Readers Forum

*  *  Click here for — Staying in Touchwhere we post contact info  *  *

This is a moderated forum for fans of Juicy Secrets, a place for our readers to come together (so to speak). You can add your comments to topics already posted by using the ‘Leave a Reply’ box, or you may submit a new topic by sending an email to [email protected] — thanks for participating!

May 6, 2024 – Mouse – Series or Standalone: First of all, let me just take this opportunity to say thank you to everybody who contributes to this wonderful site. Not just the editors and the authors, but the commenters and the people behind the scenes as well. You all help to make this a enjoyable, lively, and above all else mature place to visit. Which is why I keep coming back.

Anyway… I was wondering…  Read more

May 15, 2022 – Sue – May is Masturbation Month: Though the month is half over, this is still May and it’s May is masturbation month or Maysterbation…  Read more

October 23, 2019 – Les Carr – Androgyne Reaches Out:  Hi there to all. For years I’ve written erotic stories under the pen name of “Androgyne” on 3 sites and as “Paladin” on a 4th. My problem is that after the massive crash of Yahoo Email in September my long-time address and account simply vanished and my appeals for help and complaints have just been ignored by Yahoo. I have lost touch obviously with many people, a lot of them readers of my stories, and I’m sure many have mailed to my old address and getting no reply are wondering if I’m still alive or have maybe retired from writing erotica… Read more

September 27, 2019 – Captain Midnight – A Eulogy for Letoria: Letoria, the creator of The World of Letoria website, passed away on August 19, 2019.

Lee is survived by her wife of 17 years… Read more

March 22, 2017 – Amanda Lynn – Masturbatory Fantasies: Recently I commented on a question posed by Cheryl Taggert regarding how and when you first starting masturbating. In my reply I mentioned that my first truly huge orgasm came while I was reading a passage from the novel The Deep. After I posted that comment, my naughty mind got to wondering…  Read more

January 15, 2017 – Lizzie – No Longer Alone: I have always known that my interests are different than the norm. Starting around age 12, I found that I was into looking at younger girls, mostly 6-9 or so, and that it excited me. I experimented whenever I could with my friends my age, and when I was 14 came out to my family as a lesbian — but did not come out about my real interests…  Read more

December 2, 2016 – Poppabear – Seeking Old Friends: In light of the success of the Staying in Touch initiative, I wonder if the fans on Juicy Secrets could help me in trying to find out if some old friends of mine are still OK. When I was a member of Story Friends Board I became a close friend of a member and erotica author who went by the name of Daddy’s Little Slut-Muffin…  Read more

November 23, 2016 – Sue – Giving Thanks:  I know a lot of readers at Juicy Secrets come from many parts of the world. We are in the USA, and here in the States we have a holiday coming up this week called Thanksgiving. I just want to say how thankful Kim and I are for this site…  Read more

November 15, 2016 – Juicy Secrets – Staying in Touch:  By request, we’ve decided to add a specific place here at Juicy Secrets where our readers (and writers) can easily stay “in touch” with one another. Many of us have posted our email addresses, Twitter IDs, and so on, at various times in other locations around the site, but  this will now be the one spot where you’ll be able to find everyone…  Read more

November 5, 2016 – kraM – Writer Challenge:  My proposal is that readers could submit basic ideas or scenes and then seek a writer to take up the challenge and create an erotic story along those lines. Better yet, maybe photos could be posted and writers asked to develop a story to accompany the photo…  Read more

July 6, 2016 – Cheryl Taggert – “Special Spots” and “Turn-offs”:  It’s been a while since someone posted any new topics here, so I thought I would do the honors. I’ve been thinking about those places on our bodies that feel best when touched, kissed, or otherwise stimulated. The question for this forum is what kind of physical stimulation turns you on the most? What turns you off?  Read more

December 22, 2015 – Poppabear – Merry Christmas Everyone:  This is turning into such an excellent and enjoyable forum that I wanted to say “Merry Christmas” to our three principal authors, all the other authors who have contributed, and to all the members who shared their thoughts, feelings, and emotions about the enjoyable and sexy stories provided here…  Read more

November 21, 2015 – Cheryl Taggert – Masturbation Methods and Timing:  What is your favorite way to masturbate? When did you start? When did you first have an orgasm? Details? Cheryl’s are here. Now, it’s your turn!  Read more

October 24, 2015 – Poppabear – Another Good Author:  I know that we have splendid authors here who offer us delightful tales of incestuous sisters, daughters, and mothers as well as exciting little lovers who are devoted to their adult partners. I am here to tell you of the latest chapter from another such author about two wonderful lovers…  Read more

September 21, 2015 – kraM – Neutral Depictions of Pedophilia:  I’m wondering who has seen in the movies or on TV or in a book or a magazine depictions of pedophiles that weren’t negative. Maybe not necessarily positive, but also not negative — just neutral. I have two examples…  Read more

August 21, 2015 – babykeiko – Coming of Age Films:  I seem to recall a post somewhere (on the Story Friends Board?) about foreign coming of age films like those from the makers of Kids or Bilitis or Beau Pere, all of which I have watched online with red cheeks. Can anyone point me in the direction of such a list or source? I hope someone remembers!  Read more

July 15, 2015 – Kelly Ann – A Moment for ‘C’:  After reading JetBoy’s announcement about the LL archive, I think that we as readers and fans of Lesbian Lolita should take a moment or two and wish ‘C’ a healthful recovery and reflect on what that site has meant to us. I discovered Leslita about four years ago. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but I did…  Read more

July 4, 2015 – Kelly Ann – Common Interests:  In reading comments made by other fans of this site, I’m struck at how often we seem relieved that there is a place to go to explore our fantasies. I know that until I found Nifty and Lesbian Lolita, I felt a bit of an outsider with some of my feelings and fantasies. But now that so many have responded, it is a relief to know I’m not!  Read more

July 1, 2015 – JetBoy – Pushing the Envelope:  In the strange, uncharted territory of our sex lives, we share some pretty memorable experiences — some magic, some tragic, some delightfully nasty — just as the characters in sex stories do. What I find most interesting as an erotic author is that dramatic instant where a character steps out of her comfort zone, allowing herself to explore something new, unfamiliar, and perhaps a little scary…  Read more

637 Comments on Readers Forum

  1. ME1166 says: is back up, for how long who knows but it’s back up, wish alot of the stories there could be transferred here or the new lesbian lolita site.

    • JetBoy says:

      We’re always open to suggestions for good stories from other sites that deserve to be archived here. Let us know what you find.

      • M.W. says:

        If anyone’s able to get in touch with J.E. Ashbourne her stories were amazing but the site is down with no archives anywhere to be found.

        I think I’ll be presumptuous and speak for all of her fans when I say I hope she’s OK and didn’t catch the you-know-what.

        • Mirza says:

          I second that. Concerned what has happened to J.E but also very disappointed that all her material has vanished. I sincerely hope it will be made available again soon.

