Secret Admirer Christmas, Part One

The swirling, twirling snowflakes fell through the light of the sodium vapor street lamps, beautiful as they danced their way to the earth. What had started as a few light flurries a few hours was now becoming a full-fledged snow storm. Already the roads and sidewalks were covered in a white blanket, and the snow showed no signs of slowing.

Bundled up against the cold, Bethany wasn’t going to be deterred by a few snowflakes or a billion. She was on her way to have Christmas Eve dinner with Addison and her family. Luckily, it was only a short walk from her house to Addison’s, so her resolve to see her girlfriend wasn’t tested that much. Still, she thought she’d walk a hundred miles if she had to.

Bethany stamped the snow off her feet, then rang the doorbell. She blew in her hands, which were cold even from the short walk to Addison’s. The door opened, and Addison’s dad looked out at her. Smiling, he stepped aside, to let her in. Closing the door, he yelled, “Addie, Bethany’s here!”

Looking down at Bethany’s boots, he said, “You better take your boots off. The Missus will tan both our hides if you track snow through the house.”

“Okay,” Bethany said, stepping out of her boots.

She looked up when she heard footsteps on the stairs, smiling as she saw Addison taking them two at a time. Then the girl was in her arms, kissing her. She kissed her back, a little embarrassed when she saw Addison’s dad shaking his head out of the corner of her eye. It wasn’t a shake of disapproval, just amusement. Still, Bethany was still getting used to being so open about her relationship with Addison. It was a little scary, being so open.

Not that she didn’t love the girl to death and she really didn’t care what anyone thought about them being together. Luckily, most people didn’t have a problem with it and were genuinely happy for them. There were a couple of kids at school who went out of their way to be assholes, but they would have done the same even if Bethany wasn’t a lesbian.

Wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, Addison look good even in casual mode. The girl has always had easy good looks, could turn a few heads without trying. Lately though, Addison has been trying. Since the dance, she has been wearing makeup and still wore her hair the way Bethany had shown her. Even her fingernails were painted, and she had earrings in her ears. Bethany has always found her to be easy to look at, but now she couldn’t take her eyes off of her.

Addison’s mother appeared, said, “Good lord, Bethany. Is it snowing that hard?”

Bethany pulled back from Addison, shook the snow out of her hair and brushed it off her shoulders. Smiling at the woman, she said, “It’s not quite a blizzard, but close.”

“You must be freezing,” the woman said, then to her daughter, “Addie, get her some dry clothes.”

“Okay,” Addison said, with a playful smile, “let’s get you out of these clothes.”

“There will be none of that,” her mother said, giving her a look, “dinner is in ten minutes and there better be butts in seats in eight.”

“Got it,” Addison said, her smile saying there might still be a little mischief before dinner. She grabbed Bethany’s hand, and they ran upstairs. Just inside her room, Addison pulled Bethany into her arms and kissed her deeply.

A little huskily, Bethany said, “You heard your mom.”

“I did,” Addison said, kissing her, again, “we’ve got eight minutes.”

Laughing, Bethany asked, “What do you think we can do with eight minutes? Less, considering I need to change?”

“I could probably manage,” Addison said, grinning, “but I guess we can wait until after dinner.”

Bethany kissed her one more time, then slipped out of the girl’s arms. Going to Addison’s closet, she asked, “Is my red dress still here? The one you borrowed like a month ago?”

“Um, yeah,” Addison said, sheepishly.

Bethany found it hanging up in Addison’s closet, took it to the bed. She pulled her damp sweater up and over her head, then shimmied out of her jeans. Feeling eyes on her, she looked up and found Addison watching her undress. Her heart beat a little faster, seeing the look in Addison’s eyes. The girl had a way of looking at her that never got old.

“You better put those eyes away before you get us both in trouble,” she said, pulling the dress on over her head.

“You know I can’t help myself,” Addison said, playfully.

Smiling at her, Bethany said, “I know… And you know what it does to me when you look at me like that.”

“I do,” Addison said, her smile turning up even more, “I’m thinking if we skip dessert, we can be back up here in twenty minutes.”

