Welcome!! My name is Ebo and these are my erotic tales of young lesbians. These stories are works of fiction and in no way represent real persons or events. They are intended for adults only, so if you are under eighteen years of age please leave. If you are still here, then enjoy.
You can peruse your favorite series using the pull down menus above or check the What’s New list below to see the latest chapters/stories.
Comments are always welcome and appreciated. Use the Leave A Reply box at the bottom of the story or email me at : ebrolin1980@gmail.com
____What’s New______
The Long Weekend, Part Five 5Jul2021
Notebook, Part Eleven 14May2021
Moonlight Dancers, Part Four 29Mar2021
Monkey See, Monkey Do : Halloween 28Oct2020
Moonlight Dancers, Part Three 16Sep2020
Moonlight Dancers, Part Two 25Jul2020
Mother’s Day 3Jul2020
Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty-Five 10Jun2020
Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty-Four 17May2020
Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty-Three 2May2020
Soccer Mom, Part Four 19Apr2020
Soccer Mom, Part Three 4Apr2020
Soccer Mom, Part Two 21Mar2020
Soccer Mom, Part One 8Mar2020
Secret Admirer Christmas, Part Three 24Dec2019
Henna Tattoo, Part Eight 13Nov2019
Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty-Two 13Sep19
The Wild, Part Fifteen 15Aug2019
The Wild, Part Fourteen 10Jul2019
The Wild, Part Thirteen 8Jun2019
The Wolf, Part Two(Something a Little Different)
The Wild, Part Twelve 1May2019
The Wolf (Something a Little Different) 27Apr2019
The Doll, Part Three 13Apr2019
Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty-One
Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty 5Feb2019
Secret Admirer Christmas, Part Two 2Jan2019
Secret Admirer Christmas, Part One 25Dec2018
White Stockings, Part Six 22Dec2018
White Stockings, Part Five 12Dec2018
The Long Weekend, Part Four 6Nov2018
The Wild, Part Eleven 24Oct2018
Henna Tattoo, Part Seven 28Sep2018
Caretaker’s Daughter, Part Three 21Sep2018
Caretaker’s Daughter, Part Two 13Sep2018
Caretaker’s Daughter, Part One 6Sep2018
The Wild, Part Ten 20Jul2018
The Wild, Part Nine 11Jul2018
The Doll, Part Two 19Jun2018
Monkey See, Monkey Do Part Three 29May2018
Practice Makes Perfect 10May2018
Fur says:
June 28, 2015 at 7:54 pm (Edit)
I am so glad to see this site. Your work is really great and I do so love reading it. Thank you for all you do.
In the process of figuring out how to make comments visible on the main page, I accidently deleted this comment. My apologies, Fur. And thanks for the kind words.
I understand fully. I helped run a few sites and it is hard to do. Google helps I was told
I am glad to see you starting your own space. I was first brought to your writings by your story line “the Black Lingerie”. I thoroughly enjoyed your style of writing, I fell in love with Erin pretty fast and all of her friends. I read each chapter with anticipation of the things they would do.
I find now that I have read almost everything that you posted, recently completing the “Broken People” series up to where you have it at this time. Initially I was not into the subject matter presented in that storyline, but your style of writing drew me in. Very well done.
So glad to see this place! You’re by far my favorite Leslita author, very literate, but also very hot. I’ll be checking in from time to time now that you have your own space.
Dear Ebo,
Thanks for all your wonderful stories and best of luck
with your new website. If you’re looking to grow your
readership base bi all means please let me know as I’m
always looking for authors, especially those who aren’t
afraid to write taboo lesbian erotic.
Julie V.
Hi, enjoying the site, good stories. xo Kim
Me and my daughters love your stories. xo Lisa
So glad to see this site is up. After losing Story Friends Board (no idea what happened to them) and now Leslita is going down I was afraid I would not be able to read more Black Lingerie Chronicles and others. I hope you keep writing so I can keep reading.
I read a lot of stories on leslita, but when i read your “Black Lingerie” story i was hooked. You quickly became my most favorite auther.
