Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty-Four

“What’s that noise?”

Laughing, Mindy leaned over her grimacing girlfriend and turned off the alarm clock. Yawning, Mindy said, “It’s time to get up.”

“How is that possible?” Sarah said sourly.

“You are the one who wanted to get to the cabin early, remember?” Mindy said, snuggling against her, “I was happy to sleep in and get a late start.”

“I feel like I just went to sleep five hours ago,” Sarah said, yawning.

“Because you did,” Mindy said, kissing her, “it was after four when we went to bed last night.”

“Oh, yeah,” Sarah said, smiling as she kissed Mindy again, “I guess we should have gone to bed instead of fooling around.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Mindy said, her hand sliding up to cup Sarah’s breast.

“You didn’t get enough last night?” Sarah said, sighing.

“Babe, I never get enough of you,” Mindy said.

“Mm,” Sarah said, kissing her.

“Are we getting up?” Mindy asked.

Groaning, Sarah said, “Yeah. I want to finish the floor before we meet Erin and Ashley.”

“Your uncle just gave you all those boards?” Mindy asked.

“He didn’t just give them to me,” Sarah said, sitting up, “I had to inventory his entire garage. You have no idea how much stuff he has crammed into those drawers. How he ever finds what he needs in all of that junk is a mystery.”

“Sorry, Babe,” Mindy said, giving her a hug, “I appreciate you doing it for us.”

“I know,” Sarah said, grinning at her, “you’ve already shown your ‘appreciation’ a bunch of times.”

“You probably have a few more coming,” Mindy said, then snorted, “no pun intended.”

Laughing, Sarah said, “Do you want to shower first, or should I go?”

“You go,” Mindy said, reluctantly letting her go.

As Sarah got ready for her shower, Mindy headed downstairs for some breakfast. In the kitchen, she found her mother pouring some coffee into a travel mug. Hearing Mindy enter, her mother glanced away from her coffee, smiled, and said, “You are up early for a Saturday.”

“Sarah and I are going to the cabin,” Mindy said, then frowned when she noticed her mother was wearing a business suit, “dressed up, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” her mother said, groaning, “I have a meeting.”

“On a Saturday?” Mindy asked.

“Believe me, no one is happy about it,” she said, putting her purse on her shoulder, “your dad is upstairs asleep if you need anything.”

“Okay,” Mindy said, then couldn’t help herself, “have fun at your meeting.”

Giving her a sour look, her mother grabbed her keys and said, “Not likely. Leave your dad a note if you head to the cabin before he wakes up.”

“I will,” Mindy said.

Her mother left, and Mindy went to the fridge. She had her hand on the handle, ready to open it, when something dawned on her. Her mother was going to work, and her dad was sound asleep upstairs. Leaving the fridge unopened, she ran upstairs. Through the closed bathroom door, she could hear the shower running. With a playful grin tugging at the corners of her mouth, she eased the door open and slipped into the bathroom. Through the fogged up shower door, she could just make out Sarah’s naked body. Mindy hurriedly stripped out of her clothes. Sarah gasped when Mindy opened the door, her arm instinctively coming up to cover her breasts. Her eyes wide look of surprise at the intrusion gave way to curiosity when she noticed Mindy was naked.

“What are you doing?” Sarah asked.

“Joining you,” Mindy said, stepping into the shower stall and closing the door.

“Your parents?” Sarah asked, pulling Mindy into her arms under the spray.

“Mom has a meeting, and Dad will be asleep until noon. This might be our only opportunity to do this in the real world if we can’t get the shower going at the cabin,” Mindy said, kissing her.

“I’m going to get it going,” Sarah said, smiling at her, “trust me, Babe.”

“Oh, I do,” Mindy said, kissing her, “still not going to miss this opportunity.”

Without any more questions, Sarah kissed her back. For all of her jokes about Mindy getting enough last night, Sarah was just as horny as Mindy was. Mindy could feel it in her kiss, in the eager way Sarah’s hand ran over her wet body. She definitely hadn’t needed to twist the girl’s arm very hard to get her to share the shower.

It took them a while to remember they actually needed to shower, weren’t just fooling around under the spray of hot water because they could. It was Mindy who came to her senses first, and she slipped out Sarah’s arms. Reaching for the soap, she smiled at Sarah and said, “We need to clean up a bit before we run out of hot water.”

“Yeah,” Sarah said, laughing, “between stealing the couch and love seat and fooling around, we definitely do.”

Working the soap into a lather and running her hands down Sarah’s arms, she said, “Besides, this is foreplay.”

As she ran her hands over Sarah’s body, she realized just how true that statement was. The only thing was, she wasn’t sure who was more turned on- her or Sarah. It only got worse when she ran out of things to wash and had to pass the soap to Sarah. As exciting as exploring her girlfriend’s naked body had been, Sarah’s hands on her own body only made her desire burn that much hotter.