“I thought your mom was making pecan pie,” Bethany said.

Laughing, Addison said, “You aren’t going to skip dessert, are you?”

“Your mom’s pecan pie is to die for,” Bethany said, moving back into Addison’s arms, “you are just going to have to wait another ten minutes- fifteen tops.”

“It’ll be a struggle,” Addison said.

“I promise it’ll be worth the wait, Babe,” Bethany said, kissing her deeply.

“Okay,” Addison said, then slipped out of Bethany’s arms. She gathered up Bethany’s wet clothing, said, “I’ll toss these in the dryer for you. Unless you want to wear that home.”

“Um, no,” Bethany said, laughing, “I’d have frostbite in some unfortunate places before I made it home.”

“Come on,” Addison said, inclining her head toward the door.

They headed back downstairs. Bethany wandered into the kitchen as Addison took her clothes to the laundry nook. Her mouth started watering as she saw Addison’s mother pulling a smoked ham out of the oven. It smelled delicious.

“Are you staying the night, Sweetie?” The woman asked.

“Um, probably not,” Bethany said, leaning against the sink, “we are leaving pretty early for Grandma’s.”

“What time?”

“About seven,” Bethany said.

“I’ll make sure Addie is up and ready,” she said, smiling at Bethany, “we are going to open gifts tonight so she can go with you.”

“You don’t have to do that because of me,” Bethany said.

“It actually works out best,” Addison’s mom said, closing the oven, “her dad has to go into work tomorrow, so…”

“On Christmas?” Bethany asked.

“It’s a shame, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Bethany agreed.

“So we’ll open gifts tonight,” Addison’s mother said, then grinned at Bethany, “there are few gifts under the tree with your name on them, too.”

“Me?” Bethany said, surprised.

“Even before you and Addie started dating, you were practically family. Now…”

“I love you and Dad, too,” Bethany said, smiling. Moving closer, she said in a low voice, “Don’t tell Addie, but she has a couple of gifts under our tree, too.”

“From you?” The woman asked.

“And my parents,” Bethany said, sheepishly, “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you all bought me something.”

“We love you, too, Sweetie. Now go find a seat. We are ready to eat.”

Bethany found Addison walking into the dining room, fell in beside her. They sat next to each other at the table. Just in time, too, because Addison’s mom came into the room with the ham. Once it was on the table, it was time to dig in. Plates were loaded down, and happy sighs went up.

“God, this is so good,” Bethany said, around a mouthful of mash potatoes.

“Thanks, Sweetie,” Addison’s mom said, laughing.

Looking around the table, Bethany had to smile. She loved everyone here- Addison, of course, but her parents as well. She loved them even more because they were so accepting of her and Addison. Bethany had been a little concerned when Addison’s dad found out they were intimate, but he didn’t freak out. Bethany was pretty sure Addison’s mother had a lot to do with that. She has been on their side from the beginning. Still, the big guy had taken his daughter being a lesbian and in a sexual relationship at a young age in stride.

“So you are driving up to see your Grandma in the morning?” He asked.

“Um, yeah,” Bethany said, glancing at the window behind him, “if the weather lets up.”

“It’s supposed to snow all night,” he said, following her eyes, “at this rate, we are going to get a foot or more of snow.”

Sighing, Bethany said, “I know. Dad said he’s not going to risk it if the weather stays bad.”

“Do you all have a backup plan, if you can’t make it out?” Addison’s mother asked.

“Um, no,” Bethany said, then laughed, “Mom said we’d be having fish sticks for Christmas dinner.”

“Nonsense,” the woman said, smiling at Bethany, “tell them they are welcomed to join us. We have plenty to feed everyone.”

“And half the town,” her husband said, grinning when she gave him a dirty look, “love you, Sweetie.”

“Uh huh,” she said, still giving him the look. Finally, she broke down and smiled at him, “Like he said, we have plenty of food to go around.”

“We might have to take you up on that,” Bethany said, looking out the window, again.

Talk turned to more trivial things- school and work, the latest movies and television shows. The conversation had a familiar rhythm to it, and Bethany had to smile at how comfortable she felt as a part of it. This really was her second family, now more than ever.

