Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Two

“That’s it.”

Mindy looked at it, then at the redhead, “Are you sure?”

“Oh, yeah,” Ashley said, grinning, “she always stops and stares at it when we come here. She likes the intricate carving on top.”

It was an ornate jewelry box, with a beautifully detailed howling wolf scene etched into the top.

“It is kind of expensive,” Mindy said, cringing at the price tag.

“Yeah, I know,” Ashley said, grinning, “Which is why ‘we’, not ‘I’, are buying it for her.”

“Still, even just half of it is going to wipe out the money Mom gave me for a gift.”

“I only need thirty bucks,” Ashley said, grinning, “The rest is covered. You’ll still have enough for a novelty gift or something.”

“You have a hundred dollars,” Mindy asked, her eyes wide.

“Yeah,” Ashley said, laughing, “I hit up Dad for sixty bucks, then my step-mother for another forty.”


“Can I help you ladies with something,” the gray haired cashier said, coming over to them.

“Can we see the jewelry box with the wolf carving?”

His eyes widened in surprise, but he fished the box out of the case for them. Carefully, Ashley opened the box, looked inside. It was lined with velvet, had a removable tray. Closing the lid, she smiled at the old man, said, “We’ll take it.”

Shrugging, he carried the box over to the register, rang in the purchase. While Ashley and Mindy consolidated their money, he wrapped it in bubble wrap and placed it in a box. The box then went into a gift bag. He took the money, counted it, then smiled. With a receipt, he gave the change back to Ashley.

“That is a beautiful piece you just bought,” he said, pointing at the bag in the redhead’s hand, “Is it for you?”

“A friend,” Ashley said, shaking her head.

“Even better. It’ll make a lovely gift. I’m sure your friend will love it,” he said, smiling.

“She will. Thank you.”

Walking out of the store, Ashley said, “That leaves you with twenty-three dollars and some odd cents. Have any idea what else to get?”

“We could get her something to put in the box,” Mindy said, then, “Some earrings or a necklace.”

“Nah,” Ashley said, grinning, “Erin isn’t much for jewelry.”

“Then why a jewelry box?”

“I don’t know. She just liked it. Besides, you can keep other things than jewelry in it.”

“Fair enough,” Mindy said.

“What else?”

“We could buy her some clothes,” Mindy said, shrugging, “A top or dress, maybe. Something she’d look cute in. Or out of.”

Ashley laughed at that last line, “You thinking about last weekend?”

“Always,” Mindy laughed, shaking her head, “It was so much fun.”

“It was,” Ashley agreed.

Mindy and Erin had stayed the weekend at her place and some sexual tension between the girls had finally bubbled over. They had fooled around for the first time in the real world, not just in the Place of Locked Doors. Then, the next night, had been the craziest night of her life. All three girls had gone to visit Natty and what happened made Ashley shiver just thinking about it.

Ashley had to smile, thinking back over the last month. That first time visiting Natty, being seduced by the girl; being pulled into a threesome with Erin and letting her best friend take her virginity; the sweet torture the girls had put her through on her own bed, holding her down and making her come until she begged to stop; and finally the full on orgy with Natty in the Place of Locked Doors.

She glanced at Mindy, saw the girl was lost in her own thoughts. Grinning, she thought the girl had her own crazy stories about last month. She was sucked into the Place of Locked Doors drama when she’d tried on Natty’s lingerie. She had met the girl and had succumb to her allure like the rest of them. Even if she hadn’t been a part of the group before, this would have tied her to the girls.

“A cute dress sounds good,” Ashley said.

“Alright,” she said, then added, “On a budget, of course.”

“Target, it is.”

The store was on the opposite end of the mall. They were passing the food court, about midway on the trek, when a couple boys spotted them. They laughed and pointed. Ashley frowned, not sure what was happening.

“Damn,” Mindy said, sighing.

“You know them,” Ashley asked, seeing the look on the brunette’s face, “they go to your old school?”

“Yeah,” Mindy said, biting back her anger.

The boys didn’t seem content to laugh and point at a distance. They stepped in front of the girls, blocking their path. Ashley stopped walking, sized them up. There were three of them, maybe a year older than her. Seventh graders. The disdain in their faces, the haute way they held their bodies suggested they were popular or, at least, thought they were.

“Well, if it isn’t our favorite lesbo,” one said, making the others laugh, “Is this your girl friend?”