Sarah turned Mindy into the spray so that the water would rinse the soap from her body. Mindy smiled as Sarah pressed against her back, molded to her like a second skin. Then the girl’s hands were sliding up her stomach to knead her breasts. She groaned as her nipples stiffened and ached sweetly under her girlfriend’s attention. One hand stayed on her breast, but the other retraced its steps down her stomach. When Sarah’s fingers found her girlhood, Mindy was more than ready for her touch. The lovely pressure on her bud forced a moan from her. She bit her lip, trying to keep quiet. Her dad was probably sound asleep in her parent’s bedroom down the hall, and the hiss of the shower would probably mask any noises she might make, but Mindy wasn’t going to risk it.

Mindy put her hands against the glass in front of her for support as the pleasure Sarah was awakening in her began to make her legs a little weak. The hot water was like another hand on her body as it ran over her breasts and down her stomach, its caress as eager as Sarah’s.

“It’s too bad you don’t have a removable showerhead,” Sarah said, her lips close to Mindy’s ear.

Smiling, Mindy said, “I want to tell Dad we need one, but he might want to know why.”

“Probably,” Sarah said, laughing.

“The cabin has one,” Mindy moaned.

“I saw that,” Sarah said, kissing Mindy’s neck, “we’ll have to put it to good use when we get the shower going.”

Smiling, Mindy thought about the trick Sarah had taught her with the showerhead and thought, definitely going to have to put it to good use.

Mindy pushed away from the shower wall, leaning back into Sarah. The girl wrapped her free arm around Mindy, held onto her as continued her sweet torture with her other hand. The swirling pressure on her bud felt so good that she was really struggling with the little animal sounds of excitement that kept trying to escape. The pleasure was relentless, had those cries pressing at the back of her lips as she tried to keep them in. More than a few got loose, sounding louder than they probably were to her ears.

Can’t be helped, she thought, which was the truth. Sarah was making it impossible to be quiet. Luckily, her struggles would be over soon, tension already starting to gather in her body from the delicious swirling caress of Sarah’s capable fingers. Her stomach and thighs tightened and tightened in anticipation of that explosion of pleasure. When it hit her, the climax almost took her legs out from underneath her. If Sarah wasn’t there to hold her as she succumbed to it, she would have been floored by it. Happy to be in her girlfriend’s arms and not on the floor of the shower, she lost herself in her orgasm.

On rubbery legs, she turned in Sarah’s arms, kissed her deeply. Giving her girlfriend an appreciative smile, Mindy said, “Thanks for not letting me fall.”

Giving Mindy a tender kiss, Sarah said, “I’ve got you, Babe.”

Mindy smiled warmly at her, then kissed her again. Without breaking it, she let her hand trail down Sarah’s stomach and between her thighs. Sarah moaned into the kiss as Mindy teased her bud, then gasped when Mindy’s hand moved lower, and her fingers slipped inside of her hot, slick core. That gasp became another moan as Mindy’s fingers found that magic spot deep inside. Her hips started moving with a mind of their own, and she had to give up on the kiss.

She had taken Sarah’s virginity in the Place of Locked Doors, and, like Erin and Ashley before her, she had awakened sore down there the next morning. Even though Mindy had warned her, Sarah had still been surprised to find out she wasn’t a virgin anymore in the real world, too.

Mindy thought losing your virginity was such a momentous occasion- the fear, the excitement, the pure pleasure that followed the brief pain all tangled up with emotions like love and lust- that it caused a physical change in the body even though it wasn’t present for the actual act. Making love was such an emotional and physical connection that she wasn’t surprised that it was strong enough to bridge the void between the real world and the Place of Locked Doors. Even she had been a little sore the next morning.

Now, she had slipped her fingers inside of Sarah without any discomfort for the girl.

Slipping out of Sarah’s arms, she went to her knees in front of the girl. When her tongue found Sarah’s bud, the girl hissed through her teeth. Mindy rolled her eyes up and smiled when she saw Sarah biting her lip hard enough to discolor it. Returning her attention to Sarah’s girlhood, she thought, hope she has better luck being quiet than I did.

Not that Mindy was going to take it easy on her. With her fingers and her mouth, she had the girl swaying unsteadily on her feet as her hips moved with a mind of their own. She smiled as Sarah moved so she could put her back to the shower stall for support. Mindy thought it was probably a smart move.

Mindy watched as Sarah slid her hands up her stomach and cupped her own breasts. She teased the nipples, groaning, as Mindy continued her two-pronged assault on her girlhood. Mindy let her free hand follow the path Sarah’s had taken, finding one of her breasts. Sarah’s hand covered hers, not letting her pull it free.

With all of these wonderful things happening to her at once, Mindy wasn’t surprised when Sarah started having trouble keeping her cries in check. They were getting loud in the confines of the shower stall, maybe loud enough to escape the bathroom. Luckily, Sarah wouldn’t be able to withstand the pleasure building up inside of her for much longer.

