Mom’s Toy Chest, Part One

“Come on,” Kara Hanson said, laughing, “A bet’s a bet and I won fair and square. It is time to pay up.”

“God, where did you find this thing,” Stacey Mallard said.

“In the attic,” Kara said, laughing, “Mom has a whole trunk full of stuff like this up there. Had a combination lock on it, but she left the little tag on the back that had the combo.”

“Really,” Stacey said, laughing. She tried to imagine Kara’s straight laced mother owning such a kinky thing as what lay on the bed between the two girls. The woman didn’t seem the type to own such a thing.

Picking it up, she took a better look at it. It was a latex panty, which would have been risque enough but that wasn’t what made Stacey blush. Molded to the crotch was a five inch rubber dildo.

She had thought it was some sort of strap-on at first but then Kara had laughed and informed her she had it inside out. Her face had burned when she realized what that meant.

“Did you at least wash it first,” Stacey asked, getting an image of the dildo buried in Kara’s mom. She had to smile; for an older woman, she was beautiful.

Laughing, Kara said, “Why? You don’t want my mom’s pussy juices up inside you?”

“Such a dirty mouth,” Stacey said, leaning in to kiss her. Grinning, she got up and shucked her panties down her long legs. She threw them at the giggling girl. Kara held the dildo panties out to her and she shook her head and laughed, “We should have agreed on punishments before we made the bet.”

“You should keep that in mind next time you make one,” Kara said, grinning mischievously.

“Yeah, yeah,” Stacey said, taking the latex underwear from her. She stepped into one leg, then the other. Getting the clingy rubber up her legs proved to be a struggle, took some finessing. Kara laughed at her as she struggled with it. She gave her a dirty look, said, “It is harder than it looks.”

“That’s what he said,” Kara said, making Stacey shake her head sadly.

She managed to get the panties far enough up her thighs to be able to slip the dildo inside of her slick sex, her fourteen year old body more than ready for the toy. She bit her lip as the rubber shaft sank deep into her, moaned as it moved around inside as she wrestled the panties the rest of the way on.

Kara looked at her, her emerald eyes sparkling with interest as she asked, “How does that feel?”

“Big,” Stacey said, turning to look at herself in mirrored closet door. Other than an odd bump on the crotch, it just looked like she was wearing rubber panties. When she let her dress fall back into place, she couldn’t tell she had a dildo buried in her pussy.

She couldn’t see it but she could definitely feel it. Every little move made it rub against her insides, sending shivers of pleasure working through her.

Kara got off the bed, wrapped her arms around her from behind. Her chin on Stacey’s shoulder, she grinned as she let her hand slip down Stacey’s stomach. When it slipped between her thighs to press against the dildo, Stacey moaned. She put a hand to her mouth, smiled at her friend’s reflection.

Winking at her, Kara said, “I’d say it feels pretty good.”

“I won’t lie and say it doesn’t.”

Laughing, Kara said, “Then get your shoes on. Mom’s taking us to the mall.”


“It’s Friday,” Kara said, her eyes flashing mischievously, “What, did you think we were just going to sit around the house.”

“I can’t go out like this,” Stacey said, blushing.

“Sure you can,” Kara said, turning Stacey so she could give her a kiss. Wrapping her arms around her neck, she smiled and said, “No one will know about the big black cock inside of you. It’ll be our little secret.”

“I’ll know,” Stacey said, laughing.

“Think of it as foreplay,” Kara said, kissing her, again. It was a sweet, playful kiss that made Stacey’s heart race.

“Oh, God,” Stacey said, laughing as she shook her head, “the things I let you get me into.”

“Atta girl,” Kara said, letting her go. She watched Stacey bend down to pick up her shoes, laughed when it made her sigh. Stacey gave her a dirty look, sat on the bed to put them on. She gasped and her eyes got big. Laughing, she rubbed her lower abdomen.

Smiling, Kara asked, “What?”

“Sitting down pushes the dildo deeper,” Stacey said, biting her lower lip. Her breathing got a little funny as she leaned forward to slip on her shoes and she laughed, “Holy shit, that’s big!”

