“Bethany’s here!”
Addison had to smile at how those simple words set her heart racing in her breast. Springing off her bed, she ran out of her room to see her girlfriend. She almost tripped and fell down the stairs when she remembered not to seem so excited to see the girl. Only the handrail kept her from going ass over tea kettle. Her heart racing for an entirely different reason- namely, nearly dying of a broken neck- she descended the last half dozen steps in a more controlled fashion.
Her heart remembered why it had been racing in the first place when she saw the girl standing in the living room, wearing snug jeans and a sweater. She looked so beautiful that Addison completely missed the last step, nearly falling, again. Bethany saw her and grinned.
She managed to make it into the living room without dying, smiling at Bethany. She took a deep breath and said, “Hey.”
“Hey, Graceful,” Bethany said, grinning.
“Yeah, I almost ate it twice,” Addison said, looking over her shoulder at the stairs. Turning back around, she gave the girl a playful smile and said, “The last one was your fault, though.”
“Me?” Bethany asked, raising her eyebrows.
“I was looking at you and not where I was going,” Addison said, then in a much lower voice, “I love you in these jeans.”
Grinning, Bethany said, “You’ll love me out of them, even more.”
“Naughty,” Addison said, laughing, “I like it.”
“Um,” Bethany said, tucking her hair behind her ear, “we should probably have this conversation somewhere else.”
Addison led the girl up to her room, closing the door behind them. She took Bethany’s hand and pulled her close, kissing her deeply. Desire welled up in her, and she made herself break the kiss before things got too far out of hand. Judging by the look on Bethany’s face, she had been feeling it, too. Addison grinned at her, risked one more quick kiss before moving away from the girl.
She went to her radio, started some music playing, a little background noise to thwart any potentially nosy parental types. Her mother has been getting suspicious lately. Her mom senses were tingling, and she couldn’t figure out why. Addison didn’t put it past her to listen at the door, nor would she blame the woman.
After all, she was up to no good.
Turning back around, she found Bethany stretched out on her bed, watching her. There was a hint of a smile on her face and mischief in her eyes. Addison’s heart skipped a couple of beats seeing that look, and she had to remind herself they couldn’t do anything until her mother went to bed. She took a deep breath to calm down, going to the bed.
“We better wait,” Addison said, stretching out on her side next to the girl, “Mom is getting very suspicious.”
“Do you think she knows about us?” Bethany asked, meeting her eyes.
“No,” Addison said, shaking her head, “but she thinks I’m hiding something. A boy, probably.”
“The fabled boyfriend,” her girlfriend said, laughing.
“Yeah,” Addison said, sighing, “the problem is, she could get to poking around looking for the stud and find out the truth.”
Snorting, Bethany said, “The stud?”
“You know what I mean,” Addison said, laughing.
“You think your mom would be more or less upset if she found out I’m the stud?” Bethany asked, taking Addison’s hand.
“I don’t know,” Addison said, thinking about it, “on one hand her daughter is a lesbian and on the other there isn’t much chance of me getting pregnant by you.”
“Yeah, but I’m practically family already,” Bethany said, grinning.
“True,” Addison said, laughing, “she already considers you her second daughter. She says she isn’t having a third.”
Rolling onto her back, Bethany had a good belly laugh at that line. Sobering up some, the girl said, “That’s why I love your mom.”
“Yeah, I get my smart ass sense of humor from her,” Addison said.
Bethany suddenly sat up straight. Addison looked at her questioningly, and the girl just grinned at her. Bethany jumped to her feet and went to the radio. She restarted the song that had been playing and turned up the volume. Turning around, she started dancing, gyrating her hips.
Addison laughed at the girl’s exuberance, watching her dance. Seeing her looking, Bethany waved her over. Addison shook her head, so Bethany came to the bed and drug Addison to her feet. Laughing, Addison let the girl pull her into an empty spot in the room. She found herself dancing with Bethany, halfheartedly moving her hips. Bethany gave her a dirty look and put her hands on Addison’s hips, making her move with the music. Laughing, Addison gave in and let the girl lead her, having fun in spite of herself.
When the song ended, they didn’t stop dancing. As the next song started, the space evaporated between them until Bethany was all but grinding against Addison. Addison slipped her arms around Bethany’s neck, getting turned on by the intimacy of this dance. She grinned when Bethany’s hand slid from her hips and into her back pockets. Addison kissed the girl as they spun around the room.
The song ended, and a slow song came on the radio. Addison met Bethany’s eyes, and the girl grinned at her. They moved even closer as they slow danced. Putting her head on Bethany’s shoulder, Addison sighed happily. It was so peaceful, dancing in Bethany’s arms. So relaxing. All of her cares seemed to slip away, and she wanted to stay here forever.
The Valentine’s Dance popped into her head, and she wondered what it would be like to dance like this there. Grinning, she thought one of the chaperons would probably tell them to separate. Arms length, ladies, they’d say. Bethany would grin at her, and she’d roll her eyes as they separated.
