Loren – A Black Lingerie Story

Loren jumped when the doorbell rang, and she glanced at the clock. The time had come, and she took a deep breath as she got up and answered the door. This was the first of many Thanksgiving dinner guests, all family members or friends close enough to be counted as family. Before opening the door, she glanced back at the couch, saw Heather smiling nervously at her.

She knew how the girl felt; this was the first time the majority of her family was meeting Heather, her girlfriend. In fact, it was her first holiday dinner here since she outed herself. Word had gotten around, so everyone knew she was a lesbian now. She was a little worried about how some of her more straight-laced relatives would take to the news and, by extension, Heather.

She smiled warmly at her grandma and granddad, stepping aside to let them in. She found herself in a bony embrace, and she hugged her grandma back as tightly as she dared. No sooner did her grandma release her, that she found herself in another embrace. Loren inhaled the scent of pipe smoke and menthol shave cream, thinking men didn’t smell like they used to.

“How have you been, Sweetie?” Her grandma asked.

“Good,” Loren said, then noticed Heather had gotten up from the couch and stood awkwardly to one side. Loren took the girl’s hand and pulled her close. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Grandma, Grandpa, this is Heather… My girlfriend.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Heather,” her grandma said, surprising Heather with a hug.

“Um, you too,” Heather said, glancing at Loren.

Loren relaxed some, gave her girlfriend a little shrug. She smiled when Heather hugged her grandma back. It was a little thing, but it tugged at her heartstrings to see. She loved Heather with all of her heart, so she needed her family to love her, too. Or, at least, accept her.

Preferably love her, Loren thought.

It was her grandpa’s turn to hug Heather and Loren heard him whisper, “You be good to my granddaughter.”

“Grandpa!” Loren admonished.

“Just giving her my blessing,” he said, smiling at Heather.

Caught off guard, Loren parroted, “Your blessing?”

Grandma put a hand on her husband’s shoulder, said, “He meant he’s happy you two are happy.”

Her heart racing, Loren thought her grandma was covering up for a slip from her grandpa. She glanced at Heather, saw the girl had picked up on it, too.


Loren turned and saw Ashley coming over. She had to smile, seeing the big smile on her step-sister’s face. Ashley always called Loren’s grandparents ‘grandma’ and ‘grandpa’ even though they weren’t related. Not that her grandparents would have it any other way. They might not share blood, but they loved Ashley like one of their own.

Loren watched Ashley hug them, kind of glad for a distraction. She caught Heather’s attention and inclined her head toward the living room. Heather joined her near the couch.

“What was that?” Heather asked.

“I don’t know,” Loren said, her hand coming up to touch the ring she wore around her neck. It was becoming a nervous tick of hers, one she had developed ever since Heather had given it to her.

“Do you think they know?” Heather asked, glancing at them.

“That we are engaged?” Loren asked, smiling at her girlfriend, “that this isn’t really a promise ring?”

“Yeah,” Heather said.

“I guess it is possible,” Loren said, then laughed, “I think Mom suspects.”

Rubbing the back of her neck, Heather said, “This dinner just got a lot more stressful.”

“Relax, Honey,” Loren said, rubbing her girlfriend’s arm, “if Grandma and Grandpa like you, you are in.”

“I really want to be in,” Heather said, smiling, “your grandma hugged me so tight.”

“Yeah,” Loren said, laughing, “Grandma gives the best hugs.”


Taking the coat of the last expected guest, Loren felt both drained and relieved. She had just introduced her girlfriend to the majority of her extended family. Last night, she had lain awake, expecting the worst today, but her apprehension had been unfounded. For the most part, her family was very welcoming towards Heather.

Only her cousin Tammy seemed to have a problem with Loren being a lesbian. Why the girl cared, Loren couldn’t guess. Loren decided she couldn’t win them all and left the girl to her prejudices. She had plenty of other relatives to catch up with, anyway.

Turning to her girlfriend, Loren said with a smile, “That’s the last of them. You survived the meet and greet.”

“I didn’t realize there would be this many people,” Heather said, looking around the crowded living room.

“There usually isn’t,” Loren said, surprised by the amount of family here.

The extended dining room table was beginning to groan under the weight of the Thanksgiving meal it was being asked to support. This was the biggest turn out for a holiday meal in a long time, and Loren’s mom was going to make sure no one left hungry. Or with their pants still buttoned.

