Broken People, Part Two

The white, blank page with its blinking cursor seemed to mock her and Caitlin pinched the bridge of her nose as she felt a headache coming on. She’d been staring at the damned cursor, trying to will her brain to come up with words to fill the page. Her publisher wanted at least a hundred pages of her novel by the end of the month and she wasn’t even half way there.

Sighing, she pushed away from her desk, went to the kitchen for a drink. She poured a tall glass of wine, took a sip. It was the cheap stuff, bitter, but it would still get her fucked up and that was all she really needed from the alcohol.

Glass in hand, she went back to her computer, sat down. Giving up on writing, she closed out the document. She didn’t need to save it first; she hadn’t made any changes.

She opened Internet Explorer, went to her favorites. The website she was looking for was at the very end of the list because she had just found it a few weeks ago. It was called Lesbian Lolita, an underaged lesbian erotica site. She’d been hooked after reading one of the stories, ended up spending an afternoon in bed with one story after another.

As the page loaded, she thought again about trying to write a story of her own. She had some talent for putting words together- at least, her publisher seemed to think so. She was sure she could write something worth reading, even if erotica wasn’t her usual kind of work.

For now, she just wanted to read something erotic, so she went in search of something to get her imagination going. She tried two or three stories, but none of them really grabbed her attention. It had nothing to do with the stories; she was just distracted.

Sighing, she closed the site, then sat back in her chair. Staring at her desktop, she bit her lower lip. She made up her mind, opened a blank document. There was the same blinking cursor that had mocked her as she tried to start a new chapter on her latest novel. Sometimes she hated that cursor.

She typed ‘Mandy and Me’ at the top of the page, then smiled as the first couple of sentences almost appeared magically on the page. ‘If you are expecting to read about a mischievous dog and his owner, you have the wrong story. That would be Marley and Me. This particular tale is about an adorable little girl whom I have the fortune of babysitting.’

All the words that were dammed up inside while she was trying to get some work done on her novel came spilling free as she wrote about Mandy. She filled one page with carefree prose, not believing how easy it was to write a story like this. One page became five, then ten. Her glass of wine sat on the desk, forgotten. The story had her now, wanted to be told.

A couple hours later, she finally sat back, grimacing at how tight her back was from leaning forward for so long. She glanced at her page counter, shook her head in wonder at fifteen pages she had churned out in no time at all. If only she could get this kind of productivity from her novel, her publisher wouldn’t be breathing down her neck all the time.

Scrolling up to the beginning of the document, she proofread what she’d written. She was a little amazed how good it was for a first draft. It didn’t need a lot of tweaking. That wasn’t the only thing that surprised her about the story, though. She had been trying to be sexy, maybe even a little raunchy in her storytelling but it read more like a romantic comedy.

Reading about her exploits with the girl, Caitlin started thinking about her relationship with Mandy. She was ready to admit she cared about the poor girl. Mandy had found her way into her heart, which Caitlin had assumed was dead inside of her breast. She had breathed new life into Caitlin, gave her a purpose for the first time in a long time.

Was that the love she was picking up from the story?

Her thoughts were turning weird and they bothered her. Saving her document, she reached for her wine. It disappeared in one long gulp and she went to the kitchen for another. Glass in hand, she headed for the bathroom for a soak.

Starting the water flowing into the tub, she sat her glass on the toilet, undressed. She lit the nubs of a couple of candles left from her last bath. Turning off the overhead lights, she moved the candles to the corners of the tub.

The hot water felt incredible as she eased into it and she could almost instantly feel her achy back start to loosen up. Sighing, she closed her eyes and let the bath relax her. She picked up her wine glass, sipped it as she soaked.

Freed up of stimuli, her mind turned to Mandy. She kind of wished she was here in the bath with her.

Frowning, Caitlin realized the girl was on her mind a lot these days. The thought disturbed her and she finished her wine in one long gulp. She wished she had thought to bring the bottle.

“I just need to get laid, is all,” she said, out loud.