      • ME1166 says:

        Nuit du Loup, which i see has a couple of stories already here and also Pulsar has some good stories. I’ll look for some more, sorry it took so long to answer.

      • ME1166 says:

        Chrissy and Peyton on Nifty are good also, they were posting stories pretty regular there and would also communicate thru email but all of a sudden a few months ago they stopped posting and stopped answering emails, they have some good stories though. Does anybody know what happened to them?

  2. Ethan says:

    I’m fully aware of Juicy Secrets’ niche interests, but was wondering whether you might be amenable to consider creating and hosting perhaps another site, which caters for other attractions – like Mg or Fb, family or non?

    • JetBoy says:

      Thanks for the vote of confidence… but if you knew how much work it is to maintain this site, you wouldn’t even think of asking us to set up and run another. Christ, I’d be in Intensive Care or an insane asylum before the first month was up.

      • Ethan says:

        Thank you for your reply. I know it’s a lot of work, and I wasn’t suggesting that you guys should run another site yourselves – there aren’t enough hours in the day for a limited number of people. I was thinking that you might get other people involved, to run it, but under your umbrella, as you do such a good job of managing Juicy.

  3. Amelia says:

    Is SapphicShares down????


  4. DigificWriter says:

    The new domain is the same as JS and Ebo’s site, and both of them are working, so whatever is going on with Leslita currently has nothing to do with domain stability, and may in fact be the result of malicious targeted sabotage.

  5. BlueJean says:

    Leslita is down again. A suspended account, it seems.

  6. Desertduude says:

    Anybody know why Leslita keeps getting taken out, have they upset someone that bad?

  7. BlueJean says:

    Not Leslita per se. Apparently, someone has a vendetta against the person who runs Sapphicshares, which hosts Leslita, so if Sapphicshares goes down, Leslita goes down with it.

    • JetBoy says:

      Wasn’t Sapphic Shares posting nude photos of underage kids? That’s what I always heard. It’s why we didn’t throw in with them when our last host gave us the boot.

      • BlueJean says:

        Ah ok. There’s always two sides to every story I suppose.

      • Sirdar says:


        Fur keeps spinning this as some sort of personal vendetta by a ‘disgruntled former member’ but I suspect it may have more to do with the type of content you mention.

        • Fur says:

          Amazing how you call it spin when I provided proof in the actual email sent with my personal data removed, I also mentioned the phone calls and the fact they emailed my boss, the local sheriff and the state attorney general. It came to not obviously but still it’s proof this is taken very personally by them.

          They also contacted the company my site address is registered through and tried to shut us down that way. The screenshots had the username which was a banned account (that never helps) before they started reporting us.

          Amazing how that becomes very personal isn’t it?

          • melanie says:

            Sorry, this is pretty confusing. I’ve no idea what the emails and phone calls you refer to are.

            What’s interesting is that for someone to go after you personally, they have to know who you are. Are you saying that this person has all of your personal details?

            They presumably must know your name. If they contacted your boss, they know where you work. If they contacted your local sheriff, they know where you live.

            Given the nature of the site you run, I’d suggest it may have been unwise to leave your personal details discoverable

      • Sealed By Mistress says:

        I never saw any, but I got the strong impression of that from the first time they added image sharing forums (there was talk of ratios and needing to keep sharing to maintain access), which is why I stepped away from their community.

        I’d posted a few of my stories there and if you’re looking to consolidate a catalogue here I am fine with sharing everything of mine that is suitable for here.

      • Fur says:

        Yes I allowed legal nudity under US law (look it up for yourself), no it wasn’t what got us shutdown it was TMD being tired of us being reported all the time (banned member who had links to 18+ content that was being reported). It didn’t help we were over 90GB on the site.

        Yes I’ve changed a lot of that now but I still know the person/people are watching because I was told they were. I’ll add in they also claimed credit for shutting you down and are thinking about trying again…

        • melanie says:

          An ISP will not shut down a customer just because someone keeps asking them to, as you seem to be implying.

        • Ashley says:

          Struggling to grasp the concept of ‘legal nudity’, where we are talking underage.

          Any attempt to ‘look it up’ will encounter the DOST code; guidelines that help define what is considered CP under US law. The DOST code makes it absolutely clear that nudity is NOT required for an image to be considered CP.

    • eloquent delinquent says:

      Hey, I was wondering if you could get in touch with me (my info is on the ‘Staying In Touch’ thread, above) – I’m in love with your latest story – both the tale and the way you tell it – and I’m quivering with excitement to see where it all leads! Perhaps you might think about submitting it here…?

  8. Leo says:

    Hi. I see that they suspended Leslita again. Someone does know if and where it will reappear? There were lately some nice stories, like “The Beekeeper’s daughters”…

    • JetBoy says:

      I was enjoying the hell out of “The Beekeeper’s Daughters” myself. Actually, I’m hoping to post that one here, if we can track the author down.

      We also intend to post all the eloquent delinquent stories that aren’t already here… and I’m very happy to say that he’s totally cool with that.

      • Kim & Sue says:

        We think that’s great news. We love eloquent delinquent’s stories. Looking forward to seeing ones we haven’t read yet, and we really wish there were more chapters to Scouting for Girls and Bad Like Me.

        • Mirzay says:

          Yes indeed. I have played it super cool … seeing eloquent delinquent posting here … and not jumping up and down begging for ‘Scouting …’ to be completed … Frankly, I think I should be commended for my immense restraint 🙂

  9. Johanna says:

    SapphicShares has been suspended again. Does anybody know where Lesbian Lolita has been relocated, if anywhere?

    • Fur says:

      It’s back up and hopefully for a long time… The problem is the fact both sites are hosted together and so when sapphicshares goes down, so does leslita. I’d love to host leslita separately but the cost just doesn’t work.

  10. Fur says:

    Just a reminder that SMUT isn’t protected as FREEDOM OF SPEECH. If underage content (pictures of a sexual nature, stories, beastialitality (illegal in all forms according to US (federal) law but defined by the individual states) you can be shutdown and face prosecution. Again it actually falls to the state laws to define for written stories and you have to actually read the laws for the state you are hosted (physical server) in.

    Underage sexual stories are a grey area in the law and must be defined by the state you live in and by the state you are hosted in. It’s why Jenny and her sister were changing leslita, California had recently changed the laws on sex stories and they were conforming to that.

    The other big problem comes from the fact YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR DOMAIN NAME, it’s owned by the company you registered it with. This was how they attacked me the first time and why we are now .art and I’m hiding it the best I can. I can also tell you the person/people seem to have given up on me and are now trying to go after others from my site and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are/have gone after others here.

    Thank you for your time and remember they have threatened to come after you here…

    • VerityVioletViola says:

      “Just a reminder that SMUT isn’t protected as FREEDOM OF SPEECH.”
      “Underage sexual stories are a grey area in the law and must be defined by the state you live in and by the state you are hosted in.”

