Naughty Mommy

I’m a lesbian mom, early 40s, US-born but now living abroad. I hope you will enjoy my stories, and I love getting comments on them — especially when they’re typed with wet fingers!


Bambi at the Beach, 6 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A new adventure begins for little Bambi and her sexy, seductive mother in this sequel to The Lost Girl Game (see below).

Childhood Memories

Sensual recollections from a young girl’s life, age five to fifteen.

Cocktail Waitress

It’s certainly not a perfect job, but what job is? And anyway, it’s all worth it, because…

Comforting My Little Girl

A shy single mom and her equally shy 11-year-old daughter find they may not really need anyone else.


Taking care of the young neighbor girls after school, and giving them special treats.

Every Sunday Night, 2 parts

Two lucky little girls in a dirty little story.

The Family Kiss, 2 parts

Handing down special knowledge from generation to generation.

Getting Big

A young girl comes to her mother’s room one night with questions.

In Her Room

Day after day, it seems, she gets a little bit closer. But how far will she finally go?

Read the companion piece to this storyIn My Room

In the Closet, 2 parts

Special things sisters do while their parents are away.

The Joy of Lake Tahoe, 4 chapters

Our old friends Julie and Kate meet a new friend while visiting their aunt in Nevada.

The Joy of Looking, 133 chapters so far  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

An epic, novel-length story describing the sexual adventures of a beautiful mom and her three daughters.

The Lost Girl Game, 9 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A precocious little girl named Bambi seems to be lost. But is she really?

Maternal Closeness

A young mother worries that her intimacy with her daughter may have crossed too many boundaries.

Maternal Exhibitionism

A fictionalized academic study, presented for your pleasure.

Nanna Comes to Help, 4 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

When Stacie has to leave town on a business trip, she asks her mother to stay with her little girl for a week.

Perfectly Natural, 2 parts

Love and affection between a mom and her daughter, what could be more natural or more beautiful?

Perverse Pleasures, 2 parts

Some things are better enjoyed when risk is involved.

Secrets, 25 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Shelly has a secret she just has to tell someone. And it turns out she’s not the only one with something to hide!

Serendipity, 60 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

As several families of moms and girls cross paths in San Diego, they all discover new kinds of intimacy.

Sheila, Bridget, and the Girls, 6 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Sisters Bridget and Sheila have three young daughters between them, more than enough to keep their hands full.

Showing Amanda, 4 chapters  (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A mother takes her 10-year-old daughter’s sex education into her own hands.

A Special Request, 2 parts

A call girl is asked to play the role of an 11-year-old girl named Kathy… by Kathy’s mother!

Spying on Hallie, 3 parts

When a mom overhears her teenage daughter masturbating, she’s tempted to take the next step, and then the next.

Teaching the Girls, 25 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

A 16-year-old is hired to provide yoga instruction for a group of young girls, but her private lessons end up going much further than she ever expected.

Telling My Story, 4 chapters

Passing down the pleasures of lesbian incest from generation to generation.

The Thunderstorm

Late at night in bed, a pair of teenage sisters create heat lightning of their own.

Two Moms, 25 chapters (see Chapter Links for descriptions)

Lia has moved to a different city, where she’s started at a new school and made a new best friend… a girl with a very interesting mom.

Well, why not? 2 parts

 A lonely single mom comes to question her beliefs about what’s right and what’s wrong.

243 Comments on Naughty Mommy

  1. becky myers says:

    yours stories are the best the omly ones i read over and over , and everytime i i get off over and over

  2. baby yana says:

    as a younger girl who has a thing for her mom (and older women in general) i LOVE this site and your stories are a big reason. Sometimes i read them together with my cousin <3

  3. Lisa says:

    Love this story I am 31 & still enjoy a suck on mum/s nipples we both enjoy it. xx

  4. Theodorable says:

    I love your style for each story. Very fun and interesting reads. making my fingers very wet rubbing my honey pot.

