Prisoner of War(b/g cons, first time)

****This is not a lesbian story!!!! It is a story about a boy and a girl, lifetime friends, who become more than friends while playing ‘War’ in the woods.

The problem with being the only girl on the street, you ended up playing a lot more war and football than house or dolls.

That was Tara’s thought as she crept through the brush with her fake rifle at the ready.  She wore camo pants and a simple brown t-shirt, her chestnut hair tied in a ponytail and pulled through the back of the hat she wore. A pair of black boots and a face full of camo paint finished off her outfit.

Not the most glamorous outfit, but perfect for sneaking up on your best friend’s ‘camp’.  Tommy was hiding somewhere in these woods and she was going to find him.  The boy was sneaky, usually won when they played war, but she was determined to win this time.  She had a competitive streak a mile wide.

She had a few girl friends she’d met at school but she and Tommy had been pals for just about forever.  Their parents were friends so they got dumped together at a very young age.  They grew up together, have been inseparable since they were in diapers.

“Hold it right there.”

Tara cringed, frustration kicking in.  She’d been out maneuvered once again.  The boy was good, had snuck up behind her without making a sound.  Putting her hands up, she turned around to see him grinning victoriously at her.  His toy rifle was pointed at her.

“Put your weapon down, you yankee dog,” he said, in a horrible Russian accent that made her laugh.  Still, he had won, so she put her weapon down and her hands back up.

“Back to the tree, prisoner,” he said, nodding at a tree to her left.  Wondering what his game was, she complied.  He produced a rope from one of the many pockets on his camo pants.  She was a little leery of being tied up but she trusted Tommy.  Her hands were pulled over her head and secured to a limb.

“So, you are the American spy,” he said, continuing in his attempt at a Russian accent, “Did you think infiltrating my base would be so easy?”

Picking up on the game he wanted to play, she said, “My name is Tara Intz, I am a Sergeant in the United States Marine core.  My social security number is 12345124.”

“Ah, you wish to play this the hard way,” he said, nodding, “Are you sure?  Things can be so much easier for if you tell me what I want to know.”

She remained silent, wondering what Tommy had in mind for her.  She didn’t have to wonder long because he started tickling her ribs until she was a giggling, squealing mess.  Bound to the tree, she couldn’t escape, couldn’t defend herself.  He took full advantage to repay her for all the times she tickled him.  She had squeeze her thighs together to keep from peeing she was laughing so hard.

“Are you ready to talk, yet,” he said, finally relenting.

Her giggles trailing off, she pulled herself erect and said, “Is that all you got?  You’ll never get me to talk.”

He nodded, said, “We are very familiar with you, Sgt. Intz of the United States Marines.  We didn’t expect you to succumb to such petty torture.  It would have been a pity had you.”

Again, she wondered just what he had in mind.  She knew him too well.  He had an agenda, a reason for wanting to play this game.

“We have other…ways of making you talk.”

We are getting to it now, she thought.

“Do you know what happens to female prisoners of war,” he said, swallowing hard.  She frowned, saw something in his eyes she’d never seen before.  Not when he was looking at her, anyway.  Intrigued, she held his gaze until he looked away.  Definitely a flash of interest in those pretty green eyes.

She wasn’t sure what to make of what she’d seen.  Did he like her like that?  She knew he had started noticing girls recently, much like she had started seeing boys are more than an annoyance.  They were at that age where the first stirrings of romantic interest begin.

Her thoughts were derailed when he reaches out and cups one of her breasts through her t-shirt.

She gasped, her eyes widening, “What are you doing?”

“Are you ready to talk, yet,” he husked, swallowing hard.

She blushed scarlet with embarrassment but couldn’t do anything to stop him.  Was this what he’d been planning when he took her ‘prisoner’?  It didn’t seem like something he’d do, not at all.  She started to get upset, to yell at him, then she saw the look on his face.  It was a curious  mix of desire and shame.  He was clearly enjoying touching her like this, feeling her breast in his hand, but also looked guilty about the means he’d used to be able to.

It took some of the heat out of her anger.  He could be so awkward around girls.  She couldn’t figure it out; he was cute, funny, sweet.  If he was just himself, there wasn’t a girl who wouldn’t like him.  Still, he was shy and fumbled his words, made a fool of himself when he tried to talk to one.