Sure enough, Mindy saw Sarah’s stomach starting to tighten in anticipation of an orgasm, heard a new urgency creep into her cries. Then she felt the flutter of Sarah’s vaginal muscles around her fingers as the climax hit her hard. It left Sarah trembling in its wake, leaning heavily on the shower stall wall to keep her feet under her.

Mindy left a trail of kisses up the girl’s body as she got to her feet. By the time she made it to Sarah’s mouth, the girl had recovered her senses enough to kiss her back. The kiss lingered a while before they pulled back.

“I really need to get the shower working at the cabin,” Sarah said, smiling at Mindy.

“We could do this anytime we wanted,” Mindy said, giving her a lingering kiss.

“Like I said, I really need to get it working,” Sarah said.

Noticing the water wasn’t as hot as it was when they first got in, Mindy said, “We should probably get out. I think we used all of the hot water.”

“We need to get going, anyway,” Sarah said, slipping out of Mindy’s arms, “it’s going to take us a while to finish the floor.”

In her hurry to join Sarah, Mindy hadn’t grabbed a towel. She didn’t want to make a mess, so she sort of hung out in the stall while Sarah dried off enough she could grab one for her. Sarah was smiling at her as she held it out, amused that Mindy had rushed into the shower without it.

A little sheepishly, Mindy said, “What can I say… you were naked, and I got ahead of myself.”

“I was naked, huh?” Sarah said, laughing.

Taking the towel, Mindy smiled at her, said, “That’s all it takes.”

Sarah gave her a kiss, then wrapped her towel around her body and said, “I’ll let you dry off… We probably shouldn’t leave the bathroom at the same time, anyway.”

“Okay,” Mindy said, snagging the towel as the girl turned away. Smiling, she pulled her in for one more kiss before letting her leave.

Alone, she quickly dried off. She was smiling as she threw her dirty clothes in the hamper and wrapped the towel around her naked body. Seeing her reflection in the mirror, she said, “I love that girl.”

She was still smiling as she left the bathroom and headed to her bedroom. Sarah looked up as she came into the room, her jeans on but not buttoned and her bra on but no shirt. Her hair was still damp, and she should look like a mess to Mindy, but she didn’t. Even a little out of sorts, Sarah looked good to her, and she had to shake her head at how bad she had it for the girl.

Dropping the towel, she went to her dresser. As she found some underwear, she felt Sarah’s eyes on her, and that made her smile. She would have been disappointed if Sarah didn’t look. Still, she pretended like she didn’t notice as she slipped into some panties, then wriggled into a pair of jeans. She snagged a bra before pushing her drawers closed.

“It’s kind of cold outside,” Sarah said, as Mindy went to her closet, “gonna need a fire.”

“We’ll grab some firewood on the way,” Mindy said, pulling a sweater off its hanger.

They finished getting dressed, then headed down to the kitchen to pack a lunch- sandwiches, a couple of Cokes, some fun-sized bags of chips- so they wouldn’t have to come back to eat. Mindy added four bottles of water when Sarah mentioned it. The food went into Mindy’s backpack because Sarah’s was full of carpentry supplies and equipment- a big box of nails, a hammer, a small hand saw, a level, and a measuring tape.

Yesterday after school, they had carried the lumber Sarah’s uncle had bought for the girl in payment for inventorying his garage to the cabin. It had taken multiple trips to the cabin from Sarah’s, and, with the days getting shorter, that was all they managed to get done yesterday. With an early start today, they hoped to get the floor in the hidden space done before they were supposed to meet Erin and Ashley to move the couch and love seat.

Smiling, she said, “I can’t believe we talked Ashley and Erin into getting the love seat, too.”

“About that,” Sarah said, taking a deep breath, “I’m not sure the couch and the love seat will fit in the hiding spot.”

“You don’t think so?” Mindy asked, going to the cabinet and grabbing some bowls.

“It’ll be really tight,” Sarah said, taking one of the bowls when Mindy offered her one.

“Ashley is going to mad,” Mindy said, opening another cabinet. She grabbed the two boxes of cereal and held them up for Sarah. When the girl pointed at the one in her right hand, Mindy put the one in her left away.

“Yeah,” Sarah said, laughing.

“We can leave the couch and love seat upstairs,” Mindy said, grabbing the milk out of the fridge, “I can tell my parents we found them on the curb if they decide to spy on us.”

“Do they know about the mattress?” Sarah asked in a low voice.

Laughing, Mindy said, “Yeah.”

“No questions there?” Sarah asked, pouring some cereal in her bowl.

“I spend the night out there sometimes, so no,” Mindy said, then with a playful smile, “now, if they knew I wasn’t alone most of those nights I spent there…”

“Your babysitter?” Sarah guessed.

“And you,” Mindy said, then snorted, “it was always a Sarah, though.”