It surprised her how much she wanted that little fantasy to come true. She wanted to see Bethany in a formal dress and her hair pulled up. She wanted to be told not to dance so close with her girlfriend. She wanted to just spin and spin to the music until she was dizzy.
She wanted it so much that she found herself saying, “Can I ask you a crazy question?”
Bethany smiled at her and said, “Yes. I’ll go to the dance with you.”
Blinking, Addison asked, “You knew what I was going to ask?”
“If you hadn’t asked, I would have asked you,” Bethany said, grinning.
“Really?” Addison asked, her heart racing in her breast.
“Yeah,” Bethany said, kissing her. It lingered until they had to come up for air.
Finally pulling back, Addison asked, “Are we really going to do this?”
“I was thinking… Maybe we just go as friends,” Bethany said, meeting Addison’s eyes.
Addison saw the girl’s concern in her eyes and she understood it. If they went as friends, they could dance and have fun, without outing themselves. Coming out to their friends was one thing, but she didn’t think they were ready to come out in front of the whole school.
She knew that kids could be real shitheads sometimes, especially to someone who was different than them. It was why she kept her secret for so long. She had been scared to death to tell Bethany, and the girl was her best friend. She wasn’t in any hurry to let the school find out about them.
Nodding, she said, “That is probably a good idea.”
Smiling, Bethany said, “Doesn’t mean I’m not going make you dance with me.”
“You won’t have to make me,” Addison said, moving against the girl. Even when the next song was upbeat, they kept dancing in slow circles, moving to their own music.
Addison saw her mother sitting on the couch, watching a movie. She hesitated, wondering if she was brave enough to do this. Only the thought of Bethany having the same talk with her mother made her walk around the couch and sit next to her mother. No sooner had she sat down did she lose her nerve. She turned her attention to the TV, pretending the movie was why she had sat down. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her mother glance at her, then at the TV.
Sighing, her mother turned off the TV and asked, “What’s up, Kiddo?”
“Nothing,” she said.
Laughing, her mother said, “I know you didn’t sit down to watch the movie, Addie. You hate this movie. So, what’s up?”
Addison blushed and said, “Um… I was wondering… Well, you know the school is having a Valentine’s Day Dance… The girls are all going… Do you think…”
“You want to go?” Her mother asked, a little surprised. She favored her daughter with a curious look. It only made Addison’s cheeks burn hotter.
“Well, everyone is going… “ Addison said, her heart racing in her breast.
“Is there a permission slip I need to sign or something?” The woman asked, her eyebrows knitting together as she looked at her daughter. Finally, she asked, “Why are you so nervous?”
“I-I’m not ner-vous,” Addison said, sounding about as nervous as it was possible to sound.
“Is there a boy at the dance I should know about?” Her mother asked.
Laughing, Addison said, “I promise, Mom… There is no boy.”
“Uh huh,” her mother said, still giving her that patented mom look.
Addison thought the police should hire her mother to help crack criminals. All the woman had to do was stare at them like that, and even the hardest hard-case would admit to everything just to make her stop.
It took all Addison’s restraint not to fidget.
“I guess you’ll be needing a dress?” Her mother said, finally letting up. She grinned at her daughter and said, “You know what that means?”
“Yeah,” Addison said, laughing and rolling her eyes, “we are going shopping.”
“We get to go shopping!” Her mother exclaimed with exaggerated excitement because she knew Addison hated shopping for clothes.
“Oh God,” Addison said, cringing, “maybe I’ll just tell them I can’t make it.”
“We’ll get your hair done… and your nails,” her mother said, her face lighting up, “this is going to be fun.”
“Yeah,” Addison said, shaking her head, “fun.”
“That’s the spirit,” her mother said, laughing, “now go away. I want to watch this movie.”
Happy that it was over, Addison all but ran upstairs. In her room, she flopped on her bed, grinning at the ceiling. Unable to stay still, she got up and started doing her happy dance. She twirled and twirled with her imaginary partner.
I’m going to the dance!!, she thought, laughing excitedly.
Her phone buzzed, and she went to her night stand to see who had texted her. Her heart started racing when she saw Bethany’s name. She hesitated, afraid to see that the girl couldn’t go. How horrible would that be, to get permission and have Bethany not be able to go. Sitting on her bed, she stared at her phone and said a little prayer. Finally, she opened the message and read: I’m allowed. You?
“Yes!” Addison said, flopping on her back. She pumped her fists in the air excitedly, saying, “Yes! Yes! Yes!!!”
Remembering she hadn’t responded yet, she sat up. She didn’t want to keep Bethany waiting for the good news. She quickly sent: Me, too! We are going dancing!
The phone started ringing in her hand, and she saw Bethany’s name on the display. Grinning, she thought, I guess texting wasn’t good enough.
She answered the call, said, “Hey, beautiful.”
“Oh my God,” Bethany said, laughing, “My mom asked me sooo many questions. Who are you going with? Is there a chaperon? I was squirming the whole time. I had to pee before I called you.”
Laughing, Addison said, “Mom did the same thing to me. Even brought up my fabled boyfriend.”
