Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Four

“She looks awfully excited,” Mindy said, nodding at the approaching Ashley.

 Erin thought she was right, could see the nervous energy in the way the girl was moving. She looked ready to break into a run with each step, seemed to have to keep her excitement in check. Something had her all jazzed up and that got Erin’s own pulse going.

 “I have something amazing to show you,” Ashley said, without preamble. She passed a notebook to Erin, then grinned excitedly at her.

 Laughing at her exuberance, Erin looked at the notebook, saw paragraphs of neatly penned prose on the page. She looked up at Ashley, raised her eyebrows questioningly.

 “It is the story of Natty and you, going all the way back until you were still in diapers,” she said, then grinned even wider, “but that isn’t what is so cool.”

 “Then what has you grinning like the Chesire cat,” Erin said, laughing.

 “I took these notes in the Place of Locked Doors,” she said, laughing when her friend’s eyes widened, “I was in math class, opened my notebook and saw these pages. I gasped loud enough to get a comment from Mrs. Johnson.”

 “You wrote this in the Place of Locked Doors and it appeared over here,” Mindy asked, looking at the notebook.

 “Yeah,” Ashley said, grinning excitedly, “How cool is that? I figured after I didn’t see your message in the notebook, it was a waste of time but I still took notes. I-“

 “I didn’t put a message in the notebook,” Erin said, cutting her off.


 Grinning sheepishly, Erin said, “I forgot to write anything.”

 “Oh,” Ashley said, then laughed as she shook her head.


“We’ll have to try it again, sometime,” Ashley said, then grinned, “I did learn something, though. Why didn’t you tell us about the angel costume?”

“I didn’t?”


“I saw it in a magazine, thought it was cute.”

“You see, you already had answered one of my questions. You don’t own an angel costume and even if you’d imagined the one from the magazine, I doubt it would have fit you. So you had created something that didn’t exist. You imagined it and- poof- it exists.”

“Yeah,” Erin said, already aware of this.

“Well, it was news to me,” Ashley said, laughing, “this is why we need to pool our experiences over there, take notes.”

“I thought we started that last weekend,” Erin said, thinking about the notebook in Ashley’s desk. It contained pages of observations and thoughts about the Place of Locked Doors. Even a few of her own.

“We started but apparently we haven’t been thorough enough,” Ashley said, making Erin look sheepish.

“Just how thorough are you talking,” Mindy asked, grinning.

“Thorough,” Ashley said, simply.

“Gonna need a place to hide that notebook,” Mindy said, laughing, “or it’ll be police exhibit A in our grounding for life.”

“Yeah,” Erin laughed, shaking her head, “I guess we can keep it in the hidey hole in my closet.”

Natty had shown her it in a dream, the first one in which she actually spoke to the girl. When Erin found the void in her closet actually existed, the discovery had sent her careening into a crazy relationship with a dead girl and the unknown.

“Okay,” Ashley said, then laughed.


“Just thought of a name for the notebook,” she said, then, “The Black Lingerie Chronicles.”

“Sounds like an adult novel,” Mindy said, then grinned, “Oh, wait. That isn’t too far off, considering…”


 “Happy birthday, kiddo.”

 Erin grinned and gave her dad a squeeze. She caught a hint of his cologne, a fresh scent that made her sigh contently. It always made her feel safe, that subtle scent. He hasn’t changed it in the years she’d been old enough to notice it and she hoped he never did.

 She saw tears in his eyes along with pride. Poor guy was hopeless when it came to his little girl. Big and gruff most times, she could turn him into a puddle of goo with just a smile. It was something she tried not to take advantage of too often.

 “I love it,” she said, looking at the new laptop on her knees.

 Her mother smiled at them, then handed Erin another gift. Looking down at the neatly wrapped gift, she saw Mindy’s name scrawled on the tag. She grinned and tore into the wrapping paper. Inside an unassuming box, she found an adorable dress. Holding it up, she turned it this way and that, then grinned at the girl.

 “Ooh, that’s cute,” someone said.

 Erin turned and smiled at Carrie Dickinson. She hadn’t invited the girl but she was happy when she showed up. She had brought along her friend, Trisha, and both girls had gifts. Just showing up would have been enough. A few of the girls she invited from her school were busy talking about the two older girls at the party.

 “Yeah,” her mother said, “Who was that from?”

 “Mindy,” Erin said.

 “And Ashley. We kind of pooled our gifts together,” Mindy said.

 “Then,” her mother said, finding Ashley’s gift, “you should probably open this one next.”

 Erin took it, was surprised how heavy it was for such a small package. Curious, she opened the wrapping and saw a plain cardboard box, no markings. When she opened the lid, she gasped in surprise. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

 “How? This is too expensive!”

 “We both went in on it,” Ashley said, grinning brightly at her reaction.

 “Well, let us see it,” her mother said, raising the camera.

 Carefully, she lifted the jewelry box out, held it up for the crowd of friends and family to see. There was a collective ooh, then an ahh. That was the general reaction to the intricately carved wood box. Its workmanship was breathtaking.

 “It’s beautiful,” Trisha said, her eyes wide.

 “I can’t believe you guys bought this for me,” Erin said, smiling at her friends, “thank you so much.”

 “You are welcome,” Ashley said, coming forward for her hug. Then Mindy. Both girls received a fierce one.

 The rest of the gifts were opened but it was hard to top the excitement generated by the box. Erin couldn’t really say why the box appealed so much to her. She didn’t have enough jewelry to warrant a box. Still, from that very first time seeing it in the antique shop, she’d felt this affinity for it.

 And now it was hers.

 Mingling with her guests, she laughed and joked her way around the room. Eventually she found Mindy and Ashley in a corner with Carrie and Trisha. Smiling, she joined the little group.

 “Hey, thanks again for the gifts. And thanks for coming,” Erin said, that last line for Carrie and Trisha.

 “You didn’t invite us, so we had to crash,” Carrie said, smiling.

 “I thought about it but it seemed presumptuous.”

 “You still hung up on this upperclassman thing,” Carrie asked, laughing, “Don’t be.”


 “Speaking of invites,” Carrie said, lowering her voice, “My party is in a couple of weeks. I’d be very upset if you three weren’t there.”

 “Huh,” Ashley said, laughing.


 “You really were invited to the party.”

 “I told you that,” Erin said.

 “I know,” Ashley said, grinning sheepishly, “I figured you were joking.”

 “No joke,” Carrie said, smiling, “You are all invited. I thought it would be fun to have a dress up party, so wear something sort of formal.”

 “We are going to have to sneak out,” Mindy said, laughing, “So it might be black jumpsuits and face paint.”

 Laughing, Carrie said, “Whatever it takes.”