Laughing, Sarah said, “You have a thing for girls named Sarah.”

Mindy met her eyes as she said, “I really do.”

Sarah glanced over her shoulder, then leaned in and gave Mindy a kiss. She was smiling as she said, “Eat your breakfast.”

They made quick work of breakfast, their dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher in no time. Mindy left a note for her dad saying they were at the cabin and that Mindy had her cellphone if he needed them. They shrugged into their jackets, then their backpacks.

As they stepped outside, Mother Nature reminded them it was October and Mindy thought, Sarah is definitely right about the fire.

She started gathering some firewood, and Sarah did the same. By the time they made it to the cabin, they had armfuls of smaller sticks and some nice sized logs. It would be more than enough to heat the cabin while they were there.

Dumping her armful next to the stove, Mindy said, “I’ll get the fire going, if you want to hit the lights.”

“Okay,” Sarah said, depositing her load atop of Mindy’s.

In the potbelly stove, Mindy balled up a page of an old newspaper, then started stacking some of the smaller sticks around it. With the safety lighter she had ‘borrowed’ from her house, she lit the paper on fire. The dry sticks were just starting to catch when the overhead lights snapped on. Looking up at the lights, Mindy had to smile.

They had been a little impatient and couldn’t wait for Sarah to get off being grounded. It ended up being Mindy who replaced the old batteries and installed the new wires- with Sarah’s help and supervision, of course. Sarah had flipped over to the Place of Locked Doors and used the cell phone Erin had given Natty to walk her through the installation. It hadn’t been as hard as she had expected. Sarah had made all the new connections, so all she had to do was put everything together. The hardest part was lugging the heavy batteries from Sarah’s to the cabin.

Still, she had brought the little fire extinguisher from the house before she tried using the bicycle generator to put a charge on the batteries. As she pedaled, she held her breath and waited for sparks to fly. When none did, she had pumped her arm in the air and cheered triumphantly. Her girlfriend had laughed at her, but she didn’t care.

Coming through the door, Sarah said, “Didn’t even have to use the bicycle. Batteries are still at full charge.”

“Nice,” Mindy said, putting a few of the larger sticks into the stove.

Sarah squatted beside her, smiled as she said, “You did a good job installing them.”

“Didn’t even need my fire extinguisher,” Mindy said, making the girl laugh.

“While I was in the shed, I got to thinking,” Sarah said, holding her hands out to the fire, “if we aren’t putting the couch and love seat down in the hole, we could probably wait on the floor… Maybe work on the water pump instead.”

“Do you have what you need?” Mindy asked, putting a nice sized log on the fire.

“In my bag,” Sarah said, inclining her head toward, “I brought some stuff, just in case.”

Smiling at her, Mindy said, “Aren’t you the good little girl scout.”

“Shut up,” Sarah said, laughing.

“I think you are right, though,” Mindy said, standing up, “I think getting the water going should be first on our list. Ashley’s birthday is Tuesday, and we are having our own little birthday party Saturday.”

“Seven days,” Sarah said, getting up, too, “well, six. Need to be ready by Saturday morning.”

“What do we need to do to get the water running?” Mindy asked.

“I need to clean the pump up some… figure out how to prime it… figure out how to drain the old water out of the storage tank and clean it out… check the water heater…” Sarah said, crossing her fingers so Mindy could see, “if we are lucky and the pump still works, it’ll take an hour or two… If the pump is messed up… We might not have water for the party.”

Mindy crossed her fingers, too. She really wanted to get the shower up and running after this morning. It would be disappointing not to have it for Saturday, but she’d get over it as long as they got it working eventually.

Glancing at the fire, Mindy said, “We really didn’t need this, if we are working out in the shed.”

“I guess not,” Sarah said, shrugging, “it’ll be nice and warm in here when we are done with the water, though.”

“True,” Mindy said, closing the door on the stove, “let’s go take a look at the pump… by which I mean you look at the pump, and I’ll cheer you on.”

Laughing, Sarah said, “Okay.”

They left the cabin, circling around to the shed. Opening the doors wide to let in as much light as possible, Sarah hunkered down next to the pump. Mindy cringed at how grimy it looked, thinking maybe she had gotten her hopes up for nothing.

“She’s a mess,” Sarah said, slipping her backpack from her shoulders. She produced a bunch of cut up old t-shirts and started wiping the gunk off of the pump.

Mindy felt a little better when most of it came off on the rags. It- or she, as Sarah said- wasn’t ready for the showroom floor, again, but it looked like it might still work. She watched as Sarah inspected the wires from the on/off switch to the pump, the intake pipe as it disappeared into the ground, and the outlet that fed the tank. Mindy wasn’t sure what Sarah was looking for, but she seemed satisfied with what she found.

Turning to Mindy, she said, “I don’t see any obvious problems… no busted pipes, burnt wires, loose fittings.”

“That sounds like good news,” Mindy said.

