Secret Admirer Christmas, Part Two

Sitting on Addison’s bed, Bethany fiddled with the necklace around her neck. She kept running the ring back and forth on the chain, absent-mindedly. When she realized she was doing it, she had to smile, thinking it was going to end up being a habit of hers.

Addison was in the shower, and Bethany kind of wished they were at her place so that she could join her girlfriend. Her basement bedroom had an attached bathroom and, on many occasions, she and Addison had made love in the shower. Unfortunately, Addison didn’t have her own bathroom. Mr. and Mrs. Melborne were surprisingly cool about she and Addison sleeping together, but Bethany figured she’d be pushing her luck if she joined Addison in the shower now.

A few minutes later, Addison breezed into her bedroom with her towel wrapped around her presumably naked body. Bethany waited for the towel to drop, once again thinking about the opening of a present. That was how Bethany always felt when Addison undressed, that her body was a present to be unwrapped.

“The shower’s free,” Addison said, undoing the knot in her towel.

Standing up, Bethany pulled her naked girlfriend into her arms and kissed her. Pulling back, she smiled and said, “I almost joined you.”

With a playful smile of her own, Addison said, “Mom is downstairs. You probably could have gotten away with it.”

“Not worth the risk,” Bethany said, her hands sliding down Addison’s back to grab her buttocks, “we have a good thing going, so why chance it.”

“True,” Addison said, kissing her, “go grab a shower. We need to hurry. We woke up late.”

With one more kiss, Bethany slipped out of Addison’s arms. In the bathroom, she slipped out of the shorts and t-shirt she had borrowed to sleep in. Reluctantly, she took off the necklace and set it on the sink. She took one long look at it before turning to the shower. Grabbing a towel from the linen closet, she got the water going.

Stepping under the spray, she reached for Addison’s body wash. Opening the top, she breathed in the scent of strawberries and smiled. She loved to bury her face in Addison’s neck and breathe in this tantalizing scent.

Since they were running late, she didn’t take long in the shower. Smiling, she thought about why they were late. Addison had set the alarm last night, but, when it went off at eight this morning, they turned it off but didn’t get up. They were still naked from the night before and didn’t want to get out from underneath the warm covers. They had fallen back asleep in each other’s arms. Addison’s mother woke them up forty-five minutes later, knocking on the door.

Finished drying off, she tucked her towel between her breasts and picked up the shorts and shirt she had barely worn. Back in Addison’s room, she saw the girl was already wearing jeans, a sweater, and boots. The clothes Bethany had worn over yesterday afternoon were laid out on the bed, fresh from the dryer. Dropping her towel, Bethany got dressed.

“I called your mom, let her know we will be there soon,” Addison said.

“Thanks,” Bethany said, smiling at her.

“She’s making pancakes,” Addison said.

When Bethany was finished getting dressed, they headed downstairs to say goodbye to Addison’s mother, before heading outside. She reminded them that dinner was a six before letting them loose into the winter morning. Bethany promised to be back with her family by then. She joked she’d even bring Addison back, too.

Stepping outside, Bethany’s eyes got big. Mr. Melborne had cleared the porch steps, the pathway to the driveway and the driveway itself, but everything else was blanketed in snow more than knee deep. She couldn’t remember ever seeing this much snow.

“Wow,” Addison said, grinning at her.

“It’s beautiful,” Bethany said, taking her cell phone out of her back pocket.

Opening the camera, she took a bunch of photos of the snow-covered town, including a couple of Addison with her breath pluming in the cold morning air. Even all bundled up under layers of clothing, she still managed to look tempting.

God, I’m hopelessly in love with her, Bethany thought and not for the first time.

“Come on,” Addison said, taking Bethany’s hand, “my toes are starting to go numb.”

Hand in hand, they walked to Bethany’s house. With the snow so deep, they were left to walk down the middle of the road which had mostly cleared by the plow crews working through the night. Luckily, the foul weather kept most people inside, so they didn’t have to dodge much traffic. The few people who were on the road must be like Addison’s poor father and had to work on Christmas.

As they walked, they passed a couple of people struggling to clear their driveways of snow. They all stopped for a moment and leaned on their snow shovels to comment on the weather. Bethany and Addison would stop and wish them a Merry Christmas. None of Addison’s neighbors seemed surprised to see Bethany and Addison holding hands. There weren’t a lot of secrets in a small town like theirs, and everyone knew about them. Not that they were keeping it a secret anymore. They were out as out could be.

When they made it to Bethany’s, they stamped the snow off their feet on the porch, then stepped inside to the warmth of the house. Both of them sighed with relief as they stepped out of their boots and began to shuck the layers of clothing.

Bethany’s mom came to greet them, gave her daughter a look and said, “There you are.”

