* * Click here for — Staying in Touch — where we post contact info * *
This is a moderated forum for fans of Juicy Secrets, a place for our readers to come together (so to speak). You can add your comments to topics already posted by using the ‘Leave a Reply’ box, or you may submit a new topic by sending an email to [email protected] — thanks for participating!
May 6, 2024 – Mouse – Series or Standalone: First of all, let me just take this opportunity to say thank you to everybody who contributes to this wonderful site. Not just the editors and the authors, but the commenters and the people behind the scenes as well. You all help to make this a enjoyable, lively, and above all else mature place to visit. Which is why I keep coming back.
Anyway… I was wondering… Read more
May 15, 2022 – Sue – May is Masturbation Month: Though the month is half over, this is still May and it’s May is masturbation month or Maysterbation… Read more
October 23, 2019 – Les Carr – Androgyne Reaches Out: Hi there to all. For years I’ve written erotic stories under the pen name of “Androgyne” on 3 sites and as “Paladin” on a 4th. My problem is that after the massive crash of Yahoo Email in September my long-time address and account simply vanished and my appeals for help and complaints have just been ignored by Yahoo. I have lost touch obviously with many people, a lot of them readers of my stories, and I’m sure many have mailed to my old address and getting no reply are wondering if I’m still alive or have maybe retired from writing erotica… Read more
September 27, 2019 – Captain Midnight – A Eulogy for Letoria: Letoria, the creator of The World of Letoria website, passed away on August 19, 2019.
Lee is survived by her wife of 17 years… Read more
March 22, 2017 – Amanda Lynn – Masturbatory Fantasies: Recently I commented on a question posed by Cheryl Taggert regarding how and when you first starting masturbating. In my reply I mentioned that my first truly huge orgasm came while I was reading a passage from the novel The Deep. After I posted that comment, my naughty mind got to wondering… Read more
January 15, 2017 – Lizzie – No Longer Alone: I have always known that my interests are different than the norm. Starting around age 12, I found that I was into looking at younger girls, mostly 6-9 or so, and that it excited me. I experimented whenever I could with my friends my age, and when I was 14 came out to my family as a lesbian — but did not come out about my real interests… Read more
December 2, 2016 – Poppabear – Seeking Old Friends: In light of the success of the Staying in Touch initiative, I wonder if the fans on Juicy Secrets could help me in trying to find out if some old friends of mine are still OK. When I was a member of Story Friends Board I became a close friend of a member and erotica author who went by the name of Daddy’s Little Slut-Muffin… Read more
November 23, 2016 – Sue – Giving Thanks: I know a lot of readers at Juicy Secrets come from many parts of the world. We are in the USA, and here in the States we have a holiday coming up this week called Thanksgiving. I just want to say how thankful Kim and I are for this site… Read more
November 15, 2016 – Juicy Secrets – Staying in Touch: By request, we’ve decided to add a specific place here at Juicy Secrets where our readers (and writers) can easily stay “in touch” with one another. Many of us have posted our email addresses, Twitter IDs, and so on, at various times in other locations around the site, but this will now be the one spot where you’ll be able to find everyone… Read more
November 5, 2016 – kraM – Writer Challenge: My proposal is that readers could submit basic ideas or scenes and then seek a writer to take up the challenge and create an erotic story along those lines. Better yet, maybe photos could be posted and writers asked to develop a story to accompany the photo… Read more
July 6, 2016 – Cheryl Taggert – “Special Spots” and “Turn-offs”: It’s been a while since someone posted any new topics here, so I thought I would do the honors. I’ve been thinking about those places on our bodies that feel best when touched, kissed, or otherwise stimulated. The question for this forum is what kind of physical stimulation turns you on the most? What turns you off? Read more
December 22, 2015 – Poppabear – Merry Christmas Everyone: This is turning into such an excellent and enjoyable forum that I wanted to say “Merry Christmas” to our three principal authors, all the other authors who have contributed, and to all the members who shared their thoughts, feelings, and emotions about the enjoyable and sexy stories provided here… Read more
November 21, 2015 – Cheryl Taggert – Masturbation Methods and Timing: What is your favorite way to masturbate? When did you start? When did you first have an orgasm? Details? Cheryl’s are here. Now, it’s your turn! Read more