She blinked at her own thoughts.  Tommy was cute, but she’d never really thought about his boyish good looks before.  Now, it seemed kind of weird that she hadn’t.  They spent so much time together; how had she not noticed his crooked smile, dimples, and his brilliant green eyes?

Her thoughts were a confused mess, and his hand on her breast wasn’t helping anything.  Her body responded, her nipples stiffening against the palm of his hand.  It felt kind of good, what he was doing to her.  If she wanted to be honest with herself, it was kind of exciting, being touched like this.  It was even more exciting because she couldn’t stop it from happening.  She couldn’t keep from moaning.

Am I okay with this, she wondered.  Curiously, she thought she was.

“Is that the worst you can do,” she teased, her voice a little shaky, then thought, What have I done?

He met her eyes, his own widening.  She blushed and managed a smile.  His eyebrows rose questioningly.  Winking, she nodded, giving him permission to go a little further.  She was a little surprised by her own boldness.

His smile was a nervous one when he slipped his hand under her shirt to once again fondle one of her breasts.  Only a training bra separated his hand from her skin and it was much more intimate contact.  She sighed, bit her lower lip.  She had to smile at the look on the boy’s face, even as it made her blush.

“Still holding your tongue, I see,” he said, his voice funny with excitement.  His hands were shaking as he pulled her shirt up and looped it around her neck.  Suddenly, she was naked from the waist up, her small breasts hidden only by a thin cotton bra.  When she didn’t stop him, he unhooked her bra and let it hang open.  She shivered deliciously as a breeze found her bare skin and her nipples grew stiffened.

His eyes roamed over her, his gaze heavy enough that she could feel it on her skin.  It made her both self-conscious and want to cover up, but also excited.  Since she couldn’t cover up, she struck a pose instead, pretending to be more confident than she felt.  It was a little unnerving to half naked in front of a boy, even if it was only Tommy.

It wasn’t like he hasn’t seen her in her birthday suit before.  They’d been dumped in the bath together countless times up until about the age of eight.  Then there was the creek they liked to go skinny dipping in.  The last time was only a year or so ago.

Still a lot had changed in a year. She had started growing boobs, had her first period, started noticing boys as more than a pain in the neck.  She and Tommy were growing up, becoming young adults instead of little kids.  Admittedly, they still had a ways to go, but they had started, anyway.

Plus, the way Tommy was looking at her now was a lot different than when they were bathing together or even skinny dipping a year ago.  He was definitely interested in her, his eyes full of desire.  Her heart started knocking in her breast and she had a girly moment.  A boy liked her.  The fact that it was Tommy was both weird and comforting at the same time.  She had to admit she was a bit intimidated by the thought of a boyfriend.  If it was Tommy, it wouldn’t be quite so scary.

His hand was shaking when he cupped one of her breasts, gently squeezing.  No cotton to save her this time.  His hand was warm against her skin, his palm dragging deliciously across her sensitive nipple.  A soft moan escaped her lips and pulse quickened.  This was so wrong, letting him feel her up, but it made her feel naughty and that was thrilling.

“Are you ready to talk, yet, Sgt. Intz of the United States Marines?”

“Never,” she said, her voice husky.

Swallowing hard, he reached out and undid the button to her pants.  Her pulse picked up even more when she realized what he intended.  Then he pulled her pants down, letting them pool around her ankles.  Blushing, she bit her lip.  Bound to the tree, she couldn’t have stopped him.  Now, painfully revealed, her modesty saved only by a flimsy pair of pink panties, she was helpless, unable to prevent his eyes from drinking her in.

She’d never been more excited in her life.

With a deep breath to summon his courage, he hooked his thumbs in her panties, said, “How is your resolve now, Sgt. Intz.?

How far am I going to let this go, she wondered.  She’d already let it go too far, should have stopped him after he touched her breast, but this was too much fun to stop just yet.

“Do your worst,” she said, giggling nervously.

He hesitated and for a second she thought he wasn’t going to do it, was going to chicken out.  Part of her kind of hoped he would.  While she was  willing to play this game, it was still a little scary, the thought of letting him see her completely naked.  Another part of her wanted him to man up and strip her down.

She wondered about this part of herself.