“So, we are really going to do this,” Erin said, looking from Ashley to Mindy.

Ashley was grinning and looked about ready to pee herself, which was answer enough. A bit more reserved, Mindy looked a little nervous but she nodded. Grinning, she said, “Alright. We are all in. Now, we just need to figure out how.”

“Asking our parents for permission is out of the question,” Mindy asked.

“To go to a party being thrown by an older girl whose parents are out of town and unaware of the shindig at their house?”

“Right,” she said, laughing, “Stupid question. Still, it would have been nice to avoid all the sneaking around.”

“I’m afraid, this is gonna have to be a covert mission,” Erin said, opening the notebook on her lap, “let’s figure this thing out.”

“We can go out the window,” Ashley said, shrugging, “It seems to work for Loren.”

“No good,” Erin said, laughing, “unless you want to go ass first into a bunch of rose bushes.”

Grimacing, Mindy said, “That’s alright. Can’t show up to a dress up party all bloody and our clothes torn to shreds.”

“All the downstairs windows are alarmed,” Erin said, tapping her pencil on the notebook, “There’s a window in the bathroom but even we are too big to squeeze through it.”

“So what does that leave us?”

“I hate to say it, but we have to go right out the front door,” she said, writing it down on the first line.

“What about the alarm,” Mindy asked.

“That is the sticky part,” Erin agreed, laughing, “Any ideas?”

“You don’t know the code?”


“Don’t suppose you could ask?”

“Right,” Erin laughed, shaking her head, “I can see that conversation going well. ‘Mom, what is the code to the alarm panel’…’Why do you want to know?’… ‘No reason, just curious.’… ‘You are up to something’… We’d be busted before we even left the room.”

“So how do we get the code?” Mindy asked.

“Don’t have a clue,” she said, drawing an arrow down from ‘front door’ and writing ‘alarm code.’

“How do they do it in the movies?” Ashley asked.

“With a computer and some other equipment we don’t have.”

“Do you think it is on the internet?”

Erin laughed, “You want to look up how to hack an alarm system on the internet? You might find it but probably end up on a police database.”

“Well, then what do you suggest?”

“I might have an idea,” Mindy said.

“Whatcha got?”

“Let’s go downstairs first,” she said, getting off the bed, “I need to see something  before I tell you.”

Shrugging, Erin and Ashley followed her out of the room and downstairs. Not sure what she was on, Erin just watched. Mindy spotted the alarm panel beside the front door, then did a slow circle. Now Erin was curious because she could see the wheels turning in the brunette’s head. Mindy went to the little cut out in the wall across from the panel. Her mom kept family photos and curios there. Mindy put her back to the wall, facing toward the panel, then nodded.

Grinning at Erin, she said, “I thought this was how the house was laid out. Let’s go back upstairs and I’ll tell you my idea.”

Frowning, Erin followed her upstairs again. About halfway up, she stepped on a stair that groaned under her weight. Pausing, she looked down at it, then made a mental note to add it to the list on her notebook. They didn’t need creaky stairs waking the parental types, would need to walk the stairs a few times to figure out which ones made a lot of noise.

In her room again, Erin looked at Mindy expectantly. Hopefully, she had a serviceable plan because she was out of ideas. She watched as the girl didn’t go to the bed but to her desk. Turning around, she had Erin’s digital camera in her hand.

“My idea,” she said, holding up the camera, “is we hide this in the cut out across from the alarm panel, aim it at the keypad and zoom it way in. When Erin’s dad goes to work, we’ll have a recording of what buttons he pushed.”

“Huh,” Ashley said, nodding, “That might work.”

“One problem,” Erin said, taking the camera from her, “I only have a four gig memory card. I don’t know how much video it can take.”

“We’ll need to find that out ahead of time,” Ashley said, grinning.

“It definitely won’t record all night,” she said, sighing, “Which means, I’ll have to set it up in the morning before he leaves. That makes it a little more difficult. If he sees me, he’ll wonder what I’m up to. Still, it is a doable plan. Nice work, Mindy.”

She grinned, “Thanks.”

Erin added the camera gambit to her notes, then said, “We need to check the stairs. A couple of them make a lot of noise.”

“Oh, I never thought about that,” Ashley said, nodding, “Good one.”

“We have time to figure out which ones to avoid.”


“Erin, Mindy and I got you another birthday gift,” Ashley said, pulling her backpack on her lap and digging around.

 “We did,” Mindy asked, raising her eyebrows.

 “Actually, I have something for you, too,” the redhead said, grinning at her.

 “Really,” the brunette asked. She was intrigued now.

 Erin watched as she came out with a black plastic bag, then set her backpack aside. Now her curiosity was piqued. What could be in the bag?

 Ashley didn’t immediately open it. Instead, she said, “I want you to know what I had to go through to get these. It was embarrassing and humiliating, so you better appreciate them.”

 “What is it,” Mindy asked.

 Grinning, she reached into the bag and pulled something out. She handed it to Mindy, then got one for Erin. Her eyes were full of mischief as she watched the girl’s reaction to her gifts.

 It took Erin a minute to realize what she was holding. At first, it just looked like a bunch of tangled up straps, but as she untangled them, she saw what it was. Laughing, she looked at Ashley who grinned at her.

 “This is a strap-on,” Mindy laughed, looking at the harness in her hand, the red dildo poking out like a festive penis.

 “Yeah, it is,” Ashley laughed at her reaction.

 “Seriously, Ashley,” Erin said, looking wide-eyed at her friend, “How did you get these?”

 “Loren,” the redhead said, grinning.

 “She gave these to you?”

 “She bought them for me.”

 “She bought them for you,” Mindy said, laughing, “This ought to be a good story.”

 “I wanted to get Erin something special for her birthday…”


Taking a deep breath to muster her courage, she knocked on her step-sister’s door, said, “Loren?”

The teenager opened her door and smiled, “Hey, kid. What’s Up?”

“Got a minute?”

She looked at Ashley for a moment, then said, “Yeah, come in.”

Following her into the room, Ashley closed the door behind her. Loren went to her bed and Ashley pulled out her desk chair. Her heart was racing and her palms slick with sweat, she was so nervous. The teenager was looking at her expectantly, so she took a deep breath and committed to her crazy idea.

“I was wondering… Where did you get the vibrator you gave me?”

Loren gave her an amused look, said, “Why? Did you burn up the one I gave you already?”

Ashley laughed, picturing a smoking sex toy in her head, “No, I want to get something special for Erin’s birthday.”

“You want to buy your girlfriend a vibrator?”

Blushing, Ashley said, “She isn’t my girlfriend.”

“Fine,” Loren laughed, her eyes flashing with mischief, “then, what is she?”

“My friend.”

