The Black Lingerie, Part Eleven

Erin rolled over and pressed the off button on her alarm clock but the annoying noise didn’t go away. Frowning, she opened her eyes and looked at the clock. The green numerals read 6:00, a full half hour before it was set to go off. She blinked at it stupidly, then realized it wasn’t her alarm clock that was making noise. Sitting up, she fumbled her phone off the bedside stand, squinted at the caller ID.

“Why are you calling so early?” Erin grumbled, seeing Ashley’s name on the screen. She answered the call, “Hello?”

“Holy shit! I just got a Facebook friend request from a dead girl!” Ashley said, excitedly.

Sleep finally letting her go, Erin laughed, “Pretty cool, huh?”

“You knew about this?”

“I helped her set it up last night.”

“How can that be? How is it even possible?”

Erin filled her in on the what she had been up to with Natty this last couple of nights. She told her about surfing the internet, setting up an email account, and finally a Facebook page last night.

“You are teaching a girl who has been dead for fifty years how to use social media?”

“Well, yeah,” Erin said, then, “when you say it like that, it seems weird.”

Ashley laughed and Erin could picture her shaking her head, “You have a beautiful mind, Erin. I wouldn’t even have thought to try it.”

“Um, thanks,” Erin said, not completely sure it was a compliment or not.

“Oh, it was a compliment. You can say thank you,” Ashley said, laughing, “Forget psychic mediums; all you need is an internet connection and an email account. This is so huge. Up close, you just created a Facebook account for a friend, but when you step back… You have connected two completely different planes of existence with a few keystrokes. Can you wrap your head around how huge that is?”

“Ashley, I was asleep five minutes ago,” Erin said, yawning, “I can’t wrap my head around why you are calling me so early.”

“Wow,” Ashley said, laughing.

“Listen, I need to take a shower and wake up. Can I call you back in a few minutes?” Erin said, yawning, again.

“Don’t worry about it,” Ashley said, then, “We can talk at school. I’ve got a dead girl to friend. Jesus, that sounds so cool!”

“Okay, you go do that,” Erin said, yawning again, “I’m going to shower.”

“See you at school, bye.”


Erin sat her phone back on the bedside stand, looked at a long moment, then grinned. She could almost see Ashley’s face when she checked her Facebook account this morning. The grin turned into a smile that would have shamed the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. A giggle escaped her as she pictured the wide eyed, slack jawed redhead staring stunned at her computer screen.

Since she was up early, she turned on her computer and logged into Facebook. She found Natty’s friend request and accepted it. She smiled at the picture of her and Natty the girl had chosen as her profile page picture. Leaving a message on her wall, she made a mental note explain it to Natty next time she saw her.

Feeling light as a feather, she turned off the computer and gathered her things for a shower. In the bathroom, she stripped out of the clothes she had worn to bed and started the water going in the tub. Seeing her naked reflection in the mirror, she smiled, remembering the stroll through town she and Natty had taken. The smile faltered a little when she thought about the story Natty had told her.

She stepped into the shower, sighed as the hot water massaged the sleep out of her body. For a moment, she just stood under the spray, savoring the sensation. She might have stayed that way all day, if her mother wouldn’t come looking for her if she stayed too long. Sighing, she finished showering, turned off the water, and toweled off. With the towel wrapped around her young body, she got out of the shower stall and went to the sink, brushed her teeth.


“So, it really was Natty who sent me a friend request?” Mindy asked, the look on her face, priceless.

“Yeah,” Erin laughed.

The girls were gathered around their usual table in the cafeteria, the tray of what the lunch ladies tried to pass off as food mostly forgotten in front of them. No sooner had Erin sat down did Ashley want the whole story. Laughing at her excitement, she made her wait until Mindy joined them so she wouldn’t have to explain everything twice. Ashley squirmed impatiently, reminded Erin of a puppy who really needed to be let out.

Mindy hadn’t even sat down before she asked, “Did anyone else get a friend request from a dead girl?”

“See, she is here. Can you PLEASE tell me now?”