      With all due respect, I don’t believe this is entirely true, at least in a realistic/practical sense. To my knowledge/understanding, when it comes to *purely text*, fictional erotica stories, this is more-or-less a federally settled issue in the States. Fictional stories that entirely consist of text are legal in the US–indeed under the First Amendment. Yes, there are antiquated obscenity laws still on the books in individual states/jurisdictions, so sure, *in theory* some zealous, sanctimonious prosecutor with a bee in their bonnet could attempt to go after somebody hosting/disseminating textual material about sex and minor characters, but that’s an almost unimaginable scenario in 2021.

      The last time or major case I’m aware of that had to do with purely text and obscenity laws was the Red Rose Stories site and Karen Fletcher, and that was some time in the “aughts”–’07? And yeah, unfortunately she was convicted and sentenced (which establishes a dubious precedent), but that’s only because she happened to be a severely disabled, mentally-ill agoraphobe who couldn’t bear the process of going through a trial. She had pro bono ACLU attorneys who were raring to go, had all their proverbial ducks in a row as far as mounting a vigorous, vociferous First Amendment defense–who most likely would’ve won had Fletcher been up to being the guinea pig and willing to take it to trial.

      Anyway, the point is, that case unfolded over a decade ago and it was a pretty big deal, there was a major uproar that that prosecutor (Mary Beth Buchanan) dared to use government resources in perusing someone with a site that only had text stories. It was extremely controversial at the time, and there was a general consensus from many angles that that prosecutor’s decision to charge Fletcher was ridiculous–and part of Fletcher’s attorneys’ planned defense had it gone through the courts was that those archaic obscenity laws no longer made any sense or applied (and certainly not to text material) as it would be impossible to define “general community standards” for what constitutes obscenity in the age of the Internet, which has homogenized the world such that specific community standards for a geographic area such as a city, town, county or state no longer exist, would be impossible to determine and are no longer meaningful as a concept in legal terms. And that’s not even getting into the whole issue of “literary/artistic value”, which (as Fletcher’s attorneys were prepared to contend) which is easy to establish under the argument that it’s basically inherent in *anything* written, consisting of pure text.

      This is all well-known to the legal community (so to speak), so I highly doubt any prosecutor at this point would pursue criminal (obscenity) charges against anybody hosting/disseminating/possessing or otherwise “dealing with” purely fictional, textual erotica. There’s always a chance that some obdurate jerk in some backwards jurisdiction might want to try again, but that would be like being struck by lightning (and they would almost certainly fail/lose)–therefore it seems doubtful that hosts of text/fictional stories in the United States (Canada, sadly, is a totally different situation, stories like the ones on Leslita and JS just aren’t legal there AFAIK) have anything much to worry about as far as the legal/criminal justice system is concerned. (Pictures/videos etc. are of course an entirely different matter, as should go without saying, and personally in the present climate I wouldn’t touch even so-called ‘legal nudity’ of anyone underage with a thirty-foot pole, I think that’s asking for trouble, period.)

      That all being said, there are certain things that concern me with regard to how “the system” deals with and perceives textual stories like the ones we all love here at JS–I believe I’ve seen a few documentaries (though they were old, and in/about the UK) in which text stories in the possession of someone being prosecuted for CSAM or actual abuse were taken into evidence under the logic that they “demonstrated a sexual interest in children” or whatever–but those defendants also possessed actual CSAM in pictorial/video form or were otherwise being charged with other offenses.

      At the end of the day, the take-away conclusion of all of this IMHO is that as long as someone–either just a reader/consumer/possessor, a host/webmaster or both–sticks to purely text-based, purely fictional stories, I don’t think negative/detrimental legal consequences are likely to ever enter into the equation. I.e., you won’t have a problem. As soon as you start messing around with visual stuff though, especially pictures/video of actual people that are close to the (ambiguous and abstruse) legal line, you’re asking for trouble as far as heat from law enforcement/the legal system is concerned, in my opinion. While it’s understandable that many people involved in the text erotica/stories would have that interest in visual material (and, at least in my view, it’s not inherently morally despicable as long as no actual abuse/CSAM is involved), it’s just best to keep that entirely separate or not to venture into that area at all from the standpoint of security and staying under the radar–not just legally speaking, but from online vigilante attackers, web hosting services that will be inclined to back out, etc., etc. This isn’t meant to be a pointed criticism of you, Fur, just my personal opinion, but frankly from what it seems (and correct me if I’m wrong), most of the issues with the current iteration of Leslita having intermittent availability stem from it being tied to a site that has images/visual content.

      Juicy Secrets has the right idea there, absolutely–though I often have a twinge of concern about the pictures that accompany some stories allowed on here (even though they’re well within legal limits, I just worry that that will draw critical attention to the site we don’t need/want–the models in the images or families thereof would probably be displeased at having their images on this kind of site, etc.). I can imagine that a day may come when that policy (of allowing accompany pictures at all) may need to be changed to protect the site if/when it ever comes under fire, but then again, I’m just particularly paranoid when it comes to this stuff. Fictional text stories = just fine, legally kosher and likely to remain ‘under the radar’ even though publicly despised due to the subject matter of their content. Pictures/videos/etc., even ones that fall under supposedly so-called “legal nudity” and the like = best avoided (especially hanging out there in plain view on the clearnet and so forth). In a nutshell, just my take on things, FWIW.

      • Girldar says:

        Thanks for your very well-written and thought provoking post. To reiterate, the stories on here would actually be illegal in almost every jurisdiction other than the US. They would be caught under obscene publications legislation. Although, as you say, it would be highly unlikely for someone to be prosecuted solely for text content.

        I’d agree that the imagery on JS could be an issue (as far as the subjects/parents/photographers’ attitudes might go, I think “displeased” is a VAST understatement). Again, although the images are inherently innocuous, many jurisdictions would regard them as being ‘sexualised by context’. End of the day, if the jury at your trial decides that you viewed or possess these images for sexual purposes, you are toast. Doesn’t matter how ‘innocent’ they are.

  11. BlueJean says:

    Has anyone else been having issues submitting stories to Leslita over the last few days? Every time I try to submit, it keeps timing out.

    Not sure if it’s a problem my end or theirs.

    • Paulo says:

      11/24/21 – The servers were again offline for a day or two. If you submitted a story over the past week it will be published soon. If you do not see your story in the next batch of published stories please resubmit it. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
      12/05/21 – There are 3 new stories poster todas, Blu Jean. Good luck!

  12. Dlishs@wickr says:

    Looks like I got marked as invalid but idk why

  13. Anna says:

    I would like to wish everyone at Juicy and all authors a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Looking forward to more wonderful stories next year.

  14. ME1166 says:

    Does anyone know if Ebo has quit writing?
    Have been to BL sute and nothing written since July.

  15. cybare says:

    Did Ebo’s Black Lingerie site fold she has left some stories very open ended also did rachel yurkey ever finish pages of A diary

  16. ME1166 says:

    cybare, ive wondered the same about Ebo, don’t know what has happened, after a couple of comments i think ebo got tired of writing, so maybe just took a break. I would like to see a couple of those stories finished, TBLC, The Wild, Always a bridesmaid, etc. Hope to see something new soon.