“Barring something being wrong with the pump itself…” Sarah said, standing up, “I’m not sure how much water it’ll take to prime the pump… hopefully not more than the water we brought.”

“Does that mean you are going to turn it on?” Mindy asked.

“Yeah,” Sarah said.

“Should I get my fire extinguisher?”

Laughing, Sarah said, “No.”

Mindy stayed in the shed while Sarah ran in and grabbed the water. Remembering what Sarah said about needing to drain the old water out of the tank, she started looking along the bottom of the tank for a plug or a cap. She spotted a pipe coming out of the bottom of the tank with a cut-off valve. The pipe disappeared through a hole in the shed wall, presumably to drain outside.

“That has to be it,” Mindy said.

The shed wasn’t very big, and it was stuffed full of plumbing and electrical equipment. Getting to the valve meant bending over the pump and torquing her body awkwardly to reach the valve. Having not been opened in probably decades, the handle was rusted closed. Mindy was grunting and straining to get it to budge.

“What are you doing?” Sarah asked, laughing.

“Trying… Trying to budge this… Oh, there it goes,” Mindy said, then gagged as the smell of stagnant water from the tank hit her nose.

“Oh God,” Sarah said, covering her nose with her shirt.

Straightening up, Mindy hurried out of the shed and took a bunch of deep breaths to get the foulness out of her lungs. Sarah joined her, laughing.

“That was foul,” Mindy said, making a face.

“That water’s been in there a while… Didn’t notice it before, though. You must have disturbed it,” Sarah said, pulling her shirt down. She was grinning when she said, “At least you found the drain.”

“I’m glad you think its funny,” Mindy said.

Putting her arm around Mindy’s waist, Sarah said, “We can flush it with water when we get the pump running. Clean it right out.”

Remembering the smell that hit her when she finally managed to turn the valve handle, Mindy said, “If you say so.”

“The bright side is,” Sarah said, giving her a squeeze, “the tank holds water.”

Mindy nodded.

“Hopefully, the pump works, too,” Sarah said, letting go of Mindy.

Reluctantly, Mindy followed Sarah back into the shed. Luckily, the worst of the smell must have been flushed out the drain pipe. It was tolerable, if not exactly pleasant. She stood out of the way as Sarah dug a pair of pliers out of her backpack. Mindy followed Sarah’s eyes as they ran up the pipe coming out of the ground and into the pump. Sarah found the screw that capped off the fill hole, worked it loose with the pliers, then removed it. Setting it aside, she slowly started pouring water into the hole, trying to get as much in the pump and not on the ground as she could. They only had the four bottles of water with them.

The pump drank the first two bottles greedily, and Mindy began to worry as Sarah twisted the top off the third. About halfway through the bottle, water started gurgling back out of the fill hole. The pump was full.

“Two and a half bottles of water,” Sarah said, taking a pull of the remaining water.

“Now what?” Mindy asked.

“We close the valve on the tank, put the screw back in the fill hole, and turn it on,” Sarah said, straightening up, “if the pump works, it’ll start drawing water, and the needle on this gauge will move.”

Mindy closed the drain valve, and Sarah tightened the screw back in place. Sarah crossed her fingers as she went to the circuit breaker. Mindy did the same and held her breath as her girlfriend flipped the switch on the pump. She jumped when the pump came humming to life. Glancing at her girlfriend, she saw the girl grinning and relaxed.

“Pump works,” Sarah said, looking at the gauge, “and we have pressure.”

“Does that mean the water works?” Mindy asked.

“Probably,” Sarah said, still looking at the gauge, “it should reach a certain pressure, then kick off, Dad said.”

“Pressure?” Mindy asked.

“Old tanks like these have air in them,” Sarah said, moving to the tank, “as the water level rises, the air in the tank is pressurized. That’s how the water gets from the tank to the house… Again, that’s what Dad and the internet said.”

“Okay,” Mindy said, glancing at the gauge. The needle was slowly creeping up, showing no sign of stopping. A little worried, she asked, “What pressure should the pump shut off at?”

“Um, forty or sixty psi, depending on the tank,” Sarah said.

The needle on the gauge was just passing twenty-five psi, taking its sweet time rising. The anticipation was killing Mindy. She just wanted to know if the pump was going to work or not. Thirty-five psi. Forty and the pump was still humming. Mindy groaned, thinking this must be a sixty psi model, but it cut out at forty-two. She glanced at Sarah, saw the girl pulling her phone out of her pocket.

“Hey, Dad,” Sarah said, putting the phone on speaker.

“Hey, Sweetie,” her dad said, his voice tinny over the speaker.

“The pump works,” Sarah said, grinning at Mindy.

“Yeah?” her dad said.

“Tank’s holding at forty-two psi,” Sarah said.

“If the tank is as old as you say it is, it might not hold its pressure very well,” her dad said.

Frowning, Mindy asked, “Why?”