Shoes on her feet, Stacey stood back up, smoothed down her dress. She took a deep breath to relax herself, looked at her girlfriend. Kara was smiling at her, her amusement clear in her eyes. She found it funny, the torment the dildo was putting her through.

“Ready,” Kara asked.

“No,” Stacey laughed, shaking her head, “but I guess we are going, anyway.”

“Let’s go.”

They found Kara’s mother downstairs in the kitchen, washing dishes. Stacey felt her cheeks color and she couldn’t look at the woman, knowing she had on her panties. She knew she was being paranoid but she thought if she met the woman’s eyes she’d know Stacey had on her kinky dildo panties , the dildo buried deep in her sopping wet sex some how.

“You girls about ready to go,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at them.

“Yes, ma’am,” Kara said, pulling up a stool at the center island. Stacey decided to stand, didn’t want to start moaning when the bar stool pushed the dildo even further inside of her. She already looked guilty enough, didn’t want to draw even more attention to herself.

“Just let me finish these last few dishes, then we’ll go.”


Stacey looked at the woman as she washed the dishes, tried to imagine her owning the slutty panties she had on now. She wore jeans and a t-shirt, her hair pulled up into a ponytail. Nothing about her hinted at a kinky side. She looked as wholesome as they came.

Not that she looked bad. They say if you want to know what your girlfriend will look like in twenty years, look at her mother. If there was any truth to that statement, then Kara would still be looking incredible in her late thirties.

Oh, God, Stacey thought, with a mental groan, why am I checking out my girlfriend’s mother?

Finishing the last of the dishes, she grabbed a dish towel, dried her hands and said, “Let’s go.”

Stacey got in the backseat, so Kara could ride shotgun. She knew it was coming but the dildo getting pushed deeper by the car seat still made her gasp. She looked at Kara and her mother but neither one had noticed and she relaxed as much as she could. The car rumbled to life, the vibrations translating from the car seat to the panty. It made her shiver as it turned the dildo into a vibrator. She tried changing her posture, but nothing she did seemed to help. She couldn’t escape the wonderful sensation.

“Oh, God,” she whispered, putting her hand to her mouth. She tried to take deep breaths to relax, tried to turn her mind away from what the rumble of the car’s motor was doing to her. The dildo inside of her was insistent, demanded her attention. She felt a moan building up inside and she bit her lip to stifle it.

Kara’s mother shifted into drive and they were rolling. The car was in desperate need of new shocks. Stacey could feel every little bump in the road and it was driving her crazy. Every time the car dipped and bounced from a pothole or a imperfection in the pavement, it would make her moan. The dildo was moving in and out, just a little but it was enough to have her in a state. It felt so good. She kept her hand to her face, hoped no one in the front seat would notice her distress. Her mouth was slack and her eyes drooping as pleasure washed through her fourteen year old body. She tried to sit still as possible but her hips wanted to roll and her back wanted to arch. She was in a constant struggle to control herself, didn’t want to alert anyone in the car that she was a horny mess. The struggle only seemed to make her more excited, made it all the more difficult to keep quiet.

Glancing out the window, she saw they were approaching the bridge that spanned the river. She groaned, thinking about the evenly spaced connector plates that lined the length of the bridge. There was just over a half mile of bumps rapidly approaching.

Her heart rate kicked up in anticipation of those shock punishing plates. She was going to feel every one of them like a thrust, each one pushing the dildo deep inside of her already tortured pussy. The car hit the first one and shook its way across is. It was worse- or better- than she had expected and she couldn’t completely swallow the moan that tried to escape her. The dildo wasn’t thrust into her once, but three times in rapid succession, making her squeeze her thighs together. It didn’t help. She couldn’t escape the pleasure.

She closed her eyes as the car hit the second connector plate, biting her lip almost hard enough to draw blood. She couldn’t completely control her body, her hips gyrating and legs wanting to open. If anyone glanced at her in the rear view mirror, they’d know something was happening to her but she was helpless to do anything about it. It was beyond her control now.

The third and fourth plates were worse than the first two, torturing the car’s tired suspension. She had a death grip on the door handle as the shaking car sent wave after wave of pleasure through her body. By the time she had rattled across the fourth plate, she was close to coming. She felt the tension enter her body, her eyes springing open. She looked through the windshield at the next plate approaching.