“Yeah,” Bethany said, the smile evident in her voice, “Mom asked me that one, too.”
“But… We are going to the dance!!” Addison said, excitedly.
“It’s going to be sweet,” Bethany said.
“Mom is making me go shopping for a dress and threatened to make me get my hair done. Oh, my nails, too.”
“Oh my,” Bethany said, playfully.
“The things I do to look pretty for you,” Addison said, laughing.
“I’ll have to talk Mom into taking me shopping, so we’ll be the sexiest bitches at the dance,” Bethany said, making Addison laugh.
The phone beeped in her ear, and she pulled it away from her ear to see who was calling her. She saw Tara’s name and said to Bethany, “Hey, Tara’s calling me. Can I call you later?”
“Yeah,” Bethany said, then added, “I love you.”
Grinning, Addison said, “I love you, too.”
“We are going dancing,” Bethany said, making Addison laugh, “Bye.”
Still laughing, she said, “Bye.”
Ending the call with Bethany, she connected with Tara, “Hey, what’s up?”
“You give me shit about meddling, then you go and talk to Ethan,” Tara said, without preamble.
“Well, someone needed to do something,” Addison said, laughing.
“Thanks for talking to him,” Tara said, excitement creeping into her voice.
Grinning, Addison asked, “He asked you to the dance, didn’t he?”
“Eventually,” the girl said, giggling, “but we are going to the movies tomorrow.”
“Wait, you mean…” Addison said, her eyes widening.
“A date! He asked me on a date!” Tara said, some of her usual calm slipping.
Addison had to laugh at her excitement, which was out of character for the girl. She had known Tara liked Ethan, but she realized she had underestimated just how much. She felt a whole lot better about meddling, now.
“Congratulations,” Addison said, happy for the girl.
“So I just wanted to call and say thank you and call you an asshole for making me feel bad about meddling,” Tara said.
Snorting in surprise, Addison burst out laughing. Shaking her head, she said, “Okay.”
“Love you, though,” Tara said, some of her cool returning.
“Love you, too,” Addison said, then thought of something, “Um, Bethany and I are going to ask you girls something, but since you are already going… We are going to the dance, and we’d like all of you to come with us, so it doesn’t look like we are there as a couple.”
“Why don’t you want to go as a couple?” Tara asked.
“I don’t think we are ready for the whole school to know about us. It was nerve wreaking just telling you girls, and you are our friends,” Addison said.
“I can understand that,” Tara said.
“Do you think the other girls will come?” Addison asked, nervously.
“Heather is already going, and Becky is talking about it, so yeah I think so,” Tara said.
“Good,” Addison said, relaxing.
“The question is do you think you are going to fool anyone that you aren’t head over heels for the girl when you see her all dolled up?” Tara asked.
“What do you mean?” Addison asked,
“Come on, Addie,” Tara said, laughing, “you get all googly eyed over Bethany wearing jeans and t-shirt. Now, imagine her in a formal gown, her makeup and hair done.”
Addison hadn’t thought about that, but the girl was right. Just thinking about Bethany in a gown made her heart pick up its pace. How was she going to react when she saw the girl for real, when they were dancing on the gymnasium floor? Did she really think she could fool anyone?
“Shit,” Addison said, freaking out.
“Hey, don’t freak out on me,” Tara said, laughing.
“Maybe we shouldn’t go,” Addison said, chewing on her lip.
“You’d really pass up this memory to keep your secret a few more days?” Tara asked.
“A few more days?” Addison asked.
“You know it’s only a matter of time before people start figuring it out, right? You two have a vibe about you,” Tara said.
“A vibe?” Addison parroted.
“A vibe,” Tara said, without explaining.
Still, Addison thought she knew what the girl was talking about. It was something she had noticed in other couples. It was a… familiarity. A level of comfort that only came from being intimate. She and Bethany were comfortable with each other, even more relaxed than being friends could explain. Try as she might to hide it, eventually people were going to start noticing.
“Shit,” she said, again.
“So, I say screw going as friends,” Tara said, laughing, “go as a couple- hold hands and steal a kiss or two when the chaperons aren’t looking.”
Laughing, Addison said, “Let it all hang out, huh?”
“Like I said, do you really want to pass up this memory to keep your secret a few more days?” Tara asked.
Taking a deep breath, Addison said, “No.”
“Good,” Tara said, the smile clear in her voice, “figure out what you want to do, then call me.”
“I will,” Addison said.
“I better go,” Tara said, giggling excitedly, “I need to do some laundry, so I have something to wear on my date.”
“Okay,” Addison said, laughing, “Bye.”
Tossing her phone on the bed, Addison flopped on her back. She stared up at the ceiling, as she mulled over what Tara had said. She still didn’t think she and Bethany were ready to come out to the whole school, but she knew Tara was right about her classmates figuring it out, anyway. Hell, a few of them already had.
She chased those two thoughts around and around, getting no closer to a decision. She could argue a case for either option. The only thing she knew for sure was that she really wanted to see Bethany in a gown, with her hair up and her makeup done. Friend or girlfriend, she really wanted Bethany at her side at the dance.