  17. Garry says:

    I’m not a fan of underage incest, incest is already taboo and now underage girl. I know it’s fiction but it doesn’t do it for me.

  18. ME1166 says:

    is black lingerie site now authorless?? has Ebo quit writing or something happen, does anyone know. would like to see a lot of those stories fininshed that were left open. but looks like that won’t happen, hope Ebo is ok. if anyone knows please share. thanx.

    • No One says:

      Ebo seems to have completely disappeared around last September, and has not replied to any attempt at communication since, as far as I know. I don’t know what might have happened, but it’s very sad and hopefully he’s doing alright.

  19. kinkyschic says:

    Is it just me or do others see the same?

    Select a bunch of erotic words, throw them in a mixing pot and we have a story. To me, half of the stories on JS are just that. No real plot, no story as such, just an erotic encounter.

    There are quite a few exceptions. The Beekeeper’s Daughter and A Young Desert Rose are such, and there are others. But … not that many. I find so many that I do not read beyond the first few paragraphs because they are the same old boring formula. ie. Young girl meets Babysitter/Aunt/Minder/Etc.

    Anyone, well almost, can write a sex scene. I want a good sex scene, but
    I want it in a story.

    I have no wish to offend, just trying to suggest that any aspiring/existing writer considers what it is they want to achieve. You can express your dirty/naughty thoughts … or actually write a story.

    • Joe Dornish says:

      You make a good point, and one that hurts as I’m probably guilty of that. Since I started my story on here (Sweet Poppy) a long time ago I’ve grown as a writer and if I had to do it over I’d make changes, namely to have a defined beginning, middle and end much more so than I have written to date. Still, we live and learn. If undertake a second story here I’d certainly have a very different approach. I’m capable of better and need to hold myself to account in that regard.

    • BlueJean says:

      I’ve said this before, but dirty stories can be a double edged sword. On the one hand – and pretty sure it was that wise man of erotica Eloquent Delinquent who pointed this out to me – if folks are just looking to get off, they’ll forgive alot of things about the story they’re reading – sloppy writing, poor grammar etc. If you don’t believe me, check out some of the two paragraph fuck stories they publish over on Leslita. Some of them have no literary merit whatsoever, and yet people love them because they serve the purpose for which they were created. Subsequently erotica becomes a great learning tool to hone your craft.

      On the other hand, you won’t always find an audience for the non-erotica parts of a story, no matter how good you think it is. Some people will skip bits to get to a sex scene or simply not bother with a story at all if it’s too plot heavy. I was one of those people who never used to like reading story driven erotica actually, until I started writing my own stuff, which made me begin to delve a little deeper into the nuances of plot and character in others’ work.

      The bottom line is, one reader will happily invest in the story you’ve shed blood, sweat and tears (possibly other bodily fluids) to create. The other just wants a quick wank. Neither of them are wrong.

      As an afterthought, if writers who love to write plot and character as much as they do sex, I’m thinking they’ll likely outgrow erotica at some point. I wonder how many authors who started out here went on to have mainstream careers in writing. I know of at least one.

      • Amanda Lynn says:

        BlueJean said: “I wonder how many authors who started out here went on to have mainstream careers in writing. I know of at least one.”

        Two that I can think of: The late Cheryl Taggert and myself.

    • kinkychic says:

      I may have expressed myself poorly and perhaps a bit harshly, I never set out to upset anyone. If I did, then I apologize.

      • BlueJean says:

        Nah, you voiced an opinion and started an interesting discussion to boot. No need to apologise for that at all.

    • JetBoy says:

      Me, I think of sex stories as more of a tool than fine art. I’m a voracious reader, but never consume erotica for any purpose than the obvious one. You wouldn’t see me reading Juicy Secrets stories on the train I take to work.

      Occasionally we do get stories that are something more, verging on the literary… but they’re rare. I don’t think I’ve ever written anything that comes close to literature. My work consists decently composed sex fantasies, that’s more or less it. But at the same time, I don’t see anything especially wrong with that. Expressing my “dirty/naughty thoughts,” is exactly what I enjoy doing.

      Anyhow, if we hosted nothing but stories with genuine non-sexual plots to go with all the torrid sapphic fuckery, you’d be seeing new material once a month, tops. The only story I can think of that would survive from the three site founders would be Cheryl’s “Daughter of a Porn Star,” because of the noir-ish twist in the story’s middle section.

      What Cheryl, Naughty Mommy and I chose to build here was a home for what we thought of as solid lesbian fiction. If it has literary worth as well, great — but in the end, I’ll settle for well-written smut. Perhaps my goal is too modest, but it’s one I’m able to achieve.

      That said, I DO want to let all authors out there know that we’re always interested in stories with that little something extra when it comes to a compelling plot, so feel free to write one for us!

      Love to all, JetBoy

  20. Sapphmore says:

    When I read your comment, my first thought was that it applied more to other sites like NIFTY, Literotica and Leslita – I don’t think they understand the concept of quality, and how they let some of the stories get published is beyond me, something I’ve mentioned before.
    I would maintain that the standard needed to get on JS is far higher, and the editing standards unsurpassed.
    However, I recently responded to a comment by Jetboy on Ripples where he was responding to others lamenting the delays between chapters, that I think might go some way to answering your observations.
    He mentioned how much longer it took to write chapters for the longer stories, and my response was that for the longer stories, you have to remember more of the history to get the continuity right, and you try to keep it fresh and not repeat scenes, dialogue or even descriptions of the sex. Also, as you’ve spent so long developing characters and the plot, you do find yourself thinking more about how they say something as much as what they say, and at the same time, try to show changes the events have on the characters. The other thing about the serial stories, is that you need to have a story plan, know where the tale is heading and have points in the journey mapped out, but still allow for little deviations as an idea pops up.

    But, shorter stories don’t allow you to spend the time developing the plot to any great detail. If you know you’re not going to go beyond one or two parts, maybe half a dozen at most, your goal is different. Okay, you still need to have some semblance of a story, hopefully with a twist or something to catch the imagination, but you need to get there quicker.
    I have over 100 ideas captured for stories, many with just a couple of sentences capturing the germ of an idea, but some of my plotlines are longer than actual stories on Leslita.

    The bottom line is, there should be something for everyone, be that sweet, challenging, thoughtful or downright quick and dirty.

    Thanks for the comments, it is threads like this that generate healthy debate that makes JS stand out from the others.

    • Sapphmore says:

      Very true indeed. Long live the King!

      • JetBoy says:

        Thanks, I’m flattered and all… but PLEASE, guys, do NOT brush aside the recent contributions of associate editor Jacqueline Jillinghoff. Her contributions to Juicy Secrets for the last six months or so have been many and considerable. In fact, she’s the best thing to happen to this site since Amanda came on board, and I give thanks for them both on a near-daily basis.

        • BlueJean says:

          Yeah, I guess us folks on the other side don’t always see what goes on under the bonnet (hood) at Juicy HQ. I think it’d be nice to see an editor’s credit at the start of each story actually, so people can see who’s been tinkering with whatever they’re reading.