Here it comes, she thought, clenching her teeth. The plate tossed the car about and she stiffened in her seat. She managed to keep her cry of ecstasy bottled up, only letting a protracted hiss escape her lips as her sex spasmed around the dildo still vibrating inside of her. She dug her feet into the floorboards, tried to lift off the seat but the lap belt held her in place.

The dildo was a sweet torture to her now very sensitive girlhood. It didn’t let her recover from her orgasm, kept rubbing her insides deliciously. The next plate made her climax, again. More intense than the first, this one left her trembling all over. There was no relief from the sensations washing through her and she bit her knuckle as a third orgasm shook her. Her thighs were shaking and her stomach was tightening like she was doing a sit up.

They were three-quarters of the way across the bridge but the other side didn’t really promise any relief. Even as that thought crossed her mind, she felt her body tensing for a fourth orgasm. She was powerless to stop it, just bit her knuckled and tried not to cry out as it shook her. Each time she came, it was more intense than the one before. It was almost painful, how good it felt.

Her only comfort was that the mall was only another five miles down the road after the bridge. If she could just survive the connector plates, she would be okay. Assuming she didn’t cum to death before then.

Her fingers dug in hard enough to leave permanent marks in the door hand as a fifth orgasm took her in its grip and shook her. She had given up trying to remain inconspicuous, was just holding on for dear life. She was proud that she’d managed to keep her voice in check, had barely made a sound as the poor construction of the bridge and the dildo inside of her conspired to turn her body into an orgasmic puddle. She was shaking like a palsied chihuahua and she couldn’t have closed her mouth if she was paid to, but she hadn’t cried out. Yet.

They were across the bridge and the road smoothed out drastically. The car still sent vibrations through the dildo but she was able to control her breathing and relax her body enough to keep another orgasm in check. The rest of the trip kept her right on the edge, though. She left teeth marks on her knuckle, trying to keep quiet, a single drop of blood pooling in the dimple.

Finally they were at the mall, parked. She undid her seat belt, opened her door and stepped out of the car on rubber band legs. She had to put a hand on the roof to steady herself. She laughed at how wobbly her legs felt.

“I’ll be back at ten to pick you all up. Be good,” Kara’s mother said, rolling down her window.

“Okay, Mom,” Kara said.

“Be at the entrance at ten,” she said, giving her daughter a look as she shifted into reverse.

“Yes, ma’am,” Kara said, grinning sheepishly. Last time they were at the mall, they had lost track of time and had shown up twenty minutes late. Kara had ended up grounded for a week.

“Have fun. Behave.”

“Okay,” Kara said and she drove off.

Kara turned to her, started to say something, then frowned, “Are you okay? You look a little dazed.”

“Oh My God,” Stacey said, laughing excitedly, “I just came like five times on the trip here.”

“What,” Kara said, with a startled laugh.

“The vibrations of the car and the bumps in the road,” Stacey said, sighing contentedly, “I was biting my knuckle so hard to keep quiet, I drew blood. See.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I was sure your mom was going to look in the rear view mirror and see me. I had to have been a sight.”

“Five times?”

“You know how you get really sensitive after you come,” Stacey said, grinning, “Well, after I came the first time, I couldn’t stop myself from coming and coming. It was crazy.”

“I had no idea,” Kara said, laughing, “You were only a few feet away.”

“I know. It was nerve wracking, trying to keep quiet. I wanted to stop coming but I couldn’t. I was helpless.”

“That is kind of hot,” Kara said, excited.

“It was,” Stacey admitted, grinning.

“Let’s get inside,” Kara said, offering her hand. Giving her a warm smile, Stacey took it. With their parents not around, they were free to act like a couple. It was kind of stressful, pretending to still just be friends. They had talked about just telling their parents that their relationship had taken a serious turn but had decided against it. While it was a pain having to be aware of the signals they were sending- were they sitting too close, looking at each other a certain way- continuing the deception did still have its benefits. Like the fact that Stacey was staying the night with Kara tonight, would be getting laid as soon as Kara’s parents were asleep.