Loren and Heather found a chair next to each other at the table before it got too crowded. Loren’s relatives started filing into the dining room as dinner time arrived. They didn’t have to wait too long for her stepfather to show up with a platter loaded down with a golden brown turkey, the last piece of the Thanksgiving feast.

Prayers were said, then it was a free-for-all as dishes were passed around the table. Everything smelled delicious, and Loren was glad she had skipped breakfast. She was going to need the room to polish off the massive plate she put together.

Should have worn my fat girl jeans, Loren thought, looking at her plate. She had worn the jeans she had on because she wanted to look good for Heather. They were a little snug, and the top button would have to be undone long before she finished her food.

There was a dull roar of conversation as everyone ate, a lot of joking and catching up. Loren smiled as everyone included Heather in the conversations. It didn’t seem forced, either. Heather seemed to fit in just fine with her family, the dysfunctional lot of them. Even stuck up Tammy had a few questions for Heather and managed not to roll her eyes at Heather’s answers.

Everyone ate until they couldn’t possibly eat another bite, then still managed to find a spot for a little dessert. No one would leave hungry today, or with their pants buttoned all the way to the top.


Sitting on the couch next to her girlfriend, Loren absentmindedly played with the ring around her neck. She smiled as she remembered the night Heather had given it to her. They had gone out to dinner, then saw a movie. Heather had suggested they go to the park afterward and they had sat under the gazebo. Loren had noticed her girlfriend seemed nervous about something, had been ready to ask her what was wrong when the girl had slipped off the bench. On one knee in front of Loren, she had reached into her pocket and held something out to Loren. Seeing the jewelry box, Loren’s heart had stopped, and her hand had gone to her mouth. Then Heather had told her how much she loved her, told her she didn’t want to live without her, then asked Loren to marry her. Stunned, Loren didn’t respond quick enough, and Heather started to panic. Loren exploded off the bench and into her arms before Heather could get the wrong idea. She must have said ‘yes’ a dozen times.

Loren wanted to wear the ring on her finger so bad, but it would raise too many questions at school and here at home. She lied to her mother when the woman saw it, said it was a promise ring. Well, it was a promise ring, of sorts. A promise that one day she’d be Heather’s wife. Or Heather hers. They still hadn’t figure out who was taking whose name.

Not just one day, but in two months, Loren thought, her heart beating a little faster.

Heather’s birthday was in two months, and they’d both be eighteen by then. They already had plans to sneak out, go to the courthouse, get married, and hope their parents didn’t strangle them when they found out. They’d be eighteen by then, so they could legally do it without their parents’ permission, but they still had to live with them.

It was sort of romantic, the thought of sneaking out to get married. It brought back memories of how their relationship first began with Loren always sneaking out to be with Heather. Still, part of her wanted a more traditional wedding. She’d love to have her father give her away, the father-daughter dance, the throwing of the bouquet, the cake… All of it.

Still, she wanted to marry Heather more. She could live without the big ceremony as long she made the girl her wife. Or partner, whatever was the term these days. Loren kind of liked wife, liked the idea of being one and having one. She decided to call Heather her wife, regardless. Or maybe the ‘old ball and chain’, if the girl was getting on her nerves.

“What are you smiling about?” Heather asked.

“Ugh, nothing… Just thinking,” Loren said, smiling at her. She took Heather’s hand, squeezed it.

Out of the corner of her eye, Loren saw Ashley coming down the stairs with her coat on. Turning her head, she said, “Where are you going?”

“Erin’s,” Ashley said.

“Tell her hi for me,” Loren said.

“Me, too,” Heather said.

“I will,” Ashley said, smiling at them. Then she was out the door.

Turning back around, Loren saw her cousin Tammy looking at her sourly. The girl said, “I see you are a bad influence on her.”

Heather squeezed Loren’s hand in anticipation of her anger, but Loren just smiled sweetly at her cousin, said, “Actually, she figured it out girls make better partners all by herself. Ashley is smart like that.”

“Whatever,” Tammy said, rolling her eyes.

“How about you, Tammy? Still dating that boy with the lazy eye?” Loren asked, wincing when Heather squeezed her hand tighter.

“Fuck you, Loren,” Tammy said, getting off the couch and walking away in a huff.

Heather gave Loren a look, asked, “Was that really necessary?”

Smiling, Loren said, “No, but it felt good.”


There was a knock at her bedroom door, and Loren called, “Yeah?”