          • kinkychic says:

            We did credit Jacqueline for her brilliant work.

          • Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

            I’ve asked that my name not appear at the beginning of any story I edit. A story is the work of the author, as far as I’m concerned, and it’s the author who should receive full credit. Editors’ names don’t appear on the title pages of novels, or under the bylines of newspaper columns, either, and I prefer to adhere to that practice myself. On the other hand, if an author cares to acknowledge my efforts in the comments, I’m grateful.

            I’ve been thinking a good deal about kinkychic’s comment that there should be more to a story than just the sex scenes. I’ve come to no conclusions, since every story is different, but I think we can all agree that something that is well-written and imaginative is more effective, as erotica, than something that isn’t. Kinkychic has found a way to spice things up by using historical settings. In my own work, in which the sex really is the story, I try to make the situation and characters vivid enough so that when the sex gets underway in earnest, the reader is aware of what it means to the participants and doesn’t mind so much about the absence of a plot.

        • cherryco says:

          Jaqueline has been doing a AMAZING job for you guys. I keep seeing her get thanked for some of the best new stories here. Yay, Ms J!

    • Captain Midnight says:

      I wander over to Leslita sometimes, looking for the interesting and well-written stories which they had featured in the 2010s. Almost without exception, I am disappointed.

      Very young children. Toddlers. INFANTS. ANIMALS. Lots and lots of fetishes, frequently involving watersports or beyond. And really, no or very little indication that the characters even like one another, with use of the words “slut” or “bitch” or a few equivalents going rampant over time.

      I have no idea when girls develop sexual urges; I would think it is not until puberty. (As a guy, I didn’t have such urges until nearly ninth grade.) To see girls of single-digit ages participating in extensive and sometimes extreme sex acts invariably makes me feel they are losing their youth and losing out on so many little joys in life outside the bedroom– or even in it. How many people really think that pushing a giant toy into an immature vagina or anus could do anything but harm?

      I would lay down good money that they have serious psychological problems (and physical problems) later in life, quite possibly turning to drug abuse and self-harm.

      It’s not a fantasy when there is no joy in it.

      Nifty hasn’t (yet) gone as far as Leslita in terms of extreme sex, but it is really hampered by poor or nonexistent editing. Paragraphs are sometimes non-existent. Spelling and grammar is frightful. Names change DURING paragraphs. The authors just… don’t… care about putting out a good product, or even a jerk-off story.

      JS is far, far better at these stories the Leslita, Nifty or even Literotica. But there are some clunkers, including the too-young girls who are just there to be treated as subhuman.

      I love this site, but I need to speak up sometimes.

      • homewrecker says:

        My mother likes to tease me that I was masturbating at age 3 and never stopped. I didn’t get into all of everything else you mentioned but I would die if my mother knows about any of those I did get into, which was when I was a little older but still a pre-teen.

        I don’t like a lot of the writing on leslita and I’m sure I am an outlier but the subject matter can still be relatable to me.

  21. Amanda Lynn says:

    A few days ago I posted a comment about JetBoy being the only editor and having a life outside of JS. In my rush to make the post, I overlooked our associate editor, who also has a life outside JS. It was an honest mistake and I certainly did not intend to lessen the contributions made by Jacqueline Jillinghoff. JS is very fortunate to have her and her talents as part of the team.

    • Purple Les says:

      Well let me second that. Jacqueline Jillinghoff, besides having a most fantastic non de plume, I assume it’s a writer name and not a name she would have had to suffer through school with, is a goddess send to JS.

      With others gone from the site, it’s great to have another editor and fresh blood here. Not only has she done an astounding job on editing, and yes all writers should give at least one shout out to their editor, but her own stories are not only very edgy and different, but have made me place a towel nearby when I read them.

      Check out her editing work as well, “Grace of the Lady Elgin,” “Bordello in New Orleans” and more.

      Hats off to J. J., as well as all the others, past and present who make this the standout erotic site of this type anywhere.

      A hug to all the JS staff and writers and readers who continue to make this a very special place to come.

      Sorry, pun intended.

  22. ME1166 says:

    does anyone know what happened to asstr again?? it seems to be down which is aggravating when so many good sites are associated with them. i was reading a nuit du loup story again and was rite in the middle and when i tried to finish it leslita wasn’t responding so o tried a couple more sites associated with asstr and they werent working. there are some good stories and authors on leslita and wish they could be moved here so when this happens they’d still be available. it’s just aggravating when this happens, especially when you’re rite in the middle of a story. even if I’ve read them before.

    • kacey says:

      What NdL story were you reading, ME? There are a couple on here; plus a link somewhere to an Old Leslita Authors Story’s list.

      • ME1166 says:

        a different girlfriend. Ive read it bfor but i reread stories from time to time. its just aggravating to be in the middle of a story and site goes down and asstr usually stays down a while.

    • No One says:

      You can use as a copy of the original site.

      • ME1166 says:

        i tried, you still cant get to leslita or other sites from there, anything linked to the one thats down you cant get to, except chris haley, you van get on it for some reason. maybe because there are a coupke of his stories on there right now.

        • No One says:

          Well, it looks like the backup was made in 2021, so maybe recent stuff wouldn’t be there, but otherwise most pages should probably be accessible simply by replacing .org by .xyz in the address? For Leslita, there’s already an archive of the old site on the “new” one, anyway.

  23. Powertenor246 says:

    I have found out, just now in fact, that both Leslita and Lolliwood Studios are down and cannot be accessed. Does anyone know why? Is there anything we, as readers from these two sites, can do to retrieve them from the bottomless black hole they seem to have dropped into? reeply here or ask for my email address and we can talk. TYVM

    • No One says:

      I don’t know why people keep asking about Leslita, the current link is *right there* in the sidebar.

      As for Loliwood or anything that was on ASSTR, like I said just above, you can use as a mirror of the old content, so a copy of Loliwood can be accessed at (the design is messed up, but it’s still navigable)

  24. BlueJean says:

    I recall reading a story but the details escape me. I don’t remember if it was published here or somewhere else, but it was a very surreal, abstract piece, something to do with a girl and an egg. Does it ring any bells for anyone?

  25. Kelly says:

    Has anyone heard of our Naughty Mommy’s status. After a long hiatus I see no new stories or comments from her except for a brief comment concerning her home.

    • JetBoy says:

      She’s still out there, but is no longer an active participant in the day-to-day of Juicy Secrets. We miss and honor her as the chief architect of this glorious site, and still have the occasional dream of her returning to our fold one happy day.

  26. Sarah London says:

    I am Sarah George London, 21yo, married for 3years, I am working at a sex club in London and I have a black boyfriend and I want to share my stories with everyone, how should I do it?

    • Amanda Lynn says:

      Please read the submission guidelines found under the “Submit A Story” tab at the top of the page.