Making up his mind, he pulled her panties down, all the way down to her ankles.  It was done and she couldn’t do anything to hide her nakedness.  His eyes roamed up her skinny legs to the soft folds of her girlhood.  They kept moving up her flat belly to her small, upswept breasts.  She couldn’t stop shivering but not because she was cold.  It was thrilling to be looked at like this, to be desired.

“Wow,” he said, grinning like a boy who had seen his first pair of boobs.

Oh wait, he had, she thought, blushing.  Still it pleased her, his one word compliment.  It eased her self-consciousness, made her feel pretty.  She might be a Tomboy but she was still a girl who liked a little attention.

Even if I have to be tied naked to a tree to get it, she thought, shaking her head.

Remembering the game they were playing, Tommy said in his horrible Russian accent, “You have held up better than most prisoners, I’ll give you that.  I see we’ll have to move onto more inventive methods of interrogation.”

What does that mean, she wondered.

“This torment,” he said, meeting her gaze, “can stop anytime you are ready to talk.”

She understood what he was saying and she had to smile.  He was the kid in the candy store and he was going to take whatever he could before he got his fingers smacked.  In this case, she was the candy store.

Again, she wondered how far was she going to let this go.

He touched the outside of her thigh, just above her knee.  She bit her lip as it moved higher onto her hip, his caress leaving her skin tingling in its wake.  Holding her breath, she tried to imagine where it would go next.  A few very naughty places came to mind and she flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement.  Then she giggled as it slipped around to squeeze her buttock.

That is one of them, she thought, her face hot.  Her nipples ached, she was so excited and a warmth had spread in her lower abdomen.  She recognized it, realized she wasn’t just excited, but aroused as well.  His touch had her turned on.

His hand moves up her flank to cup her breast, again.  She can’t help but moan, her back arching, pushing the breast against his hand.  She loved how it felt, moaned again.  Encouraged, he cupped the other one, gently kneading them.

“Still not ready to talk, I see,” he said.

She had a hunch what was coming next and her breath quickened.  Before she could talk herself out of it, she nodded, gave him a nervous smile.

He looked even more nervous than she did and she loved him for that.  Still, he let one hand slip from her breast and down her taut belly and into the junction of her thighs.  She had know it was coming but she still gasped in surprise when he touched her girlhood.  His eyes are wide as he massaged the soft folds of her labia.  It was comical, his facial expression.

His fingers find her tender bud and she moans thickly.  He notices the changing in her breathing, the gyration of her hips, keeps rubbing her clit.  Soft moans escaped her lips as his fingers sent shockwaves through her young body.

She was nine when she discovered it felt good to rub down there.  She’d been in the bath, soaping up.  Why she’d kept rubbing her sex, she didn’t remember, only that it started to feel really good.  She was eleven the first time she had an orgasm from doing it, the explosion of pleasure deep inside of her scaring her a little.  It didn’t stop her from doing it again, though.  It had felt too good not to.  She’s been doing it ever since, masturbating before she even knew the word.

This was a little different, though.  She wasn’t playing with herself; she was being touched down there by a boy!  He wasn’t as good at it as she had gotten to be, but it was all the more exciting because it was someone else doing it.  She looked down at his hand between her thighs, feeling a naughty energy course through her body.  This was way beyond misbehaving but it gave her the same thrill.

Her moans became wordless sounds of enjoyment.  She couldn’t stop making them any more than she could stop her hips from undulating against his hand.  Her body knew what it wanted and was going to get it.  It flexed and strained toward that glorious release.  She realized she would come if he kept doing what he was doing.

I should probably stop this, she thought, but didn’t.  It felt too good to stop him now.

His free hand roamed over her body, exploring every inch of her tanned body.  She loved the feel of his hands on her body, his caresses driving her wild.

Tension crept into her body and she knew she was close.  Tommy sensed something was happening, started to stop.

“No, don’t stop,” she moaned, her words desperate sounding to her own ears.

He obliged, kept massaging her deliciously sensitive clitoris.  Like a watch spring wound tighter and tighter, the tension built in her body.  Her hips started spasming out of control and her stomach muscles clenched and unclenched.  Then one more caress and the tension exploded inside of her.  She cried out and stiffened with her climax.  Tommy didn’t stop rubbing her now very sensitive bud and she shook herself to pieces.  She collapsed as far as her bounds would let her; a sweaty, panting mess.

Alarmed, Tommy said, “Tara?’

