contain a plethora of sex toys — all shapes, sizes and styles.

“My husband liked to watch me use them on myself and sometimes on him… that is, before he decided to get his boyfriend to roger him with the real thing instead. After I found out and booted him into touch, I decided to play the same game, So I had a few liaisons with some ladies who introduced me to the joys of toys. But enough chit-chat, let’s start class!”

With that, she grabbed Jessica’s ankles, causing her to squeal in surprise, and tugged the woman down until her wet pussy was at the edge of the bed. Kneeling down, she lubricated Jessie’s cunt with her tongue, then produced a small bottle of lube.

“As it’s your first fuck for a good few months, we’d better take it slow, in case it’s all healed up.” She opened the bottle and squeezed a bit of the clear liquid on the dildo. Closing and dropping the bottle, she used her hand to spread the lube over the length of the fake penis, then wiped her fingers along Jessica’s slit, making her jump a little.

“Raise your knees, love,” Rachel purred, now sliding her hand up and down the slippery sex toy as if she was jacking it off.

A storm of nervous anticipation was brewing inside Jess as she did as she was told, bracing herself for penetration. It had indeed been a long time since she’d been fucked, and she loved the idea of getting back into the game with a good hard shag from her best friend.

Bending her knees, Rachel carefully worked the tip of the silicone cock up and down through Jessica’s wet vaginal lips, then gently pushed against the slick hole, gaining access. She gradually increased her speed, going a little deeper each time. After a few strokes, she had the entirety of the sex toy buried inside her.

Jess threw her head back, clutching the blanket in her fists. Her vagina was now producing copious lubrication of its own, so Rachel began increasing the speed and depth of her thrusts, her hips pumping forward and back. After a minute or so, Jess began to thrash wildly, hooking her heels behind Rachel to pull her in as far as she could. She hadn’t felt anything substantial inside her for almost a year, her rare masturbation sessions limited to a couple of fingers and her clitoris. What she was feeling right now was a whole new ballgame.

Suddenly, she vented her climax in a loud scream, her body arching up from the bed.

Hastily withdrawing her cock, Rachel dove between Jessica’s legs, gluing her mouth to her lover’s cunt to get every drop of the tart fluids. With some still in her mouth, she quickly bent to kiss Jess to kiss her, giving back the sweet nectar.

Jess reached out, grabbing Rachel’s face with both hands, probing her mouth with an eager tongue. They thrashed around on the bed, locked in a passionate kiss, eventually coming to rest.

Rachel spoke first. “Much as I love the taste of you in the morning, I need orange juice and coffee. Fancy some breakfast?”

Jess stared at her friend in disbelief, unable to speak, finally just giving a brief nod. She was wondering what other lesbian sensations she had yet to discover… and why no-one had ever told her about them until now. Two weeks ago, the only person she knew for certain had gone to bed with a woman was her sister Laura. Funny how she and I have never really talked about her being gay, Jess thought. Of course, Laura had never really volunteered much information about her relationships with women; Jess didn’t even know how many she’d been with.

Rachel rose, then helped Jess out of bed. They went down to the kitchen naked but for short, light robes, where Rachel made toast and coffee for them both. They made small talk, skirting round their nighttime pleasures, occasionally exchanging a shy glance.

Taking a look at the clock on the wall, Jess stood. “I really have to get going; it’s nearly nine o’clock and I have a busy day ahead. I’m going over early to pick the girls up from Blanche’s house — I promised to have coffee with her. Want me to bring Cindy home?”

“That would be great, Jess. Tell you what, I’ll pick Alice up from the school later when I get Bella. Then we can swap daughters.”

They both looked at each other — suddenly aware of how that sounded, given their conversation of the previous night, and laughed. “You know what I mean.” Rachel clarified.

“I’m not sure I do now,” said Jess, shaking her head. You might corrupt my baby girl, the same way you did me.”

Rachel put a hand on her heart. “I wouldn’t do that! Well, not unless you were with me. Anyway, you’ve already gone there, by the sound of it.”

Jess wondered how they’d gotten to the point where she was making jokes about sharing her daughter with Rachel. She didn’t have an answer.

Running a hand through her tousled hair, she said, “I’d better get dressed. Don’t want to alert the neighbours about our lesbian shenanigans by running across the road in the altogether.”

“I dare you,” teased Rachel.

Jess just rolled her eyes, “You fucking loony,” she said, but with a grin.

