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So Soft, So Sweet

  • Posted on February 4, 2019 at 2:53 pm

By JetBoy

(I’ve explored a similar theme in my older story “On a Rainy Night,” but for some reason I felt like using the idea again. Maybe I’m just aroused by the concept of using comfort as a means of seduction. Or maybe thunderstorms just get me hot and bothered. Anyhow, do enjoy.)


I was lost to the world, caught up in a deep slumber in the midst of a rainstorm — but when a massive thunderclap shook the foundations of the house, I was awakened when I heard my seven-year-old daughter Tina begin to cry. Pushing the covers to one side, I struggled to my feet, intent on going to comfort my baby girl — but then I saw her shivering at the bedroom door in her nightie, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Muh-Mommy,” she whimpered, “I’m scared.” A flash of lightning lit up the outside world, throwing her silhouette onto the bedroom wall. She cried out in terror as the thunderclap crashed across the sky an instant later.

“It’s just a storm, sweetie,” I said in the most soothing tone I could muster. “Nothing to be scared of.”

Tina ran trembling fingers through her blonde tresses and edged closer to the bed, unconvinced by my calm demeanor. “Can I sleep with you?” she beseeched.

I nodded and lifted the covers up for her. “Sure, sweetie. Come on in.”

Tina slipped quickly under the covers, giving me a shaky smile as I placed a pillow beneath her head. A dazzling burst of light flooded the room for an instant, then she ducked under the blanket with a squeal as the thunder smashed down like a fist. It was a pretty nasty night out, I had to admit.

Slipping back into bed, I lay down beside Tina and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Goodnight, angel,” I whispered, touching her chin with a finger. “Don’t worry, now — I’ll keep you safe from that nasty thunder. See you in the morning.”

Tina gazed up at me with those big, beautiful sapphire eyes and whispered, “I love you, Mommy.” It made me lightheaded, hearing her say those words. Those simple, embracing words.

“Love you too, sweetie,” I smiled, my eyes becoming moist.

Tina yawned heavily, then rolled onto her side, nestling into me. I snuggled up close and pressed my pelvis to her bottom, slipping both arms around my baby girl’s waist.

Outside, rain lashed the window as the wind roared and hissed. Unlike my little girl, I enjoyed being snug in bed when a storm was raging outside. The warmth of the bed comforted me. The sound of the storm put me in mind of how lucky I was to be alive with a beautiful daughter like Tina.

But I was having other thoughts as well. Secret, forbidden thoughts that would shock most mothers.

My husband died five years ago. Tina was two then. A drunk driver failed to stop at a red light and t-boned David’s car, killing him instantly.

So all of a sudden, I became a single mother. I couldn’t bring myself to hunt for another guy. First, because I missed David so much. He was the only man I’d ever had as a lover, and I adored him. Second, because all my other romantic partners had been women.

When I met David, I thought of myself as a lesbian; he changed my mind about that. We married, and I never once regretted it. But when he was gone, I began to long for the gentle touch of a woman. Not yet ready to commit to a full-time relationship, I limited myself to one-night stands, or the occasional romp in the sheets with a female friend.

Recently, though, I’d been experiencing lesbian stirrings of a new, unexpected kind… and they left me shaken, uneasy, and very, very aroused.

Last Friday night, while walking past my daughter’s bedroom, I glanced through her partially-open door and saw Tina rubbing her vagina through her underpants. She was lying on her bed cuddling a doll with her right arm as she pressed the crotch of her panties into her moist slit. I know it was moist because the front of her panties were visibly damp.

I didn’t enter the room or disturb her, of course; just observed from the passageway. She moaned quietly to herself, pressing fingers against her vulva until her face was contorted with childish pleasure. I swear that I could see the delicate contours of her cunt through those buttercup-yellow underpants.

Then and there, I experienced a strange, overwhelming sensation while watching my daughter pleasure herself. The sensation was one of both need and hunger. I’d never experienced lesbian desire for a child before and I’d never touched or considered touching a little girl, either — certainly not my own daughter.

The desire that I felt that Friday night, watching Tina masturbate in the moonlight, seemed almost like a dream — but it was very real, and shook me to the core.

I wanted her. Plain and simple. I wanted to touch her childish body in ways I never had before. I wanted to nuzzle between her legs, to lick her vagina. To kiss her with passion — and lust. To come closer to my little girl than most moms would ever get. I wanted to step beyond the relationship we knew, to become my daughter’s lover.

The revelation hit me like a blast from a shotgun. Tina was beautiful. Tina was sexual. She was the most divine creature I’d ever feasted my eyes on. Now I wanted to taste her beauty. I wanted to caress her and give her pleasure — then, to teach her to love me in the same way.

Now, on this storm-buffeted night, Tina slept soundly, her left cheek resting on the pillow, her panty-clad bottom pressed to my groin. I lay quite still beside her, my body curled around hers. I sensed that I was standing at a doorway, a threshold into a new way of living, of loving. It was frightening, yet every fiber of my being ached to experience this forbidden passion with my child.

Tina was warm against me — snug, safe, certain of her security and Mommy’s love for her. But all the while, I could feel the excitement rise inside me as I held my child. The way her long, blonde tresses fanned across her pillow excited me. The way she pushed her tiny, peach-shaped bottom against my vulva excited me. The gentle heaving of her body excited me. Her little-girl scent excited me. Her body heat excited me. Her very presence excited me.

Pulling Tina’s slumbering body closer to mine, I slowly raised her nightie and slipped my hand into the back of her panties, gently slipping my finger into the crack of her bottom. As I touched the center of her anus for the very first time, a rush of taboo pleasure surged through me like molten lava.

My own panties began to dampen as the tip of my finger made contact with my little love’s rosebud. My entire body shook. My senses reeled. A blinding stab of euphoric anticipation tensed every muscle in my body. I stroked Tina’s tender anus and squeezed my own thighs together. A spreading wave of pleasure filled my belly and stiffened my nipples. My God, I was coming!

I caressed Tina’s bottom hole ever so tenderly as I swooned through this unexpected orgasm, my face barely touching her exposed neck. Breathing in the aroma of my daughter’s skin, I deposited a gentle, loving kiss on her earlobe — careful to keep still as possible, as I didn’t want to awaken her. Not yet, anyway.

A strong desire to taste my little girl overpowered me.

Nuzzling the nape of her neck, I withdrew the tip of my forefinger from her anus and extracted my hand from her panties. I brought the finger up to my nose and sniffed it, eager to sample the smell of my daughter’s nether opening. The scent, a delicate mix of musk, soap and little girl sweat, invaded my sinuses like a hit of some exciting new drug — taking charge of my desire, reshaping my will.

I slipped the tip of my forefinger into my mouth; lips pressing down on it, tongue extending to taste. I tugged the crotch of my soaked panties up into my slit, just as I’d seen Tina doing last Friday night, and ran the tip of my tongue across the nape of my child’s neck, all the while whispering to her, “I love your beautiful little body, sweetheart… I love it so much.”

My other hand was far from idle — I teased my clit with my thumb as I worked three fingers into the cunt hole. Into my hot, lonely vagina. Tina shifted against me as she dozed on, her right hand unconsciously meeting my right hand on her thigh. I squeezed her hand gently, once again kissing her soft, warm neck as the desire to take her in my mouth grew. I was masturbating openly now, not even bothering to hide the fact from my daughter.

No longer capable of fending off this reckless lust, I withdrew my left hand from my soaked panties and squirmed my way down the bed, moving the blankets aside until my face was level with Tina’s panty-clad bottom. Pausing to listen to her even breathing, I lifted the hem of the nightie, raising it slowly to gradually reveal her panties, which were covered in images of multi-colored ponies.

Placing a hand tentatively on each cheek, I feasted on this very unorthodox view of my little girl — marveling at the flawless shape of Tina’s bottom, the suppleness of her flesh, the slight bulge of her pudenda through the taut cotton fabric.

“I love you, baby girl,” I murmured, knowing that she didn’t hear me. “Now, Mommy wants to love you in a new way. A special way.”

I inched towards her, inhaling the warm air between her thighs, anticipating the smell and taste of my own daughter’s pretty pink holes. God, this illicit craving was turning me inside out, stripping away everything I thought I was. This was what I believed in now, this exquisite, delicious creature and the need to make her my lover. This desire, restrained for so long without my even knowing it existed, was within seconds of being unleashed.

I pressed my face firmly into the crack of my daughter’s bottom, feeling my heart pound like a bass drum. It felt exquisite, but not quite enough. The fabric of Tina’s cute underpants were a barrier between the helpless lust I felt and the euphoria I craved.

I reached up, gently grasped the waistband of Tina’s panties and tugged, easing them down over her hips and milky thighs. My head swam as her bottom was fully revealed to me, as if for the first time. Oh, I’d seen her cute little rump many times before, but never like this. Never through the eyes of a mother who now found herself caught up in the most dangerous lust of all.

Slipping Tina’s warm underpants down her legs and over her feet, I brought the prize to my nose, all the while staring longingly at a hint of my child’s smooth, beautiful slit. I inhaled deeply from the crotch of her panties, the very pores of my body charged by the rich little-girl scent trapped in them. Finally, I slipped Tina’s knickers between my thighs and pressed them to my vulva, feeling the swollen clit through the fabric.

I wanted all of her, every drop of nectar from her openings, every ounce of love my baby girl could give.

With both hands, I gently pried Tina’s cheeks apart, taking care not to wake her. Her bottom seemed to fit my hands perfectly. So soft, I thought, so sweet.

Slowly, ever so slowly pressing my face into her crack, I brushed Tina’s anus with the tip of my tongue. Oh, God, it took my breath away as I began to rim my seven-year-old. Ripples of intense pleasure swelled through my belly as my daughter’s buttocks smothered my face and my tongue lodged itself deep inside that baby-smooth rectum.

I paused inside her, relishing the stillness, the silence of our union. I grasped Tina’s hips, firmly drawing her onto my face as my tongue stiffened inside her. I inhaled her scent again, drawing it deep into my lungs.

I slipped my tongue out of her anus and plunged it between her cheeks, licking around the rosebud in a clockwise direction. My panties were fucking soaked. Wanting to go inside my child again, I began to tongue-fuck her rectum. In and out. Out and around. Sniffing. Kissing. Lapping at her hole like I was starving for it.

It was Saturday night, sometime after ten. The storm was in its fullest fury outside the window. I was deep in the anus of my seven-year-old daughter and madly in love with her, hungry to taste every inch of her body. I wanted her cunt, her mouth. This was wrong of me, I knew — but I had no intention of stopping what I’d started. I was plunging into the abyss, my cunt dripping honey, every inch of me on fire from the excitement of my first lesbian incest fuck. My first sex with a little girl.

Tina was beginning to stir in her sleep, but by then I was ready for her to awaken, wanting my daughter to know how much I loved her.

Ready to explore new territory, I sought out my daughter’s smooth, soft very lickable slit. Taking the tiny clitoris between my lips, I sucked it, breathing deeply of her aroma — a scent that washed over me and went straight to my head, intoxicating me like strong liquor. Reaching up to tweak my little girl’s tiny nipples, I began to bathe her cunt with long, slow licks, giving the clitoris quick swipes of the tongue every now and then.

I heard her gasp and I stopped dead, my mouth still pressed to her opening. She gasped again, then pushed her sexy little bottom into my face.

“Mommy,” she said in a sleepy, dizzy tone. “Love you, Mommy.”

This was the confirmation that I was looking for. My little girl wanted this, longed for me to love her.

I drove my tongue ever deeper into her vagina, if that was possible, rubbing her nipples as she moaned and gasped. “Oh, Mommy,” she whispered. “Mommy. Feels good.”

Turning my body around so I was lying in the opposite direction to Tina, I embraced my daughter’s buttocks again as I nuzzled her babyish sex with my lips. Mmmm, she tasted divine. I knew I’d never stop wanting her this way. I would always be her most faithful lover.

I buried three fingers in my own vagina as I licked Tina. I loved the taste of her. I’d sucked the holes of countless adult women, including my sister, but I’d never had the pleasure of tasting a little girl’s virgin cunt. I regretted that I’d waited this long to experience such a unique, forbidden delight.

After two minutes of constant licking and stroking, Tina began to come. I was thrilled — my little girl was experiencing her first orgasm, and I was the one making it happen for her! Her body stiffened, and a few drops of warm nectar flowed from her hole into my mouth. She thrashed about wildly in my arms as I placed my knees against her shoulders and pushed my head between her thighs. I found myself pressing my cunt against her back too, though I was not ready to climax just yet. I wanted her to knowingly pleasure me, for Tina and I to truly make love as mother and daughter.

“Ohhhhh!” she moaned as she came in my face, girl-honey trickling from her vagina. “Ohhhhhhhh!”

Knowing that a girl of seven could only handle so much, I dialed my oral activities down and began to lightly nuzzle Tina’s tender cleft, head spinning as I breathed in the thick perfume of her ecstasy. I stroked her anus gingerly with a fingertip, wanting to convey my adoration with each caress.

Finally, I rested my head on the child’s thigh as her body relaxed, her breathing became more even. “I love you, sweetheart,” I whispered, my lips nearly touching her slit. “I love you so much.”

Tina sat up, gazing down at me with the purest adoration in her eyes. “I love you too, Mommy.”

I looked up at her and opened my arms because, all of a sudden, giving pleasure to my little girl seemed like the most natural act in the world. “Give me a kiss?” I asked her.

My daughter kissed me on the cheek. I traced my tongue down to her mouth and slipped it between her parted lips. I delicately explored Tina’s mouth until she began to respond.

I pulled my daughter close and began to adorn her with playful kisses — teasing her chin, down her neck, across her shoulders and back up to her waiting mouth. I cuddled her in my lap as we kissed, her lips and tongue becoming bolder as our passion grew.

I gently broke away. “Raise your arms, baby,” I breathed, “let me take off your nightie… then you and I can be naked together.”

“Okay,” she replied, her voice soft as a prayer.

I tugged her nightshirt up and off, then took her bare body into my arms, pressing my breasts against her chest, longing for Tina to suckle them. I would teach her how all over again.

In the meantime, I reached between her legs and tenderly stroked the lips of her slit until my fingers were moist, then brought my hand up for both of us to taste. I gave my finger to her first because I wanted Tina to develop a taste for pussy.

“Mmmm,” she sighed, giving my finger a good suck. I pulled her closer, kissing her on the earlobe, and allowed my hand to drift down her bare back, finding her pert little bottom, touching between Tina’s buttocks, caressing the rosebud of her anus.

“I’m going to touch you in another way now, angel,” I said, then eased the tip of my finger into her rectum.

Tina closed her eyes and gasped, then smiled as my finger inched deeper into her. “I like that, Mommy,” she said. “It feels tickly.”

I pulled my finger out of her backside and inserted it in her mouth. She licked and sucked it again and reached down to put her own finger in there. She then withdrew it from her anus and held it up for me to suck. “You can taste too, Mommy,” she said, her eyes betraying a desire I’d never seen before.

I grabbed her hand and inserted her finger in my mouth. “Mmmm,” I moaned, “I love your bottom, sweetie.” She repeated the action several times and I sucked her finger slavishly, the taste of her nether hole increasing my desire to give myself over to her.

We French-kissed for several minutes before I offered her three fingers that I’d just plunged into my pussy. “Would you like to taste Mommy now, sweetie?” I asked her.

Tina nodded, a little hesitantly, then parted her lips. I placed my forefinger on her tongue and she sucked it like a nipple. I then gave her my other two fingers and she did the same, then licked her lips thoughtfully.

“It’s nice… can I have some more?” she asked.

I plunged those fingers into my cunt again, then offered them to Tina, who took them into her mouth without a moment’s hesitation, humming contentedly as she savored the taste of her mother. She then hugged me and said, “I love you.”

I hugged Tina tightly, then nuzzled her ear, whispering, “I love you too, baby.”

“I like tasting you, Mommy.”

Getting an interesting notion, I said, “I’ve got an idea, sweetie. Would you like to try something different?”

Tina nodded. I lifted her off my lap, staring down at my child’s bare slit as I placed her on the sheets. “Okay,” I said, stretching out on my back, legs spread wide for my child. “Now you can put your own fingers inside me and lick them.”

My daughter smiled as the possibilities of my exposure to her became apparent. Kneeling before me, she put her finger against my cunt and pushed it inside. She then withdrew it and took a careful lick, then giggled. “Yummy!” She slipped a finger into my vagina again, moved it around a bit this time, then extracted it to taste. “Can I do it again?” she asked, staring at my pussy.

“Of course,” I replied, eager to please both her and myself. “You can taste me all night long, if you want.”

This time, Tina inserted two fingers, pushing them deeper than before. As she fucked me, I noticed that her knees had drifted apart to reveal that baby-smooth vagina once again. I fought to keep myself from attacking it with my mouth.

I gasped as she withdrew her fingers again and sucked them all clean, licking her lips lasciviously. “So you like the flavor, little one?” I asked her.

She nodded, touching her own cunt almost unconsciously. “Uh-huh, It’s really good, Mommy.”

“How much do you like it?” I asked, giving my precious baby girl a sweet smile.

Tina bit her lip, then extended her hands far apart. “This much!” she squealed, eyes dancing with glee.

I spread my legs even wider for Tina, staring into her eyes. “Know how you can taste even more of it, sweetie?” I asked her. She shook her head. “Use your mouth, instead of your fingers,” I said, reaching down to open my cunt, letting her see the shiny pinkness inside.

She nodded absently, staring enthralled at my womanly center.

“Would you like to try it?” I whispered. My body was quivering inside, as if the lightest touch would break me into tiny pieces.

Tina nodded. That was what she wanted, to taste Mommy’s cunt. “All right, sweetie,” I smiled. “You can lick me there if you want to.”

Tina prostrated herself between my legs and drew in close, pausing to moisten her lips before she pressed them against my slit. I moaned, lost in perfect rapture as my seven-year-old daughter’s tongue slipped into me. Placing her little hands on my hips, Tina licked inside and around her mommy’s juicy hole, pleasuring me with all the love in her heart. I could feel that love, too, radiating through me like I’d swallowed a star.

“I licked you this way, angel,” I said, “just a few minutes ago. Do you remember?”

Tina raised her face from my cunt, nodded. “Uh-huh, I ‘member. It felt real nice.”

Oh, God, I adored her so much it made me ache inside, Reaching out, I caressed the velvet softness of my little girl’s cheek. “It’s nice for me, too. But if you really want to make your mommy feel better than — than anything, lick me right here.” I indicated my pulsing clitoris with a tap of the finger.

My Tina studied it, moved in close. I felt that sweet tongue bathe my clit, like the adoring caress of an angel. She licked me, once, twice, three times, four, and then the sky came crashing down as I came like never before.

I longed to scream, to howl my rapture to the heavens, but didn’t want to scare Tina. Instead, I let the waves of pleasure roll through me, gasping words of love to my little girl. “Oh my p-precious, you make Mommy feel so — oooooohhh! — so wonderful. Oh, yes. Yes, m-my sweet child. Mmm, Mommy loves you. Oh. Oh, my God. OHHHHH!”

It rose to an unimaginable peak, then I was cut loose, nestled in the cozy embrace of my bed, Tina in my arms. Her lips found mine, and we exchanged a few tender kisses. My daughter’s tongue briefly flickered into my mouth, enough to make my desire for her glow. I began to fondle that exquisite little body, already craving more.


The rain finally faltered and waned at somewhere around 2 AM. I was going down on my little girl again. Tina was mewling in delight, then crying, “Mommy, oh Mommy!” as she came once more.

I drew Tina into my arms and held her, kissing that soft, sweet little mouth, then pressing my cheek against hers. I whispered, “Oh, sweetheart. You make me the happiest woman in the world. Do you like this, being my lover?”

Tina’s silken arms twined around me. “Yes, Mommy. I like it.”

The End


Ripples, Chapter 8

  • Posted on January 31, 2019 at 3:19 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Jessica and her friends danced, drank, laughed and raised hell until nearly two in the morning. Eventually, their last glass was emptied, and the ladies decided to call it a night.

As they were leaving, Jessica noticed Rachel swapping phone numbers with Heidi, the young fitness trainer who Rachel had been groping earlier on the dancefloor. Fighting a pang of jealousy, Jess looked around to make sure that no one was going to be left behind and spied Serena, the normally straitlaced, sensible business-suited accountant, kissing someone Jessica recognised as the woman from the ladies who had spoken to her earlier. They were in a dim corner, but still visible in the flashing strobe lights.

As Jessica took in the sight, she quickly realised that Serena wasn’t actually kissing the woman — instead, the woman had Serena pressed against a wall and was kissing her. Serena’s hands were in a sort of I-surrender pose, raised to shoulder height, her fists clenched.

Suddenly, Jess thought she recognised the woman — yes, she did. It was Karen… Gregson? Grigson? Whatever the name, she worked at a hairdressing salon that Jessica sometimes visited when she needed a last-minute appointment.

Karen had one hand behind Serena’s head as they kissed, the other at the side of her breast, using a thumb to prod and tease Serena’s nipple. Then, without breaking their kiss, Karen trailed her hand down Serena’s body to cup her groin through the front of her dress. Knowing Serena as she did, Jess half-expected her to pull away and slap this would-be groper. Instead, her friend stiffened for a couple of heartbeats, then placed both hands on the stylist’s face, fervently returning the kiss.

As Karen finally broke away, Serena dropped both hands to her sides and remained leaning against the wall — eyes closed and mouth open, as though in a trance. Karen whispered something in her ear, to which Serena opened her eyes, stared at her and nodded. With a satisfied smile, the stylist deftly plucked a card from her clutch bag, slid it into the cleavage of Serena’s dress, then gave her a brief kiss and a pat on the cheek before turning to leave. The accountant gazed longingly after her, then her eyes met Jessica’s, and she quickly looked away, blushing furiously.

Not wanting to embarrass Serena, a dazed Jess made her way toward the exit in a daze. What on earth is going on around here? First, Rachel is exploring the idea of sex with women, then she gets me into it — now, it seems as if every female I know has become a lesbian, my own daughter included! Has this been going on for ages, only I was too busy mooning over my husband to notice?

As the group made their way outside to the waiting minibus, and Jess was making sure everyone was accounted for, she noticed that Serena was missing. Just as she was about to ask the others if they’d seen her, Serena arrived.

“Jess, I’ll make my own way home, I just met a friend, and she’s giving me a lift. Thanks for a fun evening. Good night everyone.” The others said goodbye and after a wave, Serena was gone. As they all boarded the taxi, Jess looked back and saw Serena walk towards Karen, who was leaning against a cab. She opened the door as Serena reached her, giving her a brief kiss before ushering her into the back.

In the minibus, Jess chose not to mention anything about Serena’s little adventure to the others, but made a mental note to ask the accountant about it next time she saw her.

The driver dropped the women off at their respective homes, until it was just Jessica, Abigail, Melinda and Rachel who, when the minibus made it to her place, invited the others in for a nightcap.

As they sat in Rachel’s living room, drinking small shots of coffee liqueur, they began to talk about their evening.

Melinda surprised Jess by saying, “Well, that was a different sort of Ladies’ Night. I didn’t realise that this community was such a hotbed of lesbian lust!”

Jessica was somewhat distracted, thinking about how many of the women she knew might be gay, or at least played both sides. She studied Abigail and Melinda, looking for a sign of intimacy between them, but couldn’t pinpoint anything.

Rachel’s voice interrupted her train of thought. “Come on, now — you’ve got to admit that some of those women were pretty damned hot, especially the young ones.”

“Yeah, we noticed you paying a lot of attention to one or two,” Melinda responded.

Suddenly Abby came out with, “Hey Jess, d’you remember that night when we’d just started secondary school, the sleepover we had?”

Jessica knew what was coming next. Abby turned to Rachel and said, “Jess and I practiced kissing on each other, and I remember her being bloody good at it.”

“Was she, indeed? Who would’ve thought?” Rachel said with a mischievous smile.

Jessica responded, a little too quickly, “I d-don’t remember that.” But her face said otherwise.

“Well, I do, and I also recall it getting quite hot. Maybe we should have another sleepover some time!” she said with an exaggerated wink.

“Count me in,” Rachel said with a grin.

Jessica couldn’t help blushing, but answered back, “I think Rachel was right about that club turning you into a lesbian.” She noticed that Abby stole a quick glance at Mel before they laughed, then saw that Rachel was looking at her curiously.

Setting her shot glass down on the coffee table, Melinda stood and stretched herself. “Oooooogh. I need to get to my bed.”

Abby also stood, “Me too — my bed, I mean. Thanks for arranging this, girls. Let’s do it again soon.” Brief hugs were exchanged, then she and Melinda left.

As they made their way up the garden path, supporting each other with arms round each other’s waists, Melinda whispered in Abby’s ear and both giggled like schoolgirls. As Rachel closed the door, Jess caught a quick glimpse of Abby dropping her hand to Mel’s behind and giving it a squeeze.

Jessica turned to Rachel and was about to ask if she had seen that, but instead she said, “Actually, I should probably get home as well.”

Rachel arched an eyebrow. “Why on earth do you need to go home? The girls aren’t there — what, are you planning to do housework or something? Stay here with me tonight.” With that, she closed and locked the door. “Anyway, I want to hear more about this sleepover where you made out with our Abigail. Come, let’s get a little more comfortable.” With that, she grabbed Jessica’s hand and led her up the stairs.

Jess meekly followed her friend upstairs and into her bedroom, where Rachel pulled her over to her bed. Turning to face the redhead, hooked two fingers into the cleavage of Jessica’s dress. “So, you’re a hot kisser with the girls, eh? I thought you said you’d never dipped into that par-ti-cu-lar honey pot?”

“I was only twelve, I’d forgotten all about it.”

Rachel shook her head. “Don’t believe you,” she murmured.

She pulled her friend to her by the front of her dress and kissed her — gently at first, then with increasing pent-up passion. She’d been waiting for this opportunity for days and had no intention of letting it get away, especially after getting so turned on by her antics at the club.

At first, Jessica froze, but quickly responded to her friend’s soft lips, then the warm, wet tongue probing her mouth. She’d witnessed a hell of a lot of heated lesbian action that night, but hadn’t gotten anything more than a peck on the cheek for herself. Now it’s my turn, she thought.

Wrapping both arms around her friend’s waist, Jess sighed happily as Rachel’s hot mouth did lovely things to her neck, her chin, her ears. Then, Rachel abruptly pulled away.

Confused, Jessica could only stare. “What’s wrong? Why… why did you stop?” She was breathing heavily, wondering if she’d done something wrong, or what Rachel was going to do.

She didn’t have to wait long. Still clutching the front of Jessica’s dress in her fist, Rachel advanced, pressing her friend backwards until her legs came up against the bed, forcing her to sit down.

Rachel took one step back, then slid the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders. She hooked her thumbs into the sides of the stretchy material, slowly tugging the skin-tight garment down her body until it pooled on the thick carpet.

It struck Jess that, though she’d known Rachel for ages, this was the very first time she’d seen her friend in the nude. It was a sight worth waiting for. Nearly every afternoon, Rachel took an hour-long break from running the tea room to work out at the neighborhood gym, and her toned body was positively luscious.

But before Jessica could get much of a look, Rachel stepped forward and straddled her legs. She pushed Jess onto her back down on the bed and leaned over until their noses were almost touching, gazing deep into the redhead’s eyes before crushing her mouth to Jessica’s, kissing her even more fervently than before.

Now far past any doubt she might have felt, Jess responded, fully matching Rachel’s urgency. They kissed for a long while — tongues exploring, mouths sliding together, smudging their lipstick. Jessica reached out to cup the breasts that hung freely just above her own, comparing them to Sally’s larger ones. Rachel’s were perfectly formed, and still firm for a woman of her years.

Sliding down to nudge Jessica’s legs apart with her foot, Rachel slid a hand up her friend’s thigh until she was touching the front of her thong, which by then was soaking wet. She tugged the tiny piece of sodden material to one side, then slid two fingers into Jessica’s well-lubricated vagina. Jess moaned loudly, and Rachel silenced her with another eager kiss.

After about twenty thrusts, coupled with some vigorous attention to Jessica’s clitoris, Rachel pulled away again, quickly moving onto her knees between her partner’s spread thighs. Jess raised her head from the pillow, wanting to see what her friend was up to.

Looking at Jess with an intense hunger in her eyes, Rachel grasped the sides of the sparkling dress between fingers and thumbs, then drew it up over Jessica’s body. Quickly understanding what her lover wanted, Jess lifted herself up to help, raising her arms as Rachel pulled the garment off.

“Good girl,” Rachel cooed, carelessly casting the dress aside.

She roughly yanked Jessica’s thong down her thighs and over each foot, clumsily removing her shoes at the same time, impatiently pushing them off the side of the bed. Rachel held onto her friend’s knickers, though — bringing the wet garment to her nose and inhaling deeply, then licking playfully at the damp gusset before throwing the thong over her shoulder.

Placing her hands on Jessica’s knees, Rachel spread them apart, then bent down and pressed her mouth into the hot slit. She licked deep, the tang of the juicy flesh sharp on her tongue, then travelled upwards to flick at the inflamed nubbin of her new lover’s clit.

It was love at first lick. Rachel had dreamed of, yearned for Jessica’s cunt ever since she’d decided to explore sex with other women — in fact, the growing attraction she’d felt for her old friend was what had set her on the path of bisexuality in the first place. And now that she was finally making love to Jess, feasting on her sweet pussy, it was even lovelier than she’d hoped. She went down on Jessica like a woman possessed, the warm, thick nectar dripping from her lips and chin.