The thought of getting dressed up and trying to hook up at some club made her groan. She hadn’t called the girl she was seeing before she started babysitting Mandy in almost a month and the girl didn’t seem too upset about it, so a booty call was probably out of the question. She had the numbers to a few open minded escorts in her phone but the reason she started watching Mandy in the first place was because money was tight. She didn’t have the cash to pay for sex.

“Shit,” Caitlin said, getting out of the tub. She didn’t bother drying off, just left a trail of water as she went to the kitchen for the bottle of wine. Bottle in hand, she went back to the bathroom, sank back into the water. Not bothering with the glass, she upended the bottle, took a long swallow.

Her mind wanted to wander to Mandy and she stopped trying to fight it. Closing her eyes, she pictured her slight body, naked and soapy. The girl was smiling as Caitlin washed her, her hands lingering on her soft skin. It wasn’t a fantasy but a memory of the last bath they had shared.

A pleasant heat spread between her thighs and she shook her head. The adorable six year old never failed to get her horny. As she took another pull of the wine, she let her free hand slip down her belly and between her thighs. Her eyes still closed and the scene in the tub playing in her head, she moved her hand lower and her fingers slipped into her ready sex. She moaned, biting her lip.

Mandy, with her skinny legs and cute belly; her adorable little backside and puffy lipped pussy; her beautiful eyes and silky hair; her sweet smile, Caitlin could see her as clear in her mind as if she were standing right in front of her. Maybe more so, since the wine was starting to go to her head, everything a little fuzzy.

Taking another pull, she thrust her fingers faster and faster, driving her body wild. Her hips found the perfect counter rhythm, rolling up so those digits bit deep into her each time. The bathroom had weird acoustics, her cries sounding oddly hollow. She didn’t care, just wanted to come so she could get Mandy off her mind.

She tilted the bottle up but she had finished it. Blinking dumbly at it, she threw it aside and it shattered against the wall.

“Shit,” she slurred, laughing.

Laying her head on the side of the tub, she kept thrusting her fingers into her hot core. She closed her eyes, again, and there was Mandy using her mother’s vibrator on her tiny pussy. She looked so cute as her face screwed up in pleasure. Her little body was writhing and she was close to coming. Caitlin felt her own body gather tension. As the girl came in her mind’s eye, so that tension got too much and she exploded with pleasure. Her body thrashed, splashing water on the floor.

She left her eyes closed, enjoyed the cool porcilen on her cheek. She smiled faintly and slipped into oblivion.


“They are gone,” Mandy said, watching from her post at the window as her parent’s pull away.

She came over to where Caitlin sat on the couch, sat down beside her. The girl smiled shyly at the babysitter and Caitlin put an arm around her shoulder. She didn’t stiffen like she used to, didn’t stop breathing, like the hug was a sign of imminent violence. She pressed against Caitlin’s flank, seemed comfortable in the embrace.

What a difference a month could make, Caitlin thought, smiling.

The funk she had been in for a few days had lifted when she got out of the car and saw Mandy standing at the window, waiting on her. The girl was her sun, burning away the storm clouds that had been following her.

“So,” Caitlin said, looking at the girl, “What is our plan for today?”

“I don’t know,” the girl said.

“Well, I’ve been thinking,” Caitlin said, smiling at the girl, “that we might try something new. Are you up for trying something different?”

“Different how,” the girl said, anxiety creeping into her voice.

“Easy, Love,” she said, squeezing the girl’s shoulder reassuringly, “do you trust me?”

The girl looked at her and nodded, but bit her lip in a way that suggested she was still a little wary. Caitlin wasn’t offended, since her intentions weren’t exactly pure. The girl was wise not to put her faith completely on the babysitter.

“Would you give me a kiss,” Caitlin said, smiling reassuringly at her, “Like one you’d give your mom.”

“A kiss?”

“Just a little one,” Caitlin said.

“I-I don’t know how,” the girl said, looked embarrassed.

“You don’t know how to kiss?”

The girl shook her head, her cheeks coloring.

“Your mom doesn’t give you kisses,” she asked.