“With benefits,” she laughed harder when Ashley shot her a look, “Alright. Let me see if I got this, you want to buy your booty call a vibrator?”

Ignoring the bait, Ashley said, “Not exactly.”

“Not exactly?”

Preparing herself for the shit storm she was about to unleash, she asked, “Do you know what a strapon is?”

Blinking in surprise, Loren laughed, “Do you?”

Ashley blushed, nodded.

“What is it?”

“It is a kind of underwear you can attach a dildo to,” Ashley said, feeling her face burning as Loren fell back, laughing.

“Son of bitch,” she said, shaking her head. Sitting back up, she grinned at Ashley, “A couple of questions.”


“How do you know what a strapon is,” She said, shaking her head, again, “You are twelve, for God’s sake.”

Fidgeting, Ashley said, “I saw it in a video.”

“A video?”

“A porn video.”

“What?!” Loren gaped at her in disbelief. Finally, she asked, “Where did you get a hold of porn? And, again, you are twelve, for God’s sake.”

Blushing, she said, “I downloaded it from the internet.”

Loren cringed, said, “Sweetie, my mom installed monitoring software on all the computers. You are in so much trouble.”

“No, I’m not,” she said, grinning, “You are right, except she didn’t know about my brother’s laptop. I put it on a thumb drive and watched it on my PS3.”

 Loren nodded her appreciation, smiling, “You might make a trouble maker, yet. Can you make me a copy?”

 Laughing, she said, “Do you have a thumb drive?”

 “Somewhere,” she said, looking at her cluttered desk, “We’ll come back to that. What inspired you to go looking for porn?”

 She simply said, “I was curious.”

 Nodding, Loren seemed to understand that response, “I can relate to that. Back to the original line of questioning… I’m assuming you watched the video and know how a strap on is used, right?”

 “Yeah,” Ashley said, thinking, Here it comes- The question.

 Loren looked at her a long moment, then asked, “And you don’t see a problem?

 “No,” Ashley said, fidgeting. She wished Loren would stop circling the question and just ask it.

 Cocking her head to the side, she stared at Ashley until the girl wanted to bolt from the room. Finally, she leaned forward, said in a low voice, “Have you… How can I put this delicately-“

 “Has my cherry been popped?” Ashley said, getting frustrated and asking the question herself.

 Loren snorted in surprise, then laughed, “That is a little less delicate than I would have asked, but yeah.”

 Her face on fire, as it has been for the most part since entering the room, she met Loren’s eyes and nodded.

 “Really,” Loren asked, her eyes wide.


 “Wow,” she laughed, shaking her head, “Off to an early start, aren’t you?”

 “This is kind of embarrassing, so…” Ashley said, hoping she might have pity on her and not make a big deal out of it.

 “No, no. You aren’t getting off that easily,” she said, then laughed, “No pun intended.”

 Sighing heavily, Ashley said, “What do you want to know?”

 “You’ve got to tell me how it happened,”

 She had figured this might happen, so she launched into the story the girls had come up with in case Loren wouldn’t stop poking into their recent foray into lesbianism. It was fairly close to the truth, except Natty wasn’t a dead girl.

 “Creepy,” Loren said, then blushed when she saw the look on Ashley’s face, “Sorry. The thought of two twelve year olds going at it is a little freaky.”

 “Gee, thanks,” Ashley said, not really upset.

 “And this girl who took your virginity isn’t your girlfriend?”

 “Nope,” she said, grinning sheepishly, “Just my best friend.”

 “Huh,” Loren said, then nodded, “I guess if you are going to do it, a good friend isn’t a bad idea. Still, you all kind of dove right in head first, huh?”

 “I guess it did happen kind of fast,” Ashley admitted.

 She looked at Ashley for a long moment. Ashley fidgeted, uncomfortable under her scrutiny. Finally, Loren said, “Setting the moral dilemma aside for now… Suuppose I could get you a strap-ons-“


 “Three,” Loren asked, laughing in surprise. Shaking her head, she went on, “I could get you THREE strap-ons. Seriously, Dude would think I’m into some kinky shit.”


 “There is a sex shop downtown- Rose’s Intimates. The clerk is a little creepy, but doesn’t ask for ID. The clerk… His name tag just says, ‘Dude’.”

 It was Ashley’s turn to frown at her, “How do you know this?

 “Where do you think your vibrator came from?”


 “Let’s pretend I’m agreeing to help you,” she said, smiling, “Do you have the money for the gear, plus any pain and suffering I might endure?”

 “How much do you think it would be?”

 “Ballpark, I’d say fifty bucks a piece, for the harness and the dildo,” she said, then added, “Come up with two hundred bucks and we’ll revisit this conversation.”

 Ashley cringed. She had taken stock of her money situation and she was about forty bucks shy of what Loren was asking for.

 “I only have a hundred and sixty,” she said, then, “can I owe you forty?”

 “Damn,” she said, sighing, “I was hoping it would take you a while to get the money. Like four years.”

 Grinning, Ashley asked, “Does that mean you are going to help me?”

 “Yeah, I’ll do it,” she said, shaking her head, “Go put on something cute. We are going to the mall.”

 “The mall?”

 “Well, I can’t tell Mom we are going to a sex shop, can I?”

 “Oh,” Ashley said.

 In her own room, she stripped out of her jeans and t-shirt, picked through her closet until she found the dress she loved. Shrugging into it, she found the shoes that matched. Checking herself in the mirror, she thought she looked cute.

 Loren knocked on her door, then poked her head in, “Ready?”

 “Yeah,” she said, going to her desk for her money stash. She slipped the wad of bills into her purse.

 “Come on. Let’s go dazzle Mom.”

 They went downstairs and found Loren’s mom in the living room.

 “Mom, can I take Ashley to the mall? Maybe see a movie?”

 She blinked in surprise at her daughter, “You want to take your step-sister to the mall?”

 “Is there something wrong with that?”

 “No,” she said, holding up her hands, “It is kind of unexpected, is all.”

 Loren shrugged, “I’m getting stir crazy. I need to get out of the house.”

 Her mother just looked at her.

 Sighing, she said, “I figure the only way you are going to let me out of the house is with a chaperon.”

 “And you think a twelve year old girl is a good chaperon?”

 “Come on, Mom. Do you really think I’m going to do something stupid with her with me,” Loren said, sounding genuinely offended.

 Her mother sighed, “No, I don’t think you would. You are still grounded, though.”

 Loren sighed, looked defeated.

 “But,” her mother went on, smiling, “if you are going to spend some time with Ashley, then I’ll allow it this time. You two are practically strangers living in the same house.”


 “Yeah. Go see a movie, grab some food,” she said, then added, “Nothing above PG-13 and be back by nine.”

 “Okay,” Loren said, then, “Thanks, Mom.”