Her mother poked her head in the door, asked, “Do you have a couple of minutes?”

“Um, yeah,” Loren said, setting her laptop aside, “what’s up?”

Her mother crossed the room, sat down on the corner of Loren’s bed. Meeting Loren’s eyes, she said, “It’s about you and Heather… The ring… It isn’t a promise ring, is it?”

Loren looked at her for a long moment, saw it wasn’t really a question. Loren had always suspected her mother knew it was really an engagement ring. With butterflies in her stomach, Loren shook her head. She held her breath as she waited for her mother’s reaction.

Her mother nodded, smiling at Loren, “I didn’t think it was.”

Loren tried to read her mother’s reaction, was a little surprised to see the woman wasn’t upset or all that surprised.

“Come with me,” her mother said, standing up.

Frowning, Loren followed her mother to the master bedroom. Loren saw the sack her grandma had been carrying sitting on the bed. Her frown deepened when she realized whatever was in the bag was why she was in her mother’s room.

“I had your grandma dig this out of storage,” her mother said, going to the bag. Laughing, she said, “She chewed on my ass because she hadn’t realized how serious you and Heather were. I told her plenty of times, but I guess it didn’t sink in until I asked for this.”

With that, her mother pulled the contents of the bag out and held it up for Loren to see. Loren gasped when she saw it was a wedding dress, old and delicate looking. Her hand came to her mouth and her vision blurred with tears. She looked from the dress to her mother, saw the woman smiling warmly at her.

Loren couldn’t remember crossing the room, but she was suddenly in her mother’s arms, hugging her tightly. She had known her mother liked Heather, already considered her part of the family, but the dress… Burying her face in her mother’s neck, Loren felt the tears start to flow.

Her mother’s voice was a little thick with emotion, her own tears starting to fall as she said, “I- I don’t know what your plans were, but I’d love to see you wear this dress.”

Laughing nervously, Loren said, “We were going to sneak out and elope.”

“Well, those plans are out the window, young lady,” her mother said, pulling back to smile at her, “I want to see my daughter walk down the aisle.”

Loren swallowed hard around the knot in her throat, said, “I- I want that, too.”

“Good,” her mother said, wiping her cheeks, “it’s still a couple of months before your eighteenth birthday, so we have some time to figure this thing out.”

“Figure this thing out?” Loren asked.

“Your wedding,” her mother said.


Loren shimmied up the tree outside of Heather’s bedroom window. It had been a while since she has had to do this, but she had done it enough that she knew all the handholds to scale the tree. Stepping onto the roof, she tapped on the window. She smiled and waved when Heather pulled the curtain aside.

Giving her a curious look, Heather opened the window. As Loren stepped inside, the girl asked, “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you,” Loren said.

Laughing, Heather said, “We just saw each other.”

Loren slipped into Heather’s arms, kissed her tenderly before saying, “I know. Still.”

“Stay here,” Heather said, stealing one more kiss, “I’ll make sure my parents are asleep.”

“Okay,” Loren said, watching her girlfriend go to the door. Heather had been dressed for bed, wearing a pair of little shorts and a tank top. Loren loved how her legs looked, the tick of her backside as she walked. She had to smile as she felt the first stirrings of desire for the girl. Heather always had this effect on her.

Loren sat on the edge of the bed, waiting impatiently for Heather to return. It didn’t take Heather long to check on her parents; Loren just wanted her to come back. The girl closed her door, then crossed the room to where Loren sat. Loren smiled as the girl sat on her lap, her long legs poked out behind Loren.

“They are asleep,” Heather said, wrapping her arms around Loren’s neck and kissing her, “is this what you want?”

“Yeah,” Loren said, then laughed, “but I had to come over to tell you something.”

“What?” Heather asked.

“Do you remember that bag my grandma had with her?”

“The Christmas gift?” Heather asked.

“It wasn’t a Christmas gift,” Loren said, smiling at her.

“Then what was it?”

“Her wedding dress,” Loren said.

Her eyes widening, Heather said, “Her wedding dress?”

“Mom asked her to bring it… for me,” Loren said.

“For you? You mean…” Heather asked, searching Loren’s eyes, “she knows?”

“That we are engaged?” Loren said, kissing her, “Yeah. I figured we weren’t fooling anyone, anyway.”

“Do you think my parent’s know?” Heather asked, glancing at the door.

“I don’t know,” Loren said, smiling at her, “they’ll probably figure it out when you invite them to the wedding.”