The girl shook her head, looked down at her hands in her lap. Again, Caitlin sensed a need for affection in the girl, a desire for a comforting touch. Mandy was a beautiful and bright child who should be smothered in hugs and kisses but was starving for attention from her parents. A surge of anger toward her parents surprised Caitlin, but she really wanted to take the woman by her shoulders and try to shake some sense into her.

“Oh, well,” Caitlin said, putting her hand on the girls chin and turning her face so she could see her smile, “then there are just more for me.”

Leaning in, she kissed the girl on the cheek, then smiled at her. The girl looked close to tears but she was smiling, too. Caitlin tapped her cheek with her finger and the girl pressed her lips to her cheek.

“That is how you kiss a friend or a relative,” Caitlin said, stroking her cheek, “It is a friendly kiss.”

“Okay,” Mandy said, smiling brightly.

“We are more than friends, though, so we kiss like this,” she said, pressing her lips to the girl’s. The girl gasped and pulled back. Her hand went to her mouth, her eyes wide in shock.

“Now, you kiss me,” Caitlin said, not sure the girl would.

Mandy hesitated, then leaned in and pressed her lips to Caitlin’s. The girl looked so vulnerable when she pulled back and looked into Caitlin’s eyes. She smiled sweetly at the girl, stroked her cheek, again.

“Nice, isn’t it,” she said, leaning forward. She stopped with her face inches from the girl’s, waited to see if she’d come to her. Time passed and she was about to pull back when Mandy’s lips met hers. It was a timid kiss, sweet.

“You are doing good, kiddo,” she said, smiling, “there is another kiss, this one for very special people in our lives. Can I give you a kiss like that?”

The girl’s big, limpid eyes met hers and she asked, “Am I a special person in your life?”

The fragile hope in the girl’s eyes brought tears to her eyes and she pulled the girl into her arms, said, “Very special.”

“You’re pretty special, too,” the girl said, hugging her back.

Caitlin smiled and said, “That means a lot to me, kiddo.”

“How do you do it? Kiss a special person?”

“When I kiss you, open your mouth a little,” Caitlin said, her heart racing, “just a little bit, though.”

She kissed the little girl, felt her lips part. Her tongue slipped into the Mandy’s mouth, teased hers. The girl’s eyes widened and she pulled back. Caitlin smiled at her, patted the girl’s knee.

“That is called a French kiss,” Caitlin said.

“You put your tongue in my mouth,” Mandy said, frowning.

“Is that okay?”

“I don’t know,” the girl said, looking at Caitlin, “it was…”

“I tell you what,” Caitlin said, smiling sweetly, “give me one more kiss and if you don’t like it, I won’t ask you to do it, again.”

“Um, okay,” the girl said, shyly. The girl pressed her lips to Caitlin’s and she teased the girl into a real kiss. She didn’t pull back this time, kissed the babysitter back. When Caitlin finally broke it, the girl had a faint smile on her face.

“Can I kiss you, again,” Caitlin asked, hope she was reading that smile correctly.

The girl nodded, smiling. Her hesitancy was gone when the babysitter kissed her, again. It was a sweet, lingering kiss that left both of them smiling at each other.

“Nice, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” the girl said, grinning.

“Remember, though,” Caitlin said, meeting the girl’s eyes, “this kiss is only for special friends like you and I.”

“I know,” the girl said, smiling. She leaned into Caitlin and closed her eyes. Smiling, Caitlin kissed her, their tongue twining. The girl was grinning when she pulled back, said, “Can I go get Mom’s toy now?”

Giving her a look, Caitlin said, “What’s the rush?”

“What do you mean?”

“You seem in an awful hurry,” Caitlin said, laughing. The girl blushed and looked down at her hands. The babysitter laughed harder as she realized the poor kid was a horny mess, said, “What? Did you have to wait for me to babysit you so you could get your kicks?”

“Kicks,” Mandy asked, frowning.


“What are you talking about?”

“When was the last time you came,” Caitlin asked, suspecting she already knew the answer to the question.

