Naughty Mommy

I’m a lesbian mom, early 40s, US-born but now living abroad. I hope you will enjoy my stories, and I love getting comments on them — especially when they’re typed with wet fingers!


Bambi at the Beach, 6 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A new adventure begins for little Bambi and her sexy, seductive mother in this sequel to The Lost Girl Game (see below).

Childhood Memories

Sensual recollections from a young girl’s life, age five to fifteen.

Cocktail Waitress

It’s certainly not a perfect job, but what job is? And anyway, it’s all worth it, because…

Comforting My Little Girl

A shy single mom and her equally shy 11-year-old daughter find they may not really need anyone else.


Taking care of the young neighbor girls after school, and giving them special treats.

Every Sunday Night, 2 parts

Two lucky little girls in a dirty little story.

The Family Kiss, 2 parts

Handing down special knowledge from generation to generation.

Getting Big

A young girl comes to her mother’s room one night with questions.

In Her Room

Day after day, it seems, she gets a little bit closer. But how far will she finally go?

Read the companion piece to this storyIn My Room

In the Closet, 2 parts

Special things sisters do while their parents are away.

The Joy of Lake Tahoe, 4 chapters

Our old friends Julie and Kate meet a new friend while visiting their aunt in Nevada.

The Joy of Looking, 133 chapters so far  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

An epic, novel-length story describing the sexual adventures of a beautiful mom and her three daughters.

The Lost Girl Game, 9 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A precocious little girl named Bambi seems to be lost. But is she really?

Maternal Closeness

A young mother worries that her intimacy with her daughter may have crossed too many boundaries.

Maternal Exhibitionism

A fictionalized academic study, presented for your pleasure.

Nanna Comes to Help, 4 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

When Stacie has to leave town on a business trip, she asks her mother to stay with her little girl for a week.

Perfectly Natural, 2 parts

Love and affection between a mom and her daughter, what could be more natural or more beautiful?

Perverse Pleasures, 2 parts

Some things are better enjoyed when risk is involved.

Secrets, 25 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Shelly has a secret she just has to tell someone. And it turns out she’s not the only one with something to hide!

Serendipity, 60 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

As several families of moms and girls cross paths in San Diego, they all discover new kinds of intimacy.

Sheila, Bridget, and the Girls, 6 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Sisters Bridget and Sheila have three young daughters between them, more than enough to keep their hands full.

Showing Amanda, 4 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A mother takes her 10-year-old daughter’s sex education into her own hands.

A Special Request, 2 parts

A call girl is asked to play the role of an 11-year-old girl named Kathy… by Kathy’s mother!

Spying on Hallie, 3 parts

When a mom overhears her teenage daughter masturbating, she’s tempted to take the next step, and then the next.

Teaching the Girls, 25 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A 16-year-old is hired to provide yoga instruction for a group of young girls, but her private lessons end up going much further than she ever expected.

Telling My Story, 4 chapters

Passing down the pleasures of lesbian incest from generation to generation.

The Thunderstorm

Late at night in bed, a pair of teenage sisters create heat lightning of their own.

Two Moms, 25 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Lia has moved to a different city, where she’s started at a new school and made a new best friend… a girl with a very interesting mom.

Well, why not? 2 parts

 A lonely single mom comes to question her beliefs about what’s right and what’s wrong.

243 Comments on Naughty Mommy

  1. PoppaBear says:

    Thank you, all three of you, for setting up this site – badly needed – and in this instance thank you Naughty Mommy for The Lost Girl Game, one of my favourite stories.

  2. Thank you, Poppa. We’re all very excited about the new site, and I’m glad you like my Lost Girl Game story so much. (I do too, hee-hee.)

  3. Cheryl Taggert says:

    Thank you, Poppa! Welcome to the greatest site for erotic stories on the net!

  4. Ironic990 says:

    Three of my favorite authors all in one place! You have all given me many hours of pleasure. But Naughty….your stories have always been perfect for pressing all my buttons. The Joy of Looking is truly a magnum opus. Thank you for what I know was and is hundreds of hours of time and energy and for your willingness to share with all of us. You and your hard work are must deeply appreciated. I look forward to this project with great anticipation.