“I was planning just to show her the marriage certificate,” Heather said, making Loren laugh.

“Mom isn’t letting me elope,” Loren said.

“The whole point of eloping is you just do it,” Heather said, amused.

“She wants to see me walk down the aisle in Grandma’s dress… and I want that, too,” Loren said, meeting Heather’s eyes.

“What are you saying?” Heather asked.

“Mom offered to give us a real wedding, if we wait until we graduate,” Loren said.

“A real wedding?” Heather said, chewing on the idea.

“Can you wait a couple of extra months, not just sneak off to the courthouse after your birthday?” Loren asked.

“I… I think you’ll look beautiful in a wedding dress,” Heather said, smiling at her.

“You have to wear one, too,” Loren said, kissing her, “I want to see you in a dress, too.”

“Okay,” Heather said, then laughed nervously, “I guess I’m going to have to talk to my parents about this.”

“Yeah?” Loren asked.

Kissing her, Heather said, “Yeah. I want a wedding. I want to see you in your dress. God, I even want to wear a wedding dress.”

Laughing, Loren said, “That’s new.”

Heather blushed, said, “I’m a tomboy, but I’m still a girl. What girl doesn’t want to look beautiful for her wedding?”

Loren kissed her deeply, said, “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Heather said, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, “you know, I was half asleep when you tapped on my window, but I doubt I’ll get to sleep tonight. I’m too excited.

“It’s a good thing I’m here to keep you company, then,” Loren said, kissing her.

“A very good thing,” Heather said, smiling as she slipped Loren’s coat off and tossed it aside, “at least it will be when I get you out of all of these clothes.”

Laughing, Loren said, “It’s cold outside.”

“I noticed when I opened the window,” Heather said, her hand slipping down to cup Loren’s breast, “but it’s nice and warm in here.”

“Getting warmer by the second,” Loren said, kissing her.

“Mm,” Loren said, getting off of Loren lap and pulling her to her feet, “let’s get you out of these clothes.”

“If you insist,” Loren said, playfully.

“I do,” Heather said, hooking her fingers in Loren’s sweatshirt. She pulled it up and Loren helped her remove it completely. Moving against Loren, Heather reach behind her to unfasten her bra. It hung loosely on Loren’s shoulders, but Heather made no move to remove it. She was too distracted as Loren rubbed her knee between Heather’s thighs.

Smiling at her, Loren said, “I thought you were ‘getting me out of my clothes’.”

Heather laughed, said, “It’s hard to think when you do that.”

“You mean this?” Loren asked, rubbing her leg against the crotch of Heather’s sleep shorts. She smiled when the girl’s breathing got a little funny, and a moan slipped from her slack mouth, said, “I guess so.”

“You better stop before I start humping your leg like Scooter,” Heather said, her voice a little thick. Scooter was a black lab with boundary issues.

She pushed Loren’s leg from between her thighs. There was a new urgency as she resumed undressing Loren and her hands were shaking as she tried to work the button on Loren’s jeans. She wriggled them off Loren’s hips, pushed them down along with her panties.

With her jeans pooled around her ankles, Loren pushed Heather backward onto the bed. She quickly kicked her shoes off, stepped out of her jeans. Naked, she hooked her fingers in Heather’s shorts, tugged them down her long legs and off. Heather lifted off the bed so Loren could remove her panties, too. Half sitting up, Heather removed her sleep shirt, and they were both suddenly very naked.

Loren lifted one of Heather’s legs up in the air, kissing her toned calf, then the side of her knee. She kissed her way along the inside of Heather’s thigh, rolling her eyes up at Heather. She saw the girl chewing on her lip, her eyes bright with excitement. Loren gave her a playful smile, ran her fingers over the girl’s smooth labia. Her touch drew a moan from Heather, and her hips pushed against Loren’s hand.

“Do you want to play with it?” Loren asked, slipping her fingers into Heather sopping wet core.

Heather’s eyes flashed, and she nodded. Loren went to the girl’s dresser, pulled the bottom drawer out. She smiled when she saw the strap-on Ashley had bought her tucked away in the void. Well, technically her stepsister didn’t buy it, but it was Ashley’s money that had paid for it. Thinking about that crazy day, Loren had to shake her head. She still didn’t know what she had been thinking, buying sex toys for a bunch of twelve-year-olds.