You do find some of the hottest pics for your pages Ebo. Again thank you for feeding my drug addiction (hot/cute girls and great lesbian stories)
I have to agree with fur because we are, (my two daughters and I) addicted to your great lesbian stories and hot/cute girls
well darling I have to comment as well. I have read enough to laugh cry and masturbate. So hope ya see that as the huge compliment it is sir Guess i have read enough now to return to my writing and paint with the broad brush of life and fun
wtf! What are proboards playing at?
We have lost the new site. Hope all you are well and we still have this
OMG it really happened! What are we doing now Ebo?
hey I keep getting a 400 error message and can’t get to the forum. Is something wrong?
the forum was closed by the host site
Check the Terms of Service and I think it’s fairly clear.
Section 25(a) is a blanket “we can boot you at any time for any reason or no reason” clause. I’m not too surprised they took the forum down. See section 18 which covers everything sexual or otherwise ‘naughty’. They don’t want to risk the trouble our sort of content might bring.
In any case, it’s probably for the best. Section 15 gives them not only the ability to use everything you post there – including any stories – in perpetuity, but also to grant that ability to anyone else they see fit.
I’m sorry you put a bunch of effort into making a space for people only to lose it so quickly. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
I’m sure if we all get our heads together, we can rise from the ashes. I knew I was a hex, as soon as I started getting a little more involved…….BOOM!……and then it was gone
The mods at ProBoards, are obviously getting less sex than me…….hard to believe, I know, but what other reasons would they have for being such pussies ;-p
Well, there are a few more than knowledgeable people that frequented the site that may have some ideas of what to do next. I myself will settle on writing something like part 2
for Kit and Kathy.
Well, part 2 has been submitted for approval, check it out at Sapphic Shares!
Wow Danger, I’m impressed! Can’t wait for subsequent instalments
I’m hooked
Looks like we are back online. Hope this new server works better then the old
very disappointed with Leslita. The responses are not logical and what has been done since the fire makes me wonder if they really are gonna functioin. Time to look for other sites to post stories like Nifty and Asstrz
It’s hard to maintain a site and have to take care of real life issues. I feel bad for Jenny and Fucker they are going through a lot still and maintains a site on top of that just makes it harder not to mention the holidays are upon us. Here’s to next year and may it all be better for them.
As to a place for people to post stories they can join SapphicShares as well. The link is in my name or google it. We are still working on the story section so all help is welcome.
Talked with Jenny over email. Nothing is wrong with Leslita they are just not getting stories sent in. She’s been using my server for mail and it sucks. I’ve had to make a gmail for my site.
Fur I have submitted frequently and they have not recieved or something.
I wanted to let you guys know that things are still chaotic here for me. I am glad to have a few new chapters of the notebook series to take my mind off the minor matters that occupy me most days. I hope this finds everyone well.
Thanks for writing Ebo
Happy New Years Ebo! I am looking forward to your stories in 2016!
Just found you on Lesbian Lolita. We read “The Notebook”. We are some what at a loss for how to describe our experience with your writing. I (Debbie) found this series to be very erotic requiring me to turn over the reading to my husband (we read together) several times so I could relieve pressure in my pussy while he continued to read.
While my husband (Soami) found the series to have a very spiritual dimension to the relationship. We are fans and will continue to read. Thanks for sharing your talent. Oh…one more point that Soami pointed out. You do a masterful job of getting the reader into the heads of your characters, letting us see what they are thinking and showing the vulnerabilities. Makes them more real, we like that!
Which website houses all of your work?
Very sincerely,
D & S
I have restored Lesbian Lolita back to what it was before Jenny removed stories. The way I did this however reset the site to August and we lost all updates to that point. I’m hoping to find someone to take it over but tell then I’m in charge and will do my best to update things. The email is leslita@sapphicshares.org so send me your stories and I’ll try to post them.
The Watcher has taken over Lesbian Lolita and is doing his best to restore the stories I lost when I reloaded the missing stories and will be in charge of updating that site so if you have stories please send them to him at leslita@sapphicshares.org. I hope to see you all sending in stories and restoring what was a great site back to what it should be.
We need authors now that we have lesbian lolita up and running again. Yes there have been changes but we could not avoid some of those as the site had not been updated in any from for quite sometime. Please send your stories so we can post them and make that site great again.