October 24, 2015 – Poppabear – Another Good Author: I know that we have splendid authors here who offer us delightful tales of incestuous sisters, daughters, and mothers as well as exciting little lovers who are devoted to their adult partners. I am here to tell you of the latest chapter from another such author about two wonderful lovers… Read more
September 21, 2015 – kraM – Neutral Depictions of Pedophilia: I’m wondering who has seen in the movies or on TV or in a book or a magazine depictions of pedophiles that weren’t negative. Maybe not necessarily positive, but also not negative — just neutral. I have two examples… Read more
August 21, 2015 – babykeiko – Coming of Age Films: I seem to recall a post somewhere (on the Story Friends Board?) about foreign coming of age films like those from the makers of Kids or Bilitis or Beau Pere, all of which I have watched online with red cheeks. Can anyone point me in the direction of such a list or source? I hope someone remembers! Read more
July 15, 2015 – Kelly Ann – A Moment for ‘C’: After reading JetBoy’s announcement about the LL archive, I think that we as readers and fans of Lesbian Lolita should take a moment or two and wish ‘C’ a healthful recovery and reflect on what that site has meant to us. I discovered Leslita about four years ago. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but I did… Read more
July 4, 2015 – Kelly Ann – Common Interests: In reading comments made by other fans of this site, I’m struck at how often we seem relieved that there is a place to go to explore our fantasies. I know that until I found Nifty and Lesbian Lolita, I felt a bit of an outsider with some of my feelings and fantasies. But now that so many have responded, it is a relief to know I’m not! Read more
July 1, 2015 – JetBoy – Pushing the Envelope: In the strange, uncharted territory of our sex lives, we share some pretty memorable experiences — some magic, some tragic, some delightfully nasty — just as the characters in sex stories do. What I find most interesting as an erotic author is that dramatic instant where a character steps out of her comfort zone, allowing herself to explore something new, unfamiliar, and perhaps a little scary… Read more
I left a suggestion before about Little Miss Blair’s stories from Storiesonline. All I’ve seen are good, but Slumber Party in particular is great. I’m not sure what happened to the message, but I don’t see it here and it’s been a couple months. I am not tech savvy at all though and it’s quite possible I did something wrong. Hope it works this time.
It is quite possible it went straight to the spam folder. That happens from time to time, even to people who have posted multiple times. I usually scan the spam folder for legit posts before emptying it, but some do slip past my tired old eyes.
Cool. I’m glad it got through. Hope you guys consider the suggestion. She has around 30 stories I think. Thanks for the reply.
My wife and daughter love reading your stories
It’s sad that an ‘awful’ rating is being given to some stories as a personal attack aimed at the author rather than a genuine story rating.
Perhaps it’s time the rating system was disabled if it is going to be abused this way. I for one, would be happy with comments only.
I’ve just noticed the same on some of the best stories I’ve read & again one person can ruin a quick way readers can express their love for a story.
I’ve never really got why people are bothered about the occasional ‘awful’ or ‘poor’ rating, personally. Admittedly, if I was getting mostly low ratings it would leave me wondering what the hell I was doing wrong, but the odd one or two is little cause for concern.
If there’s someone giving shitty ratings simply out of spite – and I think a few of us suspect there is – it only becomes an effective weapon if you acknowledge it. Trolls only troll for the attention.
That said, I’m sure there are readers awarding ‘awfuls’ because they do genuinely believe what they’re reading is awful. God knows, there are days when I think my writing is awful, so how can I blame others for agreeing? I’d much prefer they tell me *why* it’s awful, but they’re under no obligation to explain themselves to me. So sure, smash that ‘awful’ button and thanks for reading.
I don’t agree with much that you have said there and you’ve said it before.
I am not talking about attention-seeking trolls, but rather a couple of vindictive people carrying on with their vendetta by attempting to push one writer’s overall rating down. They are not the least bit interested in attention. Fortunately, they actually have little effect, their rating is nullified by all of those that give a high rating.