 “Hand me my purse,” she said, then fished some money out of it to give to Loren, “This should be enough. The keys to the Jetta are on the peg in the kitchen.”

 “Come on, kid, let’s motor,” she said, grinning at Ashley.

 “Have a nice time, you two,” her mother called after them.

 Loren started the car, back out of the driveway and headed left. Frowning, Ashley said, “Isn’t downtown that way?”

 “The mall is this way,” she said, then grinned at her, “I really was getting stir crazy. That wasn’t a lie. I’m going to enjoy my liberty while I have it.”

 “Oh,” Ashley said, smiling at her, “So we really are going to spend some quality time together?”

 “Fraid so,” she said, making Ashley laugh, “So, what kind of movies do you like?”

 “Horror. Scarier the better,”

 “Mom, will be pissed if I take you to a scary movie,” she said, then grinned, “if we can find one PG-13, we’ll do it. Letter of the law if not the spirit, right?”

 Laughing, Ashley said, “Yeah.”

 It was a short trip to the mall and they passed it with idle chitchat. Loren parked near the theatre entrance and they walked inside. Looking at the board that listed the movie times, Loren started laughing.

 “Insidious 2 starts in twenty minutes,” she said, “grinning at Ashley, “PG13.”

 “Have you seen the first one,” Ashley asked.

 “Yeah. You?”


 “Alright, Insidious 2, it is.”


 Ashley turned to see who had spoken to her and saw a girl about her step-sister’s age looking

At them in wide eyed surprise. She had short, shaggy blonde hair and an easy smile. Not exactly pretty, she had a pleasant cuteness.

 “Heather? What are you doing here?”

 “I could ask you the same thing? I thought you were grounded.”

 “The warden let me out for the day,” Loren said, smiling at the girl. Ashley watched as they hugged.

 “You should have called me,” the girl said, still standing really close to Loren, “We could have done something.”

 “I’m spending sometime with Ashley. My step-sister,” Loren said, nodding at the befuddled girl, “Ashley, this is Heather Brown.”

 Recognizing the name, Ashley grinned, “Then the greeting makes more sense. It is nice to meet you, Heather.”

 “You, too,” the blonde said, smiling. Then her eyes opened wide as she realized something, “Wait, you are the sister Loren walked in on with the Harry Potter toy.”

 Turning scarlet, she nodded.

 Lowering her voice, she asked, “Did she really give you her old, beat up vibrator?”

 Again, she nodded.

 “What, you didn’t believe me,” Loren asked, pretending to be hurt.

 “I can’t believe you actually did it! I thought you were just being slutty to turn me on,” the girl laughed. She glanced at Ashley, then her face drained of color, “Loren, that just slipped out. I didn’t-“

 “Relax,” Loren said, putting an arm around her waist, “She knows about us.”

 Heather raised her eyebrows and she looked at Ashley, “She told you we are together? As in, lesbian partners?”

 “It came up, yeah,” Ashley said, hoping she wouldn’t ask how it came up.

 She gave Loren a squeeze, said, “I’m proud of you. Maybe not the person I’d have chosen to come out to, but it is a start.”

 “We’ve talked about this,” Loren said.

 “I know. I know. I’m not pushing. I really am proud of you, though,” she said, stealing a quick kiss.

 “Want to join us? We are seeing a movie.”

 “Can’t. I’m here with my mom. She is at the optometrist and needs me to drive her home.”

 “Too bad,” Loren pouted.

 “Next time,” she said, then pulled out her phone, “I gotta go, Babe.”

 “Alright,” Loren said, kissing her deeply, “Love you.”

 “Love you, too.”

 Loren watched her walk away for a minute, then sighed. Ashley was grinning when she looked at her. Laughing, Loren said, “Shut up.”

 “You two are cute together. I can tell you really like her,”

 “I really do,” Loren admitted.

 “All the sneaking out and acting a fool,” Ashley said, smiling, “Is about her, isn’t it?”

 A little surprised, Loren said, “You sure you are only twelve?”

 “So I’m right?”

 She nodded, “Ninety percent of the times I got in trouble for sneaking out, I was trying to be with her.”

 “So, if you came out- what does the mean, anyway?”

 “Out of the closet,” Loren said, then went on when that didn’t register, either, “It means you admit you are gay. To friends and family.”

 “Oh,” Ashley said, then, “Why not come out?”

 “It’s complicated.”

 Ashley was about to push the issue but stopped. She sensed Loren wasn’t ready, yet. Shrugging, she let it go.

 “Let’s get our tickets, kid.”


 The movie was creepy enough to get her jazzed up and Loren was laughing at her excitement. They talked about it on the way to the car, while they were driving downtown. It wasn’t until they parked at a strip mall that Ashley fell silent. She could see the store window for Rose’s a few stores down.

 “Why are we parked here?”

 “A responsible adult doesn’t bring a little girl to a sex shop,” Loren said.

 Ashley laughed, looked pointedly at her.

 “Yeah, I know what I said,” Loren laughed, shaking her head, “I never claimed to be a responsible adult.”

 Digging in her purse, Ashley handed her the money. Loren counted it quickly, then put it in her own purse. She looked at Ashley, said, “Are you sure about this? This is the point of no return. This is a lot of money to waste if you change your mind later.”

 “I’m sure.”

 “Alright,” she said, smiling, “Wish me luck.”

 She got out of the car and walked up the sidewalk to Rose’s, disappeared inside. Ashley sat back in her seat, bit back an excited giggle that kept trying to break free. Loren was really doing it, buying her and the girls strap-ons.

 What seemed like for ever, she waited impatiently for Loren to return. So much time passed, she began to worry. Did it take this long to purchase sex toys? What if Loren got busted? The last thing she wanted was for her step-sister to get into trouble. The next to last thing she wanted to do was explain to her dad why she and Loren were at a sex shop in the first place. That was definitely a conversation that wouldn’t end well.

 She was close to panicking, when Loren exited the store with a large black sack in her hand. Seeing Ashley watching her approach, she smiled.

 Getting into the car, Loren handed her the bag, said, “Wait until we are out of the parking lot before you start looking through it.”

 “You really bought them?”

 “You got lucky,” She said, smiling, “Twice, actually.”


 “They were on sale. Dude said people were complaining and that he couldn’t sell them. Had them marked down to just a few bucks over cost, he said.”

 “What’s wrong with them,” Ashley asked, hoping Loren hadn’t bought her a bunch of cheap stuff.

 “Nothing really. In fact, they look on the fancy side. You’ll see,” Loren said, reassuringly.

 “Then why were they on sale?”

