Writing Advice

Ready to try your hand at creating erotica? Have some hot ideas for a story of your own? Good for you!

We urge you to go for it — and when you’re done, after you’ve carefully and thoroughly polished and proofread your story, submit it to us for possible publication.

Before starting, however, you may want to read through the following Juicy Secrets blog articles about the craft of writing, presented by several successful authors in our field:

“In the Beginning” – by Cheryl Taggert

Okay, I think I have an idea, but where do I start? How do I begin?

“Slippery Tips: Advice for the Would-Be Erotic Author” – by DirtyMindedMom

Do you really mean it when you say ANYONE can write dirty stories?

“Rules for Writing: Naughty or Nice” – by Amanda Lynn

What are the basic things I need to keep in mind?

“The Method to My Madness” – by Cheryl Taggert

What if my initial plan leads me somewhere I didn’t expect? What should I do?

“More of My Madness” – by Cheryl Taggert

Is it okay if some of my plot ideas have been used before by other authors?

“When It Goes Wrong” – by Naughty Mommy

Do successful authors ever throw things out and start all over?

“So You Want to Write Stories” – by Cheryl Taggert

I’ve completed a first draft of my story … am I done?

We plan to continue adding more articles to this section as time goes by. It’s all part of an effort to generate more and better writing in our special sub-genre of lesbian erotica, and to recruit as many new talented authors as possible to join us here. So, spend a little time reading the material above, then get busy composing your own stories!

3 Comments on Writing Advice

  1. EM says:

    Can AI fix style problems?

    I realize that many (most?) writers posting here are not professionals, and time is limited.
    I’m trying to learn how to do this myself, and it can be challenging. Nevertheless, I often wish there were software to filter out common story flaws:

    1. Describing physical traits in a list, as if the story were a police report, rather than revealing looks through action. “She was 4 feet tall, 90 lbs, blonde with blue eyes, age 14”

    She strained to reach the top shelf. Gasping in frustration, she went to the kitchen to get a step stool, muttering, “God, why did you make me only four feet tall?” Emily scowled. Her mom had assured her she’d eventually get breasts, but at age 14 she was still flat as a board.

    2. Too many characters. Many stories make me feel as if I need a score card to keep track. I call it the Soap Opera phenomenon. If one is good, more is better? Not always. A good story does not necessarily call for it to be turned into a series, either.

    3. Gonzo style. Instant sex. Not enough context to make the action enjoyable.

    4. Voice. Many writers don’t put credible dialog or personalities in their younger characters; everyone sounds like a full adult, right from the start. Yes, there can be an underage, sophisticated seductress, but she should be the exception. An entire classroom of girls exactly like that isn’t plausible.

    5. The less likely an activity, say, lesbian underage incest, the more plausible the scenario must be in order for the ready to suspend disbelief.

    Just my two cents.

    • EM says:

      Please forgive the typo. I meant for the reader, not for the ready.

      I would add:

      6. Using the same adjective too frequently within a sentence or paragraph. Lack of variety in nouns for genitals and verbs for the sex.

    • BigRhys says:

      There is no AI software that I know of which can do the kind of checking that you are describing but you could work with an editor and/or proofreader to have your stories polished.
      There are a number of people who volunteer to do that (I am one for example) so you ought to be able to find one. Good Luck!

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