I happen to know exactly who two of these people are (From another site). One appears to have gone absent for now.
Having said all of that. Yes, I do know there is also at least one troll who randomly gives an awful rating. There I do agree, I pay them no attention.
And, by the way, I don’t think there is hardly a story on JS that remotely deserves an ‘awful’ rating. This site’s standard is too high for that.
I suppose it all boils down to how much value you place on an arbitrary ratings system. If seeing those hearts fill up floats your boat, fair enough.
If a reader is willing to give up some of their time to post a comment, I kind of feel that’s a better foundation for honesty. I value honesty, even if it’s the Your-Story-Is-Utter-Shit variety.
If we agree that some of the ‘awful’ ratings are not given honestly, surely we have to concede that applies to some of the ‘excellents’ too.
If the ratings system mysteriously vanished one day, I wouldn’t be sad. I’ll stick with the comments.
I’ve never been bothered one bit by rock-bottom ratings that get left for my stories. Seek out the greatest works of art imaginable, and you’ll find yahoos who thought they flat-out sucked. I’d never compare my dirty jottings with the creations of Akira Kurosawa, Paul Klee, John Coltrane, Pablo Neruda, Vladimir Nabokov or the Velvet Underground, to name but six… except to mention that, yeah, they had their share of haters, just like me. Comes with the territory, folks.
And the mental image of a would-be “vindictive” schmuck hitting the AWFUL button and muttering, “Guess I showed him,” then pausing to scratch his ass before gobbling down a family-size package of Double Stuf Oreos in one sitting only moves me to derisive laughter. That’s the kind of two-fisted writer I am.
I would 1-bomb a story if it was offensive in terms of too-young children, certain fetishes such as scat, BDSM, or any signs of abusive behavior.
The last chapter of my story, “A Mother’s Plea”, received a couple awful ratings along with some comments explaining one of the ratings. Those comments led to my better understanding of how the readers interpreted the story. I found them very helpful. There is an old adage in the restaurant business about reviews. I don’t remember it exactly but it explained that how a person enjoys a food, service or anything to do with the restaurant can have a lot to do with that person’s mood or how they feel physically, in the moment they are eating the meal. Good or bad, the review can have as much to do with the person reviewing as it does the restaurant. As a person rates a story they are bringing a similar set of moods and feelings that impact their acceptance of the story. Sure, it would be great to get 5 stars from everyone who reads the story but that isn’t reasonable and not helpful. Also, to the person reviewing the story who gave it an awful rating, in that moment, the story sucked. That’s valid. It’s all good information to the author.
The link on Crimson and Ivory still links to the Misty Meadow story.
Fixed. Thanks. 🙂
is the email correct?? is it juicysecrets@email and not gmail?? just wondering i submitted a story i got from leslita by nuit du loup.
Yes, the email is correct. [email protected]
ok thanx. i sent pt1 to a story to that email address lime it said, hope it sent, i don’t do emails alot so not sure but its there waiting if it did and if accepted I’ll send pt2.
I’m not sure that you should be submitting stories by other authors. It’s not your prerogative to do so.
Make suggestions by all means.
oh, well there is a story being submitted from the same author right now. a whole back i happened to download one of tjos authors other stories from leslita, the author us nuit du loup, so i figured if someone else was submitting one of their stories maybe i could also. nuit du loup has numerous good stories on leslita but when asstr.org goes down you can’t read those stories.
I tried asking about this once before I believe with no luck but for some reason I thought of asking again. On the now gone forever Leslita site there was an author that went by the title Dream. This individual had a story series about a mother who was a teacher with two daughters during COVID I believe because the mother was teaching her students via video conference while her daughters were attending class via video conference in their rooms. They eventually develop a relationship in the series and Mom has a commitment ceremony with the eldest daughter (committed relationships is a big turn on for me you know the whole happy ever after fantasy pulls me in). Anybody recognize this author, or series and where it might exist now.
Check out a story called Sheltering by Shim.
I would suggest you check out more stories by Leslita author a2b. I find those really well-constructed and having heart, and sometimes showing warm, loving relationships.