Ashley bristled, ready to tear them a new one, then smiled sweetly at the speaker, instead. He was the obvious leader, the other two cronies looking at him with adoration. With fine features and longish brown hair, he looked oddly feminine. He was more pretty than handsome.

Still smiling, she said to him, “Why? Would you be jealous she had a girlfriend and you don’t. Unless one of these two is your girlfriend. With a haircut like that I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t play for the wrong team. What do you think Mindy? Is he gay or just a snappy dresser?”

“Screw you,” the boy said, his face turning red.

“No thanks. I like boys who are boys or girls, not boys who look like girls,” Ashley said, startling a laugh from Mindy. Worse, his worshippers actually laughed.

Without the adoration of his followers, the leader was starting to crack. Ashley gave him her sweetest smile. Grinding his teeth, he stepped out of their way. Ashley gave him a wink as she passed.

“Oh my God,” Mindy said, laughing.

“What an asshole,” Ashley said, shaking her head.

“That was amazing,” the brunette said, excitedly, “You took him apart with just a few words.”

“He was a bully. At heart, they are all cowards. You get in their faces and they’ll back down every time.”

“Still, you stood up for me.”

“You don’t mess with my friends,” Ashley said, grinning at her, “besides, I don’t like people who make fun of people who are different.”

“Huh,” Mindy said, smiling, “You are kind of scrappy when you are mad. Is it weird that kind of turns me on?”

“Want me to go back and kick his ass,” Ashley said, shadow boxing.

Laughing, Mindy said, “He isn’t worth the effort. Besides, I think you already knocked him off his pedestal, which is worse than a bloody nose for boys like him.”

“It is probably for the best. I can’t fight,” Ashley said, then laughed, “You’d have to jump in with your Jackie Chan moves. Put those movies you love to good use.”

“Oh God,” Mindy laughed, giving her a hug.

“Come on,” Ashley said, grinning, “let’s get Erin something cute.”

They made it to Target without running into anyone else from Mindy’s old school. Ashley wasn’t really familiar with the store, let Mindy lead her to the clothing section. They weaved through the racks of clothing to the juniors section.

Ashley had to smile. She’d just started shopping in this section this year. It made her feel more mature, grown up. No more kids section for her.

They found a rack of dresses, picked through them. A couple of times they found a dress they liked only to find it wasn’t in the right size. Same thing happened with the second rack they tried. Apparently, Target was discriminating against girls their size.

Thinking they were going to have to rethink their cute dress gift idea, Ashley spotted a rack pushed half into the walkway. She saw it was a clearance rack when she walked over to it. Shrugging, she pawed through it, hoping to get lucky. Hoping but not really expecting to. Which is why she was pleasantly surprised when she came across a cute long-sleeved white dress. Still pessimistic, she didn’t expect it to be the right size. She blinked in surprise when it was.

“Hey, Mindy,” Ashley said, holding it up, “what do you think about this one?”

“It is cute,” she said, walking over, “Is it the right size?”


“Then try it on,” Mindy said, nodding toward the dressing rooms, “If it fits you, it’ll fit Erin, too. You two have the same build.”


They showed the tired looking girl at the counter what they wanted to try on. She nodded and they headed to the stall in the back. Stepping out of her shoes, Ashley unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied out of them, then pulled her jacket and t-shirt off. In just socks, panties and a bra, she started to slip into the dress, but stopped when Mindy slipped her arms around her from behind.

She gasped when the girl cupped her breasts and kissed her neck, “What are you doing?”

“I told you I was turned on,” Mindy said, one hand trailing down the redhead’s stomach and into the junction of her thighs.

Laughing nervously, she glanced at the flimsy door to the dressing room, said, “What? Here?”

“It’d be kind of exciting, don’t you think,” Mindy said, her fingers making lazy circles on the crotch of her panties, “Dangerous.”

The delicious feelings awash in her body weren’t making it easy for her to think. She had to bite her lip to stifle a moan. Her resistance crumbled as heat blossomed between her thighs.

She had to admit it was kind of exciting, doing this out in public. A shiver worked its way through her body and her pulse kicked up. Again, she had to bite back a moan that wanted to rip its way from her parted lips.