Sitting down, Mindy had asked, “Tell you what?”

“How we came to get friend requests from Natty,” Ashley had said, her emerald eyes flashing with excitement, “So, what gives?”

Erin had told them about thinking the router into the other place, about getting an internet signal, about teaching Natty how to use the computer and setting up a Facebook page for her. The girls were staring at her in wonder as she recounted the last couple of nights. The girls regarded her with looks of comic disbelief, Ashley going so far as to say, “That is crazy! You just thought up a cable modem and poof there it is? And it some how connects our world to the place of locked doors.”

Shrugging, but not carelessly, Erin answered, “I really didn’t expect it to work. If there is one thing I’ve learned about the place of locked doors, there aren’t any rules written down to follow. You just kind of have to feel your way around.”

Mindy was slowly nodding and Ashley gave her a questioning look and asked, “That makes sense to you?”

“As much as anything makes sense over there. It is a whole other ballgame on Natty’s side of existence. Who knows what is possible?” Mindy said, brushing a fallen lock of hair behind her ear, “Erin is right. The only way to know the rules is to play the game.”

“Am I the only one a little nervous about floundering around in the dark over there? Like Mindy said, who knows what is possible. Only problem is, that coin has a dark side, too. Flip it one too many times and it might come up tails.”

Erin sat back in her chair, a little uneasy now that Ashley had pointed out what she had missed. She really didn’t know all of the consequences of her actions. She glanced at Mindy and saw a similar sour face, knew she was thinking much the same thing.

“All I’m saying is maybe we should talk it out before doing something like making a dead girl a Facebook page, not stop trying new things. A little caution goes a long way,” Ashley said, then grinned, “It is still a pretty cool idea. I wished I had thought of it.”

“Ashley’s right. We need to be more careful,” Erin said, then, “Well, I do, anyway.”

“Not too careful,” Mindy said, giving her a grin, “Look how much we’ve learned about the place of locked doors because of you.”

“We really need to think up a name for the place. Saying the place of locked doors is a mouthful,” Ashley said and everyone laughed away some of the tension.

“I think it is Erin and Natty’s to name, don’t you,” Mindy said, looking at Ashley. The redhead nodded and they looked at Erin.

She laughed, “Can I get back to you?”

“Please do.” ——————————————————————————–

Ashley yawned, glanced at her alarm clock. She was a little surprised to see it was so late. So absorbed with the journal she had started after coming home from school, hours had passed without her noticing. Glancing back over what she had written, she saw she had put down ten pages of neat script about the place Erin had discovered. She had decided to keep it PG-13 as much as possible in case her parents got curious about what she was writing about. Explaining the journal would be hard enough without all the lesbian sex thrown into the mix.

Yawning again, she closed the notebook, got off her bed and put it in a drawer in her desk. Stretching the tightness out of her young body, she decided it was time for bed. She changed into a pair of panties and a tank top, then climbed into bed. After setting her alarm clock, she turned out the bedside lamp.

No sooner had she closed her eyes in the dark did her mind start racing. She couldn’t help it, so many exciting things had happened recently. She had lost her virginity- to Erin, no less; she’d met a dead girl, had friended her on Facebook; had a crazy threesome. It was a lot to think about and, without distraction, her mind was determined to maul everything over.

Sighing, she knew she wouldn’t get to sleep anytime soon.

She opened her eyes in the dark, staring at the ceiling. Glancing at her alarm clock, she saw it was after eleven. She really needed to get to sleep but she knew trying to force sleep was a sure way not to get any.

The Nimbus 2000 under her bed popped into her head and she had to laugh. She has been turning more and more to it to help her relax before bed. Even more so now that she had become sexually active. It seemed like she was horny all the time now. Maybe it was hormones, her body changing. Or, maybe it was because she knew how good it felt. She craved that titillating release that came with orgasming, that toe-curling, breath-taking high.