  27. Nick says:

    Hi everybody,

    New on the website, definitely a very interesting one. I was wondering if it would be possible to get in touch with some of the writers/readers?
    I’m collecting material for a book and I could definitely benefit from their opinions/expertise and ideas.

    Thanks 🙂

    • David says:

      What kind of material are you looking for Nick?

    • Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

      Email addresses may be found on the “keeping in touch” page. I second David’s question: what kind of book are you writing, and what kind of input are you looking for? I am intrigued.

      • JetBoy says:

        I’ll add my curiosity about the nature of your project to the mix, with this humble request: if you’re writing a moral arbiter’s screed about the evils of internet porn, please take it elsewhere.

  28. kinkychic says:

    SapphicShares (and Lesbian Lolita) has now gone for good.

    Fur has been suffering from health issues, which along with other problems, has made him decide to pack it in.

    • AmyM says:

      Other problems, such as Dreamhost killing the site maybe?

      • kinkychic says:

        Why hide who you are? ie Amy Mendoza.

        You are like so many activists, the idiots demonstrating against fossil fuels in the Uk, those throwing soups at famous paintings, etc, etc. A bunch of idiots.

        SS was not really a problem to anyone, we managed to get it to a sensible level of content. But your vendetta was more personal and wholly misplaced.

        A sad day for freedom.

        Regardless of what you think, we fought hard to get the site legal. I thought we had achieved that, but shit-faced idiots like you continued to cause trouble (in devious ways), and in the end, you won. I know how but it’s pointless going into detail.

        I hope you enjoy the sad world you live in.

        • AmyM says:

          So I think this deserves a reply.

          Let’s go.

          Why hide who you are? ie Amy Mendoza.

          I didn’t think I was really, everyone in your little world knows who AmyM is by now.

          You are like so many activists, the idiots demonstrating against fossil fuels in the Uk, those throwing soups at famous paintings, etc, etc. A bunch of idiots.

          Hmm, not really sure if there’s actually an equivalence here. I’m campaigning against something that’s illegal and morally reprehensible. But I guess you could say that’s a matter of opinion.

          SS was not really a problem to anyone, we managed to get it to a sensible level of content. But your vendetta was more personal and wholly misplaced.

          Not true. Sites like SS are certainly a problem to the ‘models’ that you persisted in sharing images of, as we discussed in the case of Sandra Orlow. Read my comment in the ‘Child Models’ thread on here for a bit more context. And if you think that the Captain Models thread on SS was a ‘sensible level of content’ then you are seriously delusional. It’s actually getting quite exasperating to continually explain to you that my motivations are not personal, I just want this material removed from the internet. Once again, I’ll ask you the question: is that really so hard to understand?

          A sad day for freedom.

          Oh, spare me. Although once again, I do find an unrepentant pedophile and child pornographer attempting to claim the moral high ground, and indeed victim status, hugely amusing. Does seem to be a common avenue for self-justification on JS though, ‘we’re a staunch bulwark against creeping censorship’, etc etc. Utter bullshit.

          Regardless of what you think, we fought hard to get the site legal.

          OMG seriously? You could have made the site completely, undisputably legal in about ten seconds flat if you’d really wanted to.

          I thought we had achieved that, but shit-faced idiots like you continued to cause trouble (in devious ways), and in the end, you won. I know how but it’s pointless going into detail.

          I would hazard a guess that you actually haven’t a clue how I did it. Because this is your standard technique, that I’m very familiar with: ‘can’t be bothered to go into detail’, which gives the impression that you know, when in fact you don’t. So if you do know, why not just reply with a couple of lines here that give the general overview of how I did it. Bet you won’t. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

          I hope you enjoy the sad world you live in.

          The irony and lack of self-awareness is strong with this one. Looked in the mirror lately?



          • kinkychic says:

            As in Donald Trump’s favourite expression – so much ‘fake’ information.

            I never posted underage models, Sandra Orlow, or otherwise.

            The thread Captain’s Models was monitored daily for any conceivably illegal content.

            Newly joining people would sometimes post pics we did not want. There would then be that interval before staff found and deleted. That’s how devious people could post, copy and report us to the host site.

            So, ninety-nine percent of the time, all posted pics were legal. Those few that weren’t were soon deleted.

    • Lacy says:

      Very sad☹️

    • Louise says:

      A real shame SS has gone, but thank you for your help in running it and to Fur and the rest of the staff – I’ll miss the site


    • FionaC says:

      Interesting that the option to reply to your last post has been removed.

      Nice that your deeply-held commitment to freedom is intact, with no hypocrisy whatsoever going on.

      • Amanda Lynn says:

        You are correct. There is no hypocrisy going on.

        ALL threaded (nested) comments are set to be 5 levels deep only. This has been the way comments have been set (default) since the very beginning of this site.

    • FionaC says:

      In response to:

      As in Donald Trump’s favourite expression – so much ‘fake’ information.

      I never posted underage models, Sandra Orlow, or otherwise.

      The thread Captain’s Models was monitored daily for any conceivably illegal content.

      Newly joining people would sometimes post pics we did not want. There would then be that interval before staff found and deleted. That’s how devious people could post, copy and report us to the host site.

      So, ninety-nine percent of the time, all posted pics were legal. Those few that weren’t were soon deleted.


      Once again no actual responses to specific points, just another barrage of generic self-justificatory bluster.

      Underage models: of course you posted these. And you relentlessly ‘liked’ ones that others posted.

      Captain Models: EVERY SINGLE image in this thread was illegal. What planet are you on? Just to point out, getting binned by your host is quite an achievement, as they are notoriously tolerant of sites like SS that – ahem – push the boundaries in this type of content (which is why JS is on the same hosting provider, of course). There is no frikkin way they would have chopped SS if ‘all posted pics were legal’.

      For the record, and in answer to your insinuation, I posted precisely no images on SS that I then reported. All of the ones I reported were ones that SS’s delightful pedo users had posted and that pretty much all of the staff had enthusiastically ‘liked’ rather than removed. So the whole ‘gosh we were really, really diligent’ approach kind of falls apart there, really.

      And they weren’t really deleted, were they hun? They just went into those ‘special’ threads at Admiral, right?

      If you’re so happy with the legality of the Captain Model ‘level of content’ why don’t you try setting up a SS-a-like site to post it on, now that Fur doesn’t want to play any more? On a mainstream hosting service in the UK maybe.

      Do let us know how you get on.

      • kinkychic says:

        You do continue to talk rubbish.

        I did not post in Captain models!

        If every single post in Captain Models was illegal—then every children’s clothing catalogue is equally illegal, etc, etc.

        To so suggest what was deleted was then stored in Admiral is so laughable. Nothing was stored in Admiral, there never were any special threads there.

  29. Sapphmore says:

    I’m so glad that way back when I discovered erotic stories around February 2012 and built up quite a big collection of favourites/bookmarked sites that I visited regularly, that I had the foresight to copy many to Word or now text files. I still do this daily on some sites (but I save only Literotica stories as Firefox bookmarks) and although it does take a good half hour each night, my collection just passed 23,000 and with the demise of Loliwood, Leslita and other noteworthy sites, these would have been lost forever.