Jessica thrashed about on the bed, clutching at Rachel, who continued her oral attack on her friend’s womanly core. By then, Jess was mouthing expletives Rachel had never heard her utter before and didn’t think she ever would, until at last she moaned, “Oh m-my God, I — I can’t take any more!” before emitting a loud, prolonged cry as her first orgasm kicked in. But not the last, oh definitely not the last, Rachel gleefully told herself.

Her thirst sated for the moment, Rachel sat back on her heels, her mouth glistening with wetness. She slowly licked her lips, reveling in the taste as she looked at Jess, who was panting heavily. Rachel crawled forward until she was straddling Jessica’s chest, then moved up further until her own very wet cunt was directly above Jessica’s face.

The object of Rachel’s lust gazed up into her eyes, reading the fierce need in them — then lost in purest desire, she reached up to grasp the woman’s buttocks, drawing Rachel down to her already open mouth.

Not counting the kiss she’d exchanged with Abigail as an adolescent, Jessica had never kissed another woman until a couple of weeks ago, let alone licked another woman’s pussy. In truth, she’d only rarely tasted her own juices, even when masturbating. Now Jess had enjoyed hot sapphic encounters with three different partners so far this month, one of these her own twelve-year-old daughter.

Her enthusiasm more than making up for any lack of expertise, Jess forced her tongue into the hot, swampy tunnel, trying to gulp down as much of the vaginal fluids as possible, as though she hadn’t tasted liquid for a week. Then there was Rachel’s clitoris, which she sucked at eagerly, thrilling to the shudders that raced through her partner’s body with each juicy slurp.

Rachel’s hands were on Jessica’s head and she was moving her hips back and forth, smearing herself against that hot, sucking mouth. As she did so, her puckered rosebud rode over her lover’s flickering tongue, sending her to even greater heights of ecstasy.

The idea of licking Rachel’s anus was so deliciously kinky that it drove Jess absolutely wild with renewed lust. She spread the woman’s arse open with her thumbs, thrusting her tongue into the snug orifice.

This triggered a crescendo in Rachel’s rising ecstasy, and she suddenly came, throwing her head back, a choked scream escaping her lips before she slumped forward, spent.

Somehow she managed to dismount Jessica’s face and stretch herself alongside the redhead. They both lay on their backs panting heavily for awhile, their bodies bathed in perspiration, neither of them speaking.

Finally, Rachel turned to Jess and said, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.”

Jess turned to her, reaching across to touch her cheek. “I had no idea. God, I never knew that sex could be like that. It was amazing. Um… was it okay for you? I’ve got no idea what I’m doing.”

Rachel shook her head. “Jess, you’ve no need to worry on that score, believe me. Just do what you like having done to you.”

“The trouble is, I’ve pretty much forgotten what I like.”

Arching an eyebrow, Rachel smiled. “Well, let’s see if I can help you remember.”

Helping a still-dazed Jess to sit up, Rachel reached around to unclip her bra — the last remaining scrap of clothing between them — then peeled it away. She gazed lovingly into her friend’s eyes, then dipped down to lick the tip of one breast, then the other.

Soon Rachel advanced from delicate flicks of the tongue to taking each nipple between the teeth and gently biting it. Reaching down, she hooked a finger into Jessica’s vagina.

“Oh, Rachel!” Jess cried, clutching at her partner’s shoulders.

Sitting up, Rachel whispered, “God, you are so fucking sexy… so desirable. Why, why did we wait so long to do this?”

Before Jess could answer, Rachel’s mouth claimed hers in a sweet, tender kiss that had her head spinning. The next thing she knew, they were stretched out on the bed, still kissing, their bodies moving together like dancers in a very sensuous ballet. They made slow love, fervent love, taking the time to explore the delights of each other’s bodies.

“I have to lick you again,” said a wide-eyed Rachel. “Will you do it to me too, Jess?”

At that moment, Jessica couldn’t think of a single thing she needed more. “Yes! Yes, I will, Rachel. I want to taste your pussy…”

Rachel quickly switched around until she was facing her new lover’s feet, then straddled her, moving into the sixty-nine position. Lowering her shaved sex to Jessica’s parted lips, she bent to press an open-mouthed kiss into the juicy, heated flesh of her best friend’s cunt.

Jess tentatively ran the tip of her tongue along the prominent labia, as though licking up melting ice cream from a wafer cone, then again, probing deeper. Growing bolder, she brought her mouth into play, kissing the juicy slit. It was immensely satisfying. Jess began to feast on Rachel’s baby-smooth pussy, determined to get her new lover off in a big way.

She inhaled sharply at Rachel slid one, then two fingers into her and moved them in and out — slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed. Taking a cue, Jess did the same, working her own fingers into Rachel’s creamy hole, thrilled by the liquid sound each stroke made as she fucked her best friend.

As she slowly increased the tempo of her thrusts, Jessica flicked at Rachel’s clit with her tongue, grateful that the woman had a clitoris prominent enough to find by touch alone, because her parts were up too close to make out much detail.

Suddenly Jess felt Rachel’s digits slide even deeper inside, curving upwards to the roof of her vagina. Oh, shit, she’s going for my G-spot.

As the finger found its mark, Jessica felt a tongue flick the edge of her anus, then slide wetly through the crack of her arse. These new sensations had Jess on the verge of losing control, but when the tongue was replaced with a finger, muscling deep into her rectum, and Rachel’s lips found their way to her clit, Jess jerked almost violently, firework displays going off in her head. Oh, God, it’s about to happen, I’m gonna come, and it’s going to be absolutely colossal!

Wanting Rachel to climax at the same time, Jess sucked greedily on the erect clitoris above her, swiping at its fleshy tip with her tongue. Just then, the finger that Rachel had in Jessica’s bum hole took a hard twist — and that, as they say, was all she wrote. Her intense, lengthy and very loud release came seconds later, quickly followed by Rachel’s orgasm.

Once their cries had died down, Rachel dismounted Jessica’s face, then moved to lie alongside. She turned on her side to face her friend, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. They lay quietly for a few moments, with Rachel moving a hand lightly up and down her partner’s torso and thigh.

“Verrry impressive,” Rachel murmured. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

Jess turned to her, then hesitated. Rachel’s eyes widened, then she raised herself up on one elbow to look at her friend. “Jess? Oh my God, you have.”

In spite of herself, Jess felt her cheeks flush. “Well… okay, I did, but I’m not sure that I’m comfortable talking about it.”

Rachel’s expression was a stern one. “Excuse me? I’m your best friend and confidant, and have you already forgotten that a mere three minutes ago, we were dining on each other’s pussies? That makes you morally obligated to share the juicy details of your first lesbian fuck with me. Besides, I know you’re dying to tell me everything — so give, girlfriend.”

Jessica sighed. “Hate to say so, but damn it, you’re right — I do need to talk to someone about this.”

“I’m all ears,” Rachel said, drawing close.

“You know Sally from the shop, don’t you?”

Rachel’s eyes danced with excitement. “I do indeed; she’s the really cute blonde with the big tits. Are you telling me you got it on with her? You lucky bitch! Fuck me, I wouldn’t mind some of that.”

“It wasn’t like that, not really. She asked me for some career advice, and I took her home to look through some books and leaflets. She got so excited that she kissed me. Only… then, she kissed me again and I responded. God, she’s young enough to be my daughter.” With that, she pictured Alice’s head between her thighs, and shivered.

“Anyway, it started getting pretty hot between us, but we stopped when I heard Alice come home.”

“You’re kidding! Did she see you?”

“I wasn’t sure, so after Sally left, I went to her room to see her reaction. Alice told me that yes, she saw us kissing.”

Rachel made a face. “Oooh, awkward! What did you tell her?”

“I said that Sally was just especially happy about the help I gave her.”

“Did she believe you?”

“Okay, now that’s where it gets complicated. Alice said she saw us too, that night you came over. You know, when we watched your dirty DVD and made out?”

“Oh my God, what must she think? Then what happened?”

“Well, I wasn’t sure what to say. I just… blurted out that I was lonely, feeling a bit down. Then she told me that it was okay if I was gay.”

“She did, did she? And… what did you tell her?”

“I said I wasn’t sure.” Jess gave her friend a shy glance. “But now, I think I might be.”

“Now that’s the best news I’ve heard all week,” Rachel said, a tone of admiration in her voice. “Now that you’ve sampled the delights of a woman, we have some catching up to do.”

“That’s not all. You know the other day, when I came over to talk to you about our night out? Well, I got home early, and a few minutes later, Sally knocked on my door.”

Rachel studied her friend, intrigued. “Go on…”

“Sally said that she has a crush on me, and wanted me to be her first woman. I don’t know what came over me, but we ended up in bed and having sex. I couldn’t help myself; she’s so pretty and… and I was on fire! It was incredible, my God, she’s so… enthusiastic.” She glanced at her friend, suddenly nervous. “Are you upset with me? Do you think I’m awful?”

“Are you kidding me? You’d have been a bloody cretin to let an opportunity like that pass.” She paused. “Er, as we seem to be in sharing mode, there’s something I’ve got to confess.”

Intrigued, Jess gave Rachel a questioning look.

“I was so turned on after I left your house that first time, that I expected to finger myself into a stupor as soon as I could get naked and between the sheets. Instead, I got something even better. You remember me mentioning Millie, the babysitter?”

“Er, I think so. Wait a minute — are you telling me that the two of you–”

“Spot on. We got to talking about boys, and Millie got to complaining about this particular specimen that she’d been dating — you know the type, couldn’t give a toss about anything but getting in her knickers. Well, I couldn’t keep myself from dropping a few very pointed hints about fooling around with girls.”

“Good grief, Rachel!” Jess said, but then laughed. “You are a menace.”

“Guilty as charged. Millie did seem interested, so I offered to teach her about kissing women… then one thing led to another and I showed her exactly what she’d been missing. Oh, and she loved it — decided then and there that her wanker of a boyfriend was history.” She paused, sighed. “She wanted to return the favour, but there wasn’t time — it was already late, and I had to drive her home. So, sad to say, I had to get myself off that night.

“Ever since then I’ve been wearing out the batteries on my toys, fantasising of you and Millie. Mostly you.”

Jess pursed her lips. “So… how old is Millie, exactly?”

“She just turned sixteen.”

“My God, Rachel… we’re playing with fire, you and I!”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood for some genuine heat in my life,” Rachel said with a wicked grin. Perhaps we should compare notes, or swap — or better still, have a little foursome with our new playthings.”

“You… you’re not joking, are you?”

“Come on, it’s worth thinking about, at least. So, have you been with Sally since then — or anyone else…?”

As soon as she saw Jessica’s face — that same uneasy look as before, nervously nibbling at her lower lip — Rachel knew that there was more to tell. Shit! Jess thought, knowing that she’d failed to anticipate her friend’s question, and had been betrayed once again by her demeanor.

“Oh, my God — another?” Rachel’s breasts bounced in a most enticing way as she sat up. “Oooohh, I want details!”

“I can’t!” Jess wailed, lying back down on the bed. “It’s too awful. You’ll think I’m some kind of pervert!”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing, lover,” a grinning Rachel countered. “Now you’ve really got me intrigued. Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. I won’t judge you, either, because I’ve definitely done worse.”

“I’m not so sure you have, actually,” Jess said, making a face.

“Oh my God, are you trying to make me drop dead from acute curiosity? Let’s see, now. Did you get into something especially kinky with Sally, then? Or perhaps someone else, another employee. Bridget, maybe? She’s damn hot, I’ll say that. Ooh, or was it Caterina?” she said with excitement.

Jess looked thoughtfully at her friend. She’s not going to give me a moment’s peace until I tell her. Then again, I really do need to share this with someone — and it ought to be Rachel, especially after what we just did.

She lay back, staring at the ceiling for a moment, contemplating what her friend’s reaction might be. Will she be disgusted, flee the room and never want to see me again? Glancing over at Rachel, she finally made up her mind, taking a deep breath before speaking.

“Okay. So, I told you about how my daughter saw us kissing while that lesbian DVD of yours was playing, remember? Well, that’s not all Alice saw that night. Later, she was… lurking outside my bedroom door, spying on me while I was watching that DVD again, fingering my pussy.”

Rachel was definitely intrigued. “Was she, now?”

“The thing is, I was watching that part on the disc with the woman and the teenage girl — I guess they were supposed to be mother and daughter?”

“Oh, I do love that scene. That’s Becca Brooks playing the daughter… she’s one of my faves.”

Well, it got me incredibly hot. I was fucking myself hard and deep, just about to come, and then… oh, God, I can’t believe I’m admitting this!”

“Jessica Matthews,” Rachel said, her eyes blazing, “if you don’t stop teasing me and get to the bloody point right now, I will strangle you with my bare hands, dismember your corpse and bury the pieces in unhallowed ground.”

In spite of herself, Jess burst into shaky laughter. “Okay, okay. So… there I was, watching this incredibly sexy scene of a mum licking her own daughter from behind. I was right on the verge of coming — and just before I did, this image flashed in my mind of me, doing those same things with Alice.”

“Fuck me, that must’ve been intense. How hard did you come?”

“Oh, the earth definitely moved. But that’s not the important part. When it happened, I… I said Alice’s name. Out loud.”

“Wait. You spoke your daughter’s name when you had an orgasm — and she was watching?”

“Exactly,” Jess admitted, a bit shamefaced.

“Jesus,” Rachel said. “And since Alice was spying on you, she obviously couldn’t say anything right then… so how did you find out about what she heard?”

“Oh, I’m getting to that. The next night, Alice knocked on my bedroom door and asked if she could talk to me. Oh my God, Rachel! She had a nightdress on but with most of the buttons undone. I could see her breasts, and when she sat down on the bed, I realized that she wasn’t wearing panties! I couldn’t help but  look… and, well, the sight of her got me turned on in a big way.”

As Jess continued, finding herself less and less able to make eye contact with Rachel, she didn’t notice her friend slip a hand down between her legs and begin to gently finger her cunt.

“We talked some about, um, the feelings for other girls that she’d been experiencing. Then she accidentally let it slip that she’d seen me masturbate — and asked me why I’d called out for her when I came.”

“Hmm. That must’ve been awkward. What on earth did you tell her?”

Jessica shrugged. “I decided I had to be honest. So I told her the truth — that I’d been touching myself while thinking about exploring sex with a woman, and thought of her at a crucial moment. But I did make it clear that I wasn’t going to try to, you know, make a move on her.”

Rachel nodded thoughtfully. “Do you think she was worried about something like that?”

“No. And I’ll tell you how I know that. Because then, Alice told me that, if I did want to do sexual things with her, she was fine with it.”

Rachel froze, her hand pausing in mid-stroke. “She didn’t.”

“She absolutely did. Oh, she tried to take it back, pretend she was kidding… but then I got Alice to talk about her feelings, and she finally admitted that she’d been having sexual thoughts about me. Well, I was still trying to be truthful, so I told her that I was experiencing the same kind of… desires. I told her that seeing her right then, wearing nothing but a nightie — that she aroused me, got me hot.” Jess gave a nervous laugh. “I don’t know how I summoned up the nerve!”

“What happened then?” asked Rachel, fingering herself again.

Taking a deep breath, Jessica soldiered on. “Alice asked me if I would kiss her.”

She let that resonate for a moment, then an impatient Rachel demanded, “Well, did you?”

“I said no at first — but she sort of persuaded me to do it anyway. Yeah, I know it was wrong of me, but damn it, I wanted to kiss her. So I did.” She paused then added, “Trouble is, we didn’t leave it at that.”

Rachel continued to slowly manipulate her clitoris, staring in awe at her best friend. “Tell me. All of it.”

“We started kissing, slowly at first, but then I sort of brought my tongue into it — and suddenly Alice was giving me these incredibly hot French kisses… well, I just got swept up in the moment, and so did she. The next thing I knew, she was feeling me up, playing with my tits. So I started touching her breasts, and that got me so worked up that I kissed and sucked on her nipples.”

As Jess spoke, she watched her friend masturbate, getting deeper and deeper into the story. Guess I didn’t need to worry about Rachel being disgusted with what I did with Alice. In fact, she’s turned on!

“That’s when Alice reached down and started touching herself. Jesus, what an amazing sight that was! But she got frustrated, told me she was having trouble making the “good feelings” happen, and — and she asked me for help.”


“So I did. I got her to sit between my legs, and I masturbated her — my own twelve-year-old daughter — until she came. I think it was her first proper orgasm.” Jess fell silent for a moment, sighed, then continued. “When I finished, I couldn’t believe what I’d done. I tried to apologise and said I shouldn’t have, but Alice insisted that she’d wanted me to… to love her like that.”

“Oh. Oh, my God!” gasped Rachel. Her legs were spread wide, and she was driving two fingers in and out of her vagina. “Is — is there more…?”

“Yes,” Jessica said. “Alice wanted to pleasure me. I tried to tell her no, but what she was feeling was too strong. She opened my nightdress and before I could stop her, she started sucking on my nipples. Then she started using her fingers on me, and that’s when I gave in. It was too much for me, damn it! Before I knew it, Alice had me on my back and was licking my pussy.”

Rachel’s pumping wrist went still. “Wait. She — your daughter went down on you?”

“She did.” Jess had been avoiding her friend’s stare; now, she turned to look at Rachel, watching as the naked woman rubbed herself. Neither spoke — the only movement in the room was Rachel’s wrist and hand, working frantically until she climaxed again.

Jessica smiled wryly. “Well, I can see what you thought about that,” she said as her friend recovered.

Once she’d caught her breath, Rachel sat up, taking hold of Jessica’s hand. “Listen, Jess — I don’t know if you’re beating yourself up for what you and Alice did, but you shouldn’t. I’ve done the same thing with my oldest,” she said.

Jess could only stare, “What do you — you had sex with Bella?”

“Um… not quite full-on sex. I taught her how to masturbate a few months ago. She’d been talking to some of her friends at a sleepover, and they got on the subject of boys and sex, like girls that age do. She pretended to understand, but when she got home, she asked me how to touch herself.”

Realising she wasn’t alone in dealing with this delicate issue, Jess began to feel a sense of relief.

“We didn’t go as far as you did; I just showed her what was what and a bit of technique. She had some trouble at first, so I touched her a bit, then she did it on her own. We sat facing each other and masturbated together but didn’t touch again — or even kiss, though I felt myself wanting to. Still, it was hot and I frigged myself all over again just thinking about it, soon as I got back to my room.”

Jess said, “What should I do about this, Rachel? Everywhere I look at work, I see beautiful women and young girls in sexy clothes or underwear. I’ve started to spend more time in my office or working at home to keep these, these cravings of mine at arm’s length — but it isn’t enough. Everything keeps reminding me of Sally, or you… or even Alice and the things I did with her, for Christ’s sake. It’s making me mental!”

Rachel shrugged. “Why are you fighting those feelings?”

Jess gave her friend a puzzled look. “What do you mean? Are you suggesting that I start coming on to my employees… or customers? Or that I go to bed with my daughter again?”

“First, what’s wrong with letting other women know that you’re interested? Nothing, long as you’re able to take ‘no’ for an answer, if that’s how they respond. This isn’t the Victorian era, for fuck’s sake — you’re not going to be persecuted for being gay. As for Alice, why shouldn’t you continue to share this with her?”

“What are you saying?” Jessica gasped. “That I should be having sex with Alice?”

“It’s already happened once — and the way you tell it, the two of you had an incredible time.”

“B-but she’s my daughter! And only twelve years old, damn it!”

Rachel glared at her. “Don’t go all self-righteous on me, girlfriend. You’ve been lusting after that cute little twelve-year-old ever since it happened. I can hear it in every word you speak about her. Admit it — you can’t stop thinking about making love to Alice again. Can you?”

Jess felt herself wither under Rachel’s scrutiny. “Oh, hell…” A long pause, then she gave a weary nod.  You’re right, Rachel. I do want her, so much it makes me ache inside.”

“Uh-huh. And I’ll wager that Alice is thinking about you that way, too. Has she said anything about it?”

“No…” Jessica replied, “but you’re right, she is having those kinds of thoughts. This morning, I found a pair of my dirty knickers hidden in her pillowcase. She’d been using them to rub herself off.”

“Fucking hell, Jess!” Throwing her hands up, Rachel began to pace the room. “What on earth are you waiting for? You and Alice should be making love on a nightly basis, and you haven’t even tasted her yet!”

“Easy for you to say,” Jess retorted. “It’s a big thing, becoming lovers with your own daughter. You haven’t had sex with Bella, after all.”

“Oh, but I plan to.”

Jess stared at her with her mouth open. “You — you do?”

Rachel nodded. “I’ve been thinking about it ever since she and I masturbated together. And listening to you describe being with Alice… it sounds amazing, makes me realise how much I want Bella.”

“How do you think you’ll… make it happen, then?”

“Good question,” Rachel said, seating herself on the bed. “I’ll have another chat with her, see if she’s got any more questions. But this time, I’ll teach her about more than how to finger her pussy. A lot more.” She paused. “Then there’s Cindy, she’s growing up pretty fast.”

“Cindy? But she’s only ten!”

“She has to learn some time, and it’s better coming from me,” Rachel insisted.

Jess opened her mouth to object — then fell silent. That’s a lot like the argument I gave myself, she thought, to justify what I did with Alice. That, and the fact that my daughter and I were both naked, we were kissing, she was touching me and I just wanted to fuck her.

Moving closer to Jess, Rachel placed a hand on her friend’s hip, languidly caressing the soft skin. “I wonder if Alice and Bella talk about this stuff. When Alice comes over and they’re together in Bella’s room, I hear a lot of giggling. When I ask them what’s going on, they say ‘Nothing’, but now I think of it, I’m sure they’re up to something naughty.”

“Like what?” Jessica asked.

“Well, they always seem to be half naked. They tell me they’re dressing up, or just wanted to cool off. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that our little angels are practicing kissing — or more.”

Jess recalled the sight of her daughter, naked in bed the morning after Rachel came over. Did Alice touch herself the night before, while thinking of me? Was she already having fantasies of sex with Mum?

Rachel had a thoughtful look on her face, and Jess wondered what was going through her mind. She didn’t have to wait long.

“Perhaps we should sit them both down with us and find out if anything is going on. At the very least, we should offer the girls some guidance… perhaps together?” Rachel raised an eyebrow, then licked her lips as she reached out to cup Jessica’s breast.

Jess knew what Rachel was suggesting, and also knew she should be shocked — but the truth was, she was already anticipating another session of lovemaking with Alice. And when she added Rachel and Bella to the mix, imagining the four of them in bed, loving one another in a glorious lesbian orgy, she felt herself quiver inside with renewed lust.

“Maybe you’re right,” Jess murmured, stroking Rachel’s thigh. “I don’t know — I need to think some more about this.”

Rachel smiled to herself. She knew that she’d planted a seed in her new lover’s mind, one that was already beginning to germinate. “How about a kiss?” she said.

The two women came together and made love once more — this time, gentle and slow. They shared a few tender kisses, then covered themselves and fell asleep.

As they had been on most nights since that first time with Rachel, Jessica’s dreams were filled with images of women and girls of all ages. The difference this time was that she pictured herself kissing and having sex with them, all of them… and instead of guilt and conflict dominating her feelings, there was something much closer to euphoria, a sense of enlightenment.

Jess slumbered on, a faint smile on her lips.

Now available from our fictional workshop: Chapter Nine!


Ripples, Chapter 7

  • Posted on January 11, 2019 at 2:56 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

It was Saturday, and Jessica was taking her daughters to their respective weekend activities. First, she dropped Alice off at school, where she and her Girl Scout troop would catch their coach to Wales, then Jess drove the younger girls to their friends’ house at a rural estate a few miles outside of town for a day out at a local play centre, followed by a birthday party and sleepover.

As she drove up to the closed security gates, manned by cameras and an intercom, Jess lowered her window to look expectantly at the camera. Almost immediately, the gates slid open. They passed through stone pillars and the electronic gates closed silently behind them.

The Turner estate was large and impressive, with a fountain in the center of a circular drive, extensive formal gardens near a large old manor house, fields, woodland, a lake and a tennis court, as well as a swimming pool housed in a large glass structure attached to the house. A hundred meters from the main house, and joined by a pergola-covered path, there was a second house, larger than an average home, which Jess took to be for staff or guests.

Jessica had only been there once or twice before to deliver some very expensive haute couture. It wasn’t something she did routinely, but Blanche was a friend, as well as a good customer.

As she drove up the long driveway to the house, the door opened and Blanche came out to greet them — followed by the birthday girls, running past to hug Katie and Poppy, who gave their friends their wrapped presents. After a quick, “Hello, Mrs. Turner,” Jessica’s daughters raced into the house with their friends, all four girls screaming and giggling.

“I hope you have a generous supply of earplugs,” Jessica said to the very elegant lady standing before her.

Blanche was a regular customer of Jessica’s and one of the ‘ladies who lunch’; although perhaps that gave a false impression that she spent her days doing just that. In fact, Blanche was a pillar of the community — an astute businesswoman with her own property portfolio, Chairwoman of the School Governors and a noted philanthropist, being involved in several local charities. She had just turned forty and was married to a very successful property developer.

Jess greeted her warmly with a kiss on the cheek. Blanche spent a lot of money in Jessica’s store, on herself as well as her three daughters — the eldest of whom, Lola, was thirteen.

“Hello, Jessica, lovely to see you. Sorry, I haven’t been into the shop for a while… my schedule these days is positively manic. Do you have time for a coffee?” Blanche asked, lightly touching Jessica’s elbow.

“Sorry, Blanche, I already made plans to spend a couple of hours at the shop. Believe me, I know what you mean about having a full schedule. I’ll take a rain check for tomorrow morning when I pick up the girls, how about that?”

“That would be lovely, Jessica. I asked all the parents to collect their daughters around midday… but do come earlier than that if you can, so we’ll have enough time for a good chat.”

“I’d love to, Blanche. See you tomorrow.”

Waving goodbye to the girls — who were too engrossed in playing to notice — Jess drove back to the shop, which had been opened that morning by her assistant manager, Ella Rigby. Her real name was Eleanor, but she used the shorter name to keep people from bringing up the Beatles song, “like they’re the first ones in the whole bloody world to notice,” as she put it.

Jess and Ella sat down with the invoices for their recent arrivals, and Jess was pleased to learn that all the newer stock had been received, priced, and put out on the sales floor. Ella and Bridget had even improvised a beautiful new display for the new line of Kate Spade handbags that had just arrived. As it turned out, there wasn’t much left that needed doing.

“Why don’t you call it a day, Jess?” Ella told her. “I’ve got everything in hand here. Relax, take an afternoon for yourself. You’re overdue for a little self-indulgence.”

The offer was too tempting to pass up. “Thanks, Ella, you’re an absolute gem,” Jessica said. Thanking providence that she had such dedicated employees, she exited the store and drove home.

It was early afternoon, so Jess had plenty of time before she needed to get ready for her night out with the ladies. Deciding to tidy up the house, she made quick progress until she got to her daughters’ rooms. Frowning at Katie’s clutter, she thought, I don’t know why I should even bother — five minutes after the girls get home, it’ll look like a tornado cruised through. Still, anticipation for the night to come had her filled with nervous energy that needed to be used, so she shrugged, got out the large laundry hamper and waded in.

Jess elected to start with Alice’s room, which was somewhat tidier than the others. With the girls all out, this was an excellent opportunity to wash the bed linen, so she began to strip the bed.

As she took off the pillowcase, something fell out that had been tucked inside.

She stopped to stare down at the small piece of material lying on the floor, her eyes widening when she realised what it was. There on the carpet was a pair of her panties, the ones she’d worn the day before while masturbating in her office.

Jessica gaped at the skimpy knickers, heart racing, all thoughts of housework gone. I distinctly remember putting these into my laundry basket, so how did they get here? Alice must’ve dug them out, but what for? Oh my God, could she possibly be…

With a trembling hand, she picked up her panties, lifted them to her nose and took a hesitant sniff. No doubt about it, the scent of her cunt still lingered. Was Alice doing this? Why else would she take them?

Jess took another sniff — then frowned. Wait just a minute…

Bringing them back to her nose and inhaling more deeply, Jessica grew aware that another scent besides hers permeated the gauzy material — stronger and more recent. It suddenly struck her that she recognised the source of this new odour; it was Alice!

Her head was spinning. Bloody hell, my daughter is rubbing herself off with my dirty knickers!

As if on automatic pilot, Jessica reached down to the front of her tracksuit bottoms, groping at the rapidly mounting warmth between her legs. She stumbled towards the door and down the hallway like a  sleepwalker, thinking only of getting to her room, of stripping naked and masturbating.

When she got there, Jess saw her dressing gown hanging from its hook on the inside of her door. The sight of it reminded her that she had an erotic memento of her own. Delving into the pocket, she pulled out the lacy panties that Sally had given her just the day before. At first she just stared at them — then, in a moment of lucidity, she strode over to her bedside cabinet, opened the top drawer and, fumbling around inside, brought out her vibrator.

Jessica looked at the toy with the kind of relief one might feel after finally finding something that had gone missing for days. Thankful that she’d remembered to change its batteries, she quickly undressed, then laid down on her bed and stretched out.

But as she began to caress herself, Jess paused — then raised her head, lost in thought as she gazed through the open doorway.

I really shouldn’t, she told herself. But God, I want to. Touching my cunt in Alice’s bed, where my beautiful daughter lay just a couple of hours ago. The scent of her body, still lingering on the sheets…

The thudding of Jessica’s heart pulsed through her like an electric bass as she slowly rose from her bed and padded through her door, then back up the hall to Alice’s room — vibrator in one hand, two pairs of soiled knickers in the other.