 “That was the second stroke of luck,” she said, pointing at the bag, “People were complaining the harness was too small. Dude said they were made in China, then made a slightly racist comment about Asians. Apparently, someone wrote in their blog about the strap-ons being fitted on the small size. Since you are a pint sized girl, these are perfect for you and your friends.”

 “Oh,” Ashley said, grinning.

 “See, twice lucky,” Loren said, then, “Is there somewhere near the mall you want to eat?”

 “Why go back there?”

 “You have so much to learn about sneaking around,” Loren said, putting the car in gear, “Mom will want to see a receipt. If we eat around here, she’ll want to know why we were downtown.”

 “Oh,” Ashley said, nodding.

 “Alright,” she said, looking sideways at Ashley and grinning, “you can look now.”

 Her heart racing, she reached into the bag and pulled out the first thing she touched. It was a leather thong panty with adjustable straps at the waists. Loren hadn’t been lying- it looked well made and expensive. Extending from the front panel was a slightly bent pink shaft with a bulbous head at its tip. It was probably six inches long and as thick as her vibrator.

 Loren glanced away from the road long enough to look at her, asked, “What do you think?”

 “How much were they,” Ashley asked.

 “Twenty-five,” Loren said, “That is less than half of what they were originally selling for.”

 “Nice,” Ashley said, grinning.

 “I’m still keeping the change, by the way,” she said, glancing at Ashley, “I had to deal with Dude’s sleazy comments about me buying four strap-ons. I think I earned it.”


 “I might have bought one for Heather and me,” She said, grinning.

 “Okay,” Ashley laughed.

 “Do you think you can squeeze all four into your purse,” she asked, looking at it, “Mom won’t check yours; I can’t be sure about mine.”

 “Um, let me try.”

 Pulling all of the strap-ons out, she lined all of the dildos up, then wrapped the straps around them. It made a neat little bundle. It almost fit.

 “If I give you a few things, could you put them in your purse. I can’t quite fit everything in mine,” she said.


 Ashley pulled a few things out, set them in the center console. Some space freed up, the bundle fit easily. More importantly, it didn’t look like she was smuggling a bag of dicks, no bulging out the sides.


 “Nice,” Loren said, then, “Where are we eating?”

 They decided on Fridays. As the hostess showed them to a table, Ashley started laughing.

 “What’s funny?”

 “I should have left my purse in the car.”

 Loren snorted and the hostess gave her an odd look. When she walked away, she leaned close to Ashley, grinned and said, “You are walking around with a bunch of rubber dicks.”

 “I know,” Ashley said, laughing at her own expense, “That’s why I said I should have left my purse in the car.”

 Grinning at her, Loren said, “This is fun.”


 “Assuming we both don’t end up grounded for life,” she said, crossing her fingers so Ashley could see them, “we should do this again.”

 “I’d like that.”

 “Just to be clear, I meant the movie and dinner,” she said, then, “I’m done buying sex toys for kids.”

 “I figured that was what you meant.”

 They ordered and when their food came they dug in. Between bites they talked about school, friends, relationships. Just girl talk. Ashley learned more about her stepsister in one conversation than she had known in the whole time she’d lived in the house.

 After dinner, they headed home. Pulling into the driveway, Loren said, “Get your game face on.”

 Inside, they found Loren’s mom in the kitchen, washing dishes. She turned when they entered the room. Smiling, she looked from Ashley to her daughter, “There you are.”

 “It isn’t nine, yet,” Loren said, ready to get surly.

 “I know,” she said, holding up her hand, “I didn’t mean it that way. Ashley, dear, Erin called for you. I told her you’d call her when you got back.”

 “Oh, okay. Thank you,” Ashley said, turning to go upstairs.

 “Hold on a minute,” she said, smiling, “How was the movie?”

 “Creepy,” Loren said.

 “Creepy? What did you see?”

 “Insidious 2.”

 “A scary movie? Really Loren, I-“

 “It was PG-13,” Ashley said, cutting her off, “I picked the movie.”

 Her stepmother looked at her, then at her daughter. Sighing, she said, “Did you have a nice time, sweetie.”

 “Yeah,” she said, truthfully.

 “Alright,” she said, smiling, “I won’t harp at you this time, Loren.”

 Ashley didn’t miss the emphasis on ‘this time’. There was so much tension between mother and daughter- they were always rubbing each other wrong.

 “Have you eaten?”

 “We went to Fridays,” Ashley said.

 “Alright, then. Run along and call Erin back,”

 She went upstairs, but didn’t call Erin. Instead, she fished the strap-ons from her purse, untangled them. There was a red, blue, white and pink one. She liked the pink one, decided it was hers. She tucked the rest under her pillow, planning to hide them better later. Looking at it, she was thinking about trying it on. She was curious to see if it would fit.

 A knock came at the door and she hurriedly stuffed the strap-on under her pillow. Her heart raced as the door opened. She sighed with relief when she saw it was Loren. Smiling, she motioned the girl in.

 “Hey,” she said, returning the smile, “Thanks for bailing me out downstairs. I actually got a smile from her when I said I wanted to do it again.”

 “You’re welcome. And thanks for, you know.”

 “Speaking of which,” she said, holding out her hand, “I’ll take the white one.”

 She fished it out from under her pillow and gave it to Loren.

 “Better hide them better than that,” Loren said, laughing, “It looks like you were visited by the strapon fairy.”

 “I know,” Ashley said, grinning.

 “Have you tried one on?”

 “Not yet.”

 “Call it morbid curiosity but I kind of want to know if they fit,” She said, shaking her head.

 “So do I,” Ashley said, then, “If you watch the door…”

 “Keep your panties on, though,” she said, going to the door, “That seems a little less creepy.”

 Laughing, Ashley found the pink strap on. Her dress made it a struggle to get the thing on. Finally, she managed to buckle one hip, fitting the panty in place, then did the other side. It just barely fit her, down to the very last hole in the straps. There was a hard lump pressing against her clitoris, but not uncomfortably so. Moving the panty around a little, she decided it was by design, not a flaw.

 “Loren,” Ashley said, gathering her dress up so she could see. The teenager laughed and shook her head. Grinning, Ashley looked at herself in the mirror. She had sprouted a curiously pink penis.

 “Man, that is weird,” Loren laughed, then, “How’s it fit? You want it snug, so it doesn’t wallow around.”

 “It is snug right now,” Ashley said, hesitantly tugging at the pink dildo, “I think it fits right. Can’t really say for sure.”

 “No, it fits,” she said, moving closer and checking the straps, “just barely, though. Good news is, you have room to grow into it.”

 “There is a weird knot on the back,” Ashley said.

 Loren nodded, finding it on her own strapon, “Yeah, that is a nice feature. When you are, you know, doing it, that puts pressure on your… Moral of the story, it’ll feel nice, if you ever use this thing.”