“Um, sorry,” Bethany said, with a sheepish grin, “we overslept.”

“Uh huh,” Mrs. Walker said, then smiled at Addison, “Merry Christmas, Addie.”

Addison went to Bethany’s mother and gave her a big hug, said, “Merry Christmas, Mom.”

“Did I hear something about pancakes?” Bethany asked, smiling at her mother.

“I have the batter ready to go,” her mother said, inclining her head toward the kitchen, “why don’t you get some started while I go wake up your father.”

“Okay,” Bethany said.

In the kitchen, Bethany started ladling out dollops of pancake batter on the buttered griddle. Addison stood at her side, playing sous chef. Basically, that meant she held out the plate when the pancakes were ready to come off the griddle.

The first stack was on a plate when Bethany’s dad came into the kitchen, still sleep disheveled and yawning. When he had a mug of coffee in his hand, Addison handed him the first plate of pancakes.

Yawning, again, he said, “Thanks, Addie.”

“Merry Christmas, Dad,” Addison said.

“Merry Christmas to you, too,” he said, sitting at the table.

Bethany’s mother came back to the kitchen, stealing the second plate of pancakes. She sat down next to her husband at the table. Opening a container of butter, she asked, “How was Christmas at your house, Addie?”

“It was good,” Addison said.

“Get anything good for Christmas?” She asked, putting a healthy spoonful of butter on her hot pancakes.

“I did okay,” Addison said, with a playful grin, “didn’t clean up like last year but I did okay.”

Laughing, Bethany’s mother said, “Well, you have a couple of gifts under our tree, too, so there is still time.”

“You didn’t have to buy me anything,” Addison said.

“Hear that honey,” Bethany’s dad said, jokingly, “we can take her gifts back tomorrow.”

“Hush,” Mrs. Walker said, giving him a swat.

When their pancakes were ready, Addison and Bethany joined her parents at the table. They made small talk as they ate, had lengthy conversations about nothing important. Smiling, Bethany thought Addison fit as well at this table as Bethany had at the Melborne’s.

It was after the dishes were gathered that Bethany’s mother noticed the gold chain around her neck and asked, “Is this new?”

“Um, yeah,” Bethany said, pulling the ring from inside her shirt.

Her mother pulled it closer to get a better look. Her eyes widened when she saw the diamond among the roses. She gave her daughter a questioning look.

“It’s a promise ring,” Bethany said, sheepishly.

“Ah,” her mother said, nodding, “it’s beautiful.”

“It is,” Bethany agreed, smiling at Addison.

“You aren’t going to wear it on your finger?” Her mother asked.

“It sort of looks like an engagement ring,” Bethany said, blushing, “people might get the wrong idea.”

“If you wear it on your left hand,” her mother said, holding up her own hand to show off her engagement ring and wedding band, “if it’s just a promise ring, you can wear it on your right hand.”

“I guess that’s true,” Bethany said, looking down at the necklace.

“It’s up to you,” her mother said, then smiled at Addison, “I didn’t know kids still gave each other promise rings.”

“It might have been my mom’s idea,” Addison said.

“Ah,” Mrs. Walker said, smiling, “she was always a bit of a romantic.”

Bethany shook her head, still finding it hard to believe that her mom and Addison’s had dated in college, even after Addison had shown her the photograph. It seemed crazy that she and Addison had ended up together like their mothers. Maybe it was in their DNA, something in their genes that resonated with each other.

“She said the same thing about you,” Addison said, laughing.

“I guess one romantic heart recognizes another,” Bethany’s mother said, smiling fondly. She seemed lost in memory for a moment until she saw the girls looking at her funny. She shook it off, said sheepishly, “Anyway… let’s open presents.”

They all filed into the living room, sitting on the floor around the Christmas tree. Gifts were given, and hugs received. Piles of discarded wrapping paper began to build up around everyone as the packages under the tree began to dwindle in numbers.

Bethany’s mother pulled a gift from near the bottom of the pile and handed it to Addison. Smiling, she said, “Here you go.”

“Another gift? You already bought me three,” Addison said, taking it.

Her smile widening, she said, “This one is from Bethany’s grandmother.”

“Oh?” Addison said.

“Open it.”

Addison tore the wrapping open, revealing one of the ugliest Christmas sweaters Bethany had ever seen. She burst out laughing, and she wasn’t the only one.

“Try it on,” Bethany said, still smiling.

A good sport, Addison tried on her sweater. She modeled it for everyone, drawing some sympathy shakes of their heads.

“I know Grandma’s eyes are bad, but that’s horrible,” Bethany said, laughing.

“I’m glad you think so,” her mother said, fishing out another gift, “because you have one, too.”

“Haha,” Addison said, grinning at her.