Stacey laughed at her still unsteady legs, must have looked like a new born fawn trying to walk for the first time. The dildo kept moving inside of her, making just walking a challenge. Kara noticed and said, “We’ll find you a bench to sit on for a minute when we get inside.”

“If you were a good girlfriend,” Stacey said, her words mostly a moan, “you’d let me take this thing off.”

“Oh, I’m a wonderful girlfriend,” Kara said, grinning at her, “In fact, I’ll show you just how great when we get home. Still, a bet is a bet and you lost.”

They found a bench just inside the entrance to the mall, sat down. Stacey was glad for a moment to collect herself. Her pulse finally settled and her breathing returned to normal. She relaxed, until she remembered she was at the mall with a huge dildo buried in her pussy. She felt a flush of excitement and a shiver of nervous energy worked through her. During the craziness on the ride over here, she had forgotten about the fact that she would be walking around the mall in a kinky sex rig. It all came crashing home as one of the girls from her school walked by and waved at them.

“Oh, God,” she said, laughing.

“Relax, she can’t possibly know,” Kara said, on her wave length, as usual.

“I hope we don’t run into anyone we know. I don’t think I can carry on a conversation with this thing in me.”

Kara gave her a weighing look, then grinned, “You are excited, aren’t you?”

“Well, yeah,” Stacey said, laughing, “This is so wrong. I’m wearing dildo panties at the mall!”

“Huh, I never would have guessed it,” Kara said, shaking her head sadly, “My girlfriend is a freak.”

“Shut up,” Stacey laughed.

“Come on,” Kara said, getting up and pulling Stacey to her feet, “I’m starving. Let’s grab something from the food court.”

Her body had mostly recovered from the fiasco in the car and she could walk, again. The dildo didn’t let her forget about it, rubbing her insides with every step she took. It wasn’t as bad as the car ride and she could manage to walk half way normal. Still, it had her nipples hard and straining against the thin material of the dress and she had to fight to keep her face neutral.

She wanted to giggle as she walked through the unsuspecting throng of people. None of them knew she was being molested by the big dildo inside of her with every stride. They were oblivious of her pleasure. It was thrilling, sort of liberating. She couldn’t explain that last sentiment; if anything, the panty had her in bondage. Still, it was how she felt. Free.

They got in line for some cheese fries and Cokes, then took their food to one of the tables in the food court. As they sat down, Kara looked at her and grinned.

“Your face is all flushed,” she said.

“I can’t help it,” Stacey said.

“I know that look,” Kara said, pointing at her with a cheese covered fry, “you are getting horny over this.”

“Well,” Stacey said, leaning forward, “I already said I was excited. You try walking around with a dildo in you and see if you don’t look flushed.”

“I’m not judging,” Kara said, grinning, “I was hoping it would get you all hot and bothered. I would have been disappointed if it didn’t.”

“Well, you better be ready,” Stacey said, blushing, “because I’m going to be a horny mess by the time we make it home.”

Kara winked at her and gave her a sexy little smile. Stacey’s heart started racing; Kara always had that effect on her.

She would always remember the first time Kara had turned that smile on her. They had taken the foot path through the woods behind Stacey’s house, followed it to the creek that weaved its way through the spruces until it dumped into the river they had crossed getting to the mall. It was a favorite hang out for them, had been since they found it when they were seven. The weather had been unseasonably warm for a few weeks and the water was almost warm enough to go swimming. Kara had teased and dared her into going skinny dipping. The water was really too chilly to be in for long but the girls had splashed and swam until they couldn’t stand it any longer. They had scrambled onto the bank, giggling at their chattering teeth. Too wet to get dressed and lacking towels, they had huddled together for warmth. Maybe it was the excitement of going skinny dipping or the closeness of their naked bodies, but a curious tension had come between them. Then Kara had given her that half shy, sexy little smile.

They had gone from friends to lovers there on that pebble beach, the water slowly drying on their skin as they kissed and touched.

It wasn’t the only time they had made love on that beach, not by a long shot. They spent most of the summer there, swimming and fooling around. It was there that a curiosity about this new direction their relationship had taken turned into romantic feelings and eventually love. The affection of their friendship deepened into something else, something more.