Hand in hand, they went upstairs to the master bath, where Rachel suggested they share the large shower — an invitation that Jess was helpless to refuse.

Inside, they soaped one another, pausing to squeeze and tweak each other’s nipples while exchanging heated kisses under the flowing water. Taking control, like a pupil turned on the teacher, Jess turned her companion round and pushed her — gently, but with underlying force — against the tiled wall. Rachel gave a little squeal of delight as Jess moved close behind her, nuzzling the smaller woman’s neck and ears.

Rachel let out a low moan. “Oh babe, you’re learning fast.”

Gathering up a handful of creamy lather, Jess slipped a hand round to Rachel’s tummy, reaching down to slide a finger between the juicy lips of the woman’s shaved slit. As she fingered the clitoris, Rachel pushed back against her, so Jess used her other soapy hand to part her lover’s pert buttocks. She eased her middle finger into Rachel’s arse, working it in and out of the smaller hole, kissing and nibbling her ear under the cascade of steaming water.

Rachel climaxed — throwing her head back, then sagging where she stood, slumped against the slippery tiles that lined the shower wall. Turning to face Jessica, Rachel kissed her, then smiled. “Mmmm, I’m beginning to think I’ve created a bloody monster here.”

Jess laughed. “Well, I have to make up for lost time. It’s never too late to realise your dreams — even if you’ve never had dreams this wild before!” They kissed again, then quickly rinsed off and emerged, glistening and pink, from the shower.

Once they’d dried each other, Jess slipped on her shoes and dress, which still held the scent of their coupling, but her thong had gone missing. Deciding it was probably unfit to wear anyway, she decided to go commando. The reason she couldn’t find it was that Rachel had slipped the skimpy thong under her pillow, to fuel the masturbation session she was already anticipating after Jess was gone.

They stopped at the front door and looked at each other. “That really was a lovely night, Rach. I can’t thank you enough for opening my eyes. I don’t know exactly what happens now… just that I want more of it.”

“What are friends for?” Rachel said, touching Jessica’s cheek, then pulling her in for one last kiss. “Give some thought to what I said last night, and let’s talk about it tomorrow.” Jess looked at her quizzically. Seeing her confusion, Rachel just said, “About our girls…?”

“Oh, yes,” Jess said, nodding her head. “I’ve been thinking about what we discussed. First, I need to have a little chat with Alice, about where things stand with us… but I’m beginning to think that you’re right, that we ought to give our daughters some kind of, um…”

“Guidance?” Rachel suggested.

“That’s it. Our girls need guidance in matters of, of sexuality — and like you said, who’s better suited to offer that guidance than their mums, right?”

“I think we’re definitely on the same wavelength here,” said Rachel. “Call me tomorrow, and we’ll discuss it. Until then… goodbye, love.”

With that she opened the door to let Jess out, closing it after her and leaning against it with a satisfied smile. Then she remembered her memento of Jessica, and hastened back up to her room. Fishing the tiny piece of silk that still held the aroma of her friend’s cunt from beneath her pillow, Rachel brought it to her nose and inhaled deeply before spotting the discarded dildo, resting on the nightstand.

She picked it up and licked at the juices that were still evident on the toy’s surface, pushing the length of it into her mouth to get as much as possible before flopping down on her bed, spreading her thighs and thrusting it into her own cunt to mingle her fluids with the remnants on the toy. It took less than a minute before Rachel gasped through a shattering climax.


As Jess got to the gate, she looked round to see if anyone was about. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye, and focused on a home a hundred yards away. It was Abby, coming out of Mel’s house. Jess stopped to conceal herself by a large bush — partly in case they saw her coming out of Rachel’s in the walk of shame, partly to observe them.

As she looked on, Abby glanced quickly around, then leaned into Mel, kissing her briefly, but not in the way friends do. Jessica’s suspicions were confirmed — in the words of Billy Paul, her friends ‘got a thing goin’ on‘ and this had clearly been the case for a lot longer than last night.

Jess waited until Abby walked away toward her own house, then she quickly stepped across the road to her front door, storing this tidbit of information for another day.


After dressing somewhat more appropriately in jeans and a t-shirt, Jess drove to the Turner estate to pick up the girls. The mothers had been asked to collect their children around midday — but after calling ahead, Jess arrived over an hour early for coffee, just as she’d promised Blanche the day before. Although it had been beneficial to cultivate a good customer relationship with Blanche, given the doors that could open for her, they had also formed a genuine friendship as two successful, intelligent women of business.