Sorry to hear you are burned or dealing with other issues in life. Hope things go well and you canget back writing at some point. You really write well and its a shame to see you go. Thanks for sharing the stories you have written. Any chace to ask for a behind the scenes look for where or what some of stories might have gone in the future to act as ending if you never comeback. I know black lingerra was what really got me into your work. The wilds also was becoming very cool. The rest, not much into that much.
Ebo what’s up? You drop a bomb shell like that with nothing to go with it. It has to be bad news. If you need to talk your friends are here for you.
I felt like a dick but it had to be done. I’m sorry if I worried anyone
Well I for one am sad to see you go. I understand but I hope you will be able to return soon. Your stories and characters are some of the best out there and I looked forward to every new chapter that was published. Regardless of what you write for I hope you will keep writing because you have talent for it. Good luck and I for one will miss you as well.
-Your Fan.
It sucks to see you go. But you gotta do what you gotta do IRL stuff sucks sometimes.
Have tried to send thank you but site is not connecting. Love Susy and Jen
Hi Ebo. Now the last short email has arrived with you, I shall try again. WE posted three and they disappeared.
Susy and I, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your wonderful stories and Characters. Characters with real love-lives and more than adequate sex-lives. The thrill with the girls, has been the unexpected love which has blossomed, following their “fooling around” the thrill being compounded by their age and partial innocence.
We shall be disappointed not to be a apart of your wonderful mind and the gentleness that is so much apart of your characters. We do hope you will feel you are able to return to writing some day in the near future but are now stuck as to where to go find stories as consistently good as yours have been. You have our love and all that is good to you. Love Susy and Je
PS Should you know of any sites to help fill your departing void, we shall be pleased to know. Jx
Thank you for all the wonderful WONDERFUL evenings you have given me, (us).. I truly enjoy each of your stories and series. Gonna miss you terribly!
Welcome back, ready for the new pages :-))
I love this new part Ebo! And I´m way happy that you are back! I missed you a lot, but I understand that sometimes you have to step back.
Love and a kiss for you Ebo!
Thanks for the link … nice of you to give me the link, I will enjoy
I’m absolutely In Love with all of your stories, but especially “Black Lingerie” (and the other stories in the Black Lingerie Universe) and “The Wild”
P.S It would be very nice if you could offer a downloads page to download all the stories in at least “.txt.” please. I would like to have these stories saved locally for offline use without having to cut and paste every chapter of every story into single files.
Awesome thanks for the download option ,ePub is a great format. The e-book is well made and I love the cover art
P.S. Just finished re-reading “The Wild”, eagerly awaiting more chapters.
Thank you for the ebook Ebo I’m loving the cover art. Hope to see more
i have a server self hosted on google cloud services that you can use for your ebooks.
it is guaranteed to be up for the next year, and so long as it is up you can use it freely for free
10GB Space
no ads
no wait times
no money
a sexy login page
Username: ebo
Password: sexyleslita
You are awesome ebo, keep the stories flowing
Hello Ebo,
I would like to send something to you, in regards of fanart. But is there an email that i can send it to?
Thank you for reading,
Um, if it is a drawing or painting- no photographs of under aged girls, please- you could send it to the email address listed on the ebook page.
Hello Ebo,
Just wondering if you got it thats all
What happened to the ebook link?
I deleted it. Trying to put ebooks on this site as been nothing but a pain in the ass. Links disappearing, viruses from the host sites… I’m throwing in the towel.
well that sucks…I was hoping to get a copy of white stockings on my kindle.
I’ll send it to you via email, if you want. Send an email to- ebrolin1980@gmail.com
Old post, I know, but I just saw this. You can send any story you like as a .doc file to your Kindle. IIRC, there’s an email address somewhere in your settings, and you send whatever documents are supported to that.
Me too please!
Have you considered setting up another free blog to just host your ebooks?
The free version of kinky-blogging limits the file types and storage you can use. I don’t know if there are other… Um, ‘open minded’ sites that would host my stories, or not.
where can I find part 18 of the blacklace chonicles
Sorry Sumfun. This is actually part eighteen. It was late when I posted it and I don’t know why I thought it was part nineteen. Sorry for the confusion.
I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love everything you write. I’ve been reading your stories since before you made this site and I’ve loved every single one!!
Juicy secrets just got shutdown to the public on this host so you need to make sure you are backed up Ebo just in case…
hope you continue. for all your loyal readers. I love your stories, especially the black lingerie and its sister stories. you write so well
Bets on how long this lasts?