The girl blushed a deeper shade of red and wouldn’t meet her eyes.

“The last time I babysat you,” Caitlin guessed and the girl nodded, still not looking up from her hands in her lap. Laughing, she said, “No wonder you are in a hurry. You must be a horny mess.”

“Can I get it now?”

“Nah,” Caitlin said, getting off the couch, “Come on, kiddo. I’m going to introduce you to the joys of masturbation.”

“Masturbation,” Mandy repeated, looked at Caitlin for an explanation.

“Trust me,” she said, holding out her hand. The girl hesitated a second, then slide off the couch and took the hand.

Caitlin led them upstairs and into the girls room. She sat on the bed, her back against the headboard and Mandy joined her after a second. The girl looked at her expectantly and it made her smile.

“I’m assuming you don’t want to sneak into your parent’s room when they are home,” she said and the girl nodded, “then you are in luck. We have all we need to come right here.”

She held up her hand and wiggled her fingers.

“My hand?”

“Indeed,” Caitlin said, winking at her, “now you can do this with your clothes on, if your parents are still up or you think you might get caught. For now, lets just take them off.”

Caitlin unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied out of them, then her panties. Naked from the waist down, she glanced at the girl. She hadn’t made a move to remove her own clothes, so Caitlin looked pointedly at her pants. The girl hesitated a second, looking at Caitlin. Finally, she shrugged and slipped out of her pants and underwear.

“Now, watch what I’m doing,” Caitlin said, letting her hand slip between her thighs to massage her bud. She sighed as delicious sensations washed through her body. Mandy leaned forward, her eyes wide as she watched Caitlin.

“You did this in my parent’s room,” Mandy said.

“Yeah,” she said, moaning, “Do you remember I said I would have finished if you hadn’t distracted me?”

“Yeah,” the girl said, then she smiled, “Oh.”

“Ah, she gets it, folks.”

Mandy let her own hand slip between her spread thighs. Her little fingers made lazy circles, mashing her soft labia. She glanced at Caitlin, made sure she was doing it right. It was a wasted gesture, a sigh escaping her parted lips. She grinned as it started to feel really good and she looked up at Caitlin. The babysitter laughed and nodded.

Caitlin watched the girl play with herself, growing more and more excited. The soft sounds of pleasure the girl was making wasn’t make it any better. The girl’s growing arousal only fueled her own.

She stripped out of her t-shirt, then her bra. Naked, she tortured her clit as she watched the girl’s hand between her thighs. Her free hand cupped one breast, kneaded it until she groaned.

Seeing what Caitlin was doing, Mandy shrugged out of her shirt, tossing it aside. Caitlin smiled as the girl fondled her flat chest, the little pink nipples stiffening under the attention. The babysitter’s breath quickened as she wonder if it felt as good for the little girl as it did for her.

“Does that feel good, sweetie,” she asked, around a moan.

“Yeah,” the girl sighed, her back arching.

Oh, Jesus, Caitlin thought, the heat between her thighs burning even hotter. She couldn’t look away from the girl.

The girl’s fingers were moving faster and faster, her narrow hips gyrating and her cute belly tightening and untightening. Her face was pinched in a rictus of pleasure, her mouth slack and her eyes closed. She looked so adorable in her ecstasy.

Caitlin took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heartbeat. She tore her eyes away from the girl, ready to come too fast if she didn’t. Watching the little girl pleasure herself had her worked into a frenzy. The girl moaned sharply and she had to look back. She saw the girl was close to coming, her little body going crazy. It was too much for Caitlin and an orgasm snuck up on her. Crying out, she stiffened with it, then shook herself apart.

Through the daze, she saw the girl looking at her, smiling. She looked how Caitlin felt, fuzzy and warm, her body flooded with endorphins. She smiled back, realizing Mandy had come, too.

“So,” Caitlin said, laughing, “you don’t need your mom’s vibrator.”

“I guess not,” the girl said, stretching her young body. She grinned at Caitlin and the babysitter laughed.

“Stick with me, kiddo,” Caitlin said, winking at her, “I know all the secrets.”