 “Oh,” Ashley said, thinking she understood what Loren had been about to say.

 “Alright,” Loren said, pointing at the door, “I’m gonna go. Do yourself a favor and hide those really good.”


 “I can’t believe you bought these,” Erin said, laughing, “Thanks for the really cool gift. And, thank Loren for me.”

 “Thank her for me, too,” Mindy said.

 “I will,” she said, happy that they liked their gifts. Seeing them grinning like that made it worth the embarrassment. She loved these girls- maybe not the way that Loren loved Heather, but as more than just friends.

 “This really is something else, Ashley,” Erin said, leaning forward to kiss her.

 “You really like it?”

 “I love it. Can’t wait to play with it,” she said, grinning.

 “You are going to have to, though,” Ashley said, smiling mischievously.


 “It is your birthday,” she said, looking at Mindy, “which means you are the birthday girl in the middle. Tonight is all about you.”

 “We might let you play with it later if you still have the energy,” Mindy said, picking up on what Ashley was suggesting.

 “Oh, boy,” Erin giggled.

 Ashley kissed her, then. She could feel Erin’s excitement in the kiss and it fueled her own. As their tongues intertwined feverishly, she pulled the blonde’s shirt up. Breaking the kiss for only a moment, she slipped it off when Erin raised her arms above her head. Her hand found and squeezed one soft breast until the girl moaned into her kiss.

 Gently, she bore Erin to her back, then tortured her turgid nipple with her tongue. The girl sighed and stroked her hair. Ashley looked down her stomach and saw Mindy rubbing her pussy through the pale yellow panties she wore. She grinned as the Erin’s hips began to gyrate against her hand.

 “Get her out of them panties,” she said.

 Mindy hooked her fingers in the underwear and pulled them down when Erin lifted her backside off the bed. They slid down her long legs and ended up on the floor beside the bed. Smiling, Mindy stroked the folds of her sex, making Erin moan. On her hands and knees, she lowered her face to the blonde’s writhing abdomen and tasted her bud with her tongue.

 Sighing, Erin said, “That feels so good.”

 Still watching Mindy licking her pussy, Ashley pulled her tank top off, then shimmied out of her sleep shorts and panties. Naked, she pulled her strap-on out of the bag. She hadn’t undone one of the hip straps, so it went on a lot easier this time. Fastening the last strap, she saw Erin looking at her. The panty in place, she turned so her friend could see her wearing it.

 “How does that feel,” Erin asked, reaching out to stroke the pink shaft.

 “Kind of nice,” Ashley said, feeling the knot rubbing against her clit. Then she laughed, “Look at you, giving your first hand job.”

 Laughing, Erin said, “I guess I am.”

 Ashley sighed as ever pump of Erin’s fist translated to her sensitive clitoris. It was a curious feeling and she kind of liked it. Erin saw the look on her face and grinned, kept sliding her hand up and down the pink shaft. A moan escaped her.

 “You can feel this,” Erin asked.

 “Yeah. I don’t know if this is how a boy feels but it feels really good.”

 Suddenly, Erin moaned and looked down at Mindy. The brunette had wet her fingers in her mouth and slipped two into her wet pussy. Ashley watched her thrust them in and out, making Erin writhe. The blonde kept stroking Ashley but it was hard for her to concentrate on the task as pleasure worked through her young body. As Mindy lowered her mouth to her undulating pussy, it became even harder.

 Erin had been very excited and it didn’t take long for her to stiffen with an orgasm. She laughed and stretched as the feel good juices began to flow. When Mindy crawled up her supine body, she kissed the girl passionately. Then the brunette moved to one side and it was Ashley’s turn to move between her parted thighs.

 Looking between her spread legs, Erin looked nervously at the pink dildo jutting out from her friend’s lower abdomen. She bit her lip, laughed.

 “It looks a lot bigger from this angle,” she said.

 “I’ll be gentle,” Ashley said, running a hand along her thigh and rubbing her clitoris. Erin sighed and nodded. Scooting forward, the redhead lined the dildo up with the opening of her vagina. Or tried to. She was too high and at an awkward angle to get it in. Laughing, she said, “This is harder than it looks.”

 “Put a pillow under her hips,” Mindy said, handing her one, “Saw it in one of the videos.”

 Erin lifted her backside off the bed and Ashley slipped the pillow under her. It helped and Ashley lined up to enter her, again. The blonde giggled as the rubber shaft touched the opening of her sex. Smiling at her, Ashley pushed forward and the dildo eased into her hot, ready core. Erin’s eyes widened and she giggled in surprise.

 “Yeah, that’s big,” she said.

 “Too big,” Ashley asked, not moving.

 “Take it easy for a little bit, okay,” she said, shaking her head, “Man, it is filling me up inside.”

 Her first couple of thrusts were less than graceful. She tried to move her whole body, which didn’t seem to work. Trying something else, she just pushed her lower abdomen out, rolling her hips forward, then back. This felt much better, both easier to do and it rubbed the knot deliciously against her clit.

 “Is this okay,” she asked, looking at Erin. She girl smiled and nodded, then moaned as the dildo sank deep into her.

 “Just like that,” she moaned.

 It was a curious sensation, thrusting into her friend. She could feel her vaginal muscles squeezing the shaft, as it was translated to the knot pressing against her bud. Looking down at her undulating hips, at the shaft disappearing into Erin’s eager sex, she wondered if this was how guys felt. With no way of knowing, she could only enjoy the sensation.

 “How does it feel,” Mindy asked, fiddling with her own strap-on. She had stripped out of her clothes and was struggling to get it on.

 “Really good,” Erin sighed.

 Smiling at her, Mindy said, “I was asking Ashley but it is good to know it feels nice on this end.”

 “Very nice,” Erin laughed.

 “It feels… I don’t know. You can feel each thrust like someone is rubbing you down there. It definitely doesn’t feel bad,” Ashley said, grinning at her.

 Slowly, she let her pace quicken, each thrust coming faster than the one before it. She listened to Erin’s breathing, watched her face twist into a rictus of pleasure and knew the blonde was ready for this. Thrusting faster caused the knot to rub vigorously against her now sensitive bud, and she moaned.

 “Oh, God,” Erin groaned, her fingers grasping at the sheets. She was rolling her hips up into each thrust, the dildo sinking deep into her pussy.

 Mindy moved closer and rubbed her clitoris as Ashley slammed the dildo into her. Erin went crazy as the dual pleasures melded into one mind blowing sensation. Her cries of ecstasy were getting louder and she had to bite her lip to stifle them.

 “Ugh!” she said, climaxing violently. Her body spasmed out of control and Ashley could feel her vaginal muscles shivering around the strap-on. She stop thrusting, the dildo still buried deep in her.