Spreading herself out on Alice’s bed, Jess placed the sex toy by her side, then pressed her own knickers to her face and took a deep breath. Then she brought Sally’s panties up to her nose and inhaled, savouring the memory of that illicit coupling. With one pair in each hand, she switched back and forth between the two, becoming light-headed as she lost herself in the varied scents of three different cunts, hers included.

The tingling between Jessica’s thighs was now an ache, desire a raging beast that snapped and snarled beneath her belly. Switching both pairs of panties to one hand, Jess held them to her face while she fumbled around blindly for the vibrator. Finally grasping the toy, she twisted the base, sighing with relief to hear its loud buzzing.

The temptation was there to get off right away, to apply the quivering plastic cock directly to her clit and bring the house down around her ears. But Jess also longed to tease herself, to spin the pleasure out for as long as possible. So she brought the vibrator to her breasts instead, teasing each nipple in turn with the tip of her toy.

All the while she breathed through the pairs of panties in her left hand, filling her nose with the thick perfume of cunt, imagining her twelve-year-old lying naked in this very spot, doing the exact same thing.

The image of a nude Alice sniffing her dirty knickers sent Jessica’s lust meter screaming into the red, threatening imminent overload. It was too much for her — taking it slow was no longer an option. She had to come, and it had to happen now.

Spreading her legs even wider, she pressed the length of the vibrator against her pubis, then changed the angle to rub the tip up and down through the slit. As the toy eased its way between her labia, she paused, withdrawing it to briefly touch the tip to her clitoris — a choked gasp exploding from her lips at how lovely that felt.

Returning to her cunt, Jess eased the hard tube into the creamy tunnel, which did little to dampen the vibrator’s buzzing. Penetrating herself up to the hilt, she began to work the device in and out — going slowly at first, but gradually increasing the tempo until she reached a heated pace, occasionally pulling out to tease the nub of her clit.

She continued for several minutes, feeling the ecstasy rise until it spilled over, and then Jessica was coming like a woman possessed, crying, “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh, Alice!”

God, this is so fucking perverted, she thought. Her breath was coming in short heavy pants, similar to how she’d done when giving birth to Alice and her sisters. She jerked almost violently as another surge of pleasure kicked in, strong enough to lift her hips up from the bed, only the shoulders and heels to support the weight of her.

Jessica let out a long, shivery moan before she sank back down into the sheets, holding the vibrator deep inside her cunt, whispering, “My precious little girl… oh, Alice, I’m s-so in love with you, sweet child… ooooohhh, you m-make Mummy so happy, my little lover…”

Finally, she lay still and quiet, her body humming from head to toe. Then she realized that the humming was coming from the sex toy, still buzzing and buried in her vagina. She slowly extracted the rigid object and, switching it off, brought it to her lips, breathing in her scent before taking it into her mouth to suck.

Jess rested for a while, gradually getting her heartbeat back under control while she tried to rationalise what she’d just done. What the hell has happened to me? she asked herself. I’m turning into a sex-obsessed dyke, one who can’t stop having fantasies about her twelve-year-old daughter!

Frowning, she pondered the situation. I was beginning to think that Alice wasn’t interested in having sex with me again… but I must be wrong about that, if she’s stealing my knickers and masturbating with them. But if she still wants me, why hasn’t she done anything about it?

Reaching for her panties, she idly toyed with them, still lost in thought. Then again, I want her too. No sense in lying to myself about that, not anymore. Oh, Alice, if you only knew how desperately I ache to have you naked in my arms, to kiss that lovely mouth over and over… But if that’s so, then why haven’t I come on to her? Could we each be waiting for the other to make the next move?

Soon as that idea entered her consciousness, Jessica knew it was the right one. She and her daughter had made love once… now, they both wanted more, but were too timid to do anything about it.

I still feel that way, Jess admitted. I can’t approach Alice and ask her, ‘Sweetheart, I’d like to have sex with you again’, even if I knew she’d say yes! Ridiculous, but there it is. What I need to do is send her a signal, some clue to let her know I’m interested.

She stared at the worn underwear in her hands, the seed of an idea beginning to germinate. What if I…

Jess reached between her thighs, pressing the soiled panties into the dripping flesh of her cunt like a washcloth. After all, the smell of pussy is beginning to fade; it’s only fair that I add something to it.

Sitting up and swinging her legs to the floor, Jessica rose to her feet, examining the bed to see the mess she’d made of it. She quickly tidied it up, putting the stray pillow back in the pillowcase, then tucking her now sodden knickers back inside. I’ll wash the sheets later this week, she decided, and give Alice time to discover my little surprise.

She took one last look around the room and left, still a little surprised by the boldness of her act. Next time Alice smells my panties, she’ll get the message loud and clear — that I want to make love with her again. Wonder how she’ll respond?

Back in her bedroom, she took one last sniff of Sally’s lacy gift before replacing it in her robe pocket, then strode into her bathroom, started up the shower and climbed into the cubicle.

As she soaped herself, thoughts of Alice continued to make themselves known. Instead of her usual straightforward and functional wash-and-go, Jessica lingered, paying particular attention to soaping her breasts, tweaking the nipples. She lathered up her hand and placed it between her legs, stroking those closely trimmed auburn pubes, trailing her middle finger down until it slipped easily into her vagina. It felt lovely, but after that mad rogering she’d given herself with the vibrator, not quite enough.

And it’s the cheapest sex toy you can buy! Jess thought. I need something more substantial. Maybe I ought to upgrade and buy one of those realistic silicone cocks — at least nine inches’ worth.

She knew that Ann Summers shops sold such things, but couldn’t see herself plucking up the courage to visit one — especially the outlet in Oxford, where she might be seen by someone who knew her. Of course, she could always purchase sex toys online, if only there was a way to ensure that the package went straight into her hands. Imagine one of the girls finding that on the doormat! Then again, Alice would probably be thrilled right down to her boots.

Suddenly Jess imagined herself with a rubbery fake prick in her hand, using it on a moaning Alice — not fully penetrating her daughter, just teasing her cunt with the buzzing tip until the girl cried, Fuck me, Mummy, fuck me! Overwhelmed with renewed lust, Jess wriggled a second finger into her vagina to join the first, using the thumb to rub her clit.

On impulse, she reached behind with the other soapy hand and worked a slick index finger deep into her bum. This double penetration quickly brought Jessica to another climax. She leaned against the tiled walls of the shower, hot water cascading down on her body as she cried out her daughter’s name.

Catching her breath, she quickly rinsed off the soap, turned off the water and stepped out. Grabbing a fluffy towel, she gazed thoughtfully at the image in the steam-obscured mirror. The same questions she’d asked herself a few days ago resurfaced – and she still wasn’t certain of the answers. I’m closer than I was then, though.

She vigourously dried herself, blow-drying her long red hair. She considered lying down on her bed to relax for awhile, but decided she couldn’t trust herself not to start masturbating again. Instead, she elected to apply moisturising lotions to her skin and paint her nails, then unwound with a sandwich, a cup of coffee and a trade magazine.

After washing up, she rummaged through the racks of clothes in her dressing room, finally selecting a glittery gold mini-dress that she hadn’t worn since a Christmas dinner and dance a couple of years ago, back when she was still trying to get back into the dating game. It was not only short enough to show off her long, shapely legs, but had a plunging neckline and hugged her curves nicely. Complemented with a push-up bra, skimpy thong and four-inch heels, she appraised herself in the full-length mirror, pleased with the results.

Shortly after 7 PM, the bell rang, and she opened the door to Rachel — but the words of greeting froze in her mouth. She could only stare.

Jess had thought of her own outfit as pretty hot, but Rachel’s was stunning. She wore a red stretch mini-dress that clung so tightly to her incredible figure that it might as well have been spray-painted on; essentially two panels of thin material joined at the sides by crossover straps. She realised with a start that it came from one of her new collections at the shop. However, what caught Jessica’s attention more than anything was how the exposed sides made it obvious that Rachel had gone completely bare under her dress.

“Rachel Thomas!” Jess exclaimed, pulling her friend inside and closing the door. “Are you really going out like that?”

“What’s wrong, don’t you like it? You said I should check out your new range,” Rachel retorted with a spin.

Jessica shook her head in disbelief. “I thought some of the party-wear stuff I got in for the young girls was dead sexy — but on you it looks downright criminal! I’d never have the nerve.” She stood back to admire the view.

“Well, I can’t really wear anything under it without spoiling the lines, can I? Anyway, look at you, little Miss Wallflower. Not exactly dressed for Sunday school, are we?”

Jessica shrugged and said, “Fair point, fancy a glass of wine?”

Leaning in, Rachel gave Jess a hug and brief air-kiss, careful not to spoil her friend’s lipstick. “Thought you’d never ask.”

Jessica went to the wine cooler and turned. “Pinot okay?”

“Mmm, that’ll do nicely,” responded her friend with a nod.

She opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio and poured two generous glasses. As she passed one to Rachel, she asked, “So, what’s the deal with this club we’re going to?”

The sexy brunette looked a bit coy, causing Jessica to raise a curious eyebrow. “Actually, when I said it was ‘Ladies Night’, I mean ladies only night. I thought it would be good not to have loads of desperately optimistic men competing with each other to have it off with us, so we can just relax and enjoy ourselves. And each other.”

At first, Jess felt as if she should be disappointed. She’d taken it for granted that, even on ladies night, there might be the odd chance of meeting an available man. But soon as the thought entered her head, she cast it aside. Rachel was right; the presence of men would just spoil their fun. Anyhow, all I’m interested in right now is being with women… or girls.

As they drank their wine, Rachel and Jess chatted about their daughters, work and friends — anything to avoid discussing what had happened between them… and what might happen again. There was a charge in the air, lingering like static before a thunderstorm. Each woman was harbouring sexual thoughts about the other and the tension was almost palpable.

Jessica noticed Rachel looking her up and down in a most appreciative way. She caught herself doing the same, and could swear that Rachel’s nipples were more visible through the clingy dress than they’d been before. She even caught herself looking up Rachel’s dress for a glimpse at the dark junction between her thighs, but quickly turned away when she thought Rachel had noticed.

Damn it, Jess, she admonished herself. Stop checking her out!

Rachel said, “Actually Jess, while I was looking at your new stuff, I wondered why you don’t stock some of the more raunchy gear — you know, a bit of leather and latex, or tarty nurse and schoolgirl uniforms.”

Jessica raised her hands in protest. “I’m not running a sex shop! What do you think my older ladies would say if I started selling kinky bondage gear?”

“Hey, they might like it,” Rachel replied with a laugh. “You know, spice up their love lives a bit. Anyway, I don’t mean that cheap tacky stuff. I’m talking classy clubwear for those ladies who want to really make an impression. I bet there are a few people in the money who go to swingers clubs round here. You could clean up!”

“When did you become an authority on swingers clubs?” Jess said, studying her friend in disbelief. “Don’t tell me you’ve done that as well! I’m beginning to think I don’t really know you.”

Rachel just smiled — as if she was fighting the urge to take the two small steps that lay between her and Jessica and kiss that lipsticked mouth.

Jess waved the wine bottle. “Another?” she said, changing the subject.

“Ta very much,” Rachel said, proffering her empty glass.

The bottle was empty when Jess said, “Let’s freshen up, our taxi is due soon.” They went to Jessica’s bathroom and reapplied the lippie they’d left on their wine glasses, brushed their hair and did minor touch-ups until the horn of their taxi sounded from the drive. They left the house and walked arm in arm to the minibus.

They picked up Abby and Mel first, as they lived just up the road. Both women were dressed in sexy short lace dresses and ridiculously high heels. The minibus went on to town to collect the other four women before making its way into the city, another half hour away.

The group arrived at the club just after 9 o’clock — a little early for clubbing, but it allowed them to get a good table out of the direct line of the speakers. With the music not yet cranked up to full volume, it gave them a chance to catch up without shouting over the non-stop bass beats.

As more clubbers began to arrive, a puzzled Melinda shouted across the table. “Hey, Rachel… how come there are no bloody men here?”

“You know, I wondered what ‘Ladies Night’ meant,” Rachel replied, and the others laughed. As drinks and conversation flowed and the jokes and laughter grew more raucous, more women arrived and the dance floor began to fill as the volume and tempo of the music increased, the room now pulsing with a hard, sexy beat.

A couple of the group were pointing out some of the more striking patrons and commenting on their outfits, then they noticed that some of the women in the booths scattered around the club were kissing.

Serena yelled across the table, “Oi, Rachel! When you said Ladies Night, you didn’t tell us it was really Lesbian Night!”

“Oh, it must have slipped my mind,” she said with a look of feigned innocence. “Actually, I thought some of you girls might back out in case you were tempted to start wearing dungarees and taking your holidays on Lesbos — except for Jess, of course. I thought she might blush so much that her face would clash with her hair!”

The others laughed, and Jessica protested, “Hey, I’ve just got a new line in dungarees!” which made the group laugh even louder. She recalled her conversation of a few days ago, when she asked Rachel if she was trying to convert her — and blushed anyway.

The DJ put on some classic Motown, and the group got up to dance. Everyone was happy to be letting their hair down a little — even Serena, in her case literally, surprising the group with a lustrous mane of dark hair that she normally kept imprisoned in a tight ponytail.

Jessica wasn’t usually one to let herself go either, being a somewhat restrained person in general. She tended to stand out in public a bit more than she liked, because of her height and those long, lustrous tresses of red hair. But on this night, she managed to put all cares out of her mind and was simply enjoying herself.

As they danced in a group, singing along with the old hits, Jess glanced around the floor and noticed for the first time that several of the dancing women were kissing, some even grinding their bodies together in a most provocative way.

Then one particular couple caught her eye. She was surprised to see Beverley Masters, Alice’s twenty-eight-year-old PE & sports teacher. However, what surprised her even more was that she was with Hannah Brookes, a lovely young girl of only nineteen, one of the teaching assistants at the school. It was quite clear they were more than just good friends. They were gyrating sensually to the music like snakes in a courtship dance and the younger girl was nuzzling the older woman’s neck, causing Beverley to throw her head back, then pull Hannah in closer for a deep, hungry kiss.

She gave Rachel a nudge, inclining her head toward the dancing couple. Rachel’s unexpected response was merely, “Oh, yeah, it’s Bev and Hannah.”

Jessica stared at Rachel. “You know about them? You never told me that Beverley was with Hannah — or that she was gay, for that matter.”

Rachel shrugged. “Well, it never came up in conversation. I saw them once together and we got chatting. She told me they’d been together for a few months, and asked me to keep it quiet.”

“Well, what else have you been keeping secret?”

Rachel extended an index finger to lift her friend’s chin and responded, “Well, if you’re a good girl — no, make that a bad girl — I just might tell you later.” She pouted her lips in a kiss.

Jessica raised an eyebrow. “I just might hold you to that. Here, I’m off to the ladies.”

“Don’t have too much fun,” Rachel said with a wink, then got back into the dance with a delighted squeal as Marvin Gaye’s “Ain’t That Peculiar” began to play.

As Jess entered the toilets, she saw a couple of pretty twentysomethings snogging against a wash basin. They didn’t stop to acknowledge her presence, or even come up for air as she swiftly entered a cubicle.

Soon as she hoisted her skirt, slipped her thong down and sat, Jessica heard the rustling of clothes, then the unmistakable sounds of sexual activity in the stall next door. She listened intently, trying to picture the scene as she heard a voice hiss, “Take off your knickers and stand on the loo.”

There was a shuffling movement, and suddenly four fingers came over the partition wall, the nails done in glossy black varnish. Those fingers tensed and gripped the wall, turning white with the pressure of squeezing the panel. Jess finished peeing and wiped herself, but remained right where she was, caught up in the lewdness of the moment.

Listening to the panting and gasps of pleasure on the other side of the wall, Jess let her hand stray back between her legs, holding her breath as she lightly teased her clit with a fingertip.

She’d just begun to masturbate herself when the girl was perched on the toilet blurted, “Oh, fuck me — I’m c-coming!” and tried to suppress a scream — only it came out as a squeak, with the girl’s partner giving out with a muffled moan. Guess I know where her mouth is right now, Jessica thought.

The fingers tightened, then relaxed. “Lovely,” their owner whispered. “Oh, Mrs. Ayers, that tongue of yours…”

Jessica paused her ministrations, fearful of being caught in the act — half expecting the owner of the hand to peek over the partition at any moment. Instead, the girl awkwardly climbed down from the loo, and Jess heard the two lovers share a very wet kiss.

Feeling far less bold now, she withdrew her hand from where it nestled between her thighs. Better not do this here, she decided. She stood and tugged up the thong, adjusted her dress and cautiously opened the door, then emerged.

As Jess washed her hands, two women came out of the adjoining cubicle. Glancing in the mirror, she saw an attractive woman of around forty and a girl who appeared to be half her age — and the owner of those black fingernails. They were both casually adjusting their clothing.

When the woman noticed Jess, she then turned quite deliberately to her young companion and, gripping the girl’s ponytail, drew her close for a passionate kiss. With her other hand on the girl’s bum, which was barely covered by the tiny leather skirt, the two lovers rubbed their bodies together, as if they were trying to fuck while standing up.

Finally, they broke apart — and Jessica felt her face grow hot, realizing that she’d just allowed two perfect strangers to put on a live sex show for her.

The woman turned to wash her hands, grabbed her partner by the elbow and led her out of the toilet. Just before the door swung shut, she looked back at Jessica, then licked her lips and winked. Jess could only stare at the closed door, pulsing from head to toe with excitement. Maybe Rachel will kiss me like that tonight, she thought. I hope she does, too. There, I admit it.

Pushing the button that started up the hot air dispenser, she dried her hands, pausing to steal a look at the two young women who she’d seen upon entering the toilets. They were still kissing, oblivious to anything else. The taller girl was pushing her partner back against the basin; she slid a hand down between their bodies, then up her partner’s tartan mini skirt. The other girl emitted a loud moan, reaching back behind to grab the edge of the basin as her body stiffened.

As Jess opened the door to leave, shocked at how brazen these girls were, she was still peering back at them when she bumped into a woman coming into the toilets.

“Oops, sorry,” she said and looked up, surprised to see that it was the mother of Alice’s school friend, Azumi. “Oh, my goodness! Hi, Reiko, how are you?”

The beautiful, petite Japanese woman was momentarily lost for words. “Hi, Jess… um, what are you doing here?” she asked.

Jessica pulled Reiko aside in the hallway to let other women pass. She said, “Oh, I’m out with the girls — Abby and Mel, plus Rachel and a few others. Are you here with Nadya, then?”

Reiko’s eyes widened in surprise at the realisation that Jessica knew about her partner. “It’s okay,” Jess hastened to add, “Azumi told Alice and Olivia about you and Nadya. I’m sorry; I don’t want to get your daughter into trouble. It’s just that, uh, the girls were talking, and she told them about your… situation. Then Alice had some questions, so she told me.”

Reiko seemed to relax as it sank in that Jessica was perfectly fine with her sexuality — of course, they were chatting in a lesbian bar. “That’s okay, Jess — Azumi isn’t in any trouble. I don’t hide my being gay… but I don’t exactly broadcast it, either.”

Jess smiled. “Don’t worry. I’m the soul of discretion.”

Patting Reiko’s shoulder, she started to return to the dance floor when a young woman sidled up to them. “Hello,” she said to Jess in a strong East European accent. “You are… mother of Alice, yes?”

“Uh, yes.” she said with a brief nod.

Reiko smiled. “Jessica… I’d like you to meet my lover, Nadya.”

The Russian girl greeted Jess warmly, kissing her on both cheeks. She had several streaks of colour in her mainly black hair, and if Jessica hadn’t already known her age, she’d have estimated her to be at least a couple of years younger than twenty-one.

They exchanged goodbyes, then Jess returned to the dance floor. She noticed that Rachel wasn’t with the others. Did she go for more drinks?

Then she saw her. Rachel was dancing with a young woman — or to be more precise, grinding herself into a young woman, who couldn’t have been a day over twenty. The girl was working her thigh between Rachel’s legs, causing her dress to ride up. Rachel was riding that thigh, clearly grinding her cunt against it. They were clutching each other tightly and, as the record segued into the next, shared a brief but heated kiss.

It was only as they parted that Jessica recognised the girl as Heidi Kirk, a young fitness trainer at their gym. She reminded Jessica of a slightly older version of Sally, and the sight of her making out with Rachel gave her a sudden pang of jealousy — though she wasn’t certain which of the two women made her feel that way. Maybe both?

Not wanting Rachel to catch her staring, she quickly made her way back to their table. Then, less than a minute after seating herself, Rachel returned, sitting next to Jessica. Her face was slightly flushed.

Jess gave her friend a wry smile. “You seemed to really be enjoying that dance with Heidi.”

Rachel winked. “Well, when in Rome and all that…” she said, reaching for her drink.

Shit, I AM jealous, Jessica suddenly realised, and turned to look for her drink in case her face betrayed how she felt.

They sat without speaking for a few minutes, watching the crowd. Then Serena noticed them and cried, “Hey, you two — get back out here and shake those arses!”

Seizing Jessica’s arm, Rachel dragged her friend from her seat to join the rest of the group, who were strutting their stuff to Donna Summer. The DJ played a few more disco plates, then switched to Sixties dance hits, with everyone in their party singing along with Dusty, Diana, Aretha and Otis.

Several songs and a strained voice later, Jess returned to the table to drain her glass, then decided she needed the loo again. Entering the ladies, she saw only that one cubicle was occupied.

Another woman, perhaps a little younger than her, stood with both hands under the loud dryer. As their eyes met, the woman smiled and said, “Great night, eh?”

Jess smiled nervously and mumbled, “Yeah,” before the woman left. Jess thought she looked familiar, but couldn’t recall where from. Maybe I saw her in the shop?

Turning around to face the toilet stalls, she thought about it for a moment, then entered the cubicle furthest away from the one that was occupied.

But as she raised her skirt and sat down, Jessica heard whispered voices from the other cubicle, and rolled her eyes. Again? Bloody hell, has everyone here gone sex mad?

With a sigh, she sat in silence, trying in vain to ignore the sounds of rustling clothes and heavy breathing, punctuated by the occasional moan. There were wet slurping sounds as the lovers got into what sounded like very intense French kissing — then their whispers grew a little louder, enough for Jess to hear a voice say, “Put your leg up over my shoulder.”

Jessica had been sitting with her face resting in both hands, but at those words her head snapped up, eyes suddenly very wide. She knew that voice. Her body was taut as piano wire as she listened intently, waiting for the woman to speak again.

There was a wet squishing sound, and it didn’t take much imagination to know it was the sound of fingers plunging in and out of a wet pussy. Then she heard, “Christ, Mel, you’re so nasty… but so good. No one can fuck me like you do.”

Jess held her breath. What the fuck!? That was Abby… and my God, she’s with Melinda! Two of my best friends are having lesbian sex in a public toilet!

She was in shock — but as an image formed in her mind of her friends locked in a passionate kiss, she realised it wasn’t so much that they were lovers, but that she hadn’t known about it. I’ve never caught even a hint of this kind of thing from them… then again, would I have known enough to recognize the signs?

She wondered how long this had been going on. This isn’t their first time, that’s for certain.

Jessica recalled the kiss she’d shared with Abby at that sleepover, over twenty-five years ago. I wonder if she and Mel have been at it ever since? Kissing her certainly had quite the effect on me at the time, but it didn’t last. Maybe Abby enjoyed it even more than she let on. Jess frowned. Wonder why she never tried to have it off with me since then?

Mind you, I’ve certainly made up for lost time over the last few days. I masturbated with my best friend, had sex with a schoolgirl, made love to my own daughter, let her love me…

Jessica’s reverie was interrupted when she heard Abby’s voice say, “Lick me!” followed by a muffled moan. The sounds of oral sex continued for what felt like an eternity, as Jess held her breath, fearful of being caught eavesdropping by her friends.

She found herself getting increasingly turned on, though — and finally Jess had to slip a hand between her thighs to tease her very moist hole. Trying to stay as quiet as possible, she hooked a finger deep into her vagina, using the thumb to rub her clit. When her eyes drifted shut, she immediately pictured Abby’s face staring up from between her legs, imagined Abby’s tongue delving into her cunt.

As if on cue, all three women came, Jessica clamping a hand over her mouth to muffle her cries. She rode her orgasm as high and far as she could take it, then leaned against the wall of the cubicle to keep herself from falling off the toilet.

Fuck, that was good,” she heard Abby say. “Don’t know if I can dance any more after that… I’m positively knackered!”

“I can’t believe how wet you were,” said Melinda. “My lipstick must be a right mess… think I left at least half of it on your pussy!”

Abby giggled. “I think whoever’s in that other cubicle enjoyed it, too.” Jessica froze.

“Oh, I’m sure she did,” Melinda said, then called out. “Hey, girl! Why don’t you come join us?”

Jess was in full panic mode. Christ, what am I going to do? I can’t let them know it was me listening to them!

A pause, then she heard Abby murmur. “Hmm. Guess she’s only into solo action.”

“Doesn’t know what she’s missing,” Mel laughed.

Jessica heard the two lovers share one last kiss, then emerge from the stall. She spent an agonizing couple of minutes waiting while her friends washed and dried their hands, hoping against hope that they didn’t intend to find out who this mysterious witness to their lovemaking might be. Finally, Mel and Abby left the loo, the large, thick wooden door closing behind them with a dull thunk.

It took another couple of minutes before Jess dared to glance outside her cubicle. As she did, she saw the door begin to open and quickly ducked back into the stall. She heard two women enter the toilets, but an overheard fragment of conversation made it clear that they were strangers to her.

Sighing in relief, Jess came out and went to the basins without looking at the other women. After drying her hands, she returned to the table, trying to slip back into her seat without being noticed.

No such luck, though. Rachel gave her a wry smile. “Christ, Jess, we were beginning to think you’d wandered off and got lost. Where have you been?”

Mel and Abby were also there, seated side by side. Glancing their way, Jessica was momentarily lost for words, so she picked up her glass to give herself time to think.

She took a slug of tepid gin and tonic, then said, “Um, I was just talking to someone I know… on the other side of the floor.”

“Oh, we thought maybe you were in the ladies, chucking up — or something else, maybe…?”

“No, I wasn’t in the ladies,” she mumbled. Her eyes met Abby’s, then Mel’s, both women looking at her in a strange way. Brazening it out, she suddenly jumped up and said, “Hey, why are we all just sitting here like a pack of old age pensioners? Come on, let’s shake it!”

Seizing Rachel’s hand, Jess led her friend out to the dance floor, the others close behind. She wasn’t sure why, but suddenly she felt downright giddy with joy, eager to lose herself in the music — and the night.

Onward to Chapter Eight!


Ripples, Chapter 6

  • Posted on December 30, 2018 at 7:27 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Rising to her feet, Jessica helped Sally up from the sofa, tugging her arm as she led the giggling teen from the living room to the stairs. They almost ran up and into the master bedroom and, once inside, Jess turned quickly, pulling Sally to her for another hungry kiss.

After a moment, she broke away, her hands on the teenager’s shoulders. “Sally… are you sure that you want this?”

“More than anything,” Sally responded, a little out of breath but with a bashful smile.

“Undress me,” Jess said, more begging than commanding.

She felt intense excitement, flavoured with a hint of fear as, with clumsy but very eager fingers, Sally unbuttoned her employer’s blouse and pushed it over her shoulders. Jess shook the garment off and cast it aside as Sally looked for the skirt zip before grasping the metal tab and sliding it down, then pulling at the snug material to allow it to drop to the floor.

Thankful that she’d selected some of her more provocative underthings that morning, Jess stood in a skimpy bra and matching panties before the awestruck teen.

“Oh Jessica, you’re so beautiful.” The young girl slowly reached out to stroke the top of a breast, and Jess reached behind her back to undo the clasp, letting the bra drop forward off her arms. Sally’s eyes widened before she drew closer — bending down to lightly flick a nipple with the tip of her tongue, then swirling it gently round the aureole before taking the tip of the breast into her mouth.

A moan escaped Jessica’s lips as she let her head loll back. The warmth of Sally’s mouth felt lovely, as did the rapid circles her tongue made around the throbbing nipple. As if with a nursing child, Jess cradled the teen’s face to her chest.

After awhile, Sally switched to the other breast and lavished it with equal attention, at least until Jess said, “Oh, my darling, that feels divine… but I need to kiss you again.”

Releasing her lover’s nipple, Sally straightened herself, and her mouth met Jessica’s in a heated kiss — this time more blatantly sexual than before, their tongues engaged in a tarantella of lust. The girl finally pulled away to gaze lovingly into Jessica’s eyes, then took a step back, crossing her arms to slide the thin straps of her dress down over her shoulders, until gravity took over and the gossamer fabric slid down with a whisper to pool at her feet.

Jess gasped as she stood before this blonde goddess, smitten by the sight of her bare breasts. “Oh my God! You’re — you’re absolutely gorgeous.” She could no longer contain her hunger for Sally, no longer caring that the girl was less than half her age. Christ, it only makes me want her even more.

Just as Sally had, Jessica reached out to cup those pliant globes in her hands, then bent down to lick and suck at the nipples. She couldn’t keep that up for very long, though, as the sight of the girl’s gauzy knickers — the only thing Sally still had on, other than a cute pair of lime-green socks — reminded Jess of the one part of her new lover that she had yet to see.