The security gates opened for her almost immediately, and she drove up to the house, as impressed this time as when she’d first seen it. As she parked the car, the front door opened but instead of Blanche, her personal assistant Grace Cooper came out to greet her.

“Hello Ms, Matthews,” she called as Jess emerged from her vehicle.

“Please, it’s just Jessica.” She’d met Grace a few times before, at the various events she attended with Blanche. Jess found her likable, but never really had a chance to speak with her for any length of time before she ran off to attend to something for Blanche. She seemed to be in her early thirties, and despite the smart attire she wore at those events, Jess got the impression that Grace was concealing her femininity behind a businesslike exterior.

At Blanche’s home, though, Grace seemed to have undergone a complete transformation, now standing before Jess in a light summery dress, her hair down in a loose ponytail, and without the steel-framed glasses she usually wore. Jess approached her, impressed by what she saw. This seems more like the real, honest Grace, she thought.

“Jessica, sorry. Please come through. Blanche — er, Mrs. Turner is out in the garden with the children.”

They passed through the beautiful, expensively decorated large hallway that led from the front to the back of the house, then onto the large terrace at the rear, overlooking an expanse of green and colourful gardens. There were various children’s playthings spread across one corner near the terrace, including swings, a slide, trampoline, a Wendy house big enough to sleep in, and a climbing frame. There were at least a dozen little girls playing, all giggling and shouting to each other.

As before, Blanche extended a warm greeting. “Thank you, Grace. Hello, Jessica! Lovely to see you again. Thanks for coming.”

Jess hugged Blanche, just as she usually did — but now her heightened senses, raised by recent events and the presence of lovely female bodies, caused her to react to the touch of the other woman’s breasts, her nipples becoming stiff in an instant.

As they parted, Jessica found herself looking at Blanche in a different way, noticing how attractive she was, feeling her face get warm. Good grief! she thought. Am I going to react this way from now on, every single time I see an attractive woman?

Blanche couldn’t help but observe Jessica’s slight lingering look. She also took note of the state of her guest’s erect nipples through her blouse, and gave a wry, knowing smile.

Leading Jess over to a wrought-iron patio table, Blanche said, “Have a seat, and excuse me while I fetch the coffee. Oh, and can you keep an eye on the girls, in case they get over-exuberant?”

“Happy to, Blanche.” Jess replied.

Jess watched as the large group of girls raced about, playing with what seemed like boundless energy. Blanche returned a couple of minutes later with a large coffee pot, cups and a plate of small biscuits on a tray. She poured the coffee, and Jess asked, “So, how’s the party going?”

As Blanche shared the details and regaled Jess with various amusing episodes from that day and the previous night, they watched over the girls. They engaged in general chit-chat, mostly about their daughters, until Katie and Poppy suddenly noticed their mother and ran over to hug her, both talking at once about the party and what fun they’d had.

“Whoa! Slow down, you can tell me all about it later,” she said, holding up her hands in mock surrender.

“Look what I can do, Mum!” cried Katie as she dashed towards the climbing frame, where Blanche’s little girl Savannah was already dangling from the bars.

Both girls grabbed the overhead bar, swung their legs up through their arms to hook them over the frame, then let go their hands to hang upside down. This caused their dresses to hang down over their upper bodies, exposing their small cotton panties and in Katie’s case, her flat chest.

Jess watched closely as they hung from the bars, her eyes drawn to the junction of both girls’ legs, where the tight little panties they wore outlined their vulvas, accentuating their small slits like little peaches. Katie’s nipples were exposed and, as the young girls swung back and forth, Jess recalled her night with Alice, the image of her youthful naked body, then the conversation with Rachel about “educating” their daughters.

Suddenly Jess felt hot, and began to experience a slight dizziness. Her vision blurred slightly, her mouth started to dry and she unconsciously licked her lips.

Jessica’s youngest daughter didn’t want to be outdone, so Poppy yelled, “Now watch me, Mum!” as she performed a cartwheel, exposing her own pink cotton panties. She called for her friend Annabelle, Blanche’s youngest daughter, to do the same.

Eight-year-old Annabelle copied Poppy, but as her dress fell down over her face, Jess saw she was not wearing panties, fully exposing her baby-smooth vagina.

Without meaning to, Jess gave an audible gasp. Her elbow was resting on the armrest of the chair and her fingers lightly touched her jeans-clad thigh. Without thinking, she placed her fingertips against the apex of her thighs, applying pressure to the front of her jeans in an attempt to dampen the rising arousal in her loins.