Thanks for the suggestions
Was it “A New Life For Lucy” you were looking for?
A New Life for Lucy!!!!!!! I believe that is It!!!!!! I hate that I can’t be sure but it really feels like that is exactly right!!!! It was a series with quite a few entries if I remember correctly. My feeble attempts to locate it and the author have yielded absolutely nothing but I am not the most tech savvy so it’s not surprising. I take it you are familiar as well before all vanished into the unknown. That’s really cool. If you happen upon any info about that story or it’s author I would be grateful. That author was a huge favorites loss for me but luckily I can enjoy my favorite juicy secret gems over and over.
There’s a link to an archived version of Leslita in the recent “Site News” blog. It’s the 2021-2022 version, so at least some chapters of “A New Life For Lucy” will be in there. Beyond that, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of our resident archivists have copies of the chapters that were published. Good luck!
Really cool of you to share the heads-up. I imagine any archivist with material is extremely skeptical about revealing they have something or sharing it. Could you blame them?
You can find it on NIFTY. The title is ‘The new life of lucy’ rather that ‘A new life …
I do have the story up to chapter 14 last saved in August 2022 but it looks like the author is reposting on NIFTY, perhaps making some changes. Two parts have been posted so far, the first in Oct andn the latest in December.
Wow! I honestly thought the author and series were gone forever. I was trying to create some acceptance for the loss. My experience with internet archives has been a saddening disappointment. You have given me hope again. I can’t wait to read the two postings on Nifty. Thank you so much for sharing the information. You’re so lucky to have collected the series. I imagine you have a fantastic collection by now. I will be so jealous of you if the author makes a lot of changes to these new postings.
Sapphmore please don’t feel any pressure to answer. I was just curious your opinion about the reposting of the series on Nifty. There are some changes. As one that has the original collection how do you compare the two? You are welcome to ignore my questions if you like.
Sorry asearchingheart, I haven’t compared the two, having only just realised I had the story because of the slight difference in title (although when searching for stories at the request of Jetboy or others I do usually search on just a key word like Lucy for that reason) and even a small change in the authors name, plus it might be a bit early to compare with only two chapters reposted. I have other stories where I have a newer version, but the main reason is that I don’t really have the time for detailed comparison with work, family and writing. By all means post your own comparison.
I understand your explanation. Thank you for getting back to me. All the best to your writing, researching, and collecting.
A very happy Christmas to our readers and everyone else who visits this wonderful site.
A special wish to JJ, JB and BJ. There are others that we have a special fondness for — our regulars who post comments — thank you.
Then there’s Amanda as well — We love you all. happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas, my angels, and may your dreams come true in the new year. 💕💕💕
Merry Christmas, swashbucklers, and to everyone at Juicy Secrets. 🎅
Here, here. I raise my glass to all you good denizens of Juicy Secrets, past and present. May your every path be lined with potato chip trees and cookie bushes.
Update to a comment/request I made in August. I had suggested seeking out Little Miss Blair, who I first saw on Storiesonline. Those stories being ‘blued out’, I discovered, means they are now behind a paywall.
While that itself can be an issue, the bigger problem is SOL does that when they consider an author inactive. And it takes several years before they declare an author inactive. Which means Little Miss Blair has not been heard from in quite some time.
Being fellow authors yourselves, and some of you having familiarity with Leslita, where I heard she may have also posted in the past, some of you may know her works or perhaps how to get in touch. I hope this is something you may be able to do, as her works were pretty dang good. But I just don’t know if the logistics are favorable to you doing so. Thanks for the work you do on the site.
I’ve not comeback to this site for about two years now and its kinda hard to go through the site.
A separate tab just for stories from new to old that goes way further back than 11 stories would be great. Its hard to track some stories.
Its a preference thing for me as I know I can just go the the authors page and look it up, but I don’t know what I have missed by being gone for a long time.
Is this change possible or is it too much to ask for?
Hi M@ud, I think the Archive drop-down should be what you’re looking for. It goes all the way back to April 2015, although oddly there are a couple more dates back to 1800, 1900 and 1020. Mmm, I think Amanda or Jetboy might be time-travellers!!!