Going down on her knees before the girl, Jess hooked her fingers in the elastic of Sally’s panties, pulling them down to join her dress, both items now ringing the girl’s ankles. Sally deftly stepped out of them, then stood motionless before Jessica, presenting her nude body to the older woman.

Jess remained on her knees, drinking in the vision of the teen’s bare beauty. Her eyes drifted to Sally’s vulva, which was baby-smooth — innocent of a single pubic curl.

“I… I shaved it for you,” the girl said.

“Lovely,” breathed Jessica, “so lovely…”

Placing both hands on Sally’s hips, she nuzzled the girl’s belly, losing herself in its unimaginable softness before she began to plant kisses on the lightly tanned skin. Her arms twined around the teen’s back to cup her taut bum, drawing Sally even closer as Jess slowly worked her kisses lower, making a path to the prize she longed for most of all: her lover’s tantalising slit.

Its heady, yet somehow delicate scent was overwhelming, and she inhaled deeply before her tongue emerged to trace along the moist cleft, parting Sally’s labia to expose her protruding clitoris, which Jessica teased with a small lick. Sally inhaled sharply, then moaned, “Oh… oh, my God.”

Jess brought her hands round to pry Sally’s pussy open with her thumbs, revealing more of the pink interior of her cunt. She licked again at the nubbin of flesh as the girl’s trembling hands clutched her head, pulling her in.

Sally was now moving her hips forward and bending her knees, trying to get as much of Jessica’s tongue inside her as possible. Jess stiffened two fingers and eased them into the dripping tunnel, pistoning them in and out, causing the mewling teen’s warm, thick fluids to coat her fingers and hand. She was fucking the sixteen-year-old hard and fast, sucking on her fleshy clit all the while.

Suddenly the girl gave a choked cry that made Jess pause momentarily, worried about her — but Sally just tugged her back in, gasping, “Please don’t stop, please. Yes, yes, yes, oh fuck… Jessica, I–“ just before emitting a loud cry of rapture as she came in her older lover’s face.

Hope I’ve got the windows closed all the way, Jess thought. No telling what the neighbours will make of a row like that!

As the youngster’s ecstasy subsided, Jess studied her wet fingers, bringing them to her nose to sample the heady scent before slipping them into her mouth to suck. Glancing up at the flushed teen, she saw that Sally was smiling, extending her arms.

“I want a taste, too,” she said. “Kiss me, Jessica.”

Rising to her feet, Jess kissed the girl deeply, sharing the flavour of Sally’s pussy between them. They held each other tightly for a moment, then Sally looked into the woman’s eyes. “My God, that was amazing. I never knew sex could be like that. I can’t believe you’ve never done that before!”

“It was just instinct, really… I did what I like having done to me,” Jess said, knowing that she didn’t dare tell Sally about the only full-on lesbian sex she’d had — with her daughter Alice.

“Yeah, well, now it’s my turn,” Sally said. “I’ve been dreaming about making love to you all week.” Drawing close, she kissed the redhead once again before kneeling before her. She tugged Jessica’s lavender coloured panties down her thighs, then leaned in to place tender kisses on the woman’s vulva, burying her nose in the dark auburn pubes.

Jessica twined her fingers through Sally’s blonde tresses as the teen began to lick her. “Oh, my stars, Sally, that feels lovely.”

The girl looked up at her, a wolfish grin on her lips. “Get up on the bed, Jessica… I want to really go down on you.”

Without a word, Jess stepped out of her knickers and moved round the kneeling teenager to lie on her bed in a sitting position, back against the headboard, legs spread wide apart in open invitation.

Climbing onto the bed at its foot, Sally crawled toward Jess on her belly, homing in on the object of her desire. As she reached Jessica’s cunt, she dove in tongue first, licking up the sweet nectar that was already oozing from her lover’s pussy, flowing down the crack of her arse and seeping into the sheets. Spying the woman’s clitoris, Sally interrupted her licking to take the pink bud between her lips and suck it like a tiny nipple.

“Th-that’s it, Sally!” Jessica gasped. “Now p-put your fingers inside me, fuck me!”

The sixteen-year-old obliged, plunging two fingers into the juicy opening. Jess cried out, lost in a firestorm of ecstasy and lust, but she was still lucid enough to moan, “More… please, more.”

Sally added a third finger, soon deciding that her lover was wet enough to take a fourth. She plunged those fingers in and out, her arm pumping like a crankshaft, wondering if it was possible to get her thumb inside, too. Then she could fist Jessica’s cunt, just like Sally had seen done in the lesbian porn clips she often watched on her computer.

She didn’t get the chance to, though. Jess was thrashing about wildly, caught up in an explosive climax, clawing blindly at the bedsheets with both hands as Sally fucked her into a lather.

As Jessica’s orgasmic rapture began to wane, it somehow began to build once more, and then she was coming again. Sally’s lips were glued to her clit, and the girl’s fingers sawed in and out in a hard, steady rhythm, each stroke a burst of coloured lights and clanging bells that filled the woman’s head to bursting.

Finally she managed to stammer, “N-no more, Sally, that’s g-good for now…” then went completely limp when the teen withdrew her hand.

Sally sucked at her pussy-glazed fingers, looking on with satisfaction at her flushed, panting lover.

Jess took a few deep breaths, then extended her arms, reaching for the young girl. “C’mere, you.”

With a bashful grin, Sally laid down on top of the woman and they embraced, their sweat-soaked bodies sliding together deliciously. They kissed for a long, lovely while, until the younger girl recalled something she wanted to try from the porn clips she’d studied. Raising herself up, Sally turned herself 180 degrees so that she was facing Jessica’s feet, presenting her cunt to the woman beneath her. She bent her head to lick at her lover’s beautiful pussy, still dripping with sweet sticky nectar.

As for Jess, she was mesmerised by Sally’s lovely smooth peach, now inches from her face. She pulled the girl down, lifting her head to probe the juicy slit with her tongue.

They took their time with the lovemaking, both applying long, slow strokes of the tongue, pushing them in as deeply as they were able, but deliberately avoiding their clits before each finally sensed that the other’s climax was drawing near.

Acting on an unheard but clearly sensed signal, the two women increased the speed of their flicking tongues, now seeking out the nubs of sensitive flesh. Jess took Sally’s clit between her lips and alternated between sucking and teasing it with her tongue. As she increased the tempo of her licks, she felt Sally doing the same.

Within seconds, the two lovers were both jerking their hips, shivering from head to toe as they came, moaning their ecstasy into each other’s cunts.

They lay spent for a few moments, then the younger woman turned to lie by Jessica’s side. They both turned to face the other, Sally speaking first. “Was that okay? Did I do it right?”

Jessica moved closer to place a soft kiss on the girl’s lips, then gave her a warm smile. “Well, as I said, I’m no expert, but I don’t see how you could have bettered that performance, love. It was perfect.”

“It was perfect for me, too,” Sally said, blushing slightly. “I’m glad my first time was with you.”

Jess looked into Sally’s eyes. “Have you really never done anything like this before?”

“No,” replied the blonde, brushing the sweat-dampened hair from her face, “Not even with a boy. Oh, I let one touch my boobs once, but he was so rough. Then I saw a film called Bound, with these two hot lesbian lovers in it, and that made me decide I wanted to try it with a girl. But so far I’ve been too scared to approach another girl in case she isn’t gay, and I can’t really tell who is.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I don’t know how I got the nerve to kiss you when I did… guess I just wanted to so much that I couldn’t stop myself. Sure glad I did it, though.” She paused, gave Jess a longing look. “Um, can we maybe do this again sometime?”

Jess studied the sixteen-year-old. “Well, I’d certainly like to. I mean, we can’t jump into bed every afternoon, but… if an opportunity comes up for us to — to be together… well, I’d be into it. Unless you, y’know, get a real girlfriend or something.” Jess realised she was rambling aimlessly, so she shut up.

The teen looked adoringly into her eyes and said “I’d like that very much.”

Jess smiled and in the corner of her eye saw her bedside clock. “Shit, it’s nearly 3 o’clock; the girls will be home from school soon!” She jumped from the bed. “Come on, sweetheart, you’d better get dressed.”

Sally quickly stepped into her dress, while Jess slipped into a robe, wistfully watching the girl’s naked body disappear. God, I already want her again. I’m turning into a lesbian nymphomaniac.

As Jess was gathering her own clothes from the floor, she picked up Sally’s damp panties. On a sudden urge, she brought them to her nose and inhaled deeply, savouring the now familiar scent of the blonde cutie she had just ravished. Watching her with a smile, Sally said, “You can keep those, if you like.”

Jess pushed them into the pocket of her robe and hugged Sally. “Thanks, love. For… for everything,” she said, as they made their way to the front door.

Sally turned. “Thank you, Jessica. You don’t know how much this meant to me.” She leaned in to plant a lover’s kiss on Jessica’s lips, then gave her a warm, affectionate hug — more like a daughter than a lover, actually.

She turned to open the door and left, giving a backward glance, smiling and blowing a kiss before turning to leave.

Jess shut the door, leaning against it. God… I hope I know what the hell I’m doing.

She went back upstairs to straighten the bed and put on some casual gear, pausing to brush her hair before the girls got home.


Ever since that wonderful night with Mum, Alice could think of little else besides lesbian sex. Fantasies of women and girls cluttered her days, filled her nights. Watching TV, listening to music, riding to school — whatever she did, these desires intruded. Even reading the Harry Potter books led to a long reverie about what making love with Hermione Granger would be like.

More than anything, she wanted to have sex with Mum again. But she could tell that her mother felt guilty about what they’d already done, and would probably refuse to allow Alice to sleep with her a second time. If only I knew what she was thinking! she told herself again and again.

As it was, she couldn’t summon up the courage to make a move, to come on to Mum the way she did on that amazing night, now over a week ago.

But she very much wanted to have sex again, so Alice was thinking in terms of other potential lovers.

She’d explored kissing and some touching with her friend Bella — the daughter of Rachel, who Alice had seen making out with Mum a couple of weeks ago. But Bella was much too timid, always backing out when things were just beginning to get hot.

Then there was her other friend Azumi, the one who had two mums and had actually seen them doing it. Alice figured that she had to at least be interested in fooling around with another girl. But no; Azumi had gone boy crazy, and only wanted to talk about guys she liked.

Alice had found someone to set her sights on, though. The insight had come to her while she was checking out lesbian sex stories at the erotica site she liked, the one where she’d first encountered the idea of mothers and daughters becoming intimate — which had led to her seeing Mum as a potential lover.

But there was another kind of story she enjoyed, with a theme that this website explored in abundance: the ones that depicted love between sisters.

There was one tale, “Wanting Amber,” about a teenage girl who found herself with a helpless crush on her ten-year-old sister. It was accompanied by a photo of two cute young girls in their underwear, clearly about to kiss. The story and the picture aroused Alice so strongly that she had to finger her pussy right there and then — and she brought herself to an incredible orgasm, thinking all the while about her little sister Katie.

It made perfect sense. There was an obvious advantage to having a lover whose bedroom was right next door to hers… and Alice’s nine-year-old sister was a beloved friend as well as a sibling. Best of all, Katie was too cute and adorable for words, and looked positively scrumptious in her knee-length nightshirt.

That was the rub, though — it had been over a year since Alice had seen Katie in anything skimpier than that nightshirt. For some reason, her sister had become ridiculously bashful about her body, always dressing and undressing behind closed doors, never going about in her undies. In fact, the last time the family had gone to the seaside, Katie had even refused to go swimming — never mind that Mum had bought a lovely one-piece bathing costume for her to wear.

That’s the first step, Alice told herself. I need to get her feeling okay with being naked around me. And she quickly came up with a scheme to do just that.

When Saturday morning came around, she waited for Katie to take her shower. Their bedrooms were connected by a bath that they both used, while Mum shared hers with their baby sister Poppy.

Soon as Alice heard the water start, she quickly shucked the t-shirt and knickers she slept in and got into her baby-blue dressing gown with nothing on underneath. Grinning, she stationed herself by the door, listening to the steady hiss of the shower, picturing her naked sister washing her body — soapy hands gliding over her legs, her belly, the smooth cleft between her thighs; sweeping over her flat chest, nipples stiffening to Katie’s caress, begging to be licked…

These mental images had Alice aching to touch herself between the legs, but she shook her head. Focus, girl.

Alice waited for the water to stop — and when it did, she listened for the shower door to open and close, then rapped twice and immediately entered the bathroom.

Her timing couldn’t have been bettered. Katie had been towelling her bare body down, and when her big sister strolled in, bold as brass, the ten-year-old clutched the towel to herself, her face a picture of outrage.

Alice!” she squealed, “what’re you doing!? I don’t have any clothes on!”

The older girl gazed blandly at her little sister. “So?” she said.

If anything, Katie’s face only turned redder. “Whaddaya mean, ‘So’?” she cried. “I’m not dressed! Go away!”

“Katie,” Alice said, gently pushing the bathroom door shut, “why are you being like this?”

The ten-year-old was caught off guard by her big sister’s question — enough so that, for the moment, she forgot to be furious. “Um… being like what?” asked Katie, her brow furrowed.

“So… so shy. Why should you be mad, just cause I saw you naked? We’re sisters! And we’re both girls, so I’ve got the same bits that you do. I don’t get what the big deal is,” Alice said, ending with a shrug.

“Well, you’re not naked now, and I am! That’s not fair!” Katie retorted. Her bathrobe was hanging on the door, right behind her older sister. She took a step toward Alice, still holding the towel to her chest. “Out of my way, you, you pillock! I want my robe!”

“I have a better idea,” Alice said.

With that, she opened her dressing gown and cast it to the floor in one sweeping motion. She’d practiced the move in front of the mirror, and it came off without a hitch. She posed before her younger sibling, wearing nothing but a smile.

Katie gaped at the naked teen, completely flummoxed.

“See?” Alice spread her arms, presenting herself. “You can look at me all you want. I don’t mind… why should you?” She drew closer to her sister, reaching out for the towel. “C’mon now, sis. Let me see.”

Katie was standing stock-still — but when Alice’s hand touched the towel, she recoiled. “No!” she cried. “You’re cute and, and pretty with no clothes on! Me, I’m just a skinny, ugly old stick!” Her lower lip began to quiver. “I d-don’t want anyone to see me.”

So that’s what’s wrong, Alice thought. “Why would you say that, Katie? That’s crazy.”

“I heard Graham Price say it,” the ten-year-old replied. “He told a bunch of the other boys that I had legs like matches, and I’m ugly as a d-dog’s arse.” She was trembling, on the verge of tears.

Alice shook her head. “Oh, Katie… that’s just silly. Dumb boys say dumb stuff like that all the time to show off to their dumb friends.” She paused, thought for a moment. “Wait a minute… isn’t Graham Price the one who farts in class all the time? Why on earth should you give a toss what that stupid git thinks?”

“B-but what if he’s right? What if I am ugly?” the child whimpered.

Good grief, Alice thought, trying not to roll her eyes. “Listen to me, Katie. Your bedroom is a toxic waste dump, and those rainbow-coloured trainers you wear are hideous… but you, dear sister, are anything but ugly. In fact, I think you’re cute as a button.” She extended a hand. “Now give me that towel. You aren’t leaving this bathroom until I get a good look at you naked.”

Katie was silent, her mouth set in a pout. Finally, she sighed, “Okay, fine,” and handed the towel to her big sister.

Alice didn’t speak at first, just looked her nude sibling up and down, drinking in the glorious sight of her. Katie’s long strawberry blonde hair was damp and dishevelled, half resting on her shoulders, the rest behind her thin neck. Rosy nipples stood pert and proud on her boyish chest. The girl’s tummy was perfectly flat, framing a cute belly button in its centre, and her slit was a sweet pink cleft that made Alice’s mouth water, nestled between gazelle-like legs. Katie’s slender arms dangled at her sides as she waited for her older sibling to say something, anything.

“Oh, Katie,” Alice finally whispered, “don’t ever think that you aren’t beautiful. You are.”

“I’m… I’m not too skinny, then?” the younger girl mumbled, her expression still mournful.

“Well, yeah, you’re thin…” Alice said, “That’s ‘cause you’re still a kid, silly. Doesn’t mean you can’t be sexy.” She paused to appraise her naked sister once more, very much liking what she saw. “Believe me, there are plenty of boys who’d be way turned on if they could see you now… girls, too!”

That got Katie’s attention. “Girls would like me? You mean, um… if they’re gay, right?”

“Sure,” Alice said, trying not to let her glee show. This little chat was going exactly the way she wanted. “I think lots of girls are into other girls. And if they saw you like this, with all your clothes off… well, I bet those girls would want to kiss you. And touch you.” She moved closer. “Like how that sounds?”

Katie studied her sister curiously. “Um, I don’t know? I never thought about it.”

She’s sure thinking about it now, Alice told herself. “Wanna know a secret?” she whispered.

“Sure, okay.”

I like to kiss girls. And touch them.”

Katie could only stare. “What — you mean…”

Alice nodded. “That’s right. I’m a lesbian.” She folded her arms, waiting to see how her little sister would respond to this unexpected revelation.

In fact, Katie was at a loss for words. She considered the idea for a moment, then said, “When did you know?”

“The first kiss. You know, with tongues.”

“Did you, um… do more than just kiss?”

Alice couldn’t stop grinning. “Oh, absolutely. Lots more.” In fact, she’d only done “lots more” with Mum, but it still counted.

Katie began to speak, hesitated, then finally came out with, “Um… what’s it like?”

“Oh, it’s the best,” said Alice. “Girls are so soft and sweet, and they smell great!” Deciding she’d said enough for now, she handed Katie her towel. “Here you are… think I’m gonna go read for awhile.” Before her sister could cover up, she gave the girl one last appreciative all-over look, as if to say, I’d do you in a heartbeat if you weren’t my sister… actually, I’d do you anyhow, sister or not.

“See ya later, Kater,” Alice added, bending down to pick up her dressing gown. But instead of putting it on, she casually draped it over one shoulder, padded over to the door and exited the room naked, glancing back to give Katie a wink before she closed the door. The last thing she saw was the younger girl staring at her, still holding the towel in both hands.

Yes! Alice enthused to herself as the door clicked shut. I’ve got her thinking the way I want… now we’ll see if it leads to anything good.

Lost in reflection, she didn’t notice that her baby sister Poppy was also there in the hallway, not at first. But then she saw the cute seven-year-old, wide-eyed in mixed surprise and awe at the sight of her big sister in the buff.

Alice wasn’t shy like Katie, but she’d never made it a habit to flaunt her bare body around the house, either. Though judging by the open interest her baby sister was showing, Alice wondered if she should indulge in casual nudity more often.

“Hi, Popstar,” she murmured, making her way down the hall.

“Hey, Alice,” Poppy replied, taking in the view. “How come you’re runnin’ around with no clothes on?”

“Why not? I like being naked,” the teen replied with a devil-may-care shrug. Then it struck her, just how much she was enjoying it, parading about in the nude. “I mean, It’s just us girls. I think we look good without clothes.”

You sure do!” Poppy said.

“Hey, I bet you do too, kiddo,” Alice replied, reaching out to tousle her baby sister’s hair, making Poppy giggle. “Any time you’d like to join me, go for it — we could have a party.”

“A naked party! Whooo-hoo!” Poppy squealed, jumping up and down. Then she quickly tugged her top up and off, leaving the little girl wearing nothing but buttercup-coloured underpants. “Like this!” She danced around, twitching her bum from side to side.

“Yeah, you’ve got the idea,” Alice said with a grin, her pulse racing as she approached her bedroom door. “Catch you later, little sister.”

“Bye-bye!” sang Poppy, still capering down the hallway.

Closing her door behind, Alice leaned back against it, tingling from head to toe with forbidden lust. She’d not given any real thought to the erotic possibilities of her youngest sibling… now, visions of a nude Poppy enthralled the teen, had her imagination running wild.

One thing was for certain: that tingling she felt down below had to be dealt with.

Casting her dressing gown onto a nearby chair, she stretched out on the bed, eyes drifting shut as she began to caress herself.

Onward to Chapter Seven!


Ripples, Chapter 5

  • Posted on December 8, 2018 at 3:21 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Standing at the kitchen sink and staring out into the garden with a mug of tea clasped in her hands, Jessica found it hard to concentrate.

It was Monday morning, and the events of the weekend were preying on her mind. It wasn’t just that she’d had sex with her own daughter… it was how easily she had agreed to her daughter’s request, and the hunger she felt for that lithe young body. Even now, despite knowing what she’d done was wrong, legally and morally, Jess still felt a deep sexual desire for Alice.

The same questions kept running through her head: Am I a lesbian now? Have I corrupted my daughter? Am I a bad mother?

What surprised her most was how much she longed to make love with Alice again. It had been difficult to  admit to herself, but she realised she wanted more, and not just from her daughter. She’d gone from a modest, practically celibate single mother to an obsessed lesbian in less than a week — at least, that’s how it felt.

Her recent experiences with Rachel and Sally were brief but intense, and she had been quite interested in exploring these new feelings even further. Instead, her meandering path to lesbianism had gone out the window, and she’d taken a giant leap from tentative exploration straight to incest with her twelve-year-old daughter.

Over and over, she scolded herself for giving in. Just because Alice wanted me to have sex with her, that doesn’t mean that I should have agreed, damn it. And what if she asks me again? Will I give her what she wants? If I don’t, how will she react? Oh, hell, who am I kidding. If she comes to my room dressed the way she was last night and looks at me with those big brown eyes of hers, I’ll be putty in her hands.

Even as she berated herself, she was playing back the scene in her mind: how Alice’s soft skin had felt to her fingers, the warm wetness of the girl’s pussy, the hungry kisses…

“Mum? Mum!” The voice snapped her back to reality, and she started as she realised one of her daughters was calling her. It was Katie, an exasperated set to her mouth.

“Sorry, darling, I was just… thinking about work,” she replied. “What’s up?”

Katie pouted. “I can’t find my gym kit.”

Smiling wryly, Jess gazed down at the girl. “It’s on the shelf in your wardrobe, where I put it after I took it out of your bag from under the bed where it had been for an entire week, then washed and ironed it.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks, Mum!” Katie said as she turned and raced away, completely oblivious to the point her mother was making.

As she helped the girls prepare for school, Jessica found herself stealing glances at her eldest daughter when she thought Alice wasn’t looking. Lewd images continued to pop into her head, causing shivers as her body remembered it all. She could almost feel her daughter’s touch, like some twisted virtual reality game come to life.

Alice just carried on getting ready with no outward signs of awkwardness, or in fact any indication of this day being different from any other, except for a small knowing smile as she kissed her mum goodbye and turned to go. That alone was enough to send a shiver through Jessica’s body.

Over the next several days, she watched Alice for signs of regret, guilt or embarrassment. Instead, the girl seemed even happier than usual — and especially affectionate. She had always been close with her mother, but now Alice was cuddling up to Jessica more in the evenings, and kissing her goodnight on the lips instead of on her cheek. Even the younger siblings noticed that their big sister seemed to always be nestling on the sofa with their mum when they watched TV.

That was as far as it went, though. Alice hadn’t been flirting with her in any obvious way, and she’d never turned up in Jessica’s bedroom again, not after that first time. Jess had been a nervous mess on those nights — both dreading that knock on the door, and longing for it to happen. And every evening, once she was convinced that Alice wouldn’t be putting in an appearance, Jessica masturbated herself to a tooth-rattling orgasm, fantasizing about her oldest daughter more often than not.

Once a week had passed, Jess began to relax a little and convinced herself that making love with her daughter had been a one-time thing, and Alice had changed her mind about wanting them to have sex again. However, settling back into her ordinary life proved to be much harder than she expected, what with her awakening lesbian desires.

At work, she was surrounded by very attractive women and girls, often in various states of undress. On more than a few occasions, Jess found herself staring at Caterina’s shapely contours, wondering if her shop manager had ever experienced sexual pleasure with a woman. She found some of the wives and mothers who shopped at her boutique quite attractive as well, but it was the younger girls that Jessica was drawn to most of all.

Sally wasn’t working at the moment, being engrossed in taking her exams, but Jessica’s had another young employee named Bridget to draw her attention. She was twenty-two years old and just as sexy as Sally, but far less timid, and her hair was jet black instead of blonde. Jess found herself regularly stealing glances as Bridget would glide about on the sales floor, her slim, athletic body bending and stretching as she served the customers.

Jess even found herself sneaking peeks at young teenage girls in the changing area. On one especially memorable afternoon, she was sorting clothes that customers had tried on when she spied Lacey and Sienna, the fourteen-year-old identical twin daughters of Stella Morrison, an acquaintance of hers whose art gallery was just a few doors along the road from Jessica’s shop.

They were trying on dresses and stripping off in the open area of the changing rooms, without a care for whoever might see them. Jess, very much a hands-on owner who never minded doing the minor jobs, was putting blouses on hangers when the sight of the scantily-clad girls stopped her in mid-motion.

They were in matching underwear, with the different colours of their lingerie the only way to tell the girls apart, not in the least self-conscious about their near nudity. Jessica held her breath as her eyes were drawn to the nicely-formed breasts inside those delicate lacy bras, then the skimpy panties that barely concealed the treasures that lay beneath.

They twisted and turned, posing in their sexy underthings in front of the large mirrors from all angles, arms round each other’s waists, cheeks together, pausing to share an exaggerated pouting kiss, then giggling. They parted and picked up the identical but differently coloured layered chiffon mini-dresses, holding them up for inspection before the mirror before trying them on.

The girls stood side by side, hands on hips as they studied their reflections in the glass. Then they let the dresses slip from their shoulders and fall to the floor, once again revealing the cute teens in their bras and skimpy knickers. Jessica was enthralled.

Just then, their mother Stella entered the scene, breaking the spell cast by her daughters when she said, “Get on with it, girls, we’ve not got all day!”

Both girls turned to their mother — and that was when they both made eye contact with Jess. They exchanged a glance, then looked straight at her, their enigmatic smiles penetrating Jessica’s stare and causing her to blush. She was frozen for a moment, unable to tear her gaze from their piercing green irises. They put her in mind of tigers hiding in the long grass, waiting to pounce on their prey.

Struggling to recover her composure, Jess asked, “May I assist you with anything, ladies?” a tremor in her voice that she couldn’t quite conceal.

Stella chipped in, “Cheers, Jess, how are you?” She was one of the successful and influential Oxfordshire Society ladies whose patronage Jess enjoyed. Although they’d started out just on nodding terms, bumping into each other in the street and Rachel’s tea rooms, they became friends at an arts and cultural evening organised by the local business and commerce group. Since then, they met occasionally for coffee, usually discussing their shared love of all things artistic.

In her younger days, Stella had been something of a boho chick but, as is so often the case, assumed a more mature persona when her own paintings started to sell. Now she was a successful dealer in the works of other artists. The long, flowery dresses and sandals of her younger days had given way to Armani and Louboutin, as well as some choice items from Jessica’s racks.

“Oh, hi, Stella. I’m good, thanks. Haven’t seen you in a while!” Jess responded, returning to folding clothes in an attempt to seem nonchalant.

“That’s ‘cos I’ve been off gallivanting round France, looking at some new stuff for the gallery. I swear, they add an extra bloody zero to the price tag when they know you’re English!”

“I know what you mean, I have the same problem. I’m starting to look further afield for new lines and designers.”

Stella was about to respond when one of her daughters interrupted. “Mum, we can’t agree on which colour we want this dress in.”

Their mother, obviously used to acting as a mediator, simply responded, “Well, why don’t you get one of each? That way you don’t have to decide.” Stella turned to Jess and rolled her eyes, then they both shared the same knowing smile of mothers used to settling minor disagreements.

Then one of the twins, Jess wasn’t at all sure which, moved nearer to the two women. She held up the two dresses, one a pale pink and the other in a pastel blue, both cut rather low in the front. Like with the lingerie, these were more revealing than anything Jess allowed her girls to wear.

The teen nodded toward one dress, then the other. “Which do you think is best, Ms Matthews?”

Jess flicked her eyes from dress to the other, but couldn’t help glancing at the young girl’s budding chest as she switched her gaze from left to right. Just then the other twin sidled up and declared, “Well, I like the blue one.”

“Well they are both nice and I’m sure either one would look great,” Jess said in a rush, unable to tear her eyes away from the barely-dressed nymph in front of her.

“Do you like our underwear, Ms Matthews? I saw you looking at us before,” said the other twin.

Jessica turned toward her, only to stiffen slightly when she saw the teen idly stroking the lacy front of her bra. Jess began to feel a little light-headed as she watched a nipple stiffen through the thin material as the girl teased it in a circular motion with a fingertip. She imagined herself reaching out to stroke those nipples, barely managing to suppress a shiver.

“I… it’s very lovely, “she responded with a shaking voice.

Stella clapped her hands smartly. “Come on now, girls — mustn’t keep Jessica from her work.”

Nerves jangling, Jess just gave a tight smile, taking the opportunity to snatch a quick glance at the girls before turning to leave. “Nice to see you, Stel,” she murmured. “Let’s do coffee some time. Girls, let one of my people know if you need the hem taken up on any of those skirts.” Giving them a fleeting wink, Jessica left the sales floor.

She made her way through the back room, heart throbbing wildly. Christ, what’s gotten into me? Am I actually perving on underage girls in front of their mums?

Suddenly Jessica noticed that one of the blouses she’d been carrying had slipped from its hanger. Looking back, she saw it lying on the floor next to the door that led to the sales floor. Grimacing, she turned around and went back to retrieve the garment.

Bending to pick it up, she heard soft-spoken voices. Pausing to listen, Jess quickly realized that she was eavesdropping on a quiet conversation between the twins and their mother.