Well, she did ask me nicely, Loren thought, sarcastically, fine, I’m a horrible person, but I did get this little baby in the process.

She pulled the strap-on from its hiding place, taking it to the bed. She slipped into it, tightening the straps on her hips. Heather sat up and wrapped her fingers around the dildo, mock jerking her off. The knot on the back of the harness rubbed against Loren’s clit deliciously, and an involuntary moan slipped from her.

Looking up at Loren, Heather asked, playfully, “Are you going to put your cock in me?”

Loren laughed, leaned in and kissed her. Heather was usually sweet, but she had a bit of a blue streak in bed. Her pillow talk tended toward raunchy rather than romantic. It had been something of a shock at first, but Loren kind of liked it now. It surprised Loren how much she responded to Heather being lewd.

She urged Heather to move further onto the bed, their lips never parting. Loren crawled onto the bed, moving between Heather’s spread legs. She eased the dildo into her girlfriend, smiling as Heather’s back arched as it slipped deep into her ready sex. Her hands on Heather’s hips, she began to thrust the dildo into Heather.

She laughed when Heather grabbed her pillow and stuffed it between the headboard and the wall. It tended to knock when they really got going. The pillow trick was also Heather’s way of saying she wanted it hard and fast tonight. Never one to deny the love of her life, Loren dug her knees into the mattress for traction, leaned forward to put her weight on her arms, and let her pace pick up. Each thrust of the dildo forced a moan from Heather no matter how much she tried to hold them in. Loren covered Heather’s mouth with her hand, and the girl nodded appreciatively. Heather put her own hand over Loren’s, holding it there. Even both of their hands couldn’t contain Heather’s excitement but muffled her cries enough not to wake her parents up.

When Loren first got the strap-on, it had been kind of awkward to use. She couldn’t get the stroke right, was trying to move her whole body with each thrust. It wasn’t until she was watching some of the porn Ashley had downloaded, that she learned that it was all in the hips. Heather had been bored with the harness part of the strap-on until Loren showed her what she had figured out. After Loren made her come three times in a row with it, Heather never got bored with it again.

Now, she rocked her hips back and forth, each thrust burying the dildo in Heather’s wet pussy. Heather pushed her hips up into Loren’s thrusts, wanting all of it. Loren leaned in, moving her hand long enough to kiss the girl. Heather moaned into her kiss. Pulling back, Loren returned her hand to Heather’s mouth.

Loren saw Heather’s eyes widen as she started to come. Smiling, she kept thrusting as Heather’s body began to lose control. The hand on her Heather’s mouth wasn’t doing much anymore, her cries of ecstasy getting dangerously loud. Loren thrust once, twice hard, finishing the girl off. Heather jerked like she was being shocked and Loren could feel the girl coming around the dildo.

Removing Loren’s hand, Heather said, “Holy shit!”

Loren smiled down at her, said, “I had to finish you off before you woke the whole neighborhood.”

“Mm,” Loren said, smiling up at her, “you were really hitting the spot tonight, Babe.”

“This spot?” Loren asked, pushing her hips forward.

Heather gasped, her hips jerking. Laughing, she said, “Yeah, that one.”

“Still a little sensitive, are we?” Loren asked, playfully.

“Babe, my pussy is singing your praises,” Heather said, making Loren laugh, “it’s a full-on rock concert crowd down there, and they are chanting your name. Lor-en! Lor-en!”

Smiling, Loren gave her girlfriend a look, asked, “Are they ready for an encore?”

Her eyes flashing, Heather asked, “Do you know another song on that thing?”

“I can probably play another tune or two,” Loren said, leaning in to kiss her. She eased out of Heather, putting a hand on her hip and urging her to roll over.

Heather pushed up on her hands and knees, looking back at Loren over her shoulder. With a sexy smile, she asked, “Is this how you want me, Rock Star?”

Loren put her hand between Heather’s shoulder blades, pushed down. Heather folded her arms, resting her head on them. With her ass up in the air, she looked expectantly up at Loren. She bit her lip as Loren moved behind her, eased the dildo into her.

“Oh God,” Heather said, as Loren grabbed her hips and started thrusting, “I love this song.”

That line made Loren smile, and she thought it was Heather’s way of saying it felt good. Her fingers tightened on the girl’s hips, and she pulled Heather back into each thrust. Loren put her hand over her mouth as the dildo forced a moan from her every time it slipped home.