“Like what,” the girl asked, looking interested.

“What,” Caitlin said, laughing, “I should just give up all my secrets?”

“Please,” the girl said.

“Hmmm…” Caitlin said, then pretended to sigh heavily, “I guess, I could show you one more thing.”


“Yeah,” she said, laughing at her eagerness, “Grab that big teddy bear there.”

The girl looked at the bear sitting on a chair in the corner, then at Caitlin. She nodded and the girl got off the bed and grabbed it. She threw it on the bed, then climbed on herself. She gave the bear to Caitlin, her eyes shining with interest. The babysitter could see the gears turning in her head as she tried to figure out what Caitlin was going to do with the teddy bear. It made her smile.

Putting the bear on his back, she straddled his hips, his legs sticking straight up in the air. The fur on his legs tickled her buttocks and thighs, made her shiver. She lowered herself onto the bear, then rolled her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy against the soft midsection of the stuffed animal. She hadn’t done this since she was a little girl, felt kind of foolish now. Still, she couldn’t deny it still felt kind of good.

Mandy watched wide eyed as she dry humped the bear, biting her lip. When she was sure the girl had the idea, Caitlin got off. The girl came forward, threw a leg across the bear. She was a lot smaller than Caitlin, the bear more suited for her size. The fur must be tickling her in some very sensitive places because Mandy giggled.

Like she had seen Caitlin do, she rolled her hips back and forth, rubbing her tiny pussy against the bear’s furry abdomen. She sighed, looked at Caitlin. The babysitter nodded, sat back to watch. Her hand crept into the junction of her thighs and she absent mindedly played with herself as the girl humped the teddy bear a few feet away. It was sensual and curiously sexy, the flex of the girl’s body as she ground against the stuffed animal. It had her hypnotized and she couldn’t look away.

The girl noticed Caitlin watching her, then her eyes fell to the hand on her crotch. She blushed when she put it together and realized Caitlin was touching herself because of what she was doing. She gave Caitlin a sheepish smile, still rolling her hips against the bear. She didn’t look away, kept her eyes on Caitlin.

Her mouth was open and she couldn’t stop making these cute little sounds of enjoyment. She had her hands on the bear’s chest, her fingers digging into the soft fur. Her pneumatic little body strained toward release, her hips rocking back and forth faster and faster. She was breathing heavy, sweat starting to break out on her slight body. She was really giving the stuffed animal a ride he’d never forget.

“I think your bear’s smile is getting bigger,” Caitlin said, her voice thick with excitement.

The girl grinned at her, leaned forward and kissed him on the nose. Caitlin laughed around a moan.

Watching the girl dry hump her teddy bear had her in a state, so horny she was ready to come, again. She didn’t hold back, her fingers a blur as she pushed herself in orgasmic bliss. She stiffened, gasping as her body went crazy. When all the tension left her and she felt as light as a feather, she sighed.

Sated, she glanced at the girl, saw she was about to come herself. Her beautiful eyes were wide as the tension built in her young body. She looked at Caitlin, her face screwing up in pleasure as she came. Her back arched and she stiffened with a cry of ecstasy. She collapsed atop the bear, her whole body trembling from the intensity of her orgasm. She hugged the bear, sighed contentedly.

“You feel good, don’t you, Sweetie,” Caitlin said, smiling at the girl. The girl gave her a grin that said it all. Laughing, Caitlin said, “Now that I’ve taught you how to masturbate with your fingers and your teddy bear, you aren’t going to stop wanting to play with me, are you?”

She grinned, said, “Do you still have more secrets?”

“Bunches,” Caitlin said.

“Then I think we can keep playing,” the girl said, a mischievous grin spreading on her face.

Laughing, she said, “Come on. Let’s grab a bath. You are all sweaty.”

“Okay,” the girl said, giving her teddy one more kiss, “Thanks, Cubby.”

“Cubby is his name,” Caitlin asked.

“Yeah,” the girl said.

“Well, I don’t think he is a cub anymore, after that,” Caitlin said, laughing.