It was Stacey who admitted she was in love with Kara first, had sat there on a towel in the sun, feeling so vulnerable until Kara had smiled and embraced her. Her fears were laid to rest when the girl whispered in her ear that she loved her, too. They had made love for the first time, not just had sex. Stacey hadn’t understood the distinction until then.

“You are thinking about the beach, again,” Kara said, smiling affectionately at Stacey.

“It is kind of scary how much you are in my head,” Stacey said, grinning.

“We’ve been best friends forever,” she said, taking her hand, “being in your head isn’t anything new. I’ve always been on the same wave length.”

Stacey really couldn’t argue with that logic because it was true. They were finishing each others’ sentences long before they slept together.

“Well, what am I thinking now,” Stacey said, playfully.

“You are thinking we need to check out the sale at McHenry’s,” Kara answered.

“McHenry’s has a sale,” she asked, her eyes widening.

“Thirty percent off dresses.”

“Cool. We need to check that out,” Stacey said.

“See, I told you you were thinking about McHenry’s.”

“I wasn’t until you told me about the sale,” Stacey laughed, shaking her head, “I was thinking I had your mom pegged all wrong.”

“Goody two shoes, right?”

“Yeah,” she said, nodding.

“If you saw the things she had in that chest,” Kara said, laughing and shaking her head, “You’d never think that, again.”

“Worse than what I’m wearing,” Stacey asked, doubting it.

“Maybe not worse,” Kara said, still shaking her head, “just different. Mom must have been a wild one when she was younger. There is some stuff in there I don’t even know what it is used for.”

Laughing, Stacey said, “I guess it’s true what they say about the apple and the tree.”

“Says the girl getting all hot and bothered about wearing slutty underwear at the mall,” Kara said, pointing a greasy fry at her, “I’d say that is the pot calling the kettle black.”

“Yeah, we are perfect for each other,” Stacey said, grinning at her.

“We are perfect for each other, aren’t we?”

“Yeah,” she said, leaning forward to kiss her.


Stacey took a deep breath as she opened the door to the backseat, preparing herself for the ride home. She hoped it wouldn’t be as bad as the way to the mall. She didn’t think she had it in her to keep quiet through another crazy bout of orgasms. No sooner had her backside hit the backseat, did the vibrations of the car start working through her.

From the front seat, Kara glanced over her shoulder at her, winked. She cranked the radio up, pretended to be into the song. Really, all she was doing was giving Stacey a little cover. She smiled appreciatively, hoped she wouldn’t need it.

They didn’t even make it out of the parking lot before she realized she probably would. This part of the road that circled the mall and its various parking lots featured speed bumps. Kara’s mother didn’t slow down enough, her poor car’s suspension be damned. Worse, every jarring bump would force a moan from Stacey, the dildo moving and vibrating inside of her. She tried to keep calm, to not think about it but she failed miserably. By the time they were approaching the exit to the main road, she was already breathing fast, her hips moving like she really had to pee. The pavement dipped, the mall road almost two inches higher than the street. The car shuddered as they took the drop off too fast, the car bottoming out with a scraping sound. The shock worked through her and she came before she was ready. It startled a gasp from her, her body seizing up, then shaking as the car bounced onto the road.

Kara’s mother heard her, grinned sheepishly in the rear view mirror at her, “Sorry, I always forget about that drop off. I do that every time.”

Stacey managed a smile, hoped she’d look away. The dildo in her spasming pussy was making it hard to keep a straight face and she wasn’t breathing. The woman held her gaze for what seemed an eternity but was probably only a second or two, then turned her eyes back on the road. Just in time as Stacey’s face screwed up in a rictus of pleasure as a second orgasm shook her.

Oh, God, not again, she thought, squeezing her thighs together.

The drive to the mall had taken twenty minutes and they were barely out of the parking lot and she’d already climaxed twice. She didn’t want to think about the next twenty minutes.