“Girls, I’ve told you time and time again — you need to be more careful when you’re in public.”

“But, Mum… she was totally checking us out.”

“Lacey, darling, you had to have been imagining that. I know you have a crush on Jessica — and I don’t blame you, she is an incredibly sexy woman — but I’m sure you’re wrong.”

“Lacey’s right, Mum.” Sienna interjected. “You should have seen her eyes when we were in just our bras and knickers… they were huge!”

“Well, you are both very beautiful, and any woman ought to enjoy the sight of two pretty girls in such sexy lingerie. You know how much I do,” Stella added with a chuckle. “Now come on, get dressed — we’ve got places to be.”


As her daughters got back into their street clothes, Stella turned towards the door through which Jess had exited, a thoughtful look on her face. Could the girls be right? She knew that her daughters often thought of themselves as being the focus of everyone’s interest, but still… she did wonder. After all, it’s been ages since Jess has mentioned having a man in her life.


Jessica hurried through the backroom, mortified that these young girls had sussed her out so easily. What the hell am I doing? If the word gets around that I’m mooning over underage girls, I’ll be done for in this town!

Then a second thought jumped in. Hold on, hold on. Just what did Stella mean when she told her girls to be “careful,” in public? And… does Stella really think I’m sexy?

Her senses overloaded, she decided to get herself away from temptation. Seeking out Caterina, Jess told her she was going up to her office to do some paperwork.

The first floor had the same footprint as the ground, with most of the space dedicated to stock. But there was also a work room, plus a washroom, a small kitchen and break room. There was also an office shared by Cat with Ella, her assistant manager, and a larger office for Jess with an area that contained a couple of sofas and a coffee table where she met with suppliers and select clients.

Once in her sanctuary, she closed the door and slumped down on the sofa, trying to process what had just happened.

Recalling the image of the twins standing before her in their skimpy underthings, Jessica tried to find a rational explanation for the conversation she’d just overheard. However she looked at it, there was only one logical conclusion: the girls had been teasing her, and Stella knew it. It was also clear, from the way their mother had admonished them, that it wasn’t the first time the twins had done something like this.

Most of all, Jess was intrigued by Stella’s none-too-subtle hint that she enjoyed the sight of Lacey and Sienna in sexy lingerie — and wasn’t shy about letting the girls know it.

These longings I’ve been having for my Alice… could Stella be experiencing similar feelings for her own daughters?

As the vision of the half-naked teens lingered, Jess adjusted her imagination like a telephoto lens, zooming in for a close-up of a sexy bra, the young girl’s nipples clearly outlined through the gauzy material. She pictured Sienna — or was it Lacey? — caressing her breasts through the bra, rolling a fingertip over a nipple to make it stand out even further.

As the imagined scene played out, the girl dropped a hand to her bare midriff, letting it slide down until her fingers disappeared beneath the waistband of the lace panties she wore.

Losing herself in the fantasy, Jessica settled into the sofa. She was wearing a tight pencil skirt, and raising her bottom enabled her to tug the material up to her hips, exposing her sodden knickers. She rubbed her cunt through the gauzy material, then used one hand to pull the crotch to one side, the other to slowly trail her index finger through the slick crease. On the downward stroke, Jess slid that finger and its mate deep into the folds of her cunt. No foreplay was necessary, just hard, fast fucking, with the fingers of the other hand joining in to manipulate her pulsing clitoris.

In her mind, she was mirroring the actions of Stella’s daughter, concentrating on the image of the girl touching herself. Then Jessica pictured the cute teen unfastening the clasp of the bra, shrugging it off to reveal her breasts. As the young minx hooked her fingers in the side of her panties and slid them down, Jess pictured the girl’s twin padding over on stocking feet to join her sister, both of them now nude. They smiled at one another, mirror images come to life, then drifted together in a kiss, each reaching out to touch the other between the legs. Suddenly the girls broke apart and turned to face Jess, those deep green eyes transfixing her with a gaze that sizzled with raw lust.

It was all too much for Jess, and she exploded in a convulsive orgasm. Her legs shot out and stiffened as she shook violently, somehow managing to roll over and bury her face in a cushion to muffle the noise of her climax.

When she had calmed down and her breath was more or less back to normal, Jess slowly sat up. Mopping her brow, she asked herself, Where the fuck did that come from?

Stupid question, she decided upon further reflection. It came from the same place as all the rest of this crazy perversity of mine. A bottomless reservoir.

Just over a week ago, her sex life was like a still, clear pool of water; calm and untroubled, the surface a mirror. But then her friend Rachel — maybe my lover soon, Jess reminded herself — had shattered that peace, lobbing a large stone into the placid waters. Now all was movement, ripples fanning out in every direction, and her simple, peaceful life of celibacy had been stirred into a wild churn of lesbian desire.

Jess shook her head in awe. I’ve been thrown into complete chaos. Don’t know which end is up, can’t tell a hawk from a fucking handsaw. But damn it all, I’ve never felt more alive. Never.

Her tensions now assuaged — for the moment, at least — Jessica stood and adjusted her skirt, thankful that none of her employees had come upstairs in the last few minutes. Making her way to the desk, she seated herself, picked up a pearl-handled letter opener and began to go through the day’s mail.


After lunch the next day, Jess impulsively decided to go home early from work and relax. She let Caterina know of her intentions, grabbed her purse and stepped out into a gorgeous afternoon.

On the way, she dropped into the tea rooms to check in with Rachel about the girls’ night out they had scheduled for Saturday. On that night, their younger daughters would be attending a sleepover at one of the largest estates in the area. It belonged to Blanche Turner, a mutual friend, who was having a party for her children — Savannah, who was ten, and eight-year-old Annabelle. Since her girls had birthdays that were only a week apart, Blanche always celebrated them with one big event. Katie and Poppy were invited, as was Rachel’s youngest daughter Cindy.

As for Alice, the girls in her class were going on a Girl Scout trip to Wales for a couple of days, and would not return until Sunday night.

As Jess entered the tea rooms Rachel spied her immediately, and came round the counter to greet her with a brief hug. Jess waved to Charlotte and a couple of the waitresses, and Rachel ushered her over to a table, pausing to ask one of the girls to bring them coffees.

“I haven’t seen you for days — have you been avoiding me, woman?” Rachel asked.

Jessica made a face. “Sorry, Rach, it’s been simply manic at work this week. I was all tied up, doing my accounts.”

In truth, she had been avoiding Rachel, as she wasn’t sure if she was ready to talk about what happened between them just yet. On the other hand, she wanted to tell someone about her night with Alice, and Rachel seemed to be an obvious candidate — but Jess had no idea how to broach the topic with her, best friend or not. Hi, Rachel, fancy a cup of tea? By the way, I fucked my daughter the other night.

There was only one other person Jessica could talk to about this: her sister Laura, who was away on an assignment for the magazine she worked for. She knew Laura had been sexually involved with girls at university and was openly bisexual now, but that was a long way from lesbian incest. Perhaps I won’t need to, Jess told herself. After all, it probably won’t happen again.

She pulled herself together before Rachel could notice that her attention was straying.

“So how are we fixed for transport?” her friend was asking. ”That was your job, right?”

Jess nodded. “I’ve sorted out a minibus for the night. I just came by to find out who’s coming. Abby and Mel are up for it, and I’ve invited Cat as well.”

Abigail Potts was thirty-eight and an IT Manager; Melinda Dawson was thirty-seven and an executive personal assistant. Both had been friends since childhood with Jessica, who introduced them to Rachel. Mel and Abby had daughters of their own, and as members of the ‘Mothers Club’ at the school, the four of them saw each other often on the school run with their youngsters, sometimes meeting for coffee, lunch in town or shopping trips to Oxford and London.

“I would’ve invited all the girls from the shop, but some are on holiday. Also, I need to have at least two members of my staff who aren’t too hungover to work the next day. I know what your nights out are like!”

“I’m sure I have no idea what you mean.” Rachel cheerily replied. “Anyway, Charlotte and Maria will be there, and get this — I even persuaded Serena to come!”

Maria Di Giorgia was Rachel’s chef, and Serena Trent did accountancy work for Rachel and Jessica. She was drop-dead sexy, but styled herself like an archetypal female accountant, power-dressing with hair tied back in a severe knot. She resented having to prove she was a match for any of her male colleagues, when in truth she was worth two of any of them and had the client list and billing levels to prove it. The trouble was, there were precious few men who could handle a woman who projected strength like Serena did, so she tended to focus her energies on work and the gym.

Serena will be there? How in the world did you manage that?” Jess asked in a surprised tone.

“Oh, I just used my natural charm… also, I said I’d tell everyone she was hitting on me if she didn’t come.”

Jess just shook her head, knowing that Rachel was joking and Serena wouldn’t have taken it seriously. Then again, she wasn’t too sure of that now. Seems more likely that Rachel would come on to Serena. Wonder if she ever has done?

Rachel carried on, “Anyway, I’ve found a smashing place to go. It’s a fairly new club and they have a ladies night on Saturday, with a couple of bottles of Prosecco thrown in for party groups.”

“Sounds great. Christ, I’m in need of a good night out. Okay, then — come over to my place any time after seven o’clock; I’ve got the taxi booked for eight.”

They continued to chat idly, neither wanting to raise the subject of how close they’d been to having full-on lesbian sex just over a week ago — though for different reasons. Jess was scared that she might be reading too much into what they’d done, whereas Rachel was wary of putting pressure on her best friend to do more, even though that was exactly what she wanted. Slow and steady does the trick, Rachel reminded herself.

Jess checked the time and said, “Sorry, but I’ve got to get back — the new summer line is in. You should pop in and check it out. There’s some outfits I’m sure you’d like, y’know, the stuff most women our age wouldn’t dare wear.” She laughed. “Of course, that never bothers you, does it? You’re the only grown woman I know who could give those young minxes some serious competition!”

“Why, Jessica Matthews! Are you saying I’m a slut?” Rachel responded with mock indignation.

Jess laughed. “Well, if the shoe fits… Anyhow, I’ll see you Saturday.” With that, they shared a quick but very affectionate hug, then Jessica left.

It was still a bit early to be heading for home, so Jess elected to wander round the shops in town and check out the competition — and treat herself to a little retail therapy. She’d earned that, after spending most of the last two days sorting paperwork.


Jessica arrived home an hour later bearing a bag of goodies for her and the girls, a large fancy pizza for dinner, plus a chicken wrap she’d picked up for lunch. After ferrying the bags from the car and dumping the shopping on the hallway floor, she put on the kettle for some tea whilst she hungrily devoured the chicken.

She had just finished tea and washed her plate when the doorbell rang. Wondering who it might be, she glanced through the side panel of glass by the door and was surprised to see Sally, who gave a big smile and a wave when she saw Jess peering out.

Jessica opened the door, but before she could say a word, Sally said, “Hi, Jessica!” The teen wore a cream summer mini dress in a multi-layered gauze-like material with a wide ruffled hem, held up by thin shoulder straps. She looked marvelous.

Suddenly remembering to breathe, Jess said, “Hello, Sally. W-what are you doing here? Sorry, I mean… I didn’t expect to see you today. ”

If Sally was thrown by Jessica’s confusion, she didn’t let it show. “I finished my last exam this morning and was at home when I saw your car pull in a little while ago. I thought I’d come over and tell you how I did, and let you know I can come back to work whenever you need me. I’m not, er, disturbing you, am I?” She looked past Jess, into the house.

“No, I did a bit of shopping and came home early. Sorry, where are my manners? Come in, Sally.”

As the young girl passed her, a fresh floral scent wafted in from behind, and Jess paused to savor it. My God, she smells incredible!

Though her heart was throbbing, Jess did her best to maintain a casual air. “Come into the kitchen. Would you like a drink or anything?”

“No, thanks.” Sally sat on one of the high breakfast counter stools, her sandaled heels on the foot bar, knees together and hands in her lap.

Jess turned to the fridge to pour herself a mineral water before turning back to sit on a stool opposite the teen. “So, how did your exams go?”

Sally gave the older woman a rundown of her exams and how busy she had been revising, to which Jess listened attentively, her eyes sometimes straying to those beautiful legs. The girl was fidgeting, moving her hips side to side, sometimes offering a tantalising glimpse of the gap between those smooth thighs as her short dress rode up. But what caught Jessica’s attention most was the absence of a bra. Sally’s dress was thin and almost transparent in places and did nothing to hide those magnificent breasts that Jess had so recently admired. Despite being supported by nothing more than the thin straps of her dress, Sally’s tits were defying gravity in the way only youth can. Or a few grand in surgery, Jess mused.

“I can’t wait to come back to work.”

Sally’s voice shook Jess from her reverie and she reached for her glass, but her nervous hand caused it to tip over, causing the sparkling water to spill over the counter top and on the floor.

“Oh, bloody hell–” Jessica slid down from her stool, went over to the sink and opened the cupboard door underneath the sink to get a washcloth. As she knelt on the floor before Sally, wiping up the spillage and wondering why this young girl affected her so much, she looked up at the teen to speak, but was presented with a sight that turned her legs to jelly and made her mouth dry.

From this vantage point, she could see up Sally’s skirt and between her open legs. The youngster was wearing flimsy white lace panties, made all but transparent by what appeared to be a damp patch that clung to the contours of her vaginal lips. For all those sodden knickers concealed, the girl might just as well have gone without.

“Are you okay, Jessica?”

She stood back up, wobbling slightly, and reaching out to the counter top to steady herself, discarded the cloth, turning to face Sally. Is she teasing me? I bet she knows exactly what she’s doing, the little minx.

“Yeah, Sally. Um, it will be great to have you back… we’ve been a bit busy, what with a couple of the other girls on holiday,” she said, attempting to get her mind off the tantalising image, but sure her voice gave away her nervousness. Listen to me, I’m babbling like a perfect cretin.

Sally slid off the high stool, her dress riding further up her thighs. She stood before Jessica, who was lost for further words.

“Jessica, I hope you don’t mind me asking — but did you really mean it when you said you enjoyed me kissing you…?”

Jess bit her bottom lip and nodded. “Yes, I did. I mean…” The words weren’t coming. “It was very nice.”

“And did you mean it when you said I could come over again if I wanted?”

Jess wasn’t sure now if the blonde beauty was trying to seduce her in a coy manner, or just making sure she hadn’t misheard or understood. All she could do was softly whisper, “Yes.”

Sally moved slowly towards her. “Can I kiss you now?”

Jess nodded again but this time more vigorously, gulping before answering. “That would be… yes, Sally, please kiss me!”

Sally tilted her head up to place a gentle peck on the taller woman’s lips, then pulled away a little to see her employer’s reaction.

Jess was standing stock-still, unsure if she ought to allow this to go further, but it was a losing battle she fought with her increasingly helpless desires. This week had taken her time and time again to the brink of arousal, and the quickie masturbation session she’d had after her encounter with Stella’s sexy twins had barely taken the edge off.

Here I go again, wrestling with temptation — and losing.

She turned to put down the glass of water, then turned back to the blonde youngster. “Let’s go sit down, shall we?” Jess led the way into the lounge, Sally close behind.

Once they were seated side by side on the sofa, she turned to the girl, who started to lean into her, clearly anticipating another kiss.

Jessica placed her hands on Sally’s shoulders to stop her. “Listen, you can’t ever tell anyone about this, especially anyone at the shop. I don’t want to take advantage of you, and I can’t promise any kind of a long term thing. Really, you ought to have a relationship with someone… a girl nearer your own age.”

Sally gave her a shy smile. “Oh, Jessica, I do want to know what it’s like with another girl, but I’d like my first time to be with someone who is a bit older and knows what she’s doing.” Her cheeks reddened slightly. “Also, I… I think you’re incredibly sexy.”

Slightly taken aback by the compliment, Jess replied, “Well, thank you, but I’m not sure you can say I know what I’m doing — honestly, I’m almost as new to this as you are. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited by this. You’re just so beautiful, and I would like to… to make love with you.” There, I said it.

Sally seemed surprised by Jessica’s admission, but got over that quickly enough. She leaned forward again, but this time Jess pulled the girl to her.

The kiss began gently, first-time lovers testing the waters. They softened into each other, both parting their lips, their tongues emerging to play. This time it was Jessica who took the lead, gently easing the teenager down on the sofa.

Jess couldn’t resist the urge to fondle Sally’s full breasts as their kiss grew more passionate, cupping them in both hands. The teen followed her lead, groping Jessica through her teal blouse. After a few minutes of intensely sensual mouth play — tongues duelling, mouths sliding together, lips exploring and nuzzling ears, chins and necks — Jess allowed her hand to slip further down the blonde girl’s body. She found Sally’s smooth thigh, and her hand began to move upwards again, slipping beneath the hem of her young lover’s flimsy dress.

Her fingers firmly stroked the damp gusset of Sally’s lacy panties, pressing the material into the cleft of the girl’s sex, causing her to shiver. Again, Sally mirrored Jessica’s actions, dropping her hand to seek out the bottom of the older woman’s skirt. She had trouble finding the hem, so she stopped to look down, trying to see where the skirt ended.

As the girl took hold of the hem, Jessica grabbed her wrist, stopping her in mid-motion. Startled, Sally peered into her eyes, wondering if this beautiful woman she’d adored for so long was having second thoughts about the two of them making love.

Realising that her younger partner was confused, Jess whispered, “Let’s go upstairs, we’ll be more comfy.”

Hurry on to Chapter Six!


Ripples, Chapter 4

  • Posted on November 26, 2018 at 2:18 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Note: This chapter is longer than most, as the action takes place in a single scene, and we couldn’t bring ourselves to split it into two parts. Please try to make it to the end before you pause to, er, “think about what you just read.”


Jessica had just settled on the bed and opened her book to where she’d left off — then there was a quiet knock on her door. “Come in,” she said.

The door opened and Alice popped her head round. “Can I talk to you about something, Mum?”

Jess nodded. “Of course, darling. Come in and close the door.”

Alice slipped into the room and climbed onto the bed, sitting cross-legged, facing her mother. She was wearing one of her father’s old dress shirts with most of the top buttons undone, allowing Jessica an occasional glimpse of her budding breasts whenever she moved. Glancing down, she was surprised to see that her daughter had gone without panties, offering a tantalising view of her lightly downed pubis.

Is she doing that on purpose? Jessica wondered. Her head swam, her heart throbbed as she struggled not to stare at Alice’s sex. Then she decided not to comment on it — for the moment, at least.

Instead, she gave the girl a shaky smile, trying to seem composed. “What is it, love? Do you want to continue what we were talking about earlier?”

Alice hesitantly nodded. “Well, sort of.”

Jessica gave her a questioning look. “Sort of…?”

“It’s just that, when Azumi told me and Olivia about her mum being a lesbian, I sort of, um, started to look at other mothers, and teachers — even my friends, to see if… if I could tell if they might be gay.”

“So, then… could you?”

Alice shrugged. “Not really. I mean, I saw two ladies hug and kiss each other, but not the same way I saw you kissing Sally or Auntie Rachel.” Jessica felt her face grow hot, but kept quiet.

“Then I saw some girls at school holding hands — but I do that with my friends, too. So I wondered: how would I know if I was a lesbian?”

“Well, I’m not really qualified to answer that,” Jessica responded. “Just because I had one kiss with Rachel and another with Sally, I’m not sure if that makes me gay or not. The truth is, this is all new to me too… so believe me, I’m just as confused about it as you are. Probably more.”

“The thing is, Mum… I’ve been, um, looking at other girls when we’re in the showers after gym class. Some of them are really pretty with all their clothes off, and — and it gives me a funny feeling, like butterflies in my tummy.”

Jessica was riveted by Alice’s words, while her eyes were drawn to the gap in her daughter’s shirt. She saw the beginnings of the girl’s adolescent breasts, as well as a rosy nipple. She noticed, with a sudden flash of excitement, that the tiny bud seemed more prominent as Alice spoke. Then, unable to help herself, Jess glanced down to study her child’s virginal mound, which now appeared to be almost opening like a flower, the petals glistening with morning dew. The sight had her almost dizzy.

I’ve got to be imagining this, Jessica told herself. My little girl and I are having a serious discussion about her feelings — and mine. She can’t be getting sexually aroused by this… can she?

“And then,” Alice continued, “last night, after I saw you, uh, watching that lesbian movie… when I went back to bed, I — I started thinking about, um… doing stuff like that, with girls I know.” She opened her mouth to speak again, then fell silent.

Jess nervously moistened her lips. “Did you… did you do anything about those thoughts you were having?” It felt downright perverse for her to ask, but she had to know.

Alice slowly nodded, her cheeks now flushed a bright pink. “Um, yeah. I touched myself. Down there.” She paused, then added. “Just like you did.”

“Yes, I did,” Jessica said. “Now you know that there’s nothing wrong with masturbating, right? Remember how we talked about this before…” Her voice trailed off as the full significance of the girl’s words struck her. “Wait, wait — how did you know that? I mean, that I was masturbating last night?”

Alice’s eyes filled with horror as she realized what she’d just said. “Um…”

Jess stared at the dismayed girl. “Alice, tell the truth, now… were you spying on me?”

“I’m so sorry, Mum!” Alice cried, clearly upset. “I didn’t mean to spy, it’s just… I could hear that you were watching that movie again, and I really, really wanted to see more of it. I wasn’t looking at you, I promise! It was too dark for me to even see you! But you were making these sounds, so, um, I kinda knew anyhow–”

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Jess cut in. “I suppose I ought to be upset with you for violating my privacy… but on the other hand, you can’t be blamed for being curious, especially when it comes to sex.” She gazed sternly at her daughter. “I’ll let it slide this time, but I’d better not catch you playing Peeping Tom outside my door ever again, okay?”

“Yes, Mum. I won’t do it again, I promise.” Alice gave her mother a sheepish smile, then glanced down at her mother’s bare legs, lingering on them. Jessica suddenly remembered that she, too, had chosen to go without panties under her nightwear.

“Mum? Can I ask something? It’s about… well, when I was standing at your door, and you were, um, masturbating?”

“Yes, you can, love.” Jess patted the empty pillows beside her. “Come sit next to me.”

Alice was on all fours, that old shirt hanging down to expose her chest as she crawled over to sit next to her mum, both with their legs stretched out in front, so Jess could no longer see the enticing treasure between her daughter’s thighs. Just as well, she told herself.

But when she put an arm round Alice, Jessica quickly realised that she could see right down the front of her daughter’s shirt. There was a light sheen of perspiration on the girl’s growing breasts, and Jessica began to feel hot herself, the warmth mostly centered beneath her belly.

She’s your daughter. She’s only twelve. She’s your daughter, damn it. “What was it you wanted to ask me, sweetheart?”

After a moment’s silence, Alice spoke. “When you were touching yourself, I… I heard you say my name. First I thought maybe you saw me, but you didn’t know I was there.” She was staring down at her knees. “Why, Mum?”

Oh. My. GOD. She heard! My daughter heard me call out for her while I fingered my cunt. Even worse, she heard me say it precisely one second before I came like a fucking wildcat. Now what?

Panicked thoughts raced through Jessica’s head as she struggled to come up with an explanation, one that didn’t make her sound like a sex offender.

“Mum?” Her daughter was waiting for an answer.

I can’t lie to her about this. I’ve been telling Alice over and over that she’s growing up fast… well, maybe it’s time I treated her like an adult, tell the truth, and pray to God that she doesn’t hate me for it.

Jess took a deep, steadying breath. “Here’s what happened, sweetheart. I was watching the DVD and… and I was masturbating, just like you said. Well, I started thinking about different women while I watched. There was Rachel, Charlotte Coleman, Gemma from the corner store, Caterina, even some of the girls in the shop. Then your face popped into my mind, and it took me completely by surprise. I guess I must’ve called your name without thinking.”

“Were you thinking of me in that way, you know, like the women in the movie?”

“No!” Jessica answered quickly, turning to look at Alice. “I don’t really know where it came from, seeing you in my head like that. I mean… it’s not like I’m thinking about the two of us having sex.” She sighed, shook her head. “This… attraction to women that I have, it’s so new to me and happening so fast. I’m still not sure what to do with these feelings.” Especially how I feel when I see you naked.

To that end, Jessica couldn’t keep herself from stealing another glance down her daughter’s top while Alice sat quietly, lips pursed, lost in thought.

Out of the blue, the girl finally spoke. “Mum?”


“If you did want to, y’know, do sex stuff with me? I wouldn’t mind.”

Jess gaped at her daughter. “Alice! Where on earth did you get such an idea?” she demanded, the words coming out in a harsher tone than she intended.

The girl seemed to wilt under her mother’s gaze. “Sorry, Mum,” she mumbled, looking away. “That was a stupid thing to say… I didn’t mean it.” Her lower lip was quivering. She pulled away from Jessica, getting on her feet. “I should go to bed.”

Shocked by her daughter’s words — but even more by her distress — Jessica raised a hand. “Wait!” Once again, she patted the spot on the bed beside her. “Please come back, sweetheart. I’m sorry — I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”

Alice glumly studied her mother. “No, it’s my fault. I was being dumb.”

Jess folded her arms. “Alice Matthews,” she said, a firm edge in her tone, “I won’t allow anyone to call my daughter ‘dumb,’ even my daughter. Now you come sit right here–” she patted the bed once more –”and let’s talk about this. That’s what grownups do.”

“Okay.” The girl’s expression was still sorrowful, but she did rejoin her mother, seating herself by Jessica’s side. “I didn’t really mean what I said about sex stuff, though. I was only kidding.”

“Shhhhh…” Jessica enfolded Alice in a warm embrace, cradling the girl’s head to her chest. “Listen to me, dearest. I would never be angry with you, or even think less of you, because of your feelings. Not if they’re feelings of love. Or desire — that’s a kind of love, too. Understand?”

“I… I think so,” Alice said, snuggling into her mother.

“Okay. Let’s talk some more about that. You told me how you like to look at other girls in the gym shower, and that the sight of them naked… well, let’s just say that it gets you excited, in a sexual way. Right?”

“Kind of, yeah.”

“Maybe you’ve been looking at some of your friends in a different way, thinking about what it would be like to kiss them… maybe even touch them, yes?”

“Uh, well, sometimes.”

“Good,” Jess said, patting her daughter’s back. “And when you saw parts of that DVD that I was watching last night, the one with the lesbians making love… that turned you on, didn’t it?”

“Uh-huh.” Alice’s head was resting on Jessica’s right breast, with only the fine silk of the nightgown she wore between the girl’s cheek and her bare skin.

“Now, how did it make you feel when you saw me kissing Sally this afternoon? Did that excite you?”

“Um, yeah… it did.”

“All right. Now I have one last question, sweetheart, and I hope you’ll trust me enough to answer it honestly. These sexual thoughts you’ve been experiencing… have you had them for me, too?”

There was a long silence… finally, Alice whispered, “Yes.” Lifting her head, she looked helplessly at her mother. “That’s bad, huh?”

Though her pulse was racing, Jess carefully measured her words before she spoke. “No, dearest. I know that these feelings are part of the love you feel for me… how could I think that it’s wrong for you to feel love?” She took the girl’s hand, gave it a squeeze. “Since you’ve trusted me with your secret, I’m going to share one of mine.” She paused, trying to summon up every ounce of courage she had. “Alice, when I saw you asleep this morning, completely naked… it aroused me. In a sexual way.”

The twelve-year-old gaped at her mother. “You… it did?”

“Uh-huh,” Jessica said. “And then, just a little while ago, I noticed that you aren’t wearing anything under that old shirt of your father’s. The way you were sitting, right after you came in? I could see your… well, I could see your pussy. That got me excited.”

“Wow,” said a dazed Alice — almost too quietly to be heard.

“So don’t think of yourself as bad. Not unless you think I am, too. Okay?”

“Um… okay.” Furrowing her brow, the girl said nothing for a brief moment, then, “Mum?”

“Yes, my love.”

“If I asked you to do something for me… could you maybe think about it first, don’t just say ‘no’ right away? Please?”

What’s this? Jessica wondered. “I promise, sweetheart.”

“Would you…” Alice faltered at first, then said, “Would you kiss me, Mum? The same way you did Aunt Rachel?”

The crazed thudding of her heartbeat pounded in Jessica’s ears as she absorbed the girl’s words. Now what? How do I get myself out of this? I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but how can I kiss my own daughter like she was my lover?

A sudden warmth flickered through her as another question made itself known: Do I want to kiss her that way?

She pictured it, trying to imagine what it would be like. I’m sure it would feel nice — taking her in my arms, kissing that pretty mouth. Oh my God, you did NOT just think that.

Frowning, fighting to clear her head, she said, “Alice…”

“Mu-um! You said you’d think about it first! You promised!” The girl cried, glaring at her mother.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you’re right, I did,” Jess hastened to say. “Fair enough. I will think about it. Okay? Now, you really ought to get back to bed.”

Alice shook her head. “Think about it now, Mum. I’m not even a little bit tired!” She smiled. “Tell you what — turn around, and I’ll rub your shoulders while you think. You always love it when I do that.”

Not knowing what else to do, Jessica meekly did as her daughter asked and presented her back to the girl, who slipped both hands inside the silken nightie that Jess wore and began to knead her mother’s shoulders.

Alice sometimes gave back or shoulder rubs to her mother if she seemed especially tired after a day at the shop — or to her younger sisters, if they asked nicely. Jess had been somewhat tense of late, perhaps because of this ongoing struggle with her own sexuality… and at that moment, the touch of her daughter’s hands felt positively divine.

All the while, she grappled with Alice’s heartfelt request.