“What do you mean,” the girl asked, frowning.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said, laughing harder.

The girl gave her a look, then shrugged. She got off Cubby and then off the bed. Caitlin watched her leave the room, staring at her adorable little backside. Glancing at the grinning bear, she shook her head.

Laughing, she gave Cubby a high five and said, “You are one lucky bear, Cubby. That girl is going to fuck the stuffing out of you.”

Still laughing, she followed the naked girl to the bathroom, found her waiting patiently by the tub. Caitlin smiled at her as she sat on the rim of the tub and turned the taps to the perfect temperature. As the tub filled, she pulled the girl onto her lap. While she was light years from where she was when Caitlin started babysitting her, she was still no completely used to this sort of thing. She couldn’t seem to decide what to do with her hands.

“Earlier, when we were sitting on the couch,” Caitlin said, meeting the girl’s eyes, “I meant it when I said you were my special friend. I…I’m quite fond of you.”

The girl must have seen the truth of her statement in her eyes, because she grinned shyly and gave Caitlin a hug. Caitlin hugged her back, a little ashamed she couldn’t say what she had meant to say. She had hedged at the last minute, panicked when the words were on the tip of her tongue.

She was pretty sure the girl had seen it in her eyes, anyway.

“Come on,” she said, nodding toward the half full tub, “Let’s get cleaned up.”

The girl eased off her lap and into the water. As she settled in, Caitlin found them some towels. Laying them out for later, she joined the six year old in the tub, sighing as the hot water welcomed her.

Caitlin loved bath time because it gave her an excuse to explore the girl’s slight body, which she did with relish. Her skin was so soft and tempting, just begged to be caressed. She took her time, enjoyed herself. Mandy was grinning, didn’t seem to mind the extra attention Caitlin was heaping on her.

She saved her favorite spot for last, letting her hand slip between Mandy’s thighs to soap her cute little pussy. The girl moaned and bit her lower lip. Amused, Caitlin met the girl’s eyes, saw her soapy caresses had turned the girl on. The poor kid really was a horny mess.

“Do you want me to stop doing this,” Caitlin said, still massaging the puffy lips of her girlhood in lazy circles. The girl shook her head, her hips beginning to gyrate against the babysitter’s hand. More soft moans escaped her slack mouth.

While she’d used the vibrator on Mandy a few times now, she’d never done this before, used her hand to pleasure the girl. It was more intimate and much more exciting to feel the girl’s sex under her fingers. She felt a flush of heat between her thighs, becoming aroused for the third time in such a short period of time.

She couldn’t remember ever being as worked up as Mandy made her.

“Do you like what I’m doing to you,” Caitlin asked. She got to her knees, so she was eye to eye with the girl.

“Yeah,” Mandy moaned, her little body going crazy from Caitlin’s touch.

“Good,” Caitlin said, grinning at the girl, “because I like doing it to you.”

The girl stepped forward, put her arms around Caitlin’s neck. She moaned against the babysitter’s neck when the she didn’t stop teasing her young sex with her hand. Mandy pulled back a little and surprised Caitlin by kissing her. Recovering, she kissed the girl back, let her into her mouth. Her free hand slipped into her silky hair, held her to the kiss. The girl finally had to break it, a moan ripping its way from her. Her arms went back around Caitlins neck and she held on tight as her body writhed.

The hand in the girl’s hair slipped down her neck, caressing her soapy back and buttocks. Caitlin couldn’t stop exploring her, her hand finding the girl’s slight body fascinating.

“I’m going to come,” the girl gasped in her ear but Caitlin had already known. She could feel the tension enter Mandy’s body, felt it build and build as her fingers tortured her tender bud. Then the girl gasped, again, her body stiffening against Caitlin’s hand. Her knees gave out but she had a deathgrip on Caitlin, managed to stay on her feet. The babysitter hugged the trembling girl to her.

“I got you,” Caitlin said, affectionately.

They stayed like that a moment, neither one wanted to let go. Eventually, Caitlin said, “We better finish up.”