“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Jess swung her head round at the sound of Blanche’s voice. She was lost for words, struggling to answer or interpret the meaning behind them.

“In a way, it’s a shame they have to grow up — don’t you think, Jessica? They’re so innocent and naive at this age, so flexible and eager to… learn new things.”

Looking directly at Blanche, Jess felt like a deer in headlights. Somehow, she finally managed to respond. “Yes, I suppose so,” then focused her attention on selecting a biscuit.

What Jessica hadn’t seen was Blanche observing her as she stared at their exhibitionist daughters. She saw something in the tall redhead — first, in the way Jess had looked at her breasts earlier, then in the way her eyes shone, her nostrils flared, how she’d licked her lips and, most damning, the audible reaction at the sight of little Anabelle’s lack of knickers. As if those signs weren’t enough, Blanche was almost certain that she could detect a small, slightly damp patch forming on the front of Jessica’s jeans.

She elected not to press the matter, but stored the information and quickly changed the subject. Still, the beginnings of a very interesting idea were already forming in her head.

“How’s the store doing, Jessica? These are difficult times for some businesses. The new rates are high, but I suppose that’s the cost of ensuring that our town and the high street continue to flourish.”

“It’s doing very well, thank you Blanche,” Jess responded, glad of the switch to something, anything to take her mind off the girls. “Business is booming, and as long as I keep up with the trends and give my customer base what it wants, I’ll be doing fine.” The last point was deliberate, to assure Blanche that her shop would always provide the bespoke service she expected.

“Jessica, have you thought of opening another shop, one aimed at those who are willing to pay a premium for bespoke couture? You know as well as I the type of clientele who live in this area attend plenty of society events, jaunt to London for film premieres, get themselves seen at all the latest hot spots. It strikes me that there’s a place in our community for these more high-end customers… and I think that you’re the person to run it. If you’re interested, I could use my contacts to look out for premises for you.”

Jess slowly nodded. “It’s certainly worth considering. I hadn’t given much thought to opening a second shop. I’d want to talk it through with my accountant.”

“Well, if you need anything, I’d be more than willing to help… in any way I can.”

There was something odd about the way Blanche had spoken that last sentence, something that left Jess feeling slightly puzzled. She thought there was an undertone to the woman’s words, but wasn’t sure of the hidden message — or indeed, if there was any.

“Thank you, Blanche,” Jessica said. “I mean that; it’s very kind of you. You’ve certainly given me something to think about.”

They chatted about more mundane subjects for a few minutes, then the other mothers started to arrive to collect their kids. Jess called out to Katie and Poppy and told them to tell Cindy that they would be taking her home.

As the girls began to collect their things, Jess turned to Blanche. “Thank you for inviting the girls… and for the coffee and chat. I’ll certainly give some serious thought to what we were discussing.”

“It was a pleasure, I assure you. I always enjoy talking to you, Jessica; I think we have much in common.” She smiled, looking deeply into Jessica’s eyes and lightly touched her upper arm, lingering and allowing her hand to slide down to the elbow.

It suddenly occurred to Jess that Blanche might be coming on to her. Does she know? Can she tell, somehow? She’d heard of gaydar, and never given it much thought, but now Jess wondered if she was giving off some kind of lesbian vibe without intending to.

“It’s always lovely to see you, too,” she said, unsure how else to respond.

With that, they hugged goodbye, Blanche’s lips touching her cheek for a few heartbeats longer than usual. That was when Jessica’s nipples began to harden again, so she turned to look for the girls. It took a few minutes to gather up three still-lively kids, along with their personal items, but eventually, they managed to make a graceful exit.

After dropping Cindy off at Rachel’s and arriving home, she made sandwiches for the girls and herself, all the while listening to her daughters’ account of the play centre and party, including the gossip gathered during the sleepover. After they ate, Jess sent the girls off to play while she did the washing up.

An hour later, Rachel dropped her eldest daughter off, greeting Jess with a kiss blown through the car window while Alice approached the house. Jess found herself blushing, already anticipating their next time together.

Seconds later, her arms were full of Alice, who hugged her mother tightly, then looked up at her with adoring eyes. “Hi, Mum,” she cooed. “I missed you.”

Jessica felt her heart swell as she gazed down at her daughter. “Missed you too, love,” she replied. “Welcome back.” The sight of Alice’s lovely face tied Jess up in knots. She longed to bend down and kiss that pretty mouth, explore it with her tongue. And something in her daughter’s smile told her that Alice saw her desire, understood and shared it.