  5. Aww, you make me blush, Ironic.

    You’re right, obviously, about the time and effort that goes into writing something like The Joy of Looking, especially since I am something of a perfectionist, going over each chapter again and again, editing and polishing until I am sure it’s as good as I can make it. But I can assure you it is work I love doing.

  6. kaiakitty says:

    So glad you’re writing again. I missed you.

  7. Kelly Ann says:

    I think the marvelous work that is Joy Of Looking shows that our Naughty Mommy is not only a perfectionist but a pedant. Please continue your pedantry for our pleasure!

  8. kaiakitty, omg, it’s so nice to hear from you! I missed you too, and I’m very glad to be back writing again. Please don’t be a stranger now — come often here at Juicy Secrets!

  9. John says:

    Just wanted to say how very exiting your storys are here at your new site have read some of JetBlue storys on dirtymindedmom blog & you 2 New to me lady’s story have read a few of each very hot such good writing. Really like your new blog.

  10. Thanks, John! Keep cumming back, hee-hee 😉

  11. DaughterLover says:

    As I eagerly await your next new story chapter, I went back to LL to read your first story posted there (Maternal Closeness), which somehow I had missed before 🙁 I remember very clearly my first reading (about 1 year ago) of “The Lost Girl Game” on the recommendation of a friend, then immediately devouring “Joy of Looking.” To say I was immediately hooked on your writing would be an extreme understatement.

    I only want to add that, although I have no daughter, “Maternal Closeness” matches very closely my “go to” fantasy that I have had for years (at least 5), so to read your version of it was pure heaven 🙂 Thank you sooooo much!!

  12. DaughterLover, you just convinced me that I should post that story here at Juicy Secrets. I’m not sure why I haven’t done it yet, but now I will. Thank you for giving me the impetus! Kisses to you!! xoxo

  13. Tray21 says:

    Just completed The lost girl. Cant wait for the next part Bambi at the Beach. your stories always make me so hot!! keep the work, no pressure but when is next story coming

  14. Thank you, Tray. I’m so glad you like my writing. 🙂

    Tomorrow (Sunday), I will post another chapter of Nanna Comes to Help, and then on Wednesday next week I’ll post another chapter of Showing Amanda. As for Bambi at the Beach, that new series will debut here, for the first time anywhere, on Sunday, May 17.

    Keep ‘coming’ back!

  15. Tray21 says:

    you know I will can’t wait until Sunday

  16. John says:

    Nice stories. I will surely be looking for up-dates. God I’m wet, and I’m a guy. Lol.

  17. Thanks, John. Nice to have you here! I’m happy to please both sexes with my stories (if not in real life, hee-hee).

  18. laura says:

    decades and decades ago you left and continued a life in europe with your partner…and closed down your email….
    we wrote a great deal to each other…hot with intellect and insight….
    you are one most extraordinary humane human and superb author….
    i am shocked to see you back and i have so many questions….but first simply sending all gratitude and love….i hope you will begin a conversation once again…all: laura

  19. drew says:

    The Joy of Looking is a great read. Love it all – I just discovered this site and spent most of the weekend reading most of the chapters. SOOO naughty and sexy too. Love the parts where mom talks so nasty to her daughters. Wondering how many times you cum playing with yourself as you write.

  20. Thanks, drew, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. 🙂 And in regard to what you’re wondering about, the answer is — a lot!

  21. laura says:

    i am so glad you are back with brilliance and energies and the usual excellence….i hope you will get in touch at my email….all: laura….

  22. Laura, I did. I sent you an email yesterday. Oh, wait… it looks like perhaps I used the wrong address. Let me try again.