Reaching behind her, her fingers found Mindy’s girlhood, rubbing it through the denim of her jeans. The girl sighed, kissed her shoulder. Her hips wiggled against Ashley’s hand in counter-rhythm of her caress. Smiling, she fumbled the button undone, then the zipper. Mindy helped her slip the jeans down around her knees, then her panties. Her hand cupped the smooth, soft folds of the girl’s sex, mashing them under her fingers.

Ashley sighed as Mindy’s hand slipped into the waistband of her panties to torture her tender bud. When the hand moved lower and her fingers slipped inside of Ashley, she was ready for them, moaned around clenched teeth. It was a struggle to keep her cries in check. What Mindy was doing to her felt so good and it took all of her will to keep quiet.

Hoping to distract herself, she focused on making Mindy feel as good as the brunette was making her feel. With her pants around her knees, Mindy couldn’t open her legs very wide, but Ashley managed to move her hand deeper into the junction of her thighs. Mindy moaned as her fingers slipped into her hot, slick core.

In the mirror on the wall, Ashley watched what was happening to her. She smiled, remembering that first time with Natty, how the girl had used a mirror like this one to seduce her. It was kind of erotic, a visual component to the physical sensation. Her emerald eyes locked on the hand in her panties, the material stretching and moving as Mindy’s fingers thrust into her.

Watching herself get played with had her so horny, she couldn’t completely restrain the noises she was making. She glanced at the door to the stall, wondering what kind of privacy they had. Not much, since there was a foot and a half gap at the bottom of the door. Any noise she made would surely carry outside of the dressing room.

Still, it was getting harder and harder to contain the animal sounds of enjoyment. Her body was awash with pleasure, Mindy’s fingers driving her crazy. A couple of times she had to bite her lip so hard that she almost drew blood.

Mindy’s breathing was fast and shallow in her ear, her own little noises of ecstasy not doing anything for her self control. The girl’s body was writhing against her hand, her juices running down her fingers into her palm. She was as excited as Ashley.

They must have been in the stall for a while because the cashier came back to check up on them, “You okay in there?”

“Yes, ma’am. We are both trying it on,” Ashley said, struggling to keep her voice even. Mindy didn’t make it easy, her fingers moving in and out faster. Even to her own ears, her voice sounded funny. She hoped the girl wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t care.


The near brush with disaster had her heart racing, her knees rubbery. She felt tension creep into her body and she realized she was about to come. Mindy must sense it, too, her thrusts coming fast and deep. Each one pushed her closer to the edge of orgasmic bliss. Her toes were on the edge and one more thrust sent her tumbling into ecstasy. Her body spasmed, shook as her climax had her.

She heard Mindy hiss, then felt her stiffen behind her. The feel of her vagina spasming around her finger was an odd feeling. Smiling, she removed her hand, turned to give her friend a kiss. When their lips parted, Mindy gave her a sated smile.

“Better hurry up and try on the dress,” Mindy said, then laughed, “I almost wet myself when the cashier came back to check on us.”

“Yeah,” Ashley said, then gave her a look, “Thanks a lot, by the way. I was trying to save our bacon and you kept on thrusting. She had to notice how odd my voice sounded.”

“Do you think she knows what we were doing?”

“I doubt it,” Ashley said, slipping the dress over her head and smoothing it into place, “Most people don’t assume twelve year old girls are fooling around.”

“You are probably right,” Mindy said.

“What do you think?”

“It’s cute, should look good on Erin,” Mindy said, nodding.


Ashley quickly stripped out of the dress, then got dressed in her own clothes. Mindy fixed her own clothes and the girls left the dressing room. The cashier gave them a curious look and Ashley’s face burned with embarrassment. She gave the girl a half wave, wondered if she suspected what had happened in the changing stall.

They left the clothing section in a hurry, to escape her scrutiny. At the front of the store, they found a checkout lane, paid for the dress. Outside the store, they glanced at each other and burst out laughing. It was a nervous, excited giggle that didn’t seem to have an end.

“I can’t believe we did that,” Ashley said, shaking her head.

“My hands are shaking, I’m so excited.”

“Mine, too,” Ashley said.

Continue to Part Three

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One Response to Black Lingerie Chronicles, Part Two

  1. Minnona Derice says:

    aww remember doing that at Victoria Secrets the first time and it was wild. I love public sex. It is so hot and the thrill of getting away with it and not being discovered but maybe is way cool. That laugh outside is way cool.

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