Taking deep breaths, she tried to relax. It really didn’t help and she felt the tension of a third orgasm creeping into her body. They had barely gone two miles before she bit down on a cry of ecstasy and ground it to dust between her teeth as she came hard. If not for the lap belt holding her securely in place, her body would have gone crazy. Still her thighs quivered and her fingers dug into the upholstery. She couldn’t breath, the sensation was so intense.

She saw the bridge coming up and her eyes grew wide. She thought about those imperfections in the road, the plates that covered the joints between two sections of pavement, and she almost panicked. She had came so hard last time they crossed the bridge, her body pushed over the edge into blissful release time and again by the jarring of the poor construction. She’d already climaxed three times since leaving the parking lot and she knew the bridge was going to be a sweet torture on her young body.

Orgasms four and five hit her almost simultaneously, her body wracked by one long shuddering fit. She was shaking so hard that the seat belt locked, digging into her midsection. She gasped and moaned, thankful for the blaring radio. She hoped no one looked at her in the rear view mirror because she knew she was making the god awfullest face. Her face was pinched almost in a look of pain, the orgasms almost too intense to bear.

“Oh God,” she whispered, a little prayer to make it stop. It managed to make her smile, thinking she’d never expected to be begging to stop coming. That was what she was doing now, but she couldn’t. She was at the mercy of the road and the dildo buried deep in her sopping wet core.

She looked at the two in the front seat, saw they were talking about something. They seemed oblivious of her struggle in the backseat, for which she was grateful. Her cheeks colored at the thought of them turning and seeing her in this state.

The car shuddered and dipped its way over another steel plate and Stacey put a hand to her mouth to hold in the cry that wanted to escape her. She squeezed her eyes shut and road out the spasming of her girlhood, the seat belt straining to keep her in place.

It was getting hard to think about anything other than the relentless pleasure washing through her fourteen year old body. Everything seemed fuzzy as she climaxed for the sixth- or was it the seventh- time. She couldn’t think about being quiet or sitting as still as possible, her mind short circuited by the flow of feel good juices in her bloodstream. All she could do was sit there and hope the ride would be over before she climaxed herself into a puddle of goo.

Kara glanced over her shoulder at her, her eyes widening when she saw the slack jawed, face pinched look on Stacey’s face. She grinned and winked, turned back around. She turned the radio up a little more.

It was almost painful, when she came, again, and it was almost like a pinch that made her grimace and gasp loudly. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, waited for the next orgasm to abuse her already shaking body. It wasn’t a long wait.

She didn’t think she could take much more, her body a mess of jangling nerve endings. Every little bump was a sweet torture.

An idea came to her through the orgasmic fog in her brain and she pounced on it like a starving cat would a field mouse. She unfastened the seat belt, held the clasp in her hand so it looked like she was still wearing it. Lifting her buttocks off the seat, she put her weight on her jello thighs, hoping they’d hold her up long enough to break the cycle of orgasms. She no longer felt the jarring of the road through the dildo and she sighed with relief.

Her thighs were already quivering from the strain but she held the position as long as she could. She needed to give her body a break from the relentless ecstasy, let her arousal cool down to a manageable heat. Thinking about her situation, she had to smile. She wondered if Kara had known it would be like this, a maddening and exhilarating battle with her own body.

She couldn’t hold it any longer, sagged back to the seat. She cringed, waited for the orgasms to come but she must have done some good. It still felt good, the vibrations of the car working through her, but she didn’t seem in danger of climaxing right away.

The rest of the ride home was relatively uneventful. She sighed with relief when they pulled into the drive way. She had survived. Getting out of the car, she almost fell, her legs refusing to hold her. She leaned against the car for a moment, gathering herself.

Something wet touched the back of her thighs and she reached down to feel what it was. Her eyes grew wide when she realized the entire back of her dress was wet, then she blushed when she realized why. Glancing in the window, she saw the wet spot she’d left on the back seat, her cheeks burning even hotter.

Kara’s mother glanced at her and she gave her a sheepish grin, lied, “My foot’s asleep. I just need a moment.”

Nodding, she went inside. Kara appeared at her side, grinned at her, “Did you have a fun trip?”

“Oh you are laughing now, but remember; what goes around, comes around,” Stacey said, laughing at her own expense, “I made a puddle in the backseat.”