Bethany opened her gift, saw a sweater that matched Addison’s. Shaking her head, she held it up and looked at it. The sweater was green and red, very festive and hideous at the same time. She glanced at Addison in her ugly sweater and sighed. She pulled the sweater over her head and smoothed it into place.

“Aren’t you two a sight,” her father said, laughing.

“We have one too, honey,” her mother said, smiling at him, “she bought one for the whole family.”

Bethany smiled, happy that her grandmother thought Addison was part of the family. Her grandmother has known Addison for a while, about as long as they have been friends, but only recently as Bethany’s girlfriend. Being from an older generation and a very religious woman, Bethany hadn’t been sure how she’d take the news that her granddaughter was a lesbian. Bethany had been so nervous when she came out to her, not sure what to expect. A Bible lesson, maybe. Her grandmother turned out to be more open-minded than she thought and all she got from the woman was a hug.

“Let’s hurry up and take a picture so that we can get out of these things,” Bethany said, tugging at her sweater uncomfortably.

Everyone unwrapped and put on their sweaters. Picking up the camera, Addison said, “Everybody squish in together.”

“You need to be in this,” Bethany’s mother said, then to her husband, “go get the tripod, Honey.”

Grinning at Addison, Bethany asked, “Did you think you were getting out having your picture taken in this thing?”

“I figured it was a family photo,” Addison said, shrugging.

“Which is why you are in it,” Bethany said, giving her a quick kiss, “Why do you think Grandma sent you a sweater, too?”

“Oh,” Addison said, smiling.

“My mom really was looking forward to seeing you, Addie,” Bethany’s mother said, patting Addison on the knee.

“She’s really okay with me and Bethany dating?” Addison asked.

Smiling, Mrs. Walker said, “Mom is a bit more open-minded than the rest of her choir group. Either that or your mother and I wore her down for you two.”

“Grandma knew about that?” Bethany asked, surprised.

“We were dating for three years,” her mother said, laughing, “it was bound to come up.”

“Oh,” Bethany said, sheepishly.

Bethany’s dad returned with the tripod, setting up the camera. They all gathered in front of the tree. Her father set the timer, then hurried to join the rest of them. They waited for the red indicator to flash rapidly, then called, “Merry Christmas!”


“I was thinking tonight, I could stay with you.”

Bethany smiled at Addison, said, “I’d like that.”

They were walking with their arms around each other’s waist back to Addison’s for Christmas dinner. Night had fallen, but the street lamps were on, their light giving the snow a yellow glow. It was sort of pretty in an eerie way.

“Maybe we can take that shower you missed out on this morning,” Addison said, her voice low.

Bethany’s parents were further ahead of them, and Addison and Bethany were hanging back so they could talk out of their earshot.

“Definitely,” Bethany said, leaning in and kissing her.

“I was also thinking you might like to break out your toy box,” Addison said, with a playful grin.

“Yeah?” Bethany asked, amused. The ‘toy box’ Addison was referring to was the box she had found in the attic, the one from her mother’s college days.

“Since we already opened our presents,” Addison said, her eyes flashing, “we can get away with being naughty tonight.”

“You know there is another Christmas coming up next year, right?” Bethany teased.

“Yeah, but Santa doesn’t start paying attention until like June,” Addison said, making Bethany laugh.

“June, huh?” Bethany said, smiling at her.

“That gives us six months to be bad,” Addison said, her hand slipping from Bethany’s hip and into the back pocket of her jeans.

“We better not waste a night, then,” Bethany said.

“Definitely not,” Addison agreed.

“Hey Mom,” Bethany called out. When her mother turned around, she asked, “Can Addie stay the night?”

“She’ll have to ask her parents.”

Grinning, she said, “That’s probably a yes.”

Her mother laughed, “Probably. We don’t say no very often.”

When her mother turned back around, Bethany leaned in and kissed Addison, then said, “We really are lucky, you know that.”

Smiling at her, Addison said, “Yeah.”

“Most parents wouldn’t be as cool as ours,” Bethany said.

“We need to get them kick ass Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts,” Addison said.

Laughing, Bethany said, “Not just a card or a mug that says ‘Number One Dad’.”

“We need to put some real thought into it,” Addison said, grinning. Sobering up some, she said, “Seriously though, we should do something.”

“Yeah,” Bethany agreed, smiling at her parents walking with arms linked. She felt a burst of warmth for them that not even the cold December air could dampen.

They made it to Addison’s house, everyone stamping the snow off their boots while Addison opened the door. A wave of heat came out to welcome them, and they hurried inside. As they shucked off their coats and stepped out of their boots, Addison called, “Mom? Dad? We are here!”

Addison’s mother appeared, smiling at them. Taking their coats, she said, “You are right on time. Dinner is ready.”