 “I guess it does feel good,” Mindy laughed, gently rubbing her clitoris, making her hips jerk. The dildo would move inside of her and she would moan.

 Easing out of her, Ashley leaned forward and gave Erin a kiss. Still kissing, she moved from between her thighs, stretching out beside of her.

 “Get on your hands and knees,” Mindy said, her hands on her hip and thigh. Breaking the kiss, Erin did as she said. She looked over her shoulder as the brunette slipped behind her. She sighed as Mindy’s strapon slipped into her still sensitive pussy. It was less of a shock this time, but it still felt huge inside of her. Mindy grasped her hips, pulling her back into the thrust. The dildo bit deep and she jerked in surprise as a flash of discomfort worked through her.

 “Oww,” she hissed, looking over her shoulder at Mindy, “Not so deep, okay.”

 “Sorry,” the brunette said, a half sick look on her face. She looked about ready to pack up and never try this again. That was the last thing Erin wanted.

 Erin smiled at her reassuringly and said, “It’s okay. We are still figuring these things out. Take it nice and slow.”

 “Okay,” Mindy said, still looking spooked.

 Ashley watched the exchange with interest. The girls in the videos were just slamming it home, never reacting like Erin had. Then again, they were grown-ups with grown-up bodies. The girls were a lot smaller in size than they were and she guessed that translated to down there, as well.

 She stored that way for future reference.

 Seeing that Mindy was still unsure, Erin took over and pushed back against the dildo in her pussy. A sizeable length of it disappeared inside of her and she sighed. Looking over her shoulder, she said, “This is perfect. Deep but not too deep.”

 Mindy smiled at her, looked down at the dildo. Some of her confidence restored, she slowly pulled back, then thrust it forward. Erin sighed and nodded. Further encouragement wasn’t needed and the brunette fell into a rhythm that felt good for both of them. Ashley could tell by the sounds Erin was making and the slack mouthed look on Mindy’s face.

 Catching her watching, Erin said, “Lay down over here.”

 Stretching out in front of her, Ashley wondered what she had in mind. In the videos, the girls were always sucking on the dildos. She wasn’t sure if that was just something they did to turn on the male viewers or if actually felt good. Probably the former, she thought.

 Erin didn’t take the shaft into her mouth, but moved the panty aside, instead. Lowering her mouth to Ashley’s pussy, she teased the clitoris with her tongue. Ashley could feel her moans against her bud, an odd feeling. It was like she could feel Erin’s pleasure.

 The wet, hot tongue soon awakened her own pleasure. She sighed and stroked her friend’s silky blond hair. Propping up on her elbow, she watched as Erin licked her pussy, her adorable ass up in the air. It was kind of amusing, the pink shaft of the dildo sticking up by her ear. Ashley grinned, then moaned as a wave of pleasure worked through her.

 Mindy had ahold of Erin’s waist and was frantically thrusting into her. She was biting her lip and sighing. She grinned at Ashley when she saw her watching.

 Unable to concentrate, Erin had given up on what she had been doing to Ashley. She had her teeth clenched so she wouldn’t cry out. Her eyes were rolled back in her head.

 “How does that feel, Erin,” Ashley asked, laughing, “It looks like she is really letting you have it.”

 “It is so good. I can’t take- Oh God- I can’t take much more- Mmmm, Mindy, baby. That is amaz- Ahh!”

 The orgasm caught her off guard mid word. She pulled away from the dildo, her body a shaking mess. Laughing, she brushed her hair out of her face and looked over her shoulder at the grinning brunette. She was sweaty and breathing heavily, her mouth open in a very unladylike manner. Still, she looked beautiful.

 “Wow,” Erin said.

 “My turn,” Ashley said.

 “No,” Erin laughed, shaking her head, “I need a minute. It is someone else’s turn.”

 “You are the birthday girl,” Mindy said, smiling, “Tonight is all about you.”

 “Well, this birthday girl, wants you two to have fun, as well.”

 Ashley looked at her, the grinned at Mindy, “You heard her.”

 Laughing, Mindy crawled over and kissed her. Ashley hooked an arm around her neck and kissed her back. She broke the kiss and frowned when she felt a tug at her lower abdomen. Mindy had pulled the panty back into place and the knot once again pressed against her now very sensitive bud. Grinning, the brunette straddled her hips, pulled her own harness to one side and eased down onto the pink shaft of her strapon. It happened so fast, she was inside of Mindy before she realized the brunette had intended to mount her.

 The brunette gasped as the shaft filled her up, laughing and looking down at where it disappeared inside her pussy. She looked at Erin and said, “You weren’t kidding. That is big!”

 “Don’t let it go too deep. It hits something inside and you get this painful, almost nauseating feeling. Not much fun,” Erin said, grinning at her.

 “Thanks for the heads up.”

 She sank down, down, then jerked in surprise, said, “Yeah, there it is. Sorry about earlier. That isn’t pleasant at all.”

 Slowly, she lifted up, then eased back down, repeated the whole process. She sighed and played with her breasts, her head lolling to one side. Ashley thought she looked really sexy sitting astride her, felt herself getting turned on watching her. Her bounding up and down on the shaft started feeling even better, her weight pressing the knot deliciously against her aroused bud.

 Erin turned into her, pressing her body to her side and kissed her nipple. Her hand found and cupped the other breast. Groaning, Ashley arched her back, pushing the nipple into her mouth. Erin gently nibbled on the turgid nub until it ached sweetly. She explored Erin’s bare back and shoulders, her flank and hip. She loved the warm, soft and smooth feel of her skin under her fingertips.

 The pressure on her clitoris and the feeling of Erin’s hot tongue on her nipple seemed to swirl into one intense sensation and she was moaning and sighing. The delightful menagerie of pleasures had her in a state and she realized she could come like this. The thought only hastened the outcome and she felt tension enter her body.

 “Oh God, ” she said, squeezing Erin’s shoulder, “Oh, my God!”

 She came with a startled cry. It caught Mindy off guard as much as it had Ashley. She stopped moving, looked down wide eyed at the shaking girl.

 “Did you just come?”

 Laughing, she said, “Um, yeah. That was crazy, right?”

 “So it is possible to have an orgasm on that end of the strapon, too,” Erin said.

 “Well, you had me halfway there with your mouth,” Ashley said, kissing her, “Mindy just finished me off.”

 “Speaking of finishing off,” Mindy said, easing off the pink shaft.

 “Come here,” Ashley said, grinning sheepishly. Mindy crawled up and Ashley motioned for her to straddle her neck. She used one hand to hold the panty out of the way and raised her mouth to her pussy. The strapon was pressed against her forehead, which had to be a comical sight.