“You what,” Kara said, a startled laugh escaping her.

“The whole back of my dress is wet from,” she said, blushing, “you know.”

“Wow,” Kara said, laughing.

“Yeah,” Stacey said, shaking her head, “Let’s get inside so I can change.”


“Don’t bother getting dressed,” Kara said, from her post on the bed. She was stretched out on her side, watching Stacey as she pulled the dress over her head. A faint smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she saw the latex panties had sprung a leak, her juices running down her leg.

“Can I take this off now,” Stacey asked, hooking her thumbs in the panties.

“Not just yet,” Kara said, smiling.

“I think I’ve paid my debt from the bet,” Stacey said, standing hip shot in just the panties and a bra.

“You have,” she said, patting the bed in front of her, “this is just for fun.”

“Oh,” Stacey said, grinning as she went to the bed. Stretching out on her side facing Kara, she let herself be pulled against the girl. She felt her toes curl as Kara kissed her deeply, passionately. Even though she had thought she couldn’t possibly after both times in the car, she found herself becoming aroused, again.

Kara’s knee nudged its way between her thighs, her thigh pressing deliciously against the crotch of the dildo panties. Every time she moved her leg, a moan would slip passed Stacey’s parted lips. Kara heard it and grinned, started doing it on purpose. Stacey bit her lower lip as she met the girl’s eyes. The girl winked at her.

“That feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Mmm…mmm,” Stacey said, kissing her, “You better stop or I’ll be finished before we get started.”

“That good, huh,” Kara laughed, removing her leg.

She kissed her lips, then grinned down at her, “Why are you still wearing clothing?”

Her eyes flashing, her girlfriend sat up and pulled her dress over her head. Stacey watched as she reached behind her back to undo the bra clasps. She smiled when her small, upswept breasts fell into view. The panties joined the rest of the clothes on the floor and Kara was very naked. She let her eyes drink in her long time friend and fairly recent girlfriend. The girl was leggy and lean, had an athletic build that Stacey liked.

Sometimes she thought it was funny, her intense attraction to Kara. Before that afternoon on the creek bank, she had never noticed girls like that. She really still didn’t notice them, only Kara. Something about the girl just got her heart racing. Oh, she might notice a girl in tight jeans and admire her backside as she walked by but she usually ended up comparing them to Kara and they all fell short of her beauty.

She loved the girl so much. Especially, when she was naked.

Grinning, Stacey unhooked her own bra, let it slip from her shoulders. Naked save for the latex panties, she went to Kara, was welcomed into her arms. Their lips met and their tongues danced, the kiss deepening as both girls grew more and more excited. They toppled onto their sides, still kissing. Hands roamed freely over tight teenaged bodies, exhilarated by the silky smooth skin under fingertips.

Kara gently pushed Stacey onto her back, then crawled atop her. With one more kiss, she straddled one of her hips, let her body settle onto Stacey’s. Their bodies fit together perfectly, like they were meant to be joined like this. The latex panty was a barrier between them and Stacey longed to feel Kara’s skin against her own, but she could still feel the girl as she rubbed her body against hers. Kara’s thigh was nestled against her crotch, each roll of her hip pushing the dildo deeper inside of Stacey. The double edged sensation cut right to the center of her and she moaned thickly.

“Oh, God,” Stacey said, her back arching, “that feels so good.”

“The dildo?”

“Yeah, every time your thigh bumps it,” she said, sighing.

“Well, wait for me,” Kara said, grinning.

“You better hurry, then,” Stacey said, laughing. She wasn’t kidding; it felt too good to hold out for long.

“You better not come without me,” Kara said, pouting.

“Oh, God,” Stacey said, shaking her head. She forced herself to calm down, to reign in her galloping heart. She wanted to come with Kara, that magical moment when their bodies went crazy at the same time.

The roll of Kara’s hips was mesmerizing and Stacey found herself watching the flex of her lithe body as she ground her body against her own. It was sexy and erotic, like a sensual dance. Kara caught her staring, smiled and leaned into to give her a kiss.