“There isn’t a barrier between the water and the air in those old tanks. The water will absorb some of the air and fill with water… No pressure, then. You’ll have to drain the tank and fill it up again,” Sarah’s dad said.

“Oh,” Mindy said, then perked up, “so it’s an easy fix?”

“Yeah,” he said, then asked, “have you tried any of the faucets yet?”

“Not yet,” Sarah said.

“Chances are you will have air in the lines. The water is going to sputter and knock at first, probably be rusty, but it should smooth out if you let the water run,” he said.

“Thanks for the warning,” Sarah said, then added, “I’ll let you get back to work. I just wanted to let you know we got the pump running.”

“Take some pictures… Let me see what two have done,” her father said.

“Okay. Bye, Dad,” Sarah said.

“Bye, Sweetie… Mindy.”

“Bye, Mr. Beason,” Mindy said.

Hanging up, Sarah said, “Let’s go turn on the water.”

They ran into the house and turned the cold water tap on the kitchen sink on. It sputtered, and the pipes rattled just like Sarah’s dad had said they might. Laughing, Mindy said, “I’m glad he warned us. That would have freaked me out.”

“Yeah,” Sarah said, grinning at her.

The flow of water smoothed out and turned clear once they ran the old water out of the lines. They let it continue to run to flush out the tank.

“We have cold water,” Sarah said, pressing against Mindy’s side.

Putting her arm around the girl, she said, “If nothing else, we can heat water for a bath.”

“I’d still rather have the water heater work,” Sarah said.

“Me, too,” Mindy said, kissing her, “hopefully, our luck will hold.”

“Let’s go turn on the water heater,” Sarah said.


Mindy heard the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot, and her eyes went toward the sound. She smiled when she saw Erin and Ashley walking hand in hand toward them. The girls seemed like they were settled into their role as a couple now. They seemed more comfortable holding hands and being in each other’s space. She wasn’t that surprised that they had adjusted so quickly- they just made sense as a couple.

Kind of like me and Sarah, Mindy said, glancing sideways at her girlfriend sitting on the couch next to her. How quickly she had fallen in love with the girl didn’t surprise her, either. There had been an instant chemistry at Carrie’s party, an attraction both of them had felt. That spark has only grown since then.

“Ladies,” Ashley said, flopping on the couch next to Mindy.

“You look kind of rough,” Mindy said.

“We are both sore,” Erin said, sitting on the love seat.

“Getting these out of the basement was a pain in the neck,” Ashley said, groaning, “and everything else, too.”

“They’ll look great in the cabin,” Sarah said.

“If they fit,” Erin said.

“About that… We decided to leave them upstairs,” Mindy said.

“They weren’t going to fit, were they?” Ashley asked, giving her a look.

Laughing, Mindy said, “It would have been pretty cramped.”

“We can leave them upstairs and keep all the stuff that’ll get us in trouble in the basement,” Sarah said.

“About that,” Erin said, getting their attention, “if the cabin is going to be our new meeting place, do you want to move the lingerie in my closet there?”

Mindy blinked in surprise, then started grinning, “I wouldn’t mind having access to it.”

“Is that what you wanted to talk to Mindy about?” Ashley asked.

“Yeah,” Erin said.

“I get the feeling we are going to have a lot of fun at the cabin,” Ashley said, the corners of her mouth turning up.

“Probably,” Mindy agreed.

“We were also wondering if you wanted any of the other furniture in the basement… the end tables, coffee table… the bed,” Erin said.

“The bed?” Sarah asked.

“As much as I’m going to like sharing a bed with you two,” Erin said, smiling at Mindy and Sarah, “it’d be nice to have a second bed.”

“I thought you were done carrying stuff out of the basement,” Mindy said.

“Ole’ Debbie Ocean here changed her mind,” Ashley said, getting off the couch and sitting next to Erin, “besides, she is right. There is a lot of furniture going to waste in the basement. We might as well put some of it to good use.”

“If you want to risk getting caught sneaking it out, then we’ll take it,” Mindy said, then started grinning, “especially the bed.”

“We should probably get this stuff to the cabin,” Erin said, standing up, “I’m going to see Melanie at the mall at four.”

“The girl you met on the internet?” Sarah asked, raising her eyebrows, “the one with the girlfriend in the Place of Locked Doors, too?”

“Her version of it, yeah,” Erin said.

“Her version of it?” Sarah asked.

“She died in the two-thousands, not the sixties. Her Place of Locked Doors doesn’t look anything like Natty’s,” Erin said.

“Oh,” Sarah said, then snorted and shook her head.

Laughing, Erin said, “I know. Thinking about the Place of Locked Doors makes your head hurt.”

“Yeah,” Sarah said.

With the four of them at the corners, the weight of the sofa was manageable. They still had to set it down a couple of times between the hiding spot and the cabin to shake out their arms. The love seat was lighter, but the sofa had taxed their strength, so it wasn’t any easier. Still, they managed to get both pieces of furniture into the cabin and positioned how they wanted.