  5. eloise says:

    Hi are these stories made up or did these happen in real life

  6. Rob says:

    Hello Naughty Mommy,
    as a male dutch writer of erotic stories I recently found this website and from the beginning I am hooked on your story “The joy of Looking”. I really love the beauty of lesbian sex and incest and the way that you write about the discovery of young lust, the love of a mom for her girls not only exites me a lot, but it fills me with the same love as how you describe it in your stories. Thank you so much and please keep on writing your erotic art. I love you.
    Love and kisses from Rob

  7. Brent says:

    I loved your story nana comes to help wow your stories are detailed and very erotic I finally came after chapter 3 when the daughter rode nanas face I’m a fan.

    • Loris says:

      Caro Brent Anch’io adoro come te, tutti gli atti sessuali di amore/lesbian ma farei un infarto se mi capitasse di vedere mia moglie che lecca la fessurina ancora senaza peli della nostra figlioletta che ha appena compiuto nove anni. Sogni che resteranno tali però questi racconti alleviano la mia tristezza.

      Google Translate: Dear Brent I love like you too, all the love/lesbian sex acts but I would give a heart attack if I ever saw my wife licking the still hairless slit of our little daughter who just turned nine. Dreams that will remain dreams but these stories relieve my sadness.

  8. DH says:

    I’m in the process of re-reading “Serendipity” (first read back in 2015). Most enjoyable!
    The “The Lost Girl Game” is a zinger also.

    Are there any illustrations (i.e. of the mom & daughters — Carol, Stacie, Angela, Erin, Bambi, Gwen, Kelly? — It makes the fantasies more visual (i.e. hotter!)


  9. 13 ZivertoV says:

    Hello Naughty Mommy. I apologize in advance for possible mistakes, since English is not my native language and I do not know it, so I have to write through a translator. I have read almost all of your works. Now I’m reading “Teaching the Girls” and it remains to read “The Joy of Looking”. Very exciting and interestingly written stories. Also, I would like to praise your site, it is very well structured and convenient. I have a few questions and suggestions that I would like to discuss in person. If there is a desire and an opportunity, write how to contact you. Thank you in advance.

  10. Tomi says:

    I hope your health is good. I have not seen any stories from you in a bit. I have followed some of te longer stories to their end. I am impressed how you cna continue to develop individuals throuout the entire seires. You must have a very detailed story board. Great work.
    I understand that you are living abroad and do not contribute regularly anymore, if at all.
    I hope you are safe and healthy. Thank you for your inspired writings. They have brought me much “joy”.
    My best to you.

  11. Andrew Chapple says:

    As a newcomer to this site – and a male to boot – I have found your stories very engaging, erotic and very, very arousing. It’s not the actual sex element that I really enjoy, it is the love between the characters and the joy that they experience which I find beautiful and endears me to them. I can’t think of a better way for a girl to discover the wonders of sexual pleasure and the dizzying heights of orgasm, whilst being in a safe and secure environment. Please keep writing


  12. JamesH says:

    I love your stories. It’s hard to find the chronology of them. I always give your Serendipity one some attention. As for my concern with Chronology I just wonder what you wrote after Serendipity since that’s an 8 year old story.

    • Naughty Mommy says:

      Good question!

      It’s hard to answer for certain, partly because I didn’t keep detailed records and my memory is not that good, but also because some of my earliest stories were first published at another site, Lesbian Lolita, beginning way back in 2012. Plus, bear in mind that several of the stories shown below overlapped each other, with installments sometimes being separated by months or even years.

      Anyway, as close as I can recall, this is approximately the order in which they were published:

      ❤️ Maternal Closeness
      ❤️ The Lost Girl Game
      ❤️ The Joy of Looking (began here, then stretched forever)
      ❤️ A Special Request
      ❤️ Childhood Memories
      ❤️ In Her Room
      ❤️ Every Sunday Night
      ❤️ Telling My Story
      ❤️ Showing Amanda
      ❤️ Nanna Comes to Help
      ❤️ Sheila, Bridget, and the Girls
      ❤️ Cocktail Waitress
      ❤️ Bambi at the Beach
      ❤️ Serendipity
      ❤️ Telling My Story
      ❤️ Comforting My Little Girl
      ❤️ The Thunderstorm
      ❤️ Maternal Exhibitionism
      ❤️ Secrets
      ❤️ Getting Big
      ❤️ Well, why not?
      ❤️ Cupcakes
      ❤️ In the Closet
      ❤️ Perverse Pleasures
      ❤️ The Family Kiss
      ❤️ Perfectly Natural
      ❤️ Spying on Hallie
      ❤️ Two Moms
      ❤️ Teaching the Girls

      • sue says:

        JS should really give you some kind of lifetime achievement award. So many great stories with so much wonderful sex. I couldn’t pick a favorite but Serendipity, Teaching the Girls, and Joy of Looking are all epic erotica.