In spite her efforts to calm herself, she felt tension enter her body. Her eyes widening, she said, “Kara, I’m going to come!”

“It’s okay,” Kara moaned, thickly. Stacey realized she was close, too.

She gritted her teeth, refused to come until Kara did. She met her girlfriend’s eyes, wanted the intimacy of seeing the ecstasy enter her face. Kara bit her lip, her hips growing erratic. Stacey grabbed them, helped the girl finish. When she felt the girl stiffen atop her, she finally let herself go, let her orgasm have her. The girls shook together, then Stacey sat up to embrace Kara. She met Kara’s gaze, then grinned. The girl gave her a sated smile and kissed her.

“You are so beautiful,” Stacey said, when their lips parted.

“I never get tired of hearing you say that,” she said, kissing her, again, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Stacey said.


Stacey looked at her reflection in the mirror above the sink, smiled and shook her head in wonder. It had been a crazy afternoon, to say the least. Looking down at the dildo panties in the sink, she couldn’t believe she had worn them to the mall, had walked around with the thick dildo buried inside of her while her fellow consumers were oblivious.

She wore a long sleep shirt and fresh panties, her sleep attire. After the fun in Kara’s bed, she had decided the right thing to do was clean the panties. Her juices were all over it and she was a little weirded out by the thought of putting them up with her still all over it. She didn’t know if Kara’s mother would ever wear them again, but she blushed at the thought of the woman’s and her fluids mixing.

Using hot water and soap, she cleaned the panty and dildo, used a towel to dry it off. She was turning to leave the bathroom when the door opened. She froze like a deer in the headlights when a bleary eyed Kara’s mother stepped through the door. The woman was half asleep and she blinked in surprise at Stacey standing there. She started to mutter an apology and leave but her fuzzy mind must have registered what Stacey was holding in her hand.

Her eyes were much clearer when she turned back to Stacey. Stacey was rooted to her spot, her mind slipping gears. Her face got hot as she saw the woman looking at the kinky panties in her hand. Recognition passed across her face and she looked at Stacey, her eyes narrowing.

“Are those mine,” she asked, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door. The move made Stacey nervous for some reason she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

Busted, she didn’t see any value in trying to lie, so she nodded.

“I thought so,” Kara’s mother said, nodding. She seemed curiously calm about finding her daughter’s best friend holding her dirty little secret. She looked at Stacey, asked, “I take it my daughter found my chest.”

Stacey didn’t answer, really didn’t need to. The woman knew the answer to her own question.

“It is curious that it is you and not Kara standing here, though,” she said, her gaze making Stacey want to squirm. Again, she thought the woman knew what the score was.

“So, I wasn’t losing my mind, after all,” she said, nodding like the statement made sense. She saw Stacey’s confusion, smiled and said, “You are sleeping with my daughter.”

She wanted to deny it but she saw the certainty in her eyes. The woman knew, didn’t just suspect but was convinced she was right. Of course, she was, so convincing her otherwise would be very difficult at best. Probably impossible.

Kara’s mother must have seen it in her eyes, so she nodded.

“Alright,” she said.

“Alright, ma’am,” Stacey asked, frowning.

“Just alright, honey,” she said, smiling, “Were you finished? I need to use the bathroom.”

“Um, yeah,” Stacey said, not believing the conversation was over. She moved to the door, paused to look at the woman.

“Have a good night, Stacey,” Kara’s mom said, a hint of an amused smile on her face.

“You too, ma am,” She said, leaving the bathroom. In the hall, she stared at the bathroom door, thought, what the hell was that?

Continue To Part Two

What Did You Think?

3 Responses to Mom’s Toy Chest, Part One

  1. Jina Solo says:

    Are you planning on writing more of this story?

    I would like to read more of your love stories. Adding latex clothing can only make it better. lol

    Can they start wearing latex in front of her Mom now?

    • ebo says:

      I’m about half way through writing a second chapter for this story, with others to follow. Can’t post a date, but look for it in the near future.

  2. Alice says:

    Can’t understand how I never noticed this story before. Well, I’m glad that I have finally found it as it looks very promising. I think I am going to have some fun over the next few days getting caught up with this. Happy days.

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