Grinning, Mindy said, “We have furniture.”

“Yeah,” Erin said, smiling back at her, “totally worth the sore muscles.”

“We have one better for you,” Sarah said, going to the sink and turning on the hot water tap.

Ashley and Erin gathered in the kitchen area, ran their hands under the water. Ashley glanced at Mindy, asked, “Does this mean the shower is working?”

“Yeah,” Mindy said, joining everyone in the kitchen.

“Very cool,” Ashley said.

“We are ready for your party,” Sarah said.

Playfully, Erin asked, “Are you?”

“Yeah,” Sarah said, a hint of nervous excitement in her voice.

“It’s going to be a lot of fun,” Mindy said, putting her arm around her girlfriend.

“Definitely,” Ashley said.


“We could start the floor in the basement.”

Mindy smiled at her girlfriend, said, “I have a better idea.”

She put another log in the fire, then went to the bathtub and started the water going. Without a stopper, she had to wad up a rag and stuff it in the drain. It worked well enough, the tub beginning to fill up. She was glad the steam rising off the water didn’t have an odor to it. They must have flushed the tank out well enough to get rid of the smell.

“A bath?” Sarah asked.

Pulling the girl into her arms, Mindy said, “Nothing like soaking together. Very romantic.”

“We don’t have any towels,” Sarah said.

“That’s why I added wood to the fire,” Mindy said, then added, “I’ll have to borrow a couple of towels from the house.”

“I will, too,” Sarah said, then went on when Mindy gave her a questioning look, “we’ll need to keep trading them out, so they get washed.”

Smiling, Mindy said, “Thinking ahead. I like it.”

“I just know we are going to need a lot of towels,” Sarah said, kissing her.

“Maybe we should get Erin and Ashley to take a couple, too,” Mindy said.

“If they are planning on using the shower, then yeah,” Sarah agreed.

“I’m sure they will,” Mindy said.

“They can borrow the shower, and we can borrow some of Erin’s lingerie,” Sarah said, playfully.

“It’ll be nice to have it here,” Mindy agreed.

Snorting, Sarah said, “This is going to be the Black Lingerie Club’s clubhouse, I guess.”

“I think so, too,” Mindy said, then added, “especially if Erin and Ashley steal the mattress from the basement. We can leave one upstairs and put the other in the basement… You know, in case we want some alone time at the same time.”

“We probably should get started on the floor, then,” Sarah said.

“Maybe after our bath,” Mindy said, kissing her, “now take your clothes off.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Sarah laughed. Still, she was kicking off her shoes and unbuttoning her jeans.

Mindy did the same, stripping out of her clothes. Naked, she turned the water off in the tub and stepped gingerly into the hot water. She sighed as she sat down, the temperature perfect. Then Sarah was joining her, sitting in the hollow of her legs and leaning back against her. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around the girl.

“This is nice,” Sarah said, lightly caressing Mindy’s arms.

“Thank you for getting the water going,” Mindy said, kissing her neck.

“We got the water going, not just me,” Sarah said.

“I wouldn’t have had a clue how without you, so…” Mindy said, giving her a squeeze, “you are awesome.”

“I am pretty awesome,” Sarah said, sounding like she was grinning.

Laughing, Mindy said, “I love you, Awesome Girl.”

“Mm. I love you, too,” Sarah said, craning her neck to give Mindy a lingering kiss. She moaned as Mindy’s hand slipped down to cup her breast. Pulling back, she said, “Again?”

Smiling, Mindy asked, “Why did you think I wanted you naked?”

“I guess I should have known,” Sarah said.

“You don’t want to?” Mindy asked, meeting her eyes.

“I didn’t say that,” Sarah said, kissing her deeply. She turned so she was facing Mindy, barely breaking the kiss. Her hands on Mindy’s thighs, she pulled her forward so she could sit in her lap.

Figuring out what Sarah had in mind, Mindy crossed her legs Indian style. With the girl in the hollow of her legs, their bodies were pressed together very intimately. When Sarah started rocking her hips back and forth, both of them were moaning into the kiss they didn’t want to give up. Mindy ran her hands down Sarah’s back to grab her buttocks. She helped the girl really grind their bodies together. The motion of their lovemaking had the water lapping dangerously close to the rim of the tub, but they didn’t slow down.

Pulling back from the kiss, Mindy said, “Pull the rag out for a bit.”

“What?” Sarah asked, around a moan.

“We are going to make a mess,” Mindy said.

Noticing the water sloshing up the sides of the tub, Sarah leaned back so she could pull the rag out of the drain. She did all of this without stopping the roll of her hips. When the water level was low enough to prevent it from splashing out on the floor, she stuffed the rag back into the drain.