“Something smells delicious,” Bethany’s dad said.

Bethany had to agree, “Yeah. What is that?”

“With weather like this, I made a big pot of beef stew,” Addison’s mother said.

“Yum,” Bethany said, her mouth watering.

“You didn’t need to go to all that trouble for us,” Bethany’s mother said.

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Mrs. Melborne said, “The crock pot did most of the work. I just chopped up the vegetables.”

“Well, if it tastes half as good as it smells…” Bethany’s father said, rubbing his stomach.

“Bowls and spoons are on the sink,” Mrs. Melborne said, inclining her head toward the kitchen, “let’s eat.”

Everyone made a pass at the crock pot, ladling the hearty soup into big ceramic bowls. Addison’s mother had added some thick cut, crusty bread that was perfect for sopping up the flavorful broth. Complete with glasses of tea for Addison and Bethany, beers for the fathers and glasses of wine for the mothers, it was the perfect meal for a cold December day.

The six of them settle around the table, making small talk as they ate. As good as the food was, the company was better. They laughed and joked, stayed at the table much longer than the meal required. Even when the bowls were empty and stomachs full, they weren’t in any hurry to get up. Glasses were refilled and new bottles of beer opened.

Bethany smiled, thinking their two families fit together almost as well as she and Addison did. In some ways they overlapped, with the girls a part of both families. Bethany’s parents had considered Addison as their second daughter even before they started dating. Addison’s parents felt the same way about Bethany.

“We need to do this more often,” Bethany’s mother said.

“Yeah,” Addison’s dad said.

“Definitely,” Bethany’s dad said, then laughed, “especially if we are going to eat like that.”

“There’s plenty left if you want some to take with you,” Addison’s mother said.

“Um, speaking of taking something home with them…” Addison said, pointing over her shoulder, “can I stay the night with Bethany?”

“I assume they already asked?” Addison’s mother asked Bethany’s, then went on when she nodded, “You can stay the night.”


From her spot on the couch in her bedroom, Bethany watched Addison walk over to the stereo. She smiled when the girl started their song playing and held out her hand. Standing up, Bethany went to her, slipped into her arms. Their lips met as they danced in slow circles.

This was something they did a lot since the Valentine’s Day Dance at St. Micheals last year- dancing. Bethany never really danced much before that first time they danced to this song in Addison’s room. Smiling, she thought neither one of them was much for busting a move, but, for some reason, they kept finding themselves in each other’s arms, twirling around the room.

“You know, the Valentine’s Day Dance is coming up in a few months,” Addison said.

“I know,” Bethany said, her smile widening, “we need to find dresses.”

“Yeah,” Addison agreed, kissing her.

There was little heat behind the kiss, and Bethany wondered if the girl was thinking about her in a formal gown. That thought led to Bethany picturing Addison in the dress she had worn last year, and her own heart started beating faster. The kiss deepened even more, and their twirling came to a stop as passion welled up between them.

When Addison’s hands slid down her back and grabbed her buttocks, Bethany knew they were finished dancing. Without breaking the kiss, she steered them toward the bed. Or, at least tried to. Her aim was a little off, and they tumbled on the couch in a tangle of bodies, instead.

Laughing, she said, “This isn’t where I was trying to go.”

“It’ll work, though,” Addison said, her hand slipping under Bethany’s shirt to cup her breast, “we are here now.”

Bethany couldn’t argue with her, so she scooted further onto the couch so Addison could more comfortably join her. With the girl lying atop of her, their lips met, again. As they kissed, their desire continued to build between them until it reached a boiling point.

Addison gave Bethany one last kiss, then stood up. Bethany sat up and put her hands on the girl’s hips, pushing her shirt up so she could kiss her stomach. Pulling the shirt up and over her head, Addison removed it completely. Bethany pressed her lips to the girl’s skin, higher this time. A third kiss and she came to the underside of Addison’s bra. The girl reached behind her back, undoing the clasps. When Addison removed the bra, Bethany trapped one of her straining nipples with her lips. Her hand slid up Addison’s flank to cup her other breast, drawing a moan from the girl.

Her free hand popped the button on Addison’s jeans, ran the zipper down. Addison hooked her fingers in her jeans, wriggled them off her hips so Bethany could push them down around her ankles. Addison hooked her thumbs in her panties, removing them, too. Bethany held her hand as the girl stepped out of her jeans and underwear.

From her seat on the couch, Bethany let her eyes roam over the naked girl. She never got tired of looking at her, would have been happy just to admire her lovely body all night. When her eyes made it up to Addison’s face, she saw the sexy little smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

“Mm,” Addison said, leaning in for a kiss, “I love when you look at me like that.”