Everyone ate their fill and plates were cleared. Bethany’s eyes got big when not one but two pecan pies appeared on the table, along with a tub of vanilla ice cream. Addison’s mother saw her drooling on herself and smiled, said, “I made an extra one when I heard you were coming. You can take the leftovers home with you.”

Bethany got up and gave the woman a hug, said, “Thanks, Mom.”

“You are welcome, Sweetie,” she said, hugging Bethany back.

Bethany felt a little guilty for having two pieces with a scoop of ice cream. Something this good had to be illegal or, at least, amoral. She felt she should bring it up in confession next time she was in church.

Addison was amused as she watched her eat. Blushing, Bethany said, “Don’t give me that look. You have your Oreo blizzards, I have this.”

Leaning closer, Addison whispered, “I’m jealous of the spoon.”

Caught off guard, Bethany snorted, then started laughing. Bethany looked at Addison’s mom and dad, but they must not have heard the comment. Smiling, she said, “You’ll get your turn.”

Bethany jumped when the phone started ringing in the living room. For a split second, she thought she was busted. It was a moment of paranoia, after the comment she had just made. Then Addison jumped up and grabbed the phone.

“Hello… Oh hi, Mom,” Addison said, holding the phone out to Bethany, “it’s for you.”

Taking it, Bethany said, “What’s up?”

“Your father is watching the weather channel, and this storm isn’t supposed to let up until tomorrow morning. They are calling for eighteen inches of accumulation,” her mother said.

“So we aren’t going?” Bethany asked.

“Afraid not, Kiddo,” her mother said, laughing, “your grandma threatened to take us across her knee if we showed up in this weather.”

Grinning, Bethany imagined Grandma giving her adult daughter a spanking.

“Anyway,” her mother said, changing the subject, “are you coming home tonight?”

“Um,” Bethany said, then covered the phone’s speaker to ask, “can I stay the night?”

“Yeah,” Addison’s mother said.

“No, I’m staying the night,” Bethany said.

“Okay. Be home early in the morning, though. We’ll have breakfast and open gifts,” her mother said, then added, “bring Addie, too.”

“I will,” Bethany said, then remembered, “you and dad are invited to have dinner here, tomorrow.”

“That sounds perfect,” her mother said, laughing, “beats fish sticks any day.”

“I’ll let them know you are coming. Merry Christmas, Mom,” Bethany said.

“Merry Christmas, Honey. Bye.”

“Bye,” Bethany said, hanging up the phone. To Addison’s mother, she said, “They are coming to dinner.”

“Then I’m saving the rest of this for tomorrow,” Addison’s mother said, picking up the remaining pie.

Bethany watched it go, thinking, There goes my leftovers. One taste and my family is going to devour that thing whole.

Over her shoulder, Addison’s mom called, “Don’t go anywhere. We are going to open presents.”

Addison groaned, and Bethany laughed, said, “We’ll have all night.”

“I’m sorry we can’t go see your grandma,” Addison said, then started grinning, “but I’m glad you are staying the night.”

“Me, too,” Bethany said, then added, “Mom wants me home in time for breakfast. Us, actually… And to open gifts.”

“I have gifts at your place?” Addison asked.

“A couple from me,” Bethany said, smiling at her, “two from Mom and Dad.”

“Mom and Dad got me something?” Addison asked.

“Yeah,” Bethany said.

“You’ve got gifts from my parents, too,” Addison said, taking her hand, “come on. Let’s go see what we got.”

Everyone piled into the living room, sitting around the Christmas tree. Packages in brightly wrapped paper were stuffed under the bottom boughs, waiting to be opened. Addison’s mom went to the stereo, started some Christmas music playing.

This was the Melborne Christmas, but Bethany had to smile when she felt right at home celebrating with them. They drew her in, made her a part of the unwrapping of gifts. It wasn’t just because a few of the presents were hers. Even if she didn’t have a single gift under the tree, Addison’s parents would have made her feel welcome. She got her share of smiles and hugs, ended up in more pictures than her status as a guest warranted.