A knock at the door distracted her from her thoughts, and she was glad for the interruption. She got up and answered the door. She was a little surprised to see Bethany standing in the hallway. Smiling, she let the girl into her room, closing the door behind them.
“What are you doing here?” Addison said, pulling the girl into a hug.
“I had to see you,” Bethany said, wrapping her arms around Addison’s neck and kissing her deeply.
“I’m glad you came over,” Addison said, when they finally broke the kiss, “I need to talk to you about something.”
“Wait, you aren’t chickening out about the dance, are you?” Bethany asked, meeting her eyes.
“Oh, we are going to the dance,” Addison said, smiling at her, “but it IS the dance I want to talk to you about.”
“Okay,” Bethany said, releasing her.
Addison took the girl’s hand and led them to the bed. She looked at Bethany, said, “Tara is going to the dance. Ethan finally asked her.”
“Sweet,” Bethany said, grinning. Her eyes suddenly narrowed and she asked, “That isn’t what you wanted to talk about, is it? I mean, it’s cool, but…”
“No, it isn’t what I want to talk about,” Addison said, then took a deep breath before continuing, “I asked her if she thought the girls would all come to the dance with us. As cover, you know.”
“Yeah,” Bethany said, nodding, “What did she say?”
“She thought the girls would be cool with it,” Addison said.
“Okay,” Bethany said, her tone saying more than her words. She knew there was more to the conversation between Addison and Tara.
“She also brought up a pretty good point,” Addison said, grinning, “one we didn’t think of.”
“What point?” Bethany asked, sitting up straighter. She sensed Addison was getting to the thing that was bothering her.
“She said ‘do you really think you are going to fool anyone that you aren’t head over heels for Bethany when you see her in a gown’. Which got me thinking…” Addison said, meeting Bethany’s eyes.
The girl held her gaze for a long moment, then started grinning, “You think they won’t be fooled by our little ruse.”
It wasn’t a question, so Addison didn’t feel like she needed to answer. Instead, she dropped the other little nugget of wisdom Tara had left her with, “She also said was only a matter of time before our secret gets out, so do we really want to pass up the chance of making this memory just to keep our secret a few more days.”
“That sounds like something Tara would say,” Bethany said, grinning.
“Yeah,” Addison said, laughing.
“So what are we really talking about here?” Bethany asked, meeting her eyes.
Taking a deep breath, Addison said, “When.”
“When?” Bethany asked, frowning.
“If Tara’s right- and I think she is- it’s not a matter of if but when our secret gets out,” Addison said.
“Ah,” Bethany said, nodding.
Meeting her girlfriend’s eyes, she asked, “What do you think?”
Running a hand through her hair nervously, Bethany said, “I don’t know. On one hand, it would be nice to stop hiding it. Always having to be on guard. On the other hand, though…”
“…Risk becoming a social pariah, a target?” Addison finished for her.
“Yeah, that,” Bethany said, shaking her head.
Addison thought about it for a second, then said, “We have some of the coolest friends any girl could ask for.”
“We do have awesome friends,” Bethany said, grinning.
“And I have a beautiful girlfriend I’m crazy about…” Addison said, grinning at Bethany.
The girl gave her a quick but heated kiss and said, “I’m crazy about you, too.”
“I’m just thinking… Why do I need to care what they think about me?” Addison said, blinking in surprise. It was a pretty obvious truth she had overlooked. She had everything she needed in her friends and family and the beautiful girl grinning back at her. A little acceptance would be nice but was not necessary for her to be happy.
That realization was like a weight lifted off her shoulders. She felt lighter, ready to float away on the slightest of breezes.
Bethany grinned at her and asked, “You want to go to the dance as a couple, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Addison said, realizing she had made up her mind.
“Um, yeah,” Bethany said, laughing nervously, “we are going as a couple.”
“Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you into anything,” Addison said, meeting Bethany’s eyes.
“I’m sure. I guess I just needed you to point out the obvious,” Bethany said, leaning in to give Addison a tender kiss.
Pulling back, Addison searched the girl’s eyes. She saw the girl was indeed sure, no doubt in her beautiful eyes. Addison smiled at her and took a deep breath that she let out as a nervous laugh. Bethany seemed to understand, and she nodded.
“I guess we picked our when,” Addison said.
“Thanks for letting me stay, Mom,” Bethany said, grinning at Addison’s mother. Addison smiled at the use of the honorary title. Bethany’s mom got the same treatment from Addison.
The woman smiled back at her, said, “You know you are always welcome, kiddo.”
“We’ll be up in my room,” Addison said, starting to get up from the couch.
“Hold up,” her mother said, turning off the TV.
Uh oh, Addison thought.
“Tell me more about this dance,” the woman said.
“Come on, Mom,” Addison said, playing the annoyed teenager card. She hoped to get out of the room without getting grilled. A glance at her mother told her the woman wasn’t having it. Sighing theatrically, she said, “Fine. What do you want to know?”
“I’m assuming it is chaperoned,” she said, looking from Bethany and Addison.