Giggling again, she gave in and reached under the bed for the Harry Potter toy. She shucked off her panties, set them aside, then did the same with her tank top. Being naked gave her a little thrill and she felt her young body begin to become aroused. Her hand slipped down her taut belly to the cleft of her sex to massage her labia. Heat blossomed there and she felt her juices start to flow. Her hand moved lower and hesitantly, she slipped a finger inside of her pussy. Her hot, slick insides sucked at her greedily and there was no pain. It was a weird feeling, both kind of icky and pleasurable at the same time.

She added a second finger, slowly moving them in and out. Biting her lip to muffle her soft moans, she found that sweet spot Erin had used to push her over the edge into ecstasy. It felt like a couple of beans under her fingertips and made her hips gyrate.

Remembering the toy, she found the on/off switch and brought it to life. The goofy electronic noises were muffled by the tape she had put on the speaker but she couldn’t do anything thing with the buzzing sound the broomstick made. She pressed the head of the Nimbus against her tender bud, feeling the vibrations working through her body. The thrusting of her fingers coupled with the toy’s vibrating was delicious. She had to really bite down on her lip to keep quiet, so hard she nearly drew blood.

As she became more excited, so her fingers moved faster and faster, sinking deeper and deeper into her eager sex. Her hips undulated in perfect counter rhythm as her body rocketed toward a climax. It felt too good for her to last long.

Closing her eyes, she thought about the night she had shared with Erin and Natty, the sweaty tangle of bodies, the crazy couplings. The memory of Erin splayed out on her back in front of her, her lithe naked body gloriously revealed stuck in her mind. She had been so sexy, tempting lying there.

Ashley blinked in surprise, not really surprised that she was so attracted to Erin but that it had taken her so long to realize it.

Still picturing her blonde friend in her mind, she felt herself coming. A few more thrusts of her fingers and she stiffened. A small cry escaped her but she doubted anyone outside of her room could have heard it. Not that she cared. Her body was too alive with wonderful sensations to care too much about anything other than how she felt.

Over her ragged breathing and thundering heartbeat, she heard a faint click, then a rasping sound. In her post orgasm cloud, it took her a second to recognize the sound. Then it sank in and she turned her head toward the door to the hallway. In the gloom, she could just make out it slowly swinging open. Time seemed to slow down and she had time to look down at her naked body, then back at the door, her mind racing. She grabbed her comforter in a panic and covered up just in time.

Her heartbeat, already racing, kicked into a full on, panicked sprint as someone poked their head into her room, then came all the way in. They appeared to be using their cell phone to light the way, it screen surprisingly bright in the gloom. Ashley frowned, thought it was odd. Her parents would have just flipped on the overhead lights. The cell phone trick seemed sneaky.

Who was sneaking around in her room at this time of night, she wondered.

When the make-shift flashlight hit her mirror, it threw light backwards and she caught a glimpse of her creeper. She gasped in surprise when she recognized her step-sister, Loren. What in the world was the seventeen year old doing in her room?

The light snapped up and Ashley squinted in the sudden glare. She grimaced, realizing she had given herself away. Berating herself, she said, “Loren? What are you doing in my room?”

“Sorry,kid,” she said, lowering the light from her face, “Didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s alright, I wasn’t asleep.”

“It is after midnight,” Loren said, a note of surprise in her voice, “What are still doing awake?”

Ashley laughed, “I could ask you the same. And why are you in my room?”

“I need to borrow your window.”

“My window?” Ashley parroted, then she understood.

Loren was something of a troublemaker, was always sneaking out her window to go partying. Her mother had finally had enough, had Ashley’s dad nail her window shut. Apparently, Loren was trying to circumvent the new security measure.

“Cassy Hasock is throwing a party,”

“So you were just going to sneak out my window?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” she said, sounding amused, “you are a very heavy sleeper.”

“Well, that’s kind of creepy,” Ashley said, put off by the invasion of her privacy.

“Sorry,” Loren said, then, “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

Loren stepped closer to the bed and Ashley could just make out her straining to hear in the back splash of light. Another couple of steps and she was right beside the bed.

“You don’t hear that?” she asked.

“What do you hear?” Ashley asked, listening herself.