She lifted her head and smiled at him, “I’m okay.  More than okay, actually.  That was incredible.”

“What happened?”

“You made me orgasm,” she said, sighing contentedly.  Her body felt as light as a feather floating on the flood of feel good juices flooding her bloodstream.

“Oh,” he said, then a slow grin spread on his face, “Oh.”

“Yeah, stud,” she said, laughing, “you did good.  Now, untie me.”

He let her go and she punched him hard in the arm, “That is for grabbing my breast.  You need to ask before you do that kind of thing.”

“Sorry,” he said, rubbing his shoulder.

“This is for everything else,” she said, giving him a kiss.  It was a sweet, lingering kiss.  When she finally broke it, she met his eyes.  She saw what she had hoped to see there and she offered him her hand. Smiling, he took it.

“Wow,” he said, looked a little dazed.

He looked how she felt.  It had been her first real kiss and her knees felt a little weak.  Smiling, she said, “Wow.”

“Um… Now what,” he asked.

“I think it should be your turn tied to the tree,” she said, smiling mischievously at him.

“Wha-  I don’t-“

“Relax,” she said, laughing, “I’m just playing.  But you did see mine so you owe me.”

He blushed but nodded.  Fumbling with the buttons on his pants, he managed to get them undone.  He shucked them, let them fall to the ground.  Glancing at her, he saw it wasn’t enough.  Laughing, he pulled his underwear down around his ankles, as well.  He pulled his shirt up around his chest so she could see clearly.

Her eyes widened when she saw his penis.  A year really was a long time, apparently.  He was a lot bigger than he had been and standing erect.  She’d never seen him like this, blushed when she realized he was hard because of her.

“Can I pull my pants up, now?”

“Why are you in such a hurry,” she said, smiling sweetly at him, “I think this game hasn’t been played out, yet?”

“The game?”

“I’m still being held prisoner, but I think I can use my feminine wiles to escape.”

“Feminine wiles,” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

She didn’t answer, just stepped close and kissed him. Pressing her body against his, she let his tongue into her mouth.  She felt him stiffen and gasp when she took his jerking penis in her hand.

He pulled away from the kiss, looked down at her as she stroked him.


“Comrade,” she said, smiling, “what can I do to get you to let me go?  Surely, we can come to an agreement.”

She continued to stroke him, her heart hammering in her breast.  She was giving a boy a hand job.  The line she’d crossed was so far back she couldn’t even see it anymore.  Thinking about it, she decided she didn’t care.  She was having fun, couldn’t think of anyone she wanted to do these things with more.

Besides I’m a prisoner of war, she thought with a grin, this is what you had to do to escape when you are a P.O.W.

He swallowed hard, tried to speak, only stammered something inarticulate.  He was breathing quickly, his stomach clenching.  She didn’t have to be experienced in this to know he was enjoying what she was doing.  She ran her free hand over his stomach, his chest.  Again, she was surprised how much he’d changed in a year.  There were muscles there she’d never seen before.  She kind of liked the new him, let her hands roam further.

“Does that feel good, Comrade,” she asked, reaching around to squeeze his buttocks.

“Oh, yeah,” he said, laughing.

“Will you let me go after this,” she said, kind of hoping he’d say no.

“It can’t hurt your odds,” he said, his voice thick with pleasure.

She had to smile, Good for you, Tommy.

He started making this weird noise, his hips bucking wildly.  Something about his posture and the sound he was making… She thought he was close to coming.  Intrigued, she kept pumping her fist up and down the length of him.  She’d never seen a boy have an orgasm, much less been responsible for it.

Stiffening, he grunted.  She felt him spasm in her hand and looked down to see ribbons of white semen shoot out of him.  His body jerked out of control as she stroked him a few more times to milk him dry. He shuddered, grunting.

She kissed him, pressed her body to his.  He kissed her back, put an arm around her waist to pull her close.  Out of breath, she finally pulls back to smile at him, “Have I earned my freedom, Comrade?”

He looked at her, his eyes narrowing.  Finally, he said, “What if I say no?  What will you do then?”

“Are you saying no,” she asked, biting her lip.  An idea was rattling around in her head, something she never expected to be considering so young.  Still, it kind of felt right.  She wanted her first time to be with Tommy, whether it was now or some future date.