“By teachers and parents, yeah,” Bethany said.
“Plus it is at the school,” Addison said, grinning, “so we’ll have to bring our own alcohol and drugs. We’ll be-”
Her mother gave her a sour look that Addison found hilarious. She couldn’t even finish the rest of her smart ass answer, she was laughing so hard.
Finally, her mother just shook her head and said, “Get out of here, smart ass.”
Grinning, Addison kissed her on the cheek and sprung to her feet. She called over her shoulder as she headed for the stairs, “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” her mother said, turning the TV back on.
As they headed upstairs, Addison met Bethany’s eyes and wiped a hand across her forehead theatrically. The girl grinned back at her. Out of earshot, she said, “Dodged a bullet that time.”
“As long as she doesn’t volunteer to be a chaperon,” Bethany said, making Addison look at her sharply.
“Don’t even say that out loud,” Addison said, opening the door to her room, “you’ll jinx us.”
“I’m pretty sure they already have the chaperons picked,” Bethany said, as Addison closed the door behind them, “the dance is next Saturday.”
“Which makes no sense,” Addison said, moving against the girl, “because Valentine’s Day isn’t until the Tuesday afterward.”
“Yeah, but they can’t have a dance at one in the afternoon on a school day,” Bethany said, grinning at her.
“They could give us the afternoon off from classes,” Addison said, wrapping her arms around Bethany’s neck.
“Yeah, that would have been cool,” Bethany said.
Addison kissed Bethany, feeling the girl respond. Addison forced herself to break the kiss before it got too far out of control. Glancing at her alarm clock, she groaned. Bethany followed her eyes and she shook her head.
“It’s so early,” Addison said, slipping out of Bethany’s arms.
“Yeah,” Bethany said, pulling Addison close again and kissing her. The kiss left her knees a little weak with need.
“You better stop,” Addison said, pulling back.
While she meant it, she kind of hoped the girl didn’t stop. Her heart started racing when the girl favored her with a playful smile. The girl kissed her again, a sweet, lingering kiss that broke her resistance. The girl whispered in her ear, “You better put some music on.”
“Yeah,” Addison said, pulling free of the girl.
Her heart was racing as she went to her stereo and started some music playing. Turning around, she found the girl sitting Indian style on her bed. Bethany beckoned her to join her. Addison cast one glance at the door to the hallway, then went to Bethany. The girl pulled Addison into her lap, so they faced each other, Addison sitting in the hollow of Bethany’s legs.
“You know this is a horrible idea, right?” Addison asked, wrapping her arms around Bethany’s neck. The girl grinned at Addison, letting her hands slip down her back to cup her buttocks through the jeans she wore. Laughing and shaking her head, Addison kissed her, again.
She began rolling her hips back and forth, rubbing against Bethany. She was pleasantly surprised by how much she could feel through the thick denim. As her nerve endings began to sing, she thought maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Her pace began to pick up as she became more and more excited.
Bethany’s fingers tightened on her buttocks, her hips beginning to push forward and up into Addison’s thrusts. Addison smiled at the girl, really ground her girlhood against Bethany. Bethany moaned thickly, her eyes flashing at Addison. Seeing how much she liked it, Addison kept it up, mashing their bodies together. As a moan was forced from her own lips, she realized she liked it, too. The pressure and the friction were lovely.
Satisfied that Addison wasn’t going to stop the rolling of her hips, Bethany let her hands slip from her buttocks and under the shirt Addison wore. Addison shivered at the feather-light brush of Bethany’s fingertips on her sides, then her stomach. Bethany’s hands found her breasts, kneading them through the thin cotton bra she wore. She groaned as her nipples stiffened and the material tortured the sensitive nubs. Her back arched, and she had to put her arms out behind her to hold her weight. Bethany didn’t let up until she couldn’t stand any more.
Addison looked down as Bethany pushed her shirt up around her armpits, then did the same with her bra. She shivered as the air found her bare breasts and she glanced at the door. Her attention was torn back to Bethany as the girl’s hot mouth found her nipple, teasing it with her tongue and lips. Already aching sweetly, the attention made her cry out in pleasure. Again, she glanced at the door, but Bethany wasn’t done with her. She gasped as the girl’s teeth gently ground her nipple and she looked wide-eyed at the girl.
Grinning, Bethany let Addison’s shirt fall back into place, but her bra was still push up on the slopes of her breasts. She thought to fix it but didn’t get the chance.
Bethany pulled Addison back upright, her hands returning to Addison’s backside. Addison gasped as Bethany suddenly lifted her off her lap and dumped Addison onto the bed beside her. Giggling, Addison watched as Bethany climbed atop her. Bethany nudged her thighs open wider, then laid between them. Smiling, Addison wrapped her legs around the girl’s waist as she began to thrust her hips forward.
The lovely friction of Bethany’s body moving against her own was sending little shivers of pleasure through her, and she clutched at the sheets. The girl had worked her into a state, and her body was writhing underneath her. Addison bit her lip, trying to keep her cries of excitement in check but Bethany wasn’t making it easy. Each roll of her hips made it harder to hold them in.