Addison picked up a small, oblong box wrapped in blue gift wrap. She came to where Bethany sat on the couch and sat on her lap. Putting her arm around Bethany’s neck, she smiled and held out the box, said, “This one is from me.”

“What is it?” Bethany asked, smiling at her girlfriend.

“Mom helped me pick it out,” Addison said.

Intrigued, Bethany opened it and saw a jewelry box inside. She glanced at Addison, saw the girl’s anxious smile. Her heart beating faster, Bethany pulled the lid from the box and saw a ring on a gold chain. She smiled when she saw it featured a pair of carved roses. Her racing heart skipped a beat when she saw there was a diamond in the center of the roses. It was just a chip, but it was definitely a diamond.

“Is this…” Bethany said, then couldn’t breathe. Surely this couldn’t be what she thought it was.

“It’s a promise ring,” Addison said, smiling warmly at her.

“Oh,” Bethany said, laughing nervously. She didn’t know if she was relieved or disappointed. The thought of Addison proposing to her at thirteen was preposterous, but maybe someday… Someday in the future, she’d be happy to wear any ring Addison wanted to give her.

“What did you think it was?” Addison asked, amused. Something in her eyes said she thought she knew exactly what Bethany had thought it was.

“Um, nothing,” Bethany said, embarrassed.

Suddenly breaking out in a grin, Addison turned to her mother and said, “Told you she’d think it was an engagement ring.”

“That’s because you got one with a diamond on it,” her mother said, then to Bethany, “I told her to get something simpler, but she wanted this one.”

“I wanted it because it had the roses on it,” Addison said, with a warm smile for Bethany, “it reminded me of how we started dating. The rose and note in my locker.”

“It’s… It’s beautiful,” Bethany said, taking the ring out of the box.

“I put it on a chain… if you wear it on your finger people might think the same thing you did,” Addison said.

“That it is an engagement ring?” Bethany asked, smiling at her.

“Yeah,” Addison said, a little embarrassed.

“You called it a promise ring?” Bethany asked, meeting the girl’s eyes.

“It’s a promise to always be your girlfriend,” Addison said.

“Oh,” Bethany said, her heart going pitter-patter in her breast.

“In a way, it’s kind of like an engagement ring,” Addison said, then went on when her mother cleared her throat, “although it’d be a really long engagement.”

“There better be a diploma on the wall before there are any wedding vows,” her father said, pointedly.

Laughing, Bethany said, “Okay.”

“What do you think?” Addison asked, a little shyly.

“I love it,” Bethany said, kissing her, “help me put it on.”

Addison slipped it around her neck, fastening it in place. It fell between her breasts, close to her heart. Touching it, Bethany smiled, thinking that’s where it should be. She stole another kiss from Addison.


It was Christmas Eve. Bethany remembered the excitement that night used to bring when she was younger. She’d be so worked up that she could barely sleep, even though she knew Santa wouldn’t come while she was still awake. She’d spend all day running around, trying to wear herself out so when bedtime came, she’d just pass out from exhaustion. It was a good plan but never seemed to work. She’d just end up lying in the dark, unable to wait to see what was under all that festive wrapping paper downstairs. Sleep would usually have to sneak up on her, and she was always surprised when she woke up on Christmas day.

Bethany was excited on this Christmas Eve night, too, but for a different reason. After opening gifts, she and Addison had stayed downstairs to watch Christmas movies with her parents. The desire between Addison and her had been on a slow simmer all afternoon long, but they were alone in Addison’s room now. That desire built in a hurry as she watched her girlfriend slip out of her jeans and long sleeved shirt.

This is kind of like Christmas, too Bethany said, her eyes roaming over Addison’s lovely body, only I can’t wait to see what’s under Addison’s clothes instead of what’s inside the wrapping paper.

Catching her watching, Addison said, “You need to get undressed, too.”

“In a second,” Bethany said, playfully.