Wouldn’t that be fun.
We like to take a spin in the TARDIS every now and then. 🙂
When we post something such as a list of characters separate from the story and don’t want it to show in the “recent posts” column we pre-date them.
I think my theory was more fun, and it’s given me an idea that I might add a new synopsis to my huge catalogue of post-Ripples story ideas to do a lesbian version of ‘About Time’, unless someone else fancies a go at it.
Where exactly is ‘About Time’?
I love that movie. That’d be a good one to tackle. Also, it gives you an opportunity to make a ‘coming out of the closet’ joke or two. 😉
Hi Kinkychic, it’s a film from the creator of ‘Love Actually’ starring the fab Bill Nighy
Okay, thanks. Will look it up.
So, I very quickly found that it’s not my type of movie. It does have a certain charm about it but I soon got bored.
Your idea, Saphmore, is good, but I doubt it’s something that either of us would tackle.
I know what you mean. I’m a horror aficionado myself but it’s the sort of film the family might watch at Christmas or when you don’t want anything too cerebral.
A case of where plot ideas gave me more than I expected.
I often go to sleep while tossing ideas for a story around in my mind. Last night, I was somewhere in the Middle East, possibly Jordan, when I fell asleep but carried on dreaming. There was an attack by Houthi terrorists whilst I was asleep in my bed.
The dream turned into a nightmare. This wild guy was about to stab me. I kicked out and connected firmly, but still, he came at me. I knew my only escape was to roll out of the bed away from him. I hit the floor hard … and then I woke up!
I often leave the laptop on the floor next to my bed. Usually, half open and resting on its side. The top corner of the laptop caught my ear, my shoulder scraped down the edge of the radiator, and blood was dripping from my gashed ear. My toes hurt like shit where I must have kicked either the wall or the radiator.
I now have a very sore ear and a badly bruised and grazed shoulder.
It was all so real. My heart was pounding like crazy. It’s all very well dreaming up story scenarios but I’d prefer not to act them out like that.
That sister of mine is still laughing.
It might make a good story though!
Oh to be inside your head! Imagine telling an A&E nurse how you got injured.
That is VERY frightening! I had a nightmare myself this morning, and am still shaking.
It’s strange how dreams can jump, quite inexplicably, from one scenario to another.
I remember that I was tossing around ideas based in India (exotic Indian dancers and so on. And an ayah who had erotic intentions for the young English girl she was responsible for), I’ve no idea how that switched to the Middle East. I’m going to stick with the Indian idea and see where it goes. It seems safer.
If Powertenor gets to read this. Please check your listed email address. The one given doesn’t seem to get a response.
Hopefully you’re all better now.
I can appreciate, I all to often live in my head, never really had a chance to share it.
I used to write stories on Lesbian Lolita but when the site went down and my laptop died I lost interest to write more. But now I might write again and publish here however my stories main themes involves extreme pee with women and girls from age 3 to 8. Do the moderators and readers allow this?
You can find the submission guidelines here: https://www.juicysecrets.club/guidelines/
As it says, stories with a big focus on “water sports” are not allowed.
@princessnaughty i loved your stories on LL
enjoyed those very much on LL
Here’s a viewpoint of mine that I expect to be maybe a little controversial.
The majority of authors like to see comments on their stories. Some, give in-depth answers to those comments. But then I noticed that many of those same authors never leave comments for other authors.
I wonder if that indicates they don’t read any of the stories posted on JS, or that they can’t be bothered to comment.
Either way, I have stopped commenting on stories where the author never comments on others; there are several.
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not searching for praise. Rather, an indication of what another writer thinks of my story, be it, good or bad.
ps. I’m currently enjoying my Easter holiday and there’s no more revision to be done. As the weather’s turned nice, I’m out and about doing maintenance to our many hidden Geocaches. If you don’t know what that means, and want to know, look up Geocaching.com.
I wouldn’t say it’s a controversial viewpoint at all, no. You get what you give in this life.