Loren slid her hands up Heather’s flanks to cup her breasts. She kneaded them, teased their straining nipples as she continued to fuck her girlfriend from behind. Heather straightened up until she was on her knees like Loren. She leaned back into Loren, pushing back against the dildo. Loren let one hand slip from Heather’s breasts, down her taut stomach, and between her thighs. She mashed her bud in lazy circles with her fingers, and she smiled as Heather’s hand flew back to her mouth.

Heather moved her hand just long enough to say, “You are going to make me come, Rock Star.”

A couple of more thrusts and Heather stiffened as she came, hard. Loren wrapped her up in her arms and held her tightly as she shook with her orgasm. She kissed her neck, her shoulder as Heather drifted back down. She eased out of Heather, and the girl turned in her arms to give her a heated kiss.

“Babe, you are amazing,” Heather said, smiling at her.

“I know,” Loren said, playfully.

“And you are modest, too,” Heather said, laughing, “now take that thing off.”

Loren loosened the buckles, slipping out of the strap-on. She laughed when Heather pushed her over onto her back. From her back, she looked up at Heather expectantly. The girl didn’t reach for the strap-on, slipped her hand under her other pillow, instead. Loren smiled when she saw Heather’s vibrator in her hand.

“Is that where you keep it, now?” Loren asked.

“I thought I was going to be alone tonight,” Heather said, leaning in for a kiss, “I didn’t know you were coming over, so I thought I’d need it. I guess I still do, if for different reasons.”

Heather cranked the black knob at the base of the sex toy, and it came buzzing to life. She traced a line up Loren’s thigh, making her shiver. When the vibrations found her bud, Loren moaned thickly. They seemed to radiate out from her clit until she thought she could feel them in her toes. Her hips pushed forward, rubbing against the cool plastic eagerly. Heather kept it there a moment, then moved it lower. Loren gasped as the vibrator slipped deep into her. The vibrations were all that more intense inside of her, and her fingers clutched at the sheets and her back arched.

Heather pushed the knob end of the toy down, so that the tip was angled up. Suddenly the vibrator was pressed against Loren’s g-spot, and Loren had to borrow her girlfriend’s trick. She clamped her hand over her mouth, trying to keep quiet as intense pleasure washed through her.

It only got harder to keep her cries in check as Heather’s mouth found her bud, the hot, wet caress of her tongue driving Loren’s body crazy. Loren put her other hand over her mouth, not sure if two would be any better than one. She glanced at the bedroom door, hoped that Heather’s parents were in a food coma from their Thanksgiving feast.

Too many wonderful things were happening to her at once for Loren to process. Her nerve endings were all screaming at once, and through her haze of ecstasy, Loren thought Heather’s rock concert crowd analogy suddenly made more sense. Only her crowd was chanting, Heather! Heather!

Her eyes widened as she felt herself start to come. The roar of her nerve endings reached a crescendo right before she came undone. With one more startled cry, Loren climaxed hard. The vibrator was still buried inside of her and a second orgasm hit her even harder. They came so close together, that they were like ripples in a pond, overlapping as they spread through her. A third orgasm shook her before Heather finally eased the toy out of her. The strongest yet, it left her a trembling mess in its wake.

“Jesus,” Loren gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Heather turned the vibrator off, setting it next to the strap-on. She stretched out on her side next to Loren, moving against her. Loren smiled, pulled her even closer.

“That was amazing,” Loren said.

“I know,” Heather said, making her laugh.

“Love you,” Loren said.

“Love you, too,” Heather said, offering Loren her hand.

Smiling, Loren took it. Her smile widened when Heather realized she was wearing her ring. She kissed the girl, said, “I’m never taking it off, again. I want everyone to know I’m yours.”

What Did You Think?

10 Responses to Loren – A Black Lingerie Story

  1. Fur says:

    It’s about dam time Ebo. You’ve teased us many a time with this plot line and now your going to have to pay us the wedding too. I so want to see Ashley and Lauren as brides maids. And no it wasn’t the story I expected to see but it’s one I wanted to see.
    You still owe us thanksgiving from “The Notebook” and that’s what I expected to be honest. I know you’ve reached a block in that story and I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for any of your stories as I love them all. I really can’t wait for the next story of Loren and her wedding either.
    As to the sex scene I have to admit I skimmed over it so I can’t give an opinion on it yet. But even with that I see things in that are Ebo specific when it comes to sex scenes. No I don’t feel you copy past your scenes as I see in everyone where you try to add subtle differences though it’s extremely hard when the English language only has so many words one can use to describe sex.
    There are something’s that always seem to get into your stories that are Ebo specific just like every other I’ve ever read adds his own things to a story. It’s these things that keep bringing us back and can also drive us nuts. Please don’t change who you are or what you write just because readers don’t look for the subtle changes and just focus on the same things. (There are at least 500 ways a cat stretches is a sunny spot)