Mandy reluctantly let her go, then reached for the rinse cup. She handed it to Caitlin, let the babysitter sluice the soap from her. She sat facing away from Caitlin so she could wash her silky blonde hair. When she was done, Mandy slid forward, then turned to face the babysitter. She regarded Caitlin with a nervous smile, looked like she was trying to work up the courage to say something.

Finally, she reached up and took the bodywash off the ledge. Caitlin watched as she struggled with the stubborn lid. She held it out to her and the babysitter opened it for her. When she tried to hand it back to the girl, she shook her head and held out her cupped hands instead. Her eyebrows raised questioningly, Caitlin squirted some of the soap into her hands. The girl worked it into a lather, then stood up. She looked nervously at Caitlin, biting her lip. She took a deep breath, then started washing the babysitter.

Her breath caught in her throat as she realized what was happening, that the girl was actually going to return the favor. At least, that was what she hoped the girl had in mind.

The girl took her time, her little hands roaming all over Caitlin’s body. Her soapy caresses had the babysitter in a state, so horny she almost couldn’t take it. It was such a sweet, sweet torture, feeling the girl’s hands explore her long legs, firm thighs, her flat stomach, her round backside, her full breasts. Mandy’s hesitancy disappeared as she ran her hands over Caitlin’s skin, a smile spreading on her face. That smile got Caitlin’s already racing heart up to a sprint.

When the girl’s hand slipped between her thighs to massage her tender bud, she was so excited she moaned thickly. She hoped she had read the girl right, that she wasn’t just going to wash her, then leave her a horny wreak. She was trembling with need, wanted so much for the girl to keep playing with her sopping wet sex.

“Am I doing this right,” the girl asked, shyly.

“Yeah, honey,” Caitlin said, moaning, “Just like that.”

The girl grinned and Caitlin had to kiss her. Mandy kissed her back, her tongue teasing Caitlin into a deep, passionate kiss. She had to break it as Mandy’s hand made her moan. She put her forehead to the girl’s, her hands on her shoulders. Her eyes closed and she enjoyed the waves of pleasure washing through her body.

“God, that feels so good, honey,” Caitlin said, her voice thick with excitement, “so good. Just like that.”

Mandy let her free hand roam over Caitlin. Her touch left the babysitter tingling all over, her nerve endings thrilling to her hand as it glided from hip to buttock to breast. The girl wasn’t shy anymore, seemed excited by Caitlin’s body under her fingertips. Her excitement only made Caitlin’s burn all hotter.

She looked down at Mandy’s hand between her thighs, saw her fingers as they mashed her labia and teased her clit. Watching that little hand making lazy circles in her crotch, she felt her orgasm come to life. It was too much, seeing a little girl playing with her pussy. She climaxed hard, her cries of ecstasy filling the bathroom. Stiffening, she hugged the girl to her, then shook both of them as her body went crazy.

“Oh, God,” she laughed, pulling back to arms length. She smiled at the girl and Mandy smiled back. She held up the cup and Caitlin let her rinse the soap from her still trembling body.

“That was amazing, kiddo,” she said, kissing her, “My whole body is trembling after that one.”

The girl only grinned proudly.

“We better get out and get dressed,” Caitlin said, laughing, “Don’t want your parents crashing this particular party.”

They dried off and went back to Mandy’s room. Caitlin slipped back into her clothes and Mandy dressed for bed. The babysitter stretched out on the bed beside the girl, facing her on her side. She brushed the silky blond hair from the girl’s face, tucked it behind her ear. She kissed the girl gently, smiled at her.

“Caitlin,” the girl said, shyly.

“Yeah, Love?”

“I’m fond of you, too.”

Continue to Part Three

What Did You Think?

2 Responses to Broken People, Part Two

  1. Minnona Derice says:

    awesome Ebo “Orange ” is my safe word with subbies It is the perfect word to connect that meaning. this tale with a 67 year old is hot. I never did that with myself until I was 10 or 11

  2. Minnona Derice says:

    duh I did mean 6 not 67 guess I need to proof read mt comments 🙂

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