Her heart pounding mercilessly, Jess broke their embrace, stepping away from the girl. “Um, are you hungry, dear?” she said. “We just had sandwiches — can I make you one?”

“Sure, Mum.”

As Jess prepared her daughter’s favorite — ham and mustard on pumpernickel, with a slice of tomato — Alice told of her weekend and the exciting activities they’d participated in, from zip wires in the forest to kayaking to building a shelter. After their earlier moment of intimacy, though, the girl seemed a little distracted.

“Is everything okay, sweetheart?” Jessica said, certain that she knew what was on her daughter’s mind.

Pushing her empty plate away, Alice gave her mother a warm smile. “Sure, Mum. I’m just a little tired from the coach journey. Also, we stayed up kinda late talking last night.”

“Well, you can go and lie down for awhile, but put your dirty clothes in the basket first. If you have anything muddy, bring it down now and I’ll pop it in the wash.”

Drawing close, Alice gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. “Okay, then — see you later.”

Jess watched her go upstairs, thinking of the discussion she’d had with Rachel about their daughters, and how her friend had suggested that they take a hands-on approach to teaching the girls about lesbian sex. Rachel made it awfully clear where she wanted to put that hand, too — in her daughter Bella’s knickers.

Lord knows, I can’t fault Rach for having these feelings, not after what I did with Alice… and what I might still do with her.

I want to make love to my daughter again, and Alice wants me. That much I know. She and I have been tiptoeing around this subject for days now. It’s a situation that needs to be dealt with.

Then the realisation struck her. Haven’t I already taken the next step? I found those dirty knickers of mine, hidden in Alice’s room… and instead of taking them back, I used them to rub myself off. Soon as she takes those panties out to play with, she’ll know.

Come what may, I kept our little dance of desire going. Guess the next move will be hers.

Just then, she heard the sound of her daughters chatting and laughing coming from upstairs, and smiled as she washed the last of the dishes. It’s nice to have them all back, she thought. After a few minutes, the noise died down. She suspected that all three of the girls were taking naps, and decided to go quietly up the stairs to peek in on them.

Poppy was fast asleep and cuddling her favourite soft toy, an old Steiff teddy bear — not quite antique, but expensive anyway. Her father had bought it for her, probably as a guilt offering for leaving. He’d told Poppy that it wasn’t a toy, but a special friend she must always look after. As her youngest was only four at the time, Poppy didn’t really understand, but was careful anyway and gave the bear pride of place on her shelf. Then Mum took her to a teddy bear shop a year or so later where she saw a whole shop full of them, lovingly looked after, some over a hundred years old. From that day on, the child truly understood how special her teddy was, and treated it with the utmost reverence.

Jess smiled and closed the door, then checked on Katie, who was sitting on her bed reading. Her middle daughter adored books, and could lose herself in one for hours on end. Engrossed in a book of fairytales, Katie didn’t even see her mum at the door.

Finally, Jessica looked in on Alice, who was lying on her bed, eyes closed and with earphones on. She’d changed into her pajamas, and Jess felt a twinge of helpless longing at the sight. That girl looks luscious in anything she wears.

Jess pictured herself creeping into the room, moving over to Alice’s bed on cat feet, where she’d take hold of the waistband of those pajama bottoms and tug them down, baring the girl’s bum — in her fantasy, Alice had gone without knickers, of course — then burying her face in those angel-soft cheeks, extending her tongue to lick at her daughter’s rosebud…

Enough, for fuck’s sake! Taking herself firmly in hand, Jessica turned to walk away, feeling uncomfortably lightheaded and warm all over. Go take care of the washing, damn it. Get your mind out from between Alice’s legs.

With a sigh, Jess went into the main bathroom to retrieve the laundry.

The first step was to switch the clothes from the wicker basket to the large plastic bin she used to tote the washing to the machine. Flipping the wicker top, she reached for the first handful of soiled garments — then paused.

Lying on top was a pair of dark pink panties. Alice’s.

Extending a quivering hand, Jess plucked them up. Were they still warm from her daughter’s body? Looking closer, she saw a small, dark stain in the gusset. A touch confirmed that the spot was still moist.

She was just wearing these.

Looking over her shoulder, Jessica nudged the door shut, then pressed the soft cotton underpants to her face, breathing in deeply. The scent of her eldest child was strong — intoxicating, even.