Laughing, Addison did a little dance as she stripped out of her panties and bra. It was more comical than erotic, but it still got Bethany’s heart beating faster. God, she loved everything about Addison’s lithe and lean body- from her long, coltish legs to her flat belly; her pert backside and small, proud breasts. The thing she loved the most though was this sexy little smile she always favored her with when she was in the mood.

Addison was smiling at her now, as she came over to the bed. The girl hooked her fingers in the hem of Bethany’s dress. Not waiting for Bethany to undress herself, she pulled the dress up and over Bethany’s head. Addison leaned in and kissed her, then worked Bethany’s panties off her hips and down her long legs.

“So impatient,” Bethany teased, smiling at Addison.

“You made me wait all afternoon and evening,” Addison said, gently pushing Bethany onto her back, “I couldn’t wait another second.”

Her heart skipping a beat, Bethany said, “Me, either.”

Addison gave her a quick kiss, then turned out the light. She crawled on the bed with Bethany. Their lips met again in a lingering, heated kiss.

Addison put her hands on the insides of Bethany’s knees, spreading her legs wide. Bethany bit her lip as Addison leaned forward and placed a kiss on the inside of her thigh, just above her knee. Her heart started beating faster as the next kiss was higher on her leg and the third even higher. She shivered as Addison place a butterfly kiss on her girlhood. It was just a brush of her lips, but it made Bethany sigh. Addison rolled her eyes up and met Bethany’s as her tongue found her bud. Bethany’s sigh became a moan as its delicious caress sent pleasure coursing through her.

“Oh God,” Bethany said, in a low, breathy moan.

She put her knuckle between her teeth to keep quiet, biting down harder as Addison gently sucked on her clitoral hood. Addison wasn’t making it easy to hold in the little cries of pleasure that wanted to escape her. She held them in, even though Addison’s parents didn’t have any illusions about what they were doing. It was kind of embarrassing, the thought of Addison’s mom or dad walking by and hearing her moaning and sighing.

Addison eased two fingers inside of Bethany, making a moan get away from her. Her eyes went to the door, but it was too late to reel it back in. She could only hope Addison’s parents were already in bed.

She bit her knuckle even harder as Addison began to thrust her fingers in and out slowly. Bethany’s body pushed against Addison’s hand eagerly, encouraging her to go faster. When Addison’s fingertips found that magic spot deep inside, Bethany’s back arched off the bed and her free hand clutched at the sheets.

They have come a long way from that first awkward time together, and Addison knew just what she wanted. With her fingers and mouth, Addison took her to greater heights of pleasure than she could have imagined that first night in Addison’s arms. Like an eagle riding a thermal current toward the heavens, she spiraled higher and higher toward a climax that would surely shake her to pieces. Bethany was biting her knuckle almost hard enough to draw blood. Just when her young body couldn’t take any more, she came hard. The intensity of the orgasm forced a gasp from Bethany, and she lost control of her body for a long moment.

“Jesus,” she said, with a stunned little laugh. When she recovered some, she sent a little prayer up apologizing for taking the Lord’s name in vain. It seemed worse than usual to do so on this night of nights. Still, after that orgasm, she doubted God would hold it against her.

Addison appeared above her, smiling down at her. Bethany propped up on her elbow, put her hand on the back of Addison’s neck, and pulled her down for a heated kiss. Without their lips parting, they switched up positions. With Bethany now on top, she let her hand slide up Addison’s flank to cup her breast. She teased its nipple with her thumb, drawing a moan from Addison. Breaking the kiss, she lowered her mouth that straining nub, teased it with her tongue. She didn’t let up until Addison’s back arched off the bed, pushing her breast against her mouth. She moved to the other breast, used her teeth to gently nibble the nipple. Another moan escaped Addison’s slack mouth, her breathing getting fast and low as her excitement grew.

When she thought her girlfriend was ready, Bethany moved lower, kissing Addison in the hollow of her rib cage. Moving lower, Bethany left a trail of kisses down Addison’s taut stomach. Addison’s skin was soft and warm against her lips and Bethany breathed in the scent of her. Smiling, she thought the girl smelled like strawberries.