He looked uncertain.  She wasn’t sure if he would try his luck or not.  She decided to put it in his hands.  If he said ‘no’, she’d give her virginity to him.  It was his, anyway; it was just a matter of when he wanted to collect.

“I think I am,” he said, laughing nervously, “I am.”

She gave him a shy smile, nodded that she was okay with that.  She stepped back, bent down to remove her boots and step out of her pants.  Next went her shirt and training bra.  Naked, she let him look at her.

He gave her an amused grin, which made her frown, hurt.  He quickly held up his hands, pulled off his shirt.  Stepping closer, he used the shirt to remove most of her camo makeup.  She grinned sheepishly when he showed her the multicolored smear.  Pulling off her hat and untying her ponytail, she let her chestnut hair fall over her shoulders.

“I must look a mess,” she said, self-conscious.

“You look beautiful,” he corrected.

Touched, she smiled, her heart fluttering in her breast.

“Now, you comrade.”

She watched him undress, once again surprised by the changes in his body in the last year.  His shoulders were broader, his chest deeper, his belly lined with muscle.  The scrawny boy was largely gone.  Almost thirteen, he was becoming a man, his body changed forever.  She had to admit she like the new Tommy a lot.

He must have felt her looking at him because he looked up.  Caught, she blushed, smiled sheepishly.  Naked, he came to her.  She let him into her arms, pressed against him.  She liked how he felt against her.

Smiling, she eased to the ground, pulling him down with her.  His weight settled atop her and he was heavier than she remembered.  It was pleasant, comforting some how.

His penis, which had been flagging after she’d jerked him off was hard again and pressed against her left hip.  Feeling it, she wondered how it would feel inside of her.  A little panic set in, thinking it might be too big for her.  What if it didn’t fit?

He bent down and kissed her tenderly.  Maybe he sensed her sudden apprehension, because he whispered, “We can wait if you want.”

She had always loved him, but now it felt a little different.  It deepened further when he whispered that.  He was such a sweet person, a real catch.  She smiled brightly at him, shook her head.

“Just be gentle, okay,” she said.

Nodding, he got to his knees between her spread thighs.  She took a deep breath when the tip of his penis touched the thin membrane of her hymen.  He pushed his  hips forward, pressure building.  She grimaced as the pain came.  For a moment, her maidenhead held and she thought maybe she was too young.  Then with a sharp tug that drew a hiss from her, it gave way.  Tommy sank deep into her young sex, surprised by the sudden lack of resistance.  He froze, looking down at where he and she met.

Propping up on her elbows, she looked herself.  She saw him buried inside of her, felt him fill her up.  A weird mix of emotions filled her and she met his eyes.  Again, he made her feel like a princess, his smile full of love.  She returned the smile, motioned for him to lean down so she could kiss him.

“Are you okay,” he asked, not moving.

“Yeah,” she said, nodding, “Go slow, okay?”

He eased back, then thrust into her, again.  There was a pinch from her torn flesh but it was drowned out by a wave of pleasure.  She moaned, bit her lower lip as he did it, again.  She’d been afraid he’d be too big but he was perfect.

She liked the way his stomach muscles clenched each time he buried himself in her hot, slick core.  She liked the way he was leaning over her, supporting his weight on his knuckles.  It was such a masculine thing, excited her on a level she didn’t completely understand.

When his pace quickened, each thrust coming faster, she was ready for it.  Her hips were undulating, meeting his thrusts with a counter thrust of her own.  She was making these little animal sounds of excitement, couldn’t stop.  Those noises grew louder as he continued to bury himself in her faster and faster.

Waves of pleasure were washing through her, each wave cresting higher and crashing into her harder.  While playing with herself in the shower had felt good, had made her come, it didn’t even compare to the sensations she was feeling now.  Those waves were building in intensity and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she came.  It just felt too good.

His smile said he knew she was close.  Maybe he recognized the quickening of her breathing, the sharpening of her cries.  Who knows but he thrust hard once, twice, three times and she cried out in ecstasy.  Her back arched off the ground, then she shook through her orgasm.  It was the most incredible thing she’d ever felt, her body alive with such delicious sensations.

He eased out of her, rolled onto his back.  When she was ready, she straddled his hips, eased down onto his still stiff erection.  She moaned as he eased deep inside of her.  Trying a few things, she found a rhythm she liked.  She noticed Tommy smiling up at her, gave him an uncertain look, asked “What?