Addison saw Bethany having her own problems, her face screwed up in pleasure. She met Bethany’s eyes and saw them widened slightly. She knew that look, knew that the girl was going to come. Addison pushed her hips up into the girl’s thrusts as Bethany’s hips started to lose their grace. She kept her hips moving, wanting the girl to come. In her frantic effort to finish Bethany off, she stirred her own orgasm to life. It took all of her concentration to keep grinding against Bethany as her body went crazy.
Bethany gasped as her body locked up on her, then shook itself apart. Addison felt the girl’s orgasm through her legs, which were still wrapped around the girl’s waist. The trembling of Bethany’s body triggered Addison’s climax, and she shook with the girl.
Gasping for air, Bethany said, “Well… That works.”
Addison laughed and said, “Yeah.”
Bethany brushed her hair out of her face, then leaned in to kiss Addison. Without breaking the kiss, Bethany moved from between Addison’s legs, stretching out beside her. Pulling back, Bethany grinned at her, then flopped on her back.
Glancing sideways at Addison, Bethany smiled at her and said, “Do you think that will hold us over until your parents go to sleep?”
Laughing, Addison said, “Maybe.”
“Yeah,” Bethany said, looking up at the ceiling, “maybe.”
“They are finally asleep,” Addison said, closing the door behind herself. She smiled at the girl laying on her bed in just a pair of panties and a t-shirt, her usual sleep attire. Bethany had been dressed like this for a couple hours, and it had taken all of Addison’s restraint to keep her hands off the girl. Addison thought the girl knew what she was doing to her.
Bethany propped up on her elbows, turning her head to look at Addison. There was no mistaking the look she gave Addison. She smiled a playful smile, motioning for Addison to join her with a tip of her head.
Her heart racing, Addison went to the girl, crawling onto the bed. On her hands and knees, she kissed Bethany. It was a slow, sweet kiss. They had to wait impatiently for this moment, but now that it had come, they didn’t need to hurry. They had all night.
“You know you’ve been torturing me, laying around like this,” Addison said, pulling back to meet the girl’s eyes.
Bethany grinned at her playfully and said, “I know.”
“You are such a tease,” Addison said, kissing her, again.
“I just like the way you look at me,” Bethany said, biting her lower lip, “it makes me feel beautiful.”
Gently caressing Bethany’s cheek, Addison said, “You ARE beautiful. I can’t help getting all googly eyed when I look at you.”
“I’m that way with you,” the girl said, affectionately.
Addison’s heart forgot to beat for a few seconds, and she felt warm and fuzzy all over. Bethany really was beautiful. Even a blind man could see that. Addison wondered if the girl really thought she was beautiful, too. She figured she was cute, maybe even pretty but not beautiful.
“Even when we were just friends, I had a little bit of a crush on you,” Bethany said, almost shyly.
“Really?” Addison asked, surprised.
“I don’t know how you didn’t notice,” Bethany said, laughing, “I was sure you were going to catch me looking at you.”
“I- I never noticed,” Addison said.
Bethany smiled and kissed her, then said, “When I first started seeing that you might be like me, I couldn’t believe it. Wishful thinking, I kept telling myself.”
“Like you?” Addison asked. She realized she was still on her hands and knees, leaning over the girl. Sitting back on her haunches, she let Bethany sit up.
“Into girls,” Bethany said, grinning, “a lesbian.”
“Oh,” Addison said, laughing.
“Even when I decided to put the note and rose in your locker, I wasn’t completely convinced that you were. You were just so beautiful without even trying to be, you know. I just had to try,” Bethany said, laughing.
Again, the girl’s words made her feel warm and fuzzy all over. She could see the truth of the girl’s words in her eyes; Bethany really did think she was beautiful.
“I really didn’t know for sure until you got on the bus and I saw the look on your face. You have no idea how hard it was to keep from getting up and doing a happy dance,” Bethany said, grinning at the memory.
“You should play poker for a living,” Addison said, laughing, “you have a helluva poker face. I didn’t have a clue.”
Laughing, Bethany said, “You know, I only ever intended to write that one letter. The rest just sort of… happened.”
“So you aren’t some evil genius?” Addison asked, playfully.
“Nope,” the girl said, kissing her, “just incredibly lucky.”
“Speaking of getting lucky,” Addison said, grinning at Bethany as she leaned into kiss the girl. The girl kissed her back around a giggle. The laughter dried up, but the kiss didn’t, and Bethany responded eagerly. It deepened as desire welled up between them.
Addison playfully pushed her girlfriend backward, sending the girl sprawling on her back. Bethany grinned up at her, curiosity in her eyes as she wondered what Addison had in mind. With a smile that made Bethany forget to breathe for a few seconds, Addison slid her hands up the girl’s legs, over her hips, all the way up to cup her small breasts through the shirt Bethany wore. Bethany’s breathing got a little funny as she grew excited. Letting her hands slip down the girl’s taut belly, she gathered the shirt in her hands, pushing it up. Bethany helped her remove it completely, tossing it aside.