She glanced back at the closed door again before bringing the damp patch to her lips and sucking the material into her mouth, losing herself in the thick flavor of Alice’s womanhood. It took all the strength she possessed to keep from moaning out loud.

A sudden pang of guilt arose and, realising that she could be caught at any moment, Jess quickly dropped the pink knickers back into the washing, then emptied the wicker hamper into the plastic bin, which she carried downstairs and loaded into the machine.

Making her way back to the kitchen, she tried to push the memory of what she’d just done to one side by getting an early start on dinner.


Alice relaxed on her bed. She was lying on her tummy, listening to music with eyes closed and thinking of the lovely warm hug that she and Mum had just shared. She’d indulged in a naughty fantasy about her mother on the first night on the Girl Scout trip. Now, being back home and in Mum’s arms had Alice giddy with desire.

Just the smell of her… God, that smell makes me feel all crazy and wild inside, Alice mused, squeezing her thighs together. And no one, NO ONE gives hugs like she does. I’d do just about anything to have her hold me like that again — only this time, with both of us bare naked.

Thoughts of her mum weren’t the only thing that had aroused Alice, not on that weekend. For one thing, the big cabin they’d stayed in had a large dormitory area, and there were four girls in each room, with precious little in the way of privacy.

Alice couldn’t help but sneak glances at the other girls while in their underthings, sometimes even less. Just like in the showers after gym class, she found herself fascinated by the bodies of her roommates — each one different, each one beautiful in some way. Unfortunately, all three of the girls sharing her cabin were absolutely obsessed with boys — so the idea of getting so much as a kiss from any of them was a non-starter.

In her bed after lights out, Alice quietly masturbated, thinking of girls and women she wanted to make love to — classmates, a few teachers, her best friend Bella (and her mum), the teenage cutie who worked at the local curry house, and others. Most of all, though, Alice longed to go to bed with her mother again — and to introduce her nine-year-old sister Katie to the pleasures of love between girls. In fact, the night before leaving for her trip, she’d even fingered herself to an orgasm while lost in a fantasy of going down on her baby sister Poppy, who was only seven.

Ever since she’d stumbled upon a certain erotic website that was filled with stories about sex between mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts and more, Alice had developed a real interest in lesbian incest — an interest that had grown into outright obsession.

Now she was wistfully thinking once again of that hug. While enfolded in the cozy embrace, Alice’s eyes had drifted open to a close-up view of Mum’s neck — and she’d felt a dangerous impulse to draw in closer and lick that elegant neck, then trail her tongue up to the woman’s mouth and kiss her mum like a lover.

Alice suddenly rolled over and sat up, quickly removing the earpieces she wore. She’d planned to hold off on touching her pussy until later that night, but these lustful thoughts of Mum had the teen practically panting for release.

She reached for her pillow, where her mother’s soiled knickers were stashed, the ones she’d pilfered from Mum’s laundry basket three days earlier — only to experience a rush of panic as it registered for the first time that her room had been tidied up, the bed made.

Shit!” she hissed. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.”

Snatching up the guilty pillow, Alice thrust a hand inside, blindly feeling about for her hidden treasure — then gave out with an enormous sigh of relief when her fingers encountered silk. Still there. She shook her head impatiently, withdrawing the skimpy panties from the pillowcase. You got lucky this time, damn it, she scolded herself. Either find a better place to hide these, or put them back where you got them!

Pressing this erotic prize to her face, Alice inhaled deeply. Her eyes widened in surprise — had the scent of them gotten stronger, somehow?

She contemplated how that could be, seeing as she’d nicked her mum’s panties from the laundry basket a few days ago, and the scent had been waning before she left for Wales. She took another sniff, then studied the worn knickers, surprised to see them stained in a way they hadn’t been before. What on earth…?

Then it hit her. Oh my god, Mum DID find them. But instead of getting mad at me for stealing her panties, she used them to masturbate with… then put them back in the pillowcase for me to find!

Oh. My. GOD.

Alice was awash in a wave of euphoria. She’d been wondering for days what her mum’s true feelings were about that night when they had made love… and if she wanted it to happen again as much as Alice did. These soiled knickers, now resting in her hands, held the answer the twelve-year-old sought.

Tonight, Alice told herself. Tonight, I’ll be paying Mum a visit. Bet she’ll be expecting me, too.