  2. Andrew Mason says:

    Yeah, I’m with Fur here. You are an excellent erotic writer, but more than once I’ve skipped the sex scenes in your stories. There are only so many ways human beings can have sex that are believably pleasurable. Restrict your participants to cis females and the possibilities shrink further.
    Your real contribution to the world of letters is in The Place of Locked Doors, and in two girls trying to survive a trek out of the Canadian wilderness. Of these I think the greatest is the Black Lingerie Chronicles, because you created an original and compelling parallel reality with rules that consistent and intriguing.
    I love your sex scenes, they are incredibly hot, but if you scrubbed every bit of sex from the world of BLC I’d still wait with bated breath for every installment.
    I don’t think I’m alone here.

    • ebo says:

      Andrew and Fur, I’m glad you liked the story. Fur, I’ve been looking for a story line for Loren and this one sort of popped into my head a couple of days before Thanksgiving. It was a bit of a rush to get it written in time for the holiday. As for writing sex scenes… It’s getting harder to keep them original, mostly because I’ve written too many of them and I try to keep them as honest as possible. There are a lot of sexual practices that just wouldn’t make sense for a girl of twelve or thirteen to engage in. This story, however, involves two girls that are, for most intents and purposes, adults. If I continue this story, their sexual experiences might be more… adventuresome than some of the younger characters in my stories. Andrew, I’m glad to hear my story would still have legs to stand on without the sex scenes. Funnily enough, the Place of Locked Doors wasn’t in my original idea for the Black Lingerie. Natty was supposed to be a one chapter character, at best, but she turned out to be a pivotal character to the story. In fact, Natty and her slice of the afterlife changed the direction of the story completely. All for the better, of course.

  3. Fur says:

    To be clear I skim the sex scenes because I’m usually where I can’t enjoy them. I do go back and read them in full latter on.
    I look forward to more of these 2 and the more “adult” sex they get up to. Of course with the implied history for both a Natty and Mindy you could slip some adult things in there and of course they all watch porn…. I prefer the way you do it and yes it’s hard to write sex scenes after doing so many. Even the most professional authors of adult stories run into that.
    I don’t read these stories for the sex I read for the plot. There are plenty of authors doing “wham, bam, thank you ma’am” sex stories if I need that. I read you and several others for the story because there is a story that’s what really matters.

  4. Greg says:

    Thanks Ebo for the twofer! I was glad to see the wedding even though they are too young! I did have a question. The way the whole Ashley going to Erin’s house played out it seemed that Ashley was “out”. Or was this just me? I mean telling Tammy about it seemed kinda wrong if they weren’t. She seemed the big mouth type. Anyways, I still love all your stories and can’t wait for my next “fix”

    • ebo says:

      I had a comment posted about this story, but it seems to have disappeared. It is a bit in the future, about a year after the current chapter of The Black Lingerie Chronicles. Also, this may or may not get tied into the main story, the same way Allie’s Gift may or may not get tied in. It could just end up a one-off, or its own little series.