“Then it’s a good thing you are so easy to look at,” Bethany said, with a playful smile.

“You think I’m easy to look at?” Addison parroted, kissing her, again.

“Very,” Bethany said.

Addison took Bethany’s hands, pulled her to her feet. Putting her arms in the air, Bethany let Addison remove her shirt, then reach around to unhook her bra. The undergarment and bra fell to the floor. Kissing Bethany, Addison’s fingers fumbled with the button on her jeans, finally popping it free. Without breaking the kiss, she raked Bethany’s panties and jeans off her hips. Gravity did the rest, pulling the pants down around her ankles and she kicked them the rest of the way off.

They moved even closer. A single sheet of paper might have fit between them, but not two. The whole time Addison was undressing Bethany, their lips hadn’t parted, and they still didn’t even when she was just as naked as Addison. Time got a little fuzzy around the edges, and Bethany wasn’t sure how long they stood like that, kissing and touching.

Eventually, she pulled back from the kiss to husk, “The bed.”

“Right,” Addison said, grabbing Bethany’s hand and leading her to the bed. She caught Bethany off guard, gave her a shove that toppled her onto her back on the bed.

Propping up on her elbows, Bethany gave Addison a curious look when the girl didn’t join her right away on the bed. Addison went to Bethany’s dresser, instead, and pulled the bottom drawer all the way out and set it aside. Bethany started grinning when she realized what Addison was doing. Behind the dresser drawer was were Bethany kept her ‘toy box’. Addison had mentioned wanting to play with its contents tonight, but Bethany had forgotten about it. Seeing Addison pull the wooden box out of its hiding place, she wondered which toy Addison had been thinking about as they walked down the street back to the Melborne house.

Addison brought the box to the bed, opening the lid. Bethany looked inside, saw the shiny vibrator and the strap-on harness with its dildo still attached. They had originally belonged to her mother, but Bethany had claimed them after experiencing them for herself. After both toys had given her intense orgasms, there was no way she was going to put them back in the attic where she found them.

It had been a bit of surprise to find out her mother had been into girls in college and even more of a surprise when she realized it was probably Addison’s mother she used these on. Bethany hadn’t a clue that her mom had gone that way, never even suspected it until she found her old college stash.

When Addison reached into the box and came out with the strap-on, Bethany smiled at her. Addison leaned in and gave her a quick kiss before stepping into the harness. Propping up on her elbows, Bethany saw Addison fasten the last strap into place, the purple dildo standing ready. Smiling, she thought about how she had been a little scared of it the first time they used it. Maybe six inches long and as thick as a C-cell battery, it was on the smaller size for a dildo, but it had looked plenty big that night. She and Addison had used it a bunch of times since that night after the dance, and she wasn’t scared of it anymore. Bethany couldn’t wait to have it inside of her.

Bethany moved back so Addison could crawl onto the bed with her. Addison pushed Bethany’s legs open wide, moving between them. Leaning in, Addison gave her a quick kiss, before pressing the cool tip of the dildo against the hot opening of her vagina. When Addison pushed her hips forward, the dildo slipped deep into Bethany, forcing a moan from her.

She was glad she didn’t have to be as quiet here as she had at Addison’s, because each time the dildo moved inside of her, it made her cry out. Again, Addison knew just what she needed, each thrust finding its mark.

Addison reached into the little wooden chest and pulled out the vibrator. Smiling at Bethany, she twisted the knob at the base. The toy came buzzing to life in her hand, and she ran it over Bethany’s taut stomach. Bethany shivered as the vibrations worked through her, then gasped as Addison pressed it against her bud. Her gasp became a moan as Addison held it there and began to thrust the dildo into her faster.

“Oh G-OD!” Bethany said, her back arching off the bed. The vibrations of the sex toy and the dildo moving inside of her were driving her nerve ending crazy. It felt almost too good, her body trying to shy away from the pleasure even as she begged for more, “Don’t stop!”

Addison moved the vibrator lower so that the tip was pressed against the hilt of the dildo. Suddenly, the vibrations were inside of Bethany and so much more intense. The waves of pleasure that washed through her had her clutching at the sheets, hanging on for dear life. Then Addison angled the vibrator, so the buzzing shaft was pressed against her bud and the tip still on the dildo. She lost complete control of her body, her hips pushing her girlhood against the toys greedily. Bethany couldn’t have stopped even if her life depended on it.

Bethany wasn’t sure how long Addison tortured her like this before she felt herself start to come, but it couldn’t have been more than a couple of minutes. The pleasure was too intense for her to have endured it much more than that. That pleasure only ratcheted up as an orgasm gathered force inside of her, until she had no choice but to climax. She cried out as it shook her to pieces.