That said, I do have to confess I think I understand the non-commenting mentality. I’ve had moments where I didn’t leave a comment because I couldn’t think of anything to other to say than “This story helped me orgasm”, which seems a little crude. Or I didn’t leave one because I didn’t like the story and I don’t like leaving negative feedback.
I’m trying to get better at it though. I don’t want to be a lurker anymore so I’m trying to find useful and productive things to say from now on.
Also, geocaching sounds very interesting and enjoyable.
It sounds very outdoorsy though. I’m not a fan of the outdoors. There’s a big, bright, round thing on the ceiling out there which is unnerving. And it’s difficult to charge my phone with plants and trees. Scary stuff.
It’s cool. I was only referring to other writers.
Hi kinky_sis, I think you raised a very valid observation, and I’m afraid to admit I’m one of those guilty of this omission. What with work & family, my own writing (both my ongoing stories and notes for the many stories I have planned) and trawling though my cache of sites for stories for my archive, I’ve realised I’ve not actually had any time to read any stories in full for some time, which now you brought this up, is a bit sad I’m missing out.
Now I’ve finally retired from work, I pledge to actually read the stories, both here and those I’m collecting, so thank you for making me realise this.
A busy person – that I understand. But at least you understood my point.
I’d say it’s a rather petty attitude to have.
That’s a rather rude comment. I would have expected something a little less inflammatory from a staff member. Like maybe why you think it’s petty. I still see it as perfectly reasonable.
I think it’s great you have time enough to both read the stories here and write your own stuff, but consider the writers who have families, or full time jobs that require long hours, whose limited time on any given evening often demands a choice between writing/editing for Juicy Secrets or *reading* stories on Juicy Secrets.
Better to take whatever praise comes your way and be glad of it.
I’m not sure, but guess Amanda’s comment was aimed at kinky_sis, but I’m sorry if my comment was misunderstood or perhaps I didn’t get it across very well. It was not my intention to appear as though I have any more on my plate than anyone else, be they authors or readers. It was merely an appreciation of kinky_sis’s question on whether submitters read the other stories, which made me realise that recently I’d forgotten to do the thing that made me love this site in the first place. As for commenting on other stories, it is, as Mystery Mouse says, difficult to come up with something different or insightful to say, but then again, picking out what I did or didn’t like in a story is probably a good way to improve my own.
Hey, no worries, of course, it was aimed at me. But it’s not that important.
Aside from that, links seem to be going wrong a bit more of late. A number do not work.
I do so understand that people have a lot to do, (I’ve been there as admin on another site), you want help, then ask.
does anyone know what happened to or why Ebo (Black Lingerie site) has stopped writing. There has been nothing since 2021??
Nobody knows. He just disappeared one day. I hope he’s doing all right.
yea, i sometimes think he may have gotten burned out from writing so much and not having time due to job. maybe he’ll start again soon. i hope. so many good stories left hanging.
I was wondering about some recommendations. I’m a big fan of the older/much (G/g) younger falling in love with each other, staying together, and living happily ever after with lots and lots of sex and horny dialog. Would anybody be willing to share any favorites they cherish with these tags? I’ve been enjoying this for a long time, just wondering about other’s experiences, and by chance, if I have missed some gems.
Some good stories on Kirsten archive.
Hi Joe,
It was very kind of you to respond. I will take a look. Thank you.
I apologize to anyone if my inquiry had offensive wording or phrasing. Please pardon me if any aspect of my post did not land quite right for anyone.
Has anyone ever noticed when you reply to a comment on a story, whoever posted the comment often doesn’t read the responses? For example… I have replied to Powertenor concerning sci-fi stories, but he has obviously never read those replies. Other examples exist.
I always follow the comments where I have an interest, it can be quite interesting. There are other readers who do, but many who don’t.
I think it’d be nice to have a back and forth now and then, but I seem to remember some talk a while back of not clogging up the comment feed. Isn’t that why authors are doing the one-reply-fits-all now, instead of replying to each comment individually? Maybe I got my wires crossed there. Also, I’ve noticed some authors get angry when you use their comments section like a chat room. Out of curiosity, how do you know they’re not reading your replies?