Addison’s eyes went to the pale swells of Bethany’s breasts, to the nipples stiffening with excitement. Grinning, she lowered her mouth to one, teasing a moan from Bethany with her tongue. The girl’s back arched off the bed as Addison used her teeth, gently nibbling her nipple. A thick groan escaped Bethany, and her hand slipped around the back of Addison’s head, holding her mouth to her breast. Her hand slipped up Bethany’s stomach to cup the other breast, to torture its nub.
When Bethany was ready, Addison worked her way lower, leaving a trail of kisses down the faint muscle line on her abdomen. She heard the change in Bethany’s breathing the lower she moved, and she let the anticipation build, taking her time getting where she was going. Bethany was holding her breath by the time Addison’s lips brushed against the waistband of her panties. Rolling her eyes up at the girl, Addison gave her a playful smile as she pulled the underwear down just a little to kiss where the cotton had covered. Bethany’s body was all but thrumming with excitement as Addison pulled them down a little more and kissed the exposed skin beneath. She could just see the top of Bethany’s girlhood.
Tired of waiting, Bethany lifted her backside off the bed. Laughing, Addison pulled her panties off her hips and ran them down her long legs. Tossing them aside, she gently spread Bethany’s legs wide. She stretched out between them, her fingers massaging the soft folds of the girl’s sex. The moans that escaped Bethany told her just how turned on the girl was, and the first caress of Addison’s tongue on her tender bud had the girl clutching at the sheets.
The musky scent of the girl in her nose and the salty taste of her skin on her tongue, Addison reveled in what she was doing. The sounds of excitement Bethany was making were music to her ears. So many lovely sensory inputs and her brain could hardly take it all in.
The pressure of Addison’s tongue had Bethany’s hips undulating against her mouth. Addison’s fingers dug into the girl’s thighs, trying to rein in her thrashing body. It was hard enough to hurt, but Bethany hardly noticed, too wrapped up in the lovely feelings Addison was awakening in her body. She was biting her knuckle, trying to keep her cries in check. She was only half succeeding.
Addison had worked the girl into a state, and it didn’t take long for tension to enter Bethany’s body. Bethany propped up on her elbows, her eyes wide as she looked at Addison. She forgot about being quiet as her body built up pressure, ready to explode with pleasure. Then she climaxed hard, nearly folding in half as her body went crazy. Her thighs clamped on Addison’s head, and she shook with the girl.
Eventually, Bethany freed her, and Addison grinned at the panting girl. Bethany favored her with a slightly dazed smile, running her hand through her hair. Laughing, Addison gave her a kiss, which Bethany returned eagerly.
When Bethany’s hand slipped down Addison’s stomach and onto the crotch of the little sleep shorts she wore, Addison moaned into the kiss. Bethany pulled back to smile at her, her fingers teasing Addison’s bud through the thin cotton of the shorts. The smile widened as Addison’s face became a rictus of pleasure, her hips beginning to move against the girl’s hand.
Addison got to her knees, so Bethany could pull her shorts and panties down. Sitting back down, she shucked the shorts off completely. Bethany urged her to lay back, gently spreading her legs wide. Addison shivered as Bethany ran her hands up the insides of her thighs, her touch as light as the brush of a butterfly’s wings on her skin. Her heart started beating faster as the girl’s hands neared her girlhood but Bethany’s hand kept moving higher. Bethany’s thumbs snagged the bottom of Addison’s shirt, pushing it up until Addison’s breasts were bared.
Leaving a trail of moist kisses on Addison’s stomach, Bethany worked her way up Addison’s supine body. Her tongue was hot and wet as it caressed Addison’s nipple, drawing a moan from Addison’s slack mouth. She didn’t stay long, moving up to give Addison a toe curling kiss that left her a little dizzy with need. She started working her way down, again. Bethany kissed the graceful curve of Addison’s neck, her collar bone. Her mouth found Addison’s other breast, her lips drawing a moan from Addison as she kissed first the slope, then the sensitive underside of it.
The first brush of Bethany’s lips against Addison’s tender bud sent little shivers of pleasure through her supine body. Rolling her eyes up at Addison, Bethany gave her a smile as her tongue slipped between the soft folds of Addison’s girlhood to tease her clit. The smile widened as Addison bit her lip to stifle the moan that the hot caress of her tongue brought to her lips.
That smile got to Addison, that playful upturn of Bethany’s lips. It set her heart to racing in her breast, and she became even more turned on. She thought Bethany looked so sexy when she smiled like that, especially when they were in bed like this.
The flick of Bethany’s tongue against her bud and the feel of her lips as she gently sucked on her clitoral hood had Addison’s body going crazy. The waves of pleasure the girl sent coursing through her body had her hips undulated against Bethany’s mouth. Those waves seemed to be building and building, crashing into her harder.
, Addison thought, biting her knuckle in a vain attempt to control the noises of excitement she was making. Addison’s nerve endings were singing praises to Bethany’s able tongue, her fingers tightening on the sheets as she held on for dear life.