“Just admiring the view,” he said, laughing.  He reached out to caress her thighs, then sat up to cup her breasts.  She giggled and sighed, arched her back into his hand.

Some how she was maneuvered until she sat in his lap, her legs poked out behind him.  He was still buried in her and he had his hands on her buttocks, pulling her against him.  She helped, rolling her hips forward.  It felt incredible, a double sentation as he moved inside of her and her clit ground against his lower abdomen.  Plus his face was right there, so she kissed him, let his tongue into her mouth.  Her hands found his shoulders and back irresistible, ran over them in lazy circles.  She wasn’t the only one, Tommy’s hands exploring every inch of her.  She thrilled to his touch.

The world seemed to disappear around her and all she could focus on was the sensations awash in her young body and Tommy.  Then she felt her second orgasm stir to life deep inside of her.  When her body lost all its grace, Tommy took ahold of her buttocks again, helped her finish.  Like a caged animal, her climax came roaring to life, thrashed through her body.  She cried out in ecstasy.

The Tommy grunted, thrust once, then a clumsy second time before stiffening.  Even through her spasming vagina muscles, she felt him coming.  She couldn’t feel the hot semen being shot deep inside of her but she knew it was happening.  A moment’s panic came over her, realizing she could get pregnant if he lost his load in her, but she felt too good to care for long.  She put her arms around his neck, hugged him close.

“Wow,” he said, kissing her neck.

“Yeah,” she agreed, laughing.  She gave him a quick kiss, then eased off of his flagging erection.  She felt his seed trickling out of her, again fear of pregnancy popping into her head.  She knew it was possible for her get knocked up.  Then she thought about health class about the cycle a girl’s body goes through.  If she remembered correctly, she wasn’t in any danger of getting pregnant.  It was a relief but she meant to reread that chapter in her health textbook.

Need to find some condoms if we are going to keep doing this, she thought, smiling.

“Will you let me go, now, Comrade,” she said.”

“You can go if you want,” Tommy said, laughing, “I’m in no condition to chase you.”

Laughing, she said, “Good.”

“That was amazing, Tara,” he said, flopping onto his back.

“You weren’t so bad yourself,” she said, stretching out beside of him.  She rested her head on his shoulder, put on leg across his.

“I love you,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulder, “thought you should know.”

“I know,” she said, smiling, “I love you, too.”

“Does that mean we are going out?”

“Probably,” she said, then snorted, “but we should keep that quiet.”


“If our parents know we are going out,” she said, laughing, “I doubt they’d let us be out here alone together.”

“Oh,” he said, then what she really meant sinking in, “OH!”

“One thing though,” she said, laughing.

“What’s that?”

“Can we just play ‘house’ next time?  No more prisoner of war, tied to a tree.”

Laughing, he said, “Okay.”

What Did You Think?

5 Responses to Prisoner of War(b/g cons, first time)

  1. Sarah-Sophie says:

    I love it Ebo! It´s as good as your other stories! I prefer lesbian love but I have no problem with a good looking guy getting in my pants for some fun too. So please keep up this nice section here! Hope to read some more stories in it soon!

  2. Fur says:

    Very nice ebo glad I checked your site. Need to let us know you have new stories on the other site too please.
    Such a great read so much better then most of the boy girl stuff out there. I do so love you take your time and truly build the story to its end.

  3. Fur says:

    Ebo I’m curious if this story is going to continue this story?
    I know it’s not your usual and doesn’t seem to have the following but I’d love to read more. It will be very interesting at least for me to see where these 2 go and what else you would do with this type of story.

    • ebo says:

      I’ll probably write more for this story, eventually. I had an idea for a second chapter, but never got around to writing it. I also have a few other boy/girl stories that I need to polish up and find a home for. Maybe I’ll have to make a third site.

  4. swan says:

    As others commented, an excellent story and much better than much of the young boy-girl stuff one finds on the Internet. I would certainly like to see more stories from you of a similar style. I would not think it is 100% necessary to keep your lesbian and heterosexual stories separate; the young lady here, for example, might wish to experiment with a girl friend and also expose her boyfriend to girl-girl love. Let her be bisexual and then have her challenge her boyfriend to deal with those issues and learn to share her with her girlfriend.

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