“This buzzing sound,” Loren answered, leaning closer to the bed.

Too late, Ashley realized she had left on the Nimbus 2000. That was the buzzing sound her step-sister heard. Worse, it had drawn her attention.

“I don’t hear anything,” she said too quickly. Her voice sounded suspicious to her own ears.

“Really?” Loren said, her voice knowing, “It sounds like it is coming from under the covers.”

“Don’t you have a party to get to?”

“What do you have under there? What are you hiding?”

Ashley should have seen it coming but when Loren grabbed her comforter and pulled it unceremoniously aside, it caught her completely by surprise. In the process, she sent the Nimbus crashing to the floor. It seemed unnaturally loud in the still night.

She gasped in shock, her body frozen. Her mind had slipped gears and she didn’t react to being suddenly revealed. A few heartbeats too slow, she managed to throw an arm over her breasts and a hand over her girl parts. She stared wide eyed up at her step-sister. She must have looked like a deer in the headlights.

She wondered if Loren could see her blushing in the pale white light from her cell phone.

“What the-” Loren said, laughing, “Why are you naked?”

“Give me the covers!” Ashley hissed.

Still laughing, Loren covered her back up.

Then they both heard approaching footsteps. Loren cursed under her breath, looked around the room for somewhere to hide.

“Get down on this side of the bed,” Ashley whispered, pointing, “You can’t see if from the door!”

Loren did as she said, fumbling off the light on her cell phone. Not even a heartbeat later the door to Ashley’s room opened and the light snapped on. Blinking in the glare, she made out her stepmother in the door frame.

“What was that noise? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Ashley said, managed a sheepish grin, “I must have rolled and knocked my alarm clock over. Sorry, for waking you.”

She nodded and turned off the light, closing the door as she left. Ashley blew out a sigh of relief when she was gone. Explaining why she was naked and her step-sister was hiding on the floor beside her bed would have been less than pleasant.

“Nice going, kid,” Loren said, with what sounded like genuine respect.

Ashley glared at her, “Get out of my room!”

“Can I borrow your window?”

“No!” she hissed.

“Are you sure?” Loren said, her voice teasing, “you wouldn’t want me to tell Mom about what you were doing tonight, would you?”

“What was I doing?”

Laughing, her step-sister held up the Nimbus 2000, “Wow, no wonder you were always playing with this thing. Damn thing is practically a vibrator. In fact, I’m pretty sure that is what you were using it for.”

“Fine!” Ashley said, her face so hot she thought she might spontaneously combust, “Use the window.”

“Thanks, sis,” Loren said, standing up. She started to set the toy down, then held it up, “You want me to put this somewhere or were you not finished?”

“God, I hate you,” Ashley said, not really meaning it. She didn’t know how she felt about Loren. She had been a package deal with her father’s new wife and has only been living here for a few months. She had been staying with her father but he had shipped her here when she became too much of a handful.

Ashley was still getting used to the idea of having a sister.

“Listen, I’m sorry about tonight,” she said, putting the toy down and going to the window, “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

With that, she was gone.



Looking up, Ashley saw her step-sister standing in her doorway. The teenager was dressed for school much like Ashley- gray skirt, white blouse, white knee socks, black shoes- but managed to look more slutty. Not that she was a slut- she just seemed to ooze sexuality and carnal knowledge. That much Ashley had noticed on the first meeting when her father told her Loren would be staying with them for a while and her opinion hasn’t change much. She was about five-eight and had long, shapely legs; a flat stomach; a round, perky backside; and large breasts that filled out the blouse she wore. With a pretty face and arresting gray eyes, she was easy to look at.

At least, if you weren’t mortified by the embarrassing events of the night before, Ashley thought, then you hoped you never saw her again.

“Loren,” she said, stiffly.

She stepped into Ashley’s room and came closer, “About last night… I’m really sorry if I embarrassed you. And for sneaking into your room in the first place. I should have asked. Do you think you can forgive me?”