This morning after I received your email, I thought, brilliant!
Came straight here; then problems.
I can open the latest story, The Wild Part 11, but nothing else.
Checking the stories list, I find a few missing from where it left off on LL.
ie. The Wild Parts 5, 6 and 7.
The Notebook Parts 6, 7, 8 and 9.
White Stockings Part 3.
Ignore my recent comment; re-links not working.
The What’s New list only works for the first story but using the drops downs at the top does work and of course, it gives all the parts that I’m missing.
So far the sites not loading using Firefox and I get a warning trying to access from safari just so you know.
Glad to see you’re up and running again.
Pingback: Juicy Secrets : The Halloween Party, Part 2
Happy New Year Ebo and everybody else! I hope the new year will full of love, fun and success for all you!
xo xo xo
I have been watching this site for a while now, and I really enjoy your stories.
My favorites (for now) are The Wild, and the Secret Admirer stories.
Looking forward to more stories!
It’s been awhile since you last posted a new chapter to any of your stories. I hope you haven’t given up writing,you are one of the best I have read in a very long time.
More of The Wild, please, still want to see Michelle build Samantha her bath tub.
But love all your stories. Can hardly wait for anything new.
We are so glad to find you on your own ‘site Ebo’ … we’ve read and enjoyed many of your stories on JS but not all. We are about to change that
I love this site, great stories Ebo, can hardly wait for new parts to come out to the already awesome stories. A lot of times while waiting I check out other sites and a while back I found a link off of l.l. that I got interested in called girls loving girls, the stories on that site are written like tv series/shows. The author is TVM along with a couple of others. I was wondering if the site is done with and if TVM is done writing because nothing new has been added in over 2 years some of the stories aren’t finished like “scent of a girl”, “hey micki, hey micki”, “Jessie and katie” to name a few. Was just wondering if anybody knows if TVM might start writing again in the future or is the site done. Anyways thank you Ebo for continuing your great and awesome stories, we your fans really appreciate it and your time. Thanx.
Last I herd the author had fallen sick and I’ve been unable to find anything sense. Asstr is still having server issues though they have done their best to restore what was there, it’s very hard when authors are no longer reachable. Nifty still has the stories but again I didn’t see anything new
Nifty has some of the stories but not all the available chapters, if you go to the site which is a link off of lesbian lolita, it’s called, girls loving girls, the chapters are more complete but still not finished. I hope the author gets better and nothing bad has happened to him. Maybe one day he will be back and be able to finish some of the series that are there, hope so, very interesting, drama, romance filled stories they draw you in and would be interested in seeing how they play out. Well anyway will keep checking and hope he’ll be back to finish them. Thanx Fur for the info.
No new chapters in a while, please, hope you haven’t left us also Ebo. Hope everything is o.k., will be waiting on something new.
Thanks for the concern Me1166. I’m still around, but haven’t had much luck getting any writing done. Hours at work have been crazy and I’m usually too tired by the time I get off. I’m not complaining though- there are a lot of restaurants not doing so hot right now. I’m thankful where I work is still going strong and count myself lucky to be getting the hours.
Hopefully, you all are managing in these crazy times we are living in.
Thanx for replying Ebo, glad you’re ok and getting to work, you never know these days. Sorry for seeming impatient, just greatly enjoy your stories and can hardly wait for new chapters to come out, but you’re right, health, life and work come first. Thanx for all you do for all us fans of yours. Will be waiting patiently, just take care of yourself in these crazy times
Hi Ebo. Been lurking for a while now and love your stories. I have finished reading The Wild, and was wondering if you are going to continue it?
I have this feeling that it could be continued for a couple more chapters st least.
Hopefully that works, if not look for Stuck in the Smoke Hole of our Tipi on YouTube
Happy Holidays everyone
Ebo – we miss you…we love your work…we are dying here…
Hope all is well and we will see something soon. It has been a loooong several months without our regular shot of your tantalizing wordsmithery. Come back soon!
miss you Ebo, hope you’re ok, miss your updates, especially the older stories, Henna Tattoo, BLC, Always a bridesmaid, The Wild, etc. Hope to see something soon. Hope you’re ok.
Do you know what happened to the author of the world of letoria? Thanks.