The first brush of her lips against Addison’s bud drew a sigh from the girl. Flicking her tongue back and forth, Bethany teased her bud. Addison’s girlhood pushed against her mouth eagerly, and her little sounds of excitement hung in the air above them. Like Bethany, Addison tried to be quiet when they made love here. That had a bit more freedom at Bethany’s with her bedroom in the basement, but, in some ways, trying to be quiet made their lovemaking more intense.

Besides, Bethany didn’t need loud moans or cries to know Addison was enjoying what she was doing to her. She could read the pleasure the girl was taking from her lips and tongue in the tightening of her abdomen; in the shallowness of her breathing; in the Addison’s hand on the back of her hair, its fingers tightening in her hair; in the musky scent of her arousal.

When she eased her index and middle finger inside of Addison, she felt just how excited she was making her. The girl’s silky insides drew her in, and her fingertips found the spongy spot, the one she knew would bring Addison’s pleasure to a whole new level. Addison’s back arched as Bethany teased that magic spot and her soft murmurs of enjoyment grew louder. Bethany had to smile when Addison borrowed her trick, sticking a knuckle between her teeth and biting down as those little cries started to get away from her.

It didn’t take long for tension to enter Addison’s body. Bethany thought she knew Addison was coming before Addison did, felt it in her body even before a new urgency entered her voice. She rolled her eyes up and saw her girlfriend’s face pinched in a rictus of pure enjoyment. Bethany smiled as the girl gave into the ecstasy, her whole body jerking and trembling as the orgasm took her.

Bethany crawled up and gave her a kiss. With a playful smile, she asked, “Are you still jealous of the spoon?”

Sighing contently, Addison said, “Not anymore.”

“Good,” Bethany said, kissing her, again.

She stretched out on her back next to Addison and the girl molded against her side. Smiling, she put her arm around Addison, pulled her even closer. The sex was always good, but in some ways, she craved this even more.

“I love you,” Bethany said.

Lifting her head from Bethany’s shoulder, Addison gave her a tender kiss, said, “I love you, too.”

As Addison laid her head back on Bethany’s shoulder, Bethany felt the weight of the ring resting between her breasts. She smiled, thinking what the ring signified. Squeezing Addison a little tighter, she thought, I promise to always be your girlfriend, too.

What Did You Think?

8 Responses to Secret Admirer Christmas, Part One

  1. Fur says:

    Well as I can’t leave a comment on Secret Admirer Christmas to tell you how much I love it. It really was a great Christmas present and I loved how great the family time was and just how accepting the families are. I can’t wait for part 2.

  2. Greg says:

    This was a sweet Christmas surprise! I looked at the title and said “could it be?”, another Addison and Bethany story? I do love the previous two stories, so much that I’ve read them at least 6 times. Thanks Ebo for keeping their story going!

  3. Alice Gee says:

    This is a very nice Christmas surprise. I really like these two characters and by allowing us to pop in and share their Christmas makes me feel like I just got reacquainted to two dear friends that I had not been expecting to see over this holiday. Thank you Ebo for keeping us up to date with Addison and Bethany and their understanding parents.
    As it is Christmas and working on the premise that you can ask for, though not necessarily get, anything you want I would like to think that sometime in the not too distant future you could bring us up to speed on the world of Michelle and Samantha from ‘The Wild’. Now that they have escaped from the wilderness I, for one, would really like to know how the world, their family and their friends reacted to their relationship and what became of their new friend Blue?

    • Nathan Riches says:

      I know, I am dying to read more, ESPECIALLY about what happens with Blue (I love wolves (though not in the biblical sense :P) I think they are majestic, wonderful creatures and hope if I do get reincarnated I become one) In saying that, I am always happy to read more about any well-loved characters. Was wondering if Ebo was planning to make this a long tease by only releasing a new chapter every Xmas? 😛

  4. Quinlan says:

    Awww, so sweet! I can’t get enough of these two!

  5. No One says:

    Sweet Christmas tale. It’s nice to see Addie’s family so welcoming to Bethany, and so accepting of their relationship. Very interesting to see the story from Bethany’s point of view, as well. I had actually wondered if we would see that one day.

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