Crisis adverted, she leaned forward, again. Her lips found Mindy’s in a heated kiss, and the thrust of her hips started coming faster. Their kiss was punctuated with moans and sighs as the lovely pressure on their buds forced them out of them. There was no one to hear them here, so they didn’t have to try to be quiet. It was a good thing, too, because Mindy didn’t think she could have if she had to.

Even as she lost herself in Sarah’s body, Mindy couldn’t believe she was making love in the cabin’s bathtub. She never thought the water would be working or the lights be on or even the stove to be safe to use. In only a couple of weeks, Sarah had turned this place into something more than Mindy could have hoped for it to be. Her arms around the girl, she squeezed her a little tighter.

The motion of their bodies in perfect harmony pushed them closer and closer to the climax they sought. Without a single word needing to be said, they drove each other higher into ecstasy. Hands roamed freely over naked skin, and their lips only parted long enough to draw a quick breath before they were kissing again. In spite of how frantic their coupling had become, it was also tender, a curious mixture of unrestrained excitement and love.

Even with her babysitter, who Mindy had loved, she hadn’t experienced anything like this. This particular Sarah made her feel a whole range of emotions beyond just lust as their bodies ground together. There was still plenty of lust, but their coupling was as much emotional as physical. They were connected in more ways than just where their bodies came together.

That connection was never greater than when Mindy looked into Sarah’s eyes and saw the girl was about to come. Her own orgasm was building up steam inside of her, and she didn’t look away as she succumbed to that explosion of pleasure. She experienced Sarah’s climax in her eyes even as her own shook her.

“I love this tub,” Sarah said, giving Mindy a tender kiss.

“Me, too,” Mindy agreed, running her hands over Sarah’s hips.

“We are going to need a lot of towels.”

Laughing, Mindy said, “Yeah.”

“We should really get started on the floor in the basement,” Sarah said.

“Yeah,” Mindy said, wrapping her arms around the girl and kissing her.

“We aren’t getting out, are we?” Sarah asked.

Smiling at her, Mindy said, “Not just yet.”


Alone in her bedroom, Mindy missed Sarah, even though she has only been gone for a couple of minutes. The girl was visiting her grandmother early tomorrow, so she couldn’t spend the night. Smiling, Mindy thought, Don’t want to keep Grandma waiting. That’s how Sarah ended up grounded last time, and we can’t have her getting in trouble now. Not this close to Ashley’s party.

Mindy would be lying if she said she wasn’t looking forward to being with the girls again. She would have happily left the Craziness behind for Sarah, but she was glad her girlfriend didn’t want that. The girl had embraced the Craziness, too.

Her thoughts turned from Ashley’s birthday to the cabin. It used to be her personal retreat, but it was evolving into something different. Something more. Smiling up at the ceiling, she thought, The Black Lingerie Club.

The cabin could become the new epicenter of The Craziness, she thought. With the stove and shower working, the addition of the new furniture with the possibility of more to come, and all the naughty things from Erin’s hiding spot, the potential for some shenanigans was at a new high. Mindy smiled up at the ceiling as she thought about all the trouble they could get into with that setup.

What Did You Think?

6 Responses to Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Twenty-Four

  1. Fur says:

    I do love this story still. Yes it’s getting a bit long as a member of my site said but then I’ve read longer and keep going back so it’s good. I’m glad the girls have their own place now. I’ve pretty much stopped reading the sex scenes because I love the story so much more but then I’ve done that for every lesbian author I love too.

    I’m looking forward to that birthday party and it will be interesting just where this story goes and just how it all works out.

  2. Me1166 says:

    Glad to see the cabin coming together. Wish there was someway Natty could flop over, maybe lay down, close her eye’s and concentrate on the cabin, the black lingerie already has them all connected, so maybe it could work both ways, that way she could join the party at the cabin. Just a thought. Great chapter again as always Ebo. Can’t hardly wait for more new stuff.

  3. Me116 says:

    Great chapter again Ebo, as always. Glad to see the cabin coming together. Wish there was someway Natty could flop over, maybe lay down, close her eye’s and really concentrate on the cabin, the black lingerie already has them all connected, so that way she could be at the party also, don’t want her to miss out on all the fun. Just a thought. Keep up the great work and thanks again.

  4. Jason says:

    I would still love to see the girls visit battles grave just to add a more personal touch to Matty. I know it’s kinda morbid, but I think that the story needs to know when shevwasvborn and when she died. It makes her more real then someone in a different world that the girls visit and have lots of sex in.

  5. No One says:

    They certainly are resourceful 12-13 year olds. That will be a memorable party, I’m sure! Now with their own little private clubhouse. Hopefully that’s next chapter. The only thing is that Natty won’t be able to join them… but I suppose they can also flip over at some point for more fun in the Place of Locked Doors.

  6. Eleven67 says:

    Lookin forward 2 the party. Still missing something from nattyland. Hope we will read soon some more about the little girl an how all may could come together.

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