Addison pulled the vibrator away but only slowed her thrusting. Bethany cried out each time the dildo pushed into her still fluttering vagina. Without a break, her body couldn’t recover from the orgasm she had just had. Already she felt a second one coming fast, and she braced for impact. It hit her hard, taking her breath away mid cry of ecstasy. She couldn’t breathe as she shook through this second climax. She half sat up and put her hand on Addison’s stomach to stop the thrusts, managed to draw air into her screaming lungs.

“Jesus,” she said, with a little out of breath laugh. Her whole body was still trembling and her heart racing. The pair of orgasms had her all out of sorts.

Smiling at her, Addison leaned in and gave her a kiss, said, “I guess that works.”

“Babe,” Bethany said, which was answer enough for Addison.

Addison got to her knees, started unfastening the straps on the harness. Sitting up, Bethany helped her out of it. Tossing the harness aside, Addison crawled into Bethany’s lap, sat facing her with her legs stuck out behind her. Putting her arms around Bethany’s neck, Addison gave her a deep, lingering kiss that left Bethany a little dizzy.

Getting her hands under Addison’s backside, Bethany urged the girl off her. As Addison stretched out on her back, Bethany reached for the strap-on. Slipping into it, she fastened into place. Propped up on her elbows, Addison was watching her with her eyes bright with excitement and none of the nervousness that had clouded her face their first time. Like Bethany, the girl knew from experience how good the dildo would feel inside of her.

Bethany leaned in and kissed the girl, let it linger when Addison put her hand on the back of Bethany’s neck. Eventually, she kissed Addison’s neck, then the hollow between her breasts. She ran her hands up Addison’s stomach to cup her breasts, felt her nipples stiffen at the attention. Addison moaned as Bethany trapped one of her nipples between her lips. Bethany moved to the other one, teased it with her tongue until Addison’s back arched off the bed, pushing her breast eagerly against Bethany’s mouth.

Moving lower, Bethany kissed her way down Addison’s taut stomach. She smiled as Addison’s breathing got funny the further down her lips touched. Addison was holding her breath by the time Bethany came to the slight swell of her girlhood. Bethany glanced up at her, saw the anticipation in her eyes.

Not wanting to keep her girlfriend waiting anymore, Bethany ran her tongue across her bud, tasted the salty sweat on her skin. Addison’s breath rushed out of her in a moan, forced out by the hot, wet caress. Her body pushed against Bethany’s mouth, greedily.

She kept it up for a bit, then got to her knees. Addison rolled onto her stomach and pushed up to her hands and knees. The girl looked over her shoulder at Bethany expectantly, biting her lip in a way that got Bethany’s heart racing. She knew that Addison liked it like this, from behind. Whenever they played with the strap-on, this was how she wanted it, and Bethany was happy to let her have it.

Lining up the dildo, Bethany pushed her hips forward, burying it inside of her girlfriend. As it slipped deep, a moan escaped Addison, then another as Bethany started thrusting nice and slow. Grabbing the girl’s hips, she pulled her back into each thrust. Addison’s little sounds of excitement grew louder, the move turning her on. Her cries filled the basement as Bethany let her thrusts come faster and harder.

When the still buzzing vibrator rolled against her leg, Bethany looked down at it. Smiling, she picked it up and reached around to press it against Addison’s bud. Surprised, the girl gasped. Addison looked over her shoulder at Bethany, who winked at her. Addison managed a smile before her face screwed up in pleasure.

“God, I’m going to come!” Addison said, her voice rising in excitement.

Bethany didn’t let up as Addison started to lose control of her body, each thrust pushing her girlfriend closer to bliss. She buried the dildo hard and deep one more time, felt Addison stiffen with her climax. As the girl shook with her orgasm, Bethany kept the dildo in her to the hilt and pressed the vibrator tight against her bud. Addison’s cries grew sharper as a second orgasm built inside of her. As pleasure exploded through her, Addison sprang off the dildo, collapsing forward onto her stomach on the bed, trembling all over.

Bethany smiled, bent down to kiss Addison’s shoulder, then brushed the girl’s hair out of the way to kiss her neck. Sighing, Addison rolled onto her back and pulled Bethany in for a kiss. It lingered for a while, then Addison pulled back to smile at her and say, “Babe.”

“I know, right,” Bethany said, laughing.

“We need to do that more often,” Addison said.

“Yeah,” Bethany agreed.


The toys cleaned and back in their hiding spot, Bethany slipped under the covers. She smiled as Addison moved against her. Turning, she kissed her, said, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Addison said, smiling at her, “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” Bethany said, reaching over and turning out the night.

Closing her eyes, Bethany tried to remember a better Christmas, and she couldn’t think of a single one. This one hadn’t gone as planned, but it had turned out perfect. Her hand came up to touch the ring on the necklace around her neck. She was smiling as she drifted off to sleep.