Her desire now stoked to a fever pitch, Alice began to undress. She stripped naked but for her socks, then slipped into a terrycloth robe, stashing her mum’s knickers in the front pocket. Seating herself at the desk, she opened her laptop and went to the erotic website she liked so much, then clicked on an author she liked. Alice selected a mother-daughter story, sat back in her chair and began to read, the robe wide open, a hand resting in her lap. The stairs that led to the bedrooms creaked loudly, so she would have time to close the laptop and cover herself if Mom came up.

Or maybe I’ll let her catch me, she thought.

The story was a good one, about a girl of thirteen who catches her mother masturbating and, when the older woman reacts with embarrassment, asks to be allowed to join her. The mother hesitantly consents, and they begin to finger their cunts in full view of one another.

Alice was so engrossed in this tale that she didn’t see or hear a small figure slip into the room. She touched herself between the legs, lightly teasing her little button of pleasure.

Suddenly a voice came from behind. “What’s that you’re reading?”

Alice started, her face a portrait of fear and surprise. Standing close by and looking almost over her shoulder was her younger sister Katie. Hastily covering her nudity, she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to even her heartbeat.

“Damn it, Katie, you scared me silly! It’s nothing, just homework.”

The younger girl’s expression was stern. “No, it’s not. I can read, y’know. It says something about a girl taking off her clothes. Are you reading a rude story? Where are your clothes, anyhow? Why were you touching yourself down there? What’s this web–”

Alice held up a hand, trying to halt her little sister’s barrage of questions. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you, but close the bloody door! And help me keep an ear out, just in case Mum comes up, all right?”

“Fine.” Katie moved to shut the door.

Alice studied her younger sister thoughtfully. Getting interrupted while masturbating had annoyed her at first, but now she saw Katie’s nosiness as a real opportunity for the two of them to get closer. She already knows that I like girls… now’s my chance to show her exactly what that means.

Katie looked inquisitively at her big sister. “So what kind of story is this, huh?”

“You were right, Kay — it’s a dirty story,” said Alice.

“Is it about girls doing things with other girls? Cause that’s what you like, right?”

Alice nodded. “Yeah, and keep your voice down. Look, I wanted to know about what lesbians do, so I found these stories and videos. Now, I use them for fun.”

“Can I see one of the videos?” asked Katie.

Oh, wow, this couldn’t be better. Alice was thrilled, though doing her best to conceal that from her little sister. “Well… I guess you can. But only if you’re quiet, and only if you swear not to tell Mum, or anyone.”

“Pinky swear,” Katie replied, proffering her little finger.

Okay, then,” said Alice, and they hooked fingers. She knew that when Katie made a promise, her little sister could be trusted to keep it.

Turning back to the screen, Alice clicked over to her favourite website for erotic film clips, which she’d already linked to the lesbian page. She scrolled through the various offerings, looking for something sweet and romantic — nothing too wild…

Ah, perfect!

The clip she chose was called Lovers in the Morning, featuring two girls who barely appeared to be of age. Not only that, there was a certain resemblance between them, enough that they could pass for sisters.

“Here’s a good one,” Alice murmured, turning to glance at Katie, who was already wide-eyed from the images of lesbian love at the website that her big sister had just gone through.

The scene began with the two girls, asleep and curled up together in bed, both naked. The eyes of one of the girls fluttered open; she yawned, then began to caress the body of her partner. There were some lovely shots of a hand slowly gliding over soft skin, of the girl’s lips brushing her lover’s neck.

Now the other girl was awake. They shared a smile, then slowly drew together in a tender kiss, one that soon became increasingly heated. Katie whispered, “Oh, wow,” at a close-up shot of one girl, slowly licking in a circle around the parted lips of her companion.

Now the girls were making love for real, their bodies sliding together, hands exploring. A tongue emerged to lick a swollen nipple, two fingers traced the rosy cleft of a shaved pussy.

Katie’s mouth was hanging open as she took it all in. Moistening her lips, she spoke. “Have… have you really done this stuff, Allie? With another girl? Clothes off and, and everything?”

Alice fought back an impulse to smile. Her sister was clearly enthralled by the onscreen action, just as she’d hoped. “Yeah, I have. And other things, too. Keep watching, it gets even hotter.”

Catching a slight movement in the corner of her eye, Katie stole a glance at her sister, who seemed to be too busy watching the video to notice. Alice’s hand was nestled between her thighs once more, and she was fingering herself.

“What are you doing with your hand?”

Alice flicked her head around. “I’m touching my pussy, like that girl in the video is doing to her girlfriend. It feels really good.” She frowned, studying her sister. “Don’t you ever touch yourself, then?”