  23. No, that didn’t work either, Laura. I got a fail message from AOL. Rats. But tell you what, if you’re still registered at the Story Friends Board, you can easily contact me there. 😀

  24. harlequin says:

    Hi Naughty Mommy, and welcome back! 🙂
    I love your stories… What about “The joy of looking”?… Is it going to be picked up again?…

  25. Hi, harlequin, and thanks for the welcome. It’s been a long time. About the Joy of Looking, I am planning to add at least a few more chapters to the saga, although that may not happen for a few months. Too many other things I’m working on right now. But if you’re patient, I promise you will get more. 😉

  26. Terri says:

    OMG….what a great site! and so glad to find you all here…all three of you are my favorites and I look forward to many great tales of lust…kitty kisses and love to you all,

    Terri XOXO

  27. Terri, it’s good to hear from you — welcome to Juicy Secrets!!

  28. Amber says:

    Love love love the stories. So hot. Thanx mommy. Amber

  29. Thanks, Amber. I love love love that you love them! 😉 xoxo

  30. drew says:

    cannot wait to read Sheila, Bridget, and the Girls. So many possibilities! YUM!

  31. Tray21 says:

    Ok, I’ve been good all week ok maybe not good. but damn when are we getting another update on one of your stories. fingers need a work out!!

  32. Tray21, I will be posting Chapter 2 of “Bambi at the Beach” tomorrow (Sunday) in the morning. I’ve just been polishing it up, ‘polishing the pearl’ as it were, making sure it’s good and ready. Hope you enjoy it!

  33. SmoothLover says:

    I so very loved the “Joy of Looking” series and cannot wait until you write more! So incredibly hot and beautiful!

  34. Thanks, SmoothLover, I’m glad you liked it!

    There will be more “Joy of Looking” in the future, though probably not for a few months. As I’ve mentioned before, right now I’m in the middle of several other writing projects and I want to get those done first. But be patient, you haven’t yet seen the last of Suzanne, Julie, Kate, and Molly. 😀

  35. laura says:

    i don’t know why this failed… is my usual email address….but i will also try the story friends whatever and hope to connect… delighted…..laura….

  36. laura says:

    i’ll ask you to try my address one more time….
    meanwhile…i am trying to unravel the complexities of my story friends membership…. l.

  37. Amber says:

    Is there any way for us to chat with other fans about our fantasies on here? or get in contact?

  38. No, I’m afraid not, Amber. We’re not really set up for chat here at Juicy Secrets. Of course, you’re welcome to share your fantasies in the comments, and perhaps others will respond to them, but that may not be what you’re looking for. My best advice is to consider joining the Story Friends Board, if you’re not already a member, and connecting with like-minded people there.

  39. Mrs HotSalsa says:

    May I ask how far away is Chapter 5 of Bambi at the beach?

  40. Yes, you may ask, Mrs Salsa. 😉 The answer is next Sunday, June 14. Between now and then, however, I also will be posting two new chapters of “Sheila, Bridget, and the Girls” if that’s any consolation.

    Thanks for the question, and I hope your reading keeps you hot!

  41. emma says:

    Just found your stories and I’ve ruined three pairs of panties so

  42. Oh good, that’s what I love to hear, Emma! 😉 More juicy panties!!

    Just out of curiosity, can I ask how you found our site?

  43. emma says:

    Hi mommy,
    I was just looking for sexy mom and daughter stories and got very lucky.

  44. Kelly Ann says:

    Ruined?! Emma, those panties are just getting “comfortable”!

  45. emma says:

    In that case, Nanna Comes to Help got them so comfortable they melted. lol

  46. Irene says:

    Naughty Mommy……just wow!!!! I just found this site and have to say that I am blown away by the content. You are a wonderful writer and I am enjoying them immensely. As a reader who would fall into the teenage character age range, I am learning much about my body and my love for women and girls. Thank you for this. Please keep the stories coming!

  47. Thank you so much, Irene. I’m very glad you found us. Tell all your friends!! (ha-ha)

  48. Irene says:

    You are welcome. I would tell my friends but so far have been too shy to let them know of my explorations.

  49. Irene, do you have a favorite story here so far?

  50. Irene says:

    I am loving “Joy of Looking”.

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