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19 Responses to Secret Admirer Christmas, Part Two

  1. Greg says:

    Thanks for posting this chapter so soon, I know the holidays are hectic! I really enjoyed the story and the family that was so accepting. I’m hoping that we will get a valentines dance part two with them bringing it up. You’re awesome, please keep the stories flowing and I’ll be a happy camper!

  2. Andrew Mason says:

    I didn’t even read the sex scene this time. I’m sure it was spectacularly hot as usual, but I needed the rest more. Your writing is the Norman Rockwell of porn, where everything is a little brighter, the people a little more considerate of their fellows, and the homes are a touch cozier…even if you have to share your room with a horny dead girl who wants you to try on her old lingerie.

  3. Fur says:

    That was very fun and I’m glad it was finally posted. The family’s are so much fun and I’m very glad they are so accepting. There was a small point where you took the necklace off Bethany but you didn’t put it back on her in the bathroom scene.

    Can’t wait for what you have for us in the new year!!

  4. Quinlan says:

    Very hot! Hmmm, Valentine’s Day dance, eh? That means that the one-year anniversary of Bethany sending Addison the love letter is coming up, not to mention the anniversary of them making love for the first time.

  5. My Dearest Ebo,
    Also, our friends, Fur, No-One, Alice, Andrew, Lex, Randy, Keiran, Johnny, Nathan and please forgive me should I have missed any kind soul who had followed the fortunes myself and my wonderful wife, Jen. A year has now passed since the love of my life has been in heaven. My love for my wonderful Jen still burns like a beacon in the night and my heart and mind remain replete with images of all that was and all that might have been: I am still tormented by her loss.
    It is my fortune that into my life has come Mireille, (our Belgian friend pronounced Mee-ray). Mireille’s Daddy worked with mine in the Bastogne office and eventually, when her family came to England, Mireille, came to our school and went into my darling’s special class at our school. She took a shine to my darling and then found out that Treas and I were in love and became our very good friend. We moved into the tiny woodland road where her parents bought a home. When Treas went to heaven she came to stay at “Wilderbrook”, the name Jen gave to our wonderful home in the woods.
    Since that time, we have become closer, although not lovers until just recently and now I feel my darling Jen will not disapprove. Her memory still burns brightly in my heart and mind but time moves on and my life with Mireille, is at last, happy.
    To that end Ebo, we have started to read your wonderful stories together but prior to any further comment, I would like to thank Fur for his heartbreaking thought in his review of “The Wild” part eight, “I was thinking how much Jen and Susy would have loved this story,” From the bottom of my heart, thank you Fur, I wept for some time when Mireille showed this to me,
    Ebo, perhaps I will read more of your stories but that which I have just read with Mireille, is the first story with which my darling Jen and I fell in love, Secret Admirer. It became our favourite, followed by The Dance and now their Christmas Story, was wonderful. Thank you Ebo, we thought it so realistic as to read it three times. The Christmas was so natural and their parents being on board with their love made the story all the more wonderful, Thank you. All we want now is the next super episode of BLC. Love as always, Susy (Jen) and Mireille.

    • Lex Cortland says:

      I’m so glad to see you’ve found love again. Some might think it’s too soon, but I think life is too short not to spend as much of it being happy as possible. And it’s nice to meet you, Mee-ray!

      • Fur says:

        I knew you would find love again. I look forward to hearing from both you and yes the pain lessons with time and the memories can fade but the love you had will never go away and the heart will always find the love it needs. May both you be blessed with a new love that lasts long and runs just as deep as what you had before Susy.

    • Andrew says:

      Life is for the living.

      I am touched that you mentioned me by name, and I wish you and Mireille all the best. I feel about my wife as you felt about yours. Were something to happen I would be as devastated as you were, but I would hope to bounce back as you have.

    • Nathan Riches says:

      Much like Andrew, I too am humbled that you would mention me by name. I am sincerely sorry you lost Jen, but glad you have found love again. I know how hard it can be to be without someone to share your life with, so I am happy that you have found someone again (and somewhat jealous too, as I am still looking)

      Also, agreed re BLC, as well as The Wild, I am checking at least half a dozen times a day just hoping for a new chapter for either. Nudge nudge Ebo 😛

  6. Lex Cortland says:

    A sweet coda. I really need to make time to go back and reread the whole saga from the beginning. I love how character-driven your stories are, and wish I could find more such stories about young lesbians.

    I don’t even think you can properly call this porn, because sex is only a part of it. I remember someone defined porn as anything you lose interest in immediately after masturbating. Probably a guy said that. Anyway, I enjoy your stories even when not horny.