She seemed genuinely sorry, Ashley decided, which was a little out of character for her. A cool indifference was how she usually treated her little step-sister. Not exactly mean, but like she really didn’t register in her radar.

“I”ll try,” she said and Loren laughed. She felt her cheeks burn, again.

“I AM sorry,” Loren said, her eyes locking on Ashley’s. The truth of her words was evident there and Ashley nodded, managed a sheepish grin.

“I appreciate that,” she said.

“Good,” Loren said, then sat down on Ashley’s bed and motioned her over, “I won’t lie to you- I’m not cut out to be a good sister. I’d make a shitty role model.”

Ashley laughed, “I already knew that.”

“Yeah, I figured you were a smart kid,” she said, smiling, “Anyway, there are some advantages to having a fuck up for a sister.”

With that, she handed Ashley something wrapped in hand towel. Frowning, Ashley took it, looked from it to her step-sister.

Loren laughed and said, “Just open it.”

Shrugging, Ashley unwrapped the towel and gasped at what was inside. It was a shiny silver vibrator. It was probably seven inches long with a shaft a little thicker than the glass dildo Erin had.

“Only a fuck up would give her twelve year old sister a vibrator,” Loren said.


“Why give it to you?” she asked, then, “A gift for not ratting me out. Or maybe I figure if you are going to do it, you need the right tool for the job.”

Ashley blushed and Loren laughed and put an arm around her shoulder. The move seemed to surprise her as much as it did Ashley. It was the closest thing to affection she’d ever shown her little sister. Still, it felt right.

“Thanks,” Ashley said, smiling at her.

“Now, if you get caught with that…”

“I didn’t get it from you.”

“They probably won’t believe you, but right- you didn’t get it from me,” she said, standing up, “Be sure to hide it somewhere good. Take it from me. A good hiding place is worth its weight in gold.”

“I will,” Ashley said, then, “You know I don’t hate you, right? I was just embarrassed and upset last night.”

Loren gave her a smile and again she sensed a tenuous bond between them, “That is good to know.”

Then she was gone and Ashley was alone with the shiny vibrator in her hand. Only after she was gone did she think to ask Loren how she had a dildo to give away. How does a seventeen year old come across a sex toy? Ashley was pretty sure you needed to be eighteen to buy that kind of thing. She made a mental note to ask her sometime.

Staring at the vibrator, she wondered how it would feel. With a glance at the alarm clock, she saw she had to go, didn’t have time to try it out. Groaning, she went to her dresser and slipped the toy into a folded up pair of jeans. It would do for now, but she’d have to find a better hiding place tonight.

Running down stairs, she found her mother shrugging into her coat so she could drive her to school. For once, Ashley was excited about going. She couldn’t wait to see Erin and Mindy and tell them about her new vibrator. She might even tell them about the embarrassing events of last night.

Thinking about the girls, she remember it was Friday. They would be coming over tonight and staying the weekend. It was going to be a crazy couple days, she thought.

Continue to Page Twelve

What Did You Think?

3 Responses to The Black Lingerie, Part Eleven

  1. Minnona Derice says:

    one comment ya might want to toss into your writes. The gspot is a sponge gland. Feels more like a marshmallow on your fingers for most. I never felt 2 beans but then I haven’t fucked every woman alive. We all don’t use the in and out finger fucking to make it work. I love fingers on the spot and rubbing side to side which gives me more attention there. But I know most like that pumping finger fucking. Just an idea ya might want to introduce some time

  2. fur says:

    still need to come up with a name for the place of locked doors…
    Red a lot of authors use beans the like. Some just use gspot.

  3. Sarah-Sophie says:

    I like it. The place of locked doors. It feels good when I say it and it perfectly describes it. Since you never know what is behind the next door that Erin opens! Might be just the room they expect to be there or the door leads into the cellar of that other locked girl. Or to some completly different place. If they start to call it Nexus, Hell, Heaven or whatever that could change the place a lot. Names have power! And the way they effect the things they describe is big even so we normally don´t see it anymore!
    But that is just my oppinion on that matter and only Ebo´s count here lol

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