 Sure enough, Erin laughed, “Do you know you have a penis on your forehead?”

 “Don’t listen to her,” Mindy said, laughing. Still, she unfastened the straps to her panty, then lifted up so she could remove it. Rubbing her pussy, she eased down onto Ashley’s face. The redhead stuck out her tongue, let Mindy rock her hips so it rubbed against her tender bud. Her hands roamed up her lithe body, exploring every soft inch of her she could reach. Mindy sighed and continued to grind against her tongue, wetting Ashley’s cheeks with her own saliva. It was an unusual feeling, both kind of icky and exciting at the same time. She had little control over what Mindy was doing to her.

 Again, she had to admit to herself that she kind of liked not being in control. She had first learned that about herself one a few weeks ago when the girl had held her down and made her come until she begged to stop.

 I wonder if Mindy knows this is turning me on, she thought.

 She felt Erin’s body weight shift on the bed but she couldn’t see her passed Mindy’s thighs. Wondering what she was up to, Ashley tried to sense where she was headed. Not having any luck, she turned her focus back to Mindy.

 The brunette was moaning and arching her back, still rubbing her pussy all over Ashley’s mouth and nose. Ashley tried trapping her thighs to hold her still but it did little good.

 Something cool and firm rubbed her between her labia, making her gasp. Then it moved lower and she felt it press against the opening of her vagina. Realizing what it was, she felt Erin push her hips forward and the dildo was inside of her. Again she gasped as it filled her up.

 “Surprise,” Erin said, laughing.

 Ashley couldn’t respond, her mouth full of soft labia. She moaned against Mindy’s pussy as Erin began thrusting. It started out slow at first, lazy deep thrusts that made her back arch and her toes curl. She picked up speed, the waves of pleasure coming faster and cresting higher. Ashley was glad that Mindy was doing most of the work because she couldn’t stop moaning. It was all she could do to keep her tongue out.

 “I think she likes that, Erin,” Mindy laughed , looking over her shoulder, “Use your fingers, too.”

 Erin began rubbing her tender clit as she thrust her strapon faster and faster. Her body went crazy, her hips gyrating. More than once, she caused Erin to push too deep and she felt that sickening feel the other girls had described, but she couldn’t stop her body from writhing with a mind of its own. It craved release and Erin had her rocketing toward it, already.

 Then she cried out as her orgasm sank its teeth into her and shook her like a pitbull. Her cry was muffled by the brunette sitting on her face, luckily.

 “Don’t stop,” Mindy said, sighing, “Don’t let her off that easy.”

 Erin seemed happy to oblige and Ashley wanted to scream as she started thrusting into her still spasming sex. She tried to pull away but with Mindy sitting on her face and Erin grasping her hips, she was stuck.

 It was the vibrator all over again, she thought.

 Grinning down at her, Mindy said, “You better make me come. She isn’t going to stop unless you do.”

 Desperate, she reached around and slipped her fingers into Mindy’s sopping wet pussy as she continued to ride her tongue. It had the desired effect and the girl started making these little animal sounds of enjoyment.

 Erin’s thrusting was sending delicious shivers through her body and she felt a second orgasm already building steam. It wracked her harder than the first and she thought she might fly apart. Erin slowed but didn’t stop thrusting, each time the dildo dug into her, she’d jerk and cry out. The reprieve was short lived, the pace creeping back up.

 “That feels good,” Mindy said, her voice thick with excitement. Her hips were undulating faster against Ashley’s mouth. She cupped her breasts, squeezing them. She moaned, “I’m going to come! Come with me!”

 You better hurry then, Ashley thought, her gyrating of her hips already growing erratic as her third orgasm creeped up on her.

 Mindy stiffened atop her, gasping. Her full weight settled on Ashley’s face and she couldn’t breath. Then her own orgasm ripped through her like a wild animal in a cage. This time, Erin slipped the dildo from her spasming sex. A few seconds passed, then Mindy must have remembered her because she lifted off her face. Swinging her leg over, she sat beside Ashley, smiled down at her.

 “You all need to stop doing that,” Ashley said.

 “If you say it without a huge grin on your face, it’d pack more of a punch,” Erin said, laughing.

 “Come on, honey,” Mindy said, leaning down to kiss her, “You can’t tell me you didn’t like that.”

 Ashley looked at her, then at Erin. Finally, she said, “I guess I’m a bit of a freak. I like not having control.”

 “Good, you admit it,” Mindy said, smiling at her, “Don’t worry. I like pushing your buttons. I think Erin does, too.”

 The redhead glanced at Erin, who shrugged and grinned, “I know it drives you wild. You made a puddle back here.”

 Blushing, Ashley said, “Sorry.”

 “It’s alright. We’ll just keep the comforter off the bed tonight,” she said.

 “Besides,” Mindy said, looking at Erin, “It’ll be a long time before we get to sleep tonight, birthday girl.”

 “Uh-oh,” Erin laughed.

Continue to Part Five

What Did You Think?

12 Responses to Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Four

  1. Fur says:

    Dam that is one of the best yet and the way your bringing the set-sisters together make it even better. I really cant wait for more of these and as always I’m waiting for more on the other stories too.

  2. Lisa Olsson says:

    My daughters and I love to use strap-on’s on each other. xo Lisa in Sweden

  3. kim says:

    yes just like the above comment , I couldn’t agree more.

  4. kim says:

    sorry I meant the 1st comment, although I have to say Lisa’s comments leave me with some very nice thoughts.

  5. Fur says:

    I’m really looking forward to more on the sister bonding and the party I have a feeling is going to be mind blowing fun.

  6. Fur says:

    cant wait to hear about the party in the place of locked doors…

  7. ebo says:

    The next chapter should be up soon, this Tuesday or the next at the latest.

  8. Fur says:

    I think I can make myself wait… Or more accurately I will have to

  9. Minnona Derice says:

    the strap-on shopping trip was awesome. I had a lady take me into an adult store when I was 15. I was like being in a candy store. The 3 gals doing the birthday fuck was hot. Picturing those 3 going crazy with new toys was a nice piece of mind candy. That pain thing is hitting the cervix and depends on how hard that jappens. I’m wierd. I like it when it happens

  10. Fur says:

    I hope more of sister time comes into the stories or even a side story of the 2 step sisters. Maybe even some time for the girlfriend to be part of it.

  11. ebo says:

    I kicked around the idea of just doing a Loren story. Well, Loren and her girlfriend, anyway. I might get around to it, eventually. Or I’ll figure a way to tie it into Black Lingerie Chronicles or the story that follows it. There are only three or so more chapters before the Chronicle comes to an end, so it’ll probably be the next one.

  12. Fur says:

    Only 3 more chapters is heart breaking but understanble and I know it will be worth reading and waiting for.

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