    • Andrew says:

      Too true. I came across Ebo on Leslita, and I was not there for the plot, but a plot was always a plus. These stories, every single sex scene could be replaced with the sentence, “It was good sex, and everyone involved was glad they’d had it.”, and they’d still be compelling.

      Dunno about you, but I feel like the fact that everyone is either open-minded about these relationships or so far in the background they can’t be made out is comforting to me.

      • Nathan Riches says:

        I agree with what you said re the plot and sex scenes, I’ve said it before, most of the time I skip the sex scenes to get back to the plot (not because the sex scenes are bad or anything, just that Ebo creates such incredibly compelling characters and situation you end up desperately wanting to know what happens next)

        The open mindedness may be comforting and a good deal of what make these stories easier to read, but there is also something to be said for the drama of a story featuring anti-LGBT characters and the growth of the characters as a result. “Real world” settings can be just as compelling as “perfect world”, sometimes more so.

  7. zayne says:

    That was so sweet and nice. I especially loved the ending Ebo. I do hope you continue to find the time to do more of “The Doll” since I’ve started to really like that, but I’d like to see you finish “The Wild” since that is the series that got me into your works. I know you must be hard at work on all these stories you’re working on, but would also like to see your work on a new story or series, maybe something similar to or along the lines of “The Halloween Party” Some mysteriousness to who’s behind the mask or letters, like Secret Admirer and The Halloween Party, but also some unique, new lead characters. Maybe add something like Halloween Party where there is some family or extended family involved. I know incest-type stories aren’t really your thing to do, but it would be cool to have a story like that.

  8. zayne says:

    Another great chapter. I loved it Ebo. hopefully, you put out more content like The Halloween Party at some point. Something that has some more aunt/niece or even mom/daughter relationships, I liked the mysteriousness of The Halloween Party and the question of “who was behind the mask?”

  9. Dear Ebo,
    Thanks again for SAC2. Why? Read on. A couple of nights ago, Mireille and I were round at Jen’s mummy and daddy’s for dinner and a big surprise awaited us: Mireille’s parents were also there. Jen’s mummy is a wonderful cook and after a super meal we watched video films of the time when Jen and I met at school and the 10 years we were living together, the last nine at “Wilderbrook”. Far from sad, we all enjoyed the evening which was full of laughter at our antics, yes there was a tear in our eyes but on the whole, we were all grateful for the time we’d had with Treas.
    Mummy and Daddy who had known Mireille ever since her family moved to the UK and joined Jen’s class ten years ago, were thrilled for us: for me, because with Mireille’s help, my heart was mending and for Mireille, because her future happiness seemed assured. After daddy said as much, my cheeky Belgian girlfriend whispered into my ear. “When we get home my Susy, I will read Ebo’s latest story again and then show you, just how happy I am.”
    That is exactly what she did. On our bed, once again, Mireille sat between my knees and read Christmas Admirer 2 and afterwards, made the sweetest of love to me for what seemed, most of the night. Dearest Ebo, I firmly believe, your wonderful story telling, combined with Mireille’s loving attention has done me the world of good. At the time of my writing, I don’t think I’ve felt as happy and contented for a long, long time. Thank you Ebo. Thank you also to Fur, Lex and Andrew for your most touching thoughts above. It is yourselves and other friends I have mentioned previously, who have made the trauma of my losing the love of my life, more bearable. Your believable story of Addison and Bethany, tell us of the amazing life ahead of them and it easy for we readers to envisage this, because of the believable characters you have created. Whilst it remains difficult for us to conceive where your imaginative mind will take them, of one thing we may be certain, it will be believable and engender further happiness for the girls. You are a master storyteller Ebo – and we all crave your further abilities. I will have anything that sounds like TBLC20, Mireille says anything at all if it makes me happy. You have our love as always, Susy and Mireille xxx

    • Eleven67 says:

      Dear Susy, Jen in memoriam, and Mireille, i have been very affected and sad after i read from ebo about the great lost. Even more happy now to read, that you found back to love and life.
      My best whishes from the bottom of my heart for you.

      • Dearest Ebo and hello to all our other friends,
        With Christmas coming my darling Miri wanted to read SAC once more because it is one of the loveliest and happiest stories you have penned. The Wild is also wonderful but the love between A and B seems even deeper and growing all the time. You never know, there maybe yet a further story to be had.
        Miri and I also wish to take this opportunity to say thank you to Eleven67 for his heartfelt sentiment above – it was very kind and we are sorry to have missed it previously.
        Until next time Ebo, Love as always Susy and Mireille xxx

  10. No One says:

    Another fun and sweet chapter. I kinda felt that it didn’t really move the plot forward, though, but oh well… still an enjoyable read. Addie and Bethany remain an adorable couple.

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