I’m happy to get any sort of comments, even if it ends up a discussion on the British or American spelling of ‘check’ ‘cheque’
If I do one reply I try to get everyone in individually in it. I don’t thing I ever have so many comments that I just say thanks all. Maybe once. I always read responses, but sometimes the author or commenter has nothing left to say to them.
You talking about me? Because I was never angry about it, and I’m sorry of it came off that way. I did mention it once or twice because I’d prefer if we walked about the stories, which I’ve put a lot of work into. But for heaven’s sake, if you have something to say, say it.
As for the one-reply-fits all, I learned that from Kinkys_sis, who I noticed replies to everyone by name, only in a single post. I find that somewhat more efficient than multiple, individual replies. Kind of like how guys save up their loads if they’re trying to have kids.
Well, there’s an analogy that’s just begging for a crude joke. But I will resist.
I think one of the good things about this place is that it has a strong community feel. But that means that comments can end up full of chat that’s not related to the story at hand.
The only way to avoid that, I think, would be a forum where people can post without having to get topics accepted. But, with the taboo nature of the site, that would just go wrong SO quickly.
Perhaps the best thing is to try to have a healthy ratio of feedback to chat. Maybe 60/40 at least? It’s only fair that authors get to see what people think of their hard work after all.
This thread would seem to be that place. And it is moderated. Posts that go too far are sometimes removed.
I’ll have to take a measure of responsibility for pushing the idea of posting general thank-yous, rather than offering gratitude for every single kind comment.
The original idea wasn’t mine, and I can’t recall who wrote me about it, but their complaint was as follows: only ten comments can be seen on the home page, and once they go, the only way you can see them is if you happen to go to the page where the comment was left. So if one person replies to eight comments, that wipes the previous eight from the board before many of our regulars can peruse them.
And while it’s nice to extend gratitude to the readers who were kind enough to share thoughts with us, it’s more practical to confine your thanks to a single reply. Even if he’s only playing in a nightclub, it would be a bit much for Nat King Cole to thank everyone who applauds.
So there you have my reasoning, cribbed from I know not who. I suppose we could expand the comments on the home page to twenty instead, if such a thing was possible. That’s a question for Amanda, really.
The “recent comments” limit on the homepage has been increased to 20.
How do I know? Because one commentor has asked a specific question in a comment, and then asked the same question a week or so later in another post even though I had answered the first question.
Hi all,
this is a very exciting Club and I like most of the stories.
My question
The bookmarks here don’t run anymore.
Where do I find alternatives?
Long time reader, first time commenter. These stories are amazing! I have such cunt envy. Lesbian sex seems so much more affirming, gentle and erotic than male-male sex. As a man, I do enjoy sex with males, but the female mind and body is just divine! Keep up the great work. Thank you.
100% agree. If I could maintain the attitudes I have toward people and sex that I do now, I’d much rather be female than male. That’s even understanding the missery women must endure because of the society we live in. Which is why, unfortunately, I know I probably wouldn’t have the attitudes I do toward people and sex. It’s f’ing painfully ironic. 🤔✌️🤟
Good morning everyone. I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope the holiday is filled with love, peace and plenty of our. 😀✌️🤟
Damnit! It was supposed to say, love, peace and plenty of PIE. Anyway, happy thanksgiving. 🦃
A very happy Christmas wish from both of us to all of our readers. And … a special wish to our editors.
And a happy holiday to you two as well.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas 🎄!
I want to wish the most wonderful blessings to all my horny friends and members of the Juicy Secrets Club!
I know that while many in this World do not understand our obsession with the Lesbian culture, the availability of the JS website provides a wonderful, safe and judgment-free zone to express our appreciation of what it offers. There is such a relief found here, it means that thru fantasy, we can use our minds to enjoy and explore what would be condemned in real life.
I, for one, hope that everyone who sees this as a labor of love continues to receive satisfaction whether as an author or reader.
Also, I hope everyone will work towards being nice to one another, this World seems to be heading down the wrong path pitting so many people against each other for no good reason.
I wish you Peace and Grace,
Michael V.
P.S…in a moment of brain-fade, I inadvertently neglected to include Happy Holiday Wishes for the observers of Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus and other such beliefs. I also wish to include anyone who may not share these type of beliefs but will welcome my Best Wishes.