  30. Jeannie Hoiltz says:

    sad 2 here SS is gone will miss the site

  31. angel says:

    Hello everyone !!

    I am much younger than most of you. in fact, i’m probably as young as some of the girls in these stories, i would love to be able to chat with an older woman !

    talk to me @ [email protected] or at my insta of the same name <33

    • Swampthing99 says:

      Responding to this individual who implies they may be underage sounds like a pretty bad idea. Wiley Coyote set less obvious traps for the Road Runner. Just sayin’.

  32. Mrs. Jones says:

    Does anyone know if Lesbian Lolita has moved or is it shut down?

    • AmyM says:

      Shut down. You see, due to Fur’s past munificence in offering to host Leslita under Sapphic Shares, when SS gets taken down, Leslita goes with it. Kind of a cool 2-4-1 deal.

    • kinkychic says:

      I find it rather strange that AmyM spends so much time reading (and often commenting on) all the posts here. She probably reads most of the stories as well. I sense someone fighting with their own conscience.

      For those not aware, she is the one responsible for SS, and thus Lesbian Lolita, getting shut down.

      • FionaC says:

        Wow, great! A well thought out and concisely written counter-argument from kinkychic that actually addresses specific points.

        Nah, JK! Just another generic snide remark, this time a variation on the classic “well I’m sure these folks are really sexually attracted to children too, they just won’t admit it”.

        How original.

        Let’s be crystal clear: the people responsible for getting SS shut down are the guy who set it up in the first place, explicitly and unashamedly to share CP, and the people who aided and abetted him over the years by helping run the site and therefore enabling and supporting that sharing of abuse images..

  33. Swampthing99 says:

    I tried to post one more reply in the thread about SS going down, but unfortunately, it was closed. It was just about what I thought might have been ‘the nail in the coffin’ actually falling on a poster on Leslita. Anyway, I’m not going to rehash the topic. This post is to say how happy I was to see BlueJean’s name in that current thread. She, along with Eloquent Delinquent, was my favorite author. I had not seen any recent posts by her on JS, I hope she and ED start posting new material on JS very soon.

    The only other point I raised was that Kristens Board, was not the same as The Kristen Archives, and was not part of ASSTR. KB is a forum where members can interact with one another and not just an archive. It does have a link to a copy of the archive however. Thier rule on UA doesn’t even allow UA below 14 and all of the other standard safequards and moderation are in place. So, if anyone DOES have any info on if it’s abscence is just a glitch or it’s also gone forever, I’d greatly appreciate it.


    • Swampthing99 says:

      Update: KB is back up…whew! The server busy error was temporary and still came up when I tried to post a reply on the forum with a GIF attached but it finally went through. Good new for all. Thanks.

  34. asearchingheart says:

    Um I don’t want to cause a big stir. I was just wondering does anyone know where you might find the authors found on Lesbian Lolita. I know the site is gone forever. There were just a few authors on that site I am struggling to live without. So I was wondering might I find those stories I can’t live without reading over and over just like my favorites on Juicy Secrets. The internet is a vast place so I was hoping maybe I could get lucky and find them somewhere else. Please don’t misunderstand. Juicy Secrets is the reigning champion without question. Nobody has ever done it better. It’s not even close. Just missing some alternatives that became special to me on Lesbian Lolita.

  35. asearchingheart says:

    I suppose in the end I must accept that many of the stories on Lesbian Lolita are lost for ever. Some stories the wayback archive knew and many it didn’t. The stories and authors I sought could not be accessed. It’s time to let go. “assrt” has a large selection of stories but the authors and stories I was searching could not be found. It’s time to move on. JS your wisdom in choosing your platforms wisely is to be commended. The literary artistry you display is exceptional. Cheers to the authors here and their creativity. Thanks again for those willing to help me look. It was very kind. Best wishes to all enjoying literary erotica.

  36. Sapphmore says:

    Hi all, in the course of building my archive of text stories and bookmarks of sites I discover, which I use when Jetboy asks me to seek out a story or author, I came across this site.

    As you’ll see, it is a very extensive list of ASSTR authors, and whilst some pages don’t work, most do. For example, if you scroll down, you’ll see Letoria, and the link takes you to what looks like a mirror site with all the stories.

    Certainly worth visiting if you’re looking for authors lost through site closures.

    Have fun

    • Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

      A few of my own stories are listed there, but most have been revised since they were posted at asstr. Please skip these older drafts. Better versions are available elsewhere.

    • l says:

      one i see not there i enjoyed on LL was princess naughty anyone know if she wrote under a different name too?

  37. asearchingheart says:

    I lost track of three authors. If someone happens to come across them I would value any info. 1. Dream, 2. Michelle m, 3. Hotbox. These authors could have other pseudonyms for all I know. Just curious if anyone happens to know where I might find their works.

  38. Nortyfun says:

    Hi All,

    I am a Bi F 44 chubby mom of 2, was introduced to this site by a chat friend on another site and totally love it.

    I would love to be added to your contact list, always happy for a chat!

    • Eloquent delinquent says:

      If you’re interested, you should go to the “Staying in Touch” entry above, and have your contact info added there.

      Lots of other members are already listed, so get out there and mix it up!

    • Anon says:

      Nortyfun, would love to chat. Please leave your contact details.

  39. Sebastian says:

    idk if this is the place to place a suggestion or if this was already made: it is posible to start using the asstr keywords for the stories

  40. Sapphmore says:

    I just read a comment by an author at the end of his story on NIFTY who said “There will be no more adult youth stories, young friends, high school or incest stories allowed on Nifty.”
    Apparently not their choice so I guess the haters who can’t tell the difference between real life and fiction have won another battle.

    • JetBoy says:

      There’s nothing in the Nifty Submission Guide about these changes, so I question the accuracy of this author’s comment. Hopefully, they’re just blowing smoke.

      • koji says:

        but what exactly are we trying to achieve by banning everything? I will “moderate” my comment but i am sure everyone will know what i mean, a male can go on line and read “certain” stories “take care” of themself no harm done, if everything is banned they stay horny go out and harm a child/ rape a woman from frustration how in the world is that ” better” “safer”, just watch the news , go on the web it is full of sexual assualts/rapes etc, we have murders, mass shootings, drug problems why not spend the time and money doing something about those it’s a story for petes sake big deal, as long as people know the difference between fantasy and real life who cares and if not and he rapes sopmeone cut his b–ls off

      • No One says:

        It does seem like the beta version of their new site doesn’t have these categories: Quite annoying, if that’s the case. I don’t see the submission guide on the new site, though, so I guess we’ll have to wait for the official word.

        • Levon Tostig says:

          This is the lesbian page on the Nifty beta site. Approximately, a quarter of the way down are the categories and a link that says “Can’t find a category?” That link brings up a dialogue box that reads:

          “Unfortunately, some categories are unable to be hosted on the new Nifty. Please use the classic Nifty site to read them.”