  5. Jen and Susy says:

    Lauren – a BL Story
    Susy says.
    Our reading of Heather’s proposal to Loren, brought back fond memories of ours.
    Interesting, that Heather proposed at that, or a gazebo, in the/a, park, rearing its Dogwood head once more – there is a tremendous amount going on at this structure of yours and it’s a wonder that the three couples, M and S; Addy and Beth and now, L and H haven’t been tripping over one another!! Jen expects Trisha and Carrie, Ash and E. to be in there in a forthcoming BLC episode.
    At Thanksgiving dinner, we felt for both girls, especially Heather who was to be paraded before the family and it was absolutely wonderful, that the first people she meets are the accepting grandparents. It has been our experience that the oldies (often very conservative) are not for giving their approval immediately and regrettably, lead others to follow. Terrific, that here, the oldies approve, immediately. Just a shame about Tammy but hopefully, she will come to a complete acceptance and if given to thought, we all live with our decentres. Strangely enough, we accepted her jibe at Lauren influencing Ashley, to be totally in character.
    I must confess to never having gone down on one knee in proposing to my bundle of joy, merely popped the question – after some tender time – when between the sheets and our marriage followed a fairly lengthy but enjoyable engagement.
    Jen says.
    We never actually used the words, “when we are married” but all our efforts seemed to flow in that direction and when we moved in together our ultimate union was inevitable and I did confess to my Woosy, that our consummating our relationship was just another step along the enchanting road that led to our marriage. I have said this before that, should all couples have our devotion and understanding, the world would be a much happier place.
    Susy and I believe, the similarly devoted characters you have created, will remain together throughout the stories. We also hope that all couples reading your stories will have luck similar to ourselves and wish them the best for their future.
    We wont deny that when we decided to tell parents and grandparents (both mine are still with us and love us very much – Susy’s have gone to heaven and her grandparents left us before we could tell them our news) we were a little worried. However, to our good fortune, both sets of parents were happy for us and we were delighted when my Poppa and Nana gave us their blessing but as Loren showed her concern, initially, we too were apprehensive about her grandparents. Their acquiescing so rapidly, led us to wonder if they had heard correctly and understood the gravity of the news. Ebo, we think it was a great, a super-duper move, having them lead the “happy crowd”. Did you plan it that way or did the story just unfold as you went along? I’m sure we speak for all girls (in our happy position) that grandparents are the best if on our side and we know of others who in leading the “happy crowd” made a huge difference.
    Ebo, do you know if Promise Rings originated in the US? If you’re uncertain, how about our friends Fur and No-one, any ideas?
    Whilst mentioning you both, we want you to know that we always thoroughly enjoy your comments and views on the stories and in common with Ebo, you also, have been very kind to us. Incidentally, Susy and I agree with Fur’s thought and inference that the plot is extremely important and in some cases could easily fly without the sex – the story lines are that entertaining and well written.
    Thinking back to L and H’s engagement, Woosy and I swapped engagement rings which were the left and right sides of a double ring forming a heart.
    I think Loren has the right idea in wanting Heather’s name ‘cos Susy proposed to me and it seemed just right for me, that I take hers for I desperately wanted to be Mrs. Davy. My Susy was delighted and I’ve never, even for an instant, regretted my choice and I love being called Mrs Davy. At one time it did perplex a new neighbour who knew Susy was Mrs Davy and then on finding out, I was another Mrs Davy, she first thought she was living next to a bigamist and hadn’t yet seen him. Goody goody gumdrops, made my day. After inviting her in for tea and bikkies, she was great.
    We hope you are going to take us to the girls’ wedding Ebo and are having fun wondering about the ceremony you might dream up: bound to be interesting. All for now, love Jen and Susy x.

    • ebo says:

      I’m not sure if the promise ring originated here or not, but they became a fad in the seventies. I actually bought my now ex-wife one because she was still in high school when we met (before the flashing lights and sirens go off, I am only two years older than her- a senior to her sophomore). And before you ask, I was born in 1980, so I got on the bandwagon late. Anyway, I joked that could use the promise ring as her engagement ring, so I could save some money. Bad idea- she punched me in the arm so hard it left a bruise. 😉

  6. Fur says:

    To be honest there is no real history for the title “promise ring”. The ring on the finger doesn’t become popular tell Greek times and has evolved after that. I could find zero history for where promise rings came from. Friendship rinks as we know them in America are American Indian in origin though it’s not something you’ll find much info on due to the bias of history…
    My brother is the only person I’ve known to get away with that Ebo but my brother is the type who could sell the devil a furnace

  7. No One says:

    A very sweet side-story. It’s nice to get more details about Loren’s life from her point of view. Hopefully we’ll get more in the future. It’s good to see that the whole family was accepting… Well, except Tammy. Strange that it’s one of the younger generation who has a problem with it. I wonder if she’s in denial about something.
    As for the sexy part, that was very hot, and well-written. I can understand the difficulty in avoiding repetition in the sex scenes (hell, I’ve written far, far fewer chapters than you have, and already it’s becoming tougher to make those scenes feel fresh), but I think you actually do an admirable job in that regard, so good work there! I would agree that many of your stories (especially the BLC ones) would be interesting even without the sex… though I’m not sure why someone would actually want to skip the sex scenes outright. That’s puzzling. If you don’t want to read about sex, don’t read a sex story… Oh well, to each their own, I suppose.

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