Thank you,
Michael V.
Can i wish everyone a belated happy christmas and a happy new year too all. The stories here help me so much with my own thoughts. Xxx love you all
So sorry to hear there is trouble. No stranger to it myself. Your sister, you and your family are in my prayers. I know you don’t know me from Adam but as BlueJean said, feel free to email me if you need an understanding ear. [email protected]
I’m struggling to know how or what to write in this comment but I felt a few words were needed to explain why we will not be commenting very much for a while. Maybe, quite a while.
My sister is seriously ill, I can’t say more than that just now. I am heartbroken and not coping too well. Sis can’t, and I won’t, be reading anything.
Our stories will continue to be published as JetBoy sees fit. I may take the occasional look to see what’s happening. To those who do comment, I appologize, but we won’t be answering. It’s just not possible.
As to the future, it’s not something I can think about at the moment.
My best wishes to all of you.
I can’t offer much without knowing how serious things are, but you and your sister are in my thoughts, and I hope there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Mail me if you need someone to offload onto.
My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you. I do hope she recovers soon.
We love you both and hope for the best outcome.
Oops, put my comment on your sister’s troubles under the wrong post above. Again, my thoughts are with your true love. God bless.
I am so effing sick of having to type my GD email address every time I want to post something here. One slip, and suddenly I’m “awaiting moderation.”
Measure twice. Cut once.
Where do we request possibly following up on other authors work from other sites that didn’t quite have an ending or just left unanswered questions as far back as 2008 the story I’m requesting was probably one of my favourite series 10 parts about domination and submission between family members and extended cousins, aunts etc
Do you mean writing unauthorised continuations to the stories?
I honestly don’t know how I would feel about that. On the one hand, it’s certainly been done before. People have been doing that sort of thing for literally centuries. On the other hand, I’d probably be a bit annoyed if somebody wrote a follow-up to one of my stories without asking permission first.
If it’s an old, abandoned story, I don’t see anything wrong with picking up the thread. It’s damn near certain you’ll never find the author to ask permission anyhow.
Thanks for feedback the series was mutual desire such epic series on nifty/lesbian/incest
That would be this series here: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/lesbian/incest/mutual-desire/
Am I right? There is an email address for the author at the top of the first installment. I’m assuming you’ve tried contacting them without any luck…?
If the bosses are happy then I’ve no objection to us ‘adopting’ abandoned stories and finishing them off.
Personally I don’t have the skills for that just yet but there are a lot of talented authors here so who knows?
A little update regarding kinkychic.
The results of the CT scan at last came through. They confirm the problem but possibly not as bad as we at first thought. Now waiting to see the surgeon on the 8th April to discuss the options… almost certainly an operation.
Thanks, fingers crossed in hope, hands folded in prayer.
Thoughts and prayers are with you both.
Fingers crossed and sending you both best of wishes xx
I’ll take “possibly not as bad as we at first thought”. That’s a good thing in my book.
I know the 8th seems a long way away, and possibly also terrifyingly close, but I pray to whoever cares to listen that it’ll all turn out well.
You’ve got this. You’ve both got this.
This is hopeful news. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for any updates.
Encouraging news! Hey, I’ll take it. As ever, I extend positive thoughts, blessings and lots of love to you both.
I’m sure we’re all hoping that “not as bad as first thought” turns to ‘much better than we thought’ as soon as possible, followed by even better news.
Love and best wishes from all your friends here at JS.
I logged in hoping for an update on KC but alas no such fortune. If Kink_Sis sees this or someone can reach her please make sure the Drs do genetic testing before prescribing treatment. My family has MTHFR gene variants. Because Drs were unaware of it it cost two of my wife’s cousins thier lives. Due to particular mutation, standard cancer treatment didn’t work. One sister died and by the time they asked us about genetic issues, it was too late for the second. Our experience was with cancer but this particular anomaly impacts treatment for a number of disorders from mental health to heart disease. Maybe it’s not an issue but I felt I should bring it up. Good luck, God bless and I hope we get good news soon.