I shouldn’t do it, that much I know. Especially considering that the very sight of Alice in that sloppy old shirt gets me aroused. At least I can finally admit that to myself.

Then again, it would make her happy — isn’t it worth breaking the rules for that?

And who made up these “rules,” anyway? Why shouldn’t I kiss my daughter that way if she really wants it — or if we both do? She’s questioning her sexuality… well, so am I. Perhaps it’ll help us both understand what we want.

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat as Alice slowly drew the top of her nightie open, exposing more of her bare skin — then she moaned as the girl’s soft lips brushed her neck.

It fanned the hidden spark of her desire, whipped it into an open flame. Jess reached up to grasp her daughter’s hand, then turned to face the girl. With her free arm, she encircled Alice’s waist, drawing her near as if they were about to attempt a slow dance.

Alice was staring at her mother in complete awe — and Jess could feel herself falling into those lovely eyes, losing herself, her soul. I can’t even think of saying no.

“I love you, baby girl,” Jessica whispered. “Oh my God, I love you.” And she kissed her daughter.

It began with a gentle peck, then several more on Alice’s mouth and around it, lingering a bit longer with each one — finally pausing to trace her daughter’s lower lip with a flick of the tongue.

Jessica’s intention was to kiss her daughter with a steadily rising passion, showing her how real lovers did it. Instead, Alice surprised her by making a move first, the girl’s tongue darting into her mother’s mouth.

Even a few moments earlier, such unexpected boldness from her twelve-year-old would have caused Jess to quickly break away, shocked by her daughter’s behavior. But now her lust was running rampant, the flame fanned into a raging fire. She met and matched the girl’s fervor, meeting Alice’s tongue with hers.

The front of Jessica’s nightie had come open — catching the attention of Alice, who hesitantly reached out to cup her mother’s bare breast. Jess moaned into Alice’s mouth when the girl’s soft palm brushed a nipple, quickly causing it to stiffen.

It’s happening so fast, Jess thought. I really ought to put a stop to this, or at least discuss it with Alice first, before we take things too far. Except… she doesn’t want to stop. And damn it, neither do I.

Whatever shyness Alice had felt about touching her mother was now gone. The girl had both hands inside Jessica’s silk nightgown, fondling her breasts, teasing the nipples with curious fingertips. Jess loved it, loved it. Her daughter’s caresses were clumsy, but each one was a thing of perfect beauty. A poem, one told with hands, not words.

As Alice’s confidence grew, Jess herself became bolder. Placing a hand on her daughter’s shoulder, she began to explore the girl through her shirt, very slowly moving down her chest, gently pressing against the worn fabric until she felt a hard nipple. Alice trembled, whispering, “Oh, Mom…”

The shirt that Alice wore was open down to the fourth button. Jessica found that button and carefully unfastened it — then the next, then another, until they were all undone. She slipped a hand inside, caressing the young girl’s neck and shoulder. Finally, taking hold of the frayed collar, Jess pushed the shirt off and let it fall away from Alice’s upper half, leaving the twelve-year-old nude before her mother.

Suddenly bashful, Alice folded both arms across herself. “I — I’m too skinny,” she protested.

Before her daughter had finished speaking the words, Jessica was already shaking her head. “Don’t say that, sweetheart. Here — let me see you.” She gently drew Alice’s arms away from her body, then studied the girl’s nakedness. “Oh, my sweet child,” she whispered, “your body is… it’s exquisite.”

She reached out to touch Alice’s lips, then slowly trailed the tips of her fingers downward, over the chin and neck, then to her chest. Am I really doing this? she wondered. Yes, yes I am, and I don’t care who says it’s wrong. We both want this — and for right now, that’s good enough.

Jess covered her daughter’s breast with her hand, the fingers spreading out like an opening fan, then moved her palm over the small mound in small circles before taking a nipple between two fingers and giving it a playful tweak.

At this, Alice shivered, a tiny whimper escaping her lips, and placed a hand on her mother’s bare thigh. Jess leaned in to give the preteen a kiss, their tongues briefly sparring before she broke away, nuzzling a path down her daughter’s soft neck. Alice’s head lolled back, opening herself up to the woman’s exploring mouth.

Jessica kissed down further, until she was able to take her daughter’s nipple between her lips, flicking the tip of her tongue over the tender bud.

“Ohmigod, Mom!” Alice cried, arching her back. Jerking her hand away from Jessica’s leg, the girl thrust it between her own thighs, clumsily groping her sex.

Jessica’s desire surged even higher at the realisation that her daughter was masturbating. Unable to resist, she copied Alice, moving a hand down to her own dripping cunt — sliding one, then two fingers easily into the hot tunnel, fucking herself fast and hard.

Alice moaned — but in frustration, not rapture. Clutching Jessica’s arm with her free hand, she breathlessly said, “Can you please help me, Mum? I c-can’t get the good feeling.”

Raising her head from Alice’s chest, Jessica saw the helpless need in her daughter’s eyes. She knew this was a huge step to take, touching the vagina of her twelve-year-old girl — but that imploring look rendered Jess unable to refuse. She needs my help. I can’t deny her that.

Withdrawing her fingers from her own syrupy cunt, Jess quickly shed her nightie — now, mother and daughter were both nude. Propping herself against the pillows that cushioned the headboard, she gestured Alice to her. “Sit back against me, sweetheart.”

The girl obliged, settling back against her mother’s bare body.

Jessica reached out to cup Alice’s vulva, amazed by its softness. There was a mere sprinkling of pubic down; otherwise, her daughter’s sex might have passed for that of a child. For some reason, that thought aroused Jess even more.

She used a finger to part the girl’s labia, running it up and down the slit to open her up, seeking out the clitoris with her thumb. Jess gently penetrated Alice with the tip of one finger, moving cautiously, not wanting to do her an injury. She probed into the vagina, gradually going deeper — then lightly brushed her daughter’s clitoris, alternating between the two.

As Jess quickened her pace, Alice began to squirm about, her voice growing steadily louder as she gasped and moaned, lost in a rising ecstasy. Worried that the sound might wake her younger daughters, Jessica turned the girl’s face toward hers and muffled her cries with a kiss.

Suddenly Alice went stiff — then three huge tremors shook her body, and a lungful of held breath escaped her lips in a sigh before she went limp in her mother’s arms. She was breathing heavily, her skin glazed with sweat, mouth hanging slack.

Jess realised that her daughter had just enjoyed her first real orgasm at the hands of another, but she had yet to achieve her own release. Before she could see to that, though, the reality of what she’d just done kicked in. Now she was having second thoughts.

“Alice… are you okay? Um, maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” Silence. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, that I… if I went too far with you just then.”

Still nestled between Jessica’s thighs, Alice struggled to sit up, then turned to face her mother, shaking her head. “No, Mum, it’s okay, it was great! I wanted you to do it, honest.”

She glanced down at her mum’s pussy — the dark pink flesh still glistening with wetness — then back up at Jess. “Can I make you feel good now?”

Despite the dazed shock she felt at her actions, Jessica still ached to reach the pinnacle of her own orgasm… but despite that fierce need, she didn’t feel quite ready to be pleasured by her twelve-year-old daughter. I’d probably have to teach her how, she thought, and that just seems weird. Christ, I already feel enough like a bloody pervert. Still, I don’t want to hurt Alice’s feelings…

Reaching for her nightie, Jess held it to her chest, concealing her nudity as best she could. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, sweetie. Maybe we should call it a night.”

But now there was a determined set to Alice’s jaw that Jessica knew all too well. Her daughter was usually a well-behaved girl, but could be amazingly stubborn when she chose. “No,” she said, not even raising her voice. “I don’t want to.”

With that, she took hold of her mother’s silken gown, pulling it away to bare the woman’s breasts, then quickly bent to take the tip of one between her lips.

“Alice!” Jess gasped as the girl felt for her other breast, clumsily fondling the soft globe as she began to suck her mum’s swollen nipple.

Too startled to speak, Jessica instinctively placed a hand over her sex, as if for protection. Make her stop, push her away! her conscience insisted.

Somehow, though, she couldn’t bring herself to spurn her daughter, to reject the girl’s affection. It seemed downright cruel. What if she cried?

You shouldn’t let her make love to you! that small voice insisted.

The warmth of Alice’s mouth, the caress of her tongue as it bathed Jessica’s nipple, the palm of the girl’s hand gliding over her breast, the knowledge that it was her own little girl giving her such lovely feelings — these things and more had the older woman dizzy with pleasure, desperate for release.

Jessica’s instincts pleaded with her to submit, to let Alice have what she wanted — I want it too, she had to admit — but those remaining stirrings of guilt nagged at her to stop this, send her daughter off to bed before it was too late.

Then, just as Jess placed a hand on Alice’s arm, on the verge of saying, Sweetie, maybe we should stop, the twelve-year-old made her next move. Reaching between Jessica’s thighs, she firmly grasped the woman’s hand, moving it out of the way, then replaced it with her own, tentatively exploring her mum’s sex.

That internal fire blazed anew, quickly mounting into a roaring inferno. Overwhelmed, driven beyond rational thought, Jess fell back into the pillows, legs parting as she surrendered to her daughter’s touch.

I’m only human, damn it. Need this so badly, I can’t say no!

Alice’s fingers were unsure at first — but she paid close attention to how her mother responded, and soon they were sheathed in the woman’s vagina, probing her creamy tunnel. The girl was working from an awkward position, though, so she moved further down the bed, crouching over Jessica’s thighs, concentrated on plumbing the depths of her mother’s cunt.

This improved access allowed Alice to penetrate her mother for real, thrusting in and out of Jessica’s pussy with a hard, steady rhythm. The air was thickening with the scent of womanly passion, making the girl’s head swim when she breathed it in.

As she savored the intoxicating aroma, Alice spied her mother’s clitoris, now engorged and erect. Without breaking the rhythm of her pumping arm, she used the thumb on her other hand to tease the pink pearl.

Jessica’s body stiffened. “Ah! Oh yes, m-my sweet little girl, that feels so, s-so gooood… Ooooohh!”

Never in her life had Alice known a greater thrill. The heat, the slippery wetness, the rich perfume of Mum’s pussy — the twelve-year-old’s fantasies hadn’t even come close to capturing what she felt now. I’m fucking my own mum, she kept thinking. I’m fucking Mummy.

It was an incredible experience, but there was something else that Alice wanted to try — something that had seemed ridiculous, the first time one of her schoolmates had mentioned it. But since then, she’d read about girls doing it to each other in the naughty stories she sought out on the internet… and just last night, Alice had seen it happening for real, on Aunt Rachel’s lesbian DVD.

Drawing closer to Mum’s womanly center, Alice nervously moistened her lips. The earthy smell was stronger here, and the warmth of Jessica’s pussy was so intense that the girl could feel it on her face.

Don’t be a scaredy-cat, she told herself. You can do this!

Taking a deep breath, Alice quickly withdrew both hands from between her mother’s legs, then buried her mouth in the woman’s dark brown bush. Jess groaned in protest — a groan that rose to a sharp squeal when her daughter made oral contact, the girl’s lips pressing a kiss into the moist folds of her vagina.

Sampling the flavor, Alice decided that she liked it — tart and strong, a bit salty. Her tongue emerged to lick, trailing up and down the juicy cleft.

Jess stared up at the ceiling, her heart pounding in a crazy mixture of excitement, arousal and shock, all heightened by the warm, wet tongue of her twelve-year-old.

It’s like the wildest dream I’ve ever had, she thought, only it’s not a dream. My own daughter is going down on me. How can this be real?

The girl was clearly a novice at cunnilingus, but made up for it with her enthusiasm for the task. Those long, luscious licks were anything but hesitant.

Alice’s mood was positively euphoric. She loved her mother, loved feasting on her pussy. It was like eating a piece of some rich, exotic fruit that tasted better and better with every nibble. Her nose and mouth were pressed against the humid slit, her tongue delving inside, the thick, warm nectar oozing down her throat as she drank from her mother.

“Oh, sweetheart… I — I love you, love you s-so much, you’re making Mummy feel wonderful, ohhhhh, yes….” Jessica was groping her breasts, scissoring the nipples between trembling fingers.

The girl wanted to make her mum come really hard, and she knew that the best feelings came when you played with that little bump near the top of your pussy. Mum’s is bigger than mine, too, she thought. Bet that means that she’ll come even more!

Nuzzling her way upward, Alice found the fiery pink nubbin, took it between her lips and instinctively began to suck it like a nipple, occasionally teasing the tip with her tongue. It wasn’t as yummy as licking Mum’s hole, but the taste was still there.

It was too much for Jessica. She gave a choked gasp as her body jerked hard, an orgasm mauling her like a wild animal. Clapping a hand to her mouth, she fought to stifle her voice, all the while longing to scream out loud in purest ecstasy.

Her rapture rose to an unimaginable peak, then began to slowly wane — but not knowing when to stop, Alice continued to nurse from her mother’s clit. Oh God, no more — my heart will give out! Jess reached out blindly, gave the girl’s shoulder a squeeze.

“Th-that’s enough, love,” she stammered, then moaned when Alice said goodbye to her pussy with one last playful lick. Dazed as she was, Jessica couldn’t help but laugh at that.

She studied the smiling twelve-year-old, whose lips and chin were now coated with her fluids… a sight that had Jessica’s lust purring all over again. Crooking a finger, she beckoned Alice to her. “Come here, my love…” she said between deep breaths, “Mummy wants a kiss.”

With a happy sigh, the girl crawled into her mother’s arms. Their mouths met, tongues mingled. Jess hummed contentedly as she tasted herself in their kiss, cradling her daughter close.

After awhile, they slowly drifted apart. Her eyes fluttering open, Jessica gazed at Alice, who was lying on top of her mother, lazily stroking the woman’s breasts. “Oh, sweetie, that was — it was wonderful. Um, you don’t… feel bad about what we just did, do you?”

Alice shook her head. “No, Mum — it was the best. Thank you for, for all of it!”

Jessica lightly caressed her daughter’s bare back. “Let me ask you something, Alice.”

“Uh, okay.”

“When we were talking earlier, you made it sound like, well, you’d never even kissed another girl…”

“I haven’t, Mum. Not like we just did, anyhow!”

“Okay, but here’s what I’m wondering: you seem to have a fairly good idea of how women have sex with other women. Like someone showed you how.”

Alice made a face. “Actually, I kinda… read about it.”

Read about it?” echoed Jessica, arching an eyebrow. “And where, pray tell, did you do this reading?”

The girl was visibly embarrassed. “Umm… this website I found. See, I wanted to know more about lesbians, so I looked ‘round the internet for, uh, stuff about that. This one site had a whole bunch of stories. I read all about ladies having sex, and I got some good ideas that way.” She paused. “Was that wrong for me to do?”

“Well, no,” Jess said. “I’ve never really had any rules about what you girls can look up on the computer, so technically, you’re in the clear.” She gave a shaky laugh. “Funny, I never even thought about it. God knows why… at your age, I’d look at anything I could find that was to do with sex.” She looked back at her daughter. “What website is this?”

“I’ll show it to you,” said Alice. “Oh… and, um, there’s something else about that site, I guess I should say. They have a lot of stories that are…” She hesitated, her cheeks now a brighter pink.

Jessica’s curiosity was aroused. “What?”

“They’re about… girls, doing stuff with their mums…”

Like we just did. The sentence completed itself in Jessica’s head, accompanied by the beating of her pulse.

Alice continued, her blush deepening. “That’s, um, kinda where I got the idea about us, Mum. Those were the stories I liked the best… and when I read ‘em, it made me want to… do things with you.” She gazed pensively at her mother. “We’re not s’posed to, though — are we?”

Jess sighed heavily. “No, we’re not, love. Definitely not. But… we did. There’s an old saying that goes, ‘You can’t unring a bell,’ and I’d say it applies here. Of course, we could try to forget it happened, don’t even talk about it, not ever. Is that what you want?”

“No!” Alice declared. “I don’t care if other people tell us it’s wrong. I loved it! Can we, um, have sex again some time? Pretty please?”

Jessica’s head swam. My God, she wants more of this! Then again, don’t I want more of it, too? Admit it, the notion is a tempting one…

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” she said. “That’s something we have to do some serious thinking about, both of us… and it’s awfully late. Let’s sleep on this, okay? I’m not telling you no — not yet, anyhow.”

“Okay,” Alice said. “Mum? Are we both lesbians now, do you think?”

“Well… I might be becoming one, but I think you’re a little young to make that decision just yet. You could be dating boys before very long. Only stick to kissing with them for the time being, not the other stuff. I’m nowhere close to wanting grandchildren.”

“I don’t know,” Alice said with a shrug. “I like a couple of boys, but not that way. Right now, I only want to kiss girls, so maybe I am gay.”

“Could be, sweetie. Now off to bed with you. We’ve both got to get up early tomorrow.”

“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Alice asked.

“Um, sure — but no more fooling around, all right? Not until we’ve discussed this.”


They settled down beneath the covers, then Jess switched off the bedside lamp. Within seconds, Alice was dozing peacefully. As for Jessica, she expected to remain awake for a good long while — brooding about what she and her daughter had done, what the consequences might be, and how to deal with Alice’s insistence that they make love again. But she surprised herself by drifting off a few minutes later.


Jessica woke with a start at the sound of a voice calling, “Mummy?”

She opened her eyes to daylight — and nine-year-old Katie standing at the foot of the bed.

Startled, Jess snatched at her alarm clock, sighing with relief to see that she hadn’t overslept. It was nearly time to get up, though.

Katie wore a curious frown. “Mummy, how come Alice is in bed with you?”

With a sudden rush of realisation, the events of last night flashed in Jessica’s mind. Feeling panicked, she glanced sideways at her eldest daughter, lying next to her, stark naked beneath the sheets. Fumbling for some, any excuse, she said, “Um, Alice had a bad dream, sweetie. She still felt a little frightened, so I told her she could sleep with me.”

Alice scowled a bit — clearly, she wasn’t pleased with her little sister thinking that she’d been scared, and then had to come sleep in Mommy’s bed like a baby. Still, that was their story, and now she was stuck with it.

Katie did seem to be on the verge of mocking Alice, but something else distracted her. “Mommy, you don’t have your nightdress on!”

Damn it. “Uh, it was hot, so I took it off,” she quickly responded, pulling the blanket up to cover herself.

Now Katie was peering at her big sister, noticing that her shoulders were bare. “You too, huh? I dunno… I didn’t feel hot.”

“I might’ve had too many covers on the bed,” Jessica said, but Katie was focused on Alice.

“You had a scary dream? What about?” she queried.

“I don’t remember.” Alice answered.

The younger girl nodded. “It must’ve been pretty bad. I think I maybe heard you making noise last night.”

Jessica quickly interjected, “Come on, girls, time to get ready for school,” eager to change the subject.

Alice slipped from beneath the covers, hastily wriggling into her old nightshirt to conceal her nudity. Jess couldn’t help but notice that Katie was watching her big sister dress. Hmmm… interesting, she thought, as Alice hastened from the room, her cheeks flushed a lively pink.

Curious to see how her nine-year-old would respond, Jessica got out of bed, but took her time covering her own nakedness — pretending not to know where her silk nightie was at first, then languidly picking it up from the floor, slipping into it and fastening the tie around her waist.

Glancing over at Katie, she felt her heart skip a beat. The child was staring at her, mouth slightly open. Jess had never been especially casual about her own nudity, so this must have been the first time in years that she had seen her mummy in the altogether. Still, should she be that interested in the view?

“Katie?” Jessica said.

Her daughter started. “Huh?”

“Can you wake Poppy for me, sweetie? Then go take your shower.”

“Oh, um — sure, Mummy.” The flustered girl padded out of the room.

Jessica watched Katie go, her brow furrowed in thought. Finally, with a shake of the head, she made her way down to the kitchen to start breakfast.

On to Chapter Five!


Ripples, Chapter 3

  • Posted on November 12, 2018 at 1:57 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Jessica was awakened by her radio alarm clock, which blared out a few notes of “The Lady in Red,” before she silenced it with a violent smack. Sitting up, she squinted against the light streaming through the blinds. She felt clammy and tired and a little confused — then she recalled the events of the previous night.

Jess glanced round the room, not quite certain what she was looking for until her gaze settled on the white vibrator, lying on her bedside cabinet. I really should invest in a better sex toy, she told herself. Like the one those two women were using on Rachel’s DVD. She opened the nightstand drawer and dropped it in, just in case one of her daughters came in. I’d have a hell of a time explaining what that gets used for, she thought.

She flopped back down into her pillow, wondering how she was going to look Rachel in the eye the next time they met. Then Jess remembered the feelings she’d experienced, feelings she’d not had for what seemed like ages. Her body responded to the memory, and she began to trail a hand slowly down her chest and tummy, dreamily recalling her friend’s kiss, then the way Rachel had helped her masturbate.

Jessica was about to touch her already moistening slit when she heard her daughters moving about, so she threw the duvet back and swung her long legs out of bed. Slipping on a robe, she padded into her bathroom and bent over the sink — turning on the tap, then splashing her face with ice cold water. It was unpleasant, but braced her nicely.

Glancing out into the hallway, Jess saw a still-drowsy Katie and Poppy, both shambling into their bathroom. She couldn’t help but smile. “Morning, kittens… better get a move on.”

“Morning, Mum,” they both mumbled.

Jessica frowned as she looked down toward Alice’s room. Hmmm, that’s strange… she’s always the first one out of bed. Could she be feeling sick?

Making her way down the corridor, she knocked lightly on Alice’s door, then slowly opened it to find her eldest daughter still in bed under the covers. She moved to open the curtains, filling the room with daylight, then turned to the dozing girl.

“Hey, sleepyhead, time to get up and get ready for school,” she said. No response, so Jess moved over to the bed and pulled the blanket down, uncovering her daughter.

She gasped when she saw that, beneath the covers, Alice was completely nude. It had been over a year since Jess had seen her daughter in the altogether, and the girl’s beauty dazzled her.

Her frame was slender and lithe; a body built for motion, with gazelle-like legs and slight but flawless breasts, capped with pert nipples. Alice had just begun to grow pubes, even though all she had thus far was a dusting of golden down, not nearly enough to conceal the rosy cleft of her vagina.

Jessica was fascinated. In spite of herself, this view of her eldest child’s nakedness brought back images of the previous night.

Her gaze lingered on the girl’s body, then she looked up — and into Alice’s open eyes. She was startled to realise that her daughter was now awake, and wearing a puzzled expression.

Probably wondering why I’m staring at her, Jess scolded herself. Shit, shit, shit… I cannot believe that my own daughter just caught me checking her out!

Not knowing how else to respond, she simply said, “Where’s your nightdress, love?”

“Ummm… I was too hot,” Alice said, nervously pulling the covers back up to conceal her bare body.

Jessica slowly shook her head, still awed by what she’d just seen. “Goodness me… I can’t believe how fast you’re growing up, sweetheart.”

“Mum!” Alice said, a little embarrassed. She’d slept restlessly, tossing and turning, thinking of what she’d seen last night.

“Well, you are growing — and beautifully, too. Anyway, it’s time for school.”

“Okay, Mum. I’ll be up in a minute.”

“No going back to sleep, okay?” Jessica said over her shoulder as she left Alice’s room.

Her heart was pounding out a crazy rhythm as she walked briskly down the hallway to her toilet. Once inside, Jess leaned against the door, fighting to calm herself.

Why in God’s name is this happening? she demanded, her brow furrowed in frustration. Okay, you can deal with being attracted to women. You can even admit to yourself that you might be a lesbian. But you can NOT get turned on by the sight of your naked twelve-year-old, damn it!

With a heavy sigh, she turned on the shower, then shed her robe and stepped inside. The urge was strong to give in to her arousal and masturbate, but she resisted the urge, quickly washing herself.

After the morning’s various rituals, Jessica dropped her daughters off at school, then drove the short distance to town.

In the shop, she was surrounded by women and girls of all ages, as usual — but her newly realised interest in females was making it hard to concentrate. At one point, the shop manager Caterina was bending over in front of her, digging through a carton of fabric swatches, and Jess found herself hypnotised by the woman’s shapely arse, wondering how it would feel to fondle it. Finally, she went upstairs to her office.

Later that morning, her youngest employee Sally knocked on the open door, then peered inside. Sally was sixteen and still at school, so she only worked part-time.

“Hi, Ms Matthews. Um… can I speak to you about something, please?”

Looking up from her work, Jess smiled, gesturing the girl inside. “Of course, Sally… and remember, you only have to call me ‘Ms Matthews’ when customers are around, okay? Otherwise, it’s just Jessica.”

“Sorry, Ms — oops! Sorry, Jessica.” The girl entered, timidly drawing close to the desk. “I’d like to ask you about what sort of courses I should take if I wanted a career in fashion.”

Jess nodded, “Happy to help. Here, have a seat.”

As Sally took the chair opposite, Jessica appraised the teen. She considered the girl to be one of her best recent hires, a very cute blonde with a bubbly personality who could always be counted on to work hard.

Sally sat rather demurely for a teenager, with her knees together, but the short skirt she wore showed off her lovely tanned legs to impressive effect, and her body-hugging top did nothing to disguise her full breasts, nicely sized for one so young.

Jessica forced herself to look up at Sally’s face, then felt her face grow slightly hot as she saw Sally looking back at her. Shit. Caught peeking again. “So… what would you like to know, then?”

Sally was nervously toying with her fingers. “Well, um, I really want to get on in the fashion world, but don’t know where to start.”

“First you need to decide what you want to be; designer, photographer, stylist, coordinator…?”

“Oh, a designer. I’m studying art at school. The teacher thinks I’m good, says I should take it further.”

“You’ll need to go to college — or even university, if you want.” Jess paused, studying the girl. “Hmmm… how about this? I have some books on design at home, and leaflets for the college here in town, so you could study and continue working here.” She smiled. “I’d hate to lose you from the staff, Sally. This way, I don’t have to.”

The girl’s face was radiant with excitement. “Oh, wow… that would be fantastic!”

Jess glanced at her wristwatch. “Tell you what, I’m going home at lunchtime… and I think you finish at one o’clock today, don’t you?”

Sally nodded. “Yeah, I’ve got homework.”

“Come home with me. We can carry on chatting about this there, and I can loan you some of those books.”

“Wow, thanks, Jessica, that sounds great! Um… guess I’ll see you in a couple of hours, then.” With that, she left the office with a big smile.

At just after 1 PM, Jessica closed up her office and went back downstairs to see if Sally was ready. While saying goodbye to everyone, she glanced out of the front window of the shop at the tea rooms across the road. Her thoughts turned briefly to Rachel as she ushered Sally out the back door and to her car.

Jessica was thankful that it was such a brief drive home, as she found it hard to not steal glances at Sally’s bare legs when her short skirt rode up. As she changed gears, her hand was agonisingly close to a smooth young thigh, and Jess felt a powerful impulse to allow the back of her hand to brush it by “accidentally” missing the gear stick. Somehow, she managed to restrain herself.

Upon their arrival, Jess invited Sally inside, poured them both cold drinks — What I really need is a cold shower, she chided herself — then rummaged about on her shelves and in a cabinet for the literature she’d promised Sally. Passing several leaflets across the coffee table to her young employee, Jessica seated herself opposite the girl, then took a sip of her tonic water.

Sally had her feet together, but opened her legs slightly to allow the unfolded brochure to rest on her skirt.

Jessica relaxed back into the sofa, gazing across the table at a sight that did nothing to dampen her rising ardour. Sally’s parted thighs revealed a pair of skimpy lace panties under her skirt that were virtually transparent. Jess quickly discovered that she could make out the outline of the teenager’s vagina beneath her tightly stretched knickers. She couldn’t tell if Sally had pubes or not, but was fairly certain that the girl was a natural blonde.

Jess suddenly realised that Sally had asked her a question — and jerked her head up to look her in the face. Her heart raced as she said, “I’m sorry — what was that, Sally? I was, er, thinking about something else.” Oh, VERY smooth, she thought. Damn it, Jess, you’re behaving like a teenage boy!

Luckily, Sally didn’t seem to have noticed, asking about one of the illustrations in the book. Jessica got up and moved round to sit next to her. As they sat side by side on the sofa, she took time to take the young girl through her options as a college student, pointing out which courses were best and would suit her as a starter, while still enabling her to work part-time. Jess even suggested that she would sponsor her to gain some experience in a design studio, using her various contacts.

Sally was overjoyed, a huge smile on her pretty face. “This is amazing, I don’t know how I can thank you for all this!” she said, almost beside herself with excitement. She suddenly turned to Jessica and threw both arms around her, hugging the older woman like a long-lost friend.

Jessica responded by putting an arm round Sally’s shoulders, nearly overwhelmed by the girl’s enthusiasm.

Suddenly, Sally kissed her on the cheek. She leaned in to kiss her again when Jessica turned her head, and their lips touched. Sally stared into the older woman’s eyes and, throwing caution to the wind, leaned in to kiss Jessica once more — this time, on the mouth.

A surprised Jessica found herself responding, first with her lips closed, then she extended the tip of her tongue to touch Sally’s, the girl opening her mouth to mirror Jessica’s actions. With one arm still around Sally’s shoulder, her other hand moved to rest on the teenager’s knee, then began to slowly slide up that creamy thigh that had mesmerised her in the car.

In response, Sally opened her legs slightly, leaning into their kiss — but the urgency of her motion caught Jess off balance. She fell back into the sofa, with Sally looming over her.