She felt her body start to gather tension, the pleasure washing through her building and building until she had to clamp her hand over her mouth to muffle her cries of ecstasy. The tension swelled until she didn’t think she could take any more. All that build up finally got to be too much, and she stiffened and gasped as she climaxed. She lost control of her body as it shook itself loose.
“Holy shit,” Addison said, laughing.
Grinning, Bethany stretched out beside her, said, “You are welcome, Love.”
Addison leaned in and gave her a lingering kiss. When their lips finally parted, Addison moved against Bethany, resting her head on the girl’s shoulder. She smiled as the girl’s arms tightened around her. Not for the first time, she noticed how comfortable she was getting with being in Bethany’s arms. She loved this- the cuddling afterward- as much as fooling around.
Well, almost, she thought, letting her hand slip down Bethany’s stomach and between her thighs.
Laughing, Bethany said, “Best not start something you aren’t going to finish.”
Addison lifted her head and gave the girl a coquettish grin, said, “I doubt it’ll be anytime soon when we are ‘finished’ tonight.”
And Ebo is still the best. I’m so in love with this story and these girls and it is really nice to have just 2 girls together. I do really enjoy your group stories but the single couple is always the best in my book. I’m so looking forward to this dance that is coming up.
I am missing reading more in the BL chronicle but I understand needing to give stories a rest to focus on other things. Keep the stories coming please Ebo
Dear Ebo,
Previously, Sue has emailed regarding our thoughts on your writing but after thoroughly enjoying part three of ‘The Dance’, I wished to impart our joint thanks for your superb efforts in storytelling.
We really have been captivated by both your characters and storyline(s) and The Dance/Secret Admirer have been, readable, likeable and very entertaining. The sex, although in the case of these two young ladies, is more akin to love-making, bearing in mind, the origins of their tryst, is wonderful and we wonder how long it will be before the girls venture further afield in the love-making, that is to say, not with others but experimenting between themselves?
Knowing that you must be somewhat busy, compiling away, we wonder, (if you are taking suggestions) if you could get around to the BLC and the forthcoming party – pleeese?
You deserve a big thank you from both of us, except that we have a united complaint – you are just not writing fast enough: he he..
Thanks again from across the ocean.
Jen and Susy (UK)
Thanks Fur, Jen.
Work has been kind of hectic lately, but I hope to have a new chapter of Black Lingerie Chronicles up Apr 19-ish.
Another good chapter. I realized tonight that your work reminds me of Moby Dick. It’s masterfully written and you can skip about half without missing anything vital. For Moby Dick it was the half of the book that was a 19th century whale textbook, and for your work it is the sex scenes. Don’t get me wrong, those scenes are hot as hell and written as well as anything else, but they don’t advance the plot. If that is not an intentional choice on your part it should be.
I appreciate it. I try to write a good story, first and foremost. I want you to be entertained, want you to feel something about my characters beyond the obvious response to stories like these. So, when you say the story would stand on its own without the sex scenes, I take that as a compliment. It makes me feel I’ve succeeded as a writer. So, the sex scenes are just the icing on the cake, I guess. Still, they are fun to write and hopefully fun to read, even if they don’t advance the plot.
They are way fun to read Ebo! And I think all of your stories could stand alone! The BLC with just the love and without the sex could get published I think! As a kind of Fantasy Ghost story! You are a marvelous writer Ebo and I try to come close to you in my own writing.
Love and Kisses
Maybe the BLC could be published without the sex, but seeing as how the Black Lingerie is the main Macguffin, it would take a bit of reworking, which could potentially take away from it. I do agree however, that the romance would absolutely have to stay, as it is a huge part of the story in general, SPOILER ALERT, especially the kind of love triangle between Natty, Erin and Ashley (which hurts my heart whenever it crops up, along with the whole “Natty stuck in an alternate dimension at 12 yrs old while everyone else grows up” thing)
Either way I am eagerly awaiting more chapters of a lot of the stories on here including the BLC, hint hint Ebo
Just love this story and the two girls. I think I know where this is going and I will enjoy finding out if I was right. You are the best Ebo.
Just noticed a slight issue here Ebo
The flick of Bethany’s tongue against her bud and the feel of her lips as she gently sucked on her clitoral hood had Addison’s body going crazy. The waves of pleasure the girl sent coursing through her body had her hips undulated against Bethany’s mouth. Those waves seemed to be building and building, crashing into her harder.
, Addison thought, biting her knuckle in a vain attempt to control the noises of excitement she was making. Addison’s nerve endings were singing praises to Bethany’s able tongue, her fingers tightening on the sheets as she held on for dear life.
These girls are gonna get caught someday. Is waiting for the parents to go to bed really a good idea? Noises will be more easily heard when the whole house is quiet, and you can’t tell if the parents are really asleep or not.
But anyway. Very cute scenes where they go back and forth about the dance and all that. Seems like they made their decision. I’m looking forward to that! I like Tara, too. She’s funny.
Also, what Fur is trying to say is that there’s a line in the part he quoted that goes “Addison thought” but the actual thought seems to be missing. I noticed that too while reading.