“Um, no,” Katie said. “I heard other girls talking about it, but it sounded weird to me.” She paused. “Well… I did it for a little bit once, when I was having a bath. It felt kinda tingly, but that was all. I don’t get what the big deal is.”

“So… that was the only time?”

“Uh-huh. But you like touching yourself, huh? Maybe I was doing it wrong.”

“You were,” said Alice. “Listen, you’ve gotta learn how, Kay. Making yourself come is the best thing ever. Okay, not quite as good as sex with a girl, but close.”

“Wow. Yeah, that’s the word those girls used, ‘come’.” Katie began to speak, hesitated, then she said in a small, timid voice, “Can you, um, show me?”

Heart throbbing, Alice slowly turned her chair until she was facing her ten-year-old sister. She spread her legs wide apart, then reached between them with both hands to open the petals of her flower.

“Okay, this is my vagina. If I stroke it up and down, it feels really nice. You need to be gentle at first, though, or you might hurt yourself. You can rub the open part, or to the sides — it’s all good. The best thing to do is play around some, figure out what you really like.”

“Uh-huh,” said Katie, focused on her big sister’s cunt as if hypnotised.

“See this little button here? This is called a clit, and if you play with it, you can make yourself go off like a firework! That’s what it feels like to come.”

”Okay. The clit. Got it.”

“Then you can go inside your pussy,” Alice continued. “That’s lots of fun, too — but you gotta be careful when you’re getting started. Don’t just stuff a finger in there, go slow. Here, move closer, get a good look.”

Katie knelt down before Alice and watched as her big sis slid a finger into her vagina, then brought it out to show.

“See? Your pussy gets all juicy inside. That’s so it makes it easier to push your fingers in… or for a boy to put his willy in you, if that’s what you like.”

“Cool!” Katie exclaimed. “Can I try?”

To Alice’s astonishment, Katie didn’t slip a hand into her own shorts — instead, baby sister reached out her hand and pushed her finger into big sister’s pussy — where Alice’s finger had been just a moment earlier. The sudden intrusion sent a jolt through her body, made the teen catch her breath.

Then Alice watched in complete shock as Katie lifted that wet finger to her face to take a closer look, then cautiously sniffed at it. “Hmm. It smells like…” She was thinking.

“Like what?”

Katie shrugged. “Something… different. Maybe like that Greek wine Mummy drinks?”

“Could be, I guess. I dunno, it just smells like pussy to me. I love it!” Watching Katie bring her finger close and inhale again, Alice got a very wicked idea. “Lick it,” she said.

Katie looked at her. “What?”

“Go on, it’s nice.” Glancing at the still-playing video, she pointed at the screen. “See? Look at that!” One of the girls in the porn clip was licking her companion’s bare slit — slowly, sensually.

Her sister studied the scene, clearly balancing the pros and cons — then, making her decision, Katie took the wet finger into her mouth. The sight made Alice rub her pussy again, ready to make herself come.

She had barely begun when a call came from downstairs. “Girls, dinner’s ready! Katie, can you wake Poppy and let her know?”

The sisters stared at one another, unable to stir. Then they heard Mum’s voice, coming from the foot of the staircase. “Girls?” A moment’s silence, then their mother was climbing the stairs.

Pushing her laptop shut, Alice cried, “Coming, Mum! I’ll get the others.”

The footsteps retreated, and the girls quickly moved. Casting her robe to one side, Alice struggled into knickers, then threw on a t-shirt. Turning to Katie, she said, “Make sure to wash your hands!” Both girls went onto the landing, and Alice poked her head round Poppy’s door to see her littlest sister begin to stir.

“C’mon, Popstar,” she said. “Time for dinner.”

Hurrying into the bath, Alice joined Katie at the sink, the two sisters exchanging grins as they took turns scrubbing their hands.

“Listen, sis,” Alice murmured, “let’s hang out some time when Mom’s at work, and I’ll show you some more cool stuff, okay?”

“Um, sure, okay!” Katie replied, thrilled to be taken into her big sister’s confidence — especially when it came to adult matters. “Thanks, Alice — thanks so much!”

“No problem,” Alice said, giving the ten-year-old a wink. “You done?”

“Oh, yeah, I guess.” Shutting the water off, Katie briskly towelled her hands dry.

Exiting the bath, the older girls met Poppy at the top of the stairs, and they all three happily made their way down to the evening meal.

Continue to Chapter Ten!