        I wonder how many orgasms I have had from your writings? Thank you.

      • James H says:

        Thanks for the quick reply Naughty Mommy. Very nice stuff and I’ll keep on reading your stories

      • both4me says:

        i recall “enjoying” them on LL

  13. Danielle says:

    I’m a mother of a 7 year old girl, and these stories really do make me think about her in ways most mothers never would
    Keep up the good work <3

  14. shymommy says:

    Your stories are so well crafted, but even better: you make them real.

    Please continue sharing!!

  15. Clit Licker says:

    That’s a fantastic list, Naughty Mommy, and not a dud among them. I, too, have lost count of the number of orgasms you have produced and look forward to many more.

  16. Ciara says:

    I never ever thought I’d come across another woman with the same fantasies I have, its always only men, I was feeling so alone. I still sometimes can’t believe there’s any real women commenting here. I’d love to be connected with one of you just to chat one day! I’m 27 from Canada
    Would love to meet anyone (including men at this point) who’s non judgmental

  17. Dave says:

    Hi naughty mommy your stories are so hot I loved serendipity series I have read it over many times and still cum hard love the exchanges between Tina and eve and their daughters so hot like you will there be a follow up on eve and her daughters love you to hear from you DA

  18. Ryan, Hannah & Emily says:

    Naughty Mommy your stories are some of the most erotic and sexually stimulating that I have ever read. A single dad here with two lesbian daughters, 15 and 17, and they enjoy them also.

  19. Jay says:

    Love the stories. Get super turned on I’m a dad never read anything like this but I love it and want to see more

    • Mystery Mouse says:

      It’s always nice to see a new convert to the cause!

      Yet more proof, if more proof needed, that this is the premier erotica site!

  20. Cris says:

    Sorry for saying that. I just love your stories xx .yes please

  21. Tazzy says:

    Omg I love your writing so much… I got interested in sexual stuff earlier than most & finding my mom’s sex toy stash brought things to another level.. she’s never admitted any feelings to me esp not being super comfy with same gender play aledgedly but she keeps leaving open porn tabs with girls that look weirdly like me & I can’t help but wonder.. anyway I wish in a next life I get a bigger family! Thanks for all the orgasms n-n

  22. Andrew says:

    Of all the writers, who have posted stories on this site, I have to say that I enjoy yours the most. Not that the others’ tales aren’t good, it’s just that your style of writing arouses me more. I enjoy writing stories myself – not erotic ones though – so I appreciate how well you craft your pieces and conjure mental images of what is happening so well.

  23. Holly says:

    I loved your stories and just wanted to make it clear that they arrived here in Brazil! 🔥

  24. Alex says:

    My dear Naughty Mommy,
    It is so sad that I stumbled on this wonderful forum much late, and you do not anymore enrich this with your latest stories. Your stories are indeed the best, imaginative, romantic, and resourceful in terms of content. It looks like they spring from the core of your soul. The Lost Girl Game, the lady Angela and the precocious girl Bambi are so captivating. The long series, The Joy of Looking is extremely delicious, given the rich romanticism and maternal care it is replete with. I wonder where I could find your latest stories, I am straining at the leash to read more.
    Thank you for blessing us with these luscious stories.

    • Naughty Mommy says:

      Thanks, Alex, for your very kind words about my stories. Unfortunately, there aren’t any others that I’ve written posted elsewhere. Due to changing life circumstances, I haven’t done any of this kind of writing for about 5 years. But I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the product of all my earlier efforts.

  25. Peter says:

    Hi Naughty Mommy. Love your stories. I think it so hot when a Mom can teach her young daughter in the ways that you have written your stories. I know that there are those women out there that get turned on by all of this. Would love to get to meet some of them someday. Again thanks so much for your stories. You have made me feel so Happy.

  26. DJ says:

    New on here and just started reading some of your stories. So far I really like them,very well written. Are you still writing stories and if so where can I find them?

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