Jessica’s hands were at her sides, supporting herself on the cushions. By then, she was having second thoughts about what they were doing. She reached up to put her hands on Sally’s shoulders in a hesitant attempt to stop her, but now Sally was cupping her face in both hands, kissing Jess with a hunger that stole the woman’s breath away.

The intensity of the young girl’s passion seemed to flow into Jessica like fiery liquor. It was too powerful to resist — the guilt she felt for taking advantage of a girl young enough to be her daughter, and an employee to boot, was rapidly evaporating. No longer able to tell herself no, Jess slid her palms down the front of the tight top that encased Sally’s mouth-watering breasts and started to knead and caress them, feeling for the taut nipples through the material of the girl’s top.

Suddenly breaking away, Sally sat up, a horrified expression on her face. “I’m — oh, my God, Ms Matthews, I’m so sorry! I don’t know why I did that. I was just so happy and you’re so b-beautiful, and — and I like you so much! Please, please don’t sack me.”

“Sally. Sally!” Jessica quickly responded, trying to calm the girl before she became hysterical. “It’s okay, honestly. No need to apologise. I love being kissed… especially by a girl as pretty as you.”

Sally just stared at her like a rabbit caught in a headlight, clearly unsure what to do next. “D-do you really think I’m pretty?” she whispered.

A jumble of thoughts raced through Jessica’s mind, but the one that finally stood out was that she needed to reassure the girl, make her feel desirable. Reaching out for Sally’s hand, she pressed it to her chest. “I do,” Jess said, drawing her young friend close — and then they were kissing again.

This time Sally brought her tongue into play first, thrusting it between Jessica’s parted lips, but Jess quickly matched the teen’s ardor. Their bodies pressed together as the kiss deepened, and Jessica let herself slump down into the sofa, pulling Sally on top of her — then they heard a voice in the hallway.

“Mum? I’m ho-ome. Are you here?” It was Alice!

Jessica had completely forgotten what her daughter had told her last night — that she would be let out of school an hour early that day, and would be catching a ride home from the mother of her good friend Azumi.

Sally quickly jumped to her feet, then began to gather up the books and leaflets Jessica had loaned her. The girl’s cheeks were flushed a deep pink. Jess somehow managed to sit up and compose herself seconds before Alice glanced into the room. “Hi, Mum,” was all she said.

“Hi, sweetheart. Sally’s here. I was just giving her some information about college classes.”

“Hi, Sally. Can’t stay, gotta run — I need the loo!” Alice said, then rushed upstairs.

Jess turned to Sally, who was reaching for her bag. “Sorry about that,” she murmured.

“Um, it’s okay,” the girl replied. She was blushing furiously, unable to meet Jessica’s gaze. “Anyhow, I should go… I’ve still got m-my homework to do.”

“All right, then,” Jessica said, walking Sally to the door.

“Oh, and thanks for the help — and for letting me borrow your books!” said Sally, suddenly remembering why she’d come by in the first place. She gave Jess a quick glance and a fleeting smile, though the girl was still clearly embarrassed.

As Sally grasped the doorknob, Jess placed a hand on her shoulder. “Listen,” she said. “I hope you’ll come to visit again someday.”

Sally gazed at the older woman, her eyes filled with mixed awe and hope. “Can I?”

Jess laughed. “Of course you can. I’m sure you’ll have lots more questions about your studies, after all. Besides,” she added, reaching out to touch the girl’s hand, “I’d like the chance to get to know you better. Much better.” Leaning forward, she briefly kissed Sally’s mouth.

“Oh, m-my goodness,” Sally stammered, touching her lips. Suddenly she threw her arms around Jessica’s waist, seizing the woman in a tight hug. “Thank you, thank you, Jessica. You’re the best boss ever!”

Caught by surprise, Jess patted the teen’s back a few times, then Sally broke away, reaching once more for the doorknob and opening the door. “Bye,” she said, then turned to make her way down the path that led to the street.

Closing the door, Jessica turned and leaned back against it, her heart racing. What the fuck am I doing? she asked herself. Why am I playing these… seduction games with a sixteen-year-old?

The question answered itself almost immediately. Because it’s thrilling. Let’s face it, I haven’t felt so excited, so sexy, so alive in years. Even when Mark was still around, he never made my heart race like this!

Drifting back into the living room, Jessica picked up the half-empty glasses and took them to the kitchen, all the while lost in thought. The events of the last couple of days had her believing she was bisexual… now, Jess was coming to suspect that she might be a lesbian.

Getting involved with a man seems so… pointless right now, she realised. Beyond pointless. Meanwhile, I’m having sexual thoughts about one female after the next. Rachel. Caterina. Sally. My own twelve-year-old daughter, for Christ’s sake!

The thought of Alice had Jessica’s brow furrowed in concern. She glanced up the staircase, her mind racing. Did she see me kissing Sally? It isn’t at all like her to go racing upstairs with barely a hello, then not even come back to chat. So… did she see us? How can I even explain something like that?

She decided to go upstairs and make conversation with Alice, hoping to get some idea of her daughter’s state of mind.

She drifted down the hall to Alice’s door, gave a brief knock and peeked into the girl’s room. Alice was unpacking her satchel, putting schoolbooks on the desk.

Taking a deep breath, Jessica entered. “Hi, honey, how was school?” There were clothes strewn about, so she absently began to pick them up.

Alice glanced up at her mother, the girl’s expression perfectly neutral, then continued to empty her bag. “Oh, fine. We started rehearsals for the end of term concert.”

Jessica seated herself on Alice’s bed. “That’s good.” For some reason, she couldn’t think of anything else to say.

Their eyes met again, then Alice took her completely by surprise by blurting out, “Mum, are you a lesbian?”

Jessica stared at her daughter, mouth wide open, struggling to think of some kind, any kind of response. Finally, she managed to get out, “What? No! Um, I mean… why would you ask me that, sweetheart?”

Alice stood before her mother, arms folded. “I saw you kissing Sally.”

Shit. “Oh, my goodness. Look, that — it just sort of happened. Sally kissed me because I was helping her with… you see, I loaned her some books. It was Sally’s way of, um, thanking me.”

But Alice was shaking her head. “You guys weren’t kissing like that, Mum. You were snogging.” Letting that sink, in, she added, “I also saw you kissing Auntie Rachel last night, and watching a lesbian sex movie with her.”

Jessica bowed her head, covering her burning face with both hands. “I d-don’t know what’s going on with me,” she mumbled into her fingers, fighting a sudden urge to cry. “Rachel brought that movie over — I didn’t even know what it was! Then we were watching it, and — somehow we, we just started to kiss. I’m not even sure how it started. Maybe because I’ve been feeling so lonely these days, I don’t know…” She trailed off, then timidly looked up at her daughter.

Seating herself next to Jessica, Alice took her mother’s hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t be upset, Mum. It’s okay if you’re a lesbian… I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Jessica stared at Alice. “I’m not — at least, I’m not certain that I am. And what exactly do you know about lesbians, young lady?”

“Mum! I’m not a little kid, y’know,” Alice replied, scowling. “I know about how some women are gay.”

“Sorry, love,” Jess said, patting the girl’s knee. “You’re right, of course. Sometimes I forget just how quickly you’re growing up. So… do you know any lesbians, then?”

“Sure,” said Alice. “My friend Azumi… her mum has a girlfriend.”

“Really? I didn’t know that. Have you met her?”

“Yeah. A couple of times when Azumi’s mum brought us home, her girlfriend was doing the driving. She’s really pretty. Anyhow, me and Olivia were talking to Azumi a few weeks ago, and she told us both all about her.”

“My goodness… I had no idea.” Jessica knew Alice’s friends well. Azumi Shimizu was a lovely Japanese girl, while Olivia Ruddick was a coffee-hued beauty from Jamaica. She often chatted to their respective mothers: Reiko, an artist, and Clara, a solicitor.

“Azumi told us how her mum was a lesbian, and her girlfriend lives with them. Her name is Nadya. She’s twenty-one, so she’s a lot younger than Ms. Shimizu, and she’s from Poland. Azumi has seen them undressed and kissing and other stuff in their room and even in bed together. Her mum explained all about what being gay with another woman is like. You know, how they do it and all.”

Jessica just stared at her daughter, unsure what to say.

“Do you miss Dad?” Alice asked her mum, once more catching her by surprise.

Jessica thought for a moment, then said, “Not really. But I miss having someone to share my bed with. It gets lonely sometimes,” she added, surprised at how open she was being.

“It’s okay if you want to date girls, Mum. If it makes you happy, you totally should.”

“I’m not sure if I do. I mean, I just had a kiss, that’s all.”

Alice broke into a grin. “Yeah, but with two different women, and in just a couple of days. That’s gotta mean something, y’know?”

Gazing affectionately at her daughter, Jessica reached out to stroke her face. “I meant what I said just now about you growing up. I’m starting to think you’re already smarter than your old mum.” She drew the girl in for a hug. “God, I don’t know how I’d cope without you and the girls. Talking of which, they’ll be home soon. I’d better start dinner. Let’s talk more later.”

She gently kissed Alice on the top of her head, then got up to leave, glancing back at her daughter. “Thanks, love.”

Alice wore a thoughtful smile. “For what, Mum?”

“Just… for being you, sweetheart. My wonderful, brilliant oldest child.” On that parting note, Jess turned and made her way into the kitchen.

Later that evening, as the girls were doing their homework and she was clearing up the dishes, Jessica began to daydream, staring out the window and into the large garden. Various impressions raced through her mind about these strange, yet somehow familiar feelings she was having.

She recalled the kiss with Sally, the touch of her hand on the teen’s smooth thigh, the thought of what lay between those thighs, those lovely young breasts. She wondered how far she would have allowed herself to go with the girl, remembering the antics of the lesbian lovers on Rachel’s DVD. That got her thinking about Rachel — masturbating with her, the hot French kiss they’d shared, the possibility of more.

She thought of her younger sister, Laura. She was thirty-five and a journalist. Jessica knew she’d had sexual relationships with women in the past, but wasn’t sure if she was with anyone now, as she’d not mentioned anyone the last time they met up. Laura was away working on a story, so they’d only been speaking on the phone for the last few weeks.

Jess decided to talk to Laura about these new feelings of hers when she returned. Bet she’ll be surprised, she thought.

She finished cleaning up, then went to see if her daughters needed help with their homework. Later they all watched TV for a while before she ushered Katie and Poppy up to bed at 9 PM.

After tucking them in, she lounged on the sofa for awhile with Alice, watching some wildlife programme. Neither tried to restart their earlier talk and in truth, Jessica couldn’t think of a way to initiate the conversation.

Finally, Alice stood, stretched and said, “Okay, that’s enough for me. I’m going to bed.” She kissed her mother on the cheek, said, “Night, Mum,” and went upstairs. Jess continued scrolling through the channels for a few restless minutes before deciding she ought to turn in too.

Carry on to Chapter Four!


Ripples, Chapter 2

  • Posted on October 29, 2018 at 1:07 pm

by Sapphmore and JetBoy

Jessica was still buzzing from the events of the evening, and had elected to take Rachel’s DVD up to her room to watch. She rummaged around in the sexy lingerie that she so seldom wore these days, groping about until she found the white plastic vibrator she’d bought at an Ann Summers party before her marriage.

She quickly slipped the DVD into the machine, turned on the TV and settled down on her bed. Seizing the remote, she fast-forwarded through the parts she’d already seen, finally pressing PLAY at the start of a new scene. Setting the remote to one side, she relaxed and began to watch.

Two women, both fully dressed, were cuddling on a bed. Actually, one of them was only in her teens — in fact, she almost appeared to be underage, around fifteen or so. Jess noticed the way they were snuggled together, more affectionate than sexual.

The volume was muted, so Jessica turned it up just a bit. Glancing over at the door, she frowned, realising that it was still slightly ajar. I really ought to close that, she thought, then shrugged. She didn’t feel like getting up. Anyhow, the girls were all fast asleep.

Reassured, Jess turned her full attention back to the TV, where the older woman and the teenager were talking. Curious, she picked up the remote and scrolled the scene back to the beginning, then started it over again.

It was a conversation about boys, with the woman asking the girl if there was anyone at school that she especially liked. The girl shrugged and said that she wasn’t sure.

As she watched, Jess tilted her head, a puzzled expression on her face. Wait just a minute… are these two supposed to be mother and daughter?

That seemed to be what the scene implied. As Jessica listened on, she noticed that the girl never actually referred to the woman as her mother… nevertheless, everything else about the dialogue sounded like it was an everyday encounter between parent and child.

Lesbian incest? Jesus, that’s pretty perverted, Jess thought… then shrugged. This whole DVD is nothing but fantasies anyhow. She settled back into the pillows, stroking her inner thighs, letting herself get caught up in the action.

The woman asked her daughter — Jess was already thinking of her that way — if she’d ever felt an attraction for another girl. The teen was shocked and insisted she never had, but the mother finally got her to admit that she did like to look at other girls in the shower after gym class, and that she wouldn’t mind being kissed by a girl at least once.

The woman told the girl that she should try it, then admitted that she had kissed women before — and girls, too, back in her own high school days. Intrigued, the daughter asked what it was like. By then, the mother was sitting up against the headboard behind her daughter, who was lying back in the woman’s arms, wearing just a t-shirt and pretty blue panties.

The conversation dwindled, and finally the two women were silent. All the while, though, the mother was caressing her daughter’s arms, her hands, her shoulders. The girl was resting her head on the woman’s shoulder, and they occasionally made eye contact, exchanging shy smiles and adoring glances.

Jessica’s excitement was steadily building. She wasn’t quite ready to get into serious masturbating just yet; instead, she lightly caressed her vulva every now and then to keep her arousal razor-sharp.

When the mother began to fondle her daughter’s breasts through her thin t-shirt, it seemed such a natural thing for her to do that Jess didn’t notice it was happening at first. The girl gazed dreamy-eyed at her mother, her face practically glowing with desire and adoration.

My God, it looks so real, Jessica told herself. Like they truly are falling in love. Do things like this ever really happen between mums and their children?

The woman slowly leaned down to place a gentle kiss on the girl’s parted lips. Drawing back just a bit, she smiled at her daughter… then, closing her eyes, kissed her again. This time, their mouths lingered for a few seconds longer. They drifted apart, their noses nearly touching, then the mother’s tongue emerged to brush her daughter’s lower lip. With a blissful sigh, the girl lifted her head, following the older woman’s mouth with hers — and suddenly they were kissing with the ardour of lovers.


Out in the hallway, Alice peered through the slight gap between the door and the frame, enthralled by what she saw — Aunt Rachel’s DVD playing again, with a lady and a teenage girl giving each other hot kisses. And if it was anything like the stuff she’d glimpsed downstairs, pretty soon these two would stop kissing and start taking their clothes off and doing lesbian sex.

Alice only wished she could get a better look at Mum right then, because it was clear that she was already bare naked and touching herself while she watched the screen.

But the room was only lit by the TV, and the lamp on Mum’s nightstand was blocking the lower half of her body anyhow. So Alice’s attention was mostly focused on the DVD, though the sounds of her mum’s moans and sighs made watching it even more exciting.


Jessica was fingering herself now, fully immersed in the scene. It was the kinkiest thing she’d ever seen, a forbidden act of sexuality between parent and child — yet somehow, the very wrongness of the act seemed to turn her on, nearly as much as kissing Rachel had done.

The woman’s hand was now buried in the teen’s panties, fingers clearly moving, masturbating her daughter, who was mewling with delight into her mother’s mouth as they swapped tongues back and forth.

Suddenly the girl sat up and turned toward the woman, reaching down to tug her t-shirt up and off — and within a minute or so, the new lovers were both completely naked. Jess whimpered, her arousal taking a sharp spike upward at the sight of the daughter’s bare body. Oh, my… she’s absolutely perfect.

Now the girl and the woman were making love for real, and Jessica’s hand was a blur as she thrust two fingers in and out of her dripping cunt, fucking herself until she saw stars.

She paused to manipulate her clitoris with a few delicious flicks of a fingertip, then reached for the vibrator, switched it on and was about to slip it into her vagina when the buzzing abruptly stopped.

“Fuck!” Jessica hissed through clenched teeth, pounding the bed with her fist. Far too desperate to even think of putting the DVD on pause while she scrounged up replacement batteries, she just plunged the dead toy into her cunt, working it as deep as she was able.

She drank in the action on the screen, losing herself in the hot, sweaty sex. By this time the two lovers were tribbing, grinding their pussies together, moving in a steady rhythm that Jessica tried to match with the thrusts of her arm and wrist as she worked the vibrator in and out, in and out.

There was a core of heat beneath her belly, a fire that steadily grew into something much bigger. She fanned it, willed it to blossom, pushing herself toward that ultimate release.

The sex clip played on. The mother was disentangling herself from the girl, then guiding her onto all fours. Jess fucked herself faster, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. That’s so twisted, a mum doing something like that to her own daughter, she thought, but didn’t look away.

Kneeling behind the teen, the woman gently spread her buttocks apart, then bent to lick her daughter’s glistening slit — and out of nowhere, an image flashed like midnight lightning in Jessica’s mind, a mental snapshot of the sex act taking place right then on the screen before her. Only now, the face of the young actress had been replaced by that of her oldest child.

“Alice!” she gasped — and that was when Jess came.

She twitched helplessly, feet tangling in the sheets, her body tossed to and fro on waves of purest ecstasy. The vibrator was buried to the hilt in her vagina, Jessica wiggling it ever so slightly — each tiny motion containing a universe of pleasure.

Finally, with a long, low moan, she released her held breath, sinking back exhausted.

Once she’d regained her wind, Jess slowly withdrew the sex toy, bringing it to her lips for a taste of herself before clumsily setting it on the nightstand.

That left the TV. She fumbled about for the remote, noticing that the mother and daughter were now lying in each other’s arms, sharing tender kisses. Jessica felt a twinge of warmth at the sight — at least, until she remembered the thought she’d had at the instant of her climax.

She stared down at her hands. Why in God’s name was I picturing Alice when I got off? Of all people, my own twelve-year-old daughter!

After pondering the matter for a few heartbeats, Jessica told herself, Let’s not over-think this. You were watching a porno film clip of what seemed to be lesbian incest, a mum having sex with her daughter. Alice’s face popped into your head. That’s all. It’s not as if you want to do these things yourself!

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Jessica got up and went into her bathroom to wash up, then brush her teeth. As she padded back into the bedroom, she decided to skip putting on clean panties and simply sleep naked.

Crawling between the sheets, Jess thought about her day, wondering whether she’d cheated herself by choosing not to explore her bisexual side for so many years. Guess I’m making up for it now, she decided, then drifted off to sleep.


When her mother turned off the sex film playing on the TV, Alice beat a hasty retreat back to her room, her head awhirl with what she’d just seen.

She was totally getting into watching that DVD of ladies doing sex with other ladies — especially knowing that her mum was probably touching her minge the whole time. That’s what it sounded like she was doing, anyhow

Then something really strange happened. Mum was getting a bit louder, then all of a sudden, she’d called out “Alice!”

The twelve-year-old had nearly jumped out of her skin — certain that she’d been caught red-handed, spying on Mum at a very private moment. Alice was rooted to the spot, too frightened to flee, already anticipating her mother’s anger.

But then… nothing happened. Alice could hear Mum’s breathing return to normal, then she saw her mother point the remote at the TV and switch it off. Almost trembling with relief, the girl crept quickly but quietly down the hall, back to the safety of her room.

Alice’s mind was buzzing as she struggled to make sense of it all. Is Mum a lesbian now? It sure looks like it — why else would she be kissing Aunt Rachel like that, or watching that DVD?

Then there were her own feelings about what she’d seen…

While nearly all her friends at school were beginning to fixate on boys, Alice found herself drawn more to other girls — in particular, she had been noticing them while showering off after gym class, enthralled by the different body types on display. They’re all different, she had decided, but they’re all beautiful, too.

She’d also seen photos of naked women in glossy magazines and brief nude appearances in movies, but this was Alice’s first exposure to hardcore lesbian sex — and it had aroused her in a big way. Her knickers were still damp. For the first time, Alice was seriously considering the notion that she could be gay.

But at that moment, one question nagged at her most of all: Why did Mum call my name when she did?

Alice was trying to digest all she had witnessed that night as she drifted off to sleep, a jumble of images inside her head.


Across the street, Rachel and her babysitter Millie were sitting in the lounge, drinking hot chocolate.

When she had returned home, Millie was relaxing on the couch, watching TV. She was a cute local girl of sixteen with short blonde hair and steel-blue eyes, dressed in a vest top and shorts. Rachel found herself occasionally glancing at the teen’s bare legs, thinking about the sweet, sexy things she and Jess had done mere moments ago. She still felt aroused, too, not having climaxed.

They chatted for a while about Millie’s school work and her friends, then Rachel asked, “Do you have a boyfriend, then? A pretty thing like you… I’m sure you have no trouble attracting boys.”

Millie blushed. “Well… I do have a boyfriend, yeah — but it’s, y’know, nothin’ serious.”

“I’m glad to hear that!” Rachel said. “You should be playing the field a bit before getting serious.”

“Well, Mick’s good lookin’, and yeah, he knows how to make me laugh, but…” Millie hesitated, then said, “How do you know when you meet, um… ‘the one?”

Rachel reacted in mock-surprise. “Whoa, whoa — Millie, you’re far too young to be looking for ‘the one’.” She paused, thoughtfully studying the girl. “Why do you ask?”

“It’s just that… well, I don’t feel my heart beat really fast when he kisses me. Is that normal? I guess I was expecting, um, more.”

“Hmm. Sounds to me as if you like him, but you’re not actually in love. Don’t let that worry you — believe me, you’ll probably fall in love more than once before you get to twenty-one,” Rachel answered, briefly recalling her own failed marriage.

Frowning, Millie folded her arms. “Mick, he wants us to go to the next step, but I’m not sure.”

“The next step? You mean he’s pressuring you to have sex?”

“Not exactly,” Millie replied with a shrug. “He’s just droppin’ hints that, um, since we’ve been together for three months, it’s maybe time to ‘move our relationship forward.’ He says that a lot.”

Gazing at the girl’s lovely face, Rachel shook her head. “Sweetheart, that sounds exactly like he’s trying to manipulate you into bed with him.”

Millie made a face. “So… when did you know it was the right time to, y’know, go further than just foolin’ around with a boy?”

“Well, one thing I know for certain,” Rachel said, “you shouldn’t have sex with anyone until you feel ready. If he doesn’t get that — well, to be honest, he’s not worth your time. It sounds to me like you prefer to wait, at least for now.”

“Well, I don’t wanna get pregnant, that’s for sure, but also, like you said, I’m too young to get serious with my first proper boyfriend.”

“Quite right!”

Millie made a face. “Anyway, I’m not sure Mick’s even my type, really.”

“Is there another boy you fancy, or… perhaps even a girl?”

Rachel thought she’d hit a nerve, judging by the blush on Millie’s face.

“I’m not gay!” retorted Millie, not quite convincingly.

Rachel sensed that the girl was struggling with her feelings, and decided to test the water a little. “You can experiment with other girls, and it doesn’t necessarily make you a lesbian. I’ve dated boys and men all my life, but still went with girls now and then before I got married.” She smiled. “Actually, since my divorce, I’ve been a lot more interested in women.”

“Really?” Millie tried to act casual, but Rachel could tell that the girl was far more interested than she let on. Um, so, what’s it like kissing another girl, then?”

“Different than kissing boys… better, I always thought. With girls, it always seemed more about mutual enjoyment. And their mouths are so soft and sweet.”

“I don’t know, maybe I oughta fool around some with a girl.” She gave a shaky laugh, looking down at her fidgeting hands. “Course, I don’t really know any girls who are gay. They prob’ly wouldn’t want to do stuff with me anyhow.”

Rachel studied the girl, her heart thrumming. There’s the opening, all you have to do is step through. As if she was thinking long and hard about the matter, the older woman said, “Millie… would you like me to show you what it’s like?”

A surprised Millie raised her head, staring wide-eyed at Rachel. “You mean, um… you’d kiss me?”

“Sure, if you want. I’d really enjoy kissing you. You’re a very pretty girl, after all.”

Millie thought it over. “You, um, wouldn’t tell anyone, right?”

“Of course not, love,” Rachel replied. “I’m not the kind to kiss and tell.”

“Well… I guess it wouldn’t hurt, just to try it out, y’know?”

With that, Rachel leaned over and gently touched Millie’s face, before sliding a hand around to the back of her head and pulling her near. She very gently brushed the girl’s lips with her own, then allowed the tip of her tongue to flick at Millie’s mouth.

So as not to frighten her, Rachel carefully used her tongue to part Millie’s lips, drawing nearer to the girl, slowly sliding a hand along her thigh. At first, Millie was tense, then Rachel felt her gradually relax. Her hand continued its path along the girl’s leg, then up over her belly, then her ribs, finally using one finger to caress a nipple through the teen’s thin vest top.

When Millie whimpered into their kiss, Rachel knew that the girl was as good as hers.

She began to kiss her with more urgency — and Millie soon responded, her own tongue shyly emerging to play. Within a minute or so, the woman and the teen cutie were exchanging passionate French kisses.

Rachel let her hand open like a flower over a small but firm and beautifully formed breast, using her other hand to hook Millie’s vest top down, exposing a tiny nipple that stiffened quite nicely to her touch.

She pulled away slightly to study the young girl — whose eyes were closed, her mouth slack. Then Millie let her eyes flutter open, a dreamy expression on her face as she gazed at Rachel in wonder. “Oh… oh, bloody hell,” she whispered.

Rachel responded by lowering her head to the teen’s now bared breast, teasing her hard nipple with a flick of the tongue as she used her thumbs to slide the straps of Millie’s vest off her shoulders.

Raising up to give the girl a reassuring smile, Rachel gave her a brief but tender kiss, then murmured, “Lie back, love… let me show you how nice I can make you feel.”

Without a word, Millie settled back into the plush cushions of the couch, offering herself up to this lovely new experience. Rachel now had the vest pulled down and was nuzzling the girl’s flawless breasts, moving back and forth between them, pleasuring each nipple in turn with her lips and tongue.

Eager to take their lovemaking to the next level, Rachel placed a hand on the girl’s bare leg, her fingers exploring the silky smooth skin. She let her hand glide slowly up the inside of Millie’s thigh, travelling steadily higher until she reached the cleft between the teen’s legs, smiling as she felt the growing warmth of Millie’s vulva through her shorts.

A tremor raced through the girl as Rachel fondled her. “C-can I, um, have another kiss?” Millie whispered, her cheeks flushed an adorable pink.

Rachel gave the girl what she wanted, crushing her lips to Millie’s, invading her mouth with a probing tongue.  This time, Millie responded eagerly, placing a hand on either side of Rachel’s head, her own tongue darting and dancing about in the mouth of her older lover. Taking that as a sign, Rachel reached down to undo the button of Millie’s shorts, then slowly tugged the zipper down until she was able to slide her fingers into the soft cotton knickers of the virgin teen.

She wasn’t a bit surprised at how wet the girl was. By this time, Millie was writhing and shifting about in response to Rachel’s expert touch, even raising her hips from the couch, clumsily thrusting against the older woman’s hand, panting, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh m-my God.”

When Rachel hooked her middle finger down through the soft hair that adorned Millie’s pubis, gliding over the engorged clitoris to slide easily between the girl’s juicy labia and into the hot channel of her cunt, Millie cried out, throwing her head back.

Rachel continued to pump a finger, then two, into her babysitter’s pussy, then suddenly withdrew both fingers and brought them to the girl’s mouth. “Go on,” she said, “taste yourself, Millie, see how sweet you are.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Millie took Rachel’s fingers into her mouth, sucking them like it was her last meal, while Rachel moved in to trail kisses up and down the girl’s neck, pausing to nibble on her ear.

Then Millie took hold of the woman’s hand and thrust it down between her legs, stuffing it into her knickers — which were, by then, absolutely soaked. “Please, Ms. Thomas,” begged Millie, “please touch me some more. I — I’m so close!”

“My pleasure,” said Rachel, already masturbating her lover. She toyed with Millie’s slit — rekindling the fire, then building the heat back up into an inferno. Soon the girl was mewling with delight, her eyes glazed with pleasure.

Now, Rachel decided, now — let’s take her over the top.

She eased two fingers back into Millie, penetrating her like before. Only now, she sought out the girl’s clitoris with the ball of her thumb and began to tease it, gently stroking the erect nubbin.

Seconds later, a choked cry burst from Millie’s throat, her slender body stiffening as an orgasm claimed her. She arched her body up from the sofa, staring sightlessly, her voice rising to a loud wail.

Bloody hell, Rachel thought, I mustn’t let her wake the girls!

Twining her free arm around Millie’s shoulders, Rachel guided the teen’s face to her breasts — muffling her cries just enough, she figured. She continued to manipulate Millie’s clit, guiding her through her first climax, then on to another. Finally, the desperate girl grabbed Rachel’s wrist, gasping, “No — no more, p-please… I can’t, I c-can’t!”

Millie sank into the couch, releasing a long, shaky breath as Rachel took her hand back and examined her fingers, now glistening with the young girl’s fluids. She brought them to her mouth, purring with satisfaction as she got her own taste of Millie. Next time, she told herself, I’ll get it straight from the pot.

Then a wicked impulse seized her. Quickly lifting the skirt she wore, she thrust a hand into her skimpy lace panties, sliding two fingers deep into her cunt and moving them about a bit. After just a few seconds, they were coated with her juices, so she withdrew them, then proffered her hand to Millie.

“Here you go, love,” she said, “your first taste of another woman.”