          Unless new material will still be posted on the “classic Nifty” site, I’d say those categories will be gone forever.

  41. a_searching_heart says:

    I’m looking for some recommendations. I happen to have thing for a pretty specific set of themes. I enjoy the older/younger, with plenty of desire and great sex, that fall in love, stay together forever, and don’t really need a million other lovers along the away. Does anyone happen to have some suggestions? I have read some beauties here. Just wondering if I missed some or somewhere else.

    • Russell says:

      It’s very hard to find those. My guess is they DO exist, simply because you and I are not the only ones who loves them. But it’s finding them or at least connecting to those who are like minded.
      Thanks for expressing this ‘searching heart’ …
      if anyone wants to connect / chat my email and wickr are in the ‘contacts’ section on the forum

      • kinkychic says:

        We have one that we are close to finishing that fits exactly with your criteria.

        It’s quite long and still has to go through our own editing stage before being submitted to JS. So, it’s going to be some time before it appears.

        We can’t tell you the title, that’s not finalised yet.

        • a_searching_heart says:

          It’s very kind of you to give me a heads up that a perusal opportunity may be on the horizon some day. Best of luck to your writing process. Hopefully I will find something amazing to read as I wait for your masterpiece.

      • a_searching_heart says:

        It’s nice to know someone else finds those themes make a great story. Perhaps we will discover a new story gem soon.

  42. kinkychic says:

    Kristen’s Board has now gone the same way as SS, killed by the server. No one seems to know why.

    • JayBlueeyes says:

      This is no fun KinkyChic – so many good stories are now hard to fine or gone and KB did not have anything suspicios . I have been on the old ASS links but I am looking for more stories of the same subject matter as leslita. I do enjoy by old favorites but I always am on the hunt for new fresh stories. – J

    • Fur says:

      I’m not surprised, I’ve found a couple new hosts but the terms of service are getting so vague it’s not worth the attempt. It’s at the point you literally have to build your own server and figure out how to host/register your own website.

      Also sorry I’ve mostly disappeared, lots of real life going on and some major changes at work.

  43. Flash says:

    I’ve read a story titled, “Sticks,” about a mother, Peggy, finding her daughter Amber’s memory sticks. It ends with, “More to cum for Peggy . Amber and others.”
    Does anyone know if it continued, or where I can find it?

  44. mist3rB says:

    I was trying to think of ways to become more robust against these kind of take downs. I do not think going dark-net is needed, but who knows. There are some new platforms that look promising – Matrix is a very new protocol/platform that is trying to “uniform” chat messaging diversity we have now – into one format like email is today (two main protocols which almost all apps use). Where you can create your own chat app using matrix protocol.

    One of the most advanced ones so far is “Element” which seems good so far. But there are many more. Element seems the most refined so far. But others might have surpassed them. I do miss SS, even with more restrictions, you still had the community…

    The matrix project –
    Element –

    • kinkychic says:

      The dark web is not an option. It’s far too dangerous a place for the average internet user. Besides, it goes via the Tor onion network which is far too slow.

      Neither Matrix nor Enterprise appears to be of any use. They are purely chat-sharing platforms as far as I can see. That’s not what SS was all about.

      • mist3rB says:

        Hey kinkychic, yeah I agree darknet is not viable. I see the matrix/element as an exciting option to replace wickr. No not viable for being what SS was. No denying SS was one of a kind. Never will be anything like it, especially these days the internet becoming less free, more supervised, controlled ect. Basically vanilla BS. Worse – seems like long standing pillars like ASSTR and nifty could be next. Either from outright being taken down, or just from not being able to afford to stay up…

        I was going to share more of my thoughts on this, but I think it went on too long, and merits its own discussion, so ill do a separate post. And I also see there is some talk about looking for hosting options. Which is a delight to discover.

        Overall just saying it might be worth looking at some new software technology coming out, that can make our lives easier possibly.

  45. Fur says:

    Don’t know if this helps but I’ve found a full site backup for leslita from 2015. I didn’t even know I had it but it’s on my google drive in a rar file so let me know

  46. ME1166 says:

    Does anyone know what happened to BLC? Has Ebo stopped writing and abandoned us like so many other great authors or maybe something happened that caused him to not be able to write any longer, it would be nice to know. Very disappointing that so many of his stories aren’t finished and he just seemed to disappear without any explanation. Last update was July of 2021.If anyone knows it would be nice so would stop looking for something knew or a finish to the stories.

    • No One says:

      He simply vanished and nobody knows why, unfortunately. Hopefully one day he’ll return, but… well, it’s been a long time now.

  47. Brian says:

    I happened to come across an app this past week that I found quite interesting. It is an artificial intelligence (ai) app for producing images based on whatever description one provides. If the description is adequately detailed it does provide some amazing images. Feel free to contact me via my email if you’d like more information

    • Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

      If you’re talking about Stable Diffusion, I played around with it for a while. It’s also a webpage. The word “nude” always led to an error message, unfortunately, but I found a couple of workarounds. Came up with some intriguing, if flawed, images — missing arms, hands with seven fingers, that sort of thing — which I’ve shared with JetBoy. We might be using some of them for stories. Nothing as cool as what Bruno Traven has done for me, though, with his biologically based intelligence.

      • Brian says:

        No this is not that….saw it recommended elsewhere and tried it…first tie using an ai app. Some results were quite realistic. A great deal depended on how you worded the description.

      • Brian says:

        No it’s not the one you reference. The word nude doesn’t seem to present a problem though you might have to finesse some of your descriptions.

  48. conspiring_cricket21 says:

    Lolicet? it seems to be down for a while now, did not visit there in a while tho, any news I missed about it?

    • conspiring_cricket22 says:

      Okay done some more digging. I could only find any kind of answer on another loli forum called AllTheFallen (ATF). And they have a pinned message there about Lolicit. It seems they are down with no one knowing if/when they come back.

      I’ll put the pinned message here:

      “It’s now been few weeks since Lolicit went down.

      While I’ve talked about it here on the forums, I never made any official statement regarding it for which I apologize. To users of Lolicit there can be a great deal of anxiety of not knowing what really happened. Former users of the site are of course to join and regroup here same as Lolicit has extended same courtesy to ATF members back in the day.

      Unfortunately the specifics of what or how exactly things went down are not clear.

      Few months back there was an announcement on Lolicit informing the users that a moderator’s account was hacked. I don’t remember the details to what extend any user data or such could have been compromised, but someone probably has a screenshot in the general discussion thread for the Lolicit’s situation.

      Nothing seemed to came from that, but then in late May the site went down. There were reports of site being taken down by someone in the staff. This gives some hope that user data might still be secure. The domain also does not seem to be seized or at least it does not redirect to some LEA’s slash page.

      I have heard from/of some of the staff (or claiming to be), either directly or via 3rd party, that they are okay but for now they have not given any details of the situation. And while I haven’t been able to confirm it, it does seem that the police was/is indeed involved. For what suspicion of crime, if it was targeted against the site in general, the staff a specific user or users, I honestly do not know.”

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