Millie stared at Rachel’s wet fingers, then hesitantly extended her tongue to sample the flavor of her lover. The teen paused to savor it, then took the fingers into her mouth, licking them clean.

Rachel took this opportunity to move her free hand back between her legs and rub herself. She was so worked up that it only took a few thrusts to bring on an explosive orgasm of her own.

Opening her eyes, she saw Millie was staring, still holding her hand. “Fuck, that’s hot,” the girl breathed.

Rachel slowly stood, reached under her skirt and tugged a very damp pair of knickers down to her ankles. Stepping out of them, she picked up the sheer panties and casually placed them on the coffee table. “Well, Millie,” she said, smiling at the girl, “what did you think of your first lesson in kissing girls?”

The dazed teen shook her head. “I never… I mean… oh my God, I can’t believe how good that was!” She looked at Rachel. “Ms. Thomas, could we maybe… uh, do that again some time?”

Rachel pretended to ponder the idea. “Well, I suppose we can… but Millie, don’t you have a boyfriend?”

Millie gave a derisive snort of laughter. “Mick? That tosser? No fear… I’m givin’ him the chop tomorrow. He never made me feel anything like you did!”

Rachel couldn’t help but laugh herself. “Well, in that case, I can’t possibly say no, can I? Very well, Millie — you and I will most definitely make love again. With one condition, that is…”

“What’s that, then?”

“That you stop calling me ‘Ms. Thomas,’ for fuck’s sake. Now I’ve fingered your cunt, you’re obliged to use my first name. Which is ‘Rachel’, by the way.”

“Fine,” Millie said. Drifting closer, the girl gave her a hungry French kiss, then grinned. “Next time, Rachel… it’ll be my turn to make you feel good.”

“Can’t wait, love,” Rachel replied. “But for now, it’s getting late — we don’t want your mum to worry. You’d better get cleaned up, then I’ll take you home.” She kissed Millie gently, then gestured her toward the small downstairs toilet.

As Millie was putting herself back in order, washing her face and brushing her mussed hair, Rachel was pondering the possibilities. She realised that she wanted more of this, much more — and not just with Millie. There was a whole world of sexy young women out there — Girls, too, she added — and she wanted to sample their delights on a regular basis.

And then… there’s also one very desirable older woman. Mustn’t forget about her.

Rachel had unfinished business with Jessica, and was determined that her dear friend would experience the same ecstasy that she just had.

Onward to Chapter Three!


Juicy Secrets Returns!

  • Posted on October 23, 2018 at 9:49 pm

by JetBoy

What a roller coaster ride of heartbreak, anger, frustration and nerves it’s been for us, beloved readers… but at last we emerge, battered but unbowed, to welcome you to our new home. Hopefully, unlike our previous residence, this one is built to last.

So what happened? As you may recall, we were suddenly booted from our original host, Kinky Blogging, when their own provider threatened them over any and all sites like ours. We cast about looking for a new host (getting into some lively debates over who to choose), finally settling on some Ukranian company called Netengi. We paid the fee, got signed up and were up and running once more.

Two months later, the site was taken down — this time, minus an explanation. Amanda sent them a WTF?! letter and was informed that they did not accept erotic content, even though their own goddamn rules say no such thing. Their response was to draw up a new set of rules. Thanks for nothing, guys.

At that point, we were torn between A) fighting even harder to get Juicy Secrets established once more, and B) simply giving up. Can’t speak for my partners, but your Boy Reporter found himself swinging from one extreme to the other, depending on his mood.

In the end, we elected to roll the dice yet again with a third host — who shall remain unnamed, but to whom we are most grateful, at least thus far. This time, we were completely open with our potential landlords about the site, letting them know what we did and how we liked to do it. They assured us that since our content is completely legal, they would be pleased to host us. Hence, Juicy Secrets Mark III.

There’s one regrettable change we elected to make, in the interest of our future survival: we have removed all the Anonymous posts, the ones that mostly feature images (legal, but lewd) of underage girls. Apologies, but our hypothesis is that these visuals have a lot more to do with getting us shut down than our fiction — and honestly, the fiction is the real reason for the existence of Juicy Secrets. The Anonymous posts were really more for amusement than anything, and they’re not crucial enough to risk losing the site over.

Now for some well-earned words of thanks. First and foremost, a colossal debt of gratitude is owed to our current site administrator Amanda Lynn. I’m not just blowing smoke when I say that Juicy Secrets would be as dead as a dinosaur’s dick without her valiant efforts to get the lights back on. She’s the reason that you’re reading this right now. Enough said.

Thanks as well to author No One, for being a true friend to the site when we needed one.

Finally, to our readers, many thanks for not giving up on Juicy Secrets. We plan to get right back to what we do best — namely, sharing our special kind of lesbian erotica with you on a regular basis. Now grab yourself a fistful of Kleenex, put a towel down where you’re sitting and go read a story!

Devotedly yours, Danny (JetBoy)


Ripples, Chapter 1

  • Posted on September 28, 2018 at 12:51 pm

by Sapphmore and  JetBoy

Note from Sapphmore: This is the first story of any kind I’ve written since school (now a distant memory) and certainly not the type of story suitable for an English exam.  In case it isn’t obvious from my prose, I am English. I live in the green and pleasant land of the English countryside, oh and I’m a man, all of which will probably be obvious when you read my story.

Like most men with a pulse, I found long ago that lesbian porn ‘floated my boat’ more than any other. However, about six years ago I came across (no pun intended) written erotica via sites like ASSTR, Nifty, Literotica etc, and in time found Leslita and the now-defunct Loliwood (which had some great fiction, although there were too many stories of male domination over young girls for my liking), before finding the Holy Grail that is Juicy Secrets.

After considerable procrastination, I finally plucked up the nerve to submit a story. I soon discovered that writing erotica is a far cry from writing reports and, although I am quite proud of my command of the English language, when it came to dialogue and an engaging story, that was somewhat lacking. Luckily for me, Jetboy took pity on me and set about trying to make me into an author (it may be some time, but I’m trying). The result so far is this first story of a seed that germinates slowly and puts a mother on the path to enlightenment.

I hope you like it.

Note from JetBoy: When Sapphmore sent “Ripples” my way, I was mightily impressed with the result, especially seeing as it’s his debut as an erotic author. I told him that I’d be delighted to serve as his editor, then jumped right in.

As I began to do my usual editing routine, I found myself coming up with ideas to expand the story and flesh out the characters, including the additions of new scenes and dialogue. Sapphmore gave me carte blanche to run wild with his prose, and our excitement grew as we tossed thoughts back and forth. We soon reached the conclusion that “Ripples,” had evolved into a joint effort, and Sapphmore generously elected to have my name accompany his as co-author.

Anyhow, enough explanation — on to the erotica! Do enjoy.


Chapter 1

The woman stared back, as though she was trying to see behind her eyes. Her long red hair was a mess, but despite that and her lack of makeup, it would be hard to dispute her beauty. The woman’s face started to blur; the steam from the tap was beginning to cloud the image.

Jessica Matthews wiped the mirror and carried on getting ready for work, but still continued the silent dialogue with her reflection. She wondered why the woman staring back at her looked so forlorn, given that she owned a very successful business, could and did turn heads wherever she went, had plenty of friends and, best of all, three adorable daughters who were surely destined to break more than a few hearts when they ripened into womanhood. The only thing missing in her life was a loving husband.

There had been one, and they had been blissfully happy for a few years as Jess raised the girls, three flawless miniature versions of herself. (She could hear them now, running around and jostling for control of the main bathroom.) Jessica and Mark had been university sweethearts who went on to marry, just as everyone expected they would. Both worked hard in their respective careers, but his had taken a different path three years earlier, when the tech company Mark worked for asked him to take charge of an overseas office.

That’s when her perfect world fell apart. Jessica had no wish to leave the thriving Oxfordshire town where she’d been born and grown into womanhood, or give up her job. The girls loved their school, and her mum and younger sister lived within close reach — not to mention dozens of friends. Why give up their happy lives and start over again in another country?

Then came the real shock. Mark made it clear that if she didn’t want to go, he was sure to find someone who would appreciate the opportunities such a move could bring. That’s when the penny dropped, and Jessica realised that he already had someone in mind for a life partner — and she’d been relegated to the back-up, not his first choice.

The divorce was swift and merciless. Three months later, Mark was shipping out to the USA after making arrangements for the settlement and ongoing maintenance of the girls.

Jess and her daughters had taken it badly at first, but in the months that followed, the girls managed to come to terms with it — perhaps realising that, on the rare occasions when their father wasn’t working, he was off on a business trip, so they hadn’t actually seen much of him anyway. Jessica made up for his absence by putting aside even more time for them, so before very long mother and daughters had become their own version of the Four Musketeers, an inseparable force to be reckoned with.

A crash stirred Jessica from her reverie and she went downstairs to the kitchen. She glanced around and saw three faces turn to her as she entered the room.

“It’s okay, Mum. A bowl just slipped from my hand,” said her eldest daughter, Alice.

She was twelve years old, going on twenty-one, and had the rich blonde hair of her father. The middle sister  Katie, age nine, was more of a mix of both parents, with wavy strawberry blonde tresses. Then there was Poppy, who at seven had long, deep red hair that clearly came from her mother’s side.

The younger girls seemed relieved that Alice had jumped to their defence, as they’d clearly been squabbling over the same cereal bowl. It was typical of their older sibling to take the heat for them. She was fiercely protective of her little sisters, like a surrogate nanny, and Jessica knew all too well that she’d be lost without Alice’s steadying influence.

She gave the girls a look of amused disbelief, then grabbed a brush and cleared up the mess, her earlier confrontation with the Jessica in the mirror now forgotten.


An hour later, Jessica had dropped the girls off at school and was just arriving at work, parking in the small lot next to her store.

Jessica owned a ladies fashion shop in a thriving town a few miles outside the city of Oxford which, due to her hard work and talent, she had made very successful. This was later helped by the legacy from her Father, who had died five years earlier. That, along with her divorce settlement, had allowed her to expand the business.

What set her clothing shop apart from so many others was the choice she’d made to diversify her stock into many different styles. She catered for the “ladies who lunch” (as she called the cream of Oxfordshire Society wives), as well as older women with traditional tastes and even young millenials and teens who sought out the latest and flashiest trends. No matter who entered the store, Jess did her best to carry something to suit their taste — and if a customer couldn’t find anything they wanted in stock, she also had contacts for custom-made couture.

That day, after a busy couple of hours on the job, Jessica dropped into the tea rooms across the road for a coffee and light lunch. It was owned by one of her best friends, who lived on the same street in a picturesque village just a ten-minute drive out of town.

Rachel Thomas was a dark-haired 37 year-old beauty, also divorced, with two daughters — Bella, twelve, and Cindy, ten — who were close friends with Jessica’s older girls. Jess and Rachel had met at some school function and bonded almost immediately.

As Jess entered the tea room, Rachel’s business partner Charlotte Coleman gave her a warm welcome, then asked what she fancied for lunch. She was close to Jessica’s age at 35, but looked much younger, mostly because she was tiny with short blonde hair that made her look like a pixie. This sometimes led people to underestimate her, but Charlotte was smart, determined and, when needed, tough as nails.

Taking a brief glance at that day’s lunch menu, Jess gave Charlotte her order, then joined Rachel, who was seated in a quiet corner. They exchanged greetings, then began to chat, quickly getting up to speed on each other’s lives.

Not long after their orders arrived, Rachel began a new topic of conversation, one that Jess hadn’t been expecting. Setting her tea cup to one side, she studied her friend. “So tell me, Jessica —  when were you last out on a date?”

Jessica’s fork paused in mid-motion. “You mean a real date, with a man?”

“Whoever. And yes, I mean a real date.”

Jess pondered, sighed. “Almost a year ago.”

“That long?” Rachel said, clearly surprised. “I knew it had been awhile, but…”

“Listen, between my job and looking after the girls, I don’t have time to play the romance circuit — or the energy, for that matter. Also, I’m not ready to bring someone new into the family.”

“Well, I hope you’ve at least had a bit of casual sex.”

“Oh, a couple of times since Mark left,” Jessica said with a shrug. “In all honesty, though, I think I only did it out of frustration… or maybe to prove to myself that I’ve still got what it takes.”

At that last remark, Rachel shook her head in disbelief. “Are you serious? You’re only thirty-eight and still bloody gorgeous! I know lots of men who would fall at your feet for a date.” She smiled. “A few women, too.”

Jess stared at Rachel. “Excuse me? What do you mean, a few women?”

“Why on earth should that seem odd to you?” Rachel replied. “Don’t tell me you’ve never at least thought about having it off with another woman. Didn’t you practise kissing with any of your friends when you were at school?”

“Of course not!” Jessica responded, rather too quickly — suddenly turning her attention to cutting up bits of her chicken fillet. “I had boys to practise with, thank you very much.” Then she paused, gazing thoughtfully at her friend. “I suppose you’ve kissed lots of girls, have you? Rachel Thomas, is all this… this talk about my romantic life just your way of telling me that you’re considering batting for the other side?”

Rachel only grinned. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’d kissed lots of girls, but I did practise with my best friend at a couple of sleepovers… and I even had a bit of a fling with a roommate when I was at university.” She paused, making a face. “Mind you, considering the quality of the men around here, I wouldn’t half mind a night of passion with a sexy lady. Nowadays, I have to settle for a bit of the five-finger shuffle, or my trusty toys.”

Jessica opened her mouth to speak, then went quiet. This whole conversation was making her feel slightly uncomfortable. Thankfully, Rachel seemed to notice, and dropped the subject.

Glancing at her watch, Jessica realised that it was later than she’d thought. “Oh, damn, got to get back — I’ve a mountain of invoices to slog through.” She rose from her seat. “Thanks for lunch, Rachel. Drop by the shop sometime, and I’ll treat you to a new sweater. We’ve just got in some lovely ones, pure Argentinian wool.”

“I’ll take you up on that,” said Rachel, walking her friend to the entrance.

Then, just as Jessica was about to leave, Rachel placed a hand on her arm. “Listen, Jess, why don’t I get a babysitter and pop over tonight? We’ll make a girls’ night out of it. I’ll bring a couple of chick flicks and a bottle of Chablis.”

Jessica was taken aback — but a moment’s reflection convinced her that Rachel’s idea was a good one. God knows, it’s been awhile since I’ve had some real “me” time, she told herself. “Sounds great!” she replied with a nod and a smile. “Make it around ten o’clock or so, and you can say hello to the girls before they turn in.”

“It’s a date, then,” Rachel said. “Your first in a year, is it? I feel honoured.” With that, she gave Jess a warm hug and a peck on the cheek, murmuring, “See you tonight.”

“Um, yes — see you,” Jess murmured, the little bell on the door tinkling as she opened it to depart.

Back at work, the afternoon was a little quieter than usual. As Jessica was going through those invoices, her mind kept drifting back to what Rachel had said about kissing other girls, and she wondered why she’d withheld the truth from her friend.

In fact, Jess had kissed her good friend Abigail — at a sleepover, back when she was twelve. It had happened during a game of Truth or Dare, a challenge made by their mutual chum Liz, who added, “And it’s gotta be the real thing, you guys — tongues and everything!”

She’d gone into the kiss thinking the whole thing was silly, a giggle, but the softness of Abby’s mouth caught Jess by surprise. Then her friend’s warm, wet tongue parted her lips, timidly seeking entrance — and just like that, her heart began to race. Without a second thought, Jess brought her own tongue into play, and suddenly the two girls were kissing for real.

Years later, Jess sat behind her desk, toying with the pen in her hand as the memory came back, clear and stark. She’d felt hot and cold at the same time, and found herself wanting to wrap both arms around the girl and hold her close, so that their bodies were touching. Instead, she pulled away with a nervous giggle. Abby had also laughed, though Jess could tell that her friend had liked the kiss too.

The Truth or Dare game ended there, the girls agreeing that it was late, time to settle down for the night. But sleep was a long time coming for Jess.

Unwanted questions assailed her. Why had she enjoyed kissing Abby so much? Did it mean that she liked girls? Had the others sensed her feelings? That last one scared Jess the most. She remembered how Liz often referred to a certain teacher as a “lezza.” What if she thought I was like that? Jess wondered. The very idea had terrified her.

I’ll just have to make sure that I never do anything like that again, she decided, and finally managed to fall asleep.

Back in the here and now, Jess thought about her frightened adolescent self, and how there had been a certain distance between her and Abigail after that night. The crazy thing is, she mused, I’d swear that’s still the hottest, most thrilling kiss I’ve ever had. With a twelve-year-old girl, no less!

With a sigh, she put her thoughts to one side and got back to work.

When it was time to pick up the girls, she said goodbye to the staff, then had a quick chat with her shop manager. Caterina Lombardi was a 37-year-old Italian with a voluptuous figure, rich dark eyes and a bright smile. Her Mediterranean accent gave her an air of mystery, and she was hugely popular with the customers. Jessica knew full well how lucky she was to have her. Sometimes she wondered why the woman had never gone into the fashion business for herself, but Cat always insisted that she loved working for Jess.

Jessica picked up her daughters, then made a quick stop at the grocery on the way home. On arrival, the girls raced upstairs to change out of their school clothes and get started on their homework, while Jess swapped her high heels for comfy slippers and began to prepare the evening meal. An hour later, the family came together at the dinner table, where they enjoyed plates of spaghetti and discussed what kind of days they’d had.

Just before 10 o’clock, there was a knock on her door. When Jess opened it there was Rachel, wearing a short summer dress. Katie and Poppy had already gone to bed and Alice was just on her way upstairs, but she paused to give “Aunt Rachel” a cheery hello and a hug before making her exit.

Jess brought out two glasses and a tray of nibbles she’d had ready, then she and Rachel seated themselves on the sofa. After opening and pouring the wine, they started to chat, both women carefully skirting around the subject of sex — at least, until Rachel reached for her purse with a knowing smile. Reaching in, she produced a couple of DVDs with a flourish, both of them in plain white boxes. “These have been knocking around for awhile in the back of my wardrobe. To me, they’re pretty hot… let’s see what you think.”

“Pretty hot? What on earth?” Jess asked, puzzled. “You told me you were bringing chick flicks, Rachel.”

Rachel laughed. “Well… these are chick flicks, sort of. You’ll see.” Opening a case, she plucked the DVD from inside, then rose to her feet. “Go ahead and turn it on — I’ll put this in.” Shrugging, Jess aimed the remote, switching on the TV and DVD player. Rachel inserted the disc, then rejoined her friend on the sofa.

As soon as the title Girls Who Love Girls #35 came up, Jessica knew exactly what kind of chicks Rachel had meant. “Oh, my God, Rachel!” she gasped, then gave a nervous giggle. “Um… are you trying to convert me or something?”

Rachel just laughed. “Who, me?” she said, then sipped her wine.

Absently taking a throw pillow into her lap, Jess settled back, her pulse throbbing. Ever since lunch with Rachel, her thoughts had been drifting again and again to the idea of sex between women. A couple of hours earlier while chopping tomatoes and onions for her spaghetti sauce, Jessica found herself wondering if she could even summon up the nerve to enter a lesbian bar, much less hook up with a female stranger.

Standing there at the cutting board, Jess had decided that although it was an interesting notion — and goodness knows, her last few encounters with men had been anything but inspiring — she would have to put a lot more thought into it before exploring the possibility of making love with a woman.

And now she was watching a lesbian sex film with one of her best friends, who had more or less admitted to being bisexual earlier in the day.

Is Rachel planning to make a move on me? she wondered. Then a second, more unsettling question made itself known: If she did, how would I respond?

She stole a glance at her friend, imagining her as a potential sex partner. Jess had to admit that a woman like Rachel would be the kind of lover she would want: thick, luxurious dark red hair, hazel eyes and a full, womanly body that was built for comfort. I bet she’d feel really nice in a cuddle, Jess thought.

On the screen, two blonde women were seated on a bed, having a conversation that Jess wasn’t even listening to — but when one leaned in and kissed the other, her attention was riveted. The kiss quickly grew hot and eager, then the two lovers began to undress.

Jessica couldn’t help but be aroused by the sight, but didn’t want it to show. Trying to make it seem casual, she said, “They aren’t really blonde, are they?”

“Those two?” Rachel said with a disdainful snort. “Not bloody likely. I can practically smell the L’Oréal Paris‎ from here!” She paused, studying the women as they stripped out of the last of their clothing. “Mind you, they are damn sexy, aren’t they?”

“Yes,” Jess replied, not knowing what else to say.

She and Rachel were silent as they continued to watch the lesbian sex unfolding on the screen, steadily growing more explicit. By then the lovers were in a sixty-nine, mouths feasting on each other’s shaved slits. Suddenly the scene changed, and there were two different women on the screen, walking down a hallway hand in hand. Feeling somewhat confused, Jess glanced at her friend.

“This disc is all clips from different movies,” Rachel said. “No real plot to speak of, just non-stop sex.”

Jessica shifted her attention back to the action. Like in the previous scene, these women were kissing. They were just as attractive as the first two but looked much less like porn stars, so the lovemaking was far more convincing, their kisses especially hot. By the scene’s end, Jessica was feeling increasingly  aroused.

The next clip on the disc featured two women in their late thirties or older, seducing a teenage babysitter. Actually, the so-called babysitter was at least twenty-five herself, made up to look more like a high school girl. Not that Jess minded — the sex itself was still sizzling hot!

After a while, she surreptitiously glanced over at Rachel, and was shocked to see that she had pulled the skirt she wore up to expose her thighs and a pair of lacy knickers, cupping the crotch with her free hand. Taking a longer look, Jess saw that Rachel was making small movements with her index finger, stroking the cleft of her vagina. Her heart jumped a beat when she noticed that the front of her friend’s panties was visibly damp.

Suddenly embarrassed, Jessica turned back to the TV screen just in time to see a stunning brunette shove several fingers into a trimmed auburn pussy, then bend down to tease her lover’s clit with a flickering tongue. Jesus sodding Christ, she thought, this is amazing! The few bits of straight porn she’d seen before had left her cold, but these lesbian scenes were something else again.

Jess was getting very turned on. Without thinking, she slipped a hand down the front of her loose fitting tracksuit, using the pillow in her lap for cover. She’d gone without panties, and was astonished by how wet her pussy was. She began to slowly trail her middle finger up and down her slit and through the close-trimmed patch of auburn pubes, now matted with her fluids. Without effort, that finger slid easily into her vagina, then curved as she probed increasingly deeper, using her thumb to make tiny circles round the inflamed nubbin of her clitoris.

She was staring at the lusty sex action on the TV, at times briefly closing her eyes when ripples of ecstasy surged through her — then, suddenly, Jess felt something touching her hand. She started, opening her eyes to see Rachel, very close to her and with one hand joining Jessica’s inside the tracksuit, pressing between her thighs.

Shocked, Jess started to move away, but Rachel stopped her with a smile and a shake of the head, whispering, “Just go with it, love… let me help.”

She joined her fingers to Jessie’s and began to touch her friend’s dripping minge, exploring the warm, wet flesh. Then with a single abrupt thrust, she plunged her fingers alongside Jessica’s into the juicy hole.

A violent shudder shook Jessica — then Rachel suddenly leaned in and kissed her, forcing her tongue between Jessica’s parted lips. A stunned Jess froze at first, then began to respond as if she’d been waiting her whole life for this kiss. Maybe I was, she thought.

Their tongues engaged in a lustful duel as the two friends drew even closer, pressing their bodies together. There was an urgency and passion to this kiss that Jess, and indeed Rachel, had very rarely felt with anyone.

They kissed for a long, lovely while — then, without warning, Jess climaxed with more intensity than she had in years, with such a gush of fluids that she wasn’t completely sure she hadn’t pissed herself.

As her ecstasy subsided and finally dimmed, Rachel planted a gentle kiss on Jessica’s lips and said, “There. Now you’ve practised with a girl.” She sat back on the sofa, grinning like the cat who’d gotten the cream.

Struggling to compose herself, Jess absently wiped her wet hand on the tracksuit. “Oh, my goodness, that was… that was so…” Unable to summon the words to describe her feelings, she fell silent.

Rachel seemed to understand, and patted Jessica’s arm.

“Um… we should probably call it a night,” Jess mumbled. “I had a bit too much to drink… and I’m up early tomorrow morning.”

Rachel slowly rose to her feet. “Yeah, I’d better get back and sort out the babysitter.” Jess gave her a quizzical look, then Rachel added, “So she can get home, I mean.”

As Rachel straightened her clothes, Jess ejected the DVD and placed it back in the case, then switched off the TV. “Here’s your disc,” she said, holding it in an extended hand.

“You hang onto that,” Rachel said with a smile. “I’ve got more at home. Watch the whole thing — you’ll pick up a few good ideas for next time.”

Jess felt her face grow hot. “Rachel! You are so bad.”

“I prefer to be called ‘fun-loving’, but I’ll settle,” Rachel said, reaching for her purse. “Thanks for having me over, Jess.”

“Thanks for the company… and the entertainment,” Jessica replied. “I — I had a really good time.”

As they made their way to the front door, Rachel turned to Jess and said, “It’s about time we had a girly night out. How about getting a couple of our mates together and making a proper evening of it — y’know, a few dozen drinks and some unrestrained dancing?”

Still feeling somewhat dazed, Jess replied, “Oh, sure. Sounds great. I’ll, er, make some calls in the week, spread the word.”

As she opened the door to let Rachel out, they paused to glance at each other. Unable to resist the sudden impulse she felt, Jess suddenly put her hands to her friend’s face, drew close and gently kissed her, then said, “Thanks again, love. Have to admit, I needed that.”

Rachel just responded with, “I know,” and a wink. With a squeeze of her friend’s hand, she stepped into the night, crossing the road to her house.

As Jessica closed the door and turned around, she thought she caught a movement in her peripheral vision, but put it down to the wine. Shaking her head to clear it, she collected wine glasses and the serving platter.

As she moved into the kitchen, a small figure darted further back into the dark and froze.

Minutes earlier, Alice had gotten out of bed to get some water and heard strange noises downstairs, so she crept quietly down a few steps to investigate. She hadn’t been able to see much, as her position was behind the sofa where her mum and Rachel were sitting, but she saw enough to know that they were kissing.

That was startling enough, but then Alice glanced at the TV, her eyes going even wider as she took in a scene from Rachel’s lesbian DVD. A beautiful naked lady with red hair was stretched out on her back, and another dark-haired lady who wore only knickers was licking between her legs.

Alice’s mouth hung slack at the sight. She knew what lesbians were, of course, and had seen two women kiss each other in a grownup movie that Mum had allowed her to watch. But that was a far cry from watching her own mother making out with another woman — or the hardcore lesbian sex that was unfolding on the television screen.

Thinking about it, Alice decided that she liked the idea of Mum being girlfriends with Aunt Rachel. Her feelings about the few men that her mother had dated since Dad left ranged from indifference to active dislike. Guess Mum didn’t like them much either, the twelve-year-old told herself, ‘cause she didn’t go out with any of them but a time or two.

Her attention shifted back to the TV screen. The two lovers, now both completely naked, were in each other’s arms and sharing passionate kisses. Alice’s heart throbbed at the sight. Have Mum and Aunt Rachel done stuff like that, with all their clothes off?

The whole scene made her feel funny inside — wanting something, but what? Maybe to see more of what was happening on the sofa. Were they doing more than just kissing? She could tell that they still had their tops on, at least.

Alice kept stealing glances at the TV, but her main focus was now on Mum and her friend. Girlfriend, I mean. The urge to see everything had the girl scowling in sudden frustration. What are they up to? Are they touching each other? Damn it, I want to know!

Her thoughts were interrupted when Mum broke the kiss with Aunt Rachel and threw her head back, crying out loud. She was trembling, and her eyes were squeezed shut.

Oh my God, Alice realised, a hand flying to her mouth. Mum’s having an orgasm! They have to be doing more than just kissing, lots more! With a shiver of excitement, she wondered if Aunt Rachel was touching her mum down there.

Alice had figured out how to masturbate a few months earlier. It felt nice when she touched herself, and she did usually manage to come… though what was happening to Mum right then seemed a lot more intense. Maybe it gets better the more you do it, Alice decided. I’ll be doing it tonight, that’s for sure!

Her attention was riveted to the sofa, the antics on the TV screen all but forgotten. She wondered what Aunt Rachel and Mum would do now. Maybe they’ll get undressed, she told herself, the thought making her heart race even faster.

But instead, Mum called it a night, saying she had to get up early the next morning. Alice was surprised by how disappointed it made her feel, the show ending so abruptly. Mum even turned off the movie — though Aunt Rachel then told Mum that she could hang onto the DVD for a few days.

That thrilled Alice. Maybe she’ll leave it someplace where I can find it, she thought.

Before she knew it, Aunt Rachel had left — and Alice suddenly realised that she’d missed her best chance for a safe getaway. Mum was in the kitchen, too close by for the girl to make her move.

But then Jessica came out of the kitchen, hesitated and went into the lounge. She picked something up from the coffee table, an object Alice recognised as Aunt Rachel’s DVD. When Jess turned to switch off the light, Alice raced up the stairs as quickly as she dared, hastening into her bedroom. Leaving the door slightly open, she listened.

She heard Mum go into her room, but also saw that she didn’t turn off the light right away. Within a couple of minutes, she heard sounds similar to those coming from the TV earlier. Oh, wow — she’s watching it some more!

The temptation to resume her spying was much too powerful to resist. Alice crept out to the hallway and moved near to her mother’s bedroom door. Luckily, Mum hadn’t quite shut it all the way.

Carry on to Chapter Two!